Preston Citizen Dairy Days 2014

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edition Supplement to The Preston Citizen • June 2014

Daytona 2450 By RODNEY D. BOAM Citizen editor

The name of the biggest dairy in the county, located in Dayton, was changed last year from G&H dairy to the Daytona Dairy. Why Daytona? Maybe, it is because owner John Gomez’s son, Jonathan, is a professional NASCAR driver. Jonathan competes in the NASCAR West Series and Rocky Mountain Challenge Series as well as at tracks in the Twin Falls area. He was part of the NASCAR Drive for Diversity D4D program and has become one of the top performers on the circuit. He won’t race anywhere with less than a $10,000 purse. Jonathan started racing motorcycles when he was seven-years-old in the mini stacks at Twin Falls. At 12 years old he was riding the Southern Idaho circuit for motocross. When he was 25 years old a friend dragged him to watch cars race on a round track and he was hooked. He found a beater, bought it and raced it; and it all took off from there. Besides driving fast cars, he owns

Century Motorsports and Marine in Twin Falls. When Jonathan is not racing on the oval track or running his motorsports dealership, he runs a custom agchopping business. In the fall of the year he can be found in Franklin County and the Magic Valley areas cutting corn or grain. His father, John Gomez, was a partner in G&H Dairy until 2013, when the partnership dissolved. That was when Gomez took over the operation as sole owner of Daytona Dairy. He renamed the facility at the prompting of one of the employees, Larry Olson. Olson knew John’s son was a racecar driver and figured it was a good fit. Daytona Dairy has seen some changes over the years. In the beginning Jim and Roy Naylor raised cattle and sheep on the ground and built the original corrals. It was later sold to Fred and Brent Coats, who built the first dairy on the premises. The Coats then sold it to businessman Vern Curtis, who later sold it to Brice Checketts. Checketts later sold it to G&H Dairy. When G&H Dairy dissolved,

submitted photo

Jonathan Gomez is a NASCAR driver. His father is John Gomez, owner of Daytona Dairy in Dayton. Gomez took over sole ownership of Holstein cows and produces 200,000 pounds milk a day. the dairy. Daytona dairy milks around 2,450 All of their milk goes to IFA.

Citizen photo by RODNEY D. BOAM

Abel Castillo, a worker at Daytona Dairy, prepares cows to be milked. The dairy is the largest in Franklin County and milks 2,450 cows per day.

2 - The Preston Citizen - Dairy Edition - June 2014

Dairy tradition in Cache Valley By SCOTT WORKMAN Franklin County Commissioner

Dairy farming has been a staple in Cache Valley for generations. Many of us have had the opportunity to have that tail in our face, all wet and stinky. We have milked the cows, taken care of the calves and fed these ornery animals, all the time trying to make a living at it. Many of you have had the opportunity of milking for someone else and been blessed to learn the value of good, old-fashioned work. There was a time that almost every farm had cows to milk, some a few and some many more. There are even those who are gluttons for punishment and have a cow or two for fresh milk or to teach their kids how to work. But Mom and Dad end up doing most of the learning. Times have changed. We now deal

with technology in every aspect of the industry. We can know the temperature of the cow through her milk. We can test the quality and find out how much butterfat and protein are in the milk she is giving. We can find out how many pounds she has produced in a single milking. However, dairy producers have to deal with more than that. The ups and downs of the very volatile milk-market make it difficult to make good, sound plans for the future. Also, put in the equation the cost of feed, machinery and labor and there is a huge investment put into that gallon of milk. Sometimes it is hard to figure out if it is all going to work. Currently, milk prices are at an all time high. It is great for the dairy farmer to have the ability to get caught up on previous bills, upgrade some equipment or to expand the operation. This has a trickledown effect, because

if the dairy farmer makes some money, he puts it back into the economy by creating jobs or upgrading. I was once told money that is made by a farmer would circulate back into the economy 11 times before it stops. That has a great effect on our county and valley. It helps the local hay and grain farmer because it is easier to purchase feed and have the money to pay for it. He then spends the money and passes it on. The great money train just goes round and round. I have wondered at times how our ancestors would look at the dairy industry today. They knew their cows by name, which calf was hers, who grandma was and so on and so on. It was a lot more strenuous work than today. But, they did what they had to do to get that butter and milk. Because they did not just sell it at the store, they put it on their own family’s table.

Scott Workman

Trivia time: How much does a gallon of milk weigh? tein in milk called ments and 32 A gallon of milk casein cleanses the teeth. weighs 8.59 taste buds. The most common pounds. Cheddar cheese was breed of dairy cow Americans eat the first developed in in the United States equivalent of 10 the town of Chedis the Holstein. acres of pizza every dar Gorge, EngJersey cows produce day. Just ate spicy food? land, more than milk with the highMilk is better than 400 years ago. est butterfat conwater for cooling A cow has a stomach tent. your mouth. A prowith four compartAn average cow pro-

duces about 350,000 glasses of milk in her lifetime. Historians estimate that ice cream was developed sometime during the 16th century in Italy, perhaps from a recipe Marco Polo brought from the

Orient. In 1984, Ronald Reagan designated July as a time to honor America’s favorite dessert. To get the same amount of calcium provided by eight ounces of milk, you would have to eat

2-1/4 cups of broccoli, 6-3/4 oranges or six slices of wheat bread. An average dairy cow weighs 1,400 pounds and consumes about 50 pounds of dry matter (e.g., hay, grass, grain) each day.

June 2014 – Dairy Edition - The Preston Citizen – 3

Be bone healthy at every age By RODNEY D. BOAM Citizen editor

Laura Sant, extension nutritionist for Franklin County, encourages consuming dairy products when it comes to boosting health for people of all ages. She said consuming dairy products provides a lot of benefits especially for improved bone health. “Foods in the dairy group provide nutrients that are vital for health and maintenance of your body,”

Sant said. “These nutrients include calcium, vitamin D, potassium, phosphorus, protein, vitamins A and B12, riboflavin and niacin.” She said a recent report of Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend getting three servings of dairy a day. A serving is one-cup of milk, yogurt, or soymilk (soy beverage), one-and-ahalf ounces of natural cheese, or two ounces of processed cheese can be considered as one-cup from the dairy group.

Vitamin D and Dairy Nicki Benoit, a registered dietitian working at Franklin County Medical Center said milk has always had an important role in long-term bone health. Milk or other dairy products have an advantage over supplements. This is especially true while bones are growing. She said research published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research also indicated that reaching peak bone mass by using

Bone Basics It’s never too early, or too late to make bone health a priority. Even though the causes of osteoporosis are complex, the National Dairy Council and Idaho Dairy Council suggest the following BONE Basics so the entire family can be Bone Healthy at Every Age: Be Active. Participating in weight-bearing and cardiovascular activities daily or at least several times a week. Own Your Diet. Adopt a lifestyle of proper nutrition that reflects the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and includes three servings a day of low-fat or fat-free milk, cheese or yogurt. Nourish your bones. For stronger bones, there’s no better source than dairy foods, which provide essential bone-building nutrients, including calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, protein and vitamin D. Encourage others. Be a role model by setting a good example. Children follow the lead of parents and older siblings.

dairy products protects people later in life. The studies were the first direct comparisons between supplements and using real dairy products. Parents have the most influence in children’s food choices until the age of five,” Benoit said. “The most vulnerable age group is between nine and 18, when calcium needs are 1,300 mg per day for optimal growth. This is approximately four cups of milk or yogurt.” (See BONE BASICS on page 10)

Citizen photo by RODNEY D. BOAM

Stokes Market dairy manager Will Wolfley stocks shelves recently with gallons of milk.



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4 - The Preston Citizen - Dairy Edition - June 2014

What do you know about…

4-H in Franklin County

By LAURA L. SANT Franklin County Extension

• Who We Are. 4-H is a youth development program that prepares young people to step up to the challenges in their community and the world. Using research-based programming, 4-H youth get hands-on, real world experiences that they need to become leaders. Through Idaho’s land-grant university, University of Idaho, and Extension, 4-H reaches every corner of our state — from urban neighborhoods to suburban schoolyards to rural farming communities. 4-H helps shape youths to move our country and the world forward in ways that no other youth organization can. 

 In Franklin County, 4-H is open year-round to youth ages 8-18 (as of Jan. 1, 2014) without regard to race, creed, gender, marital status, handicaps or disadvantages, economic or ethnic back-

grounds. • History. 4-H began over 100 years ago and revolutionized how science was taught outside the classroom through practical, hands-on programs and experiences. 4-H was one of the first organizations in America that taught young people leadership skills and how to positively impact their communities. Idaho 4-H started

in 1912, and has served tens of thousands of Idaho youths throughout the state through traditional community clubs, after school programs, day camps, summer camps, statewide and national conferences, and international exchange programs. • Research. A study of 4-H Positive Youth Development shows that 4-H youths achieve higher marks in school, are more likely to attend college, and contribute to their communities at higher rates than peers. Research specific to Idaho youth shows that 4-H members are far less likely to engage in risky negative behaviors such as alcohol, drug, or tobacco use. Idaho 4-H members are more likely to be involved in service projects that help others and in school and community leadership roles, and express a willingness to speak with parents or guardians about important issues such as drugs, alcohol, or sex. • Partnerships. 4-H builds on the strength of state and local youth development professionals from Idaho’s land-grant university and extension in partnership with 4-H National Headquarters at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. County, state, and federal funds are combined in a unique partnership to support 4-H. Research-based curriculum is provided through the University of Idaho, and funding from individuals, businesses and organizations enhances the 4-H program by providing support

Laura Sant for special events, awards, and recognition, educational materials and program enhancement. • To Join 4-H. Contact Franklin County Extension Office at 561 W. Oneida, 208-852-1097, to learn about 4-H programs, how to enroll your child, or how to volunteer as a teen or adult mentor. While youth may participate in 4-H at any time, to be eligible to participate in the 2014 Franklin County Fair the enrollment deadline is July 1.

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June 2014 – Dairy Edition - The Preston Citizen – 5

Dreaming of a grilled cheese shop By RODNEY D. BOAM Citizen editor

There’s a grilled revolution on the rise and it may well be coming to a dish near you. What was once a snack food has turned into a gourmet meal at the Dave and Kayla Roberts home. There is a not so hidden secret that good bread with good cheeses is a great start to delicious dish. At one time cheese and bread was all anyone needed for a high protein snack. But, that is changing. Hannah, the Roberts’ second oldest child of six and a Utah State University student, took making the melted cheese sandwich to heart. “It is the first thing I learned how to cook and I just really like making them,” Hanna said. “I like to explore different ways to make them.” She turns the stove on medium heat and places one slice of bread on the pan, buttered side down. She places her cheeses on the bread first, then her vegetables that include a tomato and spinach leaves. Then she tops it off with another slice of bread with buttered side on top. She cooks the bottom piece to a golden brown. Then she flips that sandwich and browns the other side. “When you live on a dairy farm, anything with milk or cheese is a family favorite,” her mother, Kayla said. ”We usually have different Citizen photo by RODNEY D. BOAM kinds of cheeses on hand and try different ways to use them.” The Roberts’ dairy has about 200 Hannah Roberts displays one of her grilled cheese sandwich creations. head of Holstein cows. The Roberts’ grilled cheese sand- a vegetable or two, depending on erator. They may even add bacon or She had a strong FFA career in wiches could have different cheeses, what’s in the garden or in their refrig- turkey to give it some extra taste and high school where she qualified for variety. three appearances at the National At 18-years-old, Hannah turned FFA convention for dairy handling, COME SEE US FOR THE BEST PRICES ON IRRIGATION PRODUCTS melted cheese sandwiches into some- dairy judging and food science. She what of a career-path option. The also had a lot of service opportunities agribusiness major/marketing minor while in the organization. She was exploring different ways she thought she might have a good could help the fourth-generation chance at winning a scholarship. Hannah graduated from Preston dairy be more profitable. The option she came up with was High School with honors and enough the idea of a melted cheese sandwich college credit to pass her freshman shop. year of college and jump right into She submitted the idea to the UDI her sophomore year. Idaho Dairy Farm Family Scholarship Next year, at 19, Hannah will beprogram, which recognizes family gin her junior year at the university. members of Idaho dairy farmers and Karianne Fallow, CEO of United helps them with their educational Dairymen of Idaho, said the organipursuits. zation is all for helping students Hanna received from UDI one of wanting to take the next step in their 15, $1,500 scholarships awarded to education. students enrolled in post-secondary “Idaho’s dairy farm families are education institutions. proud to support and invest in the fu Scholarship recipients were se- ture of the dairy industry and dairy lected based on their academic farm family scholarships are just one achievements, extra-curricular activi- way they’ve committed their resourcties in school, community service, let- es to continue the legacy of dairy,” ters of recommendation and a written (See DREAMS on page 13) essay.

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6 - The Preston Citizen - Dairy Edition - June 2014

3-A-Day can burn the fat away By KRISTIN RITZENTHALER

burning more fat than just To create the 3-Week cutting calories alone and Healthy Lifestyle Start-Up consuming little or no Plan, 3-A-Day Dairy teamed up with Michael To help women take dairy. Sena, fitness three steps toward a expert, perslimmer summer sonal trainer and building lifeand author of long healthy habits, “Lean Mom, 3-A-Day of Dairy is Fit Family.” offering a 3-Week Each week feaHealthy Lifestyle tures healthy Start-Up Plan. eating sugges It includes tips for tions, caloriecutting calories, exercutting tips, cising and getting strength trainthree servings of dairy ing and cardioa day as part of a vascular exerhealthy diet. cises to help Research shows inwomen take small cluding three daily servsteps toward their ings of milk, cheese or yoweight loss goals. gurt in a reduced-calorie There’s also a weight loss plan can help journal page that adults achieve better recan be printed off sults when it comes to trimeach week to keep ming the waistline and PhD, Idaho Dairy Council

track of eating habits and physical activity. And just because it’s called a startup plan doesn’t mean dieters have to stop using it after the first three weeks. The plan is designed to be ongoing beyond the initial start-up period to help meet weight-loss goals. “Building healthy habits is all about making health and nutrition a part of life and fitting it into daily routines,” Sena says. “Starting out with small changes each day to increase physical activity, cut calories and improve eating habits - like including three servings of milk, cheese or yogurt - allows dieters to work toward small, achievable short-term goals and increase their chances for long-term success.”

Vitamin D might help fight symptoms of depression People experiencing the blues, feelings of depression and other mood disorders might be able to use vitamin D to alleviate symptoms of depression. New studies point to low blood levels of vitamin D as a culprit in depression. Simply increasing these levels offers marked improvement. A study conducted by VU University Medical Center in Amsterdam found that low levels of vitamin D might be linked to depression and oth-

er psychiatric illnesses. The Amsterdam research, which tracked over 1,200 people aged 65 to 95, showed that blood vitamin D levels were 14 percent lower in individuals with major and minor depression compared with non-depressed participants. A study in the United States indicated that vitamin D deficiency occurred more often in certain people, including African-Americans, city dwellers, the obese, and those suffering from de-

Farm Bureau Financial Services Salutes the Dairy Farmers of Franklin County

pression. People with vitamin D levels below 20 ng/mL had an 85 percent increased risk of depression compared to those with vitamin D levels greater than 30 ng/mL. Vitamin D has long been recognized as a nutrient essential to the development and maintenance of strong bones. It has also recently been discovered to be of crucial importance to several aspects of overall health. Being (See DEPRESSION on page 7)

School breakfast grant program expanding By ROBERT S. MERRILL Assistant editor

An Expanding Breakfast grant program, through the Idaho Dairy Council, assists public schools and makes it easy and appealing for children to start school days with healthy nutrition. Expanding Breakfast grants helps schools defray costs associated with increasing breakfast consumption. The grants are used to increase breakfast menu items and options outside of the cafeteria with alternative serving locations. Studies have shown this significantly increases breakfast participation. Breakfast in school makes a huge difference for Idaho kids, according to officials, who spend more than 2,000 hours in school each year. In-school wellness programs, including school breakfast, can instill healthy habits for a lifetime and may be just as important as books in impacting student learning and achievement.

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June 2014 – Dairy Edition - The Preston Citizen – 7

Dairy provides nutrients to growing bodies United Dairymen of Idaho Children are the future and we all have a role in making sure they have the best chance at leading healthy, productive lives. Childhood obesity is an epidemic in the United States and it’s important to consider that many children are not only overweight, but also undernourished. Over 16 million children live in food insecure households, meaning many go to bed hungry. Today’s children could become the first generation with a shorter life expectancy than their parents. The dairy industry is committed


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to providing healthy products that align with the 2010 Dietary Guidelines and school meal standards and to giving children access to proper nutrition and nutrition education in schools. Dairy foods help feed nearly 40 million children through school meal programs, Woman, Infants and Children (WIC) and other public health programs. For many children, these meals provide the only nutrient-rich foods in their day. For dairy, there are many opportunities to support this commitment to healthy children such as providing innovative, nutrient–rich dairy foods for school and government-feeding programs, as well as to supermarkets, quick service restaurants and more. Additionally, joining public–private initiatives with a focus on improving child health is a way to be involved in change for future generations. National Dairy Council’s and the National Football League’s collaboration with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, launched Fuel Up to Play 60 in order to encourage small, positive steps within the school environment for sustainable changes toward healthier food choices and increased physical activity for children. United Dairymen of Idaho is the local planning and management organization responsible for increasing demand for U.S. produced dairy products on behalf of Idaho’s dairy farm families.

Dairy trivia

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The average cow drinks from 30 to 50 gallons of water each day, about a bathtub’s worth. Cows have an acute sense of smell and can smell something up to six miles away. Most cows chew at least 50 times per minute and spend 10 hours a day chewing their cud in order to aid in digestion. Milk’s white color comes from casein found in milk. It is a milk protein that is rich in calcium and is white. The cream in milk has some fat, which is also white. Its presence in the milk makes milk whiter. Low and non–fat milk has less cream and may appear less white. Cows arrived in America with the Jamestown settlers in 1611.

DEPRESSION (Continued from page 6)

deficient in vitamin D has been linked to a number of disorders, including cancer, autoimmune disease, diabetes, and now depression. There are some food sources of vitamin D (vitamin D-fortified dairy products, such as milk, as well as, salmon, tuna and mackerel), the best way to get the vitamin is through moderate sun exposure. For an extra boost, you will need to take an oral supplement. A doctor can help determine how much you need based on a simple blood test. With anxiety, depression, risk for heart attacks and a number of other health problems associated with low levels of vitamin D, it may be in your best interest to supplement with the vitamin.

8 - The Preston Citizen - Dairy Edition - June 2014

The farm comes to the classroom By ROBERT S. MERRILL Assistant editor

Kindergarten and fourth grade students at Pioneer Elementary School had a taste of farm life recently and didn’t have to get dirty doing it. Farm Bureau President Frank Priestley and his wife, Sue, went to area elementary schools last month and gave students two days worth of an interactive farm experience. The youngsters made butter, ground wheat and watched Maggie the Cow give milk. “These kids love it,” Sue said. “I had one little girl trying to grind wheat and I told her she didn’t have to grind it all and she said to me, ‘I’m no quitter,’” Priestley said. The program is called Moving Agriculture to the Classroom and it all fits in a 4x8 foot trailer. Preston FFA students were there to read a big book and cook pan-

cakes. “They really stepped things up this year,” Sue continued. “We had an emergency in our family and Frank was only able to be there one day. They came out in force the second day and really helped out. We really, really appreciate their help and willingness to assist us.” Students had a chance to meet Maggie the Cow, a full-size replica of a Holstein, with milking abilities. Children had an opportunity to learn the importance of dairy. They also learned about wheat from the giant book of wheat. The book is five feet tall and eight feet wide. Students tried their hand at grinding wheat and using their ground wheat for pancakes, which were promptly cooked and eaten with syrup and their own freshchurned butter. Farm Bureau sponsored the experience and they have been all over the state visiting schools and giving

Citizen photos by TERESA CHIPMAN

Oakwood fourth graders got a chance to milk Maggie the Cow recently at a Farm Bureau Moving Agriculture to the Classroom event. students an agriculture experience. “Farm Bureau approved the first trailer years ago. We wanted to teach children about agriculture in an interactive way. It’s been a real success,” Sue said. “Since then we’ve added two more trailers. We have one for eastern Idaho, one for the Boise-Twin Falls area and one for northern Idaho. This allows us to visit every school district in the state to expand the program and eliminates travel time.

“We know the kids look forward to this event each year and we really enjoy doing what we do.” Justin Patten, the Southeast Idaho Regional manager, brought the trailer loaded with Maggie, the large storybook and the wheat grinders to Preston. Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company of Idaho began in 1947 following World War II. Farmers and ranchers found it difficult to afford (See CLASSROOM on page 11)

Fourth graders waited for pancakes at a Moving Agriculture to the Classroom event. The students ground wheat into flour and then made pancakes from it after their efforts.

We Salute the Dairymen of Franklin County.


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June 2014 – Dairy Edition - The Preston Citizen – 9

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Dialing up the dairy helps burn more fat A new clinical trial published in Obesity Research (the journal of NAASO, the Obesity Society) provides more insight into why consuming dairy foods is linked to weight and fat loss. This study found when exercising adults on a slightly reduced calorie intake consumed three-to-four servings of dairy foods daily, their metabolism changed so their bodies burned more fat than they did when they had one serving of dairy under the same conditions. “The design of this study is very strong as all of the subjects consumed both diets at different times and served as their own controls,” noted Edward Melanson, Ph.D., lead investigator and assistant professor of medicine at the University of Colorado. “Our data suggests that when you restrict calories slightly and increase calcium intake by increasing the number of low-fat dairy servings, the amount of fat you burn over 24-hours is increased. However, the precise explanation of how increasing dairy servings impacts fat metabolism and body weight is still unclear.” The study included overweight men and women, ages 20 to 50, who usually exercised less than three hours a week. Over the course of seven weeks, the subjects participated in four, one-week periods in which they consumed either a low-dairy diet or a diet including three-to-four servings of dairy foods each day. Several times during the study, participants’ rate of fat oxidation (burning) was measured over a 24-hour period in a room calorimeter, an enclosed area in which very specific measurements can be taken. Room calorimeter studies are usually done with only a few subjects, but this current study included 19 men and women, a particularly large group for this kind of study. This research shows how reducing calories and exercising while consuming adequate dairy foods can help improve the body’s ability to burn fat which may lead to the loss of body fat as seen in weight loss studies. In fact, this is the third study to add support to the body of research showing a connection between dairy and weight management. “If weight loss is the goal, then striving to consume enough dairy products to meet the recommendations for calcium may be beneficial in terms of weight loss. A few other studies have shown that there may also be beneficial effects on cholesterol,” noted Dr. Melanson. “For most people, this would be about two-four servings of low-fat dairy foods each day.” For more information on the nutritional benefits of dairy foods, visit To read about real consumers’ experiences in enjoying dairy while losing weight and for delicious and nutritious recipes and tips on how to get 3-A-Day of Dairy, visit www.3aday. org

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10 - The Preston Citizen - Dairy Edition - June 2014

Bingham finds joy in organic ways By RODNEY D. BOAM Citizen editor

Greg Bingham, of Weston, is a fourth-generation dairy farmer. His great-grandfather came to Franklin County around 1911. Bingham took a step back from modern dairying and started to dairy much like his greatgrandfather did. He started to produce milk without the use of pesticides and fertilizers. He joined a movement that frowns on the use of genetic engineering, sewage sludge and cloning, among other modern dairy methods. There are six county dairies that made the change to a more environmentally sound way of raising cows and producing milk. Bingham became an organic dairyman and joined a cooperative. He became a member of Organic Valley Cooperative in 2007. The change united Bingham with nearly 20,000 other farms across the United States who use a more natural approach to farming. Organic Valley started in 1988 at a time when family farms were on the brink of extinction. There were a handful of farmers in southwestern Wisconsin who shared a love of the land. They also shared a belief that a new, sustainable approach to agriculture was needed in order for family farms and rural communities to survive. “There are benefits to being part of the co-op. We have a stable pay price on the milk. It doesn’t fluctuate and it does not change,” Bingham said. “I feel another advantage is we don’t need to push the cows as hard. They are less stressed and they will milk


longer.” Bingham’s 200 milking Holsteins produce less milk, but production and upkeep costs are less, as well. The cows graze on pastures of alfalfa, wheat, barley and corn on the 1,000-acre farm near his home. Organic Valley sees the milk produced by area farmers is distributed locally using a regional brand. They put pictures of people who are part of the co-op on milk cartons. Greg’s son, Ty, is pictured on a half-gallon carton of milk. “As far as co-ops go, they are really good. They try to pay farmers first,” Bingham said. “The profits may be lean, but we do get paid and they are a good company to work with.” Almost 10 years ago, Bingham bought the dairy so his father could retire. He paid him full market value for the farm. Bingham and his brothers, Dale and Gary, also work on the dairy. They felt it was the right thing for their families and for the farm, too. “The way we are doing it now, we can all work together and each of us can bring home a check,” Bingham said. Bingham’s dad bought the dairy from his father (Bingham’s grandfather) because that was the only way his father could retire and still keep the farm in the family. Because all their life’s money and work was in the farm, the family never was able to save for retirement. Greg said he would like to be able to have enough saved so when he retires, he can give the farm to his children. The way things are looking, he may be able to save and leave some-

(Continued from page 3)

She said after age nine the gap widens dramatically between the nutritional needs and what is actually achieved. Other drink choices compete with milk and these drinks don’t contain the essential nutrients Sant talked about the protein that milk offers. Teens are the object of a media blitz that touts liquid candy as a replacement for milk. “Milk has been a good source of vitamin D since the 1930s when it began to be fortified. Rick-

Citizen photo by RODNEY D. BOAM

Ty Bingham, son of Greg Bingham, is pictured on a carton of Organic Valley milk. The Binghams joined Organic Valley Cooperative in 2007 and said the experience has been a good one. ic,” Bingham said. “The way we dairy thing for his family. “I wouldn’t go back to the way we now is much less stressful and we enused to farm, even we weren’t organ- joy ourselves more.”

ets became almost non-existent at that time. Ten years ago, physicians noted an increase in children with rickets. The American Academy of Family Physicians stated that the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency reportedly affects 21-58% of adolescents and young adults. The United Dairyman of Idaho touted their studies that showed when milk is consumed by adults after weight training, they gained more muscle mass than those that consumed different drinks that had the same energy and vitamins. Milk has a good track record in improving overall well-

ness but it needs to be part of healthy diet. Good nutrition is developed over time and you can’t make up for lifetime deficits with multiple supplements. Sant said fluid milk, yogurt, cheese and milkbased desserts (puddings, ice milk, frozen yogurt and ice cream) are considered part of the Dairy Food Group because they are made from milk that retain their calcium content. Foods made from milk that have little to no calcium, such as cream cheese, cream and butter, are not. Calcium-fortified soymilk (soy beverage) is also part of the dairy group.

June 2014 – Dairy Edition - The Preston Citizen – 11

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Streamline grocery shopping to save time Grocery shopping is a part of life, and whether trips to the local supermarket are a daily, weekly or monthly occurrence, such excursions can be time-consuming. Data from the American Time Use Survey, which measures how much time people spend shopping among other things, indicates that people have spent less time shopping since the recession began in 2008 and many people might want to continue this trend of spending less time at the store even as their finances recover. The following are some simple strategies for those who want to do just that. Make a list. Making a list before heading to the store remains one of the biggest time savers when shop-

ping for groceries. A list helps shoppers cut back on the time they spend wandering around a store and wondering what they do or don’t need. Shoppers can even take things one step further by coordinating their list to a store’s layout, which reduces the likelihood that shoppers will make several trips down the same aisle. Bring only the coupons you are likely to use. Instead of toting along your entire coupon portfolio, bring only those coupons you plan to use. This allows you to get in and out of the store without rifling through circulars or coupon organizers. Shop the perimeter of the store. Shoppers interested in fresh foods should concentrate their shopping efforts on the perimeter of the store. This is typically where fresh produce, meats, poultry, bakery items, and dairy products are kept. Packaged, processed foods are usually kept in the interior aisles. Visit during off-peak hours. Avoid stores on the first day of a sale, when your fellow shoppers will be eager to stock up. In addition, try to avoid shopping on the first or last day of the month, when paychecks arrive. Shopping when school lets out in the afternoon is another busy time of day at many grocery stores. If you truly want to save time, shop late in the evening or in the early morning when stores are less hectic and checkout lines won’t be as long. Go it alone. Some shoppers may benefit by flying solo when grocery shopping. It’s often quicker to move through a store when you are on your own.

CLASSROOM (Continued from page 8)

insurance offered by traditional insurance companies. A charter campaign, to organize a co-op casualty insurance company, was started. This campaign was successful at the outset in acquiring 1,866 policyholders and generating $100,000 in capital. “We are trying to bring agriculture topics into the classroom at the elementary level. One of the ways we are accomplishing this is through our new Moving Agriculture to the Classroom (MAC) trailer. It is taken to various school districts throughout the state and allows students to learn about various aspects of agriculture though hands-on activities. This past year about 4,000 students took part,” said Frank. “We have one exhibit in the trailer that teaches about wheat... from planting-to-harvest. We bring some with us and have mini-grinders for fourth graders to use. They turn the wheat into flour and then we use that flour to make pancakes for them to eat. They see the entire production process from planting-to-edible food.” Priestley said the trailer also features a plastic model cow and students actually get a chance to “milk” it as they learn all aspects of dairying. “So far we’ve received positive comments from all those involved with the project.”

12 - The Preston Citizen - Dairy Edition - June 2014

submitted photo

West Side’s Gold Team placed second in oral reasons at the recent Western Spring National Holstein Show in Richmond. Team members include (l) Rachel Roberts, Holden Aston, Gailsey Geddes, Andee Ged Newly elected members of the West Side FFA are rear, left: Tate Butdes, Kyle Nielsen, Cynthia Zilles, McKenzie Aston and Millie Geddes. Their tars, sentinel; Kaylie Love, secretary; Kyle Nielsen, sentinel; Colton Robinadvisor is Jim Summers. son, parliamentarian; Judd Ward, vice president; Tyrel Garner, treasurer; Taylor Beckstead, district treasurer; and Peter Atkin, president. Front, left are: McKenzie Aston, vice president; Cynthia Zilles, reporter; Saige Fredrickson, reporter; Andee Geddes, chaplain; and Makenze Griffiths, historian. Emaly Hodges, historian, is not pictured. the West Side Gold try has to offer, some By ROBERT S. MERRILL submitted photo

WS FFA off to State

WS FFA officers named By ROBERT S. MERRILL Assistant editor

DAYTON - The West Side FFA Chapter recently held its annual Parent and Member Banquet to present awards and recognize those supporting many chapter events during this past year. New officers were presented and installed at the banquet. They are: Tate Buttars, sentinel; Kaylie Love,

secretary; Kyle Nielsen, sentinel; Colton Robinson, parliamentarian; Judd Ward, vice president; Tyrel Garner, treasurer; Taylor Beckstead, district treasurer; and Peter Atkin, president. Other officers include: McKenzie Aston, vice president; Cynthia Zilles, reporter; Saige Fredrickson, reporter; Andee Geddes, chaplain; and Makenze Griffiths, historian. Emaly Hodges, historian, is not pictured.

June is Dairy Month

Assistant editor

RICHMOND - The West Side High School FFA Chapter was well represented at a recent Western National Holstein Show held in Richmond. West Side had two teams competing in an excellent competition, according to Jim Summers, advisor. He said

Team placed second overall in team reasons. “Individual awards went to Cynthia Zilles, second-high in reasons and McKenzie Aston, third-high in reasons,” said Summers. Eight high school teams from Idaho and Utah attended the annual event. The quality of dairy cows shown were the best the indus-

from as far away as Canada, said Summers. He said the judging event fielded college, FFA and 4-H teams, which judged 10 classes of dairy cows and heifers in various age groups of animals. The West Side team traveled to a state event in Moscow at the University of Idaho the first week of June.

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June 2014 – Dairy Edition - The Preston Citizen – 13

submitted photo

The Preston FFA dairy judging team placed first in oral reasons at a recent Western Spring National Holstein Show in Richmond. Team members include (l) Maren Roberts, Lottie Roberts, Riley Moedl, Kati Talbot and Kye Christensen.

PHS FFA goes to State By ROBERT S. MERRILL Assistant editor

The Preston FFA Dairy Judging Team finished first in oral reasons, second in placings and second overall at the Western Spring National Holstein Show held recently in Richmond. The team consisting of Kati Talbot, Riley Moedl, Lottie and Maren Roberts and Kye Christensen judged 10 classes of dairy heifers and cows. They were also required to present

two sets of oral reasons on two of the classes they judged. The team was led by Kati Talbot, who finished on top as the first high in oral reasons and second high in placings, which resulted in her being the top overall individual for the event. First-year FFA member Maren Roberts also had a good day, finishing third high in placings and the second high overall individual, according to Larin Crossley, advisor. Eight high school

teams from Idaho and Utah attended the annual event. The quality of dairy cows shown were the best the industry has to offer, some from as far away as Canada, said Crossley. He said the judging event fielded college, FFA and 4-H teams, which judged 10 classes of dairy cows and heifers in various age groups of animals. The Preston team traveled to a state event in Moscow at the University of Idaho the first week of June.

Citizen photo by RODNEY D. BOAM

Hanna Roberts displays ingredients for one of her grilled cheese sandwich creations.

DREAMS (Continued from page 5)

Fallow said. “Our dairy families are working hard every day to feed the world and it’s clear that the achievements of these scholarship winners are similarly situated to have a big

impact on their world.” Fifteen students were selected from 41 finalists who submitted applications. The United Dairymen of Idaho protects and promotes the Idaho dairy industry and dairy farm families throughout Idaho.

14 - The Preston Citizen - Dairy Edition - June 2014

Composting right out of a problem By ROBERT S. MERRILL Assistant editor

In order to diversify and take care of animal waste-stream problems, Twin Rivers Dairy in Franklin started a composting operation a few years ago that has paid dividends in more ways than one. Since its inception in 2002 the business has been improving its product and expanding its market. It recently re-oriented its focus to agriculture applications. However, home gardeners and landscapers in southern Idaho and northern Utah can still obtain the product. A few months ago, Doug Rallison purchased his brother, Dave’s, interest in the Franklin dairy and composting business. At that time Doug decided to focus more on agriculture applications and purchased a truck and applicator to handle commercial fieldwork. “We feel we are price competitive with commercial fertilizers and our compost has the advantage of adding organic nutrients to the soil. This is backed up by recent University of Idaho studies.” Rallison said large landscape firms and homeowners with large projects could order Twin Rivers compost by the semi load. The product is available to home gardeners at Rocky Mountain Landscapes in Richmond. The company is just south of the Maverick convenience store, he said. To keep up with demand the company in 2012 purchased a new Wildcat composter that improves both efficiency and the end product for farmers and other consumers.

Citizen photo by ROBERT S. MERRILL

Twin River Dairy employee Curtis Nielsen operates an application truck on a alfalfa field east of Preston that applies composted manure. Owner Doug Rallison said composted manure is an alternative to commercial fertilizer and the product has many side benefits. Rallison said he’s noticed a real very competitive with the price of the way and dealing with increasingly interest of late in using his product as commercially produced fertilizer. stringent federal regulations. an alternative to commercially pro- “And we feel composted manure The operation continues to evolve duced fertilizer on farm ground. He helps build soil structure of fields and every year as more is learned about said one of the main reasons farmers adds micronutrients. It’s an added the composting procedure and new are looking at composted manure benefit you don’t get with commercial markets are developed. right now is the cost factor. fertilizer.” “The learning curve was pretty “Commercial fertilizers have got- The Rallison’s originally started steep that first year and we’re still ten plenty expensive over the past experimenting with making compost fine-tuning things a little bit as we few years,” he said. “The cost of haul- from manure as a way of managing go,” Doug said. “But we’ve got the ing our product to farm fields is now waste in an environmentally friendly (See COMPOSTING on page 15)

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June 2014 – Dairy Edition - The Preston Citizen – 15

Dairy farms mean sustainability United Dairymen of Idaho Every glass of milk helps contribute jobs, income and vitality to hundreds of communities across the nation, from the multi-generation dairy farm families, to the companies that process milk and produce other nutritious dairy products, to the neighborhood grocer, dairy farmers and dairy companies. Dairy businesses contribute as employers, purchasers of supplies from local companies, supporters of community civic and charity groups and more. In fact, in 2012, on-farm cash receipts from milk produced on Idaho farms amounted to $2.446 billion dollars, ranking it as the largest single sector in the state agriculture industry. At its core, sustainability is about stewardship and about caring for farms, the environment and our communities, which are cornerstones of the dairy industry’s legacy. This long heritage as responsible stewards of the land, air and water has allowed dairy farmers to pass their farms along to

multiple generations. Today, the world’s population growth is putting further pressure on our finite resources, along with other growing environmental concerns. Through the U.S. Dairy Sustainability Commitment, dairy farmers, dairy processors, retailers and businesses are working together so they can continue to provide products that are nutritious, produced responsibly and economically viable for all. Across the supply chain, the dairy industry continues to demonstrate leadership in meeting consumer demand for great–tasting, wholesome and nutritious dairy products, while finding new ways to preserve our planet’s precious resources,” said Barbara O’ Brien, president of the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy, which was founded under the leadership of America’s dairy producers. “For the dairy industry, sustainability is as much about telling our story as it is about using resources wisely and sustaining our dairy farm businesses for the next generation.”

Citizen photo by RODNEY D. BOAM

Stokes Market employee Cody Ryan unloads a box of grated cheese at the grocery store recently. Cheese and other dairy products are popular items.

COMPOSTING (Continued from page 14)

basic mechanics downs. A variable-speed tractor and a side-dump manure hauler were purchased. The variablespeed on the tractor allows it to crawl along as we turn the rows of manure in the composting process. The side dump

hauler allows us to move more product to the composting ground. It dumps manure in a row.” “It takes between three and four months to go from raw manure to a fine, odor-free compost that is desirable for our customers,” he said. “We have to stir the rows of manure between

10-15 times before we get finished.” He said the main goal when the operation started 12 years ago was to move manure from his dairy farm in an environmentally friendly way and to help control flies and odor associated with the dairy. Rallison can be reached at 208-406-6739.

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16 - The Preston Citizen - Dairy Edition - June 2014

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