71st Year, Issue No. 9 USPS 248-700
MARCH 1-7, 2012 A General Circulation Newspaper Serving The Community Since 1942
School board hears financial picture On middle school, given vision plans
CUB SCOUT PROMISE is recited by the boys in Pack 33. – Home News photo
Cub Scout Pack 33 has Blue & Gold Banquet Cub Scout Pack 33 held its annual Blue & Gold Banquet on Saturday afternoon, with recognition and awards given to a number of scouts in the ranks of Tiger, Wolf, Bear and Webelos. The event was held in the fellowship hall of Christ UCC Church, Bath, which is home to the pack and is its sponsor. Before everything got underway, Tammy Weist showed power-point slides of the Cubs visiting Colonial Regional Police, Innovative Designs & Publishing in Palmer Twsp., and their fun at summer camp. Cubmaster Barbara Wetherhold had charge of the program. It was opened with the presentation of colors, with flags carried by Dustin Newcomb and Jake Shumanis. After prayer by The Rev. Frances Merkel, the boys and their parents and siblings had dinner. This was followed by a Friends of Scouting fund-
INSIDE THIS WEEK: Find-N-Seek Winner….3 Q&A Katrina Skrapits …. 6 5K Workshop 3/3 in Bath….7 Youth Correspondent….13
raiser led by P. J. Connolly, in which he noted that the effort for 12,000 area Cub Scouts produces positive results for the boys in getting them involved in a multitude of activities as well as camping. Connolly said it takes $136 to support one scout. Then came the Kreepy Creatures of a green iguana, parrot-like bird, blond python snake, beauty dragons, tortoise, turtles, and an American alligator that thrilled everyone. Awards Cubmaster Wetherhold and her assistants presented awards to the Tigers, Wolves, Bears and Webelos, their faces painted with stripes of black, yellow and red, and even purple that had significant meaning such as strength, courage, sunlight, and burning desire for each of the boys as they travel the trail to the Arrow of Light. Pins, badges and cards also went to these boys: Tigers – Shane Leyfert, Garett McGrew, Kenneth Newcomb, Hayden Pierson-Balik, Maxwell Wetherhold. Wolves – Andy Collins, Billy Collins, Keith Deegan, Zachary James, Trevor Liefert, Devin Miller, Xavier Nixon, Brian Six, Adam Szeplaki, Like Wackley, Joshua Wambold.
Northampton Area School Board directors, and the public in attendance, heard important presentations at the board meeting on Monday. One of the presentations involved the middle school project, which is getting underway this year. Jamie Doyle gave a complicated but sensible approach to the financial structure, in which money that is involved is invested and given attention to the funds so that they are used wisely. Another presentation by Mrs. Lydia Hanner, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, were statements on a strategic plan mission, belief, and vision for the schools that have been developed by a cross section of 27 people, including administrators, teachers and lay persons since this past October. The goal of the statements is to improve education for all students in the Northampton Area School District over the next three to six years. The nine specific beliefs that they had led to a vision statement by the sub-committee that says NASD will empower students to achieve individual, unique, and authentic success through a culture of excellence. Superintendent Joseph Kovalchik said what was developed by the committee is important to the district’s future. Also presented on Monday was a set of procedures that the Bethlehem Area Vocational-Technical School went through to come up with the
new budget. Brian Williams noted that it listed goals for the students, but one of the most important was that they be retained. He told the board and public that the Vo-Tech is looking for a 2% increase this year, that includes a 1.69% hike in expenditures, while cutting back for three years on staff and administration by $60,000. There is also a 25% increase in workers’ compensation, but for the fifth year in a row there has been no health care increase. Director Jennifer Miller also noted a list of things that are being done as the district moves forward with the middle school project. Kovalchik noted the 2.24 acres of land that was part of an agreement with Northampton Bor-
ough recently. He said, “We are trying to deliver the best educational facility for the least amount of money.” He and Mrs. Miller in their statements indicated that the process is going smoothly and that the public will continue to be informed. Other Matters • Kovalchik reminded everyone that kindergarten registration will be held on March 6 and 7. • Jeffrey Brody, with nine years of experience, was hired as head football coach, effective for the 2012-13 school year, and James Karabasz will be assistant boys volleyball coach, with more than five years experience. • The board reappointed Continued on page 9
Devastation Remains
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DAMAGES are still apparent at Keystone Park pavilion, where a summer storm caused flood water destruction. The borough is awaiting FEMA money for repairs. – Home News photos