==== ==== Make Your Own Energy. Step-by-step guide reveals how to make your own energy for 100$ or less! http://ebsu.net/ProduceElectricity ==== ====
Solar panels operate by using what is often referred to as Photovoltaic cells to directly absorb sunlight and change it into usable electrical energy. If you are new to solar power and do not know how to make solar panels, then it is always a great suggestion to first start with a basic understanding of solar panels and all the components that are used to make them. The Main Component - Solar Cells If you are a beginner, you will want to start with the photovoltaic cell which is the most important part of the entire solar panel. The solar cells individually may not be very powerful but that is because they are somewhat small in stature. So they are attached together in such a way that together they are capable of producing a larger amount of energy.This is why the cells are attached in series where they are able to create a lot more energy together. This is a good time to remind you that you need to properly care for your photovoltaic cells and keep them out of harms way, such as poor weather, so that they give you with long term efficient energy further down the road. For this very reason, certain materials are used to cover and protect the solar cells. 36 photovoltaic cells that can to operate at 1/2 volts and around three amperes of current should suffice for this plan. This will create an 18 volt solar panel which is good for almost every need. Housing the Solar Panel You can find pre-fabbed solar panel housings at your local hardware shop which is also a resource for assistance with how to make solar panels. When choosing the required panel enclosure size, the hardware shop should provide some assistance. In any case, make sure that the panel housing will have to house all thirty six cells. The next step is to decide if you should use a glass covering or a plexiglass face. I almost always suggest to all newbies that they begin with the plexiglass as it is much less fragile than the glass coverings. Affixing the Cells to the Enclosure Now, it is the time where you will want to figure out the placement of the solar cells inside the housing. Using a grid you can mark in the placement pattern for the cells. It is now the right time to solder the photovoltaic cells together once aligning the cells inside the drawn pattern. After the soldering is finished, you can carefully glue the solar cells to the enclosure. It is important that you glue the cell just at the very center.