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Are You Looking For The Best Auto Insurance Rates? If your car insurance is about to expire soon, chances are, you will be sent a renewal notice. Most people will just renew their car insurance with their current auto insurance supplier simply for convenience. However, they do not realize that when they do this, they are missing a great opportunity to slash their car auto insurance by as much as 40%... More about how to take advantage of this great opportunity later. When it comes to buying car insurance, there are several important factors to consider: First, it is important to understand more about the different variables that affect the price of a car insurance premium. Basically, these are variables that contribute to the risk factor of a car insurance contract. The higher the risk factor, the higher the premiums that a driver will have to pay. Car insurance suppliers are always trying to find the right balance between risk and price. For instance, a car insurance supplier may decide to alter the definition of car insurance coverage so that they can keep the premiums low. So the driver may be getting a lower priced auto insurance contract, at the expense of coverage. That essentially means that the driver is actually bearing part of the risk, by not taking on a car insurance contract that provides full and comprehensive coverage.  But why would any want to do that? Many drivers assume (wrongly) that accidents only happen to other people. This false assumption usually land people in financial troubles in the event of an accident. And then there are some people who simply can not be bothered to examine the coverage definitions on an insurance contract. Perhaps they are so excited about a new car purchase that they forget all about the importance of an insurance contract. Usually, young drivers, or drivers who are impatient, are more prone to this mistake which may eventually turn out to be costly. This report examines the risks that car insurance suppliers commonly take into consideration, and the variables that affect the price of a car insurance contract. One of such variables discussed, will be the coverage definitions. Towards the end of the report, you will find valuable recommendations on how to slash your car insurance cost by as much as 40%.