70th Year, Issue No. 12 USPS 248-700
MARCH 24-30, 2011 A General Circulation Newspaper Serving The Community Since 1942
Pennies for Patients
Northampton manager fears Higher road bids based on oil
SIEGFRIED ELEMENTARY SCHOOL in Northampton had a celebration assembly on Friday, March 18, after completing their campaign to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society from February 7 to March 1. This was the third year that the children have raised money in support of the blood cancer patients, and Student Council Advisor Gary Pierzga said it was especially heartwarming this year. Members of Student Council are shown holding a banner thanking the students for raising $5, 556.61. – Home News photo
Students raise $5,556 To aid cancer patients By BILL HALBFOERSTER The Home News
Northampton Borough Elementary Student Council had the most successful campaign in three years and celebrated it at a student assembly in Siegfried Elementary School on Friday, turning over $5,556.61 to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
MRS. JUDY STETTLER of Northampton is surrounded by balloons as she officially retired on Friday as a custodian at Siegfried Elementary School, where she worked for 15 years. Altogether, she was a custodian in the Northampton Area School District for 20-1/2 years, starting at George Wolf Elementary in Bath. She plans to travel and play the casinos. One of her travels will be to attend her daughter’s wedding in Idaho. – Home News photo
Altogether, $12,849.99 was raised in the three years – $3,643.72 in the first year and $3,649.66 last year, according to Student Council Advisor Gary Pierzga. He said the students had collection boxes at home and brought their money to collection boxes in school, and by the time it was all over, between February 7 and March 1, a new record had been set. Pierzga thanked Linda Stepp of KNBT Bank for helping to count all the money; Police Chief Ron Morey for helping to lift the heavy buckets of change, and Robin Lutz, president of the PTA for their help. More than 83,000 pennies were included in the collection and Pierzga said that, stretched end to end, it would have covered several streets in Northampton. “You never cease to amaze me. When I think you’ve done so much, you do a little more.” All the money raised will go the society’s blood cancer patients and for its work in improving the quality of life for them and their families. Receiving the check was Megan Evans, school and youth coordinator for the society. She thanked the student body for Continued on page 4
Northampton Borough Manager Gene Zarayko received permission on Thursday to prepare bid specifications for road materials, so that bids can be received. However, he said with the increasing cost of oil, the borough may have to cut back on its road paving program for 2011. He did advise residents to report any potholes in their neighborhood so that the road crews can repair them. UGI is required to replace concrete and blacktop if tearing up roads to repair natural gas lines, most of which are
cast iron. Other Matters • Final date to pay refuse bills is March 31. After that, there is a 10% penalty. So far, $891,700 has been collected. • A report from the U.S. Census is that Northampton’s population has grown by 521 persons, for a total of 9,926, a 5.5% jump. The median age is 40 and 18.7% are age 65 or older. • The public works department has been busy: Reconstructing a roof at the 26th Street playground; installing a split rail fence along Howertown Rd. south of Dry Run Creek, after removal of a chain link fence; installing
safety rails on bleachers and painting picnic tables; and will soon install storm drains on the Center St. parking lot before the lot is repaved. They will also move a flagpole from the veterans memorial plot and re-install it at the Atlas Sports Complex. A local businessman is buying a new flagpole for the plot. • Councilman Robert McHale reported that the Pa. House of Representatives has repealed the sprinkler requirement for new homes, and the Senate may also consider it. He said this is good news for home buyers. McHale also listed the poContinued on page 15
LeBEAM to award Community service grant The LeBEAM Chamber, regional chamber of the Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce (GLVCC), is proud to announce the 2011 $500 LeBEAM Community Grant Award. The grant will be awarded to a non-profit organization serving people in the Moore, East Allen, Lehigh Townships, Bath and Chapman areas. Eligible organizations must work to improve the lives of people living in the above mentioned region specifically in regards to the following
Library stresses Ready for youths Pennsylvania One Book, Every Young Child 2011 is a collaborative project highlighting the importance of early literacy development in preschoolers. To participate in this effort, the Northampton Area Public Library, 1615 Laubach Avenue, Northampton is sponsoring a family storytime featuring Whose Shoes? A Shoe for Every Job by Stephen R. Swinburne, “encouraging young readers to guess which shoe matches which job.” This storytime will take place on Thursday, April 14 at 10:30 a.m. or 6:00 p.m. Please join us for stories, games and activities. Children’s Book Week is the national celebration of books and reading for youth. Celebrate the love of books at the Northampton Area PubContinued on page 4
areas of interest: community, education, families and the elderly. Please help us spread the word! If you know of an organization worthy of this gift, please let us know. The grant recipient will be announced at the May 24th anniversary event held at Gaetano’s (Southmoore Golf Course). The grant will be judged on the following: •Type of project/use of money •How the organization services LeBEAM chamber
members •Proof of non-profit status (501c3 form) This must be submitted in order for consideration! •List of board members The deadline is April 15, 2011. If you have any questions or comments regarding this grant award program please do not hesitate to contact Marlyn Kissner, VP GLVCC Regional Councils, at 610841-5806 or E-Mail marlynk@ lehighvalleychamber.org.
St. Patty’s Day Parade
STUDENTS at the George Wolf Elementary School in Bath held a hat parade in honor of St. Patrick’s Day on Thursday, March 17. They used their imagination to come up with all shapes and sizes of green hats. Prompting them to “wave for the papparazzi” was Principal Robyn Ginther, shown here in her St. Patrick’s Day get-up. – Home News photo
2 0 1 0 L e B E A M C o m m u n i t y S p i r i t Aw a rd R e c i p i e n t