70th Year, Issue No. 26 USPS 248-700
JUNE 30-July 6, 2011 A General Circulation Newspaper Serving The Community Since 1942
East Allen Supervisors Discuss fireworks request
Aidan Gallagher tore away the seed representing the last day with a big smile at Sacred Heart School in Bath. It’s an annual tradition for counting down the number of school days until summer vacation. (Another photo on page 4.) – Contributed photo
Personnel actions okayed, Board sees new lunch prices By BILL HALBFOERSTER The Home News
Seven personnel actions were approved at a meeting of the Northampton Area School Board on Monday night. They include: –A revised job description for the school psychologist, effective June 28. –Childbearing / childrearing leaves of absence for Jaclyn Grejda and Krista Maxwell. –Resignations of Donald Wright, security guard at the middle school; Lacey Snyder, junior class advisor; Nadine Rupp, district wide guidance department coordinator, and Tara Mrazik, K-12 business/ information science department coordinator. New Lunch Prices There will be a five-cent increase in lunch prices for the 2011-12 school year, as follows:
student summer help at a rate of $7.25 an hour, from June 13 to August 19. . . .An amendment to the collective bargaining agreement between the school district and the Northampton Area Maintenance/Teamsters Union Local #771, effective July 1, 2011 through June 14, 2014 . . . . A contract with the confidential secretaries for the school years 2011-12 to 2013-14. An agreement for purchase of computer service from Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit for business and personnel software was approved, effective July 1, at an annual cost of $41,295. Since Northampton County will be collecting earned income taxes under a new state law, the board adopted an amended EIT resolution, effective Jan. 1, 2012.
An East Allen Township business requested permission this past week to stage a fireworks celebration on July 4th at 9:30 p.m. But solicitor Joseph Leeson on Thursday told the board: “From a legal perspective, we’re not in a position to accept or reject” the proposal. East Allen does not have a fireworks ordinance, but from this discussion they are considering one for the future. Treasurer Rose Wedde did some research on fireworks and reported to the supervisors that Lehigh and Washington townships do, and Pennsylvania state law spells out what can and cannot legally be set off to celebrate Independence Day. Lucky Strokes of 7200 Airport Rd., Bath, said in their letter that they would be of a “Class C” variety. Depending upon which laws apply, they could be used. But in most cases, fireworks operators must have a permit, license and liability insurance. John McDermitt said in a recent year a resident set off fireworks in his backyard and it caused a small fire. He said he recently contacted the State Police fire marshal about fireworks and was told how the law works. McDer-
mitt said in the past, he has turned down people who wanted to set off fireworks in their yards. Mrs. Wedde noted that laws require a permit for purchase and display of fireworks. Other Matters • The board released letters of credit for Trader Joe’s since engineer Jim Birdsall said all maintenance work has been finished that was required at the warehouse along Silver Creek Rd. A letter of credit was also released for Arcadia Land Development, where they are in the process of having a 42-inch storm water pipe installed along Rt. 512.
• Board members said that the Parks & Recreation Commission’s Summerfest went very well at Bicentennial Park. “Everybody really enjoyed themselves,” said Supervisor Mark Schwartz. The fire department and ambulance demonstrations were very well done and “people were amazed,” added Supervisor Judith Ladonis. • Public Works Coordinator Gary Mathesz, in his report, noted that Allen Township helped with a paver; a manhole has been repaired along Airport Rd.; a tree fell Continued on page 9
Local students win SkillsUSA championships
Local students won gold and bronze medals at the SkillsUSA Championships in Kansas City, Missouri on June 24 during the National Leadership & Skills Conference. Five students brought home medals from the Lehigh Valley. Allana Karo, Ariel Karo, and Timothy Hofstetter, students at Bethlehem Area Vocational Technical School (BAVTS) and Liberty High School and Notre Dame Catholic High
School, received Gold Medals in the Community Service Competiton. Samantha Cancro, a student from Lehigh Career & Technical Institute and Parkland High School, received a Bronze Medal in the Culinary Arts Competition. Catherine Gutierrez a student from Monroe Career & Technical Institute and Stroudsburg High School received a Bronze Medal in Continued on page 10
East Bath Champs
Elementary Secondary Student $1.65 $1.80 Premium $3.05 $3.30 Student Entrée Only $1.40 $1.50 Vegetable or Fruit .50 .55 Student Milk (1/2 Pint) .45 Adults $3.50 Adult Entrée Only Range $1.50 to $2.75 Other Matters A la Carte prices for the lunch program will have no change in the prices for the new school year. In other actions, the board approved a revised listing of
Ha ve a S afe 4 t h o f Jul y Ho l i d ay!
WINNING a state championship in shooting clay competition were members of this team from East Bath Rod & Gun Club, pictured with their coach, Bill Kelsey. They are (l-r) Brady Simms (94/100), Michael Pogirski (89/100), both of Ashland, and Matt Edelman (81/100), of Bath, Moore Township. (Another photo and story on page6 in Outdoors.) –Contributed photo