education for all initiated by
An international network regrouping 600 African organisations. More than 280.000 benefitting children !
global objective of education for all and respect of the rights of the African youth. through a network regrouping
organisations from
african countries from which
children are already beneficiaries
IDAY’s concept IDAY is an international non-profit organisation created in 2008, upon request of multiple African civil societies. IDAY’s idea is to regroup into an international network in order to act together. The common aim is :
quality education honoring children’s rights for all African youth
IDAY in Africa: Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Cameroun, Ivory Coast, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea Conakry, Kenya, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Ouganda, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzanie, Togo, Zambie.
IDAY in Europe
Belgium, France, Switzerland, The U.K., The Netherlands.
The context in Africa We foresee that by 2050, Africa will count 2,4 billion citizens. 1 out of 4 active people in the World will be African. African youth will thus constitute a key element to the future of our World. Despite remarkable progress, the number of poor and illiterate youth is not decreasing in Africa. The average income per Citizen is 1/4 of the World’s income and 1/9 of Western countries’ income. In Subsaharan Africa, 1/4 of children do not have access to school and only 2/3 of them finish the first school cycle. Tropical infectuous diseases negatively affect the quality of education. All of this partly explains the irrepressible desire of African youth to emigrate to countries known to be richer and protective of human rights.
World average
1/4 without schooling 2/3 only first cycle
Average income per person / year in USD
The realisation of the inefficiency of foreign aid Since the 1980s, researchers have doubted about the efficiency of development aid and have even showed its negative effect. They brought to light that the aid, private or public, replaces the actions that the Governments should engage in. Local ressources, which are crucial to many sectors of development, will too often be diverted towards other purposes. This forces the local civil society to count on the help of generous outside donors. Specialists agree to say that foreign donations only efficiently contribute to Africa’s government and its civil society.
But how can one ensure that the money from foreign grants reaches the right beneficiaries?
IDAY’s answer
• • Support local initiatives by regrouping them around common interests; • Involve these actors by giving them financial responsibilities.
Reinforce the input of local actors which will generate a sense of responsibility;
These actors accept to: - act as a network (exchange of good practices); - collectively participate in actions; - focus on a constructive dialogue with their authorities in induce concrete actions.
And it works!
Thanks to the IDAY’s network, 600 African organisations, regrouped into 19 national coalitions, are already acting together towards common challenges.
IDAY’ concrete action IDAY International, with its Belgium based Secretariat, supports projects that are sustainable, low cost and esasily replicable by reinforcing local skills.
The six steps of IDAY’s plan of action are:
consultation information realisation
advocacy extension
- consultation of the population by the organisations; - dissemination of information through awareness; - implementation of projects; - data analysis; - once the relevance has been proven, proposal sent tot the government; - extension to other areas or countries.
Recent studies on foreign aid have proven it efficient when the intervention bring the people closer to their authorities.
The authorities then participate in the sustainable development of their country.
IDAY’s projects* • Eduction and health: school gardens • Education and protection : domestic workers • Education of minors in prison • Education of youth in post-conflict areas • Investigation and analysis of the performance of educational systems
The main purpose is to assess the performance of education systems in the countries that are members of the network, measure the progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals for education (SDG n° 4) and trigger the authorities to act on their achievement well ahead of the 2030 deadline. This program is expected to be carried out over a first period of 6 years and should progressively be financed together with the governments concerned (Annex VIII).
School gardens
Since 2010, IDAY has been developing school gardens in Africa. These vegetable gardens support the students’ daily dietary needs. They include: - plants with high nutritional value; - Artemisia annua, a plant which prevents and cures malaria. It also repulses mosquitoes; - a low energy consumption oven which participates in the prevention of deforestation is often installed in schools’ kitchens.
Results are spectacular : Decrease of the absenteeism of both kids and teachers, significant improvements of school results, decrease of health care costs.
Today, more than 52.000 children are already benefitting from this program.
An example from Kenya : In 2010, Professor Tobias Arudo of Kenyatta University and member of IDAY planted Artemisia annua in two different schools in the province of Kisumu.. After a year, the results were spectacular. For the first time in their history, all the graduating students passed the entrance exam for university, the medical costs decreased by 80%, the absenteeism of teachers and students was close to none. The plants were then adopted by more than 50 schools and all 4 pirsons of the country. Today the government has approved the research on the preventive properties of the Kenyatta University’s plan, by collaborating with experts from the U.S.A., Belgium, the U.K., The Netherlands and Switzerland. IDAY is in contact with organisations interested in financing the research requested by the W.H.O..
Network multiplier effect: Members of IDAY in Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, DRC, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Senegal, Tanzania, Togo and Zambia have launched their own school garden progams. Burkina Faso’s minister of health has asked IDAY to organise a seminar on Artemisia annua, gathering the African Minister of Health researchers and international practitioners as well as members of the W.H.O..
Domestic workers The members of IDAY in Central and Eastern Africa have decided to engage in a regional program of protection and training of domestic workers. The life and work conditions of African domestic workers often remain inhumane. disguised slavery, low or inexistent wages, abusive work hours, little or no leave, violence and abuse, unstable employment, no education, no legal framework, ....
The results on the field: The local governments involved in the project have taken concrete intiatives: IN Kenya, adoption of a minimum wage for domestic workers. In uganda, revision of the law on employement and protection of domestic children. IN Rwanda, adoption of a ministerial order prohibiting domestic work by children and creation of a union for domestic workers. au Kenya, uganda, Rwanda et Burundi, process of ratification for the promotion of decent work for all (Convention 189 of the International Labour Organisation). In RDC, Rwanda AND Burundi, creation of literacy and training centers for domestic workers. The center of Uvira (Kivu - RDC) was financially independent after 3 years.
This 3 year program, co-financed by the European Union, involves close to 8 million domestic workers.
IDAY’ Sectariat in Belgium : Jean-Jacques Schul Noëlle Garcin Audrey Laviolette Nathalie Schots Valentin Comte Micky Ducamp Camille Thissen Jean-Loup Dabe
IDAY-International AISBL 19, rue des Jambes 1420 Braine-l’Alleud - Belgique +32 (0)2 385 44 13 - TRIODOS : IBAN : BE93 5230 8026 6767 - BIC : TRIOBEBB Tax deduction from 40 € / year
How to support IDAY ? •Through a win-win package :
- 10 + 10 = 0 €
10 €
Tips & recipe
Monthly 10€ support
... and monthly ecological tips and recipe to save.
• With monthly support :
amount of your choice starting at 1€ • Or a one time donation. With IDAY, 10€ = lifetime protection against malaria for 3 families 10€/month = schooling of one orphan in Togo 100€ = training of one domestic worker per year 2500€ = creation of a school garden and a school cantine
Thank you !
TRIODOS : IBAN : BE93 5230 8026 6767 - BIC : TRIOBEBB
or through Tax deduction from 40 € / year
Resp. editor Nathalie Schots - IDAY - 0479/329.829
Iday offers you tips to «save» your monthly donation (by ecological tips, meatless meal recipe: cheaper meal = gesture for your health = gesture for the environnement). You «spare» 10€ and you help IDAY to proceed with its projects.