70th Year, Issue No. 31 USPS 248-700
AUGUST 4-10, 2011 A General Circulation Newspaper Serving The Community Since 1942
Contract ok’d for park, streetscape Work at Monocacy Creek in Bath By BILL HALBFOERSTER The Home News
VOLUNTEERS wait for ducks at the end of the race . – Home News photo
Duck race just beats Small rainfall in Bath
The Monocacy Creek was back to normal flow despite recent heavy downpours. The great Bath duck race benefitting the Bath Farmers Market was a success this past Friday. Volunteers placed almost 100 “ducks” in the waters and they idly floated along until reaching the finish line at the East Main Street bridge, where additional volunteers were there to scoop them up, one by one, to determine the winners. As things turned out, the first place duck went out ahead of the rest of its flock and brought home the
winning prize of $250 for Brian Radcliffe. Trickles of rain fell at almost that moment, but it didn’t deter the crowd along the banks of the creek, eagerly waiting to see the results. This is the rest of the winners, and the prizes they won: Second prize of a $50 U.S. Savings Bond given by First Star Bank went to Bonnie Hummer. 3. $50 Benchmark’s Analytical – Dave Roma. 4. Home News subscription Continued on page 7
Multiple drug charges Against Moore couple The Northampton County Drug Task Force, in conjunction with the Colonial Regional Police, Moore Township Police, assisted by the Pennsylvania State Police emergency response team conducted an early morning raid at the home of 39-yearold Jason W. Richie at 251 Monocacy Dr., Bath. Richie and Jamie Lynn Kinghorn, 36, of the same address were taken into custody and charged with possession of methamphetamine, possession with intent to deliv-
er the drug, and delivery of meth. Ms. Kinghorn was also taken into custody on outstanding failure to appear warrants out of Northampton County. Scales, packaging material, and 4.5 grams of crystal methamphetamine with an estimated street value of $1,500 were seized. The investigation continues and additional charges are pending. Richie and Kinghorn were arraigned on Friday morning before District Judge Robert Hawke in Lehigh Township.
Bath Borough Council on Monday approved a contract with Grace Industries of East Allen Township to do work at Monocacy Creek Park and Streetscape Phase II. Borough Manager Richard Klotz said $330,000 is available in grants, although it was estimated to cost a total of $357,000 after all engineering is figured in. The Grace Industries contract is $295,959 and will include curbs, sidewalks, paving, and street lights. The contract is subject to PennDOT approval, which is expected shortly, and the contractor was advised to begin getting in supplies. Klotz is also looking for a 42-inch rock or boulder on which a plaque can be installed for the park. A committee composed of Council chairman Robert Fields, Carol Bear-Heckman,
and John Kearns met recently and discussed making the historic district smaller. The Historical Architectural Review Board (H.A.R.B.) will meet this month over new proposals. The form for certificate of appropriateness may be reduced to one page, after further study. Mrs. Heckman noted that realtor Patty White has been attending meetings, as well as an architectural consultant. Kearns announced that he is resigning the H.A.R.B. but will stay on until a replacement is named. Other Matters • An E. Main St. resident complained of loud noises that apparently come from the Keystone Cement Co. in East Allen Township. Borough Manager Klotz will advise the company of the complaints. • Fire Chief Ed Demchak announced that the annual Halloween parade will be
on Tuesday, Oct. 25 at 7 p.m., with a rain date of Oct. 26. Mayor Donald Wunderler announced that Trick or Treat Night will be observed on Monday, Oct. 31 from 6-8 p.m. • Councilwoman Jennifer George thanked the borough public works crew for cleaning up after flooding at the Bath Farmers Market. Councilwoman Heckman also thanked them for cleaning the Monocacy Creek stream bank for last Friday’s duck race. • Mrs. Heckman said she met with State Rep. Marcia Hahn about oversize trucks coming through Bath and running up on sidewalks. A representative from PennDOT may check the situation. • Close to 1,000 recycling containers have been distributed to residents. If residents Continued on page 7
Former foundry being turned Into auditorium in Cherryville In the late 1800’s, George Dieter started a blacksmith shop in Cherryville to service area farmers. Circa 1900 it was developed into an iron foundry and ownership and operations were taken over by David Dieter. Dieter’s Foundry manufactured many different cast iron items over the years. In 1943 most of the foundry burned down. It was rebuilt in 1944 and continued in operation until it was sold in 1987 due to a strike and changing environmental laws
and emission monitoring. Bethany Wesleyan Church purchased the property in December, 2008 from Barrett Trucking. The church was able to use the building for two years for the annual Giant Yard Sale held over the July 4th holiday. The parking lot was also a great help to alleviate Bethany’s overflow parking issues. On July 18, demolition began on the old foundry. It took one week to reduce the building down to the steel
frame. Now most of the debris has been hauled away or recycled and Bethany is looking forward to the future use of this space, a new 1200 seat auditorium. Although the foundry was part of Cherryville’s landscape for a very long time, the Bethany congregation hopes that people will embrace their vision of a beautiful, modern facility that will be userfriendly to this community for many years to come. (Architect’s rendering of auditorium on Page 9).
FORMER Dieter’s Foundry in Cherryville has been demolished to make way for a church auditorium. . – Contributed photo
2 THE HOME NEWS August 4-10, 2011
Post Office Box 39, Bath, PA 18014 Phone: 610-923-0382 • fax: 610-923-0383 e-mail: Askus@HomeNewsPA.com Paul & Lisa Prass - Publishers William J. Halbfoerster, Jr. - Editor Alice Wanamaker - Associate Publisher Candi Moyer - Account Executive Tammy De Long - Operations Manager Marcie Kent, Elaine Leer, Alyse Moyer, Tony Pisco, Melissa Rose, Quynh Vo - Graphic Designers Jenn Shimandle - Graphic Intern Wes Loch - Delivery Driver The Home News ISSN 1944-7272 (USPS 248-700) is published every Thursday of the year except on holidays at a subscription local rate of $18.00; 40-cents per copy on newsstands. Periodicals postage paid in Bath, PA 18014. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: THE HOME NEWS, P.O. BOX 39, BATH, PA 18014
The Home News does not assume responsibility for any advertisements beyond the cost of the ad itself. We cannot be responsible for typographical errors. We reserve the right to reject any article or advertisement thought to be offensive or not contributing to the needs of the communities we serve. All opinions expressed by columnists, reporters and feature writers, including letters to the editor, are not necessarily those of this publication, but of the individuals themselves. News items and ads should be submitted no later than noon Monday on the week of publication, or on dates noted ahead of time due to holidays. Office HOurs: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., 4685 Lehigh Drive (Rte 248), Walnutport, PA 18088 Other hours by appointment only
-a general circulation newspaper since 1942 In partnership with:
The Obama Administration’s decision to withhold 800 million dollars in our long-time annual aid to Pakistan is a momentous, possibly ominous, step in U.S. foreign relations, perhaps justified even earlier but nevertheless one which could have grim consequences. Pakistan is a 96 percent Islamic country of over 160 million, all but a few million Muslims. More important, it’s a nation with nuclear bombs, an estimated 90 to 100, with morebeing produced every year--the only Muslim nation with nuclear weapons. The U.S. has, in effect, bought Pakistan’s alliance with this country with two billion dollars in aid each year for over twenty years. That has also helped sustain the ruling party and government in Islamabad all these years. But, it should be noted, that pro-western relations has its opponents and in the current Mideast struggle between Muslims and western-oriented or allied countries the U.S.-Pakistan bond has, in some ways to an extent, been threatened. Washington must be prepared to take even more effective steps in case the prowestern government in Pakistan is overturned. Current relations are the most critical in decades. One step which should help is for the U.S. to get out of Afghanistan. Our war there has produced the death of manyPakistanis, where our enemies enjoy hideouts, and where we, when we bomb them from above, also kill innocent Pakistanis. That is turning some Pakistanis, understandably, against the U.S.
Social Security Benefits Will Be Paid on Time Michael J. Astrue, Commissioner of Social Security, announced today that Social Security payments for August 3rd will be made on time and as scheduled. Payments for August 10th, 17th, and 24th also will be made as scheduled. “I am happy to announce there will be no delay in the payment of August Social Security benefits,” Commissioner Astrue said, “which
should be a relief to those people who were concerned about their benefits. I’m pleased the President and Congress were able to come together in a bipartisan fashion to avoid an interruption in payments.” People still receiving paper checks from Social Security should consider signing up for Direct Deposit, the secure and convenient way to receive Social Security payments. All current beneficiaries must switch to electronic payments by March 1, 2013.
Breakfast Sandwiches, Coffee, Bagels, Salads, Grinders, Burgers, Muffins, Cookies, & Much More! 484-281-3314 · www.eat-at-dailygrind.com Monday - Friday 6 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Opinion Going to the Brink: The Aug. 2 Debt Ceiling Deadline By Mark W. Hendrickson Some have called August 2 “Financial D-Day.” That is the date, according to Treasury Secretary Geithner, by which either Congress raises the debt ceiling or some government disbursements will cease. Multiple proposals have been floated for budgetary reforms to be made in exchange for raising the debt ceiling. A partial list includes: Rep. Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) plan to add $4.4 trillion less to the national debt than current trends project; the GOP “Cut, Cap, and Balance” plan, which aims for $6 trillion of future spending cuts; and the so-called “Gang of Six” Plan that proposes $3.7 trillion less debt than now projected. Whatever compromise is eventually adopted, you should be aware that the national debt will continue to grow and that the vast majority of promised spending cuts will be scheduled for after the next election, when those promises can easily be forgotten. None of the proposed reforms would reduce debt; they would merely increase it less than now planned. Also, notice how fishy the numbers seem to be. For example, the press release for the GOP “Cut, Cap, and Balance” stipulated $111 billion of spending cuts in Fiscal Year 2012 and to cut next year’s projected $1.1-trillion deficit in half. This is the best they can do? Democrats resist spending cuts, but massive cuts are imperative. Last year, the U.S. Treasury incurred $3.3 trillion of new debt to finance the government’s on-budget and off-budget spending. This $3.3-trillion deficit cannot be closed with taxes. The total income of Americans above the $250,000 threshold that President Obama uses to designate “rich Americans” amounts to approximately $1.4 trillion. If the government taxed it all, ! EKaround T WE Cwe still be $2 OMwould ING NEX trillion short. There literally is no other way to close the deficit than to slash federal spending drastically. The Democrats have been particularly irresponsible in their handling of this issue. (For the record: I publicly criticized Republicans for their overspending during the Bush-Hastert years, and I opposed both the Bush stimulus plan and Bush’s Big Bailout.) As other commentators have observed, despite controlling both houses of Congress during President Obama’s first two years in office, the Democrats (in defiance of the law) failed to pass a budget that funded their ambitious
spending plans. President Obama himself proposed a budget earlier this year that was so out-of-touch that the Democrat-controlled Senate rejected it 97–0. Since then, the president has not proposed a single specific spending cut. In fact, at his press conference on July 11,
President Obama announced, “I’d rather be talking about … new [spending] programs” than deficit reduction. On July 13, the president angrily told Republicans, “This [his willingness to scuttle any deal] may bring my presidenContinued on page 15
Nothing’s Secret On Social Media
By Father Steven E. Boes (NAPS)—Whatever your child puts on his or her Facebook account, Twitter or any other social media profile is public and searchable. Anything on your child’s social media accounts is open to possible public scrutiny—and it’s important that you know what your child is posting out there. If kids are posting embarrassing pictures from the weekend or making crude comments about a friend, those pictures and comments are neither secret nor sacred. Making decisions about what information can be shared and what should stay secret is a skill that takes time to develop. Unfortunately, many youths have not mastered this skill when it comes to using social networks. As a parent, it’s up to you to help them recognize what’s appropriate and what’s inappropriate, and then monitor their
This Week’s
messages. Sit down with your kids and ask them what sort of things they talk about with their friends. Then ask if they would want everyone they know to overhear what they say. Explain to them that when they post something on a social network, they are making it available to anybody anywhere who has an account on that network. Most importantly, teach them that some information is worth keeping private. When used properly, social networks can be a fun, interesting way of communicating. It can also be a dark, dangerous place where people, including your kids, can get hurt. Take the time to do what it takes to protect and educate your kids. • Father Boes is president and national executive director of Boys Town, which has been saving children and healing families for more than 90 years.
Economic Development Committee Meeting - August 4, 5 p.m. - County Council Meeting Room, 3rd Floor, Northampton County Courthouse County Council Meeting - August 4, 6:30 p.m. - 3rd Floor Room 3116 County Council Chambers Northampton Area School Board Meeting - August 8, 6:30 p.m. - Administration Building Northampton Borough Planning Commission - August 10, 7:00 p.m. - Council Chambers Northampton County Industrial Development Authority Meeting - August 10, 3 p.m. - Authority’s Office, 1st Floor, Northampton County Courthouse
News Sermonet
Please see Page 11 for the Weekly News Sermonette
the Fence GabGab OverOver the Fence by Pete G. Ossip by Pete G. Ossip
Another hot and humid week! Temperatures are in the upper 90’s and it saps all your energy. We could use some more rain, not like the downpour we had a couple weeks ago, but a nice soaker. Maybe some kinda cold front will come along and lower the temperatures and bring some rain. . . .It started to sprinkle some just as the final ducks came along the creek last Friday, but folks gathered to watch all the excitement. I hear Betty Fields said her duck drowned. Mine didn’t come in first either. Oh well. . . . . Bushkill Township Fire Co. fair and Holy Family festival were this past weekend, and gave something for people to do. I see the Lehigh Township Fire Co. is changing the scene for their country fair this year. It’s not gonna be at the Indian Trail Park in Pennsville, but in downtown Cherryville at the fire company. . . . .Lots of excitement in baseball these
days as trades of players are made to improve teams. Fans were sure excited when they saw Hunter Pence on the field, and he does bring a lot of enthusiasm to the game. I hope he’s the answer to what was the Phillies hitting drought.. . .Eagles football fans are happy, too, that their Birds are practicing down at Lehigh University. Seems they may have a good team, with some new players that might help. . . . On the national scene, seniors hoping that their social security checks keep coming were biting their nails this week wondering what Congress was gonna do about the debt ceiling. . . . Retired Porra Neil Mumma and the band he plays with had the folks dancing at the ice cream social down at the UCC church the other evening. . . . Sorry to see that Donald Silfies passed away, but he did live to a good age. He came from a large family here in town, and from
THE DATE Special Events at the Jacobsburg Historical Society's Boulton Historic Site A Picnic at Boulton
Saturday, August 27, 4-8 p.m. Family Camp-Out - Saturday, October 8, overnight Inaugural "Black Powder" Golf Tournament - Monday, October 17 9 a.m.
For more info: www.jacobsburg.org, jacobsburg@rcn.com, or 610-759-9029
More Events Coming Soon!
what I hear the quiet one among the boys. . . . Nice to see that the potholes at the entrance to the post office parking lot got paved over. They were rocking my flivver. . . . Sure is a big variety of home grown veggies to choose from now down at the farmers market. Summer has brought out a great harvest. I love Gary’s bi-color sweet corn! . . . .Time for dinner now. Elmira can put some ears in the pot. Have a great weekend, a cool one if that’s possible.
Bike & Boat adventure Along river August 20th The Bertsch-HokendauquaCatasauqua Watershed Association, in partnership with the Wildlands Conservancy, invites the public to “Bike & Boat” the Lehigh River on Saturday, August 20. Program participants will meet in the parking lot at Sand Island in Bethlehem, near the green bike trailer, at 2:00pm for this four- to five-hour, guided, round-trip bicycle and canoe
THE HOME NEWS adventure. Come experience the beauty and excitement of the Lehigh, while learning about the natural and cultural history of the Lehigh Valley’s namesake river. Registration is $35 per person and is open to adults and children at least 10 years of age. Pre-registration and payment is required before the August 20 program. From Sand Island in Bethlehem, participants will bike along the Lehigh Canal Towpath upriver 4.5 miles to Canal Park in Allentown. From there, we’ll switch to twoperson canoes and paddle the 4.5 miles downriver, back to Sand Island. The bike trail is flat, wide and well-surfaced for bike riding. And the river is easy to navigate, with sections of slow moving water and gentle riffles that provide the excitement of canoeing on a river! It’s not unusual to see abundant wildlife, like herons, hawks, osprey, deer and turkey in a setting of surprising natural beauty. Bikes, helmets, canoes,
August 4-10 2011
paddles, personal floatation devices (life jackets), naturalist instructors and water safety officers will all be provided. Participants should bring food, plenty of water, sunscreen and a change of dry clothes, in case you get wet. And participants should wear closed-toe footwear. The program will be canceled in the event of high water, heavy rain or severe thunderstorms. To register for this Lehigh River Bike & Boat Adventure, contact Jim Wilson at 484-2399977, or send email to jameswilson@northamptoncd.org. A Bike & Boat Program letter, liability release form, directions to Sand Island and instructions on where to send payment will be sent to you.
Healthy Eating
Oranges are the most popular citrus fruit. They are loaded with vitamin C, folic acid and fiber. Limes are also healthful, as are mandarins, related to oranges.
4 THE HOME NEWS August 4-10, 2011
WOMEN/SOCIAL Bath Legion Participating in Blankets of Gratitude 58th Annual Flower
If you know how to crochet, knit or would like to learn how to crochet, join us at the Bath Legion every Monday at 6:30 p.m. starting on August 1. The Legion Auviliary is participating in the "Soldiers' Angels Crochet Craft Team” to help make some of the 25,000 lap robes they need by November 1. Completed
robes will be distributed to veterans staying in VA facilities across the U.S. during the holidays. For more information on this project, or if you would like to help, please call Vickie at 610-739-1348. Yarn, hooks and instructions on crocheting will be provided to those who attend.
Reading with the pups
Show Aug. 13-14 At Moorestown
The Moorestown Garden Club will hold its 58th annual flower show on Saturday August 13, 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. and Sunday August 14, 11:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. at Salem UCC Church, Moorestown, west of the intersection of Rts. 946 and 512. The theme this year is “Mother Goose Favorites.” There will be many spectacular arrangements in 10 themerelated sections, as well as specimens from members’ gardens including annuals, tubers and bulbs, perennials, roses, dried materials, shrubs, houseplants, and fruits and vegetables. All will be judged by specially trained judges. Admission is free. Refreshments are available, as well as a boutique and a raffle featuring many prizes. Please come and enjoy the many beautiful arrangements and specimens that will be displayed.
Volunteers wanted In Marathon For Via Sept. 11
Thursdays in July the Memorial Library of Nazareth has been going to the dogs offering a chance for children to read a favorite story to a certified therapy dog who loves listening to tales! Shown here is Cheyenne Ellis of Bushkill Township with a collie named Vee. – Contributed photo
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Infant thru Kindergarten Care
Volunteers Wanted!! The Lehigh Valley Health Network Marathon for Via is Sunday, September 11, and Via needs your help! Volunteers are needed along the course to support more than 3,000 runners and walkers. Volunteers do a number of things like cheer on the runners, staff hydration stations and help keep runners on course. Come out for a day of fun and help keep the runners moving! Be creative: ring a cowbell, bring a radio to play music, wear a funny hat, decorate your hydration station in a theme – you’ll be part of the inspiration that keeps the runners moving. Register as an individual or make it a group outing and volunteer with your: Family ~ Friends ~ CoWorkers ~ Church Group Neighborhood ~ Play Group ~ Fraternal Society ~ Civic Club - Fraternity or Sorority ~ Book Club ~ Alumni Group School Team or Group (students can receive community service credit) All volunteers will receive a volunteer T-Shirt for race day. Shifts vary from 2 to 6 hours, with start times between 5:30 and 7am. Volunteers are also needed prior to race day for race packet assembly and on
Groups to Enhance Learning • Professional Trained Staff • Child Centered Environment • 29 Years Experience • 1 Acre Playground • References Available • Hot Meals Served
Title XX Accepted Licensed by Dept. of Public Welfare Star 3 Center
Hours: 6 A.M. – 6 P.M.
Saturday for our 5K walk and Race Packet Pick-Up/Expo. Come out for a day of fun and help keep the runners moving! Volunteer opportunities for the marathon include: Volunteer, register or donate online at www.ViaNet. org/marathon More than 3,150 individuals participated in the 2010 Lehigh Valley Health Network Marathon for Via. This unique event features a fiveperson Team Relay, full and half Marathon, and 5K Walk. The 26.2 mile course starts at Lehigh Valley Hospital - Cedar Crest in Salisbury Township near Allentown and takes runners through the Lehigh Parkway to the Lehigh River Canal Towpath continuing through Allentown, Bethlehem and Easton. Registration for runners closes on August 12, 2011. Walker registration contin-
ues right up through Sunday, September 11, 2011. Volunteers are also needed for race day. Volunteer, register or donate online at www.ViaNet. org. Email or call with questions Via@ViaNet.org or 484893-5390. The LVHN Marathon raises funds for Via’s services for children and adults with disabilities. Via has been serving our community since 1954. Via’s mission is to provide support and opportunities for children and adults with disabilities so they can live full, independent and productive lives within the community.
Healthy Eating
The magazine Consumer Reports, in its August issue, lists five green vegetables as the most overlooked by healthy eaters. They're artichokes, mustard greens, Brussel sprouts, Bok choy and Swiss chard. Men are alerted to the fact that women eat more greens.
Holy Cross Day Care Center & Nursery School 696 Johnson Road, Nazareth • 610-759-8761
• Small
At Sacred Heart School in Bath a 2008 graduate, Josh Chudyk, buffs a classroom floor in preparation for the upcoming school year. There is still time to register for preschool, all day kindergarten, and grades one through eight. Contact the kchool kffice at 610-837-6391 for information and a tour – Contributed photo
Serving Children ages Preschool thru Elementary Hours: Monday through Friday 6:30 a.m. – 5:45 p.m. Monitor 2200 New Monitor 2400
NAEYC Accredited • Star 4 Center Title XX Accepted
AARP of Pa. gives $10,000 to Second harvest
AARP Pennsylvania officials on Tuesday announced a $10,000 donation on behalf of Drive to End Hunger to the Second Harvest Food Bank of the Lehigh Valley and Northeast Pennsylvania. AARP and Second Harvest Food Bank officials were joined at the event by more than 30 Lehigh Valley AARP volunteers who packed food at the warehouse for distribution to local senior citizens. Tuesday’s announcement marks the first in a series of events designed to spotlight hunger issues throughout the week preceding the Good Sam RV Insurance 500 NASCAR Race at Pocono Raceway on August 7. AARP’s Drive to End Hunger has teamed with four-time NASCAR Sprint Cup Champion Jeff Gordon and Hendrick Motorsports to raise visibility and help solve the problem of hunger in America. Fans can see Jeff Gordon’s No. 24 Chevrolet at the Shop-Rite store in Mount Pocono Thursday, August 4, or participate in the Leave
Hunger in the Dust bike ride Saturday, August 6 at Lehigh Gorge State Park. Food donations will be accepted at all events. Every day, more than six million older people face the threat of hunger, forced to skip meals or subsist on inexpensive, poor quality food with little nutritional value. AARP’s Drive to End Hunger is a multi-year commitment to solve the problem of hunger in older Americans. In addition to the partnership with Jeff Gordon, components of Drive to End Hunger include building awareness of the issue of senior hunger; working with national and community partners to feed hungry older Americans through food drives; generating resources for the cause through individual and corporate fundraising campaigns; local SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) outreach and enrollment assistance, and developing solutions to senior hunger through grantmaking.
Natural Perspectives For the Health-Minded Individual DR. GLENN CLEARIE DC www.drclearie.com
Neck Pain
The second most common reason for individuals seeking chiropractic care is cervicalgia, commonly known as neck pain. Know that cervicalgia doesn’t discriminate against age or gender or occupation. Seeing numerous cases I again affirm “anything can cause anything”. Motor vehicle accidents, work injuries, and sports injuries are understandable yet on many occasions patients that are otherwise healthy present with significant pain unlike anything they never had before…and for no good reason. Understand that the cervical spine is made up of seven vertebrae that have a gelatinous like disc between each that absorbs forces and stress. Exiting between each bone is a nerve that needs to travel, undisturbed, to the area it controls and communicates with. Radiology is the foremost test to initially assess the bone structures. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) more so for the disc and tissue. Imagine for a moment just how much we move our heads around and the continuous strain the neck must endure on a daily basis. It makes sense that problems can arise. Needless to say, after you become aware of the potential for injury and the effort it takes to resolve, head stands won’t be much of a thrill anymore. We have come to see that generally an injury to one area affects other areas. We see many patients present with degenerating spinal areas. If a disc is degenerated,
one could potentially expect inflammation in the surrounding tissue or a loss of the normal cervical curve. Or perhaps an injury to a superficial muscle which causes a severe spasm locks down the spine as well. In addition, a disc herniation can put pressure on the nearby nerve. Again, numerous situations can arise and great care must be taken in assessment and treatment plans. Interestingly, a spinal misalignment, which chiropractors call subluxations, can produce neck pain and problems. Should a misalignment
be causing pressure on a disc or nerve, pain and dysfunction can and many times is present. Involvement of the arm, forearm, hand, and fingers are all possibilities. Even more concerning is the potential for upper back pain that, in fact, originates from the neck. With spinal misalignments, one could also experience headaches. A very real possibility and one I see routinely. (Headaches are perhaps the third most common reason individuals seek conservative chiropractic care). When you wrap your mind around the fact that all our nerves come out between openings in the spine you may start to wonder about subluxations and pinched nerves affecting distant areas. We touched on pain into the arms but did you know that, let’s say, a compression of a nerve that comes out between the sixth and seventh cervical bone can affect thyroid function? Or that a compression of a nerve can affect the heart, diaphragm, vocals cords, esophagus, or numerous other areas? Simply amazing. While neck pain can be severe and debilitating, know that there is hope. Yes, healing may take time. It may take effort on both the doctor and patient alike but getting back to normal activities of daily living is worth it. My best to you.
“Natural Perspectives” is a health commentary only and does not claim to diagnose and/or make treatment recommendations. Always seek the advice of your health care professional.
College Corner
Jessica Paulus completed her freshman year at Indiana University of Pennsylvania in May and made the Dean's list for both the Fall of 2010 and Spring of 2011 Jessica resides in Moore Township, and is the daughter of Rick and Lisa Paulus. She is a 2010 graduate of Northampton High School
Catering now available Call to schedule your special event, today!
Soft Ice Cream
August 4-10 2011
Easton Area Pets Go Online Bull Run Rescue, Easton, has joined other animal welfare organizations in the area that list their homeless pets on Petfinder.com, the oldest and largest database of adoptable animals on the Internet. The site currently has over 359,000 homeless pets listed, and it is updated continuously. More than 13,500 animal welfare organizations in the U.S., Canada, and other countries post their pets on the site. Bull Run Rescue pets may be viewed at http:// www.petfinder.com/shelters/ PA783.html. A potential adopter enters search criteria for the kind of pet he or she wants, and a list is returned that ranks the pets in proximity to the Zip code entered. Adoptions are handled by the animal placement group where the pet is housed, and each group has its own policies. Petfinder.com was created in early 1996 as a grassroots project by Jared and Betsy Saul to end the euthanasia of adoptable pets. Since its inception, the site has facilitated approximately 20 million adoptions, making it the most life-saving initiative in animal
welfare. Sponsors include The Animal Rescue Site, BISSELL Homecare, Inc., a manufacturer of home cleaning and floor care products, PETCO, a national pet supply retailer that sponsors in-store adoptions and provides coupon books for new adopters, PetFirst Healthcare, the exclusive pet insurance provider for Petfinder.com, Merial, maker of the number one veterinaryrecommended flea and tick preventative, FRONTLINE(r), and heartworm preventative, HEARTGARD(r), And HomeAgain, a microchip and pet recovery service.
Crib Set
Because of “safety concerns,” Lehigh Valley Health Network and St. Luke’s Hospital & Health Network are no longer releasing birth information to the media. So, parents and grandparents, you are on your own. We will continue to print the “Crib Set” column based upon information you supply to us directly. Send it to The Home News, P.O. Box 39, Bath, PA 18014; fax 610-837-1264; or e-mail cribset@homenewspa.com.
6 THE HOME NEWS August 4-10, 2011
By Pete Fritchie
Millions of football fans will be watching the opening game of the National Football League on September 8th between two powerhouse teams of recent years--the New Orleans Saints and Green Bay
Packers. Such an important gameplayed before the first day of the regular season is unusual. The first regular Sunday games of the NFL are on September 11th, three days after the Saints-Green Bay battle. NBC is telecasting the 8th opener plus the DallasJets game on the 11th (both gamesbeginning at 8:30). Indianapolis, which manyfans will be watching, is also on NBC TV September 25th, playing Pittsburgh at home and the next week meeting the Bucs at Tampa, both games beginning at 8:30.
Northampton hoops Basketball action By Joe Zemba
In the opening game of the Tournament of Champions Adult Basketball tourney held in Catasauqua, Banko Beverage, champions of the Hokey/Horn Cementon/ Stiles Basketball League beat the Catasauqua Over 35, Champions Howard Refrigeration, 43-35. Derek Hall of Northampton and Albright College fame paced Banko's with 20 points. V.I.P. representing In the Zone from Bath easily defeated West Side Bethlehem 73 to 52 behind Jermain Wilson's 25 points. Daku'Auto Body from North Catasauqua the Catasauqua Adult Basketball League regular season champs the Summit Hill Champs 55-38. Many members of the 2006 P.I.A.A. District XI Class AA play for Daku's. Josh Yoo a guard from that team scored 11 points.
Last Monday night in the Catasauqua Playground Tournament of Champions, G & S Fastening Supply Company of Bethlehem/Whitehall from the North Catasauqua Adult Summer Basketball League lost a hard fought battle, 5952, to the South Whitehall champions Finish Line. Tony Beers from Northampton was the high scorer for for Finish Line with 12 points. Getz's from the Summit Hill League was led by Danny Miller's 16 points in a 59-52 win over Kaiser's Mulch from the Bangor League. Tournament co-director Eric Snyder said "we're down from 16 teams to 13 due to the economy". The championship game will be played Thursday night at the Catasauqua Playground and will again be telecast on tape delay on RCN-TV. The Elite Eight of the tourney are Banko Beverage from the Hokendauqua Cementon Stiles Area and VIP from
Night ?
Open Bowling BOWLERS Saturday Night
NEEDED 6:30 P.M. - ?
Monday & Wednesday NEW: SUNDAY NIGHTNight OPEN BOWLING 6:00 p.m. - ? Mixed League Starting time 6 pm Tuesday Night Men’s League Starting time 9 pm Friday Night Men’s League Starting time 6:30 pm Sat. Morning Kids League StartingBOWLING time 9 am OPEN Sunday Afternoon Afternoon1:00 Men’s Tuesday pm League - 3:30 pm FridayStarting Morningtime 10:00 1 am pm - Noon
HT OPEN .m. - ?
In the Zone of Bath. Daku's Auto Body the Catasauqua Regular Season Champions and the Forks League champs Certified Chemicals. Finish Line (South Whitehall) and perennial Tamaqua champs RR Frey meet on Tuesday night. Getz's from Summit Hill League plays the Nites based in Bethlehem in the nightcap. The Nites are the Catasauqua Playground Playoff champions.
Blue Mt. Quarter Midgets Feature Finishers July 29 Beginner Honda Feature 1. Tobie Behler 2. Hunter Wise 3. Adam Buchel
Outdoors :: By “Hobby”
Marcellus Shale in Debate At PFSC Convention The issue of Marcellus Shale and the impact of drilling for natural gas on the environment will be the subject of an all-day debate during the fall convention of the Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs on Saturday, September 17. Entitled Pennsylvania Outdoors in Focus: the Marcellus Shale Development and Penn’s Woods will take place in the Radisson Harrisburg Hotel at 1150 Camp Hill Bypass, Camp Hill, Pa., from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The panel discussions that will be featured include: “Interaction with Marcellus Shale Development” – Communicating, working with our regulatory and industry partners as development and growth continues. “Impacts on Penn’s Woods” – How will drilling affect your outdoor sports activities? The forum is co-sponsored by the Keystone Energy Forum in partnership with the PFSC in conjunction with the PFSC convention that will be held there from Sept. 16 to 18. As delegates from the Northampton County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs, this writer and Lee Marsh will
be attending both the convention and forum. This Friday both of us will attend the PFSC board of directors meeting in Centre County, Pa., during which Marcellus Shale is sure to be a topic, as will Sunday hunting, which we wrote about in last week’s Outdoors column. We’ll keep our readers updated. Marcellus Shale is a boon to the impoverished economy of residents living in that area. But there is constant worry that the fracking that takes place will pollute the waters even as far south as Northampton County. As always, there are two sides to every story, and only time will tell if the benefits exceed the negatives.
Novice Honda Feature #1 1. Tj Bowman 2. Gracie Hixon 3. Kyle Krempasky Novice Honda Feature #2 1. Jj Horstman 2. Colin Bollinger 3. Austin Beers
Satu Open
Novice Honda Feature #3 1. Kayla Campbell 2. Logen Snyder 3. Eric Van Arsdale Honda 120 Open Feature 1. Jj Wimmer 2. Billy Koch 3. Nick Baer Heavy Honda Feature 1. Mason Pittinger 2. Gabe Schleiden 3. Kailyn Beers
Softball Tryouts
The Valley Shockers Girls Fastpitch Tournament Softball Club will be holding open tryouts for its U12, U14, U16, and U18 teams at the Northampton Athletic Assoc. on August 20, 21, 27 and 28 from 11am to 1pm- all dates. For more info call Steve @ 484-553-7250 or call/text Kevin @ 610-762-3805 or email at coachm@enter.net.
Honda 160 Light Feature 1. Kyle Strohl 2. Nick Baer 3. Tyler Eckhart
Honda 160 Heavy Feature 1. Brittany Erlsten World Formula Feature 1. Brittany Erlsten 2. Jacob Reinsmith 3. Kadie Pursell
Jack Daniels Country Cocktails
Softball tourney
Stars Tournament Softball 2012 tryout dates for 12U, 14U, 16U, & 18U - Aug. 7 and Aug. 14 from 1:00 to 3:00 at Allen Township’s Athletic Association complex. Additional information, please contact: Mike – 610-704-2390 or Ted 610-417-5049
10 oz No Return Bottles
Open: Mon.-Thurs. 9am-8pm. • Fri 9am-9pm. Sat. 8am-9pm • Sun. 12 Noon to 5pm. 5966 Nor-Bath Blvd., Imperial Plaza • 610-837-8800
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BATH AREA BATH BORO – EAST ALLEN TWSP. – MOORE TWSP. – CHAPMAN BORO 12. Massage by Denise Mikowitch, CMT – Teresa Fenstermaker 13. A pair of IronPigs tickets were auctioned off to all who were at the race. Logan Cupples was the winner. The Bath Business & Community Partnership and Farmers’ Market committees thank everyone who participated in the fun contest – fund-raiser. Before and after the race, the public could go over to Keystone Park where the farmers market vendors had their harvest of home grown vegetables and fruits, and enjoy other activities along with some guitar music by Glenn Pritchard.
Bath Council CROWD watched as ducks came down the creek.
– Contributed photo
Duck Race Continued from page 1
VOLUNTEERS dumped hundreds of ducks into the water. – Thomas Reed photo
AN N’S CORN E R STORE LATTE M wide variety of
Hot & Cold Sandwiches
2716 Community Dr. Bath Pa (610) 837-1800 Bear honey Farms LoCaL Fresh honey
Fresh Homemade Salads
Homemade Pies & Cakes ~ Emmaus Bakery Products Stop In And Let Us Take Care Of Friday Night Dinner With Ice Cream Hot Prepared Meals Every Friday Night The Ice
from Cream Lab
CaLL For sPeCiaLs oPen m-F 5am – 8Pm sat 6am – 6Pm sun 7am - 4Pm
Hearthside Decorative Plates All Natural Soaps Party Dip Mixes Curtains Sweet Grass Farm Amish Made Furniture Timer Candles Wreaths Hours: Thurs-Sat: 10 am - 6 pm Table Runners Sunday: 12 pm - 5 pm Country Lamps Gift Certificates Available Crossroad 201 Center St. Stockertown Berry Garlands 610.759.4744 Pictures Jams & Jellies Blossom Bucket
/\ Directions:
Turn at the Widows Tavern & Grille. Go 1 Block and Turn Right
plus a gift basket – Russ Bear 5. $20 ice cream, popsicles & desserts from Ahart’s Market – Mike Arndt 6. $25 Steckel House Antiques gift certificate – Ken Morrow 7. $25 My Place Restaurant gift card – Sandra Frey 8. $25 Movie Theater gift card from Linda Roth-CPA – Lisa Henritzy 9. $15 Daily Grind gift certificate – Marcia Hahn 10. Gift basket from Tracy’s Cottage – Chris Hoysan 11. $25 worth of water toys (squirt guns and whatnot) from Gilroy Family Chiropractic – Logan Davidson
Continued from page 1
want additional 30-gal. containers they will cost $15.00 each. Damaged containers can be exchanged at no charge until the inventory is exhausted. There were 30 requests for lids, and although J. P. Mascaro & Sons, the hauler, doesn’t really favor them, Council voted to order 100 lids. They will be sold at $5.00 each on request. • Klotz announced that business license renewals have been mailed. • Kearns noted that the Bath Planning Commission wants to modify the parking overlay so that new businesses can be attracted to the borough. Parking limit signs will remain at two hours. Parking restrictions are to be limited or removed. Klotz mentioned several tracts of lands that are
THE HOME NEWS August 4-10, 2011 open lots suitable for building. • He revealed that the historical society has a 99-year Continued on page 16
Bath Lions visit W. Penn Twsp. club; Planning MHC bingo
Ten members of the Bath Lions Club made a visitation toi the West Penn Township Lions Club in Schuylkill County at their pavilion dinner meeting last night. The two clubs have enjoyed these visits for more than 40 years. The Bath Lions will again have a Bingo concession at the Muhlenberg Hospital Summer Festival on August 17 thru 20 in Bethlehem. Their recent Bingo at Northampton was a success. The club will be represented at a District 14-K cabinet meeting on August 21 at The Meadows in Hellertown. On August 24 the members will be hosted by Lions Jack and Gail Metcalf at their home for a picnic meeting. On September 6 the Lions will travel to the Slatington Lions Club for a steak fry. They will have a regular meeting in the fellowship hall of St. John’s Lutheran Church on September 21. Pledges will be taken by the Lions as they walk at Bangor Park for the annual Journey for Sight on September 10 from 8 a.m. to 12 Noon. On September 29 the annual district rally will be held at the Northampton Memorial Community Center, starting at 5:30 p.m.
PEACH FESTIVAL Saturday, August 13, 3pm-9pm at Salem UCC, 2218 Community Dr. (Rt. 946) Bath, Pa.
Music by Midnight Special Food • Games • Cakewalk • Bingo • 51 Prize Raffle And More • Bring a Lawn Chair Bad Weather? -Food in the Church 3-7pm
8 THE HOME NEWS August 4-10, 2011
SENIOR CITIZENS Visit and Participate in Senior Center Activities Visit a senior center and check out all the fun things going on there. Local centers include: MidCounty Senior Center, 234 S. Walnut St., Bath; Nazareth Senior Center, 15 S. Wood St.; Northampton Senior Center, in Grace UCC Church, 9th St & Lincoln Ave., and Cherryville Senior Center at Hope Lutheran Church, Rt. 248, Lehigh Township. MID COUNTY SENIOR CENTER For meal reservations call: 610-837-1931 Thurs. 8/4: 9:00 Pool/Cards/ Games/Puzzles 10:15 Sing-along 11:30 Lunch 12:30 Penny Bingo Fri. 8/5: 9:00 Pool/Games/ Cards/Puzzles 10:15 Council Meeting 11:30 Lunch 12:15 Pinochle/Games Mon. 8/8: 9:00 Pool/Games/ Cards/Puzzles 11:30 Lunch Tues. 8/9: 9:00 Pool/Cards/ Games/Puzzles/Stained Glass 9:45 Exercise 11:30 Lunch 12:30 Bingo Wed. 8/10: 9:00 Pool/Cards/ Games/Puzzles Sewing for Gracedale 11:30 Lunch 12:30 Crafts/Ceramics Birthday Cake CHERRYVILLE For meal reservations call: 610-767-2977 Thurs. 8/4 9:00 Puzzles/
Crafts/Quilts 12:45 Games/ Cards 1:30 Shopping Fri. 8/5: 10:00 Cards/Puzzles Mon. 8/8: 10:00 Puzzles/ Cards 11:15 Exercise Tues. 8/9: 9:00 Crafts/Quilts 10:00 Puzzles/Cards Wed. 8/10: 10:00 Cards/ Puzzles 11:00 Exercise 12:45 Penny Bingo NAZARETH For meal reservations call: 610-759-8255 Thurs. 8/4: 9:00 Exercise Group 10:00 Blood Pressure Fri. 8/5: 9:30 Misc. Games 10:15 Penny Bingo Mon. 8/8: 9:00 Exercise Group 10:00 Polka Mike Tues. 8/9: 10:00 Exercise w/ Marion 10:15 Bonus Bingo Wed. 8/10: 10:00 Odd/Even Bingo 11:15 Sing w/Anita NORTHAMPTON For meal reservations call: 610-262-4977 Thurs. 8/4: 9:00 Cards/Puzzles 11:00 Music w/Steve Myers 12:00 Lunch Fri. 8/5: 9:00 Cards/Puzzles 12:00 Lunch Bingo after Lunch Mon. 8/8 9:00 Cards/Puzzles 12:00 Lunch Tues. 8/9: 9:00 Cards/Puzzles 12:00 Lunch Wed. 8/10: 9:00 Cards/Puzzles 12:00 Lunch LUNCHES: Thurs. 8/4: Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Mediterranean Blend, Bread, Banana Fri. 8/5: Stuffed Shells, Peas,
DaviD H. Warner, DPM, FaCFaS 198 S. Green St., Nazareth 610-759-4555
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Roll, Applesauce Mon. 8/8: Stuffed Pepper, Mashed Potatoes, Veg, Bread, Pear Tues. 8/9: Lemonade, Hot Dogs, Sauerkraut, Potato Salad, Green Beans, Hot Dog Rolls, Fruit Wed. 8/10: Turkey Breast, Pears & Carrots, Bread Stuffing, Cranberry Sauce, Bread, Choc. Chip Cookie
Harhart to Host Annual Senior Expo Aug. 11
Rep. Julie Harhart (R-Lehigh/Northampton) invites senior citizens, their families and caregivers to her annual Senior Expo, to be held Thursday, Aug. 11, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Allen Township Fire Hall in Northampton. “Each year, hundreds of senior citizens participate in the expo to learn more about a variety of public and private resources that can help them stay happy, healthy and safe,” Harhart said. “For frequent visitors to my Senior Expo, new exhibitors are on hand each year, and I encourage all seniors to stop by and join us.” Among the services to be offered by participating vendors include bone density testing, blood pressure screening, vision screening, balance screening, and balance assessment. In addition, exhibitors will offer information on various services, benefits, products and programs to help senior citizens. Exhibitors include private agencies as well as local, state and federal governments. Refreshments will be served, and door prize winners will be notified the following day. The fire hall is located at 3530 Howertown Road in 1. Where is the National Northampton. Library of Medicine? 2. From what are you if you have Lehigh Valley Hospital suffering mogigraphia? Answers: Summer Festival 1. Bethesda, Md. The 50th annual LVH2. Writer's cramp. Muhlenberg Hospital Summer Festival will be held on the hospital grounds located at 2545 Schoenersville Road, Bethlehem on August 17 thru 20. Festival hours are weekdays 5-10:30 p.m. and Saturday 3 to 10:30 p.m. There are four days of fun for everyone. Bring the kids to the festival. Three ride specials are offered. There will be a payone price $18 ride special on Wednesday and Thursday from 6 to 9:30 p.m. and payone-price $12 ride special Saturday from 3 to 5 p.m.
Microwave Tips Fish is one food which often can’t be improved for the diet by microwaving. One or two servings of fish per week is advised. More may not increase benefits. Salmon is first choice--wild Pacific Salmon. Some diet advisers say canned Salmon is almost as healthful as the fresh. No microwaving usually needed.
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Scheduled entertainment on Wednesday from 7 to 10 p.m. “King Henry and the Showmen” that play swing, big band, rock, Latin and love songs. Thursday from 7 to 10 p.m. “The Cramer Brothers” with good country music, Friday from 7 to 10 p.m. listen to “Crazy Heart”, and Saturday from 7 to 10 p.m. “The Jesse Wade Gang” with good country music. Saturday’s special activities will include Stevie variety entertainer from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m.; and a performance from School’s Out Band from 3-5 p.m. Special attractions at the festival will include huge tents of juried crafts, art featuring local artists, rides, games, cash bingo, a bake sale, festival foods, attic treasurers and two-cents penny candy by the Bethlehem Chapter of the Auxiliary of Lehigh Valley Hospital – Muhlenberg and the MORA Club book and plant sale. Just for the little ones will be a Kiddie Land where they can enjoy face painting, a duck pond, spin and sand art, and much more. There will also be a cash raffle with the drawing on Saturday at 10 p.m. Tickets are $1 each or six tickets for $5 with first prize being $1,000 in cash. There is free parking on hospital campus, free admission, and free entertainment. For additional information please visit them on the web at www.jtmonline.com/goodtime for an Internet printable $2 off wristband price coupon. Come on out to celebrate with us our 50th annual Lehigh Valley Hospital – Muhlenberg Summer Festival.
Serving the Entire Lehigh Valley
Direct Deposit 1st Months Service Monthly Reports Annual Reports
Manage your business, not payroll headaches. "Locally Owned - Satisfaction Guaranteed Call For Free Quote To 610-759-9132"
THE HOME NEWS August 4-10, 2011
Financial Freedom Seminar At Assembly Of God
Videos of the Financial Freedom Seminar with Jim Sammons will be shown at Northampton Assembly of God, 3449 Cherryville Rd, Northampton. at no cost the next 20 Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. beginning August 3. As a young man, Jim Sammons had one goal in life--to become financially independent by the age of 30. At 29, his financial world collapsed, and he experienced pressures so overwhelming that he could not work, eat, or sleep. It was then that he learned how to apply Biblical principles to his life, his family, and his business. After years of thrilling results, the Institute in Basic Life Principles produced the Financial Freedom Seminar with Jim relating what God’s Word says about finances and giving practical direction to thousands who listened in rapt attention as he shared insights from his experiences. The seminar is now available via video. Top-
ics covered include How to get out of debt, How to deal with compromises, How to make wise investments, How to build the spirit of a marriage, How to teach principles to children, How to work with people, and other skills that are helpful for becoming a successful person, marriage partner, parent, and financial steward. Ten sample video clips of Jim Sammons speaking in the Financial Freedom Seminar can be viewed at: http:// iblp.org/iblp/discipleship/ financialfreedom/overview/ highspeed/01.html Pastor Daniel E. Lundmark invites the public to attend.
Public invited to 4-H Fair The 2011 Northampton County 4-H Fair will be held on Friday, Aug. 12th through Sunday, Aug. 14th at the Northampton County 4-H
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ARCHITECTURAL rendering for proposed auditorium for Bethany Wesleyan church in Cherryville. – Contributed photo Center, 777 Bushkill Center Rd. Nazareth. The public is invited to come, participate, learn about 4-H, have fun, and “Find Your Rhythm In 4-H”. Admission is free! There is always plenty of great food available. The exhibit hall is open daily. A silent auction will be held throughout the entire fair. Specialty items will be marked for auction through Saturday only, others will continue into the Sunday events. The Northampton Cty. 4-H Livestock Club is offering for auction a hand-made chicken coop. The bids on this item will close on Saturday. The
Northampton Cty. 4-H Horse Clubs are offering for auction an A-5 Clipper set. The bids for this item will be through Sunday. Bidders need not be present to receive the item; however, it is the bidder’s responsibility to arrange for pick up of the item. Back by popular demand is the 4-H Community Days. This year this event will be held on Friday and Saturday, from 10 AM to 3 PM. A wide variety of demonstrations, hands-on activities, and crafts will be offered. There will be goat milking, sheep/ wool demonstrations, rep-
tiles, family games, crafts, a demonstration on bee keeping, and more for the general public and youth to view and in which to participate. Friday, Aug. 12th, will see the Rabbit & Cavy show starting at 9 AM, followed by the Sheep Show, the Market Goat Show, and the Dairy Goat Show. The Swine Show will start at 5 PM. There will be a Reptile and Amphibian Program at 6 PM. Saturday, Aug. 13th, will start at 10 AM with the Beef Show, 2 PM will begin the Poultry Show. At 4 PM there Continued on page 10
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Here comes the zucchini! A loyal customer and friend has humbly allowed us to share her DELICIOUS Zucchini Relish Recipe with you. Thank you, dear friend! Grind enough unpeeled zucchini to make 10 cups and mix with 4 cups of chopped onions and 5 Tablespoons of salt. Let set for 2 hours, and then rinse well with cold water.
Add: 2 ¼ Cups white vinegar • 1 Tbls. dry mustard 2 Tbls. Celery seed • 1 tsp. black pepper • 1 tsp. tumeric 1 ½ - 2 tsp. corn starch (to thicken) • 4 Scant cups sugar 1 Red pepper ground up (Green may be used, but red is more colorful) Cook about 30 minutes until thick. Put into warm jars and seal. Yields 7 pints.
You can get everything you need for the canning season at Miller Supply Ace Hardware including canning jars and lids, assorted pectins, pickling spices, and even vinegar!
Ball Canning Cookbook • Hard Cover • Over 300 recipes for home canning & freezing $7.49
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Ball Mason Jars • Case of 12 8 Oz. Glass Jars, Lids & Seals • Quilted design $9.99 • Other sizes available by the case and separately
Route 329 & Savage Rd., PO Box 311 Northampton, PA 18067-0311 Phone 610-262-4566 Fax 610-262-7847
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THE HOME NEWS August 4-10, 2011
Banner exchanged
HOME CLUB OF THE DISTRICT GOVERNOR banner was exchanged on Thursday, July 28. Shown holding it (l-r) are District 14-K Governor Joseph Chunko and Hellertown Lions Club president Paul Bealer; Past District Governor George Moyer and Immediate Past District Governor April Kucsan from the Hecktown – Lower Nazareth Lions Club. – Home News photo
Martin on Main this Saturday an arts event Martin on Main will be held this Saturday, August 6 from noon to 8:00 p.m. in the borough of Nazareth. The Center will again host a stage at Martin on Main in front of their building at 30 Belvidere Street and will offer scheduled and open mic performances. There will also have
raffle items inside including a year long Martin Guitar raffle, two Olympus cameras, an Olympus CD quality audio recorder, artwork, scarves, and more. Performers CD's will also be available for sale. Free Admission. Taking the stage are: Brittany Tranbaugh, Craig Thatcher &
Ralph’s Appliance, For All Your Major Appliance Needs!
Ralph’s Appliance
150 South Main Street, Nazareth Sales 610-759-5495 Service 610-759-8605 Mon-Thurs. 8:30 a.m.-5:45 p.m. Fri. 8:30 a.m.-8 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Ralph’s: Your Best, Local, Full Service Appliance Discounter
Nyke Van Wyk, Karen & Amy Jones with Dave Doll , Miss G - Abbe, Kim & Ed Rhoades , Trevor Gordon Hall , Brian Halloran , Jordan White, Elisha Kane, aka Reed Reish and Westland (currently on Vans Warped Tour, featuring Nazareth's Jon Cornelius). The winner from the Barony Band Slam will also perform. A complete schedule can be found on the centers website. Thrill on the Hill is a fundraising concert at the Nazareth Borough Park Amphitheatre featuring The Craig Thatcher Band, The Large Flowerheads, The Little Red Rooster Blues Band, Eva Katherine & The Lonesome Souls, and our Barony Band Slam competition winner. Plus ‘tweener’ 15 minute sets by solos and duos between bands. This is a rain or shine event and all park rules will be enforced. Rain or Shine. Park Rules Apply. You can get your tickets at the theater ticket window, online or by emailing nazaretharts@ gmail.com Umbrellas, blankets, chairs recommended! Art Classes are being offered monthly in 2011 For more info email nazaretharts@gmail.com. Stay up to date on all our upcoming events at www.nazaretharts. com
4-H Fair Continued from page 9
will be a Fashion Revue presented by the Clothing and Textile 4-H members. A Dog
Agility demonstration will be held at 5 PM, the Best In Show Presentations follow at 6 PM. 6:30 PM heralds in the cake walk, followed by the family games until 9 PM. The Northampton County 4-H Center will once again be holding a chicken b-arbecue dinner on Sunday, Aug. 14, from 12 (noon) till “the chicken is gone” at the Northampton County 4-H Center, 777 Bushkill Center Rd., Nazareth. The chicken will be offered to the public as dinners, which will include rolls, butter, pickled cabbage/ applesauce, baked potato and a half or quarter chicken, depending on the portion wanted, or as a cooked chicken half without the dinner. Anyone wishing to pre-order chickens the day of the sale may call the 4-H Center at 610759-9859 after 10:00 AM to order; all orders must be picked up by 1:30 PM or they will be sold. Any order may be eaten on the grounds or packaged for take-out. As the chicken has been sold-out in the past years, it is advisable to come early to order and eat. A second chicken barbecue will be held on Sunday, Oct. 9, 2011, starting at noon. These events are fund raisers for the 4-H Center. The 4-H Center was purchased in the mid-60’s to offer a central location for 4-H and youth activities. The 4-H Center is also open for use by the public for a wide variety of events during
the spring, summer and fall months. Persons interested in renting the 4-H Center may call (610) 837-7294 for open dates and rental information. The 4-H program is open to youths between the ages of 8-18 yrs. It offers over 150 different hands-on projects. For further information concerning the 4-H program please call the Northampton County Extension Offices, weekdays, at 610-746-1970. For more information concerning the Northampton County 4-H Fair go to: www.extension.psu.edu/ northampton/programs/4h, or call 610-746-1970, daily. The 4-H program is open to youths ages 8-18 and offers over 150 hands-on learning opportunity. Members and volunteers are always welcome. Lookout Fire Co. Labor Day Celebration Friday, Sept. 2 thru Labor Day, Sept 5 the 76th annual Lookout Fire Co. No. 1 Labor Day Celebration will be held at Weona Park, Rt. 512, Pen Argyl, PA. Celebration hours are Fri. & Sat. 6-10 p.m., Sun. 4-10 p.m. and Mon. 2-8 p.m. Scheduled activities: are Fri. 6-10 p.m. $18 ride special. Fri. 7-10 p.m. “Jay Orrell Band”. Sat. 7-10 p.m. “Jesse Wade Gang” and fireworks (rain date Sun.). Sun. 4-8 p.m. $18 Continued on page 11
River City Band Part of the Water Gap Banjo Band
7 p.m., Friday, August 12 Pleasure Garden Moravian Hall Square 175 W. North St., Nazareth
Rain location Kortz Hall Free and open to the public
Church Directory ADVENT MORAVIAN, (610) 8680477 Jacksonville Rd., Bethlehem. Sun 8:30am Worship; 9:30am Sun School; 10:45am Worship ASSUMPTION BVM PARISH, 2174 Lincoln Ave., Northampton. 610-2622559. Sun 8/10:30am Mass; Mon, Tue, Thurs & Fri – 8am Mass; Wed– 7pm Worship; Sat – 4:00 pm BANGOR CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE, 150 Bunny Trail, Bangor. 610-588-6929 Sun 9:30am SS for all ages; 10:40am Worship; Children’s Church Tues. 6 p.m. Young ladies bible study, 7 p.m. young men’s bible study BETHANY WESLEYAN, 675 Blue Mountain Drive, Cherryville. 610-7671239. Sun - 9/10:30am Worship BUSHKILL UNITED METHODIST, Church Rd., Clearfield, Bushkill Twp. Sun 9:15 a.m. Worship, 10:30 a.m. SS CARPENTER’S COMMUNITY CHURCH, 4609 Newburg Rd, Nazareth, 484-285-0040 Sun 10am Worship CHAPMAN QUARRIES UNITED METHODIST, 1433 Main St., Chapman, Bath.610-837-0935 10am, SS for all ages, 11am, Worship CHRIST U.C.C., S. Chestnut St., Bath. Thurs. 7:30 p.m. Mission Church, , Sun. 8th after Pentecost Worship 9:30 am w/nursery. Holy Communion. 4 p.m. Mission Church Tues. 8/9: Bath Area foodbank. Wed. Mission Church 7:30 p.m. CHRIST U.C.C., 5050 Airport Rd., Allentown. Schoenersville. Sun. Worship 10:15 a.m. CHRIST U.C.C. – LITTLE MOORE, 913 S. Mink Rd. Danielsville. Sun 9am Worship 10:30 Bible Study Holy Communion CONCORDIA LUTHERAN CHURCH 3285 Pheasant Dr. (Pool Rd.) Northampton Sun 9am Worship, 10:30am SS & Bible Class COVENANT UNITED METHODIST, 2715 Mt. View Dr., Bath. 610-8377517. HA Sun. 8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Worship, 9:15 a.m. SS,. DRYLAND U.C.C., Newburg Rd., Nazareth. 610-759-4444 Sun – Birthday Sunday. B-fast 8 a.m., Worship 9:30 a.m.. EGYPT COMMUNITY CHURCH, 4129 S Church St. Whitehall (Egypt) 610-262-4961 Sun. – Worship - 10:30 a.m. SS 9:00 a.m., H/C accessible. EMMANUEL'S LUTH Valley View Drive, Bath. Sun – 9:30am Cont. Worship – FH, – 9:30am Trad. Worship FAITH REFORMED, 4394 Mountain View Drive, Rt. 946, Lehigh Twsp. Sun - Worship 10 am. GRACE BIBLE FELLOWSHIP
CHURCH, 100 E. Beil Ave., Nazareth 610-759-7039 Sun. 9:30 a.m. Worship, SS 10:30, Evening Worship 6 p.m. GOOD SHEPHERD LUTHERAN, 1335 Old Carriage Rd., Northampton Sun – 8:30/10 a.m. Worship Bring a Friend Sunday GOD'S MISSIONARY CHURCH, 4965 Nor-Bath Blvd., Northampton. Sun – 9:30am SS (children & adults); 10:30am & 7pm Service; Sunday Evening Youth 6:30pm. GOSPEL CHAPEL, 2022 Main Street, Northampton Worship 10 a.m. GRACE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, 404 E. Mountain Rd, Pen Argyl Sun –Service, 8:30am & 9:45am HOLY CROSS EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN, 696 Johnson Rd., Nazareth. Worship 8am/9:30am Holy Communion. Tues. 6:30 Bible Study HOLY FAMILY ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, Forest Drive and W. Center St, Nazareth Sun – 7am/9am/11am Mass, Tues. 6:30 bible study HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH, 1235 Main St., Northampton 610-262-2668 Sun. – 10:30 a.m. Worship. Communion 1st Sun. of the Month. SS 9:15 a.m. HOLY TRINITY SLOVAK LUTHERAN, 1370 Washington Ave., Northampton Sun Worship - 9am; SS, 9am HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH 4131 Lehigh dr., Cherryville Sun– 8:00/9:30 am, Communion, MOUNT EATON CHURCH Saylorsburg, PA 570-992-7050 Sun. July 24, - Tues. 26 p.m. Heaven’s Gate & Hell’s Flames. Free with children’s ministry. NEW CHRISTIAN HARVEST AME ZION CHURCH 1500 MacArthur Rd., Whitehall 610-297-2950 Sun. 11 a.m. NAZARETH MORAVIAN CHURCH, P.O. Box 315 Nazareth PA 610-7593163 Sun- 9:30 a.m. Worship. FOOD BANK SUNDAY. 8/13 Lovefeast NORTHAMPTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD, 3449 Cherryville Road Northampton Sun – 10:45am & 6pm Worship; 9:30am SS; Wed – 7:30pm Worship QUEENSHIP OF MARY CHURCH, 1324 Newport Ave., Northampton 610-262-2227 Sun. – 7:30/9:30/11:30 a.m. Service. Holy day & Vigil – 6:30, 9 a.m.; Vigil 7 p.m. SACRED HEART CATHOLIC, Washington St., Bath. Sat Vigil– 4:30pm/6pm Mass, Sun Masses: 6:45/8/9:30/11am; child care during 9:30am Mass; Mon– Thurs 8am Mass; Fri – 8:30am Mass Morning Prayer Mon-Thurs 7:30am Fri. 8:00am.
Jacobsburg Historical Society's Boulton Historic Site Summer Museum Hours Pennsylvania Longrifle Museum 403 Henry Road, Nazareth, PA Each Saturday and Sunday, Noon - 4 p.m. John Joseph Henry House Museum & Grounds 402 Henry Road, Nazareth, PA August 14, Sept 18 ~ Noon-4 p.m. Requested donation: $5 adults. Children under 12 and Jacobsburg Historical Society members free. For more info: www.jacobsburg.org, jacobsburg@rcn.com, or 610-759-9029
SALEM U.C.C., 2218 Community Dr., Bath. Summer worship at 9:30; last Sunday of each month worship outdoors in our grove. SALEM UNITED METHODIST, 1067 Blue Mt. Dr., Danielsville. Sun – Worship 9:30am ST. BRIGID’S EPISCOPAL 310 Madison Ave. Nazareth Sun – Holy Eucharist 9am ST. JOHN’S EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH, E. Main St., Bath. Sun 8am Spoken Service. 9 a.m. SS, 10:15 a.m. Holy Communion ST. JOHN’S EV. LUTHERN CHURCH, 200 S. Broad St., Nazareth 610-759-3090. Sun. –9 a.m. Sat. 5:30 p.m. No SS in Summer ST. JOHN’S U.C.C., 22 Atlas Rd., Northampton. Sun – 8/10:15am Worship, 9am SS ST. JOHN’S U.C.C., 183 S. Broad St., Nazareth. 610-759-0893 Sun –- 8:00 and 10:00am Worship Office closed Fri. St. John’s UCC. 15 S. 2nd St., Slatington 610-767-5554. Worship: 9 A.M. Nursery available, H A Aug 5. Gospel Concert 7:30 p.m. ST. NICHOLAS CATHOLIC CHURCH, Route 946 and Oak Rd, (Berlinsville) Walnutport. 610-7673107 Sun Masses at 8/9:30/11am and Sat evening at 4:30pm Daily Mass at 8:30am ST. PAUL’S UCC, 19th & Lincoln Ave., Northampton, 610-261-2910. HA Sun. 9:30am Worship, Communion. 1st Sun. of Month. No SS. ST. PAUL’S U.C.C., of Indian land, 787 Almond Rd., Cherryville. Sun - Adult & youth SS, 9am; Worship, 10:15am ST. PETER’S U.C.C., 8142 Valley View Rd, Northampton (Seemsville). PA Sunday Worship 9 a.m. VALLEY VIEW BAPTIST, 2870 Pheasant Dr., Northampton (Rt. 248). Sun - Bible study, 9:30am; Morning worship, 10:45am WALNUTPORT SEVENTH-day ADVENTIST, 227 Willow Rd. (and Route 145) Sat – 9:30am Worship, - 10:45am Sabbath School ZION EVANGELICAL LUTHERN CHURCH, 1904 Main St., Northampton 610-261-1812 ZION'S STONE U.C.C., 51 Church Rd., Kreidersville. Sun- 9:00 am Worship ZION WESLEYAN, 2459 E. Scenic Dr., Pt. Phillip. SS 9am; Worship 10:15am
* Please send Church Schedules and activities to editorial@HomeNewsPA.com. Or mail bulletins to PO BOX 39, BATH PA 18014. Church Directory is a free listing of area Churches in alphabetical order and includes: Services, Sunday school and Bible Study regular schedules. Please call the office for directions or more information. *SS – Sunday School, H/A – Handicapped Accessible.
Lookout Fire Co. Continued from page 10
ride special and 7-10 p.m. “Flirtin’ With The Mob”. Mon. 1 p.m. Area’s Largest Parade, and 3-8 p.m. “Inch and the Echoes”. Rides, games, food, free parking, free admission, free entertainment, carousel open, plus so much more! For more information, call 484-695-2610 or visit them on their website at http://www. lookoutfireco.com. Visit them on the web at www.jtmonline.com/goodtime for an Internet printable $2 off wristband price coupon. Proceeds benefit Lookout Fire Co. No. 1 General Fund.
Gospel Concert
There will be a Gospel concert by the Hinkle Family on Friday, August 5, 7:30 pm, at St. John's UCC Church , 15 S. Second Street, Slatington. This traveling musical family from Texas presents their music as a ministry in order to "lead souls to a saving knowledge of Jesus and encourage Christians to a closer walk with God". A free-will offering will be taken.
August 4-10 2011
By Greg Miller
Prospector finds true wealth during Gold Rush The summer sun blazed a fiery trail across the California sky during the 1849 Gold Rush. “You’re trying to outdo yourself, aren’t you, Mr. Sun?,” shouted Dan, who was prospecting for gold. Although he didn’t verbalize his thoughts, the sun kept shining his intense rays in every direction, and Dan thought he felt a sudden surge in the temperature, as perspiration profusely poured from his body. “Okay, Mr. Sun,” said Dan. “I apologize for being a bit testy, but these warm days have me a bit hot under the collar, if you know what I mean.” “I understand, Dan,” said the sun. “A lot of folks are unhappy with this weather. But in the many thousands of years of doing my job, I’ve found that sometimes people are hard to please. It’s either too hot or too cold, too much snow or not enough rain, etc., etc.” The sun then told Dan that only the Almighty Creator controlled the weather. “I’m just one of the servants the Sovereign Lord uses to accomplish His will throughout the universe,” said the sun. “The stars, the moon, all the planets, and all the galaxies also accomplish God’s ordained purpose.” Dan’s work day was coming to an end, so he told the sun, “Thanks a lot for keeping me company every day while I’m prospecting for gold.” “You’re quite welcome, My Friend,” said the sun.“Thank you for being such a good sport when I have to add a few extra rays of sun to your day.” The sun had finished his chores in Dan’s part of the world and began his duties on the other side of the globe. The moon popped into view, ready for his duties on the second shift. Dan and the moon exchanged greetings, and Dan entered his tent, exhausted from his long day of digging for gold. Dan had traveled from his east coast home about two years earlier. He had left his wife, Dora, and daughter, Darla, at home and headed west to search for gold in California. Since he had staked his claim, Dan had amassed a small fortune in gold, but he had come to realize his true riches did not come from underneath the surface of the earth. Before Dan drifted into a deep sleep, he wrote a note to Dora. “I love you very much,” Dan wrote. “I came to California to look for gold, but since I’ve been here I have discovered that gold and silver are not a true indicator of wealth. I’m sending enough money for you and Darla to join me here. And when you arrive, I’ll have all the true wealth I’ll ever need - my family!”
3rd Annual Craft Fair & Bake Sale
Zion Wesleyan Church 1001 Deemer Rd. Bath August 6th 9am-3pm
Something e For Everyon Plenty Of Food
v Rain Or Shine v McGruff
Shannon - 610-438-5190
Moore Twp. Vol. Fire Co. Will be Here from 11-1!
St. Peter’s UCC
8142 Valley View Road • Seemsville, Northampton
St. Peter’s U.C.C. 8142 Valley View Rd. Seemsville, Northampton
Wo r s h i p 610-837-7426 9:00 a.m. “There Are No Strangers Here,
St. Peter’s U.C.C. 8142 ValleyOnly View Rd. Friends We Haven’t Met!” Seemsville, Northampton 610-837-7426
“There A re No Strangers Here, Only Friends We Haven’t Met!”
12 THE HOME NEWS August 4-10, 2011
Obituaries William J. Folland
Oct. 8, 1922 – July 25, 2011 William J. Folland, 88, of Northampton died Monday, July 25 in Lehigh Valley Hospital-Cedar Crest, Salisbury Township. He was the husband of the late Isabelle (Bamford) Folland. He was employed by the former Bethlehem Steel Corp., and had served in the Army. Born Oct. 8, 1922 in Catasauqua, he was a son of the late Thomas and Beatrice (Schuler) Folland. He was a member of Grace U.C.C. Church, Northampton; the Catasauqua American Legion, and was active with the Alliance Fire Co. Surviving are a daughter, Diane Lyons, of Naples, Fla.; a son, Richard W. of Northampton; three sisters, Virginia Leibenguth, Dorothy Schupp, and Beatrice Baatz, all of Fullerton; two brothers, Edward of Emmaus and Orandus of Northampton; two grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held on Friday afternoon in Grace U.C.C. Church with The Rev. Heather Kurtz officiating. Interment followed in Allen Union Cemetery, Northampton. Arrangements were by the Schisler Funeral Home, Northampton. Contributions may be made to Grace United Church of Christ, Northampton.
Sumiko Heffelfinger
April 8, 1926 – July 21, 2011 Sumiko Heffelfinger, 86, died on Thursday, July 21 at home after a two-year battle with leukemia. She was the wife of the late Robert Heffelfinger, who died in May. She and her husband were married while he was stationed in Japan with the U.S. Army. She journeyed by ship to Seattle in May 1959. They resided in Pennsylvania in February 1961. Sumiko studied Christianity and was baptized and confirmed
in Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Palmerton, in 1963. She became an American citizen on April 1, 1963. She and her husband settled in Northampton. Mrs. Heffelfinger was a cafeteria worker for the Northampton Area School District for 20 years. She was born on April 8, 1922 in Yokohama, Japan. Surviving are a daughter, Karen Cummings; a son, Robert; and siblings who reside in Japan. A memorial service was held on Wednesday in the Reichel Funeral Home, Northampton. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society, c/o the funeral home at 326 E. 21st St., Northampton, PA 18067.
John T. Siekonic
Oct. 22, 1913 – July 28, 2011 John T. Siekonic, 97, of Northampton died Thursday, July 28 in Emeritus of Allentown. He was the husband of Stella L. (Czonstka) Siekonic for just under 70 years. After serving in the Navy during World War II during the invasion of North Africa and the Battle of Anzio, he worked at the Keystone Cement Co. in Bath for 40 years. Born Oct. 22, 1913 in Northampton, he was a son of the late Michael and Pauline (Ballas) Siekonic. He was a lifelong member of the former St. Michael’s Catholic Church and the present Queenship of Mary Church. He was also a member of the Holy Name Society and was a member of For God & Country Catholic War Veterans Post #454, Northampton. In addition to his wife, he is survived by a son, John J. Siekonic of East Allen Township; a daughter, Stephanie Wukitch of Catasauqua; a sister, Helen Happle, of Allentown; 10 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren. Preceding him in death were two daughters, Lucille
Stumpf and Anne Rennie; brothers Joseph, Frank and Michael; and sisters, Mary Cizmar and Margaret Smith. A Funeral Mass was celebrated on Monday morning in Queenship of Mary Church, followed by burial with military honors in Our Lady of Hungary Cemetery, Northampton. Arrangements were by the Reichel Funeral Home, Northampton. Memorial donations may be made to the church, c/o the funeral home at 326 E. 21st St., Northampton, PA 18067.
Edward A. Bankos
Sept. 19, 1927 – July 25, 2011 Edward A. Bankos, 83, of Cementon died Monday, July 25 in ehigh Vlley HospitalCedar Crest, Salisbury Township. He was the husband of Anna H. (Geosits) Bankos. He had worked at the former Bethlehem Steel Corp. and was the owner/operator of the Laurel Hotel in Cementon from 1965 to 1994. He first served in the Merchant Marine and then the Army during World War II and Korea. Born Sept. 19, 1927 in Cementon, he was a son of the late Edward and Mary (Barlok) Bankos. An Eagle Scout and a 1945 graduate of Allentown Central Catholic High School, he was a member of Assumption of the Blessed Mary Catholic Church, Northampton, and the Young at Heart senior group. He was also a life member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #4714 and For God & Country Catholic War Veterans Post #454, both in Northampton; Laurel Fire Co., Lappawinzo Fish & Game Protective Association; a member of Alliance Fire Co., Northampton; Eckley E. Patch Post #470, American Legion, Bath; and the Four County Firemen’s Association. In addition to his wife, he is survived by three daughters, Rita Sipics, of Whitehall, Valerie Cowitch of Northampton, and Janet Kromer of Coplay; a son, Thomas, of Whitehall; two sisters, Sister M. Marietta Bankos, O.S.F., of Pittsburgh and Anna Fry of Northampton; 12 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated on Friday in Assumption B.V.M. Church, followed by burial with mili-
tary honors in St. Peter’s Catholic Cemetery, Whitehall. Arrangements were by the Reichel Funeral Home, Northampton. Memorial contributions may be made to Assumption B.V.M. Church, 22nd & Wasdhington Ave., Northampton, and/or Northampton Village, 1001 Washington Ave., Northampton, PA 18067.
Jean Doyle
Jan. 22, 1924 – July 25, 2011 Jean Doyle, 87, of Upper Nazareth Township, formerly of Sanford, N.Y., died Monday, July 25 in Gracedale. She was the wife of Gaylord I. Doyle. She worked as a secretary of the New York City Board of Water Supply for 15 years. Born Jan. 22, 1924 in Sanford, N.Y., she was a daughter of the late Frank and Lenore (Ahrens) Thomson. She was a member of Bushkill United Methodist Church. In addition to her husband, she is survived by two daughters, Kimberly Daniels of Moore Township and Cheryl Curran of Fuquay-Varina, N.C.; two sons, Rev. Douglas Doyle of Cottonport, La., and Donald Doyle of Stuart, Fla.; 14 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren, and nieces and nephews. Services were private at the convenience of the family as arranged by the Geo. G. Bensing Funeral Home, Moorestown. Memorial contributions may be made to the Pentecostals of Cottonport, c/o Pastor Douglas Doyle, P.O. Box 1035, Cottonport, LA 71327.
Caroline F. Winch Caroline F. Winch died Tuesday, July 26, 2011. She was the wife of the late Lavere E. Winch, Sr. A retired homemaker, she was a member of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Catasauqua. Born in Bath, she was a daughter of the late Frank and Anna (Laugler) Faustner. Surviving are four sons, Lavere E., Jr. of Middletown, Warren of Catasauqua, David of Catasauqua, and Larry of Northampton; a daughter, Carole Winch, of Whitehall; a brother, William Faustner, of Nazareth; five sisters, Helen, Rose and Margaret of Bath, Frances of Whitehall and Emma of Emmaus; 11 grandchildren and two great-
Elizabeth A. Kush, 90, of Northampton died Tuesday, July 26, 2011 in Gracedale. She was the wife of the late Joseph J. Kush, Sr., who died in 1985. She worked as a floor lady at the former Regal Sportswear, Northampton, and other various garment mills for many years before retiring in 1985. Born in Hokendauqua, she was a daughter of the late George and Anna (Harakel) Mesaros. She was a member of Assumption B.V.M. Catholic Church, Northampton, and its Altar & Rosary Society. Surviving are two sons, Joseph J., Jr. of Northampton and Thomas G. of Allentown; a brother, George Mesaros, of Clarence, N.Y.; six grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. A Mass of Christian Burial was held on Saturday in Asumption B.V.M. Church, followed by interment in the parish cemetery in Cherryville. Arrangements were by the Schisler Funeral Home, Northampton.
Charles J. Krell, Jr.
Aug. 10, 1923 – July 28, 2011 Charles J. Krell, Jr., 87, of Bath died on Thursday, July 28 in the VNA Hospice of St. Luke’s in Lower Saucon Township. He was the husband of the late Anna (Kositz) Krell, who died Aug. 15, 1996. He was a machinist at the former Lone Star Cement Co., Nazareth, for many years before retiring. Serving in the Army during World War II, he was a medic in the 11th Airborne Infantry. He was also a wood worker who made Continued on page 13
Pre-Need & Cremation Services
Zee R. K. Bartholomew
326 East 21st Street Northampton PA (610) 261-0440
“Understanding, When People Need it the Most”
Elizabeth A. Kush
Reichel Funeral Home 220 Washington Park Nazareth PA (610) 759-0160
grandchildren. She was preceded in death by brothers Rudy, Joseph, Edwin, Alfred and Johnny; and sisters Anna, Angelina, Hilda and Elsie. Services and interment will be at the convenience of the family as arranged by the Brubaker Funeral Home. Memorial contributions may be made to St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 47 Howertown Rd., Catasauqua, PA 18032.
Supervisor Burials • Cremations • Pre-planning Frances Bensing Funeral Director
John h. simons supervisor
Six Generations of Quality Compassionate Service Since 1853
610-837-6451 243 S. Walnut St., Bath, Pa. 18014
Obituaries Continued from page 12
clocks and jewelry boxes. Born Aug. 10, 1923 in Nazareth, he was a son of the late Charles J., Sr. and Elizabeth (Semkew) Krell. He was a member of the Sacred Heart Church and Eckley E. Patch Post #470, American Legion, both in Bath. Surviving are three daughters, Jo Ann Nagy of Bath, Kathleen Fogel of Nazareth, and Diane Berger of Bath; a sister, Catherine Kroboth, of Nazareth; seven grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Two sisters, Elizabeth Commodore and Stella Fritz, preceded him in death. Services were held on Tuesday morning in the Reichel Funeral Home, Nazareth, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial in the Sacred Heart Church, Bath, and interment with military honors in the parish cemetery. Memorial donations may be made to the church, c/o the funeral home at 220 Washington Park, Nazareth, PA 18064.
Ernest P. Hower Ernest P. Hower, 79, of Coplay, formerly of Danielsville, died Friday, July 29, 2011 in his home. He was the husband of Shirley A. (Kratzer) Hower. He was employed at the former Bethlehem Steel Corp. as a furnace man and had served in the Army during the Korean War. Born in Allentown, he was a son of the late Samuel and Florence (Kaiser) Hower. He was a member of Faith Independent Church of Christ, Walnutport, and sang on the church choir. He was also a member of T.O.P.S. Besides his wife, he is survived by a daughter, Annette S. Messner, of Bath; two sons, Michael E. at home and Arnold P. of Slatington; a brothCORRECTION The Late Ralph H. Smith of Moore Township is survived by his wife Barbara L. (Kocher) Smith. They shared 44 years of marriage on April 22, 2011.
In Memoriam
Anna M. Halbfoerster 1932-2001 It has been ten years since your passing, Anna, but our love will live on forever. We had 46 years of happiness together, loving, working and raising a wonderful family. Some day we will be together again. With all my loveYour Husband, Bill
er, Lewis Hower, of Kindersville, Pa.; a sister, Florence Ruff, of Allentown; and five grandchildren. Funeral services were held on Monday morning in Faith Independent Church of Christ, with arrangements made by the Schisler Funeral Home, Northampton. Contributions may be made to the church memorial fund at 4394 Mt. View Dr., Walnutport, PA 18088.
Gregory A. Miller
Dec. 29, 1987 – July 27, 2011 Gregory A. Miller, 23, of Hanover Township, died Wednesday, July 27 in Whitehall Township. A 2006 graduate of Northampton High School, where he played football, he was a sales representative for AT&T the past five years. He was also a weekend bouncer at Starters Riverport, Bethlehem. Born Dec. 29, 1987 in Allentown, he was a son of Karen Sue (Farrell) Williams of Hanover Township and Gregory J. Miller of Danielsville. He was a member of Gold’s Gym in Whitehall, and had attended Northampton Community College for two years. Besides his parents, he is survived by his maternal grandmother, Doris (Melber) Farrell of Hanover Township; paternal grandmother, Eleanor (Mayernik) Miller of Allentown; a sister, Krystal Policelli, of Northampton; and a nephew. A Memorial Mass was celebrated on Tuesday morning in Queenship of Mary Catholic Church, Northampton, followed by interment in Our Lady of Hungary Columbarium, Northampton. Arrangements were by the Reichel Funeral Home, Northampton. Memorial donations in his honor may be made to the out client counseling program at Valley Youth House, c/o the funeral home, 326 E. 21st St., Northampton, PA 18067.
George F. D. Stofko, Sr. George F. D. Stofko, Sr., of Pennsville died Friday, July 29, 2011 at home. He was the husband of Lois G. (Heffelfinger) Stofko. He worked at the Bethlehem Steel for 38 years, first in coal handling and then in the coke works. Born in Wilson Boro, he was a son of the late George and Esther (Boye) Stofko. He was a member of Valley View Baptist Church, East Allen Township, and sang on
the choir, mowed grass and entertained the children at vacation Bible school. In addition to his wife, he is survived by three sons, George F. D., Jr., Kyle C. and Trevor C.; two brothers, Jacob and John; a sister, Esther Dalmas; and five granddaughters. Funeral services were held on Wednesday in Valley View Baptist Church with The Rev. Volker Stoeckmann officiating. Arrangements were by the Reichel Funeral Home, Northampton. Memorial contributions may be made to the church at 2870 Pheasant Dr., Northampton, PA 18067.
Harold A. Kuehner Harold A. Kuehner, 88, of Beil Circle, Northampton (Lehigh Township), died Sunday, July 31, 2011 at Holy Family Manor, Bethlehem. He was the husband of the late Ruth E. (Mast) Kuehner, who died in 1983. He worked at the blast furnace of the former Bethlehem Steel for 43 years, retiring in 1986. During the Korean War, he served in the Army. Born in Eldred Twsp., Pa., he was a son of the late Samuel B. and Atlas J. (Christman) Kuehner. He was a member of Hope Lutheran Church, Cherryville; attended the Friendly Senior Citizens group in Walnutport, and was a member of Grundsow Lodsch Nummer Elfe on da Fireline. Surviving are two daughters, Kaye M. Rogers of Bethlehem and Karen L. Koplin of Northampton; five grandchildren and many nieces and nephews. Preceding him in death were two sisters, Althea Hill and Shirley Raughley, and seven brothers, Kermit, Llewellyn, Ernest, Carl, Burdell, Rayden and Merlin. Funeral services will be at 11 a.m. Friday in Hope Lutheran Church, 4131 Lehigh Dr., Cherryville, with The Rev. Jamie Possinger officiating. Visit Friday 9-11 a.m. in the church. Interment will be in Jerusalem Lutheran Cemetery, Trachsville. Arrangements are by the Schisler Funeral Home, Northampton. Contributions may be made to the Hope Lutheran Church memorial fund.
Donald S. Silfies
Oct. 27, 1921 – July 30, 2011 Donald S. Silfies, 89, of Bethlehem, a native of Bath, died Saturday, July 30, at home. He was the husband of Ruth (Wildgen) Silfies. He served as the assistant
THE HOME NEWS August 4-10 2011 13 fire chief for the City of Beth- todian for the Nazareth Area lehem, retiring in 1986. An School District before retiring Army veteran of World War in 1981. Previously, he worked II, he served in the 82nd Air- at the Penn-Dixie Cement Co. borne, and participated in the for 30 years. D-Day invasion of NormanBorn July 17, 1925 in Hendy, and received the Purple rietta, Pa., he was a son of Heart. the late Don L. and Kathryn Born Oct. 27, 1921 in Bath, (Quarry) Detwiler. he was a son of the late Harry He was a member of SchoeS. and Mabel (Scott) Silfies. neck Moravian Church, and He was a member of First a life member of the AmeriBaptist Church, Bethlehem; can Legion, the V.F.W., and Eckley E. Patch Post #470, the East Lawn Fire Co., all of American Legion, Bath, and Nazareth. was a volunteer for Meals Surviving are two daughon Wheels and Musikfest. ters, Susan Miller and Sherry He was a graduate of Liberty Detwiler, both of Nazareth; a High School, Bethlehem. step-granddaughter, Kristen In addition to his wife, he is Riedy of Whitehall; two stepsurvived by a daughter, Susan great-grandsons, Nicholas Gould of Bethlehem; three and Spencer Riedy; a brothsons, Bruce of Sinking Spring, er, Wayne L. Detwiler, Sr., of Jeffrey of Macungie, and Mat- State College; a sister, Lucy thew of Bethlehem; two Buck, of Plainfield Township; brothers, Sherwood of Mac- and many nieces and nephungie and Herbert of Bath; a ews. sister, Marie Fehnel, of NazaDying earlier were three reth; nine grandchildren and brothers, Don L., Jr., Fredersix great-grandchildren. ick and Harper Detwiler, and He was pre-deceased by a two sisters, June Williams and daughter, Nancy Ellen Hann, Mildred Thorman. in 2004; two sisters, Lorraine Services were on WednesDiehl and Helen Mae Moyer; day morning in the Geo. and four brothers, Franklin, G. Bensing Funeral Home, Carl D. “Jiggs”, William, and Moorestown, followed by Harry Silfies, Jr. burial in God’s Acre-SchoeFuneral services were held neck Moravian Church Cemin First Baptist Church this etery, Nazareth. (Thursday) morning, followed Contributions may be made by burial in Bethlehem Me- to the church at 316 N. Broad morial Park. The Pearson Fu- St. Extension, Nazareth, PA neral Home, Bethlehem, had 18064. charge of arrangements. Donations may be made Helene E. Knecht to the church camp fund or Helene E. (Cawein) Knecht. the American Cancer Center, payable to “The Trustees 83, of Lower Mt. Bethel Townof the University of Pennsyl- ship died Saturday, July 30, vania,” sent to Penn Medicine 2011 in Easton Hospital. Services were private at the Development, 3535 Market St., Suite 750, Philadelphia, convenience of the family in the Geo. G. Bensing Funeral PA 19104. Home, Moorestown.
Ivan L. Detwiler
July 17, 1925 – July 29, 2011 Ivan L. Detwiler, 86, of Bushkill Township died Friday, July 29 in Lehigh Valley HospitalMuhlenberg, Bethlehem. He was the husband of the late Martha H. (Bickert) Detwiler, who died in 2007. A 1945 graduate of Nazareth High School, he served in the Army during World War II. He worked as a cus-
Clara E. Haydt
July 20, 1927 – July 29, 2011 Clara E. Haydt, 84, of Danielsville died on Friday, July 29 at Gracedale. She was the wife of Paul H. Haydt. A member of the International Ladies’ Garment Woerkers’ Union, she had worked as a sewing machine Continued on page 15
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14 THE HOME NEWS August 4-10, 2011
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The Fair Housing Act prohibits housing discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, and disability. It is illegal to deny housing to families with children under 18 years of age unless the housing qualifies as "housing for older persons."
Chainsaws sharpened and new chains by the foot. All types of batteries, factory seconds and first line. Call: 610-262-8703 TN* For Sale TOP SOIL $200 Tri-Axle load. Landscape-Boulders-Mushroom Soil. Light Excavating. Call 610216-2044. TN Cedar Hill Memorial Park Cemetery 2 spaces, 2 vaults $2,100.00 or B/O MUST SELL 610-7035122. 6/30-8/18
Twin Maple Farm, 1 mile South Bath School Rd. Open Daily. TN Desk $30 VCR Cabinet $10, 2 Chairs $10, Entertainment Stand $20 or B.O. 610 703-5122 (8/4-9/22)
Office – Business Space available along busy Route 248 in Berlinsville. Will remodel to suit tenant. Reasonable Rent. All utilities included. (610) 7673531 (1/14 – TN)
Musical Instruments CASH PAID For your unwanted guitars, fiddles and amplifiers. Buy-SellTrade Call Ron: 610-681-4613 TN*
services NAZARETH PLATE GLASS CO., INC. 27 Mauch Chunk Street Nazareth, Pa. HARVEY VINYL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS SOLAR ROOMS Storm Windows & Screens Repaired Insulated Glass, Plexiglass, Mirrors, Repairs made at your home. Free Estimates. Call Mike Matula 610-759-3682 Closed Saturdays TN*
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All types of roofing. Free Estimates. Fully Insured. Randy C. Silfies, owner. PA#036835 610-837-8225 TN*
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Help Wanted PERSONAL CARE ASSISTANTS Part time, Middle & Night Shifts. Can lead to full time. Apply Northampton Village, 1001 Washington Avenue, Northampton, PA 610 262 1010. (7/28-8/4)
Applications are now being accepted for the position of Public Works Labor/ Truck Driver to work full-time as an employee of the Moore Township Road Department. Qualified applicants will need to possess a valid Pennsylvania Class-A or Class-B Commercial Drivers’ License. Class-A CDL is preferred. Applications may be secured at the Moore Township Municipal Building, 2491 Community Drive, Bath, Pa. 18014 between the hours of 9 AM and 3 PM, Monday thru Friday. Completed applications are to be submitted to the Board of Supervisors on or before August 18, 2011. If you have not placed an application within the past 2 months, please re-apply with a new application now. Moore Township Board of Supervisors 8/4
YARD SALE BATH - MULTI FAMILY YARD SALE 8/5-7, 7 a.m.-2 p.m., Intersection Community Dr/Monocacy Dr (#946-#987). Lots of good stuff. Something for everybody. (8/4) Fri Aug. 12 + 13 7 a.m. - 4 p.m. 50 Kohl’s Rd Northampton 484-239-2499 (8/4 – 8/11) HOT HOT HOT SALE INDOOR YARD SALE SUMMER CLEARANCE SAVING UP TO 95% OFF LOTS OF $1-$2 & $5 ITEMS
NOTE OF THANKS Thank you to everyone for the cards, flowers, and food. Your kind words and gifts were appreciated. In Loving Memory of Dennis M. Zalo. You will be missed by everyone. Mr and Mrs John Outwater (8/4)
WANTED Farmers Market Vendors Wanted The Bath Farmers Market, runs May through September at Keystone Park in Bath. Currently looking for Vendors for the 2011 season. Full and Half Season available. Please visit our website at www.bathfarmersmarket.org for more information, and applications. FMI contact Mary Kositz 610-837-6729 or Fiona Adamsky 610-618-9437. (1/27-9/15)
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PINBALL MACHINES OLDER GUM BALL & CANDY MACHINES, PENNY ARCADE & ANY OLDER COIN OPERATED MACHINES. CASH PAID. CALL DARYL 610767-9135 (1/14-12/17) Crafters needed 3rd annual Zion Wesleyan Church craft show Aug. 6, Rain or Shine. Call Shannon Myers at 610-438-5190. 8/4
PUblic notice-Legal ESTATE NOTICE Margaret J. Sigley Estate of Margaret J. Sigley, a/k/a Peg Sigley, late of the Borough of Freemansburg, County of Northampton and State of Pennsylvania, deceased. WHEREAS, Letters Testamentary in the above-named estate have been granted to David L. Lynn, Executor of the Estate of Margaret J. Sigley, a/k/a Peg Sigley. All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands to present the same without delay to David L. Lynn C/O Alfred S. Pierce, Esquire 124 Belvidere Street Nazareth, Pennsylvania, 18064 Alfred S. Pierce, Esquire Pierce & Dally, LLP 124 Belvidere Street Nazareth, PA 18064 Attorneys for the Estate I.D. No. 21445 (7/28-8/11) ESTATE NOTICE Ronald J. Bamasevitch The Estate of Ronald J. Barnasevitch, deceased, of the Township of Upper Nazareth, County of Northampton, PA. Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary for the above Estate were granted to Robert D. Hricak, Executor, on June 30, 2011. All persons indebted to the Estate are required to make immediate payment, and those having claim or demand are to present the same without delay to Robert D. Hricak, in care of GREGORY R. REED, Attorneyat-Law, 141 South Broad Street, P.O. Box 299, Nazareth, PA 18064-0299.
FUND EQUITY, JANUARY 1, 2010 RevenueS Usage Charges Other Interest Income Total Revenues
The Northampton Borough Planning Commission will hold its public meeting on Wednesday, August 10, 2011, starting at 7:00 P.M. in Council Chambers, 1401 Laubach Avenue, Northampton, Pennsylvania, to review the following: 1. Brookside Commercial Construction Company, Inc. 1177 Sixth Street, Whitehall, Pennsylvania, for the property located on West Alley, Northampton, Pennsylvania. This property is identified as Tax Map Parcel No. L4SW4A-1-6 and is located in the C-2 Commercial Zoning District. This plan is presented for a Sketch Plan Review. Brookside Commercial Construction Company would like to develop this parcel into a 48 townhome development entitled Northampton Townhomes. All Interested parties are invited to attend. A representative or the applicant must attend. Gene Zarayko Borough Manager (7/28-8/4) MEETING NOTICE Proposed Ordinance Chapman Borough Council at their regular monthly meeting for September, will consider Oridnance 2011-1, EARNED INCOME TAX ORIDINANCE. If interested you may review the ordinance by contacting the Borough Secretary, John J. Defassio. (8/4-818)
$638,251 $107,272 328 745,851
Expenditures Operating expense Administrative Expense Debt Service Expense Total Expenditures
527,032 51,162 14,162 592,356
STATEMENT OF RESOURCES, LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY ASSETS Cash and Investments Accounts Receivable Property, Plant and Equipment, Net
LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY Accounts payable and other Current Liabilities Long-Term Debt Fund Equity
$172,954 132,739 1,412,283 $1,717,976 $95,692 340,709 1,281,575 $1,717,976
Copies of the complete audit report are available for examination at the Authority Office. 8/14 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Articles of Incorporation have been filed with the Department of State of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, for the purpose of incorporation a nonprofit corporation organized under the provisions of the Non-Profit Corporation Law of 1988 of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as amended. The name of the nonprofit corporation is: Projectpaz, Inc. The purpose for which it has been organized is as follows: To further the tenets of peace and education through the promotion of the arts, and to perform any lawful acts which are necessary, desirous, convenient
and proper in connection with the Articles of Incorporation and in accordance with the Pennsylvania Nonprofit Corporation Law of 1988, as amended. The corporation is organized exclusively for promotion of the arts purposes as defined by Section 501 (c) of the Internal revenue code of 1986 (or the corresponding provisions of any future United States Internal Revenue Law). Attorney John L. Obrecht 1731 Main Street Northampton PA 18067 (8/4)
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Obituaries Continued from page 13
operator for Edgemont Mfg., Lehigh Township, for more than 30 years. She later coowned and operated Haydt’s Seafood in Walnutport and Quakertown before retiring. Born July 20, 1927 in Buffalo, N.Y., she was a daughter of the late Herbert H. K., Sr. and Romaine F. (Graver) Bauer. She was a member of Hope Lutheran Church, Cherryville. Surviving besides her husband are a son, Barry L., of Danielsville; two brothers, Richard Bauer of Nazareth and Herbert H. K. Bauer, Jr. of Whitehall; a sister, Shirley Hoadley, of Nazareth, and many nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by an infant son, Paul Haydt, Jr.; a daughter, Denise Evans, and a grandson, Curtis Evans III. Services were held this (Thursday) morning in the Geo. G. Bensing Funeral Home, Moorestown, followed by burial in Danielsville Union Cemetery. Contributions may be made to Hope Lutheran Church, 4134 Lehigh Dr., Cherryville, PA 18035.
Robert W. Sigafoos
May 10, 1942 – July 29, 2011 Robert W. Sigafoos, 69, of Bushkill Township died Friday, July 29 in Easton Hospital. He was the husband of Catherine (Fisher) Sigafoos. A 1962 graduate of Wilson Boro High School, he served in the Army during the Vietnam War, then served with the 213 Support Team of the National Guard for more than 19 years. He worked as a truck driver for Lee Wear and as a machine operator for the former Bethlehem Steel Co. Born May 10, 1942 in Wilson Boro, he was a son of the late William and Grace (Gensheimer) Sigafoos. He was a life member of American Legion Post #415, Nazareth. In addition to his wife, he is survived by several nieces, nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews. A sister, Carol Fisher, died earlier. Services were held on Monday in the Schmidt Funeral Home, Nazareth, with a private burial in Northampton Memorial Shrine at a later date.
Surviving are two sons, Dain K. of Schnecksville and Robert E. of Nazareth; three grandchildren and ten greatgrandchildren. Three brothers and three sisters preceded her in death. Funeral services were held on Tuesday in L.V. Grace Brethren Church, followed by burial in Cedar Hill Memorial Park, Allentown. Arrangements were by the Schmidt Funeral Home, Nazareth. Memorials may be made to the church, 580 Bridal Path Rd., Bethlehem, PA 18017.
Eva J. Clewell
Jan. 8, 1922 – July 29, 2011 Eva J. Clewell, 89, formerly of Plainfield Township and Nazareth, died on Friday, July 29 at the Brian Center Nursing Home in Lincolnton, N.C. She was the wife of the late Clarence M. Clewell, who died in 1999. Prior to retiring in 1980, she worked in the sample department of Magnetic Windings in Palmer Township for 31 years. She later worked as a seamstress at Bridals by Sandra in Nazareth. Born Jan. 8, 1922 in Moore Township, she was a daughter of the late Peter A. and Elsie F. (Bartholomew) Kilpatrick. She was a member of Shutanka Chapter #202, Order of the Eastern Star, Pen Argyl, where she was a past matron. Mrs. Clewell was a member of St. Luke’s U.C.C. Church, Belfast, and the Red Hat Club. Surviving are her daughter-in-law, Joann (DeMaria) Clewell of Lincolnton, N.C.; two grandchildren, Eva Walker and Robert Clewell, residing in Greenville, N.C. and Orlando, Fla.; a greatgrandson, Alex Walker; a brother, Roy Kilpatrick, of Bloomsburg; two sisters, Anna Gogle of Santa Anna, Calif., and Emma Kromer of Nazareth, and many nieces and nephews. Preceding her in death were a son, Robert; four brothers, William, Stanley, Clayton and Elmer Kilpatrick; and two sisters, Elsie
Opinion Continued from page 2
cy down, but I won’t yield.” One would hope that, instead of couching this in terms of re-election prospects, the president of the United States would spare the American people a wrenching economic upheaval. Obama knows that no president can spend funds that Congress has not raised by taxes or authorized the Treasury to borrow. As president, he should have in place contingency plans with clearly defined priorities (e.g., interest on the national debt so there is no default; Social Security, defense, whatever) for deciding what federal spending would be continued or discontinued if Congress said “Enough!” to runaway spending and refused to raise the debt ceiling. Whenever the debt-ceiling issue is temporarily patched over in the coming days or weeks, Congress should hold hearings to ferret out the truth. Did President Obama have a contingency plan in place? If he didn’t, he was derelict in duty; if he did, his plan could prove useful in identifying what federal spending is nonessential. And was cutting off Social Security payments really near the top of his list, as the president implied when he raised the prospect of
THE HOME NEWS those checks not going out on August 3, or was that a cynical attempt to scare senior citizens? Another unseemly aspect of this ongoing drama is how the administration managed to postpone “Financial D-Day” to August 2, even though the debt ceiling was first reached in May. Secretary Geithner tapped the retirement funds of federal employees. Naturally, those funds (over $100 billion) will have to be repaid. As he did by tapping into the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, the president’s administration has misused important reserves set aside for future needs for (in my view) political advantage. Bottom line: Whatever deal is struck now will not solve our long-term fiscal problems. The ongoing political maneuvering has given us glimpses of how sick our political system is.
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Santee, 7. Lonnie Behler, 8. Tommy Flanagan, 9. Matt Wentz, 10. Frankie Althouse, 11. Kevin Rex, Jr., 12. John Bennett 13. Rob Shultz, 14. Terry Markovic, 15. Keith Mullineaux, 16. Matt Higgins, 17. Tyler Haydt, 18. Mike Carrol, 19. Matt Clemens, 20. Gary Wentz Did not qualify: Jon Kumernitsky Late Model Feature Finish, 25 Laps: 1. Rick Wallace, 2. Austin Kochenash, 3. Paul Koehler, Jr. 4. Dave Wallace, 5. Beau Drobot, 6. George Ramos, 7. Cole Lenhart, 8. Geno Steigerwalt, 9. Glenn Slocum Street Stock Feature Finish, 25 Laps: 1. Austin Santee, 2. TJ Gursky, 3. Josh Mooney, 4. Randy Ahner, Jr. 5. Steve Hoffman, 6. Steve Steigerwalt, 7. Todd Ahner, 8. Jeremy Miller, 9. Jason Kuhn, 10. Rich Moser, 11. Shawn Sitarchyk, 12. Kevin Smith, 13. Jason Frey, 14. Darryl Breunig, 15. Gene Bowers, 16. Jillian Long, 17. Adam Santee, 18. Joe Roberts, 19. BJ Wambold Dirt Modified Feature Finish, 20 Laps: 1. Mike Stofflet, 2. Kris Graver, 3. Joe Stangle, 4. DJ Wagner, 5. Mike Stringer, 6. Bill Sitler, 7. Mark Levy, 8. Scott Hulmes, 9. Dave Thomas10. Bill Briggs Pro4 Late Model Feature Finish, 20 Laps: 1. Jake Kibler, 2. Barry Christman, Jr., 3. Kevin Behler, 4. Aleia Geisler, 5. Chad Keiser Did not start: Taya Wentz Micro Stock Feature Finish, 15 Laps: 1. Bob Wagner, 2. John Rakos, 3. AJ Fuge, 4. Bill Darling, 5. Pete Bayles, 6. Mario Oberto, 7. Tyler Wagner, 8. Roger Snyder, 9. Wayne Krenn Did not start: Mike Duffy
Hazel Mae Over
Sept. 25, 1915 – July 28, 2011 Hazel Mae Over of Nazareth died Friday, July 28 at home. She was the wife of the late Paul Over, who died in 1987. She was an active member of Lehigh Valley Grace Brethren Church, Bethlehem, where she taught Sunday school and for a few years was financial secretary. She was a soloist for the church in addition to church radio programs. Born Sept. 25, 1915 in McKee, Pa., she was a daughter of the late Samuel and Mary (Wambold) Wertman.
Kilpatrick and Meda McGrath. Funeral services will be held on Friday, Aug. 5, in St. Luke’s U.C.C. Church, 471 Belfast Rd., Nazareth (Belfast). An Eastern Star service will be at 12:30 p.m. and the funeral service at 1 p.m. Friends and relatives are invited to call from 12 Noon to 1 p.m. in the church. Interment will follow in Belfast Union Cemetery. Arrangements are by the Geo. G. Bensing Funeral Home, Moorestown. Memorial contributions may be made to St. Luke’s U.C.C. Church and/or the Plainfield Township Ambulance Fund, P.O. Box 5689, Wind Gap, PA 18091.
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16 THE HOME NEWS August 4-10, 2011
Police Blotter Colonial Regional D.U.I. Arrest in Bath
Colonial Regional Police charged Robert Huggler, 55, of 270 E. Northampton St., Bath, with D.U.I. after he struck a curb with his vehicle and flattened a tire on July 2. Police were informed of the incident after a roadside repairman who came to fix the flat noticed that Huggler may have been under the influence. After field sobriety tests, Huggler was arrested for suspicion of DUI and taken a for a legal blood draw. The results: .26%. The
DUI charges are being filed through District Judge John Capobianco’s office.
Cruelty to Animals
On July 18 at 4:40 p.m., Colonial Regional Police were dispatched to the Wal-Mart parking lot in Lower Nazareth Township for the report of a dog in heat-related distress locked in a car. It was a German Shepherd dog inside a Chevrolet sedan with all four windows up. The dog was left in 95 degree heat for about a half hour. Police contacted the owner, Katie K. Schramm, 20, of 27 Indian Trail Road, Wind Gap,
who said she forgot to roll down the windows and was inside the store buying food for the dog. A non-traffic citation was filed against her for a summary offense violation of cruelty to animals. CRPD would like to remind pet owners to leave their animals at home during periods of excessive heat.
False Reports, I.D.
Emmie Pilz of East Lawn Rd., Nazareth, was involved in a traffic collision in January 2011 at the intersection of Nazareth Pike & Steuben Road. During the investigation, Ms. Pilz provided a false name and date of birth, and attempted to use it as her own. She used the name of her older sister, who later reported to police that Ms. Pilz had used her information for the collision investigation. On July 23, she was charged with false reports to implicate
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another, false reports, false identification, and driving under suspension. The charges were filed through District Judge Joseph Barner’s office.
Bath Council Continued from page 7
lease on the Siegfried Log Cabin along W. Main Street. • Sparks Electric will inspect hanging supports for the Christmas lights, at a unit price of $13.75 and replace necessary photo cells at $7.52 each. Repairs to hanging supports will be an additional charge, but the project in total is budgeted to cost $2,000. • Fields noted that Colonial Regional Police Dept. is seeking grants through Hanover Township. The department may also purchase a motorcycle for patrolling. No further word has been received from Nazareth Borough on contracting for services from CRPD. • Mayor Wunderler performed a wedding on July 30 and participated in the Gov. Wolf Historical Society walking purchase. He also announced that on August 13 the 275th Bath Anniversary
Store will have a ribbon cutting and “Fe-Fe” of the IronPigs will be present. • Solicitor Blake Marles spoke about regulations on alcohol in parks. Klotz said there is too much legalize for the insurance that he would not allow it, but he will check more on it for the September 12 Council meeting. • It was also noted that Town & Country Restaurant will put on a 7 ft. addition, but no change in parking. • Council adopted a resolution supporting the submission of a grant request for a vehicle for public works from the Northampton County Gaming Revenue & Redevelopment Authority. • Gary Birks, an aide to Senator Pat Browne, attended the meeting as a way of keeping in touch. Betty Fields filled in for secretary Janelle Hauff at the meeting.
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