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Thermally broken roof hatch

Thermally broken roof hatch:


Minimizes heat transfer Improves acoustic performance Provides an R-value of 18

 e company’s roof hatch has a thermally broken frame and cover to minimize heat transfer and the e ect of condensation to provide energy e ciency.  e hatch is designed with an element of low conductivity integrated between interior and exterior surfaces of the cover and frame to reduce temperature transfer.  e components also dampen vibration for reported improved acoustic performance against outside noise.  e product has 3 in. of polyisocyanurate insulation with an R-value of 18 in cover and curb and a cover gasket to minimize air leakage.  e hatch has counter-balanced lift assistance, automatic hold open, and uses the Bil-Clip  ashing system.

The Bilco Co., New Haven, CT Circle 50 bilco.com

Custom-colored enclosures Flex Center custom-colored enclosures provide aesthetic details with durable fi nishes. An industrial powder-coating process is said to provide a fi nish that does not bubble or peel. A palette of 188 standard colors is available, along with color-matching services.

Eaton, Pittsburgh Circle 51 eaton.com

Motion detectors Commercial series motion detectors are said to detect intruders from wall to wall with a coverage range of 50 x 50 ft. Features include First Step Processing to provide an instant response to the fi rst step of an intruder. Dynamic temperature compensation ensures detection at virtually any temperature. Active Infrared Anti-mask detects materials placed in front of or sprayed onto the detector.

Bosch Security Systems, Fairport, NY Circle 52 boschsecurity.us

Room controller NX intelligent lighting control is said to simplify installation with auto-confi guration. No network or software is required to set up the unit. Input devices including digital wall switches, vacancy/occupancy sensors, and daylight sensors plug into the unit and are auto-confi gured to default operations. Communication is over Cat5 cables. More advanced confi gurations of dimming and daylight functions can be accomplished using a smart-phone app. As many as eight controllers can be connected.

Hubbell Building Automation, Austin, TX Circle 53 hubbell-automation.com

One-press deadbolt QID (Quick Intruder Deadbolt) classroom lock provides a strong safe-haven solution while maintaining access for fi rst responders and other authorized personnel. Locksets exceed safe-school government standards and comply with all building and fi re safety codes. The solution combines the locking lever handle with the deadbolt in a single action. The door can always be unlocked by key from the outside.

Securitech, Maspeth, NY Circle 54 securitech.com

Informally dubbed “the building in the trees,” the new biological sciences building at Georgia Southern Univ., Statesboro, GA, is located on a major campus pedestrian way that brings students through a wooded area.

Above. Petersen Aluminum 16-in. Tite-Loc Plus roof panels cover both portions of the structure. The low-rise wing is horizontally clad with M-36 siding panels that were reverse rolled with the ribs in to create a wider-looking, flat-panel appearance.

Aluminum Panels Top Off Science Building Construction crews on LEED Gold project rise to challenges of wooded site.

Informally dubbed “the building in the trees,” the new biological sciences building at Georgia Southern Univ., Statesboro, GA, is located on a major campus pedestrian way that brings students through a wooded area to reach the 158,000-sq.-ft. structure. The LEED

Gold building is the first in a new section of the campus largely devoted to the study of coastal-plains biology and ecology.

The three-story building includes five active-learning classrooms, 10 teaching labs, and 15 research labs used by 1,300 undergraduate and graduate students. “The new building will allow students to work together in groups, and for faculty to be more mobile in the labs so they can check on what students are doing, answer questions, and challenge students,” said Stephen Vives, department of biology chair.

Architectural design was provided by S/L/A/M Collaborative, Atlanta, a firm that specializes in higher-education health-sciences and research projects. According to

S/L/A/M principal Joseph League, “Given its unique siting, the building is somewhat of a departure from the architectural language of the rest of the campus, although it was purposely designed to be compatible from a materials standpoint.” Other buildings on the campus also use red brick and metal roofs.

The biological sciences building includes a three-story portion that houses classrooms, instructional laboratories, research laboratories, and faculty and administrative offices. Attached to the three-story building is a one-story, double-wing component where field-collected samples and biology specimens are stored.

“From a practical standpoint, we needed to separate the functions, since they have distinctly different mechanical requirements,” League says. “The labs and classrooms require 100% recirculated air. The building has a lot of plenum space and an attic that accommodates large air handlers. The whole rationale for the way we designed the low-rise wing was to separate the expanse of mechanical systems and to treat it as a handsome yet utilitarian out-building.”

Petersen Aluminum, Elk Grove Village, IL, 16-in. Tite

Loc Plus roof panels cover both portions of the structure. The low-rise wing is horizontally clad with Petersen Aluminum’s M-36 siding panels that were reverse rolled with the ribs in to create a wider-looking, flat-panel appearance. More than 100,000 sq. ft. of Petersen PAC-CLAD material was used in roofing and siding applications. The building’s roof incorporates 65,000 sq. ft. of the manufacturer’s 22-gauge Tite-Loc Plus panels in Slate Gray and more than 30,000 sq. ft. of M-36 siding panels in Charcoal and Silver. The products were supplied by Commercial Roofing Specialties in College Park, GA, and manu

More than 100,000 sq. ft. of Petersen Aluminum’s PAC-CLAD material was used in roofi ng and siding applications.

factured in Petersen’s Acworth, GA, plant. As with most university projects, meeting the budget was a challenging factor, League says. “We considered several roofing-product manufacturers, but Petersen Aluminum was chosen on the basis of cost as well as meeting our design and performance criteria, plus Georgia’s rather stringent requirements for maintainability, serviceability, and guarantees.”

Roof-panel installation was completed by Richter Contracting, Albany, GA. Ken Wood, senior superintendent, said, “The only real challenge was getting the panels on the roof due to the limited accessibility of the site. We had to use a sky crane and lay the crates of panels horizontal to the pitch. Then we would manually spin each panel and carry it over and drop it down onto the roof slope. That made it a little cumbersome since everybody was tied off for safety. But, there was nothing out of the norm about that, and the job went very well.”

The M-36 siding panels were installed by Pierre Construction Group, Stone Mountain, GA. “The job was relatively straight forward,” said Collins Westcott, project manager. “The general contractor (Brasfield & Gorrie, Kennesaw, GA) put together a great team and did lots of front-end planning that really made the project go smoothly.”

As a result, it is expected that the scientific studies of Georgia Southern students will go smoothly as well. CBP

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