Money surveyed more than 1,000 financial planners to arrive at the 80 best, who all earned high marks for qualifications, services, trust and customer service.
Beth Gallen Mastromarino, CFP ® , President of Van Reed Wealth Management and Financial Planning Advisors, is honored to be counted among them.
Dr. Andrea Smith is one of only 350 Maxillofacial Prosthodontists worldwide. More than 100 area dentists, oral surgeons and other dental specialists trust her to handle their patients’ complex or cosmetic dental needs, from a single perfect tooth to state-of-the-art full mouth reconstruction.
Specializing in the restoration and replacement of teeth, including:
» dental implant restorations
» crowns
» bridges
» dentures
» cosmetic dentistry
» full-mouth implant prosthetics such as Teeth-in-One-Day or All-on-4
Dr. Smith sees patients with a wide variety of dental concerns, such as:
» broken or missing teeth
» uncomfortable dentures
» extensive tooth wear
» dissatisfaction with the appearance of their smile
Dr. AnDreA Smith
955 BerkShire BlvD., Suite 104, WyomiSSing 484.577.3530 • berkspros.com
Paul Prass
Lisa Prass
Robyn L. Jones
Nikki M. Murry
Kirsten Werner
Jason Chrin
Eleanor Anderson
Elaine Wyborski
Krystal Honohan
Thomas Körp
Veloie Mastrocola
Heather Baver
Sarah Matarella
Donna Reed
Marian Frances Wolbers
Tania Colamarino
Ama Photography
Rachel Conrad
Grey Girl Photography
Heidi Reuter
John A. Secoges
Secoges Photographics
Elizabeth Beebe
Denise Lichty
Sara Woodward
Jobelle Aleño
Donna Bachman
Kim Kressman
EDITO RIAL: We want to hear from you — we really do! Send your compliments, gripes, story ideas and suggestions to: Editor, Berks County Living, GoggleWorks Center for the Arts, 201 Washington St., Suite 525, Reading, PA 19601 OR BCLEditor@BerksCountyLiving. com. Written correspondence must be signed and include a mailing address, telephone number and an email address, when possible.
ADVERTISING: To request a media kit or receive other information about advertising, email RJones@BerksCountyLiving.com.
SUBSCRIPTIONS: For new subscriptions, changes of address or questions involving an existing subscription, call 800.896.1392, Mon-Fri, 9am-4:30pm, EST. High-quality reprints of articles that appear in Berks County Living are available by emailing RJones@BerksCountyLiving.com. Back issues are available subject to inventory.
FIND US ONLINE: To contact our staff, get advertising information, obtain writer and photographer guidelines, submit an event for the Calendar of Events, or to be included in the Dining Guide, visit our website: www.BerksCountyLiving.com.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Berks County Living, PO Box 293142, Kettering, OH 45429. Berks County Living (ISSN 1542-9334) is published monthly by IDP Publications, 3245 Freemansburg Avenue, Easton, PA 18045-7118. Annual subscriptions are $19.95. (Canadian and foreign one-year rate is $40, US funds only.) Single copy price $3.95. Periodical postage paid at Easton, PA and additional mailing office. All contents © Berks County Living 2024. Nothing contained herein may be reproduced in whole or in part without the expressed written consent of the publisher. Publisher disclaims all responsibility for omissions or errors. All rights reserved. We welcome, but cannot be responsible for, unsolicited manuscripts, contributions, or photographs. Unsolicited materials cannot be returned unless accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Printed in USA.
Well, here you have it: YOUR annual Best of Berks issue. It’s yours because YOU the Best of Berks voters determine much of its content.
Flip to page 31 to see who won top honors in this year’s readers’ choice contest. Thousands of votes were cast in 35 categories, and the honorees represent new faces and returning favorites alike. Did your picks make the cut?
I want to extend a special thank you to the Kutztown University students that helped us to write the profiles for this year’s winners, along with Professor Melissa Nurczynski. It was a collaboration near and dear to my heart as I am a Golden Bear myself, graduating with a professional writing degree from the university.
Also as part of our Best of Berks feature, we recognize those businesses that have earned 10 or more wins, achieving a Lifetime Best of Berks status, on page 48. A couple of this year’s winners are approaching that designation and may join their ranks soon.
For those who enjoy the finery of the holiday season, you won’t want to miss this year’s Living In Style feature showcasing the Bernville Cotton Candy House on page 54. It’s sure to get you in the holiday spirit.
And don’t forget to flip through the inserted Guide to Beauty and Wellness. We all deserve a bit of pampering, right?
Know someone in Berks that owns an inspired home gym or meditation space?
We’d love to hear about it! Email us at bcleditor@berkscountyliving.com.
Get Delicious Recipes. They’re healthy, too! Browse Calm Eats by Wyomissing resident Daniela Modesto in our blog section.
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Facebook Follow. Learn more about what’s happening at Colebrookdale Railroad, featured in our Berks Bits section, by visiting facebook. com/colebrookdalerailroad.
“On Christmas Eve, I join my family at my uncle’s church. We end the service lighting candles to illuminate the church while singing Silent Night – it’s a magical holiday moment.”
Robyn L. Jones,
“It’s 100 percent picking out the Christmas tree and decorating it. Every year I’m sad when everything has to come off and be put away.”
Nikki M. Murry, editor
“My favorite holiday tradition is making Christmas cookies from scratch with my three kids. The four of us enjoy taking turns creating different holidayshaped treats and making the kitchen a mess in the process. It’s all part of the fun!”
Elizabeth Beebe account executive
“My favorite holiday tradition is having my family gather at my home on Christmas day. It was my Gram’s tradition, and now that my grandparents are no longer here, I’ve taken over the role.”
Sara Woodward account executive
“Every year we make it a tradition to watch the movie, Elf. It’s my favorite Christmas movie, and it never loses its comedic charm! ”
Krystal Honohan graphic designer
Looking for some family fun this holiday season? You’re sure to find it at Colebrookdale Railroad in Boyertown. Beginning after Black Friday, Colebrookdale Railroad offers three all-age-friendly train excursions: Santa’s Polar Bear Express, ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas and Winter Wonderland Adventure. All excursions invite guests to delight in complimentary hot cocoa, Christmas cookies and a Colebrookdale Railroad-themed coloring book, all while celebrating the spirit of the season on a beautiful train ride through Boyertown. Colebrookdale Railroad values the experience of its customers, and a key part of that experience is a sense of authenticity. “Most of our train cars have been restored, so they’re the original car. We’ve restored most of them to really bring back what it was like when they were in service, so a lot of the restoration is trying to be as authentic as possible,” says Melissa Tinney, Marketing Director. The duration and pricing of these excursions may vary. For more info visit colebrookdalerailroad.com. – KIRSTEN WERNER
As a former licensed esthetician turned stay-at-home mom, Aubrey Schell yearned for a greater purpose. She always enjoyed baking growing up, and when her grandma passed away, she started to make more of her recipes. In doing so, Aubrey was inspired to create what we now know as Fresh to Death Sourdough and Scones LLC. Upon starting the creation process in April and getting all her licenses in June of this year, Aubrey found that her business had taken off rather quickly. “It kind of just grew from there; I started sharing with friends, and it turned into more,” Aubrey says. While most other sourdough bakeries tend to stick to selling bread exclusively, Fresh to Death Sourdough and Scones LLC stands out by offering a variety of scones. “I find that on menus and such it’s normally the focaccias or just the sourdough or cinnamon rolls and not so much scones and desserts,” Aubrey says. In a time where prices are increasing at a rapid pace, Fresh to Death Sourdough and Scones LLC offers baked goods that will not break the bank. For more info find the business by name on Facebook. –
Looking for some face-to-face time with Santa right here in Berks County? Check out these local spots.
Nina Balistere opened her own dance studio after attending a Tony Robbins convention in which she was asked to dig deep and think about what she wanted to do in her life. “I realized I just wanted to kind of be on my own and be my own boss and do all the things I want to do without anyone interfering,” Nina says. Now, after five and a half years of being in business, Nina has become her own boss and the owner of the Allegro Dance Studio. Located in West Reading, Allegro Dance offers numerous classes in a variety of different styles. Looking to learn ballet, pointe, lyrical, modern, jazz, hip-hop or tap? Allegro Dance has got you covered. Classes available based on your age group, from the age of three years to adult. On Dec. 13 and 14 at 7pm and 2pm respectively, the studio will perform The Nutcracker at Berks Catholic High School. For more info visit allegrodancepa.com.
Bring the family, including your pets, on Dec. 7 from Noon to 4pm. Please consider bringing a pet food donation as well! humanepa.org/events/ pet-and-family-photos-with-santa
Visit Dec. 8 from 9am to 1pm and have your photo taken with Santa and Mrs. Claus. There will also be a scavenger hunt and a variety of craft stations. readingpublicmuseum.org
Driving around and looking at holiday lights is an annual tradition for many. Kristy Barrett and her father, Rick Snyder, take that tradition to a whole new level.
Barrett, 43, shared that her father has been decorating each of his homes and front yards with lights for as long as she can remember.
“My dad would always decorate our city row home as a kid. Eventually, when I was old enough, I started doing my grandparents’ house,” says Barrett. “We moved out to Exeter/ Birdsboro, and he continued the tradition there. When I moved out on my own, I started it at each of my houses, including where I am today.”
Since continuing this family tradition, she has followed his footsteps in turning her lights on at 6pm nightly until around 9pm for the community and families to enjoy. They both keep their lights on all night on Christmas Eve.
“We typically start late October because the weather is nicer to do the Christmas lights,” says Barrett. “We are hoping my 4-year-old nephew, his grandson, will follow in our footsteps because he’s showing some signs with Halloween decorations.”
Lights on Albert (Kristy’s Home)
Lights on Philadelphia Terrace (Rick’s Home)
804 Philadelphia Terrace, Birdsboro
Ronald and Kerin DeCarlo are celebrating their 40th year showcasing their holiday light display to benefit the Animal Rescue League of Berks County (ARL). They decorate their home with 30,000 Christmas lights, a walkthrough Christmas Lane and numerous other displays. While donations are not required to enjoy the lights, they will be collecting monetary and food donations, and 100 percent of the proceeds will go to the ARL.
216 Elwyn Avenue, Sinking Spring Lights on Elwyn
Every year, the Hillside Playground on North 14th Street in the City of Reading transforms into a Christmas Wonderland featuring over a million lights thanks to the Reading High School Marine Corps JROTC. Visitors can enjoy the walk-through light display featuring Santa’s workshop, character experiences, habitats and a 4K immersive light show set to a combination of traditional and modern holiday music. The family-friendly and fun display also includes a free meet and greet with Santa. For a $5 donation, guests can get a photo with Santa.
459 N. 14th St., Reading readingschristmasonthemountain.com
‘Twas the Lights Before Christmas
Join Calvary Bible Fellowship Church for the 12th year of the ‘Twas the Lights Before Christmas light show. The show features lights synchronized to music and runs every 15 minutes from 5-10pm each night during December. Visitors are welcome to stay and watch the show as many times as they want.
4891 Penn Avenue, Sinking Spring thelightsbeforechristmas
The County of Berks is in its 36th season of bringing the community together to enjoy the Holiday Lights at Gring’s Mill. With free parking and admission, visitors can stroll the grounds to view a glistening light display that highlights the historic buildings and landscaping at Gring’s Mill. After the walk-through light display, visitors can enjoy food and beverages from local food trucks, warm up next to the fire pit and listen to live music in the outdoor pavilion each night from 5:45 to 7:45pm. They can also get an up-close look at the model train display in the former generator station on the bridge. Santa will also make appearances throughout the month in his Christmas Tree Lane located in the barn, which is decorated by local organizations.
2083 Tulpehocken Rd., Wyomissing berkspa.gov/departments/parks-andrecreation/berks-county-parks/grings-mill
California native Nathan Bland struck unexpected gold when he was hired by the Berks Ballet Theatre to perform in The Nutcracker in 2006. Unbeknownst to him at the time, he’d go on to not only direct the same famous ballet but own the company he performed it with.
Q: When did dance become a part of your life?
I started dancing when I was around eight or nine. I grew up in California, and I trained at a small, but very good, ballet school. I started out taking a class once a week…and the first thing that I really enjoyed was tap dancing. It took a year or two for me to really enjoy ballet, and I was about 15 when I made the decision that I really wanted to pursue it.
Q: When did you know that you wanted to ` make dance a fulltime career?
“Creating a healthy and welcoming environment for all is something that our students gravitate toward.”
I went to New York City for nine weeks where I trained six days a week. That is where I was like, ‘I think I can make this my career.’ Then, when I was 17, I moved to Pittsburgh from California to train at Pittsburgh Youth Ballet with a teacher that I had met at an intensive before pursuing a professional career. My first job was at Kansas City Ballet right out of high school. I was still in high school when I auditioned, and I was still 17 when the contract was signed, and that was the beginning of my career.
Q: After dancing across the United States and the world in Italy, Germany and Croatia, what brought you to Berks County?
The first time I came to Berks County was in 2006. I was living in New York City at the time, freelancing, and I was hired by Berks Ballet Theatre as a guest artist to perform in The Nutcracker. From there, my relationship grew with the company, not only as a performer but with choreographing and guest teaching. July of 2012 was when I officially took over, and the rest is history.
Q: In your 13th season as the owner and now artistic director, what has been the most fulfilling part of your role?
We have students that drive 40 to 45 minutes away from Lancaster County because they want to train at Berks Ballet Theatre. They’re willing to drive that far to get the quality of instruction, opportunity and environment that will propel them forward in their chosen path. Creating a healthy and welcoming environment for all is something that our students gravitate toward. Our goal is to push each individual dancer to be the best they can be…there’s so much more about training in dance, and especially ballet, than technique and performing. You learn a lot of life skills, whether you want to enter a pre-professional dance program or attend college to pursue a career in whatever field you choose.
With his passion for being in the studio with the dancers and sharing the love of ballet, Bland still teaches four to five hours per night, five days per week, on top of his other roles.
The Nutcracker. Berks Ballet Theatre will take the stage with the Reading Pops Orchestra on Dec. 21 and 22 at the Schaeffer Auditorium at Kutztown University. Visit berksballettheatre.com for tickets.
After Thanksgiving and heading in to more holiday get-togethers, it seems colds abound and we just aren’t our healthiest selves. In an effort to change that, we have some tips for you to consider…
If you haven’t already, getting this year’s flu vaccine is a great idea, especially before you meet up with friends and family for the holidays and before you hit up any New Year’s Eve/Day celebrations. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, flu vaccination prevents tens of thousands of hospitalizations each year. For example, during 2019-2020 flu vaccination prevented an estimated 100,000 flu-related hospitalizations. A 2022 study showed the vaccine reduced children’s risk of severe, life-threatening influenza by 75 percent.
This is really an important health tip to keep in mind year-round, but it may be less top of mind when we’re craving warm, comforting beverages like hot cocoa and cappuccinos. Staying hydrated helps the body in many ways, including improving brain performance, aiding digestion, increasing energy, assisting weight loss and weight management, decreasing joint pain, regulating body temperature, preventing kidney stones, maintaining a healthy heart, removing toxins from the body and decreasing the frequency of headaches.
That’s right. Just because you see less of the sun, doesn’t mean its rays aren’t there or that they are any less harmful. You may have to apply less because you’ll be wearing more clothing, but be sure to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher on exposed areas each day. This is especially true in high altitudes and on reflective surfaces like snow and ice.
Did you know snow reflects up to 80 percent of the sun’s UV light? That means the rays actually hit you twice, further increasing your risk of skin cancer and premature aging.
Just because it’s cold outside doesn’t mean you can’t keep your body moving. Take your beloved run indoors on a track (Body Zone Sports and Wellness Complex in Wyomissing has one!) or run on a treadmill. Switch from outdoor to indoor stationary biking. Play pickleball inside. Take a hot yoga class there’s still so much to do, and you can find it all right here in Berks County!
Frostbite is no joke. In weather below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, your body tissues, including skin and bone, can freeze. Your risk increases the colder the temperature is and the longer you are outside. Frostbite damage usually occurs before you can feel it, but symptoms to beware of are: blistering, hard or waxy skin, numbness and skin color changes. If you must be outside in extreme cold, wear several layers, limit the amount of time you’re outdoors in a stretch and change out of wet or cold clothes immediately.
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is an issue for 5 percent of adults in the U.S. for about 40 percent of the year. The “winter blues” are associated with a chemical imbalance in the brain that occurs when people are exposed to less daylight. Symptoms include constant sadness, a loss of interest in hobbies and activities, appetite and sleep changes and difficulty thinking. If you think you may be experiencing seasonal affective disorder, visit your primary care physician.
Congratulations to all the winners of Berks County Living magazine’s Annual Best of Berks Awards, especially those who are members of the Greater Reading Chamber Alliance (GRCA) Each of these businesses have shown dedication to excellence in their respective fields, and GRCA is proud to celebrate their achievements.
Brewer’s Bar and Grill takes the title of Best Place to Grab a Beer, offering a wide selection of craft brews in a vibrant and welcoming atmosphere. Enjoy your brew with the Hangover Burger, topped with a hashbrown, an egg and bacon.
Empire Surplus Home Center is recognized as the Best HomeRelated Business, providing top-quality products and excellent customer service for all your home improvement needs. Follow Empire on Instagram to see firsthand
transformations of bathrooms, kitchens and more!
Fleetwood Bank earns the title of Best Financial Institution, demonstrating a commitment to helping individuals and businesses in the community achieve their financial goals by living its mission of being “What you want your bank to be.”
Folino Estate is crowned the Best Local Winery, producing fine wines in a picturesque setting that invites visitors to relax and enjoy the fruits of their labor. Reserve a tasting today and don’t forget to take home a make-your-own sangria kit in seasonal flavors.
Manor Golf Club is named the Best Public Golf Course, offering a challenging and scenic course for golf enthusiasts of all skill levels to enjoy.
The Reading Public Museum is honored as the Best Venue to Hold an Event, providing a unique and elegant setting for weddings, corporate events and other special occasions. The striking grounds and priceless artwork provide a one-of-akind backdrop for photos.
South Mountain YMCA is recognized as the Best Summer Camp, offering a fun and enriching experience for children to learn new skills and make lasting memories in a safe and supportive environment.
Sweet Ride Ice Cream, LLC is crowned the Best Place to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth, serving up delicious and indulgent treats that are sure to satisfy any craving. Order one of its old school sundaes and share with your favorite person.
The Heritage of Green Hills is named the Best Residential Senior Living Community, providing compassionate care and a vibrant community for seniors to thrive and enjoy their golden years.
The Reading Symphony Orchestra takes the title of Best Place to Enjoy the Arts, delivering world-class performances that inspire and enrich
the cultural life of the community. Visit readingsymphony.org for a list of upcoming concerts.
We also congratulate the Lifetime Winners, including Body Zone Sports & Wellness Complex, GoggleWorks Center for the Arts, Tom Masano Auto Group and Van Scoy Jewelers, who have each won their respective categories a remarkable 10 times. These businesses have set the bar high and have demonstrated sustained excellence in their fields year after year.
Congratulations once again to all the winners. Your hard work, dedication and commitment to excellence have not gone unnoticed, and GRCA applauds you for your sustained success in serving the Berks County community. We look forward to supporting you in many more years of success and achievement!
Visit greaterreading.org/ events for the most up-todate calendar of events and training.
Drive through Muhlenberg Township to visit five homes with extraordinary light displays. Each stop offers something special, and bonus stops may include refreshments, a visit from the man in red himself and so much more. This event is family-friendly, and participants are encouraged to decorate their cars and wear holiday attire. $25 per vehicle. For more info visit berkslibraries.org.
The 3-time Grammy-winning Spanish Harlem Orchestra brings New York-style salsa to Reading in this once-in-a-lifetime performance. Ticket prices may vary depending on where you are seated. For more info visit millercenter.racc.edu.
14 Dec. 8
5:30-8:30pm | Muhlenberg Community Library | Laureldale
Starring on Broadway in Hamilton, Wicked & In the Heights, Mandy Gonzalez is coming to KU to sing classic seasonal songs in a manner that only she can. Ticket prices may vary. For more info visit kutztownpresents.org.
7:30pm | Schaeffer Auditorium, Kutztown University | Kutztown
7pm | Miller Center for the Arts | Reading
Holiday Craft Boutique & Open House
Celebrate the season by enjoying a day full of shopping, visiting the exquisitely decorated historic homes in the Centre Park area and exploring the various exhibits within the museum. Several vendors will be stationed throughout the museum, offering an assortment of handmade goods and oneof-a-kind items that will make the perfect holiday gifts. Admission is free. For more info visit berkshistory.org.
11am-4pm | Berks History Center | Reading
Forest Therapy Walk
Take time to connect with nature by mindfully experiencing its sights, sounds and smells on the shortest day of the year. Dressing according to the weather is advised, as is bringing a water bottle and wearing sturdy shoes. Admission is $25, and this event is targeting an adult-only audience. For more info visit dcnr.pa.gov.
1-4pm | Nolde Forest Environmental Education Center | Reading
Join the community in singing the Christmas portions of Messiah. Solo auditions are held each fall and are open to singers throughout the county. Singers will be accompanied by a small orchestra as well as the audience members, who will join the choir in accordance with their sectioned voice part. There will also be seats available for listeners. Entrance is free, but donations are welcomed. For more info visit readingchoral.org.
5:30pm | Scottish Rite Cathedral | Reading
Order and Illusion:
The Geometry of Art
Explore the evolution of geometric art, from Cubism to Minimalism up to today. This exhibit consists of more than 40 works of art focused on challenging the boundaries of artistic concepts. Featured artists will include Victor Vasarely, Harry Bertoia, Edna Andrade, Ellsworth Kelly, Donald Judd, Richard Anuszkiewicz and Helen Gerardia. For more info visit readingpublicmuseum.org.
11am-5pm | Reading Public Museum | Reading
Animal Rescue League of Berks County's Festival of Trees
Headlining the festival is a beautiful assortment of decorated trees, featuring incredible prizes that will be raffled off at the end of the evening. Try your hand at a bottle pull; enjoy a variety of delectable dinner stations; grab a drink at the cash bar, and dance the night away to vibrant music performed by Brass Pocket! For tickets and more info visit berksarl.givevirtuous.org/ event/2024-festival-of-trees.
5pm | Redner’s Event Center at FirstEnergy Stadium | Reading
Pet & Family Photos with Santa Bring your family and furry friends out to take photos with Santa Paws. Photos are $10, and $5 for each additional photo. Support Spike’s Pet Food Pantry by donating wet or dry dog or cat food. For more info visit humanepa.org.
Noon-4pm | Humane Veterinary Hospitals | Reading
Home for the Holidays
Ring in your holiday celebrations in style with the Reading Symphony Orchestra and its annual seasonal spectacular. For tickets and more info visit readingsymphony.org/ event/home-for-the-holidays.
7:30pm | Santander Performing Arts Center | Reading
Auditorium Kutztown, Pennsylvania
New Year's Eve Special: Music of the Legendary John Williams
Join the Reading Symphony Orchestra for a thrilling performance of John Williams’ legendary music, promising an unforgettable way to ring in the New Year. For tickets and more info visit readingsymphony.org.
7:30pm | Santander Performing Arts Center | Reading
Cirque Dreams Holidaze
Prepare to be dazzled by aerial performances, jugglers, acrobatics and so much more. Hailed by the New York Daily News as "a delicious confection of charm, sparkle and talent by the sleigh load," this Broadway-style production is set to leave you jingling all the way home. For more info visit santander-arena.com.
7:30pm | Santander Performing Arts Center | Reading
A Nostalgic Night with Macaulay Culkin following a screening of Home Alone
Enjoy a viewing of the Christmas classic with the main character himself! Meet-and-greets are available for purchase as an add-on. For more info visit santander-arena.com.
7:30pm | Santander Performing Arts Center | Reading
25th Annual Christmas at Joanna
For a perfect start to your holiday, look no further than Joanna Furnace. There will be reenactors, Victorian dancing, the Hay Creek Valley Gold Band, the Hay Creek dancers and much more. Festivities are for all ages, so feel free to bring your family. For more info visit haycreek.org.
Fri: 5-9pm, Sat & Sun: 4-9pm | Historic Joanna Furnace Iron Works | Morgantown
Reading Royals
Cheer on your hometown hockey team and enjoy themes such as Military Appreciation/Teddy Bear Toss Night, Wizards Night, Christmas with The Peanuts and the New Year’s Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Pajama Party. For tickets and more info visit royalshockey.com.
Various start times | Santander Arena | Reading
Kringle 5-Mile Run
Get a head start on those New Year’s resolutions by joining the Pagoda Pacers Athletic Club for the annual Kris Kringle 5-Mile Run. Registration fees are as follows: $25 per runner through Dec. 3 and $30 per runner from Dec. 4 to 15. For more info visit runsignup.com/Race/PA/Leesport/ KrisKringle5MileRun.
10am-Noon | Berks County Agricultural Center | Leesport
The Least of These; A Christmas Story
Join The Bridge Church for a screening of The Least of These; A Christmas Story. Experience a classic tale of hope, forgiveness and faith. Tickets are $8 at the door and include popcorn and a soda. For more info visit hamburgstrand.org.
7-9pm | Hamburg Strand Theater | Hamburg
The Nutcracker
Clara and her cherished nutcracker travel through an enchanting world full of elegant classical ballet. Don’t miss this opportunity to immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of the holiday season, featuring the talented dancers of Berks Ballet Theatre Company, renowned performers and the magnificent accompaniment of the Reading Pops Orchestra. For tickets and more info visit berksballettheatre.com/tickets.
Sat: 1 & 6pm, Sun: 2pm | Schaeffer Auditorium, Kutztown University | Kutztown
Birds of Prey
Discover the fascinating world of birds of prey at Hawk Mountain. Meet three different live raptors and learn all about each species, their unique adaptations and what sets them apart from each other. Registration: $5. For more info visit hawkmountain.org/events.
1-2pm | Visitor Center Gallery at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary | Kempton
Moonlight Christmas House Tour
Limited tickets are available for this tour seeing small groups led by a guide. Cocktails and hors d’oeuvres included. $75. For more info visit centreparkhistoricdistrict.org/ christmas-house-tour.
6-10pm | Centre Park Historic District | Reading
Chillin' on Main
Come down to Philadelphia Avenue once again to enjoy this annual community event. Here you will find plenty of delicious food and drink options, gifts for your family and friends, games and activities for all ages and Mr. & Mrs. Claus themselves. Admission is free. For more info visit buildingabetterboyertown.org. 11am-4pm | Philadelphia Avenue | Boyertown
Holiday Open House
Enjoy refreshments and a great selection of fresh-cut greens, custom-made wreaths and Christmas decorations. For more info call 610.589.4917 or visit ryelandgardens.com.
8am-3pm | Ryeland Gardens | Womelsdorf
Santa Claus Express
Join Santa, Mrs. Claus, Frosty the Snowman and the elves as they bring in the season at the WK&S. Free gifts for the children as Santa walks through the train and special treats for everyone. For more info visit kemptontrain.com.
Various departure times | WK&S Railroad | Kempton
Want your event listed in This Month?
Submit your event on our website at BerksCountyLiving.com. 14
Christmas House Tour & Champagne Brunch
Enjoy a self-guided tour of the properties decorated for the holidays in Centre Park, followed by an optional brunch at the Inn at Centre Park. Tour only: $30 (advance) & $35 (day of), Brunch only: $45, Combo ticket: $70. For more info visit centreparkhistoricdistrict. org/christmas-house-tour.
11am-5pm | Centre Park Historic District | Reading
Snowflake Special
Watch the snowflakes on a cold winter’s afternoon in the warmth of Colebrookdale Railroad’s coaches as the train makes its way through the Secret Valley on a 90-minute roundtrip. An excursion on the Colebrookdale Railroad is your ticket to create memories that last. For more info and tickets visit colebrookdalerailroad.com.
Colebrookdale Railroad | Boyertown
ROG Orthodontics is proud to be the leading orthodontic practice in Berks County for more than 60 years. Drs. Natalie Parisi, Dennis Mauro and Ashima Sharma are committed to excellence while providing unsurpassed, personalized care creating FANTASTIC SMILES. We are honored that patients choose ROG based on the reputation of our experienced orthodontic specialists, satisfied patient experiences and proven fantastic results. Embrace the holidays with a Fantastic Smile!
Klein offers a variety of services, each with a personal touch. When it comes to the holidays, family and friends alike enjoy making memories aboard our deluxe luxury motor coaches. From a customer’s first call to their final step off the motorcoach after a trip, their experience is what keeps them returning year after year.
Klein Transportation is situated in Amity Township, literally on the line between Berks and Montgomery counties. Since 1957, and with a family member always at helm, Klein has grown and continues to provide safe, quality transportation with both luxury motorcoaches and school buses.
Group Transportation Options available with a variety of vehicles
• One-day and Overnight Tours to various holiday destinations
• Airport Transfer & Shuttle Services for groups of holiday travelers
Daily Commuter Service to New York from Berks and Lehigh counties
• Gift Cards available to purchase for future travel use
Visit kleintransportation.com to learn more about your hometown transportation provider.
Scarves are a game-changing accessory. Besides keeping us warm, they’re a quick and easy way to add pizzazz to the dependable, hardworking coats and jackets that last season after season. With so many different lengths, colors and textures, the styling possibilities are endless. Refresh your look with these versatile options.
Keep your ensemble lightweight and warm with a bandana — one of the smaller members of the scarf family. With its eye-catching combo of purple and gray, this floral design is drawn and screenprinted onto the fabric. Tie it around your neck for sophisticated style.
Handker Esther Bandana | $16 | Local Folk Creative Studio
Go wild with texture. This infinity scarf offers effortless styling and combines a ribbed knit pattern with tons of fringe. The neutral gray shade will complement a variety of colored tops. Wear it with straightleg jeans or tailored pants for a chic look.
Hiddenbrand Fringed Scarf | $22 The Boutique at J. Nolan
Jazz up your outfit with a handmade scarf. Available in solid and multicolored yarns, this skinny scarf is knit by Heather DiFabio. The chunky wool provides tons of texture. Long fringes grace the ends for a stylish look you’ll want to wear inside and out.
Knit Skinny Scarf | $44.95 | Spinning Sheep Designs
Choose a fun look that brings a smile to your face on even the coldest winter days. This acrylic scarf features a cool, sunglasseswearing cat applique just above its ribbed edge. Add in matching gloves and earmuffs to add even more cheer to your ensemble.
Karl Lagerfeld Scarf ticketed: $68, Boscov’s price: $34 | Ear Muffs ticketed: $58, Boscov’s price: $29 | Gloves ticketed: $58, Boscov’s price: $29 | Boscov’s
Bundle up in an extra-long scarf with a built-in hood. Crocheted by Heather DiFabio, this delightfully warm scarf comes in an array of colors, including vibrant purple, electric blue and fuchsia. Stay toasty and stylish during snowball fights and other cold-weather activities. Crocheted Hooded Scarf | $79.95 | Spinning Sheep Designs
and red has been a beloved scarf pattern for decades. Enjoy a whole range of looks by pairing this scarf with a leather jacket, wool coat or blazer.
Hiddenbrand Plaid Scarf | $25 | The Boutique at J. Nolan
Salute your love of horses. Choose from striking patterns of black and cream or brilliant blue and orange. Soft and luxurious, these scarves can be styled multiple ways, like a classic wrap around your neck or draped over your shoulder for a bold look.
Equestrian Scarves/Wraps | $69 each | DeLune
Feast your eyes on a dynamic herringbone pattern. This scarf’s breathable acrylic fibers are pill-resistant so you can wear it comfortably for multiple seasons. Combine it with a tailored wool peacoat or wrap and into a sportscoat for a suave, polished aesthetic.
Gallery Seven Men’s Soft Knit
$26.99 | Kohl’s
With its subtle shift from color to color, this scarf pairs well with all kinds of coats and jackets. This beautiful accessory is made from hand-spun wool and is handwoven by Claudia Meyer. Drape it around your neck and enjoy a wearable piece of art. Handwoven Scarf by Claudia Meyer
Make it easy to get out the door. This pull-on scarf doesn’t require any wrapping. The soft, fluffy, faux shearling feels great, and the neutral hue goes with any coat color. Wear it for a coldweather run or playing in the snow.
Goodfellow & Co. Men's Faux Shearling Neck Warmer Scarf | $20 | Target
Boscov’s locations in Exeter, Muhlenberg, Wyomissing 610.779.2000 | boscovs.com
The Boutique at J. Nolan 31 W. Main St., Fleetwood 610.413.5146 | theboutiqueatjnolan
544 Penn Avenue, West Reading 724.815.6621 | shopdelune.com
Kohl’s 2700 Paper Mill Rd., Wyomissing 610.371.0237 | kohls.com
Local Folk Creative Studio 158 W. Main St., Kutztown 484.488.7666 | local-folk.com
Spinning Sheep Designs Birdsboro | spinningsheep
Locations in Exeter, Muhlenberg, Wyomissing | target.com
THE BELL TOWER SALON SPA is the premier community, destination day spa offering everything from your beauty, wellness and fashion needs. From luxurious candles, Oribe gift sets, fabulous services and so much more, Bell Tower is your one stop shop this holiday season. Visit us in our Pop Up at The Garage all season long for discounted resort-wear, one-of-a-kind art, fashion and beauty products.
BELL BUCKS ARE BACK THIS SEASON! Now through December 24th, with every gift card purchase of $100, receive $20 in Bell Bucks and $20 in Rhelm Bucks. Can’t make it in? Our online ecommerce platform, Rhelm, is available 24/7. Shop online at your convenience for the latest in fashion trends, and the best in wellness and beauty needs. Find YOUR unique place in The Rhelm!
AS A SPECIAL THANK YOU, bring this ad to any of our scheduled Pop Up at The Garage events for a gift with purchase.
Domenic C. Izzo, Jr, MD | Peter D. Calder, MD
Francisco L. Tellez, MD, FACS | Kasey L. Pierson, MD
Guri Bronner, MD | Benjamin D. Nicholas, MD
Michael C. Izzo, MD | Jacquelyn M. Horst, OD
Travis J. Gabriel, OD
Christmas trees and festive tree toppers are German traditions, and Pennsylvania Germans were among the earliest tree decorators in the U.S. Put your own spin on this time-honored practice by getting creative. Whether you’re looking for big, small, classic or nontraditional, check out these fun tree toppers from Berks businesses.
Think outside the box and top your tree with a stuffed toy. Made by Jellycat, this soft, huggable bunny has fuzzy red fur, perfect for the Christmas season. When the holidays are over, display this sweet bunny with the rest of your stuffy collection and enjoy him all year round.
Jellycat Bunny Stuffy & Gifts
Add a little Space Age décor to your tree. Sputnik-style tree toppers have been popular since the 1957 launch of the Sputnik satellite. This brilliant star dazzles with 15 points illuminated by 10 miniature lights. A flat back keeps it lightweight and easy to balance on top of your tree.
Transform your tree to look like the biggest, most beautiful gift. A bow made of colorful ribbon makes an elegant tree topper. Plow Farms offers custom-made bows in all different sizes to accommodate any tree. Choose from 40 different ribbons to get the ideal match for all your holiday décor.
Custom Bow Tree Topper | starting at $10 Plow Farms | 4410 Morgantown Rd., Mohnton 610.856.7740 | plowfarms.com
For centuries, angels have graced the tops of Christmas trees to honor the Nativity story. Angels are a royally endorsed choice, thanks to Queen Victoria. Dressed in flowing white, this beautiful angel has a serene expression. Her two glowing stars are powered by LED cool white bulbs for an eye-catching display. 10-inch Angel Tree Topper | ticketed: $32.99, Boscov’s price: $19.99 | Boscov’s | locations in Exeter, Muhlenberg, Wyomissing | 610.779.2000 | boscovs.com
Crown your tree with an exquisite star topper that’s handmade. The classic colors of Christmas are celebrated with holly, a plant that’s been part of wintry festivities since ancient times. Made by Kathleen Walck, this star is needle felted and includes hand-embroidered details, like the delicate veins in the leaves.
extension of
Find your place in the Rhelm and share it with a loved one. Rhelm.com extends the Bell Tower experience as a digital lifestyle platform. This holiday, for every $100 purchased in Bell Tower gift cards, receive $20 in Bell Tower bucks. Spend $100 at rhelm.com, receive a $20 Rhelm gift card and a free gift valued at $25.
Looking for a treasured piece of jewelry or simply want to treat yourself? Head to Gipprich Jewelers in Shillington for a sales and service team that cares. The family-owned business has been celebrating holidays and milestones since 1945 selling jewelry and diamonds, including unique estate pieces, marking a quality business standing the test of time. Find product updates daily on their Facebook page @GipprichJewelers.
705 Penn Avenue, West Reading 610.327.9097 | fleetfeetwestreading.com
Serving the Berks community for more than 20 years, FFWR is locally owned and operated. With 3D foot scanning and gait analysis, we help people find the best fit for their unique needs. We received a “Top 50 Running Store in the US” designation in 2022, 2023 and 2024 for our commitment to exceptional customer service, professionalism, product knowledge and community involvement.
2729 Bernville Rd., Leesport
Hometown Skates is passionate about everything skate-related! We’re a local skating and hockey family with roots in Berks County, and we’re excited about sharing our love of ice skating with our local community. Whether you’re looking to skate for fun or play on a team, we have everything you need. See you at the shop and at the rink!
Van Scoy Jewelers is a locally owned and operated Berks County small business. Celebrating 47 years in business and three years at their new location in Wyomissing, they offer a wide variety of products and specialize in fine diamond jewelry and engagement rings. They have an on-site repair department and offer custom designs. You can also shop online at vanscoy.com
Our original designs and antique reproduction firebacks enhance the heat output of a fireplace, protect the back wall and add charm to a hearth year-round. Revitalizing the nearly forgotten art form of the fireback, our patented support system makes installation easy and quick. Cast in Hamburg since 1979.
608 Penn Avenue, West Reading
Visit Muddy Creek Soap Company in West Reading for 20 percent off your Black Friday and Small Business Saturday purchases. Pick up natural and organic handmade soaps and bath products crafted with love. Visit muddycreeksoapcompany.com for a full product list. Thanksgiving week hours: Tues & Wed: 10am–5pm, Fri & Sat: 10am–7pm, Sun: 10am–4pm.
4 Wellington Blvd., Ste. 110, Wyomissing 610.646.1733 | thesaltlounge.net
Give the gift of relaxation this holiday season! The Salt Lounge offers services including massage, reflexology and salt therapy. Give salt therapy a try to feel calmer and to breathe easier. Check out our boutique for salty soaps, scrubs and shower tabs for the perfect at-home spa day. Gift cards and salt therapy packages make the perfect gift for anyone in need of a self-care day.
309 W. Main St., Kutztown 610.683.8117
Presenting fall and holiday temptations. Visit us for cozy, comfortable clothing that looks and feels good, too! We have great sweaters, reversible outerwear, handcrafted sterling silver jewelry, handbags, hair accessories and so much more! If it’s time to shop, it’s time to Come In and Be Tempted...
Penn Avenue, West Reading 484.987.7338 | sweetrideicecream.com The Sweetest Gift for all ice cream lovers... ice cream for a year! Give a Sweet Ride Ice Cream Pint of the Month Punch Card. Includes one pint of delicious, super premium ice cream once a month for one year. Punch Cards also available for milkshakes, sundaes and scoops. The gift that keeps on giving all year long!
Celebrate the Season with Adelphia Seafood! This holiday, elevate your gatherings with our exquisite party trays, perfect for New Year’s Eve celebrations. Delight your guests with fresh seafood, savory dishes and seasonal specialties that bring flavor and festivity to every occasion. Discover the magic of shared moments around the table — let Adelphia Seafood make your holidays unforgettable!
Step into the season with confidence and style, courtesy of Sorrelli. As a second-generation, female-founded brand, we craft jewelry that’s both bold and timeless, perfect for any occasion. Whether you’re shopping for yourself or a loved one, our handcrafted designs will empower and inspire. Visit us in Kutztown or shop online for exclusive styles!
5700 Perkiomen Avenue, Reading
610.582.8122 | scottswashandlube.com
Discover unbeatable value with our state-of-theart car wash tunnel and monthly memberships! Choose from four premium wash packages. Enjoy a 15-minute oil change with exclusive Pennzoil savings, plus a FREE car wash. Quick propane refills available. Make every wash count with our cost-effective memberships!
80 Commerce Dr., Wyomissing 484.509.4164 | gildeddesignstudio.com
37 Weiser Lane, Womelsdorf
610.589.4917 ryelandgardens.com
Tucked away near the historic Conrad Weiser Homestead is Ryeland Gardens, an oasis ready for the holidays. Custom-made wreaths, cut greens in multiple varieties and other Christmas décor abound. You’ll discover lovely gifts, an array of ornaments, beautiful poinsettias and more. Visit us at our annual Open House on Dec. 7 and look for future dates for several wreath making classes to come!
3020 Kutztown Rd., Laureldale
610.921.2088 | boyersfloorcovering.com
100+ Years of Fine Flooring—Boyer’s Floor Covering is a local, family-owned business proud to be serving Berks County since 1923! Our 4,000-square-foot showroom offers extensive flooring options and styles for you to view and samples to take home. We always offer free estimates for both residential and commercial flooring services. Our friendly and knowledgeable team is proud to offer exceptional service to every customer!
At Gilded Design Studio, we believe jewelry is not just an accessory; it’s a personal statement, a whisper of mystery, and it speaks volumes about who you are. Nestled in the heart of creativity, our studio is a sanctuary where exquisite custom pieces come to life using CAD software and 3D renderings. We specialize in tailoring each piece we create to be as unique as your story. We love all love.
Visit an essential place to shop for Christmas presents! Explore our selection of gift baskets, or choose a gift box and we’ll ship it to your desired location for you. Here’s a favorite: handmade children’s rocking chairs. Pick yours up in store or get it shipped to you or a friend living out of state. It could be your child’s best gift ever!
4310 Perkiomen Avenue, Reading
610.779.6611 | raphaelbstudio.com
Raphael B. Studio, located at Boscov’s East Mall, has been your neighborhood jeweler for more than 20 years. We handle all your jewelry needs, including on-site repair, custom engagement rings and jewelry, unique artisan jewelry, estate jewelry, watch batteries and band shortening. Come see us!
5353 Bernville Rd., Bernville | 484.218.8184 | goodfellasgranitellc.com
If you’re in the market for any type of natural stone or quartz for countertops, fireplaces, outdoor living space, furniture, showers, etc., GoodFellas Granite should be your first stop. Located on Route 183 across from Blue Marsh, our designer showroom houses more than 600 full-size slabs of natural stone and quartz from all over the world. We stock all the basic colors as well as lots of semi-precious exotic stones. Owner Tony Daskus has been in the natural stone business for almost 40 years, and his knowledge and passion for the industry is evident. Our staff is extremely friendly and knowledgeable, and the craftsmanship in the fabrication shop and from the installation crew is second to none. This is a must-stop if a kitchen remodel is in your future.
By Appointment Only
610.413.2737 | rusticbunch.com
Our flowers are locally grown right here in Berks County. Because of that we only have delivery available through our growing season, which runs April through November. But our seasonal Floral Share Certificates make a great gift! Treat that special someone to weekly, biweekly or monthly flowers for our upcoming season. You can’t go wrong with a gift of fresh flowers that supports locally grown and a small family business!
1307 New Holland Rd., Kenhorst
610.775.7040 | alishasspa.com
Celebrating 25 Years In Business! Our friendly, experienced staff of Licensed Massage Therapists and Estheticians has the training and passion to make your visit a positively euphoric experience. Our Acne and Age Smart Skin Specialists provide popular services like Dermaplaning, Microcurrent, Oxygen, LED Light Therapy, Peels, Lash Lift & Tinting, Waxing, Firming Body Wraps and an array of Massage Therapy. Purchase gift cards and get a complete list of services online, and visit us at our beautiful location!
741 Bernville Rd., Leesport
641 Penn Avenue, West Reading Linden St., Robesonia-Warehouse 610.926.0500 | empirehomecenter.com
Ready to start your home improvement projects? Whether you are looking to update or remodel your kitchen, bath, floors, windows, doors or just to add to your home décor, Empire Home Center is here to help. Our goal at Empire is to provide you with the highest quality product at the best price for you to truly maximize your enjoyment and value of your home.
After thousands upon thousands of votes spanning July 1 through mid-August, we’ve tallied the results and present the winners of this year’s Best of Berks awards on the pages that follow. Some faces and names are familiar while others are celebrating their first-ever wins, all thanks to those who took the time to vote for them. Read on, learn more and be sure to stop in and offer your congratulations!
G.N.A. Ristorante has grown and evolved as a business over the last 40 years. What started as a corner pizza shop in West Reading is now a full-service Italian restaurant. “We have customers who have known me as a kid who are now watching my kids grow,” says owner Tina Grande. Family comes first at G.N.A. Ristorante, which is why they offer four-course take-home meals that feed a family of five. These are great for busy after-school schedules and sporting events. You may even catch the Wyomissing Football Team stopping by for Friday night pasta dinners and post-game pizza. “Our customers have become friends who have turned into family. Without them we wouldn’t be where we are today,” says Grande. Kylie Frain
421 Penn Avenue, West Reading | 610.376.1155 | gnaristorante.com
Mother-daughter duo Adaila Rios and Tiana James are the creative minds behind Acacia Flower & Gift Shop, providing thoughtful arrangements for any occasion — from birthdays to weddings. “We put our creativity and our heart into what we do,” says James. The business sources flowers locally and internationally, stocking a vast inventory of the highest quality blooms. “That’s my biggest thing — quality and how long flowers last,” says Rios. “Nothing is more of an honor than when someone says to me, ‘I got flowers, and they lasted for two weeks or a month.’” After 38 years in business, Rios has become the first-choice florist for many happy customers. Committed to accommodating their community, Acacia Flower & Gift Shop provides same-day delivery throughout Sinking Spring and the surrounding areas. Place orders online, over the phone or visit in-person for a warm welcome from two tail-wagging mascots, Iris and Lucas. Kara Armstrong
Escape everyday life and meet your friends to enjoy one of the award-winning cocktails at Jimmy G’s Beverly Hills Tavern. With eight awards under their belt, the tavern has now won the Best Place for Cocktail Creations category for the first time! Stop by and try fan favorites like Jimmy G's Hurricane or the Blue Lagoon Bacardi Pitcher. General Manager Denise Woodworth says, “It’s using well-known and good products in funny and creative ways that our customers enjoy,” when asked about the secret to creating award-winning cocktails. Enjoy food and drinks inside at the sports bar or outside at the beach bar during the summertime, or have a private party at the 200-year-old tavern! Check out Jimmy G’s Beverly Hill Tavern’s website to decide which daily special suits you best.
Jannis Oehler
710 Old Fritztown Rd., Sinking Spring 610.777.4516 | beverlyhillstavern.biz
This women’s boutique located on Penn Avenue in West Reading offers a unique, endearing shopping experience that blends sustainability and style. From trendy lip balms and jewelry to timeless fashion pieces for everyone, DeLune handpicks its items for a wide range of customers. “We believe in curating pieces that last,” says owner Kathryn Laughlin. “Our goal is to offer high-quality, sustainable fashion without compromising style.” DeLune was founded with a vision for a future where consumers and suppliers share a more ethical and transparent relationship, which Berks shoppers experience through partnerships with local and international environmentally conscious designers. With new arrivals almost daily, customers always find something fresh. Whether seeking an eco-friendly wardrobe update or a special gift, DeLune and its everevolving selection keep shopping exciting! Katelynn Humbles
544 Penn Avenue, West Reading | 724.815.6621 | shopdelune.com
With more than 65 years of service, Empire Home Center (EHC) earns its place as the best home center by providing personal service that the big box competition can’t match. Whether you’re planning a kitchen remodel or seeking new flooring, EHC has everything you need under one roof. The family-owned business provides the best quality for a fair price, working with local suppliers and USA-made products to assemble beautiful rooms in your home. The company is known for its 3D software service where they can mock desired countertops, hardware, cabinets and more digitally in your home to be made to order. Working with EHC is a personable experience, too. “We want the homeowner to love their house and keep coming back for more,” says owner Melinda O’Neill. Bethany McDonald
6 41 Penn Avenue, West Reading | 610.484.3700 2741 Bernville Rd., Leesport | 610.926.0500 empirehomecenter.com
Looking for an experienced, talented and personable freelance photographer? Heidi Reuter has been photographing life-changing occasions for more than 20 years. “I was drawn to photographing people and their moments and continued that passion through undergrad and grad school,” says Reuter, who holds her MA in photojournalism. She has been an artist at the GoggleWorks Center for the Arts since its opening and operates two businesses: one geared towards commercial photography and the other focused on portraits and weddings. She’s also a freelance photographer for Berks County Living and has been voted “Favorite Freelance Photographer” by readers many times. Heidi and her team are committed to giving clients the best professional experience with a variety of options to capture your special day so you can remember it for a lifetime to come. Kate Sherman
GoggleWorks Center for the Arts | 201 Washington St., Ste. 219, Reading 610.334.4441 | heidireuter.com | reuterstudios.com
At Wm H. Diller Jewelers, owners John and Cindy Lis continue a long legacy of quality craftsmanship and outstanding service. Established in 1914, Wm H. Diller is the oldest jewelry store in Berks County. Their vast inventory includes engagement rings, estate jewelry, fashion jewelry, fine jewelry and custom orders — with pieces for every budget. A full-service jeweler, the business provides appraisals, repairs and engravings. Due to the one-of-akind nature of their products, Wm H. Diller does all business in-person (no online orders), allowing for an extra personal touch. “They become our friends,” says Cindy about clients. “Every Christmas it’s the same guys that come in, and you know what they’re looking for.” Cindy even helps some propose — you won’t get that level of service elsewhere. Kara Armstrong
In just eight months, Fresh Frenchy’s has established itself as a local favorite for healthy meals and earned the title “Best Place for Healthy Eats” in this year’s Best of Berks awards. The familyowned business offers a menu of delicious eats crafted with natural ingredients that are picked by the owners themselves. Andrea and Francesco Amato care. Customers take comfort in knowing they aren’t eating ultra-processed food just for a bit of flavor. Francesco, known as Frenchy in the local community, says, “It’s like an art having your own business, doing something people can benefit from and enjoy.” If you’re a fan of acai bowls, fruit smoothies, grass-fed beef burgers and mouth-watering salads and sandwiches, stop in for a visit. Sainey Singhateh 2550 Perkiomen Avenue, Reading | 484.709.2171 | freshfrenchys.com
Since 1913, The Reading Symphony Orchestra has been providing the Berks County community with access to classical music. Along the way, it’s been joined by illustrious guest soloists, including the likes of soprano Renee Fleming, pianists Yuja Wang and Fabio Bidini, violinists Midori and Pinchas Zukerman and guitarist Jason Vieaux. By giving patrons the chance to participate in a live music experience for as little as $25, the orchestra makes experiencing classical music a feasible option for nearly every budget. Forget about the limitations of Beethoven or Brahms; according to Executive Director David Whitehill, this season is one of their “most exciting and diverse.” For New Year's Eve, the symphony is planning a special tribute to John Williams, the man behind Star Wars, Harry Potter, Superman and Indiana Jones. J.P. Lee
From what began as a small organization in Fleetwood focused on foster care 46 years ago, CONCERN has since grown into a cornerstone for helping children, youth and families in Berks County and beyond navigate life’s challenges. As CEO Gordon May puts it, “Everybody’s still concerned about kids.” The nonprofit brings together comprehensive mental health services with much-needed family support and crisis intervention. In fact, last year CONCERN served 1,800 individuals in Berks County alone through behavioral health and foster care programs. This impact extends to local schools, such as Brandywine and Exeter, where CONCERN provides critical mental health support. The organization takes great pride in tracking success via individualized treatment plans, achieving an impressive 80 percent success rate in behavioral health outcomes. It’s no wonder why CONCERN is Berks County's top-lauded nonprofit organization. Katelynn Humbles
At Fleetwood Bank you are more than a customer. You are a neighbor and friend. When visiting any one of the seven branches in Berks County, you can always expect to be greeted by name with a smile. As the only bank headquartered in the county, Fleetwood Bank takes pride in the hometown hospitality it offers. This includes having a strong emphasis on giving back to the community. Marketing Officer Angela Cremer says, “When you bank local, you are directly investing in the things you care about. Last year, we invested nearly 10 percent of our net income back into our community.” Fleetwood Bank also offers unique products such as its Smart Savers Program and new custom debit card. If you want a true financial partner where fast loan decisions are made quickly, Fleetwood Bank is where you want to go. Grace Machon
They’re the GOAT. If you love spending time with animals, Steinmetz Family Farm is a must-do. Home to more than 200 goats as well as other farm animals, Steinmetz Family Farm offers activities including baby goat snuggling, parties on the farm, goat yoga, renting a goat for a day or overnight, goats for adoption and more. When asked who enjoys the activities of the farm best, owner Justin Steinmetz says, "Absolutely everybody, from ages 2 to 99." Open to the public at their own location, Steinmetz also frequently travels to area events. A schedule can be found on the event page of their website. They are also available for visits by appointment. To keep up with the animals and watch their daily lives, visit their Facebook and YouTube pages, "Steinmetz Family Farm." Kristina Hartz
333 Antietam Rd., Temple | 1.844.SFF.GOAT | steinmetzfamilyfarms.com
For the third year running, Firehouse Coffee combines cutting-edge equipment with passion to deliver a consistently perfect brew, earning it Best of Berks honors. Owner Mike Adams, a flight paramedic, draws inspiration from his career to create a unique, firehouse-themed experience. This is not just about coffee — it’s about community. From weddings to fundraisers, Firehouse Coffee actively supports local causes and businesses. Popular offerings like Pumpkin Roll and Pumpkin-itis flavors keep customers coming back, with 40+ flavors to choose from. Adams’ dedication to quality shines through in every cup, thanks to his personalized roasting and infusion techniques. The future looks bright with the addition of a mobile coffee truck and plans to expand further into Berks County. As Adams proudly states, “We are Berks County's number one coffee resource.” Katelynn Humbles 15877 Kutztown Rd., Maxatawny 610.944.1313 | firehousecoffee.com
It’s no surprise that Lords & Ladies is back another year as Best Hair Salon. They’ve previously won this category along with earning nods in other Best of Berks beauty categories. Lords & Ladies has seven different family-owned locations in Berks and Montgomery counties, each with its own distinctive feel. When visiting any of the locations, you not only feel good, you’ll look great, too. Lords & Ladies has one of the most extensive ongoing training programs a salon can offer. Marketing Manager Brittney Bennett explains, “All employees are required to attend a 6-week, hands-on training program before even standing behind a chair.” Not only is the staff top-notch, but they also offer a variety of hair and beauty services. Bennett says, “Clients enjoy visiting our salon because we are a one-stop shop. We offer anything you need, from haircuts to color and highlight services to the med spa and more.” Kayla Schmalzle
Whether you’re craving an old favorite or looking to broaden your horizons, Brewer’s Bar and Grill, with a selection of more than 350 beers, ciders and seltzers, has something for everyone. Brewer’s keeps 100 favorites in stock and receives new items weekly, creating a curated draft list and a staggering collection of bottled and canned brews. Brewer’s also operates as a beer outlet, offering all beers to both sit-in and to-go customers. Owner Jason Krause expresses excitement about local breweries, who find “new ways to use old styles and create new flavors, so you can try something new every time.” Brewer’s name and décor reflects this enthusiasm, featuring vintage advertisements and memorabilia from the many historical breweries that have called West Reading home over the years. In addition to daily food and drink specials, visit 4-6pm on Thursdays for “Hoppy Hour,” with discounts on fan favorite IPAs and Hazies. Beau R. deForest
Purchasing a home can be “a big financial and emotional investment,” according to Emily Gordon with Keller Williams Platinum Realty, voted Berks County’s best realtor in this year’s Best of Berks awards. Buying or selling property involves time, paperwork and negotiation. Gordon begins the often daunting process by building a relationship with each of her clients. “I like to treat all my clients like they’re family,” she says, “…to sit down and just talk — what is our goal?” As a realtor, she uses her four years of experience to negotiate a deal that satisfies everyone involved. She says that her favorite part is giving the keys of a new house to a first-time home buyer, explaining, “There’s nothing like it!” Timothy Noll
Multiple locations in Berks & Montgomery counties | 844.725.6655
Looking to dine out with the family, or maybe take a noontime break with some friends or coworkers? Then check out the best lunch spot in Berks: Coastal Grille. Known locally as a great gathering place offering quality seafood and non-seafood dishes alike, you can dine while basking in the glow of their large saltwater fish tank. A meal and drink recommended to firsttime patrons would be the Ahi Tuna Bowl and the Such a Pain Killer cocktail, which Coastal Grille’s General Manager, Rachel Thomas, asserts, “is a very good drink.” Other standouts include grilled fish options, including sea bass, a Maine lobster roll and Key West grilled chicken, and save room for dessert and check out the chocolate bag. Online reservations are available using OpenTable. Grant L. L. Rambo
2713 N. Meridian Blvd., Wyomissing 610.743.4006 | coastalgrille.com
Cheryl Heckman says it’s “extremely validating” for Manor Golf Club to score its ninth Best of Berks win this year. Her main goal is to make golf accessible to all demographics. Treating golfers like family is of the utmost importance to Cheryl, and Manor boasts the largest instructional program for new golfers in the area. She playfully jokes that instruction is for ages “4 to 100.” Another impressive fact about Manor? It was designed by legendary Scottish architect and “father of American golf,” Alexander Findlay. The beautiful condition of the 97-year-old course can be attributed to Superintendent Eric Krick, who has been with the club for 40 years. Improvements are being made all the time, including to cart passes, tee boxes and adding a new tournament area. Manor Golf Club is eager to snatch its tenth win next year. Gigi Doklan
“Looking for sports cards or memorabilia? First-time Best of Berks winner, Mt. Penn Sports Cards, has been providing collectibles from all sports to Berks Countians for 20 years. The specialty card store is full of treasures for all levels of collectors – from the newest 2024 cards to vintage gems. For those looking to branch out from sports, there are also movie collectibles and Pokémon cards. Owner Tony Arnold has been collecting for decades, and his is the only local store that offers unique, autographed pieces. On weekends, the store is frequently full of people talking about the latest games, puzzling over problems and hanging out. Arnold says, “I get to see my regular customers, and they’re not just my customers. They’re my friends, and we’re all united by a common interest.”
Lynda Feustel
“Professional, talented, kind and valued! Thank you!” shares a customer who received a manicure at this year’s Best Place for a Mani/Pedi. You receive exceptional service when you’re a client at Lisa’s Salon & Spa, starting with great energy when you walk in the front door. Lisa’s provides services to all genders and all clients of all ages. Owner Lisa Kelley’s mission is to provide a comfortable and friendly environment while you relax and indulge in your services. While at the salon, you can enjoy refreshments such as wine, coffee and more. The nail technicians provide phenomenal manicures and pedicures, from natural nails and Brisa Gel manicures to your traditional acrylic set, with great professionalism, top-notch skills and fabulous passion. Kahlea Adams
220 N. Park Rd. Building 8B, Wyomissing | 610.478.8775 | lisassalonspa.com
Head to New Beginnings Massage Wellness Center for the best, most personalized massage experience in Berks County. New Beginnings offers a wide range of services, including therapeutic, deep tissue, hot stone, ashiatsu, prenatal and couples’ massages in addition to other wellness services such as reflexology and Reiki. A notable draw is New Beginnings’ “no upcharge” policy, which allows therapists to adjust and add to services mid-session without a corresponding jump in price. “It’s important to us that clients get what they need, not just what they can afford,” says owner Beth Zullinger. New Beginnings employs a staff of licensed massage therapists who are encouraged to attend continuing education in order to remain up to date with current techniques so that they can meet each client’s specific needs with compassion, creativity and attention to detail. Beau R. deForest 200 Spring Ridge Dr., Ste. 202, Wyomissing | 484.755.5610 | newbeginningsmt.com
Local wine lovers won’t be surprised to hear that Folino Estate has brought home its seventh win in the Best Local Winery category, but what makes them the best? Some may say it's their variety of more than 20 handmade wine options paired with delicious food. Others could say it’s the beautiful 54 acres of vineyards planted on rolling hills that create an ideal atmosphere for wine tasting. Christin Kelley, Folino Estate’s Marketing Director, says it's something entirely different. “Our people make Folino Estate the best – a truly passionate team that brings our brand to life day in and day out so our guests can make memories that will last a lifetime.” Kelley believes that hospitality is what sets Folino apart from the rest. Beautiful scenery and quality wine are an amazing combination, but it’s the warm welcome from their attentive staff and knowledgeable sommeliers that makes the experience special. — Kevin Baur
340 Old Route 22, Kutztown | 484.452.3633 | folinoestate.com
Energetic elegance is the phrase coined by owners George and Eleny Zeppos to describe the atmosphere of Willoughby’s on Park. Upon entering, customers are met with a big city feel from the crystal chandeliers all the way down to the stemware. There is no guessing why this is the premier fine dining establishment’s fifth Best of Berks win. “I think the key to our success is that the staff here is all one team. We do not believe in a front and back of the house; it is just one wellrunning home," says George. Their exceptional service is paired with a world-class menu, featuring 136 bottles of wine and a variety of offerings such as imported Japanese A5 Kobe Wagyu, rotational oysters and caviar and cold-water Maine lobster tail. Kylie Frain 305 N. Park Rd., Wyomissing 610.816.7473 | willoughbysonpark.com
The South Mountain YMCA has been voted best summer camp 10 years in a row for good reason. The camp offers activities including a climbing wall, a swimming pool, cooking and music. While target sports and rivalry programs have emerged as favorites, “Most folks come back because of the friends they made,” says Bill Hinton, camp CEO. South Mountain offers day camp for 1st to 8th graders and overnight camp for 2nd graders through those in their senior high school years. Campers come to South Mountain YMCA from all over the world. They have a large contingent of campers from Seattle, Texas, Spain, China and beyond. At its heart, South Mountain YMCA’s summer camp is about using activities as vehicles to teach the YMCA values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility. “We are here to create better people,” says Hinton.
Want to get in shape but have no clue where to start? Check out Wyomissing Fitness. Start with a personal trainer and partner with a nutritionist on a balanced diet plan or simply go in and tackle your preferred workout. There is something for everyone. At Wyomissing Fitness, all fitness levels belong. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never raised a dumbbell or if you are a pro when it comes to bench presses and biceps curls. A variety of memberships are offered, and freezing or cancelling is no problem. Just ask one of the friendly employees; they are more than happy to help. As General Manager Sidney Acker explains, “Our facility caters to everyone, and we are happy to help wherever we can to improve your experience with us.” Collin Brede
Whether you are in the mood for breakfast, brunch or lunch, Crave Cafe has you covered with a delicious assortment of baked goods and savory dishes from 8:30am to 2pm, Monday through Saturday. Choose baked oatmeal topped with cranberries and almonds with a side of steamed milk, satisfying omelets full of vegetables and protein, crunchy chicken salad sandwiches or a bowl of homemade soup. To go with your meal, you can select one of 30 drink options offered, ranging from a vanilla and spice chai latte to a German Chocolate cold foam iced coffee (flavors may change seasonally). Vegan and gluten-free options are available, too. “We cater to everybody's palate,” says Sonia Marchio. “We have something sweet, something salty, something savory, a little bit of everything.” The friendly staff and customers make this place feel special. — Katie Shank
From luxury handbags to boutique attire, From The Heart Consignment Shop (FTH) rises above the competition by ensuring you can enjoy highquality items sustainably without breaking the bank. By partnering with local boutiques, FTH resells end-of-season clothing to extend its lifespan. The additional inventory items are consigned, welcoming gently used outlet and designer brands. Owner Katherine Scheese emphasizes the company's core value of authentic customer service. “It is not about the sale, but making someone's day better,” Scheese says. The store originated as a nonprofit to give back to the local church/community, raising more than $130,000. From The Heart is dedicated to its origin of giving back and partners with students to teach them the ins and outs of running a business. This past October marked the 10th anniversary of serving as the sustainable heart of its community. Bethany McDonald
4600 Penn Avenue, Sinking Spring 484.509.4441 | fromtheheartconsignment.com
The Reading Public Museum has been voted the best venue to hold an event in Berks County year after year, and with good reason. Whether you are looking to host your dream wedding under the stars in the Neag Planetarium or to enjoy your next corporate cocktail party surrounded by art from around the world, the Reading Public Museum has something for every taste. “There is nothing cookie-cutter about us,” says Kara J. Seawell, Manager of External Events and Weddings. With the help of local caterers and vendors, each venue will be transformed to take on your vision, whether your event be held morning, day or night and no matter the size of your budget. There’s truly an option for everyone, and the staff is committed to exceeding your expectations. Katie Shank
Searching for the ultimate in care and stimulation for your furry friends? Look no further! Diggity Dawg Daycare, with locations in Wernersville and Wyomissing, is the perfect place for your dogs. This doggy daycare and spa offers a perfect blend of pampering and socialization. With a commitment to personalized care, Diggity Dawg has been recognized as the Best PetFriendly Business in the Best of Berks honors for four years now. Your dog will thrive while playing with furry friends and dedicated staff, guaranteeing that he or she has the best time. According to owner Nicole Ray, pet parents can expect “a tired dog with a new outlook on life.” There’s nothing better than a content, tuckered-out pup to snuggle up with after your own hard day of work. Georgia Brenner
5100 E. Penn Avenue, Wernersville | 610.678.2200 220 N. Park Rd., Bldg. 4, Wyomissing 484.513.3172 | diggitydawgdaycare.com
From the moment you enter Doc & Bubba’s, you’re in for a truly one-of-a-kind outdoor dining experience. They boast a spacious patio decorated with unique plants and waterfalls, overlooking a gorgeous view of the surrounding trees and skyline. Open yearround, customers can enjoy a meal in the beautiful weather of the warm months, and when it’s cold, co-owner Deb “Doc” Radwanski explains, “We heat the whole area all winter, so it's like a tropical getaway.” They serve up a fantastic menu, ranging from upscale entrees such as steak and lobster to casual options like wings and their fan-favorite pizzas. Deb applauds their bartenders, “Our drink offerings complement the food perfectly.” They feature live entertainment Thursday and Friday with musicians of a variety of genres, solidifying them as the best outdoor dining experience in Berks County. Lauryn Fosbenner
4312 New Holland Rd., Mohnton 484.509.0110 | docbubbas.com
The Perk Up Truck, a first-time Best of Berks winner, is an espresso, smoothie and specialty beverage food truck with something for everyone. The Perk Up Truck creates unique drinks and flavors for each event it attends. Owner Michelle Lorah says, “We have caffeine and non-caffeine, hot and cold, you name it.” Lorah caters for a lot of school events for teachers as well as private events such as children's parties and business events. The truck also supports local nonprofit causes like the Animal Rescue League of Berks County. During fall, The Perk Up Truck can be found at the West Reading Farmers Market. The Perk Up Truck can be hired for events, too! Visit the Facebook page, call or text for more info. Byron Mantoan
610.334.2877 | theperkuptruck
“Eat ice cream for daily happiness.” So says a sign inside six-time Best of Berks winner Sweet Ride Ice Cream’s Penn Avenue location. Coowner Angie Farrell loves bringing joy to her customers with delicious ice cream. Angie and her husband, Chris, cofounded Sweet Ride in the very city where they grew up and give back to the locals through charitable events. The parlor features 50+ flavors of made-in-house ice cream as well as sundaes, floats and cookie sandwiches. Sweet Ride provides a flavor for every taste. Dairy-free and vegan options are offered, too, with gluten-free cones to boot. “We pour our heart and soul into this business,” says Angie. Customers can feel the love, too, enjoying their ice cream in a location that appeals to the romanticism of old-school ice cream parlors. No matter their age, any customer will feel like a giddy child at Sweet Ride. Gigi Doklan 542 Penn Avenue, West Reading | 484.987.7338 | sweetrideicecream.com
The Heritage of Green Hills has earned its eighth nod as Best Residential Senior Living Community. They attribute the honor to the enthusiasm of their residents. Ali Schratt, Director of Sales and Marketing, shares, “Residents just love living here!” The beautiful community encompassing 78 acres features something to spark everyone's interest, including 20-plus resident-run clubs and committees. These organizations allow residents to become invested in their community and to have control over their own social lives. The Heritage of Green Hills holds various events for residents, engagement including excursions to local museums, art galleries and baseball games. The Heritage will hold its annual Train Room Tour Open House on December 14 and 21 from 2-4pm. All are invited to join in the festive holiday celebration. Grace Machon 200 Tranquility Lane, Shillington | 484.269.5100 | heritageofgreenhills.com
With this year's Best of Berks win, Connelly Lawn & Garden has been voted the Best Landscaping Company for an incredible eighth time! “Every year that we continue to win, we just get more excited,” says coowner Linda Connelly. “We have a young staff, and a lot of them really throw their heart and soul into doing what they do.” Led by Linda and her husband, Tom Connelly, the company has taken care of Berks County’s lawns and gardens since 1990. Alongside their professionally trained staff, customers are satisfied with the popular Personal Gardening Service. “Especially for our elderly clients, we find a lot of them are really appreciative that they can still have their garden look as nice as it did,” Linda adds. Visit the company’s website to get further information. Jannis Oehler
703 Henry Circle, Sinking Spring 610.678.8949 | connellylawn.com
The Bar Cart serves up creative, carefully crafted alcohol-free drinks alongside their fantastic cocktails. Owned by Chris and Kacie Griffith, The Bar Cart features an ever-changing menu of mocktails made with seasonal ingredients, homemade mixers and syrups. “We curate them with a lot of heart and soul,” Kacie explains. “We’re intentional with our choices, from glassware to garnishes.” It is important to the owners that the mocktails they create be their own unique experience. Inspired to create a more inclusive spot for drinkers and non-drinkers alike, The Bar Cart is a first-time winner in this category after winning Best Cocktail Creations last year. “More people are trying to limit how much they are drinking, so having mocktails or lowimpact drinks is super important to us,” says Chris. For a fun, sober night out or to indulge in a cocktail or two, The Bar Cart is a place where everyone can sip along. Lauryn Fosbenner
713 Penn Avenue, West Reading 610.927.5141 | thebarcartpa.com
What makes these nine businesses Lifetime winners? They have earned 10 or more wins in their respective categories. If you aren’t already familiar with these favorites, read on and pay them a visit.
When you’re looking for that special something for that special someone, Van Scoy Jewelers in Wyomissing is a must-visit. Owner Caroline Hill, a Penn State alum and Diamond Graduate of the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), employs a friendly and knowledgeable staff with nearly 100 years of experience in the industry. Expect outstanding, personalized service. Want something completely unique? Visit with Sal, the jeweler at Van Scoy. With more than 25 years of experience, he can fabricate anything. Bring your ideas, and he’ll make them a reality. All work will be done in-house, too, so you don’t have to worry about it being shipped away to be worked on for an extended period of time. Want to give someone a holiday hint? Create a wish list online.
1121 Penn Avenue, Wyomissing | 610.374.9330 | vanscoy.com
Just one of the reasons why Exeter Family Restaurant has earned a Lifetime status as Best Diner? Freshness is a priority. They assert: “We continuously serve you the best! In every way, quality will always take precedent.” The often packed parking lot tells the story. Caring employees treat guests like a member of their family. Executive Chef Darren is renowned for his creative combination of spices and sauces and takes pride in crafting delightful dishes that include Jamaican Jerk BBQ Ribs, Pacific Salmon and even Cinnamon Swirl Pancakes. The location also offers a salad bar, dessert menu and beer menu. Open 24 hours, Exeter Family Restaurant is ready to serve you. Bonus: reservations are available, and you can even order online for pick-up.
4800 Perkiomen Avenue, Reading | 610.370.5131 | exeterfamilyrestaurant.com
Plan your visit to experience the ultimate in fine dining at Judy’s on Cherry. Bask in the warm glow of vaulted wooden ceilings and gorgeous interior while enjoying out-of-thisworld Mediterranean fine dining cuisine and seasonal dishes at downtown’s posh, comfortable, cool place. Offerings start with freshly baked focaccia bread and can rotate based on the season. Mainstay favorites include the butternut squash soup with crab, the Cowboy Ciao Salad, Enraged Penne Pasta and filet mignon with gorgonzola butter. Vegan entrees are offered, too, and don’t miss Pizza & Wine Nights on Wednesdays. Homemade seasonal desserts and year-round treats like Mrs. Wesner’s Coconut Layer Cake round out the delicious menu. Reservations are strongly recommended.
332 Cherry St., Reading 610.374.8511 | judysoncherry.com
A “delightful departure from the everyday,” the Yellow House Hotel is an inn originating in 1801 offering overnight accommodations as well as delicious eats, history and top-notch service, be it for lunch, Sunday brunch, dinner or a special event. Their dinner banquet menu includes filet mignon, duck, chicken parmesan and even selections for children including spaghetti and meatballs, chicken tenders and macaroni & cheese. Brunch sees options including an egg quesadilla, golden malted Belgian waffles, chicken bruschetta and a hot roast beef sandwich. Says one customer, “Fine dining in PA country. Lovely, impressive menu. I highly recommend this place. It’s been a favorite for years.” Reservations are highly recommended. Please visit online for current hours of operation and more info.
6743 Boyertown Pike, Douglassville 610.689.9410 | yellowhousehotel.com
Founded in Reading in 1954 by brothers Tom and Bruce, Masano dealerships pride themselves on offering an extensive stock and in employing a knowledgeable staff. Between Masano’s new vehicle locations, offering BMW, Ford, Lincoln, Mercedes and Sprinter brands, and the Masano USA Pre-Owned SuperCenter, the used inventory often exceeds 300 vehicles. In the market for a commercial truck? They have a full line of Ford and Mercedes-Benz commercial trucks, vans, pick-ups, cargo vans and crew vans, too. Says the team, “We know that you have high expectations, and we enjoy the challenge of meeting and exceeding those standards each and every time. Allow us to demonstrate our commitment to excellence with the best customer service and unbeatable luxury cars, trucks and SUVs for sale.”
815 Lancaster Avenue, Reading 610.777.6587 | tommasano.com
The GoggleWorks mission is to transform lives through unique interactions with art, and it’s constantly working to do just that. Recently debuting its new Art Park, the area will be home to a performance space, outdoor market, public art and much more. The goal is to bring anyone interested access to all kinds of arts experiences. Creativity will flourish here! Inside, visitors can explore gallery exhibits, meet with artists in their studios, see an independent film in the Albert & Eunice Boscov Theatre or take a class in a maker studio. Annual events include the Handcrafted Holiday Market, Pumpkinpalooza and the Iron Pour. Looking to shop for a unique art piece and to support local artisans? You can do that at The New Store.
201 Washington St., Reading | 610.374.4600 | goggleworks.org
Body Zone Sports and Wellness Complex is a hub for one-stop fitness, wellness and sports. There’s something for every family member at the 160,000-square-foot facility that includes Body Zone Physical Therapy, a fitness center, indoor track and pool, REP ROOM Group Workout Studio, two NHL-sized ice rinks, two Spinturf synthetic grass sports fields and a basketball court. Take a group fitness class or hit the indoor track or recover in physical therapy. Swim a lap, perfect your wall ball on the training turf or mix up your cardio and strength workouts with 200+ pieces of the industry's latest and best equipment. Body Zone has it all plus so much more under one roof to help you get stronger, to feel better and to take control of your health and fitness.
3103 Paper Mill Rd., Wyomissing | 610.376.2100 | bodyzonesports.com
If you’re considering an aesthetic procedure but nerves are keeping you from taking the leap, get to Advanced Skin Care, Laser & Body Contouring Center. There, the art of advanced medical technology is combined with thorough, compassionate, personal care under the direction of Dr. Harriet Comite, the region’s most experienced injector of Botox® & Fillers. A Yale University School of Medicine grad and a Cosmetic Board-Certified dermatologist, with Dr. Comite, you’re in the best of hands. Visit for procedures including EMSCULPT®, VanquishMe™, Cellutone™, Exilis™, EMSELLA® and the new Morpheus8™. This is the only place in Berks you’ll find all of them! Advanced Skin Care is always accepting new patients and offers prompt appointments.
1260 Broadcasting Rd., Wyomissing 610.374.1400 | comiteskin.com
Dress to impress when you stock your closet with finds from Bella Jules Boutique. For unique-yetcomfortable fashions, that perfect date night outfit or even a formal or prom dress, head to the shop in West Reading. You’ll find all options and price points. Don’t forget to check out the sale racks! Since 2005, owner Juli Cleaver has thoughtfully selected pieces, including accessories, for Bella Jules Boutique’s loyal clientele: stylish moms, professionals, trendy teens and more. She stays up to date on the latest looks, and you can keep up with what’s new by following the store on Instagram @bellajulesboutique or on Facebook at facebook.com/bellajules700. New merchandise arrives often, so customers get a fresh look and experience with each visit, not to mention great service and fashion advice, too.
700 Penn Avenue, West Reading 610.208.0600 | bellajulesboutique.com
Best Place for a Mani/Pedi Lisa's Salon & Spa
Best Place for a Massage New Beginnings Massage Wellness Center
Best Mocktail Menu The Bar Cart
Best Local Nonprofit Organization CONCERN
Best Spot for Outdoor Dining Doc & Bubba's
Best Pet-Friendly Business Diggity Dawg Day Care
Best Photographer
Heidi Elizabeth Reuter Photography
Best Realtor (individual)
Emily Gordon, Keller Williams Platinum Realty
Best Residential Senior Living Community The Heritage of Green Hills
Best Specialty Store
Mt. Penn Sports Cards
Best Summer Camp South Mountain YMCA
Best Place to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth Sweet Ride Ice Cream, LLC
Best Local Winery Folino Estate
Best Place to Enjoy the Arts
GoggleWorks Center for the Arts
Best Car Dealership
Tom Masano Auto Group
Best (Local) Clothing Boutique
Bella Jules Fashion Boutique, LLC.
Best Cosmetic Enhancement Facility
Advanced Skin Care, Laser & Body Contouring Center
Best Country Hotel Restaurant Yellow House Hotel
Best Diner
Exeter Family Restaurant
Best Fine Dining
Judy's on Cherry
Best Fitness Center
Body Zone Sports & Wellness Complex
Best Jeweler
Van Scoy Jewelers
There’s nothing quite so sweet during the holiday season in Berks as the Cotton Candy House in Bernville.
Owners Wesley and Shawn RaupKonsavage have, for nearly a decade, created a winter wonderland filled with more than 50 decorated trees, vintage ornaments and décor and loads of lights shining from the inside and on the exterior as well.
But, most importantly, they’ve restored a century-plus-year-old cherished borough residence to both bring back memories for adults and create new memories for the wide-eyed children who visit.
Many may think the annual holiday open houses and elaborate Halloween displays go back many, many years. In fact, the couple has only owned the Colonial revival house since 2015.
Both men hail from beyond Berks: Wes from Tamaqua, Schuylkill County, and Shawn from tiny Paxinos, Columbia County. Together for 27 years and married for the past 11, they were living in Pine Grove when they decided it was time for a move. The northern part of Berks was their target area with a goal of a less-than90-minute work commute for each. Wes is assistant professor at the Department of Pharmacology at the Penn State Neuroscience Institute Center for Cannabis and Natural Product Pharmaceuticals in Hershey. Shawn is a partner in a McDonald’s franchise in Pottsville.
The couple’s goal was to find an old house they could restore and decorate, and one large enough to display their considerable collections of antiques and collectibles.
After viewing a dozen properties, the imposing five-bedroom, 3,000-plus-square-foot brick house on Main Street in the Borough of Bernville checked all the boxes.
“I think we were just bowled over when we walked in this house,” says Wes. “It had everything we were longing for, and there was so much character.”
The circa-1917 structure served as the parsonage of St. Thomas Church just a block up the street. The Rev. Dr. Frank William Ruth, Sr. was instrumental in its construction and made sure there was plenty of space for him and his wife and their six children. Indeed, while it was being built, congregants supplied everything from buckets of nails to wood to slate for the house after Ruth requested donations. That letter of solicitation is in the church archives.
For Shawn, the current mayor of Bernville, and Wes, a former councilman, the legacy of Ruth continues to inspire.
He served the church from 1918 to 1962. By 1931, after serving as a Penn-Bernville School District board member, he was elected to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives and six years later to the state Senate where he would serve through 1960.
Shawn says Ruth’s devotion to Bernville is evident in the fact that the borough still exists. Indeed, in the 1960s when early plans for Blue Marsh Lake included taking parts of the borough via eminent domain, Ruth spoke out in opposition and got key decision makers to share his position.
Visitors to the house still recall the Ruth era, regaling the Raup-Konsavages with memorable anecdotes.
“We’ve been told Rev. Ruth never locked the doors,” says Shawn, “and it was not uncommon for his family to come downstairs in the morning and see someone sleeping on the living room sofa.”
One Ruth grandson told the couple he was so grateful to see the home restored in his lifetime.
A local resident, Betsy Reifsnyder, retired from the Library of Congress, presented the couple with a sizable envelope filled with documents about the house. Among those was a remarkably clear early photograph showing clearly the original side porch and a hitching post. While the porch remains an architectural highlight of the home, the hitching post had disappeared into time. Solution: an antique hitching post was purchased and installed where the original once stood.
To be clear, the couple is the most recent of several owners since the church sold the property. They bought the house from a flipper who had purchased it from an owner who was a hoarder. As a consequence, the home was both dilapidated and in total need of some major structural and cosmetic upgrades.
Wes and Shawn give kudos to the flipper who, by and large, respected the house’s history. Some rooms were restored to original dimensions with old partitions removed. The kitchen was modernized. The entire interior was painted a uniform white.
Among the many priorities of the couple were restoring the door and window trims to their natural wood finishes, replacing “boxy” modern light fixtures with antique ones matching the time and style of the house and reinstalling push-button
switches. They also pulled up the carpeting throughout to restore the original pine floors.
Truth be told, the prevalence of stunning antiques, from chandeliers and sconces to wall hangings to furnishings, to statuary, to crystal and porcelain collections eclipses the white walls.
The couple is always on the hunt for antiques.
Indeed, the house got its nickname from a Bucks County antiques dealer as a result of one of their forays.
A 2019 local news article noted Wes’ and Shawn’s excursion to a Quakertown store in search of period-compatible lighting fixtures. When they noted their address, the shop owner was happily surprised.
“Oh, you live in the ‘Cotton Candy House,’” he responded. Relatives of the merchant, who had visited the couple’s home for its Halloween scene, had enjoyed the hosts’ treat of spun sugar and referred to the house as such.
The Raup-Konsavages loved the moniker, and it has become part of the Bernville vernacular
Entering the front door, an antique telephone operator’s stand bids welcome. The hallway easily accommodates it, which is good as Shawn says it is too heavy to move anywhere else. When they posted a photo of it, a responder commented with his ancient phone number.
Immediately to the right is the open dining room/kitchen space. Dominating the room is
an enormous oak china closet nearly floor to ceiling in height and perhaps seven feet long which houses the couple’s extensive collection of Jadeite. A human-size nutcracker stands guard while his smaller comrades take their places atop the case interspersed with greens, lights and other whimsy.
The dark red/brown-hued living room at the front of the house leads into that dining/kitchen space. Just in these rooms alone, there are half a dozen or more decorated trees. There are also garlands on the doorways and atop the cabinets as well as wooden German Christmas arches and pyramids on a Hoosier cabinet countertop.
The holiday open house usually boasts four decorated first-floor rooms, each with a theme. There have been guided tours for the second and third floors, which include four more themed rooms.
In all, Wes and Shawn decorate at least 62 trees, ranging in height from two to nine feet. The trees are shrink-wrapped to facilitate storage in what the men call “the Christmas attic,” one of two spacious third-floor rooms.
The winding open staircase, with its tricky steps and four landings, is also decked out for the season. Traversing them can be challenging
“This house definitely requires sobriety,” says Shawn with a smile.
At one of the landings is a Hanukkah display replete with a Menorah that is lighted in appropriate tradition and many Star of David- and dreidelinspired ornaments. A blue gossamer ribbon intertwined with a greenery garland ties the elements, including children’s books and caricatures, together. Nearby, a blue-and-whitetrimmed tree reflects the colors of Israel.
“Neither of us is Jewish, but we know this is meaningful to many visitors,” Wes says.
Each of the trees that comprise most of the holiday décor are specially themed. The ornaments are individually wrapped at the end of each season and stored in labeled boxes along with thousands of objects to facilitate the annual decorating process.
Shawn’s favorite tree is accessorized with ornaments in honor of the couple’s travels.
“Each year Wes gets about 10 glass ornaments that commemorate each year’s adventures,” says Shawn. One of those ornaments, a small fire truck, is a reminder of a Valentine night’s stay in a hotel that caught fire.
Wes’ favorite tree is the Victorian-themed one he decorates with Shawn’s mom, Peggy Angelo, who lives with the couple.
“We do this together every year and have so much fun, including porcelain doll and cherub pieces,” he says.
One entire room is an homage to a vintage five-and-dime store. Century-old oak and glass display cases boast old toys, old candles (think the choir kids, Santa, snowmen and carolers of Baby Boomers’ childhoods), holiday dishes, Shiny Brite boxed ornaments and even some clothes. Price signs show how times and costs have changed!
“This room, especially, gets people to share their stories,” says Wes.
In another room, Santa appears to be sleeping after his long winter’s night, his fur-trimmed red suit slung to the side of the bed.
Among those stories: a recently widowed dad and his daughter said they weren’t really going to decorate and celebrate the season after their loss but changed their minds after visiting. The same went for a young couple marking their first holiday season together who hadn’t seen the value in celebrating but left the open house intent on getting a tree and decorations.
Wes and Shawn have invited the community near and far to visit and enjoy both the Christmas and Halloween decorations. It is the day after Halloween that the holiday decorating begins in earnest. It is not until Valentine’s Day that everything finds its way back to carefully packed and labeled storage, an effort that starts January 6, or the day after Epiphany.
But, during Covid, the holiday open house came to a halt. For two years, they reinvented the celebration by asking children to send their Christmas wishes to a special mailbox outside the home, which still boasted exterior decorations and animated scenes in the windows, including the third-floor dormer windows.
The couple also reinvented themselves as Santa’s elves, donning special safety vests labeled “North Pole Delivery Service” and fulfilling the children’s wishes by visiting more than 120 houses after nightfall in Berks, Schuylkill, Lancaster and Chester counties.
In the 2020 and 2021 seasons, Shawn and Wes made sure each child penning a letter received a certificate from Santa, candy, a glass ornament and an orange.
“We’d deliver in the middle of a night decked out like elves and carrying a flashlight,” says Shawn. When they were in neighborhoods with several houses to visit, word got out, and they’d see children watching in awe from the windows.
“At some point, we needed to do this for us, for
The contents of some of the letters still elicit
“One child’s wish was, ‘I just want Mommy and Daddy to stop fighting,’” says Shawn, eyes tearing up at the recollection.
Last year, in response to concerns from their insurance broker about so many folks traipsing through their property, Shawn and Wes established to insure the events they sponsor on
While the option of an open house this remained uncertain for several reasons at time, the couple will still be extensively both the exterior and interior of their size vintage Frosty the Snowman will be waving to passersby from the side porch strands of lights on garlands and in shrubbery and trees along with the window scenes make the Raup-Konsavage home a
The couple, devoted as residents and as servants to their adopted home borough, back in many ways, from the Halloween efforts to sponsoring movie nights
“We started this (holiday open house) two months after we moved in,” Shawn says.
“At first, it was just to share our home with family and friends and maybe a guest of theirs,” Wes says. “We’re so glad to have done this. It is the beauty of Christmas to share.”
As fall nears its end and the temperatures drop, now is the time to prepare for the winter season. That may mean checking the tread on your tires and possibly buying a winter set, filling your heating oil tank, stocking up on sidewalk salt, checking the seals on your windows and doors… even scheduling some pampering for your skin — bye-bye, dry patches! Make a to-do list and gradually check items off. The businesses on this page can help!
When winter hits, road conditions can quickly change from dry to wet, bringing slush and snow, making tire choice an important part of your driving experience. At CJ’s Tire & Auto, we recommend all-weather tires for those looking for a versatile solution that can handle both cold and mild winter conditions.
All-weather tires are designed with unique tread patterns and rubber compounds that perform well in various climates. Unlike summer or traditional all-season tires, they remain flexible in colder temperatures, providing better traction on wet, icy and lightly snow-covered roads. This makes them an excellent option for drivers who don’t want the hassle of changing tires when the seasons change but still want the security of reliable winter performance. While all-weather tires may not outperform dedicated winter tires in extreme snow or ice, they offer a balance of durability and safety for drivers in areas with milder winters. Plus, they’re ideal for transitioning between seasons without sacrificing grip or control.
At CJ’s Tire & Auto, we offer a wide selection of allweather tires to fit your specific needs and budget. Stay safe and prepared this winter by choosing the right tires. Visit us today for expert advice and service to keep you moving all year long!
Winter is right around the corner. Is your skin ready? As it gets colder, the air becomes dryer and consequently, so does our skin. Now’s the time to prevent the redness, flaking and cracking that can sometimes cause you to scratch to the point of bleeding and bruising.
Some tips: eliminate hot showers as lukewarm water helps your body retain its natural, skin-protecting oils. Pat dry and apply moisturizer while the skin is still damp. Avoid creams and sprays with an alcohol base as these can be drying. Using a humidifier while you sleep is also helpful.
In extreme cases, consult with a medical professional, who may prescribe a topical cream, antibiotic or cortisone. Reach out to Reading Dermatology’s Medical, Cosmetic and Skin Cancer Center (RDA) for help in achieving healthy, radiant-looking skin.
3317 Penn Avenue, West Lawn 610.750.7891 readingderm.com
If a bell dings and you think “Wings!” you might not be watching It’s a Wonderful Life. You’re probably just a dyed-in-the-wool Berks Countian walking into a pub’s front door, looking forward to a cold beverage with a basket of amazing fried chicken wings. That’s a year-round occurrence here — with good reason. Nearly all Berks bars, bistros and restaurants compete passionately in the “best wings” wars!
“Are wings popular?” Chris Flanagan smiles. “Wings are probably our bestselling item! That’s been a mainstay for years.” Flanagan’s is an Irish pub, for sure, but flavorful wings will always be in demand — and this owner explains why. “First, there’s the variety of flavors. And we don’t skimp on the size — not too large, but not ‘pigeon’ wings.” Jumbo wings and boneless wings are both on the menu, as are 18 traditional
sauces plus 10 signature flavors, with names like Angry Canadian and Sriracha Blue Cheese.
“We’ve built on the flavors over the years, with a ‘featured wing flavor’ offered every so often — that’s how our list got so big. When people love them, we keep that flavor,” says Flanagan. Keeping service foremost, he says, “When we do wings by the dozen, we can do six one way and six another way. Doing fewer than
six doesn’t make sense, since we don’t pre-fry them. They’re all made to order.” For football-andwings fans, and all sorts of wings lovers, “We run discount wing specials on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday.”
What Flanagan clearly enjoys is how comfortable everyone feels at his Shillington haven. Downstairs, at a particular wooden table, one group of four to six
people comes in almost every Thursday night. “They sit here, play cards, eat wings, drink beer — or one lady might get a soda — each week.”
It’s a good-time formula that works: Wings + People = Satisfaction.
41 W. Lancaster Avenue, Shillington 610.777.6401 | flanaganpub.com
Amy Kern, manager at Reading’s Pike Café, and Corey Hartman, bar manager, know why their wings are dubbed “World Famous.” Kern points first to the source: “Because they’re Bell & Evans air-chilled, all-organic; they’re the best wings you’re gonna get!” Being all-organic, size-wise, they’re smaller (not the huge wing size), Kern explains. She adds, “People also come for our sauces. Our hot and mild sauces are creamy, and we make them right here, every day.” Most folks do favor mild, but many others like ’em hot. Nodding his head, Hartman confirms, “We’ve even mailed a gallon of our hot sauce to a guy in New York.”
Wednesday is Yuengs and Wings Night, featuring Yuengling Lager, of course. The Pike also makes
Chicago-Style Wings, served over French fries. “You can also get Tot-Style Wings,” says Kern. “I love tots, and I love tots with wings,” she confesses. “They just go together. I mean, who doesn’t love tots?” she asks, smiling broadly.
For 36 years, the Pike has been selling wings, described by Hartman as “crispy, but not super crispy,” culinarily speaking. Sold in batches of six or 12, some patrons do tell Hartman, “All I want is wings today!” Other customers? “They’ll order an entrée, but then they order the wings anyway — because they just have to have our wings.”
Kerry Mengel, manager and part owner of The Westy, says he’s worked here for 25 years, starting at age 14. “People order our wings big time,” says Mengel. Whether they’re bone-in or boneless, the price is the same, and “the number of flavors is a draw.” Award-winning and offering “the largest wings in Berks,” this hoppin’ hangout has ample dining and bar areas, staffing 48 workers to serve everyone smoothly.
At least 21 flavors are available, but Mengel says that on any given night, “there might be more.” From Chipotle to Mango Habanero, Asian to Sweet Chili (“a little spicy, sweet with a kick!”), there’s something for everyone. Kickin’ Bourbon shines with a bourbon glaze, imparting a
lovely, warm taste of bourbon on the crispy skin. Says Mengel, “The most popular wings for our customers include mild, mediumhot, BBQ and Honey-Mustard.”
Size-wise, Mengel describes their wings as “meaty — definitely on the bigger side.” The chefs half-bake them in the oven: then the wings get deep-fried when the order comes in, catering to varying degrees of desired crispiness (within reasonable parameters). “To be honest, we do tend to get people who like extra crispy. And I like them like that myself,” says Mengel. Also, he sometimes gets requests “for either all wings, or all drumsticks” — which is fine. They aim to please.
Wing Specials are every Tuesday and Sunday year-round
for the dine-in crowd and with the purchase of a beverage. Wings come with baby carrots, celery and a choice of blue cheese or Ranch dressing. “We do a lot of Christmas parties,” says Mengel, even on the heated patio outside.
279 W. State St., Hamburg 610.562.3777 (Reservations) westybarandgrill.com
Learn more about wing flavors featured at these Berks spots in our Web Exclusives section at berkscountyliving.com.
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