5 minute read

Key Control Simplifies Campus Access

Carrier system The HETC high-effi ciency toilet and carrier system reduces energy losses as water transitions from the bowl to the drain piping, resulting in a long waste-carry distance. The system uses the EZCarry carrier system and EcoVantage 1.1 gpf ZTR sensor wall-bowl system.


Zurn Industries, Erie, PA Circle 51 zurn.com

Fan-selection program eCaps fan application suite is an online fan-selection program. The program provides simultaneous comparison of multiple fan models, based on fan performance, sound levels, operating costs, or fi rst costs. It automatically cautions users when selections are close to maximum rpm or when the selection is close to being unstable. A toolbox feature includes a Systems Effect Simulator that shows how the selected fan will perform under various inlet and outlet conditions.

Greenheck, Schofi eld, WI Circle 53 greenheck.com

Solutions, services Trane Building Advantage is a suite of energy-services offerings to assist building owners and managers in operating effi cient and sustainable buildings. A company representative learns about a building’s mission, purpose, and business objectives. A building solution is then designed. Solutions can include building controls and automation, energy-management systems and services, renewable energy and power solutions, and energy contracting.

Trane, a brand of Ingersoll Rand, Davidson, NC Circle 54 trane.com

Control, monitoring software

Ascent Compass 1.2:

Software for HVAC and building-system control Context-specifi c menus Tailors building-automation system to present features

An updated version of Ascent Compass 1.2 software provides an interface reported to reduce the steps required to optimize building systems and energy-e ciency management for HVAC and other building systems.  e software allows users to tailor the building-automation system to only present features pertaining to their work. Context-speci c menus provide relevant data and tasks wherever a user is within the system. Users can view, create, and edit alarms or any system data points controlled by Ascent. Additional enhancements include updated graphic images, controls, and views.

Alerton, Redmond, WA Circle 50 alerton.com

Metal building curbs A line of laser-cut, all-welded, insulated metal building curbs is custom designed to accommodate any rooftop equipment and to conform to any roof pitch. Curbs use #14 and #18 gauge AZ-55 Galvalume material. Built-in rib confi guration, water-defl ecting cricket, 3-in. attachment fl anges, and rigid insulation are standard.

Thybar Corp., Addison, IL Circle 52 thybar.com

Pedestal lavatory Verona pedestal lavatory measures 18 1/2 x 17 1/4 in. and has a rear overfl ow with 4-in. faucet center. Applications include small, secondary bathrooms.

Mansfi eld Plumbing, Perrysville, OH Circle 55 mansfi eldplumbing.com

Wind-driven louver UV-Com control panel monitors multiple UV-C fixtures installed in individual air-handling units. The unit monitors lamps and ballasts and communicates with most buildingautomation/management systems. A single control panel can monitor eight fixtures. Panels can be daisy chained.

ECV-645-MD 6-in.-deep, vertical blade louver is Miami-Dade approved. AMCA rated for air performance and wind-driven rain, it has also been tested in accordance with AMCA 540 impact resistance. Optional anchorless installation uses flanged clips and retaining angles.

Pottorff, Fort Worth, TX Circle 56 pottorff.com

Heat pump units Tranquility Vertical Stack (TSM) series heat pumps are available in 3/4- through 3-ton capacities for reported energy-efficient heating and cooling as part of either boiler/ cooling tower or geothermal heating and cooling systems. The space-saving units install virtually out of sight behind drywall. With optional iGate (DXM2) controls, the series has four-wire connections with an ATC thermostat. The controls additionally facilitate configuration, diagnostics, and monitoring in plain English on an ATC thermo

ClimateMaster, Oklahoma City Circle 57 climatemaster.com

Our Champions Work Smarter Not Harder GAME ON

Control panel for UV fixtures stat or ACD diagnostic tool.

UV Resources, Santa Clarita, CA Circle 58 uvresources.com

Mitsubishi Electric Cooling & Heating

Suwanee, GA 800.433.4822 mitsubishipro.com Circle 250

UP TO 32.0 EER Part Load

UP TO 22.0 EER Full Load

FHP LM Model Package Units and Split Systems

Our products allow your customers to relax while watching the big games at the offi ce,

in a skybox at the arena or in a hi-rise apartment in the city. Bosch off ers a full line of high effi ciency, cost-eff ective water source heat pumps that are the best defense against high energy bills. LM Models off er low operating costs, ultra quiet operation, easy servicing, and highly confi gurable options to match your project requirements. Go for the win in technology with Bosch - the team you know and trust.

For more information and commercial case studies, visit boschheatingandcooling.com

Heat Pumps

Made in the U.S.A.

Check out a recent installation of 21 FHP heat pumps at a ‘green‘ child care and early learning center building in Pella, Iowa by going to our website.*

*Products used in the application cited may vary from those shown.

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