The Home News August 11

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Paw Prints raises $4,772 for K-9 unit,

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The Home News Your Local News

AUGUST 11-17, 2016

50 cents

Nazareth native serves aboard a U.S. Navy Ballistic Missile Submarine submitted by LT. ROBERT KEARLEY A 2006 homeschool graduate and Nazareth, Pennsylvania native is serving in the U.S. Navy as part of a crew working aboard one of the world’s most advanced ballistic missile submarines, the USS Henry M. Jackson. Petty Officer 3rd Class Chad Cutlip is an electronics technician serving aboard the Bangorbased boat, one of 14 Ohio-class ballistic missile submarines. A Navy electronics technician is responsible for maintaining the interior communications, and allowing missile technicians the appropriate navigational guidance. “I like that my job allows me the opportunity to be hands-on,” said Cutlip. Measuring 560 feet long, 42 feet wide and weighing more than 16,500 tons, a nuclearpowered propulsion system helps push the ship through the water at more than 20 knots. The Navy’s ballistic missile submarines, often referred to as “boomers,” serve as a strategic deterrent by providing an undetectable platform for subma-

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Chad Cutlip

rine launched ballistic missiles. They are designed specifically for stealth, extended patrols and the precise delivery of missiles if directed by the President. The Ohio-class design allows the submarines to operate for 15 or more years between major overhauls. On average, the submarines spend 77 days at sea followed by 35 days in-port for maintenance. According to Navy officials, current ballistic missile subma-

A word from Marcia Hahn submitted by MARCIA HAHN Conserve Water - Northampton County is one of 34 Pennsylvania counties now operating under a drought watch as issued by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). The declaration is in response to low stream flows, declining groundwater levels and below-normal

precipitation primarily across counties in the upper half and south-central portions of Pennsylvania. These conditions have resulted in rainfall deficits of as much as six inches during the past 90 days. • Run water only when necessary. Avoid running the faucet while brushing your teeth or shaving, or letting the shower run

rines, commissioned between 1987 and 1997, are reaching their end of life. Leveraging more than 50 years of ballistic missile submarine design and operational experience, the Ohio replacement submarine will be a cost-effective recapitalization of sea-based strategic deterrence. The Ohio replacement also leverages Virginia class submarine capabilities. Continued on page 2

Pets Crossword Puzzle Page 15

Special Reader Survey Page 16

for several minutes before use. • Check for household leaks. A leaking toilet can waste up to 200 gallons of water each day. • Run dishwashers and washing machines only with full loads. • Replace older appliances with high-efficiency, front-loading models that use about 30 percent Continued on page 3

75th Year, Issue No. 32

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