Bear river graduation 2014

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2 • Graduation • May 28, 2014

Bear River’s Finest

Jessica Tanner Leader Assistant Editor

This year 13 Bear River students finished out their high school career with a 4.0 GPA. But due to new requirements there will be one valedictorian and one salutatorian, which is based off points accumulated for concurrent enrollment, AP classes and ACT scores. This year there was a tie for both valedictorian and salutatorian. Co-Valedictorians Ashley Stokes, 18, daughter of Val and Julie Stokes of Tremonton Reaction: It feels nice to be rewarded for a lot of hard work. Accomplishments: Tennis (captain and tennis Academic All-State award), track; Key Club president, member of FBLA, DECA, National Honor Society, and Garland City Youth Council; ASHLEY English Sterling STOKES Scholar How this will help her future: School taught me to never settle for less than your best work, which applies in all aspects of life. The next 10 years: I am attending BYU this fall and then serving an LDS mission. I want to get a business communications degree, but eventually work as a full-time mom. Brandon Pace, 18, the son of Michael and Rhonda Pace of Elwood Reaction: It feels great to know all my hard work paid off in the end. Ashley and I are friends, so it’s fun to be covaledictorians with her. Accomplishments: Presidential Scholarship, Mathematics Sterling Scholar, Key Club, National Honor Society,

Leader/Jessica Tanner

This year 13 Bear River students are graduating with 4.0 GPAs. Co-valedictorians include Ashley Stokes and Brandon Pace, with co-salutatorians Lillie Swallow and James Schow. Other 4.0 students include Landon Cornwall, Marisa Hobbs, Srilauna Smethurst, Colton Jensen, Bridger Layton, Brad Cottle, Candice Buttars, Hayden Chadaz and Shayna Olsen. FFA, FBLA, Marching Band, Jazz Band, Academic All-State in crosscountry, wrestling, and track. How this will help his future: Hopefully it’ll help me get a scholarship for college. Knowing what I can do will encourage me to keep reaching higher. BRANDON The next 10 PACE years: I’ll serve an LDS mission and go to college at USU. I want to get a master’s degree in engineering at Stanford.

Co-Salutatorians Lillie Marie Swallow, 18, daughter of Kenneth and Teresa Swallow of Tremonton Reaction: It feels nice to be recognized as one of the salutatorians! I have worked hard my entire life in school to make sure I made the most of it. It’s LILLIE nice to be recogSWALLOW nized for doing my best. The next 10 years: I am attending USU with a full tuition scholarship, majoring in environmental science. After a year of college, I plan on serving an

LDS mission. Afterward, I’ll go back to school and I look forward to being married in an LDS temple and starting a family. James Schow, 18, son of JanErik and Jennifer Schow of Garland Reaction: I feel accomplished. I made a goal my JAMES freshmen year to SCHOW maintain a 4.0 and earn college credit before graduation. I had to work ■ See VALEDICTORIANS pg. 3

May 28, 2014 • Graduation • 3 ■ VALEDICTORIANS continued from pg. 2

hard and study hard. The next 10 years: I’ll attend BYU for a year and next May I’ll serve an LDS mission. Upon my return, I’ll earn a bachelor’s at BYU, get married and continue my education to become a surgeon. 4.0 Students’ plans after high school Landon Cornwall, 18, son of Rusty and Teresa Cornwall of Riverside, will be going on an LDS mission to Columbia Marisa Hobbs, 18, daughter of Steven and Tracie Hobbs of Tremonton, will be attending Utah State University on a scholarship to gain a degree in dietetics. Srilauna Smethurst, 18, daughter of Tanner and Kenna Crump of Tremonton, will gain a business degree at Snow College. Colton Jensen, 18, son of Justin and Jamie Jensen of Tremonton, will serve an LDS mission to Paraguay. Bridger Layton, 18, son of Brent and Lynne of Tremonton, will attend Westminister and then start his own business.

Brad Cottle, 17, son of Jay and Rhonda of Garland, will serve an LDS mission. Candice Buttars, 18, daughter of Rhet and Sandy of Garland will attend Utah Valley University before serving an LDS mission. Hayden Chadaz, 18, son of Marc and Sami Chadaz of Tremonton, will serve an LDS mission to Berlin, Germany. Shayna Olsen, 18, daughter of Mike and Shelley Olsen, and Lee and Geri Rasmussen of Garland, will attend Utah State University this summer.

OAKLEE ANDERSON “What we are is God’s gift to us. What we become is our gift to God.” ~ Eleanor Powell Congratulations! Love, Mom, Dad and the boys

GARRETT JEPPESEN Congratulations!! How proud I am of you Garrett. You are going to be an awesome missionary. Love you Garrett. Love, Momma Rhonda

RYANN THOMPSON Congratulations! You did it! So proud of the young woman you have become. Beautiful inside and out. Love, Dad, Mom & Bekeh

CAMISHA CHAMBERS Congratulations! You made it! We are very proud of you, your talents and your accomplishments. You have been a great example to us. We wish you success and happiness in life. We love you lots! Love, Mom, Dad, Cameron and Candace

TAYLOR MERRYWEATHER Yahoo! It’s finally here! How proud I am of you, son. You are my rock! The future is yours and I will always be your biggest fan. Go get them Taylor! Love you so very much, Mom

4 • Graduation • May 28, 2014

“Mrs. President” Tamera Newman Special to the Leader

A native of Bothwell, Utah, and the oldest daughter of Ron and Eileen Andersen, RonNell Andersen Jones graduated from Bear River High School with top honors in 1991. RonNell held many school leadership positions and participated in many school organizations, including Madrigal and A Capella Choirs, Searchlight staff, T.O.U.G.H. Club, Amnesty International, National Honor Society, Key Club and Seminary Council. She was the first Rare Bear chosen her senior year, and her peers voted her most likely to become “Mrs. President” in the yearbook. Little did the Class of ’91 know she would become a highly qualified candidate for that office. After high school, RonNell graduated summa cum laude from Utah

State University and attended graduate school at the University of Nevada. She worked as a newspaper reporter and editor in three states before transitioning to law school. She graduated first in her law school class and went on to clerk for the Honorable William A. Fletcher on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and for Justice Sandra Day O’Connor on the United States Supreme Court. Before becoming a professor, she was an attorney in the appellate division of Jones Day, where her work focused on Supreme Court litigation and included major Constitutional and First Amendment cases. Professor Jones has gained national acclaim for her research on legal issues affecting the press and her work on the intersection between media and the courts. She speaks regularly on the topic of the U.S. Supreme Court, and is a regular commentator on the Supreme

Court for Utah Public Radio. She team-taught, with Justice O’Connor, an annual course about the United States Supreme Court at the University of Arizona. RonNell is currently Associate Professor of Law at Brigham Young University’s J. Reuben Clark Law School, where she teaches Constitutional law, First Amendment, and Legislation. She has twice been named BYU Law School’s Professor of the Year. Professor Jones is married to K.C. Jones, an automotive development engineer who heads a research division of a large international equipment manufacturer. They live in Provo with their nine-year-old daughter and 13-year-old son. Favorite family pastimes include reading and hiking. The Joneses also enjoy traveling; together, they have visited all 50 states and almost two dozen countries.


SAMI LARSEN BRAXTON CONGER Congratulations! We couldn’t be prouder. Your hard work and efforts have and will take you far. Always strive for the best and each of your dreams will come true. Love: Mom, Dad, Bryson, and Brazen

We are so proud of you for the things you have accomplished and the goals you have set. You are one in a million. Congrats on graduation. A job well done! Wishing you the very best on your next endeavor. Loads of Love, Mom, Sean, Grandpa & Grandma Cole, Clint & Cody

May 28, 2014 • Graduation • 5

Author, World Traveler, CIA Agent Honored alumnus does it all Tamera Newman Special to the Leader

David George Calderwood, son of Richard and Bessie Calderwood of Tremonton, graduated from Bear River High School in 1955, where he served as sophomore class president, Searchlight sports editor and played football. David attended the University of Utah on a four-year ROTC scholarship. He also served an LDS church mission to Uruguay and Paraguay, where he mastered Spanish and Portuguese and became interested in the customs of Native Americans. He earned his BA from the U in 1962; and was commissioned a Lieutenant, Army Intelligence. The next five years were spent with the 8th Special Forces in Panama where David attended Airborne School. He trained foreign military

WADE MARSHALL You are an amazing young man! We are so happy, excited and incredibly proud of you. Good luck with your future goals and dreams. Congratulations. You did it! Love, Mom, Dad & the family

leaders in Latin America. In 1970, David and his family moved to Lima, Peru, where he managed a mining explosives company. While in Peru, he was recruited by the CIA and became an Operations Officer for the next 25 years. In the late 1980s, David served as the Deputy Chief of Station in Panama. After the Invasion of Panama, he debriefed Panamanian Intelligence officers and provided insight to captured documents. In the early 1990s, David managed the CIA War Room during the Gulf War to repel the Iraqi Army’s invasion of Kuwait. In the mid-1990s, David ran counternarcotics operations in Paraguay and successfully managed a counternarcotics team in Ecuador capturing a thousand kilos of pure cocaine. During his many years in Latin America, David began collecting rare

AUSTIN NELSON Congratulations, Austin! We are so proud of you. You have brought us so much joy. Set your sights high and follow your dreams. We love you! Love, your family

Spanish and Portuguese chronicles written by Catholic Priests and Spanish soldiers in the 16th century. These books were filled with descriptions of legends and Native American history. After his retirement from the CIA in 1996, David earned his master’s degree in pre-Columbian history with a minor in archeology and art history from the University of Texas at Austin. He subsequently wrote a book titled Voices from the Dust: New Insights in Ancient America, which has also been translated into Spanish. He has spoken at Brigham Young University Education Week and presented his findings at seminars across the United States. He is currently working on an anthology on writings of ancient Latin American chroniclers. David and his wife, Della, are the parents of six children.


6 • Graduation • May 28, 2014

“What I want to do after I graduate” Editor’s Note: 2014 graduates were once sixth graders at Alice C. Harris Intermediate School. Read what their dreams were back then. Kyle Craven Do people ever tell you that your going to be a great person, you’ll have a good job, or you’ll marry? Well they tell me that. At least I have dreems to throw my graduation hat and be free. And I hopefully will have a good car not the old van that’s in horable condition. I want to work at taco time, I heard they give free food, and I’m a food kind of guy. Once the new school year starts I am hopefully going to BYU Provo. Can be come facts. I know it. Easton Richards Graduation a thing that I will remember for my lifetime. I just cant imagene what life would be like if a kid didn’t graduate from High School.

So this is what I am going to do when I graduate. When I graduate from High School I am going to go on my mission. When I get back from my mission after two year I will get my masters degree to become a Dentist. When I turn 24 I am hopeing to have a family. That is what I am going to do when I graduate from High School. Kyler Grover What I want to do when I graduate from high school. I want to go to college and get my pilot licenase. I want to be a commercial airline pilot. I even want to be married and have 15 horses. I want a farm to and have 3 kids that is what I want to do when I graduate. I also want a ford F650 pick up truck. Jeremy Zollinger When I graduate from high

school. I will save enough money to go to college. Ill also get a part time job so I can earn money. Ill also get a car or truck so I can get around without having to be droven around by my mom. If I get a truck Id like it to be chevey. That’s what I want to do when I get out of high school. Kellie Monk When I am eighteen years old and graduating I want to have been able to compete in the battle of the bands. I want to have had pretty good grades, a drug free life, good friends. I want to graduate and be accepted to BYU and have made it onto the high school soccer team at least twice and I want to have gotten my driver’s license. It will be cool to be eighteen and graduating in two thousand and fourteen, six years from now. School is fun but I am ready to be done with it. Hayden Chadaz In sixth grade I want good grades and want to keep my good grades so when I get into high school and graduate I can get a college degree to go to law school. I allways watch Law and Order on TV and I hear that lawers get a lot of money so I would like to go to law school. I need to keep my grades to an average of 3.9 or a 4.0 if I’m lucky to get a good degree in high school when I graduate. That’s what I’ll do with my future.

Courtney Freeman First, thing is first, when I graduate, I want to go to college for two yrs., Then I am going to go on my mission and when I get back I am going to go back to college to get my degree. I really want to go to college and study so I can be a nurse. I also want to become an artist and I really want to invent stuff, like Leonardo Divinci. I really think graduating would be the best thing in the world. Second is I really want to graduate. Because it would be good for me and it would make me be proud of myself. Especially if I am up with all my friends and I would like to thank my mom for helping me with all of my homework when I needed help. And I think that I would be proud of myself. Jared Olsen Bear River High School here I come and I can picture myself clearly in the class of 2014. Starting forward on the B.R. Soccer team taking it all the way to state. Guard on the basketball team doing the same thing. Maintaining a 4.000 all the way through High School and getting a full ride scholarship to BYU for soccer. I can see myself in my graduation suit holding up my certificate and mom and dad down there watching me. I can see the proudness on their faces for all I’ve achieved. That is my view of how I look in the class of 2014. ■ See FROM THE PAST pg. 7

May 28, 2014 • Graduation • 7 ■ FROM THE PAST continued from pg. 6

Chelsea Rudd What do you want to do after you graduate? After high school I want to go to college at Utah State University to be a cosmetologist. I also want to be a cheerleader for Utah State. I want to get a job at the Peak to be a cheer coach. Nick Hillis The only thing I want to do when I graduate is go to Utah State University. I will go on a mission for my church then continue to go to college. I will go there for a couple years then I will go to college to be a dentist or a surgeon. Then of course I will get married and have a family. Travis Rose What do you want to do when you graduate. I want to go to Montana for a big bull elk hunt with a guide and shoot a record bull and if I don’t do that I want to go to Idaho and hunt for a trophy bull elk or a big record mule deer. And if I can’t do that I want to be a Hunting Guide for Idaho or Montana.

TAYLOR S. LUND What an amazing young man you have become. We are really proud of all your achievements. Good luck on your mission - it’s going to be lonely and quiet around here without you! Love, Grandma and Poppie

Racquel Jeppesen What are you going to do after you graduate? Well first I want to get good grades so I can get a scholarship. Then so after I graduate I probably want to go to BYU college to go to vet school. Then I will probably get married. Oakley Marsh Do you want to graduate? Cause I do I want to graduate from Bear River High School and go on my misson for my church then I want to be a professional snowborder and I want to be a dentist and if I graduate from college to that all could come true.

MERANDA JO HARRIS Congrats Meranda Jo! We love you and know you will do amazing things in life. We are both so proud of you. Love, Dad & Mom

JUSTUS WISE Dear Bub, We are so proud of you and all your accomplishments!! Thanks for always working hard and being such a great example to others!! Remember good things happen to good people!! Love your guts!! Dad, Mom, Walker, Baxter, Lolli

8 • Graduation • May 28, 2014

Put on a Happy Face Ellen Cook Leader Editor

Walk into the office at McKinley Elementary School and chances are you will be greeted with a warm smile. It’s been that way since Karma Spackman came to work there 29 years ago. Her “put on a happy face” attitude has been a positive influence for the youngsters and faculty who have passed through those doors. Her cheerfulness, calming voice and words of encouragement will definitely be missed when school starts next year. Spackman plans to shut off her computer and join husband, Paul, in retirement. Spackman said she hired on as a part-time office clerk those many years ago, and the minimal hours were fine with her. When the secretary Marge Staples retired and then principal Ray Timothy asked her to step into the role, she wasn’t sure she wanted the responsibility the secretary job entailed. She agreed, somewhat hesitantly. Learning the ropes wasn’t easy, she admitted, “but I had help from the district. They were equally good at guiding me and forgiving me when I messed up.” She said, back then, everything was done on paper, from requisitions

BRAZEN CONGER Keep the fire within you to chase your dreams, the courage to try new things, and gratitude as you find success. We are proud of you. Good Luck and Congratulations! Love: Mom, Dad, Bryson, and Braxton

to inventorying. There were notes to parents, attendance records to update and lots of bookkeeping. “Things have changed a lot,” she said. “Now I spend a lot of my day at the computer.” But not all of her day is tied up with notes and numbers. She often is the first line of communication between parents and the school or students who are having a bad day. Having a smile ready for everyone who dropped by has always been her trademark. “The most important thing you can do each day is to help someone have a good day,” she believes. “It doesn’t matter what your mood is, you have to buck up and put on your happy face.” That includes a smile for the youngsters who stop by for an ice pack, a Band-Aid or a listening ear. “I’ve noticed that it is often the same kids who come in,” she said. “They just need to know that someone else cares. You can see it when you look into their eyes.” She said she never missed an opportunity to take care of them first, even if the phone was ringing. “I think this job is not about caring for people but caring about them. That is what I’ll miss.” She said those simple moments are some of the good memories she

BRANSON FONNESBECK Funzie, you are an amazing person. Congratulations! This is just the beginning. Love, Mom, Dad, Paul, Dallas, Kolton, Katelyn & Oaklee

The office at McKinley Elementary School has been warmed by Karma Spackman’s genuine smile for the past 29 years. Spackman will be retiring when the school year ends. Leader/Ellen Cook

will take with her. Another memory also stands out, but is one that brings tears instead of smiles. About ten years ago she was notified that the school’s principal Brent Larsen had been killed in a tragic accident. It was up to her to go through his files and make sure everything was in order. “I will never forget it,” she recalled. “It was devastating. But it was like he was still here. I would open a file and everything was done. He was so organized.” She said the faculty pulled together to get through it and then they all had a good cry. The memories, good and bad, will be pocketed when she leaves, to be pulled out now and then and revisited. She hopes to do more quilting, spend time improving her technique on the violin and do family history. She also wants to take up a new hobby, painting. But her plan for the first week of

BRADEN COULSEN The world is in your hands. Make your mark! Congratulations on graduation! We love you!! Love, Mom, Dad, Chelsey, Lindsey, Andrew, Shaun, Mattie, Hope

the school year is to go camping. She doesn’t want to watch the buses drive past her Deweyville home and think about the new students at McKinley. “Those new little kindergarten kids, I won’t get to welcome them.”

ASHLEY STOKES Congratulations on your accomplishments! You’ve worked so hard and you’ve achieved some amazing things. We are so proud of you! You’ve been such a joy to our family! Xoxo Mom, Dad, Linkin, Rob, Amie, Kloee & Piper

May 28, 2014 • Graduation • 9

Made of Memories Ellen Cook Leader Editor

If Nedra Bingham had a dollar for every lesson plan she has created, fifty cents for each paper she has corrected and a nickel for every new face she has welcomed into her classrooms over the past 38 years, she would be a wealthy woman. As is it, this retiring McKinley Elementary School teacher is taking with her something much more valuable, a wealth of memories. After teaching every elementary grade, from kindergarten to sixth grade, at three different schools, those memories range from touching to laughable. Take for instance, the kindergarten student who sat down by her while she was teaching at Honeyville, where she spent her first 11 years as an educator. “Mrs. Bingham,” the young man said, with a deadpan expression. “Do you have a hole in your sock?” The surprised teacher looked down at her feet and then said, “No, Russell, I don’t have a hole in my sock.” Her student then responded, just as seriously, “Then how did you get your foot in it?” Bingham still laughs when she thinks about that exchange. Honeyville holds another good memory, one that happened during her second year of teaching, this time in a first and second grade split. She said her students were learning about pioneers and she included several hands-

RHETT ABPLANALP Congratulations Rhett!! We are so proud of you!! We are so excited for all you get to look forward to in your future!! Love you so much!! Mom, Dad, Shalynn, JJ, Colton, and Derek

on teaching opportunities, like making bread and churning butter. They also tied quilts for the school bazaar. “One student would kneel underneath the quilt while another student would push down the needle from the top,” she remembered. “The one under would then push it back up and they would tie it.” Some of those students still remind her now and then of those experiences and the fun they had. Bingham came to McKinley after a five-year stint at North Park, and has created memories there for the past 22 years. Second graders, she admitted, are her favorite. “They are old enough to do things by themselves, but young enough to still think you are wonderful.” She said she has seen a lot of changes during her years in the classroom. “I think there is less respect and not as much follow-through at home,” she said. “Sometimes you feel like you are doing the parenting. Kids now need a lot of extra support,” support teachers are expected to give, along with the regular reading, writing and arithmetic. Bingham’s talent for teaching goes far beyond the classroom, however. For the past 20 years she has had a hand in the school’s annual plays. This year she directed an ambitious production of “Alice in Wonderland,” a definite hit with the students and their parents. It, too, will leave lasting memories. That’s the important thing with

ELIZABETH LISH We are so proud of you and all you have accomplished. We wish you the best in life. Love, Mom & Dad

teaching,” Bingham said. “We are making memories. I guess my hope for all my students is that they have gone away with at least one good memory.”

Nedra Bingham has spent the past 38 years creating memories with her students. Leader/Ellen Cook

10 • Graduation • May 28, 2014

Rhett Jason Abplanalp Tommy Le Adams Austin Todd Andersen Kaden Shane Andersen Amethyst Kyleigh Anderson Ashtyn S. Anderson Kimberli LaVon Anderson Kolton W. Anderson Lisa Anderson McKaydyn Dee Anderson Oaklee Anderson Whitney M. Anderson Kaeman Wade Andreasen Ciara Wheatley Arbon Reggie Dawn Archuleta Jacob W. Atwood Meagan Lee Ballard Taylie Lyn Bee Chelsea J. Belvill Ashlee Debra Bennett Kennadee E. Bessinger Kacy Binder Kristian M. Bodily Haylee D. Boren Jessica Ann Brinkerhoff Kabrielle Bronson Bradley Travis Burbank Naomi-Ann Josephine Burnham Carol Kathryn Burton Candice Buttars Daniel Wesley Capener Bethany Marie Carter Melissa Marie Castro Kyle Martin Cazier Hayden Sam Chadaz Camisha Chambers Mayco Chavez Erin Noël Christensen Rachael Marie Christensen Sarina Arlene Christensen Shelby L. Christensen Christian Clark Kayden Thomas Clark Madtie Lynn Clark Braxton Jay Conger Brazen David Conger Landon R. Cornwall Bradley W. Cottle Wilford Lionel Cottrell Braden K. Coulson Kyle Elliot Craven Robert Lloyd Crawford David B. Croney

May 28, 2014 • Graduation • 11

2014 Bear River Graduates Kaitlyn Mary Crouch Rebecca Sue Crozier Matthew Richard Crump Katelyn Mallory Cunning Monica Marie Cutright Michelle Davis Cameron Louis Day Connor Levi Demain Mariah Noelle Dennison Roman Kent Draney Hunter Jaremy Elbrader Kooper Shane Eliason Rilee Jo Ellis Joseph Orval Evans Nathan Adam Evans Sala A. Farris John Thomas Fletcher Branson James Fonnesbeck Logan Matthew Fonnesbeck Mitchell Troy Forrest Erin Diane Fox

Joshua David Fraser Courtney Belle Freeman Michael R. Fuller Armando Garcia Christian Garcia Sabrina Garcia Makenzie Lynn Gardner Samantha Brittany Getz Joseph T. Gevas Morgan Bree Gledhill Shaylynn Ericka Glenn Mercedes M. Gonzales Luiz Daniel Gonzalez Katrina Lyn Goodwin Kasee Alex Goring Baylee Jade Green Rebecca Green Nathan James Greene Joseph Austin Gregory Brandilyn Sue Griffiths Colby Jonathan Grover

Mitchell Reed Hardy Meranda Jo Harris Scott Gary Harris Kathlee E. Henry Abel Hernandez Amina Marie Hernandez Shania Justice Herrera Nichelas Cody Hillis Marisa Hobbs Sean Dean Holbrook Sara Christine Jackman Dylan Neal Jenkins Amelia Karen Jensen Colton Jay Jensen Sierra Connie Jensen Garrett Lane Jeppesen Jaden Christain Jeppesen Raquel Ana Jeppesen Brett Owen John Daelin Thomas Johnson Damon L. Johnson

Danielle Nicole Johnson Lauren McKell Johnson Tristan P. Jones Baylor Ray Josephson Kassidy Jo Kaiserman Jordyn Nicole Kaneko Lander Storm Kern Charlie Dan Kidman McKenna Kathlyn King Alexis Lewann Kinikin Megan LaRae Knott Emily Ann Kohler Rachelle Ruth Koyle Allysha Kunzler Kaylee Mae Kunzler Mariah Tyler Larsen Samantha Jo Larsen Shaeli D. Layne Bridger Jon Layton Osten Mathew Leavitt Emmanuel Lemus

Parker S. Lewis Cherokie Rose Limb Elizabeth June Lish Abraham Lopez Valerie Elaine Loveland Taylor Lund Hans G. Madsen Alexandria Maes Rhonda Mak Felisha Aurora Maldonado Bradon Dell Manning Oakley Steven Marsh Wade Leon Marshall Icela Molina Martinez Lendon Joseph Maruquin Makenna McCann Deborah Alynn Lucille McCog Aaron J. McKinney Shayna Mecham Maria Joseph Medel Taylor Bradley Merryweather

Jordan Aaron Michaelis Paige Marie Miller Kellie Leslie Monk Gregg A. Morriss Lindsey Kay Mortimer Javier Alejandro Munoz Heather Marie Murphy Colten Joseph Naef Amayrani Nava Jacee Navejas Taylar A. Neilson Austin Jay Nelson Nicole Nelson Virginia Breanne Nelson Wyatt Krystopher Nelson JarDee Nessen Alieha Kapri Nessler Shelby Lynn Newman Mattie Lynn Nielsen Sarah Libbie Nielsen Derek Taylor Norr

Jared Brent Olsen Rylee Lynn Olsen Shayna Olsen Nary Oum Marlie Jene Owen Steven Wade Oxborrow Makel Lee Oyler Brandon Gary Pace Darcy Lyn Pali Eli J. Pali Hattie Jo Palmer Brady Bentley Parker Kyle Dean Parkinson LuzDelCarmen Patiño Katelyn Rose Payne Hayden Karl Pedersen Marco Antonio Perez Fallon Glenn Peterson Kyle Alan Peterson Kalob Jay Poen Tanner Jeffery Porter

Braden Tyler Pugsley Gavin Lee Rasmussen Kelton Dee Reed Easton Ted Richards Alyssa Richardson Sarie Rinderkinecht Keaton James Roberts Tienna Faith Robertson Makaee O’Neil Rose Porter Jair Ross Chelsea Dawn Rudd Victoria Lynn Runchel Damion Skye Ruthven Maria Catalina Saiz Emily Jo Schneringer James Erik Schow Preston Ross Schultz Dillon Cleve Seger Jeremie Wayne Selman Kacie Rai Selman Wyatt Williams Selman

Caity Leah Sessarago John Elwyn Shaffer Tyson J. Shaw Amanda Marie Shipley Tristan Tanner Sibert Kaden Robert Sidwell Dayse Silva Srilauna Leona Smethurst Brent Julius Smith Michael Charles Smith Melany D. Solano Morgan Rylee Sorensen Skyler Jon Sorensen Thomas David Sorensen Jordan Stratford Spackman Carissa Jo Steinlicht Kalli Jo Stenberg Kaden Shawn Stephens Taryn Stevenson Jan McKay Stoker Alysha Lyn Stokes Ashley Fei Stokes Afton Marie Strong Karlee Jo Summers Stetson Joseph Summers Lillie Marie Swallow Trenton Clint Thomas Kolby Lee Thompson Ryann Thompson Alicia Marie Thornley Celine Allison Thorsted Rilee ReNae Tomkinson Talon Tracy Celestial Day Tuck Justis Damien Tuttle Abbie Denise Udy-Stokes Seth E. Ward Rhylie Alexandria Westarp Malaki Loren Westmoreland Shenna Lily Marie Whitaker Paul Ross Wight Keaton Kristopher Williams Ashton Chase Wilson Justus Christopher Wise Terrell Christine Womack Molisa Wong Hayden S. Woodward Makai Lynn Woodward Lillian Catharine Woolley Jordan R. Young Emma Zarate Jeremy R. Zollinger

12 • Graduation • May 28, 2014

Final Graduation Ellen Cook Leader Editor

Blake Christensen has peered into every crack and crevice of Bear River High School in the past 20 years. He has buried pipes, installed sprinklers, replaced broken windows and repaired boilers. It has all been part of his job as head custodian at the school, and a large chunk of the 35 years he has spent working for the Box Elder School District. But when the final bell rings at the end of this school year, Christensen will put away his pipe wrench, hang up his hammer and wind up his electrical cords for the last time. Retirement is calling his name. It will be a bittersweet departure. Christensen said the time spent at BRHS has been rewarding, especially due to the great people he has worked with, from the special needs students across the hall from his office who “hold a special place in my heart,” to those who work under him and “always make me look good.” BRHS was familiar territory for Christensen, even before his career took him there in 1994. Growing up in Tremonton, he attended the high school, graduating in 1979. A short time later he went to work as the head custodian at Garland Elementary School just down the road, a job he held for about five years. From there he became the district’s carpenter, traveling from school to school to keep the buildings in tip-

top shape. As the oldest of his four children was graduating from BRHS, he came back to his teenage stomping grounds. Being in the same school with his children was “good and bad,” Christensen laughed. “The teachers knew right where to go when there was a problem.” It probably didn’t help that his wife, Jill, was, and still is, an attendance secretary at the school, as well. The next two decades were spent doing maintenance in every corner of the old school and then working out the kinks in the new one. His goal, he said, was always to make the school a positive place. “I think we are here to provide an environment that’s good for learning; a clean, safe healthy place. I think we set the atmosphere by the way we do what we do, the way we interact between the kids and the staff.” For the most part, he feels he has succeeded with that goal. “My job has been a good one,” he said. “I’ve been doing something different every day. Oh, there have been challenging times, but they come and go, if you have a good attitude.” Part of the challenge has been keeping the nearly 30 acres of school property operating. “It’s a big job,” he admitted, a job that includes being “on 24-hour call, day and night.” Any time the school is open, someone from the custodial team is required to be on hand and as head custodian, the responsibility often fell to him. “I know what I won’t miss,” he said. “Plowing

Blake Christensen puts together a floor cleaner in his shop at Bear River High School. After 35 years (minus four days) as a custodian in the Box Elder School District, he is ready to retire and enjoy a few of his favorite past-times. Leader/Ellen Cook

snow and weekend activities.” But there are many more things he will miss. “The people here, the faculty and the kids,” he said. He will also miss interacting with his grandchildren, all 14, some who are just beginning their high school years. But he plans to continue a close relationship with them in his eight-acre garden, something he said he started to help them “learn how to work.” Gardening is a pleasure, Christensen said because it allows him time in the outdoors. That may be why he plans to do a little more hunting, fishing and camping with this retirement. He also has a lot of honey-dos to get done, “and the list is getting bigger,” he laughed. TAYLOR MERRYWEATHER

WADE MARSHALL We love you so much. You are such a good kid and we are so proud of you. Always think positive and never ever give up. Congratulations. Love Grampa and Granny

KENNADEE BESSINGER Congratulations! We are so proud of you. Hold your head high and follow your dreams. the Leader staff

WYATT NELSON Thanks for the fun ride through the years and continuing the “Hallelujah Moment.” Keep up the good work. We will be watching. Love, Grandpa Bill & Grandma Tami

“Oh the places you’ll go” and the things that you’ll do! No one, not anyone, is better prepared than you. Infinite possibilities! Your potential, unmatched! All you need for success is right under YOUR hat! Love you forever! Dad

May 28, 2014 • Graduation • 13

“It’s Never Been Boring” Teacher recounts 37 years

Ellen Cook Leader Editor

Leonard Hawkes has shouldered a lot of titles over the years. He has been an English teacher and a history teacher. He has taught German and economics and been an instructor at Bridgerland Applied Technology College. He has advised Bear River High School’s Student Council and even been a Boy Scout camp director. One name, however, does not fit this seasoned veteran of education Gypsy. Hawkes certainly believes in putting down roots and blooming where he is planted. But now, after 37 years as BRHS’s most familiar face, this teacher/instructor/advisor is bidding farewell and retiring at the end of the school year. It has been a rewarding career, he said, one that started, with some uncertainty, just after he earned his own teaching diploma. It was the fall of 1977 and no jobs were to be had. An opening came in the Box Elder School District’s Title I program at Central School in Brigham City. Hawkes took it just to get a foot in the proverbial door. A short six weeks into the school year, he was offered a choice of teaching positions and picked Bear River. He was to teach English, world civilization and economics. “In those days you had to learn an array of subjects,” he said. He has never regretted that single relocation. Hawkes did have to make one

small move, however. A Box Elder High School graduate, he was living in Brigham City at the time of the appointment. Then school superintendent Darwin Woodbury told him he would have to move to the other end of the county. “You need to live out where you teach,” he was told. “A teacher needs to be part of the community.” He did just that until he married in 1982 and settled in Beaver Dam. He loved the comfortable feel of the school immediately. Even though he was often teased good-naturedly over his perceived ‘purple roots,’ “I became a true Bear River Bear,” he said. On top of his teaching responsibilities, Hawkes was soon put in charge of the Student Council, a position he has filled for 27 years. Teaching German was added to his resume about 20 years ago. His multi-faceted teaching schedule sometimes means putting together five different lesson plans for a single day, no easy task when you instruct close to a hundred different teens during six class periods. Not that Hawkes is complaining. “I certainly don’t feel I’ve had a boring career,” he said. One of his biggest thrills has been teaching the incoming sophomores in one subject, usually history, and then having them again as seniors in English class. “It is rewarding to watch them maturing, see them growing up. It’s fun when the light goes on.” Even so, he has seen some eye-

KEATON ROBERTS We are so proud of you and everything you have accomplished! You are an amazing young man with such a bright future. We love you so much! Love, Dad & Mom, Kennedy, Klayson & Olivia

PARKER LEWIS You are our FAVORITE grandson! Your accomplishments in both your education and sports. May you look forward to the future with much happiness and success. We are very proud of you! Love, Grandpa & Grandma Smith

opening changes in students over the years. “The good ones are better than they have ever been and the bad are worse than they have ever been. Either they are or they aren’t,” he said. Hawkes blames some of that on troubled families. “That is reflected in the students. There is just not the same level of parent support today.” Leader/Ellen Cook But high Bear River High School’s most familiar face, Leonschool students ard Hawkes, has taught English, history, German and stuwill always hold dent government during his 37 years of teaching. a special place in Another matter is also directing his heart. “They are close enough to adulthood to really him to the door. “I taught the principal think and face the challenges of life, (Kristi Capener)!” but they are still enthusiastic and have Hawkes plans to continue his a level of innocence I enjoy,” Hawkes summer job of 30 years, working at Boy Scout camps throughout Utah and said. As much as he will miss seeing surrounding states. He is headed for that grappling to grow up, Hawkes is California this summer. ready to say goodbye. He said he is Then there are projects around the tired of the “alphabet soup” teaching house and yard calling his name. He has become, “the P.L.C.s, S.A.G.E. may even write a book, either on lotesting, R.A.I.S.E. reading. I just want cal history or specifically, Beaver Dam to teach meat and potatoes. I guess I history. am too old to change so it is time to Then he can add author to his list of titles. retire.” ALEXIS KINIKIN We are so proud of your accomplishments and the woman you’ve become. It’s time to show the world how you shine! We love you! Congratulations! Love, Dad, Mom & Hallee

RYLEE OLSEN We are so proud of you and all you have accomplished. We wish you the best at college. Love, Mom & Dad

14 • Graduation • May 29, 2013

Turning a life around Cari Doutre Leader Staff Writer

Leader/Cari Doutre

Rhonda Mak, a senior at Bear River High School, was recently awarded Student of the Month and honored by the Tremonton Kiwanis Club.

Working hard and making tough choices has gotten one Bear River High senior on a path to a better life. It took a conscious decision to lead her life toward education, and to become a better person along the way. When Rhonda Mak was a child she struggled with the English language. She was torn between speaking her parent’s native language, Cambodian, and the language she encountered at school, English. The division between the two made learning more difficult for her even though she was born and raised in Tremonton. “To be honest, it was normal for me growing up,” Mak said about her language barriers. “I didn’t have the best grades because I didn’t understand what was going on.” She attended North Park Elementary School and local secondary schools, but it wasn’t until she was a

sophomore that she decided a change was needed. “I needed to get my act together,” she said. That was when she made the decision to be the first in her family to attend college, a goal she set for herself three years ago and will be fulfilling this fall. Mak has been accepted, and has received a scholarship, to Weber State University where she will be studying physical therapy and working toward a bachelor’s degree. Her decision to enter that field came after an internship at the Bear River Valley Hospital where she learned the ins and outs of physical therapy and fell in love with the science of it all. “It’s really interesting to me to work with the patients,” she said. “I had a patient that was getting ready to finish physical therapy and he was just so happy to be feeling better.” She was recently awarded Student of the Month and was honored by the Kiwanis Club. At the luncheon she spoke to members of the Kiwanis Club about her struggles in life and

her decision to turn things around. She was honored by the recognition, even if she still doesn’t know which of her teachers nominated her. “It was really nerve-racking,” she said about having to speak to the group. Her initial reaction to hearing the news of her award was fear. She wasn’t used to being called into Principal Kristi Capener’s office, but once there was assured it was good news. “I was shaking the whole way to her office,” she said. As the middle child, Mak has three older brothers and two younger sisters. She wants to be a role model for her younger sisters. She also wants to make her mother, Pok, proud. “She’s the reason for my success,” Mak said about her mother. “To see her struggles. I know she doesn’t want to see me go through that.” She’s looking forward to the experience college will provide her. “I’m excited to get more involved and to meet new people,” Mak said. “It will be good to get out of my comfort zone.”

May 29, 2013 • Graduation • 15

In With the New

Leader/Jessica Tanner

Studentbody officers for the 2014-15 school year were recently announced. They include, front from left, Laura Reese-studentbody secretary, Sadie Croney-studentbody 2nd vice, Keetch Mecham-studentbody president, Ryker Jensen-studentbody 1st vice. Second row, from left, Tayler Kent-senior ambassador, Katie Brough-senior secretary, Tyler Duncan-senior 1st vice, Sage Nielson-senior class 2nd vice, Ever Muniz-senior ambassador. Third row, from left, Walker Riley-senior president, Mariah Pace-junior president, Courtney Pali-junior 2nd vice, Landon Mickelson-junior 1st vice. Fourth row, from left, Ryker Marble-junior secretary, Amber Gentry-junior ambassador, Tessa Thornley-junior ambassador, Maryssa Brown-sophomore secretary, Jessica Rose-sophomore ambassador. Back row, from left, Sariah Reessophomore president and Jackson Schow-sophomore 1st vice. Not pictured are Kadie Bowcutt-studentbody cheer representative and Aaron Evans-sophomore ambassador.

16 • Graduation • May 28, 2014

BRHS Top Awards, Scholarships




Top Awards Outstanding Athletes Erin Fox and Justus Wise Scholastic Athletes Candice Buttars and Brandon Pace Principals Award Marisa Hobbs and Branson Fonnesbeck Students in Excellence Sara Jackman and Bradley Cottle Outstanding Students Taylie Bee and Easton Richards BR Pin Anderson, Austin Cazier, Kyle Crozier, Rebecca Crump, Matthew Davis, Michelle Forrest, Mitch


Jensen, Sierra Johnson, Lauren Mannin, Bradon Medel, Maria Nelson, Breanne Newman, Shelby Pederson, Hayden Smith, Brent Woodward, Makai Scholarships Andersen, Kaden Utah State University Achievement Scholarship Anderson, Kimberli Yearbook Staff Anderson, Lisa Sterling Scholar- Visual Arts, Nucor Educational Scholarship, Weber State University Sterling Scholar Scholarship, Snow College Academic Merit Scholarship Anderson, Oaklee Academic Letter, National




Honor Society Member, Pathway Completer Anderson, Whitney Yearbook Staff Andreasen, Kaeman Member’s First Credit Union Bee, Taylie Senior Class Senator, Cheerleader Bessinger, Kennadee Yearbook Staff, Nucor Educational Scholarship Bodily, Kristian Southern Utah University Centurium Scholarship, Pathway Completer Bronson, Kabrielle Senior Class Secretary, Academic Letter, All H’s and 1 S 10th -12th grade, National Honor Society Member, Academic All Region Golf, Cheerleader, Nucor Educational Scholarship Burton, Carol Southern Utah University President’s Scholarship, University of Utah Honors at Entrance Scholarship, Missouri University of Science and Technology Herby Scholarship, Utah State University Presidential Scholarship Buttars, Candice Academic Letter, Academic All Region and All State Track, All H’s and 1 S 10th -12th grade, National Honor Society Member, Sterling Scholar- Family & Consumer Sciences, Academic All Region and All State Soccer, Regent’s Scholarship, Brigham Young University Kenneth & Carole Ward Scholarship, Rare Bear, Utah State University Deans Scholarship, Weber State University Sterling Scholar Scholarship, Utah Valley University Exemplary Scholarship, United States Marine Corps Scholastic Excellence Award Carter, Bethany Bridgerland Applied Technology College Scholarship, Pathway Completer Chadaz, Hayden Academic Letter, All H’s and 1 S 10th -12th grade, Southern Utah University Founders Scholarship, Rare Bear, Pathway



Completer, Nucor Foundation Scholarship Christensen, Erin Son’s of the Utah Pioneers Scholarship, Rare Bear Christensen, Sarina Academic Letter, Snow College Academic Excellence Scholarship, Rare Bear Christensen, Shelby Regent’s Scholarship, Pathway Completer Conger, Braxton Utah State University Achievement Scholarship, Pathway Completer Cornwall, Landon Academic Letter, Rare Bear, Academic All Region and All State, Utah State University Scholar Scholarship Cottle, Bradley Academic Letter, All H’s and 1 S 10th -12th grade, Academic All Region and All State X-Country, University of Utah Honors at Entrance Scholarship, Rare Bear, Utah State University Deans Scholarship Coulsen, Braden All H’s and 1 S 10th -12th grade, Snow College Academic Merit Scholarship, “Semper Fidelis” Award for Musical Excellence Craven, Kyle Academic Letter, All H’s and 1 S 10th -12th grade, Regent’s Scholarship, Science Olympiad Game Show Scholarship, Rare Bear, Utah State University Aggie Merit Scholarship Croney, David Academic Letter, Utah State University Scholar Scholarship Crouch, Kaitlyn Academic Letter, N a tional Honor Society Member, Box Elder 4-H Scholarship Crozier, Rebecca Academic Letter, All H’s and


May 28, 2014 • Graduation • 17 ■ SCHOLARSHIPS continued from pg. 16 1 S 10th -12th grade, Pathway Completer DeMain, Connor Bridgerland Applied Technology College Scholarship, Pathway Completer Eliason, Kooper Student Body Vice President, Academic Letter, Sterling Scholar- Skilled & Technical Sciences, Utah State University Achievement Scholarship, Weber State University Sterling Scholar Scholarship, Pathway Completer Evans, Joe Student Body President, Academic All Region Tennis, National Honor Society Member, Utah State University Aggie Merit Scholarship, Utah State University Leadership Scholarship, Utah Valley University Exemplary Scholarship Evans, Nate Senior Class Senator Farris, Sala Academic Letter, All H’s and 1 S 10th -12th grade, National Honor Society Member, Sterling Scholar- Speech/Theatre Arts/Forensics, Brigham Young University Scholarship, Yearbook Staff, Janet & Ralph Carter Scholarship, Weber State University Sterling Scholar Scholarship, Utah Valley University Exemplary Scholarship Fonnesbeck, Branson Weber State University Achievement Scholarship Fox, Erin Utah State University Aggie Merit Scholarship, Academic All Region Softball, Academic All Region Basketball, United States Marine Corps Distinguished Athlete Award Freeman, Courtney All H’s and 1 S 10th -12th grade Gardner, Makenzie Senior Class Vice President, Sterling Scholar- Dance, Weber State University Sterling Scholar Scholarship, Weber State University Achievement Scholarship Getz, Samantha Academic Letter, National Honor Society Member, Regent’s Scholarship, Pathway Completer Gledhill, Morgan Weber State University Achievement Scholarship, Pathway Completer Glenn, Shaylynn Southern Utah University Sterling Church Scholarship, Snow College Scholastic Merit Scholarship, Snow Theatre Scholarship Goodwin, Katrina Academic Letter, Sterling Scholar- Science, Girl’s Sate Graduate, Rare Bear, Utah State University Scholar Scholarship, Weber State University Sterling Scholar

Scholarship Green, Baylee Academic Letter, National Honor Society Member, Cheerleader, Nucor Educational Scholarship, Yearbook Editor, Pathway Completer, North Box Elder County Farm Bureau Scholarship Harris, Meranda Miss Bear River Valley Scholarship Hernandez, Abel Bridgerland Applied Technology College Scholarship, Pathway Completer Hillis, Nick Dixie State University Deans Scholarship, Pathway Completer Hobbs, Marisa Nucor Foundation Scholarship, Wendy Heiserman State Finalist, Keys to Success Represenative Scholarship, Southern Utah University Founders Scholarship, Utah State University Scholar Scholarship, Utah State University Service Scholarship, Utah Valley University Exemplary Scholarship, Kent’s Marketplace Scholarship, Student Body Second Vice President, Academic All Region and All State Soccer, Academic Letter, National Honor Society Member Jackman, Sara Academic Letter, National Honor Society Member, Sterling Scholar- Social Science, Rare Bear, Utah State University Scholar Scholarship, Weber State University Sterling Scholar Scholarship Jensen, Amelia All H’s and 1 S 10th -12th grade Jensen, Colton Academic Letter, Academic All Region and All State Football, Weber State University Ethics Scholarship, Regent’s Scholarship, Rare Bear, Utah State University Scholar Scholarship, Weber State University Richard Richards Ethics Scholarship, Weber State University High Honors Scholarship, Snow College Academic Excellence Scholarship, Pacific University Oregon Honors and Achievement Scholarship, United States Marine Corps Distinguished Athlete Award Johnson, Daelin Weber State University Honors Scholarship Johnson, Damon Bridgerland Applied Technology College Scholarship Kaneko, Jordyn Cheerleader, Nucor Educational Scholarship Kidman, Charlie Academic Letter, Rare Bear, Utah State University Achievement Scholar-

ship, Pathway Completer King, McKenna Academic Letter, Southern Utah University Dean’s Scholarship, Southern Utah University Founders Scholarship, Utah State University Aggie Merit Scholarship, Utah Valley University Exemplary Scholarship, Pathway Completer Kinikin, Alexis Academic Letter, National Honor Society Member, Utah State University Non Deans Scholarship Kohler, Emily Academic Letter, Dixie State University Trustees Scholarship, Member’s First Credit Union, Utah State University Aggie Merit Scholarship, Weber State University High Honors Scholarship, Pathway Completer Koyle, Rachelle Academic Letter, National Honor Society Member, Sterling Scholar- Vocal Performance, Utah State University Presidential Scholarship, Weber State University Sterling Scholar Scholarship Kunzler, Allysha Academic Letter, Weber State University Achievement Scholarship, Pathway Completer Kunzler, Kaylee Bridgerland Applied Technology College Scholarship, Pathway Completer Larsen, Sami Yearbook Staff, Pathway Completer Larsen, Tyler (Mariah) Westminster Presidential Scholarship, Westminster College Exemplary Achievement Award, Academic Letter Layton, Bridger Westminster Presidential Scholarship, Academic Letter, National Honor Society Member, Sterling Scholar- World Lan-

guages, Academic All Region and All State Golf, Pathway Completer, Regent’s Scholarship, Weber State University Sterling Scholar Scholarship Leavitt, Osten Bridgerland Applied Technology College Scholarship, Pathway Completer Lewis, Parker Snow College Scholastic Merit Scholarship, St. Kathrine College Limb, Cherokie Academic Letter, National Honor Society Member, Academic All Region Tennis, Snow College Academic Merit Scholarship, Pathway Completer Mak, Rhonda Odd Fellow Scholarship, Pathway Completer Marshall, Wade Bridgerland Applied Technology College Scholarship McCann, Mckenna Academic Letter, National Honor Society Member, Academic All Region and All State Golf, Dairy Ambassador Scholarship, Utah State University Achievement Scholarship, Utah State University Needs-Based Scholarship, Snow College Academic Excellence Scholarship, Rudd Agriculture Scholarship, Tremonton Women’s Civic League, Pathway Completer, Lion’s Club Scholarship Mecham, Shayna Dixie State University Deans Scholarship, Pathway Completer Michaelis, Jordan Academic Letter, Rare Bear, Utah State University Presidential Scholarship


18 • Graduation • May 28, 2014 ■ SCHOLARSHIPS continued from pg. 13 Miller, Paige Yearbook Staff Monk, Kellie Academic Letter, National Honor Society Member, Academic All Region Tennis, Regent’s Scholarship, Rare Bear, Lion’s Club Scholarship, Pathway Completer Mortimer, Lindsey Bridgerland Applied Technology College Scholarship, Dixie State University Trustees Scholarship Nelson, Austin Dixie State University Deans Scholarship, Weber State University Achievement Scholarship Norr, Derek University of Denver Chancellor Scholar Scholarship, Academic Letter, Southern Utah University President’s Scholarship, Pathway Completer Olsen, Rylee National Honor Society Member, Academic All Region Track, Southern Utah University Founders Scholarship, University of Utah Trustees Scholarship, Dixie State University Trustees Scholarship, Regent’s Scholarship, Weber State University High Honors Scholarship, Box Elder County Credit Union, Pathway Completer Olsen, Shayna Academic Letter, All H’s and 1 S 10th -12th grade, Sterling Scholar- Business & Marketing, Utah State University Aggie Scholar, Weber State University Sterling Scholar Scholarship, Pathway Completer Owen, Marlie Bridgerland Applied Technology College Scholarship, Pathway Completer Oxborrow, Wade Regent’s Scholarship Pace, Brandon Academic Letter, Academic All Region and All State Track, Academic All

Region and All State Wrestling, Valedictorian, National Honor Society Member, Sterling Scholar- Mathematics, Rare Bear, Academic All Region and All State X-Country, Utah State University Presidential Scholarship, Weber State University Sterling Scholar Scholarship, Washakie Renewable Energy Scholarship Pali, Darcy Academic Letter, National Honor Society Member, Academic All Region Tennis, Weber State University High Honors Scholarship Pali, Eli (EJ) Bridgerland Applied Technology College Scholarship, Pathway Completer Patino, Carmen Utah State University NeedBased Scholarship, Linda Kuwana Scholarship, Pathway Completer Payne, Katelyn Cheerleader, Yearbook Staff, Weber State University Achievement Scholarship Peterson, Fallon Academic Letter, National Honor Society Member, Cheerleader, Academic All Region and All State Volleyball, Snow Merit Scholarship, Cheer Scholarship, Weber State University Achievement Scholarship, Snow College Academic Merit Scholarship Peterson, Kyle Nucor Foundation Scholarship, Concordia University Athletic Scholarship Poen, Kalob UPC Strength in Leadership Scholarship Porter, Tanner Academic Letter, All H’s and 1 S 10th -12th grade, National Honor Society Member, Academic All Region Soccer, Academic All Region Football, Utah State Uni-

versity Achievement Scholarship, Weber State University Honors Scholarship Pugsley, Braden Academic Letter, Academic All Region Football, Utah State University Aggie Merit Scholarship, Pathway Completer Reed, Kelton Southern Utah University Dean’s Scholarship, Pathway Completer Richards, Easton Senior Class President, Son’s of the Utah Pioneers Scholarship, Class of 1962 Scholarship Richardson, Alyssa Academic Letter, All H’s and 1 S 10th -12th grade, Sterling Scholar- Instrumental Music, Nucor Foundation Scholarship, Snow College Academic Excellence Scholarship, Piano Performance Music Scholarship, Rare Bear, Weber State University Sterling Scholar Scholarship Roberts, Keaton North Box Elder County Farm Bureau Scholarship Rudd, Chelsea Academic Letter, Cheerleader, Bridgerland Applied Technology College Scholarship Runchel, Victoria Academic Letter, National Honor Society Member, Weber State University High Honors Scholarship, Pathway Completer Schow, James Academic Letter, Academic All Region and All State Tennis, Salutatorian, National Honor Society Member, Rare Bear, Utah State University Scholar Scholarship, Utah Valley University Exemplary Scholarship Seger, Dillon Nucor Educational Scholarship, Pathway Completer

Selman, Kacie Utah State University NeedBased Scholarship, Utah Valley University Keys to Success Scholarship Selman, Wyatt Academic Letter, Utah State University Aggie Merit Scholarship, Pathway Completer, North Box Elder County Farm Bureau Scholarship Shipley, Amanda Academic Letter, All H’s and 1 S 10th -12th grade, Utah State University Presidential Scholarship, Pathway Completer Sidwell, Kaden Academic Letter, All H’s and 1 S 10th -12th grade, Sterling Scholar- Computer Technology, Utah State University Achievement Scholarship, Pathway Completer, Weber State University Sterling Scholar Scholarship Smethurst, Srilauna Academic Letter, Snow College Academic Excellence Scholarship Solono, Melany Weber State University Achievement Scholarship, Pathway Completer Sorensen, Morgan Nucor Educational Disbursement Scholarship, Pathway Completer Sorensen, Skyler Nucor Educational Scholarship Sorensen, Thomas Academic Letter, Snow College Academic Excellence Scholarship, Utah State University Aggie Merit Scholarship, Utah Valley University Outstanding Scholarship Spackman, Jordan Southern Utah University Dean’s Scholarship, Snow College Academic


May 28, 2014 • Graduation • 19 ■ SCHOLARSHIPS continued from pg. 18 Excellence Scholarship Stenberg, Kalli Yearbook Editor Stephens, Kaden Utah State University Achievement Scholarship, Huntsman School of Business Enrollment Scholarship, Box Elder Junior Livestock Scholarship, Pathway Completer, North Box Elder County Farm Bureau Scholarship, Utah State University Sterling Scholar Scholarship, Utah Association of Independent Insurance Agents Scholarship Stevenson, Taryn All H’s and 1 S 10th -12th grade, Academic All Region Basketball, Box Elder Junior Livestock Scholarship, Southern Utah University Centurium Scholarship, Weber State University Achievement Scholarship Stokes, Alysha Utah State University NeedBased Scholarship, Menlove Education Scholarship Stokes, Ashley Academic Letter, Valedictorian, National Honor Society Member, Academic All Region and All State Tennis, Sterling ScholarEnglish, Regent’s Scholarship, Utah State University Deans Scholarship, Rare Bear, Weber State University Sterling Scholar Scholarship, Utah Valley University Exemplary Scholarship, Pathway Completer Strong, Afton Yearbook Staff Summers, Karlee Weber State University Achievement Scholarship, Pathway Completer Swallow, Lillie Student Body Secretary, Academic Letter, Salutatorian, National Honor Society Member, University of Utah Honors at Entrance Scholarship, Regent’s Scholarship,

Southern Utah University President’s Scholarship, Brigham Young University Scholarship, Utah State University Presidential Scholarship, Weber State University Aletheia Presidential Scholarship, Snow College Academic Excellence Scholarship, Washakie Renewable Energy Scholarship Thornley, Alicia Southern Utah University Centurium Scholarship, Weber State University Achievement Scholarship Tuck, Celestial Academic Letter, Cheerleader Tuttle, Justis Utah State University Achievement Scholarship Udy, Abbie Weber State University Achievement Scholarship, Pathway Completer Whitaker, Shenna All H’s and 1 S 10th -12th grade, Snow College Academic Merit Scholarship Wilson, Ashton Yearbook Editor Wise, Justus Pacific University of Oregon Womack, Terrell Yearbook Editor, Member’s First Credit Union, Weber State University Achievement Scholarship, Utah Valley University Multicultural Scholarship Woodward, Hayden Academic Letter, Nucor Foundation Scholarship, Weber State University Honors Scholarship, Tremonton Women’s Civic League Woolley, Lillian Snow College Scholastic Merit Scholarship Zarate, Emma Rare Bear, Pathway Completer Zollinger, Jeremy All H’s and 1 S 10th -12th grade, Pathway Completer

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