Home News Dec 15

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70th Year, Issue No. 50 USPS 248-700

DECEMBER 15-21, 2011 A General Circulation Newspaper Serving The Community Since 1942


Woman critical after Fire in mobile home

Michelle Hendershot, 54, of 116 Elder Court in Greenbriar Village, East Allen Township, is in critical condition following an early Sunday morning fire in her mobile home. Ms. Hendershot suffered severe burns to her face, neck and head after flames broke out at about 5 a.m. in the mobile home’s bedroom. She had escaped the fire with her 16-year-old daughter, but sustained the burns in the raging blaze. Mrs. Hendershot was taken by ambulance to Lehigh Valley Hospital-Cedar Crest in Salisbury Township. The daughter was

not injured. East Allen Township Volunteer Fire Co. was alerted to the fire when a neighbor called them, after seeing flames coming out of the bedroom window. Cats Perish Five cats died in the fire, according to East Allen Township Fire Chief Barry Frantz. The blaze was brought under control in about 30 minutes, but the home is a total loss. The cause of the fire has not been determined, but a State Police fire marshal and the township fire company are investigating.

Christmas program marked At Kreidersville covered bridge By ALICE WANAMAKER The Home News

GREENBRIAR mobile home’s interior was totally destroyed in an early Sunday morning fire. The homeowner is listed in critical condition with burns. –Home News photo

Miracle League breaks ground For handicapped baseball field

On Monday, December 12 the Miracle League of Northampton County will broke ground at the site on which they plan to build a field that will enable children and adults with disabilities the opportunity to play baseball. The groundbreaking ceremony was preceded by a program beginning inside the Charles Chrin Community Center in Palmer Township. Speakers included John Stoffa, Northampton County Executive; Dave Colver, chairman of the Palmer Township Board of Supervisors; Richard Agretto, president of the Board of Directors for the Miracle League of Northampton County; and a local family whose children have enjoyed playing baseball in a Miracle League. Following this program guests were invited to go outside the Chrin Center for a groundbreaking ceremony on

the exact site where the field will be constructed. The following is some background information on the Miracle League of Northampton County. In October, 2010 the Miracle League of Northampton County was founded and became one of over 240 leagues across the nation whose sole purpose is to provide children and adults with disabilities the opportunity to play “America’s pastime” baseball. The Miracle League national organization began in Conyers, Georgia in 1999 when a group of parents and other interested citizens organized to build the first barrier-free baseball field that enabled children who used wheelchairs or had other mobility impairments to play baseball. Unlike traditional baseball fields made of dirt and grass, Miracle League fields feature a rubberized, all-weather playing surface.

Since its founding a year ago, the Miracle League of Northampton County (MLNC) has come a long way. A board of directors was formed with local baseball star Brian Schneider, now a catcher for the Philadelphia Phillies, as its honorary chairman. Once it was approved as a non-profit organization, Continued on page 7

The annual Kreidersville Covered Bridge tree lighting and bonfire took place this past Saturday. The largest crowd ever seen at the event, according to organizer Dave Irons, braved frigid temperatures that dipped into the low 20's. The event began shortly after 4:30 p.m. as two mini fire pits were lit and a giant bonfire warmed guests. Hot chocolate, coffee and cookies were offered free to guests by the KCB Association and Covered Bridge Farms. Guests were delighted to hear from Daniel Pany and Sammy "Sax" Leon as they talked to old friends and met new ones waiting for the arrival of Santa and the Christmas in Northampton. Following the brass perfor-

Covered Bridge Tree lighting and bonfire

mance by Leon were members of the Northampton Area High School Choral group who performed dance and singing numbers. As NAHS Chorus sang, the Christmas tree was lit and Santa arrived. Santa was escorted by the Allen Township Fire Company as he arrived by way of firetruck to lights and blaring sirens. Santa took time to meet with each child and listen to their Christmas wish list. He also brought along candy canes and small gifts for the children. KCB offered great gift ideas for visitors including Christmas ornaments, books, paintings, crocks and bridge memorabilia. For more information about KCB or to learn how you can support that only covered bridge in Northampton County, visit www.kreidersvillecoveredbridge.org.

-Home News photo


2 THE HOME NEWS December 15-21, 2011

Office Location: 4685 Lehigh Drive (Rte. 248), Walnutport, PA 18088 Post Office Box 39, Bath, PA 18014 Phone: 610-923-0382 • fax: 610-923-0383 e-mail: Askus@HomeNewsPA.com Paul & Lisa Prass - Publishers William J. Halbfoerster, Jr. - Editor Alice Wanamaker - Associate Publisher Tammy De Long - Operations Manager Candi Moyer - Account Executive Emily Graf, Elaine Leer, Alyse Moyer, Tony Pisco, Melissa Rose, Quynh Vo - Graphic Designers Katie Canize - Graphic Intern Wes Loch - Delivery Driver

The Home News ISSN 1944-7272 (USPS 248-700) is published every Thursday of the year at a local subscription rate of $18.00 annually; 40-cents per copy on newsstands. Periodicals postage paid at Bath PA and additional entry offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: THE HOME NEWS, P.O. BOX 39, BATH, PA 18014

The Home News does not assume responsibility for any advertisements beyond the cost of the ad itself. We cannot be responsible for typographical errors. We reserve the right to reject any article or advertisement thought to be offensive or not contributing to the needs of the communities we serve. All opinions expressed by columnists, reporters and feature writers, including letters to the editor, are not necessarily those of this publication, but of the individuals themselves. News items and ads should be submitted no later than noon Monday on the week of publication, or on dates noted ahead of time due to holidays. Office HOurs: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., 4685 Lehigh Drive (Rte 248), Walnutport, PA 18088 Other hours by appointment only

-a general circulation newspaper since 1942 In partnership with:

Postal Service Postmaster General Patrick Donahue didn’t make a good impression speaking on national television recently. Because the postal service is losing money and because the number of mailings has decreased, he has been convinced to reduce service--rather than call on Congress to continue 6-day mail delivery with public service appropriations. Congress could see to it that traditional 6-day delivery to over a hundred million Americans is continued by the appropriation of the amount of money it takes to conduct the misguided war in Afghanistan for a month or two--a war we should not be conducting. The idea that traditional postal service to Americans must be profitable is nonsense. With so many wasted billions being appropriated every year for questionable purposes, reducing mail delivery rather than continuing this vitally important public service by federal help is absurd. Donahoe, meaning well, should go. Any postmaster general who won’t fight all-out, using every option, to continue vitally needed public service to Americans is not an appropriate postmaster general. He should have passed this problem on to Congress with serious urgent calls for financial help! Accepting a heavy blow to millions of Americans depending on 6-day mail delivery is not the proper course for a postmaster general serving the people.

Keep It Out The founding fathers were most insistent that religion would play no part in the government of this country. Viewing history and all the millions killed in wars over religious differences and beliefs over the years, that was a top priority in writing the Constitution. All Americans would practice and believe whatever they wished about an afterlife, heaven, etc. For over a hundred years, however, no Catholic presidential candidate had much chance of being elected president. Al Smith in 1928 was the first Catholic nominee but lost. John Kennedy was the first Catholic who won, in 1960. This issue was recently raised in Texas when some sought to use Mitt Romney’s Mormon faith as a negative. We now have a half black president and a black candidate for the G.O.P. 2012 nomination. Few countries have matched this demonstration of equal opportunity

Letters from our Readers Taxpayers Shoulder Big School Bill To the Editor: If the Northampton Area Board of Education directors are serious about fulfilling their obligations to the taxpayers and voters who put them where they are, they would put the following two questions on the ballot. “Are you in favor of building a new 50-plus million dollar middle school?”, and “Are you in fa-

vor of building a new multimillion dollar swimming pool in a new middle school?”. Put the questions to the voters and follow the will of the majority. That’s how our system should work when the voted officials continually ignore the very people who are paying the bill. I can live with the results of the vote, can you? Stephen L. Radakovits Allen Township

Opinion Wind Over Coal By Tom Means

Center for Rural Affairs

Wind power is the future. It’s the most cost-effective source of renewable energy, and is starting to undercut fossil fuels. Power from conventional coal costs $68 per megawatt-hour, while wind power in high resource areas cost $65 per megawatt-hour.

 Supplies of coal and oil dwindle each day, but there will always be wind. And since wind will always be there, it isn’t subject to the type of supply-side market fluctuations that exist for fossil fuels.

Moreover, coal has serious underlying environmental implications. The combustion of coal is required for it to be used for energy, and this combustion releases multiple tons of carbon dioxide and other gases, which contribute to respiratory diseases and climate change. 

Combustion of coal exceeds both natural gas and crude oil in its emissions. Although some of these emissions can be reduced through technology, they are proven to create serious health problems in areas where they are emitted excessively.

 The only environmentally unfriendly thing about wind is its effect on birds and their migration. Cars, glass, cats, and pesticides all make far greater contributions to bird mortality than windmills. Wind companies are working to further minimize this impact.

 Global energy consumption is on the rise, wind power even more so. Thirty-five percent of all new U.S. generating capacity added in the last 4 years was wind. The energy, jobs and environmental benefits of wind hold great promise, not just for the rural Midwest and Great Plains, but for all of America, rural and urban alike. The Center for Rural Affairs was established in 1973 as an unaffiliated nonprofit corporation under IRS code 501(c)3. The Center for Rural Affairs was formed by rural Nebraskans concerned about family farms and rural communities, and we work to strengthen small businesses, family farms and ranches, and rural communities.

The Rich Are Getting Richer; So Are the Poor

By Jarrett Skorup “No matter your thoughts about the Occupy Wall Street movement, the protesters were right in at least one respect: The rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer.” Variations on this statement were repeated in dozens of blogs, commentaries,

and even news reports in the past months. The claim comes via a Congressional Budget Office analysis that shows incomes for the top 1 percent of Americans growing by 275 percent between 1979 and 2007, while the lowest 20 percent saw their inflationadjusted incomes grow by “only” 18 percent. The numbers from the report are correct, but the assertions based on it are true only because of careful wording. While the “top 1 percent” had the highest growth of income, if broadened to include the top 20 percent (the usual way of analyzing such figures), the growth rate was a far less stratospheric 65 percent. This contrasts with about 40-percent growth for the middle three-fifths of all wage earners, and 18 percent for the lowest one-fifth. Statistically, the lowest 20 percent of households are poor for one main reason: They don’t work as much. Among the causes are medical issues, disability, and bad incentives. Not surprisingly, households in the top 20 percent are far more likely to include people with jobs. Here’s how professor Mark Perry, a member of the Mackinac Center’s Board of Scholars and chairman of the economics department at the University of Michigan-Flint, described it: “American households in the top income quintile have almost five times more family members working on average than the lowest quintile, and … are far more likely … to be well-educated, married, and working full-time in their prime earning years. In contrast, individuals in lowincome households are far more likely to be less-educated, working part-time, either very young or very old, and living in single-parent households.” More significantly, the “rich getting richer” storyline insinuates that the top 1 percent and bottom 20 percent include the same individuals over time. For example, as reporter Julie Mack writes, “Overall, the numbers show

that the more affluent you are, the better you’ve done in the past three decades.” Note how this ignores the reality that many individuals who were in the poorest group years ago have long since moved up and out, while among the rich are many families who are literally nouveau riche—they’ve recently arrived from lower income levels. That’s the risk of relegating real people into statistical categories. Economist Thomas Sowell explained it this way: “The actual empirical evidence cited has been about what has been happening over time to statistical categories turns out to be the direct opposite of what has happened over time to flesh-andblood human beings, many of whom move from one category to another over time.” Data that tracks real people show that Sowell is correct. For example, as reported in The Wall Street Journal, IRS tax-return data shows that individuals in the bottom onefifth back in 1996 experienced income growth of 91 percent by 2005. In contrast, individuals in the highest one-fifth saw their incomes increase just 10 percent over the same period. Incomes of households in the top 5 percent and 1 percent actually declined, by 7 percent and 24 percent, respectively. Anecdotally, this makes sense: For example, in 1985, my father was just out of college and probably in the lowest 20 percent. But by 2007 he had moved up. Such examples are commonplace, but are completely missed by statistical aggregates. In the late 1970s, Steve Jobs was trying to expand a struggling computer company. Bill Gates was writing code and just beginning to start working on a personal computer. And one of the founders of Google, Sergey Brin, had just arrived as a six-year-old immigrant from the USSR. These are individuals who did not enter that top 1 percent until many years later—in the process displacing former “one percenters.” Continued on page 3

the Fence GabGab OverOver the Fence by Pete G. Ossip by Pete G. Ossip

It was good to read in last week’s paper about the soldier from Moore Township, who has now moved into a home that was made for him and his family. He went through an awful lot being shot so many times in Afghanistan combat, and it’s good to see that our troops who have sacrificed so much can get some help. Congrats to all who had a hand in it!! I was talking to a woman the other week who said that not enough is being done to help our men and women in the service after they come home from such wartime violence. Well, this is one instance where it was. As the heading on the story said, “Welcome home, Specialist Kislow” . . . . Folks in the historical society were happy that the weather was so nice for their Christmas house tour. There have been some other house tours around these parts, and I hope they enjoyed good weather, too. It’s been pretty nippy of late, but no snow, yet. . . . . Sorry to hear that a woman was badly burned in a house fire Sunday morning down at Greenbriar. She got out, but not soon enough, so that she’s critical over at Cedar Crest. Let’s offer prayers for her recovery. . . . By the way, the weather was nice for the Christmas ceremony over at the Kreidersville covered bridge the other night, and for the peace pilgrimage along the Nazareth – Bethlehem Pike. . . . I see George Ahart has another coloring contest in the paper for the young’uns to do their best. Red and white will be most of the coloring for Santa, but maybe the kids can add a little extra color to the jolly old gent. They can win a nice prize if they do. . . . I see the

anniversary store is open on Thursday and Saturday nights selling souvenirs for next year’s big hoopla. Better get ‘em while they’re hot, gang. The committee needs the money to pay for all the things they wanta do. . . .Ye Ed says the staff up at Berlinsville has been collecting pictures of deer that were downed by local hunters. So we’ll be seeing ‘em in the paper right soon, I reckon. . . . Also saw in last week’s paper that live Nativity scenes were planned for the weekend down in Bethlehem and over at Walnutport. They help to show what happened when Jesus was born, like we read about in the Bible. Ye Ed traveled down Atlanta way the past weekend, and saw a cantata put on at a Methodist church. As the choir sang, and scriptures were read, an angel with a big wing in the shape of a heart, Mary and Joseph, shepherds and the three wise men were part of the pageant. “Awesome”was the word he had for the event. . . . . Christmas paper is next week, so if you folks have any stories or pictures you’d like to share with the readers, Ye Ed says, get ‘em in real soon! . . . .Have a great week, folks, and be patient as you get ready for the holidays.

Opinion Continued from page 2

It was these individuals, not statistical categories, who created companies and wealth by making products people wanted. Establishing conditions in which individuals can move up the income ladder by creating, innovating, and building is what America is all about.

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December 15-21, 2011

Good Shepherd Work Services Honored at U.S. Capitol

Good Shepherd Work Services was recently honored at the National Employment Celebration held at the Capitol in Washington, D.C. Organized by the National Clubhouse Employment Expansion Project, the event honored employers for their support in hiring people with psychiatric disabilities. Work Services was selected for the honor by the Clubhouse of Lehigh County. The Clubhouse is part of a nationwide network of facilities that provide vocational and personal support to people with psychiatric disabilities. “Through both the good and challenging times, Good Shepherd Work Services has demonstrated its commitment to our program and the members of Clubhouse of Lehigh County,” says Stephanie Visi, director, Clubhouse.

“Over the 11 years of our partnership, Work Services has been responsible for the hiring of 170 individuals in transitional, supported or independent positions. We were very pleased to have the opportunity to formally recognize Work Services and to thank them for their ongoing support.” Good Shepherd Work Services provides job opportunities for people with disabilities and workforce support to large and small businesses, including recycling, assembly, packaging, mailing and fulfillment services. It operates a 35,000-square-foot production facility located on Lehigh Street in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Network is a nationally recognized rehabilitation leader, offering a continuum


of care for people with physical and cognitive disabilities and specializing in assistive and rehabilitation technology. Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Network comprises a main operation based in Allentown, Pennsylvania, and a majority ownership of Good Shepherd Penn Partners based in Philadelphia. More than 62,000 people come to Good Shepherd each year for specialized programs in stroke, orthopedics, brain injury, spinal cord injury, pediatrics, amputation and more. Good Shepherd’s Lehigh Valley operation provides rehabilitation services in 8 eastern Pennsylvania counties and operates 21 outpatient sites, 4 inpatient sites, a long-term acute care hospital, 2 longterm care homes for people with severe disabilities, an Continued on page 13

4 THE HOME NEWS December 15-21, 2011

Reich home People’s choice

The People's Choice Award for the recent Christmas House Tour by the Gov. Wolf Historical Society was nThe Reich home. Participants voted on an evaluation form which decorated facilities out of 8 (besides the 6 homes, also decorated are the log cabin and Ralston McKeen House) they like the most. This year Jim & Priscilla Reich's home in Bath, was

awarded the People's Choice Award. The designer was Nazareth Garden Club. Gratitude Expressed Approximately 384 people attended the Saturday tour while approximately 100 attended the candlelight tour the night preceding. The Governor Wolf board members express their gratitude to those in attendance and wish all a very merry Christmas.

Bath 275th Anniversary Store Holiday Hours Now is the perfect time to come out and finish your holiday shopping at the Bath 275th Anniversary Store. The committee has ordered many items that are perfect for gift giving, t-shirts and sweatshirts, mugs and cups,

hats, Christmas balls and so much more! Stop by on Thursday evenings (until Christmas) from 6pm to 8pm and Saturdays, 10am to 2pm to pick up a piece of local history for everyone on your list.

College Corner

Berry College – Nathan Schwartz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Schwartz, Marietta, Ga., received his Bachelor of Science degree on Saturday in graduation ceremonies at Berry College in Rome, Ga. He majored in environmental science and has secured a position with the National Park Service doing ecological monitoring. A former student of the Northampton County Ju-

nior Conservation School, Schwartz is a grandson of William Halbfoerster, Jr., Bath.

All Wrong

“Pardon me, sir,” interrupted the lovely lady, “but you’re wearing your marriage ring on the wrong finger.” “I know,” groaned the forward young man, “I married the wrong woman,

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Turkey Federation event at Cabela’s Stirs women’s interest in the outdoors The Blue Mountain chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation will host a Women in the Outdoors event on March 10, 2012 at Cabela’s in Hamburg, Berks County. Pre-registration is required for this event. Registration can be done by going to www.womenintheoutdoors. org, and then clicking on “PA WITO Event Manager Calendar” and then searching the calendar. A beneficial partnership between the National Wild Turkey Federation and the Pennsylvania Game Commission helps provide outdoor opportunities such as this to women in the Keystone State. The Pennsylvania Game Commission recognizes a high interest level in the outdoors among women in the state and wants to provide more opportunities to enjoy the outdoor lifestyle. Since 1998, the NWTF’s Women in the Outdoors program has organized events designed especially for women. By providing expert instruction and hands-on education, the NWTF helps members develop outdoor skills and emphasizes the importance of wildlife management and the role of hunters in conservation. “Our program is about encouraging women to try new outdoor activities in a safe environment that makes them feel at ease,” said Brenda Valentine, NWTF Spokeswoman, First Lady of Hunting™ and host of the NWTF’s “Turkey Call” TV show airing on Pursuit Channel, and Bass Pro Shops’ “Real Hunting” TV show. “This event is also an opportunity for women of all walks of life – singles, moms, daughters, young and old – to spend a day outdoors, away from home, having fun and making new friends.” The combination of sponsorship, such as the Game

Commission and local chapter support, allows the NWTF to offer these programs at a low cost to participants. The cost of attending each event includes a subscription to Turkey Country, the NWTF’s full-color publication. Turkey Country includes stories about the Women in the Outdoors, JAKES (Juniors Acquiring Knowledge, Ethics and Sportsmanship), Wheelin’ Sportsmen, NWTF outreach programs, conservation issues, turkey calling and hunting, education programs and much more. “The Women in the Outdoors program allows the NWTF to reach an entirely new audience, one that has the potential to benefit conservation efforts,” Valentine said. “It’s an opportunity for women to find great satisfaction and enjoyment in the outdoors.” For more information, contact Leslie Smith at 484634-0069 or lsmith@nwtf.net, call (800) THE-NWTF or visit www.womenintheoutdoors. org. For more information about the NWTF visit www.nwtf.org

or call (800) THE-NWTF. About the NWTF: The National Wild Turkey Federation is a nonprofit conservation organization that works daily to further its mission of conserving the wild turkey and preserving our hunting heritage. Through dynamic partnerships with state, federal and provincial wildlife agencies, the NWTF and its members have helped restore wild turkey populations across the country, spending more than $331 million to conserve 15.9 million acres of habitat for all types of wildlife. The NWTF works to increase interest in the outdoors by bringing new hunters and conservationists into the fold through outdoor education events and its outreach programs – Women in the Outdoors, Wheelin’ Sportsmen, JAKES and Xtreme JAKES. The NWTF was founded in 1973 and is headquartered in Edgefield, S.C. According to many state and federal agencies, the restoration of the wild turkey is arguably the greatest conservation success story in North America’s wildlife history.

Many awards presented At 4-H achievement banquet

By Ed Pany Atlas Cement Memorial Museum

A sunny Sunday afternoon welcomed the 4-H’ers, their families and friends to the annual 4-H Achievement Banquet at the Bushkill Township Volunteer Fire Company. I was the guest of my good friends Grace Banser, daughter Kathy and Sherwood Geiger. They all have been devoted 4-H volunteers for years. Grace, a first class seamstress, used her first sewing needle as a youth in Chapman Quarries many years ago. Bradley Kunsman Jr., 4-H program manager, coordinated the program in which numerous awards were presented. Some awards were: Eighty five achievement awards for Cloverbuds, First Year Junior and Senior members. Northampton County livestock awards were in Beef, Dairy Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Swine and Poultry. Winners were Trisha Landis, Kevin Wagner, Kasie Kerr, Stacy, Krissa and Brittany Brewer, Julie Poliskiewicz, Danielle Ford, Laura Kramer, Pat Stofanik, Austin Rader, Kelvin Dewalt, Stanton, Riorden Weber and Emilleo Brewer. Students were honored for their project in the Northampton County Fashion Revue, 2011 Farm Show participants, PA 4-H Horse Show and Southeast Regional Horse Performance Show. It was announced that Al-

lison Fox and Paul Wagner would participate in the 2011 National Congress in Atlanta, Georgia on November 25-29. The County 4-H presently has a membership of 300 young people monitored by 40 volunteers. Without the dedication of these people the programs would have to be curtailed. Honored for their volunteer years were Heather Wallace, Bonnie Fistner, Mary Ellen Caracapp, Alice Frable, Marcus Weber, Joel Geiger, David Hahn, Jane and Jennifer Litwin, Julie Ann Hurlock, Terry Willever. Recognized for many years of service were Ethlyn Achenbach and Donna Bazos, 15 years; Kathryn Albanese and Grace Bonser, 20 years; Janice and Albert Martin, 35 years and 50 years, Elizabeth Longenbach. Indeed, great dedication and service to our youth. The group is planning for their 2012 year. With funds limited, they hope everyone will support their April tree sale program. I know one location to purchase your trees will be Dale Miller’s Ace Hardware Store out Allen Township way. This wonderful organization continues to mold our youth with positive, rewarding programs. They are always looking for new members so they can continue their mission “To Make the Best Better.”

Healthy Eating


December 15-21, 2011

As mentioned often, broccoli is the first choice of many as a desirable, healthful green vegetable. Now, at health stores, buy a bag of frozen broccoli and keep in freezer. A meal's supply, in a small amount of water, can be cooked in the microwave in 6 minutes. Turn once if no oven turntable.

In Fashion

Of all diamond jewelry perhaps the most certain to be seen and admired are earrings. Top stores are now offering diamond earrings from $1,000 up.

Unvarnished Truth

Too many people itch for what they want without scratching for it.

SCOUTs with their collection of gitfs for the needy.

Scouts help needy children

Thursday evening, December 8, Ah’ Pace Chapter, Order of the Arrow, Boy Scouts of America, Minsi Trails Council collected 200 donated items for the the area’s needy children. The O.A. scouts became en-

ergized with The Forks District’s service project knowing it will make a difference to someone they never met. The collected items will be delivered to the Northampton County Children Youth and Family Division.


Scouts bring international Peace light from Middle East to Bethlehem Scouts from Minsi Trails Council are participating in an International Scouting program this holiday season. A special Peace Light sharing ceremony was held on Wednesday, December 14, in the Boy Scout Service Center, in Allentown. Scouts and Scout volunteers distributed and shared the Peace Light flame with their communities, families, schools, and places of worship. Scouts brought the Peace Flame from Bethlehem (Middle East) to Bethlehem (Pennsylvania)

What is the Peace Light? At the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem (Middle East) an oil lamp has burned continuously for centuries… this is the Peace Light flame. Since 1986, a youth from Austria travels each year to Bethlehem to light a flame from the one that burns at the birthplace of Jesus. The flame then travels to Austria where it is distributed to delegations of Scouts from across the world. The Peace Light is then taken by Scouts to their home countries as a symbol of peace and unity during the holiday season.

DEC. 26

Christmas Trees Fresh Cut Locally Each Weekend



Troop 74 Boy Scouts

December 2-4, 9-11, 16-18

Friday 5–9 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Valero Gas Station, Rt. 512, Wind Gap (Just west of Rt. 33)

Large trees (7-10 ft.) only $30. Smaller trees available at $25.

Please support local Boy Scouts and get a beautiful fresh cut tree. DAILY PA LOTTERY, BIG 4, CASH 5, POWERBALL

6 THE HOME NEWS December 15-21, 2011

By Pete Fritchie


Finally, action which may do something to correct the shameful number of football injuries which go untreated is taking place, in Arkansas. A student at the University of Central Arkansas, who suffered a brain injury which limits him for the rest of his

life--joined by three other injured students--has sued the N.C.A.A. for his damages. This follows recent action in the N.F.L. in which pro players have sued for injuries sustained in play. But pro players are often paid huge salaries and should, by that time, realize the risks. (One solution is to limit tackling to below the waste.) That’s not likely but it’s true that at educational institutions serious football injuries have too long been permitted (colleges often make huge profits from their football), are less justified. Colleges in the future, as well as the N.C.A.A., can also be sued, likely will be.

Local youths get their deer



St. Paul’s pads lead With sweep in dartball

St. Paul’s UCC of Northampton strengthened its hold on first place in the Suburban Inter-Church Dart Baseball League on Monday by sweeping Salem UCC of Moorestown 6-3 in 10 innings, 6-2 and 10-3. Northampton: Rich Kern 8 for 14; Zach Kern, 8 for 15; Kevin Gross 7 for 14; Jason Gross, 7 for 15; Jennifer Erkinger, 8 for 10 and Dave Clark, 5 for 14. Moorestown: Larry Bush, 5 for 13 and Fred Toncik, a home run. Trinity Lutheran of Bangor tripped runner-up Salem Lutheran of Bethlehem 8-6 in 14 innings and 2-0 after Salem won 3-2 in 10 innings. Trinity: Sandy Wambold, 6 for 14; Jeff Hoffert, 6 for 16; Bill Hess, 5 for 15 and Barbi Ribble, a homer. Salem; Walt Hoffert, 7 for 15; Scott Hoffert, 7 for 16; Bryan Frankenfield, 5 for 16, and Dave Hoke, a homer.

Dryland-Trinity of Hecktown lost 4-3 in 13 innings at Christ UCC in Bath, then won 10-3 and 4-2. Dryland: Al Gilbert and Bernie Yurko, both 8 for 15; Gary Butz, 5 for 9; Len Siefried, 5 for 11 and Jim Goldman, a home run. Christ: Garry Hunsicker, 8 for 14, and George Gasper, a homer. Bath Lutheran lost 7-6 at Emmanuel EC in Bethlehem, then won 9-3 and 2-0. Bath:Matt Creyer, 6 for 15; Dan Miller, 5 for 13 with a homer; Becci Cavallo, 5 for 13, and Dellia Iasiello, a home run. Emmanuel: Bruce Denluk, 6 for 12, and Jeff Fritz honmered. St. Stephen’s Lutheran, Bethlehem, lost 3-2 and 5-2 at Messiah Lutheran in Bethlehem before winning 4-2. St. Stephen’s: Ed Wychuk, 6 for 12; Travis Beahm and Al Beahm, both 4 for 12, and Gary

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DAVID M. MOSEY, 11, of Moore Township, shot his first deer, a 7-point buck, in the mentored youth program on November 30 – Contributed photo

Kody Yandrisovitz of East Allen Township shot a huge nine point buck in Northampton County on a local farm, November 28 at 4:00 pm. Kody, 16 was accompanied by his 18 year old brother Kyle Yandrisovitz. Their passion is hunting and this buck is a trophy of a life time, weighing in at over 200 pounds with a 21 inch spread. – Contributed photo


Buczynski, 4 for 13. Messaih: Mike Daly, Sr., 7 for 11; Mike Daly, Jr., 4 for 11; Harry Schoenberger, 4 for 12, and Dave Casey, a homer. Ebenezer Bible Fellowship, Bethlehem, lost 5-4, won 6-4, and lost 7-1 at Farmersville. Ebenezer: Carl Fraley, 6 for 12; Evan Voortman, 6 for 15, and Carol Voortman, 4 for 12. Farmersville: Gene Grim, 5 for 11; Ron Barron, 5 for 12, and Don Kerbaugh, 5 for 13.


W L Pct.

St.. Paul’s, Northampton 28 Salem Luth., Bethlehem 25 Bath Lutheran 26 St. Stephen’s, Bethlehem 24 Dryland/Trin., H’town 24 Messiah, Bethlehem 22 Farmersville 19 Christ UCC, Bath 17 Trinity Luth., Bangor 18 Emmanuel, Bethlehem 14

11 .718 14 .641 16 .619 18 .571 18 .571 20 .519 23 .452 22 .436 24 .429 25 .359

BATH BOWLING Team 2 Ahead by 1.5 Games in Bath Die Hards League Team 2’s lead is 1.5 games after they won 4 to 0 and the runner-up Team 4 won 3 to 1 on Dec. 7 in the Bath Die Hards League. Scoring for Team 2 were Art Bruch, 503; Sam Strouse, 472; Michelle Tirrell, 467, and Linda Strouse, 400. They beat up on Team 6, and Kenneth Grube, 577,

and Kathy Grube, 407, who are now in third place. Team 4 won with Polly Kosman, 470, and BobbyLou Snyder, 460. Team 1 lost 1 to 3, but had Joe Bachman, 504, and Bob Kosman, 454. Team 5 was a 3 to 1 winner with Bob C. Kosman the only notable scorer at 477. Team 3 also lost 1 to 3, but had Rick Deily, 542; Dick Deily, 438, and Jim Stevens, 427.


Tuesday Afternoon 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm Friday Morning 10:00 am - Noon

Yuengling Lager 12 oz cans 24 pack 15.99 +Tax

Open: Mon.-Thurs. 9am-8pm. • Fri 9am-9pm. Sat. 8am-9pm • Sun. 12 Noon to 5pm.

Ebenezer, Bethlehem Salem UCC, M’town

15 27 357 14 28 .333

SCHEDULE: Dec. 19 – Dryland-Trinity at St. Paul’s, Christ UCC at Trinity Luth., Salem Luth. at Salem UCC, Ebenezer at Bath Luth., Farmersville at St. Stephen’s, Messiah at Emmanuel.

STANDINGS Team 2 Team 4 Team 6 Team 1 Team 5 Team 3

W L 38 18 36.5 19.5 27 29 26 30 21.5 34.5 19 37

Misfits Take First Half in Sunday League Meixsell’s Misfits gave up three games to Flick’s Fighters to end the half with those teams first and second respectively. Weinberg’s Whiners took all four from Rich’s Renegades to end the half tied for third. Tony’s Kahonies took three from Matt’s Mulisha to keep their fifth spot for the half with great efforts from both teams with Anton Boronski shooting a 648 series (211,214,223) to Brandon Frey’s 647 series (195,242,210). Marshall Law swept Beer Money to end a half a game ahead of them despite Keith Weaver’s 657 series (255,189,213).

OP STANDINGS Meixsell’s Misfits Flick’s Fighters Rich’s Renegades Weinberg’s Whiners Tony’s Kahonies Matt’s Mulisha Marshall Law Beer Money

W L 39 21 35 25 30 30 30 30 29 31 26.5 33.5 25.5 34.5 25 35

Tuesday A 5966 Nor-Bath Blvd., Imperial Plaza • 610-837-8800



THE HOME NEWS December 15-21, 2011

and scores a run. The benefits for children and adults with disabilities are countless. They include the joy of playing sports, an increased sense of self-esteem, and the passion of belonging to a team while nurturing lifelong friendships. Richard Agretto, President of the Board of Directors for the Miracle League of Northampton County, sums it up with the thought that “every person, regardless of their ability should have the opportunity to participate in sports and to feel the sense of belonging, the sense of joy, and a sense of pride and respect.” He encourages everyone in our region to “join us in Building a Miracle.” Funds Donated The field will be named after the Easton Rotary Club, which is contributing $100,000. Other major donors include: Palmer Twsp. AA -

$50,000; Business Industrical Professional Assoc. - $30,000; Palmer Kiwanis - $3,500 and Brian Schneider $20,000. Agretto first reported on the Miracle League project at the annual convention of Township Supervisors in Northampton County, It was then he appealed for municipal funds to help pay the $750,000 cost. He has since visited in East Allen Township and other areas.

Monitor 2200 New Monitor 2400

WRAPPING GIFTS were Wendy, Jan, Payton, Ryan, Jill, Judy and Bev. For the second year, volunteers gathered at the St. John’s Lutheran Church in Bath to wrap gifts for local children that were donated by the local community. The Bath Area Council of Churches had been collecting gifts since the beginning of November and last Saturday volunteers wrapped nearly 170 gifts for Bath area

residents. The gifts are then handed out to parents and children when they come to the Bath Area Food Bank for their pre-Christmas collection. The Bath Area Food Bank serves nearly 150 families in our area though generous donations made by the community as well as support from Second Harvest. In ad-

dition to food donations and wrapped gifts, the food bank was also able to supply the families with much needed coats, hats and gloves for the winter. If you or someone you know could benefit from the food bank, you can call the St. John’s Church office at 610837-1061. Volunteers are always welcome.




Premium Quality Sheered Christmas Trees. All trees Pre-cut for your convenience


Grown in Our Greenhouses

Miracle League Continued from page 1

the MLNC began accepting donations as early as November of 2010. One of its first goals was to find a location for the Miracle League field. Last year, the Palmer Township Board of Supervisors approved the use of property at the Charles Chrin Community Center as the site for the new field. This is an ideal location, central to a league that will serve Northamp-

not from out of state or overseas like the big box stores

ton and Monroe Counties in Pennsylvania and Warren County, New Jersey. It is easily accessible via major highways in the area. And, Miracle League players will enjoy the thrill of playing baseball at a facility that is fully integrated within a community recreational complex. Team Make-ups It is expected that hundreds of children and adults with disabilities from our area will join the new Miracle League. Each team will have

10-15 players, and will be named after a Major League Baseball team. Businesses, civic groups, or individuals will sponsor the teams. There will be numerous volunteer opportunities including coaching and “Angels in the Outfield” – volunteers who are assigned to each player as a buddy they can count on to help them with hitting or fielding during a game. In a Miracle League game, every player bats once each inning, and every player gets a hit

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8 THE HOME NEWS December 15-21, 2011

SENIOR CITIZENS Visit and Participate in Senior Center Activities Visit a senior center and check out all the fun things going on there. Local centers include: MidCounty Senior Center, 234 S. Walnut St., Bath; Nazareth Senior Center, 15 S. Wood St.; Northampton Senior Center, in Grace UCC Church, 9th St & Lincoln Ave., and Cherryville Senior Center at Hope Lutheran Church, Rt. 248, Lehigh Township. MID COUNTY SENIOR CENTER For meal reservations call: 610-837-1931 Thurs. 12/15: 10:00 Singa-Long w/Nursery School Children; 11:30 Lunch; 12:30 Penny Bingo Fri. 12/16: 9:00 Pool/Cards/ Games & Puzzles; 11:30 Lunch; 12:15 Pinochle; 12:30 Games Mon. 12/19: 9:00 Pool/ Cards/Games/Puzzles; 11:30 Lunch Tue. 12/20: 9:00 Pool/Cards/ Games/Puzzles & Stained Glass; 9:45 Exercise; 11:30 Lunch; 12:30 Bingo Wed. 12/21: 9:00 Pool/ Cards/Games/Puzzles & Sewing for Gracedale; 11:30 Lunch; 12:30 Crafts/Ceramics CHERRYVILLE For meal reservations call: 610-767-2977 Thurs. 12/15: 9:00 Cards/ Puzzles/Crafts/Quilts; 11:00 Exercise; 1:30 Shopping; 1:45 Games

Nativity in Walnutport

Fri. 12/16: 10:00 Puzzles; 11:15 Exercise Mon. 12/19: 9:00 Crafts/ Quilts; 10:00 Cards/Puzzles Tue. 12/20: 9:00 Crafts/ Quilts; 10:00 Puzzles; 12:45 “Now You have It, Now You Don’t” Wed. 12/21: 10:00 Cards/ Puzzles/Crafts/Quilts; 11:00 Exercise; 12:45 Regular Bingo NAZARETH For meal reservations call: 610-759-8255 Thurs. 12/15: 9:00 Exercise Group; 10:00 Speaker“What’s Happening at the Library” Fri. 12/16: Bakery Day; 10:15 Penny Bingo Mon. 12/19: 9:00 Exercise Group; 9:30 Painting Class; 10:00 Music by Cracked Walnuts Tue. 12/20: 10:00 Exercise w/ Marion; Christmas Meal! Wed. 12/21: Bakery Day; 10:00 Pinochle; 11:15 Sing-aLong; Hanukkah Meal

Christ UCC in Walnutport held their annual Live Nativity program last Saturday afternoon. Church members were joined by live animals, including sheep and donkeys, as they reenacted the Nativity on Christmas Day. Each scene from the reenactment also contained a Christmas Carol when the audience participated in singing “Hark the Herald Angels Sing”, “Away In A Manger” and more. The church offered warm refreshments and cookies in the basement afterwards. Christ Church also invited everyone to their Christmas Eve service and Christmas Day services. For information call (610) 767-1601. – Home News photo LUNCHES: Thurs. 12/15: Pasta Fajiole Soup; Southern-style Battered Pangasius; Au Gratin Potatoes; Capri Vegetable Blend Fri. 12/16: Chix Pot Pie; Car-

rots; Spinach Salad w/Bacon Dressing; Biscuit; Shoofly Pie Mon. 12/19: Minestrone Soup; Tater Tot Casserole; Peas; Bread; Apricots Tue. 12/20: Ham; Mashed Potatoes; Green Beans Al-

NORTHAMPTON For meal reservations call: 610-262-4977 Thurs. 12/15: 9:00 Cards/ Puzzles; 11:00 Music with Steve Myers; Noon Lunch Fri. 12/16: 9:00 Cards/Puzzles; 11:30 Lunch; Bingo after Lunch; “Nat’l Chocolate Covered Anything Day” Mon. 12/19: 9:00 Cards/Puzzles; Noon Lunch Tue. 12/20: 9:00 Cards/Puzzles Wed. 12/21: 9:00 Cards/Puzzles

mondine; Molded Fruit Salad; Roll; Pumpkin Spice Cake Wed. 12/21: Chix Vegetable Soup; Beef Brisket; Potato Latkes; Applesauce; Bread; Chocolate Macaroon

Acupuncture At‘Acupuncture Moravian Hall and Other

Beneficial Methods of Healing’ will be the program 10:30 am, Tuesday, December 20 in Kortz Hall of Moravian Hall Square, 175 W. North St., Nazareth. Dr. James Martin of Nazareth Family Practice will be the presenter as part of the Senior Pathways series. The program is free and open to the public. Registration is required by calling 610.746.1000 or online at www.moravian.com.

Who Knows

BAGPIPers from Celtic United of Pen Argyl enteretained members of the Bath Lions and Lioness Clubs at a recent Christmas dinner party. – Home News photo

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1. Name the author of the novel "Moby Dick". 2. What two seas did the Suez Canal connect? 3. When was the Alaskan Pipeline measure signed into law? 4. When does winter begin? 5. Who made the statement, "In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes"? Answers: 1. Herman Melville. 2. Mediterranean and the Red Sea. 3. In 1973, by President Richard M. Nixon. 4. December 22. 5. Benjamin Franklin, in 1789, in a letter to a friend.


Madam (to foreign male servant): After this when you enter my bedroom please knock--I might be dressing. Servant: No need to knock. Me always look in keyhole first!


Harhart resolution on use Of slate waste passes in House

In an effort to search for viable ways to recycle the growing amounts of waste from the slate industry in Pennsylvania, Rep. Julie Harhart (R-Northampton/Lehigh) introduced and the House overwhelmingly passed legislation that would request PennDOT to conduct a study on the possibility of slate waste being used in highway construction projects. “My legislative district, which includes Slatington and the surrounding area, has a long history tied to the slate industry. Due to the processes of manufacturing slate, there is waste that the companies are looking to dispose. The companies, seeking to be as responsible as possible with the byproduct of the industry, have been contacting me over the past several years to help facilitate having slate waste included in the various approved recyclable materials PennDOT uses for highway construction projects and other applications,” said Harhart. “I have been having discussions with PennDOT since 2005 on this issue and am relieved to finally have movement on legislation that could possible help address the growing amount of slate waste in Pennsylvania.” House Resolution 70 specifically requests PennDOT to conduct a study of the slate industry for the purpose of

Store Hours Mon.-Fri. 7-7 Sat. 7-4

determining the feasibility of using recycled slate waste in projects associated with highway construction, concrete aggregate and drain fields, or as a skid-resistance aggregate. The legislation calls for PennDOT to report its findings to the General Assembly and the governor’s office within six months of adoption of the resolution. “Many other industrial waste products, such as rubber from scrap tires, fly ash

and blast furnace slag, are used in highway construction, so why not the waste from the slate industry?” said Harhart. “Our local companies are proactively looking to partner with the state to reuse these materials in a productive and responsible way. A study will help to pinpoint just what uses may be most appropriate and possible.” House Resolution 70 passed the House by a vote of 192-1.

History of U.S. flag at Society’s Jan. 23 program The Lehigh Township Historical Society members thank everyone for their support throughout 2011. They celebrated their tenth anniversary year and were grateful for all of the volunteer help and support they received. The public is invited to attend the first winter program in the new year presented by the historical society. It will be held on the fourth Monday of January at 7 p.m. The January 23rd program will be led by David Altrichter, a member of the society and active member of the American Legion. His talk will be about the American flag. Come to


Give your holiday punch bowl an elegant and functional touch with a floating ice sculpture! Simply fill a Bundt-style cake pan with water or non-alcoholic punch, and freeze. Pop out and float the ice in your bowl of punch! If you make the ice sculpture out of juice or additional punch you don’t need to worry about your beverage becoming too diluted, either! Let Miller Supply Ace Hardware help you get your party started with these and other great gift ideas for you or yourself.

the meeting and learn about the history of the flag, how to display it, how to fold it, etc. Scout leaders, this would be an excellent program for your scout troop. Following the presentation, light refreshments will be available. If groups plan to attend, please contact 610-767-3634 in order to prepare more refreshments. The next program will be held on Monday, February 27, at 7 p.m., at Hope Lutheran Church, the subject to be announced. There is ample parking available and there is no charge for the program - programs are presented by the society to provide historical education to everyone. Also that evening, historical items will be available for purchase such as the new DVD video about Lehigh Township, books, maps, etc. In the event of inclem-


THE HOME NEWS December 15-21, 2011 in the rear of the historical centre in Pennsville. Please call for information, 610-7675989.

ent weather, the program will be postponed. To learn if the event is cancelled on January 23, please call 610-767-5989. Remember, the historical centre and schoolhouse are open by appointments during the winter months. Tours are given to family groups and other organizations all year long. Monthly meetings are held on the second Monday of every month at 7 p.m.

Not a frequent dish, but one can enjoy, frozen fried chicken microwaving it. Arrange pieces on platter, meatiest parts outside. Cover with wax paper. Six pieces will usually be done in 6 to 7 minutes, on High.

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CALL 610-837-6439


THE HOME NEWS December 15-21, 2011



Council vote retains Trachta as police chief Nazareth Borough Council has decided to extend the contract for Police Chief Thomas Trachta. But it will be on a month-to-month basis beginning in January. However, since the Colonial Regional Police Department would not guarantee hiring Nazareth police officers, who have a union contract through the end of next year, there may be an effort to seek a regional department with the Upper Nazareth Police Department. Police Committee chairman Larry Stoudt said there have been informal

talks in that direction. Earlier this year, BoroughCouncil voted to disband the Nazareth police department. That didn’t happen, when negotiations were started with CRPD. Mayor Fred Daugherty has given up on going with Colonial Regional, although he had sought such a move due to the high costs of operating the borough’s department. Chief Trachta is concerned that he might have trouble recruiting officers if the future remains uncertain.

The Nazareth Area School Board is looking for someone to serve as a director, filling a vacancy left at the recent death of long-time director Thomas Maher. Recently re-elected to the board, Maher was to receive his oath of office at Monday’s school board meeting. But the 61-year-old certified public accountant died on Nov. 30. He began his service with the board in 1999, being a treasurer, chairman of the audit and finance committees, and a member of other committees over the years. His replacement would represent Region 2 covering the eastern district of Upper

Nazareth Township and all of Lower Nazareth Township. Potential candidates should send a letter to Schools Superintendent Victor Lesky by December 20. After that deadline, the candidates’ resumes will be scrutinized and questions asked of them to determine their qualifications.. That deadline will then be January 3. The school board will have a special meeting on January 4 to interview candidates who they feel have met the requirements. The interviews will last a limit of 15 minutes, and after all have been com-

School board seeks Candidate to fill vacancy

Continued on page 11

ONLY 10 SHOPPING DAYS LEFT BEFORE CHRISTMAS at the area’s #1 Best Choice for GE Appliances...


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Benton Schwartz of Bath leads nearly 140 people on the 52nd Annual Peace Pilgrimage. – Home News photo

52nd Annual Peace Pilgrimage


The 52nd annual Peace Pilgrimage from Nazareth to Bethlehem was held last Saturday, on one of the first really cold pre-winter days we have had this year. The walk, which echoes the journey of Mary and Joseph, is 10 miles starting at the center square in Nazareth and leading to Christ Church in Bethlehem. People from all over the Lehigh Valley and surrounding areas join the group each year to participate in the walk to celebrate and gather around the importance of Peace. Much like the 60-mile journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem, the walkers celebrate the birth of Christ and the true meaning of Christmas during their journey. With stops along the way at area churches for a warm up session and break the walkers also took part in singing carols together as they reached Bethlehem. Nearly 140 Participants Nearly 140 participants began the walk at the Moravian Church in Nazareth carrying signs containing messages of Peace, stars and a nearly

Make your Kitchen the Center of Attention this Holiday Season with a beautiful package of GE Cafe series Stainless Steel Appliances!

40 foot banner. The group, which was comprised of 10 walkers who have joined the journey for 20 or more years, was organized by Rick Dowe as it had been for many years. In his address to the group before leaving the Moravian Church in Nazareth, Rick asked the group to think

about what brought them to the walk this year. Many from the group discussed this along the way and shared their reasons with one another at the First Baptist Church. Dowe continues to organize and walk the Pilgrimage as he believes in the teachings of Peace.

Matt Roach at Nazareth Center

Model Trains In Stockertown

Matt Roach will be playing a mixture of rock, pop and country comedy on Saturday, Dec. 17 at 8:00 p.m. at Nazareth Center for the Arts. Matt's music has received radio airtime both in the US and Europe and in addition to the many famed clubs along the East Coast where he has performed he's opened for some legendary performers including Marshall Crenshaw, Peter Tork, and The Alarm. For tickets or more information, visit www.nazaretharts.com.

The Nazareth Area Society of Model Engineers, 212 Main St. (Sullivan Trail), Stockertown will show model trains on Monday, Dec 26 through Friday, Dec 30, and Monday Jan. 9. The hours vary each day at four operating layouts on two floors of the former Stockertown Fire house. Many operating accessories and lots of sound. A great family event. Contact Roger Wolfe at 610-252-8082, www. nasme.tripod.com, or Facebook: Nazareth Society of Model Engineers NASME for hours and more information.

Long Hair, Too “Did you have the car out last night son?” “Yeah, dad, I drove several

of the fellows downtown.” “Well, tell the fellows one of them left his little lace hanky in the back seat





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Church Directory ADVENT MORAVIAN, (610) 8680477, Bethlehem. Sun 8:30am Worship; 9:30am Sun School; 10:45am Worship ASSUMPTION BVM PARISH, Northampton. 610-262-2559. Sun 8/10:30am Mass; Mon, Tue, Thurs & Fri – 8am Mass; Wed– 7pm Worship; Sat – 4:00 pm BANGOR CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE, Bangor. 610-588-6929 Sun 9:30am SS for all ages; 10:40am Worship; Children’s Church Tues. 6 p.m. Young ladies bible study, 7 p.m. young men’s bible study BETHANY WESLEYAN, Cherryville. 610-767-1239. Sun - 9/10:30am Worship BUSHKILL UNITED METHODIST, Clearfield, Bushkill Twp. Sun 9:15 a.m. worship, 10:30 a.m. SS CARPENTER’S COMMUNITY CHURCH, Nazareth, 484-285-0040 Sun 10am Worship CHAPMAN QUARRIES UNITED METHODIST, Bath.610-837-0935 10am SS, 11am Worship CHRIST U.C.C., S. Bath. Thurs. 7:30 p.m. Mission Church, Sun. Worship 10:15 am w/nursery. SS 9 a.m. CHRIST U.C.C., Allentown. Schoenersville. Sun. Worship 10:15 a.m. CHRIST U.C.C. – LITTLE MOORE, Danielsville. Sun 9am Worship Stewardship Sunday, 10:30 SS CONCORDIA LUTHERAN CHURCH Northampton Sun 9am Worship, 10:30am SS & Bible Class COVENANT UNITED METHODIST, Bath. 610-837-7517. HA Sun. 8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Worship, 9:15 a.m. SS,

DRYLAND U.C.C., Nazareth. 610759-4444 Sun – 8/10:15 am Worship, 9 am SS EGYPT COMMUNITY CHURCH, Whitehall (Egypt) 610-262-4961 Sun. – Worship - 10:30 a.m. SS 9:00 a.m., HCA EMMANUEL’S LUTH Bath. Sun – 9:30am Cont. Worship 8/10:45am Trad. Worship S.S. 9:20 a.m Wed – Cont. Worship 7pm FAITH REFORMED, Lehigh Twsp. Sun - Worship 10 am. GOD’S MISSIONARY CHURCH, Northampton. Sun – 9:30am SS (children & adults); 10:30am & 7pm Service; Sunday Evening Youth 6:30pm. GOOD SHEPHERD LUTHERAN, Northampton Sun – 8:30/10 a.m. SS 9:20 a.m. GOSPEL CHAPEL, Northampton Worship 10 a.m. GRACE BIBLE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH, Nazareth 610-759-7039 Sun. 9:30 a.m. Worship, SS 10:30, Evening Worship 6 p.m. GRACE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, Pen Argyl Sun –Service, 8:30am & 9:45am HOLY CROSS EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN, Nazareth. Worship w/communion 8/9:30/10:30 am, SS 9:15 a.m.. Tues. 6:30 Bible Study HOLY FAMILY ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, Nazareth Sun – 7am/9am/11am Mass, Tues. 6:30 bible study HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH, Northampton 610-2622668 Sun. – 10:30 a.m. Worship. Communion 1st Sun. of the Month. SS 9:15 a.m. HOLY TRINITY SLOVAK LUTHER-

AN, Northampton Sun Worship - 9am; SS, 9am HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH, Cherryville Sun– 8:00/9:30 am, W, MOUNT EATON CHURCH Saylorsburg, PA 570-992-7050 Sat. 6:30 pm Worship, Sun. 8/10:30 a.m Worship. 9:30 SS, Wed. 7 p.m. Bible Study, NAZARETH MORAVIAN CHURCH, Nazareth 610-759-3163 Sun- 8:15/10:45 a.m. Worship. 9:30 SS, NORTHAMPTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD, Northampton Sun – 10:45am & 6pm Worship; 9:30am SS; Wed – 7:30pm Worship QUEENSHIP OF MARY CHURCH, Northampton 610-262-2227 Sun. – 7:30/9:30/11:30 a.m. Service. Holy day & Vigil – 6:30, 9 a.m.; Vigil 7 p.m. SACRED HEART CATHOLIC, Bath. Sat Vigil– 4:30pm/6pm Mass, Sun Masses: 6:45/8/9:30/11am; child care during 9:30am Mass; Mon– Thurs 8am Mass; Fri – 8:30am Mass Morning Prayer Mon-Thurs 7:30am Fri. 8:00am. SALEM U.C.C., Bath. SS 9 a.m., Worship 8/10:15 a.m SALEM UNITED METHODIST, Danielsville. Sun – Worship 9:30 a.m. ST. BRIGID’S EPISCOPAL Nazareth Sun – Holy Eucharist 10 a.m., SS 9:45 a.m. ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH, Bath. 610-837-1061 Sun 8am/10:15 a.m. Worship – Communion 1st & 3rd Sun. ST. JOHN’S EV. LUTHERN CHURCH, Nazareth 610-759-3090. Sun. –9 a.m. Sat. 5:30 p.m. No SS in Summer ST. JOHN’S U.C.C., Northampton. Sun –8/10:15am Worship, 9 am SS ST. JOHN’S U.C.C., Nazareth. 610759-0893 Sun –- 8/10:45 am Worship, 9:15am Christian Ed ST. NICHOLAS CATHOLIC CHURCH, Walnutport. 610-767-3107 Sun Masses at 8/9:30/11am and Sat evening at 4:30pm Daily Mass at 8:30am ST. PAUL’S UCC, Northampton, 610261-2910. HA Sun. 10:15 am Worship, Communion. 1st Sun. of Month. SS 9 a.m. ST. PAUL’S U.C.C., of Indian land,

Bible Verse


Wife: “Have you ever wondered what you would do if you had Warren Buffet’s inNORTHAMPTON’S Christmas tree is filled with 3,500 LED lights come?” Husband: “No, but I have of multi colors, brighter and less costly to operate. The bows on the often wondered what he tree were donated by Bob’s Flower Shop and the tree itself was would do if he had mine.” donated by Annamarie Kaminsky of 106 W. 26th Street.

St. Peter’s UCC

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St. Peter’s U.C.C. 8142 Valley View Rd. Seemsville, Northampton

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News Sermonette Pastor Edward L. Bean

Grace United Methodist, Telford

Christmas in Our Hearts “Faith is not always a fact; it’s an act,” was penned by Croft Pentz. At Christmas time our Heavenly Father put into action the greatest story ever told. This Christmas action was Christ coming down to us. Thus, we have the facts of the Christmas story. Remember Mary, Joseph, the Christ Child, a miracle birth, Shepherds and Wise Men. May your heart be warmed again as you read the story from Luke 2 from the Bible. People’s responses to this Christmas story through the ages of history remind us of two important things. First, only Jesus can bring true world peace. True peace is not attained through political philosophies. True peace is obtained by experiencing the presence of Christ. He alone can address our inner needs and longings. Second, the greatest human response to God’s gift of Himself in the Christ Child is to follow the example of the Shepherds and Wise Men who brought hearts filled with love and joy as well as tangible gifts. Thus, we share with one another through our encouraging words and generous gifts of love. This Christmas season appreciate your family and friends, your Brothers and Sisters in Christ, and your fellow employees with your prayers, thoughtful uplifting words and generous gifts. Keep in mind that often our prayers and encouraging words mean much more than our tangible gifts. After the brightness of the lights and joyful music of the Christmas season is over we will all face changes as we welcome 2012. Each year brings its own joys and challenges to our families and acquaintances. Celebrate Christmas with joy and peace and pray for Christ’s presence and guidance as we travel together into the new year.

School Board Continued from page 10

"A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right pleted the board will name hand, but it shall not come nigh the replacement for Maher. thee." Superintendent Named The Nazareth Area School 1. Where is this verse found District board said on Monin the Bible? day night that the next School 2. Who made the promise? Supervisor will be Dennis 3. To whom was protection Riker. Mr. Riker will begin as pledged? superintendent of the school 4. Where was their dwelling district on July 5, following place? the retirement of Victor Lesky, Answers: who will retire after 36 years. 1. Psalm 91, verse 7. Mr. Riker brings with him 2. The author of the Psalm. over 25 years experience in the 3. The godly. education field including his 4. The secret place of the service at Easton Area SD as most High (verse 1). Superintendent and assistant superintendent at Nazareth since 2008. Mr. Riker will earn

Income Worries

December 15-21, 2011

$30,000 over the start average for a superintendent with a yearly salary of $150,000 according to the school board.

Golden Gleams Be kindly affectionate one to another with brotherly love. Affection bends the judgment to her uses. When affection speaks truth is not always there. Talk not of wasted affection; affection never was wasted. Lying is wrong, even to save chastity.

12 THE HOME NEWS December 15-21, 2011

Obituaries Karen L. Rex Karen L. Rex, 59, of Indian Lake Estes, Florida, formerly of Northampton, has died. She was the wife of Brian M. Rex. She worked as a cosmetology teacher at Carbon County Vocational-Technical School in Jim Thorpe for many years. Born in Allentown, she was a daughter of Clarence T. “Hank” Hugo of Northampton and the late Kathleen C. (Bennett) Hugo, who died May 11, 1999. She was a member of Shady Hammock Baptist Church, Indian Lake Estates. In addition to her husband and father, she is survived by two sons, Mark S. Rex of Northampton and David B. Rex, Sr. of Indian Lake Estates; two grandchildren; two sisters, Nancy Dinger of Orefield and Marianne Haftl of Lehighton; two brothers, Jeffrey T. Hugo of Walnutport and James D. Hugo of Laury’s Station; many nieces and nephews and great-nieces and nephews. Graveside services were held on Thursday afternoon in Allen Union Cemetery, Northampton. Arrangements were by the Reichel Funeral Home, Northampton. Memorial donations may be made to the Humane Society and/or the church in Indian Lake Estates, c/o the funeral home, 326 E. 21st St., Northampton, PA 18067.

Thomas E. Volkert

Nov. 27, 1948 – Dec. 5, 2011 Thomas E. Volkert, 63, of Moore Township, formerly of Bethlehem, died Monday, Dec. 5 at home. A 1966 graduate of Easton High School, he attended Kutztown University and served in the Navy. Prior to illness, he worked as a quality control inspector for various companies, most recently for the Engineered Pump Division of Curtis-Wright Corporation, Phillipsburg, N.J. Born Nov. 27, 1948 in Easton, he was a son of the late Francis and Eleanor (Lynch) Volkert. He was a member of Liberty Hose Co., Easton, and the Al-

lentown Chess Club. Surviving are a daughter. Valerie L Makula of Bethlehem Township; companion George Eckstein’; two grandchildren; a brother, James Volkert, of Shrewsbury, Mass.; a sister, Janice McGrath, of West Palm Beach, Fla. A celebration of his life will b announced later. Arrangements are being made by the Geo. G. Bensing Funeral Home, Moorestown.

Alfred Muller

July 28, 1927 – Dec. 4, 2011 Alfred Muller, 84, of Wind Gap, formerly of Moore Township and Burlington, N.C., died Sunday, Dec. 4 in Lehigh Valley Hospital-Cedar Crest, Salisbury Township. He was the husband of Eleanor C. (Lahr) Muller. He served in the Navy during World War II. Prior to retiring, he owned and operated Dagmar Dale Farms in Vernon, N.J. for many years. Born July 28, 1920 in Clifton, N.J., he was a son of the late Adam and Julia (Wispelway) Muller. He and his wife loved horses and enjoyed many years of owning and showing them. He was a member of the American Quarter Horse Association and attended Salem U.C.C. Church, Moorestown. In addition to his wife, he is survived by two sons, George Muller of North Carolina and Gregory Muller of New Jersey; two step-sons, Carson Flyte of Pen Argyl and Gary Flyte of New Jersey; two daughters, Sharon Postma of Colorado and Carol Munniksma of Michigan; two stepdaughters, Donna Lopresti of New Jersey and Tina Anthony of Louisiana; two brothers, Howard Muller and Edward Muller, both of Michigan; many grandchildren and great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews. Preceding him in death were two sons, Dean and Kenneth Muller, and a sister, Marie Borack. A memorial service was held this (Thursday) after-


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noon in Wind Gap Manor. Interment will be private. Memorial donations may be made to his family, c/o the Geo. G. Bensing Funeral Home, 2165 Community Dr., Bath, PA 18014.

Mary Jo Walters Mary Jo Walters, 68, of Northampton, died Sunday, Dec. 4, 2011 in Lehigh Valley Hospital-Muhlenberg, Bethlehem. She was the wife of Richard F. Walters. She was a residential program worker employed by Impact Systems, Whitehall, for four years before retiring in 1990. Prior to that she was a production line worker for the former Alpo Pet Foods, Allentown, for 12 years. Born in Trenton, N.J., she was a daughter of the late Joseph and Mary (Moffit) Bevins. She attended Trinity U.C.C. Church, Coplay. Besides her husband, she is survived by two daughters, Cheryl A. Bosler of Whitehall and Bridget Dauerheim of Çoplay; two sons, John A. Pasko and Joseph W. Pasko, both of Northampton; a brother, William T. Bevins, of Trenton; one grandson and one great-granddaughter. She was preceded in death by a brother, Joseph R. Bevins. Services were held on Thursday morning in the Schisler Funeral Home, Northampton, with The Rev. James D. Ackerman officiating there and at burial in Fairview Cemetery, Northampton. Contributions may be made to the church memorial fund or the Center for Animal Health & Welfare, both c/o the funeral home at 2119 Washington Ave., Northampton, PA 18067.

Madeline Trumbauer Madeline E. (Lutz) Trumbauer, 88, of Bethlehem, formerly of Northampton, died Monday, Dec. 5, 2011 at the home of her daughter. She was a homemaker all of her life. Born in Northampton, she was a daughter of the late Harvey and Lizzie (Anthony) Lutz. She was a member of the Bethlehem Fire Co. Home Assn. and Heights A.A. Surviving are a daughter, Sandra Ehrgott of Bethlehem; two sons, Gerald L. Trumbauer of Whitehall.

And Richard M. Trumbauer of Bath; two sisters, Dorothy Saras of Virginia and Eleanor Ernst of Bethlehem; six grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Services were held on Friday morning in the Schisler Funeral Home, Northampton, followed by burial in Egypt Cemetery, Whitehall. Memorial donations may be made to the VNA Hospice of St. Luke’s in Lower Saucon Township, c/o the funeral home at 2119 Washington Ave., Northampton, PA 18067.

Robert S. Lahr

March 10, 1919 – Dec. 4, 2011 Robert S. Lahr, 92, of Lower Nazareth Township died Sunday, Dec. 4 in the VNA Hospice of St. Luke’s, Lower Saucon Township. He was the husband of Florence (Powell) Lahr. He worked at ESSROC Cement Co. for 40 years, and served in the Army during World War II. Born March 10, 1919 in Lower Nazareth Township, he was a son of the late Frank and Florence (Stauffer) Lahr. He was a member of Trinity Lutheran Church, Hecktown. In addition to his wife, he is survived by a son, Ralph Lahr, of Nazareth; three daughters, Louise Smith of Clayton, N.C., Loretta Lahr of Whittier, N.C., and LaRue Amaroso of Nazareth; seven grandchildren; 11 greatgrandchildren; two brothers, Chester Lahr and Harold Lahr, both of Lower Nazareth Township. Preceding him in death were a sister, Isabelle Hoff, and a brother, Paul Lahr. Services were last Thursday morning in the Reichel Funeral Home, Nazareth, followed by interment in Hope Cemetery, Hecktown. Memorial donations may be made to the VNA Hospice, c/o the funeral home at 220 Washington Park, Nazareth, PA 18064.

Evelyn M. Yeakel

May 15, 1924 – Dec. 9, 2011 Evelyn M. Yeakel, 87, of Plainfield Township, formerly of East Lawn, died Friday, Dec. 9 at the Anderson Campus of St. Luke’s Hospital, Bethlehem Township. She was the wife of the late Stanley A. Yeakel, who died in 1986. She was a 1942 graduate of Nazareth High School, and in playing basketball was

recognized as an outstanding athlete. A member of the International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union, she served as a union chairperson and worked as a sewing machine operator at Louise Frocks for more than 25 years before retiring. Born May 15, 1924 in Bushkill Township, she was a daughter of the late Charles and Eva (Andrews) Fehr. An avid Phillies fan, she enjoyed traveling with her family and friends, and closely followed the athletic careers of her grandchildren. She was a member of St. John’s Evan. Lutheran Church, Nazareth. Surviving are a daughter, Alice Friend, of Plainfield Township; two sons, Rod of Nazareth and Jack of Missoula, Montana; four grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; two sisters, Arlene Garren of Upper Nazareth Township and Betty Starner of Nazareth, and many nieces and nephews. Preceding her in death was her companion of many years, Robert C. Fratscher, Jr., who died in 2003; a sister, Ethel Bayda, and two brothers, Stanley and Grover Fehr. A memorial service in celebration of her life was held on Wednesday evening in St. John’s Lutheran Church. Interment was private. Arrangements were made by the Geo. G. Bensing Funeral Home, Moorestown. Memorial contributions may be made to the Youth Group of St. John’s Lutheran Church, 200 S. Broad St., Nazareth, PA 18064.

Mary C. McCloskey

Jan. 26, 1937 – Dec. 1, 2011 Mary Claire McCloskey, 74, of Northampton, died Thursday, Dec. 1 at home. She was the wife of Leo McCloskey.

Thelma K. Roberts Thelma K. Roberts, 90, formerly of Lehigh Township, died Thursday, Dec. 1, 2011 in Summit Nursing & Rehabilitation Center, Lehighton. She was the wife of the late

Flora D. Fuller

May 26, 1928 – Dec. 3, 2011 Flora D. Fuller, 83, of Bushkill Township died Saturday, Dec. 3 at home. She was the wife of Frank J. Fuller.

Denise A. Conover Rinehimer, VMD Denise A. Conover Rinehimer, VMD, 58, of Nazareth died Saturday, Dec. 20 in St. Continued on page 13



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Reph’s Family Winter Wonderland in Bushkill Township

A computer controlled Christmas light display at 198 Firehouse Lane in Nazareth is now operating. The lights are on, weather permitting from 5-10 p.m. weekdays and 5-11 p.m. on weekends through January 7, 2012. The display is free for visitors to come and enjoy just behind the Bushkil Twsp Fire Co. in Nazareth. Display designer and coordinator Jason Reph does accept donations for the Jeff Gordon Children’s Foundation at the 35 thousand plus

light and decoration display. The foundation helps support the cancer research and treatment pediatric unit in SC. This Friday, a special guest will be stopping by the display to see the lights that will help guide his travels on Christmas Eve. Santa is expected about 7:30 pm and guests are welcome to join him. To learn more about the display, track Santa’s whereabouts or get directions, visit www.rephswinterwonderland.webs.com.

Good Shepherd


Continued from page 3

independent living facility and a Work Services division that provides employment training and job placement. Good Shepherd Penn Partners, a partnership of Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Network and the University of Pennsylvania Health System, provides post-acute care in the Philadelphia region and includes an inpatient unit, a long-term acute care hospital, and 10 outpatient sites. Good Shepherd was founded in 1908 when The Rev. John and Estella Raker invited a disabled orphan named Viola into their Allentown, Pennsylvania, home. Good Shepherd is affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. For more information, visit www.GoodShepherdRehab.org.

Continued from page 12

Luke’s Hospital, Fountain Hill. She was the wife of Dr. Charles E. Rinehimer. Dr. Denise was a veterinarian with the Easton Animal Hospital for many years. A 1975 graduate of Muhlenberg, she earned as Bachelors degree in biology, and continued her education at the University of Pennsylvania, achieving her doctorate in veterinary medicine in 1979. Born in Atlantic City, N.J., she was a daughter of the late Somers and Teresa Feldeisen Conover. She was a member of the American Veterinarian Medical Association. Besides her husband, she is survived by a brother, Brian Conover of Absecon, N.J., a niece and nephew. A memorial service was

held this afternoon (Thursday) at the BartholomewSchisler Funeral Home, Nazareth. Interment will be private at the convenience of the family. Contributions may be made to an animal shelter or rescue center of one’s choice, c/o the funeral home at 211 E. Center St., Nazareth, PA 18064.

Moore Twsp. Supervisors Meeting At the regularly scheduled monthly meeting of the Board of Supervisors in Moore Township on Tues. December 6, supervisors announced the reorganization meeting and the first meeting of 2012 will be held on Tuesday January 3, 2012 at 7 p.m. The meeting will not be held on the first Monday due to the New Years holiday. The Supervisors also approved the continued partnership between Moore Township and Northampton County Farmland Preservation in 2012. It was announced that the Planning Commission had been working on a SALDO revision. Attorney Backenstoe is reviewing the proposed changes and a proposed ordinance change is being developed. Other Matters; Two Deed of Dedication approvals were given for the 512 Industrial and Blue Mt. View properties.. The Supervisors okayed a request from Rec. commit-

THE HOME NEWS tee to keep the lights on the walking trail on until 9 p.m. for three nights during the week. They also heard a request from the Rec. committee to place concrete corner monuments around the perimeter of the park to mark the property for maintenance purposes. Supervisors will get pricing from suppliers before moving ahead with this project. In a brief report from First Regional Compost Authority Dick Gable noted that there are "mountains of compost and brush everywhere". He also stated that they will be hiring a replacement for the Director of Operations at FRCA. Supervisors noted that the

December 15-21, 2011

bridge closure of Hoch Rd. bridge will begin near the end of the 2011-2012 school year and last until the end of August 2012. A detour will also be in place from 946 to Hoch Rd beginning in early January for repairs.

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14 THE HOME NEWS December 15-21, 2011

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PUblic notice-Legal Estate Notice Rosemarie Labukas Estate of Rosemarie Labukas deceased, late of 1030 linden St., Bethlehem, PA. It is requested that all persons having claims or demands against the Estate of the Decedentto make known the same, and all persons indebted to the Decedent to make payments without delay to: John Labukas III, Administrator, 1503 Kaywin Ave., Bethlehem, PA 18018 (12/15-12/29) PUBLIC NOTICE MOORE TOWNSHIP 2012 PROPOSED BUDGETS The Moore Township Board of Supervisors will hold a SPECIAL MEETING on December 29, 2011, at 7:00 pm for the purpose of formally adopting the Final General Fund Budget and the Liquid Fuels Budget and the Recreation Enterprise Budget for 2012, and also to close out the 2011 year by paying the bills that are due at that time. The meeting will be held at the Moore Township Municipal Building, 2491 Community Drive, Bath , Pa. 18014. All interested persons are invited to attend. MOORE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Richard K. Gable, Secretary/ Treasurer (12/15) MOORE TOWNSHIP PLANNING COMMISSION MONTHLY MEETING CANCELLATION PUBLIC NOTICE The regular monthly meeting of the Moore Township Planning Commission, previously scheduled for Monday, December 26, 2011 at 7:00 PM , has been canceled due to the Christmas Holiday. The next regular monthly meeting, as well as the reorganizational meeting, will be held on Monday, January 23, 2012 at 7:00PM at the Moore Township Municipal Building, 2491 Community Dr. Bath PA 18014 . Jason L. Harhart Secretary Moore Township Planning Commission (12/15)

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NORTHAMPTON AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION 2012 MEETING CALENDAR The Northampton Area School District Board of Education will hold its Regular Board Meetings as follows: January 9 and 23, 2012 February 13, and 27, 2012 March 12 and 26, 2012 April 9 and 23, 2012 May 7 and 21, 2012 June 11 and 25, 2012 July 9 and 23, 2012 August 13 and 27, 2012 September 10 and 24, 2012 October 8 and 22, 2012 November 5 and 19, 2012 December 3, and 17, 2012 Meetings will be held at the District Administration Building, 2014 Laubach Avenue, at 6:30 p.m. Terry A. Leh, Board Secretary (12/15) BOROUGH OF NORTHAMPTON EXECUTIVE MEETING Notice is hereby given that Northampton Borough Council will meet in an executive session on Thursday, December 15, 2011, at 7:00 P.M. in council Chambers. The purpose of this executive session is to discuss pending legal matters. Gene Zarayko Borough Manager (12/15) Ordianance Adopted Chapman Borough Chapman Borough Council at their regular monthly meeting for January will adopt Ordinance 2011-4, AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE MAINTENANCE, INSPECTION AND REPAIR OF EXISTING AND FUTURE ON-LOT SEWER DISPOSAL SYSTEMS (OLDS) IN CHAPMAN BOROUGH; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS TO THIS ORDINANCE and Ordinance 2011-5 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND REGULATING THE INSTALLATION, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, AND INSPECTION OF SMALL FLOW WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEMS IN CHAPMAN BOROUGH; AUTHORIZING THE BOROUGH TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENTS WITH PROPERTY OWNERS FOR THE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF SMALL FLOW WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEMS; ESTABLISHING FEES FOR THE INSTALLATION AND INSPECTION OF SMALL FLOW WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEMS, PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS AND REPEALING INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES. If interested you may review the ordinances by contacting the Borough Secretary, John J. Defassio. (12/15, 12/22) PUBLIC NOTICE BOROUGH OF BATH YEAR 2012 SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS Notice is hereby given by the Borough of Bath of the following scheduled meetings for the Year 2012. Said meetings will be held in Heckman Hall at the Borough of Bath Municipal Building, 215 East Main St., Bath, PA: The regular monthly meetings of the Borough of Bath Council are the first Monday of each month commencing at 7:00 PM, unless advertised otherwise. Special Meetings and/or Workshops of Council may also be held on as “as needed” basis and will be advertised accordingly. The monthly meetings of the Planning Commission are the third Monday of each month commencing at 7:00 PM. The monthly meetings of the Historical Architectural Review Board (HARB) are the third Wednesday of each month com-

EAST ALLEN TOWNSHIP The Board of Supervisors is seeking interested residents to serve for the following: Planning Commission Meets 1st Thursday at 7:30 PM Zoning Hearing Board Meets 3rd Tuesday at 7:00 PM Recreation/Parks Board Meets 1st Wednesday at 4 PM Municipal Authority Meets 1st Tuesday at 7:30 PM & 3rd Wednesday at 1:00 PM Vacancy Board Meets as needed ________________________________ Residents interested in serving in one of these positions should contact our office for a Volunteer Form and submit it on or before Friday, December 30, 2011 to the Township Office at: 5344 Nor-Bath Boulevard Northampton, PA 18067 Hours: Mon – Fri 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM 12/15 mencing at 7:00 PM. The monthly meetings of the 275th Anniversary Committee are the second Tuesday of each month commencing at 7:00 PM. The semimonthly meetings of the Bath Business & Community Partnership (BBCP) are the second and the fourth Mondays of each month commencing at 5:00 PM. The Zoning Hearing Board, the Property Maintenance Code Board of Appeals, the Park, Recreation & Shade Tree Committee, and other various committees, will meet on an “as needed” basis only. Gerald J. Gasda Interim Borough Manager Interim Secretary-Treasurer


Notice is hereby given by the Borough of Bath that the regular monthly meeting of the Borough of Bath Council has been rescheduled from Monday, January 2, 2012 to Tuesday, January 3, 2012 (due to the holiday), and will commence at 6:00 PM in Heckman Hall at the Borough of Bath Municipal Building, 215 East Main St., Bath, PA. The Biennial Organization Meeting of the Borough of Bath Council will be held in conjunc(12/15) tion with this meeting. Gerald J. Gasda Interim Borough Manager Interim Secretary-Treasurer

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ATTN: PUBLIC NOTICE ADVERTISERS The Home News publishes various types of Legal Notices Every Week including: Estate Notices Name Changes, Fictitious Name Articles of Incorporation, Gov't Meetings and others. Call Candi FMI & Rates 610-923-0382 Or you can Fax your Legals To The Home News at 610-923-0383


...palm and fake plastic trees too!

People have used evergreen,...

Newspaper Fun! www.readingclubfun.com

Annimills LLC c 2011 V8-N50

Trees of Christmas



2 3


6 lot

Do presents go on the tree or under the tree?

When it's hard to find an evergreen tree, people cleverly use other trees, bushes or even ... Follow the dots to see what it is!

floor 10

cut yard 7

Both! But mostly under.

Evergreens are the favorite trees for Christmas. They stay green all through the harsh winter 26 weather. Their green color, cones and 25 berries remind us of new life and the coming spring. Their size is just right! 24

I could build a merry nest in there.

water 8 replant tables


artificial Read the clues to shoulders fill in the puzzle: 1. People in the city might buy their trees from a corner _______ or go to a tree farm. 2. Tree farmers ________ where trees have been cut. 3. Some people like _______ trees (fake), because they travel during the holidays and the trees don’t need to be watered. 4. Some people buy trees with their roots bundled so they can plant the trees later in the ________. 5. Some go into the woods and ________ their own trees.

During the winter holidays, in our country's capital, Washington, D.C, a national Christmas tree is lighted to show hopes of joy and peace for the world. There are many kinds of evergreens from which to choose a tree. We look at the length and softness of the needles, and the shape and height of the tree. Which are your favorite needles? Read the clues to fill in the name of these greens:

__ S __ C __ __ T __ __ __ P __ __ N __

__ C __ __ L __ __ __ __ D __ O __ __ B __ __ __ E S __ P __ R __ __ __

This is a favorite tree. It is bushy and stays green a long time after it is cut. It has blue-green needles about 1 1/2 to 3 inches long.

Ouch! These short, sharp, thick needles hurt my hands. But their beautiful silver-blue to blue-green colors make this a pretty tree.

Topping the Christmas Tree!

People so love the tradition of setting up a Christmas tree that they sometimes sing this traditional German carol! O Christmas tree, O _________ tree How lovely are your branches. In summer sun, in ________ snow, A dress of ________ you always show. O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree, How lovely are your ________ . Christmas



12 13 14


I’m gathering greens for decorating!










36 32



16 17

40 41

15 21





Can you find and circle at least 10 words that have a long “e” sound as in the word tree?







6. Trees travel home on top 7 of cars, sleds and 18 19 6 people’s ________. 7. Many people used to place their trees on top of ________. 5 8. Today people place their trees 4 in stands on the ________. 3 9. Often trees are placed near ________ 2 to share joy. 10. Don't forget to ________ your tree to 1 keep it fresh!

What Kind of Tree?



Fa la la la la la la la la ...and all that jazz!

D __ O __ U __ __ L __ __ S __ F __ __ R __ This tree has short dark-green to yellowish-green needles. They bend easily to the touch. This is easy to decorate and smells so good too!

45 46 47

34 48 49 50

Ow! Ow! Ow!


52 Next, find 10 words that have 3 syllables as in the word “ev • er • greens.” Visit our website: www.readingclubfun.com to print out new puzzles: Ready For a Pet? Helping Hands, How Do Animals Get Ready For Winter?, Wonderful World of Color While you are there, join the reading club.

Whaaaatttt! You haven’t joined yet?

e Fre les! z Puz

Can you help Peak find his way to the Christmas tree to put the star on the top?

Newspaper Fun! Created by Annimills c 2011


I untangled the lights!


December 15-21, 2011

Want to sponsor a Future Puzzle? Call us at 484-623-4571 to find out how!

16 THE HOME NEWS December 15-21, 2011

Police Blotter Colonial Regional Strong Arm Robbery Of Truck Driver

Colonial Regional Police responded to a strong-armed robbery report that occurred in front of the Wawa at 3820 Easton-Nazareth Highway on Dec. 7 at approximately 5:38 a.m. The victim, Stanley Tuzinsky, Jr. of Wilkes-Barre had parked his tractor-trailer on Rt. 248 in front of the Wawa by the exit only on to Rt. 248 west. Upon returning to his truck, two Hispanic males in their 20’s, with stocky build and dark clothing followed him to his vehicle in a black or dark blue two-door vehicle. The men approached him saying that they had a gun and that they wanted his wallet. The thieves knocked the victim to the ground and stole

his wallet containing about $400 in cash. The robbers fled the scene in their car, last seen heading north on Prologis Parkway toward Van Buren Road. Police are asking that anyone who may have witnessed the robbery or may have information concerning it, to call Colonial Regional Police at 610-861-4820 and ask to speak with Detective Sergeant Melinsky or Sergeant Harmon.

Family of Seven Didn’t Pay for Hotel Stay

Colonial Regional Police allege that Shannon Schaad of 23 N. 13th St., Easton, stayed at the Best Western Hotel at 300 Gateway Drive in Hanover Township with her husband and five children. PA003267

Monster Bull Elk taken by Ken Kuzma on Dec. 1, 2011 the last day of a 7 day hunt. Ken and guide Brad Hale of Trophy Outfitters, Inc. hunted Game Unit 27 in the White Mountains of Arizona (9,200 ft.). The entire area burned this summer in what is known as the Bear Wallow Fire. Police said she didn’t pay for a stay that included Feb. 22 to March 9, which totaled $1,064.53. Mrs. Schaad was arraigned on the single charge of theft of service in front of District Judge Manwaring and released on $10,000 unsecured bail.

Damages Soy Field With His ATV

Colonial Regional Police took a report of damage to crop on a soy bean field on Nov. 13. Through investigation and witness statements, Peter Keiper, 33, of 403 Hartman Rd., Apt. B, Bethlehem, is

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Northampton Police Department responded to these incidents between Dec. 5 and Dec. 9: DECEMBER 5 A group of approximately 6-7 juveniles were banging on doors & windows in the 1500 block of Poplar Street. This is reportedly an ongoing problem that has been occurring nightly. Group includes a loud female and a tall thin B/M. DECEMBER 8 Unknown actor kicked a mail box in the 1300 block of Atlas Lane, causing damage to same. Damage also occurred to several other mail boxes in the area. State Police received a similar call, along with a vehicle description. Subject paid for repairs, and owner did not wish to pursue criminal charges. DECEMBER 9 ➢ Male juvenile, dressed in hunting gear, was seen on Lafarge property, in close proximity to homes in the 2100 block of Hokendauqua Avenue. He did not have a gun, but was advised by officer that he was not allowed to be in a safety zone. Information was passed along to the Wildlife Conservation Officer and to Lafarge Corporation.

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being charged with criminal mischief and defiant trespass for allegedly driving an TV over the field, damaging the crop, after being warned not to trespass on the property in the 300 block of Nazareth Pike, Lower Nazareth Township.


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