The Home News Your Local News
NOVEMBER 5-11, 2020
Moore Township ‘Trunk-and-Treat’ winners
50 cents
Looking by Back Ed Pany 2020 Library of the Year Award Winner
Giant Frankenstein’s Nose - Scariest Trunk
submitted by REBECCA MIKLAS We extend kudos to all of the participants in our Moore Township Community Day Committee Trunk-and-Treat held October 24. The entries exhibited new heights of creativity and resource-
fulness. We thank and congratulate everyone who contributed an entry. All were winners, whether they took home a prize or not, for coming out and making this event fun for everyone. Continued on page 12
Loving Your Littles In The Lehigh Valley Your Tips & Trips Parenting Guide
By Erin Ferguson
Gobble, gobble, It’s time to wobble! Thanksgiving is upon us and there are so many things to be grateful for. Although this year was very hard on many of us for all different reasons, it provided us with the opportunity to sit back and recognize what is important and what is not. It helped
us to appreciate our family and friends and brought us closer together even when we were miles apart. Helping others became a necessity to so many of us simply because it is what we had to Continued on page 5
Photos courtesy of Larry Oberly. Visitors enjoy the exhibits at the Ringling Circus Museum in Sarasota, Fla.
Page 3
Circus Part 2
In our last column, this writer shared memories from a day enjoying the “greatest show on Earth” - the Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus - in the big top at the Allentown Fairgrounds. Recently, my friends Larry and
Margie Oberly visited the Ringling home and Circus Museum in Sarasota, Fla. Mr. Oberly’s photographs help us remember the most famous circus family. Charles and John Continued on page 11
Bath Social Hall makes Annual donation to Earl the Borough Fire Department Christmas raisers [and] we cannot have any By KERI LINDENMUTH Every year, the Bath Fire Social fundraisers.” Spider He presented the $500 donaHall makes a contribution to the borough’s volunteer fire department. Despite the challenges 2020 has posed, Jimmy Pasquariello, president of the social hall, made sure there was still something to give to the department this year. “I know we are struggling and they are struggling,” he said. “[They] cannot have any fund-
tion to Councilman Anthony Kovalovsky, member of the fire department, during council’s November 2 meeting. “Anything is appreciated,” said Council President Mark Saginario, “especially during these times.” Continued on page 5
Page 10
79th Year, Issue No. 45
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2 November 5-11, 2020
VETERANS DAY 2020 IN MEMORY AND HONOR… During the past year, we have had the privilege of serving the families of Veterans. We are honored to be of service to them in their time of need, just as their loved one was there in our time of need. On Veterans Day, we pay tribute to those who served our country in the name of Freedom, the same Freedom that allows us to serve them. Our prayers are with all the Veterans, their families, and with the brave men and women serving our country today. We also wish to thank those from our area’s veteran service groups who volunteer their time in honor guards and firing squads bestowing the greatest honor for their deceased comrades.
Michael K. Greene – Air Force – Vietnam • Herman E. Gestl – Navy – WWII Joseph A. Kralick – Army – Korea • Robert T. Welty, Sr. – Army Korea Chester D. Weber, Jr. – Marines – WWII • Richard S. Miltenberger – Navy – WWII Richard J. Shook, Jr. – Navy – Vietnam • Anthony Zaferiou – Navy – Vietnam Ralph N. Millheim – Army – Korea • Theodore R. Curry, Jr. – Navy – Vietnam Kenneth R. Steed – Navy – Korea • Donald C. Kotz – Army – Peacetime Alan K. Stout – Army – Vietnam • Clark F. Kichline, Jr. – Marines – Vietnam Franklin T. Hann – Army – Peacetime • Elwood E. Seas – Navy – Peacetime Robert M. Tresize – Army – Vietnam • William R. Gillingham, Jr. – Army – Peacetime Ronald W. Schwenk – Air Force – Peacetime • Richard H. Shireman – Army – Peacetime Donald W. Klim – Army – Peacetime • Martin L. Zielinski – Army – WWII Vincent Elliott – Marines – Vietnam • James E. Kocher – Air Force – Vietnam Donald L. Bostic, Sr. – Army – Peacetime • Robert W. Hoagland – Navy – WWII Rollie O.T. George – Army – Vietnam • Earl J. Rohn, Jr. – Army – Korea Delbert C. Wimmer – Marines – Vietnam • Robert F. Davidson – Army – Vietnam George W. Johnson – Marines – Korea • Willard H. Silvius – Army – Vietnam Morris J. Kurnal – Army – WWII • Floyd E. Schlegel – Army – Korea John J. Medvidick – Navy – WWII • James P. McGaughran – Navy – Vietnam Raymond W. Peters – Navy – Peacetime • Wayne F. Williams – Army – Vietnam Frank J. Matyger – Air Force – Vietnam • Ronald L. Katrick – Army – Vietnam Barry G. Creyer – Air Force – Vietnam • Donald C. Kunkle – Army – Korea Everett L. Doutt, Jr. – Army – Peacetime • Eugene A. Eckhart, Jr. – Air Force – Korea Thomas L. Ott – Army – Korea • Michael J. Cline – Army – Peacetime Bert H. Beil – Marines – Korea • Daniel F. Greene – Marines – Peacetime James L. Scullin, Jr. – Army – WWII • Bruce S. Fehr – Army - Vietnam
FRANCES BENSING Funeral Director
2020 Library of the Year
Natural perspectives For the health-minded individual
Unburden the Body by DR. GLENN CLEARIE, DC
In a prior article I discussed my view that caffeine in general, and coffee specifically, is simply not good for your health. Surely this made many, including myself, gnash their teeth in protest, yet
Executive Director, Holly Bennett and Assistant Director, Catherine Stewart proudly accept the Pennsylvania Library's 2020 Library of the Year Award at the Memorial Library of Nazareth and Vicinity on Tuesday, October 27.
The Home News 255E South Best Ave. Walnutport, PA 18088 Ph: 610-923-0382 Fax: 610-923-0383
E-mail: Paul & Lisa Prass - Publishers Catherine Stroh Associate Publisher & Editor Kristy O’Brien - Account Executive Tony Pisco - Art Director Erica Montes Director of Creative Services David Farkas - Delivery Driver
The Home News ISSN 1944-7272 (USPS 248-700) is published every Thursday of the year at a local subscription rate of $23.00 annually; 50-cents per copy on newsstands. Periodicals postage paid at Bath PA and additional entry offices. A General Circulation Newspaper Since 1942 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: The Home News PO Box 2548, Orlando, FL 32802
The Home News does not assume responsibility for any advertisements beyond the cost of the ad itself. We cannot be responsible for typographical errors. We reserve the right to reject any article or advertisement thought to be offensive or not contributing to the needs of the communities we serve. All opinions expressed by columnists, reporters and feature writers, including letters to the editor, are not necessarily those of this publication, but of the individuals themselves. News items and ads should be submitted no later than noon Monday on the week of publication, or on dates noted ahead of time due to holidays. Content, including text, images, ads and online material may not be re-produced, copied, published either in whole or in part, without the consent of the Publisher(s).
Pink-Pumpkins For Breast Cancer To hold holiday Food drive and Fundraiser
Submitted by DEEANA BEDICS From 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 22, Pink Pumpkins for Breast Cancer will hold a holiday food drive and fundraiser to benefit cancer warriors in the community. Non-perishable food items will be collected, in addition food will be for sale, a basket social will take place until 2 p.m., and there will be a flea market, bake sale and crafters and vendors at the holiday fest, all to ensure that COVID does not cancel Christmas for cancer warriors in the community. We are a nonprofit 501c3 that depends solely on donations and fundraising to accomplish our goals. Our local business owners with their generous support make this possible. We provide support to cancer warriors indigent because of cancer. We provide everyday needs such as utilities, rent/mortgage, groceries, and transportation expenses to name a few. This event will be held rain/shine, indoor/ outdoor and all CDC guidelines will be practiced with sanitation stations available. This event will take place at the American Club of Coplay, located at 300 Cherry St., Coplay. Parking lots are available for parking. For more information contact Deeana Bedics at 610-440-2119.
my assertion remains the same. We do not need scientific studies to tell us. We need only honestly ask ourselves if we feel coffee is improving our health or otherwise. The answer is clear to me that it is indeed a burden upon
November 5-11, 2020 3
these beautiful bodies of ours. Alas, caffeine is only one of a myriad of self-imposed chronic burdens we put on our glands, organs, and tissues on a daily-long term basis that leads to disease. At what point do you think we can face the truth, that in many ways we are our own worst enemy and doing harm to ourselves? If we think things through we can Continued on page 4
4 November 5-11, 2020
Dr. Clearie
Continued from page 3 clearly see what course correction we need to make. Whether we decide to do so is a whole other conversation. It makes sense to all that we should not overburden our bodies lest at some point the body gets
injured, gives up, and gives out. It borders on absurdity what we allow ourselves to detrimentally do to ourselves; smoking, drinking, chew tobacco, pots of coffee, pills, recreation drugs, energy drinks, and all the rest. At some point, the body is simply burnt out. That’s the way it works. When I think of a major bodily burden that the vast majority are bombarding themselves with,
A Family Tradition of Courteous, Dignified Service
George G Bensing Funeral Home, LLC Full-service funeral home offering affordable traditional and cremation services to families of all faiths
2165 Community Dr. (Moorestown) Bath, PA 18014 · (610) 759-3901
John H. Simons Supervisor
Frances Bensing Funeral Director
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I think of sugar. Just like taking away your coffee, the sheer mention of removing sugar becomes almost too much to bear. Because we consume such an insane amount of sugar, our bodies age before their time and organs burn out. In this case, the pancreatic harm and ensuing cascade of events leads to what we know is Type 2 diabetes. What truly amazes me is that our bodies handle the damage we are doing to ourselves with such a determination to thrive. All these incredible processes take place 24/7 and work tirelessly to sustain us. Clearly the one variable of time is something the body simply cannot overcome. Internal systems start to fail a little more each day or perhaps each year until at some point the bottom just falls out. It isn’t like our bodies aren’t telling us all along, because they are. No reason to be shocked in the least in the majority of cases. Of course, we should anticipate problems based upon what we are doing to our bodies. To think otherwise is unreasonable.
Do you know someone with high blood pressure? It isn’t the result of a blood pressure medicine shortage! It is an early indicator something is wrong. That the host, you, are doing something that isn’t good to self and the body cannot handle whatever you’re doing and now a symptom, the early alarm, is going off. Blood pressure is only one indicator. Fatigue is another. So is brain fog. Joint aches and pain is another. So is constipation! Perhaps a skin rash is also an alarm. Nail health, hair health, breath, urine contents, and just so much more can be seen as your body’s early alarm and left unheeded leads to bad things down the road. I would like to encourage each and every person reading this article to truly make the effort to remove the burdens you are imposing upon your body. You know what they are just like I know how I am harming mine. Be truthful and honest with yourself. Unburden, restore. Live well. "Natural Perspectives" is a health commentary only and does not claim to diagnose and/ or make treatment recommendations. Always seek the advice of your health care professional.
Gab Over by Pete The Fence G. Ossip That was some real windy weather we had Monday, saw some snow flurries too. I didn’t see any damage but know some who lost power...It’s Election Day as I write this, by the time you are reading it the election will have passed and the results may be announced by then. Fun fact- The first U.S. presidential election was in 1789. Only white men who owned property could vote, a stipulation that prohibited 94 percent of the population from casting a ballot. I hope everyone
exercised their right to vote, seems like a record number of votes were cast for this election...Hank VanBlargan recently celebrated 50 years of dedicated service to the Klecknersville Rangers, hats off to Hank for half a century of serving the community...Starting next week a media company is gonna start filming a commercial at the Northampton Diner and Family Restaurant, formerly Miller’s Diner, so that’s exciting... Seemsville Pub & Grille is slated to open the third week in November. They’re hiring right now in case anyone’s lookin’ for a job. I remember the day they demolished the building, that was quite a sight to see, I had never seen a building demolished before... Looks like all the kiddies had a fun time trick-or-treating this year, I think people were just thankful to have some normalcy...I read about a haunted house that was on Spyglass Hill, seems like it was pretty scary! When people say “not for the faint of heart” that means me...We got some photos in from Moore Township’s Trunk or Treat. I am a big Harry Potter Continued on page 5
“Serving Families Since 1853”
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Bath Drug 310 Walnut Street, Bath, PA 18014 610.837.9992
Get Your Flu Shot Today
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SHINGLE VACCINE also available Call for more information
November 5-11, 2020 5
BATH AREA Bath Social Hall Continued from page 1
“We are doing the best we can,” said Pasquariello. He said the social hall has canceled all events but is still holding bingo while following CDC guidelines. The Bath Farmer’s Market also donated to the fire department. About $40 was raised from the market’s scarecrow contest. The COVID-19 pandemic has canceled many community events, but council is hoping to bring the borough together in spirit, if not in person. During their meeting, council announced plans for a holiday door decorating contest. This will “get the borough in the holiday spirit without actually getting together,” said Councilwoman Carol Bear-Heckman. Residents can decorate their front doors for the chance to win one of eight categories: Americana, modern, country, winter wonderland, Disney, Santa, and lights, as well as a special category for businesses. Council will judge and the winners will receive gift cards from local businesses. Winners will be announced during the
Christmas tree lighting on November 29 at 6 p.m. In other news, council is also planning an electronic recycling event for Spring 2021. Wendy Gordon, general manager of Responsible Recycling Services, was in attendance during the meeting to discuss how her organization can help the borough plan a recycling event for residents. For a small fee, Responsible Recycling Services accepts televisions, computers, microwaves, and other appliances. They either recycle them at their facility in Kutztown or ship them to other facilities across the country. Gordon said a similar event in the borough two years ago filled two trucks with recyclables in only two hours. “This is something we’ve talked about as a council for a long time,” said Saginario. Councilwoman Phyllis Andrews will work with Gordon to put together a quote and plan for the spring event. Finally, council approved the borough’s 2021 budget with no tax increase for residents. This marks the fifth year in a row of no tax increase, following 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.
Christ Church of Bath, UCC 109 S. Chestnut Street Holiday Potato Filling Take and Bake
Thursday, November 19, 2020 Pick-up 4 to 6 p.m. $4.00 - sm. pan (serves 4) $6.00 - lg. pan (serves 6) Call to order - 610-837-0345
(Please leave message with your name and phone number for call back)
Deadline for orders: Monday, November 16th
Gab over the Fence
Happy Veterans Day!
Continued from page 4
fan, I think the Acheys did a great job with that vehicle. All the vehicles were super creative, again I think people are extra thankful for any kind of normalcy they can get this year so they’re goin’ all out. I’m excited to see residents throughout the Bath borough decorate for the front door competition...Now that we’ve entered November thoughts have turned from Halloween directly to Christmas...I don’t necessarily mind but I do like Thanksgiving too...The start of November also means No Shave November, police officers get to grow out their facial hair and make a donation towards a worthy cause. The beginning of November also marks the approach of Veterans Day on Nov. 11. This issue is our Veterans Day issue where we recognize and thank veterans for their duty, sacrifice, dedication and service, although we should do that every day of the year. So thank you to all the vets, and I hope everyone has a safe and happy week.
We tHank all past,
present anD future serVice men anD Women for your serVice anD sacrifice. Monday 9-7 • Tuesday and Thursday 9-3 Wednesday and Friday 9-5 • Saturday 9-12 noon
Community Veterinary Practice Check us out on Facebook!
Arthur R Hulshizer, MS, VMD Kelli Carpenter, DVM 2550 Community Drive, Bath • 610-837-5888
Gobble, gobble Continued from page 1
do. We broke, but we came back together by picking up the pieces for one another, making us whole again. It was hard, it still is, but through grateful hearts we are getting through the pandemic and will continue to get through it, so let’s recognize all we have to be grateful for and enjoy Thanksgiving Day with the ones we love, safely. Just like Halloween, and I’m sure Christmas, Thanksgiving is going to look a little bit different this year. Through recommendations from the CDC, we have been advised to keep our gatherings small or have been told not to host Thanksgiving at all to keep the spread of COVID-19 Continued on page 10
St. John'S EvangElical luthEran church 206 E. Main St., Bath, Pa 18014 Annual Community Outreach Thanksgiving Dinner – Take-Out Only
from Kratzer Septic Service
• Septic Cleaning & Pumping • Excavating • Septic Repairs & Maintenance • Pump Replacements • Septic Installation
Thank you to all who have served, both veterans and active duty!
Pre-Orders Only – No Walk-Ins Call to Order – 610-837-1061 (Do not leave order on answering machine, leave your name & number to call back.)
Pickup • Wednesday, Nov. 25 2 to 6 p.m. Fellowship Hall
Pre-plated meal | Turkey, Ham, Filling, Sweet Potatoes, Gravy, Cranberry Sauce, Roll & Butter plus One slice Pumpkin or Apple Pie (Choice of dessert may not be available at time of pick-up.) Food is fully cooked and ready to re-heat & serve. No cost for the meal, however, free-will offering much appreciated to defray costs Many thanks to our wonderful sponsors: The members of St. John's, The Bath Area Food Bank, and the many volunteers who are preparing the dinner.
6 November 5-11, 2020
Happy Veterans Day Christ Church UCC Bath 109 South Chestnut Street Bath, Pennsylvania 18014 610-837-0345
Kauffman’s Upholstery, Inc. 100 Main St., Northampton, PA 18067 610-262-8298
State Representative Marcia M. Hahn 138th Legislative District
Harrisburg Office: P.O. Box 202138 Harrisburg, PA 17120-2138 • (717) 783-8573
Linda M. Roth, C.P.A. 256 S. Walnut St., Bath, PA 18014 610-837-8081
District Office: 196 W. Moorestown Road (Rt. 512) Wind Gap, PA 18091 • (610) 746-2100
Miklas Realty 222 S. Walnut St. (Rt. 512) Bath, PA 18014-1068 Ph: 610-837-4888 Fx: 610-837-4889 SALT COVE WELLNESS 760 Andrews Rd Bath, PA 18014
Ralph’s Auto Body 859 Copella Rd. Bath, PA 18014 610-759-2642
ANVIL FORGE & HAMMER IRON WORKS, INC. 6337 Airport Road Allentown, PA 18109 610-837-9951
8013 Beth.-Bath Pike, Bath 610-837-2000
135 S. Walnut St. Bath 18014 610-837-1059
BATH SUPPLY CO, INC. 457 Race St., Bath 610-837-1805
Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church 210 E Northampton St. Bath, PA 18014 • 610-837-7874
Borough of Bath
121 S. Walnut St., Bath PA, 18014 610-837-6525
Salem UCC of Moorestown 2218 Community Dr. Bath
Fella Studios, Inc. 1465 Main St., Northampton 610-262-4741
110 East Main St., Bath 610-837-7855
2165 Community Drive Bath, PA 18014 610-759-3901
Dick Wetzel’s Hobbies
Hayes Flowers
514 East Main St., Bath, PA 18014 Airplanes*Airplanes*Airplanes 610-837-6681
ESTELLE R. STEIN D.D.S. 116 S. Walnut St., Bath, PA 18014 610-837-7811
251 E. Main St., Bath 610-837-6447
PASQUARIELLO’S AUTO SHOP 355 S. Hokendauqua Dr. Northampton, PA 18067 610-837-0509
S.Seem Antiques & Artisians 100 S. Chestnut St., Bath 610-390-0403
Wunderler’s Market
429 E. Main & Broad Sts., Bath 610-837-9720
November 5-11, 2020 7
NORTHAMPTON AREA Northampton Police Report OCTOBER 08
Domestic in the 100 block of W. 27th St. between a male and a female. Suspicious person in the 1300 of Main St. Report of a suspicious male. Suspicious act in the 800 block of Lincoln Ave. Report of a suspicious act. Harassment in the 100 block of Held Dr. Report of harassment. Juvenile problem in the 100 block of W. 14th St. Report of a juvenile issue, Hit and run accident in the 1300 block of Stewart St. Report of a legally parked vehicle side swiped, causing damage to the driver side front and back door. EMS ambulance assist in the 1300 block of Main St. Officers assist EMS with the transport of a male. Disturbance in the 1400 block of Washington Ave. Report of a disturbance.
Suspicious vehicle in the 500 block of E. 10th St. Report of a suspicious vehicle. Non-reportable accident in the 1300 block of Main St. involving
two vehicles. Domestic in the 2100 block of Washington Ave. between a male and a female. Suspicious act in the 2400 block of Main St. Report of a suspicious act. Noise complaint in the 1300 block of Vienna St. Report of fireworks.
Traffic stop, w 26th St. and Main St. and the 1700 block of Main St. Traffic stops were conducted. Assist agency in the 100 block of W. 27th St. Request from Lehigh Township Police Department to locate a female. Domestic in the 2000 block of Laubach Ave. between a male and a female. Hit and run accident in the 1300 block of Newport Ave. Report of a legally parked vehicle struck, damage to the left rear fascia. Suspicious person in the 1400 block of Railroad St. Report of a suspicious male. Vehicle towed, Cherryville Rd. and Main St. Report of a towed vehicle. EMS ambulance assist in the
Two Day Basket Raffle Christ UCC-Little Moore 913 S. Mink Rd., Danielsville Food available to go
Friday, Nov. 6 • 5 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 7 • 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Winner notified by phone • Social distancing guidelines & masks enforced
All occasion filled baskets, gift certs. and more!
Blue Mountain Drive-In & Family Restaurant
Happy Veterans Day!
Free sundae to any vet/active duty the week of Veterans Day *Taking orders for holiday cakes & pies
Open Thurs-Sun 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
1439 Blue Mt. Drive, Danielsville 610-767-6379
2100 block of Washington Ave. Officers assist EMS with the transport of a female. Hit and run accident in the 400 block of E.11th St. Report of a legally parked vehicle struck by a tractor trailer turning from Siegfried Ave, damaging the rear end. Video of the accident shows the trailer being hauled is a FedEx trailer. Check person/welfare in the 800 block of Lincoln Ave. Request to check the welfare of a male.
ing two vehicles. Hit and run accident in the100 block of W. 16th St. Report of a legally parked vehicle struck, damage to the driver side quarter panel and mirror.
Dumping complaint in the 1300 block of Railroad St. Report of trash dumped on a property.
EMS ambulance assist in the 200 block of E. 21st St. and the 2000 block of Line Alley. Officers assist EMS with the transports of females. Noise complaint in the 1500 block of Railroad St. Report of loud music.
Criminal mischief in the 500 block of E. 11th St. Report of a broken garage window. Check person/welfare in the 1600 block of Canal St. Request to check the welfare of a female. Theft, other, in the 1700 block of Canal St. Report of a 10 x 10 easy up canopy, six 100 ft. extension cords, a black and white checkered outdoor mat and a water jug taken from the front yard of a residence. Criminal mischief in the 2400 block of Main St. Report of a vehicle egged. Disturbance in the 1300 block of Newport Ave. Report of a disturbance. Domestic in the 900 block of Siegfried Ave. between a male and a female. Suspicious person in the 2000 block of Main St. Report of two suspicious males.
Noise complaint, Main St. and E. 19th St. Report of fireworks. Harassment in the 1700 block of Main St. Report of harassment. EMS ambulance assist in the unit block of W. 21st St. Officers assist EMS with the transport of female. Criminal mischief in the 1600 block of Washington Ave. Report of a sun roof taken from a vehicle. Civil matter in the 500 block of Washington Ave. Report of a civil issue. Check person/welfare in the 1800 block of Main St. Request to check the welfare of a female.
Fire call in the 1300 block of Main St. Officers assist Northampton Fire Department. Domestic in the 1500 block of Main St. between a male and a female. Assist agency in the 2100 block of Washington Ave. Request for Officers to assist Northampton County Constables. Non-reportable accident, Main St. and E 19th St. involv-
Christmas Shoppe Now Open!
Route 329 & Savage Rd., Northampton Tel. #: 610-262-4566 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7-7, Sat. 7-4, Closed Sundays and all Major Holidays
ind-N-Seek Find this week’s icon on three of our advertisers’ ads and write them below. Complete this form and mail it to: P.O. Box A, Walnutport, PA 18088 for your chance to win a gift cert. from this week’s sponsor 1._____________________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________________ Your Name:________________________ Phone: ___________________ Email: ________________________________________________________
Lorah’s Farm Market This Week's icon: All submissions must be received by November 16 Congratulations to last issue’s winner - Constance Bickle
November 5-11, 2020 8
NAZARETH AREA Trumbower Hospital Foundation Announces grants Submitted by LAURA LEE STOUDT Fifteen grants for 2020, totaling $57,288.75, have been awarded by the Trumbower Hospital Foundation, Inc., to local agencies providing health care and health education programs for Nazareth area residents. Recipients of the grants this year were: • Bushkill Township Volunteer Fire Company • Cancer Support Community of the Greater Lehigh Valley • The Center for Humanistic Change • Colonial Regional Police Department • Equi-Librium • Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Network • Greater Valley YMCA, Naza-
reth branch • Holy Family School • Meals on Wheels of the Greater Lehigh Valley • HCSC Blood Center, dba Miller-Keystone Blood Center • Morningstar Living Foundation • Nazareth Ambulance Corps • St. Luke’s School of Nursing • Upper Nazareth Township Police Department • Visiting Nurse Association of St. Luke’s The Trumbower Hospital Foundation was established from the will of the late Peter S. Trumbower, long-time resident of Nazareth, who wished to make a meaningful contribution of the provision of improved health care to the residents of the greater
Nazareth area. Since its inception in 1979, the Foundation has granted more than $1,000,000 to organizations and agencies benefitting residents of the Nazareth area. Trustees of the Foundation are Richard Kraemer, President (Upper Nazareth Township), Kristie Williams, Secretary (Nazareth Borough), Susan Rundle, Treasurer (Bushkill Township), William Cauller (Lower Nazareth Township), and Stephen Bajan (Nazareth Borough). The Foundation announces it will receive applications for grants to be made in 2021. The deadline is February 1, 2021. Additional information is available from the Trumbower Hospital Foundation, Inc., P.O. Box 57, Nazareth, Pennsylvania, 18064.
HOMEMADE THANKSGIVING PIE SALE Dryland UCC • 4415 Newburg Rd., Nazareth Apple Crumb, Apple Tart, 9” pies Pumpkin, Wet Bottom Shoo Fly for $9 & Strawberry Rhubarb Order deadline Nov. 19 Pick-up Tuesday, Nov. 24 for 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. or Wednesday, Nov. 25 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Call to order your pies: Richard 484-894-9799, Karen 610-504-1158, Church 610-759-4444
NOW HIRING! Force Gymnastics 550 S. Green St Nazareth, Pa 18064 610-365-8303
NCC offers Low-cost dental Cleanings Submitted by KATHERINE NOLL Dental hygiene students at Northampton Community College are welcoming new patients to the Litwak Dental Clinic in the college's Fowler Family Southside Center to provide multiple oral assessments, cancer screenings, dental cleanings, radiographs, fluoride treatments, and dental screenings, all under the supervision of licensed hygienists and dentists. The clinic is open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in the fall and dental cleanings are free for all NCC credit students. Members of the public can utilize the services for a nominal fee. The appointments are long, but will be the most thorough trip to the dental hygienist you have ever encountered. Appointments can be made by phoning the clinic at 610-861-5442.
Emergency Fuel Assistance Program
Submitted by BECKY BARTLETT Lamont McClure and the Northampton County Area Agency on Aging began the Emergency Fuel Assistance Program on Nov. 2. This program is for once-a-season fuel assistance of $380. In order to be eligible, an individual needs to be sixty-years of age or older, reside in Northampton County, and have already applied for and received or been denied Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
benefits. Their fuel tank needs to be at 1/8 full or less. For assistance with gas or electric heat, a shut-off notice is required. To apply, contact the Northampton County Information & Referral Emergency Services 610-559-3270. When a referral is received, a Northampton County Area Agency on Aging care-manager will contact the individual by phone to determine eligibility.
AARP Fact Tracker
Submitted by STEVE GARDNER Do you believe everything you see online? The obvious answer is no, but there are plenty of sensationalized headlines, misleading stories and even complete falsehoods circulating on the Internet, making it hard for even the most discerning reader to sort fact from fiction. Disinformation online is a key tool for scammers. Luckily AARP has a new online resource to arm you with the skills to decipher what’s real and what isn’t on the web. Visit for interactive tools and resources that will help you sort out fact and fiction online. Be a fraud fighter. If you can spot a scam, you can stop a scam. Visit the AARP Fraud Watch Network at or call the AARP Fraud Watch Network Helpline at 1-877-908-3360 to report a scam or get help if you’ve fallen victim.
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The Classifieds
setback, therefore requiring a variance from Section 180-16. E – Design Standards. The parcel I.D No. is G3-3-3A-0516 and is located in the Agriculture/Rural Residential Zoning District.
Deadline: Monday at 12 Noon | Phone: 610-923-0382 | E-mail:
Meetings are open to the public and all interested parties are welcome to attend and will have an opportunity to be heard.
The Fair Housing Act prohibits housing discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, and disability. It is illegal to deny housing to families with children under 18 years of age unless the housing qualifies as "housing for older persons. There will be no refunds after a classified advertisement is placed and paid. If an ad runs erroneously at the fault of the paper, we will offer a complimentary ad in the next edition of the publication.
SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY! BANGOR AREA. PAID CDL TRAINING, COMPETITIVE WAGES, Following Covid Safety Protocols. Call Monday through Friday at 610-588-3590 or visit us online at STACAREERS. COM. (11/5)
DESIGNER PURSE BINGO POSTPONED Benefits the 113th Northern Lehigh Halloween Parade. Saturday, April 10, 2021 at Star Hose Fire Co., 7748 Penn St., Emerald. Doors open 5 p.m., bingo starts 6 p.m. BYOB. Snacks provided, kitchen open. Tickets $25 in advance, $30 at door. Call 484-619-0140 or 484225-2714 for tickets. (11/5)
FOR RENT RENT IT FAST! With Home News classifieds for as little as $10/week. Call 610-923-0382 or place your ad online at www.homenewspa. com. (TN)
FOR SALE FOR SALE POTATOES Twin Maple Farm, 1 mile South Bath School Rd. Open Daily. 610-837-0175.
NEVER MISS ANOTHER ISSUE Weekly delivery to your mailbox. $23 for 52 issues of The Home News. Call today: 610923-0382 or subscribe online at (TN) POTATOES AND APPLES Padula Farms Half a mile west of Bath on Rt. 248. (11/5) RIVIERA SPA HOT TUB 66” X 82” X 32” deep, 48 jets, seating for 3, with cover lift. $1500 call Bob 610-393-0782. (11/5)
HOME IMPROVEMENTS MILLER SUPPLY ACE HARDWARE Northampton, PA Christmas Shoppe NOW OPEN! M-F 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sat. 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. 610-262-4566. (11/12) NAZARETH PLATE GLASS CO., INC. 27 Mauch Chunk Street Nazareth, Pa. HARVEY VINYL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS SOLAR ROOMS Storm Windows & Screens Repaired Insulated Glass, Plexiglass, Mirrors, Repairs made at your home. Free Estimates. Call Mike Matula 610-759-3682. Closed Saturdays. 24-hour emergency service, commercial customers. (TN) TED’S ROOFING New Roofs & Repairs • ReRoofing • Roof Ventilation • Slate Repairs •Seamless Gutter • Siding • Fascia & Soffit • No Streaking Shingle. Free Estimates & Fully Insured. Where Service & Quality Counts! PA#089829. NJ#13VH08202700. 610-8377508. (11/5)
The Home News
PUMPKIN ROLL SALE Chapman Quarries UMC, 1433 Main St., Bath. $14 whole roll -- $8 half roll. Pick up at church Saturday, November 21, 9 a.m. to noon Order deadline date: Monday, November 9 Call to order: Linda at 484-623-4545. (11/5) SOS BREAKFAST TO GO Presented by Salem United Methodist SERVants. Take-out only. Pre-orders required by Nov. 7. Pick up Nov. 14 at Salem UMC, 1067 Blue Mt. Dr., Danielsville between 8 and 10 a.m. Meal includes authentic military SOS, bread for toast, hashbrown casserole, cinnamon apples and breakfast cake. $8 per meal, veterans eat free. Call 610-438-0881 or email to order. (11/5)
PUBLIC NOTICE-LEGAL ESTATE NOTICE Estate of Harold H. Miller, late of the Borough of Nazareth, County of Northampton, and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters of Administration on the above Estate have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to the estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims against to present them in writing without delay to the Attorney noted below. Arlene M. Heckman 506 Monocacy Dr. Bath, PA 18014 Administratrix DANIEL G. SPENGLER, ESQUIRE 110 East Main Street Bath, PA 18014 Attorney for the Estate (10/22-11/5) LEHIGH TOWNSHIP ZONING HEARING BOARD PUBLIC NOTICE The Lehigh Township Zoning Hearing Board will convene on Thursday, November 12, 2020, at 6 p.m. to hear the following appeals. The hearing will be held at the Lehigh Township Municipal Building located at 1069 Municipal Road, Walnutport, PA 18088. RHONDA GILLY The applicant/owner of 332 Walnut Drive, Northampton, PA, 18067 has filed an application requesting a special exception and variance relief to operate a kennel from the property. Kennels are permitted by special exception in the Agriculture/Rural Residential Zoning District subject to the criteria listed in Section 180-100. The applicant is seeking a variance from Section 180-100(A) – Minimum lot area, and Section 180-100(B) – Minimum setback to property lines. The parcel I.D. No. is J4-
29-7A-1-0516 and is located in the Agriculture/Rural Residential Zoning District. LARRY SHOEMAKER The applicant/owner of 1422 Nectarine Road, Danielsville, PA, 18038 has filed an application for zoning relief requesting a variance to install a roof mounted accessory solar energy system. The following relief is being requested, a variance from Section 180-15. B – Word usage and definitions. An accessory solar energy system is defined as a roof mounted solar collector device which has a rated capacity of less than or equal to 18 KW, the proposed roof mounted system has a rated capacity of 22.8 KW. The parcel I.D. No. is G3-2-12G-0516 and is located in the Agriculture/Rural Residential Zoning District. LOUISE BINDER & THOMAS ONUSCONICH The applicants/owners of 1407 North Cottonwood Road, Danielsville, PA, 18038 have filed an application for zoning relief from front yard setback requirements for the location of a new 24’ x 28’ detached garage. The design standards for this zoning district state that residential accessory structures are not permitted in the front yard
Liz Gehman, Lehigh Township Zoning Officer (10/29 & 11/5) ESTATE NOTICE Estate of Bertha Louise Houser, late of the Township of Allen, County of Northampton and State of Pennsylvania, deceased WHEREAS, Letters Testamentary in the above-named estate have been granted to Barbara L. Begel, Executrix of the Estate of Bertha Louise Houser. All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands to present the same without delay to Barbara L. Begel c/o Alfred S. Pierce, Esquire 124 Belvidere Street Nazareth, Pennsylvania, 18064 Alfred S. Pierce, Esquire Pierce & Steirer, LLC 124 Belvidere Street Nazareth, PA 18064 Attorneys for the Estate I.D. No. 21445 (10/29-11/12) BOROUGH OF NAZARETH INVITATION TO BID PARK PAVILIONS (2) Borough of Nazareth, Northampton County, will receive sealed bids for the purchase of two (2) Pavilions. The
Pavilions will be erected inside the Pool enclosure in the Park and a second Pavilion will be erected at the Essroc Fields Soccer Facility. The Bid will include a vinyl clad 16’ x 32’ pavilion with a slanted shingle roof for the Pool location to be placed on a concrete pad excavated and poured by the Borough Public Works Department who will also erect the Pavilion. An alternate bid can be included for the construction of the Pavilion on the concrete pad. The second bid will be for a 20’ x 40’ wooden post, metal roof pavilion to be placed on a concrete pad at Essroc Fields. An alternate bid can be included for the construction of the Pavilion on the concrete pad. Sealed bids will be received until 3:00 PM (prevailing time) on Thursday, December 3, 2020 at the Nazareth Borough Municipal Building, 134 South Main Street, Nazareth, PA 18064. The bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at 6:00 PM, Thursday, December 3, 2020, at Borough Council Chambers, 159 West Center Street, Nazareth, PA 18064. All bids shall be sealed, marked and addressed as follows: Nazareth Borough Pavilions Project Borough of Nazareth 134 South Main Street Nazareth, PA 18064 Attn: Paul A. Kokolus, Secretary/Treasurer Copies of the contract documents, drawings, specifications and bid forms may be obtained from a secure ftp site at no charge by contacting Keystone Consulting Engineers, Inc. at 610-865-4555. Other details about the pavilions can be obtained from Public Works Superintendent Keith Knecht at 484-239-1197.
November 5-11, 2020 9 Each Bid must be accompanied by a bid security made payable to Borough of Nazareth in the amount of ten (10%) percent of the bid price and in the form of a Certified Check, Bank Check or a Bid Bond issued by a surety meeting the requirements of Article 5 of the General Conditions. The successful bidder must furnish Performance and Payment Bonds each in an amount equal to the contract price meeting the requirements of Article 5 of the General Conditions. The Borough of Nazareth, Northampton County, reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Bids and to accept any Bid which in its judgment is for the best interest of the Borough. Paul A. Kokolus, Secretary/ Treasurer BOROUGH OF NAZARETH (11/5 & 11/19) LEGAL NOTICE BOROUGH OF NAZARETH 2021 BUDGET AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION The 2021 Borough of Nazareth “Proposed” Budget will be available for public inspection for ten (10) business days from November 13, 2020 through November 28, 2020 at the Nazareth Borough Municipal Building, 134 South Main Street, Nazareth, PA 18064 during regular business hours from 8:30 am till 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday. Questions about the Budget can be directed to the Borough Office at 610-759-0202. Daniel Chiavaroli Council President Borough of Nazareth (11/5 & 11/12)
10 November 5-11, 2020
Gobble, gobble Continued from page 5
low. However, there are many things you can do to ensure you can still enjoy the holiday together. Below is a list of precautions and ideas for hosting Thanksgiving this year. Host an outdoor Thanksgiving Day Brunch. Although it may be cold, you can make it fun by serving hot cocoa, hot coffee, or hot apple cider. Use candles, firepits, and heat lamps that you can rent or purchase at places like Miller Supply or Home Depot. Ask your guests to bring blan-
kets or provide blankets, washing them immediately after your guests leave. Set your table up in your yard, string some lights, add some pumpkins and flowers to your table, and serve your favorite Thanksgiving Day meal. Keep it to your immediate family, but Zoom with your relatives bringing your whole family together for the meal. If you plan on inviting a small group of friends or family to join you in your home, make sure you check each guest's temperature prior to entering your home. Hand sanitizer is key. Have your guests sanitize their hands prior to entering your home and keep it available throughout your house for guests to reapply throughout
Honoring Our Veterans NEVER FORGET
Our Veterans and their families will never forget the service and sacrifices they have made for our country - Neither will we
BARTHOLOMEW FUNERAL HOME “Serving Families Since 1853” 610-837-6451 243 S. Walnut St., Bath, PA 18014
the day. Hands off! Of course you want to hug your loved ones, but resist doing that this year. Try to ventilate your home by keeping some windows open. Keep masks on when you are not eating or drinking. Always make it fun for your littles. Place coloring books at their place settings, make Thanksgiving turkeys by tracing their hands, paint leaves, string popcorn for your Christmas tree, have a plan to make it fun for your littles to keep the magic of the holidays alive by doing so. Be grateful! Pick names out of a hat, bowl, pumpkin, whatever you choose, and tell the person you picked why you are grateful for them. You can do this via Zoom too. Whatever you choose to do this year, do it with a grateful heart. Be thankful for all you have and help those who don’t have as much. This is the year, beyond all years, that your neighbors, friends, family, and strangers need your help. If you can, donate to your local food bank and include your littles so they grow up to have grateful hearts too. Reach out, make it fun, make it interesting, get creative and celebrate Thanksgiving in a way you and your family are comfortable with. Do it safely, respectfully, happily, and spread love and encouragement to others. It may not be financially, or through food, but through a grateful heart and that counts for a lot. And, gobble, gobble ‘til you wobble. Happy Thanksgiving!
RECEIVE $10.00
Greek Food
(Take – Out) Festival Presented by: Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church
Friday, November 6, 2020 at 5 PM – 8 PM Saturday, November 7, 2020 at 12 PM – 8 PM Sunday, November 8, 2020 at 12 PM – 5 PM
20th & HAY TERRACE, EASTON, PA Take - out only! Our menu includes Gyros, Souvlaki, Cheese Pie, Spinach Pie and our famous Desserts! Baklava, Kourambiedes, Melomakarona, Koulourakia. Online Ordering: (only available during the Event/Festival)
Pick up orders at Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church 319 S 20th St, Easton, Pennsylvania 18042 • (610) 253-8147
Meet Earl the Christmas tree spider
Submitted by ERIN FERGUSON Local author Erin Rafanello Ferguson brings her children’s book, “Earl: The Christmas Tree Spider,” to the Lehigh Valley to share with you all. Earl is a little spider who is looking for a home during the holiday season. He finds a home in a Christmas tree that gets cut down by a family to use for the holiday season. Though he is at first scared of the family and his new surroundings, Earl soon realizes how much he yearns to be accepted by them, sharing in their love and laughter, and wishes to become a part of their family. Earl decides to write Santa Claus a letter, “….I know I am a spider and they are not, do you think they would accept me, could we give it a shot….”, asking him if he could make Earl’s wish come true of a family to call his own. On Christmas morning little Earl is accepted into the family as one of their own. This story takes you on Earl’s journey from forest to a loving home he gets to call his own with all the bells and whistles Christ-
mas has to offer, including Santa Claus, and is a story that is sure to resonate with its readers for years to come. It was a personal experience that inspired Ferguson to write Earl’s story, “After cutting down live Christmas trees for a few years from Christmas tree farms, we noticed spiders in our tree. I decided to name one of the spiders Earl to soften the blow of these little unwelcome guests. The story came alive and my daughters, husband, and I laughed about Earl all season long. He became a part of our family and a Christmas tradition was born in “Earl: The Christmas Tree Spider.” An adorable tale preaching the value of love and acceptance, “Earl: The Christmas Tree Spider” serves as a perfect gift for younger readers this holiday season. You can purchase a copy of Earl at The Moravian Book Shop, Bethlehem, Barnes & Noble at the Promenade Shops, Saucon Valley, or Barnes & Noble in Easton, Southmont Way. You can also order you copy online at Walmart. com,,, or on OCTOBER
Your Local
The Home News
50 cents
OCTOBER 15-21,
HomTehe News
Bath Farm
Scar News ecrow Your Local
4, 2020
ers’ contest Market hold s for Fire fighters
Photo of
the Month
50 cents
- Octob
es in Fire and EMS Compani 138th District Awarded COVID-19 Grants
Tell them you saw it in The Home News! Thank you for supporting our advertisers. Designed by Annemarie Hartzell
Bath Museum adopts of New logo in honor 20th anniversary
and inabilwas nities for fundraisingdue to comrevenue A total of $50 million BRIGGS the Of- ity to create submitted by ANDY companies made available through with measures to prevent Fire Commissioner pliance Ten fire and EMS District fice of Statedirect financial relief the spread of COVID-19. to these in the 138th Legislative “We are grateful state to provide Pennsylvatheir dedicated service first responders in were awarded a one-time pandemic. groups for extra expenses to especially grant to assist with COVID-19 nia impacted by the our communities, are to be used to to resulting from the accord- These funds operational expenses on page 8 public health emergency, Hahn (R- supplement of opportu- Continued ing to Rep. Marcia incurred by the lack Northampton).
Memory vision for a small HARTZELL their in the old school building By ANNEMARIE the 20th Room into the modern museum September marked founding of evolved Walnut Street that we South anniversary of the On Sept. 20, on today. In honor of the 20th the Bath Museum. opened have Museum 2000, the Bath Museum through anniversary, the Bath that retime adopted a new logo its doors for the first Marjorie Reh- has its commitment to unlock the hard work of and Evelyn flects from Bath's history. rig, Agnes Melinsky, decades later, treasures Hartzell. Over two
Fall color Atlas Road in Howertown Park and Short Lane. Photoat the corner by Larry of Oberly.
East Allen Township To ‘ten tativ Forward ely’ move with Lehigh Valley Rock hearings
ballots for the Update on mail-in General Election by
At their Oct. a Ruth Bader23 market, Ginsburg the Bath Farmers’ for their
Submitted scarecrow, favorite Market scarecrow held a scarecrow Matilda, jar won, BECKY BARTLETT the By KERI and by and all 6, LINDENM contest proceeds donating money a hippie “Give After several As of October Elections for a good were donated Peas a in the due to the cause. Entries months UTH Northampton County 66,461 to the Bathjars nearby. TheChance” scarecrow. COVID-19 of delay COVID-19 Firefighters. scarecrow Patrons included ic, East Allen Office has approved townships restrictions, for with could Matilda Township pandemare leading but most mail-in ballot applications and was the the most money vote tatively resume on Novemby example Submitted winning amendmen its public will ten- ing still requiring the General Election staff have its curative masks, by social distancing, BECKY t hearings Lehigh followber 3. Election’s Office out to aping capacity. A ribbon BARTLET with Valley President and restrictT This decision on NovemberRock cutting mailed 63,979 ballots received Ronald was held Supervisor ceremony rector of Administra Heckman, comes after 19. efeller’s plicants and have already Northampt for the County counsel Di- and Dertinger Rock- he is in favor Mark Schwartz tion Charles the township on’s new sent a offices for 8,782 ballots back. Center of said and Coroner letter to but would of social distancing, reminds on Forensic Lysek made demanding the Coroner’s The tinuance. not be The Elections Office 2 p.m. at Friday, October a few remarks Zach SF. center encompasse in favor took questions a con- pervisors or instructions staff. Solar panels Nazareth, 300 Gracedale 23 at Afterwards, voters to follow the ballot. The ing masks. those testifying of sus 27,847 we“We may be in and from PA 18064. Avenue, a position wearhave to were requested included with their guests werethe press. roof will produce installed on the “My position to tour move forward,” that and date the Joseph Piperato, Council 115.5 kW. the new to wear Attendees cludes allowed follow voter must sign ing a mask is I am beapproved masks and social distancing not wearfor tor, during everything back of the return envelope autopsy center which township said or lines. in- 2018the constructio $11 million meeting said. “We did mostly the township’s solici- [Rockefeller] visor,” he said. “Naked” balguide- ing areas to rooms with viewn on Nov. fore sending it in. wants and the Lamont on October accommoda one day.” been By JASON KAMERY officers public Continued to have “If project ished within 1, the ongoing Board of in The Public Works Department lots—those which have not McClure, and te 22. a on page The Moore Township p.m. on budget will be fin- could in inner secrecy pandemic, Despite Council digital forensicmedical students,law 2 The 5:30 enclosed in the preparations to put cure evidence, lab, lockers a W2A building was and on time. putes. result in more refusing Supervisors met at and side- envelope—will not be counted. Cen- has started 79th Year, kiosk the Recreation by designed Architects, the to pad The at sea five-bay a picnic be deOctober 6 Issue by township developers legal dis- www.ho the return meeting, the walk of Schiavone Park. At Ap- Mail-in ballots may also secrecy garage as the constructio Skanska served gave the both their ballot andThe Judge of ter. At the previous menews No. 44 Sordoni resume until December n manager void if the ballot or they are preparBoard of Suthe as the general 18 to Moore Township new roof for palachian Park, a mini-pavilion. clared includes any text, marks PA 18020 – Friday from 8:30 envelope with them. ballot and with Piperato hearing. the a envelope Monday contractor. ing the site for Elections will spoil pervisors voted on reveals the ities are added that municipalbut plans their vote on started the process or symbols “which exempt elec- a.m. to 7 p.m. allow them to cast Edelman SchoolhouseRoofs made They have also from the equipment for identity of the elector, the the 911 the machine. or state’s changed as Speciality toward the of preparing the pickup. County affiliation applicaan political • Northampton tor’s Ave. township-wide leaf Voters may send a generous donation is preference.” – 100 Gracedale ballot to the USPS 248-700 elector’s candidate The Recreation Commission for mail- Center PA 18064 tion for a mail-in roof. we had details of where (https://www. The return envelopes Vot- Nazareth, “At the last meeting had to still working out from 8:30 Election’s Office TYand place a volleyball in ballots include postage. Monday – Friday brought up the roofdo the roof,” they plan to add a stamp. NS/Docuers do not need to off a.m. to 4 p.m. A D M N / E L E C T % 2 0 Ba l approve someone to of the court. Land and Environmental Ballots may also be dropped i l % 2 0 In Ma / s 669 The E. t n at 10 e – m Richard Gable, member Hall Office or apply unanimously said. “In the the Elections • Bethlehem City PA lot%20Application.pdf ) Board of Supervisors, neat hap- Protection Boardthe township at Easton, PA Washington Street in one of the Church Street, Bethlehem, on-line at: https://www.votespa. meantime, something who spe- recommended move foror deposited Board of Supervisorsand Patricia 18042 four secure ballot drop- 18018 pened. We had someone from 8 a.m. com. agree to put Stacy Monday – Friday County’s cializes in slate roofs school at no ward on the Space applicaboxes. to 4 p.m. a slate roof on the is a $25,000 Harrison Open of Supervisors off 42 79th Year, Issue No. om tion. The Board charge for us, which October 19 of continuing • Rotunda of the Government Voters have until the GenStreet, voted 2-0 in favor donation.” in www.homenewspa.c 16 volunprocess for the Center – 669 Washington to register to vote to The township had school to the application the Election. An application Easton, PA 18042 property. teers come out to from 8:30 eral hold Trunk vote must be received The township Monday – Friday The township will from register to 27. Voters who have prepare the roof. slate roof and or Treat on October 24 at the rec- a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday by October has also ordered the ballot but order to come reation fields. 8 a.m. to noon applied for a mail-in prefer is waiting for the Township decided they would bring USPS 248-700 The next Moore in. Building – have must the volun- Board of Supervisors meeting will • Human Services to vote at the polls “Thank you to all and helped, be held at 7 p.m. on November 5 2801 Emrick Blvd. Bethlehem, teers that came out Gable via Zoom. it was a big undertaking,”
Township receives Generous donation Of a new roof forse Edelman Schoolhou
held at
new foren
sic cente
November 5-11, 2020 11
The mobile circus ticket office is on display at the museum.
Looking Back
ment to millions of circus-goers. The Ringlings and the circus Continued from page 1 are gone, but they remain giants Ringling, the founders, brought in circus history. In the distance, joy and clean family entertain- we can still hear the ringmaster
call, “Ladies and gentlemen of all ages, welcome to the ‘greatest show on Earth!’” In two weeks we’ll visit a famous cement plant.
The museum showcases the bright and colorful wagons used to transport the circus.
Upcoming roadwork in Northampton County submitted by RONALD YOUNG Municipality: Bushkill Township Road name: Cherry Hill Road Between: Bushkill Center Road and Nazareth Drive Type of work: Drainage Work being done by: PennDOT Maintenance Forces Type of restriction: Daytime Restriction: Lane restriction with flagging. Start date: Nov. 2 Est completion date: Nov. 6 Restrictions in effect (time of day): 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Will rain cause delays? Yes
Municipality: Lehigh Township Road name: Blue Mountain Drive Between: Long Lane Road and Carbon County Line Type of work: Crack Sealing Work being done by: PennDOT Maintenance Forces
Type of restriction: Daytime Restriction: Lane restriction with flagging. Start date: Nov. 2 Est completion date: Nov. 6 Restrictions in effect (time of day): 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Will rain cause delays? Yes Municipality: City of Easton Road name: North 13th Street Bridge over Bushkill Creek Between: Bushkill Drive and Wood Avenue Type of work: Milling and Paving Work being done by: PennDOT Contractor Type of restriction: Daytime Restriction: Lane restriction with flagging for milling and paving work on the 13th Street bridge over Bushkill Creek. Start date: Nov. 2 Est completion date: Nov. 6 Restrictions in effect (time of day): 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Will rain cause delays? No
This work will be done in accordance with Centers for Disease Control and state Department of Health guidance as well as a projectspecific COVID-19 safety plan, which will include protocols for social distancing, use of face coverings, personal and job-site cleaning protocols, management of entries to the jobsite, and relevant training.
Visit our website at
12 November 5-11, 2020
Police Blotter Theft in East Allen Township PSP Bethlehem is investigating the theft of two trailers from 7230 Beth-Bath Pike in East
Allen Township. Some time between August 26 and September 21, two flatbread trailers loaded with steel were taken from L and M Fabrication. The trailers are valued at $30,000 each and the fabricated steel is valued at $50,000. Anyone with information is asked to contact PSP Bethlehem at 610-861-2026.
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Most Creative Trunk Harry Potter (The Achey Family)
Trunk-and-Treat Continued from page 1
Favorite Adult was Kira, Tara, and Tyler Eckert as Anna, Kristoff, and Sven. Favorite Child was Jenniann Green as the Dog.
(Pictured) Most Creative Trunk was #20 Harry Potter (The Achey Family). (Pictured) Scariest Trunk was #26 Giant Frankenstein's Nose. Overall Favorite Trunk was #14 Clowns Behind Bars (The Pennington's and The Scheetz Families).
Jessica A. O’Neil - Funeral Director
Carl F. Schumacher, Jr. - Funeral Director
610-261-0440 | 326 East 21st Street, Northampton, PA 18067 |