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California auto insurance requirements are not as severe as some states mandate. Take Maine as an example. The Sate of Maine requires all motorist owners to carry a minimum of $50,000 on bodily injury/death to one person, $100,000 for injury or death to more then one person and $25,000 in property damage. California only requires all motorist owners to carry a minimum of $15,000 on bodily injury/death to one person, $30,000 for injury or death to more then one person and $5,000 in property damage. California does not require any fault coverage. When looking at the state requirements and knowing that the higher the coverage requirements means the higher the rate of cost are going to run you, California's auto insurance requirements don't look so bad compared to many other states. When it comes to insuring vehicles, all the terms and dollar signs easily fluster many people. By knowing California auto coverage requirements takes a lot of the frustration out of the equation. In breaking down the insurance terms into layman's language also takes the frustration out of figuring out what is most beneficial for you. Bodily injury and property damage coverage is simply liability indemnity. Why these requirements are so important is because it covers you financially if you are in fault of an accident that results in harm to another person and or property. Most people do not have $15,000 and up just laying around at their free disposal to throw on some medical bills accumulated through fault of an auto accident, but if you are not covered according to the California auto insurance requirements that is exactly what will happen. You will not only be required to cover the financial loss of the injured parties, and property damage you can face even more severe penalties by the law. Although California auto insurance requirements only require bodily injury and property damage coverage, other beneficial coverages can be purchased such as medical payments, personal injury protection, under insured and uninsured coverages. It can help you with your requirement needs within minutes. By simply answering just a few questions it will generate free quotes meeting your specific needs by various insurance agencies competing for your business. Obtaining insurance requirements does not need to be frustrating; instead, it can be a rewarding experience that will save you a lot of money.
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