Home News Sept 22

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70th Year, Issue No. 38 USPS 248-700

September 22-28, 2011 A General Circulation Newspaper Serving The Community Since 1942


Three officer installations at American Legion Post 470

ECKLEY PATCH POST #470 Legion Commander Larry Becker received congratulations from 30th District Commander Joseph Kluk. – Home News photos

Issue of ordinance for McAuliffe Expansion again stirs Lehigh debate By BILL HALBFOERSTER The Home News

The debate that was carried on between Zoning Hearing Board chairperson Dr. Katherine Mack and the Lehigh Township Board of Supervisors on August 9 was repeated almost word for word again on Tuesday, Sept. 13. Again it was a heated discussion as Mrs. Mack said the board should not have enact-

ed an ordinance for a single business to expand and set hours of operation because they acted improperly, and contrary to a state court decision regarding the McAuliffe refuse hauling operations along Timberline Road. At the August 9 meeting, Supervisor Dell Grove said Dr. Mack should put her concerns in writing. She did, and Solicitor David Backenstoe acknowledged that last Tues-

Farmers, hunters disagree Over proposed change in Sunday hunting laws By JOE KORBA The Home News

State Representative Marcia Hahn, R-Northampton, hosted a public hearing on Thursday, September 15 on controversial House Bill 1760 that would allow hunting on Sundays in the state for the first time since the ban was imposed in 1873. Pennsylvania is one of eleven states that still have restrictions on Sunday hunting. Members of the House Game and Fisheries Committee heard arguments both for and against the proposed change for about an hour and

a half in a crowded conference room in the East Allen Township Municipal building. Rep. Hahn opened the meeting by claiming that 62% of people in her Northampton County district are against changing the law on Sunday hunting. The first person to speak was Robert Krause, a 40-year resident of Nazareth, who represented the Pennsylvania State Grange, a pro-agriculture grassroots organization that has over 10,000 members statewide. Krause voiced the Grange’s opposition to H.B. 1760 on grounds of the risk to Continued on page 13

Installation ceremonies for three organizations that are a part of Eckley E. Patch Post #470, American Legion, in Bath were conducted on Wednesday night, Sept. 14. The meeting was opened by Post Commander Larry Becker, and then refreshments were enjoyed before a plaque and trophy were presented, and then the officer installations took place with officers of the 30th District leading them.` Baseball Presentations The coach of the Bath Senior Legion baseball team presented a plaque to Alex Longernecker, as most valuable player this past season. He played shortstop for the

team, which had a 20-3 seasonal record in the Northampton County League and went on to excel in regionals. “This was the finest team I’ve ever coached,” said Dave Brong, Sr. He noted Longernecker’s outstanding high school record, as well as with the Senior Legion team, and noted that he is now enrolled at Northampton Community College, saying that he played baseball with “heart, stealth, courage and faith.” The latter ingredient in his make-up, Brong said, was when he saw Longernecker praying in the dugout just before taking the mound against Nazareth, and then he went on to throw a four-hitter.

A large trophy was presented to Becker for the Post Home, as the baseball team finished second to Nazareth in the regional playoffs. Installations These were the officers installed: Legion Auxiliary, Unit 470 – Laura Diehl, president; Tina Druckenmiller, vice president; Robin Meixsell, treasurer; Sandy Becker, chaplain; Denise Becker, sergeant-atarms, secretary Tiffany Fritz and historian Tara Hitzel were not present. The officers were seated by outgoing Legion Auxiliary president of the 30th District, Kathy Olker. Continued on page 7

day at the supervisors’ meeting. While the expansion could come under a special exception, it cannot be a nonconforming use. The ZHB hasn’t ruled on the issue as yet, and won’t until October. Backenstoe doesn’t believe it is spot zoning, but Dr. Mack also doesn’t believe that the ordinance passed for McAuliffe complies with the zoning ordinance by giving this Continued on page 9

90 deer die Of EHD at Danielsville farm By BILL HALBFOERSTER The Home News

News that deer had died from a tiny insect bite broke on Friday morning in Camp Hill, Pa., when Lee Marsh of Danielsville reported to the Pa. Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs that 120 deer had died at the Kleintop Farm in Danielsville. He reported it to Matt Hough, Deputy Executive Director of the Pa. Game Commission, who said information he had received was that 19 deer had died in Northampton County. Since then, it has been learned that the true figure was approximately 90 whitetail deer that have expired on the farm of Larry Kleintop, called Mountain View Deer Farm. The cause, gnatlike flies called midges that bring on a death-dealing virus called EHD or Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease. It only affects cervids – deer, elk or moose – not cattle or any human being. The virus causes an infecContinued on page 3

SONS OF AMERICAN LEGION Commander Michael Witkowski is congratulated by David Olker of the 30th District.

POST 470 AUXILIARY president Laura Diehl accepts gavel from Kathy Olker of the 30th District Auxiliary.


2 THE HOME NEWS Sept. 22-28, 2011

Office Location: 4685 Lehigh Drive (Rte. 248), Walnutport, PA 18088 Post Office Box 39, Bath, PA 18014 Phone: 610-923-0382 • fax: 610-923-0383 e-mail: Askus@HomeNewsPA.com Paul & Lisa Prass - Publishers William J. Halbfoerster, Jr. - Editor Alice Wanamaker - Associate Publisher Tammy De Long - Operations Manager Candi Moyer - Account Executive Elaine Leer, Alyse Moyer, Tony Pisco, Melissa Rose, Quynh Vo - Graphic Designers Kelsey Plate - Graphic Intern Wes Loch - Delivery Driver

Changing Business Un-friendly Climate In Pennsylvania

The Home News ISSN 1944-7272 (USPS 248-700) is published every Thursday of the year at a local subscription rate of $18.00 annually; 40-cents per copy on newsstands. Periodicals postage paid at Bath PA and additional entry offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: THE HOME NEWS, P.O. BOX 39, BATH, PA 18014

The Home News does not assume responsibility for any advertisements beyond the cost of the ad itself. We cannot be responsible for typographical errors. We reserve the right to reject any article or advertisement thought to be offensive or not contributing to the needs of the communities we serve. All opinions expressed by columnists, reporters and feature writers, including letters to the editor, are not necessarily those of this publication, but of the individuals themselves. News items and ads should be submitted no later than noon Monday on the week of publication, or on dates noted ahead of time due to holidays. Office HOurs: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., 4685 Lehigh Drive (Rte 248), Walnutport, PA 18088 Other hours by appointment only

-a general circulation newspaper since 1942 In partnership with:

Postal Disgrace

The greatest failure, and disgrace, of this Congress--and President Obama--may be the failure to insure traditional mail service to all Americans. On Labor Day the leading newspaper in the country, the New York Times, headlined a front page story revealing the Post Office Department was “near default.” With Congress spending fifty billions a month to fight a misguided war in Afghanistan, financing military bases in far away Asia in our effort to police the world, it has not displayed common sense to insure regular mail service to the American public and businesses. The cost would be much less than a number of misguided military and other expensive and outdated federal programs. If members of Congress allow postal service to be curtailed, because of lack of funds, while wasting billions on outdated bureaucracies and foreign military bases, also outdated, Americans must elect new senators and congressmen, who are in touch with the real world.




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By State Rep. Marcia Hahn 138th Legislative District

It is a chicken-and-egg argument – do we have high unemployment because of our sluggish economy, or has the economy slowed because of the lack of jobs? What I do know for certain is the House Labor and Industry Committee is not sitting still and waiting for the answer. During the month of August the committee chaired by state Rep. Ron Miller (RYork County) held a series of hearings on right to work and prevailing wage. These issues have been around for a long time, yet these hearings are the first of their kind in Harrisburg for quite a while. Right to work statutes currently exist in 22 states. Pennsylvania is not among them. Miller’s committee examined House bills 50, 51, 52 and 53. Each piece of legislation would prohibit agreements between labor unions and employers that make membership payment of union dues, or fees, a condition of employment either before or after hiring. The committee also held hearings on three prevailing wage bills and is considering two additional bills on the subject. Prevailing wage is defined as the hourly wage, usual benefits and overtime paid to the majority of workers, laborers, and mechanics within a particular area. While this may seem fairly simple to understand, the debate lies in the manner by which prevailing wage is determined. Chairman Miller has authored House Bill 1367, which would require Pennsylvania’s Department of Labor to use the Center for Workforce Information and Analysis in determining prevailing minimum wage rates on a county-by-county basis. Opponents argue that workers’ wages would be reduced. Miller’s contention is that a large number of people (the Pennsylvania taxpayers) stand to benefit because their tax dollars would in effect be “stretched.” Prevailing wage, as currently measured, runs up the cost of public projects such as school buildings and improvements to infrastructure. Imagine how many more of these projects we could afford if the price, in effect, was reduced. Finding a solution to our unemployment dilemma is not easy. What we do know is no economic recovery will in fact take place unless we find a way to create jobs. That means making our state more attractive to business. Chairman Miller testified that, when prospective em-

ployers approach York County, the first question they ask is whether or not Pennsylvania is a right-to-work state. On the issue of prevailing wage, it’s simple math that the more projects we can accomplish the more workers we will need to accomplish them. The fall agenda in Harrisburg is expected to be a busy one. Legislation dealing with prevailing wage and right-towork figures to be part of the discussion. I hope these bills will be seriously considered as we move to declare Pennsylvania “open for business.”


30 years of the Home News Sept. 1981 Compiled by Peggy Spengler-Moser

More than 300 people from the Bath-Nazareth area attended a meeting to discuss a proposed toxic waste treatment plant in Upper Naza-

This Week’s

reth Township east of Gun Club Road. The Bath Fire Co. was called out to Old Forge Drive as clothes on a dining room table caught fire from what investigators felt was a discarded cigarette. Five people were hurt in two crashes. In the one crash, a Spector Freight truck split apart after a headon hit to a pickup truck. Both people were spared serious injury. A 14-year old student at the Monocacy School in Jacksonville, East Allen Township, was arrested by State Police charged with vandalism. Cong. Don Ritter held a breakfast meeting with about 50 farming representatives who told him that there are fewer incentives for farming due to the economy. Gov. George Wolf Historical Society will be had a special meeting to take final action on the purchase of the Berlin-McKeen property. With the Penn-Dixie Cement Co declaring bankruptcy, the company’s finest lab in Continued on page 3


Borough of Nazareth Ecology Committee September 26, 4 p.m. - Solicitor's Office

Northampton County Gaming Revenue & Economic Redevelopment Authority Meeting September 26, 5:30 p.m. - County Council Chambers

Borough of Nazareth Law Committee - September

26, 6 p.m. - Solicitor's Office

Moore Township Planning Commission Meeting

- September 26, 7 p.m. - Municipal Building

Borough of Nazareth Recreation Commission -

September 26, 7:30 p.m. - Council Chambers

Borough of Nazareth Library Board Meeting September 27, 6 p.m. - Library Board Room

Lower Nazareth Township Zoning Hearing Board - September 27, 7 p.m. - Municipal Building Allen Township Supervisors Meeting - September

27, 7 p.m. - Municipal Building

Northampton County Industrial Development Authority Meeting - September 28, 3 p.m. Authority's Office Northampton County Courthouse

Lower Nazareth Township Board of Supervisors September 28, 6:30 p.m - Municipal Building

Borough of Nazareth Finance Committee September 28, 7 p.m. - Solicitor's Office

the Fence GabGab OverOver the Fence by Pete G. Ossip by Pete G. Ossip

The air is a little crisper now that fall is arriving on Friday, and we’ve been seeing more sunshine than rain the past few days, except there’s some coming on again. When the leaves start turning colors it will be nice to take a ride in the countryside and view them. It’s afterward that people dread – all those leaves to rake! Oh well, it’s Nature, and we hafta take the bad with the good. Just keep rooting for the good, I’d say. . . .Phillies won their division before anybody else, but if they don’t pull out of their hitting slump, the same fate will hit them as last year. Pitching is No. 1, but they can’t always rely on it. Hits add up to runs. Five hour energy drink might help the players, but then again. . . .Nazareth High School looks like they have a power house football team, but I don’t know what to say about Northampton’s team. They’re having it rough so far. . . . Looks like the restaurant over on Northampton St., downtown, has closed its doors. Strange how some restaurants are busy as bees, while others just fade into the sunset. . . . Sorry to hear about Harold Brink passing away. He was really active for quite some years. . . .The bad weather of this summer took

its toll on some fairs and carnivals, but nothing as bad as out in Bloomsburg, where they were flooded over and hadta call it off altogether. The flood was so bad, the water treatment plant downtown was 11 ft. under, I hear, so no water to drink or cook with. . . . Let’s hope the weather’s clear for this Saturday’s town yard sale to benefit next year’s anniversary. . . . Watching TV, I see there’s a big push on to find a way of stopping Alzheimer’s disease. It can really affect families when their loved ones don’t know you anymore. The mind is so complicated. I know it’s hard remembering names sometimes, or forgetting what you went for in another room, but I reckon that’s just old age. . . . Enjoyed the spaghetti dinner the Venture Crew had at the U.C.C. church the other day, but being a spaghetti lover from way back, I reckon I’ll take in the one this Saturday over at the church where Jerry Mraz usta preach in Northampton. . . . Reckon I better check on my rakes, and see if they’re up to some raking in a few weeks. They are bamboo and break easy, so a few spokes might be missing. Have a great weekend, gang! Elmira will be going from place to place for flea market – type bargains, I’m sure of that.



Charles Muffley – Serving Bath & Area ALUMINUM – VINYL SIDING

Flashback Continued from page 2

the nation was destroyed by a mysterious fire and had to be razed. The Bath Lionesses gave $300 to George Wolf Elem. School Playground Equipment Fund. The check was accepted by teachers Richard Becker and Rodney Applegate. Rev. Edgar Roosa was installed as pastor of Christ Church UCC by Penn North East Conference Minister Dr. William T. Longsdorf. Mrs. Sue Kemmerer took two first place ribbons at the 29th Flower Show in Moorestown. Charles Stoudt, Jr. was named to the Pa. Federation of Sportsmen’s Hall of Fame. The 19th annual Tournament of Bands was held in Northampton. Jayson Filchner received the God and Family award as a member from Cub Pack 79. Moore Trucking captured

9/22/11 TO 9/28/11


Lehigh Valley Fastpitch Playoff Flag. The Suburban Dart League opened, as well as the Moore Junior Bowling League. Blue Mountain Fish and Game Association of Danielsville captured another Northampton Co Pentathalon title. Second and third went to Petersville and E. Bath Rod & Gun Clubs. Do you remember Maple Grove Farm Market or Cucciniello Chiropractic? Bananas sold for $.25 per pound and Spaghetti O’s sold for $.33 a can.

EHD at Danielsville farm Continued from page 1

tion to the lungs and esophagus of the deer, bringing death to them within four or five days at most. A news release from the Pa. Game Commission reports that EHD has been found elsewhere in Pennsylvania,

Sept. 22-28, 2011


New Jersey and New York. For many months, the PGC has been fearful of another disease, CWD, or Chronic Wasting Disease, one that attacks the brain of deer and other cervids. However, while it has struck in New York and West Virginia, so far it has spared this state’s deer herd, with hundreds of tests showing up with negative results. Bowhunting season for deer opened on Saturday, and hunters should be alerted to watch for deer that have difficulty standing, are drooling from the mouth or nose, or which may be found dead along streams since the animals experience a deep thirst. The PGC and state Dept. of Agriculture agree that humans cannot contract EHD from consuming infected animals, but it’s not a good idea to eat the venison. Kleintop reportedly will continue raising his herd of 400 cattle on the Danielsville farm, but EHD has ended his having deer there.

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4 THE HOME NEWS Sept. 22-28, 2011

Gardeners learn Bath yard sale Importance of Permits available Anniversary yard sale perAttracting bees mits will still be available to-

The program for the September meeting of the Moorestown Garden Club was “The Importance of Attracting Pollinators”. Master Gardener Suzanne Allen showed pictures of the many different kinds of bees and identified them. Did you know? If you see a bee in a flower, not moving, leave him alone! He may just be sleeping! During the program and meeting, judges were busy looking at the members’ specimens and arrangements. Winners of the flower, fruit and vegetable specimens were Joan Boccabella, Jan Charney, Claire Cook, John Cook, Marty Krautwald, Karen Landis, Marianne Lesher and Jane Roberts. Winners in the “A Walk on the Wild Side” arrangement, using local wildflowers, were Joan Boccabella and Jan Charney. The “School Bus” arrangement was in yellow orange tones. Winners were Marianne Lesher, Karen Landis, Jan Charney and Joan Boccabella. The club will meet again on October 4 at Gracedale. The members will be doing a fun craft with some of the residents.

night (Thursday) at the Anniversary Store from 6pm to 8pm. The Community Yard Sales will be held this Saturday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the borough. There will also be a used clothing drive this Saturday and Sunday from 8 to 5 at My Place Pizza Restaurant. Both events benefit the 275th Anniversary planning committee to make next year’s celebrations a success!

Crib Set

(EDITOR’S NOTE: Because of “safety concerns,” Lehigh Valley Health Network and St. Luke’s Hospital & Health Network are no longer releasing birth information to the media. So, parents and grandparents, you are on your own. We will continue to print the “Crib Set” column based upon information you supply to us directly. Send it to The Home News, P.O. Box 39, Bath, PA 18014; fax 610-837-1264; or e-mail cribset@homenewspa.com ).

Work Saver

Tomorrow has been defined as “today’s greatest labor-saving device.”

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at the Forks Community Center in Easton is pleased to offer Flexible the following “Mommy & Me” style programs Make-Up thoughtfully designed and instructed by certified teachers. Birthday Classes Our Fall session begins on September 12th. Parties!

Tumble ‘n Tunes (for ages 11/2 up to 5)

Create, Move & Groove (for ages 11/2 up to 5)

Music ‘n More (for babies up to age 5)

Each class includes instruments, scarves & This class features “stations” This combination class starts with tumbling, then playdough, streamers, a storytime, fingerplays, music painting, coloring and crafts, & finally music with instruments, & introduces children to & movement, the parachute, a guitar dancing, a parachute & bubbles. It’s a trio of fun! gymnastics in a fun & safe sing-along and bubbles. Offered Wednesdays at 9:45am way. There is also a playtime, Offered Thursdays at 9:45am with Miss Ginny instruments, music & with Miss Ginny movement, fingerplays, & a parachute & bubbles!

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Offered Mondays (for ages 3 up to 5) at 9:45am Introducing our newest program which teaches basic ballet, with Miss Ginny tap, & creative movement. Students will learn proper

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techniques, stretches & locomotor movements & explore movement freely using songs, props & instruments.

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This theme-based “mini-preschool” class features a circle time, story, craft, music & movement, games & more & is a great intro to formal preschool.

Offered Fridays at 10:30am with Miss Dawn

For more details on our classes, schedule, teachers and how to register, please visit www.littlestarstudio.com or call/email Desiree at 610-515-8787 / littlestar@rcn.com

W hat’s going on around here? COMMUNITY CALENDAR Friday September 23 Nazareth Area HS Homecoming Football Game VS Wm. Allen @ 7 p.m. Sunday, September 25 Our Lady’s Women’s Guild of Queenship of Mary Church in Northampton 9th Annual Basket Bingo at 2 PM in the auditorium of

Good Shepherd Catholic School. Doors open at Noon. Prizes will be filled baskets and pottery. There will be twenty regular games and five specials. There will also be a Chinese auction. Food will be served. For more information and/or tickets, call 610-262-8198 or 610-5338098.

Arts festival tomorrow At Moore Elem. School On Friday, September 23rd, Moore Elementary School (Northampton Area School District) will be hosting an “Arts Festival” in the parking lot of the school from 5:00 – 7:00pm. The night will include “Painting like Pollack” – a family event in which students and parents can create their own painting using the splatter-technique made famous by painter Jackson Pollack. During the evening, the Moore Music Department will feature a folk-dancing session in which participants will view and be taught folk dancing. In the event of inclement weather on September 23rd, a rain-date has been scheduled for September 30th.

The event is free, donations of art-supplies and money will be accepted at the event. Select paintings will be available for purchase or through the auction. On Friday, October 7th, the paintings created during the Arts Festival will be auctioned in the Moore All-Purpose Room, with proceeds benefitting the Susan G. Komen Foundation and walk. The auction will begin at 6:30pm. Moore Elementary School is located at 2835 Mountain View Drive in Bath, PA. If you have any questions or are in need of additional information, you can contact the school at 610-837-1859 or visit their website at www.nasdschools.org/moore.cfm

Lehigh Valley has two CROP Hunger Walks CROP Walks build community strength by bringing together people of all ages and faiths to help stop hunger, around the block and around the world. Each year more than 2.5 million friends and neighbors walk, volunteer, or sponsor a walker in CROP Walk communities across the U.S. One quarter of the total proceeds from each Walk benefit local food pantries and soup kitchens. The balance of the proceeds is used to build interfaith and intercultural coalitions to eradicate hunger and poverty, aid refugees, and bring relief to the victims of natural disasters in the United States and abroad. Funds are raised by CROP Hunger Walk participants who gather pledges of financial support for each mile walked. Last year the Allentown and Bethlehem Walks raised nearly $50,000 to combat hunger in our community and worldwide. The Allentown six mile CROP Hunger Walk sponsored by the Lehigh County Conference of Churches is scheduled for Sunday, Octo-

lentown. Registration forms and pledge packages are available at First Presbyterian Church of Allentown, Cedar Crest Blvd. & Tilghman Street or at the offices of the Conference of Churches, 534 Chew Street, Allentown. For more information contact Rev. Diane Kareha at 610-391-8210 or karehad@diakon.org or Tom Smith at 610-439-8653 Ext. 19 or tsmith@lehighchurches. org. The Bethlehem CROP Hunger Walk is on the same day, October 9. Registration begins at 1:00 p.m. under the Hill to Hill Bridge on Spring Street. The 5.6 mile Walk begins at 1:30 p.m. For sponsor sheets or more information, contact Matt Piszel at Messiah Lutheran Church at 610 691-2321. Bethlehem, Nazareth and Hellertown pantries and soup kitchens benefit from the proceeds of the Bethlehem CROP Walk. For CROP Walk information and stories of hunger and hope from around the world, visit www.cropwalk.org

Bath Farmers Market in final Two weeks The 2011 season of the Bath Farmers Market is winding down with two weeks remaining for residents to come down to Keystone Park and get fresh local fruits, vegetables, meats, cheeses and more from the producers. Each week local farmers and crafters bring their fresh offerings to the Bath Farmers Market on Friday from 3-7 p.m. In season are cabbage, onions, beets, apples, peaches and beans. In addition to the local fare, this week’s theme is “Back In The Day”and will include corn shelling demonstrations, old time engines and much more. You can find more about the Bath Farmers Market online www.bathfarmersmarket.org.

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ber 9. Registration begins at 1:00 p.m. at St. Timothy’s Lutheran Church at the corner of Ott and Walnut Streets, Al-


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American Cancer Society Offers women an opportunity to Look Good…Feel Better®

Local female cancer patients will have an opportunity to brighten their day on Monday, October 3 at 1 pm, by attending a Look Good… Feel Better makeover workshop at Cancer Support Community, 83 S. Commerce Way, Suite 310, Bethlehem. During this two-hour session trained cosmetologists will meet with patients to discuss how to use makeup and accessories to minimize appearance-related side effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatment. Look Good…Feel Better is offered in a group setting, and provides participants with cancer education, information and support. Each woman will learn to apply makeup, using kits provided through American Cancer Society’s partnership with the Cosmetics, Toiletry, and Fragrance Association and the National Cosmetology Association. There is no charge

for the materials or the workshop. Space is limited, so call the American Cancer Society, 1-800-227-2345 to register. Look Good…Feel Better workshops are held on a bimonthly basis. Contact: Pat Long, American Cancer Society, 610.921.2329 ext. 3006 The Lehigh Valley office is located at 3893 Adler Place, Bethlehem. The American Cancer Society is the nationwide community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives and diminishing suffering from cancer, through research, education, advocacy and service. For information about cancer, call toll-free anytime 1.888.227.5445, option 1, or visit the American Cancer Society at www.cancer.org.

College Corner

Northampton County 4-H horse club members had a bright summer in spite of having to brave extreme heat, torrential downpours of rain, and even a hurricane. Fifty-one 4-H members competed in the Northampton County Round-Up held on August 14. Even heavy rains, which fell the previous night, and showers throughout the day, couldn’t dampen their enthusiasm for the show and their horses and ponies. Twenty-one members qualified at Round-Up to advance to the District Show held at the Bucks County Horse Park on August 27. In spite of a hurricane lurking on the horizon, the young equestrians all had fantastic rides on their horses.

Leaders, parents and kids all pitched in throughout the day to be sure that the show ran smoothly and finished ahead of schedule, before Hurricane Irene could unleash her wrath on the showground. The following 4-H horse club members competed at the district show (also noting the horse or pony’s name and the club in which the 4-Her is a member): Sarah Bazos, on Einstein (Stablemates); Julie Boyer, on Bellagio (Hearts 4 Horses); Sophie Boyle, on Hindu’s Day Out (Stablemates); Nicole Caronia, on Good Bye Blues (Stablemates); Katie Detrick, on Tacoma (Pony Express); Emilie Dumbach, on My Per-

Sept. 22-28, 2011


Bath Vol. Fire Fighters Halloween Parade Tuesday, October 25, 2011 – 7 p.m.

Rain Date: Oct. 26, 2011 – 7 p.m. DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION – OCT. 20, 2011 Name of Organization________________________________________________ Number of Marchers ________________________________________________ Number of Vehicles _________________________________________________ Approx. Length of Vehicles ____________________________________________ Contact Person ____________________________________________________ Contact Number____________________________________________________

MATTHEW EDELMAN Matthew Edelman, son of Dale Edelman Jr. and Susan Edelman of Bath, has been accepted to the University of Northwestern Ohio in Lima, Ohio to begin classes in the February session when he will be majoring in the HVAC program. Matthew attends Northampton Area High School. fect Porter (Stablemates); Allison Fox, on Lanko (Backtrackers); Nicole Fox, on NaFel Zephyr (Backtrackers); Eileen Gallagher, on Pom Pom (Backtrackers); Jessica Gercie, on Daisy (Dusty Trails); Lauren Giangiulio, on Princess Mia (Hearts 4 Horses); Megan Giangiulio, on Marantha Handsome Devil (Hearts 4 Horses); Abbey Heald, on Peter (Backtrackers); Tess Horvath, on IBA Spring Hunter (Dusty Trails); Jenna Keip, on Ally McBeal (Hearts 4 Horses); Collin Kessler, on Little Gal (Backtrackers); Nicolette Kindred, on Cinnamon Twist (Pony Express); Alexis Kolecki, on Disturb the Peace (Stablemates); Jessica Land, on Summer Mist (Stablemates); Ingrid Levisay, on Benjamin (Stablemates); Llly May, on Saddle Summer Mist (Stablemates); Lauren Semenas, on Sunny Day Forecast (Stablemates); Claire Smith, on Tickled Pin (Backtrackers); Christi Vandergrift, on Chocolate Mousse (Heels Down); Morgan Wallace, on Mist Me (Hearts 4 Horses); Sarah

4-H horse club members shine In spite of weather challenges


Please also accompany the form with 50 words or less describing your organization and activities for TV coverage. Please return this form no later than October 19 to: PARADE COMMITTEE Bath Vol. Fire Fighters 121 Center St. Suite B, Bath, PA 18014 Parade route will start at Broad and East Main Sts. For staging of parade all vehicles will enter from Northampton and Broad Sts. Marchers should be dropped off in front of George Wolf Elementary School.

Yanega, on Hindu’s Day Out (Stablemates); Olivia Zarrelli, on McLovin (Pony Express). 10 to State Show The youths who successfully qualified at the District Show will compete in the Pennsylvania 4-H State Show at the Farm Show Complex in Harrisburg, Oct. 27-31. The state horse show brings together very accomplished and dedicated riders from throughout Pennsylvania. The 4-H program requires all members to be responsible for the care and management of the project horses which they show. The following members qualified to represent Northampton County at the State 4-H Horse Show: Eileen Gallagher, Christi Vandergrift, Olivia Zarrelli, Lauren Semenas, Emilioe Dumbach, Alexis Kolecki, Julie Boyer, Allison Fox, Nicole Fox, and

Sarah Elizabeth Bazos. Youth often compete in the regional production shows, in order to qualify to show their young horses at the State Horse Show. Allison Fox also qualified to show her horse Foxmoore’s Shades of Grey in the production class. Service and Leadership The 4-H program fosters a commitment to community service and teaches leadership skills that youth will use throughout their lives. Members pride themselves in their dedication to other club members and work hard to make sure that everyone in the club is successful. Two very special 4-H members, Nicole Fox and Ingrid Levisay, took their leadership skills to a higher level by successfully completing the required training to become Continued on page 13 PA003267

6 THE HOME NEWS Sept. 22-28, 2011

Nazareth rally beats Liberty; Kids lose again Nazareth’s Blue Eagles are riding a three-game winning streak, thanks to their last minute heroics. They beat Liberty in the Bethlehem School District Stadium on Friday night, 42-41. It took three touchdowns in the second half to eclipse Liberty, getting the final TD with only 38 seconds left in the game. The two-point conversion on a pass to Dan Shepherd gave them the winning edge over top-ranked Liberty in the Lehigh Valley Conference. That final, winning touchdown was again a big pass from quarterback Dan Harding to running back Andrew

Bridgeforth. As a matter of fact, the Bridgeforth twins are a major part of the Blue Eagles attack this season. In this contest, Andrew carried six times for 161 yards, while Adam had the ball 12 times for 143 yards. Northampton is continuing with a dismal season, this time losing 45-6 to Easton’s Red Rovers in a game on Friday at Easton. The Konkrete Kids’ only score came late in the first half when quarterback Patrick Cook hooked up with Kyle George for 39 yards and Brandon Heimbach for nine yards. The extra point kick failed.

Four sweeps, but Salem Luth. alone in dartball first

Four teams recorded sweeps in this second week of the Suburban Inter-Church Dart Baseball League season, but Salem Lutheran of Bethlehem, who didn’t play last week, is in first place. The big winners were Bath Lutheran, Salem Lutheran, St. Stephen’s Lutheran, and Messiah Lutheran. Bath Lutheran tripped visiting Farmersville Union, 3-2, 6-0 and 8-5, led by Lee Creyer and Wendy Yacone, both 6 for 12, and Matt Creyer, 5 for 12. Farmersville: Dave Campbell, 5 for 12; Kyle Campbell and Rod Barron, both 4 for 12, and Wade Chilmonik, a home run. Salem Lutheran won over Dryland-Trinity, Hecktown, 4-0, 4-3, and 7-2 behind Kyle

Taylor, 7 for 10; Bob Williams, 6 for 11; Bryan Frankenfield and Bill Hoke, Sr., both 5 for 12. Dryland: Jerry Butz, 3 for 8. St. Stephen’s knocked off Emmanuel EC, Bethlehem, 4-1, 2-0, and 13-0 with Ed Wychuk, 7 for 13; Al Beahm, Don Smith Al Antry and Brian Hoysan, all 5 for 13. Emmanuel: Jorge Rivera hit a homer. Ebenezer Bible Fellowship dropped three at Messiah, 3-2, 7-0, and 3-2. Messiah: Jeff Hasonich, 4 for 11; Andy Powell, 4 for 12 with a gamewinning two-run homer, and Mike Daly, 4 for 12 with a solo homer. Ebenezer: Leroy Wilcox, 4 for 12; Victor Pachioni, a 2-run homer, and Ray Moretz, a home run. Christ UCC, Bath, lost 8-4

Bath Legion

SonS of american Legion & SociaL haLL expanSion fund

SEAFOOD RAFFLE Sat. Sept. 24 – 6pm - ? All Seafood Prizes Tickets available at door

Bath American Legion Bowling Lanes Race Street, Bath 610-837-610-704-0383

and 6-5 before winning 2-1 at St. Paul’s UCC in Northampton. Bath: Ron Wagner, 5 for 14; Darius DalCin, 4 for 11 with a home run; Joe Hunsicker, 4 for 13, and Sue Gasper, a homer. Northampton: Zach Kern, 7 for 14; Kevin Gross, 6 for 13; and Dave Clark, 5 for 13. Trinity Lutheran, Bangor, won 7-1 and 6-0, but lost 7-0 at Salem UCC, Moorestown. Bangor: Sandy Wambold, 7 for 12; Harold Wambold, 4 for 12; Tristen Burd, a base-onballs. Moorestown: Rachael Crous and Bruce Roth, both 5 for 11; George Gaugler and Bob Gresko, both 4 for 12. STANDINGS

Salem Luth., Beth. St.. Paul’s, N’hampton St. Stephen’s, Beth. Messiah, Bethlehem Bath Lutheran Farmersville Emmanuel, Beth. Dryland/Trin., Heckt’n Trinity Luth., Bangor Salem UCC, M’town Christ UCC, Bath Ebenezer, Beth.

W L Pct.

3 5 5 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 1 1

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Outdoors :: By “Hobby”

PFSC Fall Convention Covers Multitude of Topics for Sportsmen Sept. 16-18 were busy days for delegates and other members of the Pa. Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs at their fall convention in Camp Hill, across the Susquehanna River from Harrisburg. Friday was devoted to agency and committee reports. First, the Pa. Fish & Boat Commission. S.B. 1049 calls for multi-year fishing licenses, in view of license sales going downward. (A hearing was slated for Tuesday on the bill). The losses are attributed to work, other family activities, and weather. Multi-year licenses would lock in revenue for the PFBC in those years. Executive Director John Arway said other states are envious of Pa., where agencies for fishing and boating are separate from game. Arway

also believes TV is the chief competitor to the fun and relaxation of fishing. PFBC will make an app to connect with the next generation. He also believes that parents and mentors can stir the interest among children 12-16 for fishing. Marcellus Shale was part of the PFBC report because natural gas drilling is changing the landscape. “We’ve got to step up and take the lead to make sure our streams are protected,” he said, noting it’s not the well sites but the pipelines that are a big threat. Game Committee opened with an appeal by John Kline of U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance to support H.B. 1760, Sunday hunting. He said he was at Thursday’s hearing in East Allen Twsp. (actually said Bath) on the issue. Kline said it puts the decision for seasons and bag limits on the Pa. Game Commission, including only a few Sundays. Kline added that 1760 is only one tool to get more people hunting. He also noted a negative alliance between the Pa. Farm Bureau and the Humane Society, but this was denied by former PGC commissioner Russ Schleiden. Kline said people against Sunday hunting are so because of emotion and tradition. (On Sunday, the delegates voted 21 yes, 5 no and 2 abstentions on a part of the bill that says


SCHEDULE: Sept. 19 – Salem UCC at St. Paul’s, Salem Luth. at Trinity Luth., Christ UCC at Dryland/Trinity, Emmanuel at Bath Luth., Messiah Luth. at St. Stephen’s, Farmersville at Ebenezer.

Satu Open



Team 1 Takes Lead In Bath Die Hards After week two in the Bath Die Hards League, Team 1 has emerged on top of the six teams, despite only winning 3 to 1. They had Bob Kosman, 507; Marie Harring, 464, and Joe Bachman, 410. Team 5 has risen to second place with a 3 to 1 win, as Charles Kosman hit 499 and Bob C. Kosman, 467. Now in third place is Team 4, with Randy Kessler getting 484 and BobbyLou Snyder, 430, although losing 1 to 3. Team 3 has an even record after winning 4 to 0 over Team 2, led by Rick Deily, 576; Dick Deily, 564, and Jim Stevens, 510. The losers had only Art Bruch’s 436. Team 6 again lost 1 to 3, unbelievably, with these scores: Terry Bartholomew, 604; Kenneth Grube, 515; Kathy Grube, 494; and Judy Edwards, 445. Substitute Erwin Mayer rolled a 500.

548. Hermits: Dan Cortright, 587; Dave Thompson, 526’ Joe Cortright, 523; Herm Petersen, 508. Bath Legion won over Team YTTIHS, with Dave Shaver, 541; Scott Ackerman, 539; Cory Brown, 514; Jon Kenezejeski, 445. YTTIHS had only Jeff Hertzog, 533.


NEW: SU Surf & Turf raffle and NEW : SU BOW Block ShooT WL BO

STANDINGS Team 1 Team 5 Team 4 Team 3 Team 6 Team 2

W 7 6 5 4 2 0

L 1 2 3 4 6 8

Two Teams Leading Bath Friday Nighters After the second week, there are two teams at the top in the Bath Legion Friday Nighters League, one with a three-game win and the other by forfeit. PC Beverage won 3 to 1 over Herman’s Hermits, led by Craig Madtes, 618; Mike Knable, 554; and Dave Jacoby,

Continued on page 15

Continued on page 15

PETERSVILLE ROD & GUN CLUB 550 Club Road, Bath (Moore Twp.) Call 610.261.2210 after 4:00 p.m. FFF Sunday September 25th 12:30 - ? FFF Tickets Available $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00 Refreshments Included with cost of ticket

$ Kitchen will Be open $ Regular BINGO Every Thursday Doors Open at 5:30 Bingo starts at 7 THE MORE THAT PLAY THE MORE WE PAY!




THE HOME NEWS Sept. 22-28, 2011

Bath Community Day Coming Saturday, Oct. 1 The annual Bath Community Day will be celebrated on Saturday, October 1 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Ciff Cowling Park, located along Allen St. off S. Walnut St. (Rt. 512). Its focus again will be to connect business with community and will include a number of vendors for that emphasis as people of all ages attend for a day of enlightenment and fun. Sponsor of this major event is the Bath Business & Community Partnership. Vendor spaces are still available by calling 484-619-6121 or by email at bathborough.org Among the scheduled

events are an art show, pet parade, craft and business vendor displays, and plenty of food provided by Bath organizations. Entertainment will include SWIM, Sing for America, and Banned from the Ranch. Bring a chair or blanket and relax to their music. And, for the first time, Manoquesy Lodge #413, F. & A.M. of Bath will sponsor a motorcycle bike run. It will begin at 11 a.m. and is expected to wrap up around 3 p.m. The cost is $25 for drivers and $10 for riders. Interested participants can register at the e-mail noted above or on the day of the run.

Boy Scouts visit Civil War history Two area Boy Scout troops recently made a trek to visit history. Troop 38 from Bangor and Troop 50 from Moorestown visited Gettysburg National Park. Over August 17-22 the troops completed activities to earn the Gettysburg patch with all segments, as well as the Gettysburg Trail Medal. After arriving at the McMillan Youth Campground, located near the Confederate lines, the groups set up the necessary equipment for the stay – tents, canopies, and cook stoves became evident. So started the adventure. Day one consisted of going to the new Visitor Center to learn something about Gettysburg and view the Cyclorama. A visit to the National Cemetery was included during the day. After a quick lunch, it was off to the Eisenhower Farm to see the retirement home of President Dwight Eisenhower. Day two included hiking the Johnny Reb and Historic Gettysburg Trails. Seeing houses that still showed the remnants of the Civil War battle was fascinating to the Scouts. Day three started with the hike of the Billy Yank trail. Here the Scouts visited the Pennsylvania Monument, a medical re-enactment camp, and learned about Spangler’s Spring. While hiking not far from Devil’s Den, Scoutmaster

Tim Sorady made a discovery. A piece of earthenware was found in an area known as Slaughter Alley. Park rangers collected the piece to be looked at by the curator. Follow-up with the curator indicated that the piece may have been from either a trash pile of a nearby farm or possibly picnic remnants from visitors to the site not long after the battle. The day concluded with an invitation to other groups at McMillan Woods for a campfire. It was attended by some

Pennsylvania Monument was a stop for the area scouts on their trip to Gettysburg. Confederate soldiers who were camping nearby. The ending of the campfire included a flag retirement ceremony on the sacred grounds of Gettysburg. Troop 38 is chartered by First United Methodist Church, Bangor, and Troop 50 is chartered by Salem United Church of Christ, Moorestown.

Post 470 Continued from page 1

Mrs. Diehl thanked her members, calling the unit, “Small but mighty.” The women’s group was recognized for working out all the Auxiliary programs. In the Department of Pennsylvania, there are 68,000 members. SONS OF AMERICAN LEGION – Michael Witkowski,


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Lioness Club of Bath

Basket Social Tuesday Oct. 4, 2011

Allen Township Fire Hall, Howertown Road, Northampton, PA

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officer; Paul Haldaman, finance officer; Robert Sipple, adjutant; Sterling Heckman, historian; George Hyde, chaplain; Dennis Meixsell, judge; Dominic Martisi, sergeant-at-arms. They were installed by 30th District Commander Joseph M. Kluk, Sr. of Gilbert, Pa., Past Commander of Post 331 and Past Monroe County Commander. Kluk announced that the 30th District ranks second in Pennsylvania. He also announced that there is a new lifetime membership available that is payable over 36 months.



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commander; Gary Reph, vice commander; Scott Ackerman, adjutant; Bob Sahaydak, finance officer; Reph, chaplain; and Jim Schaffer, sergeantat-arms. Witkowski said the officers are the same people as the previous year, but taking on new positions, as they carry on what is expected to be another good year. They were installed by David Olker of the 30th District. AMERICAN LEGION POST #470 – Larry Becker, commander; Anthony Holva, senior vice commander; Claude Meixsell, junior vice commander; Jim Rice, service

Donation $5.00 Advance Tickets Available

Call 610-837-6291 or 610-837-6083 Kitchen Open 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. | Raffle Begins 7:00 p.m. | Refreshments Served

8 THE HOME NEWS Sept. 22-28, 2011

SENIOR CITIZENS Visit and Participate in Senior Center Activities Visit a senior center and check out all the fun things going on there. Local centers include: MidCounty Senior Center, 234 S. Walnut St., Bath; Nazareth Senior Center, 15 S. Wood St.; Northampton Senior Center, in Grace UCC Church, 9th St & Lincoln Ave., and Cherryville Senior Center at Hope Lutheran Church, Rt. 248, Lehigh Township. MID COUNTY SENIOR CENTER For meal reservations call: 610-837-1931 Thurs. 9/22- : 9:00 Pool/ Cards/Games & Puzzles; 10:15 Sing-a-Long; 12:30 Penny Bingo Fri. 9/23- 9:00 Pool/Cards/ Games & Puzzles; 12:15 Pinochle; 12:30 Games Mon. 9/26- 9:00 Pool/Cards/ Games/Puzzles Tues. 9/27- 9:00 Pool/Cards/ Games/Puzzles & Stained Glass; 9:45 Exercise; 12:30 Bingo Wed. 9/28- 9:00 Pool/Cards/ Games/Puzzles & Sewing for Gracedale; 12:30 Crafts/Ceramics CHERRYVILLE For meal reservations call: 610-767-2977 Thurs. 9/22- 9:00 Cards/ Puzzles, Crafts/Quilts; 1:30 Shopping Fri. 9/23- 10:00 Cards/ Puzzles; 11:15 Exercise with Weights Mon. 9/26- 10:00 Crafts/ Cards, Puzzles; 11:15 Exercise with Weights Tues. 9/27- 9:00 Crafts/ Quilts; 10:00 Cards/Puzzles; 12:45 “Now You Have It”, “Now You Don’t” Wed. 9/28-10:00 Cards/Puz-

zles; 12:45 Penny Bingo NAZARETH For meal reservations call: 610-759-8255 Thurs, 9/22: 9:00 Exercise Group; 10:00 Bubble Blowing Fun Fri. 9/23: 9:30 Miscellaneous Games; 10:15 Regular Bingo Mon. 9/26: 9:00 Exercise Group; 10:00 Elmer/Charles Tues. 9/27: 10:00 Exercise with Marion; 10:15 Ring Toss Wed. 9/28: 9:30 Movie/Popcorn; 11:15 Sing with Anita NORTHAMPTON For meal reservations call: 610-262-4977 Thurs. 9/22: 9:00 Cards/ Puzzles; Noon Lunch; “Ice Cream Cone Invented” Fri. 9/23: 9:00 Cards/Puzzles; 11:30 Lunch; Bingo after Lunch; “First Day of Fall” Mon. 9/26: 9:00 Cards/Puzzles; Noon Lunch Tues. 9/27: 9:00 Cards/Puzzles; Music w/Tom Vacario 10:30-11:30; Noon Lunch Wed. 9/28: 9:00 Cards/Puzzles; Mari & Dr. Steve/ComForcare at 11:00 “Fall Prevention”; Noon-Lunch LUNCHES: Thurs.9/22: Tomato Juice; Dill Salmon; Rice Pilaf; Corn; Bread; Cherries Fri. 9/23: Chicken Noodle Bake; Carrots; Spinach Salad w/Hot Bacon Dressing; Bread; Iced Pumpkin Bar Mon. 9/26: Chicken Marsala; Noodles; Green Beans; Bread; Fruit Cocktail Tues. 9/27: Cranberry Juice; Fried Haddock Sandwich w/Lett/Tom/Tartar Sauce; Chips; Cole Slaw; Applesauce Wed. 9/28: Orange Juice; Pork Ribette; Cabbage & Bow Ties; Waldorf Salad; Bread ; Vanilla Custard


September 25, 2011 @ 1:00 pm Doors open at 11:30 Klecknersville Rangers Vol. Fire Co. 2718 Mt. View Drive, Bath Twenty Games for $20 50/50 Raffle Available No Advance Tickets Required Kitchen will be open to serve food and beverages. No Smoking FMI 484-221-1692

Proceeds benefit Manoquesy Lodge #413 F & A.M. of Pennsylvania

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Looking Back By ED PANY Curator, Atlas Cement Memorial Museum

Scotch-Irish Settlement

In this continuing series, I am standing in the 1745 Jane Horner Cemetery remembering the Scotch-Irish settlement of 1728, the first settlement in Northampton County. This first settlement was called the Craig Settlement after James and Thomas Craig who were leaders in founding of the Irish settlement. The family descended from William Craig of Stirlingshire, Scotland who settled in Ireland because of James I persecution of Presbyterians. His sons and daughters would emigrate to America for freedom and opportunity The home of James Craig still stands in East Allen Township south of the Jane Horner Cemetery. A pious man, he was visited by Rev. David Brainert, a famed pioneer missionary. He donated the land for the Presbyterian cemetery “Jane Horner Cemetery.” Never missing church and being afflicted by palsy, he was carried to church by his four sons. Two of his sons were some of the first soldiers serving in the Revolutionary War. Samuel served under Gen. Anthony Wayne; John, a captain in Washington’s Light Horse Cavalry, said to be one of company’s best horsemen. One son married Elizabeth Brown, sister of Gen. Robert Brown, who is also buried in the Horner Cemetery. Another founder of the settlement was Thomas Craig,

whose son, also named Thomas, was a general during the Revolutionary War. Thomas was farming at the outbreak of the Revolution. Joining our nation’s first army, he was commissioned a captain on Jan. 5, 1776, fighting in the Battles of Germantown, Monmouth and Brandywine. It was said he was the first officer to protect the new Continental Congress. He survived the bitter winter of 1777-78 at Valley Forge. It was Craig who warned General Washington of British General William Howe’s surprise attack on the Continental Army, thus averting a military disaster. The famous soldier died at the age of 92 on Jan. 13, 1832 after giving dedicated service in the formation of our nation. Another illustrious son of the Scotch-Irish settlement is General Robert Brown, a son of one of the sixteen original pioneer families. A general during the Revolution, he became a personal friend of General George Washington. Brown was taken prisoner by the British during the war and was later a part of a prisoner exchange. The soldier returned home after the war and constructed a home near Frank’s Corner on Airport road and Rt. 329. He was Northampton County’s first senator, serving 20 years. General Brown visited his friend George Washington at Mount Vernon where, as a sign of friendship,

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he was given two chestnut saplings from Washington’s garden. Carried by horseback, they were planted in 1781. At one time the giant trees had a base circumference exceeding 20 feet. Struck by lightning, nuts from the ailing tree were sent to 48 states at a time. The bare remains of the Friendship Tree can be seen north of Frank’s Corner, a window to our past. The tree is a symbol of the heritage of East Allen Township and is embroidered on the Township Flag, “Settled in 1728, Established in 1842. “ The flag was designed by former East Allen Township Supervisor, Mr. David Miller. In the northwest corner of the Jane Horner Cemetery is a simple stone and American Flag marking the grave of Gen. Robert Brown. The inscription is nearly gone but his contributions and the 21 veterans remembered there can be appreciated each day when we enjoy the freedoms these men bequeathed to all of us. I want to thank my friend Mary Ann Unangst for allowing me to use some of her research from her book East Allen Township which she penned over 30 years ago. In two weeks, I will continue telling the stories of our first settlers from the Jane Horner Cemetery.

(Ed. Note: With the original Friendship Tree barely existing, a horse chestnut tree was obtained from Mt. Vernon and was planted in Bath at Keystone Park several years ago.)

Lehigh Township Historical Society Pennsville display

Have you been to the Lehigh Township Historical Centre? Are you interested in history? Would you like to reminisce of years ago? If you haven't visited the historical centre, you are missing an enjoyable time to learn about life in Lehigh Township and days gone by. Sunday, October 9, is the last open house for the season. Time to visit is 1 to 4 p.m. Come and browse. The exhibits are unusual and a "must see." Group tours, by appointment, are always welcome. Members will have a display and literature at the Walnutport Canal Festival on October 24. Please stop by and lend your support. Plans are moving along for the tenth anniversary dinner to be held at the Lehigh Township Fire Company in Cherryville on November 6, from 4 to 6 p.m. An "olde fashioned turkey dinner" will be served by the Country Garden to celebrate ten years of the historical society's service to the community. A platter of turkey, potato or filling, vegetable, salad, roll, beverage, and dessert will be served. The society members have gathered many pictures and will have displays which will reflect the history of Lehigh Township. The society has been actively working in the community and the picture presentation during the evening will provide insight as to who we are and the important work we have done over the past ten years to preserve the heritage of Continued on page 9


one business permission to expand in a conservation district. Dr. Mack said that the hauling business should be re-located to an industrial zone, where “they can expand until the cows come home.” Dr. Mack wants the ordinance rescinded. Backenstoe said she should file an appeal with the zoning officer and then go to the ZHB. Moser said the board did not follow the state court order disallowing any expansion. “The issue smells of contract zoning,” Dr. Mack charged, and said the township would lose in court, calling the ordinance “unconstitutional and illegal.” Supervisor Brian Moser, who originally moved that the ordinance be adopted to get it on the table, but then voted against it, said Zoning Officer Laura Harrier didn’t know anything about the expansion request. Moser on Tuesday moved to rescind Part Three of the ordinance, which gives a special exception and conditional use, and this was seconded by Super-

visor Sandy Hopkins, who said she didn’t know of the court order. But Supervisor Keith Hantz asked for two more weeks before a vote is taken, and Moser and Ms. Hopkins agreed. Dr. Mack said the title of the ordinance implied ingress and egress, and this was not in the text. When the business was sold, McAuliffe wanted to expand and it was denied; he went to court and again it was denied, with the hours of operation also denied. The supervisors said they set hours so they wouldn’t interfere with school bus traffic. A resident questioned what extra income would be realized in the township with the McAuliffe expansion, believing that there will be more cost to maintain the condition of Timberline Drive. Engineer Phillip Malitsch said the hauling company, sold by McAuliffe to an out-of-state firm, would deal with Pa. D.E.P. and PennDOT. Backenstoe added that the township can impose weight restrictions. The resident was told that the township and school district would get thousands


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With all the rain we’ve been having these last few weeks, keeping our homes dry and mold-free is quite an undertaking. Here is some advice on handling mold: • Try not to disturb mold colonies after you have located them. Air motion will send millions of viable spore into the air, cross-contaminating the rest of the room/structure. • When remodeling, if you open up ceilings or walls and find mold, stop until the hazard can be analyzed. Tearing out moldy building materials has the same effect as above. • Trying to kill mold with bleach or other fungicides does not remove the toxins from the air. A dead spore will continue to give off toxins until it is removed. • Mold will grow as long as there is enough moisture and a food source. Mold spores can stay dormant for up to 10 years until the right conditions can stimulate the growth. • Sealing and painting over mold does not kill the mold or remove the toxins. It is only a short-term fix while poor health symptoms will continue.

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turn at Willow Rd. and Iron Wood and water overflows on to Blue Mountain Drive. Malitsch said several other locations were exacerbated by this summer’s heavy rains. • A Stateside Dr. resident also noted flooding in his garage. Malitsch said a 30-in. circular pipe was put in by the township road crew. High intensity storms have caused surges, more than can be drained away in a short time. He suggested enlarging a swale on the resident’s property. Malitsch recommended that an engineer be hired to check out the problem. • A Mayberry Dr. property owner also has drainage from water west of his land, and run-off has come in from the road. Property owners are encouraged to take measures on their land, but with township approval. • Spring Dr. has ruts on a curve near Timberline, and ice forms with the waters that collect in the winter. Malitsch will check it out. * Manager Alice Rehrig reported that fall leaf collections will occur from Oct. 17 to Dec. 5.

Exchange Club’s Jack Frost Parade Set for Oct. 20 The 63rd annual Jack Frost Parade, presented by the Northampton Exchange Club, will take place on Thursday evening, October 20, beginning at 7 pm in the borough of Northampton. The route will be the same,

beginning at the corner of Laubach Ave and Smith Lane. The registration fee for groups is $25 unless nonprofit status can be proven. Any group or business looking to participate with a float in the parade should contact Sarah at thejackfrostparade@ gmail.com for entry information. The parade rain date will be Thursday, Oct 27th. As you can imagine, the parade costs quite a bit more to run than it takes in, and donations have been lighter than usual because of economic times. If you would like to see the parade continue, please donate whatever you can. Drop boxes will be located at Miller Ace Hardware, Newhart's Pharmacy, Taylor Roasted Coffee, and Northampton Coin & Jewelry. Donations can also be mailed to the Northampton Exchange Club, P.O. Box 323, Northampton, PA 18067.

LTHS Continued from page 8

Lehigh Township. The dinner will highlight the anniversary of our tenth year since being organized. Mark your calendar for this special event and call 610-767-5906 or 610-7676829 for dinner tickets; Special cost for children; under 5 years, free. It is our hope that we will have the support of society members and friends and that you will help us celebrate our accomplishments over the past ten years. For more information, call 610-767-5989 or 610-767-3634.


Moldy-Oldie Mistakes

Moldex Disinfectant Concentrate • 64 Oz. bottle makes up

more in taxes. Dr. Mack called the operation “just a transfer station,” as many trucks will be taking refuse away to New Jersey. Other Matters • Two of three residents who had applied were appointed to the Lehigh Township Planning Commission – Thomas Ball and Mike McDermott. • Conditional final approval, subject to the planning commission and the engineer, was given the Dieter’s Landing /Cherryville Estate lot line adjustment. However, it is part of another plan, which had been pending. This plan was withdrawn, conditioned upon sale of the property. The improvements agreement was terminated. A 12-month extension of time was given the earlier plan. • A lot line adjustment for Amey/Giovatto was approved, also subject to the planners and engineer letters, as was the Beltzner Acres minor subdivision that was given conditional final approval. • The Kenneth Walters three-lot minor subdivision was given an extension to Oct. 30, 2011. • It was recommended that a backstop be made larger at the Diehl shooting range. The police will check it out. • The Lehigh Township Historical Society is working with the zoning officer as they plan a small addition to their present center in Pennsville. • Malitsch discussed the Willow Rd. gabion wall rehabilitation off Blue Mountain Drive. The gabions were put in by the township in the 1980’s but have fallen apart from storms and rushing water. He said they could qualify for a permit from D.E.P. and the Army Corps of Engineers. Malitsch was authorized to research what if anything can be done. There is a 90-degree


THE HOME NEWS Sept. 22-28, 2011

Spray & Forget Roof Cleaner Concentrate

• 1 Gallon bottle makes up to 10 gallons • Removes roof algae & moss • No rinsing required


Route 329 & Savage Rd., PO Box 311 Northampton, PA 18067-0311 Phone 610-262-4566 Fax 610-262-7847

september 23

Oktoberfest Beer Dinner Tyler Peters will introduce and explain our beer selections. We have paired 5 courses that will include beer in some way. Beer and 5 course dinner $39.95 per person

september 25

Sunday Summer Series 2-5 pm Donovan Roberts Duo As we wind down the Summer Series, enjoy the cool afternoons, the start of leaf changing and of course, great food and libations.

sunday October 2

Harpist Tea Featuring Grace Adele Hochella 12- 2:30 Special High Tea Menu will be offered. We have paired a menu to reflect her talent. Cost is 27.95 per person. Please call for reservations

saturday October 8

Cinderella Tea 2 seatings, 11am and 1pm. Cinderella will join us, strolling thru the Dining Room. Tea and Luncheon Buffet included. Wear your favorite Princess outfit and bring your camera for photo opportunities. Cost is 13.95 for children, 17.95 for adults

www.jessicastearoom.com Hours Of Operation: Tuesday 11 A.M. - 4 P.M. Wednesday - Saturday 11 A.M. - 9 P.M. Sunday Breakfast: 9A.M. - 12P.M. Tea Room: 12 P.M. - 5 P.M.


THE HOME NEWS Sept. 22-28, 2011


NAZARETH BORO – LOWER NAZARETH TP. – UPPER NAZARETH TP. – BUSHKILL TP. Wall of Fame Honoring four on Saturday night

Nazareth church to hear Shoe box gifts story Raised in a Galati, Romania orphanage, Livia Satterfield’s life was changed by an Operation Christmas Child shoe box. Fifteen years later, she will be sharing her story at Maranatha Family Christian Fellowship in Nazareth on Saturday, Sept. 24. She will tell her experience on how the shoe box was the first gift she ever received and that now she has had the opportunity to hand out shoe boxes to children in situations similar to her own. As part of Ms. Satterfield’s story she will tell how local residents can get involved in touching the lives of children. Operation Christmas Child is a project of an international relief organization, Samaritan’s Purse. It will hand-de-

liver more than 8.5 million shoe box gifts to hurting children in some 200 countries this year. Since 1993, Operation Christmas Child – the world’s largest Christmas project of its kind – has distributed more than 86 million shoe box gifts to children in 130 countries. The program on Sept. 24 at 12:00 Noon will inform the community about Operation Christmas Child and how to participate in the program. Maranatha Family Christian Fellowship is located at 450 Jacobsburg Rd., Nazareth.

Excellent Idea

Next to automation, nothing beats a wastebasket for speeding up work.

CIT Foundation Art, Craft & Vendor Show Providing support for Technical Education at Career Institute of Technology and the five participating school districts: Bangor, Easton, Nazareth, Pen Argyl and Wilson.

October 1, 2011 9 AM—3 PM Free Admission and Parking Refreshments Available for Purchase Over 75 Crafters/Vendors Under One Roof Ticket Drop for Door Prizes *Student Organization Car Wash* 10 AM—2 PM (weather permitting)

Accepting Art, Craft & Vendor applications until September 23, 2011 5335 Kesslersville Road, Easton, PA 18040 (located in the Forks Industrial Park) www.citvt.com email: saylor@citvt.com

Shoe box gifts provide joy to orphaned children. – Contributed photo

October 15 date of Halloween parade Nazareth’s annual Halloween parade will be on Saturday, Oct. 15, starting at 1 p.m., rain or shine. Sponsoring it once again are Vigilance Hose Co. #1 and the Nazareth Kiwanis Club. All parade participants must be registered for the parade in order to be eligible to win prizes. Registrations will be held at the firehouse located on South Broad Street on Oct. 1 from 10 a.m. to Noon and on Oct. 6, 10 and 12 from 7 to 9 p.m. Cash prizes will be award-

ed to all the winners. Hot dogs and soda will be available to all parade participants following the line of march. The parade route will have the bands, organizations and costumed individuals starting from Belvidere & Liberty Streets, then west on Belvidere Street to Main Street, north on Main Street to the circle, and east on Center Street, where it will end at Nazareth Senior High School. Fore more information, please contact Carl Strye, Jr. at 610-759-7743, e-mail at cstryejr@aol.com

The Nazareth Area Blue Eagle Education Foundation will honor four persons at a Wall of Fame ceremony this Saturday. The 2011 group of Nazareth Area High School graduates are Joseph F. Reichel ’47 (posthumously), Dr. Larry R. Sherman ’52, Dr. Walter L. Miller ’61, and Dr. Robert T. Yavorski ’79. These members will be honored at an Alumni Gala on Homecoming Weekend on September 24 at Holy Family Club in Nazareth. The foundation looks forward to seeing many classmates and friends for an evening of celebration and reminiscing. Mr. Reichel was a long time funeral director, former Northampton County Coroner and leader of a popular polka band. Dr. Sherman of Scranton, is a retired chemistry professor at the University of Scranton and a lifelong volunteer in Boy Scouts of America. Dr. Miller resides in San Francisco and is doing research in pediatric endocrinology with the University of California at San Francisco. Dr. Miller has received many accolades including a Distinguished AlumnusAward from Duke University. Dr. Yavorski is a gastroenterologist/internist at Charlotte Medical Clinic in North Carolina and has published many medical articles.

RUMMAGE SALE October 1, 2011 • 8 AM - 1 PM

Schoeneck Moravian Church 316 N. Broad St. Extension Nazareth, PA

Children’s & Adult Clothing Housewares Toys Etc... Snack Bar & Bake Sale

Big Laundry Savings

Open youth & adult Schooling horse show Welcomes public

The Northampton County 4-H Center is sponsoring an Open Schooling Horse Show to be held Sunday, October 9 at the Northampton County 4-H Center in Nazareth. The program will begin at 10:00 AM. This show is being held in conjunction with the Continued on page 16

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Church Directory ADVENT MORAVIAN, (610) 868-0477 Jacksonville Rd., Bethlehem. Sun 8:30am Worship; 9:30am Sun School; 10:45am Worship ASSUMPTION BVM PARISH, 2174 Lincoln Ave., Northampton. 610-262-2559. Sun 8/10:30am Mass; Mon, Tue, Thurs & Fri – 8am Mass; Wed– 7pm Worship; Sat – 4:00 pm BANGOR CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE, 150 Bunny Trail, Bangor. 610-588-6929 Sun 9:30am SS for all ages; 10:40am Worship; Children’s Church Tues. 6 p.m. Young ladies bible study, 7 p.m. young men’s bible study BETHANY WESLEYAN, 675 Blue Mountain Drive, Cherryville. 610-767-1239. Sun - 9/10:30am Worship BUSHKILL UNITED METHODIST, Church Rd., Clearfield, Bushkill Twp. Sun 9:15 a.m. Harvest Home Worship, 10:30 a.m. SS CARPENTER’S COMMUNITY CHURCH, 4609 Newburg Rd, Nazareth, 484-285-0040 Sun 10am Worship CHAPMAN QUARRIES UNITED METHODIST, 1433 Main St., Chapman, Bath.610837-0935 10am, SS for all ages, 11am, Worship CHRIST U.C.C., S. Chestnut St., Bath. Thurs. 7:30 p.m. Mission Church, Sun. Worship 10:15 am w/nursery. 4 p.m. SS 9 a.m. Mission Church. Wed. Mission Church 7:30 p.m. CHRIST U.C.C., 5050 Airport Rd., Allentown. Schoenersville. Sun. Worship 10:15 a.m. CHRIST U.C.C. – LITTLE MOORE, 913 S. Mink Rd. Danielsville. Sun 9am Worship “Appreciation Sunday” CONCORDIA LUTHERAN CHURCH 3285 Pheasant Dr. (Pool Rd.) Northampton Sun 9am Worship, 10:30am SS & Bible Class COVENANT UNITED METHODIST, 2715 Mt. View Dr., Bath. 610-837-7517. HA Sun. 8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Worship, 9:15 a.m. SS,. 6:30 p.m. Youth Group DRYLAND U.C.C., Newburg Rd., Nazareth. 610-759-4444 Sun – 8/10:15 am Worship, 9 am SS, EGYPT COMMUNITY CHURCH, 4129 S Church St. Whitehall (Egypt) 610-262-4961 Sun. – Worship - 10:30 a.m. SS 9:00 a.m.,

ship. 9:30 SS, NEW CHRISTIAN HARVEST AME ZION CHURCH 1500 MacArthur Rd., Whitehall 610-297-2950 Sun. Worship 11 a.m. NORTHAMPTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD, 3449 Cherryville Road Northampton Sun – 10:45am & 6pm Worship; 9:30am SS; Wed – 7:30pm Worship QUEENSHIP OF MARY CHURCH, 1324 Newport Ave., Northampton 610HCA 262-2227 EMMANUEL’S LUTH Valley View Drive, Sun. – 7:30/9:30/11:30 a.m. Service. Bath. Holy day & Vigil – 6:30, 9 a.m.; Vigil 7 Sun – 9:30am Cont. Worship – FH, – 9:30am p.m. Trad. Worship SACRED HEART CATHOLIC, FAITH REFORMED, 4394 Mountain View Washington St., Bath. Drive, Rt. 946, Lehigh Twsp. Sat Vigil– 4:30pm/6pm Mass, Sun Sun - Worship 10 am. Masses: 6:45/8/9:30/11am; child care GOD’S MISSIONARY CHURCH, 4965 Norduring 9:30am Mass; Mon– Thurs 8am Bath Blvd., Northampton. Mass; Fri – 8:30am Mass Morning Sun – 9:30am SS (children & adults); Prayer Mon-Thurs 7:30am Fri. 8:00am. 10:30am & 7pm Service; Sunday Evening SALEM U.C.C., 2218 Community Youth 6:30pm. Dr., Bath. GOOD SHEPHERD LUTHERAN, 1335 Old SS 9 a.m., Worship 8/10:15 a.m Carriage Rd., Northampton SALEM UNITED METHODIST, 1067 Sun – 8:30/10 a.m. SS 9:20 a.m. Blue Mt. Dr., Danielsville. GOSPEL CHAPEL, 2022 Main Street, Sun – Worship 9:30 a.m. Northampton ST. BRIGID’S EPISCOPAL 310 Worship 10 a.m. Madison Ave. Nazareth GRACE BIBLE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH, Sun – Holy Eucharist 10 a.m., SS 100 E. Beil Ave., Nazareth 610-759-7039 9:45 a.m. Sun. 9:30 a.m. Worship, SS 10:30, Evening ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH, Worship 6 p.m. 2 06 E. Main St., Bath. 610-837-1061 GRACE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, Sun 8am/10:15 a.m. Worship – Com404 E. Mountain Rd, Pen Argyl munion 1st & 3rd Sun. Sun –Service, 8:30am & 9:45am ST. JOHN’S EV. LUTHERN HOLY CROSS EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN, CHURCH, 200 S. Broad St., Nazareth 696 Johnson Rd., Nazareth. 610-759-3090. Worship 8/9:30/10:30 am, SS 9:15 a.m.. Sun. –9 a.m. Sat. 5:30 p.m. No SS Tues. 6:30 Bible Study in Summer HOLY FAMILY ROMAN CATHOLIC ST. JOHN’S U.C.C., 22 Atlas Rd., CHURCH, Forest Drive and W. Center St, Northampton. Nazareth Sun –10:15am Worship, 9 am SS Sun – 7am/9am/11am Mass, Tues. 6:30 ST. JOHN’S U.C.C., 183 S. Broad bible study St., Nazareth. 610-759-0893 HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH, Sun –- 8:00/10:45 am Worship, 9:15 1235 Main St., Northampton 610-262-2668 Christian Ed., 4 p.m. Sacred Voices Sun. – 10:30 a.m. Worship. Communion 1st Concert Sun. of the Month. SS 9:15 a.m. St. John’s UCC. 15 S. 2nd St., SlatHOLY TRINITY SLOVAK LUTHERAN, 1370 ington 610-767-5554. Washington Ave., Northampton Worship: 9 A.M. Nursery available, Sun Worship - 9am; SS, 9am HA HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH 4131 Lehigh ST. NICHOLAS CATHOLIC dr., Cherryville CHURCH, Route 946 and Oak Rd, Sun– 8:00/9:30 am, Communion, (Berlinsville) Walnutport. 610-767MOUNT EATON CHURCH Saylors3107 burg, PA 570-992-7050 Sun Masses at 8/9:30/11am and Sat. 6:30 pm Worship, Sun. 8/10:30 Sat evening at 4:30pm Daily Mass at a.m Worship. 9:30 SS, Wed. 7 p.m. 8:30am Bible Study, ST. PAUL’S UCC, 19th & Lincoln NAZARETH MORAVIAN CHURCH, Ave., Northampton, 610-261-2910. HA P.O. Box 315 Nazareth PA 610-759Sun. 10:15 am Worship, Commu3163 nion. 1st Sun. of Month. SS 9 a.m. Sun- Lovefesat 8:15/10:45 a.m. WorST. PAUL’S U.C.C., of Indian land, 787 Almond Rd., Cherryville. Sun - Adult & youth SS, 9am; Worship, 10:15am ST. PETER’S U.C.C., 8142 Valley View Rd, Northampton (Seemsville).PA Sun- 9:00 am SS, 10:15 Worship VALLEY VIEW BAPTIST, 2870 Pheasant Dr., Northampton (Rt. 248). Sun - Bible study, 9:30am; Morning St. Peter’s U.C.C. worship, 10:45am WALNUTPORT SEVENTH-day AD8142 Valley View Rd. VENTIST, 227 Willow Rd. (and Route Seemsville, Northampton 145) Sat – 9:30am Worship, - 10:45am Sabbath School 610-837-7426 ZION EVANGELICAL LUTHERN CHURCH, 1904 Main St., Northampton 610-261-1812 ZION’S STONE U.C.C., 51 Church Rd., Kreidersville. Sun- 9:00 am SS, 10:15 Worship ZION WESLEYAN, 2459 E. Scenic Dr., Pt. Phillip. Sun- 9:00 am SS, 10:15 Worship

St. Peter’s UCC

8142 Valley View Road • Seemsville, Northampton


9 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m. Worship “There Are No Strangers Here,

St. Peter’s U.C.C. 8142 ValleyOnly View Rd. Friends We Haven’t Met!” Seemsville, Northampton 610-837-7426

“There A re No Strangers Here, Only Friends We Haven’t Met!”

Worship 10:15 9:00 a.m. p.m.

St. John’s Sacred Voices in Concert Susan L. Frickert, Founder & Director

Sunday, September 25 , 2011 ~ 4:00 p.m. St. John’s United Church of Christ 183 South Broad Street, Nazareth, PA

Featuring W. A. Mozart’s “Te Deum Laudamus”, Padre G.B. Martini’s “Lord, My God, Assist Me Now”, Rachmaninoff’s “Bogoroditse Devo”, “Kyrie” from “Memorial” by René Clausen in memory of 9/11

Soloists, Strings, Harp, Timpani, Organ

Tickets $10 For More Information Call Church Office 610.759.0893 Monday through Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Tickets Also Available At the Door


Sept. 22-28, 2011


What Might Have Been What might have been had I made a different choice? Could I have averted unwelcome and harsh consequences? What might have been if I had refrained from uttering those unkind words? Did that argument alter my relationship with that individual for life? What might have been if I had been just a few minutes earlier? Would the accident have happened? Might I have avoided serious injury? What if I had been the first to quote the job? Might I have had a better opportunity of getting the order? What might have been if I had saved that bonus check rather than spend it? Might I now be debt free? What might have been if I had decided to stop and help rather than zoom on by? Was guilt now stealing what could have been a blessing? “What might have been” is a question we can ponder many times over. But chances are high there will be no definitive answer. We can only suppose how different things might have been if we had taken that job offer, or gotten out of bed a few minutes earlier, or spent our hard earned money with a bit more discretion. We can ponder what might have been in regard to our own decisions and choices but we also affected by the choices made by everyone around us. Many of the “what might have been’s” may be somewhat insignificant. Yet, sometimes even the little things can make a huge difference. Consider the account of one of America’s presidents, William McKinley when he was planning to appoint an ambassador to a foreign country. There were two candidates under consideration whose qualifications were almost equal. President McKinley searched his mind for some kind of measurement whereby he might be able to decide the true greatness of the men in question. He later confided that the self-centeredness of the one and the kindness of the other were the deciding factors in his decision. Many years before when McKinley was a representative in Congress, he had boarded a street car at rush hour and managed to get the last vacant seat. Shortly thereafter an elderly woman carrying a large basket boarded the train. She walked the length of the car and stood in the aisle clutching her basket, hardly able to stand as the car swayed from side to side as it sped down the tracks. No one offered her a seat. One of the men whom the president was now considering for the ambassadorship was sitting opposite where the elderly woman was standing. Mr. McKinley noticed that he shifted his newspaper in order to avoid eye contact with the lady. Seeing the lady’s predicament, McKinley rose to his feet, walked down the aisle, took her basket, and offered her his seat. The candidate never knew that this small act of selfishness had deprived him of perhaps the crowning honor of his lifetime. As the president considered his options, he recalled the incident and decided to appoint the other man as his ambassador. “What might have been,” wasn’t. A failure to show kindness when the opportunity afforded itself cost him the position. Every minute of every day opportunities may present themselves to us. If we choose wisely how to handle them there is no need to fret and wonder “what might have been.” We can move ahead with confidence. “What is” is good… and the question “what might have been” will go unasked!

Emmanuel’s Lutheran Church in Emanuelsville

TransplanT program

sunday september 25, 2011 from 6-9 p.m. Hear from: •Local transplant coordinator from Lehigh Valley Hospital •Representative from Gift of Life Donor Program •RN & Panel of transplant recipients, donors and family & friends

Free will offering to benefit the patient assistance Fund at lehigh Valley Hospital. for questions call


12 THE HOME NEWS Sept. 22-28, 2011


Kathleen G. Kent

June 23, 1955 – Sept. 14, 2011 Kathleen G. “Kathy” Kent, 56, of Catasauqua died on Wednesday, Sept. 14 in Lehigh Valley Hospital-Cedar Crest, Salisbury Township. A 1973 graduate of Woodrow Wilson High School, Levittown, she later earned a degree in business from the Allentown Business School. Prior to her illness, she worked 12 years for Manor Care, Bethlehem, as a team leader in the Alzheimer’s unit. Born June 23, 1955 in Philadelphia, she was a daughter of Dolores (Edwards) Oliver of Catasauqua and the late William Oliver II. Surviving besides her mother are a daughter, Jennifer O’Brien of Middletown, N.Y.; a son, Charles Kent, of Whitehall; four grandchildren; a brother, Glenn Sims, of Owego, N.Y.; a sister, Wendy VanDerKarr, of Owego, N.Y.; and many nieces and nephews. Services were held on Sunday evening in the Geo. G. Bensing Funeral Home, Moorestown. Interment was private. Contributions may be made to the family, c/o the funeral home at 2165 Community Dr., Bath, PA 18014.

Richard L. Barnhart

July 28, 1928 – Sept. 11, 2011 Richard L. Barnhart, 83, of Hanover Township died Sunday, Sept. 11 in Lehigh Valley Hospital-Muhlenberg, Beth-

lehem. He was the husband of Hazel B. (Kutz) Barnhart. A 1946 graduate of the former S. Whitehall High School, now Parkland, he later attended Muhlenberg College and served in the Army Air Corps. Prior to retiring, he worked as a sales manager for Allyn International, Inc., Denver, Colo., for ten years. Born July 28, 1928 in Lancaster, he was a son of the late Rev. Albert Lee Barnhart and Lottie (Ehret) BarnhartKratzer. He was a member of Holy Cross Evan. Lutheran Church, Hanover Township (Bethlehem), and was active in the outreach ministries of St. Stephen’s Ministries. He was also a member of the American Legion in Maryland. In addition to his wife, he is survived by four sons, Richard L., Jr. of Bellingham, Mass., James of Hershey, Daniel of Northampton, and Paul of Lansdale; two daughters, Kathryn Turnowchyk of Downingtown and Deborah Miller of Exeter, N.H.; a stepson, Richard Kennedy, of Bethlehem; a step-daughter, Beth A. Butz, of Northampton; 16 grandchildren; five great-grandchildren, two nieces and two nephews. Preceding him in death were his first wife, Barbara (Roth) Barnhart, and a sister, Lois King. A memorial service was held on Monday morning in Holy Cross Evan. Lutheran Church. Interment followed in the Bethlehem Memorial Park Cemetery. Arrangements were by the Geo. G. Bensing Funeral Home, Moorestown. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Heart Assoc., 212 E. Broad St., Bethlehem, PA 18018.

Stephen T. Haberle

Jan. 8, 1962 – Sept. 14, 2011 Stephen T. Haberle. 49, of Bushkill Township died Wednesday, Sept. 14 at home


after a long and courageous battle with melanoma (skin cancer). He was the husband of Joni (Pasch) Haberle. A 1980 graduate of Nazareth High School and the Allentown Police Academy, class of 1993, he was a policeman for Upper Nazareth Township and also worked part-time as a police officer in Nazareth, Wilson, and Bath. Previously, he worked for Bell & Howell. Born Jan. 8, 1962 in Fountain Hill, he was a son of Phil, Jr. and Janet (Frey) Haberle of Nazareth. He was a member of St. Rocco’s Roman Catholic Church, Martins Creek; Lodge #35, F.O.P., Allentown, and the East Bath Rod & Gun Club. Besides his wife and parents, he is survived by a son, Stephen, Jr., at home; two brothers, Phill III and Mike, and a sister, Michelle, all of Nazareth. A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated Friday morning in St. Rocco’s Church, with interment in Church Hill Cemetery. Arrangements were by the James J. Palmeri Funeral Home, Martins Creek.

Sara G. Walizer Sara G. Walizer, 95, of Westminster Village, Allentown, formerly of Bushkill Township, died Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2011 in Lehigh Valley Hospital-Muhlenberg, Bethlehem. She was the wife of Grant W. Walizer. She attended Lock Haven High School. Born in Renova, Clinton, County, she was a daughter of the late William J. and Annabelle (Jewel) Smith. She was a member of and formerly sang on the choir of St. John’s U.C.C Church, Nazareth. She was also a member of Nazareth Chapter #252, Order of the Eastern Star; the Nazareth Woman’s Club, and bowled at the Jacksonian Club in Nazareth. In addition to her husband, she is survived by three daughters, Glenda Cucinotta of Chicago, Susan L. Schalk of Wind Gap, and Jill A. Garcia of Palmer Township; a son, Terry G., of Saylorsburg; two brothers, Gerald Smith of Clinton County and Roy Smith of Largo, Fla.; 10 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death

by a granddaughter, Calista Ann Garcia. Services were on Saturday morning in the BartholomewSchisler Funeral Home, Nazareth, followed by burial in Greenwood Cemetery, Nazareth. Contributions may be made to the memorial fund of St. Johns U.C.C. Church, Broad & Prospect Sts., Nazareth, PA 18064.

Tyler D. Merritt

May 10, 1992 – Sept. 14, 2011 Tyler D. Merritt, 19, of Bushkill Township died Wednesday, Sept. 14 in St. Luke’s Hospital, 11 days after he was injured in an automobile accident. Lehigh County Deputy Coroner Paul Hoffman said he died at 8:20 p.m. due to head injuries suffered in the onecar crash on Young Rd. near Cherry Hill Rd. in Bushkill Township. Tyler was born on May 10, 1992 in Fountain Hill, a son of John and Cynthia (Douglas) Merritt. He was employed by Staff Mark/Crayola, Bethlehem, and was a 2010 graduate of Nazareth Area High School. Besides his parents, he is survived by two brothers, Cory and Ryan, both at home; maternal grandmother, Virginia Douglas; paternal grandfather, Emmett Merritt; paternal grandmother, Myrtle Kehs; and many aunts, uncles and cousins. A viewing was held Sunday evening in the Reichel Funeral Home, Nazareth. Burial will be private.

Charlotte Mae Denisar

June 9, 1934 – Sept. 16, 2011 Charlotte Mae (Stout) Denisar, of Weyers Cave, Va., and a native of Nazareth, died on Friday, Sept. 16 following a brief but courageous battle with cancer. She was the wife of Bernard J. Denisar. She attended the training course for practical nursing at Preston Maternity Hospital in Philadelphia. The mother of six children, she continued her work in the healthcare industry, retiring from Fairfax Hospital in Virginia after 20 years of service. She and her husband enjoyed traveling between their home in Virginia, a summer home in Bath, and a winter residence

in Brooksville, Fla. Born in Nazareth on June 9, 1934, she was a daughter of Paul and Mae (Stier) Stout. Besides her husband, she is survived by three daughters, Kim Thompson of California, Nadine Armstrong and Kate Geier, both of Virginia; three sons, David, Mark, and Chip, all of Virginia; six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren; two brothers, Theodore Stout of Florida and Robert Stout of Nazareth. Preceding her in death were three brothers, Donald, Richard and Tommy Stout. Services were held this (Thursday) afternoon in the Schmidt Funeral Home, Nazareth, with The Rev. David B. Schaffer officiating there and at burial in Greenwood Cemetery, Nazareth. Donations in her memory may be made to St. John’s Evan. Lutheran Church, 200 S. Broad St., Nazareth, PA 18064.

Keith T. Palen, Jr.

Dec. 25, 1946 – Sept. 16, 2011 Keith T. Palen, Jr., 64, of Nazareth died on Friday, Sept. 16 in Easton Hospital. He was the husband of Rebecca (Swift) Palen. Born Dec. 25, 1946 in Detroit, Mich., he was a son of Helene (Palen) Detwiler of Myerstown and the late Keith Palen, Sr. In addition to his wife, he is survived by two daughters, Emily, at home, and Dr. Stacey Palen of Ogden, Utah; a son, Sean Palen, of Ringoes, N.J.; three grandchildren; a brother, Michel Palen, of Lewes, Dela.; step-father, William Detwiler, and stepbrother, Carl Detwiler, both of Myerstown. Private services wee arranged by the Reichel Funeral Home, Nazareth. Memorial donations may be made to Rebecca Palen for Emily’s education or to Upper Nazareth Fire Dept., mailed to the funeral home at 220 Washington Park, Nazareth, PA 18064.

Eileen T. Spisak Eileen T. Spisak, 64, of Bushkill Township died on Monday, Sept. 12, 2001 in her home. She was the companContinued on page 13


Reichel Funeral Home


Pre-Need & Cremation Services


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Obituaries Continued from page 12

ion of Peter Mink, Jr. A 1964 graduate of Central Catholic High School, she attended DeSales University where she majored in English and journalism. She and her brother Michael were the owners of Krown Auto Sales in Allentown for 19 years. She later worked as the controller of Mink’s Harley Davidson. Born in South Bethlehem, she was the daughter of the late Michael and Helen (Svoboda) Spisak. He was a member of Holy Family Catholic Church in Nazareth. In addition to her companion, she is survived by cousins. She was preceded in death by a brother, Michael Spisak. Private services were held in the Reichel Funeral Home, Nazareth. Donations may be made to the Center for Animal Health & Welfare, 1165 Island Park Rd., Easton, PA 18064, or perform an act of kindness to someone in need.

Harold R. Brink, Jr. Harold R. Brink, Jr., 66, of East Allen Township died on Saturday, Sept. 17, 2011 in his home after a courageous battle with cancer. He was the husband of Lois M. (Kijesky) Brink. A 1962 graduate of West Scranton High School and 1966 graduate of Lehigh University, he was a professional engineer in private practice since 2000, and was a member of the East Allen Township Zoning Hearing Board. Previous employers included National Forensic Engineers, Mack Trucks, Inc., and Ford Motor Co. Born in Scranton, he was a son of the late Harold R., Sr. and Anna (Sokira) Brink. He was a member of St. Michael the Archangel Byzantine Catholic Church, Allentown. In scouting, he became an Eagle Scout through Troop 30 and was in Explorer Post 84, both in Scranton. From 1983-89, he served as an assistant scoutmaster of Troop 43 in Bath and then as a committee member of Pack 43 from 2005-10, also in Bath. He was a member and past president

of the former Allen-East Allen Lions Club. Harold was also a former member of Adolph’s Pin Tenderizers bowling team and post-Toastie. Surviving in addition to his wife are two daughters, Mary Williams, of Whitehall, and Sandra Lois, of Bethlehem Township; a son, David, of Northampton; a brother, Philip, of Northampton; a sister, Marianne Duffy, of Arlington, Va.; three grandchildren, nephews, nieces, aunts, uncles and cousins. Preceding him in death were a grandson, Ben Williams, and a granddaughter, Courtney Williams. Divine Liturgy was held yesterday in the church, following Panachida in Stephens Funeral Home, Allentown. Interment was in Holy Saviour Cemetery, Bethlehem. Contributions may be made to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Eastern Pa. Chapter Lehigh Valley Branch, Suite 452, 961 Marcon Blvd., Allentown, PA 18109.

Dottiemae Jacobs Dottiemae (Schrum) Jacobs, 71, of Northampton died on Saturday, Sept. 17, 2011. She was a customer service representative for Day Timers for 18 years, retiring in 2002. Born in York, Pa., she was a daughter of the late Henry Schrum and Elsie (Schrum) Gibbs. She was a member of AARP, Senior Ladies and Friendly Fifties of the Northampton area, and a member of Union U.C.C. Church, Neffs. Surviving are three daughters, Debbi Dreisbach of Northampton, Karen Schlueter of Shelby, Pa., and Gretchen Jacobs Carr of Upper Black Eddy, Pa.; eight grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; five brothers, John, Ronnie, Bob, Tom and Gene; and three sisters, Alice, Theida and Joyce. Preceding her in death were a daughter, Lisa; granddaughter Karen Carr; brothers Austin and Lewis, and sisters Jackie and Rose. Graveside services were held on Tuesday afternoon at Union U.C.C. Church Cemetery, Neffs. Arrangements were by the Reichel Funeral Home, Northampton. Memorial donations may be made to the Center for Vi-

sion Loss, 845 Wyoming St., Allentown, PA 18103, or to Union U.C.C. Church, 5550 Rte. 873, Neffs, PA 18065.

4-H Horse Continued from page 5

part of the Penn State Team Horse Power program. Both Ingrid and Nicole participated in workshops designed to help them teach safety and basic horsemanship skills, and will be helping to organize local horsemanship skill program for youth. Working as a team, Northampton County 4-H members competed in the Penn State Achievement Day Hippology contest, held at Penn State University in July. Hippology uses a series of hands-on stations designed to test the 4-H members’ knowledge and skills about horses and their care. The 2011 team representing Northampton County finished first in the state in the junior competition. This is a very large accomplishment illustrating the dedication that our youth have to their horses and each other. The first place team consisted of Allison Moyer, Caitlyn Gallagher, who placed third individually, and Nicole Fox, who placed fifth. For additional practice, the team next competed in Hippology at Ag Progress Days in August, where Nicole Fox placed seventh overall in the intermediate division. Allison Moyer placed ninth in horse judging in the senior division, and Caitlin Gallagher was third individually in the written, intermediate division. The teammates are working hard to increase their knowledge and skills in the hope of advancing to the national competition in Louisville, Kentucky. More than 150 youth are members of nine 4-H horse clubs in Northampton County. Youth participate in a wide variety of 4-H horse activities and events and are eligible to take part in all 4-H activities held throughout the state. Many clubs organize field trips to the World Horse Expo and other equine events, invite guest speakers to their club meetings, and participate in community service projects. The youth learn how to care for their horses, serve as officers of their clubs and learn public speaking skills by presenting demonstrations at their meetings. Anyone interested in learning more about the 4-H horse club program should contact Donna Foulk, Equine Natural Resources and 4-H Extension Educator at 610-746-1970 or Jan Martin, 4-H Horse Program assistant, at 610-837-7294.

Monitor 2200 New Monitor 2400


Sunday hunting Continued from page 1

hikers, backpackers and bird watchers who enjoy the state game lands on Sundays during hunting season. He also said concerns about Pa. Wildlife Conservation Officers being able to enforce trespassing laws if farmers decide to post no Sunday hunting signs on their property, saying that it might be easier to just not allow hunting at all on their farms. John Evans, R – Erie, chair of the Game and Fisheries committee, responded to the Grange’s accusation that hunters would be a threat to others on the game lands. “There were one million hunters in the Pennsylvania woods last season and only two fatalities, including one self-inflicted. It’s statistically much more dangerous to go horseback riding than to go into the woods with hunters,” Evans said. Committee member Edward Staback, D-Lackawanna, pointed out that farmers who post no hunting bulletins, should the bill pass, will not be eligible for the Pa. Farm Co-Op red-tag program. The red-tag program allows farmers to harvest deer that are causing damage to their crops outside of hunting season. Ray Mack, president of the Northampton and Monroe Farm Bureau, reiterated his organization’s support for the Sunday hunting ban.

Sept. 22-28, 2011


Mack says that farmers don’t have much time to rest. “Farmers work six days a week. We don’t need to be bothered on Sundays,” Mack said. Many members of the House committee, including Stabeck and Evans, appeared to be in favor of H.B. 1760, while other local representative: Marcia Hahn, Joe Emrick, R-Northampton, and Doyle Heffley, R-Carbon, expressed reservations. “My conversations with farmers echo what Ray Mack is saying, if this bill passes more property will be restricted to hunters,” Emrick said. Tim Reiger, Vice President of the Lehigh Valley Chapter of the pro-hunting Safari Club, disagreed. “Farmers will be begging us to come back in a few years if they post no hunting signs on their property with all the deer damage that would be inflicted on their crops,” he said. Another public hearing on Sunday hunting will take place in Harrisburg in October. (See Outdoors for more comment.)

Golden Gleams

Falsely praising a person is lying. The sweetest of all sounds is praise. He who loves praise, loves temptation.

14 THE HOME NEWS Sept. 22-28, 2011

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Deadline: Monday at 12 Noon Phone: 610-923-0382 E-mail: Classified@HomeNewsPa.com

The Fair Housing Act prohibits housing discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, and disability. It is illegal to deny housing to families with children under 18 years of age unless the housing qualifies as "housing for older persons."

For Sale Desk $30 VCR Cabinet $10, 2 Chairs $10, Entertainment Stand $20 or B.O. 610 703-5122 (8/4-9/22)


Chainsaws sharpened and new chains by the foot. All types of batteries, factory seconds and first line. Call: 610-262-8703 TN*


Twin Maple Farm, 1 mile South Bath School Rd. Open Daily. TN POTATOES - PADULA Farms 1/2 Mile West of Bath on Route 248. 9/22 TOP SOIL $200 Tri-Axle load. LandscapeBoulders-Mushroom Soil. Light Excavating. Call 610-216-2044. TN 3 Persian Pedigree kittens 2 Males 1 Female DK. or LT. Orange We’re litter trained, fluffy, healthy, and cute $225 – $250 each 610 837 1401 (9/15-9/22) 3-way Crib Has all parts to convert from crib to toddler bed then head board. in good condition w/instructions & mattress $75.00 call 610 350 5428. 9/22


Office – Business Space available along busy Route 248 in Berlinsville. Will remodel to suit tenant. Reasonable Rent. All utilities included. (610) 7673531 (1/14 – TN) (55+) Bath - 2 bdrm, 1 Bath 2nd Flr. W/W carpet, AC off street parking Quiet 610 837 1465 $600/Month. 9/22

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760 Sq. Feet. Rte 145 Walnutport. Commercial-office/showroom. $725/ month. Heat & Electric Incl. Security Required. Call 610-3904759. (9/15-9/22)

Musical Instruments CASH PAID For your unwanted guitars, fiddles and amplifiers. Buy-SellTrade Call Ron: 610-681-4613 TN*

services NAZARETH PLATE GLASS CO., INC. 27 Mauch Chunk Street Nazareth, Pa. HARVEY VINYL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS SOLAR ROOMS Storm Windows & Screens Repaired Insulated Glass, Plexiglass, Mirrors, Repairs made at your home. Free Estimates. Call Mike Matula 610-759-3682 Closed Saturdays TN* NOTARY Billings Service Center 154 N. Walnut St., Bath, PA 610837-6291 Titles & Tags M* We Remove Junk! Attic Basements, Cleanouts, Appliances, Furniture, Construction Debris, Backyard Shed Tear-down, Swimming Pools, Old Hot Tubs etc. GO GREEN! Marth’s Disposal 610262-9021 or 610-842-5684. (12/31/11)

Coming Events All You Can Eat Pasta Dinner At Holy Trinity Slovak Lutheran Church Northampton Sept. 24 from 4-7 p.m. Pasta, Meatballs, Salad, Bread Sticks. Variety of Homemade desserts, coffee and soda are included. Tickets $7/adults, $4/children 5-10, under 5 free. For tickets call Mary Jane Berkowitz at 610-264-0460 or Edna Balent at 610-261-4035. (9/15-9/22)

Help Wanted Immediate Help Wanted Part time Woodstone Country Club in need of banquet servers bartenders and bus persons. Evening and Weekend hours available please call 610 760 2777 ext 202 (9/8-929)

Home Improvements HOUSE PLANS

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Additions • Remodeling Chimney Repairs Ceramic Tile. License: PA006229 610-2626646 or 610-264-3832 TN*


All types of roofing. Free Estimates. Fully Insured. Randy C. Silfies, owner. PA#036835 610-837-8225 TN*

YARD SALE Multi-Family Yard Sale Sept. 23-24, 8-2 pm, HH Furniture - Records 650 Cherry Hill Road Nazareth PRICE TO SELL 9/22 Sat. Sept. 24, 8-4pm Aquarium w/Stand, HH Items, X-Mas, Toys, Fisher Price, Playskool, Stuffed Animals 246 S Walnut St. Bath (9/15-9/22)

WANTED Driver wanted for errands & appts Mail letter of interest and resume to % PO BOX 39 Bath, PA 18014. (9/15-9/22) PINBALL MACHINES OLDER GUM BALL & CANDY MACHINES, PENNY ARCADE & ANY OLDER COIN OPERATED MACHINES. CASH PAID. CALL DARYL 610767-9135 (1/14-12/17) Vendors Wanted Bath Community Day October 1, 2011 @ Ciff Cowling Field, Bath. 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Rain or Shine. Visit www.bathborough.org, call 484-619-6121 or find us on facebook (Bath Community Day) for a registration form. (9/22)


The Home News publishes various types of Legal Notices Every Week including: Estate Notices, Name Changes, Fictitious Name, Articles of Incorporation, Gov’t Meetings and others. Call Candi FMI & Rates 610-923-0382 or you can Fax your Legals to The Home News at 610-923-0383

PUblic notice-Legal ESTATE NOTICE Paul D. Kellow, Jr. Estate of Paul D. Kellow, Jr., late of the Township of Upper Nazareth, County of Northampton and State of Pennsylvania, deceased WHEREAS, Letters Testamentary in the above-named estate have been granted to Alfred S. Pierce, Executor of the Estate of Paul D. Kellow, Jr. All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands to present the same without delay to Alfred S. Pierce C/o Scott R. Steirer, Esquire 124 Belvidere Street Nazareth, Pennsylvania, 18064 Scott R. Steirer, Esquire Pierce & Dally, LLC 124 Belvidere Street Nazareth, PA 18064 Attorneys for the Estate I.D. No. 21445 (9/15-9/29) ESTATE NOTICE Althea N. Reddinger Estate of Althea N. Reddinger, late of the Township of Moore, County of Northampton and State of Pennsylvania, deceased WHEREAS, Letters Testamentary in the above-named estate have been granted to William A. Reddinger and Carl J. Miller, Executors of the Estate of Althea N. Reddinger. All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands to present the same without delay to William A. Reddinger and Carol J. Miller C/o Alfred S. Pierce, Esquire 124 Belvidere Street Nazareth, Pennsylvania, 18064 Alfred S. Pierce, Esquire Pierce & Dally, LLC 124 Belvidere Street Nazareth, PA 18064 Attorneys for the Estate I.D. No. 21445 (9/15-9/29) ESTATE NOTICE Kathyrn L. Ford Estate of Kathryn L. Ford, late of the Township of Moore, county of Nothampton and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary on the above Estate have been granted to the undersigned. All persons in debted to the estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims against to present them in writing without delay to the Attorney noted below. Rudolph and Doreen Faustner 1200 Skunk Road Bath, PA 18014 Executors Daniel G. Spengler, Esquire 110 East Main Street Bath, PA 18014 Attorney for the Estate (9/8-9/22) ESTATE NOTICE Eleanor A. Ackerman Estate of Eleanor A. Ackerman, late of the Township of East Allen, County of Northampton and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters of Testamentary on the above estate have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to the estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims against to present them in writing without delay to the Attorney noted below. James Gianopulos 240 Fountain Street Bath, PA 18014-1607 Executor DANIEL G. SPENGLER, ESQUIRE 110 East Main Street Bath, PA 18014-1506 Attorney for the Estate (9/22-10/6)

Chapman Borough Chapman Borough is seeking bids for trash removal for the Boro. For details contact Johhn Defassio at (610) 837-0842. Bids due by 7:15 PM, Monday October 3, 2011 at the regular council meeting. 9/15-9/22

Limited Liability Company Law of 1994, P.L. 703, No. 106. The name of the Liability Company is: GDA CONSULTING, LLC David B. Shulman, Esquire Shulman & Shabbick 1935 Center Street Northampton, PA 18067

Chapman Borough Northampton County, Pennsylvania Notice Notice is hereby given that Borough Council of Chapman, Northampton County, Pennsylvania, will conduct Public Hearing and consider adoption of the following proposed Ordinance at its Regular Meeting on Monday, October 3, 2011, at 7:00 PM at the Chapman Borough Municipal Building, 1401 Main Street, Chapman, Northampton County, Pennsylvania. Borough Council invites public comment on the proposed Ordinance, the following of which is only a summary: AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOROUGH OF CHAPMAN, NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, RE-ENACTING, RESTATING AND AMENDING ITS EARNED INCOME TAX ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH CONFORMITY WITH THE LOCAL TAX ENABLING ACT AS AMENDED BY ACT 32 OF JULY 2, 2008; LEVYING A TAX ON EARNED INCOME AND NET PROFITS; REQUIRING TAX RETURNS; REQUIRING EMPLOYERS TO WITHHOLD AND REMIT TAX; PROVIDING FOR INTEREST, PENALTIES, COSTS AND FINES FOR VIOLATIONS AND NON-PAYMENT OF TAX; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, PURPOSE/REPEAL, CONSTRUCTION AND EFFECTIVE DATE, AND RELATED PROVISIONS. The proposed Ordinance is being enacted and notice is being given pursuant to the Local Tax Enabling Act, 53 P.S. §6924.101, et seq. The Ordinance restates and amends in its entirely the Borough’s currently existing Earned Income Tax Ordinance in order to conform to the provisions of the Local Tax Enabling Act, 53 P.S. §6924.101, et seq., as amended and restated by Act 32 of 2008, and to do so within the time frame required by Act 32. The proposed Ordinance imposes a tax at the rate of one percent (1.0%) on the earned income and net profits of residents of the Borough, and a tax of one percent (1.0%) on the earned income and net profits of nonresidents derived from work or other activity in the borough. The tax is imposed for general revenue purposes, including general operating revenue for the Borough. The Ordinance will be effective January 1, 2012, and will continue the tax previously imposed, and at the same rate. The nature of the tax is substantially the same as the earned income tax currently levied, subject to the changes required by Act 32. The Ordinance shall apply to earned income and net profits earned or received by a taxpayer during calendar year 2012 and each year thereafter without annual re-enactment, unless the rate of tax is subsequently changed. The estimated revenue generated by the tax for the 2012 calendar year is $15,000.00. A copy of the full text of the proposed Ordinance may be obtained at the Chapman Borough Municipal Building during regular business hours, Northampton County Law Library, and the office of the newspaper publishing this public notice.


John J. Defassio Borough Secretary (9/15-9/29) LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Certificate of Organization for a Domestic Liability Company has been filed with the Department of State of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, on or about September 12, 2011 for the purpose of creating a Limited Liability Company under the

LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Borough of Nazareth intends to adopt the following Ordinance at its regularly scheduled monthly meeting to be held on October 3, 2011, at 7:00 P.M., E.S.T., at Nazareth Municipal Building, West Center and Church Streets, Nazareth Pennsylvania. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 15, MOTOR VEHICLES, PART 4, GENERAL PARKING REGULATIONS, SECTION 402, PARKING PROHIBITED AT ALL TIMES IN CERTAIN LOCATIONS, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE BOROUGH OF NAZARETH, NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED by the Borough of Nazareth, in Borough Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, that Chapter 15, Motor Vehicles, Part 4, General Parking Regulations, Section 402, Parking Prohibited at ALL Times in Certain Locations, of the Code of Ordinaces of the Borough of Nazareth, Northampton County, Pennsylvania, is hereby amended to add the following: §402. Parking Prohibited at all Times in Certain Locations. Parking shall be prohibited at all times in the following locations: Street-S. Broad Street, Side-West, Between- E. Walnut St. and a point 281’ thereof Copies of the complete Ordinance are available at the Borough Office, 134 South Main Street, Nazareth, Pennsylvania. Paul A. Kokolus, Secretary Alfred S. Pierce, Solicitor (9/22)

MOORE TOWNSHIP ZONING HEARING BOARD PUBLIC NOTICE Hearing/Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Moore Township Zoning Hearing Board will be held on Wednesday, October 5, 2011 at 7:00 PM. The meeting will be held at the Moore Township Municipal Building, 2491 Community Drive, Bath PA. 18014. Specific items on the agenda include: 11-ZHB-626 The applicant(s), Danielle and Daniel Roland, applicant(s) of the property located at 3255 Delps Rd. Danielsville, Moore Twp. Pa 18038 request the following relief from the literal terms of the Moore Twp. Zoning Ordinance: a variance to construct 2 decks and a swimming pool within the stream setback area. The section(s) of the ordinance cited for this application are as follows: Chapter 200, Section 200-37, 20037A(8) Placement of Buildings and Structures (100 foot stream setback area), as well as any other section of Chapter 200 Moore Twp. Zoning Ordinance in which relief may be needed. The property, County PIN# G46-2 contains approximately 8.85 acres and is zoned, Limited Conservation (LC). Jason L. Harhart Zoning Officer Moore Township (9/22)

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Bowling Continued from page 6

Bensing tripped the Young Bucks by a 3 to 1 margin, led by Ryan Buss, 582; Dell Buss, 561; Franklin Fogel, Jr., 538; Ernie Keller, 509; Art Flegler, 451. Bucks: Alan Smith, 590; Kyle Kryonis, 565; Ryan Cameron, 534; Brandon Jacoby, 518; Chris Vazquez, 453. G & L took Palmer Snowflakes, 3 to 1, with Ty Pagotto, 595; Ed Reynolds, 591; Scott Bower, 492; Terry Koch, 449; Mike Bower, 432. Snowflakes: Terry Bartholomew, 238–642; Jerry Fogel, 584; Steve Longley, 483; Mike Swope, 460. STANDINGS Bath Legion P C Beverage The Young Bucks Bensing’s Palmer Snowflakes G & L Herman’s Hermits Team YTTIHS

W 6 6 5 5 4 4 2 0

L 2 2 3 3 4 4 6 8

Outdoors Continued from page 6

“shall” and which they want it to be amended to “may”). Those supporting 1760 are the Sportsmen’s Alliance, N.R.A. and National Shooting Sports Foundation. Delegate Lee Marsh said that the day the bill was introduced, a number of farm-game cooperators dropped out of the program. Kline said it is a private property issue. Joe Neville of the PGC spoke about youth field days, and said the program that started in 1991 could be a Family Field Day. Many hundreds of children participate. Neville said that with more mentors, they can be involved all year in outdoor sports. PGC Deputy Executive Director Matt Hough reported

that there was $3.5-million damage to their property from the recent storms, including the loss of 40,000 pheasants at the Loyalsock Game Farm. Marsh reported that 120 deer died at the Kleintop Farm in Danielaville because of a small insect bite that killed them in 4 to 5 days. It’s called E.H.D. (Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease) and the killing of deer from the virus that is spread to the whitetails won’t stop until frost kills the gnat-like insect. (More on this in other reports). Conservation and firearms committee reports were also given over the weekend. Saturday morning and afternoon were devoted to the dialogue between experts called in by the Keystone Energy Forum and PFSC to discuss with all the sportsmen the effects of Marcellus Shale. It was mostly all positive, with many figures given on the number of four-acre well sites, the drilling, and the water impoundments at each well site. Slides also showed how the land is reclaimed after the natural gas is drilled upward from thousands of feet under the surface horizontally. The PGC sees the wells as a means of providing additional funds for habitat, and working with industry they feel it will benefit wildlife. A DCNR spokesman said that Pennsylvania’s state forests exceed the size of Yellowstone National Park. One of the main reasons for state forests is to protect the water resource. Natural gas development has been going on since 1947. There are 125,000 sites, 3,900 of them Marcellus Shale, with 35 wells on a single pad. Pa. Fish & Boat reacts whenever there are pollution incidents, and they are

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asking for an impact fee. . . .Andrew Keck of Andarko Petroleum Corp., a massive industry, noted that Pa. is the birthplace of oil and gas. Scott Perry spoke of hydraulic fracturing, and water management plans that are being developed through D.E.P. Water that comes out is highly salty, more so than the ocean. The gas produced is for domestic use. To go overseas, it would have to be in liquid form. . . .Between 9-10 million acres have been leased and billions of dollars are going to landowners from the southcentral to the northeast sections of this state. If you want more info on fracturing, go to www. fracfocus.com While there are lots of good things with Marcellus Shale, admittedly there are some environmental risks. It is a contentious issue for conservationists. Saturday’s forum was an informational day, and PFSC may follow-up at the spring convention in Tunkhannock, Pa. At Sunday’s general session, one resolution on youth alone being able to fish earlier was defeated, but S.B. 1049 noted above passed. Also okayed, a recommendation that covers be put on the ponds at well sites by drilling companies. A shad resolution from Northampton County was deferred to the spring convention. These PFSC officers were elected: Chuck Lombaerde, president; Lowell Graybill, 1st vice pres.; Lee Marsh, 2nd vice pres.; Rocco Ali, secy.; Dorothy Protz, treas.; Mary Hosman, member-at-large; and for the Endowment Foundation – Dennis Filmore, 4 years, Ted Onufrak, 2 years, and Mark Frey and Dwight Weaver, 1 year.

No Value Employer: “Have you any references?” Applicant: “No, sir, I tore them up.” Employer: “That was a foolish thing to do.” Applicant: “You wouldn’t think so if you had read them.

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Sept. 22-28, 2011


Game commission confirms EHD in local wild deer

Pennsylvania Game Commission officials this week announced that test results from a wild deer have confirmed that epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD) has been found in Northampton County. This sample was collected Aug. 18. EHD also has been confirmed in captive deer in Northampton County in the vicinity of the wild deer. Additionally, one captive deer in Erie County was confirmed to have died of EHD, based on a sample collected Aug. 13. Residents are encouraged to call their respective Game Commission region office to report dead or sick deer. Contact information is available on page 5 of the 2011-12 Pennsylvania Digest of Hunting and Trapping Regulations, and also on the agency’s website (www.pgc.state. pa.us) by clicking on “About Us” in the menu bar at the top of the page and then selecting “Regional Information.” EHD is a common but sporadic disease in white-tailed deer populations of the United States, and is contracted by the bite of insects called “biting midges.” In more northern states, such as Pennsylvania, EHD occurs less often and affected deer are less

likely to mount an effective immune response. The virus usually kills the deer within five to 10 days. It is not spread from deer to deer by contact. While EHD is not infectious to humans, deer displaying severe symptoms of EHD are usually not suitable for consumption because of the rapid deterioration of the meat and secondary bacterial infection. “Reports of dead or dying deer are important to us,” said Doug Killough, PGC Southeast Region Office director. “Though an actual count of afflicted deer is impossible to obtain, because of rapid decomposition and the area where the outbreak is occurring, we still value these reports. Also, tissue samples must be extracted within 24 hours of death to be suitable for conducting tests. That is why it is so important that we hear from residents as soon as possible after they find a suspect deer.” There is no evidence that humans are at risk from EHD, but other diseases could be transmitted by careless hygiene when processing deer. “As a routine precaution, all hunters are encouraged to wear rubber or latex gloves Continued on page 16

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16 THE HOME NEWS Sept. 22-28, 2011

Police Blotter Colonial Regional Motorcyclist Hits Car; Two Injured

Colonial Regional Police were dispatched to a motor vehicle accident at the intersection of Schoenersville Rd. & Stallen Ave., Bethlehem, at 12:38 p.m. Sept. 17. Through their investigation and witness statements it was determined that Janet Cotter, 75, of Bridle Path Rd., Bethlehem, was exiting the Westgate Mall parking lot and attempting to cross Schoenersville Rd. in her vehicle in front of approaching traffic. Casey Damrose, 30, of N. 19th St., Allentown, riding a motorcycle, was traveling north on Schoenersville Rd. and hit the passenger side of Ms. Cotter’s car. Both drivers were injured and were taken to the hospital. Schoenersville Rd. northbound was closed for about an hour as police processed the scene. CRPD officers were assisted at the scene by Bethlehem city police and EMS, as well as Hanover Twsp. EMS, fire department, and fire police.

Retail Theft

Javillet Aponte, 33, of 708 Sunset Rd., Stroudsburg, was charged with retail theft on Sept. 18 at 6:50 p.m. after CRPD officers arrived at Kohl’s in Lower Nazareth Township for a retail theft in the amount of $130.80. Charges were filed through District Judge Joseph Barner’s office.


Northampton Police Department responded to these incidents between Sept. 12 and Sept 18: SEPTEMBER 12 A bicycle was stolen from a front yard in the 1500 block of Lincoln Avenue sometime between 3:00 and 4:30 PM. SEPTEMBER 13 Police responded to a kitchen fire in the 1600 block of Newport Avenue. Resident sustained burns on his arm from hot oil. Fire was out and scene released to the fire department. Report of a suspicious item found on the Coplay Bridge turned out to be flares that were taped to the bridge structure. The tape and flares

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were deteriorated, suggesting the device had been there for quite some time. SEPTEMBER 15 Cash and jewelry were discovered missing from a residence in the 1800 block of Main Street when owners returned from vacation. Under investigation. SEPTEMBER 17 A ring was reported missing from a residence in the 1800 block of Lincoln Avenue. Friends of a family member had been staying at the house, but denied any knowledge of the incident. Under investigation. SEPTEMBER 18 Police responded to the 800 block of Washington Avenue for criminal mischief to a vehicle. Both passenger side tires were slashed, and the passenger side mirror’s mount was cracked. Owner had just replaced these items due to a similar incident. Under investigation. Police were dispatched to 10th and Main Street for an assault. Male victim was bleeding from the face area, with a laceration above his eye and the top of his head. Subject could not articulate the events of the assault, but did provide a suspect’s name. Male was transported to the hospital for treatment of his injuries. Investigation to continue.

Citizens Police Academy

The Colonial Regional Police Department will be conducting their annual Citizen’s Police Academy beginning October 5 through December 7, 2011. Classes will be held every Wednesday from 7 to 9pm. Applications are available online (www.colonialregionalpd.org) and the deadline to register is September 28, 2011. Please contact Lee McGuigan 610-861-4820.

Deer alert Continued from page 15 when handling or field-dressing

any animal, and wash their hands and tools thoroughly after field dressing,” Killough said. “As with any wild game, meat should always be thoroughly cooked. “Even though some EHD symptoms are similar to those of chronic wasting disease (CWD) – such as excessive drooling, weakness and a loss of fear of humans – there is no relationship between EHD and CWD. However, because these diseases coexist, deer submitted for EHD testing also are being tested for CWD.” EHD is one of those diseases in which the mortality rate

Students in Mrs. Karen Braun’s third grade class observe a monarch butterfly at Sacred Heart School in Bath..

Fourth graders in Mrs. Carol Derhammer’s fourth grade class at Sacred Heart class dig science. Students worked in groups to study the reaction of earthworms to light, noise, and other stimuli. can be amplified by anything that serves to congregate deer, such as supplemental feeding, and placement of salt or mineral blocks. While the disease is not spread through deerto-deer contact, congregating animals through feeding does make transmission easier by allowing midges that carry the virus greater access to a larger number of animals in a more confined area. Therefore, such feeding activities should be discontinued immediately. In 1996, EHD was suspected to be the cause of death in nearly 25 deer in Adams County, but test results in that case were inconclusive. Other outbreaks in Pennsylvania were confirmed in 2002 and 2007.

Horse Show Continued from page 10

Northampton County Open Gate Tour being held during that weekend. This show is open to any youth between over the age of 8 and adults. It will offer walktrot, open, jumping and fun classes throughout the day. A costume class will be held at the end of the show. Each class is $6.00. All entrants are required to wear a hard hat in all classes. Release forms, 2011 Coggins and a rabies certificate are required before entry into the show. This show is offered as a learning experience for the Klecknersville & youth and adults of the area. It will be an informal show, Heiney/Washington appropriate riding boots and School Reunion The Klecknersville and Hein- hard hats are required, no tey/Washington School reunion shirts allowed; neat, but not will be held at Emmanuel’s Lu- formal dress required. Entheran Church, 3175 Valley View trants will receive help and Drive in Bath on Sunday, Sept. encouragement throughout 25 beginning at 1 p.m. Enter- the event. Ribbons will be tainment will be provided by given in each class. Mr. Schultz with music from a There are age restrictions hand cranked pipe organ which on certain classes and restriche built from scratch. A cov- tions throughout divisions ered dish or dessert to share in the show. This allows all would be appreciated. Meat, exhibitors an opportunity to cheese, coffee, tea, soda and participate and learn. rolls will be provided. For more For more information coninformation contact Gladys cerning this show, please call 610-837-7465 or Pearl 610-759- 610-837-7294. 1527. Hope to see you there. The 4-H program in Northampton County offers a wide variety of learning experiences for all youths between the ages of 8 to 18 years. Anyone wishing more information concerning the 4-H program, in general, is welcome to call Donna Foulk, Northampton County 4-H Educator, at 610-746-1970, weekdays between 8:00 -4:00, or your local county extension office.

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