Home News June 30

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70th Year, Issue No. 26 USPS 248-700

JUNE 30-July 6, 2011 A General Circulation Newspaper Serving The Community Since 1942


East Allen Supervisors Discuss fireworks request


Aidan Gallagher tore away the seed representing the last day with a big smile at Sacred Heart School in Bath. It’s an annual tradition for counting down the number of school days until summer vacation. (Another photo on page 4.) – Contributed photo

Personnel actions okayed, Board sees new lunch prices By BILL HALBFOERSTER The Home News

Seven personnel actions were approved at a meeting of the Northampton Area School Board on Monday night. They include: –A revised job description for the school psychologist, effective June 28. –Childbearing / childrearing leaves of absence for Jaclyn Grejda and Krista Maxwell. –Resignations of Donald Wright, security guard at the middle school; Lacey Snyder, junior class advisor; Nadine Rupp, district wide guidance department coordinator, and Tara Mrazik, K-12 business/ information science department coordinator. New Lunch Prices There will be a five-cent increase in lunch prices for the 2011-12 school year, as follows:

student summer help at a rate of $7.25 an hour, from June 13 to August 19. . . .An amendment to the collective bargaining agreement between the school district and the Northampton Area Maintenance/Teamsters Union Local #771, effective July 1, 2011 through June 14, 2014 . . . . A contract with the confidential secretaries for the school years 2011-12 to 2013-14. An agreement for purchase of computer service from Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit for business and personnel software was approved, effective July 1, at an annual cost of $41,295. Since Northampton County will be collecting earned income taxes under a new state law, the board adopted an amended EIT resolution, effective Jan. 1, 2012.

An East Allen Township business requested permission this past week to stage a fireworks celebration on July 4th at 9:30 p.m. But solicitor Joseph Leeson on Thursday told the board: “From a legal perspective, we’re not in a position to accept or reject” the proposal. East Allen does not have a fireworks ordinance, but from this discussion they are considering one for the future. Treasurer Rose Wedde did some research on fireworks and reported to the supervisors that Lehigh and Washington townships do, and Pennsylvania state law spells out what can and cannot legally be set off to celebrate Independence Day. Lucky Strokes of 7200 Airport Rd., Bath, said in their letter that they would be of a “Class C” variety. Depending upon which laws apply, they could be used. But in most cases, fireworks operators must have a permit, license and liability insurance. John McDermitt said in a recent year a resident set off fireworks in his backyard and it caused a small fire. He said he recently contacted the State Police fire marshal about fireworks and was told how the law works. McDer-

mitt said in the past, he has turned down people who wanted to set off fireworks in their yards. Mrs. Wedde noted that laws require a permit for purchase and display of fireworks. Other Matters • The board released letters of credit for Trader Joe’s since engineer Jim Birdsall said all maintenance work has been finished that was required at the warehouse along Silver Creek Rd. A letter of credit was also released for Arcadia Land Development, where they are in the process of having a 42-inch storm water pipe installed along Rt. 512.

• Board members said that the Parks & Recreation Commission’s Summerfest went very well at Bicentennial Park. “Everybody really enjoyed themselves,” said Supervisor Mark Schwartz. The fire department and ambulance demonstrations were very well done and “people were amazed,” added Supervisor Judith Ladonis. • Public Works Coordinator Gary Mathesz, in his report, noted that Allen Township helped with a paver; a manhole has been repaired along Airport Rd.; a tree fell Continued on page 9

Local students win SkillsUSA championships

Local students won gold and bronze medals at the SkillsUSA Championships in Kansas City, Missouri on June 24 during the National Leadership & Skills Conference. Five students brought home medals from the Lehigh Valley. Allana Karo, Ariel Karo, and Timothy Hofstetter, students at Bethlehem Area Vocational Technical School (BAVTS) and Liberty High School and Notre Dame Catholic High

School, received Gold Medals in the Community Service Competiton. Samantha Cancro, a student from Lehigh Career & Technical Institute and Parkland High School, received a Bronze Medal in the Culinary Arts Competition. Catherine Gutierrez a student from Monroe Career & Technical Institute and Stroudsburg High School received a Bronze Medal in Continued on page 10

East Bath Champs

Elementary Secondary Student $1.65 $1.80 Premium $3.05 $3.30 Student Entrée Only $1.40 $1.50 Vegetable or Fruit .50 .55 Student Milk (1/2 Pint) .45 Adults $3.50 Adult Entrée Only Range $1.50 to $2.75 Other Matters A la Carte prices for the lunch program will have no change in the prices for the new school year. In other actions, the board approved a revised listing of

Ha ve a S afe 4 t h o f Jul y Ho l i d ay!

WINNING a state championship in shooting clay competition were members of this team from East Bath Rod & Gun Club, pictured with their coach, Bill Kelsey. They are (l-r) Brady Simms (94/100), Michael Pogirski (89/100), both of Ashland, and Matt Edelman (81/100), of Bath, Moore Township. (Another photo and story on page6 in Outdoors.) –Contributed photo


2 THE HOME NEWS June 30-July 6, 2011

Post Office Box 39, Bath, PA 18014 Phone: 610-923-0382 • fax: 610-923-0383 e-mail: Askus@HomeNewsPA.com Paul & Lisa Prass - Publishers William J. Halbfoerster, Jr. - Editor Alice Wanamaker - Associate Publisher Candi Moyer - Account Executive Tammy De Long - Operations Manager Marcie Kent, Elaine Leer, Alyse Moyer, Tony Pisco, Melissa Rose, Quynh Vo - Graphic Designers Jenn Shimandle - Graphic Intern Wes Loch - Delivery Driver The Home News ISSN 1944-7272 (USPS 248-700) is published every Thursday of the year except on holidays at a subscription local rate of $18.00; 40-cents per copy on newsstands. Periodicals postage paid in Bath, PA 18014. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: THE HOME NEWS, P.O. BOX 39, BATH, PA 18014

The Home News does not assume responsibility for any advertisements beyond the cost of the ad itself. We cannot be responsible for typographical errors. We reserve the right to reject any article or advertisement thought to be offensive or not contributing to the needs of the communities we serve. All opinions expressed by columnists, reporters and feature writers, including letters to the editor, are not necessarily those of this publication, but of the individuals themselves. News items and ads should be submitted no later than noon Monday on the week of publication, or on dates noted ahead of time due to holidays. Office HOurs: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., 4685 Lehigh Drive (Rte 248), Walnutport, PA 18088 Other hours by appointment only

-a general circulation newspaper since 1942 In partnership with:

Limit Immigration The United States is now a nation of over 310 million people, millions not yet citizens, some not making an effort to become citizens. It’s true the United States has long been a nation of immigrants--at the beginning most came from Europe and for scores of years the U.S. was considered primarily an English democracy, even long after independence was won. German immigration was heavy in the years between the winning of independence and the early 20th century and German Americans became the most populous part of the population in most of the country. In the 1920’s immigration became so heavy that Congress enacted an immigration quota law. It allowed a percentage of immigrants from each foreign country matching their percentage of the U.S. population. That quota system lasted about forty years, until the presidency of Lyndon Johnson, who managed to get Congress to end the quota system. When the quota system ended in 1965, the change in American population was almost immediate. In 1990, as an example, immigrants and their children accounted for 100 percent of the population growth of California, New York, New Jersey, Illinois and Massachusetts. They totaled half the growth of the states of Florida, Texas, Michigan and Maryland. The vast majority of these immigrants were Hispanics. The political effect of this immigration from the South has been a benefit for Democrats. As recently as 1996 this was very evident. Of the seven U.S. states with the largest number of foreign born, six voted for the Democrat candidate in that presidential election--for Bill Clinton. The same trend was seen in 2000. The nine states with the smallest share of immigrants, Arkansas, Alabama, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, West Virginia and Wyoming all went for the Republican presidential candidate, George W. Bush. The heavy influx of Hispanics (15 million have entered the country in the last decade) is an aid to Democratcandidates. Republicans must be aware of this next year and in future presidential elections.

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Opinion This Fourth of July: Confirm Thy Soul In Self-Control By Paul G. Kengor I encourage you to set aside the burgers and dogs and soda and beer for a moment this Fourth of July and contemplate something decidedly different, maybe even as you gaze upward at the flash of fireworks. Here it is: Confirm thy soul in self-control. What do I mean by that? Let me explain. The founders of this remarkable republic often thought and wrote about the practice of virtue generally and self-control specifically, two things long lost in this modern American culture of self. Thomas Jefferson couldn’t avoid a reference to one of the cardinal virtues—prudence— in our nation’s founding document, the Declaration of Independence, which, incidentally, ought to be a mustread for every American every Fourth of July (it’s only 1,800 words). Our first president and ultimate Founding Father, George Washington, knew the necessity of governing one’s self before a nation’s people were capable of selfgovernance. As Washington stated in his classic Farewell Address, “’Tis substantially true, that virtue or morality is a necessary spring of popular government.” A forgotten philosopher who had an important influence on the American Founders was the Frenchman, Charles Montesquieu, whose work included the seminal book, The Spirit of the Laws (1748). Montesquieu considered various forms of government. In a tyrannical system, people are prompted not by freedom of choice or any expression of public virtue but, instead, by the sheer coercive power of the state, whether by decree of an individual despot or an unaccountable rogue regime. That’s no way for human beings to live. There’s life under such a system, yes, but not much liberty or pursuit of happiness; even life itself is threatened. Montesquieu concluded that the best form of government is a self-governing one, and yet it is also the most difficult to maintain because it demands a virtuous populace. As noted by John Howard— the outstanding senior fellow at the Howard Center for Family, Religion, & Society— Montesquieu noted that each citizen in a self-governing state must voluntarily abide by certain essential standards of conduct: lawfulness, truthfulness, honesty, fairness, respect for the rights and wellbeing of others, obligation to one’s spouse and children, to name a few. “Each new generation must

be trained to be responsible citizens … to be virtuous and conscientious,” writes Howard in The St. Croix Review. “Once the free society is wellestablished, the daily life of the family and the society is such that becoming virtuous is not a monstrous chore for the young people.” Sadly, becoming virtuous has indeed become a monstrous chore in a society not only lacking virtue but eschewing virtue—fleeing virtue like a vampire fleeing a cross. Living life in a good way—what Benedict Groeschel calls The Virtue Driven Life—becomes so alien that the people prefer darkness over light. When virtues are not taught—whether at home, at school, or by America’s educator-in-chief, the TV set—they become unknown and ignored and unfulfilled, desiccated and dead upon the national landscape. And perhaps saddest of all, as John Howard notes, virtue is something that can be acquired, like learning to speak a culture’s language. Once inculcated, however, it needs to be continuously reinforced by the cultural elements of the society. Virtue needs nourished, like fruitful plants need water and sunlight. Says Howard emphatically: “I want to repeat…. Virtue must be continuously reinforced by the culture.” We Americans might not think about this much, but we actually sing it fairly often, even if the words don’t sink in. Consider this line from one of our sacred political hymns, America, the Beautiful: America, America, God mend thine ev’ry flaw, Confirm thy soul in selfcontrol, Thy liberty in law. That’s the ticket: Confirm thy soul in self-control. Our

liberty is enshrined in our laws, but liberty should not be license for opportunities for the flesh. Our liberties, protected and permitted as they are, should not be exploited to do anything and everything we want, including things harmful to oneself, to one’s family, to one’s neighbors, to one’s culture, to one’s country. That misunderstanding and abuse of freedom is what Pope Benedict XVI calls a “confused ideology of freedom,” one that can engender “the self-destruction of freedom” for others. In truth, a genuine freedom requires responsibility. As the song says—and as Washington and Montesquieu intimated—we must successfully govern ourselves in order to successfully govern our nation. It’s a timeless concept worth remembering this Fourth of July and every day going forward. Dr. Paul Kengor is professor of political science at Grove City College, executive director of The Center for Vision & Values, and author of the newly released Dupes: How America’s Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century. His other books include The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism and God and Ronald Reagan.

Letters from Dear Home News: Hello. My name is Luke Altemose and I am from Troop #50 from Moorestown. I would just like to thank you for writing an excellent article on the step-stools that my troop made for Mrs. Laneclass. I was so pleased when I read the article. It was written very well. Keep up the excellent work. Thank you, Luke Altemose

News Sermonette News Sermonette

Please see Page for the Weekly News Please see Page11 11 for the Sermonette by Rev. Jami Possinger Weekly News Sermonette

by Rev. John Kunkel

the Fence GabGab OverOver the Fence by Pete G. Ossip by Pete G. Ossip

Great weather we had over the weekend, and we’re supposed to again. In between it’s gonna be hot and muggy. Oh well, we just hafta take it like it is. With all the graduation lawn parties going on, it’s great when the weekends are nice. . . .Just mentioned about Ronnie and Millie Silfies moving South, and I hear they were up here for a visit over the weekend. . . .Nice to see Wayne Funk, too. . . . Took notice that a big sign post was put in at the shopping mall – restaurant up along 512 the other day. Just one tenant so far, it appears, and there’s lots more room for other stores. . . .Grapevine has it that some waitresses and customers that they had have gone from one restaurant to another in town. . . .Sorry to hear about Grant Roth passing away. The gang he always sat with down at T & C, spinning some Pennsylvania Dutch, and stories of bygone days, will miss him. He lived to be 93, as I get it. . . . I hear that news staff member, Alice W., enjoyed her trip to Germany, even if it was only for a short time. . . . Looks like PPL has been clearing a path for electrical transmission lines up around Pennsville. They cut a pile of trees down. . . . .I see

the Catholic church picnic is coming up real soon. Hafta get some of those steamed clams that P.A.K. from Bath, Pa. was always so proud about. I’ll hafta beat Msgr. Francis to the punch, though. . . .By the way, I see Paul’s younger brother has passed away also. . . . W.C.O. Kevin is all set up in Lehigh County, I hear by way of his dad. . . . Get well wishes to Joyce M. . . . Also heard that 285 ladies signed up for Katrina Skrapits’ Women in the Outdoors, but the conservation school is still scratching for more young’uns to fill that bill when it begins on the 17th of this month of July. . . .Gas prices are still dropping slowly, now $3.53 or less. . . . Phillies have good pitchers that should be in the All-Star game, but from where I’m sitting, none of their hitters. IronPigs are having a drought, too. . . . I see the tents are up as firecrackers and other noisemakers are being pushed for this 4th of July holiday. Hope you all have a good, safe holiday!!


Mrs. Delight (meeting politician at party): “I’ve heard a great deal about you.” Politician (absently): “Possibly, but you can’t prove it.”

Soft Ice Cream


June 30-July 6, 2011


Walmart grant helps Meals On Wheels Feed hungry seniors in Lehigh Valley Meals On Wheels of Northampton County has been awarded $20,000 through a Walmart Foundation grant to the Meals On Wheels Association of America (MOWAA). The money will provide Meals On Wheels of Northampton County with much-needed food service equipment which is critical to continue serving seniors. This financial support is desperately needed as many Meals On Wheels programs across the country continue to struggle with skyrocketing gasoline costs and rising food prices. The Walmart Foundation-MOWAA “Building the Future” Impact Grants will allow Meals On Wheels of Northampton County to buy equipment and help ensure sustainability while fostering long-term growth. “Thanks to the Walmart Foundation-MOWAA Build-

ing the Future Impact Grant, we now have a brighter future in our efforts to keep feeding seniors in our community,” said JoAnn Bergeron Nenow, Executive Director. “This grant will help us provide the next meal to many of our clients in need and will truly make a difference for the seniors of Northampton County.” The Walmart Foundation recently announced a $5 million donation to MOWAA as part of a $2 billion commitment to support hunger relief efforts through 2015. Part of that $5 million donation will fund the “Building the Future” Impact Grants. The grants will help more than 100 local Meals On Wheels programs purchase stoves, refrigerators, trucks and other equipment needed in the fight to end senior hunger. The Walmart Founda-

tion first became a partner of Meals On Wheels in 2008. A donation of $750,000 to MOWAA helped 80 struggling member programs restore meal services that had been reduced or were facing cuts. In late 2009, the Foundation donated an additional $2.2 million to MOWAA that helped 147 Member programs expand their meal services with new equipment. “We know that seniors are among those hardest hit by hunger in this country. Many are home-bound, and rely on neighbors and community volunteer programs like Meals On Wheels to help put food on the table,” said Margaret McKenna, president of the Walmart Foundation. “Through this $5 million grant, we hope to bring additional attention to senior Continued on page 8

4 THE HOME NEWS June 30-July 6, 2011

Watermelon Countdown

WOMEN/SOCIAL Promoted in N.Y. National Guard

Major General Patrick A. Murphy, The Adjutant General for the State of New York, announces the promotion of members of the New York Army National Guard in recognition of their capability for additional responsibility and leadership. Ryan Dennison from Bath, serving with the Company A, 427th Brigade Support Battalion, New York Army National Guard has been promoted to the rank of 1st Lieutenant. Army National Guard promotions are based on overall performance, attitude, leadership ability, and development potential. These promotions additionally recognize the best qualified Soldiers and attract and retain the highest caliber Citizen Soldiers for a career in the New York Army National Guard.

Sacred Heart School in Bath’s annual tradition for counting down the number of school days until summer vacation is for a first grade student to tear away a seed daily from the watermelon bulletin board. Joshua Maruscak began the process with the help of first grade teacher, Mrs. Gina Mayberry. – Contributed photo

Crib Set

Baby Boy Anderko Kevin and Karen Anderko of Danielsville became parents of a son on June 15 in St. Luke’s Hospital, Fountain Hill .

Baby Girl Backenstoe A daughter was born to Casey and Maria Backenstoe of Walnutport in St. Luke’s Hospital on June 17. (EDITOR’S NOTE: Because a portion of East Allen Township is listed as Bethlehem in hospital reports, it is possible that births may often be missed if the parents reside in that area. We ask that they provide this information, and we will gladly print it in our Crib Set column. Send to The Home News, P.O. Box 39, Bath, PA

Vacation Bible Schools

Covenant United Methodist Church invites all chil-

dren, ages 4 through 6th grade for PandaMania - Where God Is Wild about You! July 11-15, 9am-12 noon at Klecknersville, 2715 Mountain View Drive, Bath, PA 18014. To register call the church office 610-837-7517.

Meals are served every second Saturday at Christ UCC Church in Bath and the third Saturday at the UCC Church in Nazareth. Doors open at 11:30, meals are served at noon. The July dates will be July 9 for Christ UCC in Bath and July 16 for the UCC Church in Nazareth.

Amy Pysher’s Child Care Center 885 Point Phillips Road • Bath, Pa.

Infant thru Kindergarten Care

Bath Food Bank

The Bath Area Food Bank is located on the lower level of St. John's Lutheran Church 206 E. Main St., Bath. The Bath Area Food Bank distributes food on the second Tuesday of each month, beginning about 9:00 a.m. and is supported by the Bath Area Council of Churches. The next date for distribution is July 12.

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Dean’s List

Lafayette College - The following local students were named to the Dean’s List at Lafayette: * Eric Himmelwright, of Danielsville. Penn State - Erica E. Fry of East Allen Twsp. and a 2009 graduate of Northampton High School has made the Dean’s List at Penn State (University Park) for the 2011 Spring semester. Erica has a 4.0 GPA in the college of Health and Human Development. Wilkes University - Wilkes University Provost Reynold Verret announces the Dean’s List for the Spring 2011 Semester. To be named to the Dean’s List, students must obtain a minimum 3.4 GPA and carry at least 12 credits. The university extends its congratulations to the following students: Ricky Rampulla, and Jessica Supers, of Nazareth. Jaclyn Werkheiser, of Northampton. Kireesa Pramik, of Bath.

Recovery Revolution

Christ Church UCC of Bath VBS will be held the week of July 17. This year the program is entitled Hometown Nazareth - Where Jesus Was A Kid

Loaves & Fishes Soup Kitchen

More Events Coming Soon!

College Corner

Rider University - Laura Meyers, of Bath, received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Elementary Education.



Moravian College - Jenelle M. Mirro, daughter of John and Mary Ellen Mirro, of Bath, graduated with a B.A. degree with a major in management from Moravian College in Bethlehem . She earned dean’s list standing during her college career. In addition to her academic endeavors, Mirro was a fouryear member of the Moravian women’s soccer team, and was actively involved in Business and Economics Club. Mirro is a graduate of Notre Dame High School, Easton.

There are many types of steps taken at Recovery Revolution 109 Broadway - Bangor). Most recently it was the steps of family, friends, staff and alumni who participated in the 13th annual Tortoise and Hare 5K walk/run sponsored by Project Child. The walk took place at Wind Gap Park on Monday, May 30. For the second consecutive year the walking team at Recovery Revolution, the Walkie Talkie’s, were awarded the largest group award, present with 33 enthusiastic participants. The Walkie Talkie’s are only one of many programs available to clients and their families thru Recovery Revolution. Recovery Revolution is the area’s only licensed non-profit drug and alcohol treatment facility in the Slate belt.

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Natural Perspectives

this makes sense to you): No beer or alcohol at all for the next seven days. Drink half your body weight in ounces of water per day. One to two cups green tea per day. Whey proDR. GLENN CLEARIE DC tein powder shakes everyday www.drclearie.com for breakfast. Two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar every Abdominal Bloating day after lunchtime. Psyllium As a follow up to my recent clean living dietary consump- powder, fenugreek, and garlic article on gastrointestinal tion all over again and put the supplements every day. Eight abnormalities, I would like mass consumption of the pre- hours of sleep minimum. This to take the time to address a vious days or week clearly in is a good start. related topic of which I had the rear view mirror and get When you suffer from abseveral inquires since that back on the right path. Once dominal concerns taking a time, that being, abdominal we move beyond that we can slow, conservative approach bloating. Please understand truly get started on the heal- is highly warranted. Implethat I consider the majority of ing. menting non-invasive and cases of abdominal bloating Not surprisingly, most food body nurturing protocols is a as being more of a symptom and beverages are devoid sensible approach. My best to as related to some type of of life enhancing nutritional you all. gastrointestinal abnormality. components. Stated another “Natural Perspectives” is a Of course, we need to rule way, we are overfed but un- health commentary only and does claim to diagnose and/or make out other possibilities such as dernourished. So we are not not treatment recommendations. Alblockages yet for the sake of only consuming a lot of food, ways seek the advice of your health this article let’s address com- we are consuming essentially care professional. mon distension, discomfort, fake food on top of it. If you and gas. are mass consuming vegetaWhat you really want to bles then keep it up. If not, Are laundry costs know is exactly how to fix it stop and assess where to take and fast right? Well, I can’t the next step! Leaving you give you an exact prescripUnderstand my natural pertion….neither can Tums or spective leans towards taking High and dry? Maalox for that matter. I can whole food type supplements Depending on the size of tell you that figuring out your rather than those that are your household and the numparticular situation, although isolated and manufactured it may require medicinals in supplements. To this end, my ber of laundry loads you do the short term, goes beyond stance is to eat better food as each week, cleaning clothes prescription medicine for the is necessary and in addition can put a huge strain on your budget. rest of your adult life. take supplements regularly. According to EnergyStar. Consider that your abdom- An in-depth supplement progov, the average American inal bloating is trying to tell tocol goes beyond the scope you something. Perhaps, as of this article and is individu- family washes about 400 loads in our prior article, the cause alized. To begin with, how- of laundry a year. Since many of your symptoms is unbal- ever, I would consider lactic households often have to anced bacterial colonies due acid yeasts type supplements dry the same load of laundry to overuse of antibiotics or that helps convert the carbo- twice, families might dry as other stressors. Maybe it hydrates to lactic acid thereby many as 800 loads. This might is due to a food allergy or acidifying the gastrointes- explain why dryers are the sensitivity. Dairy comes to tinal tract. Once you realize second most expensive applimind. So does gluten intoler- that gas producing organisms ance after refrigerators -- over ance. Perhaps one of the big- thrive in an alkaline gut then its lifetime, the average dryer costs its owner $1,530. gest offenders to abdominal you clearly get my point. All well-maintained dryers bloating is just over eating. The inspiration for this parNothing fancy, just eating too ticular article was, of course, use about the same amount much all the time. Obviously a person who is suffering of energy, but homeowners when we continue to indulge himself. He is just feeling aw- can take steps to make drying after we indulged, i.e. the ful as related to his intestinal clothes less expensive. Reducholidays or a cruise, weight area, bloated, uneasy, and ing the amount of clogged lint gain occurs and abdominal pants wearing way too tight. in a dryer can reduce drying bloating and/or distress are I understand. He was feeling times by 50 percent, giving many people one-cycle-pernever too far behind. nauseated and a little faint in One of the best weapons I the mornings and was getting load efficiency while extending the life of their dryer. can recommend against ab- quite concerned. Experts say that clogged lint dominal bloating isn’t a pill After evaluating this situ- can cost homeowners an exor supplement. It’s the start of ation here is what we agreed the next day when you have would be our initial action tra $18 to $24 each month in the opportunity to begin your plan. (Please read and see if electric bills, not to mention pose a considerable fire hazard. In 2006, 17,700 home fires started in washers or dryers, causing $194 million in prop-

For the Health-Minded Individual

THE HOME NEWS erty damage. You can save yourself money and reduce the risk of property damage by having your clothes dryer professionally inspected and cleaned. A few other tips so that homeowners can reduce their dryer costs: • Always clean out your lint trap. A clogged lint trap will reduce air flow, making your dryer use more energy to do the same work. Additionally, lint is highly flammable and can easily cause a fire. • Don't overload your dryer. You don't want to dry only a few items at a time, but neither do you want to overload your dryer. Dryers work by circulating air around tumbling clothes. If your dryer's packed too tightly, air won't circulate, and you'll have to run the dryer an extra cycle. • If you're doing several loads of laundry at once, reload the dryer right away. The dryer will already be warm, so it will use less energy to dry that second or third batch of clothes.

Life-Changing Basic Seminar

The Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP) life-changing Basic Seminar will be conducted via video in English and Spanish by instructor Bill Gothard July 11-16

June 30-July 6, 2011


(Monday through Thursday at 7 - 10 pm; Friday at 9:30 am – 8 pm; Saturday at 9:30 – 6 pm) at Northampton Assembly of God, 3449 Cherryville Rd, Northampton. The Basic Seminar offers biblically wise solutions to the difficult problems of life. It began as Bill was working with troublesome gang youth years ago. He realized that in order to be effective he must teach their parents the principles of the Word of God. Since 1964, over 5 million people have attended this life-changing seminar! Those who attend learn how to break unhealthy habits, restore vital relationships with family and others, conquer fear, anger, guilt, and bitterness, and discover real purpose for life. Among the Basic Seminar topics are: "Tracing Surface Problems to Root Causes,” “How We Can Experience True Freedom,” “Resolving Family Conflict,” “Building Genuine Friendships,” “Establishing Marriage Harmony,” “Gaining Financial Freedom,” “Discerning the Right Life Partner,” “Principles of Effective Child Training,” and “Understanding Genuine Love.” The goal is to explain God’s way of life. The first session from the Basic Seminar can be viewed online for free at: http://iblp. org/iblp/seminars/basic/online/ For more information or to register see: http://www. iblp.org, or email pastor@ naog.ws, or call 610-262-0694.

6 THE HOME NEWS June 30-July 6, 2011

By Lance Dermont


The 2011 Gold Cup has just ended with Mexico defeating the United States 4-2. The game was played in Pasadena at the famed Rose Bowl before a pro-Mexican crowd. While a disappointing finish for the U.S., the Americans can use the defeat to get better for their true goal - the

2014 World Cup in Brazil. Led by the talented trio of Landon Donovan, Clint Dempsey and goalkeeper Tim Howard the Americans have a lot to look forward to. Perhaps their most pressing concern is to soldify an aging defense. Newcomer Eric Lichaj has a bright future but there needs to be more capable youth to fill in for veterans such as captain Carlos Bocanegra. The mid-field looks promising with coach’s son Michael Bradley as well as the return from injury of Stuart Holden. Questions remain about soccer’s popularity in the U.S., but not about the quality of the American players.

Northampton Cty. Legion baseball Recent scores from games played by area Northampton County Legion baseball teams are noted. Bath tied East Stroudsburg, 1-1, when the game was ended because of darkness. Jim Bertolotti drove in Bath’s run in the first inning, but two others were nailed at the plate. Playing at Easton, the locals won 8-0, as Eric Bender had three hits and pitched a fourhit shutout. Three runs came in for Bath in the 5th inning when Connor Ryan doubled. Birches ramped over Northampton, 13-3, with the only highlight for Northampton doubles off the bat of Cody Kramer. Nazareth took three games, 5-1 over Kemp, 5-4 topping Easton, and 9-0 over Lehigh-

West Bethlehem. Starring for Nazareth were Derek Charlie, Taylor Magditch, Karl Keglovits, Dan Shepherd, and Shane Siebler. Jordan Smith, Siebler, and Ben Schmitt were the winning pitchers. Nazareth later triumphed over a struggling Northampton, 21-10, led by Dan Shepherd with three doubles in going 5 for 5; Taylor Magditch, 4 for 4; and Shane Siebler and Ben Schmitt, 3 for 4. Northampton had Cody Kramer and Jim Snyder, both with three hits. Big Pocono shut out Lehigh Township, 8-0, as Dan Sharpe scattered 10 hits, while Frank Argentieri went 3 for 3 with three RBIs and Matt Gallagher hit a two run homer. Continued on page 10

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EAST BATH ROD & GUN CLUB sporting clay team consisted of five teams of three kids each, shown here. – Contributed photo

East Bath Team of Three Wins SCTP State Championship


A team of three shooters from the East Bath Rod & Gun Club recently captured the Pa. State Sporting Clay Target Program championship at matches held Meshoppen, Wyoming County, with a total of 150 kids participating on the Rock Mountain Sporting Clays range. They had tied for first place and then went into a shootoff with another team. Matt Edelman of Bath spelled the difference as he hit all his shots. The difference between the two first place teams was that East Bath got nine out of 12 and the other six out of 12 when they each had four shots in the single station. Winning the varsity division championship on June 18 along with Edelman were teammates Brady Simms and Michael Pogirski. The trio was part of a 15-member East Bath Rod & Gun Club team of sixth to twelfth grade boys and girl who are coached by Bill Kelsey and assistant John Meyers. Kelsey hails from Sciota, Monroe County, while Meyers is a veteran Bath area sportsman and gun shop owner in nearby Klecknersville. “They did terrific,” Meyers said, noting that the team as a whole made good use of the $500 grant they received from the Northampton County Federation of Sportsmen’s

Clubs and more help from the East Bath club, located along Township Line Rd. just east of Bath. The grant money from the sportsmen is part of what they receive in the annual Whitetail Deer Classic, which has grown leaps and bounds over the past seven years. Kelsey personally thanked the Federation for the grant at an April meeting. Meyers said that East Bath is always hoping for more shooters in the age group mentioned above. “We’ll train them – the younger the better.”The club furnishes loaner guns for the kids if they need them. The training starts with free lessons on how to shoot. But they also learn etiquette, meaning they are instilled in the wisdom of true sportsmanship. Practice is done at Lehigh Valley Sporting Clays in Lehigh County, and also at the Whitetail Preserve in Hazleton. On August 13th the group will have a picnic and shoot for the kids at the Hazleton location. Meyers said the East Bath team WILL compete in the national championships July 13 to 16 at the World Shooting Complex, sponsored by the National Shooting Sports Foundation. Donations are gratefully accepted, and we know that the sportsmen will willingly donate to help these youngsters achieve their goal. Sporting clay shooting is fun because targets pop up

PC BEVERAGE OPEN JULY 4th 9 am – 2 pm HAVE A SAFE HOLIDAY Open: Mon.-Thurs. 9am-8pm. • Fri 9am-9pm. Sat. 8am-9pm • Sun. 12 Noon to 5pm. 5966 Nor-Bath Blvd., Imperial Plaza • 610-837-8800

from anywhere, unlike in trap shooting where the missiles are sent aloft from a single station. Hunters know that pheasants, rabbits and other small game they may be stalking come out of nowhere, and that’s how you have to react with shooting clays. SCTP is a team-based program, focused on youth development. It’s supposed to be fun, while providing a supportive team-based environment, using clay target sports as the catalyst for teaching life lessons and skills that emphasize positive character traits and citizenship values. The program introduces young shooters to a sport that can be enjoyed for a lifetime, one that offers a level playing field, and offers all family members an opportunity to play. If you’d like to help send these kids to the nationals, contact either Meyers at 610837-6376 or Kelsey at 1-570234-7391.

LV Storm Opens July 16 The Lehigh Valley Storm kicks off its second season in the Big North East Football Federation on the road July 16 against the Northeastern Pennsylvania Miners, that have Austin Scott, former Parkland and Penn State star, as its featured back. Steve Lombardo, owner of the Lehigh Valley Storm, said "The BNEFF trademarked their league as major league football and we are happy to announce that Fred Rice is the head coach of our outContinued on page 9

Lehigh Valley Wins Cup At CBP

Nazareth players starred as Lehigh Valley won the Carpenter’s Cup in a game played at Citizens Bank Park in Philadelphia.


SOCCER PLAYERS who received either MVP awards or scholarships are shown at Sunday’s picnic in Bath with Soccer Classic chairman PDG Willard Stratz (left) and DG April Kucsan (right.). The award recipients (l-r) are Braden Drexler, Collin Roszyk, Karleigh Blum, Lauren Fischer, Noah Ehrich, and Brandon Moninghoff. – Home News photo

30th Lions All-Star Soccer Classic Awards presented at Bath picnic

On Sunday, June 26, scholarship winners and most valuable players from the 30th annual All-Star Soccer Classic sponsored by Chari-

table Enterprises of Lions District 14-K received their honors at a picnic for the players, their families, and area Lions at Keystone Park


WEEK OF JULY 11 – JULY 15, 2010 Bath Borough Authority Staff will be flushing Fire Hydrants in the Borough of Bath and Redcliff in Upper Nazareth Township, some temporary pressure loss and/or discoloration of water may be experienced.

in Bath. The June 5th Classic played at Andrew Leh Stadium in Nazareth featured two contests. The Colonial girls beat Mountain Valley/Lehigh Valley, 2-1. In the boys’ game, LVC/MVC split 2-2 with Colonial League seniors. Of the six scholarship winners of $250 each and eight MVP awards, six were able to attend the awards picnic on Sunday. They included scholarships to Collin Ro-

szyk of Bethlehem Catholic, Lauren Fischer of Salisbury, and Noah Ehrich of Emmaus High School. Braden Drexler of Nazareth, Karleigh Blum of Southern Lehigh, and Brandon Moninghoff of Palisades received their MVP plaques. Unable to be present were Michael Ottinger of Parkland, Maureen Brennan of Pocono Mountain East, and Kayla Dorney of Pleasant Valley, scholarship winners; and Morgan O’Brien of Parkland, Shayna King of Easton, Quanie Lightner of Saucon Valley, Luke Farrell of Easton, and Austin Marich of Northwestern Lehigh, MVPs. Charitable Enterprises chairman Lion Fred Folland welcomed everyone and explained how the organization helps needy individuals. In


Major Appliance Service


THE HOME NEWS June 30-July 6, 2011 the past year, through funds provided by the Lions, seven persons were able to get cataract surgeries and three received hearing aids. Charitable also helps with diabetic items and other sight-related needs. As soccer chairman PDG Willard Stratz introduced the award recipients, it was evident that all of them are very much involved in school activities and rank very high academically. One of the winners, Lauren Fischer of Salisbury, told how she has been involved with the Leader Dog program at Morristown, N.J., in raising puppies that later become guide dogs for the blind. Another recipient, who will begin studies at DeSales Continued on page 9

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SENIOR CITIZENS Visit and Participate in Senior Center Activities Visit a senior center and check out all the fun things going on there. Local centers include: MidCounty Senior Center, 234 S.

Walnut St., Bath; Nazareth Senior Center, 15 S. Wood St.; Northampton Senior Center, in Grace UCC Church, 9th St & Lincoln Ave., and Cherryville Senior Center at Hope Lutheran Church, Rt. 248, Le-

high Township. MID COUNTY SENIOR CENTER For meal reservations call: 610-837-1931 Thurs. 6/30: 9:00 Pool/ Games/Puzzles/Cards 10:15 Sing-a-long 11:30 Lunch 12:30 Penny Bingo Fri. 7/1: 9:00 Pool/Games/ Puzzles/Cards 10:15 Council Meeting 11:30 Lunch 12:15 Pinochle Mon. 7/4: CLOSED FOR INDEPENDENCE DAY

Tues. 7/5: 9:00 Pool/Games/ Puzzles/Cards/Staine Glass 9:45 Exercise 11:30 Lunch 12:30 Bingo BIRTHDAY CAKE Wed. 7/6: 9:00 Pool/Games/ Puzzles/Cards/Sewing for Gracedale 11:30 Lunch 12:30 Crafts/Ceramics CHERRYVILLE For meal reservations call: 610-767-2977 Thurs. 6/30: 9:00 Puzzles/ Quilts/Crafts 1:15 Shopping Fri. 7/1: 10:00 Cards/Puzzles 11:15 Exercise Mon. 7/4: CENTER CLOSED INDEPENDENCE DAY Tues. 7/5: 9:00 Crafts/Quilts 10:00 Puzzles Wed. 7/6: 10:00 Puzzles 12:45 Fruit Bingo NAZARETH For meal reservations call: 610-759-8255 Thurs. 6/30: 9:00 Exercise Group 10:00 Ping Pong Fri. 7/1: 9:00 Misc Games 10:15 Regular Bingo Mon. 7/4: CLOSED HOLIDAY Tues. 7/5: 10:00 Exercise with Marion 10:15 Bonus Bingo Wed. 7/6: 10:00 Foot Bath 11:15 Sing w/Anita NORTHAMPTON For meal reservations call: 610-262-4977 Thurs. 6/30: 9:00 Cards/Puzzles 12:00 Lunch Fri. 7/1: 9:00 Cards/Puzzles 11:30 Lunch 12:15 Red, White, and Blue Bingo Mon. 7/4: Center Closed Happy Holiday! Tues. 7/5: 9:00 Cards/Puzzles 12:00 Lunch Wed. 7/6: 9:00 Cards/Puzzles 12:00 Lunch LUNCHES: Thurs. 6/30: Country Fried Cod Tartar Sauce Mini Potato Cakes Creamed Corn Bread 1 pkg. Graham Crackers Fruit Cocktail Fri. 7/1: California Cheeseburger w/Lett/Tom/Mayo chips cole slaw watermelon Neapolitan Ice Cream Mon. 7/4: CLOSED Enjoy a Safe & Happy 4th of July! Tues. 7/5: Apple Juice, Tater Tot Casserole Peas Bread Graham Crackers Fresh Fruit Cup Wed. 7/6: Breaded Pork Chop Scalloped Potatoes Green Beans Bread Pound Cake


You are only young once, but you can stay immature indefinitely.

Meals on Wheels Continued from page 2

hunger and help ensure our parents, grandparents and friends who have added so much to our lives have access to healthy and nutritious food.” “The Walmart Foundation continues to step up to the plate in the fight against senior hunger,” said Enid Borden, President and CEO of MOWAA. “They understand that joining Meals On Wheels in this battle is a moral imperative. The Walmart Foundation’s generous support helps ensure our programs sustain meal services well into the future. We can’t thank the Walmart Foundation enough for being such a powerful partner in our mission to end senior hunger in America by the year 2020.” Research sponsored by MOWAA reveals that more than six million seniors in America face the threat of hunger. The Walmart Foundation-MOWAA “Building the Future” Impact Grant program is intended to help combat the problem of senior hunger.

Pa. seniors can do More to safeguard Their money Opening junk mail, attending a free lunch "seminar" or entering contests may all seem like harmless activities, but they're actually behaviors that put older Pennsylvanians at risk for fraud. Those findings are from a year-long national study that surveyed hundreds of people over age 50 who have fallen victim to some of today's biggest scams. Study co-author Doug Shadel with AARP says almost two-thirds of older fraud victims did at least two of the most risky behaviors. Podcast and entire story available: http://www.newsservice.org/index.php

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What's the best potato one can eat? Sweet potatoes. They're loaded with nutritional, helpful vitamins. After baking, one can mix with unsweetened apple sauce or crushed pineapple for variety. This adds moisture and also sweetness.

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LV Storm Continued from page 6

standing athletes from the Lehigh Valley and beyond." General Manager Bob Fafard said, "Last year we just missed the playoffs, which is quite an accomplishment for a first year team". Lehigh Valley will be playing its home games at J. Birney Crum Stadium in Allentown on under the lights on Saturday nights with kick-offs scheduled for 7 PM except for opening night when kick-off is set for 8:30 PM when the Storm hosts the Philadelphia Panthers. On July 30 the South Virginia Trojans come to town and



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Soccer Classic Continued from page 7

University, was encouraged to join that college’s Lions club, and after graduation could transfer to a Lions club in his area. Assisting in the awards presentations were District Governor April Kucsan and 2nd VDG Linwood Gehris. 1st VDG Joseph Chunko had left to attend the Lions International Convention in Seattle. A delicious picnic meal was served to all at the Keystone Park pavilion by personnel from Estelle Paul’s Catering.

College Corner Graduates

Villanova University The following local residents received undergraduate degrees from Villanova University at the 2011 Commencement Ceremony on May 15, in Villanova Stadium: Brittany Bennett, Colleen Hart and Stephen Twigg, all of Northampton.

Villanova University, a coeducational Roman Catholic institution, was founded by the Order of Saint Augustine in 1842. A premier institution of higher education, Villanova provides a comprehensive education rooted in the liberal arts; a shared commitment to the Augustinian ideals of truth, unity and love; and a community dedicated to service to others. A wide variety of undergraduate and graduate degree programs are offered through the University's four colleges: the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the Villanova School of Business, the College of Engineering and the College of Nursing, as well as the Villanova School of Law. With a total enrollment that sur-

St. John's Friendly Fifties will have their annual picnic, rain or shine, at the 26th St. Playground in Northampton on Monday, July 11th from noon until 5pm.

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kick-off is set for 7 PM. There are season ticket packages available and to learn more about the Storm go to www. lvstormfootball.com The Storm is very community oriented and have participated in walk-a-thons and the Lehigh Valley All Sports Hall of Fame. Practices are held at Bethlehem Catholic on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 7 PM. The team has a dance team known as the Lehigh Valley Storm Girls who are very talented.

Senior & Military Discounts

Continued from page 1

in Jacksonville after a storm and although electric lines were hit, power was not lost; sidewalks will be repaired at the municipal building. He also reported that 2,000 people are expected for a Wally Palooza event at the park, and that a black bear walked into the park before Summerfest. • McDevitt reported that two firefighters were hurt in a recent Allen Twsp. garage fire, but not life threatening. • Supervisor Don Heiney noted that muddy water was noted at East Allen Gardens, and lines were flushed. • A zoning board hearing that was held on Tuesday, June 21, was continued to July 19 regarding land at Seemsville Rd. & Nor-Bath Blvd. on which the Northampton Area School District intends to build a new middle school. The continuance was needed after the ZHB solicitor Joseph Piperato had to determine if a Moore Township resident could testify in a matter for East Allen Township. The supervisors had previously

said the school could be built there, despite its agriculture zone designation. Three East Allen residents had brought the issue to the ZHB. • It was also reported at Thursday’s meeting that a new imaging mapping system by the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission was explained recently at a meeting of the Nazareth Area Council of Governments.


East Allen Twsp.


THE HOME NEWS June 30-July 6, 2011

*Above ad run upside down at request of customer


THE HOME NEWS June 30-July 6, 2011



Kazoo parade leads 4th of July celebration The Nazareth Area Chamber of Commerce will host the annual kazoo parade and patriotic program on Monday, July 4th, that has become a Nazareth tradition. Those wishing to participate in the parade will start at the Nazareth High School at 9:30 a.m. Walkers will be separated into divisions, all assigned different patriotic songs to play on the kazoos, which have been donated by Lafayette Ambassador Bank. From the high school, the parade route will take the marchers up S. Liberty Street, and make a right turn on to Belvidere St., follow until Main St., and make a right turn up to the circle, go half way around and turn on to W. Center St. and end at Borough Council chambers.

When arriving there, greetings will be given by local elected officials as well as Congressman Charlie Dent. The grand marshal of the parade this year is Abbe “Miss G” Graber, known as the “Kazoo Lady of Woodstock”. She has been singing the blues and playing a blues style wooden kazoo for more than 30 years. Her company, Woodstock Wooden Kazoos, opened on the 40th anniversary of the original music festival in 1969 and each kazoo is handcrafted and resembles the beauty of the surrounding mountains. In addition, patriotic entertainment will be featured by the Lehigh Valley Idol, and there will be a display of Miss G’s wooden kazoos available for purchase.

SkillsUSA Continued from page 1

the Nail Care Competition. Catherine’s model was Ashleigh Tucker, also from Monroe Career & Technical Institute and Stroudsburg High Sc hool. Other students from the area who competed at the national level include: Action Skills – 5th Place Andrew Acevedo (BAVTS / Northampton) American Spirit – 4th Place Ryan Davis (BAVTS / Saucon Valley) Amanda Rivera (BAVTS / Liberty Jacqueline Gallagher (BAVTS / Liberty) Building Maintenance Custodial – 9th Place Jesse Haycock (Lehigh Career & Technical Institute / Northwestern Lehigh) Cabinetmaking – 8th Place Joseph Oxenford (Lehigh Career & Technical Institute / Dieruff) Chapter Display – 5th Place Brendan Buttillo (BAVTS / Freedom) Raul Estrella (BAVTS / Liberty) Aimee Zwickle (BAVTS / Northampton) Esthetics – 7th Place Janice Vazquez (BAVTS / Liberty) Lisette Garcia (BAVTS / Freedom) HVAC & Refrigeration – 15th Place Matthew Edelman (Bethlehem Area Vocational Technical School /

Northampton) Photography – 29th Place Amanda Eck (Lehigh Career & Technical Institute / Northern Lehigh) Related Technical Math – 10th Place Michael Hontz (Lehigh Career & Technical Institute / Northwestern Lehigh) Tech Prep Human Services – 13th Place Jacob Biechy (CIT / Nazareth) Cody Templeton (CIT / Bangor) Jarrod Warren (CIT / Easton) Tech Prep Industrial and Engineering Technology - 9th Place Donald Elm (BAVTS / Liberty) Mychal McGregor (BAVTS / Liberty) Tajhir Ross (BAVTS / Liberty)

Four local students served as Pennsylvania National Delegates, voting for national officers and debating the business of the organization. Delegates were: Jonathan Ciallella from Lehigh Career & Technical Institute and Parkland High School, Devin Heckman from Career Institute of Technology and Nazareth Area High School, Alex Bialobrzeski from Bethlehem Area Vocational Technical School and Freedom High School, and Evan Medlar from Bethlehem Area Vocational Technical School and Easton Area High School.

National Courtesy Corps volunteers (SkillsUSA alumni who assist in setting up the event) were Amy Silvoy and Shawn Silvoy. The SkillsUSA Championships is considered the largest single day of corporate volunteerism in America and valued at $35 million in industry support of donated time, equipment, cash and material. All contests are run by and judged by industry using industry standards for employment. Over 500 Industry judges participated this year.

All winners receive medallions and frequently receive tools of their trade and/or scholarships to further their careers and education. The SkillsUSA Championships are for high school and college-level students who are members of Skills USA. More than 6,000 students from every state and three territories competed in 97 contests in technical, skilled, and service occupations. In order to qualify for the national competition, the students competed in local and state contests. The state gold medal winners advanced to the national SkillsUSA Championships.

Legion Baseball Continued from page 6

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? T O

Nazareth also blasted Birches, 12-3, with Schmitt, Kyle Dauscher, Magditch and Siebler big at the plate, and Dan Shepherd winning on the mound. Big Pocono won another over Northampton, edging the locals, 5-4. Sharpe’s RBI double in the 6th inning spelled the difference after the two teams were tied, 3-3. Steve Fahringer had a pair of hits and an RBI for Northampton. But Nazareth took care of Big Pocono, shutting them out 4-0, highlighted by Jordan Smith’s two-run triple, along with 2 for 2 and two RBIs by Siebler. Bath’s record was 10-3-2 by last Thursday, with the second one of those ties coming in a game with Kemp, 3-3. Hitters for Bath were Evan Allman, 2 for 3; Jim Bertoletti, 2 for 4, and Eric Bender with a pair of RBIs. Lehigh Township won big over Easton, 13-6, led by Clint Weber, 3 for 4 including a double, triple and four RBIs, and Trevor Yashur, Jeff Sell and Nate Fritzinger, all going 2 for 3. The Birches got off to a 2-0 start and scored another one in the 3rd inning before Bat finally got on the board in the seventh inning, but they fell short and Bath lost 3-2. Bertolotti had two hits for Bath. Losing pitcher Jason Mitch struck out 13, but three Bath errors didn’t help. Kemp zipped Lehigh Township, 10-0, in another contest at week’s end. There were two recent shut-outs. Nazareth beat Palmer, 5-0, and Wind Gap edged Northampton, 1-0.

Church Directory ADVENT MORAVIAN, (610) 868-0477 Jacksonville Rd., Bethlehem. Sun 8:30am Worship; 9:30am Sun School; 10:45am Worship ASSUMPTION BVM PARISH, 2174 Lincoln Ave., Northampton. 610-262-2559. Sun 8/10:30am Mass; Mon, Tue, Thurs & Fri – 8am Mass; Wed– 7pm Worship; Sat – 4:00 pm BANGOR CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE, 150 Bunny Trail, Bangor. Sun 9:30am Sun School for all ages; 10:40am Worship BETHANY WESLEYAN, 675 Blue Mountain Drive, Cherryville. 610-767-1239. Sun - 9/10:30am Worship BUSHKILL UNITED METHODIST, Church Rd., Clearfield, Bushkill Twp. Sun 8:30 a.m. Fathers Day B-fast, 9:15am Worship 10:30 SS CARPENTER’S COMMUNITY CHURCH, 4609 Newburg Rd, Nazareth, 484-285-0040. Sun 10am Worship CHAPMAN QUARRIES UNITED METHODIST, 1433 Main St., Chapman Borough, Bath. 07/03 10am, Sunday School for all ages, 11am, Morning Worship with Communion CHAPMAN QUARRIES UNITED METHODIST, Church Road, Clearfield, Bushkill Twp. . 07/03 9:15am, Morning Worship with Communion, 10:30am Sunday School for all ages. CHRIST U.C.C., S. Chestnut St., Bath. 6/26 Summer Worship Hours Begin. 9:15 am Nursery, 9:30 am Worship Service. Sun Nursery 10 a.m.,Worship-10:15am, Fathers Day CHRIST U.C.C., 5050 Airport Rd., Allentown. Schoenersville. Sun. Worship Service 10:15 a.m. CHRIST U.C.C. – LITTLE MOORE, 913 S. Mink Rd. Danielsville. Sun 9am Worship will be held in the airconditioned fellowship hall for the summer. 07/03 Communion. CONCORDIA LUTHERAN CHURCH 3285 Pheasant Dr. (Pool Rd.) Northampton

Sun 9am Worship, 10:30am SS & Bible Class COVENANT UNITED METHODIST, 2715 Mt. View Dr., Bath. 610-837-7517. HA Sun. 8:00a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Worship, 9:15 a.m. SS DRYLAND U.C.C., Newburg Rd., Nazareth. 610-759-4444 Sun – B-fast 8 a.m., Worship 9:30 a.m. EGYPT COMMUNITY CHURCH, 4129 S Church St. Whitehall (Egypt) 610-262-4961 Sun. – Worship - 10:30 a.m. SS 9:00 a.m., H/C accessible. EMMANUEL'S LUTH Valley View Drive, Bath. Sun – 9:30am Contemporary Worship – FH, – 9:30am Traditional Worship FAITH REFORMED, 4394 Mountain View Drive, Rt. 946, Lehigh Twsp. Sun - Worship 10 am. GOOD SHEPHERD LUTHERAN, 1335 Old Carriage Rd., Northampton Sun – 8/10:45am Worship, 8:30 a.m., 10 a.m. Cont. Worship, SS 9:20 a.m. GOD'S MISSIONARY CHURCH, 4965 Nor-Bath Blvd., Northampton. Sun – 9:30am SS (children & adults); 10:30am & 7pm Service; Sunday Evening Youth 6:30pm. GOSPEL CHAPEL, 2022 Main Street, Northampton. Worship 9am & 10:45am GRACE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, 404 E. Mountain Rd, Pen Argyl Sun –Service, 8:30am & 9:45am HOLY CROSS EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN, 696 Johnson Rd., Nazareth. Sun Worship 8am/9:30am. HOLY FAMILY ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, Forest Drive and W. Center St, Nazareth. Sun – 7am/9am/11am Mass, Tues. 6:30 bible study HOLY TRINITY SLOVAK LUTHERAN, 1370 Washington Ave., Northampton Sun Worship - 9am; SS, 9am HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH 4131 Lehigh dr., Cherryville Sun Worship – 8:00am, Communion 9:30am

NAZARETH MORAVIAN CHURCH, P.O. Box 315 Nazareth PA 610-759-3163 Sun- 9:30 a.m. Worship NORTHAMPTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD, 3449 Cherryville Road Northampton Sun – 10:45am & 6pm Worship; 9:30am SS; Wed – 7:30pm Worship SACRED HEART CATHOLIC, Washington St., Bath. Sat Vigil– 4:30pm/6pm Mass, Sun Masses: 6:45/8/9:30/11am; child care during 9:30am Mass; Mon– Thurs 8am Mass; Fri – 8:30am Mass Morning Prayer MonThurs 7:30am Fri. 8:00am. SALEM U.C.C., 2218 Community Dr., Bath. Summer worship at 9:30; last Sunday of each month worship outdoors in our grove. SALEM UNITED METHODIST, 1067 Blue Mt. Dr., Danielsville. Sun – Worship 9:30am ST. BRIGID’S EPISCOPAL 310 Madison Ave. Nazareth. Sun – Holy Eucharist 9am ST. JOHN’S EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH, E. Main St., Bath. Sun 8am Spoken Service, 9am SS, 10:15am Worship ST. JOHN’S U.C.C., 22 Atlas Rd., Northampton. Sun – 8/10:15am Worship, 9am SS ST. JOHN’S U.C.C., 183 S. Broad St., Nazareth. 610-759-0893 Sun –- 8:00 and 10:00am Worship ST. NICHOLAS CATHOLIC CHURCH, Route 946 and Oak Rd, (Berlinsville) Walnutport. 610-767-3107 Sun Masses at 8/9:30/11am and Sat evening at 4:30pm Daily Mass at 8:30am ST. PAUL’S UCC, 19th & Lincoln Ave., Northampton, 610-261-2910. Sun. 9:00am Worship, No SS. ST. PAUL’S U.C.C., of Indian land, 787 Almond Rd., Cherryville. Sun - Adult & youth SS, 9am; Worship, 10:15am ST. PETER’S U.C.C., 8142 Valley View Rd, Northampton (Seemsville).PA Sunday Worship 9 a.m. VALLEY VIEW BAPTIST, 2870 Pheasant Dr., Northampton (Rt. 248). Sun - Bible study, 9:30am; Morning worship, 10:45am WALNUTPORT SEVENTH-day ADVENTIST, 227 Willow Rd. (and Route 145) Sat – 9:30am Worship, - 10:45am Sabbath School ZION'S STONE U.C.C., 51 Church Rd., Kreidersville. Sun- 9:00 am Worship ZION WESLEYAN, 2459 E. Scenic Dr., Pt. Phillip.SS 9am; Worship 10:15am


June 30-July 6, 2011


News Sermonette Pastor Jamie Possinger Hope Lutheran, Cherryville

Trust God in Life “Once upon a time”…that’s the way most fairy tales begin and they almost always end with the words “and they lived happily ever after.” I love a good fairy tale and I love happy endings. But did you ever notice that the story which happens between the beginning and the end of fairy tales are often fraught with danger, deceit, betrayal and miscommunication, as well as friendship, truth, loyalty, and love? And there always seems to be one or more characters who help to “save” the day! Take, for instance, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Once upon a time her life was perfect – but when her kingly father marries a wicked woman who becomes queen, her life is turned upside down. Treachery and evil abound as she finds a safe haven, love and friendship in the house of the seven dwarfs. But even they cannot save her from the malevolent desires of the queen who casts a spell on the unsuspecting Snow White. Fated to remain in a deep sleep forever unless someone kisses her awake, Snow White lies cold and still until a handsome Prince arrives and brings her to life once more. What an ending! Our lives are not really that different from a good fairy tale. “Once upon a time” we are born and so begins the tale of our lives. We mosey through life facing joys and sorrows – broken relationships and life-long friendships – spiritual hunger and spiritual fulfillment – sinfulness and forgiveness. All kinds of characters appear in our stories – ones who support us and ones who turn against us. We may face evil, hardships and discontent. But through it all God never leaves us alone – walking with us through every dark valley and every sunny mountaintop. Not only that – but God has also sent us a Savior – one who comes to rescue us and give us new life. Oh sure, you may say, but my life isn’t concluding with a happily-ever-after-ending. I would encourage you to think again. After all, believers understand the promise of eternal life Jesus offers when our lives have ended on earth. The Bible recounts for us an eternal dwelling place where there is no more pain or tears or sadness or death – where we find ourselves in the presence of God – forever. Personally, I can’t imagine a more happy-ever-after ending!

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12 THE HOME NEWS June 30-July 6, 2011

Obituaries Ruth R. Lasso

Jan. 26, 1928 – June 19, 2011 Ruth R. Lasso, 83, formerly of Bath, died Sunday, June 19 in Banner Gardens Hospice House, Mesa, Arizona. She was the wife of the late William Lasso, Sr., who died in 1983. Born Jan. 26, 1928 in Bath, she was a daughter of the late Eugene and Carrie (Silfies) Bond. She was a member of Christ U.C.C. Church in Bath. Surviving are a daughter, Deborah Lasso; two sons, Ronald Bond and William Lasso, Jr.; a sister, Florence Bond; a brother, Marlin Bond; two grandchildren, six greatgrandchildren, and many nieces and nephews. Services were held on Friday morning in the Bartholomew Funeral Home, Bath, followed by burial in Green Mount Cemetery, Bath. Memorial contributions may be made to Christ Church U.C.C., 109 S. Chestnut St., Bath, PA 18014.

Grant W. Roth

Jan. 19, 1918 – June 21, 2011 Grant Wilson Roth, 93, of Alexandria Manor, Bath, and formerly of Nazareth, died Tuesday, June 21. He was the husband of the late Catherine Sarah (Frickert) Roth, who died in 1998. He was employed by the former Taylor Wharton Co. and Mack Printing Co., both of Easton, where he was a pressman and plate maker.

In addition, he owned and operated a painting business for many years. After retiring, Grant volunteered at Gracedale and for the Salvation Army. He was very active in the Lions organization and Freemasonry. He was a member of Manoquesy Lodge #413, F. & A.M., Bath, and High Twelve #623, Bethlehem, where he served as secretary emeritus. Beginning as a member of the Nazareth Lions Club, Mr. Roth later transferred to the Bethlehem Township Lions Club. While residing at Alexandria Manor, he often attended meetings of the Bath Lions Club, and volunteered in helping mail the Lions District 14-K newspaper. Surviving are a daughter, Lina Huett, of Bethlehem; a grandson, Brian Keith, and great-granddaughter, Danielle, of Kaneohe Hawaii; a brother, Dale Roth, of Easton; two sisters, Martha Wright of Norwich, N.Y., and Claire Miller of Bethlehem Township. Preceding him in death were two brothers, Lester and Carl Roth, and three sisters, Lillian Fair, Hilda Buss and Marion Kavoleovich. A viewing and Masonic funeral service were held on Monday evening in the George G. Bensing Funeral Home, Moorestown. Graveside services are private at th convenience of the family. Contributions in his memory may be made to the Shriners Hospitals for Children, 2900 Rocky Point Drive, Tampa, FL 33607.

Charles R. Shannon

Oct. 10, 1957 – June 20, 2011 Charles R. Shannon, 53, of Moore Township died unexpectedly on Monday, June 20 at his residence. He was the husband of Constance (Houck) Shannon. He attended Farmingdale College, where he studied horticulture. He also served in the Navy. Later, he worked as a senior electrician for Local #3, International Brother-


Reichel Funeral Home Pre-Need & Cremation Services 220 Washington Park Nazareth PA (610) 759-0160

326 East 21st Street Northampton PA (610) 261-0440

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hood of Electrical Workers union in New York. Born Oct. 10, 1957 in Brooklyn, NY., he was a son of Robert and Geraldine (Quackenbush) Shannon of Wantagh, N.Y. He had a wide range of interests, was a certified SCUBA diver and participated in numerous open water dives off various coasts. Proud of his heritage, he played the bagpipe, and was a member of the Ancient Order of Hibernia. In addition to his wife, he is survived by a son, Robert, of Chicago; a daughter, Lauren, of Long Island, N.Y.; two brothers, Michael and Steven; a sister, Linda Marrat; three step-children, Brian and Jason Flyte and Candis Dugan. A memorial service was held on Friday morning in the Schmidt Funeral Home, Nazareth, with The Rev. Jason L. Hoy officiating. Burial followed in Plainfield Cemetery.

Alice C. Barrall

Jan. 20, 1921 – June 22, 2011 Alice C. Barrall, 90, formerly of Nazareth, died on Wednesday, June 22 at Gracedale. She was the wife of the late Marvin Barrall, who died in 1988. She had worked in the cutting room of the former Lehigh Frocks, Nazareth, before retiring and was a member of the International Ladies’ Garment Workers union. Born Jan. 20, 1921 in Palmer Township, she was a daughter of the late Albert and Emma (Creyer) Snyder. She was a member of St. John’s U.C.C. Church, Nazareth. Surviving are a daughter, Carroll Gower, of Nazareth; a granddaughter, Tara Ruest, of New Jersey; a sister, Jennie Bedford of Bedford, and many nieces and nephews.

She was preceded in death by six brothers, George, Robert, John, Thomas, Howard and Frank Snyder, and two sisters, Mamie Muschlitz and Minnie Kramer. Services were held on Monday morning in the George G. Bensing Funeral Home, Moorestown, followed by interment in Hope Cemetery, Hecktown.

Leona M. Doyle

June 7, 1921 – June 21, 2011 Leona M. Doyle, 88, formerly of Wind Gap, died Tuesday, June 21 in Alexandria Manor, Bath. She was the wife of the late Robert Doyle, who died in 2009. A graduate of Pen Argyl High School, she held secretarial positions with various companies in the Slate Belt area. Born June 7, 1921 in Wind Gap, she was a daughter of the late Claude L. and Elizabeth (Pritchard) Cox. Proud of her Welsh heritage, she was a member of St. David’s Welsh Society of the Slate Belt. She was also a member of Zion United Presbyterian Church, Wind Gap. Surviving is a son, Kerry R. Doyle, of Martins Creek. Services were held on Friday afternoon in the Schmidt Funeral Home, Wind Gap, with The Rev. Dr. Dean D. Frey officiating. Burial followed in Northampton Memorial Shrine, Palmer Township. Memorial donations may be made to Arcadia Hospice, 7248 Tilghman St., Suite 160, Allentown, PA 19106.

Gladys V. Hartzell

June 10, 1928 – June 22, 2011 Gladys V. Hartzell, 83, of Upper Nazareth Township died Wednesday, June 22 in the New Eastwood Nursing & Rehabilitation Center, Wind Gap. She was the wife of the late George Hartzell, Jr., who died in 1980. She had worked in various garment mills as a machine operator before retiring in 1995 and was a member of the International Ladies’ Garment Workers Union. Born June 10, 1928 in Bethlehem, she was a daughter of the late Victor and Helen (Flyte) Heckman. Surviving are two daughters, Linda Fries of Nazareth and Donna Hildenbrand of Tatamy; a son, Rodney, of Bethlehem; seven grandchildren, seven great-grandchil-

dren, and nieces and nephews. Preceding her in death were two brothers, Kenneth and Harvey Heckman, and a sister, Virgil Green. Services were held on Saturday morning in the George G. Bensing Funeral Home, Moorestown, followed by interment in Hope Cemetery, Hecktown. Memorial contributions may be made to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, 262 Danny Thomas Place, Memphis, TN 38105.

Dorothea E. Borger Dorothea E. Borger, 87, formerly of Northampton, died Thursday, June 23 in Phoebe Home, Allentown. She was the wife of the late Paul R. E. Borger and her late companion, Dr. Samuel H. Cleff. A graduate of Northampton High School and Northampton Area Community College, she worked in the cataloguing department at the Allentown Public Library for many years until retiring in 1988. After that, she volunteered in the community and served as an Obudsman in Santa Barbara, Calif. Born in Northampton, she was a daughter of the late Warren J. and Esther H. (Weaver) Smith. Surviving are a son, William P., of East Allen Township; two granddaughters and four great-grandchildren. Private services were arranged by the Schisler Funeral Home in Northampton.

Leota V. Feather

June 6, 1921 – June 22, 2011 Leota Virginia Feather, 90, of Moravian Hall Square, Nazareth, died on Wednesday, June 22. She was the wife of the late Charles J. Feather, who died in 2002. She worked for the St. Regis Paper Co. and Kraemer Textiles in Nazareth before Continued on page 13



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Obituaries Continued from page 12

retiring and was active in Girl Scouts. Born June 6, 1921 in Covington, Va., she was a daughter of the late Huston T. and Mary L. (Howell) Steed. Surviving are six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren, and a niece. She was preceded in death by two daughters, Virginia Roberts and Karen Townsend, and a brother, Merlin Steed. A graveside service was held on Saturday in Hope Cemetery, Hecktown. Arrangements were made by the George G. Bensing Funeral Home, Moorestown.

Robert E. Lee Danner, Sr.

Jan. 19, 1933 – June 17, 2011 Robert E. Lee Danner, Sr., 78, formerly of Nazareth, died Friday, June 17 in Davenport, Florida. He was the husband of Dorothy (Platko) Danner. A graduate of Nazareth High School, he served in the U.S. Air Force, then worked at Western Electric in Allentown before owning Trainland U.S.A. in Nazareth for more than 30 years. After moving to Florida, he was employed at Walt Disney World’s Hollywood Studios. Born Jan. 19, 1933 in Nazareth, he was a son of George M. and Dorothy M. (Osman) Danner. He was a member of the Jaycees and Kiwanis, volunteered for the Nazareth Ambulance and Vigilance Hose Co.; organized the 1969 Mario Andretti parade; and was cochairman of Nazareth’s 250th anniversary parade in 1990. In addition to his wife, he is survived by a daughter, Lou Ann Loveless, of Telford, Pa.; a son, Robert E. Danner, and a granddaughter, of Birdsboro, Pa. A memorial service will be held later in Nazareth. Contributions may be made to the American Diabetes Association in his memory.

Agnes P. Malik-Klutsarits Agnes P. Malik-Klutsarits, 91, of Newport Ave., Northampton, died Monday, June 20, in her home. She was the wife of the late Peter Ma-

lik, who died in 1956, and the late Alfred Klutsarits, who died in 1991. She was a floor worker for the former Nicki’s Fashions in Palmerton for more than 28 years, retiring in 1982. Born in Palmerton, she was a daughter of the late Teofil and Elizabeth (Lopich) Hrusovsky. She was a member of St. John’s Episcopal Church, Palmerton, and ladies auxiliary; bowled at the Sokol Hall in Palmerton, and was a life member of the West End Fire Co., Palmerton. Surviving are two daughters, Kathryn M. Olivia of Northampton and Susan Shinsky of Palmerton; three grandchildren; three greatgrandchildren; two sisters, Josephine Sauchinitz of Metuchen, N.J., and Elizabeth Perla of Port St. Lucie, Fla. Preceding her in death were an infant daughter, Elizabeth Malik: three sisters, Mary Melnick, Helen Bray, and Pauline Gipson; and two brothers, William and John Hrusovsky. Services were held on Friday morning in the Campton Funeral Home, Palmerton, with burial in Towamensing Cemetery.

Winifred A. J. Nierer Winifred A. J. Nierer, 85, residing at Fellowship Community in Whitehall, and formerly of Walnutport, Lehigh Township, died Wednesday, June 22, in Lehigh Valley Hospital-Cedar Crest. She was the wife of the late Joseph Nierer, Jr., who died in June 1997. She was a 1943 graduate of Northampton High School, and was a homemaker all her life. Born in Lehigh Twsp., she was a daughter of the late Calvin, Sr. and Esther (Zellner) Gable. She was a very active member of St. Paul’s U.C.C. Church, Indianland, its Women’s Guild and Women United in Christ; and also a member of A.A.R.P. Surviving are a daughter, Jeanette M. Beltz of Walnutport; two sons, Joseph Nierer III of Walnutport and John Nierer of Danielsville; two sisters, Maybell Heffelfinger of Lehighton and Elerta Moyer of Allentown; six grandchildren and two great-grand-

daughters. A sister, Lorraine Miller, and four brothers, Vincent, Freeman and Calvin Gable, Jr., and Willard Gangaware preceded her in death. Funeral services were held Monday morning in St. Paul’s U.C.C. Church with The Rev. Martin Nuscher officiating there and at interment in Indianland Cemetery. Arrangements were by the Schisler Funeral Home, Northampton, where contributions may be sent for the memorial fund of the church.

Christine P. Crosbie

Dec. 30, 1948 – June 22, 2011 Christine P. Crosbie, 62, of Bushkill Township, formerly of Moore Township, died on Wednesday, June 22 at home. She was the wife of Gregory B. Crosbie. A 1966 graduate of Milford High School, she later graduated from the x-ray technician program at Waterbury Connecticut Hospital and from Northampton Community College, where she earned as Associate Degree in culinary arts. She was a certified chef and served as the food services director of the Atria Senior Living of Bethlehem for nine years. Born Dec. 30, 1948 in Springfield, Mass., she was a daughter of the late Walter, Sr. and Irene K. (Klimek) Perry. She was an active member of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church in Bath, where she sang on the choir. In addition to her husband, she is survived by a sister, Carol Perry, of West Haven, Conn.; three brothers, Walter Perry, Jr. of Milford, Conn., Paul Perry of Woodbridge, Conn., and John Perry of West Haven, Conn.; nieces and nephews. A memorial Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at 10 a.m. Saturday, July 2 in Sacred Heart Church, Washington St., Bath. Interment will be private. Arrangements have been made by the George G. Bensing Funeral Home, Moorestown. Memorial contributions may be made to the Catherine Boulay Foundation, P.O. Box 323, 3440 Lehigh St., Allentown, PA 18103, and/or the Sacred Heart Church, 210 E. Northampton St., Bath, PA 18014.

Richard M. Kahler

March 18, 1932 – June 23, 2011 Richard M. Kahler, 79, of Nazareth died Thursday, June 23 in St. Luke’s Hospital, Fountain Hill. He was the husband of the late Arlene D. (Granda) Kahler. A 1953 graduate of Nazareth High School, he worked for Binney & Smith Co., Easton, for more than 26 years. He attended training in King of Prussia for local ministry, learning how to serve the homeless with church dinners and how to provide pastoral care in visiting hospitals. He also volunteered at Gracedale and Safe Harbor in Easton. Born March 18, 1932 in Nazareth, he was a son of the late Allen O. and Amy V. (Woodring) Kahler. He was an active member


June 30-July 6, 2011


of Epworth United Methodist Church, Bethlehem; a life member of Vigilance Hose Co. #1, Nazareth, and also served as chaplain for the fire company many years. Other memberships included Binney & Smith 25-Year Club, Firemen’s Relief Association, Four County Firemen’s Association, and Firemen’s Association of Pennsylvania. Surviving are a sister, Arlene K. Smith of Nazareth; and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by a brother, Paul A. Kahler, and a sister, Dorothy M. Bensing. Funeral services were held Wednesday morning in Epworth United Methodist Church with The Rev. Jack E. Roan officiating, followed by interment in Hope Cemetery, Hecktown. Arrangements were by the Schmidt Funeral Home, Nazareth. Memorial donations may be made to Vigilance Hose Co. #1, 49 S. Broad St., Nazareth, PA 18064.

of Zion Lutheran Church, Northampton, and an active member of the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in Atlanta. He was a member of the New York Wagner Society; was a guarantor of the Bach Choir of Bethlehem and a member of the Pennsylvania German Society. Surviving are a sister, Anna Jane Miller of Bethlehem; two nephews, Dr. William Miller of Allentown and Andrew Miller of Bethlehem; and a niece, Marianna Werley, of Bethlehem. Interment will be at the convenience of the family from the Schisler Funeral Home, Northampton. A memorial service will be held in the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, 73 Peachtree St., Atlanta, on Sunday, July 10. Memorial contributions may be made to the Dr. Charles H. Schisler Endowment Scholarship Fund of Westminster Choir College of Rider University, 101 Walnut Lane, Princeton, NJ 08540.

Dr. Charles H. Schisler

May 3, 1952 – June 23, 2011 Vincent J. Julian, Jr., 59, of Nazareth died Thursday, June 23 at home. He was the husband of Mary Jo (Barry) Julian. A 1974 graduate of the University of Dayton, Ohio, he was a former sales representative for Unitech in Palmerton. Born May 3, 1952 in Newark, N.J., he was a son of the late Vincent J., Sr. and Mary (DeLorenzo) Julian. He was a member of St. Brigid’s Episcopal Church, Nazareth, where he was an organist, rector’s warden and people’s warden, and served on the buildings and grounds committee. In addition to his wife, he is survived by a daughter, Jennifer D. Julian, of San Francisco; a son, John David Barry Julian, at home; a sister, Marianne Izzo, and a niece, both of Springfield, N.J. Funeral serves were held this (Thursday) afternoon in St. Brigid’s Church, with burial in St. Brigid’s Columbarium. Arrangements were by the Reichel Funeral Home, Nazareth. Memorial contributions may be made to the St. Brigid’s Episcopal Church Building Fund or to the Father David Barry Scholarship Award, c/o Robert Young, 54 Hardwicke Dr., Syracuse, NY 13209.

Dr. Charles Harvey Schisler, 79, a resident of Atlanta, Ga. and Professor Emeritus of Emory University, died June 22. He was the son of the late Lloyd C. and Mabel I. (Silfies) Schisler. He graduated from Northampton High School in 1949, and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Music from West Chester University and a Master’s degree in choral conducting fromTemple University. From 1956-1958 he studied organ and conducting with noted Bach interpreter Karl Richter at the Munich, Germany state academy and sang in the Bach Choir. His Ph.D. is from Indiana University School of Music, Bloomington, Ind. He was organistchoir director at Swarthmore Methodist Church, 1958-71, and served on the faculty of the Peabody Conservatory at Johns Hopkins University. In 1969 he joined the faculty of Westminster Choir College, and in 1975 he became Dean of the college until 1988 when he became Professor of Music at Emory University until retiring in June 2010. Dr. Schisler received numerous awards: an honorary Doctor of Fine Arts degree from Westminster; Crystal Apple award for excellence in teaching from Emory, and in 2011 received the Williamson Medal from the Alumni Association of Westminster College. He was a lifelong member

Vincent J. Julian

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The Fair Housing Act prohibits housing discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, and disability. It is illegal to deny housing to families with children under 18 years of age unless the housing qualifies as "housing for older persons."


Chainsaws sharpened and new chains by the foot. All types of batteries, factory seconds and first line. Call: 610-262-8703 TN* For Sale - TOP SOIL $200 Tri-Axle load. Landscape-Boulders-Mushroom Soil. Light Excavating. Call 610-2162044. TN Free Cockapoo mixed puppies Call Josh 484767-3677. 6/30 Computer, Flat Screen 19” cordless mouse, speaker’s, etc. 3 yr old, hardly used. Also have desk & Chair. & asking $500. 610-837-9694. 6/30 Cemetery 2 spaces, 2 vaults $2,100.00 or B/O MUST SELL 610-7035122. 6/30-8/18


Office – Business Space available along busy Route 248 in Berlinsville. Will remodel to suit tenant. Reasonable Rent. All utilities included. (610) 7673531 (1/14 – TN) Office space for lease Main St South River NJ. Professional building. Apprx.300 S.F. 3 rooms with adjourning and hallway doors. Rent $700.00 per month. Includes electric, A.C and heat. Call (732) 651-1213 0830 to 1630 weekdays. (6/16-7/7) Bath Single Home 2 Bedroom living/dining room. Lg Kitchen Washer/Dryer hook up $775. No Smoking – No Pets 610-746-9317 6/30

Musical Instruments CASH PAID For your unwanted guitars, fiddles and amplifiers. Buy-SellTrade Call Ron: 610-681-4613 TN*

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services NAZARETH PLATE GLASS CO., INC . 27 Mauch Chunk Street Nazareth, Pa. HARVEY VINYL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS SOLAR ROOMS Storm Windows & Screens Repaired Insulated Glass, Plexiglass, Mirrors, Repairs made at your home. Free Estimates. Call Mike Matula 610-759-3682 Closed Saturdays TN* NOTARY Billings Service Center 154 N. Walnut St., Bath, PA 610837-6291 Titles & Tags M* ON THE MARK REPAIRS, LLC Inexpensive home repairs inc. Elec. Plumb. Carpentry. Drywall. Paint. Tile and much more. Small Jobs accepted. Ins. Senior Disc. For reliable service call Mark @ 610-248-6741 PA# 11782 4/2 – TN* PARTY TENTS FOR RENT OR SALE WE DELIVER AND SET UP ALL OUR TENTS.TABLES AND CHAIRS AVAILABLE 610 7766225 WWW.PARTYTENTSFORRENTBYMARTY.COM (9/15) We Remove Junk! Attic Basements, Clean-outs, Appliances, Furniture, Construction Debris, Backyard Shed Tear-down, Swimming Pools, Old Hot Tubs etc. GO GREEN! Marth’s Disposal 610-262-9021 or 610-842-5684. (12/31/11)


All types of roofing. Free Estimates. Fully Insured. Randy C. Silfies, owner. PA#036835 610-837-8225 TN*


Additions • Remodeling Chimney Repairs Ceramic Tile. License: PA006229 610-2626646 or 610-264-3832 TN*


Custom Drafting and Blueprinting – I will design your new dream home or home ad-

dition to suit your property, lifestyle, budget and you. Full time, quick service since 1980. Free estimates. Call Ron Eberts, Residential Designer: 610-6814613. TN*

YARD SALES Yard Sale Sat + Sun. July 9 & 10, 8 am-3 pm Girls Items Ages 6-7 yrs, Household items + Other goodies. 8130 Seemsville Rd. Northampton 6/30


PINBALL MACHINES OLDER GUM BALL & CANDY MACHINES, PENNY ARCADE & ANY OLDER COIN OPERATED MACHINES. CASH PAID. CALL DARYL 610767-9135 (1/14-12/17) Farmers Market Vendors Wanted The Bath Farmers Market, runs May through September at Keystone Park in Bath. Currently looking for Vendors for the 2011 season. Full and Half Season available. Please visit our website at www.bathfarmersmarket.org for more information, and applications. FMI contact Fiona Adamsky 610-618-9437. (1/27-9/15) Lehigh Township Board Openings The Lehigh Township Board of Supervisors are looking for Lehigh Township residents who are interested in serving on the Planning Commission which meets on the 4th Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. These meetings are held in the Municipal Building. Please send a letter of interest to Lehigh Township, 1069 Municipal Road, Walnutport, Pa. 18088 by August 5, 2011. Anyone with questions, please call 610-767-6771. Alice Rehrig, Secretary 6/23, 7/7 East Allen Twsp. Fire Co. Ladies Auxiliary Product Bingo Donations being accepted. Seeking Monetary & non-monetary items. Please call 610-7677140 to have items picked up or for more information. Benefits Volunteer Fire Fighters. (6/23 - 7/14)

Help Wanted Personal Care Assistants

Part time, middle & night shifts. Can lead to full time. Apply Northampton Village, 1001 Washington Avenue, Northampton, PA 610 262 1010. (6/30-7/7) Dynamic individual needed for hardware supply back office - inventory control for warehouse. Working knowledge of hardware supplies, tools & fasteners. Must be able to multi-task, customer service, and computer literate. QB POS and Excel exp. required. PT to start with possible FT. Apply to retailtoolmgr@gmail.com or fax resume to 610-868-7609 (6/23-6/30)

PUblic notice-Legal ESTATE NOTICE Dean W. Kemmerer The Estate of Dean W. Kemmerer, deceased, of the Township of Allen, County of Northampton, PA. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Ad-

ministration for the above Estate were granted to Tina Schultz and Christy L. Kemmerer on May 9, 2011. All persons indebted to the Estate are required to make immediate payment, and those having claim or demand are to present the same without delay to Tina Schultz and Christy L. Kemmerer, in care of GREGORY R. REED, Attorneyat-Law, 141 South Broad Street, P.O. Box 299, Nazareth, PA 18064-0299. 6/16-6/30 ESTATE NOTICE Sally Rahn Estate of SALLY RAHN a/k/a SALLY J. RAHN, deceased, late of Bethlehem, Northampton County, State of Pennsylvania, Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned, who requests all persons having claims or demands against the Estate of the Decedent to make the same, and all persons indebted to the Decedent to make payments without delay to: Executor: TODD RAHN Address: 5412 Colony Drive Bethlehem, PA 18017 or to his Attorney: David B. Shulman, Esquire SHULMAN & SHABBICK 1935 Center Street Northampton, PA 18067 6/16-6/30 ESTATE NOTICE George Peterson, Jr. PETERSON, JR., GEORGE, dec’d., Late of Bethlehem, Northampton County, PA Administratrix: Loretta Peterson c/o Dennis P. Ortwein, 5201 William Penn Highway, Easton, PA 18045 Attorney: Dennis P. Ortwein, Esquire, 5201 William Penn Highway, Easton, PA 18045 6/16-6/30 Estate Notice Melva L. Laundenbach Estate of Melva L. Laudenbach, late of the Township of Moore, County of Northampton and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted on the above Estate to the undersigned. All persons having claims against the estate are requested to present them in writing and all persons indebted to the estate to make payment to us in care of the Attorney noted below. LARRY LADENBACH 566 Hobby Lane Bath, PA 18014 JANE SHAFFER P.O. Box 296 Gratz, PA 17030 EXECUTORS DANIEL G. SPENGLER, ESQUIRE 110 East Main Street Bath, PA 18014 Attorney for the Estate 6/23-7/7 PUBLIC NOTICE Borough of Bath NOTICE is hereby given that Borough Council of the Borough of Bath will meet in the Borough of Bath Municipal Building located at 215 East Main Street, Bath, Northampton County, Pennsylvania, on Monday, July 11, 2011, at 7:00 P.M. for the purpose of conducting its pub-

lic meeting and the possible enactment of a proposed Ordinance summarized as follows: AN ORDINANCE RE-ENACTING, RESTATING AND AMENDING THE BOROUGH OF BATH EARNED INCOME TAX TO ESTABLISH CONFORMITY WITH THE LOCAL TAX ENABLING ACT AS AMENDED BY ACT 32 OF JULY 2, 2008 TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, on July 2, 2008, the Pennsylvania Legislature enacted Public Law 197, Act No. 32, which, inter alia, provided for the consolidated collection of local income taxes within a tax collection district established in each county under Section 504 of Act 32 for tax years beginning not later than on and after January 1, 2012. Borough Council previously enacted Ordinance Nos. 252 and 471 (collectively, “Bath’s Earned Income Tax”) imposing a tax at the rate of one percent (1%) for general revenue purposes on earned income and net profits. Borough Council desires to reenact, restate and amend in its entirety Bath’s Earned Income Tax in order to conform with the provisions of Act 32. Borough Council has determined that the continued imposition of Bath’s Earned Income Tax is necessary to enable the Borough to meet the increasing costs associated with its providing services. The revenue estimated to be derived from the continued tax is $230,000 for Bath for the year 2012 and $230,000 for Northampton Area School District for the school year 20112012. The full text of the proposed Ordinance is available for inspection without charge at the Borough of Bath Municipal Building during the regular business hours of 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. during regular business days (excepting legal holidays). Copies will be provided upon payment of costs for copying. James F. Kratz, Esquire Assistant Solicitor, Borough of Bath 6/23-7/7 ADVERTISMENT NOTICE TO BIDDERS Bids will be received at the Nazareth Borough Municipal Authority’s office at 872 Tatamy Rd, Nazareth, PA until 1:30 P.M. prevailing time, on July 18, 2011 for the following work: Provide various equipment and operators on an as-needed basis in the Nazareth Borough Municipal Authority service area and essentially serve as the Maintenance Contractor. Work to primarily consist of excavation of sewer pipes, hauling of stone and spoils, and for the installation or repair of sewer pipes. Proposals are being solicited. Paperwork is available for pick-up at 872 Tatamy Road, Nazareth, PA, Monday Through Friday, 9:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M., telephone 610-759-0727. All proposals will be opened and publicly read at the NBMA office in Nazareth, PA, on July 18, 2011 at 1:35 P.M. All proposals must be on the forms provided by the Nazareth Borough Municipal Authority. The Nazareth Borough Municipal Authority reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to accept any proposal

which in its judgment is in the best interested of the Nazareth Borough Municipal Authority. Prior to taking action on the Contract, telephone quotes may be held by the Nazareth Borough Municipal Authority for a period not to exceed 60 days from the date of bid opening for the purpose of reviewing the Bids and investigating the qualifications of Bidders. Nazareth Borough Municipal Authority Thomas J. Itterly Authority Chairman 6/30-7/7 Public Notice Borough of Northampton Northampton Borough Civil Service Commission has scheduled a meeting on Friday, July 1, 2011, at 2:00 pm in the Conference Room at Borough Hall, 1401 Laubach Avenue, Northampton, Pennsylvania. Richard Ackerman Civil Service Commission 6/30 PUBLIC NOTICE OF ORDINANCE The Council of the Borough of Northampton will consider the following Ordinance, Ordinance No. 1180, at its regular monthly meeting that will be held on Thursday, July 21, 2011, at 7:30 P.M., in the Municipal Building, 1401 Laubach Avenue, Northampton, Pennsylvania. AN ORDINANCE RE-ENACTING, RESTATING AND AMENDING ITS EARED INCOME TAX ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH CONFORMITY WITH THE LOCAL TAX ENABLING ACT AS AMENDED BY ACT 32 OF JULY 2, 2008; INCORPORATING THE WHEREAS CLAUSES HEREIN; SETTING FORTH THE DEFINITIONS OF TERMS CONTAINED THEREIN; LEVYING AND IMPOSING A TAX ON ERNED INCOME AND NET PROFITS FOR BOTH RESIDENTS AND NONRESIDENTS FROM ANY WORK, BUSINESS, PROFESSION, OR ACTIVITY, OF ANY KIND ENGAGED IN WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE BOROUGH; SETTING FORTH NO EXEMPTIONS FROM TAX; REQUIRING TAX RETURNS; REQUIRING EMPLOYERS TO WITHHOLD AND REMIT TAX; SETTING FORTH THE TAX OFFICER PROVISIONS AND REQUIREMENTS; SETTING FORTH INTEREST, PENALTIES, COSTS AND FINES; ESTABLISHING SEVERABILITY; AND RELATED PROVISIONS; SETTING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND PURPOSE OF SAID ORDINANCE; ESTABLISHING THE EFFECTIVE DATE AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES INCONSISTENT WITH THIS ORDINANCE. A copy of this Ordinance is available for public inspection at the office of the Borough Manager, 1401 Laubach Avenue, Northampton, Pennsylvania, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. Gene Zarayko Borough Manager




June 30-July 6, 2011


Delivery and Possession Of Controlled Substance

On June 23 at 6:30 p.m., the Colonial Regional Police Department, along with the Northampton County Drug Task Force, performed a controlled substance purchase in the parking lot of the Burger King in Lower Nazareth Township. A confidential informant purchased a quarter ounce of marijuana for $100 from Benjamin Donello, 19, of 225 Bushkill Terrace, Nazareth. He and Joe Sanchez, 19, formerly of 482 Mountain View Rd., Nazareth, were then taken into custody by police following the delivery of the controlled substance. A subsequent search of Donello yielded $1,988 in cash and a search of Sanchez yielded $80 in cash. Another

Retail Theft Arrest; Repeat Offender Colonial Regional Police charged Jeffrey Sinko, 46, of 137 E. Nesquehoning St.,

Easton Woman Charged: Theft by Deception

From January to June of this year, while employed as a casher at Wal-Mart, 3722 Easton-Nazareth Hwy., Lower Nazareth, CRPD says Shelly Lee Baker, 51, of 120 Morrison Ave., Easton, conducted many fraudulent transactions. Ms. Baker worked in the tire center and, police alleged, she would regularly enter fraudulent return s into the cash register, as if customers did not purchase items or returned them. Baker would then remove the cash amount for the return and keep it. Over those six

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Blueberry Festival Saturday, July 9 from 3-9pm in the Grove At Salem UCC, 2218 Community Dr. (Rt. 946), Bath, Pa. Music by Steel Creek Country Band Food J Games J 57 Prize Raffle Cake Walk J Bingo

Retail Theft; Drug Paraphernalia

same areas in white paint. • Three female juveniles were found throwing eggs at a home in the 1500 block of Poplar Street, and had also thrown eggs at a male juvenile in the 1300 block of Newport Avenue. Parents were notified, but the victims did not want police action.

Daniel Nieves-Candelario, 27, of Orchard St., Easton was stopped by Wegmans loss prevention on Tuesday, June 21 after he was seen placing $224.90 worth of diapers, baby wipes, and laundry detergent in a shopping cart and leaving the store without paying for them. CRPD officers located his vehicle in the Lower Nazareth parking lot and saw more laundry detergent and drug paraphernalia in the car. He allowed police to retrieve the items. Nieves-Candelario said he took them from the Wegmans in Hanover Township earlier that day. Those items totaled $240. Loss prevention at Hanover confirmed the theft in reviewing video footage, and his leaving the store, not paying for the items there either. He was arraigned before District Judge Joseph Barner, bail set at $2,500/10%, but he was unable to post it and was committed to Northampton County Prison.

JUNE 16 • W/M, 47, of Allen Township was found sleeping in his vehicle in the 1200 block of Main Street during the early morning hours, with the engine running and loud music coming from the vehicle. Subject failed field sobriety tests and after a PBT was administered, man was arrested for DUI. Charges pending BAC results. • Police were dispatched to the 1800 block of Canal Street for an open door at a vacant residence. Glass was broken out of the rear door, and most of the lights were on. The inside was a complete mess, with items scattered everywhere. Landlord was notified. • Report received that a male had exposed himself to a female juvenile near the railroad tracks behind the Recreation Center at approximately 2:30 p.m. Only description was that the man was wearing jeans and a white shirt.


JUNE 17 • Police were called to the 100 block of W. 28th Street for report of an unwanted person to the rear of the property. Upon arrival, it was learned that subject had been living with the caller, but they had an argument and she now wanted him removed. Both were intoxicated, and male left to stay with a friend. • Resident responded to an ad in The Morning Call for a secured loan from Vertical Corporation. Rather than have her pay $600 for an insurance fee to Western Union, they offered to accept half that amount. Further research proved this to be a scam, and the money was reportedly picked up in Toronto, Canada, and not in New York as a “representative” had stated.

Northampton Borough Police investigated the following incidents between June 13 and 17: JUNE 13 • While outside of her apartment, a resident in the 1000 block of Main Street was bitten in the foot by a grey and white tiger cat. However, the cat has not been located and, therefore, has not been tested for rabies. The cat is reportedly a stray that is petted and fed by many children in the neighborhood. JUNE 15 • While in the process of painting over the graffiti under the Coplay Bridge, workers arrived the following morning to find “DKOB” and “ALL DAY” painted over the

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$400 in cash was found in their car, as well as 15.5 grams of hash with an approximate street value of $300; a digital scale, a glass smoking device, rolling papers, and plastic baggies. A total of 21.18 grams of marijuana with an approximate street value of $300 was seized, along with a total of $2,388 in currency. Donello and Sanchez were both arraigned on charges of possession with the intent to deliver a controlled substance, delivery of a controlled substance, and possession of a controlled substance, as well as conspiracy to commit those offenses. They were committed to Northampton County Prison in lieu of $15,000 cash bail.

months, Baker allegedly stole more than $4,500 from WalMart. She was arraigned by District Judge James Narlesky, who set bail at $20,000/10%. She was remanded to Northampton County Prison.


Police Blotter

Easton, with three counts of retail theft and receiving stolen property on June 22. He was committed to Northampton County Prison on $2,000 10% bail. Police allege that when Sinko was arrested earlier this month for retail theft at the Wegmans store in Lower Nazareth Township, the loss prevention officer identified him as the person who was in the store the previous year on three separate dates stealing merchandise.

Newburg Rd.

16 THE HOME NEWS June 30-July 6, 2011


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