Home News July 5

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71st Year, Issue No. 27 USPS 248-700

JULY 5-11, 2012 A General Circulation Newspaper Serving The Community Since 1942


Taxes raised for 2012-13 In school board budget

WINDOWS were boarded up after the fire in this stone home at 3101 Beersville Rd., Bath, that broke out Thursday evening. – Home News photo

Fire hits Moore Twsp. home A Moore Township family of six persons was displaced Thursday evening, after fire hit their home at 3101 Beersville Rd. Reportedly, the fire started at the rear of the home, owned by Stephen Corby, Sr. and Stephanie Metz. No one was home at the time of the

fire. A neighbor said she saw heavy black smoke coming from the home. Klecknersville Rangers Vol. Fire Co. of Moore Township and the Bath Firefighters responded to the blaze, which heavily damaged the stone home in a wooded area. One firefighter was treated at a lo-

Moore Township Supervisors voted on Wednesday, June 27 to approve the preservation of two lands in the township: the 20-acre John Kostenbader property and the 78-acre Joseph Schiavone property. The decision will cost the township nearly $400,000 of the $1.19 million they currently have in the coffers for farmland preservation. The meeting was well at-

INSIDE THIS WEEK: Bath student studies in Tanzania ..................... 4 Natural Perspectives...... 5 Homme honored ............ 10

tended by residents of the township who wanted to see both properties preserved, no matter the cost. Almost every one of the 48 residents in attendance took the floor at least one time to talk about the importance of preserving the lands and thwarting future development in their country setting. Jeff Cook, who has walked the entire length of the Appalachian Trail, said that while his experience was great, some parts weren’t as nice as others. “The biggest problem from Georgia to Maine is development, it really took away from the experience” he said. The cost to preserve the Kostenbader farm is $98,000. The township will cover half, or $49,000, with Northampton County’s Open Space picking up the other half. The county had not yet voted on the Shiavone property, the item was

mer vo-tech school property in Northampton Borough. Business Manager Terry Leh also said 0.54 mills in tax money will have to go to the project the next four budgets. Unlike other school districts, where programs have been cut or reduced, Northampton Area’s educational programs will remain intact, thanks to a cooperative effort between staff and the school board. Many of the 30 job vacancies that will occur during the school year will not be filled. But, like other districts across the state, NASD will have to contribute more to the Public School Employees Retirement System fund, about $1.4 million, or a total of $4.5 million.

cal hospital for smoke inhalation. No other injuries were reported. The Lehigh Valley Chapter of the American Red Cross is providing temporary lodging, food, clothing, shoes and toiletry items to the three adults and three children who reside at the home.

Moore supervisors approve preservation of Two properties and residents concur By ALICE WANAMAKER The Home News

Property owners in the Northampton Area School District will be paying 1.97% higher taxes in the 2012-13 school year. The school board approved a $86,819,670 budget at their meeting on June 25 that raises the new rate to 46.65 mills, an increase of 0.9 mills. The increase was approved 6-2 with David Gogel and Jean Rundel voting against. The increase means that the average property owner in the district will see a $50 per year tax increase, based on a property assesment of $56,000. One-third of the tax increase will be devoted to paying part of the debt service that comes with the district’s new middle school that will be constructed on for-

tabled at their last meeting. Supervisors of the township were more than willing to approve the preservation of the Shiavone property, but were hoping to have a separate discussion on how to finance it before moving forward with a vote. Based on the response from the residents, Supervisors voted to foot the entire cost of $347,944 to preserve the land. The motion did include an amendment for Wildlands Conservancy Coordinator Kent Baird to continue to seek funding

Andrew Decker and his son Kurt work on the foundation.

Work continues at gazebo Contractors have been working and progress is swift at the site of the future gazebo at Keystone Park in Bath. Workers and volunteers are laying the concrete for the foundation of the gazebo, which will feature a roof and hand washing stations.

Community Project The gazebo, when complete, will be for the entire community to enjoy. Sponsored by the Bath Business & Community Partnership, funds are being acquired through various fundraisers, generous donors and grants.

Continued on page 7

Holiday Delay

Due to the early press time because of the holiday, the report of Bath Borough Council will be printed in the July 12-18 issue.

SHOOTING CLAY CHAMPS were the East Bath R&G Club varsity team of (l-r) Mike Pogerski, Shawn Kemeter, and Brady Simms. They are shown with coach Bill Kelsey. (Story on Page 6.) LANDSCAPE PRODUCTS Various Mulches, Soils and Stones for all your needs!


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