The T 7 goals for a productive prod day – Surah Fatiha
Hadith Quotes on children
Allah’s artistry of our brain
Top ten tips for my wifey
Make a wonderful meal in just 15 minutes
Things to do to have a FAMILY FUN time
We all want to have a productive day. We strive hard in figuring out our interests and potential and learn to manage that precious commodity, time. We set goals and develop strategies to accomplish them. Now, the point to ponder is, are these “goals” really aimed at gaining the Pleasure of Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala (glorified is He)? What goals should we set for ourselves to achieve in a day that are aimed at gaining the pleasure of Allah (swt) and inching closer to Jannah (Paradise) insha’Allah (God willingly)? Subhan’Allah (glory to God)!! Allah (swt)—the Supreme Being—gives us the answer in 7 short ayahs (verses of the Qur’an) very aptly titled –“Al Fatiha—The Opening.”
Here goes:–
Say Bismillah before beginning a task—In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful: Start each task with the name of Allah (swt). It increases barakah (blessings). Say Bismillah before eating, starting something new, entering the house etc. Thank Allah (swt) often—[All] praise is [due] to Allah, Lord of the worlds: A true believer is grateful in all circumstances. Look around you and acknowledge the blessings of Allah (swt) and thank Him for them each day. This very practical exercise will help in dealing with traumatic situations and fighting discontentment and increase the chances of leading a stress-free lifestyle. Be Kind—The Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful: Allah (swt)‘s beautiful qualities of being Especially merciful and Entirely Merciful. We should try to adopt these qualities in our daily lives and be merciful and kind to the people around us. Be kind to your family, neighbors, and friends. Take a pot of chicken soup to someone with a cold, or give a ride to someone to the mosque or the halaqas (study circles) today. Remember the Day of Judgment—Sovereign of the Day of Recompense: Tell yourself each day that this dunya (life, universe) is just “play and amusement” and very soon that day will come when Allah (swt) will recompense us for each good and bad deed done. This will insha’Allah assist us in balancing the dunya and the akhirah (Hereafter). Read Surah Mulk every night. Seek Only Allah (swt) for help—It is You we worship and You we ask for help: Remember Allah (swt) is only a du`a’ (supplication) away.
The Prophet ᤖ (peace be upon him) said: “Man should call upon Allah alone to provide for all his needs, so much so that even if a shoelace is broken, he should pray to Allah to provide a shoe-lace, and if he needs salt, he should beseech Allah to send it to him.” [Tirmidhi] We know and accept that only Allah (swt) can help us during our hardships. We increase our reliance on Allah (swt) and make du`a’ and practice patience. Follow the Sunnah—Guide us to the straight path: Yahiya ibn Mu‘âdh (rahimahu Allâh, may God be pleased with him) said, “Renew your hearts with the remembrance of Allâh because it rushes into forgetfulness.” We should try each day to learn something new about the deen (religion). Learn a new sunnah (tradition) or Qur’anic ruling on some matter relating to your everyday life. Do righteous deeds and seek the company of the righteous—The path of those upon whom You have bestowed favor, not of those who have evoked [Your] anger or of those who are astray: Make an effort to do good deeds and seek the company of those people who remember Allah (swt) when they meet. Listen attentively to the jumu`ah khutbah (Friday sermon) and attend halaqas (study circles). The good news is that Allah (swt) reminds us of these goals at least 17 times a day; in every fard salah (mandatory prayer). Alhamdulillah
The human brain is like a powerful computer that stores our memory and controls how we as humans think and react. It has evolved over time and features some incredibly intricate parts that scientists still struggle to understand.
The brain contains billions of nerve cells that send and receive information around the body.
The human brain is over three times as big as the brain of other mammals that are of similar body size.
The brain is suspended in n Cerebrospinal fluid, effectively ctively floating in liquid that acts ts as both a cushion to physical impact act and a barrier to infections.
Diseases of the brain include ůnjŚĞŝŵĞƌ͛Ɛ ĚŝƐĞĂƐĞ͕ WĂƌŬŝŶƐŽŶΖƐ disease and multiple sclerosis. Diseases such as these can limit the normal function of the human brain.
The human brain is protected by the skull (cranium), a protective casing made up of 22 bones that are joined together.
Most strokes rokes result from a blood clot in n that blocks the brain the locall blood supply, this causes age or the damage destruction tion of nearby brain tissue ide range of and a wide stroke symptoms. ymptoms.
Each side of the brain interacts largely with just one half of the body, but for reasons that are not yet fully understood, the interaction is with opposite sides, the right side of the brain interacts with the left side of the body, and vice versa.
Dress up for your wife, look clean and smell good. When was the last time you went shopping for the best clothing? Just like the husband wants his wife to look nice for him, she also wants her husband to dress up for her too. Remember that the Prophet (PBUH) would always start with Miswak when returning home and always loved the sweetest smells.
Use the best names for your wife. Call your wife by the most beloved names to her, and avoid using names that hurt their feelings.
'RQ¡W WUHDW KHU OLNH D IO\ :H QHYHU WKLQN DERXW D IO\ LQ our daily lives until it œEXJV¡ XV 6LPLODUO\ D ZLIH ZLOO GR ZHOO DOO GD\ ² which brings no attention from the husband ² XQWLO VKH GRHV VRPHWKLQJ WR œEXJ¡ KLP 'RQ¡W WUHDW KHU like this; recognize all the good that she does and focus on that.
If you see wrong from your wife, try being silent and do not comment! This is one of the ways the Prophet (PBUH) used when he would see something LQDSSURSULDWH IURP KLV ZLYHV 5 $ ,W¡V D WHFKQLTXH WKDW IHZ 0XVOLP PHQ have mastered.
5. Smile at your wife whenever you see her and embrace her often. Smiling is Sadaqah and your wife is not exempt from the Muslim Ummah. Imagine life with her constantly seeing you smiling. Remember also those Hadeeth when the Prophet (PBUH) would kiss his wife before leaving for Salah, even when he was fasting.
Thank her for all that she does for you. Then thank her again! Take for example a dinner at your house. She makes the food, cleans the home, and a dozen other tasks to prepare. And sometimes the only acknowledgment VKH UHFHLYHV LV WKDW WKHUH QHHGHG WR EH PRUH VDOW LQ WKH VRXS 'RQ¡W OHW WKDW be; thank her!
Ask her to write down the last ten things you did for her that made her happy. Then go and do them again. It may be hard to recognize what gives \RXU ZLIH SOHDVXUH <RX GRQ¡W KDYH WR SOD\ D JXHVVLQJ JDPH DVN KHU DQG work on repeating those times in your life.
'RQ¡W EHOLWWOH KHU GHVLUHV &RPIRUW KHU 6RPHWLPHs the men may look down upon the requests of their wives. The Prophet (PBUH) set the example for us in an incident when Safiyyah (R.A) was crying because, as she said, he had put her on a slow camel. He wiped her tears, comforted her, and brought her the camel.
Be humorous and play games with your wife. Look at how the Prophet (PBUH) would race with his wife Aisha (R.A) in the desert. When was the last time we did something like that?
$OZD\V UHPHPEHU WKH ZRUGV RI $OODK¡V 0HVVHQJHU 3%8+ œ7KH EHVW RI \RX are those who treat their families the best. And I am the best amongst you WR P\ IDPLO\ ¡ 7U\ WR EH WKH EHVW
Before marriage, a man yearns for the woman he loves. After marriage, the "y" becomes silent.
Disclaimer... This is innocent humour
Ingredients 85g thick rice noodles 500ml hot chicken or vegetable stock 1 tsp fish sauce juice ½ lime 1 star anise pinch sugar 1 handful small raw prawns handful mint and coriander leaves chopped red chilli , to serve
Method Boil the noodles until al dente, then drain. Put the stock in a pan with the fish sauce, lime juice, star anise and pinch of sugar. Bring to the boil and add the noodles and prawns. Warm through, then pour into a bowl and serve topped with the mint, coriander and chilli. Prawn miso bowl Swap the fish sauce, lime juice, star anise and sugar for a sachet of miso soup or 1 tbsp miso paste. Per serving 256 kcalories, protein 31g, carbohydrate 30g, fat 3 g, saturated fat 0g, fibre 2g, sugar 3g, salt 3.33 g
Vision- To nurture young learners to be able to think and learn for themselves, whilst understanding, exploring and expressing their shred, moral, spiritual and social values of ISLAM and becoming part of a growing British society.
Cheap & FUN!! Just buy a packet of disposable cups and you can have hours of fun with you child any age by:-
1. Stack them up in a pyramid as high as u can get! Challenge yourself how high? 2. Line them up like bowling and role a ball to knock them over, create a score bored 3. Roll up a paper ball and line and number the cups aim for the highest numbers so you can win the game, Whoever wins they can get to has a treat of what they like and the loser would have to do the most hated chore in the house. Try making it that you as the parent loses.
A lovely way to connect with your child by making a real flower collage, this is easily done by collecting flowers, leafs, sequences diamonds etc. Once you have collected enough, place them in a think book e.g. phone book, or put them in between tow pieces of absorbent wood place something heavy on top and leave for a bout 3wekeeks. When time has been completed you can then carefully take it out and start arranging it in a beautiful collage. You can then add sequences and the diamond on them.
If you have enough space and making sure that things are safe you can create an obstacle course with your child. Children love to race against time, so put a stopwatch on and being the countdown. A few chairs a mini task like eat 3 apples at the end of jumping over and going under the chair. Try to ues the whole house upstairs down stairs and the garden. Draw a map make it existing
In France after picking groceries in the supermarket, a Niqabi sister stood in the line to pay. After a few minutes, her turn came up at the checkout counter. The checkout girl was a non-Hijaabi Arab Muslim girl. She began to scan the items of the Niqabi sister. After a while she
looked at her with arrogance & said: "We have many problems in this country & your Niqab is one of them! We, immigrants, are here for trade and not to show our Deen or history! If you want to practice your Deen and wear Niqaab then go back to your Arab country and do whatever you want!" The Niqaabi sister stopped putting her grocery in the bag and lifted up her Niqaab. The checkout Arab girl was in total shock. The Niqaabi girl who was blonde with blue eyes told her: "I am a French girl, not an Arab immigrant. This is my country & THIS IS MY ISLAM. You born Muslims sold your Deen and we bought it from you!" Allah says: "If you turn away, Allah will replace you by another people, and they will not be like you." (47:38)
How do you expect kids to listen to their parents when...
* Tarzan lives half naked, * Cinderella comes home at midnight, * Pinocchio lies all the time, * Aladdin is the king of thieves, * Batman drives at 200 mph, * Romeo and Juliet commit suicide out of love, * Harry Potter uses witchcraft, * Mickey and Minnie are more than just friends, * Sleeping Beauty is lazy, * Dumbo gets drunk and hallucinates, * Scooby Doo gives nightmares, * and Snow White lives with 7 guys.
We shouldn't be surprised when they misbehave, they get it from their storybooks and cartoons! We should instead be teaching them stories like Prophet Mohammad ( ) و س لم ع ل يه ا ه ص لیand Khadija (RA)'s pure love, Prophet M0hammad ( ) و س لم ع ل يه ا ه ص لیand Aisha (RA)'s sweet acts of love, Abu Bakr (RA)'s loyalty and undying service for his master, Umar ibn Khatthab (RA)'s love for justice and tolerance, Uthman ibn Affan (RA)'s level of shyness and modesty, Ali ibn Abi-Talib (RA)'s show of courage and bravery,
Khalid ibn Waleed (RA)'s desire of combating evil, Fatima bint Muhammad (RA)'s love and respect to her father, Sallahuddin Al-Ayubi (RA)'s conquest of the promised land, and much much more... Above all, we should teach them about Allah (SWT), Qur'an and the Sunnah! Visit www.ayasofiaprimary.com Enrolment for Tower Hamlets most successful Muslim Primary school are now open for September 2013 Register your interest via email at Info@ayasofiaprimary.com