Nov. 18, 2005

Page 1

EL VAQUERO Glendale College

Volume 88 Number 5


IN THIS ISSUE NEWS Child Development Center hosts “Parent Night Out” Breast Cancer Benefit.

Photo by Jane Pojawa Chelsea and friend attend a pajama party for a good cause.

Page 3


“Phanatics” showcased student dance and choreography. Pages 10-11


“Wal-Mart: The High Price of Low Cost” is not out in movie theaters - but it will screen at GCC this week. Page 12



laza Vaquero took on the aura of a memorial park Nov. 8 with hundreds of gleaming white crosses spreading from the Administration building walkway up to the cafeteria. A recreation of the Arlington West display held every weekend in Santa Monica, the 856 crosses that lined the grass, some draped with flowers and American flags, represented fallen American soldiers in Iraq. This powerful memorial, erected in remembrance of the 2,055 dead and 14,902 wounded American soldiers in Iraq, was one part of the Day of Remembrance celebration put together by the GCC Justice Coalition, Veterans for Peace and the Iraq Veterans Against The War (IVAW) as a timely commemoration of Veterans Day. Members of these organizations set up the crosses by hand, one by one, earlier that day. A program composed of speeches and poems representing anti-war sentiments was held at the Plaza See REMEMBRANCE, Page 3

Photo by Elizabeth Linares

“People take things for granted,” says Gezelle Emerson-James, 43, remembering her dad who served in World War II. She attributes his recent death to chemical poisoning, one of the effects of the war in which he served.

KGCC Campus Web Radio Rocks On



Student Government Elections will be Nov. 29 and 30.




List of those Americans who have died in the Iraq War. Pages 13-18

NEWS........................1-4 F EATURE ...................5-7 SPORTS ........................8-9 ENTERTAINMENT............12 CALENDAR....................19

Photo by Jane Pojawa

Sarah Menold rules the airwaves from 5-9 p.m. on Mondays.


hat do KGCC Web radio and approximately 20 million people have in common? Myspace. That’s right, KGCC has joined the Myspace revolution in an effort to raise awareness for the campus Web radio station. Myspace enables GCC students, as well as the fellow Myspace community, to listen to radio broadcasts through a link provided on the radio station’s page. The torch bearer in this effort is Sarah Menold, a 25-year-old radio broadcast major who jumped at the opportunity to be a part of the campus radio station while taking Media 107,

the prerequisite course for the “radio station class,” Media 207. “I didn’t even know we had a radio station on campus until the class began and the instructor mentioned it,” said Menold. Menold currently hosts a weekly show called “Happy Mondays” which airs Monday nights from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Menold describes “Happy Mondays” as a modern/British rock show, even though Menold considers herself to be all over the place when it comes to her show’s music play list. “I play everything that I deem good and everything that I think people should hear and get into,” said Menold. Menold’s enthusiasm for the radio station spawns from her love of radio See KGCC, Page 4


Friday, November 18, 2005


Instructor Backs Up Student Activists R

ecently, it was brought to my attention that there are faculty on our campus who feel that our student activists are naïve and do not understand the situation of the United States involvement in Iraq. Moreover, some feel that the student activists are unfairly attacking military recruiters on campus. I would like to state here that I am in full support of our many students who are dedicating their time to struggle for social justice. From the numerous discussions that I have had with the student activists, I have discovered that many have a strong understanding of the situation in Iraq. To begin, they fully comprehend that the invasion and occupation of Iraq is illegal. Based on this fact, our student activists are passionately and compassionately taking time out of their busy schedules to protect our soldiers from further harm. The students are able to separate the policies of the Bush administration from the individual soldiers who serve bravely in our

military. It must be clearly understood that the students are not attacking the soldiers, whom they understand are pieces within a bigger system. The elite within this system are currently using our brothers and sisters, who are soldiers, to achieve their political and economic goals. In the meantime, people suffer and people die. Therefore, our students want our soldiers to return home to prevent more soldiers and their families from becoming victims of the unjust occupation of Iraq. The students also demand an end to the needless killing of over 100,000 Iraqi civilians, many of whom are women and children. Since the human toll in any war is immense, war should be used as a last option. In the case of Iraq, the United States was not in any imminent danger of attack. In fact, the United States violated international law by attacking a sovereign nation that in no way threatened our nation. This preemptive strike, as we call it,

was illegal under international law. In fact, every day that goes by, it is becoming clearer that we went to war under false pretexts. For example, there were no weapons of mass destruction. There was no yellow-cake uranium moving from Niger to Iraq. And, there was no link between Al Qaeda and Iraq. The excuse of bad information leading to the invasion of Iraq is just wrong. Evidence is now surfacing that exposes this lie. For example, the United Nations’ weapons inspectors Hans Blix and Scott Ritter had made it clear that they had found no weapons of mass destruction before the attack. Joseph Wilson, [a former] ambassador, wrote an op-ed piece in the New York Times explaining that there was no yellowcake uranium moving from Niger to Iraq. And, documents from the Defense Intelligence Agency dated February 2002 describe the improbability of Saddam’s secular regime

colluding with Islamic revolutionary movements. In order to justify the occupation of Iraq, the new argument is to bring democracy to Iraq. To this claim I ask, “Who gives us the right to impose our will on other sovereign nations?” If we delve into our history, we will find that there have been instances where our nation has used our brave men in the military not to set up democracies abroad, but to overthrow democratically elected governments to install extreme dictators to protect United States’ corporate interests. A classic example of this was when the democratically elected president of Guatemala, Jacobo Arbenz Guzman, was overthrown in 1954 to protect the interests of the United Fruit Company. The other argument to justify the invasion and occupation of Iraq basically states that Saddam Hussein needed to be removed because of human rights violations. If this is true, then why did we sit back and watch him

commit atrocities on his people while supporting him with weapons during the Iran-Iraq conflict? Why didn’t we intervene immediately when Hussein gassed thousands of Kurds in the early 1980s? Moreover, if our mission is to overthrow undemocratic regimes, why haven’t we attacked other repressive regimes such as North Korea, Iran and Saudi Arabia? In conclusion, I am inspired to see our students carefully studying history and staying current on recent events. Moreover, I admire their courage and willingness to be participants in the democratic process. I hope that they continue to practice their First Amendment right to free speech, and in this way inspire others of various political ideologies to no longer be apathetic about current issues and take part in creating and maintaining a true democracy. — Richard T. Kamei Acting Chair of Sociology

EL VAQUERO Glendale College Newspaper




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Friday, November 18, 2005



Breast Cancer Benefit Gives Parents a Night Out By KASIA FAUGHN EL VAQUERO STAFF WRITER


he GCC Child Development Center staff raised over $2,000 in a Parents’ Night Out event on Nov. 5 to benefit a scholarship established in memory of a late co-worker, Kelly Gardner-Kuentz, who died of breast cancer last year. Parents’ Night Out was originally formed in 2000 to raise money to help find the cure for breast cancer. The cause became even closer to their hearts when GardnerKuentz was diagnosed with breast cancer two years later. Gardner-Kuentz, a 37year-old GCC alumna and a child development teacher at the center, was eight months pregnant with her second child when she was diagnosed with stage-four breast cancer in January 2002. After giving birth to her son Joshua, she endured over two years of unsuccessful treatments and a mastectomy, before she lost her personal battle against the disease on June 5, 2004. “We were a very tight family, so losing somebody we had worked with for 10

years was very hard,” said Leslie Ortiz-Mitchell, a child development teacher who organized this year’s Parents’ Night Out. At the suggested donation of $50 per child, 39 children came

proper outfits for the pajama party at the end of the night. The children were supervised by three teachers and 12 student workers who volunteered their time for the event.

ter to the center. With her husband out of town, the Parents’ Night Out did not seem very appealing. However, she wished to make a donation and be a part of the

Photo by Jane Pojawa

Kids at the Child Development Center frolicked at a pajama party while their parents’ donations supported breast cancer awareness. Bottom row L-R: Emilio, Jean Luc, Melanie, Adam, teacher Leslie Miitchell, Chelsea, Reese, Anna, Claire, Sarah, Mira and teacher Shelly Anderson. Top row L-R: Robbie, Sean, Brian, Christopher, Mia, Elise, Joyce, Justin, Lucas, Mark, Zachary and Alex.

to the Child Development Center that night to do arts and crafts, cognitive games, and listen to stories before they changed into

Although she didn’t need childcare that night, Jeannie Mirzaryan, the mother of a 4year-old Mia, brought her daugh-

fundraising effort. “It is a wonderful cause,” said Mirzaryan, who lost her father to cancer three years ago.

The money raised in this year’s Parent’s Night Out event will benefit the Kelly Gardner-Kuentz Memorial Scholarship and Foundation established in 2004 by parents and teachers. The scholarship, in the amount of $500, will be awarded to a child development transfer student who meets the scholarship eligibility criteria. This year’s Parents’ Night Out raised $2,040. The single highest donation of the night was $125. Some parents made donations of as much as $100, even though they did not bring their children to the center. For more information about the scholarship, call the Glendale College Scholarship Office at (818) 240-1000, ext. 5591. For information about the Kelly Gardner-Kuentz Foundation and the fundraising efforts of the Child Development Center staff, call Jeanette Tashiro, Director of the Child Development Center, at (818) 240-1000, ext. 5665.

Kasia Faughn can be reached at

‘A Day of Remembrance’ Honors Iraq Veterans Continued from Page 1 at noon. “We’ve been preparing for this since October,” said Elisa Felix of the Justice Coalition. “We specifically wanted it [held] on this week since Friday is Veteran’s Day.” The Justice Coalition, according to member Freddy Moncada, who opened the program with a short speech, is an organization that aims to make students “aware of what’s going on around the world” through the activities they promote. Kathleen Miner, another member of the organization, enumerated several facts about the war in Iraq. “The cost of the war is $203.3

billion,” said Miner. She “$1.2 billion [dollars] will be spent in 2006 on ballistic missiles and…defense.” Miner added that the amount should be spent on funding 134 elementary schools rather than on weapons of destruction. Miner went on to mention the names of soldiers from California who had been killed in Iraq. “It’s widely known that the government does not report all the names [of dead soldiers],” Miner said, explaining that only numbers, and not the deceased soldiers’ individual names, are made known to the public. “What kinds of lives would they have had? It’s unfortunate that we are never going to know.” A few veterans from previous

wars also made speeches protesting armed conflict in Iraq. One of them was Marcus Eriksen from Veterans for Peace, a veteran from the first Gulf War. Eriksen shared an experience from the Gulf War in which he reached under the driver’s seat in an Iraqi tank and pulled out a pair of binoculars. He saw that it was the exact same pair as the one he was using; it was also Americanmade. According to Eriksen, the same is true for weapons used in war. “How many Americans were killed by this American weapon?” Erikson asked his audience, referring to Americanmade guns used by Iraqi soldiers. “This war is a business.” A Vietnam War veteran, Mark

Scully, spoke on how the war changes the lives of its victims, particularly the soldiers. “Veterans are wonderful people, but they’ve had horrible experiences,” Scully said. Scully went on to remind listeners about other wars in the past century, beginning with World War I, which he compared to more recent wars such as the one in Iraq when it comes to its effects on the lives of soldiers. “We’ve been looking at the same war since 1908,” he said. For Scully, the war is a “ripple in the water,” acting like a cycle in the lives of veterans. A GCC student, Gabriel Acosta, whose brother is a soldier currently stationed in Iraq, expressed hopes that the soldiers

could soon come home safely. Two other students, Maya Rumble and Alejandra Morataya, also read poems promoting peace. At the end of the program, there was a moment of silence. The names of American casualties of the Iraq war were then called out one by one as students laid flowers and flags in front of the crosses. “We need to overcome apathy,” said Tim Goodrich of the Iraq Veterans Against The War. “A lot of the troops are against the war too. They want to go home.”

Pauline Guiuan can be reached at


Friday, November 18, 2005


KGCC ‘Kick Out The Stops’ Continued from Page 1 broadcasting. She became interested in radio when listening to popular alternative F.M. station, KROQ. On her morning drive to work, while listening to Kevin and Bean, Menold came to a realization that she too wanted to

be on the radio and that she was very capable of doing so. “I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time,” said Menold. “I not only hope to get better at being on the air [through KGCC], but I also want to build a following.”

In addition to playing bands like Depeche Mode, Pulp and, of course, Happy Monday’s, Menold also plays music from local artists. Ideally she would like to someday have the opportunity to interview musicians on the air and have them perform live in the studio, an opportunity which is now possible, thanks in part to the recent addition of a second studio microphone. The radio station has suffered its fair share of blows. In years past, lack of listeners almost drew an end for the station. But by no means has the Media 207 class and Associate Professor of Television Mike Petros let these setbacks get in the way of pushing forward. “We just need to keep rolling with it,” said Petros. “Kick out the stops and get people to tune in.” In 2003 the station sponsored

a mini concert, attracting approximately 200 students who flocked to Plaza Vaquero for an afternoon of live entertainment. Petros hopes to have a repeat of this event in the very near future, once the radio station has solidified as a more permanent entity on campus. Some of the radio station’s shows have alreaddy been getting a following, thanks in part to word of mouth. Menold, and the rest of the KGCC staff, hope to launch some heavy promotion at clubs, coffeehouses and bars throughout Glendale and all of Los Angeles County. “We are trying to attract listeners in all of these places,” said Menold. “We, at least I, want KGCC to be known as ‘the’ college radio station in L.A.” According to Petros, a promotional campaign on campus is

also at hand. The radio station will produce a collection of flyers as well as stickers in order to raise the buzz for the station. “I don’t want to litter the campus, but I do want to get something out,” said Petros. The radio station has many goals for the upcoming semesters. But for now, the main goals for the staff are to keep the momentum going and to spread the word about KGCC. “It [the station] will be even better once the word is out on campus, as this station is for the students, first and foremost,” said Menold. For more information on KGCC Web radio programs, visit Or listen on the web at Olga Ramaz can be reached at

Friday, November 18, 2005


Vote for New Officers Q

ualified candidates wishing to be on the ballot to run for an Associated Students of Glendale Community College office must apply by 3:30 p.m. today. To be an ASGCC officer, one must maintain a 2.0 grade point average and carry at least six units while petitioning and running for office. If elected, the new officers must each carry at least nine units. The elections will be held on Nov. 29 and 30 in Plaza Vaquero. The vice president offices that are up for reelection are: Vice President of Administration,Vice President of Campus Activities, Vice President of Campus Relations and Vice President of Campus Organizations. Additionally, there are three

senators’ positions open in each of these departments: Finance, Administration, Campus Activities, Campus Relations and Campus Organizations. There are also five appointed representatives from each of the five departments, which brings the number of positions available to 64. The only officers that are not up for re-election are President Haik Chilingaryan and Vice President of Finance David Arakelyan, who serve one-year terms. The ASGCC supports clubs and department amenities, as well as representing the student body on all levels of campus activity.

Armenians Kick Up Their Heels

Photo by Elizabeth Linares

Philosophers Visit Planetarium and Ponder the Celestial Realm


avid Hurst, Professor of Chemistry, lectured the Philosophy Club on "Philosophy and the Starry Skies." The presentation was offered Thursday in the planetarium in the Cimmarusti Science building. Budding philosophers reclined on movable seats to watch the stars projected on the 30-foot dome by 17 computers and six projectors. The phases of the moon, the seemingly aberrant movement of the planets, and solar and lunar eclipses were explained both in terms of science and Aristotelian

philosophy. "We share the same sky with Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates," said Hurst, alluding to his philosophical construct that the time frame of space trivializes the human lifespan. Additionally, new photographs sent by the Hubble Space Craft were presented and the possibility of life in outer space was discussed. The Philosophy Club, led by President Rachel Melikian and Faculty Adviser Steve Bie, meets Thursdays in AD 223 from 12:00-1:00 p.m. For more information, contact Bie at ext. 3028.

Ani Shagualadyan (left), Ani Daniyelyan, Suzy Manukyan and Christina Parsakhian celebrate the Armenian Culture Day by doing a folk dance in Plaza Vaquero on Thursday. The event, sponsored by the Armenian Student Association, featured food, art exhibits and cultural diplays, music and dancing.



Friday, November 18, 2005


Garfield Campus Offers Free Classes and More By ALISON GELLER EL VAQUERO STAFF WRITER


arfield, not the lasagna loving cat, but Glendale College’s other campus, offers tuition-free noncredit classes that students can enroll in at almost any time and become part of the growing community on this other campus. Unknown to many, Glendale College has two campuses: the main campus, located on Verdugo Road, and Garfield Campus, which is tucked away on Garfield Avenue right off of Chevy Chase. Many who live in the area don’t even know it’s there. Denise Guerra heard about the Garfield Campus through the Verdugo Job Center after becoming unemployed. She found that Garfield was close to where she lived and she didn’t even know about it. After speaking to a counselor at the campus she found that it was exactly what she needed and has been a student for the past six months. “Most are here because we lost our jobs,” said Guerra. “We’re here to learn [computer] techniques. The computer classes here are amazing. Everyone, both the students and teachers, always goes the extra mile.” Garfield is like its own little community according to both Guerra and Keith Herried, who has been a student at Garfield for the past six months. They have become good friends since meeting on campus. Herried said that just recently he, Guerra and some other friends on campus were talking over lunch about how they would never have found Garfield campus and never have met each other if they had not become unemployed. “When I first lost my job I was so upset,” said Guerra. “Everyday now I thank them for losing my job because I wouldn’t be here.” Many of the students attending classes at Garfield are either between jobs and are trying to update their skills, or are learning English. The campus is home to several continuing education programs and best of all: they’re free and offer flexible scheduling. There is also low-cost child care for full- and part-time

Garfield students, as long as the student remains on campus and doesn’t just drop off their child and go elsewhere. Students can take many different classes: business math and accounting, medical front office, keyboarding, computer, ESL, parental education and lifelong learning. They can also take GED prep courses and citizenship classes. The GED and citizenship tests require a fee. “The quality of what they’re learning here is top notch and it’s free,” said Annette Amirian, a professor at Garfield for the past four years. “And I think a lot of people go to other institutions and pay a lot of money for less. What they get out of it is less then what they can come here and get.” Amirian teaches business math, accounting and two different computerized accounting programs, Quickbooks and Peachtree. “We offer a lot of classes here,” said Amirian. “A lot of our computerized classes: Excel, Access, Quickbooks, Peachtree, Word, Powerpoint. These classes are important for people moving into business and who want to work. We offer these classes so you can come here and learn these [programs] and be proficient in them. And it’s free. Anywhere else you can pay a lot of money. I’m talking about these private institutions that charge you thousands of dollars to take their classes. You can come here for free and get the same, if not better, quality of information and you can take the classes as many times as you need to, to absorb the material.” Herried said that at a previous job he was in charge of sending people out to be trained in computer skills. According to him, his company would have expected to pay about $200 a day per employee to get such high quality training on this type of software. “Classes here are cutting edge,” said Herried, who has been a paralegal for the past 20 years and is currently between jobs. He’s at Garfield upgrading all of his computer skills, and he also took a class in medical terminology and got a certificate for it. When Guerra was asked why

she recommends this campus to others, she said it was because of “the support that we get from the instructors, the patience and their high quality techniques of teaching.” “I love teaching here,” said Amirian. “It’s a lot of fun. I love my students, I love my colleagues. I’ve worked at other places before but this is by far the most positive and most fun working environment I’ve ever had.” Among students who take advantage of Garfield’s noncredit ESL classes, many move on to credit ESL on the main campus. The counselors at Garfield are very helpful in making sure the students know what they need to transfer and are prepared for it. Genia Daroosia is an ESL student at Garfield. She says she likes taking the classes at Garfield because “the teachers explain everything very well and they move slowly so the students really learn it.” According to Debi Wootton, the Assistant Director of Work Force Training and Marketing for Garfield Campus, the ESL program is the largest program on campus. Students can enroll for most of the classes on the same day they begin taking classes. The exceptions are the

computer classes, because starting a week late can make it hard to understand what’s going on. The “Campus Profile 2005” published by the Research and Planning Unit says that there are over 7,000 students who currently attend Garfield. Both Guerra and Herried have referred people to Garfield and plan on continuing to take classes there even after they are once again employed. And they feel that when the time comes to find new jobs, they will do very well in their interviews because of the classes they have taken at the Career Center at Garfield. “There is a program here called ‘21st Century Job Search,’” said Herried. “It helps you update your resumes, teaches you how to search for jobs online, and teaches you survival skills [for the workplace].” The class teaches students what to expect in job interviews and how to reply to the questions an employer might ask. Students who are parents don’t have to worry about who will watch their children and how they will afford child care if they take classes there. Garfield, since 2001, has offered child care services for children ages 3 to 5 who are potty-trained. The cost is $3 to $5 per hour. Another

benefit is proximity. Parents can see their kids from campus because it overlooks the yard the children play in. The parents can also come over and have snack time with their kids. And in case students need some help coping because of the stress caused by a lost job or any other type of crisis counseling, Garfield offers Mental Heath Counseling. The campus facilities leave much to be desired; there is no cafeteria, though they do have a catering truck that comes by for breakfast, lunch and dinner. They have no eating area except for one table and the short wall surrounding the building. The bungalows across the way need a little work, but the students don’t mind. But, according to Jane DiLucchio, Division Chair of Continuing Education Business and Life Skills, Garfield campus plans to expand and improve its instructional facilities, though it’s unclear when the project will begin. The Garfield Campus is located at 1122 E. Garfield Ave. For information about classes, call Debi Wootton at (818) 5485233. Alison Geller can be reached at

Friday, November 18, 2005



Health Center Gives More Than Free Condoms By PAULINE GUIUAN EL VAQUERO STAFF WRITER

College students become even more susceptible to colds and flu as the months begin to get colder, according to nurses at the GCC Health Center. For this reason, the Center has made several services available to students for the treatment and prevention of sickness – not just during the colder months, but year round. Beginning in October, the Health Center started offering flu shots to students and faculty to help prevent the seasonal epidemic. “We ordered 250 flu shots at the beginning of the semester,” says Mary Mirch, Associate Dean of Health Services and a registered nurse. “They were used up in less than a month. Two hundred fifty people came in for the shots.” Aside from the flu shots, the Health Center offers a variety of other services, which include Registered Nurse (RN) Evaluation for those in the nursing program, blood pressure checks, crisis counseling for those with emotional and psychological struggles, hearing and vision tests, and immunizations for measles, mumps, rubella and tetanus-diphtheria. Over-thecounter medications for common ailments such as muscle pain, sore throat, headache and colds

are also readily available for free at the front desk along with condoms. Doctor visits for specific medical conditions can also be arranged by appointment. Free informational materials on health-related topics such as contraception and STDs, can also be picked up from the center at any time. Besides English, the pamphlets are available in other languages, including Spanish and Korean, and will soon be available in Armenian. Louis Garcia, a part-time nurse at the center, said that many students also come in for TB testing. “I administer TB tests to students who need them for the nursing program, T4 [teaching] program and child development classes,” Garcia said. The Health Center provides first aid for emergency situations. “Sometimes we get calls from out there [on campus],” Garcia said. “People have seizures, chest pains, anxiety attacks or injuries from falling. We give first aid, and sometimes we call the paramedics.” However, Garcia says that such situations are uncommon. “We only get calls for seizures maybe once a month,” he said. Another important service available at the health center is free and anonymous HIV testing. According to Mirch, the anonymous testing has an advantage because “we can test anyone

without having to know who they are,” compared to confidential HIV testing, wherein the person’s name and some personal information still have to be acquired. “We value the fact that we can do this kind of testing,” said Mirch. She went on to say that this service is not only available to GCC students and staff, but also to their partners. So far, only one person has tested positive for HIV, according to the dean nurse. According to Mirch, an average of 1,100 students come in for health services every month. “That’s not even counting those who just come in for over-thecounter drugs, information or anonymous HIV testing,” she said. Garcia added that GCC students and staff are “pretty healthy.”

“If you compare the number of students enrolled to the students who come in and take over-the-counter medication or need treatment, you’ll see it’s not a huge number,” Garcia said. A recent addition to the center’s services is the free nutritional counseling provided by dietetic interns. Information about basic nutrition and diet facts and advice for healthy weight loss and maintenance are given to students and staff by appointment only. This week, the Center also began offering forums for gay men to talk and meet with others from the homosexual community. The forums will be held every Tuesday night, and refreshments will be served. Four nurses are available 88 hours a week, according to Mirch. This includes two who

are on the staff full time, one who is Spanish-speaking and one male nurse who can attend to specific needs of male patients. “The staff that we have gives us flexibility and accommodates diversity,” Mirch said. The ASGCC has allocated $5,000 for doctors’ services and $2,000 for immunizations out of its budget for the academic year 2005-2006. Other health services are paid for by the $12 health fee charged to every student upon enrollment. The Health Center is located on the first floor of the San Rafael building and is open Mondays through Thursdays from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Fridays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Pauline Guiuan can be reached at


Friday, November 18, 2005


Football Team Is Western State Conference Southern Division Champ, Makes Bowl Playoff By VIOLETA ARRAZOLA EL VAQUERO SPORTS EDITOR


n the last game of the regular season, the Vaqueros beat East Los Angeles College 24-12 on Saturday and more importantly won the Western State Conference Southern Division title, something that hasn’t been done in 15 years. Battling a hamstring injury, quarterback Steve Martinez still managed to pass for 206 yards against the Huskies (5-5, 3-4). Martinez got some help from running back Jamal Rashad, who rushed for 129 yards and fin-

ished the game with two touchdowns. Rashad scored his second touchdown with 1:46 remaining in the game to help the Vaqueros clinch the title. Along with being the WSC champs, the Vaqueros, who finished the regular season with an 8-2 overall record and 6-1 in the WSC, will also make their second postseason appearance in five years. The Vaqueros’ only losses came in the season opener against Southwestern College on Sept. 3 and against Compton College on Sept. 17. “Our journey is not over yet,” said John Cicuto, who is in his 17th year as head coach

for the Vaqueros. The Vaqueros will have quite a challenge though, as they will face host Grossmont College (91) in El Cajon on Saturday in the Southern California Bowl. The Griffins are making their sixth consecutive postseason appearance, have won three straight Foothill Conference titles and are ranked sixth in the nation among community colleges. The Griffins also have the second best defense in the state and are averaging 44.7 points and 483 yards per game. Quarterback Reily Murphy, running back Derrell Hutsona and receiver Michael Omar are all

top performers for Grossmont. All of those stats don’t matter to the Vaqueros though, because “anyone could beat anyone at this level,” said Cicuto. “ It doesn’t matter what people think. What it’s going to come down to is us not making mistakes and eliminating penalties.” The Vaquero squad also has many shining stars that have contributed to the team’s success. They include quarterback Steve Martinez, running back Jamal Rashad, and receiver Darion Donelly, to name a few. The team is also on a seven-game winning streak and is averaging 32.6 points and 412 yards per game.

When asked if they [Vaqueros] are going to do anything differently going into the first-round game of the Southern California playoffs, Cicuto said they will continue to do everything the same way. Whatever that “way” is, let’s hope it works, because so far it has helped put GCC on the map and has brought the team much success. The game against Grossmont will begin at 1 p.m. and will be held at Mashin-Roth Memorial Field.

Violeta Arrazola can be reached at



woman is grabbed from the back. She struggles, trying to shake off her attacker, but he is much bigger and stronger than she is. Suddenly she changes her grip on his hand, shifts her weight, and within seconds he is on the floor and she is kicking him in the head. Then it’s the next woman’s turn. This is the Self Defense for Women class — some of those enrolled are actual survivors of attacks — that has been offered by GCC for five semesters. Armando Sanchez, the instructor, is known to many on campus for his work in the Information and Technology Services Department, where he mans the help desk. Sanchez, who has studied martial arts for more than 18 years, has trained in numerous types of martial arts disciplines. He holds a black belt in scorpion karate do, a brown third stripe in kakto jitsu (the belt preceding black), and a blue belt in jujitsu. Explaining how his easygoing personality at the help desk is so different than his demeanor in class, he says, “Most people that have seen me fight or that have trained with me have seen the other side of me. A hard and aggressive person. When I train, I stay very serious and focused.” The class starts with discus-

sion. Sanchez has announced that his students may take the new coed Self Defense class in the spring semester if they have Self Defense for Women as a prerequisite. Surprisingly, some of them are considering it. “Yeah, I think

I’ll check it out,” says a very petite Asian girl. It seems hard to picture her voluntarily locked in combat with a large male opponent, yet that perception is incorrect. She can handle it. Then the class moves on to

simulated assaults. Mark Ragonig, also of ITS, has volunteered to help with training. One after the next, he attempts to choke the students, and one by one they drop him. The atmosphere in the dance studio is very

supportive as students cheer for their colleagues and Armando coaches from the sidelines. “It’s all professional,” laughs Ragonig, getting to his feet after hitting the mat after what seems to be the 20th time. Self defense isn’t just about getting to beat up ITS personnel. It’s a one-unit Physical Education class that meets once a week. Asked what reasons a student might have for taking this class, Sanchez said “They [the students] learn more than just self defense,” Sanchez said. “They learn confidence. We do exercises so they get a good workout. They learn how to see the dangers that surround them. But the best reason is at the end of class they at least know that anything can happen and they are better prepared for it.” Jane Pojawa can be reached at

Photo by Jane Pojawa Mark Ragonig simulates choking self-defense student Ixtlizachitl “Xochitl” Sintora, while instructor Armando Sanchez looks on. Within moments she will utilize martial art techniques to fight back — and to escape.

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Friday, November 18, 2005





lendale’s cross-country team proved it was among the best in the state Nov. 4 when the men captured first place and the women placed third at the Southern California Community College Championship at UC San Diego. Luis Castaneda was the top runner for the Vaqueros on the four-mile course, which was won by Romaldo Sanchez of Los Angeles Trade Tech College (20

minutes, 41 seconds). Casteneda finished the race in fifth with a time of 21:16. The Vaquero men had four runners finish in the top 17, which gave them a team time of 1:48.51.80 and a total of 106 points to win first place. The other Vaquero runners to excel in the race were Joseph Lopez (eighth in 21:29.70), Preston Richardson (11th in 21:33.50) and Ivan Perez (17th in 21:47.30). Head Coach Eddie Lopez credits his team with being more focused this year. “Last season

they didn’t do too well because they weren’t ready to run the miles,” said Lopez, who is in his 19th season as coach. “But now they are more prepared physically, emotionally, spiritually and everything.” The Vaquero women, finished the three-mile course with a team time of 1:42:40 and a team total of 172 points. The womens’ champions were Orange Coast College (78 points) and Riverside Community College (151 points). Vaquero runner Liliana

Hernandez finished in sixth place with a time of 19:35.50. The next-best finisher was Vanessa Murillo, who came in 28th place and finished in 20:28.50. Ana Rodriguez was 30th, with a time of 20:30.7. The victories come nearly two weeks after the Vaqueros won yet another Western State Conference title on Oct. 24, which is the 15th in 19 years for the men and the fourth in nine years for the women. But the Vaqueros hope that their celebration continues as they move to their most impor-

tant competition of the season this Saturday: the State Championships. GCC has won three state titles; two of them have come under coach Lopez. The last state title was won in 1998. The State Championship will be held at Fresno’s Woodward Park and will consist of a 3.1mile run for the women, which will begin at 10 a.m.; the men will compete on a four-mile course at 11 a.m. Violeta Arrazola can be reached at

Bi-Weekly Vaquero Sports Updates Scores Highlights FOOTBALL Glendale won its first Western State Conference Southern Division title since 1990 after beating East Los Angeles 24-12 Saturday for the Vaqueros seventh straight win. The victory improves the Vaqueros overall record to 8-2 and they tied for first place with Citrus in the Western State Conference Southern Division at 6-1. Glendale won the division title by virtue of beating Citrus this season and will represent the WSC this Saturday in the Southern California Bowl against host Grossmont College. The Griffins are 9-1 and won their third consecutive Foothill Conference title this year, ranking No. 3 in Southern California. The Vaqueros are ranked No. 6 in the same poll. As he has all season, the team was led by quarterback Steve Martinez who passed for 206 yards and one touchdown on 12 of 19. Running back Jamal Rashad returned to action Saturday and rushed for

129 yards and two touchdowns on 31 carries and receiver Johnny Serfozo caught four passes for 88 yards and one touchdown. Defensively, linebacker Alonzo Meinfield had eight tackles and sophomore defensive linemen Jason Bonwell and Frank Yee had seven tackles each and put constant pressure on the ELAC offense. WOMEN’S SOCCER

remarkable season as the leading scorer of the WSC with 24 goals. The Vaqueros finished their sesaon in third place in the WSC. MEN’S SOCCER

Moorpark last Friday. They finished 4-5-4 in WSC and 5-11-5 overall. WOMEN’S VOLLEYBALL

The Vaqueros dropped a pair of matches last week to fall to 016 overall and 0-9 in WSC. Glendale lost to Santa Monica on Nov. 8 in three games 30-20, 30-12 and 3011 and fell to Canyons 3015, 30-18 and 30-22 last Friday. In the loss to Canyons, L o u r d e s Loyola led Glendale with five kills and Dani Regan added 11 assists. Ashlei Photo by Jane Pojawa Limbaga had Derek Leiphardt, No.6 and the Vaqueros hope to carry out a postseason win seven digs. when they face 6th-ranked Grossmont College on Saturday.

The Vaqueros ended their regular season on a winning note with a pair of victories last week, 4-0 over Citrus on Nov. 8 and a 1-0 win at Valley College last Friday to improve their overall record to 14-7-1 and 84-1 in WSC. In the win over Citrus, Jennifer Barrientos scored two goals and Janet De Lao and Roxy Garcia scored one each. De Lao finished her

The Vaqueros season ended on 4-0 loss to College of the

Canyons last Friday. The Vaqueros also suffered a pair of losses last week, 3-0 to Hancock Nov .8 and 3-0 to

week. The Vaqueros fell to Chaffey College 95-91 Nov. 9 and then fell to Grossmont College 77-73 in the opening round game of the Glendale College Tip off Tournament last Friday. Glendale rebounded from the losses and beat Victor Valley College 73-68 last Saturday in the tournament’s game for third place. The Vaqueros host San Diego Mesa at 6:30 p.m. Sunday. WOMEN’S BASKETBALL The Vaqueros opened their 2005-06 season with a 73-47 loss at Hancock last Saturday. Vanessa Escobar led Glendale with 11 points and Nicole Brown added nine rebounds. Glendale hosts the eightteam Vaquero shootout which began Thursday and will last through Sunday.

MEN’S BASKETBALL Glendale opened up the 200506 season with two losses last

Alex Leon, Sports Information Director, may be reached at ext 5764


Friday, November 18, 2005



Phanatics DANCE

Choreographer Ruth Ellen Billion, back, and Maria Butter dance to“Sweet Fire Candle Kiss Thy Joy.” In “Just for the Fun of It,” at left, dancer Ruth Ellen Billion belly dances to the song “Milkshake” by Kelis.

In “Mindbogglin’,” above, people laughed and giggled throughout the performance. This group has been dancing together since their high school days with choreographer Nino Bernabe. “Waltz of the Swan,” top, was choreographed by Helen Zohrabians. Her troupe also perfomed an Armenian Folk Dance called “Ov Haiots Ashkar.”


he Dance department presented a show at the Sierra Nevada building on Nov. 5 entitled Phanatics. Instructors, alumni and students alike shook their groove thing in front of a packed house. Using the combined techniques of ballet, modern and jazz dance along with elaborate lighting, Phanatics captured the audience s attention. With music ranging from classic waltz to kiddie bop to pop music and other hit songs, the performers had the crowd giggling and cheering. Phanatics is a once a semester event held by the department. There are a variety of dance classes available for the Winter Intersession. For more information, contact the Dance department at (818) 240-1000, ext. 5556.


Oliver Tan can be reached at

Instructors and students get their groove on to “Get on the floor” choreographed by Aluzian, center, and Natalia, second from right, with dancers Annette Duran, Bonnie Hall, Britnie Ramos, Daniella Balbontin, Jennie LaCovey, Keesha Hernandez, Kierstin (Kiki) Williams, Rene Sison and Yoli Villeda. Mio Shimahara’s “Connected” (at top, third from left) features dancers Kei Tsuruharatani, Shannon D’Souza and Stephanie Carpenter.


Friday, November 18, 2005


Movie Wal-Mart Sells Hypocrisy at Top Dollar r e v i e w



obert Greenwald director of “Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism,” and “Uncovered: The War On Iraq” has gone toe-to-toe with one of the biggest corporate monsters of our time in his latest documentary, “Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price.” Not only a home for low prices, Wal-Mart is also the home of unfair business tactics and disregard for its employees. For this documentary, Greenwald refrains from using the usual white-collared talkingheads and reaches out to those in the community who have been caught in the middle of this growing monopoly, as well as current and former employees who believed in

company promises. With every testimonial the plot-line of the film unfurls, triggering moments of anger, sadness and shock at the complete disregard that this company has for people. Such disregard is depicted when the spotlight is shone on Wal-Mart’s factories overseas and the viewer is introduced to “Princess.” “Princess” is a young girl from a small province in China who is forced to go into the city to make some money. She finds herself working in a factory assembling toys, working 15 hour shifts for less than $3 a day. One male Chinese employee speaks out to Wal-Mart honchos and asks them to consider his remarks. “These profits you made and the wonderful life you have are the sweat and tears and the overtime working of

Chinese people,” he says. However, most of the attention is geared to issues festering from store to store in the United States. From lack of health benefits for employees, to racism and sexism, Wal-Mart is a Pandora’s box of concerns. Edith Arana invested six years of her life in this company. Like every other employee who bought into the Wal-Mart philosophy, she wanted to scale-up the ladder and obtain a position in management. In her testimony she describes the “check-list” she had to fulfill in order to achieve her goal of advancement within the company. Arana was denied the opportunity due to the fact that she was a black woman. For the most part, the majority of the people speaking out against Wal-Mart are conservative folks with strong Christian values, Middle-America’s citi-

zens who are up-in-arms that mom and pop shops are being driven out of business in order to make way for a company that practices unfair business tactics. Greenwald makes it very clear that Wal-Mart not only affects blue-collar America. In fact, he demonstrates two separate cases within the film of how Wal-Mart affects those who have generated a decent amount of money with their small businesses only to get driven out of business by the unscrupulous monster that is Wal-Mart. But what is definitely stressed ad naseum throughout the film is the company’s penny-pinching style. Lack of security in the parking lots of the stores have given leeway to staggering crime rates. Patrons have been subjected to theft, rape and shooting on Wal-Mart property. The store goes to great lengths to monitor the inside of the stores but disregards what occurs in the parking lots. The company has actually been slapped with several law suits pertaining to parking lot safety, suits which the company vehemently denies. The company can afford to spend more for increased security, but it won’t do it. The film reserves a special segment for the Walton family and CEO of the company, Lee Scott. At one point during this segment, Greenwald contrasts the allocation of charity between the Walton family and Bill Gates. According to the film, the Walton family donates less than 1 percent of earnings to charity, while Gates forks over a whopping 58 percent. In 2004, Wal-Mart employees gave more than $5 million to the Critical Need Fund, which will help fellow workers during times of crisis. The Waltons managed to only contribute $6,000, even though they are worth $102 billion. Facts like these pop out all through the film, shedding some

light on the Wal-Mart empire and legitimizing arguments against the company. Greenwald’s approach to go small and to show deeply personal stories drives a point home. “Wal-Mart impacts people all across the country and all across the world.” But the documentary only shows one side of the coin, that of the disgruntled communities, and former and current employees. Although it shows footage of Scott, it does not do enough to demonstrate the other side of the spectrum. Ideally, it would have been a much more interesting film if Greenwald and company had bum-rushed happy Wal-Mart customers as they walked out of the store with their cheap toys and produce and confronted them with hard facts about the company. Or even better, if Scott or current Wal-Mart heads would have been questioned about their dirty, unfair business tactics as they schemed their way out of another lawsuit. One way or another, this film will not only stir up a wide range of emotions but it will also awaken the world to the harsh realities of no-holdsbarred capitalism. Rating ** 1/2 out of 4 Join the Women’s International Liberation League for a special screening of “Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price” on Nov. 22 at 7 p.m. in SC212. Olga Ramaz can be reached at

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Friday, November 18, 2005

S E RV I C E P E R S O N S K I L L E D I N I R A Q Jay Thomas Aubin, 36, Marine Major, Mar 21, 2003 Ryan Anthony Beaupre, 30, Marine Captain, Mar 21, 2003 Therrel Shane Childers, 30, Marine 2nd Lieutenant, Mar 21, 2003 Jose Antonio Gutierrez, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Mar 21, 2003 Brian Matthew Kennedy, 25, Marine Corporal, Mar 21, 2003 Kendall Damon Waters-Bey, 29, Marine Staff Sergeant, Mar 21, 2003 Brandon Scott Tobler, 19, Army Reserve Specialist, Mar 22, 2003 Eric James Orlowski, 26, Marine Lance Corporal, Mar 22, 2003 Thomas Mullen Adams, 27, Navy Lieutenant, Mar 22, 2003 Jamaal Rashard Addison, 22, Army Specialist, Mar 23, 2003 Edward John Anguiano, 24, Army Specialist, Mar 23, 2003 George Edward Buggs, 31, Army Sergeant, Mar 23, 2003 Robert John Dowdy, 38, Army Master Sergeant, Mar 23, 2003 Ruben Estrella-Soto, 18, Army Private, Mar 23, 2003 Howard Johnson II, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Mar 23, 2003 James Michael Kiehl, 22, Army Specialist, Mar 23, 2003 Johnny Villareal Mata, 35, Army Chief Warrant Officer, Mar 23, 2003 Lori Ann Piestewa, 23, Army Private 1st Class, Mar 23, 2003 Christopher Scott Seifert, 27, Army Captain, Mar 23, 2003 Brandon Ulysses Sloan, 19, Army Private, Mar 23, 2003 Donald Ralph Walters, 33, Army Sergeant, Mar 23, 2003 Michael Edward Bitz, 31, Marine Sergeant, Mar 23, 2003 Brian Rory Buesing, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Mar 23, 2003 Tamario Demetrice Burkett, 21, Marine Private 1st Class, Mar 23, 2003 Kemaphoom “Ahn” Chanawongse, 22, Marine Corporal, Mar 23, 2003 Donald John Cline Jr., 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Mar 23, 2003 David Keith Fribley, 26, Marine Lance Corporal, Mar 23, 2003 Jose Angel Garibay, 21, Marine Corporal, Mar 23, 2003 Jonathan Lee Gifford, 30, Marine Private, Mar 23, 2003 Jorge Alonso Gonzalez, 20, Marine Corporal, Mar 23, 2003 Nicolas Michael Hodson, 22, Marine Sergeant, Mar 23, 2003 Nolen Ryan Hutchings, 19, Marine Private, Mar 23, 2003 Phillip Andrew Jordan, 42, Marine Staff Sergeant, Mar 23, 2003 Patrick Ray Nixon, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Mar 23, 2003 Frederick Eben Pokorney Jr., 31, Marine 2nd Lieutenant, Mar 23, 2003 Brendon Curtis Reiss, 23, Marine Sergeant, Mar 23, 2003 Randal Kent Rosacker, 21, Marine Corporal, Mar 23, 2003 Thomas Jonathan Slocum, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Mar 23, 2003 Michael Jason Williams, 31, Marine Lance Corporal, Mar 23, 2003 Gregory Paul Sanders, 19, Army Specialist, Mar 24, 2003 Thomas Alan Blair, 24, Marine Lance Corporal, Mar 24, 2003 Evan Tyler James, 20, Marine Corporal, Mar 24, 2003 Bradley Steven Korthaus, 28, Marine Sergeant, Mar 24, 2003 Gregory Lewis Stone, 40, Air National Guard Major, Mar 25, 2003 Michael Vann Johnson Jr., 25, Navy Hospital Corpsman 3rd Cl., Mar 25, 2003 Kevin Gerard Nave, 36, Marine Major, Mar 26, 2003 Francisco Abraham Martinez-Flores, 21, Marine Private 1st Class, Mar 27, 2003 Donald Charles May Jr., 31, Marine Staff Sergeant, Mar 27, 2003 Joseph Menusa, 33, Marine Gunnery Sergeant, Mar 27, 2003 Patrick Terence O’Day, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Mar 27, 2003 Robert Marcus Rodriguez, 21, Marine Corporal, Mar 27, 2003 Jesus Alberto Suarez del Solar, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Mar 27, 2003 Roderic Antoine Solomon, 32, Army Sergeant, Mar 28, 2003 Fernando Padilla-Ramirez, 26, Marine Sergeant, Mar 28, 2003 Michael Russell Creighton-Weldon, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Mar 29, 2003 Michael Edward Curtin, 23, Army Corporal, Mar 29, 2003 Diego Fernando Rincon, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Mar 29, 2003 Eugene Williams, 24, Army Sergeant, Mar 29, 2003 James Wilford Cawley, 41, Marine Staff Sergeant, Mar 29, 2003 William Wayne White, 24, Marine Lance Corporal, Mar 29, 2003 Aaron Joseph Contreras, 31, Marine Captain, Mar 30, 2003 Michael Vernon Lalush, 23, Marine Sergeant, Mar 30, 2003 Brian Daniel McGinnis, 23, Marine Sergeant, Mar 30, 2003 Brandon Jacob Rowe, 20, Army Specialist, Mar 31, 2003 William Andrew Jeffries, 39, Army National Guard Specialist, Mar 31, 2003 Jacob Lee Butler, 24, Army Sergeant, Apr 01, 2003 Joseph Basil Maglione III, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 01, 2003 James Francis Adamouski, 29, Army Captain, Apr 02, 2003 Matthew George Boule, 22, Army Specialist, Apr 02, 2003 George Andrew Fernandez, 36, Army Master Sergeant, Apr 02, 2003 Erik Anders Halvorsen, 40, Army Chief Warrant Officer (CW4), Apr 02, 2003 Scott Jamar, 32, Army Chief Warrant Officer (CW2), Apr 02, 2003 Michael Francis Pedersen, 26, Army Sergeant, Apr 02, 2003 Eric Allen Smith, 41, Army Chief Warrant Officer (CW3), Apr 02, 2003 Brian Edward Anderson, 26, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 02, 2003 Christian Daniel Gurtner, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, Apr 02, 2003 Nathan Dennis White, 30, Navy Lieutenant, Apr 02, 2003 Wilbert Davis, 40, Army Staff Sergeant, Apr 03, 2003 Edward Jason Korn, 31, Army Captain, Apr 03, 2003 Nino Dugue Livaudais, 23, Army Staff Sergeant, Apr 03, 2003 Ryan Patrick Long, 21, Army Specialist, Apr 03, 2003 Donald Samuel Oaks Jr., 20, Army Specialist, Apr 03, 2003 Randall Scott Rehn, 36, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Apr 03, 2003 Russell Brian Rippetoe, 27, Army Captain, Apr 03, 2003 Todd James Robbins, 33, Army Sergeant, Apr 03, 2003 Chad Eric Bales, 20, Marine Private 1st Class, Apr 03, 2003 Mark Asher Evnin, 21, Marine Corporal, Apr 03, 2003 Erik Hernandez Silva, 22, Marine Corporal, Apr 03, 2003 Tristan Neil Aitken, 31, Army Captain, Apr 04, 2003 Wilfred Davyrussell Bellard, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Apr 04, 2003 Daniel Francis Cunningham Jr., 33, Army Specialist, Apr 04, 2003 Devon Demilo Jones, 19, Army Private, Apr 04, 2003 Paul Ray Smith, 33, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Apr 04, 2003 Travis Allen Ford, 30, Marine Captain, Apr 04, 2003 Bernard George Gooden, 22, Marine Corporal, Apr 04, 2003 Brian Michael McPhillips, 25, Marine 1st Lieutenant, Apr 04, 2003 Duane Roy Rios, 25, Marine Sergeant, Apr 04, 2003 Benjamin Wilson Sammis, 29, Marine Captain, Apr 04, 2003 Stevon Alexander Booker, 34, Army Staff Sergeant, Apr 05, 2003 Larry Kenyatta Brown, 22, Army Specialist, Apr 05, 2003 Edward Smith, 38, Marine 1st Sergeant, Apr 05, 2003 Gregory Paul Huxley Jr., 19, Army Private 1st Class, Apr 06, 2003 Kelley Stephen Prewitt, 24, Army Private, Apr 06, 2003 Eric Bruce Das, 30, Air Force Captain, Apr 07, 2003 William Randolph Watkins III, 37, Air Force Major, Apr 07, 2003 Lincoln Daniel Hollinsaid, 27, Army Staff Sergeant, Apr 07, 2003 Jeffrey Joseph Kaylor, 24, Army 2nd Lieutenant, Apr 07, 2003 Anthony Scott Miller, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Apr 07, 2003 George Arthur Mitchell Jr., 35, Army Specialist, Apr 07, 2003 Andrew Julian Aviles, 18, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 07, 2003 Jesus Martin Antonio Medellin, 21, Marine Corporal, Apr 07, 2003 Scott Douglas Sather, 29, Air Force Staff Sergeant, Apr 08, 2003 Henry Levon Brown, 22, Army Corporal, Apr 08, 2003 John Winston Marshall, 50, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Apr 08, 2003 Jason Michael Meyer, 23, Army Private 1st Class, Apr 08, 2003

Robert Anthony Stever, 36, Army Staff Sergeant, Apr 08, 2003 Juan Guadalupe Garza Jr., 20, Marine Private 1st Class, Apr 08, 2003 Terry Wayne Hemingway, 39, Army Staff Sergeant, Apr 10, 2003 Jeffrey Edward Bohr Jr., 39, Marine Gunnery Sergeant, Apr 10, 2003 Riayan Augusto Tejeda, 26, Marine Staff Sergeant, Apr 11, 2003 Jesus Angel Gonzalez, 22, Marine Corporal, Apr 12, 2003 David Edward Owens Jr., 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 12, 2003 Gil Mercado, 25, Army Specialist, Apr 13, 2003 Joseph Acevedo, 46, Navy Commander, Apr 13, 2003 John Eli Brown, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Apr 14, 2003 Thomas Arthur Foley III, 23, Army Specialist, Apr 14, 2003 Joseph Patrick Mayek, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Apr 14, 2003 Richard Allen Goward, 32, Army National Guard Specialist, Apr 14, 2003 Armando Ariel Gonzalez, 25, Marine Corporal, Apr 14, 2003 Jason David Mileo, 20, Marine Corporal, Apr 14, 2003 John Travis Rivero, 23, Army Corporal, Apr 17, 2003 Roy Russell Buckley, 24, Army Reserve Specialist, Apr 22, 2003 Andrew Todd Arnold, 30, Marine Chief Warrant Officer (CW2), Apr 22, 2003 Robert William Channell Jr., 36, Marine Chief Warrant Officer (CW2), Apr 22, 2003 Alan Dinh Lam, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 22, 2003 Troy David Jenkins, 25, Army Sergeant, Apr 24, 2003 Osbaldo Orozco, 26, Army 1st Lieutenant, Apr 25, 2003 Narson Bertil Sullivan, 21, Army Specialist, Apr 25, 2003 Joe Jesus Garza, 43, Army 1st Sergeant, Apr 28, 2003 Jesse Alan Givens, 34, Army Private 1st Class, May 01, 2003 Sean C. Reynolds, 25, Army Sergeant, May 03, 2003 Jason L. Deibler, 20, Army Private, May 04, 2003 Marlin T. Rockhold, 23, Army Private 1st Class, May 08, 2003 Richard P. Carl, 26, Army Corporal, May 09, 2003 Hans N. Gukeisen, 31, Army Chief Warrant Officer, May 09, 2003 Brian K. Van Dusen, 39, Army Chief Warrant Officer, May 09, 2003 Cedric E. Bruns, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, May 09, 2003 Matthew R. Smith, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, May 10, 2003 Jakub Henryk Kowalik, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, May 12, 2003 Jose F. Gonzalez Rodriguez, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, May 12, 2003 Patrick Lee Griffin Jr., 31, Air Force Staff Sergeant, May 13, 2003 Nicholas Brian Kleiboeker, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, May 13, 2003 David T. Nutt, 22, Army Specialist, May 14, 2003 William L. Payne, 46, Army Master Sergeant, May 16, 2003 Rasheed Sahib, 22, Army Specialist, May 18, 2003 Douglas Jose Marencoreyes, 28, Marine Corporal, May 18, 2003 Dominic Rocco Baragona, 42, Army Lieutenant Colonel, May 19, 2003 Andrew David LaMont, 31, Marine Captain, May 19, 2003 Jason William Moore, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, May 19, 2003 Timothy Louis Ryan, 30, Marine 1st Lieutenant, May 19, 2003 Kirk Allen Straseskie, 23, Marine Sergeant, May 19, 2003 Aaron Dean White, 27, Marine Staff Sergeant, May 19, 2003 Nathaniel A. Caldwell, 27, Army Specialist, May 21, 2003 David Evans Jr., 18, Army Private, May 25, 2003 Keman L. Mitchell, 24, Army Sergeant, May 26, 2003 Kenneth A. Nalley, 19, Army Private, May 26, 2003 Brett J. Petriken, 30, Army Staff Sergeant, May 26, 2003 Matthew E. Schram, 36, Army Major, May 26, 2003 Jeremiah D. Smith, 25, Army Private 1st Class, May 26, 2003 Thomas F. Broomhead, 34, Army Sergeant, May 27, 2003 Michael B. Quinn, 37, Army Staff Sergeant, May 27, 2003 Kenneth R. Bradley, 39, Army Staff Sergeant, May 28, 2003 Jose A. Perez III, 22, Army Specialist, May 28, 2003 Michael T. Gleason, 25, Army Specialist, May 30, 2003 Kyle A. Griffin, 20, Army Specialist, May 30, 2003 Zachariah W. Long, 20, Army Specialist, May 30, 2003 Jonathan W. Lambert, 28, Marine Sergeant, Jun 01, 2003 Atanasio Haro Marin Jr., 27, Army Sergeant, Jun 03, 2003 Branden F. Oberleitner, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Jun 05, 2003 Travis L. Burkhardt, 26, Army Sergeant, Jun 06, 2003 Doyle W. Bollinger Jr., 21, Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class, Jun 06, 2003 David Sisung, 21, Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class, Jun 06, 2003 Jesse M. Halling, 19, Army Private, Jun 07, 2003 Michael E. Dooley, 23, Army Sergeant, Jun 08, 2003 Gavin L. Neighbor, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Jun 10, 2003 John K. Klinesmith Jr., 25, Army Specialist, Jun 12, 2003 Andrew R. Pokorny, 30, Army Staff Sergeant, Jun 13, 2003 Ryan R. Cox, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, Jun 15, 2003 Shawn D. Pahnke, 25, Army Private, Jun 16, 2003 Joseph D. Suell, 24, Army Specialist, Jun 16, 2003 Robert L. Frantz, 19, Army Private, Jun 17, 2003 Michael L. Tosto, 24, Army Sergeant, Jun 17, 2003 Michael R. Deuel, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Jun 18, 2003 William T. Latham, 29, Army Staff Sergeant, Jun 18, 2003 Paul T. Nakamura, 21, Army Specialist, Jun 19, 2003 Orenthial Javon Smith, 21, Army Specialist, Jun 22, 2003 Cedric Lamont Lennon, 32, Army Specialist, Jun 24, 2003 Andrew F. Chris, 25, Army Specialist, Jun 25, 2003 Kevin C. Ott, 27, Army Private 1st Class, Jun 25, 2003 Gladimir Philippe, 32, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Jun 25, 2003 Gregory E. MacDonald, 29, Marine Lance Corporal, Jun 25, 2003 Corey A. Hubbell, 20, Army Specialist, Jun 26, 2003 Richard P. Orengo, 32, Army National Guard Specialist, Jun 26, 2003 Joshua McIntosh, 22, Navy Hospitalman, Jun 26, 2003 Tomas Sotelo Jr., 20, Army Corporal, Jun 27, 2003 Timothy M. Conneway, 22, Army Sergeant, Jun 28, 2003 Christopher D. Coffin, 51, Army Reserve 1st Sergeant, Jul 01, 2003 Travis J. Bradachnall, 21, Marine Corporal, Jul 02, 2003 Edward J. Herrgott, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Jul 03, 2003 Corey L. Small, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Jul 03, 2003 James Curtis Coons, 35, Army Master Sergeant, Jul 04, 2003 David B. Parson, 30, Army Sergeant, Jul 06, 2003 Jeffrey M. Wershow, 22, Army National Guard Specialist, Jul 06, 2003 Chad L. Keith, 21, Army Specialist, Jul 07, 2003 Barry Sanford Sr., 46, Army Staff Sergeant, Jul 07, 2003 Robert L. McKinley, 23, Army Private, Jul 08, 2003 Craig A. Boling, 38, Army National Guard Sergeant 1st Class, Jul 08, 2003 Melissa Valles, 26, Army Sergeant, Jul 09, 2003 Roger Dale Rowe, 54, Army National Guard Sergeant, Jul 09, 2003 Dan H. Gabrielson, 39, Army Reserve Sergeant 1st Class, Jul 09, 2003 Jason Tetrault, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Jul 09, 2003 Christian C. Schultz, 20, Army Specialist, Jul 11, 2003 Joshua M. Neusche, 20, Army Reserve Specialist, Jul 12, 2003 Jaror C. Puello-Coronado, 36, Army Sergeant, Jul 13, 2003 Paul J. Cassidy, 36, Army Reserve Captain, Jul 13, 2003 Michael T. Crockett, 27, Army Sergeant, Jul 14, 2003 Cory Ryan Geurin, 18, Marine Lance Corporal, Jul 15, 2003 Ramon Reyes Torres, 29, Army Reserve Specialist, Jul 16, 2003 Mason Douglas Whetstone, 30, Army Sergeant, Jul 17, 2003 David J. Moreno, 26, Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class, Jul 17, 2003

Joel L. Bertoldie, 20, Army Specialist, Jul 18, 2003 Jonathan D. Rozier, 25, Army 2nd Lieutenant, Jul 19, 2003 David A. Scott, 51, Air Force Master Sergeant, Jul 20, 2003 Justin W. Garvey, 23, Army Sergeant, Jul 20, 2003 Jason D. Jordan, 24, Army Sergeant, Jul 20, 2003 Christopher R. Willoughby, 29, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Jul 20, 2003 Mark Anthony Bibby, 25, Army Reserve Corporal, Jul 21, 2003 Jon P. Fettig, 30, Army National Guard Specialist, Jul 22, 2003 Joshua T. Byers, 29, Army Captain, Jul 23, 2003 Brett T. Christian, 27, Army Specialist, Jul 23, 2003 Evan Asa Ashcraft, 24, Army Corporal, Jul 24, 2003 Raheen Tyson Heighter, 22, Army Private 1st Class, Jul 24, 2003 Hector R. Perez, 40, Army Staff Sergeant, Jul 24, 2003 Juan M. Serrano, 31, Army Sergeant, Jul 24, 2003 Jonathan P. Barnes, 21, Army Specialist, Jul 26, 2003 Daniel K. Methvin, 22, Army Sergeant, Jul 26, 2003 Wilfredo Perez Jr., 24, Army Specialist, Jul 26, 2003 Jonathan M. Cheatham, 19, Army Reserve Private 1st Class, Jul 26, 2003 Heath A. McMillin, 29, Army National Guard Sergeant, Jul 27, 2003 Nathaniel Hart Jr., 29, Army Sergeant, Jul 28, 2003 William J. Maher III, 35, Army Specialist, Jul 28, 2003 Leif E. Nott, 24, Army Captain, Jul 30, 2003 Michael J. Deutsch, 21, Army Private, Jul 31, 2003 James I. Lambert III, 22, Army Specialist, Jul 31, 2003 Justin W. Hebert, 20, Army Specialist, Aug 01, 2003 Farao K. Letufuga, 20, Army Specialist, Aug 05, 2003 David L. Loyd, 44, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Aug 05, 2003 Zeferino E. Colunga, 20, Army Specialist, Aug 06, 2003 Kyle C. Gilbert, 20, Army Private, Aug 06, 2003 Brian R. Hellerman, 35, Army Staff Sergeant, Aug 06, 2003 Leonard D. Simmons, 33, Army Sergeant, Aug 06, 2003 Duane E. Longstreth, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Aug 07, 2003 Matthew D. Bush, 20, Army Private, Aug 08, 2003 Brandon Ramsey, 21, Army National Guard Private 1st Class, Aug 08, 2003 Levi B. Kinchen, 21, Army Specialist, Aug 09, 2003 Floyd G. Knighten Jr., 55, Army National Guard Sergeant, Aug 09, 2003 David S. Perry, 36, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Aug 10, 2003 Timmy R. Brown Jr., 21, Army Private 1st Class, Aug 12, 2003 Daniel R. Parker, 18, Army Private 1st Class, Aug 12, 2003 Taft V. Williams, 29, Army Sergeant, Aug 12, 2003 Richard S. Eaton Jr., 37, Army Reserve Staff Sergeant, Aug 12, 2003 Steven W. White, 29, Army Sergeant, Aug 13, 2003 David M. Kirchhoff, 31, Army National Guard Private 1st Class, Aug 14, 2003 Craig S. Ivory, 26, Army Specialist, Aug 17, 2003 Eric R. Hull, 23, Army Reserve Specialist, Aug 18, 2003 Bobby C. Franklin, 38, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Aug 20, 2003 Kenneth W. Harris Jr., 23, Army Reserve Specialist, Aug 20, 2003 Michael S. Adams, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Aug 21, 2003 Kylan A. Jones-Huffman, 31, Naval Reserve Lieutenant, Aug 21, 2003 Vorn J. Mack, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Aug 23, 2003 Stephen M. Scott, 21, Army Specialist, Aug 23, 2003 Ronald D. Allen Jr., 22, Army Specialist, Aug 25, 2003 Pablo Manzano, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Aug 25, 2003 Darryl T. Dent, 21, Army National Guard Specialist, Aug 26, 2003 Rafael L. Navea, 34, Army Specialist, Aug 27, 2003 Gregory A. Belanger, 24, Army Reserve Sergeant, Aug 27, 2003 Anthony L. Sherman, 43, Army Reserve Lieutenant Colonel, Aug 27, 2003 Mark A. Lawton, 41, Army Reserve Staff Sergeant, Aug 29, 2003 Sean K. Cataudella, 28, Army Sergeant, Aug 30, 2003 Charles Todd Caldwell, 38, Army National Guard Sergeant, Sep 01, 2003 Joseph Camara, 40, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Sep 01, 2003 Cameron B. Sarno, 43, Army Reserve Staff Sergeant, Sep 01, 2003 Christopher A. Sisson, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Sep 02, 2003 Bruce E. Brown, 32, Air Force Technical Sergeant, Sep 04, 2003 Jarrett B. Thompson, 27, Army Reserve Specialist, Sep 07, 2003 Ryan G. Carlock, 25, Army Specialist, Sep 09, 2003 Joseph E. Robsky Jr., 31, Army Staff Sergeant, Sep 10, 2003 Henry Ybarra III, 32, Army Sergeant, Sep 11, 2003 William M. Bennett, 35, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Sep 12, 2003 Kevin N. Morehead, 33, Army Master Sergeant, Sep 12, 2003 Trevor A. Blumberg, 22, Army Sergeant, Sep 14, 2003 Kevin C. Kimmerly, 31, Army Staff Sergeant, Sep 15, 2003 Alyssa R. Peterson, 27, Army Specialist, Sep 15, 2003 Foster Pinkston, 47, Army National Guard Sergeant, Sep 16, 2003 Richard Arriaga, 20, Army Specialist, Sep 18, 2003 Brian R. Faunce, 28, Army Captain, Sep 18, 2003 Anthony O. Thompson, 26, Army Sergeant, Sep 18, 2003 James C Wright, 27, Army Specialist, Sep 18, 2003 Lunsford B. Brown II, 27, Army Specialist, Sep 20, 2003 Frederick L. Miller Jr., 27, Army Staff Sergeant, Sep 20, 2003 David Travis Friedrich, 26, Army Reserve Sergeant, Sep 20, 2003 Paul J. Sturino, 21, Army Specialist, Sep 22, 2003 Michael Andrade, 28, Army National Guard Specialist, Sep 24, 2003 Kyle G. Thomas, 23, Army Specialist, Sep 25, 2003 Robert L. Lucero, 34, Army National Guard Captain, Sep 25, 2003 Robert E. Rooney, 43, Army National Guard Sergeant 1st Class, Sep 25, 2003 Andrew Joseph Baddick, 26, Army Sergeant, Sep 29, 2003 Christopher E. Cutchall, 30, Army Staff Sergeant, Sep 29, 2003 Darrin K. Potter, 24, Army Sergeant, Sep 29, 2003 Dustin K. McGaugh, 20, Army Specialist, Sep 30, 2003 James D. Blankenbecler, 40, Army Command Sergeant, Oct 01, 2003 Analaura Esparza Gutierrez, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Oct 01, 2003 Simeon Hunte, 23, Army Specialist, Oct 01, 2003 Tamarra J. Ramos, 24, Army Specialist, Oct 01, 2003 James H. Pirtle, 27, Army Specialist, Oct 03, 2003 Charles M. Sims, 18, Army Private 1st Class, Oct 03, 2003 Spencer Timothy Karol, 20, Army Specialist, Oct 06, 2003 Kerry D. Scott, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Oct 06, 2003 Richard Torres, 25, Army 2nd Lieutenant, Oct 06, 2003 Joseph C. Norquist, 26, Army Specialist, Oct 09, 2003 Sean A. Silva, 23, Army Private, Oct 09, 2003 Christopher W. Swisher, 26, Army Staff Sergeant, Oct 09, 2003 James E. Powell, 26, Army Specialist, Oct 12, 2003 Jose Casanova, 23, Army Private 1st Class, Oct 13, 2003 Benjamin L. Freeman, 19, Army Private, Oct 13, 2003 Douglas J. Weismantle, 28, Army Specialist, Oct 13, 2003 Donald L. Wheeler, 22, Army Specialist, Oct 13, 2003 Stephen E. Wyatt, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Oct 13, 2003 Joseph P. Bellavia, 28, Army Staff Sergeant, Oct 16, 2003 Sean R. Grilley, 24, Army Corporal, Oct 16, 2003 Kim S. Orlando, 43, Army Lieutenant Colonel, Oct 16, 2003 Michael L. Williams, 46, Army National Guard Specialist, Oct 17, 2003 David R. Bernstein, 24, Army 1st Lieutenant, Oct 18, 2003 John D. Hart, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Oct 18, 2003 Paul J. Johnson, 29, Army Staff Sergeant, Oct 20, 2003



Friday, November 18, 2005

S E RV I C E P E R S O N S K I L L E D I N I R A Q Paul J. Bueche, 19, Army National Guard Private 1st Class, Oct 21, 2003 John P. Johnson, 24, Army Specialist, Oct 22, 2003 Jason M. Ward, 25, Army Private, Oct 22, 2003 John R. Teal, 31, Army Captain, Oct 23, 2003 Artimus D. Brassfield, 22, Army Specialist, Oct 24, 2003 Michael S. Hancock, 29, Army Sergeant, Oct 24, 2003 Jose L. Mora, 26, Army Specialist, Oct 24, 2003 Jakia Sheree Cannon, 20, Navy Seaman, Oct 25, 2003 Steven Acosta, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Oct 26, 2003 Rachel K. Bosveld, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Oct 26, 2003 Charles H. Buehring, 40, Army Lieutenant Colonel, Oct 26, 2003 Joseph R. Guerrera, 20, Army Private, Oct 26, 2003 Jamie L. Huggins, 26, Army Staff Sergeant, Oct 26, 2003 Jonathan I. Falaniko, 20, Army Private, Oct 27, 2003 Aubrey D. Bell, 33, Army National Guard Sergeant, Oct 27, 2003 Michael Paul Barrera, 26, Army Sergeant, Oct 28, 2003 Isaac Campoy, 21, Army Specialist, Oct 28, 2003 Algernon Adams, 36, Army National Guard Private, Oct 28, 2003 Todd J. Bryant, 23, Army 2nd Lieutenant, Oct 31, 2003 Joshua C. Hurley, 24, Army 1st Lieutenant, Nov 01, 2003 Maurice J. Johnson, 21, Army Specialist, Nov 01, 2003 Daniel A. Bader, 28, Army Staff Sergeant, Nov 02, 2003 Ernest G. Bucklew, 33, Army Sergeant, Nov 02, 2003 Benjamin J. Colgan, 30, Army 1st Lieutenant, Nov 02, 2003 Steven Daniel Conover, 21, Army Specialist, Nov 02, 2003 Anthony D. Dagostino, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Nov 02, 2003 Darius T. Jennings, 22, Army Specialist, Nov 02, 2003 Karina S. Lau, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Nov 02, 2003 Keelan L. Moss, 23, Army Sergeant, Nov 02, 2003 Brian H. Penisten, 28, Army Specialist, Nov 02, 2003 Ross A. Pennanen, 36, Army Sergeant, Nov 02, 2003 Joel Perez, 25, Army Sergeant, Nov 02, 2003 Frances M. Vega, 20, Army Specialist, Nov 02, 2003 Paul A. Velasquez, 29, Army Staff Sergeant, Nov 02, 2003 Joe Nathan Wilson, 30, Army Staff Sergeant, Nov 02, 2003 Brian D. Slavenas, 30, Army National Guard 1st Lieutenant, Nov 02, 2003 Bruce A. Smith, 41, Army National Guard Chief Warrant Officer, Nov 02, 2003 Rayshawn S. Johnson, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Nov 03, 2003 Robert T. Benson, 20, Army Specialist, Nov 04, 2003 Francisco Martinez, 28, Army Sergeant, Nov 04, 2003 Jose A. Rivera, 34, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Nov 05, 2003 James R. Wolf, 21, Army Specialist, Nov 06, 2003 James A. Chance III, 25, Army National Guard Specialist, Nov 06, 2003 Paul F. Fisher, 39, Army National Guard Sergeant, Nov 06, 2003 Cornell W. Gilmore I, 45, Army Command Sergeant Major, Nov 07, 2003 Kyran E. Kennedy, 43, Army Chief Warrant Officer (CW3), Nov 07, 2003 Morgan DeShawn Kennon, 23, Army Staff Sergeant, Nov 07, 2003 Paul M. Neff II, 30, Army Staff Sergeant, Nov 07, 2003 Scott C. Rose, 30, Army Sergeant, Nov 07, 2003 Benedict J. Smith, 29, Army Captain, Nov 07, 2003 Sharon T. Swartworth, 43, Army Chief Warrant Officer (CW5), Nov 07, 2003 Gary L. Collins, 32, Army Staff Sergeant, Nov 08, 2003 Kurt R. Frosheiser, 22, Army Private, Nov 08, 2003 Linda C. Jimenez, 39, Army Sergeant, Nov 08, 2003 Mark D. Vasquez, 35, Army Staff Sergeant, Nov 08, 2003 Nicholas A. Tomko, 24, Army Reserve Sergeant, Nov 09, 2003 Genaro Acosta, 26, Army Specialist, Nov 11, 2003 Marlon P. Jackson, 25, Army Specialist, Nov 11, 2003 Nathan J. Bailey, 46, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Nov 12, 2003 Robert A. Wise, 21, Army National Guard Specialist, Nov 12, 2003 Jacob S. Fletcher, 28, Army Private 1st Class, Nov 13, 2003 Joseph Minucci II, 23, Army Sergeant, Nov 13, 2003 Irving Medina, 22, Army Specialist, Nov 14, 2003 Michael D. Acklin II, 25, Army Sergeant, Nov 15, 2003 Ryan T. Baker, 24, Army Specialist, Nov 15, 2003 Jeremiah J. DiGiovanni, 21, Army Specialist, Nov 15, 2003 William D. Dusenbery, 30, Army Specialist, Nov 15, 2003 Richard W. Hafer, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Nov 15, 2003 Warren S. Hansen, 36, Army Sergeant, Nov 15, 2003 Sheldon R. Hawk Eagle, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Nov 15, 2003 Timothy L. Hayslett, 26, Army Sergeant, Nov 15, 2003 Damian L. Heidelberg, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Nov 15, 2003 Erik C. Kesterson, 29, Army Chief Warrant Officer, Nov 15, 2003 Pierre E. Piche, 29, Army Captain, Nov 15, 2003 John W. Russell, 26, Army Sergeant, Nov 15, 2003 Scott A. Saboe, 33, Army Chief Warrant Officer (CW2), Nov 15, 2003 John R. Sullivan, 26, Army Specialist, Nov 15, 2003 Eugene A. Uhl III, 21, Army Specialist, Nov 15, 2003 Joey D. Whitener, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Nov 15, 2003 Jeremy L. Wolfe, 27, Army 2nd Lieutenant, Nov 15, 2003 Kelly Bolor, 37, Army Reserve Sergeant 1st Class, Nov 15, 2003 Alexander S. Coulter, 35, Army Chief Warrant Officer, Nov 17, 2003 Nathan S. Dalley, 27, Army Captain, Nov 17, 2003 Dale A. Panchot, 26, Army Staff Sergeant, Nov 17, 2003 James A. Shull, 32, Army Captain, Nov 17, 2003 Joseph L. Lister, 22, Army Specialist, Nov 20, 2003 Scott Matthew Tyrrell, 21, Army Private, Nov 20, 2003 George A. Wood, 33, Army Captain, Nov 20, 2003 Gary B. Coleman, 24, Army Corporal, Nov 21, 2003 Damian S. Bushart, 22, Army Private 1st Class, Nov 22, 2003 Robert D. Roberts, 21, Army Specialist, Nov 22, 2003 Eddie E. Menyweather, 35, Army Staff Sergeant, Nov 23, 2003 Christopher G. Nason, 39, Army Chief Warrant Officer (CW2), Nov 23, 2003 Rel A. Ravago IV, 21, Army Specialist, Nov 23, 2003 Jerry L. Wilson, 45, Army Command Sergeant Major, Nov 23, 2003 Darrell L. Smith, 28, Army National Guard Corporal, Nov 23, 2003 David J. Goldberg, 20, Army Reserve Specialist, Nov 26, 2003 Thomas J. Sweet II, 23, Army Specialist, Nov 27, 2003 Ariel Rico, 25, Army Sergeant, Nov 28, 2003 Stephen A. Bertolino, 40, Army Staff Sergeant, Nov 29, 2003 Aaron J. Sissel, 22, Army National Guard Specialist, Nov 29, 2003 Uday Singh, 21, Army Specialist, Dec 01, 2003 Clarence E. Boone, 50, Army Chief Warrant Officer, Dec 02, 2003 Ryan C. Young, 21, Army Sergeant, Dec 02, 2003 Raphael S. Davis, 24, Army National Guard Specialist, Dec 02, 2003 Arron R. Clark, 20, Army Specialist, Dec 05, 2003 Ray J. Hutchinson, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Dec 07, 2003 Joseph M. Blickenstaff, 23, Army Specialist, Dec 08, 2003 Steven H. Bridges, 33, Army Staff Sergeant, Dec 08, 2003 Christopher Jude Rivera Wesley, 26, Army Specialist, Dec 08, 2003 Jason G. Wright, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Dec 08, 2003 Richard A. Burdick, 24, Army Staff Sergeant, Dec 10, 2003 Jerrick M. Petty, 25, Army Private 1st Class, Dec 10, 2003 Todd M. Bates, 20, Army National Guard Specialist, Dec 10, 2003 Aaron T. Reese, 31, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Dec 10, 2003

Marshall L. Edgerton, 27, Army Specialist, Dec 11, 2003 Jarrod W. Black, 26, Army Sergeant, Dec 12, 2003 Jeffrey F. Braun, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Dec 12, 2003 Rian C. Ferguson, 22, Army Specialist, Dec 14, 2003 Kimberly A. Voelz, 27, Army Staff Sergeant, Dec 14, 2003 Kenneth C. Souslin, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Dec 15, 2003 Nathan W. Nakis, 19, Army National Guard Specialist, Dec 15, 2003 Christopher J. Holland, 26, Army Specialist, Dec 17, 2003 Glenn R. Allison, 24, Army Sergeant, Dec 18, 2003 Charles E. Bush Jr., 43, Army Reserve Private 1st Class, Dec 19, 2003 Stuart W. Moore, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Dec 22, 2003 Edward M. Saltz, 27, Army Reserve 1st Lieutenant, Dec 22, 2003 Benjamin W. Biskie, 27, Army Sergeant, Dec 24, 2003 Eric F. Cooke, 43, Army Command Sergeant Major, Dec 24, 2003 Christopher F. Soelzer, 26, Army Captain, Dec 24, 2003 Christopher J. Splinter, 43, Army Major, Dec 24, 2003 Michael E. Yashinski, 24, Army Sergeant, Dec 24, 2003 Thomas W. Christensen, 42, Army Reserve Staff Sergeant, Dec 25, 2003 Stephen C. Hattamer, 43, Army Reserve Staff Sergeant, Dec 25, 2003 Charles G. Haight, 23, Army Specialist, Dec 26, 2003 Michael G. Mihalakis, 18, Army National Guard Specialist, Dec 26, 2003 Michael J. Sutter, 28, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Dec 26, 2003 Ernesto M. Blanco, 28, Army Captain, Dec 28, 2003 Rey D. Cuervo, 24, Army Private, Dec 28, 2003 Curt E. Jordan Jr., 25, Army Sergeant, Dec 28, 2003 Justin W. Pollard, 21, Army Specialist, Dec 30, 2003 Solomon C. “Kelly” Bangayan, 24, Army Specialist, Jan 02, 2004 Dennis A. Corral, 33, Army Sergeant, Jan 02, 2004 Kimberly N. Hampton, 27, Army Captain, Jan 02, 2004 Eric Thomas Paliwoda, 28, Army Captain, Jan 02, 2004 Marc S. Seiden, 26, Army Specialist, Jan 02, 2004 Luke P. Frist, 20, Army Reserve Specialist, Jan 05, 2004 Jesse D. Mizener, 24, Army Private 1st Class, Jan 07, 2004 Craig Davis, 37, Army Staff Sergeant, Jan 08, 2004 Michael A. Diraimondo, 22, Army Specialist, Jan 08, 2004 Christopher A. Golby, 26, Army Specialist, Jan 08, 2004 Gregory B. Hicks, 35, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Jan 08, 2004 Philip A. Johnson Jr., 31, Army Chief Warrant Officer, Jan 08, 2004 Nathaniel H. Johnson, 22, Army Specialist, Jan 08, 2004 Ian D. Manuel, 23, Army Chief Warrant Officer, Jan 08, 2004 Jeffrey C. Walker, 33, Army Sergeant, Jan 08, 2004 Aaron A. Weaver, 32, Army Chief Warrant Officer, Jan 08, 2004 Ricky L. Crockett, 37, Army Staff Sergeant, Jan 12, 2004 Keicia M. Hines, 27, Army Sergeant, Jan 13, 2004 Roland L. Castro, 26, Army Staff Sergeant, Jan 16, 2004 Cody J. Orr, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Jan 17, 2004 Larry E. Polley Jr., 20, Army Specialist, Jan 17, 2004 Edmond Lee Randle Jr., 26, Army Sergeant, Jan 17, 2004 Kelly L. Hornbeck, 36, Army Master Sergeant, Jan 18, 2004 Gabriel T. Palacios, 22, Army Specialist, Jan 21, 2004 James D. Parker, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Jan 21, 2004 Michael T. Blaise, 29, Army Chief Warrant Officer (CW2), Jan 23, 2004 Brian D. Hazelgrove, 29, Army Chief Warrant Officer (CW2), Jan 23, 2004 Jason K. Chappell, 22, Army Specialist, Jan 24, 2004 Randy S. Rosenberg, 23, Army Sergeant, Jan 24, 2004 William R. Sturges Jr., 24, Army Specialist, Jan 24, 2004 Kenneth W. Hendrickson, 41, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Jan 24, 2004 Keith L. Smette, 25, Army National Guard Sergeant, Jan 24, 2004 Christopher Bunda, 29, Army Staff Sergeant, Jan 25, 2004 Ervin Dervishi, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Jan 25, 2004 Patrick D. Dorff, 32, Army Chief Warrant Officer, Jan 25, 2004 Adam G. Mooney, 28, Army 1st Lieutenant, Jan 25, 2004 Matthew J. August, 28, Army Captain, Jan 27, 2004 James T. Hoffman, 41, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Jan 27, 2004 Luke S. James, 24, Army 2nd Lieutenant, Jan 27, 2004 Lester O. Kinney II, 27, Army Staff Sergeant, Jan 27, 2004 Travis A. Moothart, 23, Army Sergeant, Jan 27, 2004 Cory R. Mracek, 26, Army Sergeant, Jan 27, 2004 Sean G. Landrus, 31, Army Staff Sergeant, Jan 29, 2004 Luis A. Moreno, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Jan 29, 2004 Juan C. Cabralbanuelos, 25, Army Corporal, Jan 31, 2004 Holly J. McGeogh, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Jan 31, 2004 Eliu A. Miersandoval, 27, Army Sergeant, Jan 31, 2004 Armando Soriano, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Feb 01, 2004 Roger C. Turner Jr., 37, Army Staff Sergeant, Feb 01, 2004 Seth J. Dvorin, 24, Army 2nd Lieutenant, Feb 03, 2004 Joshua L. Knowles, 23, Army National Guard Specialist, Feb 05, 2004 Richard P. Ramey, 27, Army Staff Sergeant, Feb 08, 2004 Thomas D. Robbins, 27, Army Sergeant, Feb 09, 2004 Elijah Tai Wah Wong, 42, Army National Guard Sergeant, Feb 09, 2004 Jude C. Mariano, 39, Air Force Master Sergeant, Feb 10, 2004 William C. Ramirez, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Feb 11, 2004 Patrick S. Tainsh, 33, Army Sergeant, Feb 11, 2004 Eric U. Ramirez, 31, Army National Guard Specialist, Feb 12, 2004 Bryan N. Spry, 19, Army Private, Feb 14, 2004 Michael M. Merila, 23, Army Specialist, Feb 16, 2004 Christopher M. Taylor, 25, Army National Guard Specialist, Feb 16, 2004 Nichole M. Frye, 19, Army Reserve Private 1st Class, Feb 16, 2004 Jeffrey C. Graham, 24, Army 2nd Lieutenant, Feb 19, 2004 Roger G. Ling, 20, Army Specialist, Feb 19, 2004 Henry A. Bacon, 45, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Feb 20, 2004 Matthew C. Laskowski, 32, Army Chief Warrant Officer, Feb 25, 2004 Stephen M. Wells, 29, Army Chief Warrant Officer, Feb 25, 2004 Michael R. Woodliff, 22, Army Specialist, Mar 02, 2004 Michael J. Gray, 32, Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class, Mar 05, 2004 Gussie M. Jones, 41, Army Captain, Mar 07, 2004 Matthew G. Milczark, 18, Marine Private 1st Class, Mar 08, 2004 Edward W. Brabazon, 20, Army Specialist, Mar 09, 2004 Richard S. Gottfried, 42, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Mar 09, 2004 Fern L. Holland, 33, Dept. of the Army Civilian, Mar 09, 2004 Robert J. Zangas, 44, Dept. of the Army Civilian, Mar 09, 2004 Bert Edward Hoyer, 23, Army Reserve Private 1st Class, Mar 10, 2004 Joe L. Dunigan Jr., 37, Army Staff Sergeant, Mar 11, 2004 Christopher K. Hill, 26, Army Specialist, Mar 11, 2004 Joel K. Brattain, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Mar 13, 2004 Clint D. Ferrin, 31, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Mar 13, 2004 Jason C. Ford, 21, Army Specialist, Mar 13, 2004 John F. “Hans” Kurth, 31, Army Captain, Mar 13, 2004 Daniel J. Londono, 22, Army Sergeant, Mar 13, 2004 Jocelyn “Joce” L. Carrasquillo, 28, Army National Guard Specialist, Mar 14, 2004 William J. Normandy, 42, Army National Guard Sergeant, Mar 14, 2004 Michael R. Adams, 24, Army 1st Lieutenant, Mar 16, 2004 Thomas R. Thigpen Sr., 52, Army National Guard Master Sergeant, Mar 16, 2004 Tracy L. Laramore, 30, Army Specialist, Mar 17, 2004 Ivory L. Phipps, 44, Army National Guard Sergeant, Mar 17, 2004

Ernest Harold Sutphin, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Mar 18, 2004 Doron Chan, 20, Army Reserve Specialist, Mar 18, 2004 Andrew D. Brownfield, 24, Marine Corporal, Mar 18, 2004 Ricky A. Morris Jr., 20, Marine Private 1st Class, Mar 18, 2004 Brandon C. Smith, 20, Marine Private 1st Class, Mar 18, 2004 Jason C. Ludlam, 22, Army Private 1st Class, Mar 19, 2004 Clint Richard “Bones” Matthews, 31, Army Specialist, Mar 19, 2004 David M. Vicente, 25, Marine Corporal, Mar 19, 2004 Matthew J. Sandri, 24, Army Specialist, Mar 20, 2004 Mark D. Taylor, 41, Army Major, Mar 20, 2004 Michael W. Vega, 41, Army National Guard 1st Lieutenant, Mar 20, 2004 Christopher E. Hudson, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Mar 21, 2004 Dustin L. Kreider, 19, Army Private, Mar 21, 2004 Bruce Miller Jr., 23, Army Private 1st Class, Mar 22, 2004 Andrew S. Dang, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Mar 22, 2004 Wentz Jerome Henry Shanaberger III, 33, Army Staff Sergeant, Mar 24, 2004 Adam D. Froehlich, 21, Army Specialist, Mar 25, 2004 Jeffrey C. Burgess, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Mar 25, 2004 James A. Casper, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Mar 25, 2004 Leroy Sandoval Jr., 21, Marine Private 1st Class, Mar 26, 2004 Timothy Toney, 37, Marine Master Sergeant, Mar 27, 2004 Sean M. Schneider, 22, Army Private 1st Class, Mar 29, 2004 Jeremiah J. Holmes, 27, Army National Guard Specialist, Mar 29, 2004 Richard L. Ferguson, 45, Army Master Sergeant, Mar 30, 2004 William J. Wiscowiche, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Mar 30, 2004 Brandon L. Davis, 20, Army Private, Mar 31, 2004 Doyle M. Hufstedler, 25, Army 1st Lieutenant, Mar 31, 2004 Michael G. Karr Jr., 23, Army Specialist, Mar 31, 2004 Sean R. Mitchell, 24, Army Specialist, Mar 31, 2004 Cleston C. Raney, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Mar 31, 2004 Dustin M. Sekula, 18, Marine Private 1st Class, Apr 01, 2004 William R. Strange, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Apr 02, 2004 Geoffrey S. Morris, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, Apr 03, 2004 John D. Amos II, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Apr 04, 2004 Robert R. Arsiaga, 25, Army Specialist, Apr 04, 2004 Ahmed Akil “Mel” Cason, 24, Army Specialist, Apr 04, 2004 Yihiyh L. Chen, 31, Army Sergeant, Apr 04, 2004 Israel Garza, 25, Army Specialist, Apr 04, 2004 Stephen D. “Dusty” Hiller, 25, Army Specialist, Apr 04, 2004 Forest Joseph Jostes, 22, Army Corporal, Apr 04, 2004 Michael W. Mitchell, 25, Army Sergeant, Apr 04, 2004 Philip G. Rogers, 23, Army Specialist, Apr 04, 2004 Casey Sheehan, 24, Army Specialist, Apr 04, 2004 Aric J. Barr, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 04, 2004 Tyler R. Fey, 22, Marine Corporal, Apr 04, 2004 Scott Quentin Larson Jr., 22, Army Specialist, Apr 05, 2004 David M. McKeever, 25, Army Sergeant, Apr 05, 2004 Shane Lee Goldman, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 05, 2004 Deryk L. Hallal, 24, Marine Private 1st Class, Apr 05, 2004 Moises A. Langhorst, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, Apr 05, 2004 Christopher Ramos, 26, Marine Private 1st Class, Apr 05, 2004 Matthew K. Serio, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 05, 2004 Jesse L. Thiry, 23, Marine Corporal, Apr 05, 2004 Gerardo Moreno, 23, Army Sergeant, Apr 06, 2004 Lee Duane Todacheene, 29, Army Sergeant, Apr 06, 2004 Benjamin R. Carman, 20, Marine Private 1st Class, Apr 06, 2004 Marcus M. Cherry, 18, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 06, 2004 Christopher R. Cobb, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, Apr 06, 2004 Kyle D. Crowley, 18, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 06, 2004 Ryan M. Jerabek, 18, Marine Private 1st Class, Apr 06, 2004 Travis J. Layfield, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 06, 2004 Christopher D. Mabry, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, Apr 06, 2004 Anthony P. Roberts, 18, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 06, 2004 Allan K. Walker, 28, Marine Staff Sergeant, Apr 06, 2004 Fernando A. Mendez-Aceves, 27, Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class, Apr 06, 2004 Tyanna S. Felder, 22, Army Specialist, Apr 07, 2004 Marvin Lee Miller, 38, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Apr 07, 2004 George S. Rentschler, 31, Army Staff Sergeant, Apr 07, 2004 William W. Labadie Jr., 45, Army National Guard Sergeant 1st Class, Apr 07, 2004 Brent L. Morel, 27, Marine Captain, Apr 07, 2004 John Thomas “J.T.” Wroblewski, 25, Marine 2nd Lieutenant, Apr 07, 2004 Isaac Michael Nieves, 20, Army Specialist, Apr 08, 2004 Levi T. Angell, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 08, 2004 Nicholas J. Dieruf, 21, Marine Corporal, Apr 08, 2004 Phillip E. Frank, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 08, 2004 William M. Harrell, 30, Marine Staff Sergeant, Apr 08, 2004 Joshua M. Palmer, 25, Marine 1st Lieutenant, Apr 08, 2004 Michael B. Wafford, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 08, 2004 Christopher B. Wasser, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 08, 2004 Peter G. Enos, 24, Army Specialist, Apr 09, 2004 Raymond Edison Jones Jr., 31, Army Staff Sergeant, Apr 09, 2004 Jonathan Roy Kephart, 21, Army Specialist, Apr 09, 2004 Toby W. Mallet, 26, Army Staff Sergeant, Apr 09, 2004 Don Steven McMahan, 31, Army Staff Sergeant, Apr 09, 2004 Allen Jeffrey “A.J.” Vandayburg, 20, Army Specialist, Apr 09, 2004 Felix M. Delgreco, 22, Army National Guard Sergeant, Apr 09, 2004 Michelle M. Witmer, 20, Army National Guard Specialist, Apr 09, 2004 Gregory R. Goodrich, 37, Army Reserve Private 1st Class, Apr 09, 2004 Elmer C. Krause, 40, Army Reserve Sergeant, Apr 09, 2004 Eric A. Ayon, 26, Marine Private 1st Class, Apr 09, 2004 Matthew E. Matula, 20, Marine Corporal, Apr 09, 2004 Chance R. Phelps, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, Apr 09, 2004 Michael Raymond Speer, 24, Marine Corporal, Apr 09, 2004 Elias Torrez III, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 09, 2004 Antoine J. Holt, 20, Air Force Airman 1st Class, Apr 10, 2004 Adolf C. Carballo, 20, Army Specialist, Apr 10, 2004 William C. Eckhart, 25, Army Sergeant, Apr 10, 2004 Justin W. Johnson, 22, Army Specialist, Apr 10, 2004 John T. Sims Jr., 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 10, 2004 Lawrence S. Colton, 32, Army Chief Warrant Officer, Apr 11, 2004 Wesley C. Fortenberry, 38, Army Chief Warrant Officer, Apr 11, 2004 Michael Boyd Stack, 48, Army Sergeant Major, Apr 11, 2004 Nathan P. Brown, 21, Army National Guard Private 1st Class, Apr 11, 2004 Daniel R. Amaya, 22, Marine Corporal, Apr 11, 2004 Torrey L. Gray, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 11, 2004 Oscar Jimenez, 34, Marine 1st Lieutenant, Apr 11, 2004 George D. Torres, 23, Marine Private 1st Class, Apr 11, 2004 Brad S. Shuder, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 12, 2004 Robert Paul Zurheide Jr., 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 12, 2004 Victor A. Rosaleslomeli, 29, Army Staff Sergeant, Apr 13, 2004 Noah L. Boye, 21, Marine Private, Apr 13, 2004 Kevin T. Kolm, 23, Marine Corporal, Apr 13, 2004 Christopher Ramirez, 34, Army Sergeant, Apr 14, 2004 Frank K. Rivers Jr., 23, Army Specialist, Apr 14, 2004 Richard K. Trevithick, 20, Army Specialist, Apr 14, 2004

Friday, November 18, 2005

S E RV I C E P E R S O N S K I L L E D I N I R A Q Jimmy J. Arroyave, 30, Marine Staff Sergeant, Apr 15, 2004 Brian M. Wood, 21, Army Sergeant, Apr 16, 2004 Marvin A. Camposiles, 25, Army Specialist, Apr 17, 2004 Edward W. Carman, 27, Army Staff Sergeant, Apr 17, 2004 Jonathan N. Hartman, 27, Army Sergeant, Apr 17, 2004 Clayton Welch Henson, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Apr 17, 2004 Michael A. McGlothin, 21, Army Specialist, Apr 17, 2004 Robert L. Henderson II, 33, Army National Guard 1st Lieutenant, Apr 17, 2004 Dennis B. Morgan, 22, Army National Guard Specialist, Apr 17, 2004 Richard J. Gannon II, 31, Marine Captain, Apr 17, 2004 Christopher A. Gibson, 23, Marine Corporal, Apr 17, 2004 Michael J. Smith Jr., 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 17, 2004 Ruben Valdez Jr., 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 17, 2004 Gary F. Van Leuven, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 17, 2004 Bradley C. Fox, 34, Army 1st Sergeant, Apr 20, 2004 Leroy Harris-Kelly, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Apr 20, 2004 Christopher D. Gelineau, 23, Army National Guard Specialist, Apr 20, 2004 Jason L. Dunham, 22, Marine Corporal, Apr 22, 2004 Shawn C. Edwards, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Apr 23, 2004 Stacey C. Brandon, 35, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Apr 24, 2004 Cory W. Brooks, 32, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Apr 24, 2004 Arthur L. “Bo” Felder, 36, Army National Guard Captain, Apr 24, 2004 Patrick W. Kordsmeier, 49, Army National Guard Chief Warrant Officer, Apr 24, 2004 Billy J. Orton, 41, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Apr 24, 2004 Michael J. Pernaselli, 27, Navy Petty Officer 1st Class, Apr 24, 2004 Christopher E. Watts, 28, Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class, Apr 24, 2004 Kenneth A. Melton, 30, Army National Guard Specialist, Apr 25, 2004 Nathan B. Bruckenthal, 24, Coast Guard Petty Officer 3rd Class, Apr 25, 2004 Sherwood R. Baker, 30, Army National Guard Sergeant, Apr 26, 2004 Lawrence A. Roukey, 33, Army Reserve Sergeant, Apr 26, 2004 Aaron C. Austin, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 26, 2004 Abraham D. Penamedina, 32, Army Staff Sergeant, Apr 27, 2004 Marquis A. Whitaker, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Apr 27, 2004 Jacob R. Herring, 21, Army Specialist, Apr 28, 2004 Kendall Thomas, 36, Army Staff Sergeant, Apr 28, 2004 James L. Beckstrand, 27, Army Specialist, Apr 29, 2004 Ryan M. Campbell, 25, Army Sergeant, Apr 29, 2004 Norman Darling, 29, Army Private 1st Class, Apr 29, 2004 Jeffrey F. Dayton, 27, Army Staff Sergeant, Apr 29, 2004 Adam W. Estep, 23, Army Sergeant, Apr 29, 2004 Jeremy Ricardo Ewing, 22, Army Private 1st Class, Apr 29, 2004 Martin W. Kondor, 20, Army Specialist, Apr 29, 2004 Esau G. Patterson Jr., 25, Army Staff Sergeant, Apr 29, 2004 Ryan E. Reed, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Apr 29, 2004 Justin B. Schmidt, 23, Army Specialist, Apr 29, 2004 Landis W. Garrison, 23, Army National Guard Sergeant, Apr 29, 2004 Scott M. Vincent, 21, Marine Corporal, Apr 30, 2004 Joshua S. Wilfong, 22, Marine Corporal, Apr 30, 2004 Christopher M. Dickerson, 33, Naval Reserve Petty Officer 3rd Class, Apr 30, 2004 Jason B. Dwelley, 31, Naval Reserve Petty Officer 2nd Class, Apr 30, 2004 Ramon C. Ojeda, 22, Army Specialist, May 01, 2004 Oscar D. Vargas-Medina, 32, Army Staff Sergeant, May 01, 2004 Trevor A. Wine, 22, Army Specialist, May 01, 2004 Joshua S. Ladd, 20, Army National Guard Sergeant, May 01, 2004 Ervin Caradine Jr., 33, Army Specialist, May 02, 2004 Jeremy L. Drexler, 23, Army Private, May 02, 2004 Todd E. Nunes, 29, Army Staff Sergeant, May 02, 2004 John E. Tipton, 32, Army Captain, May 02, 2004 Michael C. Anderson, 36, Naval Reserve Petty Officer 2nd Class, May 02, 2004 Trace W. Dossett, 37, Naval Reserve Petty Officer 2nd Class, May 02, 2004 Ronald A. Ginther, 37, Naval Reserve Petty Officer 3rd Class, May 02, 2004 Robert B. Jenkins, 35, Naval Reserve Petty Officer 2nd Class, May 02, 2004 Scott R. Mchugh, 33, Naval Reserve Petty Officer 2nd Class, May 02, 2004 Christopher J. Kenny, 32, Army 1st Lieutenant, May 03, 2004 Lyndon A. Marcus Jr., 21, Army Private 1st Class, May 03, 2004 Erickson H. Petty, 28, Army Staff Sergeant, May 03, 2004 Marvin R. Sprayberry III, 24, Army Sergeant, May 03, 2004 Gregory L. Wahl, 30, Army Sergeant, May 03, 2004 Ronald E. Baum, 38, Marine Gunnery Sergeant, May 03, 2004 Jesse R. Buryj, 21, Army Private 1st Class, May 05, 2004 Bradley G. Kritzer, 18, Army Private 1st Class, May 05, 2004 James E. Marshall, 19, Army Specialist, May 05, 2004 Jeffrey G. Green, 20, Marine Corporal, May 05, 2004 Hesley Box Jr., 24, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, May 06, 2004 Dustin H. Schrage, 20, Marine Corporal, May 06, 2004 Isela Rubalcava, 25, Army Specialist, May 08, 2004 Chase R. Whitman, 21, Army Specialist, May 08, 2004 Philip D. Brown, 21, Army National Guard Specialist, May 08, 2004 James J. Holmes, 28, Army National Guard Specialist, May 08, 2004 Rodney A. Murray, 28, Army Reserve Sergeant, May 09, 2004 Andrew L. Tuazon, 21, Army Private 1st Class, May 10, 2004 Kyle A. Brinlee, 21, Army National Guard Specialist, May 11, 2004 Jeffrey R. Shaver, 26, Army National Guard Specialist, May 12, 2004 Jeremiah E. Savage, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, May 12, 2004 Brian K. Cutter, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, May 13, 2004 Brandon C. Sturdy, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, May 13, 2004 Brud J. Cronkrite, 22, Army Sergeant, May 14, 2004 Michael A. Mora, 19, Army Private 1st Class, May 14, 2004 Philip I. Spakosky, 25, Army Specialist, May 14, 2004 Edward C. Barnhill, 50, Army Reserve Command Sergeant Major, May 14, 2004 James William Harlan, 44, Army Reserve Sergeant, May 14, 2004 Pedro I. Espaillat Jr., 20, Air Force Senior Airman, May 15, 2004 Rene Ledesma, 34, Army Staff Sergeant, May 15, 2004 Leonard M. Cowherd Jr., 22, Army 2nd Lieutenant, May 16, 2004 Carl F. Curran, 22, Army National Guard Specialist, May 17, 2004 Mark Joseph Kasecky, 20, Army National Guard Specialist, May 17, 2004 Bob W. Roberts, 30, Marine Lance Corporal, May 17, 2004 Joseph P. Garyantes, 34, Army Staff Sergeant, May 18, 2004 Marcos O. Nolasco, 34, Army Specialist, May 18, 2004 William D. Chaney, 59, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, May 18, 2004 Michael M. Carey, 20, Marine Private 1st Class, May 18, 2004 Michael C. Campbell, 34, Army Specialist, May 19, 2004 Leslie D. Jackson, 18, Army Private 1st Class, May 20, 2004 Troy “Leon” Miranda, 44, Army National Guard Sergeant 1st Class, May 20, 2004 Rudy Salas, 20, Marine Corporal, May 20, 2004 Jeremy R. Horton, 24, Army Staff Sergeant, May 21, 2004 Andrew J. Zabierek, 25, Marine Lance Corporal, May 21, 2004 Jeremy L. Ridlen, 23, Army National Guard Specialist, May 23, 2004 Jorge A. Molina Bautista, 37, Marine Staff Sergeant, May 23, 2004 Beau R. Beaulieu, 20, Army Specialist, May 24, 2004 Owen D. Witt, 20, Army Private 1st Class, May 24, 2004 James P. Lambert, 23, Army Private 1st Class, May 25, 2004 Richard H. Rosas, 21, Army Private 1st Class, May 25, 2004 Alan N. Bean Jr., 22, Army National Guard Specialist, May 25, 2004 Kevin F. Sheehan, 36, Army National Guard Sergeant, May 25, 2004

Daniel Paul Unger, 19, Army National Guard Private 1st Class, May 25, 2004 Kyle W. Codner, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, May 26, 2004 Matthew C. Henderson, 25, Marine Corporal, May 26, 2004 Dominique J. Nicolas, 25, Marine Corporal, May 26, 2004 Michael J. Wiesemann, 20, Army Specialist, May 28, 2004 Cody S. Calavan, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, May 29, 2004 Benjamin R. Gonzalez, 23, Marine Lance Corporal, May 29, 2004 Rafael Reynosasuarez, 28, Marine Lance Corporal, May 29, 2004 Kenneth Michael Ballard, 26, Army 1st Lieutenant, May 30, 2004 Bradli N. Coleman, 19, Army Private, May 30, 2004 Aaron C. Elandt, 23, Army Sergeant, May 30, 2004 Charles E. Odums II, 22, Army Specialist, May 30, 2004 Nicholaus E. Zimmer, 20, Army Private 1st Class, May 30, 2004 Robert C. Scheetz Jr., 31, Army Captain, May 31, 2004 Dustin L. Sides, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, May 31, 2004 Markus J. Johnson, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Jun 01, 2004 Bumrok Lee, 21, Marine Corporal, Jun 02, 2004 Todd J. Bolding, 23, Marine Lance Corporal, Jun 03, 2004 Frank T. Carvill, 51, Army National Guard Sergeant, Jun 04, 2004 Christopher M. Duffy, 26, Army National Guard Specialist, Jun 04, 2004 Justin L. Eyerly, 23, Army National Guard Sergeant, Jun 04, 2004 Justin W. Linden, 22, Army National Guard Specialist, Jun 04, 2004 Erik S. McCrae, 25, Army National Guard 1st Lieutenant, Jun 04, 2004 Ryan E. Doltz, 26, Army National Guard Specialist, Jun 05, 2004 Humberto F. Timoteo, 25, Army National Guard Sergeant, Jun 05, 2004 Melissa J. Hobart, 22, Army Private 1st Class, Jun 06, 2004 Melvin Y. Mora Lopez, 27, Army Reserve Sergeant, Jun 06, 2004 Jamie A. Gray, 29, Army National Guard Sergeant, Jun 07, 2004 Jeremy L. Bohlman, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Jun 07, 2004 Humayun S. M. Khan, 27, Army Captain, Jun 08, 2004 Thomas D. Caughman, 20, Army Reserve Private 1st Class, Jun 09, 2004 Eric S. McKinley, 24, Army National Guard Specialist, Jun 13, 2004 Shawn M. Atkins, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Jun 14, 2004 Paul R. Syverson III, 32, Army Major, Jun 16, 2004 Jeremy M. Dimaranan, 29, Army Reserve Specialist, Jun 16, 2004 Arthur S. (Stacey) Mastrapa, 35, Army Reserve Sergeant, Jun 16, 2004 Jason N. Lynch, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Jun 18, 2004 Thai Vue, 22, Army Specialist, Jun 18, 2004 Sean Horn, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, Jun 19, 2004 Marvin Best, 33, Marine Staff Sergeant, Jun 20, 2004 Gregory V. Pennington, 36, Army Staff Sergeant, Jun 21, 2004 Pedro Contreras, 27, Marine Lance Corporal, Jun 21, 2004 Juan Lopez, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Jun 21, 2004 Deshon E. Otey, 24, Marine Lance Corporal, Jun 21, 2004 Tommy L. Parker Jr., 21, Marine Corporal, Jun 21, 2004 Patrick R. McCaffrey Sr., 34, Army National Guard Sergeant, Jun 22, 2004 Andre D. Tyson, 33, Army National Guard 1st Lieutenant, Jun 22, 2004 Christopher S. Cash, 36, Army National Guard Captain, Jun 24, 2004 Daniel A. Desens, 20, Army National Guard Specialist, Jun 24, 2004 Charles A. Kiser, 37, Army Reserve Staff Sergeant, Jun 24, 2004 Jeremy M. Heines, 25, Army Specialist, Jun 26, 2004 Manuel A. Ceniceros, 23, Marine Lance Corporal, Jun 26, 2004 Ernest E. Utt, 38, Army 1st Sergeant, Jun 27, 2004 Patrick R. Adle, 21, Marine Reserve Lance Corporal, Jun 29, 2004 Alan David Sherman, 36, Marine Reserve Sergeant, Jun 29, 2004 John H. Todd III, 24, Marine Reserve Corporal, Jun 29, 2004 Robert L. DuSang, 24, Army Specialist, Jun 30, 2004 Christopher A. Wagener, 24, Army Sergeant, Jul 01, 2004 Kenneth Conde Jr., 23, Marine Sergeant, Jul 01, 2004 Timothy R. Creager, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Jul 01, 2004 Brian D. Smith, 30, Army 2nd Lieutenant, Jul 02, 2004 Stephen G. Martin, 39, Army Reserve Staff Sergeant, Jul 02, 2004 James B. Huston Jr., 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Jul 02, 2004 Dallas L. Kerns, 21, Marine Corporal, Jul 05, 2004 Michael S. Torres, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Jul 05, 2004 John J. Vangyzen IV, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Jul 05, 2004 Scott Eugene Dougherty, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Jul 06, 2004 Justin T. Hunt, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Jul 06, 2004 Jeffrey D. Lawrence, 22, Marine Corporal, Jul 06, 2004 Rodricka Antwan Youmans, 22, Marine Private 1st Class, Jul 06, 2004 Michael C. Barkey, 22, Army National Guard Sergeant, Jul 07, 2004 Samuel R. Bowen, 38, Army National Guard Private 1st Class, Jul 07, 2004 Collier Edwin Barcus, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Jul 08, 2004 Robert E. Colvill Jr., 31, Army Sergeant, Jul 08, 2004 Shawn M. Davies, 22, Army Specialist, Jul 08, 2004 William River Emanuel IV, 19, Army Specialist, Jul 08, 2004 Joseph M. Garmback Jr., 24, Army Specialist, Jul 08, 2004 Sonny Gene Sampler, 23, Army Specialist, Jul 08, 2004 Jeremiah W. Schmunk, 21, Army National Guard Specialist, Jul 08, 2004 Terry Holmes Ordóñez, 22, Marine Corporal, Jul 10, 2004 Krisna Nachampassak, 27, Marine Sergeant, Jul 10, 2004 Christopher J. Reed, 20, Marine Private 1st Class, Jul 10, 2004 Trevor Spink, 36, Marine Staff Sergeant, Jul 10, 2004 Dustin W. Peters, 25, Air Force Staff Sergeant, Jul 11, 2004 James G. West, 34, Army Sergeant, Jul 11, 2004 Dana N. Wilson, 26, Army Specialist, Jul 11, 2004 Jeremy J. Fischer, 26, Army National Guard Sergeant, Jul 11, 2004 Linda Ann Tarango-Griess, 33, Army National Guard Sergeant 1st Class, Jul 11, 2004 Torry D. Harris, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Jul 13, 2004 Jesse J. Martinez, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Jul 14, 2004 Demetrius Lamont Rice, 24, Army Corporal, Jul 14, 2004 Paul C. Mardis Jr., 25, Army Staff Sergeant, Jul 15, 2004 Bryan P. Kelly, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Jul 16, 2004 Craig S. Frank, 24, Army National Guard Specialist, Jul 17, 2004 David A. Hartman, 41, Army Reserve Sergeant 1st Class, Jul 17, 2004 Dale Thomas Lloyd, 22, Army Sergeant, Jul 19, 2004 Charles C. “C.C.” Persing, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Jul 19, 2004 Danny B. Daniels II, 23, Army Specialist, Jul 20, 2004 Michael J. Clark, 29, Marine Staff Sergeant, Jul 20, 2004 Todd J. Godwin, 21, Marine Corporal, Jul 20, 2004 Nicholas H. Blodgett, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Jul 21, 2004 Mark E. Engel, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Jul 21, 2004 Torey J. Dantzler, 22, Army Private 1st Class, Jul 22, 2004 Tatjana Reed, 34, Army Sergeant, Jul 22, 2004 Nicholas J. Zangara, 21, Army Specialist, Jul 24, 2004 Vincent M. Sullivan, 23, Marine Lance Corporal, Jul 24, 2004 DeForest L. “Dee” Talbert, 24, Army National Guard Sergeant, Jul 27, 2004 Ken W. Leisten, 20, Army National Guard Private 1st Class, Jul 28, 2004 Shawn A. Lane, 33, Marine Gunnery Sergeant, Jul 28, 2004 David S. Greene, 39, Marine Reserve Lieutenant Colonel, Jul 28, 2004 Joseph F. Herndon II, 21, Army Specialist, Jul 29, 2004 Anthony J. Dixon, 20, Army Specialist, Aug 01, 2004 Armando Hernandez, 22, Army Specialist, Aug 01, 2004 Justin B. Onwordi, 28, Army Specialist, Aug 02, 2004 Juan Calderon Jr., 26, Marine Sergeant, Aug 02, 2004

Dean P. Pratt, 22, Marine Corporal, Aug 02, 2004 Tommy L. Gray, 34, Army Sergeant, Aug 03, 2004 Harry N. Shondee Jr., 19, Army Private 1st Class, Aug 03, 2004 Gregory A. Ratzlaff, 36, Marine Captain, Aug 03, 2004 Elia P. Fontecchio, 30, Marine Gunnery Sergeant, Aug 04, 2004 Joseph L. Nice, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Aug 04, 2004 Raymond J. Faulstich Jr., 24, Army Private 1st Class, Aug 05, 2004 Donald R. McCune, 20, Army National Guard Specialist, Aug 05, 2004 Yadir G. Reynoso, 27, Marine Sergeant, Aug 05, 2004 Moses Daniel Rocha, 33, Marine Sergeant, Aug 05, 2004 Joshua I. Bunch, 23, Army Specialist, Aug 06, 2004 Roberto Abad, 22, Marine Corporal, Aug 06, 2004 Larry L. Wells, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Aug 06, 2004 David L. Potter, 22, Army Private 1st Class, Aug 07, 2004 Rick A. Ulbright, 49, Dept. of the Air Force Civilian, Aug 08, 2004 Jonathan W. Collins, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Aug 08, 2004 Andrew R. Houghton, 25, Army Captain, Aug 09, 2004 John R. Howard, 26, Marine Staff Sergeant, Aug 11, 2004 Tavon L. Hubbard, 24, Marine Lance Corporal, Aug 11, 2004 Michael Yury Tarlavsky, 30, Army Captain, Aug 12, 2004 Neil Anthony Santoriello, 24, Army 1st Lieutenant, Aug 13, 2004 Kane M. Funke, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Aug 13, 2004 Nicholas B. Morrison, 23, Marine Lance Corporal, Aug 13, 2004 James Michael Goins, 23, Army 2nd Lieutenant, Aug 15, 2004 Brandon R. Sapp, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Aug 15, 2004 Daniel Michael Shepherd, 23, Army Sergeant, Aug 15, 2004 Mark Anthony Zapata, 27, Army Specialist, Aug 15, 2004 Fernando B. Hannon, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, Aug 15, 2004 Geoffrey Perez, 24, Marine Private 1st Class, Aug 15, 2004 David M. Heath, 30, Army Sergeant, Aug 16, 2004 Brandon T. Titus, 20, Army Specialist, Aug 17, 2004 Caleb J. Powers, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Aug 17, 2004 Jacob D. Martir, 21, Army Specialist, Aug 18, 2004 Henry C. Risner, 26, Army Private 1st Class, Aug 18, 2004 Dustin R. Fitzgerald, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Aug 18, 2004 Richard M. Lord, 24, Marine Sergeant, Aug 18, 2004 Harvey Emmett Parkerson III, 27, Marine Sergeant, Aug 18, 2004 Brad Preston McCormick, 23, Marine Reserve Corporal, Aug 19, 2004 Ryan A. Martin, 22, Army National Guard Private 1st Class, Aug 20, 2004 Charles L. Wilkins III, 38, Army National Guard 1st Lieutenant, Aug 20, 2004 Kevin A. Cuming, 22, Army Private 1st Class, Aug 21, 2004 Nicanor Alvarez, 22, Marine Corporal, Aug 21, 2004 Jason Cook, 25, Marine Sergeant, Aug 21, 2004 Seth Huston, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Aug 21, 2004 Edward T. Reeder, 32, Marine Gunnery Sergeant, Aug 21, 2004 Nachez Washalanta, 21, Marine Private 1st Class, Aug 21, 2004 Matthew R. Stovall, 25, Army National Guard 2nd Lieutenant, Aug 22, 2004 Christopher Belchik, 30, Marine Corporal, Aug 22, 2004 Robert C. Thornton Jr., 35, Army Staff Sergeant, Aug 23, 2004 Donald N. Davis, 42, Army Reserve Staff Sergeant, Aug 24, 2004 Jacob R. Lugo, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Aug 24, 2004 Marco D. Ross, 20, Army Specialist, Aug 25, 2004 Charles L. Neeley, 19, Army Reserve Specialist, Aug 25, 2004 Alexander S. Arredondo, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Aug 25, 2004 Barton R. Humlhanz, 23, Marine Corporal, Aug 26, 2004 Nicholas M. Skinner, 20, Marine Private 1st Class, Aug 26, 2004 Omead H. Razani, 19, Army Specialist, Aug 27, 2004 Luis A. Perez, 19, Army Reserve Private 1st Class, Aug 27, 2004 Nickalous N. Aldrich, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Aug 27, 2004 Edgar E. Lopez, 27, Marine Sergeant, Aug 28, 2004 Carl L. Anderson Jr., 21, Air Force Airman 1st Class, Aug 29, 2004 Aaron N. Holleyman, 26, Army Staff Sergeant, Aug 30, 2004 Joseph C. Thibodeaux III, 24, Army Specialist, Sep 01, 2004 Nicholas Perez, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Sep 03, 2004 Alan Rowe, 35, Marine Captain, Sep 03, 2004 Nicholas Wilt, 23, Marine Lance Corporal, Sep 03, 2004 Ronald Winchester, 25, Marine 1st Lieutenant, Sep 03, 2004 Eric L. Knott, 21, Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class, Sep 04, 2004 Ryan Michael McCauley, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Sep 05, 2004 Gary A. Vaillant, 41, Army Staff Sergeant, Sep 05, 2004 Charles R. Lamb, 23, Army National Guard Specialist, Sep 05, 2004 Shawna M. Morrison, 26, Army National Guard Sergeant, Sep 05, 2004 John J. Boria, 29, Air Force Captain, Sep 06, 2004 Elvis Bourdon, 36, Army Staff Sergeant, Sep 06, 2004 Tomas Garces, 19, Army National Guard Specialist, Sep 06, 2004 Devin J. Grella, 21, Army Reserve Private 1st Class, Sep 06, 2004 Brandon Michael Read, 21, Army Reserve Specialist, Sep 06, 2004 Michael J. Allred, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Sep 06, 2004 David Paul Burridge, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, Sep 06, 2004 Derek L. Gardner, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Sep 06, 2004 Quinn A. Keith, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Sep 06, 2004 Joseph C. McCarthy, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Sep 06, 2004 Mick R. Nygardbekowsky, 21, Marine Corporal, Sep 06, 2004 Lamont N. Wilson, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Sep 06, 2004 Clarence Adams III, 28, Army Specialist, Sep 07, 2004 Yoe M. Aneiros, 20, Army Specialist, Sep 07, 2004 Chad H. Drake, 23, Army Specialist, Sep 07, 2004 Timothy E. Price, 25, Army 1st Lieutenant, Sep 07, 2004 James Daniel Faulkner, 23, Army Sergeant, Sep 08, 2004 Michael A. Martinez, 29, Army Specialist, Sep 08, 2004 Jason L. Sparks, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Sep 08, 2004 Lauro G. DeLeon Jr., 20, Army Reserve Specialist, Sep 08, 2004 Edgar P. Daclan Jr., 24, Army Specialist, Sep 10, 2004 David A. Cedergren, 25, Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class, Sep 11, 2004 Jason T. Poindexter, 20, Marine Private 1st Class, Sep 12, 2004 Alexander E. Wetherbee, 27, Marine 1st Lieutenant, Sep 12, 2004 Guy Stanley Hagy Jr., 31, Army Staff Sergeant, Sep 13, 2004 Carl Thomas, 29, Army Sergeant, Sep 13, 2004 Benjamin W. Isenberg, 27, Army National Guard Specialist, Sep 13, 2004 David J. Weisenburg, 26, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Sep 13, 2004 Dominic C. Brown, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Sep 13, 2004 Michael J. Halal, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Sep 13, 2004 Cesar F. Machado-Olmos, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Sep 13, 2004 Jaygee Ngirmidol Meluat, 24, Marine Corporal, Sep 13, 2004 Mathew D. Puckett, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Sep 13, 2004 Adrian V. Soltau, 21, Marine Corporal, Sep 13, 2004 Tyler Hall Brown, 26, Army 1st Lieutenant, Sep 14, 2004 Jacob H. Demand, 29, Army Sergeant, Sep 14, 2004 Kevin M. Shea, 38, Marine Major, Sep 14, 2004 Gregory C. Howman, 28, Marine Lance Corporal, Sep 15, 2004 Drew M. Uhles, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Sep 15, 2004 Steven A. Rintamaki, 21, Marine Corporal, Sep 16, 2004 Andrew K. Stern, 24, Marine 1st Lieutenant, Sep 16, 2004 Christopher S. Ebert, 21, Marine Corporal, Sep 17, 2004 James W. Price, 22, Army Private 1st Class, Sep 18, 2004



Friday, November 18, 2005

S E RV I C E P E R S O N S K I L L E D I N I R A Q Thomas Chad Rosenbaum, 25, Army Sergeant, Sep 18, 2004 Brandon E. Adams, 22, Army Sergeant, Sep 19, 2004 Joshua J. Henry, 21, Army Specialist, Sep 20, 2004 Steven C. T. Cates, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Sep 20, 2004 Foster L. Harrington, 31, Marine Reserve Sergeant, Sep 20, 2004 Nathan E. Stahl, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Sep 21, 2004 Adam J. Harris, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Sep 22, 2004 Skipper Soram, 23, Army Sergeant, Sep 22, 2004 Lance J. Koenig, 33, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Sep 22, 2004 Benjamin K. Smith, 24, Marine Sergeant, Sep 22, 2004 Aaron Boyles, 24, Marine Lance Corporal, Sep 24, 2004 Timothy Folmar, 21, Marine Sergeant, Sep 24, 2004 Ryan Leduc, 28, Marine 2nd Lieutenant, Sep 24, 2004 Ramon Mateo, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Sep 24, 2004 Robert Oliver Unruh, 25, Army Specialist, Sep 25, 2004 David W. Johnson, 37, Army National Guard Specialist, Sep 25, 2004 Clifford L. Moxley Jr., 51, Army National Guard Specialist, Sep 25, 2004 Eric L. Allton, 34, Army Captain, Sep 26, 2004 Gregory A. Cox, 21, Army Specialist, Sep 27, 2004 Joselito O. Villanueva, 36, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Sep 27, 2004 Kenneth L. Sickels, 20, Marine Private 1st Class, Sep 27, 2004 Tyler D. Prewitt, 22, Army Sergeant, Sep 28, 2004 Mike A. Dennie, 31, Army Staff Sergeant, Sep 29, 2004 Joshua K. Titcomb, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Sep 29, 2004 Darren J. Cunningham, 40, Army Staff Sergeant, Sep 30, 2004 Rodney A. Jones, 21, Army Specialist, Sep 30, 2004 Allen Nolan, 38, Army Reserve Specialist, Sep 30, 2004 Jack Taft Hennessy, 21, Army Sergeant, Oct 01, 2004 Michael A. Uvanni, 27, Army National Guard Sergeant, Oct 01, 2004 Russell L. Collier, 48, Army National Guard Sergeant, Oct 03, 2004 Christopher S. Potts, 38, Army National Guard Sergeant, Oct 03, 2004 James L. Pettaway Jr., 37, Army Reserve Staff Sergeant, Oct 03, 2004 Richard L. Morgan Jr., 38, Army Reserve Staff Sergeant, Oct 05, 2004 Jeungjin Na “Nikky” Kim, 23, Army Private, Oct 06, 2004 Jessica L. Cawvey, 21, Army National Guard Specialist, Oct 06, 2004 Morgen N. Jacobs, 20, Army Specialist, Oct 07, 2004 Andrew W. Brown, 22, Army Sergeant, Oct 08, 2004 Michael S. Voss, 35, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Oct 08, 2004 Andrew Halverson, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, Oct 09, 2004 James E. Prevete, 22, Army Private 1st Class, Oct 10, 2004 Carson J. Ramsey, 22, Army Private, Oct 10, 2004 Michael Lee Burbank, 34, Army Staff Sergeant, Oct 11, 2004 Anthony W. Monroe, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Oct 11, 2004 Pamela G. Osbourne, 38, Army Sergeant, Oct 11, 2004 Aaron J. Rusin, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Oct 11, 2004 Christopher A. Merville, 26, Army Specialist, Oct 12, 2004 Dennis L. Pintor, 30, Army Captain, Oct 12, 2004 Michael S. Weger, 30, Army Specialist, Oct 12, 2004 Oscar A. Martinez, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, Oct 12, 2004 Ian T. Zook, 24, Marine Corporal, Oct 12, 2004 Daniel R. Wyatt, 22, Marine Reserve Lance Corporal, Oct 12, 2004 Jaime Moreno, 28, Army Specialist, Oct 13, 2004 Jeremy F. Regnier, 22, Army Specialist, Oct 13, 2004 Ronald W. Baker, 34, Army National Guard Specialist, Oct 13, 2004 Mark P. Phelan, 44, Army Reserve Lieutenant Colonel, Oct 13, 2004 Charles R. Soltes Jr., 36, Army Reserve Major, Oct 13, 2004 Paul M. Felsberg, 27, Marine 2nd Lieutenant, Oct 13, 2004 Victor A. Gonzalez, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Oct 13, 2004 Mark A. Barbret, 22, Army Private 1st Class, Oct 14, 2004 Bradley S. Beard, 22, Army Specialist, Oct 14, 2004 Omer T. Hawkins II, 31, Army Staff Sergeant, Oct 14, 2004 Josiah H. Vandertulip, 21, Army Specialist, Oct 14, 2004 David L. Waters, 19, Army Private, Oct 14, 2004 Michael G. Owen, 31, Army Sergeant, Oct 15, 2004 Jonathan J. Santos, 22, Army Specialist, Oct 15, 2004 Alan J. Burgess, 24, Army National Guard Specialist, Oct 15, 2004 William I. Salazar, 26, Marine Corporal, Oct 15, 2004 Brian K. Schramm, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Oct 15, 2004 William I. Brennan, 36, Army Chief Warrant Officer, Oct 16, 2004 Christopher B. Johnson, 29, Army Captain, Oct 16, 2004 Andrew C. Ehrlich, 21, Army Specialist, Oct 18, 2004 Douglas E. Bascom, 25, Marine (IRR) Sergeant, Oct 20, 2004 Jonathan E. Gadsden, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Oct 22, 2004 Dennis J. Boles, 46, Army National Guard Sergeant, Oct 24, 2004 Richard Patrick Slocum, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Oct 24, 2004 Brian Oliveira, 22, Marine Corporal, Oct 25, 2004 Jerome Lemon, 42, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Oct 27, 2004 Michael Battles Sr., 38, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Oct 28, 2004 Stephen P. Downing II, 30, Army Private 1st Class, Oct 28, 2004 Segun Frederick Akintade, 34, Army National Guard Specialist, Oct 28, 2004 Maurice Keith Fortune, 25, Army Sergeant, Oct 29, 2004 Jeremy D. Bow, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Oct 30, 2004 John T. Byrd II, 23, Marine Lance Corporal, Oct 30, 2004 Kelley L. Courtney, 28, Marine Sergeant, Oct 30, 2004 Travis A. Fox, 25, Marine Lance Corporal, Oct 30, 2004 Christopher J. Lapka, 22, Marine Corporal, Oct 30, 2004 John Lukac, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, Oct 30, 2004 Andrew G. Riedel, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, Oct 30, 2004 Michael P. Scarborough, 28, Marine Lance Corporal, Oct 30, 2004 Matthew D. Lynch, 25, Marine 1st Lieutenant, Oct 31, 2004 Charles Joseph Webb, 22, Army Sergeant, Nov 03, 2004 Cody L. Wentz, 21, Army National Guard Specialist, Nov 04, 2004 Jeremiah A. Baro, 21, Marine Corporal, Nov 04, 2004 Jared P. Hubbard, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 04, 2004 Carlos M. Camacho-Rivera, 24, Army Sergeant, Nov 05, 2004 Justin R. Yoemans, 20, Army Private, Nov 06, 2004 Brian K. Baker, 27, Army Specialist, Nov 07, 2004 Quoc Binh Tran, 26, Army National Guard Specialist, Nov 07, 2004 Otie Joseph McVey, 53, Army Reserve Sergeant 1st Class, Nov 07, 2004 Sean M. Langley, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 07, 2004 Don Allen Clary, 21, Army National Guard Specialist, Nov 08, 2004 Clinton Lee Wisdom, 39, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Nov 08, 2004 Bryan L. Freeman, 31, Army Reserve Specialist, Nov 08, 2004 Thomas J. Zapp, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 08, 2004 Nathaniel T. Hammond, 24, Marine Reserve Corporal, Nov 08, 2004 Jeffrey Lam, 22, Marine Reserve Lance Corporal, Nov 08, 2004 Shane K. O’Donnell, 24, Marine Reserve Lance Corporal, Nov 08, 2004 Joshua D. Palmer, 24, Marine Reserve Corporal, Nov 08, 2004 Branden P. Ramey, 22, Marine Reserve Lance Corporal, Nov 08, 2004 David G. Ries, 29, Marine Reserve Staff Sergeant, Nov 08, 2004 Robert P. Warns II, 23, Marine Reserve Corporal, Nov 08, 2004 Steven E. Auchman, 37, Air Force Master Sergeant, Nov 09, 2004 Travis A. Babbitt, 24, Army Specialist, Nov 09, 2004 Steven W. Faulkenburg, 45, Army Command Sergeant Major, Nov 09, 2004 Horst Gerhard “Gary” Moore, 38, Army Major, Nov 09, 2004

John Byron Trotter, 25, Army Sergeant, Nov 09, 2004 Todd R. Cornell, 38, Army Reserve Staff Sergeant, Nov 09, 2004 David M. Caruso, 25, Marine Sergeant, Nov 09, 2004 William C. James, 24, Marine Corporal, Nov 09, 2004 Nicholas D. Larson, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 09, 2004 Juan E. Segura, 26, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 09, 2004 Abraham Simpson, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 09, 2004 Russell L. Slay, 28, Marine Staff Sergeant, Nov 09, 2004 Lonny D. Wells, 29, Marine Sergeant, Nov 09, 2004 Nathan R. Wood, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 09, 2004 Dennis J. Miller Jr., 21, Army Private 1st Class, Nov 10, 2004 Michael C. Ottolini, 45, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Nov 10, 2004 Wesley J. Canning, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 10, 2004 Erick J. Hodges, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 10, 2004 Romulo J. Jimenez II, 21, Marine Corporal, Nov 10, 2004 Dan T. Malcom Jr., 25, Marine 1st Lieutenant, Nov 10, 2004 Aaron C. Pickering, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 10, 2004 Gene Ramirez, 28, Marine Staff Sergeant, Nov 10, 2004 Julian Woods, 22, Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class, Nov 10, 2004 Thomas K. Doerflinger, 20, Army Specialist, Nov 11, 2004 Sean P. Huey, 28, Army Staff Sergeant, Nov 11, 2004 James P. “JP” Blecksmith, 24, Marine 2nd Lieutenant, Nov 11, 2004 Theodore A. Bowling, 25, Marine Corporal, Nov 11, 2004 Kyle W. Burns, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 11, 2004 Theodore S. “Sam” Holder II, 27, Marine Staff Sergeant, Nov 11, 2004 Justin D. Reppuhn, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 11, 2004 Peter J. Giannopoulos, 22, Marine Reserve Corporal, Nov 11, 2004 Edward D. Iwan, 28, Army 1st Lieutenant, Nov 12, 2004 James C. “J.C.” Matteson, 23, Army Sergeant, Nov 12, 2004 Jonathan B. Shields, 25, Army Sergeant, Nov 12, 2004 Raymond L. White, 22, Army Specialist, Nov 12, 2004 Nathan R. Anderson, 22, Marine Corporal, Nov 12, 2004 Nicholas H. Anderson, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 12, 2004 David M. Branning, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 12, 2004 Jarrod L. Maher, 21, Marine Corporal, Nov 12, 2004 Brian A. Medina, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 12, 2004 Morgan W. Strader, 23, Marine Sergeant, Nov 12, 2004 Brian P. Prening, 24, Marine Reserve Corporal, Nov 12, 2004 Cole W. Larsen, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Nov 13, 2004 Sean P. Sims, 32, Army Captain, Nov 13, 2004 Jose A. Velez, 23, Army Specialist, Nov 13, 2004 Catalin D. Dima, 36, Army Reserve Sergeant, Nov 13, 2004 Benjamin S. Bryan, 23, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 13, 2004 Kevin J. Dempsey, 23, Marine Corporal, Nov 13, 2004 Justin M. Ellsworth, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 13, 2004 Victor R. Lu, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 13, 2004 Justin D. McLeese, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 13, 2004 Byron W. Norwood, 25, Marine Sergeant, Nov 13, 2004 Dale A. Burger Jr., 21, Marine Corporal, Nov 14, 2004 George J. Payton, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 14, 2004 Andres H. Perez, 21, Marine Corporal, Nov 14, 2004 Nicholas L. Ziolkowski, 22, Marine Corporal, Nov 14, 2004 Isaiah R. Hunt, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Nov 15, 2004 Jeramy A. Ailes, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 15, 2004 Travis R. Desiato, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 15, 2004 Shane E. Kielion, 23, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 15, 2004 William L. Miller, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 15, 2004 Bradley L. Parker, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 15, 2004 Rafael Peralta, 25, Marine Sergeant, Nov 15, 2004 Patrick Marc M. Rapicault, 34, Marine Captain, Nov 15, 2004 Marc T. Ryan, 25, Marine Corporal, Nov 15, 2004 Antoine D. Smith, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 15, 2004 James E. Swain, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 15, 2004 Lance M. Thompson, 21, Marine Corporal, Nov 15, 2004 Marshall H. Caddy, 27, Army Staff Sergeant, Nov 16, 2004 Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Nov 16, 2004 Daniel James McConnell, 27, Army Specialist, Nov 16, 2004 Luke C. Wullenwaber, 24, Army 1st Lieutenant, Nov 16, 2004 Christopher T. Heflin, 26, Marine Sergeant, Nov 16, 2004 Louis W. Qualls, 20, Marine Reserve Lance Corporal, Nov 16, 2004 Michael Wayne Hanks, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 17, 2004 Joseph M. Nolan, 27, Army Sergeant, Nov 18, 2004 Luis A. Figueroa, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 18, 2004 Demarkus D. Brown, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 19, 2004 Michael A. Downey, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 19, 2004 Dimitrios Gavriel, 29, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 19, 2004 Phillip G. West, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 19, 2004 Bradley Thomas Arms, 20, Marine Reserve Corporal, Nov 19, 2004 Jack Bryant Jr., 23, Army Sergeant, Nov 20, 2004 David L. Roustum, 22, Army National Guard Specialist, Nov 20, 2004 Joseph J. Heredia, 22, Marine Corporal, Nov 20, 2004 Joseph T. Welke, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 20, 2004 Blain M. Ebert, 22, Army Specialist, Nov 22, 2004 Michael R. Cohen, 23, Marine Corporal, Nov 22, 2004 Benjamin C. Edinger, 24, Marine Sergeant, Nov 23, 2004 Sergio R. Diaz Varela, 21, Army Specialist, Nov 24, 2004 Nicholas S. Nolte, 25, Marine Sergeant, Nov 24, 2004 Jeffery Scott Holmes, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 25, 2004 Gentian Marku, 22, Marine Corporal, Nov 25, 2004 Ryan J. Cantafio, 22, Marine Reserve Private 1st Class, Nov 25, 2004 Brian K. Grant, 31, Army Private, Nov 26, 2004 Harrison J. Meyer, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Nov 26, 2004 Bradley M. Faircloth, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 26, 2004 David B. Houck, 25, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 26, 2004 Jordan D. Winkler, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 26, 2004 Jeremy E. Christensen, 27, Army Specialist, Nov 27, 2004 Michael A. Smith, 24, Army National Guard Sergeant, Nov 27, 2004 Kirk J. Bosselmann, 21, Marine Corporal, Nov 27, 2004 Joshua E. Lucero, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 27, 2004 Stephen C. Benish, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Nov 28, 2004 Carl W. Lee, 23, Army Sergeant, Nov 28, 2004 Trinidad R. Martinezluis, 22, Army Sergeant, Nov 28, 2004 Michael B. Shackelford, 25, Army Staff Sergeant, Nov 28, 2004 Adam R. Brooks, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 28, 2004 Charles A. Hanson Jr., 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 28, 2004 Erik W. Hayes, 24, Army Specialist, Nov 29, 2004 Daryl A. Davis, 20, Army National Guard Specialist, Nov 29, 2004 Christian P. Engeldrum, 39, Army National Guard Sergeant, Nov 29, 2004 Wilfredo F. Urbina, 29, Army National Guard Private 1st Class, Nov 29, 2004 Blake A. Magaoay, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 29, 2004 Pablo A. Calderon, 26, Army Sergeant, Nov 30, 2004 Jose Guereca Jr., 24, Army Sergeant, Nov 30, 2004 David M. Fisher, 21, Army National Guard Specialist, Dec 01, 2004 Javier Obleas-Prado Pena, 36, Marine Gunnery Sergeant, Dec 01, 2004 Bryan S. Wilson, 22, Marine Corporal, Dec 01, 2004

Zachary A. Kolda, 23, Marine Reserve Corporal, Dec 01, 2004 George Daniel Harrison, 22, Army Private 1st Class, Dec 02, 2004 David P. Mahlenbrock, 20, Army Specialist, Dec 03, 2004 Henry E. Irizarry, 38, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Dec 03, 2004 Binh N. Le, 20, Marine Corporal, Dec 03, 2004 Matthew A. Wyatt, 21, Marine Corporal, Dec 03, 2004 Michael L. Boatright, 24, Army Sergeant, Dec 04, 2004 Cari Anne Gasiewicz, 28, Army Sergeant, Dec 04, 2004 David A. Mitts, 24, Army Sergeant, Dec 04, 2004 Salamo J. Tuialuuluu, 23, Army Staff Sergeant, Dec 04, 2004 Joseph O. Behnke, 45, Army National Guard Corporal, Dec 04, 2004 Kyle A. Eggers, 27, Army Staff Sergeant, Dec 05, 2004 Edwin William Roodhouse, 36, Army Specialist, Dec 05, 2004 Marvin Lee Trost III, 28, Army Staff Sergeant, Dec 05, 2004 Andrew M. Ward, 25, Army Private 1st Class, Dec 05, 2004 Todd Clayton Gibbs, 37, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Dec 07, 2004 Mark N. Stubenhofer, 30, Army Captain, Dec 07, 2004 In C. Kim, 23, Marine Corporal, Dec 07, 2004 Arthur C. Williams IV, 31, Army Sergeant, Dec 08, 2004 Patrick D. Leach, 39, Army National Guard Chief Warrant Officer, Dec 09, 2004 Andrew C. Shields, 25, Army National Guard 1st Lieutenant, Dec 09, 2004 Christopher S. Adlesperger, 20, Marine Private 1st Class, Dec 09, 2004 Kyle J. Renehan, 21, Marine Corporal, Dec 09, 2004 Robert W. Hoyt, 21, Army National Guard Specialist, Dec 11, 2004 Gregory P. Rund, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Dec 11, 2004 Joshua A. Ramsey, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Dec 12, 2004 Jeffery S. Blanton, 23, Marine Lance Corporal, Dec 12, 2004 Melvin L. Blazer, 38, Marine Staff Sergeant, Dec 12, 2004 Jason S. Clairday, 21, Marine Corporal, Dec 12, 2004 Joshua W. Dickinson, 25, Marine Lance Corporal, Dec 12, 2004 Jeffrey L. Kirk, 24, Marine Sergeant, Dec 12, 2004 Hilario F. Lopez, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Dec 12, 2004 Ian W. Stewart, 21, Marine Corporal, Dec 12, 2004 Tina Safaira Time, 22, Army Reserve Sergeant, Dec 13, 2004 Brent T. Vroman, 21, Marine Reserve Private 1st Class, Dec 13, 2004 Richard D. Warner, 22, Marine Reserve Lance Corporal, Dec 13, 2004 Victor A. Martinez, 21, Army Specialist, Dec 14, 2004 Michael D. Anderson, 21, Marine Corporal, Dec 14, 2004 Franklin A. Sweger, 24, Marine Lance Corporal, Dec 16, 2004 Donald B. Farmer, 33, Army Staff Sergeant, Dec 19, 2004 Barry K. Meza, 23, Army Sergeant, Dec 19, 2004 Lionel Ayro, 22, Army Private 1st Class, Dec 21, 2004 Jonathan Castro, 21, Army Specialist, Dec 21, 2004 Cory Michael Hewitt, 26, Army Specialist, Dec 21, 2004 William W. Jacobsen Jr., 31, Army Captain, Dec 21, 2004 Robert S. Johnson, 23, Army Staff Sergeant, Dec 21, 2004 Julian S. Melo, 47, Army Staff Sergeant, Dec 21, 2004 Robert D. O’Dell, 38, Army Sergeant Major, Dec 21, 2004 Darren D. VanKomen, 33, Army Staff Sergeant, Dec 21, 2004 Thomas John Dostie, 20, Army National Guard Specialist, Dec 21, 2004 Nicholas C. “Nick” Mason, 20, Army National Guard Specialist, Dec 21, 2004 Lynn Robert Poulin Sr., 47, Army National Guard Sergeant, Dec 21, 2004 David A. Ruhren, 20, Army National Guard Sergeant, Dec 21, 2004 Paul D. Karpowich, 30, Army Reserve Sergeant 1st Class, Dec 21, 2004 Neil D. Petsche, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Dec 21, 2004 Joel Egan Baldwin, 37, Navy Chief Petty Officer, Dec 21, 2004 Christopher W. Barnett, 32, Army National Guard 1st Lieutenant, Dec 23, 2004 Eric Hillenburg, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Dec 23, 2004 James R. Phillips, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Dec 23, 2004 Raleigh C. Smith, 21, Marine Corporal, Dec 23, 2004 Jose A. Rivera-Serrano, 26, Army Specialist, Dec 27, 2004 Todd D. Olson, 36, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Dec 27, 2004 Nathaniel J. Nyren, 31, Army Staff Sergeant, Dec 28, 2004 Jason A. Lehto, 31, Marine Reserve Staff Sergeant, Dec 28, 2004 Pablito Pena Briones Jr., 22, Navy Seaman, Dec 28, 2004 Oscar Sanchez, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Dec 29, 2004 Craig L. Nelson, 21, Army National Guard Specialist, Dec 29, 2004 Damien T. Ficek, 26, Army National Guard Sergeant, Dec 30, 2004 Jason E. Smith, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Dec 31, 2004 Jeff LeBrun, 21, Army Specialist, Jan 01, 2005 Brian P. Parrello, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Jan 01, 2005 Thomas E. Houser, 22, Marine Sergeant, Jan 03, 2005 Cory R. Depew, 21, Army Private, Jan 04, 2005 Bennie J. Washington, 25, Army Sergeant, Jan 04, 2005 Curtis L. Wooten III, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Jan 04, 2005 Jimmy D. Buie, 44, Army National Guard Specialist, Jan 04, 2005 Joshua S. Marcum, 33, Army National Guard Specialist, Jan 04, 2005 Jeremy W. McHalffey, 28, Army National Guard Specialist, Jan 04, 2005 Christopher J. Babin, 27, Army National Guard Sergeant, Jan 06, 2005 Bradley J. Bergeron, 25, Army National Guard Specialist, Jan 06, 2005 Kurt J. Comeaux, 34, Army National Guard Sergeant 1st Class, Jan 06, 2005 Huey P. L. Fassbender, 24, Army National Guard Specialist, Jan 06, 2005 Armand L. Frickey, 20, Army National Guard Specialist, Jan 06, 2005 Warren A. Murphy, 29, Army National Guard Specialist, Jan 06, 2005 Kenneth G. Vonronn, 20, Army National Guard Private 1st Class, Jan 06, 2005 Julio C. Cisneros-Alvarez, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Jan 06, 2005 Zachariah Scott Davis, 25, Marine Sergeant, Jan 06, 2005 Daniel F. Guastaferro, 27, Army Private 1st Class, Jan 07, 2005 Dwayne James McFarlane Jr., 20, Army Specialist, Jan 09, 2005 Joseph E. Fite, 23, Marine Reserve Corporal, Jan 09, 2005 William F. Manuel, 34, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Jan 10, 2005 Robert Wesley Sweeney III, 22, Army National Guard Sergeant, Jan 10, 2005 Michael J. Smith, 24, Army Specialist, Jan 11, 2005 Gunnar D. Becker, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Jan 13, 2005 Brian A. Mack, 36, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Jan 13, 2005 Matthew W. Holloway, 21, Marine Reserve Lance Corporal, Jan 13, 2005 Juan Rodrigo Rodriguez Velasco, 23, Marine Reserve Lance Corporal, Jan 13, 2005 Paul C. Holter III, 21, Marine Corporal, Jan 14, 2005 Nathaniel T. Swindell, 24, Army Sergeant, Jan 15, 2005 Jayton D. Patterson, 26, Marine Sergeant, Jan 15, 2005 Alain L. Kamolvathin, 21, Army National Guard Specialist, Jan 16, 2005 Jesus Fonseca, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Jan 17, 2005 George R. Geer, 27, Army Private 1st Class, Jan 17, 2005 Thomas E. Vitagliano, 33, Army Staff Sergeant, Jan 17, 2005 Francis C. Obaji, 21, Army National Guard Private 1st Class, Jan 17, 2005 Christopher J. Sullivan, 29, Army Captain, Jan 18, 2005 Kyle William Childress, 29, Army Sergeant, Jan 21, 2005 Joe Fenton Lusk II, 25, Army Captain, Jan 21, 2005 Nainoa K. Hoe, 27, Army 1st Lieutenant, Jan 22, 2005 Jose C. Rangel, 43, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Jan 23, 2005 Michael C. Carlson, 22, Army Sergeant, Jan 24, 2005 Jesus A. Leon-Perez, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Jan 24, 2005 Javier Marin Jr., 29, Army Sergeant, Jan 24, 2005 Joseph W. Stevens, 26, Army Staff Sergeant, Jan 24, 2005 Brett D. Swank, 21, Army Sergeant, Jan 24, 2005

Friday, November 18, 2005

S E RV I C E P E R S O N S K I L L E D I N I R A Q Viktar V. Yolkin, 24, Army Specialist, Jan 24, 2005 Leonard W. Adams, 42, Army National Guard Sergeant, Jan 24, 2005 Taylor J. Burk, 21, Army Specialist, Jan 26, 2005 William S. Kinzer Jr., 27, Army Sergeant, Jan 26, 2005 Paul C. Alaniz, 32, Marine Captain, Jan 26, 2005 Brian D. Bland, 26, Marine Staff Sergeant, Jan 26, 2005 Jonathan Edward Etterling, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Jan 26, 2005 Michael W. Finke Jr., 28, Marine Sergeant, Jan 26, 2005 Travis J. Fuller, 26, Marine 1st Lieutenant, Jan 26, 2005 Timothy M. Gibson, 23, Marine Corporal, Jan 26, 2005 Richard A. Gilbert Jr., 26, Marine Corporal, Jan 26, 2005 Lyle L. Gordon, 30, Marine Captain, Jan 26, 2005 Kyle J. Grimes, 21, Marine Corporal, Jan 26, 2005 Tony L. Hernandez, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Jan 26, 2005 Brian C. Hopper, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Jan 26, 2005 Saeed Jafarkhani-Torshizi Jr., 24, Marine Lance Corporal, Jan 26, 2005 Stephen P. Johnson, 24, Marine Corporal, Jan 26, 2005 Sean P. Kelly, 23, Marine Corporal, Jan 26, 2005 Dexter S. Kimble, 30, Marine Staff Sergeant, Jan 26, 2005 Allan Klein, 34, Marine Lance Corporal, Jan 26, 2005 Timothy A. Knight, 22, Marine Corporal, Jan 26, 2005 Fred L. Maciel, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Jan 26, 2005 James Lee Moore, 24, Marine Corporal, Jan 26, 2005 Nathaniel K. Moore, 22, Marine Corporal, Jan 26, 2005 Mourad Ragimov, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Jan 26, 2005 Rhonald Dain Rairdan, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Jan 26, 2005 Hector Ramos, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Jan 26, 2005 Gael Saintvil, 24, Marine Lance Corporal, Jan 26, 2005 Nathan A. Schubert, 22, Marine Corporal, Jan 26, 2005 Darrell J. Schumann, 25, Marine Lance Corporal, Jan 26, 2005 Dustin M. Shumney, 30, Marine 1st Lieutenant, Jan 26, 2005 Matthew R. Smith, 24, Marine Corporal, Jan 26, 2005 Joseph B. Spence, 24, Marine Lance Corporal, Jan 26, 2005 Michael L. Starr Jr., 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Jan 26, 2005 Jonathan W. Bowling, 23, Marine Reserve Corporal, Jan 26, 2005 Karl R. Linn, 20, Marine Reserve Lance Corporal, Jan 26, 2005 Jesse W. Strong, 24, Marine Reserve Sergeant, Jan 26, 2005 Christopher L. Weaver, 24, Marine Reserve Corporal, Jan 26, 2005 John Daniel House, 28, Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class, Jan 26, 2005 Kevin M. Luna, 26, Army Private 1st Class, Jan 27, 2005 Jonathan S. Beatty, 22, Marine Corporal, Jan 27, 2005 Orlando A. Bonilla, 27, Army Captain, Jan 28, 2005 Stephen A. Castellano, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Jan 28, 2005 Charles S. Jones, 34, Army Chief Warrant Officer, Jan 28, 2005 Joseph E. Rodriguez, 25, Army Staff Sergeant, Jan 28, 2005 Mickey E. Zaun, 27, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Jan 28, 2005 Michael S. Evans II, 22, Army National Guard Specialist, Jan 28, 2005 Christopher J. Ramsey, 20, Army National Guard Specialist, Jan 28, 2005 Jonathan Ray Reed, 25, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Jan 28, 2005 Lyle W. Rymer II, 24, Army National Guard Specialist, Jan 28, 2005 Andrew K. Farrar Jr., 31, Marine Sergeant, Jan 28, 2005 Lindsey T. James, 23, Army Sergeant, Jan 29, 2005 Barbara Heald, 60, Dept. of the Army Civilian, Jan 29, 2005 Edward E. Jack, 51, Navy Lieutenant Commander, Jan 29, 2005 Keith Edward Taylor, 47, Navy Lieutenant Commander, Jan 29, 2005 James H. Miller IV, 22, Army Private 1st Class, Jan 30, 2005 Nazario Serrano, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Jan 30, 2005 Mark C. Warren, 44, Army National Guard Sergeant 1st Class, Jan 31, 2005 Jason C. Redifer, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Jan 31, 2005 Harry R. Swain IV, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Jan 31, 2005 Christopher E. Zimny, 27, Marine Corporal, Jan 31, 2005 Robert T. Hendrickson, 24, Army Specialist, Feb 01, 2005 Sean Lee Brock, 29, Marine Captain, Feb 02, 2005 Sean P. Maher, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Feb 02, 2005 Stephen R. Sherman, 27, Army Sergeant, Feb 03, 2005 Sean Michael Cooley, 35, Army National Guard Sergeant 1st Class, Feb 03, 2005 Richard C. Clifton, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Feb 03, 2005 Steven G. Bayow, 42, Army Staff Sergeant, Feb 04, 2005 Daniel Torres, 23, Army Sergeant, Feb 04, 2005 Travis M. Wichlacz, 22, Marine Reserve Lance Corporal, Feb 05, 2005 Jeremy O. Allmon, 22, Army Specialist, Feb 06, 2005 Zachary Ryan Wobler, 24, Army Staff Sergeant, Feb 06, 2005 Jeffrey S. Henthorn, 25, Army Specialist, Feb 08, 2005 Jessica M. Housby, 23, Army National Guard Sergeant, Feb 09, 2005 William T. Robbins, 31, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Feb 10, 2005 Richard A. Perez Jr., 19, Marine Reserve Lance Corporal, Feb 10, 2005 Kristopher L. Shepherd, 26, Army Staff Sergeant, Feb 11, 2005 Robert A. McNail, 30, Army National Guard Specialist, Feb 11, 2005 Ray Rangel, 29, Air Force Staff Sergeant, Feb 13, 2005 David J. Brangman, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Feb 13, 2005 Dakotah L. Gooding, 21, Army Specialist, Feb 13, 2005 Rene Knox Jr., 22, Army Sergeant, Feb 13, 2005 Chad W. Lake, 26, Army Sergeant, Feb 13, 2005 David J. Salie, 34, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Feb 14, 2005 Michael A. Arciola, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Feb 15, 2005 Katrina Lani Bell-Johnson, 32, Army Specialist, Feb 16, 2005 Justin B. Carter, 21, Army Specialist, Feb 16, 2005 Jason R. Hendrix, 28, Army Staff Sergeant, Feb 16, 2005 Adam J. Plumondore, 22, Army Sergeant, Feb 16, 2005 Christopher M. Pusateri, 21, Army Sergeant, Feb 16, 2005 Timothy R. Osbey, 34, Army National Guard Sergeant, Feb 16, 2005 Joseph A. Rahaim, 22, Army National Guard Specialist, Feb 16, 2005 Frank B. Hernandez, 21, Army Sergeant, Feb 17, 2005 Carlos J. Gil, 30, Army Sergeant, Feb 18, 2005 Clinton R. Gertson, 26, Army Specialist, Feb 19, 2005 Adam Malson, 23, Army 1st Lieutenant, Feb 19, 2005 Seth R. Trahan, 20, Army National Guard Specialist, Feb 19, 2005 Kevin Michael Clarke, 21, Marine Corporal, Feb 19, 2005 David F. Day, 25, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Feb 21, 2005 Jesse M. Lhotka, 24, Army National Guard Sergeant, Feb 21, 2005 Jason G. Timmerman, 24, Army National Guard 1st Lieutenant, Feb 21, 2005 John T. Olson, 21, Marine Corporal, Feb 21, 2005 Trevor D. Aston, 32, Marine Reserve Lance Corporal, Feb 22, 2005 Eric M. Steffeney, 28, Army Staff Sergeant, Feb 23, 2005 Nicholas J. Olivier, 26, Army National Guard Sergeant, Feb 23, 2005 Alexander B. Crackel, 31, Army Staff Sergeant, Feb 24, 2005 Michael S. Deem, 35, Army Specialist, Feb 24, 2005 Daniel G. Gresham, 23, Army Staff Sergeant, Feb 24, 2005 Jacob C. Palmatier, 29, Army Specialist, Feb 24, 2005 Adam Noel Brewer, 22, Army Specialist, Feb 25, 2005 Colby M. Farnan, 22, Army Private 1st Class, Feb 25, 2005 Chassan S. Henry, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Feb 25, 2005 Jason L. Moski, 24, Army Specialist, Feb 25, 2005 Min-su Choi, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Feb 26, 2005 Landon S. Giles, 19, Army Private, Feb 26, 2005

Andrew W. Nowacki, 24, Marine Reserve Lance Corporal, Feb 26, 2005 Danny L. Anderson, 29, Army Private 1st Class, Feb 27, 2005 Richard Brian Gienau, 29, Army National Guard 2nd Lieutenant, Feb 27, 2005 Julio E. Negron, 28, Army Sergeant, Feb 28, 2005 Lizbeth Robles, 31, Army Specialist, Mar 01, 2005 Azhar Ali, 27, Army National Guard Specialist, Mar 02, 2005 Wai Pyoe Lwin, 27, Army National Guard Specialist, Mar 02, 2005 Robert Shane Pugh, 25, Army National Guard Specialist, Mar 02, 2005 Michael D. Jones, 43, Army National Guard Sergeant 1st Class, Mar 03, 2005 Donald W. Eacho, 38, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Mar 04, 2005 Sean Grimes, 31, Army Captain, Mar 04, 2005 Stephen M. McGowan, 26, Army Corporal, Mar 04, 2005 Adriana N. Salem, 21, Army Specialist, Mar 04, 2005 Juan M. Solorio, 32, Army Staff Sergeant, Mar 04, 2005 Wade Michael Twyman, 27, Army Specialist, Mar 04, 2005 Seth K. Garceau, 27, Army National Guard Sergeant, Mar 04, 2005 Andrew L. Bossert, 24, Army Sergeant, Mar 07, 2005 Michael W. Franklin, 22, Army Private 1st Class, Mar 07, 2005 Matthew A. Koch, 23, Army Specialist, Mar 09, 2005 Donald D. Griffith Jr., 29, Army Staff Sergeant, Mar 11, 2005 Nicholas E. Wilson, 21, Army Specialist, Mar 11, 2005 Joshua L. Torrence, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Mar 14, 2005 Paul M. Heltzel, 39, Army National Guard Specialist, Mar 15, 2005 Ricky A. Kieffer, 36, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Mar 15, 2005 Rocky D. Payne, 26, Army Specialist, Mar 16, 2005 Lee A. Lewis Jr., 28, Army Private 1st Class, Mar 18, 2005 Jonathan A. Hughes, 21, Army National Guard Specialist, Mar 19, 2005 Francisco G. Martinez, 20, Army Specialist, Mar 20, 2005 Paul W. Thomason III, 37, Army National Guard Sergeant, Mar 20, 2005 Kevin S. Smith, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Mar 21, 2005 Travis R. Bruce, 22, Army Specialist, Mar 23, 2005 Bryan J. Richardson, 23, Marine Reserve Corporal, Mar 25, 2005 Lee M. Godbolt, 23, Army National Guard Sergeant, Mar 26, 2005 Isiah J. Sinclair, 31, Army National Guard Sergeant, Mar 26, 2005 Samuel S. Lee, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Mar 28, 2005 Kelly S. Morris, 24, Army Sergeant, Mar 30, 2005 Kenneth L. Ridgley, 30, Army Sergeant, Mar 30, 2005 Eric L. Toth, 21, Army National Guard Specialist, Mar 30, 2005 Charles G. Wells Jr., 32, Marine Reserve Warrant Officer, Mar 30, 2005 Robbie D. McNary, 42, Army National Guard Sergeant 1st Class, Mar 31, 2005 Garrywesley Tan Rimes, 30, Marine Corporal, Apr 01, 2005 Ioasa F. Tavae Jr., 29, Army Staff Sergeant, Apr 02, 2005 Tenzin Dengkhim, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 02, 2005 William D. Richardson, 23, Army Corporal, Apr 03, 2005 James Alexander Sherrill, 27, Army National Guard Sergeant, Apr 03, 2005 Stephen C. Kennedy, 35, Army National Guard Sergeant 1st Class, Apr 04, 2005 Christopher W. Dill, 32, Army Reserve Staff Sergeant, Apr 04, 2005 Jeremiah C. Kinchen, 22, Marine Reserve Lance Corporal, Apr 04, 2005 Javier J. Garcia, 25, Army Sergeant, Apr 05, 2005 Glenn J. Watkins, 42, Army National Guard Specialist, Apr 05, 2005 Juan C. Venegas, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 07, 2005 Kevin Dewayne Davis, 41, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Apr 08, 2005 Casey M. LaWare, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Apr 09, 2005 Tyler J. Dickens, 20, Army Corporal, Apr 12, 2005 Manuel Lopez III, 20, Army Specialist, Apr 12, 2005 John W. Miller, 21, Army National Guard Specialist, Apr 12, 2005 Michael B. Lindemuth, 27, Marine Reserve Corporal, Apr 13, 2005 James C. Edge, 31, Marine Captain, Apr 14, 2005 Aleina Ramirezgonzalez, 33, Army Specialist, Apr 15, 2005 Aaron M. Hudson, 20, Army Private, Apr 16, 2005 Angelo L. Lozada Jr., 36, Army Sergeant, Apr 16, 2005 Randy Lee Stevens, 21, Army Specialist, Apr 16, 2005 Tromaine K. Toy Sr., 24, Army Sergeant, Apr 16, 2005 Joseph L. Knott, 21, Army Private, Apr 17, 2005 Steven F. Sirko, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Apr 17, 2005 Sam W. Huff, 18, Army Private 1st Class, Apr 18, 2005 Steven W. Thornton, 46, Army Major, Apr 18, 2005 Jacob M. Pfister, 27, Army Specialist, Apr 19, 2005 Kevin S. K. Wessel, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Apr 19, 2005 Kelly M. Cannan, 21, Marine Corporal, Apr 20, 2005 Marty G. Mortenson, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Apr 20, 2005 Robert A. “Bobby” Guy, 26, Marine Private 1st Class, Apr 21, 2005 Gavin J. Colburn, 20, Army Reserve Private 1st Class, Apr 22, 2005 Anthony J. Davis Jr., 22, Army Sergeant, Apr 23, 2005 Kevin William Prince, 22, Army Corporal, Apr 23, 2005 Aaron A. Kent, 28, Navy Seaman, Apr 23, 2005 Gary W. Walters Jr., 31, Army Specialist, Apr 24, 2005 Timmy J. Millsap, 39, Army 1st Sergeant, Apr 25, 2005 David L. Rice, 22, Army Specialist, Apr 26, 2005 Joseph S. Tremblay, 23, Marine Reserve Corporal, Apr 27, 2005 William A. Edens, 29, Army 1st Lieutenant, Apr 28, 2005 Eric Wayne Morris, 31, Army Sergeant, Apr 28, 2005 Robert W. Murray Jr., 21, Army Private 1st Class, Apr 28, 2005 Ricky W. Rockholt Jr., 28, Army Specialist, Apr 28, 2005 Timothy Craig Kiser, 37, Army National Guard Sergeant, Apr 28, 2005 Charles S. Cooper Jr., 19, Army Private, Apr 29, 2005 Darren A. Deblanc, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Apr 29, 2005 Stephen W. Frank, 29, Army Captain, Apr 29, 2005 Clifford V. “CC” Gadsden, 25, Army 2nd Lieutenant, Apr 29, 2005 Ralph J. “Jay” Harting III, 28, Army Captain, Apr 29, 2005 Juan de Dios Garcia-Arana, 27, Army Staff Sergeant, Apr 30, 2005 Kenya A. Parker, 26, Army Sergeant, Apr 30, 2005 Derrick Joseph Lutters, 24, Army National Guard Specialist, May 01, 2005 Tommy S. Little, 47, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, May 02, 2005 John E. McGee, 36, Army National Guard Sergeant, May 02, 2005 Kelly C. Hinz, 30, Marine Captain, May 02, 2005 John C. Spahr, 42, Marine Major, May 02, 2005 William J. Brooks, 30, Army Staff Sergeant, May 03, 2005 Stephen P. Saxton, 24, Army Sergeant, May 03, 2005 Michael V. Postal, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, May 07, 2005 Aaron N. Cepeda Sr., 22, Marine Reserve Sergeant, May 07, 2005 Lance Tanner Graham, 26, Marine Reserve Lance Corporal, May 07, 2005 Michael A. Marzano, 28, Marine Reserve Sergeant, May 07, 2005 Jeffery L. Wiener, 32, Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class, May 07, 2005 Steven Ray Givens, 26, Army Specialist, May 08, 2005 Thor H. Ingraham, 24, Army Staff Sergeant, May 08, 2005 Nicolas E. Messmer, 20, Army Private 1st Class, May 08, 2005 Gary A. “Andy” Eckert Jr., 24, Army Reserve Sergeant, May 08, 2005 Lawrence R. Philippon, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, May 08, 2005 Dustin A. Derga, 24, Marine Reserve Corporal, May 08, 2005 Stephen P. Baldwyn, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, May 09, 2005 Anthony L. Goodwin, 33, Marine Staff Sergeant, May 09, 2005 Marcus Mahdee, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, May 09, 2005 Taylor B. Prazynski, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, May 09, 2005 Michael J. Bordelon, 37, Army 1st Sergeant, May 10, 2005

Samuel Tyrone Castle, 26, Army Staff Sergeant, May 11, 2005 Kendall H. Ivy II, 28, Marine Staff Sergeant, May 11, 2005 John T. Schmidt III, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, May 11, 2005 Wesley G. Davids, 20, Marine Reserve Lance Corporal, May 11, 2005 Christopher R. Dixon, 18, Marine Reserve Private 1st Class, May 11, 2005 Nicholas B. Erdy, 21, Marine Reserve Lance Corporal, May 11, 2005 Jonathan Walter Grant, 23, Marine Reserve Lance Corporal, May 11, 2005 Jourdan L. Grez, 24, Marine Reserve Lance Corporal, May 11, 2005 Andrew R. Jodon, 27, Army Sergeant, May 12, 2005 John M. Smith, 22, Army Sergeant, May 12, 2005 Kenneth E. Zeigler II, 22, Army Private 1st Class, May 12, 2005 Travis W. Anderson, 28, Army Private 1st Class, May 13, 2005 Charles C. Gillican III, 35, Army National Guard Sergeant, May 14, 2005 Jacob M. Simpson, 24, Army Sergeant, May 16, 2005 Wesley R. Riggs, 19, Army Private 1st Class, May 17, 2005 Antwan L. “Twan” Walker, 22, Army Sergeant, May 18, 2005 Wyatt D. Eisenhauer, 26, Army Private 1st Class, May 19, 2005 Robin V. Fell, 22, Army National Guard Sergeant, May 19, 2005 Bernard L. Sembly, 25, Army National Guard Specialist, May 19, 2005 Kurt D. Schamberg, 26, Army Sergeant, May 20, 2005 Brad A. Wentz, 21, Army Reserve Sergeant, May 20, 2005 Tyler L. Creamean, 21, Army Specialist, May 22, 2005 Benjamin C. Morton, 24, Army Sergeant, May 22, 2005 Kenneth J. Schall, 22, Army Sergeant, May 22, 2005 Aaron N. Seesan, 25, Army 1st Lieutenant, May 22, 2005 Charles T. Wilkerson, 30, Army Sergeant, May 22, 2005 Carl J. Morgain, 40, Army National Guard Sergeant, May 22, 2005 John B. Ogburn III, 45, Army National Guard Sergeant, May 22, 2005 Joshua T. Brazee, 25, Army Specialist, May 23, 2005 Russell J. Verdugo, 34, Army Staff Sergeant, May 23, 2005 Bryan Edward Barron, 26, Army National Guard Specialist, May 23, 2005 Audrey Daron Lunsford, 29, Army National Guard Specialist, May 23, 2005 Saburant “Sabe” Parker, 43, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, May 23, 2005 Daniel Ryan Varnado, 23, Army National Guard Sergeant, May 23, 2005 Christopher S. Perez, 30, Marine Sergeant, May 23, 2005 Randy D. Collins, 36, Army Sergeant 1st Class, May 24, 2005 Charles A. “Chuck” Drier, 28, Army Sergeant, May 24, 2005 Dustin C. Fisher, 22, Army Specialist, May 24, 2005 Jeffrey R. Wallace, 20, Army Private 1st Class, May 24, 2005 Peter J. Hahn, 31, Army National Guard Sergeant 1st Class, May 24, 2005 Alfred Barton Siler, 33, Army National Guard Sergeant, May 25, 2005 David Neil Wimberg, 24, Marine Reserve Sergeant, May 25, 2005 Ricardo A. Crocker, 39, Marine Reserve Major, May 26, 2005 Matthew Scott Lourey, 40, Army Chief Warrant Officer (CW4), May 27, 2005 Mark A. Maida, 22, Army Sergeant, May 27, 2005 Joshua Michael Scott, 28, Army Chief Warrant Officer (CW2), May 27, 2005 Phillip N. Sayles, 26, Army Specialist, May 28, 2005 Albert E. Smart, 41, Army Reserve Lieutenant Colonel, May 28, 2005 Michael S. Barnhill, 39, Marine Reserve 1st Sergeant, May 28, 2005 Victor M. Cortes III, 29, Army Staff Sergeant, May 29, 2005 Derek Argel, 28, Air Force Captain, May 30, 2005 Casey Crate, 26, Air Force Staff Sergeant, May 30, 2005 William Downs, 40, Air Force Major, May 30, 2005 Jeremy Fresques, 26, Air Force Captain, May 30, 2005 Jeffrey B. Starr, 22, Marine Corporal, May 30, 2005 Steven M. Langmack, 33, Army Sergeant 1st Class, May 31, 2005 Miguel A. Ramos, 39, Army Reserve Sergeant, May 31, 2005 Phillip C. Edmundson, 22, Army Specialist, Jun 01, 2005 Louis E. Niedermeier, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Jun 01, 2005 Virgil R. Case, 37, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Jun 01, 2005 Linda J. Villar, 41, Dept. of the Army Civilian, Jun 03, 2005 Antonio Mendoza, 21, Marine Corporal, Jun 03, 2005 Eric J. Poelman, 21, Army Specialist, Jun 05, 2005 Brian Scott “Scotty” Ulbrich, 23, Army Private 1st Class, Jun 05, 2005 Justin L. Vasquez, 26, Army Staff Sergeant, Jun 05, 2005 Theodore S. Westhusing, 44, Army Colonel, Jun 05, 2005 Carrie L. French, 19, Army National Guard Specialist, Jun 05, 2005 Brian M. Romines, 20, Army National Guard Specialist, Jun 06, 2005 Robert T. Mininger, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Jun 06, 2005 Jonathan L. Smith, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Jun 06, 2005 Eric T. Burri, 21, Army Specialist, Jun 07, 2005 Terrence K. Crowe, 44, Army Reserve Lieutenant Colonel, Jun 07, 2005 Roberto Arizola Jr., 31, Army Sergeant, Jun 08, 2005 Michael J. Fasnacht, 25, Army 1st Lieutenant, Jun 08, 2005 Douglas E. Kashmer, 27, Army Private 1st Class, Jun 08, 2005 Louis E. Allen, 34, Army National Guard 1st Lieutenant, Jun 08, 2005 Phillip T. Esposito, 30, Army National Guard Captain, Jun 08, 2005 Marc Lucas Tucker, 24, Marine Lance Corporal, Jun 08, 2005 Mark O. Edwards, 40, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Jun 09, 2005 David Joseph Murray, 23, Army National Guard Sergeant, Jun 09, 2005 Daniel Chavez, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Jun 09, 2005 Dustin V. Birch, 22, Marine Reserve Lance Corporal, Jun 09, 2005 Thomas O. Keeling, 23, Marine Reserve Lance Corporal, Jun 09, 2005 Devon Paul Seymour, 21, Marine Reserve Lance Corporal, Jun 09, 2005 Brad D. Squires, 26, Marine Reserve Corporal, Jun 09, 2005 Mario Alberto Castillo, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Jun 10, 2005 Andrew J. Kilpela, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Jun 10, 2005 Stanley J. Lapinski, 35, Army Corporal, Jun 11, 2005 Neil A. Prince, 35, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Jun 11, 2005 Larry R. Arnold Sr., 46, Army National Guard Sergeant, Jun 11, 2005 Casey Byers, 22, Army National Guard Specialist, Jun 11, 2005 Terrance D. Lee Sr., 25, Army National Guard Specialist, Jun 11, 2005 Anthony D. Kinslow, 21, Army Specialist, Jun 13, 2005 Larry R. Kuhns Jr., 24, Army Sergeant, Jun 13, 2005 John J. Mattek Jr., 24, Marine Lance Corporal, Jun 13, 2005 Anthony G. Jones, 25, Army Sergeant, Jun 14, 2005 Michael Ray Hayes, 29, Army National Guard Private 1st Class, Jun 14, 2005 Nathan B. Clemons, 20, Marine Private 1st Class, Jun 14, 2005 Joshua P. Klinger, 21, Marine Private 1st Class, Jun 14, 2005 Jonathan R. Flores, 18, Marine Lance Corporal, Jun 15, 2005 Jesse Jaime, 22, Marine Corporal, Jun 15, 2005 Chad B. Maynard, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Jun 15, 2005 Tyler S. Trovillion, 23, Marine Corporal, Jun 15, 2005 Dion M. Whitley, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Jun 15, 2005 Cesar O. Baez, 37, Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class, Jun 15, 2005 Anthony S. Cometa, 21, Army National Guard Specialist, Jun 16, 2005 Erik R. Heldt, 26, Marine Lance Corporal, Jun 16, 2005 John W. Maloney, 36, Marine Captain, Jun 16, 2005 Robert M. Horrigan, 40, Army Master Sergeant, Jun 17, 2005 Michael L. McNulty, 36, Army Master Sergeant, Jun 17, 2005 Noah Harris, 23, Army 1st Lieutenant, Jun 18, 2005 William A. Long, 26, Army Corporal, Jun 18, 2005 Adam J. Crumpler, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Jun 18, 2005 Christopher R. Kilpatrick, 18, Army Private 1st Class, Jun 20, 2005 Christopher L. Hoskins, 21, Army Specialist, Jun 21, 2005



Friday, November 18, 2005

S E RVI CE P E RS ONS KI L L E D I N I RA Q Nicholas R. Idalski, 23, Army Specialist, Jun 21, 2005 James D. Stewart, 29, Army Sergeant, Jun 21, 2005 Brian A. Vaughn, 23, Army Specialist, Jun 21, 2005 Arnold Duplantier II, 26, Army National Guard Sergeant, Jun 22, 2005 Christopher W. Phelps, 39, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Jun 23, 2005 Joseph M. Tackett, 22, Army Sergeant, Jun 23, 2005 Holly A. Charette, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Jun 23, 2005 Veashna Muy, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Jun 23, 2005 Chad W. Powell, 22, Marine Corporal, Jun 23, 2005 Ramona M. Valdez, 20, Marine Corporal, Jun 23, 2005 Regina R. Clark, 43, Naval Reserve Petty Officer 1st Class, Jun 23, 2005 Carlos Pineda, 23, Marine Corporal, Jun 24, 2005 Charles A. Kaufman, 20, Army National Guard Specialist, Jun 26, 2005 Matthew S. Coutu, 23, Army 2nd Lieutenant, Jun 27, 2005 Keith R. Mariotti, 39, Army Chief Warrant Officer, Jun 27, 2005 Steven E. Shepard, 30, Army Chief Warrant Officer, Jun 27, 2005 Rafael A. “T. J.” Carrillo Jr., 21, Army Specialist, Jun 28, 2005 Manny Hornedo, 27, Army National Guard Sergeant, Jun 28, 2005 Robert E. Hall Jr., 30, Army Reserve Specialist, Jun 28, 2005 Chad M. Mercer, 25, Army National Guard Sergeant, Jun 30, 2005 Jeremy A. Brown, 26, Army Staff Sergeant, Jul 03, 2005 Ryan J. Montgomery, 22, Army National Guard Specialist, Jul 03, 2005 Scottie L. Bright, 36, Army Staff Sergeant, Jul 05, 2005 Lyle J. Cambridge, 23, Army Corporal, Jul 05, 2005 Christopher W. Dickison, 26, Army Specialist, Jul 05, 2005 Anthony M. Mazzarella, 22, Army Private, Jul 05, 2005 Deyson K. Cariaga, 20, Army National Guard Sergeant, Jul 08, 2005 Hoby F. Bradfield Jr., 22, Army Specialist, Jul 09, 2005 Eric Paul Woods, 26, Army Private 1st Class, Jul 09, 2005 Joseph P. Goodrich, 32, Marine Reserve Staff Sergeant, Jul 10, 2005 Ryan J. Kovacicek, 22, Marine Reserve Lance Corporal, Jul 10, 2005 Timothy J. Sutton, 22, Army Sergeant, Jul 11, 2005 Benyahmin B. Yahudah, 24, Army Specialist, Jul 13, 2005 Timothy J. Hines Jr., 21, Army Private 1st Class, Jul 14, 2005 Tricia L. Jameson, 34, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Jul 14, 2005 Clifton Blake Mounce, 22, Marine Corporal, Jul 14, 2005 Christopher D. Winchester, 23, Marine Corporal, Jul 14, 2005 Jared D. Hartley, 22, Army Specialist, Jul 15, 2005 Jorge Luis Pena-Romero, 29, Army Staff Sergeant, Jul 16, 2005 Travis S. Cooper, 24, Army National Guard Sergeant, Jul 16, 2005 Ronald T. Wood, 28, Army National Guard Sergeant 1st Class, Jul 16, 2005 Ronnie D. Williams, 26, Army Specialist, Jul 17, 2005 Frank F. Tiai, 45, Army Reserve Staff Sergeant, Jul 17, 2005 Efrain Sanchez Jr., 26, Marine Lance Corporal, Jul 17, 2005 Lavena L. Johnson, 19, Army Private, Jul 19, 2005 Arthur R. McGill, 25, Army Sergeant, Jul 19, 2005 Jefferey J. Farrow, 28, Army Reserve Staff Sergeant, Jul 19, 2005 Steven P. Gill, 24, Marine Reserve Corporal, Jul 21, 2005 Travis L. Youngblood, 26, Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class, Jul 21, 2005 Bryan James Opskar, 32, Marine Sergeant, Jul 23, 2005 Ernest W. Dallas Jr., 21, Army Specialist, Jul 24, 2005 Jason W. Montefering, 27, Army Staff Sergeant, Jul 24, 2005 Milton M. Monzon Jr., 21, Army Sergeant, Jul 24, 2005 Christopher J. Taylor, 22, Army Sergeant, Jul 24, 2005 Ramon A. Villatoro Jr., 19, Army Private 1st Class, Jul 24, 2005 Jacques Earl “Gus” Brunson, 30, Army National Guard Specialist, Jul 24, 2005 Carl Ray Fuller, 44, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Jul 24, 2005 James Ondra Kinlow, 35, Army National Guard Sergeant, Jul 24, 2005 John Frank Thomas, 33, Army National Guard Sergeant, Jul 24, 2005 Adam J. Harting, 21, Army Specialist, Jul 25, 2005 Adrian J. Butler, 28, Army Specialist, Jul 27, 2005 Edward L. Myers, 21, Army Specialist, Jul 27, 2005 John O. Tollefson, 22, Army Specialist, Jul 27, 2005 Benjamin D. Jansky, 28, Army Reserve Captain, Jul 27, 2005 Christopher P. Lyons, 24, Marine Reserve Lance Corporal, Jul 28, 2005 Andre L. Williams, 23, Marine Reserve Corporal, Jul 28, 2005 Ernesto R. Guerra, 20, Army Private, Jul 29, 2005 Jason D. Scheuerman, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Jul 30, 2005 Robert A. Swaney, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Jul 30, 2005 Victor A. Anderson, 39, Army National Guard Sergeant 1st Class, Jul 30, 2005 Jonathon C. Haggin, 26, Army National Guard Sergeant, Jul 30, 2005 David R. Jones Sr., 45, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Jul 30, 2005 Ronnie L. “Rod” Shelley Sr., 34, Army National Guard Sergeant, Jul 30, 2005 James D. Carroll, 23, Army National Guard Specialist, Jul 31, 2005 Jeffrey A. Boskovitch, 25, Marine Reserve Corporal, Aug 01, 2005 Roger D. Castleberry Jr., 26, Marine Reserve Lance Corporal, Aug 01, 2005 David J. Coullard, 32, Marine Reserve Sergeant, Aug 01, 2005 Daniel Nathan Deyarmin Jr., 22, Marine Reserve Lance Corporal, Aug 01, 2005 James R. Graham III, 25, Marine Reserve Sergeant, Aug 01, 2005 Brian P. Montgomery, 26, Marine Reserve Lance Corporal, Aug 01, 2005 Nathaniel S. Rock, 26, Marine Reserve Sergeant, Aug 01, 2005 James D. McNaughton, 27, Army Reserve Staff Sergeant, Aug 02, 2005 Thomas C. Hull, 41, Navy Petty Officer 1st Class, Aug 02, 2005 Jerry Lewis Ganey Jr., 29, Army National Guard Specialist, Aug 03, 2005 Mathew V. Gibbs, 21, Army National Guard Specialist, Aug 03, 2005 Charles Houghton Warren, 36, Army National Guard Sergeant 1st Class, Aug 03, 2005 Adam J. Strain, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Aug 03, 2005 Timothy Michael Bell Jr., 22, Marine Reserve Lance Corporal, Aug 03, 2005 Eric J. Bernholtz, 23, Marine Reserve Lance Corporal, Aug 03, 2005 Nicholas William B. Bloem, 20, Marine Reserve Lance Corporal, Aug 03, 2005 Michael J. Cifuentes, 25, Marine Reserve Lance Corporal, Aug 03, 2005 Christopher Jenkins Dyer, 19, Marine Reserve Lance Corporal, Aug 03, 2005 Grant B. Fraser, 22, Marine Reserve Lance Corporal, Aug 03, 2005 Bradley J. Harper, 25, Marine Reserve Sergeant, Aug 03, 2005 Justin F. Hoffman, 27, Marine Reserve Sergeant, Aug 03, 2005 David Kenneth J. Kreuter, 26, Marine Reserve Corporal, Aug 03, 2005 Aaron H. Reed, 21, Marine Reserve Lance Corporal, Aug 03, 2005 Edward August Schroeder II, 23, Marine Reserve Lance Corporal, Aug 03, 2005 David S. Stewart, 24, Marine Reserve Corporal, Aug 03, 2005 Kevin G. Waruinge, 22, Marine Reserve Lance Corporal, Aug 03, 2005 William Brett Wightman, 22, Marine Reserve Lance Corporal, Aug 03, 2005 Nils George Thompson, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Aug 04, 2005 Chad J. Simon, 32, Marine Reserve Staff Sergeant, Aug 04, 2005 Brett Eugene Walden, 40, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Aug 05, 2005 Robert V. Derenda, 42, Army Reserve Sergeant 1st Class, Aug 05, 2005 Terry W. Ball Jr., 36, Marine Gunnery Sergeant, Aug 05, 2005 Brahim J. Jeffcoat, 25, Army National Guard Sergeant, Aug 06, 2005 Kurt E. Krout, 43, Army National Guard Specialist, Aug 06, 2005 Chase Johnson Comley, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Aug 06, 2005 Seferino J. Reyna, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Aug 07, 2005 Anthony N. Kalladeen, 26, Army National Guard Specialist, Aug 08, 2005 Hernando Rios, 29, Army National Guard Private 1st Class, Aug 08, 2005 Ramon E. Gonzales Cordova, 30, Marine Staff Sergeant, Aug 08, 2005 Miguel Carrasquillo, 25, Army Specialist, Aug 09, 2005 Nathaniel E. Detample, 19, Army National Guard Private 1st Class, Aug 09, 2005

John Kulick, 35, Army National Guard Specialist, Aug 09, 2005 Ryan S. Ostrom, 25, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Aug 09, 2005 Gennaro Pellegrini Jr., 31, Army National Guard Specialist, Aug 09, 2005 Francis J. Straub Jr., 24, Army National Guard Sergeant, Aug 09, 2005 Michael A. Benson, 40, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Aug 10, 2005 Evenor C. Herrera, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Aug 10, 2005 Rusty W. Bell, 21, Army Specialist, Aug 12, 2005 David L. Giaimo, 24, Army 1st Lieutenant, Aug 12, 2005 Brian K. Derks, 21, Army Specialist, Aug 13, 2005 Toccara R. Green, 23, Army Specialist, Aug 14, 2005 Asbury F. Hawn II, 35, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Aug 14, 2005 Gary L. Reese Jr., 22, Army National Guard Specialist, Aug 14, 2005 Shannon D. Taylor, 30, Army National Guard Sergeant, Aug 14, 2005 Jose L. Ruiz, 28, Army Specialist, Aug 15, 2005 Joshua P. Dingler, 19, Army National Guard Specialist, Aug 15, 2005 Paul A. Saylor, 21, Army National Guard Sergeant, Aug 15, 2005 Thomas J. Strickland, 27, Army National Guard Sergeant, Aug 15, 2005 Michael J. Stokely, 23, Army National Guard Specialist, Aug 16, 2005 Nathan K. Bouchard, 24, Army Sergeant, Aug 18, 2005 Jeremy W. Doyle, 24, Army Staff Sergeant, Aug 18, 2005 Ray M. Fuhrmann II, 28, Army Specialist, Aug 18, 2005 Timothy J. Seamans, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Aug 18, 2005 Willard Todd Partridge, 35, Army Sergeant, Aug 20, 2005 Elden D. Arcand, 22, Army Private 1st Class, Aug 21, 2005 Brian Lee Morris, 38, Army Staff Sergeant, Aug 21, 2005 Joseph C. Nurre, 22, Army Reserve Specialist, Aug 21, 2005 James J. Cathey, 24, Marine 2nd Lieutenant, Aug 21, 2005 Hatim S. Kathiria, 23, Army Specialist, Aug 22, 2005 Joseph Daniel Hunt, 27, Army National Guard Sergeant, Aug 22, 2005 Victoir P. Lieurance, 34, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Aug 22, 2005 Ramon Romero, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, Aug 22, 2005 Carlos J. Diaz, 27, Army 1st Lieutenant, Aug 23, 2005 Chris S. Chapin, 39, Army National Guard Master Sergeant, Aug 23, 2005 Trevor J. Diesing, 30, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Aug 25, 2005 Ivica Jerak, 42, Army Master Sergeant, Aug 25, 2005 Timothy M. Shea, 22, Army Corporal, Aug 25, 2005 Joseph L. Martinez, 21, Army Specialist, Aug 27, 2005 Obediah J. Kolath, 32, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Aug 28, 2005 Dennis P. Hay, 32, Army Chief Warrant Officer, Aug 29, 2005 Charles R. Rubado, 23, Army 2nd Lieutenant, Aug 29, 2005 Gregory J. Fester, 41, Army Reserve Major, Aug 30, 2005 Jason E. Ames, 21, Army Specialist, Aug 31, 2005 Monta S. Ruth, 26, Army Sergeant, Aug 31, 2005 Lowell T. Miller II, 35, Army National Guard Captain, Aug 31, 2005 George Ray Draughn Jr., 29, Army National Guard Sergeant, Sep 01, 2005 Robert Lee Hollar Jr., 35, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Sep 01, 2005 Lonnie J. Parson, 39, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Sep 02, 2005 Matthew Charles Bohling, 22, Army Sergeant, Sep 05, 2005 Jeffrey A. Williams, 20, Army Specialist, Sep 05, 2005 Luke C. Williams, 35, Army Specialist, Sep 05, 2005 Jude R. Jonaus, 27, Army Staff Sergeant, Sep 06, 2005 Franklin R. Vilorio, 26, Army Sergeant, Sep 06, 2005 Robert N. Martens, 20, Navy Hospitalman, Sep 06, 2005 Christopher L. Everett, 23, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Sep 07, 2005 Kurtis Dean K. Arcala, 22, Army Sergeant, Sep 11, 2005 Jeremy M. Campbell, 21, Army Specialist, Sep 11, 2005 Robert D. Macrum, 22, Navy Seaman Apprentice, Sep 12, 2005 Alfredo B. Silva, 35, Army National Guard Sergeant, Sep 15, 2005 Shane C. Swanberg, 24, Marine Lance Corporal, Sep 15, 2005 Matthew L. Deckard, 29, Army Sergeant, Sep 16, 2005 David H. Ford IV, 20, Army Specialist, Sep 16, 2005 Alan Nye Gifford, 39, Army 1st Sergeant, Sep 16, 2005 Regilio E. Nelom, 45, Army Staff Sergeant, Sep 17, 2005 Mark H. Dooley, 27, Army National Guard 1st Lieutenant, Sep 19, 2005 Michael Egan, 36, Army National Guard Sergeant, Sep 19, 2005 William L. Evans, 22, Army National Guard Specialist, Sep 19, 2005 William V. Fernandez, 37, Army National Guard Specialist, Sep 19, 2005 Lawrence E. Morrison, 45, Army Reserve Sergeant 1st Class, Sep 19, 2005 William Alvin Allers III, 28, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Sep 20, 2005 Pierre A. Raymond, 28, Army Reserve Sergeant, Sep 20, 2005 Travis M. Arndt, 23, Army National Guard Sergeant, Sep 21, 2005 Kevin M. Jones, 21, Army Specialist, Sep 22, 2005 Scott P. McLaughlin, 29, Army National Guard Specialist, Sep 22, 2005 Mike T. Sonoda Jr., 34, Army National Guard Specialist, Sep 22, 2005 Andrew Joseph Derrick, 25, Army Sergeant, Sep 23, 2005 Paul C. Neubauer, 40, Army National Guard Sergeant, Sep 23, 2005 Daniel R. Schelle, 37, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Sep 24, 2005 Brian E. Dunlap, 34, Marine Reserve Sergeant, Sep 24, 2005 Shawn A. Graham, 34, Army National Guard Sergeant, Sep 25, 2005 Casey E. Howe, 32, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Sep 26, 2005 Tulsa T. Tuliau, 33, Army Master Sergeant, Sep 26, 2005 Howard P. Allen, 31, Army National Guard Sergeant, Sep 26, 2005 Andrew P. Wallace, 25, Army National Guard Sergeant, Sep 26, 2005 Michael J. Wendling, 20, Army National Guard Specialist, Sep 26, 2005 Elijah M. Ortega, 19, Marine Private, Sep 26, 2005 Jason A. Benford, 30, Army Staff Sergeant, Sep 27, 2005 Elizabeth Nicole Jacobson, 21, Air Force Airman 1st Class, Sep 28, 2005 Daniel L. Arnold, 27, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Sep 28, 2005 Oliver J. Brown, 19, Army National Guard Private 1st Class, Sep 28, 2005 Steve Morin Jr., 34, Army National Guard Sergeant, Sep 28, 2005 George A. Pugliese, 39, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Sep 28, 2005 Eric W. Slebodnik, 21, Army National Guard Sergeant, Sep 28, 2005 Lee A. Wiegand, 20, Army National Guard Specialist, Sep 28, 2005 Joshua J. Kynoch, 23, Army Specialist, Oct 01, 2005 Jens E. Schelbert, 31, Army Staff Sergeant, Oct 01, 2005 Marshall A. Westbrook, 43, Army National Guard Sergeant, Oct 01, 2005 Timothy J. Roark, 29, Army Staff Sergeant, Oct 02, 2005 Roberto C. Baez, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Oct 03, 2005 Bryan W. Large, 31, Army Sergeant, Oct 03, 2005 Jacob T. Vanderbosch, 21, Army Specialist, Oct 03, 2005 Sean B. Berry, 26, Army National Guard Sergeant, Oct 03, 2005 Larry Wayne Pankey Jr., 34, Army Reserve Sergeant, Oct 03, 2005 John R. Stalvey, 22, Marine Corporal, Oct 03, 2005 Andrew D. Bedard, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, Oct 04, 2005 Brian K. Joplin, 32, Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class, Oct 04, 2005 Jeremiah W. Robinson, 20, Army National Guard Specialist, Oct 06, 2005 Shayne M. Cabino, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Oct 06, 2005 Nicholas O. Cherava, 21, Marine Corporal, Oct 06, 2005 Jason L. Frye, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, Oct 06, 2005 Patrick Brian Kenny, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Oct 06, 2005 Daniel M. McVicker, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Oct 06, 2005 Carl L. Raines II, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Oct 06, 2005 Eric A. Fifer, 22, Army Sergeant, Oct 07, 2005 Nicholas J. Greer, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Oct 07, 2005 Sergio H. Escobar, 18, Marine Lance Corporal, Oct 08, 2005

Gary R. Harper Jr., 29, Army Staff Sergeant, Oct 09, 2005 Leon G. James II, 46, Army Lieutenant Colonel, Oct 10, 2005 Leon M. Johnson, 28, Army Sergeant, Oct 10, 2005 Brandon K. Sneed, 33, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Oct 10, 2005 Jerry L. Bonifacio Jr., 28, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Oct 10, 2005 Jeremy M. Hodge, 20, Army National Guard Specialist, Oct 10, 2005 Matthew A. Kimmell, 30, Army Staff Sergeant, Oct 11, 2005 Donald D. Furman, 30, Army Sergeant, Oct 12, 2005 Lorenzo Ponce Ruiz, 26, Army Sergeant, Oct 12, 2005 James T. Grijalva, 26, Army National Guard Specialist, Oct 12, 2005 Kenneth E. Hunt Jr., 40, Marine Master Sergeant, Oct 12, 2005 Robert W. Tucker, 20, Army National Guard Specialist, Oct 13, 2005 Howard E. Babcock IV, 33, Navy Petty Officer 1st Class, Oct 13, 2005 Samuel M. Boswell, 20, Army National Guard Specialist, Oct 14, 2005 Bernard L. Ceo, 23, Army National Guard Specialist, Oct 14, 2005 Brian R. Conner, 36, Army National Guard Sergeant, Oct 14, 2005 Thomas H. Byrd, 21, Army Specialist, Oct 15, 2005 Jeffrey W. Corban, 30, Army Specialist, Oct 15, 2005 Richard Allen Hardy, 24, Army Specialist, Oct 15, 2005 Vincent E. Summers, 38, Army Staff Sergeant, Oct 15, 2005 Timothy D. Watkins, 24, Army Specialist, Oct 15, 2005 Mark P. Adams, 24, Marine Reserve Sergeant, Oct 15, 2005 Paul J. Pillen, 28, Army National Guard Chief Warrant Officer, Oct 17, 2005 Daniel Scott R. Bubb, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Oct 17, 2005 Chad R. Hildebrandt, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, Oct 17, 2005 Christopher M. Poston, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Oct 17, 2005 Lucas A. Frantz, 22, Army Specialist, Oct 18, 2005 Daniel D. Bartels, 22, Army Specialist, Oct 19, 2005 Arthur A. Mora Jr., 23, Army Sergeant, Oct 19, 2005 Russell H. Nahvi, 24, Army Specialist, Oct 19, 2005 Jose E. Rosario, 20, Army Specialist, Oct 19, 2005 Tommy Ike Folks Jr., 31, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Oct 19, 2005 Kendall K. Frederick, 21, Army Reserve Specialist, Oct 19, 2005 Norman W. Anderson III, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Oct 19, 2005 Jacob D. Dones, 21, Army Sergeant, Oct 20, 2005 Dennis P. Merck, 38, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Oct 20, 2005 Richard T. Pummill, 27, Marine Staff Sergeant, Oct 20, 2005 Andrew D. Russoli, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Oct 20, 2005 Steven W. Szwydek, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Oct 20, 2005 Kenneth J. Butler, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Oct 21, 2005 Benny Gray Cockerham III, 21, Marine Corporal, Oct 21, 2005 Tyler B. Swisher, 35, Marine Captain, Oct 21, 2005 Seamus M. Davey, 25, Marine Reserve Corporal, Oct 21, 2005 Christopher W. Thompson, 25, Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class, Oct 21, 2005 George T. Alexander Jr., 34, Army Staff Sergeant, Oct 22, 2005 Jonathan R. Spears, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, Oct 23, 2005 Michael T. Robertson, 28, Army Sergeant, Oct 25, 2005 Benjamin D. Hoeffner, 21, Army Reserve Corporal, Oct 25, 2005 Christopher T. Monroe, 19, Army Reserve Specialist, Oct 25, 2005 Ramon A. Acevedoaponte, 51, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Oct 26, 2005 Lewis J. Gentry, 48, Army Staff Sergeant, Oct 26, 2005 Thomas A. Wallsmith, 38, Army Master Sergeant, Oct 26, 2005 Evan S. Parker, 25, Army Reserve Sergeant, Oct 26, 2005 James Witkowski, 32, Army Reserve Sergeant, Oct 26, 2005 Michael J. Mackinnon, 30, Army Captain, Oct 27, 2005 William W. Wood, 44, Army Colonel, Oct 27, 2005 Daniel R. Lightner Jr., 28, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Oct 27, 2005 Robert F. Eckfield Jr., 23, Marine Lance Corporal, Oct 27, 2005 Jared J. Kremm, 24, Marine Lance Corporal, Oct 27, 2005 Dillon M. Jutras, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Oct 28, 2005 Debra A. Banaszak, 35, Army National Guard 1st Lieutenant, Oct 28, 2005 Kenny D. Rojas, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Oct 29, 2005 Shaker T. Guy, 23, Army National Guard Sergeant, Oct 29, 2005 Raymond D. Hill II, 39, Army National Guard Captain, Oct 29, 2005 Joel P. Dameron, 27, Marine Staff Sergeant, Oct 30, 2005 Michael Paul Hodshire, 25, Marine Sergeant, Oct 30, 2005 William J. Byler, 23, Army Specialist, Oct 31, 2005 Adam R. “A.J.” Johnson, 22, Army Private, Oct 31, 2005 David J. Martin, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Oct 31, 2005 Jonathan Tessar, 36, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Oct 31, 2005 Robert C. Oneto-Sikorski, 33, Army National Guard 1st Lieutenant, Oct 31, 2005 Derence W. Jack, 31, Army Reserve Specialist, Oct 31, 2005 Matthew R. Kading, 32, Army Reserve Sergeant 1st Class, Oct 31, 2005 Wilgene T. Lieto, 28, Army Reserve Staff Sergeant, Oct 31, 2005 Daniel A. Tsue, 27, Marine Sergeant, Nov 01, 2005 Allan M. Espiritu, 28, Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class, Nov 01, 2005 Dennis J. Ferderer Jr., 20, Army Specialist, Nov 02, 2005 Tyler R. MacKenzie, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Nov 02, 2005 Joshua J. Munger, 22, Army Specialist, Nov 02, 2005 Benjamin A. Smith, 21, Army Specialist, Nov 02, 2005 Mark J. Procopio, 28, Army National Guard 2nd Lieutenant, Nov 02, 2005 Gerald M. Bloomfield II, 38, Marine Major, Nov 02, 2005 Michael D. Martino, 32, Marine Captain, Nov 02, 2005 Darren D. Howe, 21, Army Specialist, Nov 03, 2005 Jeffrey P. Toczylowski, 30, Army Captain, Nov 03, 2005 Daniel J. Pratt, 48, Army National Guard Sergeant 1st Class, Nov 03, 2005 Kyle B. Wehrly, 28, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Nov 03, 2005 Jason A. Fegler, 24, Army Staff Sergeant, Nov 04, 2005 James M. Gurbisz, 25, Army Captain, Nov 04, 2005 Dustin A. Yancey, 22, Army Private 1st Class, Nov 04, 2005 Timothy D. Brown, 23, Army National Guard Specialist, Nov 04, 2005 Thomas A. Wren, 44, Army Reserve Lieutenant Colonel, Nov 05, 2005 Joel E. Cahill, 34, Army Captain, Nov 06, 2005 James F. Hayes, 48, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Nov 06, 2005 Ryan J. Sorensen, 26, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 06, 2005 Brian L. Freeman, 27, Army Staff Sergeant, Nov 07, 2005 Robert C. Pope II, 22, Army Specialist, Nov 07, 2005 Mario A. Reyes, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Nov 07, 2005 Justin S. Smith, 28, Army 1st Lieutenant, Nov 07, 2005 Jeremy P. Tamburello, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 08, 2005 Michael C. Parrott, 49, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Nov 10, 2005 Joshua A. Terando, 27, Army National Guard Sergeant, Nov 10, 2005 Daniel Freeman Swaim, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 10, 2005 Tyrone L. Chisholm, 27, Army Sergeant, Nov 11, 2005 Donald E. Fisher II, 21, Army Corporal, Nov 11, 2005 Antonio Mendezsanchez, 22, Army Private 1st Class, Nov 11, 2005 Stephen J. Sutherland, 33, Army Staff Sergeant, Nov 12, 2005 Scott Zubowski, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 12, 2005 John M. Longoria, 21, Marine Corporal, Nov 14, 2005 Christopher M. McCrackin, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 14, 2005 Ramon J. Mendoza Jr., 37, Marine Major, Nov 14, 2005 Travis Gregg, 25, Army Not reported yet, Nov 15, 2005 Nickolas David Schiavoni, 26, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 15, 2005 John "JT" Lucente, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, Nov 16, 2005

Background photos pages 13-18 by Elizabeth Linares

Friday, November 18, 2005



“Last Leaves of Autumn” — The Glendale College Jazz Band will be in concert Sunday at 4 p.m. in the Auditorium Mainstage Theater. Instrumental arrangements of jazz and popular tunes will be performed. Raymond Burkhart directs. Tickets are $7 for general admission, and $5 for students and seniors. For more information, call (818) 240-1000, ext. 5621, or visit “The Faculty/Alumni Dance Production” — The GCC Dance Department presents its Faculty/Alumni Dance Production on Dec. 9 through Dec. 11 at the Glendale College Auditorium. Performances are at 8 p.m. on Dec. 9. at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. on Dec. 10, and at 2 p.m. on Dec. 11. Admission is free, on a firts-come, first-served basis. Seating is limited. SPORTS Women’s Volleyball — • The GCC team meets Santa Monica at GCC tonight at 7 p.m. Women’s Basketball — • The GCC team faces Compton at GCC on Tuesday at 7 p.m. • The Women’s Basketball at Thanksgiving Jamboree at L.A . Pierce Nov. 25 through Nov. 27. • The team meets Rio Hondo at Rio Hondo on Nov. 30 at 5 p.m. • The team travels to Salinas for the Harnell Classic Dec. 2 through the 4. Time and chal-

lenger is yet to be announced. • The team goes up against Cuyamaca College at Glendale Dec. 6 at 5:30 p.m. Men’s Basketball — • The GCC team meets San Diego Mesa at GCC on Sunday at 6.30 p.m. • The team faces L.A. Harbor at GCC on Wednesday at 7.30 p.m. • The team travels to the Antelope Valley Dec. 1 through the 3 for the Antelope Valley Tournament. Time and challenger is yet to be announced. • The men will participate in the Rio Hondo Tournament Dec. 5, 9 and 10. Time and challenger is yet to be announced. Cross Country — • Men’s and Women’s Cross Country State Championships at Fresno on Saturday at 10 a.m. LECTURES / FILMS Science Lecture Series — Glendale College’s Science Lecture series are presented on Tuesdays from noon to 1 p.m. in the Santa Barbara building, Room 234. The series: • JPL senior systems engineer Trina L. Ray presents “The Cassini Mission” on Tuesday. Lectures are free. For information, call coordinator Sid Kolpas at (818) 240-1000, ext. 5378. Wal-Mart Documentary — • Clips from the documentary “Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Prices” will be screened on Tuesday at noon in Kreider Hall. The event will feature special

guests Luisa Dantas, CoProducer, and Meleiza Figueroa, Lead Researcher for the documentary. • Full-length screening of the documentary “Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Prices” will take place on Tuesday at 7 p.m. in Room SC 212. Special guest Meleiza Figueroa , the Lead Researcher for the documentary, will attent the screening. Light refreshments will be served. The event will be presented by Women’s International Liberation League. Guest Speaker in the GCC Lipreading Course — Audiologist Courtland Warner of Self Help for the Hard of Hearing support group will be a guest speaker in the GCC lipreading course on Dec. 8 at 10 a.m. at the Adult Recreation Center. The center is located at 201 E. Colorado Blvd. The presentation is free and open to the public. For more information about the event and the lipreading class, contact the instructor, Stela Fejtek, at (818) 240 - 1000, ext. 5754, or call the Lifelong Learning Seminars office at (818) 243 - 5196. HEALTH CENTER Health Center — • Visit the Health Center for first aid, RN evaluation, over-thecounter medication health literature, hearing tests and vision screenings. TB testing is also available on selected dates. • The Health Center is offering free and anonymous HIV testing

Tuesday and Wednesday from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. and Nov 30 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. • Flu Shots are no longer available. To locate local flu clinics visit the Web site of the American Lung Association at • Mental Health counseling is available during the hours of operation.. The Health Center is located on the first floor of the San Rafael building and hours of operation are Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Fridays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information, call (818) 240-1000, ext. 5909. TRANSFER NEWS Transfer Workshops— • USC representatives will be on campus on Dec. 7 from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. in room SF 107. For more information visit the Transfer Center at

will do readings of new plays tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Auditorium Studio Theatre. Admission is free. Seating is limited. No late seating. The GCC Swap Meet — Sunday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the upper campus parking lot. Admission is free. For more information call (818) 240-1000, ext. 5805. Gay Men Talking — A gay support group meets every Tuesday from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. in Room AU 115. Red Cross Blood Drive — Red Cross Blood Drive to benefit a community hospital will take place on Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in SC 212. For more information go to

Auditions — Auditions for “Hair” will be held on Saturday from noon to 6 p.m. and on Sunday from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the Auditorium Mainstage Theatre. From more information call (818) 240-1000, ext. 5618.

Peña — The Association of Latin American Students and the Guatemala United Information Agency present Peña on Sunday, Dec. 4 in SC 212 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.. Come and enjoy an afternoon of entertainment, delicious food and good company. Tickets are $12 for the general public and $7 for students. Tickets can be purchased from any A.L.A.S. member on campus and at the door on the day of the event. All proceeds generated from the event will provide medical assistance for the people of Guatemala who were affected by Hurricane Stan.

New Play Readings — Students of the Theatre Arts Department

To submit a calendar listing, send an email to

Thursday, Sunday evenings and weekend matinees. The theater is located on 243 S. Brand Blvd. For reservations, call (818) 240-0910, ext. 1.

$25 to $100. “Latin Palooza”— The Alex Theater presents a comedy extravaganza on Saturday at 8 p.m. The event features Alex Reymundo, Willie Barcena, Darren Carter and Mike Robles. Admission is free.

OTHER ACTIVITIES ASGCC — ASGCC elections will take place Nov. 29 and 30 at Plaza Vaquero.

A ROUND T OWN EXHIBITIONS Artists’ Market — The Artists’ Market is from noon to dusk on the third Friday of very month at 101 N. Brand Blvd. Local artists display their photography, jewelry, paintings and more. For more information, call (818) 548-2780. Masters of American Comics — The works of 15 American comic artists will be presented

at the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles, at 10899 Wilshire Blvd., and the Museum of Contemporary Art at 250 S. Grand Ave. in Los Angeles. The exhibition opens on Sunday and will continue through March 12, 2006. For information about opening hours, admission and exhibitions, call the Hammer Museum IIat (310) 443-7000 and MOCA at (213) 626-6222. Or visit the Hammer’s Web site at MOCA at www.


PERFORMANCES “The Master Builder” — The Noise Within presents Henrik Ibsen’s drama, “The Master Builder.” The play opens tonight at 8 p.m. and runs through Dec. 11. Admission is $45 on opening night, $36 on Friday and Saturday evenings, and $32 on Wednesday,

“Ser Yev Shushanner” — The Alex Theater presents an Armenian ethnic jazz performance featuring vocalist Shushan Petrosyan and a jazz octet tonight at 8 p.m. The performance is in English and Armenian. Admission prices range from

For more information on this event, call (818) 243 ALEX from noon to 6 p.m. For ticket reservations, call (818) 548 - 4566 or visit

Friday, November 18, 2005



‘I Think War Affects Everyone’ — Gezelle Emerson-James music and psychology major


he Justice Coalition hosted the Arlington West Exhibition in Plaza Vaquero on Nov. 8. Crosses and a coffin were displayed as a symbolic re-creation of the Arlington National Cemetery. The exhibit honored the 2,055 fallen soldiers and the 14,902 soldiers who have been wounded in the Iraq War. The event was tied to the Veterans Day holiday, celebrated Nov. 11, and was meant to create a day of remembrance on campus. GCC students felt that the Arlington West event gave them a sense of the reality that is hidden from them. Tina Dartyan, 18, an international relations major, said, “It is a very impressive visual sight. I think this event has a message and gives you a great idea of how many soldiers have died.” Nicole M. Brown, 21, a psychology major, echoes those feelings. “It [the display] gives us a sense of reality [by] showing the other side, not only what the media wants to show us.”

By placing a symbolic coffin in Plaza Vaquero, Joey Melendez, 24, a biochemistry major, sends a message about the consequences of the Iraq War.

Photos by Elizabeth Linares EL VAQUERO PHOTO EDITOR

Elizabeth Linares can be reached at

Vanessa Salgado, 18, an international business major, at left, places a flag at a symbolic grave site on Nov. 8 during the Arlington West demonstration. “The important issue [about this war] is not the money wasted, but the lives that we have lost from this war,” says Nareh Saghatelian, above, 19, an English literature and music major.

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