Home News March 29

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71st Year, Issue No. 13 USPS 248-700

MARCH 29-APRIL 4, 2012 A General Circulation Newspaper Serving The Community Since 1942


Northampton man kills his Brother-in-law over argument


MURDER SCENE was at 735 Washington Ave., Northampton, half of a double home, where a 24-year-old man was killed by his brother-in-law following an argument. – Home News photo

Willkommen Austauschschüler aus Gladenbach, Deutschland!


Northampton Area School District welcomed the arrival of German American Partnership Program exchange students last Friday at the high school. The students, who are staying with various host families throughout the district, are spending time in class, with their host families and out to play in our town. The students are still a little jet lagged from the 8 hour time difference. Their days are full of Northampton fun, they visited Martin Guitar earlier this week and have plans to visit Philadelphia, New York City and Washington DC while they are here. The students will be here for three weeks, leaving on April 11. Then in June/July of this year, students from Northampton Area School District will be visiting their

The name Lindenmoyer is well known in Northampton for all the good members of that family have done, both in the borough and in the school district. But this past Tuesday, 33-year-old Todd S. Lindenmoyer brought shame as, in an apparent fit of anger, he allegedly shot and killed his brother-in-law following an argument. Lindenmoyer was arrested shortly after the incident Tuesday afternoon, March 20, telling Northampton police that he “shot my own family.” Northampton Police Officers George Walsh and Glenn Deist arrived in separate patrol cars minutes after Lindenmoyer called 9-1-1 at 2:09 p.m. to report the shooting. The officers found 24-yearold Edward A. Kimak of Ca-

tasauqua lying on the kitchen floor of the Lindenmoyer home at 735 Washington Ave., Northampton. That section of Washington Ave. is south of 10th St. separate from the portion of Washington Ave. that ends at Laubach Ave. State Police have taken over the investigation, and Lindenmoyer told them he shot Kimak with a shotgun burst to his chest. The shotgun was found on a hallway shelf in the home. According to published reports, Lindenmoyer’s wife, and Kimak’s sister, Leah, saw their brother-in-law and brother shot. It was not known what provoked the argument, for Kimak had come to the home to help Lindenmoyer. Northampton County Coroner Zachary Lysek pro-

nounced Kimak dead at 3:30 p.m. and said it was a homicide. Lindenmoyer was arraigned Tuesday night before District Judge Joseph Barner in Lower Nazareth Township and committed to Northampton County Prison without bail on a charge of murder. A preliminary hearing was held this Wednesday before Northampton District Judge Diane Marakovits. A news conference was held at the State Police Bethlehem Barracks, led by Capt. William A. Teper, Jr. Another published report was that the victim’s father, Edward P. Kimak of Moore Township, was arrested last June for operating a methamphetamine lab, and was sentenced in October to two to four years in Northampton County Prison.

German friends’ home in Gladenbach, Germany. So far, neighbors and students have been very welcoming to the exchange students. If you get a chance to talk to one of the students, be sure to say “Hallo”, we hope you enjoy your stay!

Fishing Contest This Weekend!

The annual Bath Area Fish Committee kids fishing contest will be held this, Saturday and Sunday, March 31 and April 1. The contest takes place along the Monocacy Creek behind the committee building on Chestnut St. Hundreds of kids and their parents are expected this year. The fishing will begin sharply at 8 a.m. on Saturday when Mayor Donald Wunderler will sound the air horn. The contest will continue for kids until 3 p.m. on Sunday April 1. There is no fee to participate and kids are encouraged to catch fish, many will find tagged fish to win prizes. The committee has stocked 500 fish and many prize fish for this year’s contest. Continued on page 7

GERMAN AND AMERICAN exchange students gathered just before the start of the school board meeting on Monday. – Home News photo

German, American exchange Students meet school board


Twenty-four exchange students from Germany, along with their American counterparts, met with members

of the Northampton Area School Board at their meeting Monday night. They were introduced by Ms. April Krempasky, who is leading the German American Partnership

Bath area hometown easter egg hunt Saturday, March 31 at 11:00 am rain date Sunday April 1 at 11 a.m.

Field next to Ahart’s Market in Bath. Bring the family for a fun filled afternoon. 200 dozen eggs 4 age groups: walking- 3 years, 4 – 7 years, 7- 9 years, and 10-12 years.

Program on this side of the Atlantic for the Northampton Area School District. The German students arrived this past Friday for a 12Continued on page 9

326 South Walnut St. Bath PA 610-837-0900 • www.greatvalu.com Sponsored by Ahart’s Market, Bath Business and Community Partnership, Bath area youth groups, Bath area girl scouts, boy scouts, cub scouts and many contributing businesses. Pictures with the Easter Bunny! Lots of prizes for each age group. Coloring contest winners announced!

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