Spring 2020
CONNECTIONS "Defining true sustainability for the future" Page 28 "Collaboration with investor-owned water utilities essential in addressing California's water supply changes" Page 48 "History Highlights: The IDA Genealogy, Part 1" Page 52
Supporting R&D
to Advance Cost-Competitive Desalination Technologies Mr. Daniel R Simmons
Assistant Secretary for the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at the U.S. Department of Energy
58 | AFFILIATE SPOTLIGHT: A NOTE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF MIAC 66 | IDA NEWS 68 | IDA Acadamy announces spring webinars series, "Renewable Energy and Advanced Water Treatment Solutions" 70 | Meet the IDA Industry Advisory Committee 73 | IDA announces Term 19 YLP co-chairs and new committee 76 | IDA announces first round technical program and updates for 2020 International Water Reuse & Recycling Conference 81 | Apply Now for IDA-Chanabassa Memorial Scholarship 82 | IDA pays tribute to Dr. Chiara Fabbri 84 | IDA R&D Spotlight: IDA 2020-21 Research & Development Committee Targets 88 | IDA WELCOMES NEW MEMBERS 89 | EVENTS CALENDAR 90 | ADVERTISE IN IDA GLOBAL CONNECTIONS 91 | MEET THE TEAM
IDA Global Connections is published quarterly in September, December, March and June. The views expressed in articles contributed to IDA Global Connections quarterly publication are not necessarily the views of the International Desalination Association. IDA assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts and/or artwork.
Editorial Director Shannon McCarthy Editorial Inquiries +1-978-774-0959 info@idadesal.org Sponsorship Inquiries +1-978-774-0959 sponsorships@idadesal.org This publication is produced on recycled paper in support of sustainability
MESSAGE FROM THE SECRETARY GENERAL Dear Members and Colleagues, The Spring 2020 Issue of Global Connections marks the two-year anniversary of IDA’s quarterly publication, a resource that contains an abundance of insightful articles from experts and thought-leaders, as well as spotlighting some of the industry’s most interesting events, including the new IDA Academy Webinar Series and the IDA Water Reuse & Recycling Conference happening this September. We are very honored to feature a special interview with Daniel R Simmons, Assistant Secretary for the office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, at the US Department of Energy. The interview focuses on supporting R&D to advance cost-competitive desalination technologies, touching on one of the key questions in today’s market. We hope you enjoy learning more about the dynamic vision of the DOE. Opening on April 15 is our new series of IDA Academy webinars moderated by the IDA 4
YLP. This webinar series tackles questions of renewable energy that are critical to the future of sustainable water solutions. Following the Academy Webinar series, the flagship event for Fall 2020 is IDA’s third International Water Reuse & Recycling Conference. Held in Rome, Italy from September 28-30, the conference event preparations are already well underway. IDA extends a thank you to His Excellency, Spanish Ambassador Alfonso Dastis, who will graciously host the conference’s welcome reception at his residence, the marvellous 17th century Palazzo Montorio. We also send wholehearted thanks to our sponsors, DuPont Water Solutions and Toray Industries, for their generous support of our efforts to enact sustainable water solutions. The Association will accept abstracts for the technical program until May 15, and is actively calling for sponsors and strategic partners, with requests sent to sponsorships@idadesal.org.
We are also delighted to spotlight two committees of the IDA governance: The Term 19 YLP Committee and the Industry Advisory Committee. The Industry Advisory Committee is one of the special advisory committees, established in 2019, lending expertise and guidance to IDA as the water sector embarks on a period of growth and development. This committee establishes IDA as a resource to industrial sectors about water policy, economics, and technology solutions. The Term 19 YLP Committee is also featured in this issue. The Term co-chairs, Dr. Giancarlo Barassi, FEDCO, and Ms. Alessandra Piaia, TORAY, have outlined a number of new and exciting initiatives for the Program in the coming year, including a professionalization webinar series, a revitalized mentorship program, and a partnership with IDA’s sister organization, the Sustainable Water Resource Foundation (SWRF). To become involved with the YLP, we welcome you to and get in touch with your regional coordinator or contact info@idadesal.org.
contribution for this issue, from Ms. Eva Steinle-Darling, VP at Carollo Engineers, who details not only the evolution of water reuse, but also, her own career as a woman in the workplace and the unconventional solutions she’s seen in play. We’re also pleased to include Ms. Heike Doerr’s piece on InvestorOwned Water Utilities in California in our Analyst Corner; Mr. Tim Lam Shing’s Public Utility Leader Insight Feature; a piece from the NREL / DOE Office on the coming of age of wave energy; a note from the President of our Chinese Affiliate, Mr. Zheng from MIAC; an Academic Viewpoint piece from our 2019 Fellowship Winner, Dr. Jaichander Swaminathan; and the first of a two feature piece on the “IDA Genealogy,” provided by IDA Honorary Council Member and Past President, Dr. Jim Birkett. I am confident these contributions will satisfy the curiosity of every reader. I encourage each and every one of you to read, enjoy, and keep an eye out for the exciting agenda of IDA programs and events this year!
On behalf of the IDA Board of Directors and IDA Team, I wish you and your loved ones In addition to these exciting updates, good health. enclosed in these pages are wonderful pieces containing thought-leadership and insights Sincerely, about the industry and market. Contributions Shannon K. McCarthy include two executive insight pieces, one from Ms. Jessica Jones of Poseidon Water Secretary General on the need for desalination, the other from Mr. Matt Ries of DC Water, on the eternal question of defining sustainability. I’m also pleased to note the Women of Our Industry 5
MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Dear Members, Water D es a l i n at i o n h as pro gre ssed sustainably and quickly during the last 20 years, reaching 104.000 M m3/day in 2019 (according to the last desaldata report). Desalination being used as an alternative water supply for safe drinking water is now a reality which represents a solution for coastal areas with no alternative fresh water resources. The technology has improved in efficiency, and notably, the solutions offered are competitive in their energy efficiency (3.2-4 kw-h/m3), specifically regarding membrane performance, offering the market affordable tariffs (0.5-0,8 $/m3). That Desalination as a solution has been widely adapted to new contracting models and new financing structures has clearly facilitated the current expansion in the marketplace (e.g., 65% has been contracted under BOOT, versus 35% in EPC as of 2019). Finally, the scalability of the technology has proved mature and reliable. 6
These days, it is simply out of the question to have several projects under construction in the range above 400 MLD. And yet, if we review the evolution of water reuse, I don’t think we have fulfilled the original expectations we held twenty years ago. In the last two years, the reuse market has grown larger than the desalination market (even combining desalination of seawater and brackish water) regarding new contracted capacity, especially in regions that suffer from prolonged periods of drought, or in those places where access to fresh water is a continual challenge. With the exception of specific cases, such as California, Israel and Singapore, the majority of the world is far from achieving their goals of clean water sustainability. How is it possible that witnessing expanding technology development in desalination, better access to the resources needed for
desalination (more universal not restricted to coastal areas), and a low cost of production, has not produced the expected devolvement in the application of water reuse? In my view, there are four main barriers, each of which still exists, that impede the normal development of the solution: 1. Education: Although the actual separation process by membranes is completely safe by using multi-step barrier processes (Nano - and RO membranes coupled with UV disinfection), there is still serious hesitancy amidst utilities to implement this technology, fearing citizens’ reactions when they discover that wastewater is being reused. Awareness campaigns about our current technology, and the possibility of phasing in new uses for reused water (starting with industrial sectors, moving to agricultural purposes, and later leaping to drinking water by aquifer injection) will facilitate this process. 2 . L ack o f S a ni tat i o n Covera ge: There are still many countries with no sanitation coverage for their population; and therefore, it seems evident that reuse is not high on the list of priorities. Nevertheless, the design of a complete process which covers sanitation and reuse simultaneously is probably the easy way to progress while adding new incomes and improving the sustainability of the sanitation system in the future. 3. Regulation: Except in singular cases mentioned above, there is not one common legal framework which covers applied regulations to reused water. In terms of regulation, water reuse, unlike drinking water, does not have universal
quality standards, because: ʞʞ It has different end uses ʞʞ It is a new practice ʞʞ It has been locally developed in different ways to address specific needs that cannot be easily extrapolated to other conditions Agricultural irrigation was the first recognized use for recycled water, as well as the first one established by the World Health Organization in 1989. In the United States, California was a pioneer in regulating reused water, and today, Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations is the most extensive and complete set of regulations. Indeed, it is used by other countries in the world as a guideline for their own directives or royal decrees. Title 22 regulates 40 specific uses of disinfected tertiary recycled water (such as park irrigation), 24 specific uses of disinfected secondary recycled water (such as irrigation of animal feed and other unprocessed crops) and 7 permitted uses of undisinfected secondary recycled water (such as industrial uses). As a sector, we need to adopt California’s model, implementing their experience with regulations in the rest of the world to facilitate reuse as a common practices 4. Financing: The current restricted budgets offered by many Governments and utilities in infrastructures is affecting the lack of sanitation. Thus, the development of water reuse is not as prioritized as it should be. In addition, the possibility to adapt reuse practices to new financial models is received with concerns by lenders and investors due the uncertainty of the final water users (e.g. farmers) due to the fact that in many regions of the world they have traditionally 7
not had to pay for the water. Without the proper level of financing guarantees, the financing structure doesn’t work. It is therefore critical that Governments seriously address and develop policies to allocate the real cost to water resources and implement the required levels of comfort to new investor in order to retain their public funds and encourage private partners to offer solutions that lead to similar success as we have seen with desalination for drinking water. The big challenge in the next decade is to overcome these four barriers. If we can achieve this, then incredible solutions will be available to replace the very limited precious freshwater resource that is being used for industrial uses and agricultural purposes (10-15% and 7080% respectively), reserving our freshwater resources for future generations. With only 4% of water reused globally to date, there is a large gap to cover growing global water needs. With desalination and water reuse solutions, our sector can fill this gap.
Carlos Cosin IDA President
Mr. Daniel R Simmons
Assistant Secretary for the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at the U.S. Department of Energy 10
COVER STORY Mr. Daniel R Simmons, Assistant Secretary for the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at the U.S. Department of Energy, speaks with IDA Secretary General about the role desalination technologies will play over the next 20 years in meeting the growing, global need for safe, dependable, affordable water resources. Additionally, he discusses the key water technology issues that the U.S. Department of Energy is committed to solving.
1). What are the key water technology and use alternative and renewable energy issues that the DOE is committed to sources for water treatment. solving (drivers behind the Energy-Water Another challenge is matching various sources Desalination Hub)? Our energy and water systems are interdependent. Huge amounts of energy are required to extract, treat, and deliver water. Water is used in multiple phases of energy production and electricity generation, from hydraulic fracturing to irrigation to the cooling of thermoelectric power plants. In some cases, water and energy systems directly overlap, as with hydroelectric plants that also store municipal water supplies. Disruptions to one system can directly affect the other. For example, water shortages can force power plants offline, electric outages can cause major disruptions at water-treatment facilities, and aging impoundments and water-conveyance infrastructure can limit both energy and water delivery. The good news is this dynamic cuts both ways: we can use energy innovation to solve water problems and water innovation to solve energy problems. DOE is leading the Water Security Grand Challenge because we see opportunities to improve efficiency, resiliency, and environmental performance at the energy-water nexus.
of water to various sources of demand. The water needs of the utility, oil and gas, manufacturing, mining, and agricultural sectors are all different. If we can find ways to more efficiently match traditional and nontraditional water sources with fit-for-purpose treatment, use, and reuse, we can reduce the energy intensity, environmental impact, and cost of our water system.
These were some of the main drivers behind DOE’s Energy-Water Desalination Hub, led by the National Alliance for Water Innovations (NAWI). The Hub is an earlystage R&D consortium with the national laboratories, universities, industry, nonprofits, and other key stakeholders. The Hub is dedicated to developing technologies that treat nontraditional sources of water, such as seawater, brackish groundwater, and produced water, to meet municipal, industrial, agricultural, utility, oil and gas, and other needs. The “moonshot” goal is to develop low-cost, energy-efficient desalination technologies that produce water at “pipe parity” with traditional water sources and When it comes to water technologies, we want reduce the environmental impact for 90% to make water and wastewater treatment of non-traditional water sources within the processes less energy intensive. We believe next 10 years. water treatment facilities could even be transformed into net producers of energy, 2). Desa l i nat i on i s a broa d term. as well as useful nutrients and chemicals. To Traditionally, it has been associated achieve this, we are looking at how we can mostly with treating seawater for potable recover energy from the organics in wastewater, use. Today, it includes the treatment of make more efficient use of waste heat, recover seawater, municipal wastewater, as well as nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus, a growing issue of saline and hypersaline
brines from industry. Can you comment on how the DOE segments desalination and your general approach to each?
million to help winners advance their ideas from an initial concept to open-water testing.
ʞ ʞ The American-Made Challenges: Solar Desalination Prize is a multi-stage prize competition designed to accelerate the development of low-cost desalination systems that use solar-thermal power to produce clean drinking water from salt water. Current standard technologies, like reverse osmosis, are efficient when salt concentrations are low, but can’t handle high-salt waters like those produced from oil and gas wells, concentrated brines, and some industrial and agricultural wastewaters. Novel thermal desalination technologies can purify water with very high salt content without dramatically increasing the amount of energy required. By using solar thermal as the energy source, desalination technologies could be used in a variety of environments, especially in arid, sunny places. Millions of dollars will be awarded to competitors who advance through several stages of the competition, culminating in a $1 million grand prize for the successful testing and demonstration of promising solar desalination prototypes.
ʞ ʞ The National Alliance for Water Innovations (NAWI) is leading the aforementioned Energy-Water Desalination Hub, a planned $100 million dollar consortium focused on early-stage R&D for energy-efficient and cost-competitive desalination technologies, including addressing the manufacturing challenges associated with commercializing new technologies. The scope of the Hub’s R&D for treatment of water sources is broad. It includes seawater, brackish water, industrial waste water, municipal waste water, agricultural waste water, mining waste water, utility/cooling water, and produced waters. The Hub will conduct early stage R&D to treat these diverse water sources for a variety of fit-for-purpose end uses – whether it’s municipal, industrial, agricultural, or for energy production and extraction, such as oil and gas production or thermoelectric cooling, or to serve other water resource needs. Achieving “pipe-parity” for these non-traditional water sources will only be possible if we think beyond improvements to unit process efficiency and large-scale water treatment and delivery systems. This is why NAWI will pursue distributed small, modular desalination systems and water use enabled by Autonomous, Precise, Resilient, Process-Intensified, Modular and Electrified (A-PRIME) water treatment technologies.
ʞ ʞ The Waves to Water Prize accelerates the development of desalination systems that can provide clean drinking water in disaster recovery situations using only waves as a power source. DOE will award up to $2.5
ʞ ʞ The Nuclear Energy Consolidated Innovative Nuclear Research Funding Opportunity Announcement promotes innovative technologies that improve the performance of nuclear power. One topic is integrated
D O E has anno unc ed s everal f u n d i n g opportunities and prizes that incentivize the development of desalination technologies from as many angles as possible. These include:
nuclear-renewable energy systems that water standards can be 10 times more energyhelp meet the global need for safe, secure, intensive than treating freshwater to the same and affordable water. standards. ʞ ʞ The Solar Desalination Funding Program develops technologies that use solar thermal energy to create freshwater from otherwise unusable waters. Thermal desalination has the potential to increase water supplies for municipalities and agriculture, and can purify water produced by various industrial processes, including oil and gas production.
3). On June 21, 1961, President Kennedy, upon activating by remote control from the Fish Room of the White House the saline water conversion plant at Freeport, Texas, stated, “Today is an important step to the achievement of one of man’s oldest dreams, securing freshwater from saltwater… this is one of the greatest scientific breakthroughs of history, and I am sure before this decade is out, we will see more and more evidence of man’s ability, at an economic rate, to secure freshwater from saltwater, and when that day comes, then we will literally see the deserts bloom.” Yet, still today, the energy cost of desalination impedes the solutions it provides from being available to more people in need of freshwater. Under your leadership, how has the U.S. Department of Energy addressed the economic rate of energy for desalination? High cost of these systems is the major barrier to greater adoption of U.S. desalination technologies. Environmental issues, such as brine management and disposal, also pose a challenge, but the required energy load for desalination is a key driver of the high costs. Purifying seawater to drinking
That is why technologies that promote costeffective desalination are a major focus of the Water Security Grand Challenge. Using a coordinated suite of prizes, early-stage research and development, and other programs, the Grand Challenge has set the following goals for the United States to reach by 2030: ʞʞ Launch desalination technologies that deliver cost-competitive clean water. ʞʞ Transform the energy sector’s produced water from a waste to a resource. ʞʞ Achieve near-zero water impact for new thermoelectric power plants, and significantly lower freshwater use intensity within the existing fleet. ʞʞ Double resource recovery from municipal wastewater. ʞʞ Develop small, modular energy-water systems for urban, rural, tribal, national security, and disaster response settings. DOE’s largest-ever investment in water security and affordability is the $100 million Energy-Water Desalination Hub. The Hub just kicked off operations in February 2020, and in its first year has developed several R&D “roadmaps” that will be made available to the public. These roadmaps identify research topics that will have the greatest impact on the cost of desalination technologies. The roadmaps will inform a call for proposals that DOE expects to issue this summer. The Hub will also introduce a public data portal called, “Water TAPS and Water DAMS,” that allows researchers to share their results and use modeling and analysis tools, such as technoeconomic assessment and life-cycle analysis,
to measure their progress against state-of-the- infrastructure plays in delivering water and art technologies. We hope researchers will use power in an efficient, cost‑effective way. these tools to accelerate our progress toward 5). In September, DOE launched the National cost-competitive desalination technologies.
4). What is DOE’s position on the energy and environmental footprint of desalination and the role the technology plays to meet growing global needs for safe, dependable and economic water sources over the next 20 years? Desalination is one example of why we need vast amounts of affordable and clean energy. We recognize that the energy footprint of desalination is indeed large. The environmental footprint of brine management can also be a challenge. For this reason, we have numerous research pathways aimed at improving desalination and the associated environmental impacts. We are committed to advancing technology and innovation to meet the global need for safe, secure and affordable water. Our goal is to use a number of funding opportunities including prize competitions to drive technological innovation in critical water issues. Additionally, leveraging partnerships with other government agencies will accelerate R&D of cost-competitive technologies and spur new markets at the nexus of energy and water.
Alliance for Water Innovation to lead an Energy-Water Desalination Hub that will address water-security issues in the United States. Please share your views on the role DOE plays in funding and sparking new technology to secure energy and water innovation. Are prize competitions and $100 million investments enough or should more be done? It’s true that we are allocating $100 million to NAWI and coordinating a host of funding opportunities, prizes, and competitions through the Water Security Grand Challenge, but that is not all we’re doing. DOE is exploring partnerships with external stakeholders that are launching or could launch their own prizes and initiatives under the Grand Challenge. DOE envisions the Grand Challenge evolving over time to encompass a wider set of perspectives and issues while still striving toward manageable-but-ambitious goals. Prizes can also serve as opportunities for technology validation, offering assurances to the risk-averse water sector. Potential partners inside and outside the government have discussed a range of contributions, including investments in DOE prize competitions, launching theirW own prize competitions, refining or expanding the Grand Challenge’s goals, and providing test facilities. As the Challenge matures, DOE expects to expand its collaboration with outside partners.
Energy and water are fundamental elements of modern life that are largely taken for granted. Challenges to infrastructure puts the reliable delivery of water and power to farms, families, and businesses at risk. That is why President Trump issued a Presidential Memorandum on Promoting the Reliable We’re also looking to expand our collaboration Supply and Delivery of Water in the West. within DOE and across the federal government The Memorandum recognizes the critical role in areas such as irrigation modernization.
Congress recently directed the Department’s Advanced Manufacturing Office to fund a $20 million water/wastewater treatment initiative, leveraging alternative energy sources where appropriate. This R&D will complement the work being done in the Desalination Hub.
This falls within the scope of the DOE-NAWI Energy-Water Desalination Hub. In its first year of operations, the Hub will develop several “source water” roadmaps that identify research priorities. These include R&D, analysis, and modeling for technologies that could promote reuse within and outside the oil and gas industry. As I mentioned, NAWI will also develop public data and modeling tools called “WATER TAPs” and “WATER DAMs” that will provide a public platform for data usage and exchange, as well as access to modeling tools.
6). The United States is now the No. 1 energy producer in the world. One of the outcomes of this is the need for a plan to address the growing amount of water produced from oil and gas wells. Can you comment on how DOE views this issue and how DOE will promote reuse within and outside of the oil and gas industry? DOE’s Office of Fossil Energy is working on technologies for processing produced water The best way to promote reuse is to find to remove impurities and valuable minerals affordable and environmentally sound and leave behind clean water. methods for water treatment and disposal.
About the Author Mr. Daniel R Simmons - In his role as Assistant Secretary for the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), Daniel R Simmons leads EERE to promote affordable and reliable energy to enhance America’s economic growth and energy security. He oversees technology development in the energy efficiency, renewable power and sustainable transportation sectors.
overseeing its energy and climate policy work at the state and federal level. He previously served as the director of the Natural Resources Task Force of the American Legislative Exchange Council, was a research fellow at the Mercatus Center and worked as professional staff on the Committee on Resources of the U.S. House of Representatives.
Before joining the U.S. Department of Energy, Daniel R Simmons served as the Institute for He is a graduate of Utah State University and Energy Research’s Vice President for Policy, George Mason University School of Law.
WATER SUSTAINABILITY IN HONG KONG By Mr. Tim Lam Shing Reliable and quality water supply is indispensable to the livelihood of the people in Hong Kong and is critical to the territory’s sustainable developments. The Water Supplies Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government (“WSD”) is charged with the responsibility of maintaining reliable and adequate supply of quality water to the population of about 7.5 million (figure in in 2019). Currently, local yield collected in catchment areas of the 17 impounding reservoirs accounts for about 20% to 30% of Hong Kong’s total fresh water consumption. The remaining portion of our raw water supply comes from Dongjiang in Guangdong, China. Since 2008, WSD has been promulgating the Total Water Management Strategy (“Strategy”) to ensure water security and support sustainable developments in Hong Kong. The Strategy focuses on two major areas, namely water demand management and water supply management.
The review updated the forecast of water demand and supply methodologies and projections up to 2040, taking into account impacts of climate change. In 2019, we have completed a review on the Strategy. The review updated the forecast of water demand and supply methodologies and projections up to 2040, taking into account impacts of climate change. The updated Strategy adopts a two-pronged approach, with emphasis on containing fresh water demand
growth and building resilience in the fresh water supply to cater for extreme effects of climate change with diversified water resources. The key initiatives of containing fresh water demand include further promotion of water conservation, water loss management and expansion of the use of lower grade water for non-potable purposes. With these initiatives, we anticipate the growth of fresh water demand will be contained and maintained at around the current level of around 1,000 million cubic metres per year. On the other hand, in view of the possibility that the local yield may decrease substantially due to climate change, and to ensure that water supplies remain secure, we make concerted efforts to exploit new water sources by means of technologies such as desalination, water reclamation, grey water reuse and rainwater harvesting. The construction of the first stage of desalination plant in Tseung Kwan O in the eastern part of Hong Kong has already commenced in late2019. The plant will adopt reverse osmosis technology to produce potable water from seawater with a water production capacity of 135 000 cubic metres per day, which will meet around 5% of total fresh water consumption
in Hong Kong. Upon its expected completion and commencement of operation in 2023, the plant will provide a strategic alternative water resource which is not susceptible to climate change.
for new government buildings for non-potable applications.
Apart from exploiting new water sources, WSD has also been extensively supplying seawater for flushing since the late 1950's. WSD will Moreover, WSD has been working towards continue to extend the use of seawater for supplying reclaimed water, converted from flushing to reduce fresh water demand. tertiary treated sewage effluent, for non-potable uses to Sheung Shui and Fanling in the north- Even with these measures in hand, we have eastern part of Hong Kong from 2022 onwards. to prepare for the worst, we have to ensure The supply of reclaimed water is estimated to that we have the capabilities to overcome save Hong Kong about 21 million cubic metres unpredictable impacts of climate change and any unforeseen circumstances. We have thus of fresh water each year. formulated a list of backup options to tackle Furthermore, we will construct a centralized worse-than-expected situations, for example, grey water recycling system treating grey water expansion of storage capacity of impounding collected from inhabitants at the Anderson reservoirs and further implementation of Road Quarry development site for flushing use. desalination plants. We can never afford The government has also been promulgating complacency and will continuously monitor guidelines on implementation of rainwater the water demand and supply situation, and harvesting and grey water recycling systems take appropriate actions as necessary.
About the Author At present, Mr. Shing is currently the Chief Engineer of the Consultants Management Division under the New Works Branch of the Hong Kong Water Authority, managing various waterwoks projects worth of total value about HK$ 30 billion from water mains replacement and rehabilitation,
expansion of existing water treatment works to a district-based grey water recycling system and the Tseung Kwan O seawater desalination plant using reverse osmosis of capacity 135 million litres per day with provision for future expansion to 270 million litres per day
THERE TODAY, GONE TOMORROW? UNDERSCORING THE NEED FOR DESALINATION BEFORE WATER SCARCITY EVENTS By Ms. Jessica H. Jones Poseidon Water and the San Diego County Water Authority celebrated the start of operations at the United States’ largest, most technologically advanced and energy efficient seawater desalination plant in December 2015. That the opening of the Claude “Bud” Lewis Carlsbad Desalination Plant in San Diego County, California, occurred in the middle of one of the worst droughts in state history was entirely coincidental. However, the timing inspired a great deal of attention from elected leaders and the media – a new, drought-proof water supply in the middle of a statewide drought, it was almost too good to be true. It’s easy to help people understand the need for desalination facilities during a drought, but that’s too late to realize that the facilities are needed. With the changing global climate and shifting water patterns, municipalities must be forwardthinking and cognizant of their water portfolio management strategy and how to effectively prepare for future water scarcity conditions.
shoring up drought-proof water supplies long before these supplies become critically needed. What it comes down to is this – seawater desalination provides a local or regional water supply that is independent of rainfall or snowpack and therefore is the only 100% climate resilient and new water supply available to many municipalities today. Desalination is also a proven solution to the persistent problem of drought and climate change.
Desalination is San Diego’s only local drinking water source not dependent on snowpack or rainfall
There is no better example of how desalination helps to combat drought conditions than the Carlsbad Desalination Plant in San Diego County. Semiarid San Diego County has very limited local water resources and the Carlsbad Desalination Plant has aided San Diego The current tragedy in Australia exhibited by County Water Authority’s long-term strategy the loss of life and the destruction of natural to enhance reliability and diversify the region’s habitats and valuable resources is a painful water supply. reminder of the need to anticipate climate change-induced natural disasters. In response, The 50 million gallon-per-day reverse osmosis Australia is now moving to expand its already seawater desalination plant provides San Diego substantial desalination capabilities quickly, County with about 10% of its full water supply so that next time tragedy strikes, they are – enough to serve around 400,000 residents. prepared. Australia’s experiences should be The plant is the County’s largest single local a lesson to all of us about the importance of water source – accounting for 38 percent of all
local water. Desalination is San Diego’s only local drinking water source not dependent on snowpack or rainfall, making it a crucial part of the region’s efforts to diversify and increase local supplies. The Carlsbad Desalination Plant has provided significant benefits to the San Diego region since it came online. Perhaps the most direct benefit was that, during the mandatory drought restrictions in 2015, the State Water Resources Control Board designated the Carlsbad desalination plant a climate resilient water supply, a historic regulatory designation that afforded San Diego County relief from mandatory water restrictions. This is a tangible outcome that was only possible because local leaders had the foresight and vision to pursue desalination more than a decade prior to the onset of drought conditions. To date, the Carlsbad Desalination Plant has produced nearly 60 billion gallons of highquality, climate-resilient drinking water. Given its success, it’s no surprise that the Carlsbad plant has become a model that elected leaders hope to emulate elsewhere. In California alone, there are already efforts underway to develop
several more desalination facilities, including a sister facility to the Carlsbad plant planned in Huntington Beach, California, which is in the final stages of permitting before it can begin providing Orange County residents with their own drought-proof, reliable water supply. If the Carlsbad plant is any indication, it takes about two decades to permit and construct a large-scale seawater desalination plant, and about two hours to produce high-quality drinking water at the plant once it’s complete. Unfortunately, the latter isn’t possible unless you’ve completed the former. That’s why it’s critical that municipalities that may need desalinated water in the future start planning and permitting right now. Climate change has the potential to up-end our way of life, and coupled with projected population growth, whole communities could be at risk if access to water becomes scarce. Working collaboratively across regions, industries and the public and private sectors, we have the power to prevent future catastrophes if we start now. If we wait until the next drought is upon us, it could be too late.
About the Author Ms. Jessica Jones is the Director of Communications at Poseidon Water LLC. She has been leading the outreach, community education and other development activities for the Carlsbad and Huntington Beach Desalination Plants since 2000. Jessica is on the Board of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, a member of the Carlsbad Hi-Noon Rotary, SD League of
Women’s Voters and CalDesal. Jessica received her business degree from Babson College in Wellesley, Massachusetts and currently resides in Carlsbad, California with her family
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16/03/2020 12:01
NEENAH INCREASES CAPACITY OF CRANEMAT WET LAID NONWOVEN MEMBRANE SUBSTRATE FOR LIQUID FILTRATION AND SEPARATION SECTORS Neenah Technical Materials, a subsidiary of Neenah Inc. (NYSE: NP) is pleased to announce an investment to increase production capacity for Cranemat® to support continued strong growth in water filtration.
The Cranemat® business, based in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, was acquired by Neenah in 2014 and has steadily grown since that time. Continuous improvements in quality and resulting increasing demand from customers have led to the need for increased capacity for Neenah’s Cranemat® products. Utilizing an available idled machine, with a modest capital investment the additional capacity will almost double current capacity and be available by the end of 2020.
“Factors such as rapid industrialization and population development have led to a growing demand for clean water globally, which increases demand for effective reverse osmosis and other filtration solutions,” said Christoph Stenzel, Vice President Sales & Marketing Global Filtration. “This investment illustrates a strong Learn more about Cranemat® products at commitment to our global strategic customers www.neenahfiltration.com to support the rapid growth in this category as well as a great opportunity to expand into new areas and with new customers.” Cranemat® is the registered trademark name for Neenah’s line of polyester and polyolefin wet laid nonwoven membrane substrates, designed for the liquid filtration and membrane separation sectors. Known for its reliability and uniformity in the membrane casting process, Cranemat® contributes to enhanced membrane performance and efficiencies. From its versatile uses in flat sheet, spiral wound elements, plate and frame for MBR, and disc filtration, Cranemat® comes in various grades, designed for Microfiltration, Ultrafiltration, Nanofiltration and Reverse Osmosis. These filters are used in desalination of salt, brackish and industrial process water, as well as industries such as electronics, dairy, juice, e-coat, mining, medical and pharmaceutical.
Neenah is a leading global specialty materials company focused on premium niche markets that value performance and image. Key products and markets include advanced filtration media, specialized performance substrates used for digital transfer, tape and abrasive backings, labels and other products, and premium printing and packaging papers. The Company is headquartered in Alpharetta, Georgia and its products are sold in over 80 countries worldwide from manufacturing operations in the United States, Europe and the United Kingdom. Additional information can be found at the Company's web site, www.neenah.com
DEFINING TRUE SUSTAINABILITY FOR THE FUTURE By Dr. Matthew Ries Sustainability. It’s a concept few would argue with, but not many can define. Often affiliated with environmental, or “green” benefits, true sustainability is a balance of components of the triple bottom line which includes not only the traditional economic bottom line, but also accounts for less-traditional environmental and social bottom lines, or impacts. Sustainability describes an approach where decisions made today will not compromise future generations. Inherently, it requires a long-term view. In the water sector, where some infrastructure can last for decades or centuries, and planning decisions impact multiple generations, sustainability should be a guiding principle for water managers.
Over the past decade, DC Water has researched, designed, and implemented projects that contribute to a more sustainable utility. DC Water distributes drinking water and collects and treats wastewater for the 700,000 residents and 17.8 million annual visitors in the District of Columbia (DC), the capital city of the United States. DC Water also provides wholesale wastewater treatment services for an additional 1.6 million people in neighboring states. We utilize cutting-edge technology at Blue Plains, the world’s largest advanced wastewater treatment plant, treating over 300 million gallons per day, while at the same time relying on water supply infrastructure, some of which was built in the 1850s, which still serves us well today. Over the past decade, DC Water has researched, designed, and implemented projects that
contribute to a more sustainable utility. At Blue Plains, we operate the first CAMBI® thermal hydrolysis process in North America and the largest in the world. This process reduced biosolids production and hauling costs by over 50% and creates Bloom®, a soil conditioner rich in organic material and nutrients. We are pilot testing green infrastructure to replace an underground, gray infrastructure tunnel and capture rainwater to reduce combined sewer overflows. This green infrastructure is being financed by a “green bond” that pays a variable rate to investors depending on system performance. Our new headquarters building is designed to a LEED® Platinum Class A rating and includes features such as passive solar heating; sewer energy recovery for heat and cooling exchange for the building; and rainwater capture for non-potable uses. While these sustainable practices demonstrate sector leadership and generate goodwill with stakeholders, it remains a challenge to keep a focus on a long-term horizon. DC Water, like every water utility, has acute, shortterm challenges to address. Our aging pipes, with a median age of 79 and 90 years for water and wastewater, respectively, require constant vigilance and frequent emergency repair. Regulatory mandates require massive, unfunded infrastructure investments, all of which has led to ratepayer affordability challenges for some in our community. Furthermore, humans are hard-wired with a “present bias,” the tendency to place more value on short-term returns than long-term consequences with all types of decisions, making sustainable thinking an inherent challenge in all aspects of our lives.
Recent research of U.S. urban water utility leaders exposed further barriers to adopting sustainability measures. This included a lack of: (1) an agreed-to definition of sustainability for the water sector; (2) an incentive, because the vast majority of US utilities are public utilities that essentially operate as a monopoly; and (3) resources to dedicate to sustainability initiatives. When asked what might drive adoption of sustainability measures, these same leaders noted that public demand, political will, and the right tools were needed. These responses provide insight into opportunities to push forward. Increasingly, cities and local leaders are picking up the mantle of resiliency in the face of a changing climate manifested in both droughts and floods; increasing storm intensity; and sea level rise, as examples. Public awareness of these issues and their impacts on daily lives are increasing. This awareness of accelerating change provides the public and political push to prioritize and implement more sustainable approaches. Sustainable rating systems like LEEDÂŽ and Envision provide guidance and
recognition for sustainable projects, and water utilities and associations are increasingly linking to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Given the different circumstances of water utilities, a variety of sustainability approaches are needed.
As water managers, we owe it to our communities and our future generations to think sustainably. Sustainability, while abstract, it essential. Sustainable water management is inextricably linked to enabling society’s sustainability. Increasingly, our ratepayers demand it, and a new generation coming into our workforce is helping to lead the charge. As water managers, we owe it to our communities and our future generations to think sustainably, making decisions now that will positively impact future generations and help provide our crucial services today, and over the long-term.
About the Author Dr. Matthew Ries serves DC Water as the Director of Sustainability and Watershed Management. Working in the office of Strategy and Performance, Dr. Ries is responsible for providing strategic direction, technical information, and stakeholder engagement to develop DC Water’s sustainability and innovation programs and catalyze watershed-scale improvements. Dr. Ries has 25 years of professional experience in environmental engineering and management. Prior to DC Water, he worked for 12 years as Chief Technical Officer at the Water Environment Federation. His work at the Federation included outreach and knowledge transfer within the water sector on the topics of sustainability, innovation, utility management, stormwater, resilience, energy, and nutrient management, among others. Before WEF he worked internationally as a consultant in the
planning, design, construction, and startup of municipal and industrial water, wastewater, and stormwater facilities. Dr. Ries recently served as a Director at Alexandria Renew Enterprises, the water resource recovery utility in Alexandria, Virginia, USA; as a Director at the Alliance for Water Stewardship; and is currently a Director at the Anacostia Watershed Society. Dr. Ries has a BS in Civil Engineering from Valparaiso University, an MS in Environmental Engineering from the University of Notre Dame, and a PhD in Civil Engineering at the University of South Florida. His dissertation focused on the development of an urban water sustainability index and the connection between U.S. urban water utility organizational attributes and sustainability. He is a registered, licensed Professional Engineer in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
women The
of our
industry: UNCONVENTIONAL SOLUTIONS FOR A DIVERSE WORKPLACE By Ms. Eva Steinle-Darling, Reuse Innovation Lead & VP at Carollo Engineers; President of WaterReuse Texas
Humbled by the great examples of female leaders who have preceded me in the IDA’s Women of Our Industry initiative, I appreciate the opportunity to reflect on how water reuse and my own career have evolved over the years, and what may lie ahead. I was involved with the water industry before taking an active part in shaping it. Growing up, my grandfather and two uncles were in the wastewater industry, allowing me to contemplate challenges related to water supply every summer I struggled to reestablish flow to my parents’ backwoods cottage when the creek we drew water from ran low.
Advanced treatment approaches for potable reuse that do not produce brine are available, so decoupling potable reuse from the need to desalinate per se is a viable alternative. My graduate studies focused on the removal of trace organic contaminants using RO and NF membranes. At that time, potable reuse was mostly considered an “academic” pursuit. In fact, the National Research Council still considered it an “option of last resort,” and
many regulatory structures actively hindered or prohibited potable reuse. Since then, I have been actively involved in a number of projects that break down these barriers, from leading a two-year water quality evaluation of the first and only operating direct potable reuse facility in the United States to supporting permitting and design efforts for several potable reuse projects across the nation and abroad. Even my previously esoteric graduate work on removal of perfluorochemicals, now known as “PFAS,” has recently gained significant real-world relevance! It’s no coincidence that as the industry has become more open and accepting to a more diverse workforce, it has also become more accepting of “unconventional” solutions to the many challenges we face. The more diversity we can bring to some of our existential water
So my call to all within our great industry is to participate in activities and events that expose the next generations to our sectors’ great challenges and opportunities.
supply and water quality questions, the better generations can confirm the quality of their and more innovative the solutions. water from an app on their phone, when and where they want, they may be more likely to For example, one solution to the ever-present trust the results. brine disposal challenge is to completely rethink the problem. Advanced treatment approaches for potable reuse that do not produce brine are available, so decoupling potable reuse from the need to desalinate per se is a viable alternative. Another persistent challenge is public perception. Future tools to address this challenge may involve a combination of sensor-based monitoring, data management, and an understanding of what builds trust. If, for example, millennials and subsequent
An appropriately millennial selfie of the author with her team bringing diverse and innovative solutions to a local reuse project
The author quenching her thirst with purified water from the direct potable reuse project in Big Spring… and getting ahead of the game to involve the next generation in potable reuse!
As I contemplate the challenges ahead, I see a strong need to cultivate a diverse workforce and recruit the best and brightest into our sector. My experience, while unique in its details, reflects a general trend: people tend to select fields to which they had positive exposure to growing up. So my call to all within our great industry is to participate in activities and events that expose the next generations to our sectors’ great challenges and opportunities. Actively seek out opportunities to engage, teach, and mentor—even a single conversation can make a difference. Just as my many touchpoints with the water industry ultimately motivated me to make a difference in our field, you can help inspire young people of all genders and hues to help solve tomorrow’s water challenges—through water reuse and desalination, of course!
Earlier this year, the IDA reported on the success of its 2019 World Congress in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. As the premier global conference on advanced water-treatment solutions, this event focused on traditional methods of desalination and water reuse. However, IDA leadership made it clear that it is not resting on any traditional laurels brought on by past successes. Indeed, with the ambitious goal of establishing a new standard for the water industry, the IDA announced plans for several new initiatives and programs—including renewable-energy-driven desalination. Renewable energy technologies have been used for desalination, including solar power. However, solar power typically provides cheap electricity for desalination plants to operate; it is not used to directly desalinate seawater.
As far back as 2014, a North Carolina-based start-up company, EcoH2O Innovations, proved that desalinating via wave-powered technology worked. Alternatively, wave energy uses mechanical energy to desalinate seawater. Once considered a pipe dream, wave-powered desalination could become a practical solution, especially during emergencies and for isolated coastal communities that must import clean, safe drinking water at great expense.
As far back as 2014, a North Carolina-based start-up company, EcoH2O Innovations, proved that desalinating via wave-powered technology worked. The company’s Swell-Actuated Reverse-Osmosis System (SAROS) used highpressure pumps built on top of a round buoy to power the system with energy from the vertical motion of waves. These pumps took in water and sent it to a land-based unit that pushed the seawater into a pretreatment process to purge it of viruses, bacteria, salt, and sand before sending the water through the reverse-osmosis process. While a viable system, SAROS has not yet been brought to market. Wave-powered reverse-osmosis desalination systems like SAROS face a variety of challenges. The reverse-osmosis water purification process uses a partially permeable membrane to remove ions, unwanted molecules, and larger particles from water. These membranes, however, work best under constant conditions. “Reverse-osmosis membranes can’t currently handle the shocks resulting from wave motion or changes in water quality,” said Tzahi Cath, Professor of Environmental Engineering at the Colorado School of Mines. “The ability of these systems to deliver drinking water of consistent quality depends on consistent operating conditions, adequate pretreatment, and support systems that balance and smooth the operation of the entire system.”
To help improve the tolerance of reverseosmosis membrane technology, Cath’s research team has been working with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and the National Alliance for Water Innovation. “Membrane technologies that can better absorb the changes in pressure and water quality would go a long way toward making wave-powered desalination technology viable,” he said.
turned its focus to wave-powered desalination. Its Waves to Water Prize, launched in 2019, invites competitors to develop wave-powered desalination systems that can be deployed in disaster-relief scenarios and in remote coastal locations to provide potable drinking water.
NREL, which is managing the Waves to Water Prize for DOE, at the end of 2019 awarded 20 teams from the CONCEPT stage with seed Another challenge to wave-powered funding to develop detailed plans and models desalination is cost. Engineers and scientists of their concepts as the competition moves into worldwide—including those in Australia, China, the DESIGN stage. Portugal, Scotland, and the United States—have been working for decades with governments “International organizations can become and industry to research cost-effective ways members of U.S.-based teams, sponsor their to harness wave energy. Now the desalination entries, or provide technical support—to name industry stands to benefit from their findings. just a few examples—in this competition,” said Scott Jenne, NREL principal investigator for the Waves to Water Prize.
From IDA’s perspective, wave-powered desalination presents a unique opportunity to address forward-looking initiatives of sustainability.
From IDA’s perspective, wave-powered desalination presents a unique opportunity to address forward-looking initiatives of sustainability, renewable-driven desalination, and decreased impact on the environment.
As testament to the technology’s promise, As part of the mix of desalination solutions, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recently wave-powered desalination is coming of age.
REVIEWING THE 2019 IDA FELLOWSHIP EXPERIENCE By Dr. Jaichander Swaminathan As a young academic interested in Desalination and Water Reuse, I am always looking to identify interesting and useful questions that I should attempt to answer. Building collaborations with researchers with complementary expertise is critical to expand my horizons and maximize the impact of my work. Selection as this year’s IDA Fellow helped me immensely on these fronts.
I have worked on understanding the energy efficiency and relative performance of various desalination technologies from a fundamental thermodynamics’ perspective.
sustain the same productivity at a given system size. A higher permeability membrane or an evaporator with better heat transfer coefficient is usually more expensive. Reducing membrane fouling, or improved spacer design with higher mass transfer coefficient would also fall under this category.
Equipartition of entropy generation in the system (e.g., through multi-stage system design for equipartition in space, or batch operation for equipartition in time). The trade-off associated with this method is in the form of added system complexity.
Improvements in component efficiencies (such as turbine, pump, ERD) help reduce Based on my training in thermal sciences parasitic losses (not directly associated with the as a mechanical engineer, I have worked pure water transfer process) and therefore help on understanding the energy efficiency improve efficiency. and relative performance of various desalination technologies from a fundamental I have applied various combinations of these thermodynamics’ perspective. Methods for methods to desalination technologies such improving the energy efficiency of a desalination as membrane distillation, reverse osmosis, process such as RO, operating at a certain fixed and MED, as well as salinity-gradient power recovery ratio, can be categorized as: generation systems such as PRO. I am excited towards applying these techniques of entropy 1. Increasing system size – Increasing system generation minimization more broadly to water size while keeping overall production constant treatment and energy systems! results in lower flux operation which in turn requires a lower driving force and hence external As this year’s IDA fellow, I had the opportunity energy input. However, investing in a larger to spend 6 weeks at the University of system requires a higher upfront capital cost. Arizona’s (UofA) Water & Energy Sustainable
Technologies (WEST) center. The WEST center 2. Reducing transport resistance (e.g., is a unique combination of academic research improving the permeability of RO membranes) and a municipal water treatment utility. The also reduces the required driving force to center which houses researchers from the UofA
is collocated with Pima county’s wastewater treatment plant and receives treated wastewater in a dedicated ‘purple line’ for further research towards implementing potable reuse. The center has a combination of chemical and environmental engineers and microbiologists, and hence together they can scrutinize both the engineering and health aspects of water reuse. As a part of the fellowship attachment, along with the Pima County Water Reclamation Facility, we started by surveying the waterenergy nexus in the south-western USA by visiting various desalination plants, wastewater treatment plants, and power generation stations in the region. Interestingly, I could find many parallels to Gujarat, which is my currenthome state in India, where I work. Both get their water supply from far-away dams through a long network of canals. Both regions have a dry climate with a large number of clear sunny days and are therefore at the forefront of harnessing renewable solar energy in the respective countries.
I come out of this fellowship attachment with a renewed interest towards working on various challenges. I come out of this fellowship attachment with a renewed interest towards working on various challenges. One of the interesting questions in front of our community is
whether we could extract useful work from wastewater, or go towards energy neutral wastewater treatment by using technologies such as microbial fuel cells. The unique wastewater compositions encountered in various industries call for development of matching technologies particularly suited for their treatment. Desalination could have a role to play in balancing the grid as we integrate more renewables into the grid, by operating at those times of day with excess power supply compared to the demand. From seawater desalination towards potable supply and pure water production for industrial use to the management of various waste streams, both industrial and municipal, we as desalination engineers and professionals have our task cut-out: to continue to identify and implement the right mix of technologies at optimized capital and energy costs and serve this very fundamental need of our various customers.
Mr. Guillaume Clairet, Chair of the Awards Committee for IDA World Congress 2015, presenting IDA technical program award for Best Presenter.
About the Author Dr. Jaichander Swaminathan is an Assistant Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Discipline at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Gandhinagar, where he is the current occupant of the Kanchan and Harilal Doshi Chair for Water and
Sanitation. Additional details: https://idadesal. org/international-desalination-associationannounces-dr-jaichander-swaminathan-asrecipient-of-2019-20-ida-fellowship-award/
SIMPLE, SOLAR-POWERED WATER DESALINATION By Mr. David L. Chandler A completely passive solar-powered desalination system developed by researchers at MIT and in China could provide more than 1.5 gallons of fresh drinking water per hour for every square meter of solar collecting area. Such systems could potentially serve off-grid arid coastal areas to provide an efficient, low-cost water source. (MIT News)
Tests on an MIT building rooftop showed that a simple proof-of-concept desalination device could produce clean, drinkable water at a rate equivalent to more than 1.5 gallons per hour for each square meter of solar collecting area. Credit: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The system uses multiple layers of flat solar evaporators and condensers, lined up in a vertical array and topped with transparent aerogel insulation. It is described in a paper appearing today in the journal Energy and Environmental Science, authored by MIT doctoral students Lenan Zhang and Lin Zhao, postdoc Zhenyuan Xu, professor of mechanical engineering and department
head Evelyn Wang, and eight others at MIT and at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China. The key to the system's efficiency lies in the way it uses each of the multiple stages to desalinate the water. At each stage, heat released by the previous stage is harnessed instead of wasted. In this way, the team's demonstration device can achieve an overall efficiency of 385 percent
in converting the energy of sunlight into the energy of water evaporation. The device is essentially a multilayer solar still, with a set of evaporating and condensing components like those used to distill liquor. It uses flat panels to absorb heat and then transfer that heat to a layer of water so that it begins to evaporate. The vapor then condenses on the next panel. That water gets collected, while the heat from the vapor condensation gets passed to the next layer. through a transparent insulating layer at left, to heat up a black heat-absorbing material, which Whenever vapor condenses on a surface, it transfers the heat to a layer of wicking material releases heat; in typical condenser systems, (shown in blue), where it evaporates and then that heat is simply lost to the environment. But condenses on a surface (gray) and then drips in this multilayer evaporator the released heat off to be collected as fresh, potable water. Credit: flows to the next evaporating layer, recycling the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. solar heat and boosting the overall efficiency. Theoretically, with more desalination stages and further optimization, such systems could "When you condense water, you reach overall efficiency levels as high as 700 or release energy as heat," Wang 800 percent, Zhang says.
says. "If you have more than one stage, you can take advantage of that heat."
Unlike some desalination systems, there is no accumulation of salt or concentrated brines to be disposed of. In a free-floating configuration, "When you condense water, you release energy any salt that accumulates during the day would as heat," Wang says. "If you have more than one simply be carried back out at night through the stage, you can take advantage of that heat." wicking material and back into the seawater, according to the researchers. Adding more layers increases the conversion efficiency for producing potable water, but each Their demonstration unit was built mostly from layer also adds cost and bulk to the system. inexpensive, readily available materials such as The team settled on a 10-stage system for their a commercial black solar absorber and paper proof-of-concept device, which was tested on towels for a capillary wick to carry the water into an MIT building rooftop. The system delivered contact with the solar absorber. In most other pure water that exceeded city drinking water attempts to make passive solar desalination standards, at a rate of 5.78 liters per square systems, the solar absorber material and the meter (about 1.52 gallons per 11 square feet) wicking material have been a single component, of solar collecting area. This is more than two which requires specialized and expensive times as much as the record amount previously materials, Wang says. "We've been able to produced by any such passive solar-powered decouple these two." desalination system, Wang says. The most expensive component of the prototype Diagram illustrates the basic structure of the is a layer of transparent aerogel used as an proposed desalination system. Sunlight passes insulator at the top of the stack, but the team
suggests other less expensive insulators could be used as an alternative. (The aerogel itself is made from dirt-cheap silica but requires specialized drying equipment for its manufacture.) Wang emphasizes that the team's key contribution is a framework for understanding how to optimize such multistage passive systems, which they call thermally localized multistage desalination. The formulas they developed could likely be applied to a variety of materials and device architectures, allowing for further optimization of systems based on different scales of operation or local conditions and materials.
with a roughly 1-square-meter solar collecting area could meet the daily drinking water needs of one person. In production, they think a system built to serve the needs of a family might be built for around $100.
The researchers plan further experiments to continue to optimize the choice of materials and configurations, and to test the durability of the system under realistic conditions. They also will work on translating the design of their lab-scale device into a something that would be suitable for use by consumers. The hope is that it could ultimately play a role in alleviating water scarcity in parts of the developing world where reliable electricity is scarce but seawater One possible configuration would be floating and sunlight are abundant. panels on a body of saltwater such as an impoundment pond. These could constantly "This new approach is very significant," says and passively deliver fresh water through pipes Ravi Prasher, an associate lab director at to the shore, as long as the sun shines each day. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Other systems could be designed to serve a adjunct professor of mechanical engineering at single household, perhaps using a flat panel on the University of California at Berkeley, who was a large shallow tank of seawater that is pumped not involved in this work. "One of the challenges or carried in. The team estimates that a system in solar still-based desalination has been low efficiency due to the loss of significant energy in condensation. By efficiently harvesting the The researchers plan further condensation energy, the overall solar to vapor experiments to continue to opti- efficiency is dramatically improved. ‌ This mize the choice of materials and increased efficiency will have an overall impact on reducing the cost of produced water." configurations, and to test the
durability of the system under realistic conditions.
This article was reprinted with the permission of MIT News, http://news.mit.edu/.
COLLABORATION WITH INVESTOR-OWNED WATER UTILITIES ESSENTIAL IN ADDRESSING CALIFORNIA’S WATER SUPPLY CHALLENGES By Ms. Heike Doerr As California faces a growing water crisis — extreme droughts, depleted groundwater basins, aging infrastructure, water quality concerns, and water supply constraints — efforts to solve these issues will involve collaboration from legislators, state agencies, wholesale water suppliers and numerous other stakeholders. Though often omitted from the discussion, investor-owned and large-privately-held water utilities have shown proactive leadership in encouraging conservation, addressing water quality concerns, and replacing aging infrastructure. Four of the nation’s largest investor-owned water utilities (IOUs) — American Water Works Inc., American States Water Co., California Water Services Group, and SJW Group — are among these water utilities that distribute drinking water to approximately 16% of the state’s population. The remainder of the population gets its water from municipal utilities, managed by local elected officials. As state agencies focus on supply diversification and smaller water systems encounter water shortages and water contamination issues, these IOUs, which possess the financial health and technical expertise to assist neighboring utilities, will increasingly be relied on to provide solutions.
element of risk and uncertainty. Confidence in a functional regulatory compact, which would ensure that utilities earn a fair return on their investment, will be instrumental, in particular as it relates to larger water supply projects. The CPUC has been proactive in providing a policy framework that encourages the IOUs to address water supply issues, dating back to the Water Action Plan that the Commission rolled out in 2005 and updated in 2016. The Plan instructed the IOUs to establish reliable water supplies, encourage customer conservation, implement more sustainable management of groundwater resources, and improve water quality. The CPUC has not been seen as hampering innovative solutions. The environmental and permitting The California Public Utilities Commission challenges faced by other water operators (CPUC) has regulatory jurisdiction over IOUs, remains the largest hurdle for potential projects. ensuring they deliver clean, safe and reliable water to their customers at “reasonable rates.” Since 2005, companies regulated by the CPUC Oversight by the CPUC does offer an additional have meaningfully accelerated their capital
spending programs, focusing largely on distribution main replacement to minimize water leaks and conserve treated water. To-date, IOU involvement in reuse and desalination projects has been on the smaller scale. San Jose Water, a subsidiary of SJW Group, is a part of the South Bay Water Recycling Program, administered by the City of San Jose. California Water has delivered 1.9 billion gallons of recycled water in California in 2019. The company’s reverse osmosis plant in Torrance treats groundwater that was affected by seawater intrusion.
Monterey project includes the construction of a 6.4 million gallon per day desalination plant. The project has been hamstrung by local politics, environmental pushback and legal battles, and it remains unclear if the plant will ultimately be built.
S&P Global Market Intelligence anticipates water agencies and local elected officials will progressively turn to IOUs to assist in projects including water recycling, stormwater capture, and desalination of brackish and ocean water. The aforementioned water utilities will continue to have ample access to capital to finance American Water’s California subsidiary has the innovative water projects and will play a more largest, and most visible desalination project of prominent role in developing new sources of the group. One of just ten proposed Sea Water water supply in California. Reverse Osmosis plants in California, Cal-Am’s
About the Author Ms. Heike Doerr is a Principal Analyst at the department's water utility franchise, which Regulatory Research Associates a group within monitors regulatory, legislative, and financial S&P Global Market Intelligence. Heike oversees developments for the water utility sector.
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As the world is faced with a rapidly increasing demand for fresh water, our sector stands on the threshold of unprecedented growth, poised between the reality of future climate change and the immediate need for sustainable water solutions. More than ever before is a network of global connections needed, so stakeholders are ready to fight water scarcity with sustainable water solutions.
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Established in 1973, IDA is a non-profit 501 (c) (6) organization, bringing together people, ideas, and knowledge to advance sustainable water solutions. We are a UN recognized non-governmental organization (NGO) and partner of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization WASAG – Global Framework on water scarcity in agriculture. For more information on membership, please contact membership@idadesal.org or view www.idadesal.org.
In 2019, the IDA established the IDA Sustainable Water Resources Foundation, a US non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization that promotes creative solutions to the world’s most pressing water challenges. SWRF supports innovation by advocating clean energy solutions, organizing educational programs and projects concerning the nexus of water, energy, food, and the environment. To learn more, visit www.idaswrf.org.
THE IDA GENEALOGY, PART 1 By Dr. Jim Birkett In this two-part series, Dr. Jim Birkett, IDA Honorary Council Member and IDA Past President, reflects on the beginning of the desalination and advanced water treatment industry, and how IDA played a critical role in the global movement to enact sustainable water solutions. IDA’s “Genealogy” Most members are probably aware that the International Desalination Association (IDA) was officially formed in the 1980s through the merger of the Water Supply Improvement Association (WSIA) and the International Desalination and Environmental Association (IDEA). But how did this come to pass? What is IDA’s ancestry? This paper summarizes the important points.
“In the Beginning….” Prior to 1985, there were three entities promoting conferences on desalination, to wit: The Working Party on Fresh Water from the Sea (WP), IDEA and NWSIA/WSIA. (The first named was a special committee organized periodically by the European Federation of Chemical Engineering to organize conferences on the subject matter.) Each of these groups had an interesting history of its own.
The Principal Entities The WP was organized as a result of the success of “The 1st European Symposium on Fresh Water from the Sea”, held in Athens in May/June of 1962 and sponsored by the European Federation of Chemical Engineering. Following the symposium, its organizers proposed the formation of a regular committee (the Working Party (WP)) to organize subsequent events. It met for the first time in Milan in 1965 and proposed that a “2nd Symposium on Fresh water from the Sea” be held in 1967, again in Athens. Subsequent conferences were held in Dubrovnik (1970), Heidelberg (1973), and Sardinia (1976), Gran Canaria (19??), and Amsterdam (1980). The principal individual coordinating all this was Professor Anthony Delyannis of the University of Athens. To this point the WP had acted independently of other organizations 1. This 1
1993 IDA WC in Yokohama of five past-president plus the then current president (Jamil Al-Alawi, Bahrain, center). Front row - Jim Birkett, Jamil Al-Alawi, Floyd Meller / Back row - Adil Bushnak, Randy Truby, Leon Awerbuch
Delyannis, E., “The First International Conferences on Desalination”, IDA Desalination &
Evening at the Lido in Paris late 1982 or early 1983 where the various committees of IDEA, NWSIA, and the WC were working out the details of the joint "1st World Congress on Desalination and Water Reuse" in Florence in 1983. Working inwards from the left are: Abdul-Gaffar Jamjoon, Farouk Ghandour, Dr. Wolfgang Pusch (Chairman of the WC), Frau Schubl of DECHEMA (the German chemical engineering society), Bob Mattair (WSIA), guest, Leon Awerbuch, guest, Bill Hanbury and Kris Buros. Working inwards from the right are: a Saudi gentleman, Isam Jamjoon, guest, Herb Sliger, Pat Burke, Neil MacArthur, Jim Birkett and Nabil El-Ramly. was about to change but we will pick up the International Desalination and Environmental WP thread again later in this article. Association (IDEA). Its next meeting was held in Ponce, Puerto Rico, in 1975 with a further The IDEA developed from an earlier broadening of international attendance and organization, the Association of Caribbean interest. Subsequent conferences were Desalination Plant Owners and Operators held in Mexico City (1976), Tokyo (1977), (ACDPOO), founded in 1973 at Grand Bahamas Nice (1979 and Bahrain (1981). Throughout Island. Its purpose was “opening channels this period, the leading figure in the IDEA of communication between plant owners and operators……consultants and equipment The 11th annual conference in manufacturers” 2. The second meeting of Honolulu, Hawaii (1982) sported the association was on Antigua in 1974 the new name plus the inclusion with increasing attendance. Because of the expansion of interest beyond the Caribbean, of a “Trade Fair” as a nod to the ACDPOO assumed a new name, the
increasing number of exhibits.
Water Reuse Quarterly”, Vol. 4/1, pp 20-27 2 Bakish, R., “IDEA – “From its Beginning to 1984”, IDA Desalination & Water Reuse Quarterly, Vol. 3/4, pp 28-33
had been Dr. Robert Bakish of FairleighDickenson University. IDEA had also, up to now, operated independently of any other organization. This was about to change and we will pick up the IDEA thread later. The WSIA (originally named NWSIA) was formed as a result of budget changes at the Office of Saline Water (OSW), US Department of the Interior. The Office had been authorized by the US Congress in 1952 to fund research for the development of desalination technologies “to make the deserts bloom” and indeed had invested tens of millions of dollars by the early 1970s. However a new US administration decided to drastically cut its budget and the then Director of OSW, Pat O’Meara, organized a conference in Anaheim, California, in 1972 to study the challenges arising from such budget cuts. One result was the recommendation for creating a national desalting association to provide a focus of attention and to provide a vehicle for lobbying Congress to continue funding the desalination effort.
of 1973, its constitution specifying three categories of membership. Division I included representatives of public entities, Division II included manufacturers, suppliers and major consulting firms and Division III included academics, researchers and other interested individuals. The Board of Directors was originally composed of six, two and three Directors from each division respectively. (This composition was intended to forestall dominance by commercial interests although the number of Division II members was eventually increased to six.)
The first annual meeting and conference was held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida in June of 1973 and the first Directors and Officers elected. At that meeting the membership of NWSIA stood at 137. Subsequent conferences were held in Newport Beach, California, (1974), Ocean Reef, Florida (1975), Oklahoma City (1976) , San Diego (1977), Sarasota, Florida (1978), New Orleans, Louisiana (1979), San Francisco, California (1980) and Washington (1981). Attendance and membership increased apace as did the number of foreign participants. As Thus the National Water Supply Improvement a result the organization changed its name to Association (NWSIA) was formed in February the less restrictive Water Supply Improvement
May 21, 1983 at the club Paradis Latin, following a day of IDEA/WSIA merger talks. Identifiable from the left are Leon Awerbuch, Jim Birkett, Bob Mattair, Herb Sliger, Miriam Balaban, Kris Buros and Nabil El-Ramily. At the end of the table sits Pat Burke. Identifiable from the right are H.E. Isam Jamjoon, Neil McArthur, Arther Harris, Jean-Jacque Libert (with his ever-present cigarette!) and Floyd Meller.
Association (WSIA). The 11th annual conference Executive Director. For all of this period, WSIA in Honolulu, Hawaii (1982) sported the new had acted independently of other groups. Let name plus the inclusion of a “Trade Fair” as us now bring them all togethe a nod to the increasing number of exhibits. The guiding hand through the early years Dr. Jim Birkett, previously a Direcof NWSIA was that of William Warne. Also tor of both IDEA and WSIA, was present was Patricia Burke, first simply as a chosen as President, with Dr. Adil representative of Avco Corporation but mostly as Conference Chairman and eventually Bushnak as Vice President.
The Delicate Minuet toward Merger By the mid-1970s there was a proliferation of conferences covering desalination, not only those of the entities described above but other groups including AquaTech Amsterdam and various for-profit groups. Individuals from the major players began to talk to each other informally about ways to minimize or eliminate overlap. It was evident that some level of cooperation was better than outright competition. The first real example of the former was the “1st World Congress on Desalination and Water Reuse”, held in Florence in 1983. The WP and IDEA shared the technical organization and WSIA was responsible for the industry exhibition. Not only was the conference an overall success but for the first time all three groups worked together toward a common goal. The upshot was that a committee was formed, co-chaired by H.E. Isam Jamjoon (President of IDEA) and Herb Sliger (President of WSIA) and charged with presenting its recommendations for
After several long and passionate meetings (one lasting until 3 am), the Boards of IDEA and WSIA and the “merger committee” finally reached agreement on an operating definition and constitution of a new organization to be known as The International Desalination Association (IDA). 56
formal merger or any other option at the May, 1984, WSIA International Conference in Orlando, Florida. The committee met several times, including in Paris in the fall of 1983, and assigned Leon Awerbuch (WSIA) and Kris Buros (IDEA) the formidable task of writing a constitution describing a new organization of which all parties could approve. It soon became apparent that the WP did not fit into the mold of a conventional association. It had no members per se, only regular attendees at its conferences; on paper it consisted only of an organizing committee, periodically appointed. Yet its supporters were numerous and loyal. In the end the WP stepped away from the merger discussions yet remained open to cooperation opportunities in the future. Things came to a head at the Orlando WSIA conference in May of 1984. After several long and passionate meetings (one lasting until 3 am), the Boards of IDEA and WSIA and the “merger committee” finally reached agreement on an operating definition and constitution of a new organization to be known as The International Desalination Association (IDA). This was announced to the attendees at the Conference banquet. During the summer of 1984 all members of IDEA and WSIA had an opportunity to vote on the proposition. It was enthusiastically passed and on January 1, 1985, IDA officially came into existence. A “new” NWSIA was also formed as a regional affiliate
of IDA to accommodate former WSIA members who wished to maintain a national US focus. Floyd Meller and Neil McArthur, representing WSIA and IDEA respectively, were appointed as interim Co-Presidents until the first IDA conference in Bermuda in November, 1985. During the intervening summer, IDA’s first Board of Directors was nominated and elected by ballot. The first IDA Officers would be elected at the Bermuda conference and meeting.
The Bermuda “2nd World Congress on Desalination and Water Reuse”, 1985, was organized by the nascent IDA and cosponsored by the WP. On that occasion IDA solidified its future administration through the election of its first slate of Officers and committee chairmanships. Dr. Jim Birkett, previously a Director of both IDEA and WSIA, was chosen as President, with Dr. Adil Bushnak as Vice President.
European Federation of Chemical EngineeringWorking Party on Fresh Water from the Sea. Initiated by Prof. Anthony Delyannis
Author’s Comments This article on the genealogy of IDA ends here. We intend to
Although there are still a few of us left who participated during
follow it up with further material on the early history of IDA,
the pre-merger days, residual emotions and biases are such
including more details of the original
that it is doubtful that we could ever reach a consensus on how to sum things up. I have chosen instead to rely almost
The above references fill in many details. In addition one might
entirely on the above papers whose authors bear impeccable
view back issues of The Water Desalination Report (Global Water
credentials. Regrettably, they are no longer available for
Intelligence) which, from 1964 (?) onwards, reported weekly on
activities in the desalination sphere.
About the Author Dr. Birkett’s admirable career includes more than 50 years’ experience in the study of desalination, advanced water treatment, and membrane separation industries and technologies with Arthur D. Little and West Neck
Strategies. He is a Past President and Director of IDA, recipient of the IDA Lifetime Achievement Award, and the former editor of “The IDA Journal on Desalination and Water Reuse.”
THE DEVELOPMENT STATUS AND PROSPECT OF MEMBRANE INDUSTRY IN CHINA By Mr. Zheng, President of MIAC Development Status of Membrane Industry in China Starting from 1960s, the research on membrane Since 2000 till now, is the rapid development technology in China has gone through 3 stage of membrane technology. The scope development stages. and content of the research are basically synchronized with that of globe. Anti-osmosis, 1965 - 1985 is the start-up stage of membrane nano-filtration, ultra-filtration, micro-filtration, technology research. At the end of 1960s MBR and ceramic membrane are all basically electrodialysis was developed, and in the realized industrialization. beginning of 1980s the first set of electrodialysis seawater desalination equipment with capacity At present, China has nearly 100 membrane of 200m3/d came into operation. In the middle technology research institutions and over of 1980s, Cellulose acetate reverse osmosis 20,000 r&d technicians, formed a r&d membrane was developed and successfully system with strong capability of research and launched into mass production. Exploratory development. Chinese membrane industry research on Micro-filtration Membrane, Ultra- has covered full range of products, and among filtration Membrane and Gas Separation them ultra-filtration membrane, micro-filtration Membrane has also started. All above researches membrane and MBR membrane have strong have set the foundation for the membrane international competitiveness. Application technology in China. technologies such as seawater desalination, zero discharge of industrial waste water, high 1986 - 1999 is the application research salinity waste water recycling and municipal stage. Application researches of membrane sewage recycling have reached international technology started successively on electricity, advanced level. electron, petrochemical, chemical engineering, pharmaceuticals and etc. A series of mature At present, China has nearly 100 and advanced application technologies were membrane technology research formed. The membrane technology has institutions and over 20,000 r&d come into practical period. At the same time, technicians, formed a r&d system significant breakthroughs have also been made in ultra-filtration membrane and micro-filtration with strong capability of research fields. The rudiment of membrane industry has and development. come into being and so set the foundation of Chinese membrane industry.
1. Gross output value of Chinese membrane industry Membrane industry in China has been developing rapidly since 1999. In 2018, the gross output value of membrane industry has reached 243.4 billion CNY. In the last decade, the average annual growth rate of membrane industrial gross output value keeps at around 15%, as in Figure 1. 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0
Total Output Value (100 million CNY)
Figure 1: Growth status of Chinese membrane industrial gross output value 1999 to 2018
2. Constitution of membrane industry In the membrane industry, the four main parts, membrane and membrane material, membrane equipment, membrane engineering, membrane ancillary equipment respectively covers 15%, 27%, 28% and 17% of the gross out put value, as in Figure 2.
Service (12%)
Ancillary Equipament (17%)
Others (1%) Engineering & Application (28%)
Membrane & Membrane material (15%) Membrane Equipament (27%)
Figure 2: Constitution of Chinese Membrane Industrial Gross Output Value
3. Constitution of Membrane Products Anti-osmosis, nano-filtration, ultra-filtration and micro-filtration are the main components of membrane products, and medical membrane, electrically-driven membrane, energy use membrane are following behind. Among the products, electrically-driven membrane, MBR membrane and energy use membrane are under rapid development, as shown in below Figure 3. Gas Separation Membrane (4%) Others (2%)
Pervaporation Membrane (1%) Inorganic Membrane (4%)
RO / NF (30%)
Electrically-driven Membrane (3%)
Energy Use Membrane (21%) UF / MF/ MBR (26%)
Medical Membrane (9%)
Figure 3: Constitution of Membrane Products
C. Development Status of Membrane Market in China Membrane technology is mainly applied to the Treatment of Industrial Water and Waste Water, Municipal Sewage Treatment, Treatment for Urban Drinking Water, Energy Industry, Medical Industry and Seawater / Brackish Water Desalination, as shown in below Figure 4 Seawater/ Brackish Water Treatment (1%)
Others (1%) Insustrial Water Treatment (35%)
Medical (9%)
Energy (21%) Urban Drinking Water Treatment (5%) Insustrial Waste Water Treatment (20%)
Municipal Sewage Treatment (8%)
Figure 4: Distribution of Membrane Market
1. Industrial Waste Water Recycling Treating industrial waste water by the combination process of anti-osmosis, nano-filtration and electroosmosis, to achieve zero discharge or resource recovery, has shown obvious advantages, especially in high salinity waste water zero discharge process. At present, 500 industrial waste water treatment equipment has been built; treatment capacity has achieved 7.7 million m3/d.
2. Municipal Sewage Recycling Ultra-filtration and MBR membrane technologies have been applied to the treatment of municipal sewage for recycling and reuse. According to incomplete statistics, the quantity of MBR equipment with capacity over 10,000 m3/d built or under construction is over 300 in China; the total treatment capacity has reached 15 million m3/d.
3. Municipal Drink Water Treatment Drinking water quality has been improved after deep purification by low pressure anti-osmosis and nano-filtration treatment. According to complete statistics, over 200 membrane process municipal drinking water projects have been built or under construction in China, with treatment capacity over 3 million m3/d.ç
4. Industrial Water Treatment Industrial water treatment is one of the biggest membrane markets in China. Electron, Electricity, Petroleum, Chemistry and Medical Industries are the main fields of industrial water treatment. Till now, the industrial water treatment capacity of membrane process is about 50 million m3/d.
5. Seawater Desalination Seawater desalination has become an important method to relieve the scant supply of water in Chinese coastal areas. 155 seawater desalination projects, whose capacity is over 100m3/d, have been built or under construction in China. Total Capacity is 1.52 million m3/d.
D. Project Cases 1. Zhejiang Petrochemical Desalination Project Feed water: Seawater Capacity: 580,000 m3/d Main applications: petrochemical industrial water, domestic water Permeate indicators: TDS<200mg/L Recovery: 45% Electricity consumption for 1t water: 3.5kWâ&#x20AC;˘h SOP date: 250,000m3/d commissioning in June, 2019
2. High Salinity Waste Water Zero Discharge Project in Huifeng, Shandong Prov. Feed water: high concentration chemical industrial waste water Capacity: 4,800 m3/d Main applications: recycling, zero discharge Permeate indicators: Product water recovery≥90% Reclaim inorganic salt such as NaCl, Na2SO4 SOP date: November, 2017
3. Municipal Sewage Recycling and Reuse Project in Gaobeidian, Beijing Feed water: municipal sewage Capacity: 1,000,000 m3/d Main applications: recycling and reuse Permeate indicators: Total nitrogen≤20mg/L Turbidity≤0.5NTU Match Standards of Class IV of Environment Quality Standards of Surface Water SOP date: July, 2018.
MIAC forum, at IDA World Congress 2019
E. Forecast on Membrane Market Development in China As the expansion of Chinese economy, acceleration of urbanization, intensification of industrialization and the constant improvement of life quality, water supply and demand contradictory is more and more prominent day by day. Therefore, the Chinese government highly valued the development, usage and protection of water resource. It brings excellent development opportunity to membrane market. In the following decades, the membrane market will keep the trend of high speed growth by the stimulation of below market needs.
1. Recycling and Reuse of Industrial Water Water In 2018, the total industrial consumption in China is 12.616 billion m3. According to the requirement of environmental protection and clean production, most of the industrial waste water need to be regenerated and reused. Especially for the high salinity industrial waste water, zero discharge or reclamation must be achieved. In accordance with related forecast and analysis, membrane application in industrial waste water recycling and reuse will keep increasing by 20%.
2. Recycling and Reuse of Municipal Sewage In 2018, total domestic water consumption in China is 85.99 billion m3, and treatment rate matching requirements of sewage discharge standard has reached 92%. However, the utilization rate of regenerated water is only about 10%. According to requests of national plan, in the following 5 years, the utilization rate need to be over 30%. Hence, membrane application has huge development margin in municipal sewage recycling and reuse market.
3. Purification of Municipal Drinking Water China is now improving its municipal drinking water quality by membrane process. So the experts predicted that the annual increasing rate of membrane in this market will be over 15%.
4. Seawater Desalination The population and economic industries of China concentrated in the coastal area, while the water resource there is under severe shortage. Water resource of per capita falls far below national average. By the rapid development of economy, The contradiction between supply and demand of water resources in coastal areas is increasingly prominently. Seawater desalination has the potential to play an important role in this area.
About the Author Mr. Zheng Genjiang, Senior Engineer of Professor Level enjoying the special government allowances issued by the State Council, is the former Chairman of Hangzhou Water Treatment Technology Development Center Co.,Ltd, Chairman of Chinese Society of Seawater Desalination and Water Reuse, Chairman of Membrane Industry Association of China. He also won the China Medical Medal in 2015. Throughout his entire career, Professor Zheng has been engaged in the research and application of membrane separation technology, devoted himself to the planning and research on the development of membrane technology and industry in China, as well as the development of water treatment and seawater desalination by membrane process. He has been responsible and leading a series
of national science and technology industry projects. Because of his outstanding contribution, he has been rewarded the National Prize for Progress in Science and Technology (third class), State Oceanography Bureau Prize for Progress in Science and Technology(second class), Zhejiang Province Prize for Progress in Science and Technology(third class). As the leader of the seawater desalination industry in China, under his direction, Hangzhou Water Treatment Technology Development Center Co.,Ltd developed the first production line for membrane module with proprietary intellectual property rights in China, and became the only demonstration base of national seawater desalination industry. He has made great contribution to the development of membrane industry in China.
April 15, 10 AM EST “Innovations in Solar-Powered Electrodialysis System Design & Operation" Associate Professor Amos Winters, Mechanical Engineering Department, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Moderated by IDA YLP Member Mr. Jungbin Kim, Korea University
April 30, 10 AM EST “Latest Innovations in the field of Renewable Desalination with Energy Storage” Mr. Thomas Altmann, VP of Technology, ACWA Power Moderated by IDA YLP Member Mr. Michael Warady, Sylmar Group
May 12, 10 AM EST “Innovation Implementation Planned for NEOM” Mr. Gavin Van Tonder, Executive Director, Head of Water, NEOM & Mr. Rob Garner, Director of Water Supply, NEOM Moderated by IDA YLP Member Dr. Giancarlo Barassi, FEDCO
May 20, 10 AM EST “Hybrid Power Solutions Applied to Desalination. Best Practices from Islands" Dr. Gianni Chianetta, Founder & Director of Greening The Islands-Chairman, Global Solar Council Moderated by IDA YLP Member Dr. Giancarlo Barassi, FEDCO
Young Leaders Program
Opportunities for International Knowledge Sharing
June 3, 10 AM EST “Sustainability Assessment and Comparison of New Renewable-Powered Desalination Projects” Professor Hassan Arafat, Director, Center for Membrane & Advanced Water Technologies, Khalifa University Moderated by IDA YLP Member Dr. Motasem Abushaban, IHE Delft
June 15, 10 AM EST “Membrane Distillation as an Alternative for Solar Desalination” Dr. Guillermo Zaragoza, Senior Researcher, CIMEAT Moderated by IDA YLP Member Ms. Alessandra Piaia, Toray
June 23, 11 AM EST “Covering water treatment, wave energy-powered desalination, and solar energy-powered desalination” Mr. Scott Jenne, National Renewable Energy Laboratory Mr. Jordan Macknick, National Renewable Energy Laboratory Dr. Avi Shultz, U.S. Department of Energy Moderated by IDA YLP Member Ms. Kelley Vendeland, ERI
Registration for the webinars is open here, with inquiries addressed to academy@idadesal.org. IDANEWS
NAVIGATING INDUSTRIAL WATER RISK: MEET THE IDA INDUSTRY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Without water, many companies and the products they provide would fail to exist. Water use is fundamental for industry and whether it's ultrapure water for the electronics and pharmaceutical sectors, or softened water for boiler feed applications, water is necessary and comes embedded in the footprint of virtually every product or commodity created on the planet.
These input / output water risks have led to two of the fastest growing segments in the global water industry today, industrial water reuse and desalination. With improving technology industry has increasingly utilized its waste water through recycling to solve its water scarcity challenges. Recycling waste water is not always enough and industrials must also look to the sea to solve their water source issues. Surrounding these two fundamental areas are Corporate water users are being forced to take many interesting niches and subplots, such as: notice of water. Concerns about operational risks, branding and commitment to corporate ʞʞ Zero liquid discharge – when water is social responsibility, and direct impacts on P&L recycled, a very concentrated stream has made water a boardroom issue for the is generated that normally is too majority of large companies. contaminated for conventional discharge. To put it into perspective, industry accounts for around 20% of total water withdrawals. With increasing urbanization & industrial growth, water consumption grows at a faster rate than the world’s population. Moreover, demand is shifting to regions with already scarce resources, and water scarcity and quality of water available are the most significant drivers of water risk in industry today ...Risk relating to the sufficient availability and quality of source water as well as risk associated with the discharge of waste water. Water scarcity also drives the phenomenon of less water being available for dilution / safe discharge into the environment. This has led to regulations demanding lower volumes of discharge as well as higher quality of wastewater that can be discharged. There are very few places in the world today where polluters can pollute with impunity.
This stream is evaporated to a solid waste and hence, no water is discharged
ʞʞ Resource recovery -When the solid waste salt is generated, why throw it away? The technology exists to purify this salt and recover useful minerals
ʞʞ Produced
water management – Did you
know the oil and gas industry actually generates more water than it does oil?? Produced water is water that is produced as a byproduct (from the ground) during the extraction oil and gas
On top of the water availability and wastewater disposal challenges, the Industry is also moving towards more sustainable solutions and the concept of doing “more with less” while meeting ambitious sustainability goals is becoming the new reality.
The IDA has a strong commitment to help navigate these challenges. In this regard, an industry advisory board has been formed that that, through an increased engagement with the industrial sector, will help progress our goal of becoming the platform of reference to help water users overcoming the current water related challenges. The IDAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s strives to be a resource for industry offering access to education, technology, best practices, and networking. In parallel, the organization aims
at further enabling top research institutions to share with the industry their key innovations. Some of the activities on the agenda include outreach and engagement with the mining, O&G, F&B, and consumer products industries including an in depth roundtable on addressing water reuse for tailings ponds in the mining industry during the waste water reuse conference in Rome at the end of September. Stay tuned for more industrial programming throughout 2020/2021.
IDA Industry Advisory Panel Co-Chairs Mr. Devesh Sharma First Vice President, IDA Managing Director, Aquatech
Mr. Robert Owens Business Development Operations Manager Bechtel
Ms. Veronica Garcia Molina
Municipal Water & Desalination DuPont Water Solutions
Dr. Hubert Fleming
Consultant, Strategic / Sustainability Management
â&#x20AC;&#x153;As the global public sector has already done, the private sector is embracing non-conventional water resources. As competition for freshwater resources intensifies, desalination and water reuse become very significant for a number of industries. This is a key frontier for IDA, serving as a resource to industry about water policy, economics, and technology solutions.â&#x20AC;? - The Co-Chairs of the IDA Industrial Advisory Committee.
A NEW GENERATION OF WATER SECTOR LEADERS: THE IDA TERM 19 YOUNG LEADERS COMMITTEE & THE YEAR AHEAD Since 2009, IDA’s Young Leaders Program has been a hub for likeminded young professionals, gathering the next generation of leaders to advocate for sustainable solutions. Ten years later, the Program is a wellrespected resource for members looking to enhance their careers—but this year, the Committee is investing in the Program anew, capitalizing on its potential to enact real change around the world. “Previous YLP Committees have done outstanding work bringing new opportunities for young professionals in our industry, all of which have undoubtedly contributed to the career growth of our members,” says Dr. Giancarlo Barassi, Co-Chair of the Term 19 YLP Committee. “During the next term, we plan to expand on what has already been achieved, extending the reach of the program through the collaborative efforts of YLP Members, IDA stakeholders, and the water sector at large.” Dr. Barassi and his co-chair, Ms. Alessandra Piaia, have ambitious plans for the years ahead. Not only do the co-chairs intend to revivify standard initiatives of the YLP, but also, they have a number of new efforts designed to take the Program’s global presence to new heights.
“The Term 19 Committee has demonstrated outstanding dedication and drive,” said the IDA YLP Board Representatives IDANEWS
“The Term 19 Committee has demonstrated outstanding dedication and drive,” said the IDA YLP Board Representatives, Ms. Jantje Johnson and Dr. Masaru Kurihara. “Under their leadership, we have immense confidence in the development of YLP. Here are just a few of what the Co-Chairs and Committee have in store for YLP Members:
IDA-YLP Mentorship Program An established aspect of the YLP, the Mentorship Program connects YLP Members with established industry experts and IDA stakeholders. Through a mutually beneficial relationship, mentors and mentees exchange business acumen, technical knowledge, career advice, and insider tips on the state of the water sector and the projected areas of growth and development in the years to come.
Professional Development & IDA Academy Webinars Partnering with the IDA Academy, the IDA-YLP Term 19 committee will host a series of professional development webinars, aimed at young professionals working to distinguish themselves in their field. Offering cutting-edge technical knowledge and industry tips, these webinars are to all IDAYLP members and available on demand.
Unique Opportunities for International Networking Under the Term 19 Committee’s leadership, networking opportunities for young professionals will multiply, as the Committee will work to include all YLP members in numerous IDA initiatives and events, such as the third International Water Reuse & Recycling Conference, the IDA Academy Webinar Series, the IDA World Congress, and more. By creating these opportunities for connection, the Term 19 YLP members are privy to exclusive opportunities to make a name for themselves in the sector.
Partnerships with the Sustainable Water Resource Foundation (SWRF) YLP Members are prime candidates to support IDA’s sister organization, the Sustainable Water Resources Foundation! A United States non-profit 501 (c) (3), IDA-SWRF promotes creative solutions to the world’s most pressing water challenges by providing technical assistance for developing countries through the new “Water Engineers & Technicians Without Borders Program.”
Meet the YLP Community, Term 19 Being part of YLP means being part of a community of young professionals ready to lead the future of water. In addition to complete access to IDAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s directory of members, YLP Members are put in touch with the Young Leaders Program Committee, a group of young professionals dedicated to advocating the Program and its interest to the community.
Young Leaders Program Chairpersons, Term 19
Dr. Giancarlo Barassi
Ms. Alessandra Piaia
YLP Committee Co-Chair
YLP Committee Co-Chair
Young Leaders Program Committee, Term 19 Dr. Antonella de Luca
Ms. Kelley Vendeland
YLP Sponsorships Coordinator
Dr. Guillem Gilabert-Oriol
YLP Regional Coordinator Europe
Mr. Jungbin Kim
YLP Regional Coordinator Asia Pacific
Korea University
YLP Communications Coordinator
Mr. Michael Warady YLP Regional Coordinator North & Central America
Sylmar Group
Dr. Motasem Abushaban YLP Regional Coordinator MEA
Ms. Monica Boodhan
YLP Membership Coordinator / Regional Coordinator Caribbean
University of Tobago IDANEWS
IDA ANNOUNCES FIRST ROUND OF ACCEPTED ABSTRACTS FOR WATER REUSE & RECYCLING CONFERENCE Topic Track 1: Advanced Technologies for Joint Desalination & Water Reuse “Pulse Flow RO: New Technology for Desalination of Municipal WWTP Effluent and Brackish Water Applications,” presented by IDE Technologies’ Product Development Manager, Mr. Lior Eshed “The research is about an innovative technology to desalinate wastewater, as part of the Direct/Indirect Potable Reuse process. This technology offers several advantages over the conventional water reuse process, such as Chloramine-free operation, lower fouling and scaling tendency and significant CAPEX/OPEX savings. Water reuse is an important tool in the efforts to produce more fresh water sources by using every drop – at least twice!” “Removal of Micropollutants and Closing the Water Cycle using Hollow-Fiber Nanofiltration Membranes,” presented by NX Filtration BV’s Sales Engineer, Mr. Roberto Nergrini “Recognizing the critical need to improve the current capability of removing micropollutants from wastewater treatment systems, NX Filtration with its innovative hollow-fiber nanofiltration membranes. This technology presents itself as a concrete alternative to existing technologies and the advantages seen on the field point for it to become a state of the art method in the future for water reuse applications.” “Development of Hollow Fiber Membrane for Treating High Salinity Brines and Its Industrial Applications,” presented by Toboyo Co. Ltd’s Membrane Business Development Department, Mr. Takahito Nakao “Toyobo’s brine concentration membrane has an ability to concentrate high salinity brines with far less energy consumption than conventional technologies. Our membrane technology could be an innovative solution to reuse and recycle water sources for sustainable goals.”
Submit your abstract today to papers@idadesal.org! To learn more about the conference, visit www.idadesal.org. 76
Submit Today
September 28th-30th | Rome, Italy
Topic Track 2: Industrial Water Reuse and Recycling “System Optimization for Filtration Systems in Industrial Water Reuse with Self-Adaptive Control Algorithms,” presented by Grundfos Water Treatment’s Business Development Manager, Mr. Carsten Persner “My presentation will address the need for optimization of water treatment systems. Especially in water reuse, it is important to optimize the system output and reduce energy, water and chemical consumption. Intelligent algorithms help to fulfill these requirements in a fast and simple way.” “Fishfriendly Pumps for the New Dilution Pumping Station: Carlsbad Desalination Plant,” presented by Indar Submersible Pumps’ Water Engineering director, Ms. Maria Rodriguez Hernandez “Every Drop Counts! Raising awareness of the importance of water conservation. Managing water is a growing concern in the World. Designing and projecting water efficient solutions for the pumping projects contributes to the goal of using water more efficiently. The presented research for the High Tech Fishfriendly design of the submersible pumps starts from the premise that, not only does each drop count, but it must do so in a sustainable way with the environment.”
Topic Track 3: Direct and Indirect Potable Reuse “Morbylanga DWTP, Sweden: Direct Potable Reuse in Combination with Brackish Water Desalination,” presented by Morbylanga Muncipality Water Department’s Mr. Peter Asteberg “Living on an island with small amounts of rainfall, the residents of Mörbylånga Municipality in Sweden are well aware that fresh water is a valuable and finite resource. By combining desalination of brackish water with advanced treatment of used process water for drinking water production, the municipality has shown that in Mörbylånga every drop counts.”
At the 2020 Water Reuse & Recycling Conference, IDA will confer the prestigious Water Reuse & Conservation Awards to three outstanding individuals / organizations who have demonstrated exceptional performance and contributions to the field. Nominations can be submitted to awards@idadesal.org, with a final deadline of July 15. The award categories are as follows:
OUTSTANDING PROFESSIONAL IN WATER REUSE AND CONSERVATION Presented in recognition of demonstrated exceptional individual contributions to the development and implementation of landmark water reuse projects; and advancement of technology and applied science in the field of water reuse and conservation.
EXCEPTIONAL UTILITY LEADER IN WATER REUSE AND CONSERVATION In recognition of outstanding performance of public and private utilities that have implemented successful leading-edge water reuse programs and projects.
Presented to recognize the outstanding performance of private consulting firms, and technology providers that have achieved disruptive advances in water reuse and conservation technology allowing for significant reduction in energy use, carbon footprint, and costs of alternative water supplies.
September 28th-30th | Rome, Italy
MEET THE WATER REUSE & CONSERVATION AWARDS COMMITTEE IDA is pleased to welcome the below experts to the Water Reuse & Conservation Awards Committee. This committee will evaluate all nominations for the Water Reuse & Conservation awards, presented at the Water Reuse & Recycling Conference
Dr. Jim Birkett
Former IDA President
Professor Seungkwan Hong
Professor, Korea University
Professor Maria Kennedy
Professor, UNESCO-IHE
Hon. Fatma Awale Fmr. Minister of Water, Mombasa
Prof. George Tchobanoglous
Professor Emeritus, University of California, Davis
September 28th-30th | Rome, Italy
APPLICATIONS WELCOME FOR IDA CHANNABASAPPA MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP, 2020-21 IDA is now accepting applications for the 2020-21 Channabasappa Memorial Scholarship, with final applications due June 15. Through this program, IDA rewards up to 10,000 USD to a student member of IDA pursuing further education in a graduate program of doctoral studies who intends to complete a desalination and water reuse related research thesis. To be eligible for the award, applicants must have graduated from an accredited university in science or engineering. Moreover, the applicant must prove admission to a graduate program of doctoral studies in desalination or water reuse and must exhibit leadership and achievement potential. All applicants must be members of IDA.
no later than August 1, 2020. The recipient will be awarded the scholarship in two installments: the first, upon notification of a successful application; and the second, after IDA has received a mid-term progress report from the student’s academic advisor.
Applications can be submitted until June 15, To apply for the scholarship, applicants must 2020. Any questions can be addressed to submit their undergraduate and graduate education@idadesal.org. transcripts to IDA, as well as an official statement of purpose, detailing the applicant’s Last year, Mr. Enzo Rene Garcia-Bartolomei planned career in desalination and water reuse was awarded the scholarship. Mr. Garciasector. Applicants should provide four (4) letters Bartolomei is a marine ecologist majoring of recommendation, one of which must be in Inland Aquatic Systems at the Faculty of completed by an IDA member, in addition to the Environmental Sciences of the University official Channabasappa Memorial Scholarship of Concepción, one of the most prestigious application, located on IDA’s website here: environmental science programs in Chile https://idadesal.org/training/scholarship- and the LATAM region. The award was coprogram/. sponsored by The Institute of Seawater Desalination and Multipurpose Utilization Once the application window is closed, (ISDMU), SOA (Tianjin, China). IDA is currently all applications will be reviewed by IDA’s accepting applications to co-sponsor the Education, Scholarship, and Fellowship 2020-21 scholarship, with inquiries addressed Committee, with a final recipient announced to sponsorships@idadesal.org.
We mourn the untimely passing of our friend and colleague Dr. Chiara Fabbri. Chiara was the Head of Projects at ILF Engineers Italia and a longstanding member of the IDA. She was a highly respected professional and a leader in major desalination projects of the Middle East acting as a Project Manager, Contract Manager, SWRO Specialist and a coordinator of the MASDAR renewable energy desalination program. Over the course of her career, she published more than 10 papers on desalination leading edge research and economics and participated in the main desalination events and IDA World Congress acting as a committee member, speaker, session chair and topic chair. Chiara was truly one of the young dynamic women of our industry and the Association was fortunate enough to benefit from her expertise and kindness. She will be mourned across the water industry by all who knew her. She is survived by her husband Dr. Roberto Mangano and two daughters Ginevra and Bianca, to whom the IDA community sends its deepest condolences.
Dr. Chiara Fabbri at IDA World Congress 2019, Serving as a Topic and Session Chair
IDA 2020-21 RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE TARGETS Ms. Olga Sallangoa Dhekelia Desalination Plant Manager
Dr. Ruan Guoling
Chief Engineer of SDMU, The Institute of Seawater Desalination and Multipurpose Utilization
Dr. Victor Monsalvo Garcia Head of Eco-Efficiency, Aqualia
The Term 19 IDA Board Research & Development Committee, Co-chaired by Ms. Olga Sallangos (Caramondani Desalination Plants Ltd.), Dr. Ruan Guoling (The Institute of Seawater Desalination and Multipurpose Utilization- SOA) and Mr. Victor Monsalvo Garcia (Aqualia) announces exciting opportunities for collaboration with research entities, recommending candidates for strategic partnerships with the Association, and much more. To initiate a new opportunity with the committee, please email a 250-500 word proposal to kzilinek@idadesal.org It is our honor and a great responsibility to be cochairs of the R&D Committee of the International Desalination Association (IDA). We are grateful to IDA for their trust. We are always devoted to promoting initiatives about innovation towards highly competitive and sustainable solutions during the term 2019 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 2021.
The IDA R&D Committee aims to push the envelope of desalination, water reuse and advanced water treatment industry, catalyzing innovations and elevating best practices from around the world. We aim to accelerate progressive outcomes by demonstrating replicable research findings and sharing
advanced water treatment technologies, aims in helping bridge the chasm between practices, and experiences across a range of research and practice in order to accelerate the diverse geographical, climatic and socio-cultural development and market uptake of innovative
solutions in the water industry - A BRIDGE BETWEEN RESEARCH AND PRACTICE. The IDA drives innovation and change in the water desalination sector, as well as showcasing the use of new eco-efficient solutions that are practical and provide sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions to the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s growing water A new ambitious mission of the Committee scarcity, while also helping to reduce costs. settings. The IDA is resourceful and committed to be the international reference where innovative sustainable solutions for water desalination are presented as universally applicable, easily accessible, and locally adaptable future products and services.
The following goals have been defined for the term 2019 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 2021 by the committee co-chairs:
BRINGING CUTTING-EDGE SOLUTIONS TO REALITY - to promote the goals and vision
of the R&D Committee and bring together diverse stakeholders from universities, research foundations, utilities and industry to promote a systems approach that drives innovation and change in the water desalination industry
where research, development, innovation and dissemination of innovative technologies and services are promoted, with the aim of boosting innovation in the water sector. Utilities can also share experiences, recognize and learn from emerging disruption, as well as adapt and embrace change. Relevant specific R&D events and parallel sessions (workshops, round tables, oral/key/plenary presentations, poster rooms, competitions and awards) in exhibitions will be organized
sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions to the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s growing water scarcity and demand, while also helping to reduce costs. The IDA continues its strong support of the use of renewables in low carbon footprint advanced water desalination processes
FROM CHALLENGES TO OPPORTUNITIES - to support emerging opportunities to
overcome current and future challenges faced by industry, i.e competitiveness, energy consumption, social awareness, and brine management. Scientific community awareness to create new side opportunities and novel business models in desalination facilities
DECARBONIZATION - to reinforce sustainable practices and dedication to raising
awareness about environmental conservation, accelerating deployment of renewable-driven desalination (hybridization and integration with low-carbon grids)
If you are interested in becoming a member of the R&D Committee, please contact info@idadesal.org
SWPC (www.swpc.sa) Saudi Water Partnership Company (SWPC) is the sole procurer of water and water related production plants in the Kingdom utilizing the Public Private Partnership (PPP) model. SWPC is also the Kingdom’s official off-taker for these plants. Our plants include: the production of desalinated water; the delivery of strategic water sources; treatment of sewage from both large and small facilities; and, production of water from existing and planned dams. In addition, SWPC gets involved in innovative and new PPP applications such as water transmission pipelines.
iNPIPE PRODUCTS ™ (www.inpipeproducts.com) iNPIPE PRODUCTS™ is an acknowledged world leader in the design, manufacture and supply of pipeline pigging products for over 35 years. With extensive engineering experience and expertise, the company has the capacity to offer custom designed engineering and full turnkey project solutions dependent upon specific client requirements. iNPIPE PRODUCTS™ offers a vast range of products and services tailored for the cleaning of water intake pipelines to the global advanced water reuse, processing and desalination market. These include cleaning tools commonly referred to as pigs or scrapers together with ancillary equipment such as launching and receiving systems, pig handling equipment, pig diverters and pig passage or location tracking systems. The largest fully integrated system supplied to date consisted of an integrated sea water inlet cleaning system for a series of inlet pipelines. The scope included design, manufacture, Third Party Witness FAT testing and site technical support for a fully integrated cleaning system including pigs, loading equipment, launching equipment together with an integral tracking system that will be used on some of the world’s largest pipelines. At 90”x 112” in diameter the launching system incorporated a number of firsts, both in terms of product design and manufacturing techniques.
July 7-10, 2020 Grand Hyatt Baya Mar Nassau, Bahamas
AWA OZWATER21 May 4-6, 2021 Adelaide, Australia,
IDA 2021 WORLD CONGRESS November 7-10, 2021 Mombasa, Kenya
Check IDA Events here
Octorber 6-7, 2020 Jubail, Saudi Arabia
WATER IN MINING CONFERENCE October 29- 30, 2020 Toronto, Canada
XIII AEDyR CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL November 24-26, 2020 Cordoba, Spain
AWA OZWATER20 To be announced
To be announced Cape Town, South Africa
Advertise in IDA GLOBAL CONNECTIONS today!
IDA Global Connections offers companies an outstanding opportunity to show their support for the IDA and advanced water treatment industry that we serve, while reaching approximately 10,000 industry professionals around the world. IDA offers a variety of sponsorship opportunities in our flagship publication. For details, please visit www.idadesal.org or contact sponsorships@idadesal.org. DOWNLOAD DE THE MEDIA KIT HERE!
Shannon McCarthy
Karen Zilinek
Michele Pzsenny
Cristina Mauleรณn
IDA Secretary General
Office Manager/ Membership Services
Deputy Secretary General
Social Media and Marketing Consultant
Connecting People and Ideas to Water Solutions
Address P.O. Box 387 Topsfield, MA 01983 USA Phone +1-978-774-0959