71st Year, Issue No. 10 USPS 248-700
MARCH 8-14, 2012 A General Circulation Newspaper Serving The Community Since 1942
Council approves BBCP plans For gazebo; repairing pavilion
Northampton Area High School StudentS celebrate a 1st place victory for their short skit and weight barring balsa structure last Saturday during NEPA Odyssey of the Mind Regional competition. (story on page 13) – Home News photo
Chamber to have public Program on beautifcation
Join the Northampton Area Chamber of Commerce for an evening program that will focus on landscaping, plant care and gardening to get your business and home in tip top shape! Learn how to better care for all of your plants and greenery to help welcome customers and friends to your business and home. Brief presentations
INSIDE THIS WEEK: Texting Law …. 2 Natural Perspectives….5 Library Director ….8 Obituaries.......12 Puzzle.....15
will be held at 5:00 P.M. and 6:00 P.M. The program will be held on Tuesday March 27 at the Northampton Memorial Community Center from 4:30 - 7 p.m. With The Northampton Chamber’s continuing quest to support the Northampton Area Food Bank, we ask that you please bring a canned good/non-perishable food item or cash donation as your entrance fee. To register, please contact Colleen Daniels at colleen@lehighvalleychamber.org or via phone at 610-841-5800. Sponsors, presentations and displays will highlight Northampton Businesses: Appalachian Creations Inc., Miller Supply Ace Hardware and Bob’s Flower Shop.
After many months of inaction, something may soon be done about the heavily damaged Keystone Park pavilion. That was disclosed after Bath Borough Council did agree to let the Bath Business & Community Partnership go forward with plans for a gazebo. Council President Robert Fields on Monday revealed that a representative of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was in Bath last week and papers are being completed in which the borough will be getting money from FEMA for the pavilion, but he didn’t know the amount. Fields said plans are to lay a new concrete slab for the pavilion, repair the retaining wall at the parking lot at the west end of the pavilion, and provide new braces for the pavilion building itself. Hopefully, he said, that work can be completed in the spring. Tables and benches were removed because of juvenile vandalism. A resident had questioned about having their annual class reunion at the pavilion this summer, and this writer also mentioned the Lions Soccer Classic awards ceremony, which is normally held in the pavilion as well. For now, they are possibilities. Gazebo Okayed Back to the gazebo. That building is also planned for Keystone Park, and would include a restroom and storage room. BBPC is providing the funding, although not enough to cover all costs, as yet. They have a $2,000 grant, a $1,000 donation from the Bath Fire Co. Social Club, $500 from the
Monocacy Lodge 413 Masons and they expect to seek more donations from businesses. Councilman John Kearns said it could cost $10,000. The borough will monitor the project, and the fire company social club has volunteered to help. Zoning Officer Dennis Huth said it would be an accessory use and the Bath Planning Commission has okayed the plans. Solicitor Blake Marles said that competitive bids would be needed if costing $10,000. Carol Bear-Heckman, Jennifer George and Kearns are the only members of Council working with BBCP who are involved. Mrs. George said it is a small project in relation to the much larger one of the pavilion. Fields questioned, “Do you want to build it or not? It has nothing to do with the pavilion. That’s a a separate item.
There was more discussion before a vote. Questioning the position of the bathroom and storage room in the gazebo, facing north and south or east and west. One resident wondered if they had a professional engineer design the plans rather than volunteers. Councilman Mike Reph asked about electrical outlets, panel board, and lights. And insurance. It was here that Huth said a building permit will be needed and there will be inspections. “Council can approve the concept,” he said. Kearns noted that ground has to be broken and work started before June, or they will lose the grant. Mrs. Heckman and Mrs. George moved and seconded that the BBCP be allowed to proceed with the project. All voted yes, except Reph. Continued on page 7
State budget threatens Transportation for students By Joe Korba Special to The Home News
At a breakfast meeting sponsored by the Greater Northern Lehigh, LeBEAM and Northampton Chambers of Commerce this past Tuesday, superintendents from area schools discussed the issues, budgetary and otherwise, facing our schools. School officials from Parkland, Northampton Area, Northwestern Lehigh and Northern Lehigh spoke of the challenges in providing a quality education while working with diminishing resources. Rich Sniscak, Parkland Su-
perintendent, talked about the political climate that is often detrimental to public schools. “At no time can I remember public education being vilified like it is today,” Mr. Sniscak said. Part of the problem, in his opinion, is that the media sensationalizes too many negative stories about education. “You don’t hear about how PA is ranked 7th nationally in public education, we spend more time talking about budgets than talking about educating,” Mr. Sniscak said. The 2012 State Budget pushContinued on page 15
Cub Scouts race in the snow
More than 100 Scouts and family members from Minsi Trails Council participated in the Cardboard Box Derby held at Blue Mountain Ski Area on March 3. The Cub Scouts along with their den and adult leaders built the “sleds” using nothing more than cardboard, duct tape, glue and string. Awards were presented for fastest runs, longest runs, and best design.