Bulletin october and november en

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A summary of the activities carried out in October and November to keep you in Gravedad Cero mode!

Here you will find‌

- Anual innovation projects at IDOM

- How did the co-creation workshops go? - How is the spontaneous ideas classification going?

- Topics of interest: The Blockchain world

How did the co-creation workshops go? One simple thing brought the participants of the co-creation workshops together…they BELIEVE that together they can “DREAM” big ideas that contribute towards the accomplishment of their own professional goals, as well as IDOM´s. Without a doubt, the active participation from the Innovanautas was key towards achieving positive results. The following graph shows the participation per Geographic Area.

262 Attendees Mexico 27

+200 Generated ideas

Colombia 21


Chile 18 Spain 164

Sponsored ideas

How did the co-creation workshops go? This was the participation throughout the offices in Spain Bilbao 43 Santiago de Compostela 20

San Sebastian 6

Barcelona 24 Madrid 49

Zaragoza 25

Valencia 23 Sevilla 11

How did the co-creation workshops go? The workshops resulted in generated ideas and sponsored ideas, which are defined as:

+200 Generated ideas

During the generation stage, the participants came up with a massive number of ideas, which were: shared, merged (between ideas alike) and voted for in order to select the most attractive ones.


These are the ideas that were selected as the most attractive ones, they were sponsored and launched in Gravedad Cero platform, on the “challenges� section, in order to initiate the formal evaluation process.

Sponsored ideas



Innovative Products & Services Ideas

Big Data & Artificial Intelligence Ideas

How did the co-creation workshops go? The main result was‌

Generating a unique experience between the people of IDOM where experience and knowledge were unreservedly shared. Most importantly, we witnessed the importance of working collaboratively between Technical Areas.

How is the spontaneous ideas classification going? A systematic process was developed and broken down into phases in order to guarantee a transparent and organized CLASSIFICATION, in line with IDOM´s reality and vision. Theme-based idea distribution between evaluators and evaluation development


Cut on the 26/10/2017 and theme groups


Notifying idea proponents Latest on the 31st of Dec

Analysis and idea classification that are “already being made”

How is the spontaneous ideas classification going? The themes among which the ideas were distributed are the following:

Assistance to professionals and work environment

Trend analysis

Knowledge and experiences library

Professional development and skillset

Knowledge Management

How is the spontaneous ideas classification going? The themes among which the ideas were distributed are the following:

New business

Efficiency & Productivity

Collaboration and Innovation plans

IDOM´s visibility

How is the spontaneous ideas classification going? The ideas distribution by theme has allowed us to see in which areas they concentrated and which ones represent the main improvement opportunities and innovation needs for IDOM.

Internal process

New product or service

New market (geographic or area)

Trend analysis Assistance to professionals and work environment Knowledge and experiences library Professional development and skillset Knowledge Management Efficiency & Productivity New business Collaboration and Innovation plans IDOM´s visibility

It´s been since we´ve been in mode

To summarize our best moments, we have created a summary video. Find it in the following link: https://youtu.be/CeDKiPct4hU

For all of those who have made Gravedad Cero possible: General Directorate, Directors of

Technical and Geographic Areas, Innpulsores, Innpulsores de Apoyo, and others who embrace change ...


Current innovation projects at IDOM Project subsidized by the Ministry of Industry, Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) in Spain


• Javier Borja • Marian Arilla

Increasing safety in road tunnels in the face of the H2 challenge

This project brings together two areas in which IDOM has been working in recent years: new hydrogen technologies and tunnel safety. IDOM is the founding patron of the Foundation for New Technologies of the H2 in Aragon (FHa) and has been carrying out studies and projects for the development of H2 technologies for more than 10 years. The Tunnel Safety group has first level experts in the different specialties involved, such as ventilation, lighting, power supply, fire extinguishing systems, control and video surveillance systems, etc. .

Current innovation projects at IDOM The use of new fuels for transport is one of the main changes in the automotive sector and faces the challenge of complying with the established policy objectives of CO2 reduction, aimed at 60% by 2050 compared to the levels of 1990. The incorporation of new fuels has in turn direct implications on other fields, such as road tunnel safety, since all existing regulations and generally all studies and texts developed to date assume the use of propelled vehicles for petroleum derived fuels. The new energy mix incorporates into the sector electric vehicles, biofuels, natural gas and hydrogen.

The aim of the INSTUNH2 project is to analyze the safety of road tunnels in the case of hydrogen vehicles, incorporating a double aspect: the use of hydrogen as a fuel and its transportation. This analysis is broad since the use of hydrogen-based technologies can influence the design, construction and operation stages of a tunnel in different ways. Therefore, the present project focuses on one of the most influential parameters in the design of a tunnel, such as the heat emission curves associated with a vehicle fire, in this case, a light vehicle powered by hydrogen or a heavy hydrogen transport vehicle.

Current innovation projects at IDOM The project lasts seven months. IDOM´s role lies mainly in the identification of security aspects of the tunnels and the development of the simulations in the different scenarios that arise and that lead to define a list of recommendations to improve the security of the tunnels. The INSTUNH2 project is the first action of a global project in the field of Tunnel Safety in an environment in which at least two very significant changes are taking place: trends in the automotive sector (new fuels, electric vehicles, and autonomous vehicle) and development of the world of sensors and robotics.

Work is currently being carried out together with the FHA on the project continuity proposal within the framework of the European Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking initiative (FCH JU) of 2018.

Congratulations to the whole team! Outstanding initiative!

Current innovation projects at IDOM

Transport Consortium of Bizkaia. Spain


Xabi Elustondo González Pinto

Interviewing Xabi Elustondo, IDOM Based on your experience, do you think that innovation in the transport world is common? In the world of transport, technological systems are closely linked to infrastructures whose magnitude and required investments are very high and have a long lifecycle. The systems provide service to countless travelers, so any variation can have a high social impact, making each decision deeply thought out. The fundamental premises of transport have to do with quality, frequency, punctuality, etc. Therefore, technological systems must be tested previously, without “needing to be the first to prove it”.

Current innovation projects at IDOM What is the Barik card? The Barik card is the contactless technological support that, through an integrated circuit or latest generation chip, allows the user to acquire different types of tickets and to travel in the different modes of public transport in Bizkaia. The Consortium of Transports of Bizkaia-CTB, evolved from the previous technology of Creditrans magnetic strips, through a complex and extensive project of replacement and gradual implementation that included the incorporation of a clearinghouse and economic settlement between the different actors of the Barik system. In this sense, the Consortium of Transports of Bizkaia was one of the pioneers at national level in the attainment of an interoperable title in a whole provincial transport network.

Current innovation projects at IDOM In this particular case, how did you reach innovation? One of the key events that marked the innovation on the part of CTB was the breach of security that underwent the integrated circuit that was used in all of the contactless transport cards world-wide. This break led to the design of the Barik system with a very innovative card technology, whose main characteristics were the multi-application and multifile orientation of its chip; in addition to new high security encryption algorithms. All of the above made that, in the design phase of the system and the different subsystems in which IDOM made the tender documents, previous cases of technology success had to be analyzed, as well as its potential suppliers, consortiums or authorities of transportation, etc.

Once the Barik System was launched and after months of stable and safe operation, analyzing the behavior of users, transport operators, sales agents and recharging of cards and titles, etc., the possibility of considering the incursion was raised in a new and incipient technology called NFC (Near Field Communication), which was beginning to be available in high-end phones. Although many gurus made it clear that the trend of this technology was clearly going towards validation with the mobile itself, the CTB applied a conservative approach in which innovation and experience were combined to see where this incoming technology could bring more value to a Barik user.

Current innovation projects at IDOM However, the predicted technologies required a high degree of consensus among mobile telephony operators, banks and mobile phone manufacturers, among others; as well as millionaire investments to make it feasible to access the metro or bus by mobile. CTB was clear that these markets (banking, mobile telephony terminal manufacturing) was not its business and that it was probably more convenient to wait for the incipient scenario of the NFC to stabilize. Instead of validating with the mobile, the idea was to be able to consult or safely reload a Barik card with the mobile phone at any time of the day and without having to travel to any specific point of the network.

And why file a patent? As previously mentioned and, unlike other patents whose purpose is to guarantee an exclusivity in the market or an additional income for royalties or licenses for use, the main reason for CTB to initiate the patent process was to prevent an idea that was created as an idea of interest, to be replicated by any of the interested parties, making the CTB of its solution or forcing the payment of licenses.

Therefore, it is an innovation patent that fundamentally seeks the protection of CTB systems.

Current innovation projects at IDOM What was IDOM´s role? The system for consulting and recharging cards using mobile phones and NFC technology was led by CTB. He trusted IDOM with technical assistance in the design phase, supervision, testing and support of the operation and SMARTING as a software development company for Android mobile devices and central servers. CTB wanted to share the formal recognition of the invention with both companies, which translates into the inclusion of 3 inventors, Juan Luis Isasi (Responsible for CTB), Xabi Elustondo (Project Manager for IDOM) and Jordi Tirado ( Project manager by Smarting).

In this type of patent the character of the invention is attributed to specific people and not to companies. The ownership of the invention is granted by the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (OEPM) to CTB. However, I can not stop insisting that we are talking about a great project in which, we work shoulder to shoulder with a group of professionals among whom I am proud of: Ibai Ormaza, Raúl Mayo, Jagoba Valencia and Unai Meabe.

Likewise, we are very grateful to CTB having 'nominated’ us as participants in this innovative and technological milestone.

Current innovation projects at IDOM What lessons learned would you highlight? As we have always learned at IDOM, to win over the client, to achieve their full confidence, to be compliant with the quality and dates of deliveries for their tender, to make ourselves available in the most delicate and difficult moments of the project, etc.; these have been key, to create mutual trust between CTB and IDOM throughout the project. The most innovative character of IDOM combined with the extensive experience of CTB in the world of transport and the coordination of tariffs have conformed a balanced tandem, making the new consultation and recharging system successful. This system today has more than 1,600,000 cards in service, has surpassed any of the existing networks such as recharge in bank tellers.

If we combine the high professional and human quality of the CTB team, with whom we are also united by ties of friendship, the result is very positive.

Innovating together we will reach the Moon!

Topic of interest: the Blockchain world Blockchain is a transaction register that presents the following transforming aspects: ď ą Register inmutabilitry ď ą Transparency of current and historical data ď ą Autonomy It is a safe system given the distribution of all its blocks among the members of the network. Each transaction is permanently registered for all the members and thus, the immutability, visibility and complete traceability of the transaction are guaranteed. The technology is innovative because it enables trust between unknown parties The data is stored in encrypted blocks forming a chain of blocks. You can not add a new block without consensus of the entire network.

via a shared and public register.

Topic of interest: the Blockchain world Its foremost known application is in the financial sector through cryptocurrencies of Bitcoin platforms, Ethereum, Litecoin, IOTA, among others. However, you can already see some initiatives in other sectors, such as the following: Energy/ Automation Innogy Innnovation Hub from the German electricity and gas company RWE, has launched electric vehicle charging stations throughout Germany that are connected to the Ethereum public distribution chain. This is combined with a smartphone application to create an automatic and immutable charging experience.




The MIT Media Lab, in association with a doctor John Halamka of Harvard Medical School, has created MedRec, a blockchain patient registration application that, after its first pilot tests, has demonstrated, in collaboration with other health institutions, its viability and the improvement of processes versus current systems.

Walmart has partnered with IBM and Tsinghua University to analyze how food is distributed, transported and sold in China, using blockchain technology. Digital tracking and a common immutable record of freight transport enable the creation of a more effective supply chain capable of reducing transport and operational costs.

Lufthansa has launched Blockchain for Aviation (BC4A), a system that can be used by the airline and its partners, to guarantee an immutable history of each component. This allows its partners to provide full documentation of the parts that have been installed.

Topic of interest: the Blockchain world

Intellectual Property Management In some countries, different legal firms (e.g. P & TS Switzerland) are reaching agreements with companies (Bernstein Technologies GmbH, Bitcoin.com or Blockai) that offer blockchain-based solutions to create immutable documentary records that can serve creators to demonstrate rights of intellectual property in a specific time frame. It can even be used so that anyone can see the licenses that hang from an intellectual property.

Automatic authentication in IoT


With the growing boom of the Internet of Things (IoT), there is a growing interest in the development of proposals such as VeidBlock to articulate automatic processes of authentication of the identity of components against a network in a secure way and taking advantage of the possibilities offered by blockchain.

Several experts in the field of insurers have pointed out that blockchain can introduce a substantial change in aspects such as: •

Trust between the parties (by its transparent and immutable nature)

Authenticated, efficient and reliable user information

More agile and efficient contractual relationships (smart contracts)

Detection and prevention of fraud establishing agile and verifiable schemes for the exchange of information records between different agents.

Topic of interest: the Blockchain world Below is a list of sources where you can find more information about the Blockchain world:

For a more technical but interactive understanding (with GIFs!): https://unwttng.com/what-is-a-blockchain TED Talk by Don Tapscott: "How the Blockchain is Changing Money and Business": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pl8OlkkwRpc Video about the impact of blockchains in different industries: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3psxs3gyf8 White paper by Satoshi Nakamoto on Bitcoin, which was the first conceptualization of the Blockchain: Satoshi Nakamoto, 2011, "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System" https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf MOOC on the blockchain in the financial sector called "Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies" offered by Princeton University, free through Coursera. https://www.coursera.org/learn/cryptocurrency

In this magical time of Christmas‌ we will continue in Gravedad Cero‌ We will return with all the energy to reach Mars in 2018

Merry Christmas!

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