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Before you buy coverage you need to do an auto insurance comparison. If you have a clean driving history you should be able to use the customer comparisons to get the best insurance at the best rates. You can find a number of auto insurance comparisons online that will rank insurance companies in a lot a categories. You can find out how the companies rank in claims paying, customer service, how easy it is to reach a live person just to name a few areas. You will be able to get an idea of how premiums compare from one company to another. You can find an online auto insurance comparison that gives you an overall rating as well that should help you narrow down the companies that you are considering. You can feel fairly confident with the results because they come from actual customers of the individual carriers. If people are extremely unhappy with their insurance carrier, they can vent through one of the auto insurance comparison sites. People who take the time to do surveys usually will give their true experience. If they are extremely satisfied with their insurance they will likely tell this also. Online comparisons are a lot more reliable than a companies advertizing their own products. It will be well worth your time to do a bit of online research before you make a purchase. Who better to get advise from than current or former customers. Thanks to the Internet we no longer have to just make a purchase and hope for the best. Auto insurance comparison websites serve to make competition greater between companies and make better products and services for consumers. Once you have purchased car insurance, be sure to add your opinion to one of the websites so that other people can find good coverage also.
Eddie Abel is a researcher, blogger, and an auto insurance comparisons specialist. Click this link to get your FREE quote or find more practical cost-cutting insurance tips and advice at his site: Cheap Car Insurance
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Eddie_M._Abel