Home News April 12

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APRIL 12-18, 2012

71st Year, Issue No. 15 USPS 248-700

A General Circulation Newspaper Serving The Community Since 1942


Appeal made on solar array; Moore Twsp. doubtful on joining N.I.Z. suit By BILL HALBFOERSTER The Home News

OXYGEN mask which helps dogs and cats.

-Contributed photo.

Lifesaver for pets

K9 Innovations of Walnutport and owner Valerie Attrill graciously donated three pet oxygen masks to the Lehigh Township Vol Fire Co earlier this week. The fire company is very honored to have a local resident and businesswoman make a much needed donation! The cone shaped devices

are designed to help save the pets life should they be needed. The masks are constructed to fit over the pets face, whether that be a cat or a dog. Lehigh Township Fire Co. joins a growing number of local fire companies with this life saving device.

School district to appeal Judge’s solar decision It was revealed at Monday night’s meeting of the Northampton Area School Board that the school district and MetroTek will appeal the recent judicial decision against them with regard to proposed solar arrays in Moore and Lehigh Elementary Schools. The appeal is in Northampton County Court. The judge upheld township zoning hearing board rulings that the solar arrays were not an accessory use or a special exception. In another matter on Monday, the directors discussed

a new heating system for the new middle school that will be constructed on the site of the former Northampton Branch of the Bethlehem Area Vocational-Technical School. Other Items In personnel matters, the board approved: an addition to the substitute list; the job description for the working head custodian, and creation of six such positions; current special education teachers to complete the IEP process, including the writing and Continued on page 15

Welcome Home Adam Keys Warriors Watch Riders of the Lehigh Valley will be welcoming home local hero Sgt. Adam Keys of Whitehall. This has been a long time coming as Adam has been in Walter Reed and Bethesda for close to two years after sustaining injuries from an IED. Adam continues to be

Moore Township residents attending this past Tuesday night’s meeting of the Board of Supervisors were told by Solicitor David Backenstoe that both the Northampton Area School District and MetroTek on April 3 did file an appeal of a judge’s decision regarding the solar array at Moore Elementary School. That decision was that it was neither an accessory use nor a special exception, with the judge ruling that way also in regard to a proposed array at Lehigh Elementary School. He told Glenn Shoemaker that a ruling has to be made within 21 days on the appeal, and if they lose again, further appeals can be made to the Superior Court and Commonwealth Court.

In another issue, when questioned about the Neighborhood Improvement Zone that will be taking earned income taxes from out-of-area workers in that zone to help pay for a hockey arena, it is doubtful that Moore Township will join Hanover Twsp. and Bethlehem Township (and now Hellertown) in a petition filed in Commonwealth Court. That suit claims that using EIT revenue due other municipalities for the City of Allentown to build an arena, although made possible because of legislation by Senator Pat Browne and approved by the General Assembly, is both inappropriate and unconstitutional. Backenstoe said if opting in on that suit, Moore Twsp. would have to contribute anywhere from $2,500 to $10,000,

depending on the population. He said the township has 30 days to decide, and could make a decision at a special meeting. But Chairman David Tashner said, “It doesn’t make any sense to spend $5,000 to get $200 [in earned income taxes].” However, as in other areas, it is not known just how much of that tax money is involved. Other Matters • The board awarded a three-part contract to Eastern Industries of Bath: stone, $147,00; blacktop, $608,918; and cold patch, $21,000. The prices could go up or down by 10%, depending on fuel costs. • In planning items, a waiver was granted to Richard Appert on painting white lines in his 4-lot subdivision, but Continued on page 7

Farmers Market offers $100 Prize in Poster Contest The Bath Farmers Market is excited to announce the 2012 Poster Design contest for children ages 5 – 12. Participants are asked to design a poster that best represents the Bath Farmers Market to win prizes, including a top prize of $100. The design should be submitted on 8 x 11 paper of your choosing and can be dropped off at First Star Bank, Bath Branch or the borough of Bath Office by close of business on April 30, 2012. Make sure to

Junk Sculptures

an inspiration to everyone with whom he comes in contact with. He recently jumped with his airborne unit. The welcome home for Adam is scheduled for April 21 at 12 noon. The rally point will be at the Sands Hotel Surface Lot in Bethlehem. Please join in welcoming him home.

Earth Day will be celebrated on April 22. Students at George Wolf Elementary used recyclable materials to create junk sculptures like the one pictured here to mark the event.

include your full name and contact information on the back of your design. Prizes include: Best Overall – Winning poster will be used for market promotions and the winner will receive a $100 Visa Gift Certificate. The top winners in each category will receive a $25 Visa Gift Certificate. Runners-up will receive $15 Visa Gift Certificate. The categories include 5-6 years old, 7-9 years old and 10-12 year old. The Bath Farmers Market aims to give local farmers a venue to sell their produce and provide consumers with

the opportunity to ‘buy fresh, buy local’. Parking is adjacent to the American Legion on Race St. and two disabled parking spaces are available next to the vendor entrance on Green Street. Some of the vendors accept checks from the Pennsylvania Farmers Market Nutrition Program. The Bath Farmers market runs May – October at Keystone Park.

INSIDE THIS WEEK: Natural Perspectives ….4 Northampton Council ….9 Rt. 191 Road Work …. 13

Easter Program

Hope Lutheran Church (Cherryville) 3 year old Preschool classes held their Easter program on April 3. The children enjoyed singing their spring and Easter songs for their families.

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