Your Breath is Precious.

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in the U.S., with 218,000 new cases each year. Early detection can boost survival rates up to 90%
Protect your loved ones by getting screened. A painless, low-dose CT scan can detect lung abnormalities early.
Reading Hospital Imaging offers convenient hours, easy access, and simple scheduling.
• Are you 50 to 80 years old?
• Do you currently smoke or have you quit smoking in the past 15 years?
• Do you have at least a 20 pack-year* smoking history?

Find stackable Santa, photography by Carrie Kizuka Photography, at Treasures Gift Shoppe in Fleetwood.
Paul Prass
Lisa Prass
Robyn L. Jones
Nikki M. Murry
Kylie Frain
Jason Chrin
Elaine Wyborski
Krystal Honohan
Thomas Körp
Heather Baver
Sarah Matare lla
Marian Frances Wolbers
Veloie Mastrocola
Tania Colamarino
Ama Photography
Rachel Conrad Grey Girl Photography
Carrie Kizuka Photography
Lauren Adele Little Photography
Heidi Reuter
John A. Secoges
Secoges Photographics
Elizabeth Beebe
Denise Lichty
Sara Woodward
Donna Bachman

how to contact us
EDITO RIAL: We want to hear from you — we really do! Send your compliments, gripes, story ideas and suggestions to: Editor, Berks County Living, GoggleWorks Center for the Arts, 201 Washington St., Suite 525, Reading, PA 19601 OR BCLEditor@BerksCountyLiving. com. Written correspondence must be signed and include a mailing address, telephone number and an email address, when possible.
ADVERTISING: To request a media kit or receive other information about advertising, email RJones@BerksCountyLiving.com.
SUBSCRIPTIONS: For new subscriptions, changes of address or questions involving an existing subscription, call 800.896.1392, Mon-Fri, 9am-4:30pm, EST. High-quality reprints of articles that appear in Berks County Living are available by emailing RJones@BerksCountyLiving.com. Back issues are available subject to inventory.
FIND US ONLINE: To contact our staff, get advertising information, obtain writer and photographer guidelines, submit an event for the Calendar of Events, or to be included in the Dining Guide, visit our website: www.BerksCountyLiving.com.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Berks County Living, PO Box 293142, Kettering, OH 45429. Berks County Living (ISSN 1542-9334) is published monthly by IDP Publications, 3245 Freemansburg Avenue, Easton, PA 18045-7118. Annual subscriptions are $19.95. (Canadian and foreign one-year rate is $40, US funds only.) Single copy price $3.95. Periodical postage paid at Easton, PA and additional mailing office. All contents © Berks County Living 2024. Nothing contained herein may be reproduced in whole or in part without the expressed written consent of the publisher. Publisher disclaims all responsibility for omissions or errors. All rights reserved. We welcome, but cannot be responsible for, unsolicited manuscripts, contributions, or photographs. Unsolicited materials cannot be returned unless accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Printed in USA.

Custom Engagement Rings
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Artisan and Vintage Jewelry
Jewelry Repair Done on Premises
Watch Batteries and Band Shortening
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HOURS: Tuesday-Friday 11-3
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Grab a Gift
It’s creeping up on one of my favorite times of the year Christmas shopping time. I just love finding items for friends and loved ones, wrapping them, seeing them revealed by the recipient and the resulting joy they bring.
In this month’s issue, we aim to help you do the same! Our Annual Holiday Gift Guide is one of our most popular features of the year for good reason. This year, it features 40 fantastic items for all ages found right here in Berks businesses. After all, shopping local is a gift, too. Flip to page 28 to get started on your holiday shopping list.
Also in this month’s issue, we explore kitchen décor trends for those of you that may be considering an upgrade to your home. Think color palettes, countertop materials, cabinet refinishing and more — for budgets big and more modest in size. Get started on your personalized plan on page 48.
With November being a prime time for entertaining, you may want to whip up the specialty cocktail featured in our Bar Stool section on page 11. Guests will surely love the Caramel Cider Kiss recipe from B2 Bistro + Bar in West Reading.
Finally, you’ll find our annual Little Black Book of Restaurants inside this issue. Hang onto it for a handy reference all year long. It’s a must-have for picking the perfect spot for a date night out or another special dining occasion.

She/Her/Hers Editor-in-Chief

Know someone that’s an advocate for a nonprofit in Berks County?
Email us at bcleditor@berkscountyliving.com. We want to hear about them!
Get Delicious Recipes. They’re healthy, too! Browse Calm Eats by Wyomissing resident Daniela Modesto in our blog section.
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Facebook Follow. Learn more about the Awesome Toy Drive featured in our Berks Bits section by visiting facebook.com/ AwesomeToyDrive.
“I like to keep wine and cheese in the fridge so I’m always prepared for spontaneous gatherings — or for when I just want to pretend I’m fancy while binge-watching my favorite show.”
Robyn L. Jones, publisher
“It has to be natural peanut butter. I might cry if it’s not available to put on my English muffin for breakfast.”
Nikki M. Murry, editor
“With three kids in the house (two of which are teenagers) constantly eating cereal, we always need to have milk.”
Elizabeth Beebe account executive
“I always have lemons in my refrigerator as I use them every single day. And I can’t forget the cheese; it’s my dog Clarke’s favorite snack!”
Sara Woodward account executive
“I always have to have some kind of ice cream in my freezer. It’s my favorite dessert and definitely my guilty pleasure.”
Krystal Honohan graphic designer
“If I don’t have milk in the fridge, my kids will revolt!”
Elaine Wyborski, art director

A Festive First Experience WITH AVIATION
Christmas in the Air is a no-cost event that gives children ages 8 to 17 the opportunity to take to the skies with Santa. The Reading Regional Airport, Experimental Airplane Association (EAA) Young Eagles Program, Local Civil Air Patrol, the Reading Aero Club, the Christmas in the Air Committee and more than 75 volunteers all come together to make this 20-year-old holiday spectacular possible. “We love being able to provide a first experience with aviation for young kids. I have talked with people who flew with Christmas in the Air in the past, and they said this memory stuck with them for a long time,” says Zackary J. Tempesco, Reading Regional Airport Director. The event begins when Santa flies in from the North Pole on a jet. Along with free flights with Santa, children and their families can spend time at Santa’s workshop, browse various vendors and even receive a gift from Santa and Mrs. Claus. Last year more than 300 stuffed animals were gifted to children. This year, Christmas in the Air will be held on December 7 from 7am-Noon at the Reading Regional Airport. For more info visit readingairport.org. – KYLIE FRAIN
Find a Bit of Berks in our National Parks
Kim Lewis, a resident of Kenhorst and owner of Urban Charm, has been crafting jewelry since her college days. After going to school for marketing and communications and taking a few graphic design classes, she found her passion. A graphic designer for 20+ years, she combines her experience with her love for jewelry making. “I’ve done anything from aliens for Area 51 to lavender for lavender farms,” Kim says. Her unique style of jewelry encapsulates beautiful graphic designs inside glaze, glass and a metal casting, to which she then adds her own bling. Her work is currently available in Florida, Texas and West Virginia State Parks as well as in gift shops at the Hoover Dam and Yosemite. “I’m a National Park junkie. I’ve been to 48 National Parks, so nature really inspires me,” Kim says. She is always looking to expand Urban Charm and hopes to one day sell her work at the Grand Canyon. For more info visit urbancharminspires.com. – KYLIE FRAIN

Riding in LUXURY
Need a ride? Wyomissing Limo LLC has you covered. David Calvo opened his first business at the age of 18 and owned seven pizzerias while residing in New Jersey. When he made the move to Wyomissing, he continued his passion for owning businesses. Other than his car service, David also owns Giavanna’s Pizzeria in Kenhorst. Wyomissing Limo LLC offers a wide variety of services. “We can do any type of event, from concerts to sporting events. We can do anything,” David says. Transportation to any airport, as well as limousine services, corporate transportation and even a party bus service is offered. “There is no other word than amazing to describe how it feels to be able to provide this service to the local community,” David says. For a free quote and more info visit wyomissinglimo.com.
Heading into its fifth year in 2024, the Awesome Toy Drive, started by Freddy Vasquez and his wife, Jill, has collected more than 4,034 toys for Berks County youth. Learn a bit more here.
The drive is truly a community effort, seeing many local businesses and organizations join in to host trees that feature tags detailing a child’s gift wish. Visitors to the businesses can grab a tag, shop for a child in need and return the unwrapped gift to that same location for collection.
Want to host a tree or visit a business to grab a tag? More info can be found online at both awesometoydrive.com and facebook.com/AwesomeToyDrive. Toys Galore. Gifts have been collected for recipients at The Children’s Home of Reading, CONCERN, Reading School District, Olivet Boys and Girls Club and Opportunity House. The aim is to help youth involved with all five this year. 1 2
How to Help.

Before the Reading Coffee Company opened its flagship cafe on 316 W. Main St. in Birdsboro, you might have thought they already had one.
But while the concept of the cafe has been in the works since September 2019 when Frank Orman and his business partner and cousin, Kevin Orman, bought the business, the pandemic put a stop to the plans.
“Our immediate thought when we took over was to renovate the building and open a cafe,” says Frank. “Everyone assumed we had a cafe anyway…We got through our first holiday season; I was

met with more comfy seating options, high ceilings and large glass windows with a view of the outdoor patio, which offers seating options as well. You can’t miss the Instagram-worthy Reading Coffee Company neon sign framed by the leafy green backdrop and the matching “Treat Yourself” neon sign near the counter.

very happy about buying business, and then COVID-19 hit in March of 2020. To say the business was devastated is an understatement.”
A vast majority of their business came from offices and restaurants, all of which closed. The eCommerce website was their lifeline. Customers ordered online, and then Orman and his team served them in the parking lot.
Five years later, you can enjoy a full-fledged retail store and roastery facility, which houses the cafe. When you walk in, you are immediately met with the smell

how the coffee is roasted in real time and prepared through glass windows.
“All of our equipment is the latest and greatest in the specialty coffee industry,” says Orman. “We’re constantly looking for equipment that optimizes brewing as well as extraction methods from a standpoint of grinding as well as any other tips, tricks and methods to get the most out of the coffee bean.”
As you continue to the other end of the counter while your drink is being made, you are
Fun Facts
how we are going to expand and continually improve our product.”

A Caffeinated Christmas is happening Saturday, Dec. 7 and will feature Santa, giveaways, local vendors and more. Visit readingcoffee.com for more details and events.
Rabbi Brian Michelson
More than an entire generation has known Brian Michelson as Rabbi. His dedication to the Berks County community shines through his work in and out of the congregation. The globetrotter, who previously served in Australia, shares how his passion for travel shaped his approach to his personal and professional life.

Describe the impact being at Oheb Sholom for the last 26 years has had on you. I now have the ability to watch students who I named as babies graduate college, and I’m doing weddings for students whose bar and bat mitzvahs I did. To be able to have that kind of relationship with people over time is very precious and special. I’ve also learned that some of the biggest differences that we make are not the moments that we think will. Sometimes it’s the small act or the comment that people remember the most.
Q: How do you fill your own cup outside of work?
My wife and I love to travel. We spent six years in Melbourne, Australia. My first rabbinic job was there. Both of our daughters were born there. It came time
to get them closer to family. My family is in New York, and my wife Holly’s family is in Los Angeles. Moving to Berks County turned a 25-hour flight to see family to five hours at the most. We’re also foodies and are always on the lookout for new things to try. I also have a little 12-foot sailboat that I take on Blue Marsh when I can. I grew up sailing, and I love the quiet when I’m on the water.
Q: How has your love for traveling impacted your work?
The important part that comes out of traveling is curiosity and the desire to understand others. It is not that I must agree with them or give up my own beliefs. It ’s not about convincing somebody else; it ’s about learning from somebody else. I think that’s been true in terms of the congregation
as well. We have people with different political beliefs, economic backgrounds and the like. I also do some police chaplaincy, and that work exposed me to things that I don’t think I would have ever seen, and it’s good to have a neutral third party who can ratchet down conflict.
Q: How has Judaism inspired your servant leadership?
Judaism teaches that we have an obligation to give back to the communities of which we’re a part. Tzedakah, which is a Jewish value, is the concept of giving time and treasure. It ’s not just about making donations with money but also of time and effort. So, I’ve always tried to be involved in community organizations where I can. The congregation was always highly involved in the community, and we’ve continued to do that as well.
“Judaism teaches that we have an obligation to give back to the communities of which we’re a part.” “
Q: When did interfaith dialogue become a passion of yours?
Learn More
I’ve always practiced interfaith dialogue. I think it ’s hugely important. We have visiting groups on a regular basis come to the synagogue, such as confirmation groups that are from various churches as well as the Common Heart Program. I think a lot of what we see in the way people think and respond today is dehumanization. We dehumanize each other. I think the opportunities when we come together, we realize we can agree on a lot more and that we can find a moment of holiness in somebody else’s sacred space. Community Responsibility.
Oheb Sholom has been a polling place since Wyomissing Hills and Wyomissing merged. The congregation is hosting its annual food festival the Sunday before Election Day.
Advice from Brian for Election Season.
“Make a positive assumption as a starting place as opposed to a negative assumption, and you will be a whole lot better off.”
The Caramel Cider Kiss AT B2 BISTRO + BAR

What’s special about this featured drink?
Caramel Cider Kiss is a creative twist on the Apple Pie Martini that people know and love. This drink captures the fiery warmth of the cinnamon whiskey, the crispness of the apple cider and the celebratory fizz of champagne. Tie this together with a kick of vodka, and you’ll get the feel of a cozy yet vibrant fall evening.

You will need to prepare vanilla simple syrup prior to making this cocktail. To do this, combine a ½-cup water, ½-cup granulated sugar and ½ tsp vanilla bean paste. Simmer until sugar is dissolved. Store in an airtight container for up to two weeks

Reading native Julian Smith is a lead bartender at B2 Bistro in West Reading. Aside from his infectious smile and welcoming demeanor, Julian is known for crafting innovative cocktails that blend classic techniques with modern flavors. Says Julian, “Being a great bartender isn’t just about mixing drinks. It’s about connecting with people, creating an experience and leaving a lasting impression. That’s what I strive for with every customer that comes into B2.”
For what occasion would you recommend this cocktail?
Caramel Cider Kiss is a great choice to transition into fall. This drink is a crowd favorite to serve at your next holiday party. You could also mix up this cocktail and sip it while sitting around the fire pit.
Pair it with…
B2’s brunch menu or one of their fresh salads.
B2 Bistro + Bar
701 Reading Avenue, West Reading 610.898.4315
Recipe: Caramel Cider Kiss
Ingredients - 1 ounce Absolut vodka - 1 ounce Fireball cinnamon whiskey - 3 ounces fresh apple cider - ½ ounce vanilla simple syrup - 1 ounce prosecco or Champagne
- Ice Tools Needed:
- Shaker

1. Drizzle caramel syrup inside the glass, making sure to dip the rim in caramel syrup.
2. Dip the rim of the glass in cinnamon sugar.
3. Fill shaker with ice and add bar ingredients (except prosecco/Champagne).
4. Shake thoroughly.
5. Strain shaker into Martini glass.
6. Top with prosecco/Champagne after straining into glass.
7. Garnish with a skewer of apple cubes sprinkled with cinnamon sugar.
Editor’s note: The following story was written as a part of a GRCA member storytelling campaign. To read the entire story behind Fromm, scan the included Flowcode. This series is sponsored by Bell Media Group.
For a century, Fromm has been lighting up lives and powering progress in Reading and beyond.
What began as a small storefront with just four employees has grown into a regional powerhouse, adapting and innovating through three generations of family leadership. But Fromm’s story isn’t just about panels and wire — it’s a tale of resilience, reinvention and commitment to both tradition and progress. From surviving the post-Great Depression economy to pivoting during a global pandemic, Fromm’s journey illuminates the very essence of American entrepreneurship. Discover how this

family business keeps the electricity flowing and the spirit of innovation burning bright.
Fromm, founded in 1923 by Alexander Fromm, started as a small storefront with only four employees in Morristown, NJ. Over the past century, the company has grown to become a prominent electrical supply and services firm in the Mid-Atlantic region, now boasting nine branch locations and more than 120 employees. Through three generations of family ownership, Fromm has upheld its original values and traditions — but it also hasn’t shied away from innovation and change.
Specialists in Eye Care FOR SENIORS

From opening new locations across Pennsylvania and New Jersey to expanding its portfolio of partnerships, the company has charted its course by following a simple philosophy: Find out what’s most important to its customer, and then meet that need.
Its journey includes significant milestones such as the acquisition of key businesses, the construction of its Pennsylvania headquarters, and the establishment of design centers. Each step has reinforced Fromm’s position as a leader in both the electrical supply and factory automation sectors.
The company plays a crucial role in the success of numerous well-known businesses by offering solutions for
their essential automation and electrical needs. From providing bulk products to creating end-toend systems, Fromm’s contributions light up the grids and power the processes of businesses in Berks County and beyond.
Upcoming Event
Join GRCA on Nov. 21 from 5:30 to 7pm at Bobcat of Reading for its monthly Networking@Night event. Visit greaterreading.org/ events for more information and to register.

Domenic C. Izzo, Jr, MD | Peter D. Calder, MD
Francisco L. Tellez, MD, FACS | Kasey L. Pierson, MD
Guri Bronner, MD | Benjamin D. Nicholas, MD
Michael C. Izzo, MD | Jacquelyn M. Horst, OD
Travis J. Gabriel, OD

Fête En Blanc Benefiting Habitat For Humanity
Kevin Kozo & Kelly Storti.
Maldonado, Ashley Lorah
Madelyn Rowan & AK
Kimberly Molena.
Mohn, Debra Konowal & Allison Kalbach.

Hazel. 3. Jessica Ott. 4. Zylkia & Michael Rivera. 5. Stacey Rodriguez, Joey Haley, Kelli Koehler, Rob
6. Gina & Lucy Curran. 7. Marisol Martinez Alvarez & Yesenia Maldonado. 8. Suzanne Cody, Tina McCoy, Mark
9 Jackie Hoffman & Tina Cherry. 10. Sharon & Dante Santoni. 11. Adelle Schade & Lucine Sihelnik. 12. Alicia Lee & Derek Rutter. 13. Peter Palmisano &
Storti. 14. Patrick & Samantha Kaag. 15. Virginia Rush, Mary Ellen Wells, Glynis Fitzgerald, Susan Denaro, Suzanne Palmer & Cathy Ciatto.
1. BCSS staff: Sophia Stopper, Krystal Rodriguez, Madisyn Klein, Michele Reinert, Leslie Fessler & Emily Lux. 2. Elizabeth Keller, Greg Lamont & Vali Heist. 3. Mike & Deb Lessie. 4. Sandy Martin, Lori Frankowich & Amy Bowman. 5. Stacey Rile, Tammy Seyler-Ebersole & Megan Devine. 6. Leeann & Alan Forrer. 7. Tiffany Walker & Anita Baker. 8 Judy Koch. 9. Desiree Hain & Grace Mayer. 10. Jonas & Ruth Libang, Liselle Yepis.

Dr. Andrea Smith DDS
is the founder of Berks Prosthodontics. A prosthodontist is a dental specialist who has completed dental school plus a threeyear Advanced Prosthodontics residency at an ADA-accredited graduate program focusing on technical excellence in the restoration and replacement of teeth. Prosthodontists are THE acknowledged experts in dental implant restorations, crowns, bridges, dentures, cosmetic dentistry, and full-mouth implant prosthetics such as Teeth-in-One-Day or All-On-4.
A Berks County native, Dr. Smith received her Bachelor of Science degree in PreMedicine from Penn State University, where she graduated as Class Valedictorian of the Eberly College of Science. She then attended the Columbia University College of Dental Medicine in New York City, where she again graduated as Class Valedictorian with a Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree. After receiving her dental degree, Dr. Smith completed three years of specialty training in the field of Prosthodontics at UCLA’s Advanced Prosthodontics Residency Program, followed by an additional oneyear residency at UCLA in Maxillofacial Prosthetics, making her one of only 350 Maxillofacial Prosthodontists worldwide.
Dr. Smith returned to our area in 2009 to become the first female Clinical Director of the Lancaster Cleft Palate Clinic, the oldest clinic in the world devoted to the treatment of children born with facial birth defects, a position she held for seven years.
In 2015, Dr. Smith opened Berks Prosthodontics in Wyomissing, bringing her specialty training back to her hometown. At Berks Prosthodontics she sees patients with a wide variety of dental concerns, such as broken or missing teeth, uncomfortable dentures, extensive tooth wear, or dissatisfaction with the appearance of their smile. More than 100 area dentists, oral surgeons and other dental specialists trust her to handle their patients’ complex or cosmetic dental needs. From a single perfect tooth to state-of-the-art full mouth reconstruction, Dr. Smith strives to provide all of her patients with an unparalleled level of care.

Dr. Smith is one of only 350 Maxillofacial Prosthodontists worldwide.
More than 100 area dentists, oral surgeons and other dental specialists trust her to handle their patients’ complex or cosmetic dental needs, from a single perfect tooth to state-of-the-art full mouth reconstruction.
Specializing in the restoration and replacement of teeth, including:
» D ental implant restorations
» Crowns
» Bridges
» D entures
» Cosmetic dentistry
» Full-mouth implant prosthetics such as Teeth-in-One-Day or All-On-4
Dr. Smith sees patients with a wide variety of dental concerns, such as:
» Broken or missing teeth
» Uncomfortable dentures
» E xtensive tooth wear
» Dissatisfaction with the appearance of their smile

955 Berkshire Blvd., Ste. 104, Wyomissing 484.577.3530 BerksPros.com

22-24 Nov. 2 2
Grab your tickets to the festival that features current and past Blues Music Award winners, B.B. King Entertainer of the Year honorees and other nationally recognized artists. For tickets and more info visit readingbluesfest.com.
Various times | Doubletree by Hilton | Reading

Harvest Moon Festival
Featuring hayrides, a bonfire, river walk and live music by the Crow Hill Band. Kids will also enjoy a petting zoo, face painting and a hay bale maze. The 1858 school house will be open for tours. Free will donations welcomed. Rain date Nov. 3. For more info visit leesporthistory.org.
5-8pm | Leesport Playground | Leesport

Find the perfect Christmas gifts at The Reading Public Museum’s first Yuletide Holiday Market. Visit a variety of festive vendors in the Stone Terrace Tent and along the paths of the Arboretum. The market is free to attend. For more info visit readingpublicmuseum.org/yuletideholiday-market.
10am-3pm | Reading Public Museum | Reading

95th Annual St. Joseph Medical Center Charity Ball 9 Nov. 30 17
Presented by Lightwire Theater, A Very Electric Christmas follows the story of Max, a bird who gets blown off course and ends up in the North Pole. The performance is in complete darkness while toy soldiers, worms, poinsettias and more brighten the stage. For more info visit millercenter.racc. edu/lightwire.
3 & 7pm | Miller Center for the Arts | Reading
Get your ticket for an elegant evening of dining, dancing and socializing, celebrating St. Joseph Medical Center’s history with a 1970s disco theme. Proceeds support the purchase of medical equipment and technology. For tickets and more info visit pennstatehealth.donordrive. com/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive. event&eventID=702.
DoubleTree by Hilton | Reading
Based on the New York Times bestselling children’s book, Pinkalicious can’t stop eating pink cupcakes, and it lands her in the doctor’s office after turning pink from head to toe. For tickets and more info visit kutztownpresents.org.
2pm | Schaeffer Auditorium, Kutztown University | Kutztown
Nov. 3
Camel Trot
Run a 5K or a 1-mile fun run to benefit The Camel Project. The proceeds of the race will fund costs for in-school, afterschool, workplace and other antibullying programs. For more info and to register visit thecamelproject.org/camel-trot-5k/ camel-trot-2024.
10am | Reading Regional Airport | Reading
Nov. 7
An Evening of Fortepiano
Join Master of Viennese Classicism, Daniel Adam Maltz, and the Kutztown University Orchestra on an 18th century musical tour featuring works by Mozart and Beethoven. For more info and tickets visit kutztownpresents.org.
7:30pm | Schaeffer Auditorium Kutztown University | Kutztown
Nov. 14
Autumn Opera Night
Spend a romantic evening at Judy’s on Cherry. Enjoy delicious food as Berks Opera Singers perform. For more info or to reserve your spot call 610.374.8511.
Judy ’s on Cherry | Reading
Dvořák 7
Get lost in the sounds of Antonín Dvořák’s Symphony No. 7 performed by the Reading Symphony Orchestra. The performance will feature Conductor Andrew Constantine and Flutist Olivia Staton. Pieces such as Flute Concerto by Carl Reinecke and Japanese Suite by Gustav Holst will be featured. For tickets and more info visit readingsymphony.org.
7:30pm | Santander Performing Arts Center | Reading
Nov. 22 & 23
Hänsel & Gretel
The Berks Opera Company and Albright College present Hänsel & Gretel. Bring the whole family to hear the tale of the siblings who narrowly escape and defeat the child-eating witch. A live orchestra will perform Engelbert Humperdinck’s soundtrack. For more info visit millercenter.racc.edu/hansel-gretel.
Fri: 7pm and Sat: 2pm | Miller Center for the Arts | Reading
Nov. 2
The Carole King and James Taylor Story
Spend the afternoon taking in one of the best musical collaborations of all time. Join Phoebe Katis and Dan Clews as they revisit the musical journey of Carole King and James Taylor. Hear masterpieces such as Fire and Rain, Natural Woman, You've Got a Friend and so many more. For more info visit millercenter.racc.edu/king-taylor.
2 & 7:30pm | Miller Center for the Arts | Reading
Nov. 8
Ryan Castro & Blessd: Ay Bendito Ghetto Tour
Spend the evening with Colombian artists Ryan Castro and Blessd as they blend Latin pop, hip-hop and reggaeton styles. For more info and tickets visit santander-arena.com.
8pm | Santander Performing Arts Center | Reading
Nov. 24
American entertainer Steve-O, best known for his films and reality comedy television series Jackass, takes the stage. Laugh out loud during this stand-up comedy show. This show is for ages 18+. For more info and tickets visit santander-arena.com
7pm | Santander Performing Arts Center | Reading
Nov. 25
Dan and Phil:
Terrible Influence, The Tour
Join British YouTubers Daniel Howell and Phil Lester as they heal your inner child in their live comedy stage show. Hear scandalous stories, roast social media and spend the evening with the community of fans they raised. For more info and tickets visit santander-arena.com.
7:30pm | Santander Performing Arts Center | Reading
Nov. 29 & 30
Pierce the Veil
Jam out with Californian rock band Pierce the Veil. With classics such as King For A Day, A Match into Water and Bulls in the Bronx, the band is always evolving. For more info and tickets visit santander-arena.com.
7pm | Santander Performing Arts Center | Reading
Nov. 16
The Past and the Present of the Lenape in PA
Join Adam Waterbear DePaul, Chief of Education and Tribal Storykeeper of the Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania, as you learn about the Lenape people. Explore their past and what current initiatives have been put into place to bring life back into Lenape culture. For more info visit hawkmountain.org/events.
1-2pm | Hawk Mountain Sanctuary | Kempton
Nov. 2 & 3
Holiday Fine Art and Craft Festival
Complete your holiday gift shopping at the 74th annual Holiday Fine Art & Craft Festival presented by The Reading-Berks Guild of Craftsmen. Experience more than 70 homemade craft vendors, live music, door prizes, a student gallery, an eat-in cafe and more. For more info visit rbcrafts.org/ festivals/holiday-arts-crafts-festival.
Sat: 9am-5pm, Sun: 10am-3pm | O’Pake Fieldhouse, Kutztown University | Kutztown
Nov. 9
Holiday Festival
Kick-off the holiday season with the Kutztown Area Historical Society. Enjoy festive craft vendors, live music, home-baked goodies, great food and more. Admission is free. For more info visit kutztownhistory. com/events/holiday-festival.
9:30am-3:30pm | Kutztown Area Historical Society | Kutztown
Nov. 22
An Evening with Chevy Chase
Celebrate the 35th Anniversary of the timeless Christmas classic National Lampoonʼs Christmas Vacation. Laugh out loud to a screening of the film followed by a live Q&A and conversation with Chevy Chase and Jayni, his wife. For more info and tickets visit santander-arena.com.
7:30pm | Santander Performing Arts Center | Reading
The Nutcracker
Experience Tchaikovsky’s timeless score and Lev Ivanov’s choreography performed by 40 professional ballet dancers in this family-friendly Christmas classic from The World Ballet Company. For more info and tickets visit santander-arena.com.
7pm | Santander Performing Arts Center | Reading
Nov. 30 & Dec. 1
Leesport Farmers
Market Holiday Craft Show
Visit an assortment of vendors offering unique crafts from quilts to crystals. For more info visit leesportmarket.com/craft-shows.

Nov. 6, 9, 10, 22 & 23
Reading Royals
Cheer on the Royals as they battle the Norfolk Admirals, Indy Fuel and the Maine Mariners. For the full season schedule, more info and tickets visit royalshockey.com/schedule.
Various start times | Santander Arena | Reading
Nov. 8-10 & 15-17
Intimate Exposures
Experience the world premiere of Intimate Exposures, directed by Jody Reppert with music by D.W. Gregory. The play is set in Reading in 1892 and follows a photographer in search of deeper art. The protagonist is inspired by the work of Reading photographer William I. Goldman. For more info visit wcrcenter.org.
WCR Center for the Arts | Reading
Throughout November Go Taste Berks
Purchase a Go Taste Berks passport and enjoy free samples and savings at Berks businesses all November long. For tickets and more info visit greaterreading.org/GTB24.
Various locations across Berks County
Nov. 3
24th Annual Jewish
Food & Cultural Festival
Returning this year is the Jewish cultural exhibit, entertainment and many delicious menu favorites. Eat in or take out. Credit card preferred. For more info visit ohebsholom.org.
11am-4pm | Reform Congregation Oheb Sholom | Wyomissing
Want your event listed in This Month?
Submit your event on our website at BerksCountyLiving.com. 14

Nov. 7-23
Berks County
Best Kept Secrets Tour
Visit 18 new stops on this iteration of the tour. Explore at your discretion and pace with a map to guide you. Enjoy coupons from each business as well as gifts, refreshments, demos or games at each stop. Enter to win $1,000 in gift cards. For more info and tickets visit bestkeptsecretstour.com.
Various locations throughout Berks
Nov. 9
Veterans Dinner Dance
Wilson High School’s JROTC salutes Berks County veterans. Enjoy a dinner and live music from The Uptown Band as new members are recognized and inducted into the Berks County Military Hall of Fame. Tickets: $20. For more info visit wilsonsd.org.
3-10pm | Wilson High School | West Lawn
Nov. 22
Free Wellness Seminar: Natural Products That Outperform Drugs Sponsored by Nature’s Garden, speaker
Cheryl Myers, an integrative health nurse, author and an expert on natural medicine, will speak on natural products. Myers is a well-known advocate for bridging the worlds of mainstream and natural medicine. Come early space is limited. To RSVP and for more info call 610.779.3000.
6pm | Exeter Community Library | Reading

Hours: Wednesday & Thursday: 4-8pm
Friday: 4-10pm | Saturday: Noon-10pm Sunday: Noon-8pm

Fall Foliage Inspired Fashion
to this season of brilliant colors. Go for a walk and appreciate the beauty of the changing leaves in shades of yellow, red, brown, orange and purple. Consider incorporating these hues into your cool-weather wardrobe. Get inspired with these picks that reflect the patterns and palette of autumn.
1. Super Stylish.
Choose imaginative outerwear with fairytale vibes. This hooded cape matches the deep purple shades of the forest and includes handy pockets and an embroidered floral design. Button it up, then twirl and delight as the soft material floats on the fall breeze.
Tahari Cape for Kids | Size 5 | $19.99 | From The Heart Consignment Shop
Rock Some Ruffles.

This minidress is made for autumn’s ever-changing temps. The creamy
quintessential hues, and the bow adds a festive touch. Pair it with knee-high boots and layer up with tights or a thin long-sleeve tee for
Subtle Stripes.
Go for versatile pieces that will add a vibrant layer to all kinds of outfits. For extra warmth, pair this gold longsleeved viscose tee with this striped V-neck cardigan. The gradual blending of the hues is a perfect reflection of the autumn landscape.

Isle Gold Shirt | Size XL | $26.99 Tribal Cardigan | Size XL | $53.99 From The Heart Consignment Shop

5. Verdant Vest.
Enhance your shirts with a complementary layer of color and warmth. This cheerful vest features an eye-catching floral and leafy pattern. If you’re in a solid-color mood, flip it over to the vibrant yellow-orange side. Pockets can carry your essentials, enabling you to travel light.
Reversible Quilted Vest | $139 | Talbots
Have fun with your workday wardrobe. Made of plushy, textured corduroy, this fitted sport coat has a rich brown color that salutes the last leaves of the season. Pair it with trousers and a turtleneck or button-down shirt for a variety of debonair looks.
Men’s Apt. 9 Premier Flex Slim-Fit
Corduroy Sport Coat | $119.99 | Kohl’s


Switch Things Up.
Maximize your closet space with a coat that does double duty. This chic, hip-length piece provides two distinct abstract prints. Wear the blend of oranges, browns and yellows in the fall, then reverse it to the predominately sky-blue pattern in the spring.
Tribal Reversible Coat | $98
Adam N’ Eve Boutique
Double Possibilities.
Get two looks in one comfy, all-cotton sweater. On one side, golden, leafy tendrils stretch over a black background. On the other, gold takes center stage with the identical pattern in black. Combine it with jeans or pants for casual or polished ensembles.
Tribal Reversible Sweater | $88
Adam N’ Eve Boutique
Amp Up the Textures.
Mix different fabrics for a look that’ll turn heads. Combine this deep burgundy leather skirt with a blouse accented with lace that evokes the texture of fallen leaves. To complete this elegant look, accessorize with kitten heels in an earth-toned camel color.
Lace Cuff High Neck Blouse | $58
Faux Leather Tiered Midi Skirt | $75
Pointed Slip-on Kitten Heels | $65

Adam N’ Eve Boutique 309 W. Main St., Kutztown 610.683.8117
Andrea Folino Boutique and Sangria Bar 945 Hill Avenue, Ste. 100, Wyomissing 484.327.8808
DeLune 544 Penn Avenue, West Reading 724.815.6621 | shopdelune.com
Kohl’s 2700 Paper Mill Rd., Wyomissing 610.371.0237 | kohls.com The Mint Leaf

Andrea Folino Boutique and

Essential Flannel.
Soft, cozy flannel is practically mandatory for cooler weather, and it’s available in a ton of patterns and colors. This creamand-navy shirt is highlighted with deep red-orange. Wear it to rake the leaves and watch your kids jump into the piles.
s Sonoma Goods For Life ® Down Shirt
Dress to Impress.
Look fabulous in this stylish, comfy dress. The funky floral pattern pops against the rich russet background, and the deep-V neckline will complement a bold statement necklace. A cinched waist accents your silhouette, and the two-tiered ruffles at the hem will look amazing when you’re dancing.
Floral Dress | $48 | sizes S-L | The Mint Leaf

Girls Night

5 Local Wines
Explore the dazzling array of local wines. Have a fun day out sampling varieties crafted from home-grown grapes and other fruits. Enjoy a glass with friends, compare notes about your favorites and take some bottles home for later. To whet your appetite, check out these offerings from five Berks wineries.

Delightful Finish.
Linger over dessert and savor every sip. Sweet and warming, Ruby dessert wine is the ideal way to sit back and enjoy a cold night. Clover Hill’s fortified wine features Chambourcin grapes for a symphony of cherry and berry flavors. Balance the sweetness with dark chocolate for an unforgettable treat.
Ruby | $25.49/bottle | Clover Hill Vineyards & Winery | 17 Clover Hill Lane, Robesonia
610.693.8383 | Boscov ’s Fairgrounds Farmers Market | 2934 N. Fifth St. Highway, Reading 610.921.3312 | cloverhillwinery.com

Bubbly Charm.
Toast the arrival of the holidays. Made from Setter Ridge’s own Chardonnay grapes, this dry sparkling white wine is perfect for celebrating with family and friends. The citrusy, yeasty flavors pair well with seafood and creamy, buttery foods. Drink a glass with a freshbaked batch of shortbread or spritz cookies.

Experience the essence of summer all year round with a glass of easy-sipping watermelon wine. Dubbed “the finest watermelon wine on the East Coast,” Ridgewood’s awardwinning wine is refreshing on its own or with a meal. Reminisce about your favorite warm weather activities or start brainstorming next summer’s vacation plans.
Summer Blush | $21/bottle | Ridgewood Winery 2039 Philadelphia Avenue, Birdsboro 215 Township Line Rd., Bechtelsville ridgewoodwinery.com

Blanc de Blanc Sparkling Wine | $26/bottle | Setter Ridge Vineyards | 99 Dietrich Valley Rd., Kutztown 610.683.8463 | setterridgevineyards.com
Berry Good Options.
Specializing in fruit wines, Lily’s offers sweet and dry versions to suit all tastes. Their dry blueberry wine is similar to a cabernet while the sweet blueberry is reminiscent of fresh compote. Indulge your blueberry fandom and pair these with all kinds of desserts, dark and white chocolate and nuts.
Blueberry Wine | $23/bottle | Lily’s Vineyard & Winery | 110 Skyline Dr., Reading 610.763.3314 | lilyswine.com

Vibrant and Unique.
Savor a distinctive take on a classic wine. Made from estate-grown, hand-picked grapes, Folino’s Estate Pinot Grigio is barrel-fermented and aged on its lees for unique, complex flavors, including an array of fruity notes like white peach and grapefruit. Serve it with chicken and fish entrees for an incomparable dinner.
Estate Pinot Grigio 2023 | $26/bottle | Folino Estate 340 Old Route 22, Kutztown | 484.452.3633 | Vintner’s Table Wyomissing | 945 Hill Avenue, Ste. 100, Wyomissing 484.327.8808 | 484.327.8808 | folinoestate.com
Enter online at berkscountyliving.com this month to win one of three prizes: a $50 gift card to Clover Hill Winery or a $25 gift card to either Setter Ridge Vineyards or Ridgewood Winery. Good luck!
Show the small businesses in your hometown some love by shopping small with them this Small Business Saturday and beyond. They’ve got you covered: from beauty services, jewelry and clothing to artisan crafts, foods, drinks and more! Tell them we sent you!

The Salt Lounge
4 Wellington Blvd., Ste. 110, Wyomissing 610.646.1733 | thesaltlounge.net
Give the gift of relaxation this holiday season! The Salt Lounge offers services including massage, reflexology and salt therapy. Give salt therapy a try to feel calmer and to breathe easier. Check out our boutique for salty soaps, scrubs and shower tabs for the perfect at-home spa day. Gift cards and salt therapy packages make the perfect gift for anyone in need of a self-care day.

Billy’s Homemade Candies
4949 Kutztown Rd., Temple 610.929.1673 | billyscandies.com
Billy’s Homemade Candies has been making superior chocolates since 1935. Our large variety of candies are hand-prepared using original recipes and a selection of fresh ingredients and the finest milk or dark chocolate. We offer local gifts and are happy to customize a box of your favorites. From small gestures to large towers, we make gift giving a sweet treat! Shop with us on Small Business Saturday for specials and giveaways.
103 W. Lancaster Avenue, Shillington 610.777.7034 | gipprich.com
Looking for a treasured piece of jewelry or simply want to treat yourself? Head to Gipprich Jewelers in Shillington for a sales and service team that cares. The family-owned business has been celebrating holidays and milestones since 1945 selling jewelry and diamonds, including unique estate pieces, marking a quality business standing the test of time. Find product updates daily on their Facebook page @GipprichJewelers.

An extension of The Bell Tower Salon & Spa 18 State Hill Rd., Wyomissing
| rhelm.com
Find your place in the Rhelm and share it with a loved one. Rhelm.com extends the Bell Tower experience as a digital lifestyle platform. This holiday, for every $100 purchased in Bell Tower gift cards, receive $20 in Bell Tower bucks. Spend $100 at rhelm.com, receive a $20 Rhelm gift card and a free gift valued at $25.

N. Angelica & N.
| readingsodaworks.com
We are a “pop”-ular spot with 23 flavors of caffeine-free, pure cane sugar, handcrafted soda! Try our new line of naturally flavored, low-sugar seltzers with real botanical extracts or our new flavor: Lemon Lime. You can also pick up unique items from local merchants! Bonus: all of the proceeds from these items are donated to rotating charities. We also carry a full line of home brewing supplies. Want to learn how? Grab a starter kit!

Raphael B. Studio
4310 Perkiomen Avenue, Reading
610.779.6611 | raphaelbstudio.com
Raphael B. Studio, located at Boscov’s East Mall, has been your neighborhood jeweler for more than 20 years. We handle all your jewelry needs, including onsite repair, custom engagement rings and jewelry, unique Artisan jewelry, Estate jewelry, watch batteries and band shortening. Come see us!

From The Heart Consignment
4600 Penn Avenue, Sinking Spring 484.509.4441 | fromtheheartconsignment.com
From The Heart Consignment, located in Sinking Spring, is a charming boutique offering new and gently used clothing and accessories. Our warm, inviting atmosphere creates a friendly shopping experience where affordability and sustainability take center stage. By supporting local charities and promoting eco-conscious fashion, we help you feel good about your purchases and their impact! It’s truly consignment at its best!

Gardens and Gifts
Riverview Gardens and Gifts, a family-owned business since 1973, is the ultimate destination for distinctive gifts, fabulous home decor and a wide range of incredible products. Shop our gift store, especially the children’s section and Christmas showroom, for everything you need for the holidays! Explore our extraordinary selection of houseplants, perennials, trees and shrubs to enhance your home and garden. Open Monday to Saturday, 9am–5pm, and Sundays, 10am–5pm.
Reading Coffee Co.
316 W. Main St., Birdsboro 610.582.2243 | readingcoffee.com
Visit us for the best coffees from around the world, sourced responsibly and roasted beautifully in small batches in Berks County. Since 1989, the Reading Coffee Company offers light, medium and dark roast single-origin coffees and blends in addition to a vast selection of premium flavors. Gift boxes and baskets and all things coffee and tea make Reading Coffee Company the go-to place for all of your caffeinated needs.

We may be a small business, but our coffee is big when it comes to quality and flavor. There’s a reason why we’re a multi-time Best of Berks winner for Best Coffee Spot and why Santa’s favorite gifts come from Firehouse Coffee. Visit us for bags of coffee (a great stocking stuffer!), custom gourmet gift baskets, coffee gift cards and more.

Paisley & Company
277 W. Main St., Kutztown 484.646.9515 | paisleyandcompany.com
Welcome to Paisley & Company, your local haven for handcrafted and natural body, facial and home care products. We specialize in fragrance customization, letting you design scents that are uniquely yours. Each product is lovingly made inhouse with the finest ingredients. Whether you’re shopping for skincare or home fragrance, you’ll always find something special and feel right at home with us!

Little Shoppe on Penn
632 Penn Avenue, West Reading
Little Shoppe on Penn is filled with a large variety of unique, handcrafted creations made by local artists. You’ll find everyday items like coffee, clothing, home decor, jewelry and gifts. You’ll not only be supporting a small business but more than 30 local artists. Open 11am–6pm Wednesday through Thursday, 11am–7pm Friday, 10am–5pm Saturday and 10am–2pm Sunday.

Van Scoy Jewelers
1121 Penn Avenue, Wyomissing 610.374.9330 | vanscoy.com
Van Scoy Jewelers is a locally owned and operated Berks County small business. Celebrating 47 years in business and four years at their new location in Wyomissing, they offer a wide variety of products and specialize in fine diamond jewelry and engagement rings. They have an on-site repair department and offer custom designs. You can also shop online at vanscoy.com

United Artists Salon & Spa
The United Artists Holiday Gift Card promotion starts on Small Business Saturday, Nov. 30. Purchase $100 in gift cards and receive a $20 bonus gift card. Bonus gift cards are redeemable after 1/2/25. The promotion ends in the salon on Dec. 23. Visit unitedartistssalon.com for online purchases until Dec. 25. Gift cards are great for gift giving and a thank you to our loyal clientele.
Ryeland Gardens
37 Weiser Lane, Womelsdorf
Tucked away near the historic Conrad Weiser Homestead is Ryeland Gardens, an oasis ready for the holidays. Custom-made wreaths, cut greens in multiple varieties and other Christmas décor abound. You’ll discover lovely gifts, an array of ornaments, beautiful poinsettias and more. Visit us at our annual Open House on Dec. 7 and look for future dates for several wreath-making classes to come!
Zipf’s Candies by Sweet Surprises, West Reading’s premier chocolate shop! Sweet Surprises has brought back a piece of Reading’s history, Zipf’s Candies. Showcasing the original Zipf’s sign from 1905 and their delicious chocolates and fudge, Zipf’s Candies by Sweet Surprises is more than just amazing candy. They carry unique gifts, jewelry and accessories. Small Business Saturday discounts will be offered!

Our original designs and antique reproduction firebacks enhance the heat output of a fireplace, protect the back wall and add charm to a hearth year-round. Revitalizing the nearly forgotten art form of the fireback, our patented support system makes installation easy and quick. Cast in Hamburg since 1979.

Sweet Ride Ice Cream
542 Penn Avenue, West Reading
484.987.7338 | sweetrideicecream.com
Sweet Ride Ice Cream is an ice cream parlor and soda fountain located in West Reading. We offer 50+ flavors of our homemade on premises super premium ice cream, sundaes, milkshakes, homemade waffle sundaes, hand-crafted sodas and floats from our 1946 soda fountain. We also have a mobile ice cream parlor, truck and vintage ice cream bike to serve at your next special event.
The Purple Door Studio
Artist Jane Runyeon
Behind 1230 Garfield Avenue, Wyomissing 610.914.4165 | janerunyeonworksofart.com
Come shop this holiday season for great one-of-a-kind gifts, including paintings, prints, scarves and colorful totes created by contemporary artist Jane Runyeon. Jane is inspired by the natural world as much as the creative process itself. Visit Judy’s on Cherry to experience her curated collection of more than 70 original artworks.

Freshly picked! Fall and holiday temptations. Featuring wonderfully rich fabrics and colors from Habitat, Cut Loose, Tribal and more! “Come In and Be Tempted” for clothes to live in — clothes that fit well — clothes that look great and clothes that can go anywhere you go.

Shop local and discover wonderful gifts for friends and the whole family. We've got 40 items and where to find them on the pages that follow.
Celebrate the 2024 Holiday season with this cheerful Lenox® snowman and his festive ornament. Accented with 24K gold, this piece will surely be forever in your home. Find it exclusively at Boscov's.
Boscov's | Reg: $60, Sale: $29.99
Locations in Exeter & Muhlenberg & Wyomissing | boscovs.com

Handcrafted with four conditioning oils, Paisley & Company's beard oil transforms unruly facial hair into a soft, touchable beard that he will love! Plus, it’s customizable — choose from a selection of fragrances for a personal touch. Paisley & Company | $10.50 Kutztown | paisleyandcompany.com
Gift a variety pack of refreshing, delicate new botanical sodas from Reading Soda Works, including Blueberry Lavender, Herbal Berry, Peach Basil and Strawberry Mint Lemongrass flavors. Each is a natural sparkling treat of blended fruit flavor and herbal essence. Low in calories and sugar too! Reading Soda Works $16/case, 3 of each flavor Reading | readingsodaworks.com

Know someone who loves his or her jewelry? If you answered “yes,” we’ve found the perfect gift. This is the first-ever jewelry cleaner designed to do the job while you wear the jewelry. Bonus: because it’s crafted with glycerin, it softens hands, too.
Grab a lip elixir as a stocking stuffer and for soft, supple lips. They’re gluten-free, made with a nonsticky vegan formula and available in five shades, including Flutter, Bees Knees, Bumblicious, Buzzworthy and Ruby Nectar.
Honeybee Gardens | $12 Leesport | honeybeegardens.com

Want to honor a special someone that’s passed? This piece from Urban Charm featuring a cardinal does just that. The name and date text at the bottom can be customized to your liking.

This classic candy is a fail-safe gift to tuck into a sweets lover’s stocking. Old-fashioned clear toy candy comes in a large variety of shapes and can be formed into lollipops, too. Billy's Candies | $3; Bulk Containers: $10 Temple | billyscandies.com

are a fashion and wintertime staple. Lined with cozy sheepskin, the Women’s Classic Ultra Mini is easy for pulling on and off and is available in a range of colors. It, of course features UGG’s signature sheepskin and a flexible, ultra-lightweight sole, too. Nature's Garden

Grab a beautiful assortment of great-tasting pretzels, including the chocolate-coated variety, and dipping sauces, too, all wrapped up with a bow.
Unique Snacks | In-store: $126.95, Shipped: $137.95 Reading | uniquesnacks.com

For the hat fan that seemingly has everything, grab this pinewood-stained and polyurethane-sealed holder that is customizable with engravings. Please give 1-2 weeks for processing. Local pickup is available. BoomerRang Designs | $36.32 Shillington | boomerrangdesigns.com

Know a book and/or craft lover? Grab a DIY Miniature Book Nook Kit complete with a touch button feature that allows for an on/off light once the piece is built. All materials to build the kit are included. Needs two AAA batteries. Recommended for ages 14+.
Finch + Fern | $44.99 West Reading | finchnfern.com

Grab this quilted tote by Karen Wilson for the crafter in your life to haul all their wares or to just plain celebrate their favorite hobby. It’s fun and functional!
Local Folk Creative Studio | $45 Kutztown | local-folk.com
Know someone that loves boho fashion and design? If so, pick up one of these pieces from The Mint Leaf and let their inspiration come alive in finding just the right spot for it at home.
The Mint Leaf | $25 Leesport | themintleafshop.com

Have a friend or family member that’s moved away and that is missing their favorite Berks goodies? Grab The Pagoda Box for them, and they can enjoy local potato chips, pretzels, coffee, birch beer and more.

For the hiker in your life, grab a pair of Darn Tough Hiker Micro Crew Midweight Hiking Socks. Countless customers agree that this rugged sock is the only option that truly takes on the rigors of the trail.
TCO Fly Shop | $25 West Lawn | tcoflyfishing.com

Belt bags are all the rage, and Have Some Fun Today, born in Berks County, is elevating the trend with this exquisite leather version that you can wear at the waist or across your chest. Made of 100 percent cowhide leather and metal. Have Some Fun Today | $65 Wyomissing | havesomefuntoday.com

Gift something priceless to the person you love. This Christopher Walling pin features 18-karat rose-cut diamonds and pink tourmaline. You can even convert it to a pendant, and Gipprich can help. Gipprich Jewelers, Inc. | call for pricing Shillington | gipprich.com
The Popularity Contest Flight features bestsellers and a sampling of dry and sweet options. Flavors include: Classic Mead, Whiskey Barrel Aged Mead, Mead with Persian Lime Mead with Lemon and Hops and Mead with Ginger and Lavender. Grab it at this special price while you can.
Elder's Cut Meadery
$25 (special price) + shipping Robesonia | elderscut.com

Ruby Heart Crafts | $24 + shipping Douglassville | etsy.com/shop/RubyHeartCrafts

Philadelphia Eagles + Reading Coffee = Love. Grab this Eagles Pride Coffee Gift Box for the person on your list that is a fan of both. The carefully curated set features specialty roasted craft coffee that captures the bold and resilient essence of Philly’s beloved team, plus a hat and tumbler. Reading Coffee Company |

For the Old Fashioned lover, grab this Sour Cherry Old Fashioned Kit featuring Kinsey 4-Year Bourbon, Liberty Belle Sour Cherry Liqueur, Liber & Co. Demerara Gum Syrup and Fee Brothers West Indian Orange Bitters. A recipe card is included. The Bar Cart | $110 West Reading | thebarcartpa.com
Grab a sweet and salty snack for someone you love. The Brittle Bark & Chocolate Covered Pretzels Tub features buttery popcorn, peanuts and cinnamon crisps with Tom Sturgis Pretzels folded together with thick caramel and drizzled with chocolate. Yum! Tom Sturgis Pretzels, Inc. | $32.95 (in store)


Copper Panorama Bird Feeder and attract birds like cardinals, titmice, nuthatches and more to their backyard space. Birds will love the circular perch, which allows for 360-degree feeding.

For the serious music lover, gift these Sonos Ace Headphones. Obsessively crafted and masterfully tuned, they make the listener feel at one with the sounds that matter most to them.
Stereo Barn | $449
Sinking Spring | stereobarn.com

Stop in and see us, you will be surprised at what you will find.

What would we do without retail businesses? They help sell all the wonderful finds we enjoy ourselves and those items we discover that are perfect to gift and share with others — be it family, friends, co-workers or even our mailman or hairdresser. Putting a holiday shopping list together? You’re likely headed to a retail store, or two, or three. This holiday season, as always, we encourage you to get out and shop the wonderful local retailers right here in Berks.
Riverview Gardens and Gifts

Head to Riverview Gardens and Gifts this holiday season for anything and everything you need to decorate for the holiday or to find that perfect gift! Riverview carries a vast selection of ornaments, lights, wreaths, garlands, swags and more. Shop gifts for everyone, like jewelry, Farm House Fresh face and body products, Jellycat stuffies, purses and bags, home decor, cozy socks and more! The children’s section has some truly fun finds for kids of every age. There’s also an extraordinary selection of houseplants, perennials, trees and shrubs. Woman-owned, Diane Salks took the reins at Riverview in 1995, carrying on her father’s legacy. A true family-run business, Diane’s children, their spouses and even her adult grandchildren work or support the business! Open 7 days a week, Mon–Sat, 9am–5pm, and Sun, 10am–5pm.
3049 Pricetown Rd., Temple 610.929.5049 gardensandgifts.com

We all work hard for the money we earn. When the time comes that we are able to share some of our income, donating to a local nonprofit could be an investment that really pays off. Here are some points to consider…
Community nonprofits understand the needs of locals and the area best.
Local nonprofit groups are invested in our community and are committed to earning supporters’ trust.
Often, local nonprofit organizations are in desperate need of funding. Of the billions of dollars that are donated to international humanitarian assistance programs, only about 2 percent reaches local changemakers.
Local nonprofit organizations are often the first to respond to emergency needs in our communities.
Giving financial support to local nonprofit organizations is an investment in strengthening our county.
There are more than enough causes to support. When choosing which you’d like to give to, just look within yourself and go with your heart, and you can’t go wrong. Want to learn more about Berks County nonprofit organizations? Read up on a few on the pages that follow.

Opportunity House

We empower individuals to improve their lives. Thanks to our amazing monthly donors, we are able to provide affordable, long-term housing to the men, women, children, veterans and families we serve. Together, we can create sustainable, secure futures for everyone. To donate or to volunteer, go to opphouse.org

New look, new name, same commitment to quality services for adults with disabilities. Prospectus Berco is excited to announce a transformation! We’re rebranding to create a more vibrant and memorable image. While the name Prospectus Berco is meaningful to us, it has posed challenges due to its pronunciation and spelling, causing confusion about our mission. We’ve listened to feedback and have adopted a simpler, more accessible name: ProBerco. While our legal name remains Prospectus Associates, Inc., we’ll use ProBerco for daily operations. We invite you to embrace this change with us, and together we can envision a world of possibilities where everyone’s abilities are celebrated and all have the freedom to live the life of their choice with dignity and grace.
Spotlight PA
spotlightpa.org/berks membership@spotlightpa.org
More tough, nonpartisan investigative reporting is coming to Reading and Berks County. Spotlight PA (spotlightpa.org) — an independent, nonprofit news organization — is launching a reporting bureau here in 2025, with four journalists focused on our region. But the success of this project depends on you. Learn more about getting involved and sign up for updates: spotlightpa.org/berks

Hannah’s Hope Ministries, Inc.
opportunity to end these cycles for good, one family at a time!

At Bethany, we hold the belief that each team member plays a role in fostering a safe atmosphere to accompany youth on their journey to healing. Join our team and gain the knowledge to develop into an exemplary professional equipped with the resources to effectively serve within a trauma-informed setting.
Habitat for Humanity of Berks County
Affiliate Office at The Goggleworks
201 Washington St., Ste. 329, Reading 610.373.3439 | habitatberks.org
Habitat Berks ReStore
5370 Allentown Pike, Temple 610.921.1315 | restoreberks.org
Habitat for Humanity of Berks County serves people earning a modest wage who are pursuing a more prosperous life. You can help by shopping and/or donating to ReStore Berks. Have a large item? Visit restoreberks.org/donate to schedule a free pickup! All profits from your ReStore purchases support the Habitat Berks mission to strengthen communities through homeownership.

Reading Choral Society
Office: 201 Washington St., Ste. 504, Reading
Susan Coughlin, Executive Director scoughlin@readingchoral.org readingchoral.org
Berks County Community Foundation
237 Court St., Reading 610.685.2223 | give@bccf.org

Change starts with a spark. Your spark.
Since 1994, our mission to promote philanthropy and to improve the quality of life for the residents of Berks County has been made possible by the generosity of donors who created funds to achieve their charitable goals. You can support existing funds or create new ones with your tax-deductible donations. Give back to Berks County at bccf.org or contact us today!
658 Noble St., Kutztown
610.683.7790 | friendinc.org

Food Pantry • Pet Pantry • Social Services Support Fresh Food Recovery
Public Library
100 S. 5th St., Reading 610.478.8977
Reading Public Library (RPL) is committed to closing the literary, cultural and digital divides within our diverse and dynamic community by empowering people through literacy and access to information, creating a space where everyone feels inspired to learn and connect.

Founded in 1875, the Reading Choral Society (RCS) has, from its earliest days, pursued performances characterized by vocal excellence and musical distinction. RCS is comprised of dedicated semi-professional singers from all walks of life. Members rehearse weekly, fulfilling the lives of all involved by immersing them in great music. RCS performances enrich and enliven the greater Reading community.
Down the lane in the recess of Berks County’s rural communities, a mother skips breakfast so that her child can eat (today at least) before heading off to school. She worries, too, about the shut-off notice due later this month. This is who we help; this is what we do: over 40 years of getting food into family kitchens, warmly lit.

Berks Counseling Center
645 Penn St., 2 nd Fl., Reading 610.373.4281 | berkscounselingcenter.org
BCC’s Family Center for children, adolescents and families is open and ready to help those in need. Our counselors are trained in evidencebased models of care specific to children and adolescents, and our Child & Adolescent psychiatrist is available onsite or via telehealth. With thanks to United Way funding, services have expanded to include Intensive Outpatient for teens struggling with substance use challenges.

Dayspring Homes
PO Box 158, Shillington 610.376.5648 | dayspringhomes.org
Dayspring Homes is proud of the opportunities our participants have to realize their God-given potential while giving back to the community. Each one of our participants has their own individual needs and dreams. It is remarkable to watch them make someone’s day by being present and kind. Not only do they brighten our day, but they make a tremendous difference in the lives of others. Always choose kindness. For more information visit dayspringhomes.org
Hope Rescue Mission
715 N. 6th St., Reading

Animal Rescue League of Berks County
For more than 70 years, the Animal Rescue League (ARL) has provided food, shelter and a safe place to sleep for hundreds of thousands of pets. As the county’s largest provider of animal cruelty and humane investigation, we check on the welfare of almost 2,000 animals annually as we care and find homes for more than 5,000 animals entering our doors each year. We simply can’t do this life-saving work without people just like you with big hearts and a commitment to helping animals in need. Please consider helping us by donating at berksarl.org/donate
Join us for the Festival of Trees! The ARL invites the community to celebrate a year of life-saving work during the Festival of Trees Gala. Enjoy decorated trees, music, fine food, prizes and magical memories. Tickets available at berksarl.org/festivaloftrees

Hope Rescue Mission celebrates 130 years of providing critical shelter and support to men facing homelessness. We also are celebrating the one-year anniversary of LightHouse Women & Children’s Center, which supports our community’s most vulnerable members, unsheltered women and children. As the largest provider of help to the homeless in Berks County, we host 250-350 men, women and children every night. Please consider getting involved through volunteering or donating at HopeForReading.org
Connections Work
19 N. 6th St., 4th Fl., Reading

BCPS provides individuals with justice system involvement the tools they need to lead stable, productive lives. The agency offers pretrial services and reentry programs focusing on workforce development, job readiness and financial literacy. BCPS also operates the Pardon Project of Berks County and works closely with second chance employers to help clients find gainful employment as they re-enter the community.

The World Affairs Council of Greater Reading
PO Box 6301, Reading 610.375.7880 | wacreading.org
The World Affairs Council of Greater Reading is the leading educational organization promoting understanding and enlightenment on global issues. We provide recognized speakers who address timely topics at monthly presentations, moderate discussion groups through Great Decisions, conduct monthly BCTV programs and more. Coming up: Nov. 13: “The Power of Education to Change Lives Globally” with Carol Jenkins
• Nov. 20: “Bringing Order to Anarchy – Governing the World to Come” with Charles Kupchan

Hawk Mountain Sanctuary
1700 Hawk Mountain Rd., Kempton 610.756.6961 | hawkmountain.org
Celebrating 90 years, Hawk Mountain Sanctuary is recognized internationally as the world’s first refuge for birds of prey and is a global leader in raptor conservation. The Sanctuary features 8+ miles of hiking trails with several lookouts where visitors can witness impressive bird migration and attend various programs and workshops for all ages. Each visit, membership, or donation directly supports Hawk Mountain’s conservation research, training and education.

Berks Nature
575 St. Bernardine St., Reading 610.372.4992 | berksnature.org
Berks Nature is the leading agent for conservation and the environment in Berks County. In this role, we have protected more than 11,000 acres of land, manage 27 miles of trails and operate Reading’s public nature center: The Nature Place. Through community stewardship projects, educational programming and private conservation easements, we seek to protect, nurture and celebrate Berks County’s abundant natural resources.
Berks History Center
940 Centre Avenue, Reading berkshistory.org | 610.375.4375
Calling all history buffs! Learn about our community’s unique story by visiting the Berks History Center, a museum and research library dedicated to preserving and sharing Berks County’s rich cultural heritage. We showcase local history through artifacts and documents, educational programs, workshops and community events, including our annual Road Ramble event.

United Way of Berks County
610.685.4550 | uwberks.org
United Way’s work is all about doing right, right here. Together, we change lives and provide opportunity through quality early care and learning, literacy, food security, senior services, homelessness prevention and more. It starts with U…and it continues by working together to build a strong Berks County for all. Visit uwberks.org to learn more and volunteer. Thank U for partnering with United Way!

Training for adults in English as a Second Language, or ESL, is an effective aid to workers and employers. The Literacy Council helps Berks County adults and employers by providing ESL services that can help employees better communicate in their jobs. For more information on the Literacy Council’s ESL and workforce development programs, visit online at lcrb.org
Vision Resource Center of Berks County
2020 Hampden Blvd., Reading 610.375.8407 | vrcberks.org
For 95 years, we have called Berks home. The Vision Resource Center of Berks County offers support groups, educational and socialization programs, counseling sessions, transportation services, vision screenings and a workshop program. Whatever challenges you or your loved one may face with vision loss or blindness, we are here for you, your family and your caregivers. Visit our new low vision store specializing in devices to allow you to stay independent with your vision loss.

YMCA of Reading & Berks County
For 166 years, the YMCA of Reading & Berks County has strengthened our community by improving health and well-being, igniting youth empowerment and fostering connections. The Y creates safe and enriching experiences for kids of all ages through summer camps, sports programs, Pre-K Counts, childcare, before- and after-school care and more. Supporting kids helps families, regardless of their ability to pay. Everyone deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Communities In Schools of Eastern PA
2 Woodland Rd., Wyomissing | 739 N. 12 th St., Allentown 484.834.8830 | ciseasternpa.org
Communities In Schools of Eastern PA (CIS) is an organization committed to fostering 1:1 relationships between skilled site coordinators and students inside 14 school districts in six counties across Eastern Pennsylvania. By removing barriers and offering personalized guidance to some of the most at-risk students, the CIS team empowers more than 41,000 young individuals to reach their educational goals each year. Their impact on students’ lives is undeniable, making a significant difference in overcoming chronic absenteeism as well as social-emotional and behavioral challenges to reach graduation successfully. CIS currently serves in Antietam, Fleetwood, Reading and Wilson school districts in Berks County. For more information visit ciseasternpa.org
Yocum Institute for Arts Education
3000 Penn Avenue, West Lawn 610.376.1576 | yocuminstitute.org
Established in 1934 to create access to quality arts instruction, the Yocum Institute for Arts Education offers extensive classes in visual arts, theater, dance, martial arts and music. In addition, the Yocum Institute provides outreach programming and residencies, multi-arts and performance summer camps, an arts-based kindergarten and pre-school, family-friendly productions and a gallery space featuring emerging and local artists.
255 Chestnut St., Reading 24/7 Hotline: 844.789.SAFE
Text SAFE BERKS to 20121
Safe Berks provides free, confidential, life-saving support services to survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.
Now offering Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Training.
For more information, please email AshleyM@safeberks.org or call 610.373.1206, ext. 132.

CASA of Berks County
845 Park Rd., Ste. 307, Reading 610.301.8634 | casaberks.org
Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Berks County recruits, trains and supports citizen volunteers to be advocates for children who are victims of abuse and/or neglect. Volunteers LEARN about the child and their family life by ENGAGING during regular visits and SPEAK UP for the child’s best interest in court. There are 400+ children in Berks Dependency Court needing an advocate. For more info on volunteering visit casaberks.org

Berks Encore
For too many seniors, Meals on Wheels is the only nutritious food they get in a day. The volunteer who delivers it may be the only person they talk to that day. Berks Encore is dedicated to easing loneliness and hunger among older, homebound adults. With the support of our caring volunteers and generous donors, more isolated seniors will receive nutritious meals and can live with dignity and independence in their own homes.

Easy Does It
Supportive Housing Programs: 1300 Hilltop Rd., Leesport | ediinc.org Recovery Support Services: Community Center at Atonement Lutheran Church 5 Wyomissing Blvd., Wyomissing 610.373.2463 | ediinc.org/atonement

Easy Does It, Inc., has been serving the community since 1989. Offering supportive housing and recovery support services for individuals recovering from substance use disorders, EDI also provides meeting spaces for recovery groups and hosts events to raise awareness of services available to individuals and their families. EDI at Atonement offers free recovery support services to anyone in need.

Breast Cancer Support Services
Reading Musical Foundation
201 Washington St., Ste. 503, Reading 610.376.3395 | readingmusicalfoundation.org
Reading Musical Foundation is the area’s leader in advancing and advocating music education and appreciation in Berks County. RMF provides more than $200,000 annually in scholarships (merit and needsensitive), access to music instruction and instruments as well as supporting area music organizations and projects through grants and special funding opportunities.
529 Reading Avenue, Ste. C, West Reading 610.478.1447 | bcssberks.org
A breast cancer diagnosis can dramatically change one’s life; that is when Breast Cancer Support Services of Berks County steps in. We have provided support groups, information and emotional support to diagnosed women, survivors, friends, family and caregivers of those with breast cancer since 1994. Our programs and events remind our community that they are not alone in their journey.

Helping Harvest
1 W. Main St., Fleetwood

Currently operating 15 sites in PA and MD, CONCERN provides services to 7,500+ individuals each year. Over the past 46 years, CONCERN has provided services to over 200,000 people, supported 27,000 children and youth in placement services, finalized 5,000 adoptions, served 70,000 behavioral health clients and helped 2,200 residential treatment clients. Interested in becoming a foster family? Need behavioral health services? Contact us today!
117 Morgan Dr., Reading
Helping Harvest has pursued its mission “to feed the hungry” since opening in 1983. Currently, Helping Harvest supplies more than 9.5 million pounds of food annually through a network of 350 local distribution programs as well as its own direct service programs. In the past fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, we distributed over 10 million pounds of food valued at just under $20 million.

WCR Center for the Arts
140 N. 5th St., Reading 484.604.0890 | wcrcenter.org
Nestled in the heart of the Callowhill Historic District in Downtown Reading, the WCR Center for the Arts is celebrating its 20th Anniversary as a nonprofit. It is a unique performance space and event venue with exceptional acoustics. The WCR offers quality programming for people of all ages to come together and celebrate the performing arts. Book your next event with us.
Family Promise
325 N. 5th St., Reading 610.373.3323 familypromiseofberks.org

The Children’s Home of Reading
1010 Centre Avenue, Reading 610.478.8266 | buildingkidslives.org
The Children’s Home of Reading has responded to the needs of children and families in crisis in Berks and all of PA for over 140 years. Our comprehensive, educational, community, behavioral and mental health trauma-informed programs focus on partnering with more than 4,000 children and their families in crisis. Services help them enhance capacities, strength and resilience to achieve wellness and balance as they heal from crisis and meet life’s challenges.

Since 2006, Family Promise of Berks County has been committed to the critical issue of homelessness. Every day we work with unsheltered families and youth experiencing significant economic hardship. Our transitional housing provides families with children an opportunity for stabilization while working with trauma-informed case managers. We work hard to prevent homelessness through early intervention, advocacy, education and professional support.
Humane Pennsylvania
1729 N. 11th St., Reading | humanepa.org
Humane Pennsylvania (HPA) empowers people to increase their capacity to care for animals so that all animals are healthy, safe and treated humanely. With two amazing adoption centers, an accredited veterinary hospital, affordable wellness care and boarding services, community support programs and emergency & disaster response, HPA is building the best communities anywhere to be an animal — or animal caretaker! Visit humanepa.org for info.

633 Court St., 8th Fl. County Services Center, Reading 610.478.6500 | berksaging.org
Free classes for older adults! All those 60+ in Berks County can take free online classes on a wide range of subjects from art, cooking, photography and music to health and financial planning, now Medicare basics and enrollment! Scan the code above to get started.
To day's D esign & D ecor KITCHEN
Transform your kitchen into a fun, functional hangout. Since we all spend a sizeable amount of time in this room, make it an enjoyable space that reflects your personal style and needs. We talked to two local experts to provide ideas and inspiration to update this space.
GET CREATIVE w ith Co lor

Rejoice, color enthusiasts. “Trends are moving away from the white or gray painted cabinets we have been seeing for several years now,” explains Marie Chelius, sales and design consultant at Baldwin Kitchen & Bath Center. “In 2025 we are going to start seeing more color!” To add to the excitement, Chelius notes that Baldwin can provide painted, colored cabinets in any custom Sherwin Williams color. With so many color possibilities, customers can choose the exact, perfect shade they desire. However, if you love the look of versatile neutrals, don’t worry — you won’t be left out. Michael Stratton, owner of Kitchen Tune-Up Berks Lehigh SW, is confident that white will remain popular. “What helps white continue on the trend is the multiple variations that are available in this color,” he explains. “For example, you can select a high-end, bright, stark white, which makes a kitchen look more contemporary, or a cream/linen
Baldwin Kitchen & Bath Design Center

color, which can be used to soften and warm the features of a kitchen.”
When working with neutral hues, Chelius likes a nuanced approach. “Off white, beige and taupe painted cabinets will be the preferred choice over white in 2025. Customers are now seeking warmer tones for their kitchen cabinets.” For fans of natural wood, Chelius adds, “I am excited to see the introduction of a new light brown honey stain color for cabinets. This new stain tone is a twist on a natural maple stain. It has a warm, brownish gray tone to it, which gives it a modern flair and provides warmth and lightness.”
To make the selection process easier, rather than just picking one trend, you can also combine these ideas. “We are seeing a resurgence in natural wood with a splash of color added in,” says Stratton. “Our customers are having
existing islands installed or changed to be ‘accent pieces’ in their kitchens. The trend is to select more bold colors on the blue or green scale to accent this feature.” When going with natural wood elements, he advises customers to choose a wood tone that complements their lighting. “A dark space would require brighter tones, while light spaces can pull off darker tones.”

Kitchen Tune-Up Berks Lehigh SW
DIFFERENCE Details Make a
Many of us are familiar with Shaker-style doors in our kitchen cabinets, and Stratton believes this style will continue to be popular. Shaker design is distinguished by a contrast between the door’s center and the edges, providing the look of a framed piece of art. According to Chelius, this enduring style is getting an update, with a larger center and thinner framing along the perimeter.
Once you’ve made your decisions about cabinet door styles and colors, the crowning touch is the hardware. “We will continue to see brushed and bright gold cabinet hardware and sink faucets,” Chelius explains. “This finish combines nicely with all the new cabinet color styles, providing warmth and a bit of shimmer.”
When it comes to choosing countertop materials, Chelius is a proponent of quartz, especially in patterns that simulate the look of marble. Stratton agrees and adds that quartzite is also a popular choice. The difference between the two is that quartz is engineered stone while quartzite is all-natural quarried material. “These surfaces are durable. Some have anti-microbial properties that allow for you to do food prep directly on the surface, and many come with lifetime guarantees,” Stratton explains.
For floors, Chelius is all about a wood aesthetic. “Real hardwood floors or vinyl plank wood looks will continue to dominate,” she says. “Customers love the warmth and texture that wood provides.”
These current kitchen trends have the advantage of providing something for everyone. Whether your design style leans maximalist, minimalist, or something in between, Chelius has plenty of ideas. “I do love brushed gold cabinet hardware on a dark painted cabinet, like teal green or plum — it's such a rich look — pure eye candy,” she enthuses. “I also love the trending light brown honey-stained cabinets, paired with a clean white quartz countertop and brushed gold accents. This look gives me a sense of calm, warmth and lightness and is clean and natural looking. The gold hardware adds a pop of glam and style.”

If you’re ready to dive into a renovation project and are looking to make some timeless choices, Chelius suggests incorporating offwhite cabinets and hardwood flooring. She notes this an ideal time to make sure your kitchen has an optimal, efficient layout, including designated areas for storage and organization to make it easy to find what you need. In terms of a wish list, Chelius recommends a large sink to facilitate washing big pots and cookware as well as deep drawers to store cookware or pantry items.
In addition to optimal organization, Stratton also considers the ergonomics of the kitchen workspace. Some of these improvements can be made by retrofitting existing cabinets and pantries. “As we age, accessibility to the back of a cabinet becomes something of a challenge (who wants to get on their knees to get something in the back of a cabinet?),” he notes. “By installing roll-out trays and organizers, these same items become accessible and enhance your ability to stay in your house longer.”
These organizing elements are also a fun way to personalize your kitchen. For instance, if your family is charging a lot of electronic devices, “there is a drawer insert that allows you to do that,” says Stratton. “Or, you may wish to swap out your outlets in your kitchen for outlets with USB ports.” For coffee enthusiasts, he suggests a K-cup organizer to make it easy to see your beverage options at a glance.
In terms of layout, Stratton’s a proponent of using a kitchen island rather than a peninsula. “A peninsula puts a barrier between the kitchen and the adjoining room,” he explains. “As people gravitate to more open styles, an island improves the flow of traffic in a kitchen space and provides valuable work or entertaining space.” If you have
Kitchen Tune-Up Berks Lehigh SW
Baldwin Kitchen & Bath Design Center
the square footage, Chelius is also a fan of prioritizing space for a large island. If this isn’t feasible, she suggests allotting room for a table and chairs. Either way, you’ll have space for family to relax and socialize in the kitchen. As a handy tool, Chelius suggests installing an air switch to activate the garbage disposal. Air switches are installed flush with the countertop and rely on a puff of air to turn the disposal on and off. This feature has multiple advantages, including a more streamlinedlooking backsplash that has fewer light switch plates. As an additional benefit, from a convenience and safety perspective, air switches can be engaged with wet hands.
Tactical Choices for
If you prefer to stick with smaller, more strategic updates as opposed to a bigger project, Stratton has plenty of options. “A strength of our business is to offer alternatives to a full-demo/remodel of a kitchen, which does not alter the “footprint” of the kitchen cabinetry,” he explains. As his company name suggests, homeowners can choose the least expensive option and get a “tune-up” of their kitchen cabinets. “Our process rejuvenates the cabinetry to bring it back closer to how it looked when it was new,” says Stratton.
Chelius suggests hiring a pro to paint the existing kitchen cabinets, and this is a service Stratton provides. “Our process for

Baldwin Kitchen & Bath Design Center
cabinet painting is very specific and allows someone to improve their space dramatically, without the price tag you would find in a kitchen remodel,” he notes.
As an alternative, Stratton also offers cabinet re-dooring or refacing, and his clients can choose from an array of styles/ colors. “Each new door and drawer front is custom measured to ensure it fits,” he explains. “The cabinet box is either painted (in the re-dooring process) or given a new skin of veneer and panels.” Typically, this option takes approximately five days to complete. Stratton notes that although the kitchen layout remains the same, the new doors and drawers “will dramatically change the look of your kitchen.”
In addition, if the cabinets don’t need to be replaced, Chelius notes that homeowners might consider swapping out their old countertops for quartz or

in refacing projects in adding garbage can pullouts and other conversions (i.e. desk area to countertop height cabinetry) that allow customers more storage and work space as their kitchen needs evolve,” he says.
To go beyond the existing lighting, “consider integrated low-voltage LED lighting for undercabinet work areas,” Stratton adds. “This lighting can be installed to be dimmable and allow for setting a dramatic mood or functional aesthetic to your space.”
Baldwin Kitchen & Bath Design Center

Whether your project is big or small, Chelius advocates putting your personal preferences first. “Don't be afraid to express your own individual style and personality with your kitchen selections,” she advises.
If you’re contemplating a project, Stratton suggests getting the pros involved early. “We’d be happy to talk to anyone who would be interested in considering any options for change they would like to make in their kitchen space.”
Baldwin Kitchen & Bath Design Center 623 Penn Avenue, West Reading 610.373.1040 | baldwinkbcenter.com

Mikura’s Awesome Asian Flavors
At Mikura Asian Bistro in Wyomissing, Jack Li is much more than a business owner and gracious, masterful chef. He keeps up with the trends!
“We like to upgrade all the time and give our customers something new,” Li says, smiling broadly. “I want to keep it fresh, all the time!” This mission is especially borne out with his new Korean fusion menu, which includes such specialties as Bulgogi, Kimchi Chicken Fried Rice, Sweet Chili Beef Noodles and Dolsot Bibimbap. Li’s cuisine travels into China, Japan, Thailand and Vietnam as well. So, for beverages, you’re as likely to order Bubble Tea as Japanese soda or even a rather strong Korean wine called soju in such flavors as mango, citron and even yogurt (sweet, smooth and milky). Soju delivers a kick indeed.

Moreover, Li is a thoughtful person who loves seeing the smiles on his customers’ faces as they taste his food. He makes sure to take patrons’ preferences into culinary consideration — including spice levels, gluten-free needs and vegan inclinations and new takes on sushi as well as traditional, nostalgic favorites like General Tso’s Chicken (or Tofu, Shrimp, Pork, Vegetables or Beef) plus Sweet ’n Sour faves. His top-notch chefs and staff follow Li’s particular directions to perfection, choosing from fresh meats and vegetables and prepping the noodles and rice in accordance with the “rules” of various countries across Asia and South Asia.

Korean Fire Hot Pot Chicken
Black Garlic Tonkotsu Ramen

Spicy Cucumber Salad, Bulgogi & More
Start off with the newest addition to warm up your taste buds — a spicy cold Cucumber Salad that deploys rice vinegar, sesame oil and other oils, plus Korean hot chili pepper paste across crunchy crescents of cukes, all of them marinated for three days prior to being set on the table. The different oils lend an absolutely addictive sauce for the dish. Li confesses, “This is my favorite salad. In fact, I like putting it on hot rice sometimes.”
The Korean Bulgogi features tender, thin-sliced beef marinated in luscious barbecue sauce, enhanced by kimchi (the famed spicy Korean pickled cabbage) and mushrooms with house seasoning for a truly unique, unforgettable taste sensation. Korean cuisine is well known — and highly respected — for its spectacularly different treatments of beef, ever aiming to honor, retain and pull up the natural “beefiness” while delivering staggeringly unique flavor. This Bulgogi certainly hits the mark.
Get Your Ramen On!
Ramen is clearly “in” with younger patrons these days, even though this noodle soup dish goes back literally hundreds of years and has long captured audiences of all ages in China, Japan and Korea. Highly popular on Mikura’s newest menu is a fabulous Black Garlic Tonkatsu Ramen — a great example of Li’s closely curated foods. With a warm, super creamy broth and offering choices of chicken or pork (the latter is one meat that Li especially loves to cook), plus toppings of chopped green scallions, slender bamboo shoots, mushrooms and a fried egg on top (instead of a raw egg, which American customers appreciate and usually love more), the restaurant creates a large, cozy bowl that meets his winter menu. The satisfying, chewy noodles balance out the tenderness of the meat as the morsels slowly melt in your mouth.
Traditional Miso Ramen, Curry Ramen, Vegetable Ramen, and even Fried Chicken Ramen, are enticing choices to consider. Mikura also makes fat-noodle bowls of Japanese Udon, including Sukiyaki Udon that highlights marinated shaved beef.

Sushi, Everyone?
Sweet, saucy and oh-somemorable is Li’s version of Korean Fire-Hot Chicken and Shrimp. This has such a daring, out-of-the-box taste and effect, almost floral but biting with a slow burn of chili heat. In short, this entrée is outrageously yummy, with its large, juicy, crunchy onion slices and small, curly shrimp that ooze with gravy-like broth. Bite-sized, soft chicken slices kick up the protein further alongside colorful green pepper chunks, carrots and snow peas. This dish is served in Korean stone bowls, which are heavy enough to hold the heat, capture and meld all the aromatic flavors and yet maintain a natural mixture of complex elements. For another new adventure, do try the Dolsol Bibimbap, wherein a traditional pork belly dish is marinated in hot pepper paste atop hot white rice, broccoli, mushrooms, zucchini and carrots. Served with a fried egg on top, the crispy edges match up well with the pork. Bibimbap is a fast way to warm up, inside and out.

From classic rolls to hand rolls, sushi combos and sushi lunch specials, Mikura has won local awards three years running for “Best Sushi,” which gives owner Li great pride. Ever the inventive chef, he also lists no less than 11 cleverly named House Signature Rolls, separate from the “regular” sushi menu. Good news: Mikura also offers private chef services — off-site! — for family and business events (primarily sushi and Chinese cooking).
840 N. Park Rd., Ste. 8, Wyomissing 610.927.5555 mikurarestaurant.com

Owner Jack Li
Dolsot Bibimbap
Korean Bulgogi
Korean Spicy Cucumber Salad