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Retrofit/Rehab: In With The Old Smartphones Open Doors Renewable-Energy Alternatives
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contents INSIDE
A building’s potential benefits from creative renovation. see page 8
F E AT U R E S 8 In With The Old, In With The New Old buildings can be brought up to modern standards with grace and efficiency.
14 Smartphones Open Doors
D E PA R T M E N T S 6 64 67 68
The Green Angle Showcases Index Portfolio
Universities save money while meeting student needs with near-field-communication technology.
20 HDPE Wins Big In public restrooms, impervious, easy-to-clean materials thwart vandals and score points with owners.
24 Building Power: Renewable Energy There’s little debate about the need for alternative energy sources. The question is how to choose the right one.
41 45 49 50 54 58 62
Exteriors Interiors FF&E Windows & Doors Lighting & Electrical HVAC & Plumbing Building Technology
About The Cover
30 Columbus Middle School, Columbus, MS 37 River Crossing, Tucson, AZ
jul /aug 2012 vol. 10
no. 6
Renovation is a very active area these days. Chicago’s Monroe Building, designed by Holabird & Roche, Chicago, in 1912, was recently renovated by architects from that firm. Learn more about it and other projects in our renovation feature on p. 8.
39 The College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA Get free product information at www.cbpmagazine.com
JUL/AUG 2012
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CBPdigital E X T R A S
To learn more about the products mentioned in the features in this issue, visit our digital magazine at http://www.cbpmagazine.com/digital/jul2012. Turn to the article that interests you and click on the icon to download a spec sheet or watch a video. Below is a summary of this issue’s Digital Extras.
As part of our variety of online editorial products, Commercial Building Products presents Commercial Conversation at http://www.commercialconversation.com. Commercial Conversation is a series of semi-monthly podcasts in which the editors speak with commercial-construction industry experts about issues that affect specifier decisions. Podcasts are supported by a resource page and are available for download from the website.
Expanding The Architect’s Role: Debra Kunce Debra Kunce, associate at Schmidt Associates Inc., Indianapolis, and AIA vice president, discusses how her firm has expanded the traditional role of an architectural firm and found business growth in a difficult economy.
Why NFPA 285 Is Important: Herbert Slone Herbert Slone returns to discuss the importance of NFPA 285 and the impact it has on exterior-wall-system design. Read his article on p. 8 of the June 2012 issue, then listen to the podcast to learn more about NFPA 285, which is playing a significant role as part of an increased focus on energy-code compliance.
Vegetative Roofs: Herbert Slone Smartphones Open Doors, p. 14: When you go to the digital magazine and click on the Digital Extra icon for this article, you will download a pdf file that describes the features and specifications of Ingersoll Rand’s AptiQ Multi-Technology Readers.
HDPE Wins Big, p. 20: This Digital Extra is a 26-page catalog that provides the features and specifications of the company’s line of restroom partitions and other privacy products.
Building Power: Renewable Energy: A Tale Of Four Projects, p. 24: Click on the icon at the end of this article and you will download a pdf that combines brochures from two of the companies that provided alternative-energy systems described in the article.
School Keeps Things Local, p. 30: Click on the icon in the digital magazine to download a brochure that details the BattenLok HS metal exteriorpanel system manufactured by Ceco Buiding Systems.
The sixth Commercial Conversation podcast looks at vegetative roof systems, including design and specification considerations. Guest Herbert Slone is a registered architect and technical manager of commercial building for Owens Corning, Toledo, OH.
Match Education Technology With Education Design: Amy Stein In our fifth podcast, we talk with Amy Stein, architect at MGA Partners, Philadelphia, about the design and renovation of higher-education facilities to provide dynamic learning environments that meet current and future needs and provide flexibility as education techniques embrace electronic tools.
www.cbpmagazine.com offers many online products meriting investigation. Just click on the icons on the website.
Metal Is Hot In Custom Design, p. 37: The e-book that you receive from this Digital Extra download will provide you with details about Kingspan’s extensive line of building-envelope solutions.
Variable-Speed Compressors Earn A+, p. 39: The video you’ll watch when you click on this Digital Extra icon shows a technician dismantling a scroll compressor that was damaged in shipment, providing a first-hand view of the inner workings.
Recent blog topics: • National Gypsum introduces four CE classes • NIBS report highlights areas in need of improvement • Guide for implementing COBie into projects • Intelligent lighting-controls market predictions Get free product information at www.cbpmagazine.com
JUL/AUG 2012
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editor’s NOTEBOOK
Economy down, new opportunities up When economic conditions deteriorate, most companies meet with their accountants, fold up the tents, and hunker down until the sun shines again. Savvy business people also watch their pennies but immediately begin taking a fresh look at their company because they know that a difficult economy produces opportunity. That opportunity might be to grab market share from those who have gone into hibernation. The opportunity also might be to re-think the business and how it approaches the market. Those who use an open mind at this juncture often find new ways to do business and can literally change their business landscape. It’s that approach that has paid off for the folks at Schmidt Associates Inc., Indianapolis, a full-service architectural and engineering firm that provides planning, design, and construction services for the K-12, highereducation, healthcare, and urban markets. Their approach, through their program-management effort, has greatly expanded the role of their architectural services such that they are now serving clients from project beginning to end, working in full collaboration with all stakeholders. They also are providing services that typically would be handled internally by the client, eliminating the need for a client to take on additional payroll expenses, often for relatively temporary needs. In the case of their efforts with the Indianapolis Public School system, they have gone so far as to play a major role in marketing and communication to the voting community about the need for school renovation and construction. The results are impressive. This is the kind of thinking and approach to doing business that sets companies on new paths and lays new foundations for growth. To learn more about what Schmidt Associates is doing, listen to our latest Commercial Conversation podcast with Debra Kunce, associate at Schmidt and the person responsible for their program-management efforts. Hear the 30-min. podcast at http://www.commercialconversation.com/?p=199. I can just about guarantee that, after listening to Debra, you will take a step back from your daily grind and spend some time thinking about new opportunities that might change your operation’s approach to its market and put you in a growth mode while your competitors are simply trying to recover.
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Commer cial Building Produc t s ConSour ce LLC 1300 S. Gr ove Avenue, Suit e 105, Barringt on, IL 60010 847.382.8100
CBPdigital Gary L. Parr Editorial Director
Learn about Schmidt Associates and their program-management approach to serving their clients by listening to the Commercial Conversation podcast with Debra Kunce, associate at Schmidt and AIA vice president. Find the podcast at http://www.commercialconversation.com/?p=199
COMMERCIAL BUILDING PRODUCTS (USPS 23077) is published nine times/year in January, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, and November, by ConSource LLC, 1300 S. Grove Ave., Suite 105, Barrington, IL 60010 (Phone: 847-382-8100). Periodicals postage paid at Barrington, IL, and additional offices. Entire contents copyright 2012 by ConSource LLC. All rights reserved. SUBSCRIPTION: COMMERCIAL BUILDING PRODUCTS is mailed free to major users of commercial building products across several industries. Non-qualified subscriptions in the United States are $24 for one year. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to: COMMERCIAL BUILDING PRODUCTS, Creative Data, 440 Quadrangle Dr., Suite E, Bolingbrook, IL 60440-9719. For other circulation information, call 630-739-0900.
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How Green Is Green? New analyses respond to concerns about how environmentally responsible products really are. Gary Jakubcin, Owens Corning
taying abreast of the latest green-building standards can be a difficult task, since technologies and products are constantly evolving. Often, however, the latest advancements in domestic green building have been in practice for years on a global level. As an example, the Building Energy Quotient program from the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Atlanta, uses letter grades similar to those found on European building labels. A concept gaining in popularity across Europe is the increasing use of energy-centric product labels to indicate products’ environmental impact. Known as an environmental product declaration (EPD), this label has a similar function to that of a nutrition label, which provides data on the fat, calories, sugar, and nutrients in food. Many professionals rely on engineering and ecology studies and existing research to gauge environmental impacts. An EPD offers the same expert analysis in a simple package, saving architects and specifiers time and, ultimately, money when it comes to choosing a product. The potential significance of EPD and its corresponding life-cycle assessment (LCA) is something North American-based building professionals should consider as advantageous and important decision-making tools. Defining EPDs and LCAs The International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Geneva, defines three levels of product labeling for environmental attributes: • Type I: a multi-attribute label developed by a third party • Type II: a single-attribute label developed by the producer • Type III: an eco-label based on a full life-cycle assessment. A life-cycle assessment, sometimes called cradle-to-grave analysis, refers to a fair, holistic assessment of a product’s environmental impact. It requires the evaluation of the product’s life cycle: raw-material production, product manufacturing, distribution, the use phase, the disposal phase, and the effect of all transportation used to get the product from cradle to grave. Developed as a better way to examine the environmental impact of products marketed as green, LCAs soon garnered interest among general customers who wanted to accurately compare how particular green products stacked up against competing products. 6
JUL/AUG 2012
Benefits of LCA The LCA and EPD are decision-making tools to determine what is green and the extent to which a building or product is green. Architects, for example, often seek resources to better help with material selection. One way to do that is with LCAs, which influence a product’s EPD. If all major materials carry an EPD label, architects may begin summing them up for an evaluation. LCAs consider multiple impact categories. Comparative LCAs allow the comparison of two or more products when the analysis is done under the same scope and protocol. LCAs also provide an opportunity to analyze a product or process from the cradle-to-grave perception— from the extraction of the raw materials to, inevitably, the customer. Conversely, other forms of testing and studies tend to focus singularly on one point and process in time. In 2010, to help composite customers address product sustainability and to compete effectively against other material systems, Columbus, OH-based Owens Corning performed multiple assessments for several composite applications, such as glass-fiber-reinforced cement. We also participated in a multi-product, multi-manufacturer life-cycle assessment sponsored by the North American Insulation Manufacturers Association, Alexandria, VA, which will be used to help educate consumers about the positive environmental qualities of glass-fiber-based insulation. LCAs in commercial building The building industry continues to demand faster, better techniques that will not only enhance and simplify our jobs but also help us build faster and smarter. Leading manufacturers such as Owens Corning have begun to implement screening LCAs, which are essentially abbreviated versions of the full LCA process and can be a solid starting point. Green-building-certification programs, such as LEED from the U.S. Green Building Council, Washington, are now beginning to leverage LCAs for more qualifying points. In addition, building codes are starting to record LCAs and EPDs. LCAs and EPDs are an effective technique for businesses. If history is any indicator, they soon will be mainstream in the United States. Will you be ready? Gary Jakubcin is manager, green products/life management group, for Owens Corning, Columbus, OH.
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Additional information about EPDs
elow is a list of resources related to environmental product declarations (EPDs).
From UL Environment, Marietta, GA: Transparency and the Role of Environmental Product •
Declarations, an 8-page PDF document that explains EPDs, how they’re constructed, and the role they play, at www.commercialconversation.com/downloads/ cc01/cc0101.pdf GreenGuard newsletter featuring Heather Gadonniex •
at www.greenguard.org/uploads/images/August_ Newsletter_Expert_Perspect.html UL Environment’s database of validated and •
certified products at www.ul.com/global/eng/pages/ offerings/businesses/environment/databasesearch Kingspan EPD, 24-page PDF at http://www. •
commercialconversation.com/downloads/cc01/ cc0103.pdf InterfaceFlor EPD, 21-page PDF at www. •
commercialconversation.com/downloads/cc01/ cc0104.pdf Additional resources: Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) Are Com•
ing. Is Your Business Ready?, an 11-page PDF document by Bowyer, Howe, Fernholz, Bratkovich, and Stai, Dovetail Partners Inc., Minneapolis. Go to www.commercialconversation.com/downloads/cc01/cc0102.pdf. The Green Standard: www.thegreenstandard.org/ •
EPD_System.html Environmental Product Declarations: •
www.environmentalproductdeclarations.com Swedish Environmental Management Council: •
www.environdec.com/en. International perspective and some EPD examples. LEED 2012 drafts from the U.S Green Building •
Council, Washington, at www.usgbc.org/DisplayPage. aspx?CMSPageID=2516
For more information about EPDs, listen to Commercial Building Products’ Commercial Conversation featuring Heather Gadonniex at http://www. commercialconversation.com/podcasts/cc01.mp3.
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In With The Old, In With The New Old buildings can be brought up to modern standards with grace and efficiency. Marjie O’Connor, Senior Editor
he bulldozer is an enemy of people who love old buildings. Architects and engineers see opportunity instead of ruin and creative challenge instead of decay. Their approaches to saving old structures often differ. Many work to maintain as much of the project building’s original character as possible, while others use old buildings as a starting point for something completely different. They all, however, are able to look past the broken windows, leaky roofs, and sooty façades to find a building’s potential to function, even if that function is completely unrelated to its former use. In this article, we’ll take a look at the work of some of those people and get a glimpse of how their minds work when they see a building that may have stood vacant for years or even decades. It takes a special kind of creativity to envision potential and make that vision happen—especially when the results earn LEED certification from the U.S. Green Building Council in Washington. The following are examples of those visions come to life. 8
JUL/AUG 2012
Higher One Svigals+Partners, New Haven, CT, adapted and renovated part of the historic and long-abandoned Winchester Arms Factory, also in New Haven, to serve as the new headquarters for Higher One, a fast-growing technology and paymentservices company. The 150,000-sq.-ft. project sets the stage for a larger mixed-use community of offices, apartments, and retail spaces in the city’s Science Park area. The original four- and six-story buildings, built in 1915, still retain their unmistakably historic factory character, even in
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their reincarnation as a modern, corporate workplace. A new four-story glass atrium connecting the two structures forms a dynamic entry and circulation core that transforms the way that the two buildings function together by creating a modern space where staff from all departments meet, mingle, and collaborate. The design creates a vibrant new workplace to anchor the budding Science Park development while adhering to the National Park Service guidelines for additions to historic structures, which qualified the project for federal
The Monroe Building Designed by Holabird & Roche, Chicago, and built in 1912, the Monroe Building in downtown Chicago faced the same fate of many old buildings: conversion into condominiums and parking space. While that change might be preferable to a date with a wrecking ball, new owners and real-estate developers J&J Arnaco LLC, Chicago, had the vision to look at the shell of a once-magnificent commercial space and see that it could fill that role again. With the help of architects from Holabird & Root, the modern incarnation of the Chicago firm that originally designed the building, Arnaco launched an ambitious and meticulous restoration of the Romanesque building. The faรงade and other historic elements inspired the careful preservation, including restoration of the original roof and skylights. The team commissioned tile for the spectacular lobby
from the same source that provided the original, even though that company had been out of the tile business for 25 years. Similarly, custom tiles match the original roofing on sloped roof areas. The project took four times longer than the original construction, largely because the building remained open during the renovation, and tenants had to be moved around. The care and time spent on the building has paid off, however. The finished project combines the best elements of restoration with modernization to meet the demands of the future.
Architect of record: Holabird & Root, Chicago, Tom Lassin, project manager Contractor: Bulley & Andres Masonry Restoration, building envelope and interior build-out Preservation consultant: Mary Brush, Klein & Hoffman, Chicago Lobby-tile manufacturer: Rookwood Pottery Inc., Cincinnati
Architect: Svigals+Partners, New Haven, CT Construction manager: Forest City Residential, Cambridge, MA, and John Moriarty & Associates Inc., Farmington, CT Developer: Winstanley Enterprises LLC, Concord, MA MEP engineer: AHA Consulting Engineers, Lexington, MA
tax incentives. The team restored the exterior to its original condition and replaced the existing windows with energy-efficient replicas to ensure an energy-efficient, comfortable interior environment. The design maintains some of the iconic historical interior components. An old vault area is now an elevator shaft. The original entryway was restored as the new main entrance, its copper-covered wood moldings and original wood left intact. The architects also replicated the canopy and cornice above the old entryway. Continued
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JUL/AUG 2012
feature RENOVATION 2502 North First Avenue
Architect and contractor: Repp Design + Construction, Tucson, AZ Structural engineer: Caruso Turley Scott, Tempe, AZ Steel fabrication: Repp Design + Construction Solar consultant and subcontractor: GeoInnovations, Tucson
When the partners at Repp Design + Construction, Tucson, AZ, started thinking about new office space for their firm, they were absolutely sure about one thing: The new building had to be green. Their unexpected choice was a former shoe store that had also served as a fast-food restaurant and a gas station. Furthermore, the abandoned building had fallen into disrepair and looked like an excellent candidate for demolition. Page W. Repp Jr., AIA, and Rick McLain, AIA, LEED AP, were able to see past the derelict structure and imagine a building renovation that would provide beautiful and highly sustainable offices. Because of their interest in sustainability, in fact, they deliberately chose an existing structure that they could improve to meet their standards. In adapting the dilapidated building into a space suitable for the current and future needs of their growing firm, the architects created an open and flexible working environment lit with natural daylight. Their design included capabilities for solar collection and rainwater harvesting, and a series of collection basins for irrigating the xeriscape plants on the property. They chose materials based on sustainability and recycled content, as well as their ability to stand up to the harsh desert climate. The west façade presented a double challenge: the need for an architectural statement and protection for the fully glazed wall from the sun’s heat. A new steel façade provides shade but allows filtered daylight into the building, which cuts the need for electric lighting. It also forms a new courtyard that serves as a buffer from the parking lot and traffic noise while providing a much-improved entry.
Bourne Mill Apartments According to Robert Verrier, AIA, NCARB, of The Architectural Team, Chelsea, MA, he has “never met a mill [he] didn’t like.” He has renovated 19th-century New England textile mills and other factories for a variety of modern-day uses. An award-winning example of his work is the Bourne Mill Apartments in Tiverton, RI. The complex actually comprises seven old mills that have been transformed into LEED Silver mixed-income rental housing. The oldest of the structures, built of local granite and red brick, dates to 1881 and was part of the booming textile industry in that area. Added to the National Registry of Historic Places in 2007, the mill had been closed for decades before developer E.A. Fish Companies, Braintree, MA, decided to transform it into the 166-unit complex it is today. Each of the buildings required a unique approach based on its individual configuration. Former boiler rooms are now multi-level apartments or fitness centers. Loft-style units feature raised sleeping areas. Other challenges included dealing with the property’s brownfield status and adhering to stringent historicpreservation requirements. The team salvaged wood flooring from other old mills for use in the project and used as many locally sourced materials as possible. Architect: Robert Verrier, AIA, NCARB, The Architectural Team, Chelsea, MA Developer: E.A. Fish Companies, Braintree, MA General contractor: Delbrook Construction, Braintree, MA Sustainability consultant: The Green Roundtable/NEXUS, Boston 10
JUL/AUG 2012
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Vizcaya Museum and Gardens
Architect: Richard J. Heisenbottle, AIA, R.J. Heisenbottle Architects, Coral Gables, FL General Contractor: Tri Gran Group, Boca Raton, FL Structural engineers: Douglas Wood and Associates, Coral Gables, FL MEP engineers: Gartek Engineering Corp., Miami
Originally built between 1913 and 1916, Vizcaya was the Miami winter residence of Chicago industrialist James Deering, one of the founders of International Harvester Co. (now Navistar Int’l Corp., Lisle, IL). Designed by architect Burrell Hoffman and now a National Historic Landmark, the estate includes the main house and more than a dozen service buildings arranged to resemble a Mediterraneanstyle villa and an Italian farm village. The outlying buildings originally included a garage, dairy building, mule stable, chicken coop, blacksmith shop, east- and west-gate lodges, and a staff residence. The museum and gardens are now open to the public as one of Miami-Dade County’s prime attractions, but its location means it is in constant need of attention and restoration. 12
JUL/AUG 2012
This renovation included the gate lodges, café, and blacksmith shop. Formerly residential buildings, the gate lodge buildings were fully restored for use as administrative offices while retaining their architectural integrity. That was no small feat: The buildings had been abandoned for many years and had suffered serious structural deterioration in the subtropical climate, particularly from hurricanes. Besides making the lodges structurally sound, the team, headed by Richard J. Heisenbottle, AIA, of R.J. Heisenbottle Architects, Coral Gables, FL, carefully engineered new mechanical, electrical,
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plumbing, and life-safety systems to fit without disturbing the original spaces. They also improved the buildings’ thermal efficiency, adding insulation for the first time in the attic. In 2005, Hurricane Wilma flooded the basement and destroyed the café and shop. RJHA completely redesigned the area, waterproofing the basement space and carefully restoring the decorative historical elements that remained and recreating others from historic photographs. The original fireplace of the smoking lounge was restored and again serves as the centerpiece of the room. Marjie O’Connor is senior editor for Commercial Building Products and FF&E Specifier.
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feature DOORS AND ENTRIES Smartphones with nearfield communication (NFC) can function for access control, among many other applications.
Smartphones Open Doors Universities save money while meeting student needs with nearfield-communication technology. Raj Venkat, Ingersoll Rand Security Technologies
JUL/AUG 2012
f the term smartphone seems to be presumptuous, consider how the device is used. It makes and receives phone calls, of course, and a lot of texting is happening at this very moment. Reading books on a smartphone has become common, too. However, we are just scratching the surface of what the smartphone can do. In a study conducted among more than 980 American two- and four-year colleges and universities, including leading institutions such as the Univ. of Michigan (Ann Arbor), MIT (Cambridge, MA), UCLA (Los Angeles), and Columbia (New York), Ingersoll Rand Security Technologies, Davidson, NC, discovered that the majority of educational institutions still use picture-ID cards, mechanical keys, and barcodes for campus access control. Indeed, 76% still use magnetic stripe cards, even though students are the leading first adopters of new technologies. Only 31% use proximity cards, 16% proximity
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fobs/tokens, 10% biometrics, and 9% smart cards. These statistics reveal a gap between the colleges’ choice of safety technology and what students prefer. Students want safety and security on campus to be as unobtrusive and transparent as possible. They perceive newer technologies as convenient and a way to accomplish their goals. Building access, identification, cafeteria/ food courts, library services, bookstore purchases, printing, and vending are the leading applications for which college students use school-issued cards. Since part of the goal of a single credential is for students to carry less material, how about using something they already consider indispensable? One out of two students identify the cell phone as their favorite personal electronic device. Indeed, 91% of all mobile users keep their phones within arm’s length day and night. Nearly half of all students use cell-
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feature DOORS AND ENTRIES phone apps provided by their universities. device or with a small NFC tag the number of staff members needed to manage passive devices, such as the NFC tag in smart When it comes to credentials, two-thirds and control access to residence halls, recreation posters, that store information and communiare interested in using their phones in place of centers, and laboratories. The reduced risk of cate with readers but do not actively read other ID cards. They feel that they are less likely to intruders gaining access to facilities can result in devices lose their phones than an ID card. They also marked savings on insurance premiums. know that ID cards are shared. Phones are peer-to-peer communication that allows deGo beyond a campus and into a multinot. Students who aren’t interested either don’t vices to send and receive information. tenant building. When they use mobile have smartphones or are concerned about Students can use NFC for a wide variety of applications for many other functions in their malfunctions, such as the battery dying or losing functions with a higher level of security and far lives, tenants will expect their buildings and Internet connections. greater functionality than a proximity card. A big services to be mobile-friendly, too. They won’t Since November 2011, Villanova Univ. plus is that they’re convenient, since one NFC want to remember and manage multiple cards, (Villanova, PA) students and items, and ID credentials staff have been using the Webw when they could simply use t based aptiQmobile service from their smartphones. Ingersoll Rand along with nearLikewise, the field communications (NFC) c convenience of using ssmartphones instead of and their personal smartphones as their credentials to access b badges extends to accessdormitories, academic buildings, c control administrators. and administration offices. Rather than printing physical The NFC credential seamlessly ID badges for each tenant, integrates with Villanova’s campus a an administrator can issue a mobile key online at any card system from CBORD, Ithaca, NY. To enter buildings, students ttime, saving staff time, a simply open the aptiQmobile app administrative costs, and the e and tap their phones to the smart expense of printers, ink, card reader on a wall in the same way inventory, and associated s that they would present their supplies. This improved sservice extends to revenue campus ID badges. “Today’s students are so ssources such as vending technologically advanced that machines, pay-by-use Austin Hall is one of the buildings at Villanova Univ. that is accessible it is second nature for them to ssystems such as copiers, and using a smartphone with near-field communication technology. o put everything on their phones other services that can add and, most of the time, it’s already tto the bottom line. in their hands while walking across campus,” credential performs many functions, such as: identification Ramping up ROI said Kathy Gallagher, director of card services at Villanova. “We want to provide our students the library circulation privileges To get a maximum return on investment in NFC utmost in convenience and flexibility through building and residence-hall access systems, administrators need to keep these points meal plans and food purchases the technology we offer. It’s easier for students in mind when considering various solutions: to use an app on their phone versus digging for student-health charges 1. For the best security, look for a their card.” access to recreational facilities contactless smart solution armed with mutual charge privileges at university bookstores authentication and encrypted with AES 128-bit Getting to know NFC admission to athletic events diversified keys. With such capability, a card Students’ desire to use their cell phones as creuniversity transit. and reader verify that they are authorized to dentials ties in nicely with the budding discusThe secure-access solutions available communicate bi-directionally, which saves on sion of NFC, which inevitably will end up on cell with open-system smart credentials have infrastructure. Additionally, 128-bit keys virtually phones. As defined by NearFieldCommunicaseveral positive financial implications. For ensure no one can read or access credential tion.org, NFC is a form of contactless commuexample, when a smartcard program is information without authorization. In fact, the nication between devices such as smartphones introduced, it immediately solves the problem of technology behind AES has approval from the and tablets. A user waves a smartphone over an forgotten passwords, the nemesis of users and National Security Agency, Fort Meade, MD, for NFC-compatible device to send information. NFC administrators. Schools reduce overhead simply classified information. A message-authentication eliminates the need to touch the devices to each by not having to administer passwords. code further protects each transaction between other or go through multiple steps to set up a Smart-credential solutions for physical the credential and the reader, protecting data connection. Near-field communication provides access control typically roll out in tandem integrity and preventing outside attacks. simplified transactions, data exchange, and wirewith the implementation of card-management 2. Choose an open-solution smart less connections between two devices in very systems involving card issuance, personalization, credential, one built to adhere to ISO 14443, a close proximity to each other, usually less than a access rights, management, and post-issuance. four-part international standard for contactless foot apart. Three basic types of NFC are: Such solutions simplify management processes, smart credentials. These credentials result in active devices—known as readers or interrogamaking them more cost-effective. For instance, faster data transfer between credential and tors—that generate a radio-frequency signal that by introducing smart-credential-based reader, as much as 848 kbps baud rate (1 K baud communicates with another NFC-compatible authentication, a college can immediately reduce = 1,000 data bits/second). That’s like having
• • • • • • • • •
JUL/AUG 2012
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feature DOORS AND ENTRIES high-speed Internet for a one-card solution. ISO 14443 technology, the same standard used by the U.S. government, is especially recommended for applications requiring large amounts of data (such as biometric templates), which are often used with card or PIN access, to enter college residence halls or recreation facilities. “Using smartphones as badges saves time that can be better spent on other issues,” emphasized John Bonass, Villanova systems manager. “Assigning the credential to the students’ phone takes less work than printing and delivering a badge, and since students are very protective of their phones, this should lead to a greatly reduced replacement rate. If a phone is lost or broken, a new ID can be reissued to the new phone without having the students come to our office.” Schools not willing to upgrade to openarchitecture smart-credential solutions should at least incorporate multi-technology readers so that, when the switch to smart credentials occurs, they will not have to replace readers.
register. Shoppers with credit-card information stored in their NFC smartphones can pay for purchases by waving their smartphones near or tapping them on the reader. NFC devices can read NFC tags on a museum or retail display to get more information or an audio or video presentation. NFC can also share contacts, photos, songs, or applications and pair Bluetooth devices. To turn a smartphone into an accesscontrol credential, one simply downloads an application and uses it to retrieve a secure mobile key set up by the access-control site administrator. Once the mobile key is downloaded, the user opens the app and taps the phone to the reader. Retrofitting equipment may not even be necessary. If smart-enabled Schlage AD series locks or XceedID smart readers (both from Ingersoll Rand) are already installed, it’s simply a matter of downloading the credentials to the students’ phones. If non-smart access technology is in place, installation of multi-technology readers eases transition.
smartphones. We can check the status of door locks and permit entry to a building. We can receive text or email notifications when someone accesses a lock and see what’s happening in and around a building. We can conserve energy by controlling the lights and thermostat. Using the phone as a credential is the logical next step. With this said, it is important to understand that the solution is still in the testing phase and not yet ready for mass commercialization. As with smart cards and biometrics, the early adaptors will be on college campuses, ready to bring the technology into the commercial market. With each graduation, more users accustomed to NFC convenience will join the business world. The universities from which they graduate and the companies where they begin their careers need to be ready.
Smartphones as smart cards
A natural evolution
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Many smartphones already contain embedded NFC chips that can send encrypted data to a reader located, for instance, next to a retail cash
As a society, we’re already going down the cell-phone trail. Security systems make it easy for us to monitor facilities through computers or
and visit our digital magazine at www.cbpmagazine.com/digital/jul2012 and click on the icon.
Raj Venkat is vice president for readers, credentials, and biometrics at Ingersoll Rand Security Technologies, Davidson, NC.
NEW AIA CEU COURSE The USGBC, SLOAN and Excel Dryer join forces to offer a new CEU Course, Next Generation Green Restroom Design (NGGRD). NGGRD shows architects and designers how to specify the most cost effective, hygienic and green restrooms with today’s newest technologies.
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feature RESTROOMS Raised dots on HDPE partitions provide a contemporary look while discouraging vandals, who might think twice before attempting to carve or write graffiti on the surfaces.
When the KFC Yum! Center is full of fans for Univ. of Louisville basketball games, the court and seating areas take only part of the punishment dished out by hard-driving players and enthusiastic fans.
HDPE Wins Big In public restrooms, impervious, easy-to-clean materials thwart vandals and score points with owners. David Casal, Scranton Products 20
JUL/AUG 2012
here are few rowdier environments than a public stadium, which often hosts the gamut of angry to joyful sports fans or highspirited rock-concert attendees. It’s no wonder that stadium managers and the designers who help create these environments have a real challenge when it comes to stadium restrooms. Materials have to stand up against destruction, varying levels of hygienic behaviors, and daunting cleaning challenges. Specified more and more by architects and designers, high-density polyethylene (HDPE) performs well in these environments. The
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sustainable material meets the requirements for stall partitions, showers, vanities, and lockers in stadium restrooms and locker rooms. HDPE also suits the demand of design aesthetics for today’s arenas. That’s important, considering that many private suites in stadiums have the style and comfort of penthouses. Traditional materials such as metal can rust, dent, and scratch, while some laminates are not very durable or attractive. HDPE combines strength with an inherent resistance to bacteria and an easy-to-clean surface, making it an ideal public-restroom material. Because it has a solid,
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feature RESTROOMS closed-cell structure throughout, it does not more than 300 restroom partitions reflected the delaminate or absorb moisture, and it stands same look and feel as the structure. She selected up to chemical agents and scratches. Whether Scranton Products’ Hiny Hiders bathroom smooth or textured, the surface is resistant to partitions in Stainless EX. The texture of small vandalism such as carved and written graffiti. raised dots frustrates vandals. It is difficult to HDPE bonds well with colorants throughout carve anything legible into a bumpy texture and its cell structure, making it impervious to just as hard to write on. Ink doesn’t adhere. degradation or fading. The colors appear richer and deeper. Through proprietary formulas and decades of experience, companies have developed color technologies that strongly resemble the materials they replace. For example, Scranton Products, Scranton, PA, offers four designer collections that include 35 colors with the look of rich woods, metallics, stone, and speckled patterns. There are also five textures including orange peel, hammered, contour, EX The sleek look of these (raised dots), and rotary partitions teams well brushed.
Uniting on partitions
with the modern design of the TD Ameritrade Stadium in Omaha, NE.
Vertically integrated from pellet to product to ensure the highest quality, partitions start out as plastic resin extruded into plastic sheets, which in turn are custom fabricated to customers’ measurements. HDPE is designer- and installer-friendly, too, permitting a number of hardware options. Durable and easy to handle, it is field-modifiable with common woodworking tools, which allows installers to make on-the-job changes required by job-site conditions. It also allows installation to be completed on time without waiting for additional parts. Many facilities’ maintenance crews steam clean or power wash their high-volume restrooms or use heavy-duty cleaning chemicals, and HDPE holds up to such rigorous cleaning regimen. The non-porous surface is a hostile environment for microbes, which die in about eight hours without moisture and rust, which is the perfect environment for germs. The material also resists mold and mildew. Because everything stays on the surface, HDPE is easy to clean. For the ultra-contemporary, 24,000-seat TD Ameritrade Park in Omaha, NE, designers chose HDPE materials for their design versatility, cleanliness, and resistance to vandalism. In keeping with the stadium’s futuristic look, interior designer Doris Witte, senior interior designer at HDR Inc., Omaha, the architectural firm for the project, wanted to ensure that the 22
JUL/AUG 2012
“The color was perfect for the grays and silvers of the contemporary design, and the texture was very important because of the abuse these stalls take in a public stadium,” said Witte. “These are very functional, high-traffic restrooms, and the HDPE material is durable, won’t dent, and resists bacteria and graffiti.” Witte noted that about 90% of her firm’s designs are for healthcare, so they know how bacteria can spread in a public bathroom. “From a cleanliness point of view, you can steam clean the stalls without worry of rust. Bacteria cannot live on the HDPE surface for very long.” HDPE is also a sustainable product, with as much as 75% post-industrial content and established programs to recycle production scrap and waste. For example, Scranton Products grinds up scrap from the manufacturing process for use in new products. The company also offers a post-consumer material made of milk jugs. Joining the efforts of the U.S. Green Building Council, Washington, and the LEED program to improve the environmental and economic performance of commercialconstruction projects, solid HDPE plastic products can also contribute LEED points in specific categories such as construction-waste management, salvage/recycle, and use of local or regional material.
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HDPE for KFC Another example of modern architectural design is the KFC Yum! Center, a sports complex in Louisville, KY, and home to the Univ. of Louisville men’s and women’s basketball teams, as well as a public-events venue. Tracy Tapp, an associate and interior designer at Populous, a d worldwide architectural w firm based in Kansas City, MO, said the center is the M proudest achievement in p her 13-year career. Using h tthe best materials was key iin achieving her design vision. She specified v bathroom partitions for b almost 300 stalls with a ssome supplemental metal. “From a design perspective, we were p excited to find the solid e HDPE partitions with a H sporty yet sophisticated s ttexture. The black color iis classic and timeless,” sshe said. Tapp explains tthat a contemporary design has to carry d through every room t and not lose the color a scheme or upscale feel. s “The partitions were above and beyond typical bathroom products, allowing us to step up in quality and stay within our budget.” Ted Nicholson, general manager of the KFC Yum! Center, said he’s very happy with the partition products in the restrooms. “We’ve had no rust or dents in any of our bathroom stalls and are thrilled with the performance of the partitions.” With a focus on satisfying customers such as Nicholson, Tapp also noted the importance of leaving the job knowing that the stalls are a durable and lowmaintenance option for the arena staff and owners. “Because they are made of HDPE, the partitions are very impact- and sports-fan resistant,” she said. As HDPE products continue to evolve for public stadiums and other venues, manufacturers continually raise the bar to meet the higher design aesthetic that architects want while withstanding the unnecessary roughness of sports fans. Few environments provide more challenging tests for such game-changing materials. David Casal is director of national sales and marketing for Scranton Products, Scranton, PA.
for free information, CIRCLE 2 and visit our digital magazine at www.cbpmagazine.com/digital/jul2012 and click on the icon.
“Very impressed.” – Ray Fischer, Design Engineer
Bob Stiens of Cincinnati Air Conditioning with Ray Fischer, the project’s Design Engineer
Developer Bloomfield/Schon + Partners recently converted the abandoned 180,000 sq. ft. American Can factory in Cincinnati’s Northside into a 110-unit apartment complex. Residents enjoy efficient indoor comfort from an HVAC delivery system comprised of ClimateMaster® heat pumps and a Taco LoadMatch® system. No strangers to LoadMatch The developer chose Turnbull-Wahlert as its GC; the firms had worked together previously on a 98,000 sq. ft. LoadMatch project in Ithaca, NY. Bob Stiens of Cincinnati Air Conditioning was brought
on board, too, bringing his wealth of LoadMatch experience to the job. HS2 and LoadMatch save time A very tight construction schedule gave design engineer Ray Fischer just five weeks to design and size the system. Ray was introduced to LoadMatch and to Taco’s Hydronic System Solutions® software. “That HSS tool saved me a lot of time,” says Ray, “I was very impressed. As for LoadMatch, I’d use it again!” Taco through and through The rooftop mechanical room was small, requiring close coordination of
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mechanical equipment and Taco products. Twin gas-fired condensing boilers were supported by four Taco KV and KS Vertical In-line Pumps, a Taco Plate & Frame Heat Exchanger and a 4900 Series Air Separator. Despite the space limitations, Bob Stiens says it was a “turn-key install.” Learn more For sustainable, efficient Green Building HVAC systems, nothing beats Taco LoadMatch and Taco LOFlo® technology. Visit our web site or contact us before your next project!
Renewable Energy: A Tale Of Four Projects
There’s little debate about the need for alternative energy sources. The question is how to choose the right one. John Vastyan, Common Ground
arth, wind, and fire. Who’d have guessed the name of the pop/rock band of the ‘70s and ‘80s would define today’s alternative-energy movement? Decades later, their lively tunes would hardly be a suitable sound track for the mood we’re in. The cost of energy and environmental repercussions leave some of us spinning long after the disco floor folded up and left town. Today, more than three-quarters of the world’s energy needs are met by burning fossil fuels in the form of coal, oil, or natural gas. We’ve learned by recent, tragic example that even the harvesting of crude oil bears enormous risk. Consider the devastating 2010 BP oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. Fracking (hydraulic fracturing of shale) for natural gas has stirred controversy, too. So it’s welcome news that the alternative-energy theater now stars wind, solar, geothermal systems (along with geo’s cousin, water-sourced heat pumps), and biofuel/biomass. The latter is a broad category that covers everything from raw wood and wood products to corn and methane “biogas” captured from…well, let’s just say that dairy farms and beef ranches produce more than milk and steaks. Yet, just as it is with fossil fuels, alternativeenergy sources can cause environmental concerns. Burning wood improperly produces huge amounts of pollution. Done right, however, it’s a great addition to our energy mix. Similarly, conservationists are working with utilities to reduce the environmental impact of wind farms and to protect birds. We know that hydropower is a clean source of energy, but constructing dams to harness it can be disruptive and create other environmental problems. Step into the brave new world of alternative energy as we look at four projects that illustrate the benefits of Continued on next page harvesting alternative energy.
JUL/AUG 2012
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A 1.2 million-kW wind turbine rises behind the campus of Portsmouth Abbey School. The turbine has become a symbol of the school’s commitment to energy independence.
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1. Wind Power
Along the shores of Rhode Island’s Narragansett Bay is Portsmouth Abbey School, a 500-acre, coed boarding school founded by Benedictine monks in 1926. The school has recently gained worldwide attention for its environmental savvy. Anyone traveling within several miles of the school can see its most noteworthy asset, the state’s fi rst utility-scale wind turbine. Installed in 2006 with a price tag of $1.2 million, the spine-shaped tower and three 77-foot blades rise 240 feet above a grassy bluff. According to Benedictine Brother Joseph Byron, the wind turbine, combined with other energy initiatives at the abbey, is part of a deliberate earth-wise endeavor. The V-47 1.2 million-kW wind turbine from Danish manufacturer Vestas immediately became a symbol of the school’s commitment to energy independence. It now provides 40% of the school’s and monastery’s electricity needs.
By displacing electricity purchases, wind-turbine savings pump hundreds of thousands of dollars each year into the school’s budget, enabling the purchase of truckloads of insulation, sophisticated energymanagement systems, campus-wide window and door upgrades, and the installation of high-efficiency heating systems. “Our savings have allowed us to put money aside for a wide variety of purchases, weighing multiple projects on merit,” said Paul Jestings, the school’s facility engineer. “We now have new boilers, solar heat, PV equipment, thermal storage tanks, and water heaters.”
A call from the Vatican In its fi rst year of operation, the wind turbine, which generates 1.2 million kWh/year, reduced the school’s electrical-energy use by 40%. Displacing retail-rate electricity purchases, valued today at about $0.13/ kWh, pumped $220,000 into the school’s budget.
The energy dividend now grows each year through electricity-cost savings, electricity sold back to the grid, and renewable-energy credits. At first, school administrators envisioned a five- or six-year payback on the turbine, but they were surprised to see a net gain, with full payback, after only four years. At that point, the savings were steadily pumped into their ongoing efforts to reduce the school’s carbon footprint. Vatican Radio, the official broadcasting station of the Holy See, caught wind of Portsmouth Abbey’s operation several years ago. Their interview with Byron examined the success of wind turbines and other on-campus energy-conservation initiatives. “We’re not done yet,” added Byron. “Far from it. Solar photovoltaic and geothermal equipment are on the list. So are more solar heat arrays and thermal storage tanks. Some remaining older boilers to replace—all are parts of a greater plan.”
2. Water-Sourced Heat Pumps Washington D.C. is famous for many firsts, including
The water-sourced heat pump systems don’t tap to reject accumulated heat, as conventional air-source the Beatles’ first live concert in the U.S. (1964); home of renewable energy necessarily (as their geothermal systems do, any additional heat is simply transferred the first Miss America (Mary Gorman, 1921); and the ‘cousin’ systems would), but they similarly harvest by the heat pumps to other zones that need heat. first all-black university (Howard Univ., 1867). thermal energy within commercial buildings, movThus, solar gain is transferred to various zones in the The Alta at Thomas Circle, located just a few ing it inexpensively within the structures to create building or dispelled evaporatively by a cooling tower, blocks from the White House, joined that prestigious thermal-energy transfer. as is the case at Alta. list in 2009, when it became the first certified Leader“Water-loop technology has been around for de“It’s a very simple and efficient system,” added ship in Energy and Environmental DeBailey. “Rather than heat one zone sign (LEED) condo/mixed-use developand cool another simultaneously, the ment in the District of Columbia. surplus thermal energy is just moved The Alta includes 126 residential around the building.” The process units from efficiency to 2-bedroom helps substantially reduce a building’s (with a few larger penthouse offerings), heat load in cold weather. plus two retail spaces on the first floor, Today, most of the Alta’s residenall packed into 13 stories, with penttial units have a single water-to-air heat house roof/deck space at the top and a pump. The units are served by a closed five-level below-grade parking garage. condenser water loop, with boiler and What sets the Alta development cooling tower installed at the roof level. apart from other high-end condos Also, the vertical-stack design of the in downtown Washington are its heat-pump units conserves considergreen characteristics. Everything in able floor space. its closed-loop heating-and-cooling The residential units are relatively system—from insulation to paints tight, offering about 6 sq. ft. to house to the water-source heat pump—was the heat pump. A cabinet-type unit carefully selected for environmental The Alta at Thomas Circle is the first LEED-certified condo/mixed-use development in would have required 15 sq. ft. Many of Washington D.C. Vertically stacked heat pumps in each unit were one of the first changes to the smaller systems used in the facility compatibility and sustainability. The original heating/cooling- turn the project green in mid-construction. are located adjacent to closet spaces. In specifications included equipment that some instances they are even built into used R-22 refrigerant. Late in the construction procades, though now—pushed by rising energy costs, kitchen islands. cess, however, the managers at developer PN Hoffthe call to arms by the USGBC, and the advantages Locating the heat pumps in the middle of each man Inc., Washington, made a strategic decision to of LEED certification—interest in the technology is residential unit simplified the closed-loop system beswitch to water-source units using HFC-410A, a zerogaining rapidly,” said John Bailey, vice president of cause each unit incorporates risers (vertical piping). ozone-depletion refrigerant, which became a key step sales and marketing for ClimateMaster. The units come complete with factory-installed risers in achieving the building’s LEED certification. OklaBailey explained that several things add heat and are pre-piped, so they stack vertically from one homa City-based ClimateMaster Inc.’s Tranquility to a building: people, machinery, and especially sostory to the next. Today, residents at the Alta fi nd that systems, built to accommodate HFC-410A refrigerlar gain, which warms entire west- and south-facing living in a green environment is a net positive in more ant, got the nod. sides. In lieu of running the system in cooling mode ways than one. Continued on next page
JUL/AUG 2012
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3. Geothermal And Wind
What would be a more fitting application for geothermal energy than an educational nature center in need of an HVAC retrofit? That’s what members of the Warren County Conservation Board thought when the 13-year-old Annett Nature Center (ANC) in Indianola, IA, was due for a makeover. The nature center is a 9,500-sq.ft., three-story building on 160 acres above a 6-acre lake and an even larger wetland area. Serving as a base camp for activities, ANC also offers displays and exhibits on two levels, offices, kitchen, restrooms, exhibit- and program-preparation areas, and a garage. In 2009, Warren County received grant funds allocated for an energy-conservation project. The county’s board of supervisors saw a geo retrofit at ANC as the best use for the funds; it would achieve energy savings while also providing educational opportunities about renewable energy. The new system went online in May 2011. According to Jim Priebe, director for the board, ANC installed a 100-foot, 50kW wind turbine. “It’s great to educate visitors and spread awareness of renewableenergy sources with the new systems in place,” he said. The board is also looking at installation of a 20-kW wind turbine. The heat load for ANC was calculated almost entirely around the heating demand. Care was taken not to oversize the cooling element for the project. Five ClimateMaster (Oklahoma City), Tranquility 27 water-to-air geothermal heat pumps in ANC’s basement provide a total of 26 tons of year-round comfort control. The units distribute warm or cold air through existing ductwork once connected to old furnaces.
The Annett Nature Center near Des Moines (above) uses geothermal heat pumps to keep the center warm even in freezing weather. The equipment room (below) is crowded, but careful planning made room for everything necessary for peak performance.
4. Biomass
Project goes sideways Demand for domestic hot water at ANC, typically limited to hand-washing and facility cleaning, is met by a desuperheater, which scrubs heat from the geo systems during the winter months. To serve the 26-ton geo system, 18 loops of 300 feet each were installed in boreholes, then backfilled with a 40% bentonite grout solution to ensure optimal thermal transfer. The deep, wet yellow clay of central Iowa allowed horizontal boring not far from the earth’s surface. The less-invasive technique is also cheaper than using a vertical well-drilling rig. According to the driller, each ton of geothermal capacity installed using horizontal-bore rigs cost ANC about $1,300. A vertical installation would cost anywhere from $1,800 to $2,000/ton. “We ran into a few challenges,” said an ANC manager. “Space in the mechanical room was limited, but we found a way to squeeze all the gear in there. The other need is for most of us to grow accustomed to the sound of the wind turbine. Here, where we relish the sounds of birds and crickets, teaching children to listen to what nature is telling them, we must now grow accustomed to the sound of spinning blades. We’ll get there.” The turbine used at ANC is also ideal for larger farms, schools, and other lightcommercial facilities. The turbine will produce 100,000 to 250,000 kWh annually with anticipated winds.
Two hours north of New York City is Triform, a 365-acre farm community with forests, fields, organic gardens, 10 houses, and a barn with pigs and cows. There’s also a dairy, weaving center, bakery, pottery studio, and common areas, all designed to serve young adults with developmental disabilities as residential or day students. Last year, Triform managers tapped John Abularrage, owner of Stone Ridge, NYbased Advanced Radiant Design, to install a sophisticated wood-burning boiler and thermal-storage system as the heat source for two greenhouses, a wood shop, and a community meeting room. Abularrage devised a plan to install a small districtheating plant that would move BTUs underground to various interior spaces. The system’s heart is an advanced, 170 MBH wood-gasification boiler manufactured by Fröling GmbH, Grieskirchen, Austria, coupled with a 1,500-gallon thermal-storage system to convert organic or fossil material into carbon monoxide, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide. “Fuel costs were chewing through the community’s reserves and, at the same At Triform Farm (left), a wood-gasification boiler uses fuel from the farm’s natural supply. The system heats a greenhouse that produces vegetables year round for the facility’s residents.
JUL/AUG 2012
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time, preventing some of the desired facility improvements,” said Abularrage. Over the past few years, his crews have installed a dozen or more boiler systems, so he was confident that the wood boiler/thermal storage solution would work for Triform.
European know-how
Underground insulated tubing circulates hot water to heat farm buildings.
To provide heat for the community, crews installed the heat plant in an improved area that once housed a wood shop. They dug trenches and buried insulated, 1 1/2inch R-Flex supply-and-return tubing from Watts Radiant, Springfield, MO, to circulate hot water to the large greenhouses, new woodshop, and the meeting room. Abularrage explained that, with so many complaints about smoke caused by the outdoor wood boilers that dot the countryside, many towns and states are cracking down on wood burning. New emissions standards are pending at the federal and state levels. European manufacturers such as Fröling have long faced very strict efficiency and emissions standards, far exceeding any current or anticipated North American standards. “A two-stage combustion process burns standard firewood cleanly and at very high efficiencies,” said Abularrage. “The smoke and creosote vapor that would normally go up the chimney and into the atmosphere is burned at 1,800 F to 2,000 F in a second combustion chamber. This cleans up emissions dramatically and gives the boiler near condensing levels of efficiency.
“With firewood harvested from their own land, Triform is also slashing their heating costs,” he added. Keith Bogdanovich, Triform co-director, says that if they were heating the greenhouses with gas or oil, there’d be no economic advantage in growing vegetables for the residents. “But today we harvest our own fuel, saving substantially that way, and now we also save by growing food,” said Bogdanovich. “The greenhouses are producing year round. Our only regret is not having done it sooner. Last winter was rather mild, but the winter before was awful. If we had made the switch to wood heat a year earlier, our savings would have been that much greater.” BP
AUTHOR John Vastyan is president of the trade communications firm, Common Ground, Manheim, PA. Vastyan specializes in the geothermal, hydronic, solar, radiant heat, plumbing, mechanical, and HVAC industries.
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project EXTERIORS Columbus (MS) Middle School features seven wings spanning outward from a central hub.
School Keeps Things Local S
tudents do not typically look forward to returning to school after Christmas break, but sixth, seventh, and eighth graders in Columbus, MS, were anxious to hit the books this year. They were excited to move into their new, state-of-the-art school. Perhaps what they weren’t expecting, however, were the level of technology and the fun, casual atmosphere they would find when they stepped into the 150,515-sq.-ft. facility. They probably weren’t aware that the new school features custom-designed metal construction from a hometown company, Ceco Building Systems, whose headquarters and southern service center are only a few miles away. Students had previously attended two separate schools in Columbus. When schooldistrict reorganization combined grades six through eight, the school board and administration determined that renovating the existing buildings would be too costly and inefficient. According to school superintendent Del Phillips, they decided to build a new facility to house the three grades. Executives at Ceco, a division of Houstonbased NCI Building Systems, jumped at the chance to be involved in the construction of the school. “This exciting school concept is a
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Metal construction for a middle school is just down the road. precursor of things to come in the education community,” said president Roger Burlingame. “We were pleased to be involved with local architects Pryor & Morrow in design assistance and constructing a ‘school of the future.’”
Supporting their school The new Columbus Middle School (CMS) is like none the students and faculty had known. The clearspan project comprises seven buildings radiating from a rotunda hub: a gym/cafeteria; separate wings for sixth, seventh, and eighth grades; a band hall; administration; auditorium/ band hall; and a library. It features sophisticated security measures, wireless Internet, and online interactive “chalkboards,” as well as modular furniture and a color scheme that creates a comfortable mood conducive to learning. “The building is very functional,” noted Phillips. “It was built with teaching and learning
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in mind and integrates new technology into the daily activities in every classroom.” “The principal can stand in the rotunda and see down every hallway to monitor the school,” said Rick Williams, project manager for West Brothers Construction, Columbus. “This is a good use of a metal building. It’s very attractive and has a lot of high-end finishes. Very hightech.”
Making school fun Each of the CMS classrooms has its own Promethean board, a type of interactive whiteboard that accesses the Internet and has become a primary teaching tool. Modular desks and chairs allow teachers to easily configure and re-configure seating arrangements for individual learning or team learning, depending on the task at hand. The library received special attention, too, according to Phillips. “We tried to make the library enjoyable, like a Barnes & Noble store.” With hardwood floors and carpet throughout the room, pendant lighting, light-colored wood finishes, and massive windows, students enjoy a very open feel. Cushioned furniture, coffee tables, and geometric shapes throughout the area create a warm atmosphere. The gym has its own weight room, 150
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project EXTERIORS combination lockers, and a door that opens directly onto a practice field. In another building, the cafeteria resembles a shopping-mall food court more than the food-line-and-tables arrangements found in most schools.
Higher education
The rotunda is the school’s hub, which provides a clear view down each of the seven hallways.
Several of the school’s buildings, including the gym and the food-court-style cafeteria, feature clearspan construction.
Architect Chris Morrow of Pryor & Morrow commented on unique design aspects of CMS. “Interior [structural] loadings varied greatly from space to space. We determined which areas would have additional equipment loading, such as the gym, kitchen, and auditorium. Other areas, such as the rotunda and the cafeteria, had higher-than-normal loading to support finishes.” Examples of the higher loading are the Band Hall, which was designed to support additional sound-deadening material, and the auditorium, which had to support stage lighting and speaker systems. Ceco and the design team solved the problems without increasing the cost of the entire project. Classrooms and typical spaces were left at normal code-required values. Once the materials were specified, Ceco verified all of the specifications, then delivered the materials with on-time staged deliveries, as the general contractor had requested. Modifying standard trims allowed the incorporation of other materials, such as glass-reinforced concrete. Space allocation for columns and frames tended to be somewhat of a challenge, according to Morrow, but early and continual coordination with Ceco made dealing with them a smoother process. A brick veneer covers most of the facility’s exterior walls. The roof consists of Ceco’s standing-seam Battenlok panels in bronze. According to Williams, the biggest challenge during the project was enduring 100 days of rain. The weather barely slowed down the project, however. Construction began in April 2010, and in January 2011, students started classes in the new facility. “Some slippage occurred due to extremely cold weather, but that primarily delayed the exterior work,” Morrow said. “Being able to erect the roof structure and roof system independent of the walls was a bonus early on.” Superintendent Phillips enjoyed working with Ceco beyond the local relationship. “Ceco did a tremendous job. They were there every step of the way.” In fact, he added, the overall experience was positive, including reaction from the students. “They love it!”
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project EXTERIORS The entrance to M3’s headquarters is defined by a perforated panel that performs triple duty: display of the company’s name, shade for the entrance, and textural contrast to the rest of the building’s exterior.
Metal Is Hot In Custom Design R
iver Crossing, the corporate headquarters of M3 Engineering & Technology in Tucson, AZ, is different by design. In an area of the country where stucco buildings are the norm, this two-story structure is clad in more than 30,000 sq. ft. of metal panels from Kingspan Insulated Panels North America, Deland, FL, and Morin, a Kingspan company based in Bristol, CT. According to Dennis Mulligan, architect and executive vice president at M3 Engineering, the result is a building that reflects the unique capabilities of the full-service design firm. “Many of our clients come from the industrial and high-tech sector,” he explained. “The use of metal components in the design of these facilities is common in our design vocabulary. We wanted to use metal in a way that projected what we do and would also be an example to our clients of what is possible within a familiar general framework. The variety of metal cladding and finishes available provided a wonderful palette of textures, finishes, and colors.” M3 took full advantage of those options to design a building whose customized façade incorporates a variety of metal panels, including Kingspan Benchmark Designwall 2000 insulated metal panels and Morin Integrity series concealed-fastener and perforatedpanel systems. Together, the panels offered the aesthetics the company sought as well as the
Metal panels shine in the desert for aesthetics and insulation. durability and insulating features so important in Tucson’s hot desert climate, where summer temperatures commonly reach 100 F or higher.
Standing up to the heat Benchmark Designwall 2000 panels accent the building vertically and horizontally, creating an attractive champagne-bronze envelope that encloses a continuous 2-inch polyisocyanurate core. The wall system’s double-gasket shiplap joint maximizes thermal efficiency by creating a double barrier against air and water penetration while ensuring a stable interior environment. The durable panels also offer important sustainability benefits, contributing to 40% greater energy savings than with split-face masonry or masonry veneer over steel studs and lower maintenance costs throughout the life of the building. Integrated with the Benchmark product, the ribbed X-12 panel from the Morin Integrity series wraps the building horizontally and features a concealed clip-and-fastener design that supports
the aesthetics of the Designwall panel. The X-12 panels use extruded-aluminum vertical-reveal trims, which have crisp, sharp lines and no exposed fasteners. “The clip system also allows panels to expand and contract freely,” said Tim Del Monte, Morin regional sales manager. The concealed-fastener MiterSeam corner offers another advantage. “Like the panels, the corners are available in a variety of colors and paint systems and allow the panel profile to continue seamlessly around building corners, eliminating the need for trim at this location,” Del Monte noted. “The M3 building demonstrates this design feature, combining mitered corners in a silversmith color to match the X-12 and Designwall panels.”
Continuity and contrast Morin also provided a corrugated metal panel that introduces an interesting architectural feature to the building. The perforated C-29 panels run along the entrance to the structure and feature a two-coat, painted mica finish in a copper-penny color. The panels support signage with the company name and guide visitors to the front door. They also serve as a sunshade that protects the entrance from excessive heat from its northwest exposure, which gets sun all afternoon. An interesting bonus feature is the shadow of the company logo, which is cast on the building itself when
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project EXTERIORS the sun shines on the perforated panels. “We wanted to keep the palette of materials simple, so apart from the entrance, the exterior is primarily two types of metal siding that provide contrasting elements in-filled with glazed curtain and window walls,” said Mulligan. “We used the panels on the interior of the building’s public spaces as well. There is a seamless transition from the exterior to the interior. The only separation is the glazed curtain-wall system.” Responsibility for the installation of the Kingspan and Morin panels rested with Mark Brownell, president of The J.R. Tuttle Co. in Tucson. According to Brownell, the installation went smoothly. “I like working with the insulated panels because it’s a complete product that combines a metal skin with an insulated core, eliminating the need for additional substrate,” said Brownell. “Once the metal studs were up, we were immediately able to fasten the panels right to the metal studs and complete the job in a fairly quick timeframe.” The sales support provided by Kingspan and Morin impressed Brownell too. “The M3 project was our first experience with the mitered seamless corners, but with Morin’s help, the process went smoothly, and we were able to eliminate bulky trim on the corners.”
The linear, geometric shapes of the building are softened by curved patterns in the pavement outside the entrance.
Prime example “River Crossing demonstrates our design abilities and has worked well as a positive recruitment tool as M3 continues to grow,” said Mulligan. “It has been acknowledged as a good, distinctive, and architecturally recognized building within the community. So I think it’s safe to say that with this structure, all our building goals have been achieved.”
The project also won Morin the 2010 President’s Award for Commercial/Industrial from the Metal Construction Association, Glenview, IL.
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project HVAC
Danfoss VSH series compressors are variable-speed scrolls designed specifically for air-conditioning and heat pumps.
Variable-Speed T Compressors + Earn A Packaged rooftop units eliminate humidity concerns for a college dormitory.
he College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA, is the second-oldest college in the United States but boasts the oldest college building. The Sir Christopher Wren Building was built in 1695. Fast forward to the 1960s, when the college expanded to accommodate babyboom students and constructed Yates Hall to house 266 freshmen. Today the dormitory is also used for summer camps, which requires dealing with an age-old problem: humidity. “Humidity is a major issue in Williamsburg during the summer,” said Mark Ballman, mechanical project manager in the college’s department of facilities management. “We’re located between the James and York rivers and just a few miles from the Chesapeake Bay. In Yates Hall, running the existing chilled-water fan-coil units didn’t deal with the high humidity. In fact, condensation and mold were beginning to appear on the ceilings.” To solve the humidity problem, Ballman solicited bids for a 100% outside-air-makeup air-handling system for use during the summer and inter-seasonal
periods when humidity is uncomfortable. “We proposed two packaged DX rooftop units in our X-Dry AC series, which use Danfoss [Baltimore] VSH variable-speed compressors,” said Anthony Palucci, director of sales for Annexair, Montreal. “Other packaged units typically use fixed-speed compressors. Then they increase the cooling time to remove more water vapor from the supply air. But that design overcools the air.” The X-Dry design uses a process known as modulating hot-gas reheat. “It’s no secret that 100% makeup air systems using bypass hot-gas reheat are costly to operate,” said Palucci. “But with the X-Dry system, we use a modulating gasreheat valve to divert only the required amount of hot refrigerant gas to the reheat coil. We also employ variable-speed condenser fans to control head pressure on the refrigerant circuit. Finally, we take advantage of the speed control of Danfoss VSH compressors to deliver only the required cooling capacity.” Annexair provided two X-Dry rooftop makeup air units (MAU). MAU-1 uses two 23-ton
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JUL/AUG 2012
project HVAC VSH compressors, providing a maximum 46 tons of cooling and 5,000 cfm. MAU-2 uses four 23-ton compressors, providing 84 tons of cooling and 10,000 cfm. The units operate when the outside air temperature is above 55 F, supplying air at 70 F (dry bulb) and 50 F (dew point). The dry air is circulated from the two makeup air units into two plenums located in the hallways of each dormitory floor. Below 55 F, the system reverts to the existing two-pipe fan-coil units for heating.
System integration “We selected VSH series compressors for our R-410A X-Dry systems, because they are a variable-speed scroll designed specifically for air-conditioning and heat pumps,” said Palucci. “They come as a completely integrated package with all the features that make it easy to integrate into our systems.” Electrically, Model CDS302 variable-frequency drive incorporates harmonic filters that almost eliminate distortion. A high-power correction factor (more than 0.90) avoids utility penalties, while an oil-injection system ensures operation at peak efficiency by maintaining sealing of the scroll sets at low speeds and cooling at high loads. “The VSH compressor is able to reduce speed from 90 Hz to 30 Hz,” continued Palucci. “The ability to reduce revolutions/minute— known as turndown—is the key to reducing energy consumption.” By using two 23-ton compressors, the MAU1 unit doubles the capacity range and turndown ratio from 46 tons to 7 tons for a 6:1 turndown. With its four 23-ton compressors, the MAU-2 can go from 84 tons to 7 tons for a 12:1 turndown. About 90% of operating hours occur at part-load conditions, so the turndown ratio allows compressor speed to be reduced to match lower-capacity requirements. Consequently, variable-speed compressors can operate within +0.2 F of setpoint. Fixed-speed compressors, on the other hand, have to run at full speed and use either on/off cycling or other capacity-reduction methods that waste energy. Palucci estimates that depending on ambient conditions, the X-Dry systems are 15% to 30% more energy-efficient than conventional fixed-speed systems. The high turndown ratio also helps meet the project’s number one goal: dehumidification. “When a compressor can reduce capacity, it’s as if the size of the cooling coils becomes thermodynamically larger,” explained Palucci. “Anytime you expose the air stream to more coil surface area, you pull more water vapor out of the air.”
Valuable side benefits “When the compressor starts up, the VSH drive controller provides a soft start by ramping up the 40
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Yate’s Hall, a dormitory built in the 1960s, needed humidity control for seasonal comfort.
Annexair X-Dry rooftop makeup air units use a modulating gas-reheat valve to divert only the required amount of hot refrigerant gas to the reheat coil.
inrush current slowly,” said Palucci. “Avoiding a huge amperage surge is much easier on the motor windings, so motors last longer.” Also, by eliminating peak loads at start up and minimizing overall energy consumption, the electrical-demand load is reduced, which precluded the need to rewire Yates Hall’s electrical supply to handle the required additional amperage. Noise reduction was another benefit. Quiet operation was especially important in the dormitory at night. In the evenings, when loads are typically lowest, the VSH compressors operate at their slowest and quietest speed.
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“The X-Dry systems are meeting and exceeding the specs,” said Ballman. “They are designed to deliver dry air when dry-bulb entering air temperatures range from 55 F to 95 F and wet-bulb temperatures range from 53 F to 78 F. That’s quite a range. But we’ve found the Annexair units are making the grade by supplying dry makeup air efficiently, reliably, and quietly.”
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products EXTERIORS
Ventilation for steep-sloped roofs
Techni-Flo engineered ventilation system for steep-sloped roofs is a component system said to ensure consistent intake and exhaust airflow underneath a roof covering. Using Techni-Flo RV, CrossVent, and Techni-Flo EV, the system works with shingled or standing-seam roofs. RV is an all-metal ridge vent that installs with a snap cover. CrossVent is a polyiso-foam insulation board that combines insulation, a nailable surface, and ventilating airspace in one panel. EV is the eave-vent component custom engineered to prescribed ventilation capacity. Atlas Roofing Corp. Atlanta Free information: Circle 50 EDITORS’ CHOICE
Techni-Flo: •
Engineered ventilation system
For steep-sloped roofs
Works with shingles or standing seam
and 2-foot by 6-foot sizes. Each form is 12-feet long; weighs 5 or 8 pounds, respectively; and can create a 12-inch or larger radius curve. CertainTeed Valley Forge, PA Free information: Circle 52
Masonry drainage KeeneStone Cut masonry cavity-drainage device includes 1- and 2-inch thicknesses for cavity-wall requirements. The device is a three-dimensional, geometric-patterned core with a high-loft fabric laminated to one side. The fabric compresses to fill the cavity, allowing it to change thickness as much as 1/2 inch to prevent mortar blockage by catching and holding mortar droppings. Moisture passes through, and weep holes remain open. Keene Building Products Mayfield Heights, OH Free information: Circle 51
Flexible flatwork form CertaForm flexible flatwork form uses PVC to allow curved designs for projects including patios, driveways, and decks. The product can be used multiple times; reportedly performs like wood in that it can be drilled, nailed, and staked; and holds its shape during the pour. Forms are available in 2-foot by 4-foot
Custom column covers Solar-reflective pavers Glacier White pavers meet reflectance and emittance requirements of ASTM C 1549 and ASTM C 1371. The pavers can contribute to LEED credits under the Heat Island Effect Roof category. Applications include plazas or roofs requiring LEED certification in pedestal configurations or loose-laid applications. Hanover Architectural Products Hanover, PA Free information: Circle 53
Series 1000, 2000, and 3000 custom column covers for use with the company’s metal wall systems are available in a variety of metal substrates, shapes, and finishes. Series 1000 offers 5/8-inch sealed horizontal and vertical joinery. Series 2000 has a 6/8-inch horizontal reveal and a batten reveal vertical joint. Series 3000 has a 5/8-inch horizontal reveal and a hairline vertical joint. Covers are available in circular, oblong, rectangular, and square versions. Centria Moon Township, PA Free information: Circle 54
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products EXTERIORS Foam insulation InsulStar polyurethane-foam insulation is a sprayapplied, closed-cell product. The product has been independently tested and certified for wind-uplift resistance on oriented-strand board. NCFI Mt. Airy, NC Free information: Circle 55
The Duro-Last® single-ply roofing system is a Proven Performer®, with over a billion square feet installed all over North America. Duro-Last’s reputation for quality stems from long-term, steady company ownership, a time-tested product formulation, and a highly-refined installation method that relies on dependable, authorized contractors.
Grilles, grates T16 Profile bar is made of 304 and 316 stainless steel and uses a mechanically interlocked design. Slot openings of almost any size are available. Applications include ventilation grilles, walkways and ramps, and drain gratings. Hendrick Architectural Products Carbondale, PA Free information: Circle 56
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Wall panels Boost-R panels are said to increase ICF wall R-values to R-30 and as much as R-55 for special applications. The panels slide over all eight-form ties and rebar chairs and snap into place. Because the panels are placed inside the core, the ICF’s furring strips are still accessible. The panels can be customized for different types of foam, foam densities, and panel thicknesses to meet R-value requirements. Reward Wall Systems Omaha, NE Free information: Circle 57
SMART. Protective coating Part of the company’s Building Renewal paint restoration and renovation program, Coraflon ADS air-dry system intermix is said to restore and protect buildings with an air-dry fluoropolymer technology. The surface provides resistance to chalking, weathering, marring, and abrasion and is low-VOC without sacrificing durability. The coating is available in satin and gloss. PPG Industries Pittsburgh Free information: Circle 58
Rigid insulation board Insul-X rigid, extruded polystyrene-foam insulation board provides continuous insulation for StoEnergy Guard systems. The 4-foot by 8-foot board is scored longitudinally on 16- and 24-inch centers to size to commonly used widths beneath masonry veneer, and in full sheets beneath stucco, stone, and thin brick veneer. The product is available in three thicknesses. Sto Corp. Atlanta Free information: Circle 59
Solar metal wall panels In cooperation with Konarka Technologies Inc., New Bedford, MA, Dri-Design’s metal rainscreen panels offer solar panels for building-façade applications. Konarka’s Power Plastic solar films provide a range of color and transparency options with a wide variety of sizes. The wall-panel system is a dry-joint, pressure-equalized rainscreen system. Dri-Design Holland, MI Free information: Circle 60
TURN TO MAXXON FOR FLOORS THAT MAKE THE GRADE Ideal learning environments start with worry-free floors. For renovation or new construction, Maxxon offers a complete line of “green” underlayments and superior sound control systems. t Gypsum Underlayments t Level-Right Self-Leveling Underlayments t More than 100 UL Fire Rated Designs t Over 900 documented sound tests t All entangled mesh sounds mats contain 40% pre-consumer recycled content t Used for fire ratings, floor leveling and sound control t May help contribute points towards LEED® project certification
Bike-friendly rack No Scratch bike rack provides a fully integrated bumper to protect bikes from scratches, dings, and other damage. Available in the standard-sized Tofino model and a smaller Westport version, the racks provide secure parking and help legitimize cycling as a green-transportation alternative. The racks can contribute to LEED credits. Sportworks Woodinville, WA Free information: Circle 61
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products EXTERIORS Construction epoxy Rezi-Weld gel-paste state is a two-component, high modulus, rapid-setting, moisture-insensitive construction epoxy for concrete anchoring and restoration projects. The product can be troweled, brushed, injected, or pumped to fill cracks, anchor, patch, and make general repairs. According to the company, the product is suitable for surface sealing prior to
pressure injection and can be used as an adhesive by filling voids between surfaces to be joined to ensure a strong, void-free bond. The epoxy can contribute to LEED credits. W. R. Meadows Hampshire, IL Free information: Circle 62
Planted-wall system
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LiveWall planted-wall system transforms walls into vertical green landscapes. WallTer planter modules slide into RainRail mounting tracks that secure them in place and include hidden conduits and nozzles for integrated mist irrigation. The WallTers use recycled plastic, are 6-inches deep and 5-inches wide, and are available in 8- and 16-inch lengths in a variety of colors. Plants grow naturally with roots down, stems and leaves upward. Hortech Inc. Spring Lake, MI Free information: Circle 63
Siding coating KemAqua BP Siding Plus siding coating is reported to resist color and gloss fading. Applied using a variety of methods, including curtain, flood, and spray coating, it dries fast to a hard finish. Sherwin-Williams Cleveland Free information: Circle 64
Ceiling perimeter trim Axiom Classic perimeter ceiling trim includes 14- and 16-inch-high profiles. The trim line includes profiles ranging from 2 inches to 16 inches. Profiles are one-piece extrusions, eliminating stacking shorter profiles to attain the height dimension and also eliminating any visible seam. The profiles can be used with suspended, lay-in ceiling panels as an exposed decorative trim or as drywall trim for detailing and transitions. The products are compatible with the company’s exposed-tee suspension systems and drywall grid systems. Armstrong Ceiling & Wall Systems Lancaster, PA Free information: Circle 65
Axiom Classic: •
Ceiling trim includes 14- and 16-inch-high profiles
One-piece extrusions
Works with company’s exposed tee and grid systems
Decorative flooring Mica-Flex E and Mica-Flex M decorative flooring systems use the company’s epoxy and MMA methylmethacrylate resins and natural mica flakes. With a natural metallic luster, the systems’ UV stability is said to ensure consistent color for the floor’s life. The systems are available in six standard colors and three blends of micro and macro sizes. Dur-A-Flex Inc. East Hartford, CT Free information: Circle 69
Refurbished office furniture The company provides refurbished office furniture for a wide range of interior needs. Inventories support local, regional, and nationwide users in a variety of facilities. ROE + Evolution Interiors Chicago Free information: Circle 66
Polystyrene adhesive Handi-Stick architectural foam-shapes adhesive is said to be compatible with all polystyrene applications including foam shapes, mouldings, foam boards, and insulated concrete foams. The one-component adhesive is applied in bead form and reportedly dries tack free in less than three minutes. It also adheres to concrete, cinder block, brick, cement-board sheathing, exterior gypsum board, OSB, plywood, and most other substrates. Fomo Products Inc. Norton, OH Free information: Circle 67
Wall cladding
Continuous-color floor covering
Edge interior cladding system is available in four configurations or can be customized to fit a space. Using Varia Ecoresin, a wide range of C3 color interlayers is possible. C3 color allows refinement of hue, intensifying translucent color and altering light transmission to the desired effect. The 1/4-inch gauge system creates a contoured yet linear look. 3form Studio Salt Lake City Free information: Circle 68
Color Wash floor-covering collection showcases color and pattern space. The carpeting illustrates large-scale, continuous, and seamless gradation with nuanced color change. Matter is a vapor-like organic with subtle movement and fluidity. Medium is a linear expression from broad strokes of color change. The collection is available in modular tile and 40 standard colors. Milliken Co. Spartanburg, SC Free information: Circle 70
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JUL/AUG 2012
products INTERIORS
Vinyl-plank flooring Quiet Cover with In*Step floating vinyl-plank flooring installs without an adhesive and is reported to have high moisture tolerance. The flooring requires minimal subfloor preparation and installs directly over concrete slabs testing to 95% relative humidity. Planks lock together using In*Step tongue-and-groove design. A silencing layer reduces sound transfer. The product uses recycled material, is FloorScore certified, and is antimicrobial. Applications include retail, multi-family, and education settings. Shaw Hard Surface Dalton, GA Free information: Circle 71
Healthcare seating Beo line of healthcare seating offers enhancements that include a clean-out feature to aid in wiping surfaces to remove debris. Three inches can be added to the chair’s width. Tablet surfaces are available in wood or laminate. An optional quiet caster is also available. The back and seat can be upholstered separately to delineate space through color. Kimball Office Jasper, IN Free information: Circle 72
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For free information, circle 220
Decorative wood panels InterMix is a collection of three art-inspired groupings: Expressionist, Abstract, and Futurist. The sustainable panels coordinate and contrast a melamine surface and wood veneers with decorative colors. Interlayers can be mixed and matched in 38 melamine colors. Applications include a feature or focal wall surface, ceiling, or millwork. The material is 100% recyclable. Architectural Systems Inc. New York Free information: Circle 73
Biobased flooring The company’s linoleum sheet-flooring products, including Marmorette, Linorette, Colorette, Granette, and UniWalton, are certified as 100% biobased products through USDA BioPreferred. Linoleum is made with natural ingredients including linseed oil, wood powder, and ground limestone. Colors come from mineral pigments, and the floor has a jutefabric backing. NaturCote is a UV-cured coating that protects the flooring from scratches and scuffs and reduces routine maintenance. Armstrong Commercial Flooring Lancaster, PA Free information: Circle 74
products INTERIORS
FIRE EXTINGUISHER ALARM Drywall intersections Model 093V drywall intersections are said to reduce jobsite miter cuts and match the company’s 093V expansion bead. The product has 1/4 inch of controlled expansion and tear-away strips to aid in the mudding process. Made from flexible and rigid vinyl, the intersections are rust proof and dent resistant. Trim-Tex Inc. Lincolnwood, IL Free information: Circle 75
Wall panels Whiterock wall panels include dark-green Forest and maroon Sienna, bringing the line’s color options to thirteen. The watertight, seamless wall system meets hygienic standards. The wall cladding combines with any of the company’s safety flooring. Altro Floors and Walls Wilmington, MA Free information: Circle 78
Fire Extinguisher Theft StopperÂŽ STI-6200
Helps protect against theft, misuse and vandalism
Security ceiling system Metaline metal-panel security ceilings use aluminum panels that lock under the bulb of heavy-duty, galvanized steel, suspension grid. The T-based system ensures module alignment and accommodates light fixtures, HVAC equipment, and access doors. The panels also provide noise control and are available as perforated for acoustical performance when batt is installed above. Chicago Metallic Corp. Chicago Free information: Circle 76
Gypsum panels Gold Bond e2 XP Interior Extreme AR and IR gypsum panels are said to protect against mold and moisture and also have abuse- or impact-resistant properties provided by an enhanced facer and core. A fiberglass mesh embedded into the core provides impact and breach resistance. Both have a 5/8-inch thickness with a FireShield Type X core. National Gypsum Charlotte, NC Free information: Circle 77
Glass wall system The company’s wall system is a complete package of glass solutions with installations for interior applications such as illuminated walls and stylish partitions. Modular construction offers diverse design and set-up options ranging from free-standing individual room modules to more extensive connected walls. Modules can contain door options, integrated multimedia technology, and display cases. The range includes various sizes of wall frames and additional wall attachments that can be installed to 30 feet high. Schott North America Elmsford, NY Free information: Circle 79
Safety Technology International, Inc. www.sti-usa.com/cbp3 800-888-4784 2012 STI
For free information, circle 221
products INTERIORS and children-and-schools certified. The flooring is reported to be comfortable, long-lasting, low-maintenance, and hygienic. Mondo Floors Conshohocken, PA Free information: Circle 81
Sound control QT Sound Insulation underlayment is made of 92% recycled rubber. Underlayment is used directly under floor finishes. A dimpled, resilient base mat can be applied under gypsum or full-weight concrete. Both products meet design requirements and all established indoor-air standards and building codes. Ecore International Lancaster, PA Free information: Circle 80
Rubber flooring The company’s rubber flooring products include Idea, Harmoni, Terranova, Natura, Geode, and Bollo Extra lines. Many of the products are Greenguard indoor-air
Electrostatic floor coatings
Industrial-strength cleaner/degreaser Mean Green industrial-strength cleaner and degreaser blends biodegradable detergents for carpet cleaning. Applications include cleaning upholstery, walls, floors, and ceilings. It can be used with power washers and emits no harmful fumes. CR Brands Inc. West Chester, OH Free information: Circle 82
Eco-SDS static-dissipative urethane floor coatings are said to provide an environmentally friendly floorcovering solution for facilities that need to control static electricity. With low odor and low VOCs, the coatings are light-stable and UV/chemical-resistant. Available in satin finish or a variety of grays, the product can contribute to LEED credits. Tennant Co. Minneapolis Free information: Circle 83
Decorative-metal systems ETA/Easy to Assemble line of decorative-metal systems is detailed in a 36-page catalog. Pre-engineered for reported faster specification and installation, the line includes standard column covers, wall surfaces/flat and dimensional, room dividers, and artwork. The modular line works with projects of any scale and size. Moz Designs Oakland, CA Free information: Circle 84
Foam insulation CertaSpray Closed Cell spray-polyurethane foam is approved for use in non-combustible walls. The material can be used within stud cavities or on the exterior of walls in buildings clad with brick, stucco, or other types of non-open-jointed heavy claddings. CertainTeed Corp. Valley Forge, PA Free information: Circle 85 48
For free information, circle 222
products INTERIORS
FF&E Specifier Glass-faced tile
Woven leather LED accent lighting The Orbs system comprises strands as long as 50 feet that can support as many as 16 controllable, decorative LED pendants. Offered in white, single color, and tri-color (RGB), Orbs deliver multiple, unique accent-lighting options for atriums, lobbies, and tall ceiling spaces. The system includes bubbled acrylic orbs (standard), canopies, suspension assemblies, power, and controls. LightWild Overland Park, KS Free information: Circle 86
Produced near Italy’s Amalfi Coast, the Weave collection provides creative flexibility with endless possibilities. A wide range of materials, including cotton cord, metallic filaments, and durable synthetics, combine with the woven-leather designs to yield a vast array of articles in this collection. The collection complies with the strict regulations and EU Directives covering the use and presence of PCP, Chromo (VI), and Azo dyestuffs. Water-based finishes are applied to provide an even coloration and protection to the leather. Green Hides Leather Studio Greensboro, NC Free information: Circle 88
White Ice is a tile material with a crystallized glass surface on a porcelain body, creating clean and ultramodern venues with a look of pure Thassos marble, one of the world’s most time-honored natural stones. The durable, non-porous glass face results in a visual depth unlike that found in any other tile material. The crystallized glass on porcelain allows easy installations and cuts. The tile is offered in four large-format sizes—32 inches by 32 inches, 24 inches by 24 inches, 12 inches by 24 inches, and 12 inches by 12 inches. Three different mesh-mounted mosaic versions are also available. Surfaces Inc. Miami Free information: Circle 90
Designer genes Attention-grabbing carpet Acid Hip, from designer Stacy Garcia, is sure to turn hospitality spaces into trendsetters. Offering multidimensional appeal through the use of bold hues and striking patterns, the carpets deliver a bold, energetic statement guaranteed to pump up the volume in any hospitality space. Available in 34 electric patterns and a variety of colorways, the collection is one of the first in the hospitality industry to incorporate the company’s Spectronics 25X high-resolution digitalprinting technology to achieve deep color penetration and elaborate design precision. Spectronics 25X is said to provide 56% greater resolution than its traditional counterparts. Durkan Dalton, GA Free information: Circle 87
Swing-arm LED sconce Ulna is a foldable, rotatable, dimmable, contemporary, swing-arm LED wall sconce designed in honor of the 85th anniversary of the original foldable sconce. Designed by lighting and furniture designer Mary Helen Pratte, it provides aimable, energy-efficient, softly diffused ambient, accent, and reading lighting in an understated architectural aesthetic in conference rooms, corporate dining areas, executive suites, office corridors, and reception areas, and in upscale hospitality and retail venues. Models are available in antique, brushed, or polished brass; polished or satin chrome; and polished or satin nickel finishes, as well as optional baked-enamel painted finishes. Nessen Lighting Mamaroneck, NY Free information: Circle 89
Inspired by various scientific elements and processes, the Chroma pattern features a dramatic continuum of colors flashing one after another to create a strand of DNA. Each link is a visual iteration of life. Each blur of color is actually a photograph of a person that has been pushed to the extremes until it has lost all of its detail or identity and becomes a passing flash of color. Chroma features the company’s signature scale, which repeats at 12 feet high and 6 feet wide. Two columns are required to create the full pattern repeat. The full library of designs is also available as textured window films, which add a striking aesthetic to any room when applied to windows, glass doors, or shower doors. The wallcoverings have high-quality, non-toxic wax-based coatings and archival inks with a lifespan of 140 years and are eco-friendly and recyclable. Trove Line New York Free information: Circle 91
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JUL/AUG 2012
products WINDOWS & DOORS
Rough-opening system
RedHeader RO rough-opening system for interior and exterior framing applications around non-load-bearing doors and windows is said to reduce the number of framing components required. The product reportedly reduces the onsite labor necessary to assemble multiple window or door structures by 50% or more. The header is delivered pre-cut to customerspecified length and painted red for universal identification. A Drop’N Lock clip allows field adjustment and provides a flat surface for drywall finish. The systems can contribute to LEED credits. ClarkDietrich Building Systems West Chester, OH Free information: Circle 92 EDITORS’ CHOICE
RedHeader RO: •
Rough-opening framing system
Interior and exterior
Reduces number of components required
include door pulls, kick plates, corner guards, flush bolts, doorstops, and wall protection in standard finishes. Hiawatha Inc. Bloomington, MN Free information: Circle 95
Custom doors
Telescopic, frameless doors Extendo telescopic door system divides space through simultaneous sliding, frameless glass doors. Accommodating two, three, or four doors and providing as much as a 16 foot, 8 inch opening without any floor tracks, the synchronized system slides all panels while operating one lead door. The system allows recessed, surface-mounted, or pocket door installations and can be mounted with a wall or with glass sidelights. Klein USA Inc. Elizabeth, NJ Free information: Circle 93 50
JUL/AUG 2012
The company’s Custom door series uses applied mitered picture-frame glass stops with no exposed fasteners. Doors are also available with formed-in glass stops at the exterior for a seamless appearance. Products are blanked from a flat sheet of material, so no welding is performed on the door face and no visible seams occur at any of the vertical or horizontal corners. Standard swing or balanced models are available in stainless or bronze. Dawson Doors Jamestown, NY Free information: Circle 94
Architectural hardware A four-color brochure provides information on the company’s line of architectural hardware. Products
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Vinyl door systems A selection of European-inspired doors is available including French, swing, fold and slide, lift and slide, and parallel tilt and slide. The steel-reinforced PVC products use Veka’s Euroview 70DS system. The doors are available in white, woodgrain, and laminated or painted finishes. Ventana USA Export, PA Free information: Circle 96
products WINDOWS & DOORS
Sun control Thermal entrances
Dual-functioning window Tilt Turn window provides dual functions. The window swings in like a door or the sash top tilts into a room. One handle controls both operations. Several designs are available. The windows use low-E glass. Interior finishes include pine, Douglas fir, cherry, white oak, mahogany, and primed wood. Exterior cladding includes 19 colors. A range of specialty and performance glass is available, along with hardware options and grilles. Marvin Windows and Doors Warroad, MN Free information: Circle 97
AA250 and AA425 thermal entrance doors use the company’s high-performing frame and are said to offer improved thermal efficiency, compared with a standard door. The doors have welded-corner construction for a variety of commercial or institutional applications. Kawneer Norcross, GA Free information: Circle 99
The company’s sun-control systems are said to reduce solar heat gain over large glass areas and complement daylighting designs. Software-driven systems are available for a range of building needs. The line includes large and small airfoils in solid and perforated aluminum. Wood louvers include cedar and cypress, with a range of blade sizes and configurations. Savannah Trims Inc. Lake Park, FL Free information: Circle 100
Special Purpose Custom
Stainless Steel Window Wall
Adjustable bottom brush SL-301 adjustable bottom brush reduces light and vermin infiltration under the company’s door bottoms and prevents air leaks. The brush compensates for floor irregularities. The concealed device uses two nylon-bristle brushes that can be extended from 0.15 inch to 0.74 inch beneath the door bottom. The product is available for door widths from 12 to 48 inches. Special-Lite Inc. Decatur, MI Free information: Circle 98
STC 50 rated door with wood molding
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For free information, circle 223
products WINDOWS & DOORS
Swing-door power operator
Renovation windows
Glass-block system Gridlock glass-block system provides clean, narrow aluminum sightlines instead of mortar joints. The 2-inch-thick blocks snap into an aluminum grid for a secure, permanent fit. Replacements can reportedly be done quickly without special tools. The system is said to resist graffiti and vandalism. Extech Inc. Pittsburgh Free information: Circle 101
INvent Retro XLT windows, for renovation or construction where a classic appearance is desired, use double-insulating glass. The windows have a narrow, beveled exterior face that replicates the look of classic steel and wood windows. Frames use recycled content, have varying depths, and optional equal sightlines at vents and fixed lites. Wausau Window and Wall Systems Wausau, WI Free information: Circle 102
ED900 low-energy, swing-door power operator uses a microprocessor motion-control system. Said to be exceptionally quiet, and using advanced power assist through the 0- to 85-degree opening cycle, the product is ADA-compliant. The device also includes a blow-open feature for smoke ventilation, permanent hold-open, and an onboard power supply delivering 1 1/2 A. Twelve programmable options accommodate a range of installations. Dorma Reamstown, PA Free information: Circle 103
Concealed cable system The Von Duprin concealed vertical-cable system uses a flexible cable-latching system secured to a door before an exit device is installed. Once latches are secured at the top and bottom of a door, the user installs the exit device and attaches it to the cable-latching system. Only one point of adjustment reportedly is required. By eliminating the trigger mechanism typically found at the top of the frame, the system is said to reduce time and required maintenance to make adjustments. Ingersoll Rand Security Technologies Carmel, IN Free information: Circle 104
On-line design, specifications The company’s Architectural Glass Binder is available in a digital, downloadable format. The binder encompasses all printed material needed to specify or design with the company’s glass. The on-line tool is always up to date and available anywhere through a computer or mobile device. PPG Industries Pittsburgh Free information: Circle 105
For free information, circle 224
products WINDOWS & DOORS AAcoustical door seals T company’s acoustical door seals have adjustable The ffeatures and reported sound-class ratings as high as 53 for f noise-control applications. The gasketing provides pprivacy for a range of applications including hospitals, schools, and hotels. s ZZero International Bronx, NY B FFree information: Circle 109
Network program
Fire-rated frames The company’s Designer series doors and frames provide an alternative to traditional hollow-metal steel frames. The frames use European engineering, featuring narrow steel profiles that can be powder coated to match a wide range of designs. Available with fire ratings from 20 to 90 minutes, the systems can reportedly incorporate fire-rated glazing in sizes that surpass traditional systems. Technical Glass Products Snoqualmie, WA Free information: Circle 106
Sustainable design A 4-page brochure describes the company’s line of louvers, grilles, screens, and sun controls for sustainable-design projects that meet LEED certification. The brochure includes a reference chart for products that help earn LEED credits. Airolite Co. Schofield, WI Free information: Circle 108
ProNetwork program for builders, remodelers, contractors, and dealers offers a wide variety of business-building and lead-generation tools, educational training programs, marketing and sales support, and reward incentives. Members create their own learning tracks by participating in courses offered on the site. Simonton Windows Columbus, OH Free information: Circle 110
Sustainable Hot Water Solutions Delivered by
Apricus offers a full line of easy-to-install solar thermal products that deliver hot water, space heating, industrial hot water and air conditioning to homes and businesses. These systems offer simple and effective solutions for customers concerned about the effects of climate change and rising energy costs. Visit Apricus at Solar Power International, Sept. 10-13th at booth #4381. Ask us about our Buy Amercian Solar Collector & Packaged Systems.
Wood doors Accoya wood uses the company’s acetylation process, which allows use in extreme outdoor conditions. The process is said to render the wood an unrecognizable food source, preventing fungal decay and insect attack, as well as increasing its strength and dimensional stability. An alder version also is available. Accsys Techologies Windsor, Ontario Free information: Circle 107
Apricus is an approved AIA CE Provider for AIA HSW/SD courses. Scan the adjacent bar code for more information.
For free information, circle 225
LED block module Mega Blockz LED module is a 4-inch by 4-inch unit for indoor or outdoor applications. With an output of more than 800 lumens, the device adapts to low-profile space requirements. The square array creates a directional beam angle of more than 100 degrees. American Illumination Los Angeles Free information: Circle 111
Mega Blockz LED:
LED lamps Part of the EnduraLED line, the Airflux family of white LED PAR and BR lamps uses an airflow cooling system that eliminates traditional heat-sink fins. The lamps are available in three color temperatures and beam angles and work with most dimmers. Philips Electronics North America Somerset, NJ Free information: Circle 112 54
JUL/AUG 2012
4-inch by 4-inch module
Indoor or outdoor applications
Beam angle of more than 100 degrees
LED wall slot
Charging station
Wall/Slot 6000 is a small-scale, recessed perimeter LED for wall-grazing applications. Providing direct illumination from multi-die LED packages with secondary optics that use multiple total internal-reflection lenses, the fixture has a CRI of more than 80. The product is available in four color temperatures and three lumen and power choices and mounts in a grid or drywall/plaster ceiling. The 4-inch slot opening is adjustable for 5- to 6-inch openings. Litecontrol Hanson, MA Free information: Circle 113
The company’s Level 2 pedestal-mounted EV charging station is available in single and dual configurations. Applications include installation at office parks, apartment complexes, and shopping malls. The ETLcertified 20-A/240-V unit is fixed on an aluminum Vista Architectural column and is weatherproof with a NEMA 3R rating. It provides a full charge in 3 to 6 hours and is said to be compatible with all plug-in electric vehicles. Legrand/Pass & Seymour Syracuse, NY Free information: Circle 114
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products LIGHTING & ELECTRICAL spacer tubes provides a seamless top-rail assembly and elimination of hex screws on the outer lens provides a clean, unobtrusive appearance. Lens aperture to 160 degrees provides glare control and cut off. The line includes a custom-design option. Intense Lighting Inc. Anaheim, CA Free information: Circle 117
Outdoor-area LEDs SoleCity street and area luminaires have sleek, fluid, continuous lines with seamless joints for refined aesthetics. The line includes eight LED products in three categories: street and area lighting; architectural lighting, including floods and wallwash; and functional and ambience lighting, including light columns and bollards. The collection is rated IP66. Using Luxeon LED technology, custom systems are available. Philips Lumec Boisbriand, Quebec Free information: Circle 115
Ceramic metal-halide lamps
Integrated light engine LED Core series of integrated LED light-engine modules provides a turnkey solution for luminaire engineering. The TR-SS1 modules are engineered reportedly to seamlessly integrate into most fixture designs. Thomas Research Products Huntley, IL Free information: Circle 118
Cera Arc ceramic metal-halide lamps are available in 220, 230, and 270 W. The lamps are said to produce a bright, white light with an efficacy to 117 lumens/W. The clear BT28 bulbs have an EX 39 mogul base. The 230-W and 270-W models can be dimmed using a Metrolight SmartHID electronic ballast. EYE Lighting International Mentor, OH Free information: Circle 119
MaxLite LED RECESSED RETROFIT DOWNLIGHT LED troffers A line of LED troffers uses 1,800-lumen light engines to provide more than 3,000 lumens at 45 W. Standard color temperature is 4,000 K with a CRI greater than 80%. Applications include offices, hospitals, and schools. The luminaires offer the look of contemporary fluorescent lighting with LED technology. LaMar Lighting Co. Farmingdale, NY Free information: Circle 116
Ideal replacement for 65-watt incandescent lamps in standard 6-inch recessed fixtures using just 14 watts.
LED rail light V-Rail Gen 2 LED rail light uses a one-piece extrudedaluminum inner rail core that is said to increase strength and thermal management. The elimination of
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For free information, circle 226
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products LIGHTING & ELECTRICAL selectable integration times and provide a direct 16-bit lux output using an I 2 C bus interface. Applications include streetlights, security lights, and display backlighting. AMS Plano, TX Free information: Circle 122
the company’s easy-to-install wiring compartments that eliminate the need for a J-box. User-adjustable output voltage and current are standard. ERG Lighting Endicott, NY Free information: Circle 125
LEDs Oslon SSL LEDs are said to provide 20% more output and thermal stability than earlier versions. The product’s 3-mm by 3-mm size and choice of 80-degree and 150-degree beam angles are useful in clustering to achieve high brightness in a small footprint. Osram Opto Semiconductors Sunnyvale, CA Free information: Circle 120
LED track, recessed The company’s Contour vertical LED track heads and Multiples and Cylindrix 3 LED recessed and semirecessed luminaires meet the latest Energy Star requirements. Contour track heads provide color temperatures of 2,900 to 3,200 CCT with a high CRI. The fixtures provide a clean architectural appearance and ceiling line for a sleek, sophisticated visual aesthetic. Amerlux Fairfield, NJ Free information: Circle 121
Low-profile LED lamps Pancake and Eclipse 17-W, dimmable LED lamps are available in 90- and 100-degree beam angles for general lighting applications. Pancake produces ambient backlight in a reflector style. Eclipse has an exposed heat sink that is said to provide a 10% cooler running temperature. Available in E26 Edison screw-in and GU24 pin bases, both have a 5-inch diameter. MaxLite West Caldwell, NJ Free information: Circle 123
LED replacement lamps
Direct/indirect luminaire
LRP and LBR lines of LED lamps are passively cooled. The products use the company’s Optics2 technology that offers the appearance of a recessed, singlesource light through primary optics. Solais Lighting Inc. Stamford, CT Free information: Circle 124
Vanera direct/indirect luminaire for healthcare has a custom decorative-foil panel. The product uses micro-prism technology that provides a broad, wideangle distribution that is said to minimize reflections and reduce glare. Applications include hallways and patient/senior rooms. Wall- or ceiling-mount versions are available. Waldmann Lighting Wheeling, IL Free information: Circle 126
Emergency lighting Vectra series thermoplastic emergency-lighting line uses Smart Charger diagnostics. Available in 6 and 12 V, 12 to 50 W, the units have a variety of lamp-head options and a tool-less hinged cover. Self-diagnostic electronics monitor critical functions. LightGuard Burgaw, NC Free information: Circle 127
Ambient-light sensors
LED drivers
TSL4531 sensors provide ambient-light sensing that is said to approximate human eye response under a variety of lighting conditions. The devices have three
GRE Alpha SLD, XLD, and XLA series LED drivers from 18 to 200 W are said to provide reliability in extreme temperature and humidity. The drivers use
JUL/AUG 2012
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Retrofit downlights Available in a range of apertures, a line of retrofit, recessed downlights is installed from below into non-IC hard-lid or T-bar ceilings. The units accept LED, CMH, or CFL lamps from 120 to 277 V. Delray Lighting Inc. Burbank, CA Free information: Circle 130
LED steplights LS-EX series LED steplights for exterior or concretepour installations are 3-inches deep to allow incorporation into a wall. Using an indirect light source and small aperture, the luminaires provide soft light with minimal glare. The 2- or 4-W fixtures use a 3,000-K LED Sylvania HF 2 as standard with an Optotronic class 2 driver. Models with 3,500- or 4,000-K LEDs are available. Engineered Lighting Products El Monte, CA Free information: Circle 128
LED track light Cori LED track-lighting fixture fits the company’s new or existing tracks and H-style tracks. L or J adapters can be specified and retrofitted to existing L or J tracks. The fixture includes an integral driver and LED array. 12-W and 23-W models are available in black, silver, or white finishes. Beam spreads are 15degrees spot or 35-degrees flood. Nora Lighting Commerce, CA Free information: Circle 129
THE FLEXIBLE, LINEAR SYSTEM FOR INDOOR GENERAL LIGHTING 68 lm/W; CRI: 85+; 100,000-hr lumen maintenance
Sculptural sconce Split Sushi sconce uses two rhombic glass panels fastened together in an offset with stainless-steel screws. Available in more than 40 American art-glass colors, it measures 12-inches high by 6-inches wide, by 4-inches deep and accommodates a 100-W incandescent, halogen, fluorescent, or LED lamp. Derek Marshall Lighting Sandwich, NH Free information: Circle 131
lumenline recessed
For free information, circle 227
products HVAC & PLUMBING
Single-lever faucet
The company’s single-lever basin faucet uses Coolfix technology to save energy, reportedly without sacrificing comfort or convenience. Using the technology, the standard six o’clock-middle lever position is full cold, so no hot water is delivered. Most standard faucets deliver a mix of hot and cold in this position. The only way to draw warm water is to rotate the lever clockwise and away from the middle position. The faucet also uses the Neoperl Cache aerator, which reduces flow to 1 1/2 gpm. KWC AVA Norcross, GA Free information: Circle 132 EDITORS’ CHOICE
Single-lever faucet: •
Uses Coolfix technology
Middle-lever position is full cold
Aerator reduces flow to 1 1/2 gpm
Plastic PEX system A plastic PEX Press system includes the company’s Smart Connect feature for joining cross-linked polyethylene tubing. The system is suitable for potable water and radiant applications. The fittings are corrosion-resistant and comply with Zero Lead requirements. The fittings are factory-assembled with attached stainless-steel sleeves. Three view holes aid the user in proper installation. Viega Wichita, KS Free information: Circle 133 58
JUL/AUG 2012
Dehumidistat High-efficiency toilets Viper 1.28 series high-efficiency toilets are WaterSense compliant and use 1.28 gpf. Models include compact elongated, round front, and elongated with ErgoHeight. Each includes a FluidMaster 400A fill valve. Gerber Plumbing Fixtures Woodridge, IL Free information: Circle 134
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DS-2080 dehumidistat is CA Title 24 compliant and controls bathroom exhaust fans based on the moisture levels in a room. The surface-mounted unit allows humidity settings to be adjusted from 20% to 80% and has an 8% maximum relative-humidity differential. Applications include hotels and educational facilities. Orbit Industries Los Angeles Free information: Circle 135
products HVAC & PLUMBING
Geothermal heat pump Healthcare sink An integrated ICU sink-and-faucet system minimizes splashing and creates a more hygienic environment. It features a deep, sloping profile, specially designed gooseneck faucet spout that directs the water flow to the sink’s slanted back wall, and a touchless faucet with a Selectronic sensor. A laminar-flow device in the spout base prevents air from being drawn into the water stream, and the plain spout end eliminates areas for lime and debris to collect. The vitreouschina sink has an EverClean surface that inhibits the growth of stain- and odor-causing bacteria, mold, and mildew. American Standard Piscataway, NJ Free information: Circle 136
Filter media A range of particulate filtration media for HVAC applications provides efficiencies from MERV 7 to MERV 15. According to the company, the media’s low airflow resistance, initially and throughout the filter’s service life, means that HVAC system motors need to overcome less resistance to deliver the required airflow, thus reducing energy costs. Kimberly-Clark Corp. Roswell, GA Free information: Circle 137
Envision 2 series compact heat pump is available in 0.75- to 6-ton capacities in a small footprint. With the Aurora-generation communication controls, options include a 24-f motorized on/off water valve for VFD pumping with automatic internal water-flow control. The series uses R410A refrigerant and has coaxial heat exchangers that are oversized and convoluted with a copper inner tube and steel outer tube for maximum heat transfer. WaterFurnace International Fort Wayne, IN Free information: Circle 138
Air-handler replacement program Retrovent replacement program replaces existing air handlers with energy-efficient, direct-match units. The Innovent R-series is said to match existing roof curbs and supply/exhaust connections to minimize roof and building renovation costs. Optional program features include lease-to-own, recycling of old units, and start-up services. Innovent Minneapolis Free information: Circle 139
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For free information, circle 228
products HVAC & PLUMBING
Volume fan AirVolution fan creates a comfortable environment while reportedly delivering substantial cost savings. Using six blades, the fan generates a large column of air that gently flows to the ground and outward 360 degrees. The large, slow-moving air mass moves throughout a space, mixing and circulating air. The fan is also said to operate quietly. MacroAir San Bernardino, CA Free information: Circle 140
Ceiling-concealed indoor units The company’s ceiling-concealed, ducted indoor units provide adjustable static-pressure settings, quiet operation, and high efficiency. Single-phase units include Models PEFY-P72 and -P96 and include a motor that is said to provide as much as 60% energy savings over previous-generation equipment. Staticpressure settings to 1 inch provide flexibility for duct extension, branching, and air-outlet configuration. Applications include hotel guest rooms, dormitories, and situations with tight vertical clearances and minimal ductwork. Mitsubishi Electric Cooling & Heating Suwanee, GA Free information: Circle 142
Electronic lectronic faucet HyTronic Curve electronic faucet has a gracefully curved spout and chrome finish. With a variety of styles, flow rates, and power options, along with above-deck electronics and vandal-resistant features, the unit adds a non-industrial look to public restrooms. The faucet is compatible with the rest of the HyTronic series, such as deck plates and outlets. Chicago Faucets Des Plaines, IL Free information: Circle 144
High-efficiency boiler Benchmark 6000 boiler has a 15:1 turndown, low NOx emissions, and a compact footprint. Using the company’s stainless-steel fire-tube design, the unit is said to operate at 92.5% efficiency. An Oxygen Level monitoring system and C-More touch-screen control package are standard. A remote datacollection option continually monitors internal operations. The unit can also be accessed remotely using Modbus or Intranet, allowing emissions-level and fuel-economy measurements without traditional calibration devices. Aerco International Inc. Blauvelt, NY Free information: Circle 141 60
JUL/AUG 2012
Compact heat pump Tranquility TC series compact, belt-drive, watersource heat pump in sizes 160, 192, 240, and 300 are only available in a vertical cabinet. The series has an extended-range refrigerant circuit, capable of ground-loop, ground-water, and water-loop applications. Vertical configurations are available with front or back return air and top, front, or back supply-air discharge. The electrical box can be field converted to either side of the unit, while the small footprint allows installation in tight spaces. ClimateMaster Oklahoma City Free information: Circle 143
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Vibration-isolation curb Vibro-Curb mounting for rooftop HVAC units has vibration-dampening spring isolators. Roofing may be completed at a later date without disturbing the unit. A 2-foot by 2-foot nailer is provided for attaching roofing felts. A flexible 9-inch counter-flashing provides a weather seal while allowing access to the isolators. Thybar Corp. Addison, IL Free information: Circle 145
products HVAC & PLUMBING
UV-light IAQ Fresh-Aire TRS tubular-rack UV system is a germicidal, ultra-violet-light IAQ device. Designed for microbial disinfection in new and retrofit applications, including hospitals, schools, and office buildings, the kit is available in 22 lamp variations. Lamps are available in 32- or 60-inch lengths. The system emits a 360-degree light field that creates a longer irradiation dwell period. Triatomic Environmental Inc. Jupiter, FL Free information: Circle 150
Condensing boiler Caliber boiler is a condensing, lightweight hydronic boiler with reported ultra-low CO and NOx emissions. The line uses full stainless heat exchangers. The boiler uses a Honeywell SOLA control and variablespeed premix combustion system capable of a 5:1 turndown. Fulton Companies Pulaski, NY Free information: Circle 146
Air-conditioned computer cabinet MovinCool Uptime Racks ECC13 air-conditioned computer cabinet is cooled by a CM12 air conditioner built into the cabinet base. The CM12 unit is self-contained and operates on 115 V, providing 13,000 BTU/h of cooling capacity. The rack is wheel-mounted and has 32 U of available rack space and 19-inch EIA-310 standard hole spacing. Rails are adjustable to accommodate equipment to 33 1/2-inches deep. Denso Corp. Long Beach, CA Free information: Circle 148
Evaporative cooler Oasis indirect evaporative cooler uses a corrosionresistant polymer heat exchanger to produce dry, cool air without refrigeration. The heat exchanger uses vertical polymer tubes. Best suited for hot, dry climates, the unit treats makeup air and provides cooling-energy and winter-heat recovery. Munters Selma, TX Free information: Circle 151
Colorful radiator Play colorful radiator has soft, rounded corners. The surface remains cool to the touch. A thermostat control is locked into the design, preventing undesired changes. The unit can be used in conjunction with heat pumps, geothermal systems, solar-energy systems, and condensing boilers. Applications include education and healthcare settings. Jaga Climate Systems Waterloo, Ontario Free information: Circle 147
Remote dampers Remote balancing dampers for applications where tight spaces make it difficult to access and manually adjust the damper and balance airflow use a standard RJ11 cable run to a phone jack-style plug. The company’s EZ Balance smart controller plugs into the jack to regulate the damper’s blade position and balance the system. A single-blade rectangular damper and a round damper are available. Greenheck Schofield, WI Free information: Circle 149 Get free product information at www.cbpmagazine.com
JUL/AUG 2012
Remote camera app
Version 2.0 of the company’s iPOLiS mobile app for remote-access viewing of its network video cameras and digital video recorders is optimized for Android and iPhone smartphones. Enhanced live and playback options are included. New users may download the app for free from iTunes or the Android market, while existing users need only register the app again as new. Upgraded features allow users to remotely control the pan, tilt, and zoom functions of the company’s latest network cameras using an interface that is also compatible with the Samsung SRD series DVRs. Samsung Techwin America Ridgefield Park, NJ EDITORS’ Free information: Circle 152 CHOICE
iPOLiS Ver. 2.0: •
Remote-access viewing app for company’s network video and DVRs
Enhanced live and playback options
Remote pan, tilt, zoom functions
and connect using the Internet to communicate with the administrative system. Applications include installations that span large geographic areas or where access to keys or openings may be inconvenient. Assa Abloy New Haven, CT Free information: Circle 156
Security-management software Version 3.5 security-management software integrates with IT and logical security systems and includes elevator access control for as many as 64 floors with floor tracking and 128 floors without. An alarm routing for system administrators provides specific alerts by alarm type, facility location, or time of day, and digital-video integration with Avigilon’s line of video-recording products. RedCloud Sterling, VA Free information: Circle 153
Fire-sprinkler software TolBrace 7.0 software calculates correct bracing loads for fire-sprinkler systems according to NFPA 13 guidelines, UBC, and IBC. It provides an Ss breakdown and evaluates brace orientations, structural attachments, and fasteners for use with Tolco seismicbracing components. The software also calculates seismic-force factor, zone of influence, and swaybrace orientation and angle decisions. The software automatically updates. Cooper B-Line Highland, IL Free information: Circle 154 62
JUL/AUG 2012
Indoor dome cameras V960D series HD dome cameras provide dual-streaming video and support H.264 compression technology, reducing file sizes and conserving network bandwidth. Users can receive multiple streams simultaneously in different resolutions, frame rates, and image qualities for viewing on different platforms. The line offers a choice of built-in varifocal lenses, including remotely adjustable motorized P-Iris lenses. Units can be surface or in-ceiling mounted. Vicon Hauppauge, NY Free information: Circle 155
Electronic keys Medeco electronic keys provide remote key programming. Administrators can remotely program the company’s Logic and NexgenXT keys from any location in the world using web-based software. Changes to access rights and retrieval of audit data are made using IP- or Bluetooth-based devices located anywhere
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High-fidelity speakers Wheelock series EH speakers and speaker strobes provide high-fidelity sound output in a low-profile design. For indoor wall- and ceiling-mount applications, the series has a 300- to 8,000-Hz range. The wider-frequency response range allows the speaker to reproduce frequencies closer to the original sound, reportedly improving the clarity and comprehension of the intended message. The units have dual voltage (25/70 VRMS) capability and field-selectable taps from 1/8 to 2 W. Cooper Notification Long Branch, NJ Free information: Circle 157
products BUILDING TECHNOLOGY 285 standards. Fire Resist 705FR uses a foil-faced glass laminate and fire-resistant butyl adhesive. Barritech VP is vapor-permeable and dries to a light blue. NP dries to a dark blue. Carlisle Coatings and Waterproofing Wylie, TX Free information: Circle 160
Programmable controllers Lonworks ECL series programmable controllers use 2.0 technology to provide faster operating speeds and additional functionality. The series includes a wide range of models and supports the company’s Allure EC-Smart-Vue communicating sensor with backlit LCD display and icon-driven menu. Distech Controls Montreal Free information: Circle 158
Platform system Day/night IP cameras Wireless cameras Additions to the Advantage line of wireless cameras include the NBC-265-W 720-p IP model and the NBC-255-W version. Each provides a ready-to-use, all-in-one network video-surveillance system inside a compact enclosure. A lens, SD card for on-board storage, and viewing software for as many as 16 channels are included. Bosch Security Systems Fairport, NY Free information: Circle 159
M1143-L and M1144-L network cameras have integrated IR-LED illumination and mechanical IR-cut filters for true day/night surveillance. The indoor, fixed IP cameras have H.264 video compression and options for full-frame-rate HDTV quality. Two adjustable levers concealed by a lid at the top of each camera adjust focus and field of view. Cameras have a range of 50 feet, even in complete darkness. Axis Communications Chelmsford, MA Free information: Circle 161
Easi-Dec platform system assembles from the ground up without tools to provide access to the roofline of single and two-story buildings. The OSHA- and CSAcompliant system has a load rating of 750 pounds. An assembled system measures 6 1/2 feet long by 2 1/2 feet deep and is supported by adjustable telescopic legs. Options include a stand-off kit for access to deep soffits and a dormer kit to allow the device to sit on a sloping roof. Kee Safety Inc. Buffalo, NY Free information: Circle 163
Fire-sprinkler bracket Firestop block Fire-resistant air, vapor barrier The company’s line of fire-resistant AVB products includes Fire Resist 705FR, Fire Resist Barritech NP, and Fire Resist Barritech VP. The line uses aerospaceindustry technology to produce a line of fluid- and sheet-applied air and vapor barriers that pass NFPA
CFS-BL firestop block is a pre-formed solution for a variety of through penetrations in large openings. The pre-compressed block installs with no special tools required. For wall or floor applications with fire ratings from 1 to 4 hours, the block is non-curing and reusable. Hilti Inc. Tulsa, OK Free information: Circle 162
Style AB1 bracket is an addition to the AquaFlex sprinkler-fitting line. The device is said to eliminate the need for installers to handle ceiling tiles, cut holes in tiles, and coordinate with the ceiling trade on a job site. The bracket does not obstruct or damage ceiling tiles and provides a simple installation. It can be used with series AQB braided systems and is available in 24- and 48-inch lengths. Victaulic Easton, PA Free information: Circle 164
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JUL/AUG 2012
Wireless outlet controller
Smart card
SmartLet wireless outlet controller switches 120-VAC receptacles on or off based on occupancy, schedules, and demand-response events. Part of the company’s LightCenter line, the unit is configured, scheduled, and controlled by a manager appliance running the company’s LightCenter+ or Plus software. Scheduling allows a user to define on and off events for receptacles, as well as periods governed by occupancy rules. The device has on-board energy monitoring. Autani Corp. Columbia, MD Free information: Circle 165
The company, along with Salamander Technologies, offers the aptiQ smart card, which uses interTrax accountability solutions, resulting in a multi-function ID that provides daily access control and other smart card-based tasks within a building, as well as personnel tracking outside the building during planned events, natural disasters, or emergencies. Ingersoll Rand Security Technologies Carmel, IN Free information: Circle 166
For free information, circle 229
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Greenbuild booth #909
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JUL/AUG 2012
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Greenbuild booth 1032
AIA booth 2003
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Free information: Circle 236
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Greenbuild booth #939
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JUL/AUG 2012
advertising SHOWCASE Sandstone-Textured FRP Flush Door
New commercial exterior door features exclusive ďŹ ne-grained face sheets for an aesthetically-pleasing surface ďŹ nish. Ideal for locations not expected to see deliberate abuse or vandalism. • Through-color, no painting required • Corrosion resistant • Superior thermal performance • Limited lifetime warranty • GREENGUARD CertiďŹ ed
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Greenbuild booth 1032
Greenbuild booth 833
AIA booth 552
Free information: Circle 243
Free information: Circle 244
Free information: Circle 245
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supplier INDEX
page number
circle number
Acoustiblok ................................................................ 66 .......................... 248
Gary L. Parr
Anne Thull Fine Art Designs .................................... 65 .......................... 236
E xe cu t i ve V ic e Pr esiden t , C onSour ce L L C 847.382.8100 ex t .101 gpar r @ cbpmagazine.com
Apricus ........................................................................ 53 .......................... 225 Carlisle Coatings & Waterproofing ........................ IBC ........................ 230 Cleaver-Brooks .......................................................... 65 .......................... 238
Jack Curley Regional Sales Manager Nor t heas t 201.569.5481 201.805.9529 cell jcur ley @ cbpmaga zine.com
Scott Cunningham
ClimateMaster Inc. .................................................... BC ......................... 231 CPI Daylighting Inc. .................................................. 65 .......................... 240
in future issues
Dawson Doors ............................................................ 64 .......................... 234 DuPont Tyvek ............................................................. 4 ............................ 202 Duro-Last Roofing Inc. ............................................. 42 .......................... 217 Eclipse Lighting ......................................................... 66 .......................... 247
Regional Sales Manager Sou t heas t , OH, IN 770.913.0115 678.576.1487 cell s cunningham @ cbpmaga z ine.com
Envirospec Inc. .......................................................... 65 .......................... 241 Excel Dryer ................................................................. 18 .......................... 208 Flex-Ability Concepts ............................................... 65 .......................... 239 Forbo ........................................................................... 7 ............................ 203
Jon Heng Patricia Heng
GAF .............................................................................. 25 .......................... 212
Regional Sales Manager s Wes t C oas t 626.799.3610 jheng @ cbpmagazine.com pheng @ cbpmagazine.com
Greenbuild .................................................................. 31 .......................... 215 Hanover Architectural Products ............................. IFC ........................ 200 Harsco Patterson Kelley .......................................... 27 .......................... 213 Krieger Specialty Products...................................... 51 .......................... 223
Dan Burke
LG Electronics ............................................................ 15 .......................... 206
Regional Sales Manager Mid-Sou t h, MN, W I, IL , MO 732.229.2771 dbur ke @ cbpmaga z ine.com
LiveRoof LLC .............................................................. 66 .......................... 246 Lumenoptix ................................................................. 21 .......................... 210 Lumenpulse ................................................................ 57 .......................... 227
Tracy Ryle Inside S ales, Regional S ales MI 847.382.8100 ex t . 103 t r y le @ cbpmagazine.com
Marga Parr Pr oduc t ion Manager 847.382.8100 ex t . 115 mpar r @ cbpmagazine.com
Ellen Sandkam Lis t Ren t al Ser v ices 847.382.8100 ex t . 110 esandk am @ a t plis t s.com
Major Industries ........................................................ 66 .......................... 243
Mars Air Systems ...................................................... 48 .......................... 222
Healthcare/Senior Care
MaxLite ....................................................................... 55 .......................... 226
Maxxon Corp. ............................................................. 43 .......................... 218
MBCI ............................................................................ 11 .......................... 204 Metallic Building Co.................................................. 46 .......................... 220
OCTOBER Green Construction Roofing
Norton Door Controls ............................................... 13 .......................... 205 Safety Technology International ............................ 47 .......................... 221 Salsbury Industries ................................................... 64 .......................... 229
Wall Products
Savannah Trims ......................................................... 64 .......................... 235 Special-Lite Inc. ........................................................ 29, 66 .................... 214, 244
Jill Kaletha
Sto Corp. ..................................................................... 2 ............................ 201
F os t er Repr in t Ser v ice 866.879.914 4 ex t . 168 jillk @ f os t er pr in t ing.com
Taco ............................................................................. 23 .......................... 211 The Metal Construction Association ..................... 17 .......................... 207 Thybar Corp. ............................................................... 59 .......................... 228
Arthur L. Rice
Tjernlund Products Inc. ............................................ 64, 66 .................... 232, 245
C hair man / C E O 847.382.8100 ex t . 106 ar ice @ a t pne t wor k .com
Trim-Tex ...................................................................... 52, 65 .................... 224, 242
USG Corp. ................................................................... 19 .......................... 209 Weston Solutions Inc. .............................................. 64 .......................... 233 YKK AP ........................................................................ 44 .......................... 219
Commercial Building Products ConSource LLC 1300 S. Gr ove Avenue, Sui t e 105, Bar r ing t on, IL 60010 847.382.8100 w w w.cbpmaga z ine.com
Zero International ..................................................... 65 .......................... 237 Zurn Industries .......................................................... 38 .......................... 216
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JUL/AUG 2012
portfolio M
ore than 40 tons of copper replaces the
original copper roofing on the Church of the Nativity, Huntsville, AL, built in 1859 and designated as a National Historic Landmark. With the goal of remaining faithful to the Gothic Revival architecture, the project required handfabrication of 22,500 custom Rauten (interlocking) copper shingles. Engineers: Nobline Associates, Bridgewater, MA. Sheet metal contractor/ project specifier: Ornametals Manufacturing LLC, Cullman, AL. Installer: CopperWorks Corp., Decatur, AL. Photo: Doug Brewster, Brewster Commercial Photography, Madison, AL.
JUL/AUG 2012
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Introducing Fire Resist, by Carlisle Coatings & Waterproofing! The only line of fire resistant air and vapor barriers. The same NASA technology that protects Brad Keselowski from a fiery crash can help protect your building from a fire. Only Carlisle’s Fire Resist product line is energy efficient, fire resistant and NFPA 285 code compliant! Visit www.FireResistCCW.com for more information about these revolutionary new products.
Carlisle Coatings & Waterproofing Incorporated 800.527.7092 | www.carlisle-ccw.com 900 Hensley Lane, Wylie, Texas 75098
For free information, circle 230
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