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True concept of online money making in Islam How kind is Allah 2 tips to sharpen your memory for Islamic learning Have Book But Knowledge Is Lost 3 effective ways to bring peace of mind You Cannot Catch Up 5 interesting facts about Muslim religion 10 Awesome Islamic Quotes 4 tips to make your Dua effective Creative: Adnan Hussain
True concept of
Featured Post
online money making in
t is generally said that if you don’t have anything to do just become an advisor for online money making. If you have a little knowledge of computer and internet just start a blog on online money making topics and people will be keenly reading and subscribing to your website/blog. The niche of online money making has huge demand all around the world. People want to earn money, so they want all such resources which help them to achieve their goals. Online money making is one of the easiest sources of earning. Our Muslim brethren have mixed feelings about this way of earning money. Some are actively engaged in doing this while some other just wrongly assume it as greed and equal to blindly chasing money. The nature of online money making If you earn money online with legitimate and Halal sources, you are allowed as long as you do not promote any unlawful acts or things. There is no barrier in becoming wealthy in Islam if you are doing this with legal means. It is one of the most convenient professions which you can follow while enjoying the comfort of your home. You simply need to check the source of this type of income and must check if there is any involvement of gambling, porn or interest (usury) in an on-
line business where you are working from your home or if any of your online partners are connected with them. Best source of income for Muslim housewives In Islam women folk are asked to preferably stay at home if there is no need to go outside. Hence online money making jobs are quite suitable for Muslim housewives, if they want to share the burden of financial responsibility of their male counterparts. They don’t have to go outside and can do this job easily while staying at home. Limit is must If you have several options to earn through internet, you must not forget about your other important responsibilities. Just to earn more and more at the cost of your other responsibilities is not good. No doubt being Muslim we are fully allowed to earn any amount of money to spend our life happily. But it does not mean we set money making as the sole purpose of our life. Being a true Muslim we have to stay in this world like a traveler and keep vigil eye for our eternal journey to heaven. So our main motive
should be to make our life comfortable so that we can obey all the teachings of Islam without any difficulty and get the pleasure of Allah. No herd instinct You should not jump into this profession just because several other people are making huge bucks with it. You need to evaluate your skills and aptitude and then decide should you join it or not. Simply convenience and more chances of success should not be the sole criteria to pick a profession. For this you must analysis that will you enjoy that work for a longer period of time or not. If you think you are just following the herd instinct you should put aside the glaring success stories of money makers. You should explore a profession where money should not be a big matter for you. So we can say that in Islam there is no restriction on online money making if it pertains to Halal business. Every Muslim has the right to enhance his standard of living by making more money through legal means and make his life happy and prosperous to be more thankful to Allah. | 3
How kind is
here lived an idolater in the past who made an idol out of a stone and worshipped it every day. He called upon it by saying "Ya Sanam." For seventy years, he worshipped this idol. One day by mistake he uttered "Ya Samad" instead of Ya Sanam. Samad is a name of Allah which means The Self Sufficient Master. Allah Ta'ala immediately replied back to this idolater by saying "I am present oh My slave." The angels asked Allah why He replied to him since he didn't even call upon Him intentionally. Allah told the angels that for seventy years I have been waiting for this
servant of mine to turn towards Me! If a mother has only one child then how much would she love him? He would be the coolness of her eyes and the comfort of her heart. But if this son calls her saying "Mommy" more than four or five times, she would get irritated even though she loves him more than herself. On the other hand, when we call Allah once, He replies back to us 70 times by saying "Labbaik Ya Abdi (I am here oh My slave)." How unfortunate we are that we have not recognized our Allah who is so Kind, Merciful and Forgiving. _ Courtesy Islamic Point Dot Net | 4
Eat and drink, but waste not by
extravagance [al-A’raaf 7:31] | 5
tips tosharpenyourmemoryfor Islamiclearning
T is not so easy to remember what we read and study. We are hardly able to retain half of our learning. If we don’t revise it, by and by we almost forget all we learn. But despite this fact, all of us want to retain more and more by reading minimum. We don’t have much time as our life gets busier. That is why we try to grasp maximum information in minimum time. This is the main problem we have that we neither give proper time to learning nor we revise whatever we learn. If it is a matter of Islamic learning then the problem becomes graver because we need not to apply most of its contents in our professional life. More practically if we live in a non-Muslim country then chances are bleaker to revise our Islamic learning. Here are two tips to sharpen your memory for Islamic learning that will work successfully if you apply them with consistency. Interest, interest and interest Without interest you cannot learn anything. If it is Islamic learning, so you not only have to develop interest in it but your developed-interest must be quite real and not the forcibly aroused feelings of liking for it. For this purpose you have to fasten your thinking process about Islam. You should keep thinking about the following points to develop your interest for Islamic learning.
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Why Islam is the most modern religion? Why Islam is the unaltered religion? How Islam is the complete way of life? How flexible Islam is in modern times? Do Islamic teachings contradict with cyber technology? How can I convince a non-Muslim about the greatness of Islam?
Never miss to refer After developing strong desire for Islamic learning and retaining loads of knowledge, your job does not stop here. You have to reference your learning when you find the chance. If you are talking about a healthy life never skip to mention what Islam tells us about health. If there is a money matter you should refer on what Islam says about money and clear the misconception of the listener about Islam and its teachings. In this way by repeating your knowledge you would not only retain it firmly but also can polish it and become a learned practical Muslim. | 6
“The most beloved of places to Allaah are the Masaajids..� | 7
HaveBook But
mam Ahmed narrates that Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said regarding something: “That would happen when knowledge is lost.” One of the Sahabah asked, “O Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam), how could knowledge be lost when we have studied the Quran, we are teaching it to our children and our children will teach it to theirs.” Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wasallam) said: “Woe to you! I thought you were one of the most learned men of Medina. Can’t you see the Jews and Christians are not benefiting even though they have their scriptures (Torah and Injeel) right with them?” This hadith makes clear that if there is no application of the Quran, its recitation becomes useless. If we know what the Quran contains but don't apply it, we become like donkeys carrying books as our burdens, not benefitting from our loads. How did the Sahabah study the Quran? If we take the example of Abdullah ibn Umar (radi Allahu anhu),
it took him 14 years to finish memorizing Surah Baqarah. He was so happy after he completed memorizing it that he slaughtered a camel and invited all the people to come celebrate with him. Abdullah ibn Umar (radi Allahu anhu) was a companion of Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) and the Quran was revealed in his own language. Abdullah ibn Umar (radiAllahu anhu) was also an eminent scholar. Then how is it that he took 14 years to memorize what is done nowadays by Muslims in a matter of months? This is because the way that the Sahabah would study the Quran is that they would take ten ayaat at a time only. They would study these ten ayaat, study the eemaan, the ilm, the halal and the haram in these ayaat. They would memorize the ayaat and apply its rulings to their lives. They would not move onto the next ten ayaat until they had brought their lives into compliance with the first ten. The Quran thus became alive and second nature to them, its knowledge was not wasted and lost. Courtesy: Daily Hadith | 8
“If Allaah gives you wealth, let the blessing of Allaah be seen on you.” | 9
3 eective ways to bring peace of mind
imply good actions are not enough to bring peace of mind. For this your soul must also be purified by your good deeds. If you do something good you must do it from the depth of your heart. You must be proud of your every action. The ultimate objective to do any good deed is not to bring peace of mind simply but to serve others. It means your happiness lies in serving others without any interest and return. Here are 3 effective ways to bring peace of mind and spend a happy and peaceful life.
Never become double-minded First of all you have to adopt a way of living and must follow it without any confusion. You must be proud of your religion Islam and if you feel any confusion in it you must get it clear with the help of an Islamic scholar. Many people get over-focused on observing many acts in Islam and its limits and confuse themselves on issues which are made simple. So you must study the instructions about it and follow it properly. In every detail about your religion
you should not have any confusion.
Be committed to your religious practices Once you decide to spend your life as practical Muslim now there must not be second thoughts about the extent of your way of living. You have to abide by all Islamic teachings in their real spirit and should not feel it as a burden or duty. It should be part of your daily life to become a true Muslim in every act of your life.
Don’t worry about details It is good to spend your life completely according to Islam. You must follow every teaching of Islam to become a true Muslim. But it is also a candid fact that Islam is the easiest religion of the world. It facilitates you in every act of your life. It makes categories of its teachings so that you first follow those that are unavoidable (faraid) like compulsory religious obligations. After that you have to follow those teachings which you should try to follow as much as possible (sunnat). If you skip some of them you need to seek Tauba and Allah is the most merciful and He will pardon you if you honestly pledge to never do it again. After that there are some teachings (nawafil) which you are not bound to follow but if you follow them you will earn virtues and eventually will be blessed by the Allah. | 10
You Cannot
Catch Up T
he Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Offering prayer in congregation carries twenty-seven times greater reward than offering it alone.” [Bukhari] Ubaidullah bin Umar Qawariri said, “I never missed the evening congregational prayer (prayer with Jamaat). But once a guest came to my house and I remained in his company until late. I went out, looking for any mosque in Basra at which I could catch the evening prayer, but to no avail. The people had all prayed and gone home. “I returned to my house saying to myself, ‘It is reported in the Sunnah that the congregational prayer is twenty-seven
times more excellent than individual prayer.’ So I prayed the evening prayer twenty-seven times over and slept. “I saw in a dream that I was with a group of people who were racing on horses, and I was also racing with them on my horse but my horse was falling behind. I kicked my horse to catch up with them but I could not. “One of the riders turned to me and said, ‘Do not urge your horse, for you will not be able to catch up with us.’ I said, ‘Why not?’ He replied, ‘We prayed evening in congregation and you prayed it alone!’ Therefore, I learned a lesson and was deeply grieved.” [The Major Sins by Adh-Dhahabi] {Courtesy Daily Hadith} | 11
interesting facts
about Muslim religion
f you don’t know about anything and someone tells you something wrong about it you will not contend with that info even if you don’t believe in it. You would simply keep a silence over it. If someone tells you again the same wrong information you would once think about it. It means if a false info is given to you again and again you might believe in it after sometime. Malicious propaganda is done against all the religions of the world. That is why in this post you read 5 interesting facts about Muslim religion you never knew. You might have heard criticism about Islam but here these 5 facts will open your eyes.
were fully safe and freely spending their lives according to their religion. You must not have learnt this fact about Muslim religion ever before. Islam never stops from enjoying life There is no restriction in Islam on enjoying life. It binds its followers to completely abide by Islamic teachings especially compulsory obligations but never forbid to enjoy life staying within limits.
Islam does not ask to hate too much wealth This is another misconception about Islam that if someone embraces it he will not be allowed to earn too much wealth. This is a wrong perception about Muslim religion. It fully allows earning money as Islam means peace much as one can. Simultaneously it strictly forbids No other religion in this world has the meaning loving money and forgetting the religious and ethiof peace like Islam. It shows how much it believes in cal obligations. It does not let its followers to be peace. But nowadays it is widely propagated that blind in greed of wealth. But there is no ban to earn Islam offers solution of every problem with the use money enormously through legitimate means. of force. This is a great misconception. Islam is not against art Islam believes in live and let live In Islam there is no restriction on art and culture. If there is complete rule of Muslims over the But again it binds Muslims to remain within the limwhole world even then Islam does not allow its fol- its set by Islam and practices whatever type of art lowers to create any type of problem for the follow- they want. It does not allow obscenity, vulgarity and ers of the other religions. In the beginning of Islam sensation on the name of art but puts no ban to rethere was a complete rule of Muslims on the entire flect the nature and its phenomena through various world where followers of all the other religions art forms. | 12
Quotable Quotes
10 AwesomeIslamicQuotes 6 1 7 2 When you see a person who has been given more than you in money and beauty, look to those, who havebeengivenless.
He is not of us who is not affectionate to the little ones,anddoesnotrespecttheold;andheisnotofus, who does not order which is lawful, and prohibits thatwhichisunlawful.
A Muslim who meets with others and shares their burdensisbetterthanonewholivesalifeofseclusion andcontemplation.
Muchsilenceandagooddisposition,therearenotwo thingsbetterthanthese.
It is better to sit alone than in company with the bad; anditis,betterstilltositwiththegoodthanalone.Itis better to speak to a seeker of knowledge than to remainsilent;butsilenceisbetterthanidlewords.
Do you know what is better than charity and fasting andprayer?Itiskeepingpeaceandgoodrelationsbetween people, as quarrels and bad feelings destroy mankind.
Kindness is a mark of faith, and whoever is not kind hasnofaith.
The best of the houses is the house where an orphan getsloveandkindness.
Toovercomeevilwithgoodisgood,toresistevil byevilisevil. | 13
Quotable Quotes
nce upon a time people gathered in an open place to pray to Allah for rain. A child holding an umbrella also joined them. All were surprised to see umbrella in his hand at the time of widespread drought in the area. Understanding the reason of their surprise he told the people that he is fully sure that after their prayers there must be rain. That is why he brought an umbrella to cover himself. This is the level of belief you must have in Allah to make your Dua effective. Only Allah is our savior This is our topmost belief regarding our relation with our Creator. That is why we must be completely sure that He is the one Who can solve our all problems and fulfill our all legitimate desires. With this thought in mind if we spread our hands before Him there is no doubt He would not listen to us. But the main thing is how we pray to Him. We must
express our maximum obedience to Him; not only in words but also in our action.
Only Allah is the giver No one in this world can solve our problem if Allah wants otherwise. So instead of looking at somewhere else we should from the very beginning move towards Him. It is very common that we first approach various worldly sources for the solution of our problems and after no reply from them we pray to Allah. This is not the style of a true Muslim. Obviously people can become a source to help us but actually it is He Who saves us from all problems and hardships.
If our Dua is not accepted it must have a rational It is not necessary that whatever we beg to Allah He just gives us. It is possible that the thing we are demanding apparently may be beneficial for us but
actually may bring a problem for us. That is why if our Dua is not accepted it doesn’t mean that it was not an effective Dua but there may be a rational behind its non-acceptance in the form we desired, that Allah knows better. Leave everything up to Allah Allah created us and sent us in this world. It is His responsibility to do whatever is good for us. We should not go beyond a certain level to think and take care of ourselves. No doubt this life is blessing from Allah and we have to give it a great value but we must firmly believe that Allah gave us this life and He can take it back anytime He wants. If we have this belief not any problem or worry can disturb us or lead us to any wrong path. We just have to work hard, take our every effort to make our life happy and comfortable while leaving the rest up to Allah. With this mindset you can easily make your Dua effective. | 14
This E-Magazine is a monthly publication as a new initiative brought to you by the Ideal Muslim team. Ideal Muslim is an organisation headed by Mufti Mohammed Kamil Sheikh (Med, MCMI) aiming to enhance the quality of people’s lives by providing practical tips and advices on all areas of life, giving the readers the opportunity to become Ideal Muslims. The organisation also operates Islamic Weekend Schools across London and actively teaches the future generations’ practical living techniques in a fun and enjoyable manner.
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