Home News July 28

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70th Year, Issue No. 30 USPS 248-700

JUly 28-AUGUST 3, 2011 A General Circulation Newspaper Serving The Community Since 1942


Volunteers build home for wounded Bath area vet By BILL HALBFOERSTER The Home News

Angela Bardini sang the National Anthem, which Gill said is his favorite song. Prayer was part of the ceremony. Robert Kislow said how appreciative he was, but added that he will be giving back. Larry Gill is the liaison for Homes for Our Troops.Volunteer carpenters erected the first wall of the fourbedroom home in Moore Township. Patriotism was a great part of the event, showing appreciation for the sacrifices of our troops. – Home News photos

Father, daughter injured by Lightning bolt in Moore Twp. A Moore Township father and daughter sustained relatively minor injuries when they were jolted by lightning as they stood under a tree at the Moore Twsp. Recreation Center last Tuesday night. Curtis Lotti and his eightyear-old daughter Brenna had sought cover during a brief thunder storm after watching Lotti’s son at football camp. He held an umbrella over his daughter’s head as they stood under the tree. They were thrown to the ground by the jolt, fortunate that they did not suffer fatal injuries. Lotti had burns on his feet, stomach and leg, and his hands were cut by the umbrella. He felt numb and had a burning sensation. Brenna sustained a flash burn to her right eye, but nothing worse. They were released after treatment.

The Lotti’s were rushed to St. Luke’s Hospital in Fountain Hill after people at the camp saw what happened and called 9-1-1. Calls to the communication center came in just after 7 p.m.

Robert J. Kislow III, serving with the Army’s 82nd Airborne Division in Afghanistan, was seriously wounded by the Taliban in an attack in Afghanistan on June 10, 2005. He has spent years recuperating. Over this past weekend, joy was brought into his life with two big events. The first happened on Thursday when he became a daddy. Then on Friday through Sunday some 100 volunteers built a new home for Kislow in a wooded area at the foot of the Blue Mountain in Moore Township. It so overwhelmed him at seeing what was about to happen that Kislow broke down in the middle of his remarks: “The first thing I have to say is. . .” Larry Gill, liaison for Homes for Our Troops remarked, “You’ve already said it,” and the crowd of volunteers dressed in red T-shirts roundly applauded, knowing that Kislow had given so much in a fight for freedom

that cost him his right leg. Gill told how the non-profit organization began seven years ago when he and others talked with veterans who had lost limbs and the difficulties they were going through. Homes for Our Troops, based in Taunton, Mass., has now built more than 100 homes adapted to those veterans’ needs. A $1,000 check was also presented on Friday, but Kislow remarked, as he gathered himself for further remarks that he wants to raise $100,000 in the next two years for the organization. He said, “I don’t like taking things for free. I never have or will. I have to pay it forward. It’s just what I have to do to make sure the next guys are taken care of.” Kislow said the first time he tried to walk with his prosthetic leg he fell on his face. He took a course, and at first he was on crutches and then used a wheelchair. With determination that he would succeed, he even went hunting, as he adapted to his new Continued on page 7

Boy Scouts celebrate opening of Stillwater Lake Dam The new 350 foot dam on Stillwater Lake in Pocono Summit is complete and Scouts are enjoying the waterfront again at Camp Minsi. On Thursday July 21st, area legislators were hosted for

lunch at Camp Minsi and participated in a ribbon cutting at the site of the new dam. 320 Acre Lake Stillwater Lake, approximately 320 acres, is a great Monroe County resource that

is enjoyed by area residents and Scouts at Camp Minsi. Thanks go out to all the municipalities, organizations, legislators, public officials and individuals who helped with this important project.

Duck race by Farmers market Friday afternoon

The Bath Farmers Market, in cooperation with the Bath Business & Community Partnership, will hold their second annual Great Bath Duck Race this Friday, July 29 from 3-7 p.m. on the creek at Monocacy Creek Park, W. Main Street. The race will begin at 5 p.m. Participants can adopt a duck for $5. Continued on page 7

Craig Poland, Scout Executive & CEO, Rep. Steve Samuelson, Sen. John Blake, Rep. Mike Carroll, Sen. John Yudichak, Rep. Julie Harhart, Rep. Marcia Hahn, Rep. Doyle Heffley, Kurt Derr (Sen. Lisa Boscola’s office), Gwen Stettler (Rep. Mario Scavello’s office), Dr. Don Snyder, Executive Board Member, and Dick Wilson, Executive Board Member, ready to cut the ribbon on Stillwater Lake Dam – Contributed photo

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