70th Year, Issue No. 32 USPS 248-700
AUGUST 11-17, 2011 A General Circulation Newspaper Serving The Community Since 1942
School board transacts business in Record time, and also electronically By BILL HALBFOERSTER The Home News
ONE OF THE FEATURES of Glenmar Nursery of Moorestown is this water garden. (Story and another photo on page 13.) – Home News photo
Bath anniversary grand Opening and concert The Bath 275th Anniversary store at Main & Washington Sts. will be holding their one year anniversary celebration this Saturday, August 13 at 10 a.m. Fe Fe from the IronPigs will be in attendance, sponsored by Hayes Flower Shop in Bath. This marks the one year countdown to the anniversary celebration in August 2012. Hope to see you there. Solo Concert Mary Pritchett, a former music teacher from the Nazareth Area School District and a volunteer soloist for Gracedale, will give a solo concert
on Sunday, August 21, at 4:00 PM in St. John’s Lutheran Church, 206 East Main Street, Bath. Also performing will be Wayne Mery and Susan Cervin. The concert will feature Broadway favorites including songs from The Sound of Music, 110 in the Shade, Les Miserables, The Phantom of the Opera, and the movie Romeo and Juliet as well as other favorites, both sacred and secular. There are no tickets for the concert, but an offering will be taken to benefit the 275th Anniversary Celebration.
Moore Township’s Board of Supervisors this past Tuesday, Aug. 2 voted to appeal a recent decision by the township zoning hearing board regarding a proposed solar array at the Moore Elementary School. MetroTek of Kunkletown had sought relief on interpretation of the zoning ordinance, and it was denied. Instead, the ZHB granted a special exception, even
with regard to zoning of land where a middle school has been proposed Other Matters • Under personnel: A leave of absence for Kerry Haydt from July 20-29, 2011 was approved; job descriptions were updated for school police officer/director of security, school police officer/attendance officer, security officer, and hall monitor; the resignation of Juliann Maurek, high school drivers education teacher, for purposes of retirement, was accepted, effective Dec. 2, 2011. Kovalchuk said she has had 30 years of service and also coached three different sports. • Damien Ciecwisz was hired as summer school security gard, effective June 24 through August 12. • The rate of pay for all current professional teaching staff employees as potential Continued on page 9
PSATS supports plan to improve Roads, bridges, mass transit
The Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors is throwing its support behind a multibillion-dollar plan, proposed by the governor’s Transportation Funding Advisory Commission, that takes a common-sense, networkwide approach to repairing the commonwealth’s roads, bridges, and mass transit systems. Delivered to Gov. Tom though it wasn’t requested. Zoning Officer Jason Harhart Corbett, the report provides had said it was a second prin- the administration and lawcipal use, when there can only makers with a road map for raising $2.5 billion in annual be one. “It is cause for concern,” funding to improve transporSolicitor David Backenstoe tation infrastructure. Townships oversee 56,000 said, in regard to the special exception ruling. At Tues- miles of those roads along day’s meeting, John Becker with thousands of bridges. of the planning commission PSATS, the organization that questioned the advice of Atty. represents them, hails the Cafferty for the ZHB. The de- plan as a step in the right dicision was signed off by chair- rection and is urging the governor and General Assembly man David Tashner. to enact the recommendaContinued on page 7 tions. Two association representatives, Assistant Executive Director Elam M. Herr and Jim Decker, a supervisor for Stroud Township in Monroe County, served on the 40-member commission. “This state-appointed group did some things that others before it haven’t: It recognized the vital role that local roads and bridges play
Supervisors to appeal ZHB decision on solar Array in Moore Township By BILL HALBFOERSTER The Home News
In what had to be a new record, the Northampton Area School Board transacted all of its business in 20 minutes Monday night. They did it with four members present, and since a quorum of five is necessary, a fifth member voted electronically over the speaker phone. Vice President Jean Rundle presided, and present with her were directors Robert Koch, Geraldine Skrapits and Judy Odenwelder. Cory Fenstermaker, Brett Reichelderfer, Jane Erdo, Darin Arthofer and David Gogel were absent. Arthofer acknowledged each item as it came up and voted along with the four members present. In one action, Maria Rossillo was approved to serve as Assistant Principal for the Northampton Borough Elementary School, effective January 2, 2012. Her salary will be
$70,000, pro-rated, with benefits, in accordance with the Act 93 agreement. She was welcomed by each of the directors on Monday. Schools Superintendent Joseph Kovalchuk announced that Thursday, Sept. 1 will be the first day of school for the 2011-2012 school year. And in an effort to save on costs, the new school calendars will be handed out that day and not mailed, as was the previous practice. He noted with pride the fact that all the schools in the Northampton Area School District made Adequate Yearly Progress (ADP), the first time since the 2000-2001 school year. “It’s a cause for celebration,” he said. Other announcements he made: This Wednesday was the annual data retreat for analyzing scores on student achievement. And on Tuesday, August 16 the East Allen Township zoning hearing
in Pennsylvania’s transportation system; it listened to local government; it treated municipalities as partners; and it responded with a doable, long-term solution that is going to put the commonwealth’s transportation system back on the road to recovery,” PSATS Executive Director David M. Sanko said. The commission’s plan, to be phased in over the next five years, would eventually provide municipalities with around $400 million annually
for local transportation projects. The panel has recommended that the state raise the money by indexing outdated license and registration fees, uncapping the oil company franchise tax, shifting partial funding for the State Police to the General Fund, modernizing vehicle inspection and registration requirements, and consolidating mass transit programs and services. New toll roads and Continued on page 15
Musicians playing last Saturday at Martin on Main in front of the Guitar Villa stage on Main St. (More photos on Page 5.) – Home News photo
2 THE HOME NEWS August 11-17, 2011
Post Office Box 39, Bath, PA 18014 Phone: 610-923-0382 • fax: 610-923-0383 e-mail: Askus@HomeNewsPA.com Paul & Lisa Prass - Publishers William J. Halbfoerster, Jr. - Editor Alice Wanamaker - Associate Publisher Candi Moyer - Account Executive Tammy De Long - Operations Manager Marcie Kent, Elaine Leer, Alyse Moyer, Tony Pisco, Melissa Rose, Quynh Vo - Graphic Designers Jenn Shimandle - Graphic Intern Wes Loch - Delivery Driver
Paying Blondie By Lee Wishing
The Home News ISSN 1944-7272 (USPS 248-700) is published every Thursday of the year except on holidays at a subscription local rate of $18.00; 40-cents per copy on newsstands. Periodicals postage paid in Bath, PA 18014. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: THE HOME NEWS, P.O. BOX 39, BATH, PA 18014
The Home News does not assume responsibility for any advertisements beyond the cost of the ad itself. We cannot be responsible for typographical errors. We reserve the right to reject any article or advertisement thought to be offensive or not contributing to the needs of the communities we serve. All opinions expressed by columnists, reporters and feature writers, including letters to the editor, are not necessarily those of this publication, but of the individuals themselves. News items and ads should be submitted no later than noon Monday on the week of publication, or on dates noted ahead of time due to holidays. Office HOurs: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., 4685 Lehigh Drive (Rte 248), Walnutport, PA 18088 Other hours by appointment only
-a general circulation newspaper since 1942 In partnership with:
Unlucky Hoover The most ill fated U.S. president in the last century was the 31st--Herbert Hoover, born on the 10th of this month in West Branch, Iowa, 1874. Few if any of this country’s presidents have had such a varied career. After his mother and father died, Hoover moved to Oregon, where he graduated from college. During one summer he worked in Arkansas with surveyors. He moved to Nevada and worked in the mines. At age 24 he went to Australia to work in a gold mine. From there he found work in China. He continued to move from country to country and in 1914 was living in London, when World War I began. He went to Belgium to help starving people and after the war worked in Germany helping desperate Germans. He was famous when he came back to the U.S. and President Harding took him into his cabinet as his secretary of commerce. In 1928 he became the G.O.P. nominee for president and was elected. His grim fate came early--in his very first year in the White House--the Great Depression began. He, nor anyone else, could do much about it, and he was easily defeated in 1932-by Franklin Roosevelt.
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“See, there are two kinds of people in this world, my friend: those with loaded guns and those who dig,” said Clint Eastwood playing the part of “Blondie” in The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. “That’s the world economy today,” said financial historian Mark Steyn quoting the film as a metaphor for the status of world governments today. “There are those with loaded [financial] guns, by which I mean sovereign wealth funds, countries with large surpluses [e.g., China, Singapore, some of the Gulf states, Norway] and there are those who dig. In other words, there are those countries that have got themselves into a real debt crisis. Actually, the simplest way to get out of that hole is not to dig in terms of taxing and spending. The simplest way is to find the treasure and give it to Blondie [creditor nations].” The treasure, according to Steyn, is assets owned by the U.S. federal government. He suggests selling them to pay off the deficit. Take a look at a map of the western United States. The federal government owns much of the acreage: 85 percent of Nevada, 69 percent of Alaska, 37 percent of Colorado, etc. And that’s not all; consider the 3.34 billion square feet of building assets the federal government owns or leases (e.g., offices, warehouses, family housing, hospitals, laboratories, schools). “The federal government is the largest property owner and energy user in the United States and thus holds a unique responsibility for maintaining its real property assets, as well as managing the taxpayer dollars needed for the operation of its assets,” states the 2009 Federal Real Property Report. And we’ve got thousands of miles of highway systems that could generate cash flow via lease arrangements. Imagine you’re deep in debt to your local bank and that you and your family are in jeopardy of losing your home. After months of negotiating extensions, the bank says you and your family have come to the end of the line. It’s time to pay up. Then you remember that rare coin collection in your attic. What do you do? Borrow more money? No, you dig out your coin collection, sell it, and pay Blondie.
A Mouth Full
Dad--Son, if you’re a good boy and learn a lot you may someday become a wealthy executive. Son--And what if I ain’t such a good boy and don’t learn very much? Dad--You might have to settle for being a politician.
Letters from our Readers Thanks for Helping Injured Son; Needs Contact with Eye Witness To the Editor: A Thank-you to the people of Northampton County for stopping and helping our son in a time of need. On June 4, 2011 our son John was involved in a serious car accident in Bath. John and a good friend, both recent graduates from Juniata College, and now attending Temple University School of Medicine, had just completed an apartment hunting trip in Philadelphia. After dropping off his friend in Schnecksville, Pa., John was heading home to upstate New York. He was traveling north on Rt. 512 passing through Northampton County and Bath. At the intersection of Rt. 512 and Yost Road another driver failed to stop for a stop sign and drove through an intersection with
This Week’s
Rt. 512 causing a serious accident. We have been told that a number of people immediately stopped to offer assistance. Our son was in shock from the impact and people quickly came to his aid. People in the other vehicle were also injured and the community assisted them, too. The police were called as well as an ambulance. Klecknersville EMS arrived and our son was taken to St. Luke’s Hospital’s trauma unit where he was admitted. John suffered a perforation to his intestines, which required surgery to remove a portion of his small intestine and a 12-day hospital stay. In light of how bad his injuries were, we are grateful that he received such quick help and support. He is still recovering but attending school as planned. This situation is a Continued on page 3
Allen Township Supervisors -August 11 at 7:00 p.m.Municipal Building Borough of Nazareth/Fire - August 15 at 6:00 p.m. Council Chambers Borough of Nazareth/Public Property - August 15 at 9:00 p.m. Engineer’s Office Borough of Nazareth/Police - August 15 at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers Lehigh Township Recreation Board - August 15 at 7:30 p.m. Municipal Building Allen Township Planning Commission - August 15 at 7:00 p.m. Municipal Building Borough of Nazareth Planning Commission - August 16 at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers East Allen Township Municipal Authority Workshop August 17 at 1:00 p.m. Municipal Building-Meeting Room Borough of Nazareth/Municipal Authority - August 18 at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers Moore Township Recreation Commission - August 18 at 7:00 p.m. Municipal Building
News Sermonet News Sermonette
Please see Page for the 11 for the Please see11Page Weekly News Sermonette Weekly News Sermonette by Rev. John Kunkel
the Fence GabGab OverOver the Fence by Pete G. Ossip by Pete G. Ossip
Here we are in the second week of August already, and summer’s winding down. It won’t be long before schools open and the kids get back to their reading, writing and arithmetic, and all the other studies they have these days. Ye Ed tells me that September 1st is the day. . . . Dave Gogel is spending his time on a vacation up in Alaska. It’s really nice up there at this time of the year. . . . That was some fire up in Plainfield Township with the plastics factory. Smoke could be seen for miles, and they needed an awful lot of volunteer fire companies to put it out. . . .That fire reminded me of the big ones in town many years ago when H&R Plastics and the Cast Metal blazes erupted. . . . I see the weather folks are predicting another perfect day for the farmers market on Friday. Glad to hear that ‘cause they put a lotta work into setting up tents and the stands for their goods. . . . Phillies got by the Giants better than expected, and are now taking on the Dodgers. I hope they go all the way, and get in and win the World Series again. Bosox took care of those Yankees the other night. . . . The IronPigs are tied for first place as this was written.
I see “Fe Fe” from the IronPigs will be in town this Saturday for the ribbon cutting celebration of the 275th Bath Anniversary store out at E. Main & Washington Streets. It will be at 10:00 in the morning last I heard. . . . John Meyers and the claybird shooting team that won a championship will be celebrating with a thank-you picnic out at Hazleton this Saturday, too. . . . Hear tell the Bath Lions will be listening for “Bingo!” when they have a stand down at the Muhlenberg Hospital festival next Wednesday through Saturday down Bethlehem way. . . . Speaking about Bethlehem, it’s been kinda quiet around the old berg this week, as folks have their walking shoes on for the big Musikfest down in Bethlehem. These old feet can’t hack the walking like that anymore, but it sure was nice to hear all the music, have plenty of good foods to eat, and even watch the “Chicken Lady”. Wonder if she’s around anymore? . . . . There was a big celebration up at Becky’s Drive-In at Berlinsville on Sunday as there was a welcome home party for an Air Force Staff Sergeant back home from Iraq. It’s good to see that we honor our troops that way. . . . Saw in last PA003267
Catering now available Call to schedule your special event, today!
Soft Ice Cream
week’s paper that the Halloween parade and trick or treat night were set up for town. So we’re talking October already. . . . My grass is still green from the rain we had, but it’s not growing much in all the heat. . . . .Think I’ll have another iced tea and relax some. Do the same, ya’hear?!
Continued from page 2
parent’s worst nightmare. To be so far away and hear that your child has been in a car accident and is in the hospital is devastating. We sincerely appreciate everyone’s help. Thank you for stopping and assisting our son. We have been informed that one of the people who stopped to assist was also an eyewitness to the accident. This eyewitness was a female motorcycle rider who has some connection with law enforcement, either through herself or her husband. Unfortunately in the confusion, her name and telephone
THE HOME NEWS August 11-17, 2011 3 number were lost. It is possi- Rhythm In 4-H”. Admission ble that either she or her hus- is free! There is always plenband is a retired police chief. ty of great food available. The If anyone knows this person, exhibit hall is open daily. we request that they conA silent auction will be tact Officer E. Varkanis at the held throughout the entire Moore Township Police De- fair. Specialty items will be partment at 610-759-5077. At marked for auction through the time of the accident our Saturday only, others will son John was driving a small continue into the Sunday dark blue SUV (Mitsubishi events. Outlander with N.Y. plates) The Northampton Cty. 4-H and the other driver was in Livestock Club is offering for a white van (Dodge Caravan auction a hand-made chicken with N.J. plates). coop. The bids on this item Again, thank you so much. will close on Saturday. The Northampton Cty. 4-H Horse Paul and Maureen Cagino Clubs are offering for auction Glenmont, N.Y. an A-5 Clipper set. The bids for this item will be through Sunday. Bidders need not be Public invited present to receive the item; however, it is the bidder’s To 4-H fair responsibility to arrange for The Northampton County pick up of the item. Back by popular demand 4-H Fair will be held on Friday, Aug. 12th through Sunday, is the 4-H Community Days. Aug. 14th at the Northampton This year this event will be County 4-H Center, 777 Bush- held on Friday and Saturday, from 10 AM to 3 PM. kill Center Rd. Nazareth. A wide variety of demonThe public is invited to come, participate, learn about strations, hands-on activi4-H, have fun, and “Find Your Continued on page 10
4 THE HOME NEWS August 11-17, 2011
Greater LV Chamber women’s Business council honors two women ments of women and those promoting women. The 2011 Athena Award recipient is Rosalin Petrucci of J.G. Petrucci Co., Inc. With more than 30 years of experience in the industry, Rosalin Petrucci is an accomplished real estate entrepreneur. She currently serves as director of JGPCO's educational initiative. In the latter capacity, Rosalin has guided several build-to-suit projects for educational facilities from site selection through final completion. Her portfolio includes the award winning Arc of Union County Kohler School in Mountainside, New Jersey. Rosalin’s professional experience includes roles as manager and marketing director for various real estate and development office, zoning board chairperson and instructor on fair housing and diversity training policies. Rosalin has been the recipient of various awards in her field including recognition by the Women's Fund of New Jersey as one of twenty-three top women of real estate. In addition, Rosalin maintains strong relationships with economic development professionals in both New Jersey and Pennsylvania and contacts on all levels of government. She also supports various chari-
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On Tuesday, October 25, the Women’s Business Council (WBC) of the Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce will honor two women of the Greater Lehigh Valley at the Athena Awards Luncheon at Saucon Valley Country Club in Lower Saucon Township. The Athena Award Program celebrates the potential of all women as valued members and leaders of the community and recognizes those who support them. The award honors individuals who strive toward the highest level of professional accomplishment by excelling in their field, devoting time and energy to the community, and forging paths for others to follow. The Athena Young Professional Award honors an emerging leader in her business or profession who gives back to the community and serves as a role model for other young women, both professionally and personally. The Athena Award was first presented in 1982 by the Chamber of Commerce in Lansing, Michigan. The award is named for Athena, the goddess of Greek mythology, who represents the virtues of courage and wisdom. It was developed as an award to honor the accomplish-
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WOMEN/SOCIAL ties and dedicates her time to numerous organizations. Rosalin manages Crossing Borders, which annually honors women of superior achievement in real estate and economic development in both New Jersey and Pennsylvania. The proceeds from the event are distributed to Displaced Homemakers Network of New Jersey and New Choices/ New Options of Pennsylvania. Both agencies are designed to enhance the employability and income of single parents and displaced homemakers. Rosalin is currently a member of the national CREW (Commercial Real Estate Women) Network, ICREW New Jersey and CoreNet Global, as well as being one of the founding members of CREW Lehigh Valley (PA) and Immediate Past President of the Economic Development Association of NJ (EDANJ). The 2011 Athena Young Professional Award recipient: a Lehigh Valley native, Julie Knight, a financial advisor at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney. Julie has over 10 years of client-facing experience in the finance and logistics industries. She spent 7 years overseas where she worked with Deutsche Bank and Daimler AG in Germany helping with the transition of the Sarbanes– Oxley Act. She has taught five semesters as an Adjunct Professor, most recently at Penn State Lehigh Valley. Her MBA in strategy and economics is from the Melbourne Business School in Australia. As a humanitarian, Julie raised $13,000 for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society during her 2011 campaign to capture the title of Lehigh Valley’s Woman of the Year. She has been an active board member with the Western Lehigh Chamber of Commerce since 2007 and the Council for Supply Chain Management Professionals since 2010. She has also volunteered to help high school students understand budgeting and career issues at Wilson and Nazareth High Schools through the Pathways Program and in coordination with the Workforce Investment Board. Julie began fostering relationships with other women through team sports. She
Elijah Ayala, 3 1/2 of Wind Gap, gets a balloon from Eileen Ciszak, Wind Gap branch assistant manager, during a fifth anniversary birthday party. The KNBT Wind Gap- GIANT branch recently reached its five year milestone. – Contributed photo played soccer, tennis, basketball, and softball then transitioned to yoga after a knee injury in 1998. She has developed a strong weekly yoga practice and has taken over 400 hours of teacher training. Her teaching of yoga started at the Program for Women & Families in Allentown and continues at the Yoga Loft of Bethlehem. She was President of the Women & Business Club during her MBA and has facilitated numerous seminars for the GLVCC’s Women’s Business Council’s Annual Summit. She is also a member of the United Way’s Women Leadership Initiative.
Crib Set
Because of “safety concerns,” Lehigh Valley Health Network and St. Luke’s Hospital & Health Network are no longer releasing birth information to the media. So, parents and grandparents, you are on your own. We will continue to print the “Crib Set” column based upon information you supply to us directly. Send it to The Home News, P.O. Box 39, Bath, PA 18014; fax 610837-1264; or e-mail to us at cribset@homenewspa.com.
Holy Cross Day Care Center & Nursery School 696 Johnson Road, Nazareth • 610-759-8761
NOWACCEPTING ACCEPTING NOW SUMMER ENROLLMENT FALL *AlsoENROLLMENT enrolling for Fall 2011 Serving Children ages Preschool thru Elementary Hours: Monday through Friday 6:30 a.m. – 5:45 p.m. NAEYC Accredited • Star 4 Center Title XX Accepted
Cancer Connections Luminary Service Did you know that 1 in every 3 adults living in the US will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives? Cancer Connections is a supportive ministry of Bethany Wesleyan Church for people who are in various stages of cancer or caregivers for cancer patients. Their goal is to come along side of you and offer individual or group support. This group meets on the third Saturday of every month at 10 AM in Bethany’s Family Life Center. On Sunday, September 11, at 7 PM, Cancer Connections invites you to a Luminary Service & Walk to be held at Bethany. There will be inspirational testimonies and music followed by a serene luminary walk. For a $5 donation you will receive a luminary bag to be included in the Walk. The bag may be personalized but must be returned in order to be included in the Walk. Please call 484-553-6429 for additional information or stop in at the church office (9 am - 4 pm) to pick up a luminary bag. Bethany Wesleyan Church is located at 675 Blue Mountain Drive in Cherryville, PA, or call the church office at 610 767-1239, or visit us online @ www.bethanywes.org.
Microwave Tips One can microwave steaks in a dish though this is not the cooking method most Americans prefer. But if the needed method, warm the dish for seven or eight minutes before placing steak in. Bottom of white dish will often turn yellow. A filet mignon can be done in 2 minutes first side, 2 or 2 1/2 after turning--on High.
Hard Job
One of the hardest jobs of reconversion is making a school pupil out of a vacationer.
Nazareth Jazzercize putting on a demo.
– Home News photos
THE HOME NEWS August 11-17, 2011 5 Nunamaker, Business ManProceeds benefit the Nazager, the Nazareth Center for areth Center for the Arts. the Arts. “The bands covered Tickets are available online a range of rock from Blues to (www.nazaretharts .com), Classic to Pop to Post-Mod- Mitch’s Market in Nazareth, ern Metal. Great music and KNBT Bank in Nazareth ($5 a large turnout resulted in from each ticket sold at this raising nearly $1,000 for the location benefits Vision of Center.” Eagles), during regular GalThe winner of the contest lery hours (Tues. and Thurs received four hours of studio noon – 2:00 p.m.), and sold time from Little Creek Re- by Upper Nazareth Clippers, cording Studio in Nazareth, Lower Nazareth Wildcats, production assistance from Blue Eagle Alumni FoundaGar Francis of Bongo Boy Re- tion, Bath Borough Revitalcords, an Olympus CD quali- ization, Nazareth Downtown ty audio recorder, a 30 minute Development Committee, set at Martin on Main, and a and other local non-profit 30 minute set at the Thrill on organizations. Each selling the Hill. organization will receive $5 Thrill on the Hill from each ticket sold by them. The second annual “Thrill The Nazareth Center for on the Hill” will take place at the Arts is an IRS tax exempt the Nazareth Borough Park non-profit organization loamphitheatre on August cated at 30 Belvidere Street, 21 and features the Craig Nazareth. The Center feaThatcher Band, The Large tures a different gallery artist Flowerheads, the Little Red each month, art classes, and Rooster Band, Eva Katherine live music. & the Lonesome Souls and Band Slam winner Crystal Locus. Tickets for the event are $15.00, bands begin at 1:00 “I hear you had dancing at p.m. and there will be solo your lawn party yesterday.” and duo acts performing “It was quite unpremeditat“tweener” sets before and be- ed; one of the guests accidentween band sets. tally upset a beehive.”
What A Dance!
Rain fell and shut down the event around 530 p.m. (two hours early.)
Martin on Main and Band Slam held, Now it’s time for Thrill on the Hill For the second year, the Nazareth Center for the Arts hosted a stage at Martin on Main with live music featuring local, regional, and national performers. Inside the Center, people visited the art gallery and browsed a range of art and music related items for sale and drawings to win a Martin Guitar, Olympus
audio recorder, tough camera, and the brand new HD Video and CD Quality Audio recorder. Each Thursday in July bands competed to make the finals of Band Slam with a fan vote (donations to the Nazareth Center for the Arts) and judges’ vote. The finals featured Plastic Burn, Stereo Si-
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lent, Frank Porter’s Problem Children, and Crystal Lotus. When the votes were in and combined, Crystal Lotus won and the other three all tied. “It was a great night to be outside at the Borough Park listening to music,” said Ross
6 THE HOME NEWS August 11-17, 2011 two opponents, seem to have little chance. The third opponent, Clemson, could have a chance, though only a slim one. Florida Atlantic haslittle chance. The next Auburn foe, South Carolina, may have a chance. Steve Spurrier has been building better and better By Pete Fritchie Gamecock elevens since departing Florida. ✷✷✷ Arkansas, 10-3 last seaSports eyes will be on Au- son, has a chance. Florida, burn this college football sea- next, has little chance. LSU, son, the Tigers were 14-0 last following Florida, 11-2 last year, recalling their past glory season, has a chance. Mississippi, Georgia and Stanford, seasons. What teams which Auburn next, have little chance.The play this season have the best last game against historic richance to end the Tiger win- val Alabama, November 26th, ning streak? Utah State and could be close--Alabama last Mississippi State, their first year was 10-3.
dry clothes, in case you get wet. And participants should wear closed-toe footwear. The program will be canceled in the event of high water, heavy rain or severe thunderstorms. To register for this Lehigh River Bike & Boat Adventure, contact Jim Wilson at 484-2399977, or send email to jameswilson@northamptoncd.org. A Bike & Boat Program letter, liability release form, directions to Sand Island and instructions on where to send payment will be sent to you.
Watershed Association sponsors Bike & Boat Adventure
Blue Star Mothers, Lehigh Valley Chapter 201 are pleased to announce their first annual golf tournament. It will be held at Whitetail Golf Course on September 17th. The golf course is located on Klein Road in Bath (Moore Township). The Mothers invite golfers to come out to enjoy a fun day of golfing at beautiful Whitetail Golf Course and at the same time raise money for our marines, soldiers and sailors who are fighting for our freedom. All of the money raised by this event will go towards doing what we do best, supporting our troops. We will ship care packages, provide funds for the families of injured soldiers to travel, assist veterans in financial crisis, sponsor Christmas parties for the children of deployed military (complete with Santa and presents), hold welcome home parties for returning troops, and community outreach. Registration opens at 11:30
The Bertsch-Hokendauqua-Catasauqua Watershed Association, in partnership with the Wildlands Conservancy, invites the public to “Bike & Boat” the Lehigh River on Saturday, August 20. Program participants will meet in the parking lot at Sand Island in Bethlehem, near the green bike trailer, at 2:00pm for this four- to fivehour, guided, round-trip bicycle and canoe adventure. Come experience the beauty and excitement of the Lehigh, while learning about the natural and cultural history of the Lehigh Valley’s namesake river. Registration is $35 per person and is open to adults and children at least 10 years of age. The deadline to register is August 17. Registration and payment is required before the August 20 program. From Sand Island in Beth-
lehem, participants will bike along the Lehigh Canal Towpath upriver 4.5 miles to Canal Park in Allentown. From there, we’ll switch to twoperson canoes and paddle the 4.5 miles downriver, back to Sand Island. The bike trail is flat, wide and well-surfaced for bike riding. And the river is easy to navigate, with sections of slow moving water and gentle riffles that provide the excitement of canoeing on a river! It’s not unusual to see abundant wildlife, like herons, hawks, osprey, deer and turkey in a setting of surprising natural beauty. Bikes, helmets, canoes, paddles, personal floatation devices (life jackets), naturalist instructors and water safety officers will all be provided. Participants should bring food, plenty of water, sunscreen and a change of
Night ?
Open Bowling BOWLERS Saturday Night 6:30 P.M. - ? NEEDED
Monday & Wednesday NEW: SUNDAY NIGHTNight OPEN BOWLING 6:00 p.m. - ? Mixed League Starting time 6 pm Tuesday Night Men’s League Starting time 9 pm Friday Night Men’s League Starting time 6:30 pm Sat. Morning Kids League StartingBOWLING time 9 am OPEN Sunday Afternoon Afternoon1:00 Men’s Tuesday pm League - 3:30 pm FridayStarting Morningtime 10:00 1 am pm - Noon
HT OPEN .m. - ?
Teeing off for the Troops, Blue Star Mothers having Golf Tournament
Outdoors :: By “Hobby”
Game Commission Officer Reports to County Federation Each month, when the Northampton County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs has its meetings, conservation officers from the Pa. Game Commission (Brad Kreider) and Pa. Fish & Boat Commission (Jeff Sabo) report the latest information at hand on what’s going on with those agencies and for the state’s sportsmen and women. At the July meeting, Kreider noted a mentored hunting bill that was signed by Governor Corbett, who when he held another state office was a regular attendee at PFSC conventions . He also reported on a PGC waterfowl briefing in Harrisburg this month. . . .West Nile Virus from mosquitos is rampant, but thank goodness there’s no sign of chronic wasting disease in
Pennsylvania’s deer and elk herds. . . . Northampton County has four active nests of Bald Eagles. . . . Each county WCO has been asked to collect five raccoons for study by a state biologist on ringworm. Kreider also mentioned the Sunday hunting bill, which if passed would have the PGC setting regulations. But presently under Title 34, Sunday hunting is prohibited except for crows. State Representative Marcia Hahn is planning a meeting, probably in the fall at a local club, to discuss the topic of Sunday hunting. As noted, the sportsmen are split on it, but only favor it on State Game Lands, fearing farmers would put up “No Trespassing” signs more if the law went into effect. Sabo wasn’t present at the recent meeting in Keystone Rod & Gun Club, but the two WCO’s are expected to attend when the Federation meets on August 22 at 7:30 p.m. in the Lower Mt. Bethel Visitors Center near Riverton, east of Rt. 611. The Federation Board of Directors will be meeting on Friday, Aug. 19 when the Northampton County Junior Conservation School has its awards night at Blue Mountain Fish & Game, Danielsville. The fall PFSC convention will be Sept. 16-18 at the Radisson Harrisburg Hotel in Camp Hill. Usually, agency reports are heard from on the Saturday of the convention., It will be different this time. They will be given on Friday so that the Pennsylvania Outdoors Forum on Marcellus Development and Penn’s Woods will held all day (9 to 3) Saturday.
Satu Open and the shotgun start is at 1 PM Following the tournament dinner will be provided with an award ceremony. Contests with prizes will include Men's Longest Drive, Women's Longest Drive, Closest to the Pin Pot of Gold, 1st, 2nd, 3rd place winners. Player entry fee is $80. Price includes golf and the awards dinner. Sponsorships are available at all levels. To register or for more information, please contact Jan Miller at 610-588-7330. Blue Star Mothers is a 501c3 organization and contributions are tax deductible.
SUNDAY AUGUST 21st 9am-1pm 4685 Lehigh Drive, Walnutport
Sports Quiz
1. When does Auburn (140) play Arkansas (10-3) (football)? 2. When does Ohio State (12-1) play Miami? 3. For whom does Doug Fister pitch (M.L.)? 4. In what sport is Carl Edwards famous? 5. Who were top M.L. hitters end of July? Answers: 1. Oct. 8, at Arkansas. 2. Sept. 17, at Miami. 3. Detroit Tigers. 4. Car racing. 5. Adrian Gonzalez, Boston, A.L., Jose Reyes, Mets, N.L.
Lionshead Bottles and Cans
Open: Mon.-Thurs. 9am-8pm. • Fri 9am-9pm. Sat. 8am-9pm • Sun. 12 Noon to 5pm.
Monitor 2200 New Monitor 2400
5966 Nor-Bath Blvd., Imperial Plaza • 610-837-8800
Other Matters • While Chairman Maynard Campbell recommended a binder course on S. Penn-Dixie Rd., secretarytreasurer Richard Gable said there are other roads in more serious need. Vice Chairman Loris Cacciola said the township should work on most of the roads, notably Kern Rd. and Glaze Rd. Kern Rd. stones wash out and Rabbit Rd. needs work. Both are dirt roads, which the board noted
run up endless costs for labor and materials. In the end, the board voted to use recycled material for Kern Rd. and roll it at a cost of $10,000. PennDixie Rd. work could have cost about $65,000. • A pipe and swale on Woodstone Drive were noted as a condition of storm drainage that is a problem. Engineer Al Kortze said there is a blockage on the swale and pipe with brush and small trees. Rodney Jarinko, a homeowner in the area, said if all the property owners cooperate, the problem can be solved. Kortze said the de-
Let our knowledgeable, experienced staff help & guide you! Largest Selection of Trees, Shrubs, & Perennials in the Lehigh Valley SUPER AUGUST SALE
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746 COPELLA ROAD • BATH (MOORESTOWN) • 610-759-2556
HOURS: MONDAY thru FRIDAY 8 to 7; SATURDAY 8 to 5; SUNDAY 9 to 5
Water Carnival
Saturday, August 20th, 2011 10am to 2pm at Fireman’s Field Chestnut St. & Creek Rd., Bath All school age Boys & Girls are welcome to Join Cub Pack 33 to learn how Boy Scouting can be Fun with a Water carnival featuring: Rain Gutter Regatta, Slip n’ Slide, Water Balloon Toss, Water Rockets, Water Ball Battle and More
***Snacks available for purchase during event***
bris comes in and is clogged in the corregated pipe, and it would be better if the pipe is replaced with plastic or concrete. Easements wouldn’t be needed, Backenstoe said, because the pipe is under the township road. Gable will arrange a meeting of the property owners and engineer to work out a solution. • Letters are being sent out to home-owners who have not complied with the ordinance that requires reflective numbered signs in front of their properties. The deadline had been May 31 and has been extended to July 31, but after that, all who have not placed the signs are subject to a $300 fine. ”It’s all for your benefit,” Gable said, “so that the fire department, police or ambulance people can find you [in an emergency].” Edwin Keller, owner of the Copella Store, said he sold close to 900 signs, even though about 60% of the people were upset about it. He said a state trooper told him that he relies on the reflective numbers more than GPS. • It was revealed that Aqua Water Co. will be doing a $430,000 infrastructure improvement project at Evanwood to improve water flow for the properties in that development off Rt. 512. • Police Chief Gary West received approval for an officer to undergo training for the Drug & Alcohol Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) program on Sept. 12-23 at a cost of $175. The D.A.R.E. program hasn’t been offered at Moore Elementary School since Officer Robert Peloquin left the
Moore Twsp. Police Department for his new position as police chief in the Northampton Area School District. Three part-time police officers were approved for hiring: Kevin Jones, Jonathan Miklich, and Robert Tourney. West’s report for July showed: 278 total incidents; 28 warning/verbal and written notices; 25 traffic citations; 3 non-traffic citations; 3 under the burning ordinance; 5 arrests (2 drug violations, 1 small amount of drugs, 1 accident involving injury and property damage, and 1 DUI); 7 reportable and 1 nonreportable accidents. • In his recreation report, Sterling Laubach said there were 14 teams in a softball tournament and 17 in another, and the fall soccer tournament will be in early November. He noted that Wallace Schlegel has donated two swing sets for the recreation center. • The board approved the appraisal of the Paul Schmoyer Farm at $5,110 for 17 of 20 acres, costing the township $86,870 from its Farmland Preservation Fund, taken
LATTE M wide variety of
Hot & Cold Sandwiches
THE HOME NEWS August 11-17, 2011 from the million dollars that has been set aside for that purpose. The price is contingent on the Schmoyers’ acceptance. • Tamara Rigler was appointed by the supervisors to serve as an alternate on the zoning hearing board. • Gable thanked Glenn Shoemaker for the work that was done with the newsletter recently sent out by the Environmental Advisory Council to all township residents. • In development actions: the Rt. 512 Industrial Park Road will be dedicated after maintenance of 18 months; Blue Mountain View maintenance was tabled; Pheasant Ridge lot one had its extension of final approval granted until Sept. 30; $2,401 was released from maintenance for Ken Faust; and escrow was released at the end of maintenance for Southmoore Crossings.
She: “Doesn’t a still, small voice tell you when you do something wrong?” He: “No, a loud, large voice does--I’m married.”
2716 Community Dr. Bath Pa (610) 837-1800 Bear honey Farms LoCaL Fresh honey
Fresh Homemade Salads
Homemade Pies & Cakes ~ Emmaus Bakery Products Stop In And Let Us Take Care Of Friday Night Dinner With Ice Cream Hot Prepared Meals Every Friday Night The Ice
from Cream Lab
CaLL For sPeCiaLs oPen m-F 5am – 8Pm sat 6am – 6Pm sun 7am - 4Pm
PEACH FESTIVAL Saturday, August 13, 3pm-9pm at Salem UCC, 2218 Community Dr. (Rt. 946) Bath, Pa.
Music by Midnight Special Food • Games • Cakewalk • Bingo • 51 Prize Raffle And More • Bring a Lawn Chair Bad Weather? -Food in the Church 3-7pm
8 THE HOME NEWS August 11-17, 2011
SENIOR CITIZENS Visit and Participate in Senior Center Activities Visit a senior center and check out all the fun things going on there.Local centers include: Mid-County Senior Center, 234 S. Walnut St., Bath; Nazareth Senior Center, 15 S. Wood St.; Northampton Senior Center, in Grace UCC Church, 9th St & Lincoln Ave., and Cherryville Senior Center at Hope Lutheran Church, Rt. 248, Lehigh Township. MID COUNTY SENIOR CENTER For meal reservations call: 610-837-1931 Thurs. 8/11: 9:00 Pool/
Cards/Games/Puzzles 10:15 Sing-a-long 11:30 Lunch 12:30 Penny Bingo Fri. 8/12: 9:00 Pool/Games/ Cards 10:15 Council Meeting 11:30 Lunch 12:15 Pinochle Mon. 8/15: 9:00 Pool/ Games/Cards/Puzzles 11:30 Lunch Tues. 8/16: 9:00 Pool/Cards/ Games/Puzzles/Stained Glass 9:45 Exercise 11:30 Lunch 12:30 Bingo Wed. 8/17: 9:00 Pool/Cards/ Games/Puzzles 10:00 Shopping Spree 11:30 Lunch 12:30 Crafts/Ceramics CHERRYVILLE For meal reservations call: 610-767-2977
Thurs. 8/11 9:00 Puzzles/ Crafts/Quilts 12:45 Games/ Cards Now You See It, Now You Don’t Fri. 8/12: 10:00 Cards/Puzzles/Games Mon. 8/15: 10:00 Puzzles/ Cards 11:15 Exercise 12:45 Sundae Ice Cream Tues. 8/16: 9:00 Crafts/ Quilts 10:00 Puzzles/Cards 12:45 Mystery Dinner Theatre Wed. 8/17: 10:00 Cards/ Puzzles 11:00 Exercise 12:45 Regular Bingo NAZARETH For meal reservations call: 610-759-8255 Thurs. 8/11: 9:00 Exercise Group 10:30 Bean Bags/Ring Toss Golf Fri. 8/12: 9:30 Misc. Games 10:15 Regular Bingo Mon. 8/15: 9:00 Exercise Group 9:30 Council Meeting 10:30 Game Room Fun Tues. 8/16: 10:00 Exercise w/Marion 10:15 Speaker on Elder Law
Save the Date !
Cement Worker Of Month
Lucas Rocky Schoeneberger
Friday, August 12th – 6:30 pm FREE Acupuncture Seminar “ Acupuncture “ can treat: Neck or Cervical Pain Lower Back Pain – Sciatica Jaw and Facial Pain Arthritis and Arthritic Pain Anxiety - Depression Stress Related Disorders Insomnia - Headaches - Migraines Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Irritable Bowel Syndrome Sports and Motor Vehicle Injuries PMS and Menstrual Problems Smoking Addiction - Mesothelioma See if this could be the right treatment for you!
Presented by Heather Shoup, L.Ac. of Balanced Acupuncture Free Information and Demonstration Part of our Lifelong Learning Program
Other upcoming seminars include: Veterans Benefits, Legal Seminar, Sleep Disorders, Senior Nutrition, Medicare Insurance Supplements…. Hosted at
Sacred Heart Senior Living
by the Creek
602 East 21st Street ( Rte. 329 ), Northampton PA 18067
Hercules, Buzzi Unicem Stockertown
Wed. 8/17: 10:00 Crafts 11:15 Sing w/Anita NORTHAMPTON For meal reservations call: 610-262-4977 Thurs. 8/11: 9:00 Cards/Puzzles 10:30 Blood Pressure’s w/ Dorothy 12:00 Lunch Fri. 8/12: 9:00 Cards/Puzzles 12:00 Lunch Bingo after Lunch Mon. 8/15 9:00 Cards/Puzzles 12:00 Lunch Tues. 8/16: 9:00 Cards/ Puzzles “Whatcha-m-Call it Day” Bring in a item to guess 12:00 Lunch Wed. 8/17: 9:00 Cards/ Puzzles 10:45-11:45 United Healthcare w/Anrea Information Table Medicare/Medicade12:00 Lunch LUNCHES: Thurs. 8/11: Chili, Corn, Corn Muffin, Fruit Fri. 8/12: Pollock, Beets, Noodles, Bread, Pineapple
Call to reserve your seat - 610-262-4300 For more information go to:
Mon. 8/15: Chicken, Yams, Spinach, Bread, Peaches Tues. 8/16: Spaghetti, Veggie Blend, Applesauce, Roll, Pears Wed. 8/17: Fish, Potatoes, Beats, Bread, Fruit
Who Knows?
1. Name the well-known doctor in the early part of the century to fight against yellow fever. 2. When was the first issue of the New York Daily News published? 3. How was the Department of Justice created? 4. What president signed the G.I. Bill of Rights? 5. Name the 22nd and 24th U.S. president. Answers: 1. Dr. Walter Reed. 2. In 1919. 3. By an act of Congress, in 1870. 4. Franklin D. Roosevelt, in 1944. 5. Grover Cleveland.
Major Appliance Service
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30 YEARS EXPERIENCE 610-746-9888 • 610-837-8899
Serving the Entire Lehigh Valley
Loaves & Fishes Soup Kitchen will be serving this Saturday, August 13th at 11:30 a.m. at Christ Church in Bath.
DaviD H. Warner, DPM, FaCFaS 198 S. Green St., Nazareth 610-759-4555
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ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS Free Off-Street Parking Handicap Accessible
Most Insurance Accepted
The Lehigh Township Country Fair committee announces the dates and location of the 20th Annual Lehigh Township Country Fair have moved. This year’s dates will be Friday, August 26 (5pm-11pm) and Saturday, August 27 (1pm-11pm). The location of the Fair will be at the Lehigh Township Volunteer Fire Co. #1 which is l at Route 248 and Blue Mountain Drive in Cherryville. Plenty of parking will be available in the Bethany Wesleyan Church parking lots which are directly across the street. The Fair will still have its fantastic fireworks show as well as musical entertainment, Chinese Auction, crafters and vendors, plenty of
food and games and rides! Look for more exciting changes this year! See ad on page 16.
Softball Tryouts
The Valley Shockers Girls Fastpitch Tournament Softball Club will be holding open tryouts for its U12, U14, U16, and U18 teams at the Northampton Athletic Assoc. on August 20, 21, 27 and 28 from 11am to 1pm- all dates. For more info call Steve @ 484-553-7250 or call/text Kevin @ 610-762-3805 or email at coachm@enter.net. Stars Tournament Softball 2012 tryout dates for 12U, 14U, 16U, & 18U - Aug. 14 from 1:00 to 3:00 at Allen
AfFORDable Pet Center Inc. Family Owned & Operated
Full Line Pet Store for your Cats, Dogs, Birds, Tropical Fish & Small Animals. Natural Food Section, Major Brand Food, Pet Toys, Gifts, Treats
Everything you need to keep your pets Happy & Healthy!
610-440-0245 • Hrs. Mon.-Sat. 9-8 2022 Main St., Northampton (lower level - rear) parking in Municipal Lot Reader’s Choice Award 2009/2010
THE HOME NEWS August 11-17, 2011
Township’s Athletic Association complex. Additional information, please contact: Mike – 610-704-2390 or Ted 610-417-5049
School Board
Continued from page 1
homebound instructors, effective Sept. 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012 was set in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement. • Matthew Rutz was hired as district security guard, effective Aug. 26. • Revised curricula were approved for the following: fine arts and digital arts, music, world language, science, elementary language arts, and elementary mathematics. • A one-year service agreement was approved with Exercise Equipment Repair of Bath to service the exercise equipment in the high school’s adaptive gym. The annual fee from Aug. 1, 2011 to July 31, 2012 is $350, with extra fees for special call outs.
Healthy Eating Millions depend on a cup or two of coffee to wake up in the morning and begin the daily routine. The latest advice is another warning against getting addicted to coffee. It's a caffeine habit. To end addiction, drink a bit less each day for weeks. Continue this until you no longer feel adverse effects when skipping coffee.
“I suppose this talk about a sailor’s life being all wine, women and song is exaggerated?” “It is. There’s not that much singing.”
HOT…HOT…HOT!!!!! INDOOR YARD SALE Summer Clearance Sale Savings up to
95% OFF!
Store full of $1 - $2 & $5 items Everything in store on SALE & NEW ITEMS WEEKLY
Bob’s Flower Shop 1214 Main St., Northampton “Where Quality Counts”
In Service Has AF Basic
Air Force Airman Scott A. Martin graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas. The airman completed an intensive, eight-week program that included training in military discipline and studies, Air Force core values, physical fitness, and basic warfare principles and skills. Airmen who complete basic training earn four credits toward an associate in applied science degree through the Community College of the Air Force. The son of Richard Martin of Yeats Run, Northampton. Scott graduated in 2006 from Northampton Area High School.
St. Luke’s UCC
Peach Festival
474 Belfast Rd.
Saturday August 13, 2010 3:00 – 8:00 PM Delicious Homemade Foods:
Hot Roast Beef, Sausage Sandwiches, Turkey BBQ, Cheeseburgers, Hot Dogs, Potato Salad, Macaroni Salad, Baked Beans And Coleslaw
Sweet Desserts: Funnel Cake, Peaches, Peach Pie, Short Cake w/peaches, Libby’s Ice Cream
Beverages: Water, Soda, Iced Tea, Hot Coffee And Tea Entertainment: Bingo 3-4 P.M. Cake Walk 4-5 P.M. v Live Music: The Majestics 5-8 P.M.
W e ’ l l B e a t A n y C o m p e t i t o r ’s P r i c e
Amey’s Clean Rite Septic Cleaning
• Holding Tanks
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Phone • 610-767-4313
George, Linda, Louise & Troy
system service 10.00 OFF Your next septic with this AD
THE HOME NEWS August 11-17, 2011
Two programs at Moravian Hall Square The River City Band will perform an outdoor concert 7 pm, Friday, August 12 in the Pleasure Garden of Moravian Hall Square, 175 W. North St., Nazareth. The band is part of the Water Gap Banjo Band. The concert is free and open to the public. In case of inclement weather, the performance will be in Kortz Hall. Shelley Brown, president SCHMIDT FUNERAL HONOREES included Jane A. Follweiler and Patricia A. Werner. – Contributed photo
Schmidt funeral Home honored
The Pennsylvania Funeral Directors Association (PFDA) honored Schmidt Funeral Home for 100 years of dedicated professional service to the communities of Nazareth and Wind Gap. The award was presented by William Schleifer PFDA President at a special recognition ceremony event at the 130th annual PFDA Convention & Expo held in Grantville. Schmidt Funeral Home, serving two locations in Nazareth and Wind Gap, was established in 1911 and
is recognized as the first full service funeral home in the Slate Belt area. Today, Jane A. Follweiler and Patricia A. Werner, licensed funeral directors, are co-owners/operators of the Schmidt Funeral Home, P.C. Jane began her career over 23 years ago as apprentice to the late Dale E. Schmidt. Patricia, also an instructor in funeral service education at Northampton Community College, serves as the vice-president of Eastern Pa. Funeral Directors Association.
and CEO of the State Theatre, will present a program on the gem in Easton and its history, successes and varied entertainment 10:30 am, Tuesday, August 16, in Kortz Hall of Moravian Hall Square, 175 W. North St., Nazareth. The program is free and open to the public, but reservations are required by calling 610.746.1000 or online at www.moravian.com.
Humorist, screenwriter to Perform at Bangor Aug. 18
Janet Clazzy is coming to Bangor on Thursday Aug. 18th to do a FREE performance, sharing humorous stories and playing the WX5 wind machine, an instrument that looks like an electric clarinet, but plays the sounds of 250 different instruments. Janet's story is quite amazing. Years ago she came from a horrific divorce and was left with three sons to raise. Not only did she do that successfully, but her accomplishments are wide ranging. Janet Clazzy was also involved in writing and performing the music scores for the following: 1. 13 movies, some of which have won awards. See the website www.extraordinary-
filmproject.com 2. A comedy series entitled Commons that was shown on stations owned by Time Warner in the eastern New York area. 3. Two award winning short films shown on PBS in the eastern New York area with an audience of 4 million people. Check out her website at www.janethan.com to view her many other accomplishments.
4-H Fair
Continued from page 3
ties, and crafts will be offered. There will be goat milking, sheep/wool demonstrations,
Soffit • Gutters • Downspouts • Awnings • Roofing Patio Roofs • Carports • Replacement Windows Free Estimates ★ Fully Insured 10 a.m. refreshments 10:30 a.m. program
2815 Whitetail Deer Dr., Bath 610-837-0913
Tuesday, August 16
The State Theatre a gem in Easton
Shelley Brown, president & CEO
Ralph’s Appliance, For All Your Major Appliance Needs!
Ralph’s Appliance
Kortz Hall Moravian Hall Square 175 W. North St., Nazareth
150 South Main Street, Nazareth Sales 610-759-5495 Service 610-759-8605
Reservations required 610.746.1000 or online at www.moravian.com
Ralph’s: Your Best, Local, Full Service Appliance Discounter
Mon-Thurs. 8:30 a.m.-5:45 p.m. Fri. 8:30 a.m.-8 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
reptiles, family games, crafts, a demonstration on bee keeping, and more for the general public and youth to view and in which to participate. Friday, Aug. 12th, will see the Rabbit & Cavy show starting at 9 AM, followed by the Sheep Show, the Market Goat Show, and the Dairy Goat Show. The Swine Show will start at 5 PM. There will be a Reptile and Amphibian Program at 6 PM. Saturday, Aug. 13th, will start at 10 AM with the Beef Show, 2 PM will begin the Poultry Show. At 4 PM there will be a Fashion Revue presented by the Clothing and Textile 4-H members. A Dog Agility demonstration will be held at 5 PM, the Best In Show Presentations follow at 6 PM. 6:30 PM heralds in the cake walk, followed by the family games until 9 PM. Sunday, Aug. 14th, is the day of the horses, with the horse show starting at 9 AM. The ever fabulous Chicken B-B-Q will start at noon, until the chicken is gone. Come see some beautiful horses perform while you eat a mouth watering chicken dinner. The 4-H program is open to youths ages 8-18 and offers over 150 hands-on learning opportunity. Members and volunteers are always welcome.
Homme volunteer Of month at Gracedale
The Gracedale Volunteer Recruitment Committee has announced that the volunteer of the month for August 2011 is Franklin L. Homme. Frank started volunteering at Gracedale in February 2005, shortly after retiring from the medical field as a CNA. He has dedicated himself to the accumulation of more than 939 hours during his 6-1/2 years of service. He is the faithful volunteer who works whenever and wherever he is needed, transporting the residents to social events, picnics, luncheons and parties. Frank also helps with field trips, which is invaluable to the Therapeutic Recreation staff. Mr. Homme is dedicated to the Volunteer Services Department. Along with his dedication, he is caring to the residents and works well with his co-workers, always willing to lend a helping hand. Frank also volunteers his time and talent in his community and church, recently receiving the Disabled American Veterans life member award and the American Legion Hospital Award for volunteer work. The committee is happy to send their congratulations to Frank Homme for his commitment to excellence to volunteering at Gracedale. They thanked him for his valuable time and wanted him to know how very much he is appreciated.
Church Directory ADVENT MORAVIAN, (610) 8680477 Jacksonville Rd., Bethlehem. Sun 8:30am Worship; 9:30am Sun School; 10:45am Worship ASSUMPTION BVM PARISH, 2174 Lincoln Ave., Northampton. 610-2622559. Sun 8/10:30am Mass; Mon, Tue, Thurs & Fri – 8am Mass; Wed– 7pm Worship; Sat – 4:00 pm BANGOR CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE, 150 Bunny Trail, Bangor. 610-588-6929 Sun 9:30am SS for all ages; 10:40am Worship; Children’s Church Tues. 6 p.m. Young ladies bible study, 7 p.m. young men’s bible study BETHANY WESLEYAN, 675 Blue Mountain Drive, Cherryville. 610-7671239. Sun - 9/10:30am Worship BUSHKILL UNITED METHODIST, Church Rd., Clearfield, Bushkill Twp. Sun 9:15 a.m. Worship, 10:30 a.m. SS CARPENTER’S COMMUNITY CHURCH, 4609 Newburg Rd, Nazareth, 484-285-0040 Sun 10am Worship CHAPMAN QUARRIES UNITED METHODIST, 1433 Main St., Chapman, Bath.610-837-0935 10am, SS for all ages, 11am, Worship CHRIST U.C.C., S. Chestnut St., Bath. Thurs. 7:30 p.m. Mission Church, , Sat. Loves & Fishes 11:30 a.m., Sun. 9th after Pentecost Worship 9:30 am w/nursery. 4 p.m. Mission Church. Wed. Mission Church 7:30 p.m. CHRIST U.C.C., 5050 Airport Rd., Allentown. Schoenersville. Sun. Worship 10:15 a.m. CHRIST U.C.C. – LITTLE MOORE, 913 S. Mink Rd. Danielsville. Sun 9am Worship 10:30 Bible Study CONCORDIA LUTHERAN CHURCH 3285 Pheasant Dr. (Pool Rd.) Northampton Sun 9am Worship, 10:30am SS & Bible Class COVENANT UNITED METHODIST, 2715 Mt. View Dr., Bath. 610837-7517. HA Sun. 8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Worship, 9:15 a.m. SS,. DRYLAND U.C.C., Newburg Rd., Nazareth. 610-759-4444 Sun – B-fast 8 a.m., Worship 9:30 a.m.. EGYPT COMMUNITY CHURCH, 4129 S Church St. Whitehall (Egypt)
610-262-4961 Sun. – Worship - 10:30 a.m. SS 9:00 a.m., H/C accessible. EMMANUEL'S LUTH Valley View Drive, Bath. Sun – 9:30am Cont. Worship – FH, – 9:30am Trad. Worship FAITH REFORMED, 4394 Mountain View Drive, Rt. 946, Lehigh Twsp. Sun - Worship 10 am. GRACE BIBLE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH, 100 E. Beil Ave., Nazareth 610-759-7039 Sun. 9:30 a.m. Worship, SS 10:30, Evening Worship 6 p.m. GOOD SHEPHERD LUTHERAN, 1335 Old Carriage Rd., Northampton Sun – 8:30/10 a.m. GOD'S MISSIONARY CHURCH, 4965 Nor-Bath Blvd., Northampton. Sun – 9:30am SS (children & adults); 10:30am & 7pm Service; Sunday Evening Youth 6:30pm. GOSPEL CHAPEL, 2022 Main Street, Northampton Worship 10 a.m. GRACE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, 404 E. Mountain Rd, Pen Argyl Sun –Service, 8:30am & 9:45am HOLY CROSS EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN, 696 Johnson Rd., Nazareth. Worship 8am/9:30am Holy Communion. Tues. 6:30 Bible Study HOLY FAMILY ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, Forest Drive and W. Center St, Nazareth Sun – 7am/9am/11am Mass, Tues. 6:30 bible study HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH, 1235 Main St., Northampton 610-262-2668 Sun. – 10:30 a.m. Worship. Communion 1st Sun. of the Month. SS 9:15 a.m. HOLY TRINITY SLOVAK LUTHERAN, 1370 Washington Ave., Northampton Sun Worship - 9am; SS, 9am HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH 4131 Lehigh dr., Cherryville Sun– 8:00/9:30 am, Communion, MOUNT EATON CHURCH Saylorsburg, PA 570-992-7050 Sun. July 24, - Tues. 26 p.m. Heaven’s Gate & Hell’s Flames. Free with children’s ministry. NEW CHRISTIAN HARVEST AME ZION CHURCH 1500 MacArthur Rd., Whitehall 610-297-2950 Sun. 11 a.m. NAZARETH MORAVIAN CHURCH,
Christ U.C.C. Church - Danielsville
In the Church Grove on Rt. 946, between Klecknersville & Danielsville
Saturday auguSt 20th 3-9pm (rain date: Sunday. auguSt 21St 12-6 pm)
Turkey Barbecue
Filling & Gravy
Sausage Sandwiches
Pierogies &
Strawberry Shortcake
Hot Dogs
French Fries
Funnel Cake
Cabbage & Noodles
Steak Sandwiches
raFFle Over 115 Prizes for $2 or 3 for $5
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P.O. Box 315 Nazareth PA 610-7593163 Sun- Communion 9:30 a.m. Worship. NORTHAMPTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD, 3449 Cherryville Road Northampton Sun – 10:45am & 6pm Worship; 9:30am SS; Wed – 7:30pm Worship QUEENSHIP OF MARY CHURCH, 1324 Newport Ave., Northampton 610-262-2227 Sun. – 7:30/9:30/11:30 a.m. Service. Holy day & Vigil – 6:30, 9 a.m.; Vigil 7 p.m. SACRED HEART CATHOLIC, Washington St., Bath. Sat Vigil– 4:30pm/6pm Mass, Sun Masses: 6:45/8/9:30/11am; child care during 9:30am Mass; Mon– Thurs 8am Mass; Fri – 8:30am Mass Morning Prayer Mon-Thurs 7:30am Fri. 8:00am. SALEM U.C.C., 2218 Community Dr., Bath. Summer worship at 9:30; last Sunday of each month worship outdoors in our grove. SALEM UNITED METHODIST, 1067 Blue Mt. Dr., Danielsville. Sun – Worship 9:30am ST. BRIGID’S EPISCOPAL 310 Madison Ave. Nazareth Sun – Holy Eucharist 9am ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH, 2 06 E. Main St., Bath. 610-837-1061 Sun 8am Current Events & Faith 9 a.m. Worship – Communion 1st & 3rd Sun. ST. JOHN’S EV. LUTHERN CHURCH, 200 S. Broad St., Nazareth 610-759-3090. Sun. –9 a.m. Sat. 5:30 p.m. No SS in Summer ST. JOHN’S U.C.C., 22 Atlas Rd., Northampton. Sun – 8/10:15am Worship, 9am SS ST. JOHN’S U.C.C., 183 S. Broad St., Nazareth. 610-759-0893 Sun –- 8:00 and 10:00am Worship, Thurs. 7 p.m. Sacred Voices, Office closed Fri., St. John’s UCC. 15 S. 2nd St., Slatington 610-767-5554. Worship: 9 A.M. Nursery available, H A Aug 5. Gospel Concert 7:30 p.m. ST. NICHOLAS CATHOLIC CHURCH, Route 946 and Oak Rd, (Berlinsville) Walnutport. 610-7673107 Sun Masses at 8/9:30/11am and Sat evening at 4:30pm Daily Mass at 8:30am ST. PAUL’S UCC, 19th & Lincoln Ave., Northampton, 610-261-2910. HA Sun. 9:30am Worship, Communion. 1st Sun. of Month. No SS. ST. PAUL’S U.C.C., of Indian land, 787 Almond Rd., Cherryville. Sun - Adult & youth SS, 9am; Worship, 10:15am ST. PETER’S U.C.C., 8142 Valley View Rd, Northampton (Seemsville). PA Sunday Worship 9 a.m. VALLEY VIEW BAPTIST, 2870 Pheasant Dr., Northampton (Rt. 248). Sun - Bible study, 9:30am; Morning worship, 10:45am WALNUTPORT SEVENTH-day ADVENTIST, 227 Willow Rd. (and Route 145) Sat – 9:30am Worship, - 10:45am Sabbath School ZION EVANGELICAL LUTHERN CHURCH, 1904 Main St., Northampton 610-261-1812 ZION'S STONE U.C.C., 51 Church Rd., Kreidersville. Sun- 9:00 am Worship ZION WESLEYAN, 2459 E. Scenic Dr., Pt. Phillip. SS 9am; Worship 10:15am
* Please send Church Schedules and activities to editorial@ HomeNewsPA.com. Or mail bulletins to PO BOX 39, BATH PA 18014. Church Directory is a free listing of area Churches in alphabetical order and includes: Services, Sunday school and Bible Study regular schedules. Please call the office for directions or more information. *SS – Sunday School, H/A – Handicapped Accessible.
We are currently scheduling Pastors to contribute a short Sermonette for our 2012 issues. If you would like to participate, please call 610-923-0382 or email info@ homenewspa.com with your Name, Church, Address, Phone & Email.
August 11-17, 2011
News Sermonette Rev. Edwin V. Schwartz
Immaculate Conception Church, Allentown
“It is I, be not afraid”… Human life is a mixture of that famous, “Smile and a Tear.” We have our ups and downs in life. We attend weddings and funerals. Parents witness graduations and often failures of their children as well. Married life can be like the smell of roses and then turn into a nightmare. Friends may disappoint us and we may witness infidelity not only in our government but even in our church. All this may leave us confused and downcast. What are we to do? Are we to give up faith in God? Queen Jezebel threatened the life of Elijah. He went to a cave in search of God: He prayed and encountered God in a tiny whispering voice. Jesus’ best friend, John the Baptist was beheaded in jail. Jesus went up the mountain by himself to pray. When it was evening he was there alone. The night that Jesus’ disciples were in trouble in the boat, they were being filled with waves, they were being tossed about in the sea. Lack of faith made them desperate and perhaps Peter, becoming frightened would have drowned if he had not cried out: “Lord, save me!” God’s word to everyone tossed about on the waves of life is: Find a quiet place for yourself, (is your church open week days?) Search for God, pray with faith: “Lord, save me!
BWC’s Bible Bowl team Places #1 in the nation
Nine teens from Bethany Wesleyan Church in Cherryville participated in the National Bible Bowl Tournament at Indiana Wesleyan University in Marion, IN. Teams compete in a Scholastic Scrimmage format on a book of the Bible. Team A (consisting of Zach Horon, Brittany DeFrain, Josh Kichline and Dallas Laubach) took first place in the A Division, while Team B (Rebekah Ahner, Abby Messinger, Mike Kichline, Nate Kich-
line and Mat Jacobson) took 6th place in the B Division. Several of the teens also received awards in Individual Quizzing, (Brittany took 3rd place and Josh took 4th), and Written categories, (Zach took 7th place and Josh took 10th). Zach also was awarded a Character Scholarship. Scholarships for the winning team and individual winners were provided by the five colleges belonging to The Wesleyan Church.
Bible Verse
Answers: 1. Jesus. 2. The Pharisees. 3. Jesus had caused a dumb man to speak. 4. Luke 11:17.
"Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; a house divided against a house falleth." 1. Who made this statement? 2. To whom was he speaking? 3. What happened just prior to this? 4. Where may this verse be found?
Some Cow! A preacher walked into a bar and asked for a glass of milk. By mistake he was given a glass of eggnog. After drinking it to the last drop, he raised his eyes upward and was heard to say, “Lord, what a cow!”
St. Peter’s UCC
8142 Valley View Road • Seemsville, Northampton
St. Peter’s U.C.C. 8142 Valley View Rd. Seemsville, Northampton
Worship 610-837-7426 9:00 a.m. “There Are No Strangers Here,
St. Peter’s U.C.C. 8142 ValleyOnly View Rd. Friends We Haven’t Met!” Seemsville, Northampton 610-837-7426
“There A re No Strangers Here,
12 THE HOME NEWS August 11-17, 2011
Obituaries John R. Davis
Michael D. Salmon
August 28, 1961 - August 7, 2011 Michael D. Salmon, 49, of Nazareth, died Sunday August 7. Michael was the husband of Michelle M (Schaffer) Salmon. Mike was employed by County of NorthamptonGracedale for 28 years. He graduated from Nazareth High School Class of 1978. Born on August 28, 1961 he was a son of Antonio D. and Barbara A. Simmer Salmon of Tatamy. In addition to his wife and parents, he is survived by a sister, Michele Broad, of Lower Saucon Township; a nephew, David William Broad; mother-in-law, Roseann Peters and husband Carlton, of Lakeland, FL; father-in-law, Erwin Schaffer, of Bethlehem; and uncle, Brent Zimmer, of Colorado Springs. He was predeceased by grandparents, Raymond and Loretta Zimmer and Bernard and Paula Salmon. Services will be at 7 p.m. on Thursday in the Strunk Funeral Home, Inc., 2101 Northampton Street, Easton, with calling hours prior from 5 to 7 p.m. Memorials may be made to the Nazareth Food Bank, P.O. Box 178, Nazareth, PA 18064.
May 10, 1921 – July 30, 2011 John R. Davis, 90, of Bushkill Township died Saturday, July 30 in Gracedale. He was the husband of the late Sadie (Rampulla) Davis, who died in 2007. He was a parts and service manager for Russell Motor Co., Riegelsville and also at the former Cooper Ford Co., Allentown. Mr. Davis had served in the Army as a first lieutenant, and was with Co. M, 47th Infantry during World War II. He served in four campaigns: Battle of the Bulge, Operation Torch in Africa, Invasion of Sicily, and Operation Overlord on D-Day in Normandy. He received the Purple Heart, one Silver Star and two Bronze Stars, and was cited in a memoir “The Echoes That Remain”, written by William Norris, with whom he served in the war. Born May 10, 1921 in Nazareth, he was a son of the late John, Sr. and Rose (Bonstein) Davis. He served as a Justice of the Peace in Upper Nazareth Township for six years. He was a member of Holy Family Church and the American Legion Post #415 in Nazareth, and was a co-founder and past president of the Clippers Assn and managed one of their baseball teams. Surviving are two sons, John R. Davis III of Moore Township and Thomas M. Davis of Upper Nazareth Township; a daughter, Christine Brooks, of Saylorsburg; two brothers, Russell of Upper Nazareth Township and Gerald of Phoenix, Ariz.; two sisters, Jean Metz of Moore Township and Doris Snyder of Bushkill Township; seven grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren. Preceding him in death were four sisters, Elizabeth Bartholomew, Roselle Gordino, Shirley Topping and Sylvia Kirchhoffer, and a brother, Kermit Davis. Services were held Monday morning in the Reichel Funer-
al Home, Nazareth, followed by burial with military honors in the parish cemetery.
Dorothy M. Clift
Sept. 3, 1923 – July 31, 2011 Dorothy M. Clift, 87, of Lower Nazareth Township died Sunday, July 31 in ManorCare, Bethlehem. She was the wife of the late Robert R. Clift, who died in 1995. She was an assembler at the former Western Electric in Allentown for many years. Born Sept. 3, 1923 in Northampton, she was a daughter of the late William and Carlotta (Walck) Keener. Surviving are two daughters, Janet F. Rothrock of Nazareth and Helen J. Hope of Marlboro, N.H.; two sons, Robert, Jr. of New Orleans, La., and Dennis of Allentown; two sisters, Marie Lapatchak of Walnutport and Betty Bauer; nine grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren. Preceding her in death were two sisters, Margaret Brown and Arlene Seyfried; two brothers, Robert and Kenneth Keener and a stepbrother, George Beisel. Services were held on Thursday morning in the Reichel Funeral Home, Nazareth, with burial in Greenwood Cemetery, Howertown. Donations may be made to the family, c/o the funeral home at 220 Washington Park, Nazareth, PA 18064.
Francis A. Zelena
Feb. 7, 1944 – August 4, 2011 Francis “Frank” A. Zelena, 67, of Bushkill Township died Thursday, August 4 in St. Luke’s Hospital, Fountain Hill. He was the husband of Rose (Engler) Zelena. A 1962 graduate of Catasauqua High School, he was a crane operator in ingot mold at the former Bethlehem Steel, retiring after 32 years, and was a union official for the grievance committee, and a shop steward for Local #2599. He was also the zoning officer in Bushkill Township for 20 years. Born Feb. 7, 1944 in Allentown, he was a son of the late Emil and Anna (Dorando) Zelena. He was a member of Holy Family Catholic Church, Nazareth, where he served on the building committee. In addition to his wife, he is survived by two sons, Peter of Bloomfield, Pa., and Michael,
of Palmerton; a daughter, Christine Fassl, of Nazareth; two brothers, Joseph of North Catasauqua and Michael of Laury’s Station; three sisters, Patricia Zelena of Catasauqua, Linda Legath of Northampton, and Elizabeth Schneck of Coopersburg; and five grandchildren. Services were on Wednesday in the Reichel Funeral Home, Nazareth, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial in the church and interment in the parish cemetery..
Dorothy P. Werkheiser
Sept. 22, 1929 – August 6, 2011 Dorothy P. Werkheiser, 81, of Danielsville died Saturday, August 6 in Palmerton Hospital. She was the wife of the late Roland A. Werkheiser, who died in 2004. She was a homemaker. Born Sept. 22, 1929 in Walnutport, she was a daughter of the late John and Marie (Klotz) Weber. She was a member of Zion’s Stone U.C.C. Church, Kreidersville. Surviving are a daughter, Dianne M. Pyatt, with whom she resided; a son, Dennis R. Werkheiser, of Walnutport; a sister, Margaret Pagotto, of Slatington; three grandchildren, J. P. Patterson of Danielsville, John Pyatt II of Green Sea, S.C., and Jehna Werkheiser of Walnutport; three great-grandchildren; nieces and nephews. Services will be held on Friday, Aug. 12 at 11 a.m. in the Geo. G. Bensing Funeral Home, Moorestown. Friends and relatives may call from 10-11 a.m. Interment will follow the service in Zion Cemetery, Kreidersville. The family suggests taking the opportunity to enjoy a meal in memory of Dorothy.
Lillian Ruth “Nan” Reimer
Aug. 7, 1942 – Aug. 7, 2011 Lillian Ruth “Nan” Reimer, 68, of Walnutport, formerly of Bath, died Friday, August 7 in Lehigh Center, Macungie. She was a devoted homemaker. Born Aug. 7, 1942 in Fountain Hill, she was a daughter of the late Raymond and Marie (Mikovitch) Reimer. She was a member of Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church, Bath. Surviving are a brother,
March 7, 1922 – August 5, 2011 Cathryn “Kosh” Fedorishen, 89, of Northampton died Friday, August 5 in Alexandria Manor, Nazareth. She was the wife of the late Alexander Fedorishen, who died Nov. 4, 2009. She enjoyed making pierogies and kiffles, as well as crocheting afghans. Born March 7, 1922 in Northampton, she was a daughter of the late Andrew and Anna (Pontician) Crayosky. She was a member of Assumption of Virgin Mary Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Northampton. Surviving are a daughter, Diane Reif, of Edgewater, Fla.; a son, Gerry Fedorishen, of Nazareth; a sister, Anna Hewko, of Topton; and three granddaughters. Preceding her in death were two brothers, Michael and John Crayosky, and a sister, Mary Miga. A burial service was held on Wednesday morning in the church, followed by interment in the parish cemetery. Arrangements were by the Reichel Funeral Home, Northampton.
Elizabeth “Betsy” Stocker
Jan. 8, 1933 – August 4, 2011 Elizabeth “H. “Betsy” Stocker, 78, of Forks Township died Thursday, Aug. 4 in Lehigh Valley Hospital-Muhlenberg, Bethlehem. She was the wife Continued on page 13
Pre-Need & Cremation Services
Zee R. K. Bartholomew
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“Understanding, When People Need it the Most”
Cathryn Fedorishen
Reichel Funeral Home 220 Washington Park Nazareth PA (610) 759-0160
Raymond Reimer, of Bangor; a nephew, Glenn Reimer of Lehighton, along with many nieces, nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews, and cousins. Preceding her in death were two brothers, Charles and Robert Reimer, and two sisters, Margaret Reimer and Rosemary Holschwander. Services were held on Tuesday morning in the Geo. G. Bensing Funeral Home, Moorestown, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial in the Sacred Heart Church, and interment in the parish cemetery.
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A VIEW OF THE GARDENS at Glenmar Nursery in Moorestown. – Home News photo
New nursery owners continue 30 plus year tradition
By Alice Wanamaker The Home News
All of his life, Michael Szoke knew he wanted to own a nursery. Even when he started operating his landscaping business, Agroscape, 13 years ago, Michael had the dream of one day moving into the garden center business. The dream became a reality early this spring when Michael made the move from lifelong customer to owner of the four acre Glenmar Nursery in beautiful Moore Township (Bath). Glenmar Nursery was opened over 30 years ago by
Glen and Terry Shoemaker. The couple built a steady foundation in the community by offering a wide selection of plants for the home gardener as well as the professional landscaper, unique items including water gardening supplies and plants and a reliably knowledgeable and friendly staff. Michael had personal knowledge of the friendliness and uniqueness of the garden center as he would purchase items he used and guaranteed for his landscape business for over a decade from Glenmar. Early this spring, right before the busy season, Michael
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made the decision to purchase the nursery. Dedicated staff members, including horticulturists Lori Metz and Sue Holland, were happy to stay on staff to continue to provide friendliness and knowledge for the customers. The team, made up of designers, perennial experts, and more enjoy learning from each other and their experiences “The staff that works here is tremendous and full of decades of experience,” Lori said of her co-workers. Michael and his team have done a lot of work at Glenmar to get it back to what friends and customers remember. They have stocked the isles with quality pond materials, plants, unique stone and landscaping items, fruit and flower trees, herbs and vegetables, garden tools, pride and a lot of knowledge. In addition to carrying a wide range of guaranteed products, Glenmar also holds free seminars throughout the year on a variety of topics including water gardening, winterizing and pruning. Last week, Michael’s wife Corri hosted a butterfly gardening seminar with face painting for kids at the nursery. If you have been thinking about adding a water feature to your backyard, are looking for unique patio stones or are just in the market for some horticulture information stop by Glenmar and talk to the folks who work there.
THE HOME NEWS Besides her husband, she is survived by two sons, James M. of Palmer, Ark., and Robert A. of Bushkill Township; one sister, Edith M. Slamp, of Riegelsville; four grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Preceding her in death were two brothers, Raymond H. Hall and Robert A. Hall, and a son, William T. Stocker, who died April 22, 2011. Funeral services were held Monday morning in the Schmidt Funeral Home, Nazareth, followed by burial in Reigelsville Union Cemetery.
Fred D. Heffelfinger
October 4, 1926- August 8, 2011 Fred D. Heffelfinger, 84, of Tioga, Pa., formerly of Northampton, died on Monday, Aug. 8. He was the owner/operator of Fred’s Wood-
The peculiarity about a law is the amazing amount of breakage it can undergo and still exist.
Continued from page 12
of Kenneth W. Stocker. She and her husband were co-owners of Stocker’s Collision Service, where she worked as a bookkeeper for many years. She also volunteered delivering Meals on Wheels. A 1950 graduate of Easton High School, she was a twirler with the high school band. Born Jan. 8, 1933 in Port Jefferson, Long Island, N.Y., she was a daughter of the late Raymond H. and Mabel Anna (Eisenhower) Hall. She was a member of Arndt’s Lutheran Church, Forks Township.
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August 11-17, 2011 13 shed in Tioga. Born on Oct. 4, 1926, in Northampton, he was the son of John and Emma Heffelfinger. Surviving are a son, Fred Brown of Tioga; a sister, Caroline Achey of Allentown, four grandchildren and one great grandchild. He was predeceased by six brothers and sisters. In keeping with Fred’s wishes, there will be no services. The Jacquelyn A. Buckheit Funeral Chapel, Crematory and Monuments, PC, 637 S. Main St., Mansfield, assisted the family.
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14 THE HOME NEWS August 11-17, 2011
The Classifieds Where the Deals are!
Deadline: Monday at 12 Noon Phone: 610-923-0382 E-mail: Classified@HomeNewsPa.com
The Fair Housing Act prohibits housing discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, and disability. It is illegal to deny housing to families with children under 18 years of age unless the housing qualifies as "housing for older persons."
Chainsaws sharpened and new chains by the foot. All types of batteries, factory seconds and first line. Call: 610-262-8703 TN* For Sale TOP SOIL $200 Tri-Axle load. Landscape-Boulders-Mushroom Soil. Light Excavating. Call 610216-2044. TN Cedar Hill Memorial Park Cemetery 2 spaces, 2 vaults $2,100.00 or B/O MUST SELL 610-7035122. 6/30-8/18
Twin Maple Farm, 1 mile South Bath School Rd. Open Daily. TN Desk $30 VCR Cabinet $10, 2 Chairs $10, Entertainment Stand $20 or B.O. 610 703-5122 (8/4-9/22)
Office – Business Space available along busy Route 248 in Berlinsville. Will remodel to suit tenant. Reasonable Rent. All utilities included. (610) 7673531 (1/14 – TN)
Musical Instruments CASH PAID For your unwanted guitars, fiddles and amplifiers. Buy-SellTrade Call Ron: 610-681-4613 TN*
services NAZARETH PLATE GLASS CO., INC. 27 Mauch Chunk Street Nazareth, Pa. HARVEY VINYL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS SOLAR ROOMS Storm Windows & Screens Repaired Insulated Glass, Plexiglass, Mirrors, Repairs made at your home. Free Estimates. Call Mike Matula 610-759-3682 Closed Saturdays TN*
NOTARY Billings Service Center 154 N. Walnut St., Bath, PA 610837-6291 Titles & Tags M*
FOR RENT OR SALE WE DELIVER AND SET UP ALL OUR TENTS.TABLES AND CHAIRS AVAILABLE 610 7766225 WWW.PARTYTENTSFORRENTBYMARTY.COM (9/15) We Remove Junk! Attic Basements, Clean-outs, Appliances, Furniture, Construction Debris, Backyard Shed Tear-down, Swimming Pools, Old Hot Tubs etc. GO GREEN! Marth’s Disposal 610-262-9021 or 610-842-5684. (12/31/11) UPBEAT DJ Entertainment Service Lowest Price In the area. Special lighting effects. For more information call anytime (484) 262-0421. (8/4 – 8/24)
All types of roofing. Free Estimates. Fully Insured. Randy C. Silfies, owner. PA#036835 610-837-8225 TN*
Vendors Wanted - Bath Community Day October 1, 2011 @ Ciff Cowling Field, Bath. 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Rain or Shine. Visit www. bathborough.org, call 484-6196121 or find us on facebook (Bath Community Day) for a registration form. (9/22/11)
Borough of Bath is seeking individual who can multitask and has computer, phone, and people skills. Hours are 9 AM to 4PM – 2 days one week, 3 day the next week. $11.50 per hour. Submit resume by Email – bathboroughmgr@rcn.com or mail to Borough of Bath, 215 E. Main St. Bath, PA 18014. (8/11)
Help Wanted P/T Publishing Assistant
to join dynamic team in Walnutport. Flexible hours, has the potential to be full time. Will train eligible candidate. Looking for an effective communicator, highenergy, personable and computer-savvy individual. E-mail resume and salary requirements to apply@idpcreative.com (8/18)
BATH AREA 972-680-5162 (7/28-8/11)
Additions • Remodeling Chimney Repairs Ceramic Tile. License: PA006229 610-2626646 or 610-264-3832 TN*
Fri Aug. 12 + 13 7 a.m. - 4 p.m. 50 Kohl’s Rd Northampton 484-239-2499 (8/4 – 8/11)
Custom Drafting and Blueprinting – I will design your new dream home or home addition to suit your property, lifestyle, budget and you. Full time, quick service since 1980. Free estimates. Call Ron Eberts, Residential Designer: 610-6814613. TN*
Thank you to everyone for the cards, flowers, and food. Your kind words and gifts were appreciated. In Loving Memory of Dennis M. Valo. You will be missed by everyone. Mr and Mrs John Outwater 8/11 Thank You to family, friends and Pastor Fran for your love and support with the loss of our beloved husband and father, Dennis M. Valo. The cards, flowers, gifts, kind words and deeds are greatly appreciated. Loving wife, Cheryl Valo Children; Janadene, Jared, Joe and Justin Valo 8/11
PUblic notice-Legal ESTATE NOTICE Margaret J. Sigley Estate of Margaret J. Sigley, a/k/a Peg Sigley, late of the Borough of Freemansburg, County of Northampton and State of Pennsylvania, deceased. WHEREAS, Letters Testamentary in the above-named estate have been granted to David L. Lynn, Executor of the Estate of Margaret J. Sigley, a/k/a Peg Sigley. All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands to present the same without delay to David L. Lynn C/O Alfred S. Pierce, Esquire 124 Belvidere Street Nazareth, Pennsylvania, 18064 Alfred S. Pierce, Esquire Pierce & Dally, LLP
124 Belvidere Street Nazareth, PA 18064 Attorneys for the Estate I.D. No. 21445 (7/28-8/11) ESTATE NOTICE Ronald J. Bamasevitch The Estate of Ronald J. Barnasevitch, deceased, of the Township of Upper Nazareth, County of Northampton, PA. Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary for the above Estate were granted to Robert D. Hricak, Executor, on June 30, 2011. All persons indebted to the Estate are required to make immediate payment, and those having claim or demand are to present the same without delay to Robert D. Hricak, in care of GREGORY R. REED, Attorney-at-Law, 141 South Broad Street, P.O. Box 299, Nazareth, PA 18064-0299. (7/28-8/11) MEETING NOTICE Proposed Ordinance Chapman Borough Council at their regular monthly meeting for September, will consider Oridnance 2011-1, EARNED INCOME TAX ORIDINANCE. If interested you may review the ordinance by contacting the Borough Secretary, John J. Defassio. (8/4-818) INVITATION FOR BIDS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS FOR THE 2012 REFUSE AND RECYCLABLES CONTRACT BOROUGH OF NAZARETH Sealed bids for the 2011 Refuse and Recyclables Contract will be opened by the Borough of Nazareth at a meeting on September 1, 2011, at 7:00 p.m., local time at the Nazareth Borough Hall located at 159 West Center Street, Nazareth, Pennsylvania. Bids will be received by the Borough at their office, 134 South Main Street, Nazareth, Pennsylvania, 18064 until 4:00 p.m. on September 1, 2011. Bids shall be plainly marked “2012 Refuse and Recyclables Contract”. This project includes collection and disposal of refuse and recyclables on a weekly basis. The Specifications shall be obtained from Keller Consulting Engineers, Inc., 49 East Center Street, Nazareth, Pennsylvania, 18064. Copies of the above described Specifications may be examined at the Nazareth Borough Municipal Building, 134 South Main Street, Nazareth, Pennsylvania, 18064 or at the office of Keller Consulting Engineers, Inc., 49 East Center Street, Nazareth, Pennsylvania, 18064. Each bid must be accompanied by a bid bond or a certified check in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the amount of the bid in the form and subject to the conditions provided in the Information for Bidders. No bid may be withdrawn for
a period of sixty (60) calendar days from the date the bids are open. The right is reserved to waive any informalities in the bid, to reject any or all bids, and to accept any bid which is deemed most favorable to the Borough at the time and under the circumstances stipulated. Date: August, 2011 NAZARETH BOROUGH COUNCIL By: Daniel Chiavaroli, President, Nazareth Borough Council
Contractors will be required to demonstrate compliance with efforts to identify and solicit MBE/WBE firms for the procurement of project construction, equipment, services, and supplies. Preference may be given to responsible MBE/WBE contractors in order to meet overall project goals. The Owner reserves the right, at its option, to waive any informalities, defects, errors or omissions in any or all Bids and to reject any or all Bids. (8/11)
(8/11-8/18) SECTION 00110 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS THE BOROUGH OF NORTHAMPTON 2011 SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE REHABILITATION PROJECT CLIENT PROJECT No. 050670 Owner: The Borough of Northampton 1401 Laubach Avenue P.O. Box 70 Northampton, PA 18067. SEALED Bids will be received at the OWNER’S office until 7:30 p.m., prevailing time, September 1, 2011, for the 2011 SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE REHABILITATION PROJECT. The Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud shortly thereafter the same day at the same place. The Project includes, but is not limited to, the high pressure cleaning and surface preparation of ten (10) active sanitary sewer manholes, sealing and full depth application of cementitious or epoxy lining, and all incidentals necessary to complete the work. Bidding documents may be obtained only from the Owner’s office by contacting Mr. Gene Zarayko at (610) 262-2576. Bid document cost is $50.00 and is non-refundable. Make checks payable to the Borough of Northampton. Bidding documents may be examined without cost at the Owner’s office. Each Bid shall be accompanied by a certified check on a solvent bank or a bid bond in an amount not less than ten (10%) percent of the bid total, payable to the Owner in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. Bidders are subject to all applicable provisions of the Federal Davis-Bacon Wage Act and bids shall be prepared accordingly. The applicable prevailing wage predetermination is included in the Project Manual. All Contractors on this Project are required to ensure that employees and applicants will not be discriminated against because of race, creed, color, religion, sex, age, handicap, marital status, or national origins; and, that the statues and regulations of federal and state laws regarding non-discrimination are met. The County of Northampton, under the Community Development Block Grant Program, is providing a major portion of the funding for this project.
Lehigh Township Board Opening The Lehigh Township Board of Supervisors are looking for Lehigh Township residents who are interested in filling a vacancy on the Municipal Authority, which meets the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7 PM. the Municipal authority is responsible for overseeing the operation of the public water and sewer systems in Lehigh Twp. Please send a letter of interest to Lehigh Township, 1069 Municipal Road, Walnutport, Pa. 18088, by September 9, 2011. Anyone with questions, please call 610767-6771. Alice Rehrig, Secretary 8/11
ATTN: PUBLIC NOTICE ADVERTISERS The Home News publishes various types of Legal Notices Every Week including: Estate Notices, Name Changes, Fictitious Name, Articles of Incorporation, Gov’t Meetings and others.
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PSATS Continued from page 1
a gasoline tax are not part of the plan, which the General Assembly is expected to address when members return to Harrisburg in September. “It has long been acknowledged there is a shortage of money for the state’s rapidly deteriorating transportation infrastructure,” Sanko said. “Secretary of Transportation Barry Schoch (also the commission chair) understands the history, the issue, and the challenges for success. “Perhaps the most meaningful part of this report is an acknowledgment that local government is a major part of a comprehensive transportation system,” he added. “The average Pennsylvanian cannot get to rail or air or interstates without using local roads and bridges.” Still, despite their importance, local roads and bridges have been underfunded. Townships have watched as their share of the state’s Liquid Fuels Fund – the traditional mechanism for funding local transportation – has dropped from its traditional fair-share of 20 percent to 14.7 percent in recent years. This decrease, coupled with rising labor and material costs, has left local leaders with two choices: raise taxes or put projects on hold. In one PennDOT district, for instance, municipalities spent $202 million on road repairs in 2008, yet received only $47.5 million in liquid fuels reimbursements. “For years, PSATS has been asking the state to come up with a long-term funding source to help our members address some very real problems on the ground,” Sanko said. “Our hope is that the governor and the General Assembly see that the commission did its job: It found funding – significant funding – for transportation without raising taxes. “We all want better roads, and the bottom line is, we can’t get to that point without more dollars. The commission has come up with a solid solution. Now, it’s up to the General Assembly to make things happen in the fall, and we’re going to be encouraging them every step of the way.” The Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors represents Pennsylvania’s 1,455 townships of the second class and for the past 90 years has been committed to preserving and strengthening township government and securing greater visibility and involvement for townships in the state and federal political arenas. Townships of the second class represent more residents — 5.5 million Pennsylvanians — than any other type of political subdivision in the commonwealth.
A Third Party We have three parties in Washington--Republican, Democrat and the cocktail. The latter seems to have more followers.
LV Lady Steelers To hold Cheer and Dance Clinic By Joe Zemba
On August 5th the Lady Steelers had a Calendar Release Party at the Maingate the official post game location of the defending Colonial Football Alliance champions the semi-pro Lehigh Valley Steelers who play their home games at Bob Warke Stadium played in Hokendauqua at 3151 Lehigh Street, Whitehall Township. Cost to see the Steelers defend their championship are $5, age 12 and under are free. Emily Fisher co-director of the Lady Steelers said, "We invite kids to come on the sidelines and cheer on the Steelers in the second half. They dance and cheer with us. we sold several of our calendars at the Main Gate and after every home game we are having a post game party there." "On September 10th before the York Silver Bullets game we are having the Lehigh Valley Lady Steelers Cheer and Dance Clinic. The $50 fee includes admission to the clinic, one VIP game day ticket for the child, a t-shirt, food drink, a half time performance and one quarter of cheering n the field," co-director Jes Peluszak said. Jes can be contacted at ladysteelers@ hotmail.com or phone 610739-6302 LV Storm Football Wins over New Jersey Wolves 21-6 The Lehigh Valley Storm traveled to the den of the New Jersey Wolves Saturday afternoon, August 6th ,in Orange, N.J. still feeling good after last week’s game against the Lancaster County Pilots. The Wolves were looking to be the spoiler and give the Storm a loss, but that didn't happen as the Storm whipped up a 21-6 win.. The Wolves as the names implies
are tough andfierce and have the dangerous potential to take a game away with some highly talented players. Storm head coach Fred Rice said "the game was won in the trenches with the Storm offensive line settling down this week and getting the job done without many penalties. It was important for us to score first" and that is what happened on the first play. On the Storm’s 37 yard line Quarterback James Lahue from Whitehall High School hit a long ball to Wide Receiver Bryan Phelan from East Stroudsburg for a 63 yard catch and the Storm’s first touch down of the Game. Kicker TJ Sobetsky from Liberty High hit the extra point,
THE HOME NEWS the score 7-0 early in the first quarter. After that the game was a battle. The Wolves defense was aggressive often blitzing everyone they could to disrupt the Storm offense. As the first quarter was winding down, the Storm attempted a high pass on a screen, only to have it intercepted by theWolves and a running return had the score 7-6. The Wolves missed the extrapoint.The Storm defense played another stellar game and Drew Derogatis Defensive Tackle from Easton High School was chasing the Wolves QB all day. That allowed the Storm defense to play a bit more aggressive in
Jodi Nagy
August 11-17, 2011
the secondary and Michael Graves DB was happy to apply some big hits. Late in the second quarter the Wolvesattempted a field goal but it was blocked by DL Carl Kreidler from Whitehall and Jarren Elder from Parkland ran 61 yards before getting hit out of bounds. The Storm could not capitalize on the driveand the half ended 7-6 in favor of the Storm. Continued on page 16
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16 THE HOME NEWS August 11-17, 2011
Police Blotter Colonial Regional D.U.I. Driver Was Sleeping It Off On July 20, Colonial Regional Police Officer Michael J. Kovach was dispatched to the AAA building on Hecktown Road in Lower Nazareth Township for a female passed out, sleeping at the wheel while parked in the parking lot. The keys were in the ignition and the engine was running at the time. It was determined that Robin G. Haase of Nazareth was possibly under the influence of alcohol. Kovach transported her to Lehigh Valley HospitalMuhlenberg in Bethlehem for a legal blood draw. After analysis of the blood, it was determined that her BAC was 0.23% at the time of the incident, almost three times the legal limit. Charges of DUI were filed through District Judge Joseph Barner’s office in Lower Nazareth Township.
Disorderly Conduct
On August 1 at 7 p.m., Colonial Regional Police responded to the McDonald’s restaurant at 3798 Easton-Nazareth Highway in Lower Nazareth Township for the report of a
person in a vehicle throwing food at the building. A drivethrough attendant received an order for a $1.00 ice cream cone and when the attendant placed the cone out the window for the operator, the operator accelerated rapidly with his hand extended out the window, smashing the cone in the attendant’s hand. The vehicle then left the parking lot and entered the Regal Cinema parking lot. A registration was provided to police and the vehicle was located a short time later occupied by four juveniles. The driver of the car, a 17-yearold from Stroudsburg, will be mailed a non-traffic citation for disorderly conduct.
Retail Theft
Chastity Molina, 26, Bethlehem, was caught shoplifting costume jewelry and sunglasses from Kohl’s Department Store, 3768 Easton/Nazareth Highway, Easton, in the amount of $155.99 on August 8 at 11:45 p.m.
Northampton Police Department responded to these incidents between August 3 and August 7:
AUGUST 3 A living room window of a residence in the 100 block of Sycamore Court was struck by a BB, which still remained between the double window pane. Graffiti, in the form of a gold stenciled picture, was painted on the side wall of Assumption Blessed Virgin Mary Church in the 2200 block of Washington Avenue. AUGUST 4 Report of loud music coming from the Hammerhead Lounge, 326 Main Street. Volume was turned down as requested. AUGUST 5 Numerous items were taken from a vehicle while parked in the 600 block of E. 10th Street. Resident had observed two teenage males going through her vehicle. While checking the area, police located the subjects at a nearby residence. It was learned they had also taken items from several other vehicles. Ongoing investigation. Police responded to two false alarms at Santa Fe Taco, 2022 Main Street. The second call also involved a fire signal. All entrances/exits appeared secure. Owner observed unknown male pulling on the door handles of her vehicle that was parked to the rear of the 500 block of E. 4th Street. He was described as W/M, approximately 5’8”, 135 lbs., dirty blonde hair, wearing a red shirt and yellow shorts. W/M, 57 yoa of Northampton, was cited for public
drunkenness after police and ambulance were dispatched to the 1600 block of Washington Avenue for a male lying on the sidewalk with a puddle of blood under his head. Subject had fallen and was transported to the hospital by EMS. AUGUST 6 A ring was found in a parking lot in the 1800 block of Franklin Alley. It was brought to police headquarters for safekeeping. Burglary reported in the 900 block of Washington Avenue. Cash and jewelry were taken from a residence on separate occasions, possibly while owner was at location. Under investigation. AUGUST 7 A hit and run occurred to a vehicle in the 1200 block of Main Street, causing damage to the driver’s side door. Offending vehicle left white paint transfer.
July fire, EMS report
Bath Fire Chief Ed Demchak gave this fire and EMS report to Bath Borough Council for the month of July: Fire calls (Nazareth, Moore Twsp., East Allen Twsp.), 95 man-hours, including a washout at George Wolf School; 12 man-hours on EMS calls; 92 drill man-hours; 240 for administration, 23 in equipment repairs, 32 for meetings, 25 for work details, 20 for fire police –– a total of 539 man-hours.
LV Storm Continued from page 15
In the third quarter the ground game and the offensive line started to gather some speed. QB Dashan Tyler enters the game to give the Storm a different look. With some great blocking by Justin Thomas, Dashan was able to get a first down from a 3rd and long situation. The drive continues with the pounding running by Alvin Pugh of William Allen and Tyler was able to take a three yard keeper into the end zone for a TD. The extra point is good the score is 14-6. The fourth quarter belonged to the Storm, the defense was not letting up and the Wolves were getting tired. Carry after carry the Storm running backs held fast to the ball and helped eat up the clock with a successful running attack. Slowly and surely the Storm moved down the field to the Wolves three-yard-line. On fourth and one on the three yardline, RB Alvin Pugh bullied his way into the end zone capping off a 57 yard running drive. The extra point is good Storm 21-Wolves 6. New Jersey couldn’t spark anything on their last attempts and the game endedwith another Storm victory. The Lehigh Valley Storm plays the Central Penn Piranha on August 13th, at 7:30pm J. Birney Crum Stadium, Allentown. For more information go to www.Lvstormfootball.com.
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