April 27, 2011

Page 1

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board of trustees welcomes back incumbents . . . .


students fast for darfur.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


glendale wins 14 journalism awards. . . . . . . . . . . .


golf team gains first conference win. . . . . . . .


Volume 97, Number 4 April 27, 2011

Summer School Moves Ahead — With Limits By Christine Gillette EL VAQUERO STAFF WRITER


ll GCC students who have been pulling their hair out about the possibility of no summer session can now relax slightly. The summer session was voted on by the faculty guild last Friday morning and was officially approved. Many students will read this and have a smile from cheek to cheek, but with those smiles give your professors a pat on the back. GCC was able to have a summer session this year because of the contract negotiation made Friday between the faculty and administration, which resulted in a 40 percent pay-cut during the summer session for the faculty. Mary Mirch, vice president of Instruction, said that GCC is looking at offering about 60 percent of the classes offered in summer of 2010. “The schedule is being built on general education classes, career and technical education (CTE), basic skills and noncredit,” Mirch said. It was not a surprise that the bulk of the classes offered would be general education classes. This is helpful for the students who are sweating to take that one math class they need in order to transfer. Mirch said that the administration is anticipating that students will be able find out their priority registration by May 9 and [See Summer School, page 9]

IN THIS ISSUE Letters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 News.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5 Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-9 Center Spread.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11 Entertainment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-15 Sports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-18 Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Photo by Kenta Yamashita

BOOK ’EM: Officer Rony Aharonian searches a car in parking lot B on April 4, following a stop for a hit-and-run accident. Medical marijuana was found inside the vehicle. The driver had an expired prescription for the drug, casting its legality into question. It is the policy of the campus police to issue a citation whenever drugs are discovered in the posession of a student; the courts ultimately decide legality. The campus police have been extra vigilant in recent weeks following a string of vehicle break-ins and vandalism.

Armenians Host Remembrance Day By Luis Rodriguez



he Glendale Collge Armenian Student Association hosted an annual Armenian Genocide remembrance event in Plaza Vaquero on Thursday. The day was cloudy and somber, befitting the seriousness of the occasion. The ASA commemorates the Genocide almost every year since it became a campus organization in 1974, in order to call attention to this crime against humanity by providing

information that is not generally known to the public. “It is important for Turkey to accept responsibility for this Genocide, just as it was important for Germany to accept responsibility for the Holocaust, just as it is important for any perpetrator of any crime to accept responsibility,” said Marashlian. “It is particularly important for Turkey because the ongoing denial continues to stain Turkey’s image and Photo by Mario Camino hinders the development of a NEVER FORGET: The Armenian Student Association annually decohealthy democracy there.” [See Genocide, page 3]

rates Plaza Vaquero in remembrance of the Armenian genocide. This year, the flags of nations that have condemned the actions of the Ottoman Turks were honored.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011



El Vaquero editor in chief Jane Pojawa COPY EDITOR Agnes Constante STAFF WRITERS Michelle Bowles Nik Brkic Alex Campos Ashley Carey Toni Davis Vanessa Duffy Christine Gillette Kate Krantz Vaughn Lawrence Marlon Miranda Adriana Orellana Luis Rodriguez Derek Stowe Shearson Unda Erica White Lillian Wu


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Call for Recognition of Genocide Dear Editor, As a freshman in college, I have experienced an epiphany as to why my age group is the loudest among others when it comes to fighting for our rights around the world, from the United States to less democratic countries such as Egypt. While in college, we are enlightened by education to see the deeper, more accurate reasons for occurrences in all subjects. It is during this period of life we are finally made aware of why things are a certain way in our imperfect world – from economical struggles to racial prejudices. Even before attending college, I knew that if there was anything that has not changed over history, it was inequality among different ethnic groups. Learning about the prejudiced ways of our own country once upon a time with the unbearable treatment of the Africans and Na-

tive Americans during colonial times has made me reflect on a far more recent and comparable event, the Armenian Genocide. The Armenian Genocide was the massacre of 1.5 million people by the Ottoman Empire, known today as the Republic of Turkey. The Ottoman Turks did not discriminate victims by gender, age, or any other way; there was no mercy for the Armenian. The starting date of the Armenian Genocide was April 24, 1915 when hundreds of Armenian intellectuals and leaders were arrested in the city of Constantinople. This day was followed by the killing of Armenians in ways including (but not limited to) drownings, death marches, and mass burnings. April 24th is an international day of remembrance and the annual representation of the struggle to officially recognize the hor-

rors my ancestors faced nearly a century ago. There are countries that have officially recognized the Armenian Genocide, but the United States of America is not one of them. As an American-born citizen, I take pride in being part of this powerful nation, but as an Armenian-American it is upsetting to know that my ancestors marched, burned, and drowned only to have their plight ignored for 96 years. The United States of America does not have the purest history, with the massacres of Native Americans in the name of Manifest Destiny, and the undeniable ill-treatment of the Africans from the Middle Passage that reached far into the 20th century. It took centuries for the United States to accept the fact that African Americans, the descendants of tortured slaves, were the force that allowed our country to economically thrive the way it did

in the times of the colonies, and that they were deserving of representation and the quality of life promised by the Constitution. The United States of America cannot deny the actions that were taken against blacks, and has improved enough to have an African-American president today. The Armenian population today wants something similar from the Republic of Turkey: ACCEPTANCE. It is not my intention to narrate a letter intriguing enough to capture the attention of the government of the United States; it is to be one of the hundreds of thousands of Armenians in America, one of the millions of Armenians around the world, and the descendant of the 1.5 million victims who are trying to find justice, find liberty, to find closure. Sincerely, Emmy Mnatsakanian

A Plea for Equal Rights for Gays Dear Editor, I, such as many other Californians have heard a lot about gay marriage. Starting from the 2008 election where it was denied, all the way to recent times where Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker ruled proposition 8 unconstitutional and overturned it. At the celebration in West Hollywood that followed this event, L.A. Mayor Anthony Villaraigosa compared the struggle for gay equality to that of the civil rights struggle of the ‘60s, telling the crowd “this is a fight about respect and tolerance.” Even the president of the United States is against banning gay marriage. Which leads me to wonder: why are homosexual couples not granted the same rights that the rest of us heterosexual couples have? Even though I realize that this is a hot topic for most people, specially religious groups, I think it is time that we address every aspect of the issue so we are able to reach a just decision. First and foremost, most people who have gone against gay marriage have done so because their religion labels it as wrong

and not a union that God would approve of. I, like many other Californians, have a hard time understanding this concept. Church and government are separate entities so why is one of the main reasons that people are against gay marriage have to do with religion? I personally don’t understand this concept and find it to be unjust. I’m almost positive that in most, if not all religions, God frowns upon stealing, lying and cheating. So why is it that when someone is convicted of a crime there is no mention of religion? Simple answer is that religion and matters of the state are not intertwined. So why is the number one rebuttal for gay marriage having to do with religion? Secondly, I believe that gay marriage is a civil issue. I think what some people that are against gay marriage fail to realize is that as a married individual, people gain certain rights that they wouldn’t have if they were not married. Married couples have the right to have a say so in their spouse’s medical treatments. A good example would be if their significant other is on their deathbed and they have to make a decision

on pulling the plug. A homosexual couple that has been together for years does not have a say so in their partner’s final moments. I can’t imagine how heartbreaking that must be, to sit there while someone else makes decisions for the one you love. Another example would be tax breaks that married couples receive. Why shouldn’t a couple that wants to devote their life to one another have the same rights as a heterosexual couple? I don’t see how that is fair. I would also like to point out that almost half of all marriages end in divorce. Clearly marriage does not hold the same values as it once did. We see so many celebrity couples that seem to change partners in a couple of years. It is almost a joke in Hollywood where a marriage of about five years is considered a lifetime for them. Celebrities aside, regular, everyday couples seem to be doing the same thing. Most rush into marriage, it seems. A lot of these couples have not been together for a sufficient amount of time to really know one another before entering into a union whereas some gay couples have been together for decades and are not

able to marry. Which leads me to ask this question. How can God bless a union that is entered into so lightly and not with enough thought and consideration and yet a homosexual couple that has devoted their life to one another and have been together for a number of years is deemed wrong? I do understand that this issue is a touchy subject for most people and debates have been going on this topic for quite a while now but I would hope that in my lifetime the gay community will enjoy the same privileges and rights that the rest of us heterosexual people have. Thank you for your time Sincerely Anasheh Margoosian


What do you think

Send a letter to the editor at: editor@elvaq.com


Wednesday, April 27, 2011



Trustees Welcome Back Incumbents he board of trustees reorganized the board positions, discussed plans for college improvements through federal funding and spoke about the college’s future at the regular board meeting on April 18 in the J. Walter Smith Student Center. The 8 a.m. time change reflected the observance of Passover at sundown. Anthony Tartaglia and Vahé Peroomian were re-elected to four-year terms on the Glendale Community College Board of Trustees in the Glendale municipal elections on April 5. The board also rotated its

positions in their yearly April elections. Anita Gabrielian, who administered the oath of office to Peroomian and Tartaglia, will be president of the board. Armine Hacopian will be vice president and Ann Ransford will be the clerk for the coming year. Tartaglia said he thoroughly enjoyed his presidency and thanked Glendale College President Dawn Lindsay, all the vice presidents on the management team and his colleagues. “We no longer have a oneyear resolution on our 5 percent reserve,” Tartaglia said. “This committee has worked hard. We have a 5 percent reserve and that reserve is to be utilized

Vahe Peroomian

Tony Tartaglia

By Lillian Wu



for emergencies and is not to be budgeted down, in this trustee’s opinion.” Both Tartaglia and Peroomian thanked the public of Glendale, La Crescenta and part of La Cañada for giving them the vote of confidence on April 5. When the board members returned from a brief recess to reorganize the board, Gabrielian called the meeting to order. Scott Wilk, a partner with Anchor Consulting, LLC, gave the first special presentation about GCC’s federal relations agenda for future GCC projects. One project is the intercampus shuttle program which plans to bridge the Garfield Campus with GCC. Discretionary grants would fund this project. Another project is the multimodal transportation facility, which will improve parking, pedestrian access and a bus stop for the Garfield Campus. GCC is seeking a $2.3 million through the Highway Surface Transportation Act, which California Sen. Barbara Boxer hopes to move this year. Hrach Gregorian, another professional facilitator, joined Wilk in the second half of the

presentation. Hacopian asked what types of programs other colleges are getting funding for. “There is no question that the physical sciences and technology tend to attract more funding than the arts and humanities,” Gregorian said. Jewel Price, dean of student services, spoke about the educational initiatives with Glendale sister cities Gimpo and Goseong in South Korea. During her March trip, Price signed agreements with the mayors of the two cities. Gimpo and Goseong plan to send 10 to 15 students each to GCC every year with the first group arriving in spring 2012. “That is extremely meaningful to us not only in terms of how it will help internationalize our curriculum and bring the culture and perspectives here but it will also bring income to the college,” Price said. “We are very much looking forward to seeing the students.” The board discussed the acceptance of a grant from the California Department of Education Nutrition Services Division. GCC was given a

leadership role to develop a program that will train the culinary instructors who will teach their students to create healthy meals for children. Lindsay said this was a continuation of a grant from 2007 and will last until June 2012. It will generate an income of $202,114. The board also discussed the change order for the Child Development Center Instructional Garden, a project that started in October 2010 and is still in progress. The center has requested a change order for installing a new valve and timer, storage units and an irrigation controller and will cost about $5,034. Lindsay said college funds were not required because the Los Angeles Universal Preschool grant provided the funds for the project. Whether the garden will be open to the public will be discussed at the next meeting. During the PeopleSoft implementation project budget augmentation, Michael Scott, academic senate president and representative to the board, said that more money would be needed [See Trustees, page 4]

Day of Remembrance Brings Campus Together [Genocide, from page 1] Although resolutions have been introduced in Congress, including several by Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Glendale, the U.S. has never pressed Turkey to acknowledge its role in the genocide. However, the flags of several countries that have condemned Turkey’s actions were displayed in Plaza Vaquero on Thursday. The flags of every country that supports the recognition of the Genocide adorned the lawn; all of them European, North American or South American. None of them have a military presence in Turkey as the U.S. does. In America, 43 states, including California, recognize the Armenian Genocide. Additionally, many newspaper articles showing the tragic massacres were spread out on tables and tents with members of the ASA on hand to provide additional information.

“Obama should recognize the genocide,” said Davit Isakhangan, 27, an Armenian-born accounting and finance major. “Almost all states in the U.S. recognize this tragedy. The U.S. has a good relationship with Turkey and the Congress refuses to do it. Obama is kidding everyone when he avoids saying the word ‘genocide’.” What happened 96 years ago is still relevant today because Turkey still denies it, and a successful denial of past genocides makes it easier for others to perpetrate future genocides,” said Marashlian. “Remembering the Genocide and demanding justice from the Turkish government is important for Armenians everywhere because the denial of this horrendous crime is an act of psychological aggression against Armenians and a potential threat against the survival of Armenia.” “We’re protesting against Obama for not recognizing the genocide,” said Marie Danielian,

secretary of the Armenian Student Association. “He’s being dishonest to his voters. The military bases in Turkey are bigger than the ones in Armenia, so the government doesn’t want to strain its relationship with Turkey. We have a protest coming up April 24, with Armenians protesting against Obama. We did the petition and the U.S. Senate and House has vetoed it several times. My ancestors were in the genocide. My great grandmother survived and I was lucky to be born.” Isakhangan, who had not attended previous GCC genocide commemoration events, expressed his appreciation for the work put into the event by the ASA and said, “The new students are getting information about the genocide. Maybe when they all get home they can inform themselves. These events are close to my heart. All Armenians should fight for this reality. All Armenians were spread all over

Photo by Mario Camino

BLACK AND BLUE: Nare Nersisyan pins a memorial ribbon on her

cousin Vart Nersisyan’s lapel. Behind them, other Glendale students add their hand prints to a black wall in support of the Armenian Student Association.

the world in different countries. It is an international fight for justice.” April 24 was Genocide Remembrance Day, and this year it coincided with Easter

Sunday. The genocide against the Armenians began on this date in 1915 and continued until 1923. Luis Rodriguez can be reached at luis_rodriquez@elvaq.com


Wednesday, April 27, 2011



Students Fast to Raise Awareness of Darfur By Erica White



ollow the sounds of beating drums, maracas, and laughter. Sticks of Nag champa incense are burning in the middle of a large circle of participants. Everyone has a weapon of choice; all are feeling experimental and giddy. The giddiness could be from lack of food for the last 10 hours, but it’s most likely due to the thrill of trying something new and finding the beat. This is not a hippie commune nestled in the hills above San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury district. No, this is Glendale. Last Friday, members and non-members of In His Shoes Ministries gathered in the GCC Student Center Conference Room to fast for Darfur. The 30hour fast began noon on Friday and ended Saturday at 6 p.m. at the Armenian Church Youth Ministries Center. Participants were asked to raise a minimum of $150 and bring an open heart, along with a toothbrush and sleeping bag. Darfur is a region of western Sudan in the African continent. It is not a country, but it is equivalent to the size of France. Darfur once harbored six million African tribes and nomadic Arab herders before the outbreak of hostilities in 2003. Since then nearly 400 villages have been destroyed and millions of people have been displaced. Over 400,000 have been killed by violence or malnutrition. Today in the refugee camps, water shortages are common. The refugees live in constant fear of attack since the camps sit along the Sudan and Chad borders. The violence has spilled into Chad and if refugees wander too far they are at risk of being killed if they are male, and raped if they are female.

In His Shoes was created as a response to the Armenian Genocide, and members believe that through fasting they can raise not only money for Darfur’s refugees but also raise awareness about the atrocities that are ongoing in the region. The group partakes in the fast annually. This is their tenth year of participation and, with their partners World Vision, they have raised over half a million dollars in donations over the 10-year span. This year the group chose to switch partners and teamed up with Stop Genocide Now, which is a non-profit grassroots and activist lead organization. They made the switch because the organization focuses primarily on Darfur. “We still have partnerships with World Vision and in the future we’ll probably do something with them again,” Suzie Shatarevyan said. During the year, In His Shoes participates in a number of charitable events including making blankets for babies, and going to skid row every month to pass out food and clothing. Besides this, in January they go to Santa Barbara for fellowship with their Martin Luther King retreat. Shatarevyan is a bubbly, energetic and receptive 32-yearold. She was born in Armenia and has lived in the U.S. for 23 years. Shatarevyan found out about In His Shoes when the president, Fr. Vazken Movesian, came to USC and participated in a symposium. “After I heard him speak I went home and looked up the website. And after I looked it up I thought ‘that’s what I want to be a part of,’” Shatarevyan said. Shatarevyan works as an electronic resources librarian and helps with the groups podcast. She also helped organized the

fast. Shatarevyan said that Armenians are a resurrected people, and that they need to provide hope for people still suffering. “We are trying to give the people hope. They too will survive and they are not forgotten and we still think about them,” she said. With events planned to fill the hours, Shatarevyan said she often forgets about her hunger. This is her sixth year of participation in the annual fast. In His Shoes consist mostly of Armenians from the Glendale community. April 24 commemorates the 96th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. This year, the anniversary date falls on Easter which is practically significant to the primarily Armenian Orthodox group. Father Movesian said the commemoration of the genocide was not about forgiveness. “First of all, nobody did anything to you. They did it to your parents, your grandparents, your great-grand parents. It’s up to their generation,” Movesian said. To be clear, Movesian does not condemn the commemoration he just feels there are better ways to heal. “We just don’t feel commemoration is the path to finding that justice we’re seeking,” said Movesian. “What we’re saying is if you are seeking justice there are better [ways] than going out there and burning a Turkish flag. Let’s go do some real action.” Susan Movesian, speaking to a group member who told a story of idolizing people who beat up others, congratulated him for attending. “There are people in our [See Darfur, page 5]

Glendale Municipal Election Results V oters gave a nod of approval to incumbents Tony Tartaglia and Vahe Peroomian, both of whom were re-elected to the GCC Broad of Trustees April 5. “It is a vindication that we made the right choices,” Tartaglia said. Measure S, a $270 million school bond was approved with 69 percent in favor of the measure, surpassing the 55 percent margin needed to pass. Measure S will provide funding for maintenance, repairs and upgrades to Glendale and Crescenta

Valley schools. Measure S does not increase local taxes only maintains taxes that Glendale citizens are currently paying. Councilman John Drayman lost his seat to former City Councilman Rafi Manoukian. Drayman came in third, 61 votes behind incumbent Dave Weaver. Weaver maintained his seat on the city council. Glendale Unified School District board incumbents Mary Boger and Nayiri Nahabedian were also reelected. —Erica White

Photo by Erica White

CAN’T BEAT THIS: Suzie Shatarevyan keeps it steady during the drum circle at the Fast for Darfur event.

Board of Trustees [Trustees, from page 3]

in the coming months. “We need a commitment from the board that we will be allowed to spend the money that it takes to make it work,” Scott said. “There are a lot of functions that we do on this campus that are not working yet.” Scott also updated the board about the site visit from the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges about the accreditation. The first recommendation was planning, and they were amazed at the amount of work that GCC did so far. Faculty Guild President Ramona Barrio-Sotillo said the guild would come to a decision about summer school soon. [An argreement was reached between the Guild and the administration on Friday for a limited summer session.] Mary Mirch, vice president of instructional services, said the study abroad program to Japan was cancelled on April 1 because of issues associated with the radiation. The director of the study abroad program, Kim Foong Chong, asked if the students would be willing to donate $100 of their deposit to the earthquake and tsunami victims. He collected $3,100. Gabrielian spoke about

Hands Across California, which was an event to raise awareness about how little funding community colleges are getting. She encouraged everyone, if they could, to text 27722 to HANDS for a donation of $10 to raise money for community colleges. “I think we are entering the most challenging budget year in many decades,” Gabrielian said. “We have to pull together and make sure that we keep students first and that we work with each other and keep an eye on the prize, which is student success.” Lisa Brooks, executive director of the Glendale College Foundation, announced during the audience comments that GCC will have a campus beautification effort. Although it was spearheaded by Tartaglia, Ransford also encouraged the Glendale Noon Rotary Club’s commitment to GCC. The event is scheduled for Saturday at Glendale Community College from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Students interested in participating should contact student trustee Janet Shamilian, while faculty or staff should contact Brooks. Volunteers should bring gardening gloves. Lillian Wu can be reached at Lillian_Wu@elvaq.com


Wednesday, April 27, 2011



Journalism Wins Awards, Gains Presidency By Kate Krantz



either the front nor back seat could have sufficed. The presidential seat was the only one to take. Formerly known as an El Vaquero staff writer, Vaughn Lawrence is now recognized as the SoCal Regional Student President of the Journalism Association of Community Colleges (JACC), inside and outside of the newsroom.

At the conference, elections were held for the Board of Directors members for the 201112 fiscal year, with Lawrence entering the competition among six other participants from SoCal regions. When the face-off began, all six participants sat waiting their turn to answer questions from the audience, filled with interrogative journalists. The pressure was felt among all the candidates. However, he did not possess an ounce of hesitation

Fast for Darfur [Darfur, from page 5] “There are people in our community who would find what we are doing to be very, very extreme and maybe not the right thing to do. The group aims to spread the message not only to the Armenian community but to the world around of walking in another person’s shoes. “When we walk in someone else’s shoes we start to ask the questions that need to be asked. We start to understand the other person and who they are. By understanding who they are we start to have respect for them. By respecting them we start to love them,” Father Movesian said. GCC student Savana Aghamal, 24, found a creative and lucrative way to get donations. “During club rush week when the tents were up I sat under one and offered free massages for a donation,” Aghamal said. Last year Aghamal said she didn’t get any donations cause she didn’t know how and she was shy. “This year I was determined to get some [donations]. Once I got people relaxed I’d tell them about the event. The more relaxed people got the more they listened and were willing to donate,” Aghamal said, giggling. “It was funny cause people kept asking me, is this your club?” This year Aghamal not only had donations to bring in, but she brought her future brotherin-law Teddy Mirzaian, 29, too.

Mirzaian went to a march last year but didn’t dig the vibe. Mirzaian grew up in Glendale. He said he grew up with this, referring to the Armenian Genocide. “Every culture has a history that’s been passed on,” Mirzaian said. “I’m not trying to talk negative about it [the march]. I think it’s important to do the march because it’s some kind of voice. But when I went to the MLK [Martin Luther King] retreat, that’s when it struck me, why look to the past?” Mirzaian said. Mirzaian had an epiphany. He realized that he didn’t need the recognition of politicians or other people. He knew the truth. So does his family, and so will his children. “We’re all brothers and sisters. I don’t know those people but I can understand the pain they are going through. I wish somebody understood the pain my people went through 100 years ago and helped them out rather than turned their backs,” Mirzaian said. Yelena Zakaryan works in the GCC chemistry department. She is tired from the long day, but grateful for the opportunity to fast. “Seeing the eyes of the children and seeing them filled with hope and love. Seeing that means so much more and is more filling than food. For more information on Darfur or to donate go to www. stopgenocidenow.org or www. inhisshoes.org. Erica White can be reached at Erica_White@elvaq.com

to tackle the stage. “I was nervous as I sat idly by watching the other candidates speak,” said Lawrence. “Frankly, I was surprised when they announced my name as the winner. I noticed that for a journalism convention there was not a lot of interaction between participants, and that is something I would like to improve upon.” Lawrence, along with seven other El Vaquero staff writers and photographers, attended the JACC state conference held at the Doubletree Hotel in Sacramento from April 7 to 10 where Glendale’s student publications won a total of 14 awards. The state organization is compiled of two regional divisions: NorCal, representing colleges north of Fresno in the San Joaquin Valley and Santa Maria on the coast and SoCal, representing community colleges south of those locales. JACC hosted approximately 580 student and faculty delegates represented by 48 colleges in California and one school from Rhode Island. The rivalry was fierce. Numerous community colleges across state compete once every year at the conference for awards on submitted work from the previous semester and from other JACC competitions. From competitions, workshops to tours to The State Capitol and Fox40 News, staff members were on the top of their game with pens, recorders and notebooks. The newspaper showcased its talents in mail-in, bring-in, and on-the-spot contests for writing, photography and page layout. Despite the substantial number of participants, El Vaquero was able to grab victory by its horns. “The copy editing contest was a big challenge so when I received an honorable mention, I was delighted and couldn’t believe my ears,” said Derek Stowe. Although The Insider, the campus magazine which is produced by the JOURN 107 class every spring semester, took home most of the awards, studentproduced spoof entertainment magazine Idol was a surprise hit, picking up an honorable mention for design and another for a humorous opinion piece. Inspired by The Insider’s use of Magcloud to produce shortrun magazines online, long-term staff member Graig Agop and his brother Hosvep recruited every

ex-El Vaquero journalist and photographer they could scavenge to produce the magazine during the summer. This group included three ex-editors and a rotating staff culled from five years of association with Glendale’s journalism department. “I guess you could describe it as a Hail Mary pass,” said Jane Pojawa, the Insider’s editorin-chief. “But we didn’t have enough entries for JACC’s contest categories. Idol isn’t journalism — it’s a humor magazine — and it didn’t have a faculty advisor, but it did meet the criteria of being a student publication. “So I explained all of that in a cover letter and used Idol to plug some of the holes in our entry package. I have to say that I was shocked but delighted that in the few categories for which it was eligible for competition, Idol represented Glendale splendidly.” Considering the subject matter of the magazine, the brothers knew they were taking a risk. Thankfully, the judges accepted and rewarded what they strived to accomplish. Even still, there is room for improvement. “I’ll have more time to tweak the layout of the next issue and experiment with how to translate the information to evolving media formats,” said Hovsep. In past projects for Glendale’s newspaper and magazine, the Agop brothers have won a number of JACC awards, including audio slideshow and feature photo. In addition, they picked up another honorable mention for a student-designed advertisement, “We’re Positive!” to promote the journalism department, which ran in the Insider. “For the past three years, award wins at JACC have been the only way of convincing my peers, advisors and at times myself that I’m not crazy but rather full of horrible ideas that, manipulated correctly, actually work, said Graig. I thank JACC for its support and encouragement that has driven me to grow. I would also like to thank Shakira for bringing out the sun in the mornings.” This year, the convention featured a new competition enthused by the popularly used social networking website, Twitter. Junior college students set up accounts and were awarded one point for each newsworthy post during the three-day

competition. The college with the most points won. Staff writer Ashley Carey placed second and was even presented with a customized award for the best Twitter personality. “I actually had no idea anyone was reading my personal Twitter account, so the fact that they created an award for me was a huge surprise, said Carey. I was too afraid to make jokes on the official El Vaquero account so I put them on my own to get them out of my system and that’s what won.” At JACC, one has to learn the rules of the game and El Vaquero, Insider and Idol are playing better than anyone else. The Southern California conference will be held at Cal State Fullerton in the fall. The JACC winners at the state convention are:

MAGAZINE PHOTO First Place: Louis Roche MAGAZINE PROFILE FEATURE Fourth Place: Louis Roche MAGAZINE COVER Fourth Place: Louis Roche MAGAZINE FEATURE NONPROFILE Second Place: Edwin Lopez HM: Adriana Orellana STUDENT-DESIGNED ADVERTISEMENT HM: Graig and Hovsep Agop MAGAZINE LAYOUT HM: Hovsep Agop MAGAZINE OPINION HM: Ernesto Ramirez SPORTS FEATURE Third Place: Louis Roche NEWS FEATURE Fourth Place: Derek Stowe TWITTER PERSONALITY Ashley Carey TWITTER COMPETITION Second Place: El Vaquero (Ashley Carey) BRING-IN PHOTO Third Place: Ian Cervantes COPYEDITING HM: Derek Stowe CONTINUING STUDENT SCHOLARSHIPS ($100) Jane Pojawa Kate Krantz can be reached at kate_krantz@elvaq.com


Wednesday, April 27, 2011



Brothers Start Entertainment Magazine By Kate Krantz



l Vaquero has a crazy aunt…and her name is Idol Magazine. Produced by long-term El Vaquero staff member Graig Agop, his brother Hovsep and former and current newspaper staff members, Idol Magazine launched its first issue titled, “The Evolution of Megan Walker,” last summer. Further down the family tree, Idol is the baby of “Black Magic,” a screenplay co-written by the two brothers. The synopsis of the script features budding entertainment columnist Colin Laferty, a compulsive liar with Turret’s syndrome, as he begins his internship at Idol Magazine, despotically controlled by the editor-in-chief and queen bee, Megan Walker. As the story transitions from a highly competitive and sleazy newsroom to a journalism convention called “Glare” in


thus sparking the inspiration. Initially, Hovsep didn’t plan on pursuing a career in the entertainment industry. When he was recommended by a psychology professor to work on a feature film, Hovsep was instantly hooked and absorbed everything he learned. He has produced a few short movies since. Evidently, Graig and Hovsep are complete opposites. “I put out an idea and he screams at me. I’m on time-out more than I’m on time-in,” said Graig. From completion of the screenplay to attending film festivals, the creation of Idol Magazine seemed like a natural progression. Graig enrolled in a magazine writing class last spring and being on the staff of the Insider, Glendale’s student magazine, inspired the brothers to take the next step. Magcloud, an online service offered by Hewlett-Packard to create short-run magazines, was used by the Insider for its print run. Idol followed suit. “It was our first time organizing a production like this and the project was an investment as we [wanted] to make a cohesive whole. We went through a lot of different ideas and the ones that fit, transferred into the magazine,” said Hovsep. Drafting 22 ex-El Vaquero journalists, the team was able to successfully produce a spoof entertainment magazine over the summer, even with a two-month deadline. “[Although] the magazine might be a joke, the professional work ethic is not,” said Hovsep. Interactive staff meetings were held once a week and each one had a theme or an exciting event attached to it. The meetings mixed work and play into one large, enjoyable cocktail. Ironically, in honor of Lindsay Lohan’s inability to drink, the brothers served nonalcoholic drinks to the staff members. They even dished up ice cream and homemade paper bag lunches. “Personally, I loved the Idol staff meetings, said staff writer Isiah Reyes. “There was always

“The was questionable, definitely

offensive and sometimes illegible.”

Las Vegas Walker introduces the publication as Laferty suffers a complete and utter breakdown. Colin and other characters are loosely based on Graig’s life experiences as a member of the El Vaquero staff. “I came in as a photographer,” said Graig. “When [faculty adviser] Michael Moreau and [editor] Jane Pojawa sent me out with a rifle, which is a metaphor for a pen and pad, I came back with the heads of all three Jonas brothers. “The writing was questionable, definitely offensive and sometimes illegible. I went from writing columns, leaving for a year and coming back with a script.” Prior to writing the screenplay, Graig compiled diary entries, also known as “hilarious journals of misconception.” He then enrolled in Speech101 and was asked to join the speech team shortly after,

some sort of workshop, like painting inappropriate political images (which was published as an autistic art show). I think Graig and Hovsep did a great job at putting together the first issue and I was really glad I could be a part of something special.” The atmosphere offered a liberating and creative space for students to express strongly comedic commentary. Clearly, rules are non-existent except one;:“On Fridays, we wear pink,” said Graig. Though there was no negative conduct among the staff, a wall of disliked celebrities was used for inspiration. In this environment, the brothers attempted to bring “Black Magic” to life as much as possible through the magazine, with the staff as characters with aliases. The vision became a reality. Now, former staff members are calling to write for the second issue. “When others support your work, you tend to do more and better,” added Graig. In particular, Jane Pojawa, editor in chief of El Vaquero, was entirely and sincerely supportive throughout the whole process with no exceptions. “She really has been our Black Magic and everyone’s fairy godmother. To her, I will leave my Ke$ha fanny pack,” said Graig. Originally, celebrities like performer Miley Cyrus was the base of the content for the magazine but when the brothers decided to throw that idea out, they incorporated “the best of both worlds” of media. The initial goal was to produce three magazines yet with a time constraint, it didn’t seem reasonable for distribution. However, the content held its own and Idol Magazine served more than a petite appetizer. In Idol’s letter from the editor column, Walker stated, “The entire Idol staff took an oath to deliver our readers horribly shameless, immorally delicious, attention-grabbing, suicideincreasing, career halting stories, and we spell checked that sh*t.” Walker was the voice of Idol, although, her tone might remind one of a wicked witch. In fact, Broadway musical star “Wicked” Megan Hilty (Glinda) was the face of Walker on the cover of the magazine. After it

THE AUNT YOU WISH YOU HAD: Idol Magazine’s premier issue, initially devised as a promotional vehicle, quickly established it’sown identity as an entertainment spoof for GCC’s journalism students.

was published, the brothers sent a copy to her. She was amused and even signed it. “Walker makes Meryl Streep in ‘The Devil Wears Prada’ look like a good will ambassador,” said Graig. As long as it was justified, staff writers were encouraged to write with bad behavior to follow her lead. The magazine itself was a mockery of pop culture, adding an original twist to generic stereotypes, highlighting hiphop artists like “Lil Junk.” The content was edgy, out of the box and visually representative, photo courtesy of Graig. The subject matter is not to be taken seriously and there is a disclaimer to prevent from offending its readers. Idol showcases pseudo stories such as Ernesto Ramirez’s “How to Survive a Mexican Party,” “Mock Fur Is No Joke,” and “Straight from the Horse’s Mouth: An Exclusive Interview with Miss Daisy Morrison, a star of the hit TV show “Sex and the Prairie.” “I created Daisy Morrison because I wanted to mock the way celebrities are idolized in our culture, said staff writer Jessica

Bourse. “Her show, ‘Sex and the Prairie,’ as well as her horse mask, came directly from Sarah Jessica Parker. However, as I continued to create her, she became a monster of a celebrity-- Angelina Jolie, Britney Spears, Michael Jackson. What’s so strange about a woman wearing a horse mask when Lady Gaga wears a dress made out of meat?” In addition, the magazine features a photo spread titled “Rock Hard: Pleather or Leather? Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” shot by student photographers Graig and Louis Roche. All dressed in black, student models posed on hilltops in the blazing sun to capture the perfect picture. “It was fun but I had to wear women’s boots in a size 8. And I wear a size 13 in women’s so I had to scrunch my feet into them,” said student model Jack Najarian. Also, the magazine contains a Rachael Ray-like recipe for a three-layer avocado chocolate chip cream cheese cake. It was strangely good according to Hovsep and it’s likely “Iron Chef” would agree. [See Idol, page 7]


Wednesday, April 27, 2011



Distinguished Faculty Lecture Features Zen By Christine Gillette EL VAQUERO STAFF WRITER


omplete bliss, comfort and relaxation filled Kreider Hall and the audience Thursday when GCC English Professor Chris Juzwiak presented his Distinguished Faculty Award recipient lecture. Juzwiak presented the tools and practices, or “The Nirvanic Toolbox,” to accomplish a place called “nirvanic consciousness,” a mental state where one can reach supreme spiritual paradise that provides ease and nourishment for the mind. Juzwiak, who has been teaching at GCC since 2001, brought 17th and 18th century Tibetan singing bowls, kaleidoscopes, essential oils, and soothing music to enhance the meditation process that the whole audience was able to experience. “I’d like you all to take a deep breath and close your eyes,” were the first calming words Juzwiak said when he walked up to the podium. “We’re going to center ourselves individually and together as a group of human beings.” Juzwiak began the presentation by demonstrating

how to play the singing bowls, which he said was like making love because it’s a very intimate and private occurrence. After demonstrating, he passed them around the audience along with the other nirvanic tools. He discussed the different ways of reaching nirvana, through sight, sound, touch, and smell with the kaleidoscopes, singing bowls and essential oils. Before he turned to this lifestyle 15 years ago, he thought that using oils, meditating, and all associated with this spiritual lifestyle were “voodoo.” “I was not a believer; it was all silly hogwash at first,” Juzwiak said. This plane of consciousness has completely changed Juzwiak’s life. He can now appreciate, forgive, and love all that surrounds him, even the students who like to cause ruckuses in class. What turned him around as a professor was a deep meditation practice that allowed him to begin to love all of his students. Juzwiak tells his students that they have an intellectual humanity, and once they get excited about learning they can’t be stopped. “The intellectual high is

Photo by Kenta Yamashita

NIRVANIC TOOLBOX: English professor Chris Juzwiak uses meditation tools to enhance intellectual humanity.

cheaper than shopping, safer than drugs, and it’s easier to get than sex,” Juzwiak said. Not everyone was trained to have their brain reach alternate dimensions, but Juzwiak believes that this kind of consciousness is completely nourishing and healing. “Nirvanic consciousness is

a birthright,” Juzwiak said. “It doesn’t belong to religion or politics, to science or scholarship.” The audience of about 100 faculty and students were able to practice meditation with Juzwiak and left Kreider Hall with smiles and embraced others around them. Good vibes lingered as

Magazine [Idol, from page 6]

“Even if we’re not onto something, we’re on the right track,” said Graig. “We knew what we wanted.” And that was just the icing on the cake. For the second issue, Graig and Hovsep plan to creatively play around with different forms of media, morphing Idol to fit into diverse fields. “If you’re talented you’ll take a piece of nothing a turn it into something,” said Graig. During the summer, the brothers aspire to produce light webisodes about “Black Magic” as well as a broadcast for the magazine. The program will be

the audience left the hall. Juzwiak chairs the Developmental Composition program and is a research director in the “Full E-mersion” program that provides assistance in developmental English students. Christine Gillette can be reached at Christine_Gillette@elvaq.com

similar to TMZ and “The Onion,” but with more layers. Idol Magazine is the aunt everyone wishes they had. Graig, Hovsep and the staff writers have taken something completely distasteful and have used honesty and humor to make it inappropriately acceptable. Now, who’s the crazy one? For more information about Idol Magazine, check out www. idolmagazineonline.com and “Black Magic,” check out www. blackmagic.com. To order issue number one refer to: http:// www.magcloud.com/browse/ Magazine/105108. Kate Krantz can be reached at kate_krantz@elvaq.com

Interested in a career in Health Care? National Nurse’s week is May 6-12. Join the Nursing Dept. in the student center on May 11 from 1 to 4 p.m., for a special presentation, snacks, and an open house! Call ext. 5270 for details.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011



Foremost Orangutan Expert to Speak By Michelle Bowles EL VAQUERO STAFF WRITER


he world’s foremost authority figure for orangutans, Birute Galdikas will be visiting Glendale Community College on May 6. Galdikas, a scientist-conservationist, holds a doctorate in primatology will be giving a lecture regarding the dangers that are affecting the orangutans and rainforests in Borneo in the GCC auditorium. Galdikas has devoted four decades of her life to studying these animals in their natural habitat of Indonesian Borneo. She is a co-founder of Orangutan Foundation International [OFI]. The foundation’s goal is to support the conservation, protection and understanding the orangutans and their rain forest habitat. The organization is actively educating the public, governments and schools about orangutans and tropical rain forests.

Victoria Buresch of the anthropology department, along with Eric Johnston and Mike Dulay in S o c i a l Sciences, and Ronald Harland, dean of instructional services, organized the event. “Dr. Ron Harlan was instrumental in getting this event on campus,” Buresch said. “He has worked closely with the foundation and independent contacts to raise funds for the event.” Now, the safety of the orangutans is vital. These animals are going extinct because the rainforest, their natural habitat, is

Start Budgeting Money Whether You Have It Or Not By Michelle Bowles EL VAQUERO STAFF WRITER


f you don’t have it, don’t spend it. Now more than ever, students need to start understanding how to budget their money. In today’s economy today, students need to be aware of the different options available to them to help budget their income, or lack of it. Between school, car payments, insurance, gas, food and a social life, it is easy to see how students can become overwhelmed when trying to finance their money. The biggest problem today is not enough cash coming in and too much going out. So what’s the first step? “You have to have all your own personal details in order to prepare a budget. You need to be able to know your income, savings and investments and you have and how much you owe,” said Richard Hillquist,

Business Administrator at GCC. Understanding limits is crucial when trying to budget. The main problem students have is spending money that they don’t have. To help solve this problem, budget sheets provide an easy way to organize income. Listing income on one side of the paper and expenses on the other will help students visually see that their income is far less than all of their expenses combined. Students can find pre-planned budget sheets online. “Write down all expenses you expect and the amount you expect to pay. Set aside money for incidentals that are not on the list,” said Rory Schlueter, who works for GCC’s Computer Science Information Center. “Make sure the money coming in, is more than the money going out.” Becoming aware of where money goes is also an important step. Keeping a small notebook of [See Budget, page 9]

being ruined. When their forests are damaged, burned, or cut, orangutans have no choice but to be pushed out of the only environment that they know. When orangutans are driven out of their homes they become slow, helpless and extremely vulnerable to people, disease and starvation. Galdikas and OFI are doing everything in their power to stop this from happening. Their first priority is to protect the forests. It is essential in order for them to survive. OFI works

hard to prevent activities such as logging, clear-cutting and poaching which are constant threats to orangutan’s survival. She intends to inform the public of the reality of the situation. The dangers affecting these animals are increasing every year. The Borneo forest is constantly being cut, burned down and is expected to be depleted in a few years if nothing is done to stop it. She will be informing people of what they can do to help the orangutans and the forests. “For students, faculty and the community, the opportunity to hear Dr. Galdikas discuss her reserach and her efforts to save orangutans from extinction will raise much needed awareness about the plight of these amazing primates,” said Buresch. Galdikas established Camp Leakey in Tanjung Putting

Reserve in Central Borneo. The camp holds about 350 orphan orangutans, most of them babies. The camp helps them learn the habits of the forest. Galdikas is featured in “Born To be Wild” a 3D IMAX documentary released on April 8. The doors will open at 6:30 p.m. and the lecture will start at 7:30. There is no entrance fee for the lecture and no advance reservations are needed. Seating is limited to 350 people and is on a first come first serve basis. Following the lecture, Galdikas will hold a book signing. The Glendale College Foundation sponsored the event and made the appearance of Galdikas possible, along with donations from Glendale Sunrise Rotary Club, Doris and Jack Quinn. Michelle Bowles can be reached at Michelle_Bowles@elvaq.com


Wednesday, April 27, 2011



Limited Summer School Offered [Summer School, from page 1] registration will begin May 23. Summer session will begin on June 20. “We are all working very hard here to take care of our students,” Mirch said. Due to the huge cut in the classes available for summer session, many students will suffer the same problem they experienced in winter and spring where classes were hard to get into. This session will be extremely difficult, so all students planning on taking a math or English class should prepare themselves for the possibility that they may not get their class. To have a better chance of getting the classes you need, make sure to enroll for them all on your registration date. Don’t be fooled into thinking that if you miss your registration date by one day, you’ll still be able to get into each class. If the class is closed, don’t lose hope. On the first day of the semester, make sure you show up and keep showing up to class. There will always be those

students who decide they don’t want to take the class, which leaves room for you to take it. Sometimes persistence pays off. If all else fails and you still weren’t able to get the class of your dreams, Kevin Meza, Transfer Center counselor, said that there are other options. One option is to find out which other community colleges are offering a summer session and send in your application as soon as you can. Even though they may be offering summer classes priority would obviously go to the schools’ continuing students. Another option, which is a bit more expensive, would be to enroll at a UC for the summer. All the UCs have open enrollment. “[Students] can spend their summer up in Santa Barbara and take some classes there or maybe at UCLA,” Meza said. “The cost would be the factor, but maybe there’s a possibility for financial aid.” If you’re planning on applying to neighboring community colleges for the summer, the sooner you send in your application the better. PCC has

already confirmed that they will be having a summer semester. As for a winter session this year, the decision has still not been made officially. The contract that was negotiated concerned both summer and winter session, but the official decision for winter cannot be made until the new fiscal year. Gordon Alexandre, the chief negotiator, said that it all boils down to the budget. The decision for winter probably won’t be made until early fall and the paycut that was decided for summer will remain for winter session. “The truth is, teachers are going to be working for peanuts,” Alexandre said. “But we do this to allow students to progress and to be able to transfer.” For now, make sure that you let the administration and faculty know that you appreciate them because they are doing good things behind the curtain to benefit the students.

Christine Gillette can be reached at Christine_Gillette@elvaq.com

Budgeting [Budgeting, from page 8] every cent spent on snacks, gas, movies, shopping, and other expenses will help keep budgets strict. Linda Serra, the chair of Glendale College’s business department, suggests that students take their time when shopping around and look for the best prices. She said to bring a calculator along while shopping because the larger package may not be a better price, ounce for ounce. Skip the money hidden in the mattress and start understanding the benefits of holding money in a bank or credit union. Both have specific programs designed for students saving for adulthood. If students take time to do the research, they may be surprised to see how much money they can save. Credit unions specialize in personal connections with customers. They tend to offer lower interest rates for student loans, auto loans and credit cards. These are things that the average student is most likely investing in at this time in their life. Unlike major banks, a credit union is less likely to charge a high fee for a checking account or accessing an ATM. They also offer minimal balances to maintain accounts such as a checking or savings. Banks, on the other hand, offer a wider selection of services. Banks are also more available to the member due to their many locations. Many branches have different locations all over the country. This makes transfers and travel easier for the member. Many people go to banks for larger investments. Shirley Tapp is the CEO at the Glendale City Employee Federal Credit Union. She suggests students open either a Traditional or a Roth IRA. Both offer great savings. The main difference between the two is that a Traditional IRA will help save money on taxes now. A Roth IRA will save money for retirement. “The younger you open the account the better because of the compound interest and earnings per year,” said Tapp. A tip for students is to maintain accounts at both a credit union

and a bank. Once the differences are understood it becomes easy to use. A student could open a savings account at a credit union because the interest rates are usually higher, and then open a checking account at a bank to balance the accounts.

“The younger you open the account the better because of the

compound interest and earnings

per year”

The main goal for students who are trying to become independent is to save, save and then save some more. Before spending any amount of money, no matter how big or small, students should analyze what it is, whether it’s necessary, and if fits into their budget. Michelle Bowles can be reached at Michelle_Bowles@elvaq.com

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To place an ad in the El Vaquero, contact Jeff Smith, the advertising manager, at jsmith@glendale.edu


Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Police Cadets

Overcome Obstacles Photos by Liza Brozek

Photo by Richard Kontas

TO PROTECT AND TO SERVE: Three of Glendale’s 15 police cadets — Santiago Poveda, above from left, Michael Wyatt, and Jeffrey Romero — attended a week-long police academy training course at Pasadena City College. Sixteen cadets from various police programs around Southern California joined in the training, which concluded with simulations on Friday. Poveda, clockwise top center, has been called to a 415 — “disturbance call.” He questions a suspect (Officer Mike DeSpain, PCC) who has a gun hidden beneath him.

YOU’D BETTER COME QUIETLY: Cadet Jeffrey Romero, top right, has received a 925 call — “suspicious person.” Here Romero handcuffs the suspect (role played by Abdul Karim). Cadet Santiago Poveda and Shelly Yoshida, a non-sworn Community Services Officer at El Camino College Police Department, bottom left, have been called on a 459 call — “burglary investigation.” Poveda cautiously opens the door becuase they don’t know if the suspect is still inside. Cadets Jeffrey Romero and Michael Wyatt, bottom center, have been called on a “domestic dispute” call. Here they separate a husband and wife couple (played by Johnny Ibarra and Marisol Riebeling) who are fighting. Cadet Wyatt, lower right, handcuffs Riebling after she becomes violent.




Wednesday, April 27, 2011



Your Piece of the Pie Comparing state budgets, present and past California State Budget 2011-2012


The resident’s tuition you pay does not belong to GCC. California community colleges are funded by the state. Tuition is decided by the state, and what you pay belongs to the state fund, just like taxes. This money is used to fund all community colleges. The higher education portion of the budget dictates how much of the state’s money goes to funding community colleges.

California State Budget 2010-2011


Higher education will receive a one percent cut in this year’s budget.

The Good News Tuition Costs Around the Nation California $26/unit

New York $167/unit

Vermont $205/unit


Wednesday, April 27, 2011




















‘13 Assassins’ Give the Shogun a Bloodbath By Ashley Carey



n preparation for the American release of his latest film, Japan’s cult-classic director Takashi Miike held a Hollywood pre-screening of “13 Assassins,” his new out-of-character samurai flick in March. Miike’s decision to remake the 1963 film “Jûsan-nin no shikaku” was an interesting one. The director is best known for his dedication to extreme graphic violence in horror films. He’s left his mark on the genre with movies like the cult-classic “Audition” (1999), criticallyacclaimed “Ichi the Killer” (2001), and “One Missed Call” (2003), a horrifying tale that made half of Japan (and one El Vaq reporter) deathly afraid of a mobile ringtone. So what, after such success in horror, prompted Miike to direct such a serious samurai tale? “I really don’t like the way

people want to say, ‘Oh, this director is this kind, he directs this kind of genre,’” Miike said in a Twitchfilm.com interview. But perhaps the real reason for Miike’s genre-jump becomes clear about halfway through the film, when the dialogue fades and the swords are drawn. Miike loves gore. And as Japan’s resident expert on the subject, he demands realism in his gore. This realism goes beyond basic blood-and-guts special effects, and perhaps beyond whatever comes after that. Several fight scenes in “13 Assassins” offer a unique look at the human arterial system from an angle normally only available to witnesses of horrendously debilitating lawnmower accidents In classic Miike style, this is a film that can go gracefully from whispered tea-time assassination plotting to gut-wrenching quadruple amputation in less than 10 seconds, all without sacrificing a seamlessly fluid storyline.

HANDS AND SWORDS ARE NOT FOR HURTING: Except in Takashi Miike’s re-imagining of the classic

samarai genre.

The plot is simple enough to follow — if you’re Japanese. If not, it may take some basic knowledge of Bushido philosophy

to keep up with the dialogue. In the mid 1800s, as Japan nears the end of the feudal age, a group of samurais band together to murder tyrannical leader Lord Naritsugu, who hungers for a repeat of Japan’s Age of War — mostly because he just thinks it was awesome. Lord Naritsugu, played by Gorô Inagaki, is the Shogun’s sadistic little brother. Due to his family’s status, and perhaps a childhood devoid of hugs, Naritsugu never quite grasped basic moral concepts. This is shown in his casual hobbies, which include bounding randomly selected families in rope and murdering them oldestto-youngest with a bow and arrow for entertainment between meetings. Despite the samurai code, which focuses on offering your life to protect your lord, this group of characters boldly decides to protect the people from their lord instead. As is typical in revolutions, this effort confronts a countereffort composed of hundreds of warriors still loyal to their lord. The situation is reminiscent of the movie “300,” but with better special effects, a great soundtrack, and a lot more blood. Comic relief in the film is scarce, but nearly all of it is provided by The Hunter, a hyperactive risk-taker who lives

in the mountains. The Hunter guides the group to safety, where he proves to be more deadly with a slingshot than most people are with semi-automatic machine guns. Americans aren’t often given the chance to see a film with a serious storyline, serious characters, and very little comic relief. In fact, it’s the American way to poke fun at things that are too serious. Perhaps that’s the reason attendees at the press screening of “13 Assassins” chose to interpret their own comic relief. During what were undoubtedly intended to be serious scenes, the audience erupted in laughter at the sight of an expertly executed demolition of a large building, a torrent of fresh human blood, and the head of a warrior being kicked across a field like a soccer ball. Although cultural expectations may cause varied reactions to the film, the one thing that transcends culture is how universally kickass Miike’s artistic direction once again proved to be. It seems the only real difference in Miike’s films, no matter the genre, is whether the viewer leaves the theater shaking with fear, or shaking with excitement. Rating: 4 out of 5 stars.

 Ashley Carey can be reached at Ashley_Carey@elvaq.com


Wednesday, April 27, 2011



‘Wasting Light’ Won’t Waste Your Time By Alex Campos



he Foo Fighters’ new album, “Wasting Light” cannot be defined by a single genre. The versatility of the band, specifically of singer/guitarist Dave Grohl, allows for this album to be defined by multiple genres including grunge, screamo, pop and alternative. “Wasting Light” is a stellar rock album that provides the listener with loud, intense instrumentals. This is the seventh Foo Fighters album, but the first with the new Foo Fighters’ lineup, which has three guitarists — Grohl, Pat Smear and Chris Shiflett — who accompany bassist Nate Mendel and drummer Taylor Hawkins. Grohl, who was the drummer of the grunge band Nirvana, brought back some of his Nirvana ties to help out with this album. Butch Vig, who produced “Wasting Light,” also produced Nirvana’s “Nevermind” album, which was ranked as the 17th greatest album of all time, according to Rolling Stone Magazine. Grohl also brought back Nirvana bassist Krist Novoselic to play on the track “I Should Have Known,” a sad, grungy song about suicide that leaves the listener with thoughts of Grohl and Novoselic’s former band mate Kurt Cobain, who committed suicide in 1994. “Wasting Light” was made in Grohl’s garage with analog equipment, rather than digital.

This gives the album much more of a raw feel without taking away from the sharpness of the songs. This album sounds like it is made in a garage, but not in a bad way. It sounds like five friends playing music together. This album doesn’t rely on computers to make sure everything is timed right. It relies on the talent of each band member to time everything together. The first single off this album, “Rope,” is a typical hard alternative rock song with awesome guitar solos and an unbelievable drum solo. It is accompanied by a plain, yet cool music video showing the band playing instruments in a room, with each instrument lighting the room. “Dear Rosemary” shows the Foo Fighters’ soft side, walking the line between a rock song and a power ballad. On the other hand, “White Limo” is a loud metal song that walks the line between rock and screamo. The common factor in all Foo Fighters’ songs is the emotion of all the instruments, including Grohl’s voice. As shown in the VH1 documentary about the band, “Back and Forth,” the group has been through a lot. It was founded because of a tragedy and lived through lineup changes, betrayal, and near deaths. Unlike many bands that use instruments to make background noise, the Foo Fighters use the instruments to convey emotions to the listener. The most underrated aspect of this band is the drumming

PITY THE ‘FOO: who doesn’t enjoy “Wasting Light,” the Foo Fighters’ genre-defying album. by Hawkins. Hawkins provides top-of-the-line drumming on this album. His look and style while drumming on live videos of the songs, as well as theatrically directed music videos, adds a flare to the Foo Fighters. Overall, the emotion and

versatility of the band, combined with the amazing drumming of Hawkins makes this album well worth the $10 price on iTunes. There is a deluxe version of this album available on iTunes, which includes an additional song, the music videos for

“Rope” and “White Limo” and a Deadmau5 remix of “Rope.” Rating: 4 out of 5 stars.


Alex Campos can be reached at Alex_Campos@elvaq.com

Juicy Burger Drips All Over the Competition By Vaughn Lawrence EL VAQUERO STAFF WRITER


t Juicy Burger you are the burger architect. Students at GCC have become accustomed to food vendors located within walking distance from campus. Restaurants such as Flame Broiler and Quiznos leave much to be desired. If you have a car, bus pass or any form of transportation, make your way to Juicy Burger for a taste bud sensation. According to Google Maps this burger joint is only 12 miles away from GCC.

The restaurant itself is located on the corner of Hollywood Boulevard and Ivar Avenue, right in the heart of Hollywood. Getting to Juicy Burger will most likely involve a mixture of waiting in traffic and snooping around for a parking space that would challenge Sherlock Holmes himself. After stepping off the Hollywood Walk of Fame and into the restaurant one will see that it is unsuspecting and far from flashy. Simplicity rules at Juicy Burger. Simply pick up one of the “Create Your Own Juicy Burger”

menus and begin filling it in, or look at the simple menu posted on the wall and you will have made your first step toward hamburger heaven. Creating a burger at Juicy Burger has six steps. Be careful because some steps cost more than others. The process of creating your own burger is similar to that of Jake’s Burgers, which is located in Pasadena. Although they are alike the burger from Juicy Burger beats Jake’s in straight sets. Step one is to choose a burger. The burger choices are one-third

and one-half pound beef, chicken breast, turkey, veggie, and fried egg. Step two is to choose a bun. The bun choices are a standard fresh bun, ciabatta bread or a lettuce wrap. Step three is to choose toppings. Those toppings are mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise, thousand island dressing, crisp lettuce, tomato, red onions, and dill pickles. Step four is to add a premium sauce. The sauces are buttermilk ranch, chipotle mayo, tabasco ketchup, barbecue sauce, garlic mayo, chipotle ketchup, and

teriyaki sauce. Step five is to add cheese. The choices for cheese are yellow American, Monterey jack, cheddar, and blue cheese. Step six is to add premium toppings. Those include: caramelized onions, fried egg, slice jalapenos, green chili, guacamole, onion strings, bacon strips, grilled pineapple, grilled spinach, and sautéed mushroom. After going through all the steps the next item on the agenda is to decide whether to include fries and a drink to make it a combo. [See Burger, page 15]


Wednesday, April 27, 2011



Hershey Felder Resurrects George Gershwin By Jane Pojawa



on’t wait until May 8 to take your grandmother out for a special date. The Pasadena Playhouse is presenting “George Gershwin Alone,” written and performed by Hershey Felder and directed by Joel Zwick. She’ll enjoy an early Mother’s Day treat, and “George Gershwin Alone,” is running for only a limited time. On April 20, Felder played to an enthusiastic crowd. The stage of the historic Pasadena Playhouse glows blue with a minimal set suggesting the constants of Gershwin’s world: a writing desk, a seating area and at the center of it all, the composer’s piano. Many students may be unaware of George Gershwin’s cultural legacy in pop music. Perhaps his most iconic tune is “Summertime” from “Porgy and Bess,” a cross-cultural operatic jazz masterpiece which, like much of his other work, divided the critics. Gershwin’s brother Ira was his primary musical collaborator, and Felder pointed out that the two brothers never lived farther apart than across

the street. Janis Joplin’s rendition of “Summertime” is the most recognizable modern recording of this blues classic. Felder does a masterful job of weaving Gershwin’s tunes with anecdotes from his life: his humble beginnings as the son of Russian-Jewish immigrants, his rise as a “piano pimp,” the highs and lows of his career and personal life, and finally his untimely death from a brain tumor at the age of 38. Thematically, Gershwin sought approval from his family, from the public, from women, from his critics, perhaps even from himself – but never received the unconditional support he craved. Felder adroitly intersperses the musical theory behind Gershwin’s counterpoint and syncopation to something approaching musical physics; gives a succinct history of jazz as a truly American musical form and Gershwin’s influence on and by the genre; and how his music was condemned by racists and antiSemites including Henry Ford, the automobile manufacturer. He manages all with humor and aplomb. That Felder is a better musician

Restaurant Review [“Burger,” from page 14]

If creating a burger is too much pressure Juicy burger has seven readymade burgers to choose from. One of those burgers is the California Cheese Burger, which is topped with guacamole, bacon, American cheese, and Thousand Island dressing. When the cashier asks how the burger should be cooked it becomes obvious that this will be a special experience. After ordering and shelling out around $12 a person, customers can sit at small two to four person tables in the back of the restaurant or they can pull up a chair at eat at the bar while looking out at the street. The bar seats are the most interesting because of the plethora of people that Hollywood has to offer. Depending on what time of day it is, there can be a five minute wait to a wait close to half an hour. Drinks are served directly after ordering, and

there are no free refills, so sip slowly. When your name is called, the amount of food that faces you will be daunting, but conquerable. After giving the burger one big bite best one can look down at the paper tray the food comes in and see where the name of this establishment came from. It will also be apparent why this burger was voted the number one burger in Los Angeles by Citysearch. The burger is the absolute best part of the experience, and the fries and drink complement it nicely. The fries are fresh and come with a free premium sauce. The Buttermilk Ranch is extraordinary. The fries themselves are seasoned lightly with sea salt. They do not compare to fries at burger stands like In-N-Out, but the burger makes up for it. Juicy Burger has classic fountain drinks along with shakes and fresh lemonade. The shakes only come in chocolate and vanilla but are thick and flavorful. The fresh lemonade is

Photo by Mark Garvin

HONK IF YOU LOVE THEATER: Hershey Felder stars in “George Gershwin Alone,” a “don’t miss” tour de force at the Pasadena Playhouse. Student subscriptions are available for the 2011-2012 season.

than a vocalist is eclipsed by his ability as a researcher, writer and actor. His flawless performance received a standing ovation from the enthusiastic audience. Following the performance Felder, still in character as hit and miss. Sometimes it has the perfect balance of sugar, water and lemon, and other times it tastes like water with an unhealthy amount of sugar. The lemonade is not worth the gamble. If you are looking for a small burger joint that packs a ton of flavor and is well worth the money then Juicy Burger is the right choice. Juicy Burger’s first location is at 6340 Hollywood Blvd. and the second location is at 1820 N. Vermont Ave. For more information its website is JuicyBurgerOnline.com. Take a trip to Hollywood, walk the Hollywood Walk of Fame, see the characters that populate the city, and see how the burgers at Juicy Burger live up to their slogan “Always fresh, always juicy.” Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

 Vaughn Lawrence can be reached at Vaughn_Lawrence@elvaq.com

Gershwin, led the audience in singing some audience favorites including “Someone to Watch Over Me.” Gershwin’s career roughly spanned 1920 to 1935, from the flappers and honky-tonks to the great depression, so although you might not know every song, they were popular standards at the time your grandmother was growing up. Hence the audience demographic was, in the main, over 60 years old. “Swanee,” “I Got Rhythm,” They Can’t Take That Away From Me,” “Fascinating Rhythm,” and many others rounded out the play list. “George Gershwin Alone,” runs until May 8 with a special event, “The Great American Songbook Sing-along,” on May 9. Now the music of George Gershwin may be slightly more engaging to younger audiences than say, the music of Johann Sebastian Bach, but some students may still dismiss it as entertainment for old people. This could not be further from the truth. The Pasadena Playhouse strives to make live performances enjoyable for everyone and even offers a special discount subscription for students. At $99 for the 2011-2012 season, theater becomes both accessible and affordable. Even productions that might seem old-fashioned, for instance Euripides’ “Cyclops,” which was

written 2,400 years ago, has been re-imagined as a rock opera. The 2011-2012 season begins September 2011 and includes a world premiere musical, “South Street;” a new play starring Academy Award-nominee Angela Bassett, “Pastoral;” a Tony Award-winning smash hit; an American classic and will wrap-up with a new musical to be announced. Proof of student ID may be faxed to (626) 351-0291, presented at The Pasadena Playhouse box office or scanned and emailed to subscriptions@ pasadenaplayhouse.org. Only one student subscription per valid student ID allowed. The Pasadena Playhouse is located at 39 S. El Molino Ave. in Pasadena. Subscriptions are available for purchase at www.PasadenaPlayhouse.org, by calling the Box Office at (626) 356-7529. Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

 Jane Pojawa can be reached at Jane_Pojawa@elvaq.com

there’s more online:



Wednesday, April 27, 2011



First WSC Team Win For Men’s Golf By Derek Stowe



rennan Amirkhizi smashed his personal best by two strokes with a four-under-par 67 at Oakmont Country Club on April 18 as Vaquero Men’s Golf stuck gold for the first time in a Western State Conference tournament since its 2008 return to Glendale College. “For GCC to win against the best team in the state, and especially on Vaquero home turf at Oakmont, was just incredible,” said head coach Greg Osbourne. Undefeated until today, that No. 1 team was College of the Canyons, which even won at a four-year college Division One tournament recently. WSC refers to the 14 LAarea schools that are members of the California Community College Athletic Association. The seven community colleges competing in this tournament were Glendale, Ventura, Santa Barbara, Citrus, Bakersfield, Hancock and College of the Canyons. Budget cuts brought an end to GCC’s golf program 25 years ago. But thanks to the support of Glendale’s Oakmont Country Club members, Osbourne received the funding and a “Vaquero carte blanche” to practice and compete at the 18-hole course 2.2 miles from campus. Thanks to the allure of Oakmont, one of the best country clubs in Southern California, Osbourne has been able to attract some of the best golfers in the area. “We’ve been able to build a Division One program at the junior college level,” he said. Osbourne, a PGA member and head golf pro at Chevy Chase Golf Course, hand-picked this season’s group of players from among the top-ranked high school players in the area. His recruiting efforts certainly paid off, especially when it came to landing Amirkhizi from Taft High School in Woodland Hills. “My best on this course was 69,” said Amirkhizi. “Sixtyseven is my new best. And it’s at a tournament, so it feels great.” Individually, the Vaqs shot as follows: Brennan Amirkhizi (67), Chris Ramirez (75), Jin Park (77), Michael Timpson

(78), Danny Fernandez (80), and Vincent Lam (82). Glendale’s top-five-player combined total was (377) beating their arch-rival College of the Canyons (380) by three strokes. The other teams’ rankings were the following: Ventura (389) third, Santa Barbara (391) fourth, Citrus (403) fifth, Bakersfield (405) sixth and Hancock (411) last. Amirkhizi performed well despite sending his first shot outof-bounds in front of a crowd that included his mother, Rebekah; father, Kian; and younger brother, Marek. Marek, 9, said that he and his 12-year-old sister, Samantha are martial arts enthusiasts, and he is proud of his older brother Brennan. He wants to win like him when he grows up. “We’ve been telling Brennan he has to win this tournament for weeks,” said Kian Amirkhizi. Besides Coach Osbourne, Brennan’s mentor Dan Martin, the head teaching pro at Rustic Canyon Golf Club in Moorpark, is probably the one most responsible for teaching Brennan how to play golf, Kian said. “I was obsessed with golf since [Brennan] was very, very young, and it was his dad’s dream to see him play golf,” said Kian. “Of course, he excelled.” In anticipation of a scholarship to a four-year university, Brennan’s parents made things much easier for him. “He used to have three different part-time jobs, said Kian. “We said, ‘Just quit. We can support you this semester.’ Their decision paid off because this was his most focused competition yet. Kian said his son Brennan is carrying 13.5 units at GCC and doing well academically. His math, English and business classes make 11 units, and he earns 2.5 units credit for taking golf, not to mention the glory if he medals. “It was a bit of a roller-coaster ride today,” said Kian. After that first shot out-ofbounds, his father did not give up hope. He said to himself, “Well, it can only go one of two ways. He could turn it around, or it could be a disaster. “Then, man! It was one birdie after another until he was five under!” said Kian. Brennan had four birdies in-a-row and a total of eight on the whole course, with

Photo by Derek Stowe

WINNERS!: Michael Timpson, left, Chris Ramirez, Danny Fernandez, head coach Greg Osbourne, Jin Park, Vincent Lam and Brennan Amirkhizi rejoice in their Golf Program’s first Conference Team Win at Oakmont Country Club in Glendale on April 18. The Vaqs beat undefeated arch-rival College of the Canyons by three strokes. Amirkhizi medaled as low man for the conference with a four-under-par 67.

six pars and four bogies. Amirkhizi heard his father’s excitement and came over from the display wall where his score of 67 in bright red numerals was still making him beam. “After that [first bogey] I tried to collect myself and just play my game,” said Amirkhizi. “I stripped it on the front nine, meaning I was hitting good shots: almost every hole a birdie. It almost felt like I birdied every hole.” On the 18th hole, he came close to getting an eagle (two under par). From 59 yards out he arched a 60 degree shot that just “burned” past the edge of the cup, he said. “The whole crowd was just like, ‘Whoa!’” “That was the best round that I’ve seen anybody play from Glendale College since I’ve been here,” said Osbourne. “He was thinking, and he played his heart out.” No. 2 scorer Ramirez (75) said, “I’m really, really happy for Brennan. That’s our first underpar-round in a while; and to do it at home at a tournament is a big, big deal.” Ramirez’s personal best at Oakmont is 69, and his average round is 72 or 73 he said. So this four-over-par 75 made it a “frustrating day, but at least I gave it my all.” “One of my birdies was a 15-footer on hole number 7, which came right after a bogie. I was thinking, ‘Just relax, I don’t have to make a birdie.’ And then I did. “Things happen when you

go for the gold,” said Ramirez. “Especially on the ninth hole – never go long. Always play it safe and aim for the middle of the green,” He made a double-bogie when he hit his second shot over the green with a little “too much adrenaline.” But it was “smooth-sailing” once he got to the back nine. And his next birdie was an easy tap-in birdie. No. 3 for the day was Jin Park (77), who said he always puts a red star on his ball to mark it for luck. He said, “I always think to myself, ‘I’m a star.’” Park, who started on hole number 10, shot even par on the back nine, but then broke down toward the front nine. Park said he started golf as a freshman in high school and worked at it 10-12 hours a day like it was a full-time job under teaching pro Zach Allen at the De Bell Golf Club in Burbank. Park is currently working on not hitting the ball too far. “You have to hit it just right,” he said. “Birdies will come if you aim for a par. So just play for par and one day you’ll get a birdie. Don’t aim for birdies or you may overshoot. Bogies will come too, but don’t get mad because a birdie will come later. “We have to be humbler as we get better,” he said. “Our team is like best friends. We like to hang out after school and after tournaments. They’re all good guys.” No. 4 scorer Timpson (78) was the No. 1 player going into the tournament. Timpson had a few

bad breaks on the putting green and couldn’t quite settle down to make the important shots he needed. He had an entourage including his father, Robert Timpson, and his professional golf instructor Gary Sexton from Angeles National Golf Club in Sunland. Robert said his son was just plugging along and that the gray and chilly weather made the greens a bit slick. No. 5 scorer Fernandez (80) said, “Everything was going like 10 or 15 yards farther than you wanted it to.” Nonetheless, his proud parents looked on with emphatic support. Fernandez did his best to not be the weakest link and at least pulled that off. His (80) counted and helped his team clinch the win. No. 6 scorer Lam (82), whose score was not included in the team total (377), said, “Never give up – you never know when your team is going to need your score.” “[The Vaqs] played as hard as they could, [especially] in front of the future recruits I invited who were watching to decide whether to try out,” said Osbourne. “They’ll definitely want to come [to GCC] now.” GCC’s golf teams were welcome on the Oakmont course until Glendale’s golf program was cut in 1985. Now it costs $40,000 to join the country club, plus $800 to $1,500 in monthly dues, depending on the type of membership. To bring [See WSC, page 17]


Wednesday, April 27, 2011



Golf Team

[WSC, from page 16]

a guest on the course will cost an additional $95. “It wasn’t easy for GCC to get to play here for free,” said Osbourne. “They finally accepted us [back] after seeing the quality of player I brought in.” “We love Glendale College to come here, play here and practice here” said Lindsey Sevier, membership services director. “They’re part of our family too.” Oakmont member Mike Haney pioneered the return of the Vaq’s to Oakmont. Haney is a former Vaquero who played on the golf team of 1970-71. He was inducted into the GCC Hall of Fame in 2006 and is on the Glendale College Foundation. He said he challenged the foundation to bring golf back to Glendale College and with the help of Ann Ransford, former director of communications, marketing and the foundation, developed a committee which launched a capital campaign to raise the new golf program funds: this time for men and women. “We got enough money for bags, shirts and travel expenses. And then we got the votes needed.” Oakmont has now made GCC its team, and Vaquero players are very privileged to have access to such a fine course. After seeing winners like Tammy Panich, who won the state for the Vaq women just this fall, Oakmont members and the committee have proof that their generosity has come to fruition. “Winning this tournament is a true landmark for us,” said Osbourne. On Monday the Vaqueros competed in a 36-hole, WSC league championship at Los Serranos Golf & Country Club

in Chino Hills. They played the par-74 South course, which is the longest in Sothern California. Timpson medaled with a 36hole total of 142, the best score of the conference. His 67 on the first round was an unprecedented seven-under-par. The individual results were: Timpson 142 (67/75), Amirkhizi 148 (73/75), Fernandez 153 (79/74), Lam 157 (80/77), Ramirez 160 (77/83), and Park 169 (81/88). The team results were College of the Canyons (747), Glendale (760), Hancock (774), Santa Barbara (779), Citrus (783), Bakersfield (786), and Ventura (DQ). Ventura was disqualified because two players fell below the full-time status requirement of 12 units to compete. The top 10 golfers in the league will proceed to the regionals as individuals. Amirkhizi is now ranked No. 2 in the league; Timpson is ranked No. 7. But since the whole team is going, all six Vaq players will be competing as individuals there as well. Glendale qualified for the regionals as a team for the first time in the program’s four-year history. The Vaqs came in second with a 760 (367/384) finishing second in both rounds to College of the Canyons 747. “It’s lucky we didn’t go out there and flounder because we could’ve got nipped.” said Osbourne. Only the two best teams now move on to the regionals: College of the Canyons and Glendale. The Southern California Regionals will be held May 9 at Bermuda Dunes in Palm Springs. Tee-off is at 8 a.m. Derek Stowe can be reached at derek_stowe@elvaq.com

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Lady Vaqueros Rule Monarchs 9-1 By Toni Davis



lendale played its last home game of the season on April 19 and beat the Los Angeles Valley College Monarchs 9-1 in six innings. Family and friends filled up the home seating and the Vaqs were pumped up before game time. The Lady Vaqueros took advantage of a few errors the Monarchs made in the first inning and Brittni Spear was the first to cross the plate. In the bottom of the second, Samantha Dickens was the first on base. She was hit by a pitch. Dickens stole second and Nicolby Atallah was walked. Marissa Vasquez laid a bunt down and was safe at first. Bases were loaded and three Vaquero runs were walked in by the pitcher one after another. The Vaqs ended the inning up 4-0. In the top of the third inning,

the Vaqueros were on their toes and tried to throw Monarch Sylevette Rodriguez out at third. Rodriquez took a hard slide into third baseman, Vasquez, who fell over Rodriquez trying to catch the ball. Both players were trying to get up: Rodriquez, to get home and Vasquez, to keep Rodriguez at third. “I guess the other player got frustrated and pushed the Glendale player,” an onlooker said. “I was trying to get up and all of a sudden she pushed me off, and I backed up with my hands up,” said Vasquez. “As soon as I got up, the other coach yelled at me saying I punched his player. “The umpire said I punched Rodriguez too and threw me out of the game.” After Vasquez was expelled, Monique Guzman took her place at third base. The Monarchs scored a solo home run in the 5th. Vaqs were quiet for two innings, but the bases were loaded

in the fifth and Glendale pushed two across the plate to end the inning 6-1. In the bottom of the 6th, Brandy Morin hit a ball to left field that dropped in for a single. Carly Zabka took an inside fast ball and drove it down the third base line for a two-run homer. “I was excited to get to the plate and when I saw that pitch so I went for it,” said Zabka after the game. “I didn’t know where the ball even went until I was going to second.” Zabka was all smiles. Brittany Wright singled to right after the excitement and Atallah doubled to score Wright and then end the game. The Vaqueros had a total of nine hits and no errors. The coaches gave flowers to the sophomores on the team for their hard work and another season of dedicated play for the Lady Vaqueros. Toni Davis can be reached at Toni_Davis@elvaq.com

Shearson Unda can be reached at Shearson_Unda@elvaq.com


Wednesday, April 27, 2011



Vaqs Run, Power Past Tartars By Alex Campos



he Vaqueros defeated the Compton College Tartars 4-3 on April 20 in a non-conference game at Stengal Field. This game, a “love one” as head coach Chris Cicuto called it, featured a few bench players for the Vaqueros. This included right fielder Adam Ochart, who hit a two run home run off Compton pitcher Aldo Montoya in the second inning. “I had a full count, so with runners in scoring position, I just wanted to hit the ball hard somewhere,” said Ochart. “I got a fastball inside and hit it out. This is my first start of the season and I just wanted to make an impact on

the game.” Second baseman Ryan Daniels, another player who doesn’t get much playing time, had himself a big third inning. After being hit by a Montoya pitch, Daniels stole second and third, and scored on a Michael Sherwin fly ball that found its way between three Tartan defenders. “I just got really good jumps on those steals,” said Daniels. Daniels also made a skillful defensive play in the top of the third. Compton first baseman Evan Kenebrew hit a dart to second, and Daniels dove to his right and knocked the ball down, gathered himself and threw Kenebrew out. “He hit that ball really hard,” said Daniels. “I just dove, it hit

me in the palm and I got up and made the throw. This came in support of GCC pitcher Ryan Sheriff, who threw four strong innings. He got himself into a jam in the second inning, giving up four hits, but only one run. “Sheriff gave up a couple hits in that inning,” said Cicuto. “But he maintained his composure and got out of it. The Vaqs got a fourth run in the bottom of the sixth when Josh Canales drove in Juan Sanchez on a single to right field. Compton scored a run in the second on a single by catcher

Daniel Hurdo. The team got another in the fifth when Matthew Young scored on a fielder’s choice. The ninth inning was hectic, as two Vaquero errors kept Compton alive. With the bases loaded and two outs, pitcher Gustavo Garcia threw a wild pitch, putting the Tartans down by one. Garcia then got Kenebrew to fly out to right field to end the game. “GCC is a very good team” said Compton Coach Shannon Williams. “We love playing a tough schedule. It lets us know how good our team is. We had our chances in this game with the

bases loaded twice, but [Sheriff] really set the tone in the second inning striking out Young with the bases loaded in the second inning.” This win improves Glendale to 21-12, with an 11-8 record in Western State Conference play. Compton falls to 17-14 on the season, but 12-6 in the South Coast Conference. The Vaqueros wrap up the regular season with a conference game against Bakersfield on Thursday at 2 p.m. at Stengal Field. Alex Campos can be reached at Alex_Campos@elvaq.com

Vaquero Sports Summaries Scores Women’s Tennis:

Men’s Tennis:

March 31 — lost to Ventura 5-4 April 5 — beat Allan Hancock 6-3 April 7 — lost to Bakersfield 5-4

March 31 — lost to Ventura 7-2 April 14 — beat Bakersfield 5-3


April 12— beat West LA 5-2 April 14 — beat Pierce 18-9 April 16 — lost to Pierce 6-3

April 19 — beat Valley 9-1 Thursday — beat LA Mission 4-0, 8-0


Men’s Golf: April 11 — Finished 2nd place at Bakersfield

Upcoming Events Women’s Tennis:

Men’s Tennis:

Thur-Sun — Ojai Tournament May 5-7 — Regional Tournament

Thur-Sun — Ojai Tournament May 5-7 — Southern California Regional Tournament

Baseball: Thursday vs Bakersfield 2:30 p.m. Men’s Track and Field: Photo by Tex Wells

UNLUCKY BREAK: Vaquero outfielder Scott Hong sustained a broken

leg running to first base during the March 26 loss to Citrus College. Adding insult to injury, the umpire called Hong out on the play.


Friday —WSC Finals at Bakersfield 1 p.m. May 6 — Southern California Prelims at Mt SAC 10 a.m

Women’s Track and Field: Friday —WSC Finals at Bakersfield 1 p.m. May 6 — Southern California Prelims at Mt SAC 10 a.m

Men’s Golf: May 9 —Southern California Regionals at Bermuda Dunes 8 a.m.

For more information see: http://www.glendale.edu/athletics/


Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Calendar On Campus RALLY Glendale Community College — Help bring awareness to the local community about GCC. Rallies will be at the corner of Mountain Street and Verdugo Road. Banners and posters will be provided. Meet at 5 p.m. in front of SM267 (next to the upstairs cafe). Sponsored by the Center for Student Involvement and the Student Activities Office. Thursday, May 4 and 5. For more information, call (818) 240-1000, ext. 3033.

EVENTS Spring Carnival — Fun, games and a $2 pie in the face toss. A GCC Leo Club fundraiser for the L. A. AIDS Walk. Thursday in Plaza Vaquero from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Leo Club. Saturday in Parking Lot F from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pizza Sale — Buy a slice or a combo with drink. Sponsored by the EOPS Club. Thursday from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Outside the AD building. Cinco De Mayo — Celebrate the holiday. ASGCC presents a dance show and other festivities. May 5 in Plaza Vaquero from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.

MEMORIAL Mike Wheeler’s Celebration of Life — The campus community will hold a Celebration of Life for English Professor Mike Wheeler. Open to all. Today in the Auditorium from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.


Campus Clean-Up — Join with ASGCC members on a campus wide clean up. Thursday in and around Plaza Vaquero from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.

Humanities/Social Science Lecture Series — “State of the Earth: A Planetary Check-Up.” Speaker is GCC geography professor and sustainability coordinator Mike Reed. Thursday in CS177 at 12:20 p.m.

Car Wash — To benefit the L.A. AIDS Walk. Sponsored by the

“Pongo in Peril: Orangutans and Rainforests in Borneo” —

Speaker will be Biruté Galdikas, considered the world’s foremost authority on the orangutan. Free. Seating is limited to the first 350 people. May 6 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the Auditorium. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. A book signing will follow the lecture at 8:30 p.m

FINANCIAL Financial Aid Fair — Financial aid information and prizes will be available for students. May 10 in Plaza Vaquero from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. For information call (818) 240-1000, ext. 5916.

SERVICES Evening Child Care — Services are available for 2 to 5 year olds. Free or low cost. Monday through Thursday from 6 to 10 p.m. Offered by the GCC Child Development Center. For more information call (818) 240-1000, ext. 5665 or 3340.

MOVIES “Blood Diamond” — Enjoy a movie and refreshments, donations appreciated. To benefit

Funds for Darfur. May 5 in SC212 from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Friday Flix: — A screening of Steven Spielberg’s 2001 film “A.I.: Artificial Intelligence” on Friday. Then on May 6: Director Rob Reiner’s 1987 film “The Princess Bride.” Films are free at 12:30 p.m. in SG 334. Discussions led by instructor Mike Petros after the screenings.

from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. For more information, call (818) 240-1000, ext. 5918. National Nurses Week — Join the Nursing Department for “Research Across the Curriculum.” May 11 from 1 to 4 p.m. in the Student Center. Snacks will be served. For more information call (818) 240-1000, ext. 5270 or 5878.



Faculty Recital — The first in the Spring semester series of concerts and events from the Music Department. Free. Thursday at 12:20 p.m. Auditorium Stage.

“Spontaneous Fantasia” — A real-time animation created live for the full-dome digital theater by J. Walt, an award winning programmer, artist and composer. May 7 at 5:30 and 7 p.m. No late arrivals. Tickets may be purchased at the door. For more information call (818) 240-1000, ext. 5275.

Invitational High School Choral Festival — Choirs from local high schools join the GCC choirs. Coordinated by Jayne Campbell. Free. Tuesday at 7 p.m. Auditorium Stage.

CAREERS Technology Career Fair — Learn about majors in various GCC Technology division categories. Tuesday in Plaza Vaquero

ASGCC Join Student Government — Petitions available in SC201. Now through May 6. For more information call (818) 240-1000, ext. 3033.

Around Town POKER Poker Tournament — VW Dads Club. GCC’s Power Soccer program is holding a charity fundraising event. $50 buy-in gets you $500 in chips. Prizes will be awarded. Saturday, starts at 6 p.m. 1728 Canada Blvd. For more information call Cindy Wells at (818) 951-7323 or Kelly Wong at (213) 300-3638.

FESTIVAL 10th Annual Armenian Festival — Glendale Civic Auditorium. Featuring costumes, music and dance troups, games, food and pasteries and more. 1401 N. Verdugo Road. Saturday from 1 p.m. to midnight and 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Sunday. Admission is $3 For information call (818) 500-1343,

or visit www.arswestusa.org.

THEATRE “George Gershwin Alone” — Pasadena Playhouse. Hershey Felder portrays Gershwin, the first popular composer to use jazz as the foremost musical element in the serious concert hall. Tickets prices for this 10th anniversary performance vary. Through May 8. 39 S. El Molino Ave., Pasadena For more information call 626-356-7529 or visit www. pasadenaplayhouse.org. “The Chairs” — A Noise Within. This Eugene Ionesco production is directed by Julia Rodriguez-Elliott. 234 S. Brand Blvd. Runs through May 21. Ticket prices and times vary. For more information call (818) 240- 0910.


formation call (818) 242-2113 or visit www.fbcglendale.net.

“Noche de Tango 2011” — Alex Theatre. Tango singers Carlos Bosio and Esther Segovia, with a 5-piece tango orchestra conducted by Maestro Dino Durand and the Buenos Aires Dance Company. 216 N. Brand Blvd. Saturday at 8 p.m.. Tickets prices vary. Photo/video recording is not allowed. For more information call (818) 243-2539 or visit www. alextheatre.org.

EXHIBITIONS “College Night 2011” — LACMA. Free admission to all college students with ID. Explore the special exhibition “David Smith: Cubes and Anarchy.” Also “Human Nature: Contempory Art from the Collection.” Thursday at 8 p.m. Free parking in LACMA lots. Resnik Pavillion.

Dou Grazioso — Glendale Noon Concerts presents Flutists Mark Frankel and Ruth Kasckow. They will perform Baroque, Classical and Modern works. Free in the Sanctuary of the First Baptist Church of Glendale, 209 N. Louise St. Runs from 12:10 until 12:40 p.m. May 4. For more in-

“Magna Carta” — LACMA. One of only 17 surviving manuscripts, this 1217 charter, issued in the name of King Henry III, from the Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford will be on display. Runs through May 5. Ticket prices and hours vary. Art of the Americas Building, level 2. 5905

Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles. For more information call (323) 8576000 or visit www.lacma.org. “Facets of Asia: Photographs by Sandra Chen Weinstein” — Pacific Asia Museum. This exhibition documents daily lives and religious practices in India and China. Runs through Sunday. Ticket prices and hours vary. 46 N. Robles Ave., Pasadena. For more information visit www. pacificasiamuseum.org.

WELLNESS Free Health Clinic — Open Tuesdays 5:30 to 8 p.m. or until full. 134 N. Kenwood St., third floor, room 330. For information visit www.glendaleclinic.org. Compiled by Richard Kontas


Wednesday, April 27, 2011



Students Host DJ Battle Royale in Plaza Vaquero

Photo by Kenta Yamashita

SPIN DOCTOR: “DJ Jeffrey-One,” spins the hits during the open flyer Dj mixoff hosted by the ASGCC.

By Shearson Unda



chool spirit was high as the Associated Students of Glendale Community College (ASGGCC) hosted a “DJ Mix Off” event that was held in Plaza Vaquero on April 5. For the a hour-and-a-half event Zacil Pech, 21, also known as “Dj Sizzle” and Jeffrey Paredes, 20, also known as “Dj Jeffrey-One,” were controlling the turntables. They displayed their talents for their peers and spun some classic, current dance and party anthems, which really set the mood for students who were ready to get their spring break under way. The two disc jockeys are both GCC students and expressed their interest and love for music as an influence for each style of music mixing by grooving to the beat. “As a girl, I know what girls like to dance to,” Pech said. “It just comes easy for me. I don’t know. I just love music a lot.” One of her biggest influences as a disc jockey is a well-known artist DJ Tiesto and she has even traveled hours just to see him. On the other hand, the popular local radio disc jockey DJ Vice heavily influences Pech’s mix off opposition, “Dj Jeffrey One.” “[This event is] just the love of music, and the fact that I get to blend a lot of

stuff (genres) together … I actually do this on weekends, for weddings, other gigs and club gigs,” said Parades. This was an open flyer event that was originally scheduled for an earlier date but got pushed back due to the weather issues. During the mix off event in the Plaza Vaquero, the Toms club on campus held an event called “One Day Without Shoes,” a worldwide awareness campaign about the millions of those who are less fortunate and live everyday without proper footwear. “In conjunction with Toms (shoes), and we are leaving our shoes up in the front and allowing other Glendale students to leave their shoes, [we would like] to bring awareness to how there are kids all over the world that have to go [all of] their days without shoes,” said Michael Sokolowski, 19, a member of the Toms club at the college. The club partnered with Baby’s Badass Burgers, a rolling gourmet burger truck, to cater for the students during the mix off event. ASGCC member and resident DJ Boris Sargsyan said, “The reason why we have this event is to get the student’s mind off school and to have them relax and enjoy music.” Shearson Unda can be reached at Shearson_Unda@elvaq.com

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