But just because ISU tuition is affordable doesn’t mean paying for college isn’t overwhelming.
ISU awards more than $10M in scholarship funds annually to offset the cost of tuition—so students can get an education that lasts a lifetime.
Once admitted, you are eligible for several scholarships through the Bengal Online Scholarship System (BOSS). There are also opportunities to earn funding through:
Departmental Scholarships: Contact the department of your major for more information
Bengal Athletics: Scholarships are awarded by the Bengal Athletics Department
University Honors Program: Opportunities for high-achieving students
External Scholarships: Search national databases for additional scholarship opportunities
There are three categories of federal student aid (money to help students pay for college).
Grants: funds awarded based on need that do not require repayment
Student loans: a form of aid that must be repaid with interest
Student employment: Work Study Programs that provide students with employment opportunities on and off campus
FAFSA includes gift aid like Pell Grants and the Federal Supplemental Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), as well as self-help aid like work-study and student loans.
With ISU’s tuition lock, you pay the same tuition from freshman to finish. The lock is good for up to four years, as long as you meet the eligibility requirements.
The Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) is a program coordinated by the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education that allows students residing in participant states to attend programs at Idaho State University at a reduced cost.
Non-resident Transfer Waivers (NRTWs) waive the additional amount of non-resident tuition. NRTWs are highly competitive, with recipients averaging a GPA of 3.5 or higher.