commARCH - January February 2017

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The Holiday Inn on the campus of the Cleveland Clinic uses SlenderWall panels that combine multiple building elements into a single system at a lighter weight than traditional precast panels. Photo ©Terry Wieckert

Alternative-Cladding Value Is More Than Skin Deep Precast panels in a lighter-weight assembly are winning converts.


rchitectural precast panels have been a go-to

The need for nearby lodging to serve those visitors be-

requirements–as architects for several other recent proj-

cladding material for decades in the hospital-

came obvious when the clinic chose to demolish a former

ects on the campus, they were very familiar with their

ity industry. With their design versatility and

guesthouse to make way for a new medical-education

client’s fit-and-finish priorities.

modularity, the panels offer advantages for architects and


“White everything,” is the shorthand Dave Kaplan,

contractors. However, precast also can pose some chal-

The local firm of Kaczmar Architects Inc. (KAI) land-

project manager for work on the hotel’s exterior façade

lenges–notably in its weight. SlenderWall, from Easi-Set

ed the design contract for the 276-room hotel, operated

and detailing, used to describe the guidelines. He added

Worldwide, Midland, VA, is an alternative that incor-

under the Holiday Inn brand, that was intended to take

that modernist touches, such as incorporating glass cur-

porates precast design flexibility into a lighter-weight as-

the place of the guesthouse. The firm’s first task was ensur-

tainwall and wood interior-trim detailing, could be used.

sembly that also includes a vapor barrier, insulation, and

ing its plans meshed with Cleveland Clinic’s well-defined

“They have a very simple color palette that we have to

interior-framing studs. The product’s installation advan-

architectural guidelines. KAI was not a newcomer to the

adhere to.”

tages are winning new converts among hotel developers,

KAI architects have used traditional architectural pre-

including the team behind the recently

cast panels as exterior cladding for other

completed Holiday Inn located on the

hospitality projects, as well as other proj-

campus of Cleveland Clinic in Cleve-

ects on the clinic’s grounds. Initially,

land, OH.

Kaplan and his team focused on tradi-

Cleveland Clinic is a world-class

tional material for the nine-story hotel.

research and clinical-care institu-

When the building team, which also

tion, with more than 40 buildings

included contractor Walsh Construc-

(including a hospital with more

tion, Chicago, began pricing installa-

than 1,400 beds) across its 165-

tion, including the large cranes re-

acre grounds. Patients and their families come to the facility from across the United States and around the world for treatment. 28


JAN/FEB 2017

quired to lift the precast panels to SlenderWall is a precast-panel alternative that incorporates precast design flexibility into a lighter-weight assembly that also includes a vapor barrier, insulation, and interior-framing studs.

eight-story heights, it became clear an alternative solution was needed. Representatives



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