May 26, 2006

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El Vaquero Glendale College

Photo by Jane Pojawa

Rel Allen Ravago IV, a Hoover High graduate, was killed in Iraq on Nov. 23, 2003. The Justice Coalition’s Memorial Day event honored soldiers and civilians who have died in service in the Iraq War. See story, pages 10-11.

Volume 89 Number 6

FRIDAY MAY 26, 2006

Student Art Show



Dr. Audre Levy

“Don’t Get Mad, Get Even;” student work seeks revenge.

Students better move their cars before 4:30 p.m.

More than 58 employees are leaving this year.

The board of trustees makes official announcement

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Photo by Jane Pojawa

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Photo by Jane Pojawa

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Friday, May 26, 2006


Student Speaks Out Against Campus Theft DeAnn Morris is a retired English Teacher who has been taking classes at GCC to improve her Spanish skills. Any information regarding this theft should be reported to the campus police. May 19, 2006 Open letter to MsFit:


sFit, I find you to be trashy and insensitive. On the morning of April 13, 2006 — a Thursday — you went into the handicapped stall in the women’s restroom in the Sierra Nevada gym and you saw a fanny pack hanging on the hook. My best guess is that you did not think twice about stealing it. In that moment, you fell out of the human being classification and into a classification too disgusting to even mention. In that fanny pack were all my keys (car and house), credit cards, various ID cards, my AAA membership card, my driver’s

license, my health insurance card, yourself is walking around on our and many precious pictures. beautiful campus. I would gladly have given you I am still having flashbacks all the money (over $100) for the of my initial reaction to this return of all those theft; however, other items. I expect my But, no, you feelings of being made a dishonest, violated and my u n e t h i c a l , disillusionment reprehensible with women decision: you kept who take dance all of it, not giving classes to a second thought continue to abate. to how much the I have changed owner of that fanny all the locks on pack would be my house, have inconvenienced. gotten new keys, Actually, the have cancelled all thought of the my credit cards - M. DeAnn Morris owner’s discomfort and received new probably gave you some glee, ones, have gotten new ID cards as it would any person who is and have generally gone on with incapable of identifying with my life. the pain of other people. That It is impossible to imagine what puts you on the same level as a your (inner) life must be like. psychopath, now doesn’t it? Even now, I can hardly believe M. DeAnn Morris that such a scurrilous person as 64 years old

“I can hardly believe that such a scurrilous person as yourself is walking around on our beautiful campus.”

Schiff Opponent Responds to Article May 23, 2006 Dear Editor,


n your recent article on a May 8 campus appearance, you reported that Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff “voted to authorize the use of force” against Iraq “based on the intelligence reports of weapons of mass destruction,” but that he “has since changed his position.” You also reported that “Schiff is opposed to invading Iran.” Both statements are inaccurate. Mr. Schiff has not changed his position on the March 2003 invasion and ensuing US military occupation of Iraq.

While, as you say, he now attributes his support of Bush’s “preemptive war” to “faulty intelligence,” at the same time he refuses to call for the withdrawal of U.S. troops and an end to the occupation. Mr. Schiff’s position is the same as that of the conservative Democratic Leadership Council, of which he is a member, that “Democrats must make it clear to the public that we stand for winning in Iraq, not a rush to the exits.” [See Letter, page 4]

El Vaquero Glendale Community College

editor in chief

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Michael Alpert Jason Castro Alison Geller Kasia Faughn Pauline Guiuan Stephen Hotchkiss Ramela Isagholian Anna Margaryan Rachel Mills Olga Ramaz Carlos Villarreal online editor

Michael J. Arvizu design adviser

Charles Eastman photography adviser

Liane Enkelis

faculty adviser

Michael Moreau (818) 240-1000, ext. 5214


Heather Glenn (818) 240-1000, ext. 5606

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Friday, May 26, 2006



New College President Officially Announced By Alison Geller



hen John Davitt retires from his position as superintendent/president of GCC this summer, he will be succeeded by Audre Levy, currently president of L.A. Southwest College. “The board has unanimously decided to appoint Dr. Audre Levy to the position of superintendent/ president of Glendale Community College,” announced Kathleen Burke-Kelly, president of GCC’s Board of Trustees, at the beginning of the meeting. Her announcement was followed by a standing ovation from the audience in Kreider Hall. “Thank you, all of the board, for your vote of confidence and trust in me and, for the audience, for your vote of confidence and trust in me as well,” said Levy after the applause had died down. “I hope to live up to what you have in store for me as your incoming president.” Levy hit a soft spot with the audience when she complimented Davitt, who has been the leader of the college for 21 years. “I would also like to express my thanks to Dr. Davitt for his years of service to this college,” said Levy. “Let me say this is an awesome task, to follow behind such a giant who has spent so many years in the community college ranks. You will discover that my feet are quite not the size of his but a little higher because I wear heels [and] that means that I will be stepping high; but I want you to know that I am here because of all of you and I will remember why I am here. I am here because of the students and because of you, the faculty and staff. “Always know that my door is open I will be welcome to hearing the good things as well as the not so good things, because it’s from the not so good things that we all grow; and so I am looking forward to being part of the history of this institution.” During a brief reception for Levy before the regular board meeting resumed, Burke-Kelly said that it was “a combination of things” that led to choosing Levy. She said it was her experience in all levels of education, having taught at the K-12 level as well as at community colleges and universities. It was also her ability to connect with people.

“Dr. Davitt is very much like that and I think the campus would miss that.” Davitt expressed his support of Levy during the comments portion of the board meeting, as did every other member of the board. “We’re looking forward to having you here and you and I will hopefully get some good time in the next month or so to tell you what our problems are and to welcome you to the community. I think you’re going to like it here. I think you’re going to find that it’s a real family…Everyone is committed to making your administration a very successful one for Glendale College.” Anita Quinonez Gabrielian, a board member who was president of the board during most of the hiring process, added her welcome to Levy and also said, “You can definitely count on our cooperation, partnership and all of our support.” Board member Victor King added that “Although you are replacing a legend, you are a legend in your own right. We’ve heard so many wonderful things about you that you really stood out of the crowd of applicants.” “You were a star from the first moment that we met you and we are glad that you’ll be shining in our skies - and we’ll be there to polish you,” said Armine Hacopian, vice president of the board. After the meeting ended Levy said “I am more looking at excitement and the task of learning all the names and faces and issues and challenges here at the college.” Burke-Kelly said that Levy will be assuming the position of superintendent/president on July 1. Other items that were covered at the meeting: Three professors were given tenure: David Martin, instructor of architecture; Paul Vera, of the ESL department; and Monette Tiernan, of the English department. Sharon Combs and Ron Nakasone presented a proposal to borrow the number of Full Time Enrolled Students (FTES) from the first summer session to claim on the 2005 and 2006 year, so funding will not be cut by failure to reach the state-mandated quota for enrolled students. Nakasone said that a lot of colleges are doing it and have done it. The foreseen funding shortfalls come from an overall pattern of declining

Photo by Jane Pojawa

Audre Levy, soon to replace John Davitt as superintendent / president, was given a warm welcome by the board of trustees.

enrollment. Nakasone said that many colleges employ a strategy of “borrowing” students from one semester to meet quotas and then take the loss in the next semester to ensure even funding over a period of several years. Jane DiLucchio presented a proposal for GCC to offer its own high school diploma for continuing education adults. For many years, the Garfield campus has offered a diploma in conjunction with the Glendale Unified School District. This proposal would allow GCC to tailor the program to serve

adult students better and the diploma students would be able to meet some of the graduation requirements by taking credit classes on the main campus. According to Davitt, GCC received a proclamation from Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger of resolution that the week of April 23 to 29 be known as “The Days of Remembrance of the Armenian Genocide.” After having been the Interim Associate Dean of the Library for this past year, Linda Winters is now officially the Associate Dean

of the Library. There will be a retirement party on June 2 for staff and faculty who are retiring this year. In a future board meeting, Burke-Kelly said she would like to revisit the board’s compensation, since it has been such a good year for the budget and their compensation has not been restored since it was cut because of a low budget. Alison Geller can be reached at


Friday, May 26, 2006


Many on Faculty, Staff Opt for Early Leaves P

resident John Davitt is not the only one looking forward to retirement this summer. Across campus, at least 57 others from academia, management and the classified staff have either preceded him or will follow him in retirement. In honor of retirees, a reception will be held at 4 p.m. June 2 in the Auditorium. Although it is tempting to credit Davitt’s absence with the sudden departure of so many of GCC’s employees, it is probably the retirement incentive now offered by human resources that is responsible. The main beneficiaries of the incentive are employees who are between 55 and 65 years of age and have served for nine years or more. Most of the positions vacated by retirees will be filled with new personnel, although some will be lost to attrition. Many familiar faces will be leaving during the summer intersesions, and many new ones will be joining the staff in the fall. Staff members who are interested in taking advantage of the incentive, should call Valicia contact Dantzler of Human Resources at ext. 5174.

Eligibility for the Retirement Incentive: CSEA Full-time classified employees that are 55 or older with at least 9 years of service who retire between July 1, 2005 and June 30, 2006. GUILD Full-time faculty that are 55 or older with at least 9 years of service who retire between July 1, 2005 and August 31, 2005 or between March 1, 2006 and June 30, 2006. CONFIDENTIAL/MANAGEMENT Confidential/Management employees that are 55 or older with at least 5 years of service who retire between July 1, 2005 and September 30, 2005 or between June 30, 2006 and December 31, 2006. Retirement Incentive: In addition to the standard retirement benefits, eligible employees would receive the following: •

A calculated dollar amount that employees can elect to be paid out to them over two years, deposited into a 401(a) or 403(b) plan, or used to purchase an annuity plan.

Those that retire between the ages of 55 and 65 are eligible to receive $6,500 per year to purchase a District medical and/or dental plan.

From ages 65 to 75, the employee shall receive $1,800 per year for 10 years to purchase a supplemental medical plan.

John Burton Responds to Schiff Article [Letter, from page 2] Indeed, during his talk Mr. Schiff did not criticize the Iraq invasion or condemn its instigators for lying to the American people. His only difference with the Bush administration’s present Iraq policies is to call for “strategic redeployment” of US troops from urban areas like Baghdad, where they are being killed at the rate of two to three a day, to highly fortified desert military bases, where they can more safely launch deadly strikes against the Iraqi population with aircraft, missiles and hightech gadgetry. The DLC’s call for “winning in Iraq,” like Mr. Schiff’s proposal for “strategic

redeployment,” means continuing the brutal and illegal military occupation of a once sovereign nation, including visiting upon its people more death, torture and suffering for decades to come. “Winning in Iraq” means propping up a succession of pro-US puppet governments, a policy causing increasingly bloody internecine conflicts between rival ethnic and religious factions competing for economic and political power under the framework of the ocupation. In any event, for Mr. Schiff to claim now that he voted for the invasion of Iraq because of “faulty intelligence” is a dishonest evasion. In 2003, thousands of his constituents joined tens of millions of people around the world in protest, shouting at the

tops of their lungs that the Bush administration’s claims about Saddam Hussein’s supposed weapons of mass destruction were cynical lies intended to stampede the population into an unjust and criminal war. Americans never would have supported the invasion had Mr. Schiff and other US government officials explained its true purpose: to seize control over Iraq’s vast oil reserves and to establish strategic positions for the US military in the Middle East to promote the interests of US businesses against those of their European and Asian rivals. Mr. Schiff’s position on Iran is no different. Although he told the GCC audience that [See Letter, page 5]

CSEA RETIREMENTS 2005-2006 NAME Burney, Marin Brace, Judy Brenner, Celeste Casareo, Divinia Davidson, Gretchen Davis, Nancy Delgadillo, Beverly Denner, Sharon Encinas, Dionne Espinoza, Patsy Franco, Richard Hertel, Sylvia Jonke, Johann Landisi, Diane Langley, Janet Lopez, Nancy Morad, Hilda Moreno, Elia Pehar, Fran Reed, Ann Rudnick, Agnes Strandquist, Bobbie Venus, Zenaida Vickers, Margie Zaborac, Jon



Physical Science 6/30/2006 Business Services 6/30/2006 Student Svcs. 12/30/2005 Financial Aid 8/16/2005 Information and Technology 6/26/2006 DSL - Garfield 5/31/2006 Culinary Arts 7/1/2005 Social Sciences 6/30/2006 Admissions and Records 6/30/2006 Financial Aid 8/16/2005 Facilities 7/1/2005 Information and Technology 6/1/2006 Facilities 7/2/2005 Technology 1 2/9/2005 Information and Technology 6/30/2006 Disabled Students 9/10/2005 Admissions and Records 6/30/2006 Cafeteria 9/30/2005 Continuing Education 6/30/2006 SI Office 6/30/2006 Learning Center 6/30/2006 Admissions and Records 6/30/2006 Payroll 6/30/2006 English 12/31/2005 Facilities 6/30/2006




Allmon, Kathryn Brown, Melanie Davitt, John Hall, Sharon Knight, Nancy Ragonig, Karin Skerry, Pat Thompson, Ruth Wagner, Sharleen Wang, Yeimei White, Steve

Foundation Student Services President’s Office Allied Health College Services IT Operations President’s Office Library PDC Culinary Arts Instructional Svcs

6/30/2006 6/30/2006 7/1/2006 7/1/2005 7/2/2005 6/30/2006 TBD 8/30/2005 9/30/2005 6/30/2006 12/31/2006


Bartlett, Theodore Baumann Riddle, Melita Benihoff, Alice Brinkmeyer, Susan Dozois, Paul Erselius, Robert Gray, Kenneth Hoover, Phyllis Hurst, David Irwin, Dianne Kabataeck, Glady Kilkeary, Desmond Owen, Anthony McMurray, Tom Nicholson, Arthur Pittard, Joanne Sartoris, Jim Taylor, Lola Vanevenhoven, Ronald Zamos, Judy



Business CDC Non-Credit Bus. English Aviation Business Theatre Arts English Science Psychology Counseling English Aviation Phy. Ed Adult Ed Business Allied Health Athletic Department College Services Alcohol Drug Studies Allied Health

12/15/2005 6/21/2006 12/15/2005 6/30/2006 7/1/2005 6/15/2006 8/1/2005 12/15/2005 6/30/2006 6/15/2006 6/15/2006 6/15/2006 7/1/2005 6/9/2005 6/30/2006 6/15/2006 6/15/2006 6/29/2006 6/15/2006 7/22/2005

Friday, May 26, 2006



Designated Smoking Areas May Be on Way By Anna Margaryan EL VAQUERO STAFF WRITER


mokers on campus may soon be required to light up only in designated areas as the college moves toward a more restrictive smoking policy. Plans are in the works for three canopied smoking areas to accommodate those who smoke as well as protect the rights of non-smokers. The project, which will cost the school an estimated $30,000, is in compliance with the California Government Code 7596-7598, which states that no member of the public shall smoke any tobacco product inside a public building or in an outdoor area within 20 feet of a main exit or entrance. “We have to keep the campus friendly for everyone so that smokers don’t feel that we don’t want them,” said Dean of Admissions and Records Sharon Combs. “Whatever we decide to do in the next few months must be enforced.” If approved the plan will provide smokers with benches and ashtrays in a canopied area where they can smoke freely without worrying about endangering the health of others. By restricting smokers to a designated area campus police will be better able to monitor violators. According to the Glendale Community College District Board Policy the College Police are authorized to issue citations to enforce the policy. As it debates the issue of

smoking on campus the Board of Trustees must be sensitive to the rights of all individuals as well as consider the interests of the college. While the Board of Trustees discusses the implementation of tougher campus smoking policies the ASGCC is busy approving Organization Event Support [OES] applications, which provide financial support for clubs that are having events. The OES will provide $2,460 to a total of 13 clubs and organizations, among them the Justice Coalition and the Scholars Program. The funding will enable the clubs to purchase supplies and equipment for various fundraisers and events they’ve organized throughout the semester. The disbursement of these funds created some debate between AS members who felt that providing $200 each for the Justice Coalition and the Women’s International Liberation League [WILL] is unfair to other clubs because they are requesting funding for the same event. “I don’t think its fair to fund two different clubs that are doing the same thing because it’s not fair to other clubs,” said Vice President of Administration Thomas Dryden. Both the Justice Coalition and WILL are in need of funding in order to screen the documentary “Darfur Diaries.” The AS approved money for both of the clubs with Luis Mares stating that, “The JC and WILL coming together for this event is commendable because each has

its own agenda, so we should fund them.” The Justice Coalition was not alone in raising some controversy in the AS as some heated exchanges were made between the Persian Club President Farinaz Sahabi and several AS members. Tensions were elevated when the Special Organization Support [SOS] applications denied the Persian Student Association’s request for $350 for a table banner, folding boards, flags, name tags and posters. These items were purchased by the PSA for their Persian New Year celebrations in March. The AS only gave the PSA $132.35 for their second SOS application for which they had requested $350 for additional supplies. Although the AS decided to raise its recommended contribution to $175, the standard amount they provide for clubs requesting money for T-shirts, the strain between the PSA and the AS was hard to ignore. The legislature denied the PSA’s request for funding on the grounds that the Persian Club did not submit its paperwork and receipts on time. “We give priority to the clubs that give us complete applications,” said a visibly frustrated Sanchez. The fact that they don’t have a detailed budget leaves us at a disadvantage because we don’t know what to fund. Each application has a due date and the correct procedure must be followed.”

John Burton Responds to Article

[Letter, from page 4]

he is wary of current Bush administration alarms about Iran’s supposed pursuit of nuclear weapons, he did not indicate that he would oppose a military attack. Moreover, Mr. Schiff took a much different position during a 2004 debate on the House floor: “There is no doubt that Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons, along with the ongoing standoff with North Korea over its nuclear weapons program, constitute the gravest threat to American national security today,” Schiff

claimed. “How we deal with this threat will shape our global security environment for decades. When coupled with the desire by terrorists to acquire and use these weapons against the US, the prospect of a nuclear-armed Iran and North Korea is petrifying.” The majority of voters in the 29th Congressional District reject such crass fear mongering just as they oppose the launching of aggressive wars in pursuit of control over natural resources located on the other side of the planet. These voters can find no political voice through politicians

of either the Democrat or the Republican Party, however. I am petitioning for ballot status as an independent candidate for the 29th Congressional District in the November 2006 election as part of the national campaign of the Socialist Equality Party precisely to build an alternative to this antiquated and inadequate twoparty system. Very truly yours, John Burton

Sahabi was quick to defend her club. “We worked really hard on this event and brought a lot of publicity to the school and you’re saying a $4,000 event is only worth $175.” It seems that the tension between some AS members and the PSA was about more than the $175. The issue was made white hot due to prior allegations of racism and unfair treatment aimed at the ASGCC. Various members of the PSA commented that the AS was being racist in their treatment of their club and denying them funding. The ASGCC took issue with those statements and demanded an apology. “We ask for an apology from your club for calling us racist because those statements were slanderous towards us and completely uncalled for,” added Sanchez with an open display of anger and hurt. The issue at hand may be about a refusal for funding but the roots of the problem are deep-seated and far more personal.

“We were really open-minded towards you and were trying to help your club, but your applications for funding were not complete, were missing signatures and weren’t detailed enough,” said Carolina Yernazian in an attempt to come to an understanding with Sahabi. “We were not targeting your club.” Sahabi apologized for the alleged comments made by her club members stating, “On behalf of my club I apologize for the insulting comments and remarks about you being racist, but please give us a break. It was a misunderstanding.” The debate between the AS and Sahabi lasted for about 25 minutes before a motion was put forth to end the discussion. The PSA left the meeting with $132.35 in SOS funds and $42.65 in OES funds in addition to all the funds they had initially received from the AS. Anna Margaryan can be reached at


Friday, May 26, 2006


Students Face New Parking Problem By Carlos Villarreal EL VAQUERO STAFF WRITER


o add to an already aggravating parking situation on campus, a new policy now threatens students with citations or even towing. With the price of parking permits rising, a lack of spaces available and the building of a new parking structure that has decimated the lot on the hill, the daily battle for parking is only worsened by a recent policy adopted by the campus police to cite or tow vehicles not picked up before 4:30 p.m. T h e policy affects student vehicles parked in lots supervised by valets, which are Lot B, 30 and 32. Students are supposed to retrieve their keys from the valets before 4:30 p.m. and if they do not do so by the alloted time, their keys will be sent to the campus police station. Once they arrive to claim their keys, students are handed a slip that warns them that if they do not retrieve their keys by 4:30 p.m. they may be cited or be towed at their expense. As parking woes continue to grow, this new policy adds insult to injury, as students are completely unaware of the policy.

Under the policy, the valets are supposed to inform students what do in the event that the keys are not retrieved by 4:30 p.m. As some students wander around confused about the disappearance of the valets and their keys, the lack of posted information adds to their worries. “I had no idea about that,” said Hera Arabian, 19, an advertising major. “You would think they [the valets] would tell you about it.” “I park in the valet lots all the time and I had no clue about that policy,” said Narine Avetisyan, 19, an English major. “They [the valets] do not post any information about it anywhere and I have full-time classes, so I should have seen a sign or something by now.” “The valets are supposed to tell you verbally about the college police’s policy regarding parking,” said Enrique Sandoval, special event supervisor of Twin Valet Parking, the second company hired to provide valet service for the campus. Information regarding the first company hired is unknown. “If you leave your keys with the valet past 4:30 p.m. the keys will be picked up by the campus police,” said Sandoval. “There was once signs posted informing students about the policy, but the signs disappeared, they might have been stolen.” Phone calls to college police spokesperson, Nidal Kobaissi,

The daily battle for parking is only worsened by a recent policy adopted by the campus police to cite or tow vehicles not picked up before 4:30 p.m.

about the policy, were not returned. With the price of parking permits rising this fall and the loss of 350 parking spaces in Lot B due to the construction of the new structure, the policy regarding valets and towing may be the final straw for some students. “People pay $50 for their parking permit;” said Arabian. “Soon it will be $65 and now they can get towed in a GCC lot for simply not picking up their keys. It’s enough to anger any student,” “I would be so outraged if I [my car] was towed,” said Avetisyan. “Parking is hard enough as it is; to have your car towed would just be like adding salt to a wound.” Some students are confused about why the valets are off duty so early in the afternoon. “Most students have classes pass 6 p.m. so why are the valets off at 4:30 p.m.” said Arabian. “They should be there till at least 6 p.m.” As for the fear of citations and towing students, “To my knowledge, no one has been cited for leaving their keys pass 4:30 p.m.,” said Sandoval. “Some students have received tickets for not having parking permits and having their parking meter out of time.” As parking problems continue to worsen and the scheduled completion of the new structure aimed for next year, students are forced to perhaps gamble with the choice of being towed or not finding parking at all. Carlos Villarreal can be reached at

Campus Plaza Parking Irritates Some Students By Pauline Guiuan



he recent shortage of parking spaces on campus has led many students to find alternative parking spots off campus. Some with hour-long classes even opt to park at the campus plaza’s onehour, customers-only parking lot across the street, only to come back and find that their cars have been towed. Signs have been erected all around the lot which read “Private Property: Parking for College Plaza Customers Only.” In smaller print, these signs explain that customers cannot leave the area with their vehicle still on the lot. The signs warn that “violators will be cited and vehicles will be towed at owner’s expense.” However, some students complain that even though they don’t leave the premises and purchase food from the stores in the plaza, their cars still get towed. “I was at the Coffee Bean with my friends for a little over half an hour,” said child development major Johanna Silva. “I never left the place. When I went outside around 35 minutes later, my car had been towed.” An irate Silva called the towing company, Erickson Towing Company, and went to its office to claim her vehicle. She was forced to miss a class and was charged $255 to get her car back. “I even showed them my receipts to prove that I bought food,” Silva said. She went to the Glendale Police Department, who directed her to a small claims court; the case will be held on Tuesday. Silva said she wants to be compensated for the expense and inconvenience that the towing company caused her, and said that there are others who had the same experience. She also complained that the person she spoke to at the towing company was “very rude” and, when she tried to explain that she had not left the college plaza, was told that he “hears this excuse all the time.” Erickson Towing Company owner and president Erick Strata said that some students park in the plaza lot, leave, and cross the street to campus; when they come back and find that their cars have been towed, they claim that they

never left the premises. “There are cameras on the lot that monitor customers’ parking,” Strata said. “Once we saw this lady come and park for almost three hours and leave. The manager saw this and had her car towed. She came and said she was there the whole time.” Carrie Kopp, General Manager of the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, said that Erickson tows up to 14 cars a day. “Someone is assigned to monitor the lot,” Kopp said. “The signs say ‘Customers Only’ so if he [the parking lot monitor] sees you cross the street, even if you did buy a drink, [your car] still gets towed. The main thing is to stay on the premises.” The parking lot monitor takes note of the license plate, make and color of every car in the lot, and records the time it came in. After about an hour, the monitor checks the stores and the stores’ employees to see whether or not the owner is on the premises. “We do give them enough leeway,” said Strata. “Even if they stay two to four hours, as long as they are patronizing the businesses there, it’s all right. But what some people do is come, buy food and leave, and their cars are on the lot.” Once the car is towed, Erick’son charges the owner $208 if the car is retrieved immediately. An additional $33 is charged for every day the car remains with the towing company. Owners can retrieve their vehicles from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. everyday. In Silva’s case, Kopp said that the monitor might have thought she had left the promises. “Can she prove that she didn’t leave at all?” said the manager. “If she can, then she should get her money back.” Kopp added that there was some confusion when the plaza stores first opened because there was no specific signage yet. Now that there are signs everywhere, she and Strata both believe that customers no longer have an excuse to say that they were unaware of the area’s parking policy. “The problem is that no one reads the signs,” said Kopp. “They’ve been up for at least a month.” She said that they do empathize with the students, who [See Parking, page 13]

Friday, May 26, 2006



Tutors Recognized for Outstanding Community Service

Photo by Jane Pojawa

Nane Kakosian, Tutor Coordinator (left) with honorees at the Tutor Recognition Party on May 19. 56 GCC students were hired through the Service Learning Center to participate in GEAR UP and AVID tutor/mentor programs. GCC students work as tutors in 12 local middle and high schools with mostly at-risk students to help them in improving their general study skills as well as serving as mentors. Students wishing to participate in this program should contact Nane Kakosian at ext. 5790. Volunteer and paid positions are available.

Associated Student Fall 2006 Election May 31 & June 1, 2006

John Davitt Award Goes to Alan Andriassian

Candidate (s)

Position President – Vote for 1 only Vice President of Administration Vote for 1 only Vice President of Finance Vote for 1 only Vice President of Campus Activities Vote for 1 only Vice President of Campus Relations Vote for 1 only Vice President of Campus Organizations Vote for 1 only

Ballot # 1

David Arakelyan

Ballot # 2

Carolina Yernazian

Ballot # 3

Syuzanna Petrosyan

Ballot # 4

Sevada Begijanyan

Ballot # 5 Ballot # 6

Christine Gharibian Hermine Sarkisyan

Ballot # 7

Karla Mercado

Senators of Administration Vote for 3 only

Ballot # 8 Ballot # 9 Ballot # 10 Ballot # 11 Ballot # 12 Ballot # 13 Ballot # 14 Ballot # 15

Arbi Ismailyan Mikael Saakyan Michelle Tehrani Gayane Aghajanyan Albert Bagdasarian David Valdez Yury Lisenkov Aksel Martirosyan

Ballot # 16 Ballot # 17

Jacob Halajian Janet Hutchins

Mary Stone, the winner of the Management award, was recognized by others for “going the extra-mile to always get the job done, sharing ideas and information, maintaining a positive attitude, and being a problem solver.”

Ani Keshishian Joey Melendez Mitzi Mendoza

The other nominees for the Classified awards included: Gretchen Smart, Suzanne Leard, Ann Reed, Mark Poore, Barbara Artukovick, Hoover Zariani, Jessica Loguercio, Maureen McNeely, Louise Chamroonrat, Sharon Denner, and Stanley Jung. The Management/Confidential finalists also included Judy Razze.

Senators of Finance Vote for 3 only Senators of Campus Activities Vote for 3 only Senators of Campus Relations Vote for 3 only

Senators of Campus Organizations Vote for 3 only

Ballot # 18 Ballot # 19 Ballot # 20

Student body elections are coming up on Tuesday. The only contested position is Vice President of Campus Relations, which is being fought out between Christine Gharibian who is currently a Representative of Finance and Hermine Sarkisyan, who is a Senator of Campus Relations.

Photo by Susan Cisco

The John Davitt Award recognizes employees for outstanding work that has greatly benefited the college. This year’s theme centered around “How the nominee’s action(s) have affected students or personnel at GCC.” All of the nominees were recognized for taking positive actions in their work which have sparked positive reactions in others. Alan Andriassian, the winner of the Classified award, (above, with John Davitt) was recognized by others as being “a mentor, a guide, having intellectual quickness, and having a positive affect on everyone.”

The College would like to thank all the nominees for their dedication and commitment to making a positive difference at Glendale Community College.


Friday, May 26, 2006


Transfer Student Credits GCC for Academic Success By Ramela Isagholian



o many students, GCC feels like a home away from home. But for Maher Abdel-Sattar, GCC was more than a home. Abdel-Sattar, a former GCC student who has transferred to UCLA with a GPA of 4.0 in the fall of 2005, said the years he spent at GCC are worth a lifetime. Abdel-Sattar moved to California from Lebanon in 2003 to start a new life by pursuing higher education, majoring in biology at GCC. He was born on Feb. 26, 1985 and raised in Beirut, Lebanon. He attended one of the best high schools in Beirut known as the International College. His parents and two younger sisters are still in Lebanon. Abdel-Sattar was born speaking to an Arabic speakin houshold. He was French educated and learned subjects such as math, science, literature, history and geography and other subjects in French. He took the National Baccalaureate exams (12 subjects with a four hour exam for each) and got an impressive score. “This definitely gave me a very good background in all types of subjects and provided me with knowledge or skills that proved to be very helpful in many situations,” said Abdel-Sattar. Shortly after Abdel-Sattar graduated from high school, he received his Green Card and moved permanently to La Crescenta in CA. Immediately after he arrived to California in August 2003, he applied to GCC and took all necessary exams to enroll in classes. “My life at GCC was a little tough at first, but I adapted to my new environment in no time,” said Abdel-Sattar. “I had no car, so I had to take the bus everyday to commute,” recalled Abdel-Sattar. “I had all night classes for my first quarter and I had to take the bus at 10 or sometimes at 11 pm and that was kind of creepy, especially when it rained.” Abdel-Sattar lived with his maternal grandparents for 2 years while he was attending classes at GCC. “My grandparents had a very tiny place with one bedroom and a living room only.”

His grandfather is 93 and grandmother is 73 and is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. “I aided my grandparents as much as possible while taking 16 to 19 units per semester,” he said. As of spring 2004, AbdelSattar had started his first footsteps in being a little more active on campus by joining the Alpha Gamma Sigma honors club, and by becoming a Math 103 (calculus 1) and Chemistry 101 (general chemistry) tutor at the learning center. As a biology major at GCC, Abdel-Sattar was taking difficult science classes with long lab hours for each, and took 9 GEs as well, before he transferred to UCLA. Despite his busy schedule, Abdel-Sattar managed to start a new club in campus known as the Mediterranean Social Club. As the president of the club, he had to attend IOC meetings and learned about all the different groups and activities on campus. Then in the spring of 2005, he became an SI leader for Dr. Javier Gago’s Biology 101 class. “Being an SI leader really made me grow, because this position rids you from any fear of public speaking and radically improves your speech skills.” This may be the reason why Abdel-Sattar thinks of being a teaching assistant upon graduation and perhaps become a professor later on in life. “That’s one of the reasons why I don’t want just a Pharm Degree but a Pharm D/ PHD instead.” He also tutored organic chemistry, general chemistry and math while he was studying for his own classes. “Some days I literally was on campus from 8 am to 10 pm.” When it was time for AbdelSattar to transfer to a university, it was GCC’s Transfer Center that helped him decide and choose a campus for the next two years of his life. “I went to visit all northern UC campuses by taking the awesome free tours that the Transfer Center offers,” he said. “I applied to UCLA, Berkley, and UCSD and got into all those, but chose UCLA.” Upon his graduation form GCC, Abdel-Sattar received a scholarship from GCC, the Annual Faculty Award for students who maintain a grade point average of 4.0. He also received two

Maher Abdel-Sattar was inspired by his participation in the Baja Field Studies Program. other scholarships from UCLA, the Regents Scholarship and the Alumni Scholarship which again are given to the students with the highest GPAs. Abdel-Sattar is majoring in Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology (MCDB) and is a minor in Human Complex Systems. He recently got into the Mortar Board National Senior Honor Society, a society that only offers its membership to the 41 most impressive UCLA seniors who best demonstrate scholarship, leadership, and other service to the new students. He voluntarily participated in the UCLA dance marathon that raised a quarter of a million dollars for pediatric AIDS research, and is planning to get involved in a program which encourages children from disadvantaged families to seek higher education. According to Abdel-Sattar, the secret to a successful life and a good career lies in the choices we make during our student years. “I learned most of the material taught at GCC by being very attentive in class,” he said. “I was always a very good listener and never skipped classes.” As Abdel-Sattar explains, group studying is one the best ways to learn the assigned material. “Group studying makes the whole process of learning more enjoyable and prevents everyone in the group from getting bored and tired of studying.” “There are billions of things you can do on campus at GCC,”

he said. “All you need is the initiative to go out there and look for them.” “I seriously believe that being involved on campus makes you grow as a person, helps you acquire leadership skills, teaches you how to deal with people, and trains you how to manage your time efficiently between club works, activities, studying, and other things,” said Abdel-Sattar. Abdel-Sattar believes that in a two-year university, the limited time and the crowded classrooms take the opportunity away from students to interact more efficiently with their professors. He thinks that GCC creates the best atmosphere for both students and professors to interact with each other. He also recalled some of his professors at GCC such as Dr. Javier Gago and Dr. Larry Byrd. “Dr. Byrd is an inspiring teacher that I’ll never forget, and Dr. Gago was one of the most amazing professors I had at GCC,” said Abdel-Sattar. “Dr. Gago is one of my role models because he is both an amazing professor and an incredible person as well.” According to Abdel-Sattar, professors at GCC do not only teach the subject materials but they teach the essential keys of happiness in life. “Dr. Gago has time for his students, but also gives priority to his family…he seems to be able to maintain a perfect balance between the things he has to do, and the things he wants to do.”

He added, “Dr. Gago is a great speaker, he jokes around, he’s very passionate about everything he teaches, he’s very helpful and very knowledgeable… I have a lot of respect for this guy!” “Maher was one of the best students I have ever had…he is beyond a student whose GPA is 4.0,” said Gago. “He is a truthful, respectful and a sensible human being…plus he is very energetic.” One of the other programs that has inspired Abdel-Sattar the most is the Baja Field Study program. “It was like an adventure…It really throws you out there in the wild and introduces you to the beauties of an untouched world.” Abdel-Sattar is planning to transfer to UC San Francisco upon graduation and complete the Pharm D/PhD program there. He also is going to take the last few required classes to graduate from GCC with an AA degree, “just because I love that college so much. Ramela Isagholian can be reached at

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Friday, May 26, 2006



Nursing Program Offers Opportunities By Pauline Guiuan



he recent high demand for nurses in the nation has encouraged more college students to choose a career in nursing because of the guarantee of employment and ample wages. The college’s own nursing program is ahead of the game, boasting a very high success rate in the state licensing exam and a large number of applicants as well as graduates every semester. “There is a critical shortage of nurses in the state of California,” said Cynthia Dorroh, Associate Dean of Allied Health. “This translates into guaranteed career opportunities.” GCC’s nursing program had a hundred percent success rate in the national licensing examination last month; all 26 of its fall 2005 graduates passed the exam. The four-semester program, which has existed for 52 years, has maintained a passing rate exceeding the state benchmark of 80 percent for many years, and sees its Registered Nurse (RN) graduates starting out at $50,000 to $55,000 a year. Hundreds of students apply for the program, according to Dorroh. “We take in 24 to 36 at the beginning of each semester, and will take more [students] in the fall.” Because of the large number of applicants, Dorroh said that it is “very difficult” to get into the program. Applicants are accepted through a formal selection process based on GPA, with an emphasis on the student’s performance in science and English courses. They also need to complete the core prerequisites, which include human anatomy, physiology, microbiology and psychology, among others, before applying. If the students are unable to make it the first time because of their GPA, they are given a chance to remediate and apply again. “It is very hard to get into the program due to the competition that you’re up against,” said Marie Valerio, one of the applicants who were accepted into the nursing program this semester. “For my prerequisites, I had to maintain my GPA in order to meet the requirements.

I’m still so grateful that I made it considering the competition.” Another advantage of the nursing program is that it is one of the few colleges that offer an evening and weekend program. “They were the first college that offered evening-weekend classes at the time I was studying,” said Maryllis Romero, a nursing program alumna who graduated in 2003 and is now a registered nurse. “I had a [day] job then, and it was easier for my schedule.” Romero attests to the difficulty of getting into the program. “During that time [I was at GCC], they used a lottery system,” said Romero. “Getting in was by chance. You could be a bad student and still get in.” This lottery system has been changed to the more academic GPA-based system last year. However, the program also helps students improve their chances of getting in by providing nursing workshops and tutoring/ mentoring services for those still taking prerequisites, and even for those who have already been accepted. Students are given the best possible training once they are accepted. “There’s wonderful faculty and strong college support,” said Dorroh. “We also have a solid curriculum.” Working in hospitals is part of the students’ formal training. “The [students] spend two days a week in classes on campus, and two days in hospitals doing nursing practice.” Dorroh said. “We go to 10 to 14 different places.” These hospitals include the Glendale Memorial, Kaiser Sunset, Kaiser Panorama,Verdugo Hills and Huntington medical centers. The students are divided into groups and assigned to different units of the hospital such as the psychiatric, obstetric and pediatric units under their instructor’s supervision. They are able to work closely with doctors, provide basic care for patients and are mentored by registered nurses. Romero said that the nursing courses require hard work. “I found myself studying a lot,” she said. “There’s a lot of books to read, and you spend a lot of time on the computer. I can say that I did more work than students in other majors.” Nonetheless, Romero also said that the teachers are “very

supportive. I especially remember Karen Wharton, my first and second semester nursing teacher. She was very approachable and gave a lot of support on [nursing] theory.” Valerio added that the courses require “a tremendous amount of memorization and studying at the library” in order to understand concepts taught in class. The program maintains small class sizes, limiting 12 students to each instructor in order to guarantee supportive supervision. They are also given laboratory practice on campus in the Nursing Resource Lab, located in the San Fernando complex.

The Lab boasts state-of-the-art technology, including several computers with updated software and a clinical simulator, in which several dummy “patients” hooked up to various hospital equipment are sprawled on beds for students to practice on. All the hard work will eventually be worth it, however, since RN graduates have a wide variety of choices in advancement opportunities and are guaranteed jobs. Some students, according to Dorroh, are even hired by hospitals as student workers, and many receive multiple job offers even before they graduate

and are hired immediately after graduation. “When I graduated, I was hired by Kaiser right away,” said Romero. She made $27 an hour when she started, working 12hour shifts three days a week. “I think [GCC] gave me a solid training ground to be out there by myself,” said Romero. “The experience really built up my learning so that I can now be a respected nurse.”

Pauline Guiuan can be reached at Pauline


Friday, May 26, 2006 11


Memorial Day Event Shows Impact of War on California “Eyes Wide Open,” an event sponsored by the Justice Coalition for Memorial Day featured speakers, poetry and the placement of a pair of shoes for every Californian who has lost his or her life in the Iraq War. Military personnel were represented by boots, civilians by casual footwear.

Photographs by Jane Pojawa

Jeff Key, an Iraq war vetran, is an outspoken critic of America’s Middle Eastern policy. See related story on page 12.

In Flanders Fields In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place: and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields. John McCrae


rmy Specialist Rel Allen Ravago IV was a Glendale resident and a Hoover High graduate who died in Mosul, Iraq on Nov. 23, 2003. He was 21. According to NBC and the Associated Press, Ravago’s vehicle was fired upon and crashed into a wall. He and Command Sgt. Maj. Jerry L. Wilson, 45, of Thomson, Ga., were pulled from the vehicle by a mob comprised mainly of teenagers and stoned with cinder blocks. NBC quoted Army Maj. Joe Yoswa, a Pentagon spokesman, as saying that there was no indication the men were beaten with rocks or mutilated, but witnesses said that was not the case. It has not been reported whether the two men were alive after the collision. In any event, Ravago is missed by family and friends who remember his friendliness, his humor and his signature dance moves. His duty was scheduled to end in March 2004.



n May 18, day 1,157 of the war in Iraq, five American soldiers were killed. Of the 2,454 American troops killed in Iraq thus far, 130 of those deaths have occurred in the most recent six weeks. Also, 18,088 U.S. soldiers have been wounded with 8,032 of those being listed in critical condition. The number of Iraqi civilian deaths is estimated at anywhere between 30,000 and 100,000. The total cost of the war for the U.S., to date, is 281 billion dollars. Also, on May 18, members of GCC’s Justice Coalition hosted a demonstration against the war in Iraq entitled, “Eyes Wide Open.” The Justice Coalition, a collective group comprised of four student organizations with over ten core members was formed in response to what the group views as an unjust and immoral U.S. occupation in Iraq. The rally was commenced by ex-Marine and Iraq war veteran, Jeff Key’s ominous performance of ‘Taps’ among 254 pairs of boots lining Plaza Vaquero, representative of the U.S. military’s California natives killed in Iraq. Jo Takarabe, member of the GCC Justice Coalition claimed the main purpose of the demonstration was to “have people remember the human cost being paid everyday by soldiers.”

Meleiza Figueroa was chosen by the Justice Coalition to deliver the opening speech at the rally. Figueroa used the public forum to, “point out the contradiction between the official lines that are given by the Bush administration and the actual reality of the war.” said Figueroa. “We’ve been told… different and conflicting reasons for this war that don’t seem to match up with the reality of what is going on. Are we preventing terrorism? No, we’re actually breeding it. Are we defending America? No, we’re not. Everything America stands for in terms of democracy and free speech, the notion of checks and balances in government is actually being eroded.” Following Figueroa was Executive Director of the Los Angeles chapter of the National Lawyers Guild, James Lafferty. Lafferty attacked military recruiting practices that he alleges prey on the poor and underprivileged. “It is a war being fought by the poor for the rich. The rich people aren’t sending their kids [to Iraq]. The campuses that [military recruiters] mainly go to are working class campuses, like Glendale Community College. They’re not spending much time at Harvard or USC. They prey on the poor, who, feeling that they have no options, join the military hoping to be able to support themselves, and of course they end up making someone else rich.” said Lafferty. Lafferty also accused the recruiters of using false promises to persuade potential recruits.

“What the recruiters promise is not what can be delivered. They lie about the job opportunities in the military, they lie about whether or not they’ll have to go to Iraq, they lie about educational benefits, they lie about how long they will be kept in service.” said Lafferty. Although the Solomon Act allows the military to use the campus of any college receiving federal money as a recruiting ground, Lafferty urged students to fight back. “Young people ought to not see the military as an option,” said Lafferty “although the recruiters have the right to be on campus, there is no law that says the students can’t make their life as miserable as possible.” Lafferty challenged students to oppose military recruiters by “dogging them where ever they go, exposing their lies, passing out literature that counters what they are passing out, opting to debate them--although seldom will debate--and informing classmates of the lies being told by recruiters and understanding about [various] grants that provide more money for students than the military.” With the military increasingly failing to fulfill quotas of college campus based recruits, Lafferty acknowledged this sort of activism as being a contributing factor, but admits, “of course the biggest reason is because the war in Iraq, itself, tends to dissuade people.” Edward Kim, a 20 year old sociology major at GCC, is one individual who has not been dissuaded by the Iraq war; having

recently enlisted in the Marines, Kim plans to enter boot camp in August. Although Kim cites “opportunities and discipline” for reasons that he is joining the Marines, he disagrees with the U.S. war in Iraq. “I really think [the war] is unnecessary.” Kim said. “George Bush really needs to get the army and the Marines out of Iraq.” Kim believes there is 40 to 60 percent chance that he will be sent to Iraq within a year after his graduation from boot camp. On Monday, President Bush acknowledged the increasing public disillusionment regarding the war. “Our nation’s been through three difficult years in Iraq,” Bush said. “And the way forward will bring more days of challenge and loss.” Coalition member, Ariel Torres, also spoke at the rally. “You can only see so much footage before you have to say something. The more you know the more it hurts you.” said Torres. Inspired by three friends currently serving overseas, Torres read, “it’s time for everyone to open their eyes, oil is not worth a soldier’s life,” from a poem he wrote for the demonstration. Assistant to the Associate Regional Director of the American Friends Service Committee, Steven Gibson attended the rally in support of his group which he claimed is “opposed to this war and war in general.” The boots used for the demonstration were provided courtesy of the organization which

was formed by conscientious objectors during World War I in 1917. Gibson argues the best way to defend against the threat of terrorism is, “through diplomacy, dialogue and communication. The best weapon humans have is the ability to communicate.” One of the two former members of the U.S. armed forces to speak at the event was Maricela Guzman, who served with the US Navy from 1998-2002. Guzman spoke on behalf of veterans returning home to the United States who, she claimed, are denied economical and medical benefits guaranteed by the military. Speaking mainly from experience, Guzman reflected on her struggles to acquire medical treatment for her injured leg. According to Guzman, it took nearly two years for her to acquire proper medical attention for her injury that has rendered her somewhat crippled. Also, Guzman candidly spoke about limitations concerning free expression the military places on its service members. “A lot of military personnel don’t support the war but are afraid of speaking out. What happens in the military is that you have your own ideas but the problem is you can’t express them, you feel very oppressed. It really takes getting out of the military to realize, ‘wow, I had a voice that I never realized was there’.” said Guzman Perhaps the most chilling [See Memorial Day, page 16]


Friday, May 26, 2006


Iraq War Veteran Speaks of Peace, Justice By Stephen Hotchkiss EL VAQUERO STAFF WRITER


eff Key was 34 and gay when he joined the Marines in early 2000. After overcoming alcoholism, Key wanted to regain control of his life and accomplish some of the things he felt the disease had robbed him of; he began to scratch items off his to-do list. One such item was to become a U.S. Marine. Growing up in Alabama during the Vietnam War, Key remembers looking up to the Marine Corps as an exceptionally noble group of individuals. Key admits that he, “grew up in a wildly patriotic part of the country and considered [him]self a patriot.” His sincere love for his country coupled with what he refers to as, “a continuing need to prove [his] manhood” prompted him to join the Marine Corps one year before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and before the build-up to the war. Key joined the Marines for patriotic reasons, but he doesn’t think most recruits are motivated by i d e o l o g y.

Many enlist in the armed forces as a result of a “lack of direction…or financial need,” he said. An unapologetic patriot, Key joined the armed forces primarily as an extension of his love for his country. “I love this country so much. I was, and still am, willing to give my life for this country and this constitution and to defend defenseless

people and support peace on earth.” said Key. The veteran remembers his experience in boot camp as extremely positive and healing. “For a kid who felt like an outcast on an individual basis, I was part of something that all these citizens clearly appreciated,” Key said. “It was an awesome experience of learning and loving and feeling like I was doing something noble.” The “don’t ask, don’t tell,” policy of U.S. military allows homosexual men and women to serve in the armed forces without having their sexuality questioned by commanders. However, if they reveal their homosexuality while in the service, the military can discharge them. Key claims to have, “played along” with the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. He said his recruiting officer told him “we d o n ’ t want any fags in here.” “A lot of people still

Photo by Jane Pojawa

believe you can spot one [a gay person], so they just assumed I was straight,” Key said. For the most part, Key managed to keep his sexuality a secret. He chose to admit his homosexuality “when I got to be good friends with people. It is a betrayal of friendship to lie. It’s ridiculous to think two marines can live and work closely together and one is supposed to keep his sexuality a secret. It’s ludicrous, of course it’s ludicrous.” The vet says that it was understood among his fellow marines “who I went to war with,…that my sexuality would never preclude fighting and dying.” Key believes the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy to be part of a bigger picture. “It’s part of a system of institutionalized homophobia, along with gay marriage and gay adoption, that makes homosexuality frightening to a less educated and less enlightened portion of our population that happens to be able to vote,” he said. Key claims that this sort of demagoguery, which has permeated into the United States political atmosphere, occurs on various levels and has dangerous implications. Referring to voters in “the South and the Midwest,” Key said, “They are misled on so many accounts, all you have to do is say abortion or gay rights and they will bomb Canada.” Key compares this conflict of values with the current situation in Iraq. “We have invaded and occupied a country that never attacked us,” said Key. Furthering the idea that politicians, President Bush in this case, use demagoguery to

manipulate the voting public, Key spoke of the president’s tendency to use religion as a validation of the Iraq occupation. “It’s horrific that Bush

admits that God told him to invade Iraq. God is not a fan of America and hater of other nations…he loves all his children equally. It is disgusting that that could ever be used to take the life of a child.” said Key. When Key was en route to Iraq, he was primarily focused on protecting the lives of his fellow Marine’s, with whom he had formed close bonds over boot camp training sessions. The reason as to why he was fighting was, at best secondary, if considered at all. Two months after his arrival in the Middle East, his expectations were anything but realized. “My buddies and I thought they’d throw down their weapons like they did in Gulf 1, and we would give them back their country and go home.” But he soon began to question our presence there. “It became clear to the Iraqis that it was about exploiting their oil fields.” When Key returned home several months after being stationed on the Iran border of Iraq, he claims to have gone through what he calls, “a continual waking up.” “When I found out America had switched their reasoning for going into war [from locating and commandeering weapons of mass destruction], to affording freedom and democracy to these put-upon people,” said Key, “I was furious because American troops were still dying for a lie.” What became clear to Key is that the underlying motivation for the war is oil. “War is a phenomenon based on greed,” said Key. “Long ago we knew disposable energy systems were going to kill us. We didn’t do anything about it because the money and the interim were too much.” Key believes the current empire-building tendencies of the United States are irresponsible and foresees an inevitable collapse of the country if immediate action is not taken. “Our world, for some reason, is set up to abhor an empire,” commented Key, while glancing at replica ancient Egyptian artifacts on his apartment wall and adjusting his Arlington West T-shirt. With the estimated number of Iraqi civilian deaths “going anywhere from 30 to 300,000, what we have done is ensure future terrorist attacks where

thousands of Americans are going to die.” Like many soldiers returning home from the theater of war, Key struggled with depression. Possibly a result of the various hardships he has had to endure throughout his life, Key managed to overcome depression by “turning his feelings outwards by creating something that outlives [him] to help those who truly suffered in the war.” Key strongly supports the importance of personal change in American society. “I would like to see a shift in morality and spiritual ideology in this country, and see us be more compassionate,” he said. Arguably the hardest working man in the anti-war movement, Key is at the helm of a number of projects dedicated to his fellow members of the armed forces. He said: “The service members, for whatever reason they joined, I love them, I appreciate them. They are one of the main reasons for my activism.” One such project is the Mehadi Foundation, a non-profit organization founded by Key with two main objectives. According to the organization’s Web site,, the goals of the Mehadi Foundation are to provide assistance to United States Armed Forces veterans enlisted during Operation Iraqi Freedom who seek help dealing with issues of post traumatic stress disorder, drug and alcohol concerns and other psychological issues as well as to administer aid and assistance to Iraqi civilians as they attempt to rebuild in the wake of the conflict, with specific emphasis on the alleviation of hunger and rebuilding homes and schools destroyed in the war. Also, Key has written and is starring in a critically acclaimed, one-man play entitled, “The Eyes of Babylon,” which depicts the veteran’s personal experiences as a gay Marine fighting a war he views as immoral and illegal ( David C. Nichols of the Los Angeles Times called “The Eyes of Babylon,” a “beautifully written, affecting testimony” with a “poetic depiction of blood lust worthy of Allen Ginsberg.” Key will also be featured in a “Showtime” documentary that will be aired in early 2007. Stephen Hotchkiss can be reached at

Friday, May 26, 2006



Lecture Reveals History of Polio Vaccine By Stephen Hotchkiss EL VAQUERO STAFF WRITER


ifty-one years ago he played a pivotal role in the battle against the crippling and killing polio virus, and this week Don Wegemer was welcomed to campus to talk about his work with Dr. Jonas Salk in developing the vaccine that would virtually close the books on the dreaded disease. Wegemer, featured in the science lecture series on Tuesday, worked alongside Salk for 32 years, helping the scientist bring to the market the first successful polio vaccine on April 12, 1955. The polio virus, which has been shown to have existed for thousands of years among humans, was considered a national epidemic in the U.S. at the time the vaccine was developed; the viral disease had rendered thousands of Americans either dead or paralyzed. The virus, named poliovirus (PV), enters the body orally, infecting the walls of the intestine. It may then proceed into the blood stream and into the central nervous system causing muscle weakness and often paralysis. Death occurs when the lungs become paralyzed. Wegemer worked in the Salk lab, located in the basement of a hospital funded through the University of Pittsburgh. The upper floors of the hospital were filled with victims afflicted by polio. Wegemer claimed, “we

looked to heaven for inspiration, but looked through the third, fourth and fifth floors on the way.” Lab conditions were admittedly adverse, according to Wegemer, who said that scientists in the Salk lab resorted to constructing their own incubators and filters. Also, they used dangerous, yet creative methods that would make MacGyver jealous, using “swivels, magnets and towels soaked in mercury chloride” to carry out experiments. Wegemer matter-of-factly pointed out that lab conditions were hazardous enough that two scientists working in the lab died of bacterial infection. After years working on a vaccine for polio, the Salk team carried out a massive study funded by the March of Dimes foundation. The foundation headed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was himself a victim of the viral disease, raised $1.8 million for the double-blind study carried out in the summer of 1954. In April of 1955, 15 years after the epidemic began in the United States, Dr. Salk announced that they had successfully developed a “safe and effective” vaccine for the polio virus. The Salk team was in healthy competition with another team headed by Albert Sabin. The differences between the two most common vaccines are that the Salk vaccine uses a dead strain of the poliovirus injected into the

Policies at Campus Plaza Parking Lot Vex Some Students [Parking, from page 6]

come in “yelling” and “annoyed” over having to pay a few hundred dollars to get their cars back. “That’s why we’re trying to get the word out [about the parking policy],” Kopp said. “We’re trying to find a happy medium. The bulk of our customers are students, and we want to keep them happy, but we want to make sure that there’s parking for customers who aren’t students too.” According to Strata, the store managers and employees have reported that some customers who are not students complain that there is not enough parking

in the lot. He said that the property owners are upset because this keeps them from making more money. For the store owners, the main thing is to keep all their customers happy, students or not. “We’re still getting it so that it’s fair to everybody,” Kopp said. “We want to create an atmosphere where students can hang out and not worry [about parking], and we want our customers to be happy.” Pauline Guiuan can be reached at Pauline

Photo by Stephen Hotchkiss

Sid Kolpas, left, introduces Don Wegemer, who spoke on campus about the development of the polio vaccine.

patient with a needle, whereas the Sabin vaccine uses a live but attenuated form of the virus taken orally on a sugar cube. Recently, as Wegemer pointed out, a virologist at New York’s Stony Brook University has managed to synthetically manufacture the virus. Obtaining a genetic blueprint for the virus from

the internet, a group of scientists constructed the pathogen. According to “Newsweek,” “[the virologist] says the experiment was intended as a wake-up call: ‘The major purpose was to show that it can be done.’” Wegemer urged today’s generation of scientists to overcome modern obstacles that

affect our world, such as energy consumption. “If the sun has fueled our earth with energy from fusion for so long, why can’t we find a way to use that energy?” Stephen Hotchkiss can be reached at


Friday, May 26, 2006





















‘Da Vinci Code’ Boy Meets Grail By Rachel Mills with Pauline Guiuan



he controversial new movie “The Da Vinci Code” was released May 19 to the chagrin of the Catholic Church and other religious groups. Art, murder and religion set the scene for a complicated plot filled with surprising twists and secrets bound to keep audiences at the edge of their seats. The movie, directed by Ron Howard, is based on the book by Dan Brown, which claims that Jesus Christ married Mary Magdalene, the Holy Grail incarnate, and starts off a bloodline that continues to this day. The story also makes the claim that over the centuries the Catholic Church has conspired to destroy any evidence that would bring this truth to light. Dan Brown’s book, based on the controversial non-fiction tome “Holy Blood, Holy Grail” by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln, has sold millions of copies and is a New York Times Bestseller. The main character, Professor Robert Langdon, is portrayed by Tom Hanks, who is famous for roles in films such as “Sleepless in Seattle,” “Castaway,” “Saving Private Ryan,” “Philadelphia” and “Forrest Gump” — the latter two for which he won Academy Awards. Langdon is a symbologist, one who studies symbols and their meanings. When a Louvre curator is found murdered with strange figures thought to contain a secret message drawn on his body, he is brought in to investigate. Langdon then encounters Sophie Neveu, played by Audrey Tautou, a French actress new to American audiences, but internationally acclaimed for starring role in “Amélie.” Neveu is the dead curator’s grandchild. As the plot thickens, both Neveu and Langdon wind up as fugitives on the run from the French police and the head investigator, who is acting in conjunction with Opus Dei, a

secretive cult within the Catholic Church. The protagonists also discover the involvement of the Priory of Scion, a secret society determined to protect to the death the secrets of the Holy Grail. In the race to the end of the film, Neveu and Langdon must unravel the clues and find the sarcophagus of Mary Magdalene before the bad guys find it and destroy it, thus keeping humankind forever oblivious of the truth of the Holy Grail. The story is full of surprises, with friends who turn out to be foes and secret society members emerging from the shadows. Ancient church corridors, cryptic symbols and riddles, and thrilling police chases and close calls add to the film’s riveting enigma. This builds up into an unexpected conclusion to the quest for the Grail. One of the story’s stronger points is its rich, accurate connection to actual historical events and figures. Throughout the film, events such as the Inquisition and icons like Isaac Newton and Leonardo Da Vinci contribute significantly to an intricately woven plot. The movie maintains a sinister mood from beginning to end, starting strong with the psychotic albino, played by Paul Bettany, who has also appeared in films such as “Wimbleton” and “Master and Commander: Far Side of the World,” and his portrayal here of a “deeply motivated” religious fanatic is disturbing but darkly enjoyable. Although definitely not as detailed or exciting as the book, the film stays as true to its literary counterpart as is possible in the 2 ½ hour running time. However, one particular disappointment is the character of Neveu; in the book, she plays a stronger and more valuable role in solving the puzzle, whereas in the movie, she seems to be dependent on Langdon for answers. The role of the Vatican is also downplayed in the film, and the crimes committed in the quest for the Holy Grail were attributed directly to Opus Dei. The fact that the group was strongly

endorsed by the Vatican, as the book reveals, was only implied – an obvious effort to keep from adding insult to the already insulted Catholic church. Despite criticism from religious groups, the movie is not an outright attack against the teachings of Christianity; it simply presents fictional alternatives to what is presented as absolute truth and recorded history. Although the film drags in parts, there are good performances all around. Tatou retains her

beautiful French accent but is easily understood, and portrays Neveu with a dark, mysterious elegance. Hank’s long hair gives him the look of a liberal arts professor. There is no “life’s like a box of chocolates” in his portrayal of Langdon; in the film, he is all intellect and severity. The stellar cast also features Ian McKellen, Alfred Molina, and the great French actor Jean Reno. The film adaptation was

written by Akiva Goldsman. While the movie is rated PG13, it is not a family friendly film by any means. There are scenes with nudity, violence, disturbing images, and a lot of gunfire. Remember, this is a work of fiction - unless Jesus did actually marry a reformed prostitute, move to France and start a dynasty that persists to this day.

Rachel Mills can be reached at

Friday, May 26, 2006





on’t Get Mad, Get Even” is this year’s theme for the annual student art show on display at the Glendale College Art Gallery through June 15. The theme of the show was chosen by the gallery studies class taught by John Zarcone. Their job, aside from selecting the pieces that would be on display for the show, was to install the exhibition as well as promote it. The college art gallery accepted works from both students enrolled in art classes at GCC and from the college community at large. “They [the gallery studies class] picked some things [art pieces] that I was very proud of,” said Zarcone. “We were looking for things that fit the theme and [had] a certain degree of technical proficiency in a particular media. [We were] also looking to see if the media fit the image.” But gallery director Roger Dickes had a final say in which pieces made it into the show. According to Zarcone, he

Photo by Jane Pojawa

Gary Freeman, an art student, views the photography of Chynna Jenkins whose triptych illustrates the theme of “Don’t Get Mad, Get Even.”

had to interface with the gallery director so that they could talk about what art pieces best represented Glendale college, the art department and the gallery. On May 15 and 16, students were asked to submit their artwork along with an application

that gave the title of the piece and a brief description of the medium used. Among the pieces submitted were several paintings, drawings, sculptures, and one sole audio- visual piece. There were 165 pieces submitted but only 36 were chosen to be on display for

the show. “We set up a desk at the front of the gallery and people submitted work which was then annotated and placed in a space,” said Dickes. Unlike past years, the students did not receive awards. “We didn’t know where the work was coming from,” said Dickes. “[Since] we left it open to the whole college community, we didn’t want a beginning design student competing with more advanced students. I thought that the prize would be getting into the show.” This is the first time that the student show has a theme, and a first that the pieces will not be judged within their respective categories. Dickes is not sure whether or not this approach will be taken next year. “I wonder if we took the same approach, the work will be different? Who knows?” asked Dickes. “I think that the main thing we did this time, that was significant, was that we had a theme, we presented the theme, and people responded to it. I think we can look forward to many more exciting attempts at

mounting a theme-based student show.” Although the theme of the show raised some concern among art instructors on campus, it proved to be popular and turned out several art pieces. The main concerns of the art department, according to Dickes, was that the theme would promote negative or angry, vindictive work. However, GCC student James Liu, 21, believes that the show’s theme resonated with the pieces on display. “I think it [exhibition] is really good,” said Liu. “I think that the intention of most of these pieces, to grab the theme, was well done.” The artists reception for “Don’t Get Mad, Get Even” is today from noon to 3 p.m. in the gallery. Students, faculty and staff are welcomed and encouraged to attend. Gallery hours are Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Friday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Olga Ramaz can be reached at Olga_Ramaz


Friday, May 26, 2006


Scandinavian Club Welcomes All for International Fun Student submission by David P. Roshan, President of the Scandinavian Associated Students Club. The ASA is hosting a BYO picnic in Verdugo Park today.


here are too many deadlines to remember, too many meetings to attend, specific procedures and laws to follow; still, each semester, dedicated students, already busy with school, work, and other responsibilities organize their time to create new clubs on campus. The newly established Scandinavian Associated Students (S.A.S.) is one of those clubs. S.A.S incorporates tradition and culture from Scandinavia and brings it all together in this a genuinely fun and friendly organization. The Scandinavian countries — Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, and Iceland — have often been associated with muscular, hot-headed, rampaging Vikings; the safest cars in the world; the most beautiful and curvaceous blond girls; a cold, freezing climate, and quite simply, Absolut Vodka. But Scandinavia is much more than that. Scandinavians are known for their liberal thinking, their

willingness to share with those in need, their love for diversity and the good in human nature, and also for enjoying a relaxed lifestyle. These views and values are expressed in the club as all students are welcome to join and enjoy the various scheduled events. The club had its first official event on May 4 in Verdugo Park, just across the street from the college campus. There was soccer and softball under the bright sun. Picnic blankets were set under the shade of the tall trees, and club members relaxed and chatted away, talking about everything from the latest basketball games to politics. During the breaks from all the exertion, tired club members enjoyed the refreshing Swedish “Lingon-Saft,” a Scandinavian berry-based beverage. While cooling down, Pejman Roshan, a club member and IOC-delegate said “I love playing soccer, but I just don’t have the stamina for it.” More than 30 people showed up for the picnic and had a great time. The GCC faculty member and club adviser, Michael Falcon, expressed his gratitude for the club and event, saying, “I love

Scandinavia and their traditions.” Falcon, an English teacher at GCC, helped establish S.A.S. and has contributed much time towards assuring the future of the club. The officers of the S.A.S were surprised that so many students had come to support the club. Most of the club members are from Scandinavia and have been in America for a short time, but they have all come here determined to succeed. Vice President of S.A.S., Johanna Adolfsson, said during the event: “I believe that each person in America has the opportunity to do something powerful with their life, and coming here I was determined to be one of those people. I wanted to make a change within myself, I wanted power, and I wanted what most Swedes do not get, the American dream.” She held a small brown Chihuahua named Dolce, which is the club mascot, as she spoke. With the success of the event the future looks bright for S.A.S.

Photo byDizzie Martin

Top left Jonas, Aren, Christopher, Ben, Johanna, Sebastian,in front of him (Hanadi and little cousin), the guy with the cap is Pejman, Sam, Million, Jerry and finally, Alexandre. The lower row, from left to right. Salad, Warsan, David P. Roshan, Fabiola, Billy, Artur, Ali, and Richard.

Memorial Day Celebrated With ‘Eyes Wide Open’ [Memorial Day, from page 9] aspect of the event was a speech given by the aforementioned Iraq War veteran, Jeff Key. In March of 2004, one year after returning from his station in Iraq, Key spoke out against the war on CNN. Since then Key has traveled extensively over the United States speaking to thousands of people, but was clearly at a loss for words during his speech in the Plaza. Throughout his performance of ‘Taps’ as well as during the speeches of those who preceded him, Key noticed a small amount of students actively participating in the rally while most students casually, “went about their business.” said Key. “I can’t imagine what it is that somebody needs to study in this moment, or talk about, that could be more important than this issue that we have come together today to shed light on.” During a later interview, Key admitted, “when I was at Glendale, I was pleased and delighted to see so many who are interested in that there is a war going on, but horrified to see the ones that couldn’t of cared less.” “It upsets me that we cant take a second to realize that these boots were put on by somebody like you who had dreams and aspirations of bettering their lives.” said Key during his speech. Key’s call to alarm was further explained as he delineated the possible consequences of the war. “We have invaded and occupied a country that never attacked

us. From an extremely selfish point of view, what we have done is ensure future terrorist attacks where thousands of Americans are going to die.” warned Key. “Even if you low-ball it and say 30,000 innocent Iraqis have died at our hand over there-- and yet this is supposed to be because of September 11 which they had nothing to do with--one tenth of that was the death toll on September 11.” said Key, “[We can’t] go into a country and kill so many times more innocent civilians and still expect that that is not going to incite terrorism, that that is not going to be the most dangerous thing for our nation’s security.” Meleiza Figueroa echoed this belief that the war is sparking more insurgency than previously existed, “It is undeniable that our presence there is a lightning rod for the different factions that are already in civil war and as much as we want to try to fix it, the truth is that we’re part of the problem.” Whether it was concerning recruitment practices on college campuses, the treatment of veterans or the moral implications for the war, all speakers at the rally vowed for the immediate retreat of U.S. troops from Iraq soil. As stated by Key: “If our being there is to restore democracy, and 85 percent of the Iraqi people want us gone, we have to leave. Occupation is fueling the insurgency; nothing else needs to be known.” Stephen Hotchkiss can be reached at

Campus Will Be Closed on Monday in observance of Memorial Day

Friday, May 26, 2006


Faculty Luncheon Honors John Davitt By Pauline Guiuan



ore than 500 members of the faculty, staff, alumni, administration and student leadership came to bid a fond farewell to retiring superintendent/president John Davitt at the Verdugo Gym Thursday. “It is a day of celebration and thank you’s,” said Steve White, Vice President of Instructional Service and master of ceremonies at the retirement party. “With John’s leadership...and his blood, sweat and tears, we now have an impressive college.” The Governance Rules! band, composed of faculty members, played rock n’ roll music while guests had a light lunch prepared

by the culinary arts department. Several representatives from different sectors of the college gave heartwarming speeches and presented Davitt with commemorative postage stamps that feature the retiring president’s portrait and a $5000 gift certificate for a vacation of his choice. A video presentation was also shown as a tribute to Davitt. In his tearful speech, Davitt thanked the entire campus community for “38 wonderful years. Looking back, I can only remember the good times,” he said. “I’m confident that you are all going to keep this college unique.” Photo by Jason Castro

Pauline Guiuan can be reached at Pauline

Sid Kolpas presents John Davitt with a special commemorative stamp collection featuring the likeness of the president / superintendant himself.




Thursday June 8

All classes that start between 6:30-8:15am TTH or any TH only class between 8:00-9:30am.

All classes that start between 10:15-11:45am TTH or TH only.

All classes that start between 2:30-3:30pm All classes that start beTTH or a TH only class tween 3:45-5:30pm TTH that starts between 1:15or TH only. 3:30pm

All classes that start between 7-8:00 am daily, MTWTH, MTTHF, MWTHF, MWF, or MW.

All classes that start between 8:00am -1:00pm on Friday only.

All classes that start between 1:15-1:45pm daily, MTWTH, MWF, MW.

All classes that start between 1:15-2:30pm on Friday only.

All classes that start at 5 p.m. or later on Friday only.

Assigned class time

Assigned class time

Assigned class time

Assigned class time

Assigned class time

Monday June 12

All classes that start between 8:15-9:15am daily, MTWTH, TWTHF, MWF, MW, or M only.

All classes that start between 10:45-11:45am daily, MTWTH, MWTHF, MTWF, MWF, or MW.OR a M only class between 12-1pm.

All classes that start between 2:00-3:30pm daily, MTWTH, MWF, or M only.

All classes that start between 4:00-5:30pm MTWTH, MW, or M only.

All classes that start between 5:45-7:30pm MW or M.

Tuesday June 13

All classes that start between 8:30-9:30am TTH or any T only class between 6:30-9:30am.

All classes that start between 12:00-1:00pm TTH, T only, or any morning conflicts.

All classes that start between 1:15-2:15pm on TTH or a T only class that starts between 1:30 –2:30pm.

All classes that start between 3:00-5:30pm T only.

All classes that start between 5:45-6:15pm TTH or any T only class between 5:45-8:30pm.

Wednesday June 14

All classes that start between 9:30-10:30am daily, MTWTH, MWF, or MW.OR a W only class between 10:3010:45am.

Friday June 9 Saturday June10


All classes that start between 12:00-1:00pm daiAll classes that start bely, MTWTH, MWTHF, tween 2:30-3:45pm MW MWF, MW. OR W only or W only. starting between 1:002:15pm.


7:30-10:00pm All classes that start between 6:30-8:00pm TTH, or any TH only class between 6:008:00pm.

All classes that start All classes that start between 4:00-5:30pm between 6:00-8:00pm on W only or any afternoon W only. conflicts.

** For Math 101, Math 120, Math 141, and Math 146 classes there will be a common final held on Friday, June 9, 2006 from 4:30-7:00 pm.


Friday, May 26, 2006


New Press Box Completes Sartoris Field By Jason Castro



artoris Field has recently been improved with the addition of a press box. A donation of $50,000 by Harley Davidson of Glendale will bring to the playing field a much needed press facility. “Having a press box has always been on our wish list,” said Alex Leon, GCC’s Sports Information Director. That list finally made it into the right hands. The new press box gives the scoreboard controllers and game announcers their own area. Prior to construction of the press box, they were out in the open and didn’t have a place to control the scoreboard and announce the game. Weather-plagued wiring can now all be contained in the new box. “This completes the stadium,” said Bill Taylor, GCC’s Director of Business Services. The local Harley dealer generated some of the money for the donation from the “Love Ride,” the largest one-day motorcycle charity event in the

world and one in which President Davitt has participated in. Davitt himself helped negotiate the construction of the press box. Last year’s “Love Ride” also raised more than $1.45 million for The Muscular Dystrophy Association. The next “Love Ride” will be held on Nov. 12. Located right above the bleachers, the new press box is an important facility for press relations and shows strong community support. The new press facility will have plenty of space for all the equipment and it can hold eight to ten people. It is equipped with eight windows for personnel inside to view events. The final color of choice will be beige with white trim to match the bleachers and the scoreboard. “It’s a great way to present ourselves as we host other schools,” said Leon. “It’s also something we can offer to our students athletes.” The new press box should be fully operational before football season. Jason Castro can be reached at

Sports Summary TRACK & FIELD

Men’s Tennis

Ray Vasquez and Lilly Hernandez earned All-American honors Saturday at the State track and field championships at Bakersfield College. The top six in each event earned AllAmerican honors. Vasquez, a sophomore, is a twotime All-American after finishing fifth in the 1500 meters in 4:01.43 and fifth in the 5000 meters in 15:39.16. Hernandez, a freshman, earned All-American honors with a fourth place finish in the 3000meter steeplechase in 12:04.31. Anna Rodriguez finished in 23rd place overall out of 37 scoring teams with eight points and the women’s team finished 33rd out of 40 overall with five points.

In singles, Tadevosian and former Hoover high teammate Sergy Vagramian were named to the all-WSC first team and Lew DeLeon, Derik DerMegerdichian and Craig Strazzeri were named to the second team. In doubles, the team of Vagramian and DeLeon were named all-WSC first team and the teams of Tadevosian and Norik Otuzbiryan and DerMegerdichian and Strazzeri were named to the second team. Glendale finished the season 10-8 and was ranked No. 4 in the Southern California Regional playoffs. They advanced to the semifinals and were beaten by the state champions, the College of the Desert.

The Cheer Squad spends many hours practicing before going on the field.


A presentation of the press box will be held Wednesday, June 7. GCC athletic staff and spokesmen for Harley Davidson of Glendale will be on hand to welcome the new addition to Sartoris field.

Photo by Emmanuel Belviz

Friday, May 26, 2006


On Campus performances Dance Performance 2006 — Directed by Lynn McMurrey and featuring GCC student dancers and choreographers, the show runs Tuesday through Sunday in the Sierra Madre Dance Theater. Admission is free. Seating is limited. Children under 5 will not be admitted. For more information about the production and the dance department, visit The Best of The New Plays — Student written and directed plays will be presented by the Theatre Arts Department at the Auditorium Studio Theatre tonight at 8 p.m. and Saturday. Seating is limited. Reservations are strongly recommended. General admission is $10, student tickets are $6, and tickets for groups of 10 or more are $4. For more information or to make reservations, call 240 1000, ext. 5618.

concert will feature the College Choir, Vocal Jazz Ensemble and Early Music Ensemble. The concert will take place at the Auditorium Mainstage on June 3 at 7:30 p.m. General admission is $7 and $5 for students and seniors. For more information call 240-1000, ext. 5622.

exhibitions “Don’t Get Mad, Get Even!” — The annual student art exhibition will run through June 15 at the GCC Art Gallery. The exhibition features work from both students enrolled in art classes and from the college community at-large. Gallery hours are 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays. Admission is free. For more information, call 240 - 1000, ext. 5663 or visit artgallery/


Applied Music Recital— The performance will take place in the Auditorium, June 2 at 7:30 p.m. and it features GCC student vocalists and instrumentalists. Admission is free.

Humanities/Social Science Lecture — GCC political Science instructor Mona Fields will discuss issues and candidates on the June 6 ballot Tuesday at noon in Kreider Hall. The event is free and open to the public.

Spring Choral Concert— Directed by Dr. Peter Green, the

other events

International Students Dinner Dance — The event takes place today at 6.30 p.m. at the Brookside Country Club. For more information, call (818) 240 - 1000, ext. 5440. Scandinavian Associated Students — SAS and the Students’ Association for Global Awareness invite the student body to have fun in the park. The gathering will take place at Verdugo Park today at 4 p.m. Student Art Show Reception — “Don’t Get Mad, Get Even!” student artist reception is today from noon till 3 p.m. at the GCC Art Gallery. Admission is free. Peña— Join the Association of Latin American Students tommorow at Plaza Vaquero from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. for the spring Peña. ALAS will be raising funds for Cittac a non-governmental organization based in Tijuana, Mex. that helps workers, especially in the maquiladora insdustry, to better their labor and living conditions and defend their human rights. Cittac is on the brink of closure due to lack of funds. Proceeds from this event will help this organization keep their doors open. There will be music, vendors, dance, food, and lots of friendship. Admission is $7 for students and $12 for general

admission. Additional donations are welcomed.r events • UCLA admission representatives will be on campus on Wednesday, starting at 10 a.m. For more information contact Transfer Center, at (818) 2401000, ext. 5442. • CSUN representatives will be on campus on Wednesday, starting at 10 a.m. For more information contact Transfer Center, at (818) 240-1000, ext. 5442. • UC Riverside hosts One Stop Admission Day on June 3 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on UC Riverside campus. For more information and to register for the event, visit or call GCC Transfer Center at (818) 2401000, ext. 5442. 2006 Intramural Speech Tournament — The tournament is on June 2 and it is open to any GCC student who has not competed in a college speech tournament. The entry fee is $1 per event and the deadline is Tuesday at 6 p.m. Students may enter a maximum of two events. They will be having events in informative speaking, persuasive speaking and oral interpretation, which includes prose, poetry, drama, program and duo. Email entries to

• In observance of Memorial Day, the campus will be closed on Monday. • Check your STARS priority registration appointment date and time for Fall 2006 on June 3 at Campus Kiosk, on-line at, or by calling (818) 545-7777. • Final examinations for the Spring semester will be held from June 8 through June 14.

health • The following immunizations are available at the Health Center at no cost to registered students: Tetanus-Diphtheria, and Measles, Mumps, Rubella. No appointment is necessary for these services. • Health Center provides pregnancy tests to students for a fee of $5.00 cash. No appointment is necessary for this service. Information on contraception and women’s health referrals is also available. The Health Center is open on Mondays and Tuesdays fom 8 a.m. till 9 p.m., and on Fridays 8 a.m. till 4 p.m.

Around Town exhibitions Totems to Turquoise: Native North American Jewelry Arts of the Northwest and Southwest - Museum of the American West presents and exhibition of over 500 pieces of Native American jewelry and articrafts. The museum is located at 4700 Western Heritage Way. in Los Angeles. Tickets are $7.50 for general public, $5 for students and seniors, and $3 for children. For more information, call (323) 667-2000. The Belle of San Marino: Introducing Arabella Huntington — Huntington Library, located at 1151 Oxford Road in San Marino, presents an exhibition dedicated to the wife of the Huntington

Library’s founder. The exhibit ion features such personal items as juwelry, photographs, plate illustrations and fashion accessories. Hours are Tuesday through Friday from noon to 4.40 p.m., and on Saturdays and Sundays from 10.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Admission is $6 to $15. For more information, call (626) 405 - 2100.

concerts The Bronx — On Monday, the local band plays post-punk from its upcoming debut album. At Spaceland, 1717 Silver Lake Blvd., Silver Lake. For information, call (323) 661-4380. Ninja Academy — Experimental indie rock is free on stage at The

Fold at the Silverlake Lounge Monday. The club is at 2906 Sunset Blvd. For information, call (323) 666-2407. Friday Night Jazz — Los Angeles County Museum of Art presents free jazz concerts on Fridays from 5.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. Redcar — Billed as gloomy, industrial synth-pop, the group plays Thursday at Tangier at 2138 Hillhurst Ave., Los Angeles. Admission is $8. For (323) 666-8666. Latin Sounds — LACMA’s Latin American Art Initiative offers Saturday night free concerts of eclectic music from various regions of Latin America. Concerts

start on Saturday at 4.30 p.m. in the LACMA’s park amphitheater. LACMA is at 5905 Wilshire Blvd. in Los Angeles. For more information call, (323) 857 - 6000.

performances “Hamlet” — The Knightsbridge Theatre in Silver Lake presents William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” on Saturdays at 5 p.m. and Sundays at 6 p.m. The theatre is located at 1944 Riverside Dr. in Los Angeles. Tickets are $25 for general public and $20 for students. For more information, call (323) 667 - 0955 or visit “Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure: — Penned by Steven Dietz, this Pasadena Play-

house production sets Holmes in a mystery involving a kidnapped opera singer and the Victorian underworld. Through June 11. 8 p.m. tonight, 5 and 9 p.m. Saturday, and 2 and 7 p.m. Sunday. Tickets are $38 to $60. For information, (626) 356-7529.

other events The 2006 Shakespeare Readathon — Caltech presents its annual 24-hour reading of Shakespeare’s entire oeuvre. The event in Avery House will start at 4 p.m. today and conclude at 4 p.m. Saturday. For more information contact Jed Yang at Shakespeare@ To submit a listing e-mail the El Vaquero at

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