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Your Student?”

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Six out of the eight excluded participants with 1 to 2 years of field experience,

responded “all of the above” to the question “How do social workers learn how to be a

social worker?” The “all of the above” response included the CSWE competencies.

Remarkably, only 2 respondents out of the 8 noted only “coursework” , “direct clinical

field placements” or the “relationship with the field instructor,” excluding “CSWE


8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Excluded Participants' Responses to "How do You Understand Your Role With Your Student?" N=8

Provide supervision in a practice setting Teach concrete skills Modeling how to be a professional social worker

Provide mentoring All of the above

Figure 16. Excluded Participants’Responses to “How do You Understand Your Role

With Your Student?”

For the question, how do you understand your role with your student, 7 out of the

excluded 8 participants noted “all of the above” with “providing supervision,” “teach

concrete skills,” “modeling, ” and “mentoring” all being a part of the role. One participant

put all options except “teach concrete skills” or “all of the above.” Of note, all of the

interviewed participants replied “all of the above” to this question which will be reviewed

in the next section.

Summary of Interviewed Participant Responses

Sixty percent of the 10 interviewed participants had over 10 years of experience

as a field instructor, followed by 20% for both “3 to 5” years and “6 to 10” years. Eighty

percent of the interviewed participants were “white,” and 20% bi/multiracial. Ninety

percent of the participants identified as “female,” with one as “transgender/non-binary.”

Those interviewed were a mix of ages, with most in the “46 to 64” age range at 40%, “31

to 45” and 65 or older age ranges at 30% each.

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Interviewed Participants' Demographics Age - Gender - Race - Employment - Years Supervise N=10

3 0 8 1 4 5 1 3 6 4 6 4 5 + 6 m a l e F e a l e M

-… n o r / N d e n s g e a n T r i a n A s a n r i c A m e a t i v e N a n r i c A m e a r i c A f k / l a c B i t e W h i c a n i s p / H o a t i n L r e n d s l a I i c i f a c P i a l a c R l t i u i / M B e t i c a c P t r r i v a t e P l n t a m e r n o v e G f i t r o p n o N m i a e a d A c

Figure 17. Interviewed participants’ demographics.

2 t o 1 5 t o 3 0 1 t o 6 0 + 1

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