In this continuing series, we are speaking to Mr. Greg Csenc sitz, whose father, S.Sgt. Frank Csencsitz, served under Lt. Gen. George Patton in the Third Army 5th Infantry Division. They marched from Normandy to Germany. The drive to crush the German Army started June 15, 1944, ending in Germany May 8, 1945. We are reading from the origi nal daily log of Battery B as writ ten by Capt. L.L. Capron CAC. They crossed into Germany in March 1945 after many com bat actions. As soon as the allies cleared any area, thousands of German soldiers were now will ing to S.Sgt.surrender.Csencsitz rarely spoke of his combat experiences, but Greg recalls one of the few remarks he made about his unit’s experiences. One day, they cleared a college of German resistance. They found a number of civilian graves- civil ians killed by German units. The S.S. was an independent unit, which carried out atrocities on anyone suspected of disloyalty to the Third Reich. S.Sgt. Csenc sitz’s unit marched the German prisoners they held through the cemetery.Theprisoners hesitated. They didn’t want to see what had been echoed Stone’s sentiments, calling the swift action of the volunteer fire department “impressive.” Brobst gave pool manager An drew Laub a shoutout for using social media to spread the word. Brobst added that Laub has been doing “an exceptional job” this summer.Several members of council and Mayor Tony Pristash stopped by the Splash Party to see the ex citement.“Everyone came together,” Mayor Pristash said of the com munity action behind the event. He said he hopes more Splash Parties can be held in the future. “It made a difference,” Coun cilman Anthony Lopsonzski, Sr. said. “It shows that we respond to our residents…and that they
By KERI LINDENMUTH During their August 4 meet ing, the Northampton Borough Council and Borough Man ager LeRoy Brobst thanked the Northampton Fire Department for hosting a “Splash Party” for the borough’s children during one of the hottest weekends of theThesummer.Splash Party was held on June 23 and 24 when the bor ough pool was closed due to a staff shortage. Northampton’s fire department partnered with the Coplay and Allen Township fire departments to make the event possible.“[Council] talked about it Thursday night. Friday it was already arranged. By Saturday, it was up and running,” said Coun cilman Trevor CouncilmanStone.Ronald Glassic
Photo from Northampton Borough Fire Dept.
Northampton Borough Thanks fire department For splash party
USPS 248-700 50 centsAUGUST 11-17, 2022 Continued on page 2 Cement to War, Part 6 of 7 Continued on page 3 Continued on page 13 BackLooking by Ed PanyBackLooking Your Local NewsThe Home News 81st Year, Issue No. www.homenewspa.com32 PHOTO OF THE MONTH CONTEST August theme: Celebrating Bath History Email photos that represent Bath’s rich history to along with your name, location and description of photo, and date taken. Deadline Monday, Aug. 22. Winner featured in the Aug. 25 issue of The Home News.
The Moore Township Board of Supervisors met on Tuesday, August 2 to discuss subdivision approvals and denials, pickleball courts, and project bids for town shipFirst,culverts.supervisors voted to deny the major subdivision from Nico DelSerro due to inactivity. They were granted an extension through August at a prior meet ing and were notified by the township but failed to submit any updated documentation. The supervisors then discussed the minor subdivision submitted by Samuel Firmstone, which pro poses the subdivision of a small portion of the land. Firmstone requested waivers for the smaller lot because the required features and contours are present on the larger parcel of property. The mo tion was approved by the board unanimously.Amotion to accept a condi tional extension of time through December 31 for the Ashwood Construction major subdivision was also granted unanimously. In other news, Moore Town ship Planning Commission mem ber David Frey submitted a letter of resignation effective August 1 due to a conflict in his schedule right now. The board regretfully accepted Frey’s resignation. Officer Thomas Roberts of the Moore Township Police Depart
done. At a probe of a bayonet, they got to the point! Frank becomes a sergeant. Contributed photo.
Old Home

of cleanup.
Correction: In the August 4 issue The Home in the “Nazareth Borough Council appoints new council member Larry Stoudt” article, we stated in error that Greenwood Cemetery requested the Nazareth Borough pay $15 of the total cost The correct dollar was $150. Nazareth Area Garden Club August meeting announced [the fire department] are faithful to the town.” In other news, council ap proved a motion to install a me morial bench for Elizabeth Hoff man Mann in the Second Ward. The bench will be installed in the Municipal Park or Uptown Park. Council also received a code enforcement report. In July, there were 29 responses by the code enforcement officer. In addition, 96.3% of rental units have been inspected, including eight rein spections.Mayor Pristash also reported that the borough’s police depart ment acquired a drone to en hance search and rescue efforts. A member of the police force is cur rently pursuing certification from the FAA to operate the drone. Finally, Mayor Pristash an nounced the Hometown Heroes banner program. Banners will be hung throughout the borough to celebrate Northampton's veter ans. They will cost $200. The next borough council meeting will be Thursday, August 18 at 7:30 p.m.
Submitted by SANDEE RINEHART The Nazareth Area Garden Club will hold its next meeting on Tuesday, August 16 at 7 p.m. at the Dryland UCC Church, 4415 Newburg Rd. The program for the evening will be given by Janet Vibbert from Longwood Gardens. Janet will demonstrate and talk about floral design and arranging, from novice to advanced. Our Annual Flower and Gar den Show, this year called “Birds of a Feather,” will be held on Sep tember 9 and 10 at the Schoeneck Moravian Church. As always, ad mission is free. We will also hold our silent auction and plant sale at that time. At the July meeting, Jackie Cressman won the most first places in Plant Specimens, with Jackie Dixon placing first in two vegetable categories. The arrangement winners were as Massfollows:arrangement first placeAdvanced: Sandee Rinehart; In termediate: Linda Marascio; Nov ice: Alison Rothrock. Right angle first place- Ad vanced: Sandee Rinehart; Inter mediate: Donna Caldwell; Nov ice: Alison Rothrock. This month, club members will display many plant specimens including mums, strawflowers, yarrow, and statice. They also have two floral arrangements to design, a modern arrangement called “Firefly” and a vertical called “The Heat is On.” Refreshments will be served. Visitors are always welcome at meetings.Formore information, please call Donna Caldwell at 610-4176566.
Estelle R. Stein D.D.S.
amount requested
116 S. Walnut St., Bath, PA 18014

August 11-17, 2022 3 Continued on page 4 Moore Twp. Continued from page 1 EstimatesFree SnowFirewoodRemoval$185/cord WOODPECKERTREESERVICE FULLY INSURED 24 / EMERGENCYHOURSERVICEALLYEARROUND484-903-3295 PA Lic. #3937 Trimming • Topping • Elevating Removal • Lot Clearing Stump Grinding Bucket Service • Storm Damage specializeWein: ment gave their July report. There were a total of 312 incidents, which included: 10 warning no tices written during traffic stops, 25 traffic citations issued, three arrests; one for possession of mar ijuana, possession of parapherna lia, DUI due to controlled sub stance ingestion, reckless driving, and driving under suspension DUI related, the second for ter roristic threats, simple assault and harassment, and the third was for terroristic threats, reckless endan gering, criminal mischief, harass ment, and dangerous burning. There were also two non-traffic ci tations issued for violation of the Moore Township Burning Ordi nance, eight reportable crashes, and two non-reportable crashes. Officer Roberts also read the resignation letter from part-time officer Jaron Steinmetz, who ac cepted a job with the Hellertown Borough Police Department on July 25. The board accepted Steinmetz’ resignation unani mously, thanked him for his duty, and wished him luck in his nextForendeavor.themonth of June, the Klecknersville Rangers Volunteer Fire Company reported a total of 37 fire calls and 51 ambulance calls. The 37 fire calls consisted of: five fires, four motor vehicle accidents, one motor vehicle ac cident with MEDEVAC, one fire police call, two automatic fire alarms, nine ambulance as sists, seven mutual aid calls con sisting of four fire alarms, one motor vehicle accident, one fire, and one carbon monoxide call for Bath, as well as two dwelling fires and one fire police call for Lehigh Township mutual aid. Additionally, there was one call for trees down, six calls for wires down, and one call for a search. During the last month, Moore Township Public Works re ported they have replaced three 4739 S. Cypress Dr., Walnutport • • 610-767-3515 LORAH’S FARM MARKET Get your BEEF & PORK for the freezer here QUARTERS & HALVES! HOURS | Fridays 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturdays 9 a.m. to 2 pm. AVAILABLE | Our own fresh pork, beef and chicken, eggs & smoked products PLATTERS | Pork & chicken platters available for take-out first Saturday every month CALL US FOR CATERING & ROASTING!PIG

Missing man found dead near hiking trail
4 August 11-17, 2022 A Family Tradition of Courteous, Dignified Service George G Bensing Funeral Home, LLC Full-service funeral home offering affordable traditional and cremation services to families of all faiths 2165 Community Dr. (Moorestown) Bath, PA 18014 · (610) 759-3901 John H. SupervisorSimons Frances Bensing Funeral Director Six Generations Thoughtfully Dedicated to Those We Serve For Over 100 Years… Obituary Notice To submit an obituary to The Home News, please AskUs@HomeNewsPA.comemailorcall610-923-0382formoreinformation. Currently buying milk bottle & beer collections Also: Antique toys, firearms & books BUYING BOTTLE & BEERCompetitiveCOLLECTIONSCleanoutPrices Call/text 484-426-7262 or email B BARTHOLOMEW FUNERAL HOME CREMATIONAffordable & FUNERAL SERVICES Zee R. K. Bartholomew Supervisor 610-837-6451 www.bartholomewfuneralhome.net243S.WalnutSt.,Bath,PA18014 pipes within the township and are consistently working on pav ingInroads.other news, the Recreation Commission is looking to pos sibly add two pickleball courts, to either one of the existing ten nis courts, one of the basketball courts, or at one end of the park ing lot. More information will follow.The Historical Commission will have their annual Oktober fest event on Thursday, October 13 at Holy Cross Evangelical Lu theran Church at 696 Johnson Rd., Nazareth. The doors will open at 4:30 p.m. and the meal will be served at 5:30 p.m. Tick ets with be $10 for individuals aged seven through 12, and $20 for individuals 13 and older, with raffles and gift cards. Next, the board discussed the Bartholomew appraisal from the Land and Environmental Protec tion Board, which is slightly over 63 acres. The appraisal came in at $4,200 per acre. The total cost of the easement to the township to preserve the land was appraised at $252,831. Robert Romano stated this is a good appraisal amount and is around the cost of what the board had anticipated. Romano also stated the property is a combination of farmland, woodland, and wetland with lots of road frontage. A motion to move forward and approve the appraisal was granted unani mously. The Land and Environ mental Protection Board will also be hosting an open space open house in September for any resi dents that are interested in learn ing about preserving their land.
Lightning strikes in Bath
By HOME NEWS STAFF On Friday, Aug. 5, a person was struck by lightning in the 500 block of Independence Av enue, Bath. EMS responded to the scene and according to the police, the person was conscious andThreealert.minutes later, over on Spyglass Hill in Bath, fire crews reported to a home for a fire. The fire was quickly under control and no one was hurt. It has not been confirmed whether or not lightning caused the fire. Retail theft On Aug. 1 at 7:14 p.m., the CRPD responded to Wegmans in Lower Nazareth Township for the report of a retail theft. Arturo Medina Huamani, 31 of Easton, selected merchandise and placed it into a shopping cart. Huamani then exited without paying. Hua mani was stopped outside of the store by loss prevention. The total amount stolen was $545.93. The suspect was charged with M1 re tail theft. Possession of paraphernaliadrug
Last, a resident of Grouse Road addressed the board regarding several vehicle crashes into her property from speeding. Home owner Andrea Mathis expressed that there were three very serious accidents directly on her prop erty, one of which resulted in the fatality of the driver. Mathis stat ed that speeding drivers go air borne over the hill and crash into her property, which has totaled two of her own vehicles that were parked in her driveway. Mathis said she fears for her life and her family members’ lives. Mathis asked the supervisors what could be done in this situation, but un fortunately, it is a state road, so the township has no control over regulations.Mathisand Public Works Di rector Craig Hoffman reached out to PennDOT, however PennDOT deflected and sug gested the Moore Township Po lice Department patrol the area more. Attorney Backenstoe sug gested compiling information regarding the accidents and go ing to the State Representative. One suggestion was placing large decorative boulders on the front of her property to stop vehicles from crashing into her home, but she would have to talk with her insurance about this for li ability purposes. Township Man ager Nicholas Steiner and Engi neer Horvath plan to go to the location to come up with pos sible solutions they could take to PennDOT. Officer Roberts also identified that all crash reports go directly to PennDOT, so they are being notified, especially when there are fatalities. Mathis stated she hopes they can come up with a solution collectively. The Moore Township Zoning Hearing Board will hold the next part of the Water’s Edge at Wind Gap appeal on Wednesday, Au gust 17 at 6 p.m. at Moore Ele mentary School, where Attorney Backenstoe will continue with the prosecution and comments from the board and public will also be heard. The next Moore Township Board of Supervisors meeting will be held Tuesday, Septem ber 6 at 6 p.m. in the municipal building, located at 2491 Com munity Dr.
page 3
Continued on page 5
Next, supervisors unanimously approved Resolution 2022-13: Adoption of Nazareth Area Com prehensive Plan after the April 25 presentation at the Moore Township Planning Commission, which includes 10 municipalities and has been in the works for fourTheyears.board also unanimously approved Ordinance 2022-3: Delinquent Real Estate Collec tion Amendment, which will af fect residents with delinquent real estate taxes. In other business, the board did not receive any new bids for the sale of Schiavone Farm. Attorney Backenstoe related that the super visors have options under the Pri vate Sale Act where bidders could rebid, the township could choose to auction the property with a set minimum bid, or they could pro cure a realtor for private bid. The supervisors also discussed leas ing the land through the end of March. The discussion was tabled for Vice Chairman David Shaffer to collect more information on possible options.
On July 30 a traffic stop on Air port Road was conducted by the CRPD on a vehicle for a vehicle code violation. The vehicle was occupied by a passenger, 28-yearold Marianne Padillo-Diaz of Bath. Padillo-Diaz had a cur rent warrant for her arrest at that time. Padillo-Diaz was searched, and syringes and a wax packet were found. Drug paraphernalia charges were filed.
On Sunday, Aug. 7, missing 31-year-old Artem Zalyubovskiy was found deceased near a hiking trail in East Allen Township. According to police, he had last been seen on Thursday morning, Aug. 4. His car was found at the Nor-Bath rails-to-trails parking lot in the Northampton area. Zalyubovskiy’s cause of death is under investigation.
Following, Horvath stated the Schiavone Farm Sediment Ero sion Project is moving along smoothly after a brief hiccup when a storm damaged the hy droseed. The damage has been re paired and they will continue to monitor the area and make sure the seed stays hydrated. The township received three bids for the culverts on Church Road and East Walker Road. The board decided to move forward and accept the bid from Profes sional Construction Contrac tors Inc. with a combined bid of $341,372.44. The bids were 10 to 15% more than the town ship’s estimate, but the contrac tor expressed they have access to the pipe needed for East Walker Road in short order and could complete both projects by the end of the year. Ultimately, the board decided to move forward with the contractor’s bid and complete both culverts while pushing back the MS4 projects to next year. The contractor will begin with the culvert on East Walker Road and then immediately follow up with the culvert on Church Road. The board unanimously ap proved the SALDO revisions re lated to the road specs, electronic communication, and electronic submission. Next Attorney Back enstoe will make a draft of the amendments to the SALDO.
Gab Over The Fence by Pete G. Ossip It’s another hot one out there! At least we’re finally starting to get some rain. Last week’s thun derstorm caused a bit of chaos in Bath last Friday. Someone got struck by lightning! And then a few minutes after that, there was a house fire nearby. I don’t believe anyone was seriously hurt though, hoping that’s still the case…This week’s issue is the “Old Home Week” issue, just wanted to share some pictures and local busi ness’s specials. Next Thursday is “business night” in the borough so lots of businesses will be open late and offering some specials, looks like it’ll be a good night to wander around and check out the businesses after work, especially if they’re not normally open in the evening! There’s lots going on next week for Old Home Week, and then Spuds & Suds is gonna be the cherry on top to end the week. Normally The Home News is at the festival for the day with a tent, unfortunately we’re not gonna be able to make it this year. We’re short on time and short-staffed! Isn’t everyone these days?...Anywho, make sure you submit your photos for the Au gust photo of the month contest, any photos that represent Bath’s rich history…Last week a man was reported missing, he had been seen in East Allen Township, later his car was found parked at the walking trail and a couple days later the authorities unfortunate ly found him deceased. Not sure of anything else at the moment… Who’s all goin’ to Musikfest? Mr. Willie Nelson played on Satur day. Seems like as usual for the Fest it’s awfully hot for the week with some storms and pouring rain showers scattered through out…Be sure to visit Moore Township’s annual community days festival next weekend, it’ll be Friday the 19th and Saturday the 20th. I’m hopin’ they have nice weather for it…Oh just to let ya know, until Sept 30, over in Le high Township, Municipal Road between Lehigh Dr. and Maple Dr. is closed and Evergreen Rd. and Creek Rd. are closed except for local traffic…Okay time to hit the road, that’s all for this week, cya next time. Twp. from

DUI On July 8 just after 8:30 a.m., 31-year-old Luis Howland of Easton hit a stop sign at Newburg and Country Club Road and left the scene without providing any information or calling the po lice. A CRPD officer stopped Howland and found him to be under the influence of a narcotic. A search of the vehicle yielded 14 packets of Fentanyl and 19 syringes. Howland’s blood was drawn which stated he had Fen tanyl in his system.
33rd Annual Uptown Northampton Street Fair- Saturday, Sept. 10 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Main Street, Northampton. Atlas Cement Memorial Museum- Open second and fourth Sunday through Sept. 25 from 1 to 3 p.m. Featuring a WWI display. FMI call 610-262-2576. Bath Area Food Bank- Distributes food second Tuesday of each month, starting around 9:30 a.m. on lower level of St. John's Lutheran Church in Bath, 206 E. Main St. Bath Farmers’ Market- Open Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon at the clock, Bath. Bath Museum- Open third Saturday every month from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 121 S. Walnut St., Bath. Next date is Saturday, Aug. 20. Volun teers needed, call 570-325-2233.
Getting Out!
OFFICE HOURS: Call for an appointment 255E South Best Ave., Walnutport, PA 18088 Content, including text, images, ads and online material may not be re-produced, copied, published either in whole or in part, without the consent of the Publisher(s). Police Blotter. Continued from page 4
August 11-17, 2022 5 Follow The Home News on social media! COVID-19AVAILABLEVACCINESPfizerfor5andover $2.95/30 Day RX and $7.95/90 Day RX Bath Drug is a participating pharmacy for Paid Prescriptions, Medco, Express Scripts, Aetna and Tri-Care, Silver Scripts, CVS/Caremark, Magellan, Cigna, Envision, Symphonix, Medicare parts B & D. No insurance, No Problem.COVID 19 VACCINES AVAILABLE Bath Drug 310 S. WALNUT ST, BATH, PA 18014 www.bathdrugpharmacy.com610.837.9992 P�izer for 12 and over Please see our website or call the Pharmacy for more information. New to Bath Drug: Designer Greetings Card$mart greeting cards 50% off all day every day. $2.95/30 Day RX and $7.95/90 Day RX Bath Drug is a participating pharmacy for Paid Prescriptions, Medco, Express Scripts, Aetna and Tri-Care, Silver Scripts, CVS/ Caremark, Magellan, Cigna, Envision, Symphonix, Medicare parts B & D. No insurance, No CovidProblem.19Booster vaccines available for Pfizer, Moderna and J&J. Covid 19 Rapid Test also available. Please see our website or call the Pharmacy for more information. The Home News 255E South Best Ave., Walnutport, PA 18088 Ph: 610-923-0382 • Fax: 610-923-0383 E-mail: The Home News ISSN 1944-7272 (USPS 248-700) is published every Thursday of the year at a local subscription rate of $25.00 annually; 50-cents per copy on newsstands. Periodicals postage paid at Bath PA and additional entry offices. A General Circulation Newspaper Since 1942 SendPOSTMASTER:addresschanges to: The Home News PO Box 2548, Orlando, FL 32802 The Home News does not assume responsibility for any advertisements beyond the cost of the ad itself. We cannot be responsible for typographi cal errors. We reserve the right to reject any article or advertisement thought to be offensive or not contributing to the needs of the communi ties we serve. All opinions expressed by columnists, reporters and fea ture writers, including letters to the editor, are not necessarily those of this publication, but of the individuals themselves. News items and ads should be submitted no later than noon Monday on the week of publica tion, or on dates noted ahead of time due to holidays.
Borough of Bath Fall Community Yard Sale- Saturday, Sept. 10 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Borough residents only - no sales in parks.) Borough of Bath Old Home Week- August 14-19 in the Borough of Bath. Time capsule ceremony, community picnic, softball games, food truck festival, movie night in the park, business night, closing week din ner. Stay tuned FMI. “Cool Before School”- Wednesday, Aug. 24 from 5 to 7 p.m (rain date Aug. 25) at Firefighters Park, Bath. At-your-own-risk event. Open to children outside of borough also. East Allen Township Farmers’ Market- Fridays from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Bicentennial Park (West) - 5351 Park West Ln., Northampton. East Allen Township Open Space and Farmland Preservation Committee- Meets third Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. at 5344 Nor-Bath Blvd., Northampton. New committee members welcome. Helping Homeless Vets- Weave mats for homeless vets every second and fourth Wed. of the month from 10 a.m. until 9 p.m. Prepping for weaving every first and third Wed. of month 12:30 to 3:30 p.m., Mountain View Wesleyan Church 1001 Deemer Rd., Bath. Call 610837-1190 FMI. Leave message. Horner's Cemetery- Tours open through October by appt. Visit the first woman killed by Indians in Northampton County, ancestors of two presidents and two notables. Call Peggy at 610-984-4532.
Cruelty to animals On Aug. 6 PSP responded to Atlas Road in Allen Township for a dog complaint. It was reported that a German Shepherd had been left out for approximately one hour. Troopers arrived on scene and went to the rear of the home. A female German Shep herd was located, tangled on an outdoor leash. The leash had about 1 foot of slack left in it. No water or shade was available to the dog. Troopers untangled the dog and provided it with shade and water. It was 89 degrees outside and sunny, the dog was in distress and was not provided with the minimum essentials to remain outdoors in the heat for that long of a time frame. The owner was cited for animal cruel ty. He stated his 10-year-old son forgot to put the dog in the home and he should have checked. The owner placed the dog in the home to cool down. No further action was taken.
Moore Township Community Days- Friday, Aug. 19 and Saturday, Aug. 20 at Moore Twp. Rec. Center. Bands, food, vendors, bingo, fireworks and more. Nazareth Farmers’ Market- Open Saturdays May-Oct. from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Center Square. Northampton Area Food Bank- Food distribution first three Thurs days from 5 to 7 p.m. and second and third Saturday 9 to 11:30 a.m. 1601 Canal St. Northampton Borough Crime Watch Meeting- Typically held sec ond Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Northampton Borough Fire Dept. Northampton Farmers’ Market- Open Tuesdays May-Sept. from 3 to 6:30 p.m. at Municipal Park. Siegfried Log Cabin- Open Saturday, Aug. 20 from 10 a.m. to noon. 448 West Main St., Bath. Volunteers needed, call 570-325-2233 FMI. Siegfried Railroad Station Museum- Open third Sunday of each month May through October from 1 to 4 p.m. Spuds and Suds- Saturday, August 20 from noon to 7 p.m. in the Bath Borough. Stay tuned FMI.

By HOME NEWS STAFF National Night Out, an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie across the country, was held Tuesday, August 2. This year the Lehigh Township Police Dept. and community wel comed over 1,000 people to Na tional Night Out at Indian Trail Park. The event started off with a singing of the National Anthem by 5th grade Lehigh Elemen tary School student, Courtney Edwards, with local American Legion Post 899 flying the col ors to open the evening. Over 25 local businesses and groups shared their to the public. Demonstrations by K9 Cash and Officer Roth and Wolf pack Search & Rescue showed what highly trained four-legged friends can do for public safety. The evening ended with a flyover by the Pennsylvania State Police Aviation unit, Trooper 1, followed by raffles and a duck race in the Indian Creek. Horse celebrate Annual National Night Out event K9 demo was held of the Hanover Twp. Community Center.
6 August 11-17, 2022 Continued on page 15 HappytheCongratulationsAcceptingAcceptingNewCustomersNewCustomerstoBoroughofBath275thAnniversary Myster Tree and Shrub Service The area’s only ISA Board Certified Master Arborist Specializing in restoring & maintaining the health, beauty & value of landscape trees • Structural, directional & maintenance pruning • Root problem diagnosis & mitigation • Pest & disease diagnosis & treatment • Hazard tree evaluations & mitigation • Consultations-new construction & existing landscape trees • Tree and stump removal Glenn A. Myster (610) 262-4150 PDO288B BOARD CERTIFIED MASTER ARBORIST COOL before school! WEDNESDAY, AUG. 24TH (RAIN DATE 8/25) 5PM TO 7PM FIREFIGHTERS PARK 300 North chestnut street This is an at your own risk event parents/guardians must be present during entire stay open to children outside of the borough of bath a sincere thank you to the bath volunteer fire department; the bath water authority; and, the bath public works department for their assistance with this event! for more information:
Police departments

Lorah’s Truck and Tractor Pulls 4739 S. Cypress Dr., Walnutport FMI call 610-767-3515 or DRAG RACE | Friday, August 12 Gates open 4 p.m., races start 6 p.m. Admission $15 pp • Children 10 & under free
August 11-17, 2022 7 BATH AREA The Lehigh Valley’s onlylocally owned state certified water testinglaboratory for over 40 KEEPyears YOUR FAMILY’S WATER 610-837-7721SAFE! E.coli 7596-B Beth-Bath Pike, Route 512 Nitrates Bath, PA 18014 Nitrites Pesticides Lead/IronArsenicChloride Bring in this ad for 10% anyresidential service (restrictions apply)! What’s in your water? The Lehigh Valley’s only locally owned state certified water testing laboratory for over 40 years KEEP YOUR FAMILY’S WATER SAFE! Do you have: spotty glasses • cloudy or dirty water • brown or orange stains pin hole leaks • salty, metallic or bitter taste • stomach problems blue/green staining • black specks Bring in this ad for $15 off any residential safe water bundle (restrictions apply)! 610-837-7721 7596-B BETH-BATH PIKE, ROUTE 512, BATH, PA 18014 ABE-LABS.COM Sponsored By Eat the Rainbow! Meet us at the clock Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon Join us for fresh produce, smoked cheeses, eggs, pork and beef products, artisanal breads, baked goods, dips, gourmet peanut butters, infused cooking oils, strudel samples, soy candles, cutting boards, fall crafts, handmade soaps, scrubs, creams, jewelry, yoga, succulent planters, pottery, pop-up library, live music and more! Check us out on Facebook Community Veterinary Practice Arthur R Hulshizer, MS, VMD • Kelli Carpenter, DVM 2550 Community Drive, www.CommunityVeterinaryPractice.comBath• 610-837-5888 Mon 9–7 • Tues 9-3 • Wed 9-5 • Thurs 9-2 • Fri 9-5 • Sat 9-12 noon We sincerely thank our customers and our community for the past 16 years of support! We look forward to continuing to serve you and provide your pets the very best care. Proudly serving our Bath community for 16 years! B I N G O B A S H ! BATH S O C I A L HALL AUGUST 12, 2022 DOORS OPEN AT 4:30 PM • BINGO TO START AT 7:00 PM 9 FACE BINGO PACKAGE $30.00 EXTRA BOOK SINGLE STRIPS $10.00 REGULAR GAMES $75.00 NOVELTY GAMES .......................... $100.00 JR. JACKPOT $550.00 JACKPOT $1050.00 Tickets will be available at the door if we have any available!!! Anyone under 16 must be accompanied by a parent!! NO SHARING OF BINGO PACKAGES!! You MUST BE 18 yrs old to purchase pull tab tickets & MUST purchased a bingo ticket package!!! You must have purchased a ticket to play bingo!! Food will be available to purchase along with beverages. Make checks payable to: BATH CHEMICAL ENGINE & HOSE CO. 1 NO SEATS WILL BE RESERVED! For more information contact Pam Pasquariello at 484-809-3011 Saturday, August 13, 3pm-9pm at Salem UCC, 2218 Community Dr. (Rt. 946) Bath, Pa. PEACH FESTIVALPEACH FESTIVAL Music by Desire • Food • Games • Cakewalk • Bingo We have many picnic tables and benches or bring a lawn chair Bad Weather? -Food and Cakes in the Church 3-7pm Visit the Bath Farmers’ Market vendors Submitted by KARLA BUCKWALTER We are into our 14th and 15th weeks of the season. We have new, returning and visiting ven dors that have so much to offer these next two weeks. Starting with our new vendors: AK Farms will provide us with fresh produce such as cabbage, sweet bicolor corn from Ne whard’s Corn Shed, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, potatoes, green beans, peppers, zucchini, and se lect fruit. They also have smoked cheeses, jerky, eggs, pork and beef products. They accept FMNP & SFMNPBizzle’svouchers.Biteswill have their nail clipping station, organic blueber ry and pumpkin biscuits, dehy drated chicken, beef gizzards and hearts for dog treats among other products. Imagine Attic will have laser cut cutting boards, coaster sets, glass items, mugs, keychains and other themed items. They will offer a 10% discount on per sonalized “Santa” tray orders. Get your Christmas list checked off and place your orders. Lua Cheia Soapary will have homemade soaps, sugar scrubs, bath bombs, and creams in a va riety of natural scents. Mattie’s Strudel Haus will have samples in sweet and savory fla vors in a variety of combinations. Kelly’s authentic Hungarianstretched strudels are delicious. Samples only are at the market, then visit their shop across the street. They will not be at the market on August 20. Northampton Area Public Li brary will have another pop-up library with story time starting at 9:30 a.m., then again every hour. Their themed books will be about tomatoes. Veronica will have take-home kids craft kits, a “sneaky seagull craft.” Simply Soy and Scent will have their hand-poured soy candles in glass jars. Their buy four get one free wax melts deal still contin ues. Come smell their selection of 12 different scents. Our returning vendors are: Gourmet Peanut Butter & More, providing a varied selection of gourmet flavored peanut butters in over 22 flavors, also Healthy Delight’s Olive Oil infused in herbs and spices for cooking, dip ping and marinating. They will be with us on August 13.
Kula Heart Yoga & Wellness will not be with us the 13th of August. They will return on Au gust 20 to teach a free yoga class at 8 a.m. You can visit their tent at 9 a.m. for jewelry, yoga t-shirts and tanks, and to book your next wellness service they offer. They are having a discount on booked appointments. They will have a raffle giveaway and an open house at the studio. Matty’s Marvelous Makery will provide us with their artisanal breads in a variety of delicious flavors, scones, baked goods, and dips.Mystic World Creations re turns on August 13. She will have handmade crystal jewelry, sun catchers and keychains. Sheepish Sempervivum Cre ations will have their handmade pottery, succulent planters, mac rame hangers and knitted pump kins. Bring a small or medium repurposed item to make your own selected succulent planter at their potting station on the 20th of August. Sue’s Wood & Crafts will provide us with her cutting boards, wooden bowls, rolling pins, pumpkins, gnomes, classic games and other whimsical crafts. Sue will be with us on the 13th of LastAugust.but not least, our visiting vendor Pat’s Crafts will provide us with painted gourds, bird houses, witches, snowmen, and beehives among other crafts. Stop by to support local farm ers and vendors. Market hours are 9 a.m. to noon at the Mono cacy Creek Park, located at West Main Street and Race Street in Bath. The market is sponsored by Spengler Brown Law Offices.

Explore Bath’s rich history at the Bath Museum on Saturday, August 20 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for its regular third Saturday of the month. The Siegfried Log Cabin, located at 448 W. Main St., Bath, will also be open to visitors from 10 a.m. to noon that same day to coincide with Spuds & Suds.
Photos are courtesy of Blaine Hoffmeister Pam Szivos, Denise Vargo, Blaine Hoffmeister, and Carol Bear-Heckman...your dedica tion and commitment to this historical event is truly appre ciated! Also, to our office staff - Brad and Tanya; and, to our Public Works Department for all of their assistance as well. "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, commit ted citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has..." -Marga retFiorellaWithMeadgratitude,Reginelli
8 August 11-17, 2022 *YOU ARE INVITED* In conjunction with Borough of Bath’s “Old Home Week” August 14 thru the 20th Bath Borough Authority is having an open house on August 18th “Business Night” All are welcome to tour the new Wastewater Treatment Plant from 5pm to 7pm. We are located at 160 Mill Street. Please call our office with questions 610-837-0652 Bath Borough Authority Board of Directors and Staff 107 N. Chestnut St., Bath • kulaheartyogaandwellness.com610-746-5852 Yoga Studio • Reflexologist • Massage Therapist Thursday, Aug. 18 from 6 to 8 p.m. $10 off massage scheduled during event BUSINESS NIGHT OPEN HOUSE Saturday, August 20 from noon to 7 p.m. during Spuds & Suds Discounted services and raffle giveaways Come visit us … A sincere THANK YOU to Council Vice-President, Frank Hesch for his vision and ideas in organizing and spearheading the Old Home Week celebra tion. Also, a special THANK YOU to the members of the OHW Committee - Phyllis Andrews, Kathy Hayes-Reph, Visit the Bath Museum and Siegfried Log Cabin
Special thanks to the residents of Bath Borough for the ever-increasing interest in this weeklong event. I continue to ask all residents and business owners to decorate in red, white, and blue all week long. We want to show how beautiful this town really looks. I am looking forward to seeing residents and visitors all over town the whole week, enjoying all that Bath has to offer and hopefully learning a little more about our small Borough. The week should have something for everybody, and my sincere hope is that everyone has a safe, happy, and fun time. I want to thank the Old Home Week Committee for their dedication and tireless efforts to make this upcoming event so very special. Just like the last Old Home Week in 1912, the Committee sent formal invitations to all of our elected officials, from the U.S. President all the way to our County officials and everyone in between. We very much wanted to keep that tradition in line with what was done in 1912. Lastly, I want to give a special thanks to Bath Borough Council for their blessing over this event. It is everyone's hope that this "homecoming" of sorts can bring our community that much closer together so we can once again live up to our motto of "History Nestled in Friendship."
Frank Hesch III Council VP and 2022 Old Home Week spearhead Scenes from H H H H Old Home Week, 1912 Old cigar factory on W. Main St. Old fire house on E. Main St.
American Hotel 1912 Old Home Week commemorative pin, photo courtesy of Frank Hesch III
Mirabito Mayor

event. For more info… Slate Exchange Hotel 1912 parade Scenes from H H H H Old Home Week, 1912
Thursday, August 18th – Business Night Borough Business’s Open Late Water Treatment Plant Open House 5:00pm-7:00pm Art/Demos/Live Music throughout the Borough Friday, August 19th – History Night Dinner – 6:00pm @ American Legion, Post 470 History of Bath Display Presented by Bath Museum Special Guest Speaker, Linda Kortz are $25 person, limited seating, Business Casual - Tickets available at Hayes Flowers
August 11-17, 2022 9 Spengler Brown Law OfficesSpengler Brown Law Offices Enjoy Bath’s Old Home Week from your Home Town Attorneys, Steven Brown and Daniel Spengler. Continuing a tradition of local family oriented legal services to the community since 1946. Call us for a free initial consult. 110 East Main Street Bath, PA 18014 Phone: 610.837.7855 Fax: www.sblawlehighvalley.com610.837.1566 Estate Planning, Wills, Powers of Attorney, Estate Administration, Personal Injury/Auto Accident, Family Law, Real Estate, Enjoy Bath’s Old Home Week from your Home Town Attorneys, Steven Brown and Daniel Spengler. Continuing a tradition of local family oriented legal services to the community since 1946. Call us for a free initial consult. 110 East Main Street, Bath, PA 18014 Phone: 610.837.7855 • Fax: www.sblawlehighvalley.com610.837.1566 Estate Planning, Wills, Powers of Attorney, Estate Administration, Personal Injury/Auto Accident, Family Law, Real Estate, Landlord-Tenant, and Small Business Formation Enjoy outdoor dining on our patio! 201 W. Main Street, Bath • 484-281-3661 MON 11:30-9 • TUES CLOSED • WED 3-9 • THURS-SUN 11:30-9 Proudly serving the Bath community for 9 years Over 30 craft beers Seasonal featured drinks DINE-IN OR TAKE-OUT Follow & Like us on Facebook TRIVIA WEDNESDAYS!ON Visit us on Business Night! Try our featured drink- PEANUT BUTTER OLD FASHIONED! Hayes Flowers Serving our community since 1968 251 E. Main Street, Bath, Pa 18014 610-837-6447 BRING YOUR OWN VASE Let us fill it with one dozen assorted colored roses for only $30 *for every dozen sold $5 will be donated to the Bath Food Bank. Featured artist Barb Schultz of Electric Squirrel Studio will be bringing her stained glass Thursday, Aug. 18 from 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday, August 14th – Activity Day Time Capsule - 12:00pm @ Borough Hall Community Picnic & Softball Tournament - 12:30pm @ Ciff Cowling Field Softball Tournament Sponsored by Bath Allen Youth Club Live Music, THE VERDICT – 7:00pm @ Ciff Cowling Field Bring your own Picnic Food and Chairs, Concession Stand will be OPEN, Crafts for Kids Tuesday, August 16th – Movie Night Food Trucks – 5:00pm @ Fireman’s Field Free Outdoor Movie – 7:30/8:00pm @ Fireman’s Field - Bring your own Chairs
5th Anniversary
Decorate your home in
and be a part of the
Saturday, August 20th – SPUDS & SUDS of Annual Live Event – 12:00pm to 7:00pm @ Downtown Historic District Log Cabin Open 10:00am – 12:00pm Bath Museum Open 10:00am – 2:00pm Red, White, & Blue weeklong

10 August 11-17, 2022 Continued on page 11 Nazareth High School 4th Quarter Honor Roll Production Mechanical/AssemblyforTechnicians Everson Tesla is hiring production technicians 1st and 2nd shift. Hours: 6 am--2 pm or 2 pm --10 pm M-F Start at $17.00 per hour + shift differential. $1.50 for shift Good wages, good work environment, and good benefits: health insurance, dental, life, disability, 401K Interested candidates please forward your resume or contact: Jamie E Kelly, MS, SPHR, Human Resources Manager, Everson Tesla Inc 614 Gremar Road, Nazareth, PA 18064 610-746-1532 PUBLIC AUCTION o Settle the Estate of Sharon L. BieryMonday, August 22nd @ 6pm1814 Helen Ave, Allentown, PA Hartzell’s Auction Gallery, Inc 521 Richmond Road, Bangor, PA 18013 610.588.5831 PA# AU – 00395-L AH – 1919 Est. 1943 Open House: August 15th from 6pm – 8pm 3 Bedroom 1 ½ Bath Home with Kitchen, Dining & Living Room, Full Basement and Central Air with A 2 Car Detached Garage. Located On a Quiet Street in Allentown, PA Just Minutes Away from Rt 22. Terms: $10,000 down in cash or certified check. Balance in 45 days. For more information call Auctioneers at 610.588.5831 Personal Property will be offered on Sunday, August 21st On-Line ONLY 2008 Audi A4 Quatro with 70,000 miles, A Large Collection of Wavecrest, Royal Bayreuth, Gold and Silver Jewelry, Costume Jewelry, Household Furniture, Collectibles, Clothing, Tools, and more. Early Onset Support Group 8 weekly sessions, beginning Monday, September 12th 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm Kortz Hall at Moravian Hall Square 175 W. North St., Nazareth PA 18064 Are you living with Early Onset Dementia? You are not alone. Thissupportgroup offers auniquesupport bybringingtogether people who are experiencing the same things, often at the same time. Share frustrations while learning valuable tips for living well with dementia. This support group benefits both individuals who have early onset dementia and the people who careaboutthem. The groupmeetsfor 8 weeks, withanewtopic being discussed each week. Our professional group facilitators are trained bythe Alzheimer's Association. To register to attend, or for more information, call Pam Kleckner, 610.746.1120. cMoraviaIL HALL SQUARE i%llness for Life... Care for Life submitted by GAYLE KADLUB Grade 12 High Honor Roll Madeline Ahearn, Tyler Aide, Violet Alao, Stefano Albarra cin, Collin Albert, Liam Allen, Ebenezer Anane, David Araujo, Kayla Bacak, Gregory Bagshaw, David Baldanza, Carter Bandics, Brady Bast, Morgan Bayda, Broc Bender, Rachel Billet, Hunter Bittenbender, Emma Black ham, Michael Brougham, Emma Browning, Gabriella Buezo, Ryan Burke, Christian Calderon Pinon, Ashleigh Cappetta, Riley Chiles, Cassandra Coco, Aaliyah Cohen, Ava Colagiovanni, Isabelle Cole, Jacob Cole, Connor Cook, Na than Cook, Grace Cuevas, Thom as Daggett, Olivia Dailey, Shamb havi Dave, Grace Dawe, Elizabeth Deaner, Lucas Derr, Robert Dew ey, Sophia Doran, Marisa Eager, Claire Eberly, Jana Elarousy, Jes sica Elliott, Kaelan Ellis, Sophie Emeigh, Meagan Emory, Abigail Entwistle, Alyssa Ernst, Anna Estrada, Eliza Evelhoch, Ryan Fairchild, Hailey Falzone, Marina Falzone, Luca Famularo, Gabri elle Febbo, Hailey Federico, Kole Federico, Alyssa Felix, Emily Fir man, Jason Fuquay, Alexa Gabrie, Gavin Gaul, Abigail Gensits, Kae lyn Gerencher, Melissa Giberson, Lea Godinache, Elizabeth Gold, Henry Grimm, Luke Gromlow icz, Alexander Gundry, Gabrielle Gundry, Abigail Gunn, Abigail Haffner, Connor Hageman, Travis Hahn, Emily Harclerode, McKen zie Harris, Colin Henchy, Chris topher Herb, Megan Holland, Ty ler Horn, Ethan J Horvath, Paige Horvath, Vjay Hou, Seth Hubler, Caroline Hunter, Kayley Hynes, Brooke Johnson, Ryleigh Jones, Sierra Jordan, Skyler Jordan, Vic toria Jordan, Maria Kaminska, Aiden Kane, Emma Kane, Han nah Karc, Kiera Karve, Cameron Koch, Anupriya Kooma, Ryan Kresge, Sarah Kryemadhi, Zoe Kwatkoski, Ariana Kwiatek, Al exander LaBar, Kiera Laslo, Rose Lasso, Brynlee LaStella, Peyton Laurin, Brian Laurito, Abigail Leach, Aaron Leopold, Kelly Leszcynski, Eva Level, Angela Lo eser, Matthew Lucas, Logan Lu sareta, Jayden Lyon, Noah Lyon, Carleigh Macy, Aiden Mannix, Gianna Marchese, Aidan Mc Bride, Amy Meriwether, Philip Mohrman, Ainsley Moore, Jayden Mullin, Samuel Netzley, Jason Nguyen, Zoe Nichols, Brady Norton, Ashley Oakley, Rob ert Olson, Sarah Osmun, Eesha Patel, Nish Patel, Dylan Paulus, Robert Pitsko, Nathan Pynchon, Grace Rasmussen, McKenna Rea vis, Liam Redman, Kelly Regan, Hannah Reider, Emma Ricci, Julianna Rice, Juliana Ricigliano, Tanner Riehl, Eleah Rinker, Ryan Rissmiller, John Rodriguez, Alay na Rosynek, Rachael Schaffer,

*Piano *Violin *Viola *Guitar *Drums *Oboe
August 11-17, 2022 11 NAZARETH AREA Continued on page 14 Honor Roll Continued from page 10 St. MartinsFestivalFestivalRocco’sCreek,PA August 11-12-13 6 - 10 PM Known for GREAT FOOD Crispelli • Porketta • Sausage Covered food area with convenient seating FOOD, GAMES & “KIDS ZONE” • Live Entertainment • Thursday - Joyous • Friday - Whiskey Mansion Saturday - Italian American Band | TimeWhy?s Nazareth MUSIC School Rentals *Clarinet *Flute *Trumpet *Trombone *French Horn No matter the instrument, we have the right instructor A family business serving 610-759-3072 162 S. Main St., Nazareth School Rentals - Private Lessons *Clarinet *Flute *Trumpet *Trombone *French Horn *Piano *Violin *Viola *Guitar *Drums *Oboe No matter the instrument, we have the right instructor for you - Call for available lesson times A family business serving your family’s needs 610-759-3072 • 162 S. Main St., Nazareth • • Find us on the web Nazareth No*Clarinet Nazareth MUSIC CENTER 1960EST. Nazareth MUSIC School Rentals *Clarinet *Flute *Trumpet *Trombone *French Horn No matter the instrument, we have the right instructor A family business serving 610-759-3072 162 S. Main St., Nazareth School Rentals - Private Lessons
*Clarinet *Flute *Trumpet *Trombone *French Horn
No matter the instrument, we have the right instructor for you - Call for available lesson times A family business serving your family’s needs 610-759-3072 162 S. Main St., Nazareth Find us on Facebook Nazareth No*Clarinetmatter ry, Jake Dally, Sydney Daly, An thony Danyi, Victoria de Bruyn, Ryan DeMarco, Kirsten DeMrag, Jared Dewey, Cole Dibilio, Trevor Digby, Abigail Dillman, Alex ander DiMartino, Jake Doone, Joshua Doule', Aidan Dudinyak, Jack Dugdale, Harrison Durner, Ross Ellis, Zoey Emrick, Brook Engler, Abby Englert, Nicholas Epser, Joshua Estrada, Sarah Fa bian, Nina Facciponti, Ryan Fag erstrom, Amelia Fehr, Jack Flick er, Sofia Forgione, Gracy Franco Prasanna, Natalie Frisch, Jordan Gagner, Kevin Gagner, Samantha Garvey, Jackson Gentry, Caitlin Genzale, Emily Gossner, Aiden Greenberg, Harleen Grewal, Col lin Grohotolski, Kaylyn Guerrieri, Alexandra Gulea, Neda Gulen, Sena Gulen, Sydney Harper, Jack Hasker, Mia Herman, Emma Higton, Harrison Hoch, Kaylie Hoffmann, Gabrielle Horn, Luke Houchin, Abigail Hrichak, Reem Husein, Jenabelle Inigo, Kylee James, Danielle Jordan, Salem Jo seph, Preston Kalinoski, Alexan der Karam, Brandon Keck, Ashley Kelly, Gabrielle Keys, Jillian King sley, Kaylie Kirkham, Kole Koch, Maxwell Kochenash, Adam Koll gaard, Ganuradha Kooma, Jacob Kremer, Kaldea Kucsan, Sieara Kuriakose, Isaac Kutzura, Evan Le, Austin Lenning, Austin Lin, Dan iel Lufburrow, Cole Lutz, Luke Madson, Sarah Markulics, McK enna Mason, John Mihalios, Anna Mikulski, Daniel Miller, Elyn Millheim, Samreen-Joy Minhas, Lena Morefield, Maya Morefield, Zayd Mukaddam, Jackson Mul len, Nicholas Nocerino, Anthony Novak, Isabella Novak, Alay Patel, Om Patel, Gabriella Paul, Kait lyn Pelissier, Emma Pessiki, Julia Peterson, Ilias Phanzu, Griffen Radosavich, Joseph Ragazzo, Sa meer Rahman, Nicolas Recchia, Noah Ressler, Chase Rinehimer, Emily Rivera, Samuel Roberts, Alexander Rodriguez, Skye Ro driguez, Tabatha Roma, Kristo pher Ruth, Jaclyn Samsel, Asher Sandt, Christopher Saqqal, Kait lyn Sarnoff, Jacoby Sauer, Adam Sbardelli, Selah Scarborough, Madelyn Schaller, Agia Schell, Gavin Schlegel, Kylie Schmidt, Christine Schott, Maci Seifert, Johan Shiju, Weston Simak, Kayla Singley, Aurieauna Smith, Bridgit Snell, Hayla Snyder, Rynei Sofe so, Lauren Soto, Jonathan Stan iec, Sean Strauss, Logan Strucke, Alissa Suarez, Andrew Suwal ski, Edison Tang, Lauren Tauber, Devin Tavares, Dominic Tavares, Matthew Tims, Tyler Tinsley, Giuseppe Torrisi, Grace Trach, Robert Trifiletti, Adam Trimmer, Gianna Tripodi, Katelyn Turner, Pearson Uelses, Anthony Villar real, Samuel Vituszynski, Joslyn Wack, Adrianna Wagner, Jordan Wagner, Kaitlyn Wagner, Kelly Ward, Jacob Werkheiser, Abigail Werley, Dominic Wheatley, Kylie Whyte, Justin Will, Autumn Wil lard, Mallory Woodland, Olivia Yany, Brehan Zegeye, Cassandra Zellner Grade 11 Honor Roll Tyler Andree, Gabriel Andrews, Hunter Angeline, Bryce Arndt, Dylan Ashley, Amal Bajwa, Joshua Berstler, Gabriel Bolek, Natalie Brandes, Casey Brown, Jacob Bruce, Thomas Bruening sen, Christopher Bugbee, Charles Bunting, Lucas Bunting, Benicio Calantoni, Gabriel Carey, Savanna Carey, Michalynn Castone, Aidan Conover, Madigan Daugherty, Emma Dorko, Hanna Dutzer, Mikaylah Dyer, Daniel Fuentes, Isabella Galasso, Kelin Gonzalez, Jailen Goodine, Adriana Gruber, James Harrison, Brielle Hawk, Asher Hetrick, Bryson Hicklin, Kaylee Schiavone, Neethi Sheka, Mackenzie Shoup, Blake Shuler, Colleen Shuler, Daniel Smith, Jordan Soffera, Ohm Sohagia, Nathan Soldano, Bryahna Stanat, Gehrig Stellato, Norah Stivala, Oliver Stride, Kiana Stump, Shi fra Suthakar, Christopher Swan son, Aneesh Tayi, Nicolette Teles, Matthew Thierer, Sarah Topping, Ruthanne Troutman, Scott Vakie ner, Eric Van Horn, Megan Van Rensburg, Dylan Vo, Caitlin Vo loshen, Benjamin Walters, Kaylee Weiss, Shelby Werkheiser, Owen Wescott, Hope White, Koye Whitman, Kara Wilson, Kiley Yotter, Kaila Zborezny, Michael Zemba, Morgan Zhang
Grade 12 Honor Roll Madelin Aguilar, Anthony Al banese, Alexis Altemose, Natasia Andriolo, William Angelozzi, Christopher Apruzzi, Nathan Aravich, Donato Atkinson, Briar Bandics, Emma Barr, Andrew Bohl, Logan Bonser, Nolan Booth, Ashley Breault, Cailyn Brown, Matthew Capobianco, Jacob Carl, Ryan Conte, Shawn Coppola, Nicholas Dawe, Nathan Elvin, Hunter Enstrom, Morgan Esterly, Owen Fahs, Lucas Forrest, Jonathan Frame, Braxton Fries, Brendan Fulciniti, Benjamin Gar land, Gianna Giacobbe, Norah Girton, Kevin Givone, Jonathan Gold, Alexandra Goodricke, Con nor Grohotolski, Ethan D Hor vath, Christopher Jennings, Kevin Kelly, Mason Koch, Zackary Law son, Chase Levey, Robert Long, Lauren Luterzo, Julia Major, Jo seph Manento, Dante Manos, Brandon Mayen-Pelaez, Brandon Mazarul, Zachary McKinney, Gavin Mills, Angela Moncav age, Alfredo Montesinos, Gabriel Nale, Abbas Naqvi, Emily Rago, Mason Rinker, Jaden Rivera, Tyler Rohn, William Rowley, Evan San chez, Logan Sanders, Kaylee Scha berg, Devin Schweitzer, Amanda Scianna, Eshal Sheikh, Brian Six, Chase Skrapits, Madison Smith, Bridget Snyder, Lucas Snyder, Elle Stocker, Brandon Swanson, Xavi er Taylor, Joseph Tazzetto, Travis Thibodeaux, Caleb Thurnau, Zoe Turner, Paige Uelses, Avery Un angst, Timothy Vaughn, Naysha Velazquez, Jacob Vosseller, Isiah Walker, Peyton Wapelhorst, Kam ron Zemencsik Grade 11 High Honor Roll Gavin Abel, Rylee Abt, Akash Adavan, Imanee Adisa, Fatima Adnane, Antonio Alessi, Olivia Alessi, Katie Appleman, Lyla Ar fanella, Juliana Attanasio, John Bacolo, Zoha Bajwa, Summer Baker, Avery Bartha, Logan Bau man, Abygayle Beers, Brianne Bernstein, Natalie Betz, Madison Black, Catherine Bostian, Lauren Burnley, Hailey Buskirk, Tanner Caka, Jack Caprez, Alessandra Carbone, Katherin Castillo-Reyes, Braedyn Chobin, Julia Chorman ski, Evelyn Christensen, Michael Clarelli, Ethan Coffman, Kelsey Condon, Kelly Creighton, Ashley Cressman, Ian Crook, Alexa Cur

Sun.- Worship 8/10:30 a.m., SS 9:15 a.m. VALLEY VIEW 610-837-5894NORTHAMPTONBAPTIST, Sun. – Worship 10:45 a.m./6 p.m. BS 9:30 a.m., Wed.- BS and Prayer 7 p.m. WALNUTPORT SEVENTH DAY 610-767-8939ADVENTIST Sat. – Sabbath School 9:30 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. ZION’S STONE KREIDERSVILLEU.C.C.,610-262-1133 Sun. – SS 9 a.m., Worship 10:15 a.m. ZION E.L. 610-262-6636NORTHAMPTON,CHURCH,(N) Sun. – Worship 10 a.m., SS 8:45 a.m. KEY –W- Worship, M – Mass, S – Services, SS –HABSChristianSchool,SundayCE–Ed,–BibleStudy,CC–ChildCare,HC–HolyCommunion,–HandicappedAccessible,VBS–VacationBibleSchool Est. 1965 Charles Muffley, Owner •Specializing in old house siding restoration •Harvey windows •Small additions & porches • Pressure washing 255 Grouse Dr., Bath • 610-837-0913 Northern R&S
Sun. – Worship at 10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. ( QUEENSHIP OF MARY 610-262-2227NORTHAMPTONCHURCH, Sun. – Mass 8:30/10:30 a.m., Mon. – Fri. – Mass 8 a.m. Sat. – Mass 4 p.m.
Sun. – 9:30 a.m. SALEM 610-767-8003DANIELSVILLE.METHODIST,UNITED Sun. – Worship 9:30 a.m. 610-759-0376NAZARETH.MORAVIANSCHOENECKCHURCH, Sun.- Worship 8/10:30 a.m., SS 9:15 a.m., 10:30 a.m. livestream via Facebook. ST. BRIGID’S EPISCOPAL 610-746-3910NAZARETH Sun. – SS/Holy Eucharist 10 a.m. ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH, 610-837-1061BATH. Sun. – Worship 9 a.m. Nave, Masked and Vaccinated W 11 a.m. Fellowship Hall ST. JOHN’S EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH, 610-759-3090.NAZARETH Sun. – Worship 8/10:45 a.m., Sat. – Worship with HC 5:30 p.m. ST. JOHN’S 610-262-8666HOWERTOWN.U.C.C., Sun. – Worship 9 a.m. ST. JOHN’S 610-759-0893NAZARETH.U.C.C. Sun. – 9 a.m.- Contemporary Worship, 10 a.m.- Christian Formation, 11 a.m.- Classic Worship ST. NICHOLAS 610-767-3107BERLINSVILLE.R.C. Sun. – Mass 8:30/10:30 a.m., M-F -8:30 a.m., Sat. – 4:30 p.m. ST. PAUL’S 610-258-0875PALMERLUTHERANTHIRDCHURCH,TWP. Sun. – Worship 10 a.m., SS 8:45 a.m. All welcome. ST. PAUL’S 610-261-2910.NORTHAMPTON,UCC,HA Sun. – Worship 9:30 a.m. (with child care) ST. PAUL’S U.C.C., OF 610-767-5751CHERRYVILLEINDIANLAND, Sun. – Trad. Worship 10:30 a.m., Contemporary Praise Worship second Sunday 7:30 a.m. ST. PETER’S 610-837-7426NORTHAMPTONU.C.C., Sun. – 10:15 a.m., SS 9 a.m. TRINITY 610-759-6377HECKTOWNLUTHERANEVANGELICALCHURCH,
Sun.- Worship 10:15 a.m., SS 9 a.m. 610-262-5645NORTHAMPTONASSEMBLYNORTHAMPTONOFGOD, Sun – Worship 11 a.m./6 p.m., SS 10 a.m., Wed. – Worship 7 p.m. NORTHAMPTON GOD’S MISSIONARY NORTHAMPTON.CHURCH,610-262-4412(HA)
Sun –Traditional 8:45 a.m., Contemporary 10 a.m. FAITH TWP.FELLOWSHIP,FAMILYBUSHKILL484-408-9624
Sun – Worship 9 a.m. GRACE FELLOWSHIPBIBLE CHURCH, 610-759-7036NAZARETH. Sun. – Worship 11 a.m., SS 9:30 a.m. GRACE 610-759-9080NAZARETH.LUTHERANEVANGELICALCHURCH, Sun.- Worship 9 a.m. GRACE NORTHAMPTON.CHURCHUNITEDOFCHRIST,610-262-7186(HA) Sun. – Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:15 a.m. GRACE 610-863-4811PENMETHODISTUNITEDCHURCH,ARGYL. Sun. – Worship 8:30/10 a.m. HOLY 610-759-7363LUTHERAN,EVANGELICALCROSSNAZARETH.
Sun.- Contemporary Worship 10 a.m. FAITH 610-767-3505WALNUTPORT.REFORMED, Sun. – Worship 10 a.m. GOOD NORTHAMPTON.LUTHERAN,SHEPHERD610-262-9517
Sun. – Mass 7/9/11 a.m., Mon.-Fri. – Mass 8 a.m., Sat. – Mass 5 p.m., Holy Days –Mass 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. SALEM 610-759-1652MOORESTOWNU.C.C.
Sun. – Worship 8/9:30 a.m. HOLY FAMILY ROMAN CATHOLIC 610-759-0870NAZARETH.CHURCH, Sun. – Mass 7/9/11 a.m., M-F – Mass 8:30 a.m., Sat. – Mass 5 p.m. HOLY 610-262-2668NORTHAMPTON.LUTHERANTRINITYCHURCH, Sun. – Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 9 a.m. HOLY 610-262-3365NORTHAMPTON.SLOVAKTRINITYLUTHERAN, Sun. – Worship 10 a.m. HOPE 610CHURCH,LUTHERANCHERRYVILLE.767-7203 Sun. – Worship 8/10:30 a.m., SS 9:15 a.m. MOUNT 570-992-7050SAYLORSBURG.CHURCH,EATON Sun- 8 a.m. Traditional, 10:30 a.m. Contemporary MOUNTAIN VIEW WESLEYAN CHURCH, BATH. 610-759-7553 Sun. – Worship 10:30 a.m. NAZARETH MORAVIAN CHURCH, 610-759-3163NAZARETH Sun. – Worship 9:30 a.m. NEW 610-262-8101NORTHAMPTON.COMMUNITYJOURNEYCHURCH,(N)
RADIANT 484-597-1440EASTON/NAZARETH.CHURCH, Sun. – Worship/meeting 10 a.m. SACRED CATHOLIC,HEARTBATH.610-837-7874
Sun. - Worship outside 9:15 a.m., 11:30 a.m. inside, SS 10:30 a.m. CHAPMAN QUARRIES UNITED METHODIST, BATH. 610-837-0935 Sun. – Worship 9:30 a.m. CHRIST CHURCH OF BATH, U.C.C., S. CHESTNUT ST. BATH. 610-837-0345 Sun. – Worship 9:30 a.m. CHRIST 610-264-9325SCHOENERSVILLE.U.C.C., Sun. – Worship 10:15 a.m. CHRIST U.C.C. LITTLE MOORE, 610-837-6051DANIELSVILLE. Sun. – Worship 9 a.m., SS 9:15 a.m. 610-262-8500NORTHAMPTON.LUTHERANCONCORDIACHURCH, Sun. – Worship 9:30 a.m. with HC, SS 9:40 a.m. COVENANT 610-837-7517METHODIST,UNITEDBATH. Sun. – 9 a.m. Worship- Masks SSOptionalw/Ms. Michele following 9 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. SS-Adults and Kids 10:40 a.m. Masks Worship-FellowshipRequiredHall DRYLAND 610-759-4444NAZARETH.U.C.C., Sun. – Worship 9:30 a.m. EGYPT (EGYPT).CHURCH,COMMUNITYWHITEHALL610-262-4961
Sun. – Worship 10:30 a.m. SS 9 a.m. EL SHADDAI ASSEMBLY OF GOD, 610-759-6557NAZARETH. Sunday School – 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship – 10:45 a.m. Youth Ministry – Sunday –6:30 p.m. Kids Ministries – Wednesday – 7 p.m. BATH.LUTHERANEMMANUEL’SCHURCH,610-837-1741
Sun. – Mass 8/10:30 a.m., Mon. – Mass 8 a.m., Tues. –Mass 8 a.m., Wed. – Mass 8 a.m., Thurs. – Mass 8 a.m., Fri. – Mass 8 a.m., Sat. – Mass 4 p.m. 610-262-2882NORTHAMPTONORTHODOXMARYOFASSUMPTIONTHEVIRGINUKRAINIANCHURCH, Sat. – Vesper services 5 p.m. (No Sat. service first 3 weeks in Sun.July) – Divine Liturgy 9 a.m. BETHANY 610-767-1239CHERRYVILLE.WESLEYAN, Sun. – Worship 9/10:45 a.m. BUSHKILL TWP.METHODIST,UNITEDBUSHKILL610-759-7132
12 August 11-17, 2022 DirectoryChurch ATTENTIONCHURCHES Have your services changed for summer? Please call us at 610-923-0382 or email to let us know! ** REMINDER ** If your SUMMER SCHEDULE has changed, please contact our office at 610-923-0382 to update the Directory listing at no charge. The Home News Church Directory is an alphabetical listing of community churches and synagogues. If you would like to make a change to your listing below, please email it to: or call 610-923-0382. The Church Directory is always available on our website
April 29-30, 1945: “German plane strafes convoy, truck on fire.” May “Celebration1: of Hitler’s death by Capt. Capron, Lt. Neill and Nelson.”
ESTATE NOTICE Estate of Stella E. Breiner, Deceased, late of the City of Easton, Northampton County, Pennsylvania. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamen tary have been granted to the undersigned, who requests all persons having claims or de mands against the Estate of the Decedent to make known the same, and all persons indebted to the Decedent to make pay ments without delay to Ronney Lee Breiner ℅ John E. Kotsa tos, Esquire, 717 Washington Street, Easton, PA 18042.(8/4-8/18) NOTICE-LEGAL The Home News is currently seek ing for popular Find N Seek contest. logo in the paper and door, Contact us today! Call 610-923-0382 or email cstroh@ flea Sat urday, Aug. 27 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 570-620-7985 email by Aug. 20. (8/18) ESTATE NOTICE Estate of Rose P. Bocich, late of the Borough of Naza reth, County of Northampton and State of Pennsylvania, de ceasedWHEREAS, Letters Testa mentary in the above-named estate have been granted to Patricia B. Ackerman, Executrix of the Estate of Rose P. Bocich. All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands to present the same without delay to Patricia B. Ackerman ℅ Alfred S. Pierce, Esquire 124 Belvidere Street Nazareth, Pennsylvania, Alfred18064 S. Pierce, Esquire Pierce & Steirer, LLC 124 Belvidere Street Nazareth, PA 18064 Attorneys for the Estate I.D. No. 21445 (8/4-8/18)
18088 Call
or Fax
“Amid cheers, handker chiefs waving, we enter true Czechoslovakia (Bo hemia) like old times going through“GermanFrance.”prisoners (30) starting cleaning barracks, want two buildings for hos pitals.”May“Patrols28: and road blocks to be established in this area.”This is the last entry in the B Battery 5th Infantry log, which is almost 200 pages in length. May 29: “Log entrusted to tender memories of B.B. No re sponsibility on my part for entries after 28 May. L.L. Capron Capt. CAC.” The war was over! The commanding officer asked S.Sgt. Csencsitz if he want ed to re-enlist as a commis sioned officer. Frank re fused. He wanted to return to his home and family. He boarded the Costa Rica Victory in Southampton, England, Sept. 27, 1945, and arrived in the port of New York Oct. 5, 1945. It was then to Fort Meade, Md., for an honor ableServicedischarge.time: three years, one month, dispersement pay: $417.28; decoration: Bronze Star, Good Con duct Medal, European-Af rican-Middle Eastern Cam paign Medal, Normandy, Northern France’stion,couragefacedtilcombatwelfareandhandlingtributedcheckedchinecooledandofandRhineland-CentralArdennes,Europe.PlatoonSgt.supervisedcoordinatedactivities72men,4-40mmguns16-50caliberwaterandaircooledmaguns,supervisedandgunpositions,disrations,supervisedofammunitionwasresponsibleforofpersonnel.S.Sgt.Csencsitzservedinfor22monthsunV-EDay.AsoldierwhoeachdaywithgreatanddeterminahewasoneofAmerigreatestgenerations.Intwoweeks-civilian
Deadline: Monday at 12 Noon | Phone: 610-923-0382 | E-mail:
There will be no refunds after a classified advertisement is placed and paid. If an ad runs erroneously at the fault of the paper, we will offer a complimentary ad in the next edition of the publication. ObituaryNotice To submit an obituary to The Home News, please AskUs@HomeNewsPA.comemailorcall610-923-0382formoreinformation.
The meeting of the Moore Township Zoning Hearing Board will be held on Wednes day, August 17, 2022 at 6:00 PM. The meeting will be held at the Moore Elementary School Multi-Purpose Room, 2835 Mountain View Dr. Bath, PA 18014. Members of the public are welcome to participate. The specific agenda for the meeting is as follows: 22-ZHB-759 Continued from previous meeting: The applicant(s), Wa ter’s Edge at Wind Gap, LLC, applicant of property proposal known as Industrial Develop ment for Warehouse Use, lo cated at 235 Moorestown Dr. Bath, Moore Twp., PA, 18014, hereby appeals the Determina tion of the Zoning Officer and challenges the substantive validity of Sections 200-22G14(1)(c),(n),(u),and (w),20030K (5), and 200-35B(12)of the Township Zoning Ordinance and Sections 4.06.9, 4.07.8.a, 4.07.9.a, 4.07.16, 4.07.22, 4.11.10.C, 4.11.11, and 4.12.4C of the Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance pursuant to sections 909.1 and 916.1 of the Pennsylvania Mu nicipalities Planning Code, and hereby requests variances from Section 200-22.G-14(1)(n) and 200-35.C. of the Township Zon ing Ordinance. The property, County PIN#’s J6-10-2 and J610-2A, contains approximately 51.12 acres and is zoned, In dustrialJason(I).L. Harhart Zoning Officer Moore Township (8/4 & 8/11)
ESTATE NOTICE Estate of Duane F. Kachline, late of the Township of Bethle hem, County of Northampton, and State of Pennsylvania, de ceasedWHERES, Letters Testa mentary in the above-named estate have been granted to Terry Lynn Kocher and Linda Sue Gold, theclaimsatearesonsofRepresentativesExecutors/PersonaloftheEstateDuaneF.Kachline.Allperindebtedtothesaidestaterequestedtomakeimmedipayment,andthosehavingordemandstopresentsamewithoutdelaytoTerryLynnKocherLindaSueGoldExecutors/PersonalRepresentatives℅ScottR.Steirer,EsquirePierce&Steirer,LLC124BelvidereStreetNazareth,PA18064AttorneysfortheEstateI.D.No.306977(8/11-8/25)
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Do you enjoy sales? Are you a people person? Are you com puter savvy? Do you possess good customer service skills? Are you passionate about preserving the written word? The Home News is seeking a Marketing and Sales Account Executive. Interested candi dates, please email resume to HELP WANTED UPCOMING EVENTS BUS TRIP TO SIGHT & SOUND THEATRE Featuring “DAVID.” Bus leaves St. Paul’s UCC (19th & Lincoln Ave., Northampton) Oct. 15 at 11:30 a.m. Show at 3 p.m. $114 per person includes bus fare and show. Dinner at Shady Maple (not included in cost). FMI or for tickets call Brian 610740-4574. (10/13) COMMUNITY FLEA MARKET Saturday, Aug. 27 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Salem UMC, 1067 Blue Mt. Dr., Danielsville. Rain or shine, food/drink available for purchase. Yard sale items, produce, crafts, baked goods, homemade food and more. Seeking vendors, call 570-6207985 or email dfelker85@gmail. com by Aug. 20. (8/25) SHOP IN THE SHADE Flea Market – Yard Sale Sat., Aug. 20 from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Salem UCC Grove 2218 Com munity Dr. (Rt. 946), Bath “Shop in the Shade.” Vendors call 610759-5780. Food stand open.(8/18)
The Fair Housing Act prohibits housing discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, and disability. It is illegal to deny housing to families with children under 18 years of age unless the housing qualifies as "housing for older persons. The Classifieds
FIND N SEEK SPONSORS Calling all businesses-
Continued from page 1
(8/11) PHOTOS The Home News is seeking photos for the August photo of the month contest- the theme is “Bath History.” In celebration of Old Home Week and Bath histo ry, please email your Bath histo ry-themed photos (photos from Old Home Week, previous Bath events, or any other photos that represent Bath’s rich history) to HometuredAug.dateandalongcstroh@homenewspa.comwithyourname,locationdescriptionofphoto,andtaken.DeadlineisMonday,22.ThewinnerwillbefeaintheAug.25issueofTheNews.(8/18) WANTED BUSINESS YOUR AD HERE Want to advertise your busi ness here for as little as $10/ week? Call 610-923-0382 or email AskUs@HomeNewsPa. com to get started. (8/11) GARAGE/YARDFREE SALES IT’S YARD SALE SEASON! Advertise your garage/yard sale in The Home News and save $1 by mentioning this ad. Call 610-923-0382 or placecstroh@homenewspa.comemailtoyourad.(8/11) FREE HOME ORGAN Bench, music books, great condition. Pick-up in Bath. Call 484-541-2600. (8/11) TED’S ROOFING New Roofs & Repairs • ReRoofing • Roof Ventilation • Slate Repairs •Seamless Gutter • Sid ing • Fascia & Soffit • No Streak ing Shingle. Free Estimates & Fully Insured. Where Service & Quality Counts! 7508.NJ#13VH08202700.PA#089829.610-837-(8/11) SEEKING VENDORS Salem UMC seeking vendors for community
NEVER ANOTHERMISSISSUE Weekly delivery to your mail box. $25 for 52 issues of The Home News. Call today 610923-0382 or email andrea@ to get started. (TN) RENT IT FAST! With Home News classifieds for as little as $10/week. Call 610-923-0382 or place your ad online at www.homenewspa. com. Mention this ad to receive $1 off. (TN) MILLER SUPPLY ACE HARDWARE Northampton, PA Authorized Stihl M-F-7am-7pmNewScreenPaint*Roofing*SidingDealer&WindowRepairconstructionorreplacementvinylwindowsKey&GlasscuttingSat.7am-4pm610-262-4566.(8/11) MOORE TOWNSHIP ZONING HEARING BOARD PUBLIC CONTINUEDNOTICEHEARING/MEETING
PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Khawaja Enterprises Inc., Pennsylvania business corpo ration with a registered office at 840 Williams Street, Easton PA 18042, has adopted a resolution to dissolve the corporation and that the Board of Directors is now engaged in winding up its affairs in the manner prescribed by section 1977 of the Business Corporation Law of 1988, so that its corporate existence shall cease upon the filing of Articles of Dissolution with the Depart ment of State of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania. (8/11) PA 610-923-0382 610-923-0383 Print Clearly: 25
May “Information4: by radio all resistance in NW Germa ny, Denmark, Netherlands ceased.”May8:“Announcement by BBC that German high com mand has surrendered. V-E Day effective midnight.” “Engaged German 190 flying NE, 1,500 ft.” May “Germans11: trying to evade advancing Russian army trying to get through our territory. The Germans are still operating- evident ly don’t know or care war in Europe is over.”
for free?
PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that Council of Borough of Bath, Northampton County, Penn sylvania, will conduct a public meeting on September 6, 2022, at 6:00 P.M., and, as part of said meeting, conduct a public hearing to inform and obtain public comment regarding the proposed Nazareth Area Plan Multi-Municipal Comprehensive Plan Final Draft: May 2022 prior to Council’s possible adoption of the proposed Nazareth Area Plan Multi-Municipal Compre hensive Plan Final Draft: May 2022 or a revised version of same as Bath’s official Compre hensiveCouncil’sPlan.above
Classified Ad Submission Form ONLY $10 WITH THIS AD! The Home News 255E S. Best Ave., Walnutport,
August 11-17, 2022 13
referenced public meeting and public hear ing will be conducted in-person at Bath’s Municipal Building located at 121 South Walnut Street, Bath, PA 18014. The full text of the proposed Nazareth Area Plan Multi-Mu nicipal Comprehensive Plan Fi nal Draft: May 2022 is available for inspection on the Internet at The full text of the proposed Nazareth Area Plan Multi-Municipal Comprehensive Plan Final Draft: May 2022 is also available for inspection at the Bath Municipal Building dur ing the regular business hours of 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. during regular business days on Mon day thru Friday (excepting legal holidays). If a paper copy of the proposed Nazareth Area Plan Multi-Municipal Comprehensive Plan Final Draft: May 2022 is requested, such copy will be provided upon payment of costs forBradfordcopying. T. Flynn, Manager Borough of Bath(8/11 & 8/18) Looking Back
Estate of Elda H. Deannuntis, Deceased, late of Lower Mount Bethel Township, Northampton County, Pennsylvania. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Tes tamentary have been granted to the undersigned, who requests all persons having claims or de mands against the Estate of the Decedent to make known the same, and all persons indebted to the Decedent to make pay ments without delay to Alfred E. Lupackino ℅ John E. Kotsa tos, Esquire, 717 Washington Street, Easton, PA 18042.(8/4-8/18)
ARE YOU HIRING? Are you hiring and having trouble finding employees? Try placing a Help Wanted ad on our Classifieds page! Classifieds start at $10 for the first 25 words. Advertise for 3 weeks and get the fourth week free with mention of this ad. Call 610-923-0382 or getAskUs@HomeNewsPA.comemailtostarted.(TN)
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CDL DRIVERS & LABORERS Henry Yeska & Son Inc. hir ing CDL drivers class A & B and laborers. Full time and part time work available. Experience preferred, but not required. Will train on job. Call office at 610759-3290. (8/11) PT WAIT STAFF Blue Mountain Drive-In & Family Restaurant in Daniels ville is hiring wait staff part-time. Must be available weekends. Apply in-person or call 610-7676379 to set up appointment for immediate interview ThursdaySunday between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. Ask for Samantha or (8/11)Lisa.
custom ers walking through your

14 August 11-17, 2022 Continued on page 16 Honor Roll Continued from page 11 NEWmadeFURNITUREtoorder! Sofas • Chairs Loveseats • Ottomans Made from your selection of frames & fabrics • All different styles • All top quality • Oak, ash or maple frames • 8-way handtied coil springs construction in all seating Kauffman’s Upholstery Inc. 100 Main St., sales@kauffmansupholsteryinc.comNorthampton Call 610-262-8298 for appt. Mon-Wed- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thurs- 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. | Fri-Sun- Closed Name:_____________________________4.3.2.1._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Phone:___________________ ind-N-Seek Find this week’s icon on four of our advertisers’ ads and write them below. Complete this form and mail it to: P.O. Box A, Walnutport, PA 18088 for your chance to win a gift cert. from this week’s sponsor This Week's icon: Due by August 22 Congrats to last issue’s winner- Ronnyy Burley Taylor Hildebrant, Emily Hoa gland, Parker Hoff, Ryan Hol land, Brandon Homoki, Isabella Hunsberger, Kaleigh Hyman, Landon Johnson, Luke Julian, Sharon Kahlon, Addison Kea, Keira Kline, Carter Lansek, Vin cent Lavoie, Luke Lewis, Winson Lin, Jay Lirag, Maya Luancing, Ryan McNally, Alana Mercado, Xandra Mika, Alexander Miller, Devon Molina, Adelle Mupambi rei, Connor Murphy, Onyekachi Nnubia, Noah Okamoto, Gabrie la Oliveira, Diana Ovchinnikova, Gavin Panovec, Daniel Paulus, Dean Pittenger, Lucas Pittenger, Nadia Quach, Mursal Ramin, Tristan Reiser, Avery Requena, Sofia Resende, Chase Romansky, Peter Rouhana, Savannah Rupert, Lindsey Rupp, Sean Schaefer, Megan Sedor, Paige Selby, Ce cilia Shafnisky, Harjashanpreet Singh, Evan Sirmarco, Zachary Smethers, Keira Smith, Nicole Swanson, McKayla Timbrook, Al exander Vergine, Avonlea Vicente, Preston Warne, Alexander Weeast, Darian Weeast, Cooper Weisen stein, Collin Wells, Leilanii Werts, Kimora Yau, Andrew Young Grade 10 High Honor Roll
Kathleen Adams, Naomee Adisa, Cameron Alvino, Cole Angeline, Paige Apruzzi, Pas caline Arthur, William Attieh, Taidhg Baillie, Nathan Baker, Sa mantha Baker, Owen Banghart, Braden Bauder, Breelyn Bender, Violet Bernard, David Bertz, Ava Bonaparte, Robert Bonventre, Ju lia Borawski, Benjamin Botzum, Ava Bronson, Madelyn Brown, Ethan Browning, Lois Burgey, Genevieve Burke, Magdalene Burnham, Aidan Butz, Xiomara Caban, Ryan Carlson, Inaaya Chaudhry, Christian Choo-Yick, Brooke Clark, Cole Coffman, So phia Cole, Parkin Corley, Jason Cozza, Evan Davis, Meagan De Carlo, Tanishka Dhingra, Win nie Dong, Andrew Dormarunno, Adrienne Dressler, Julia Dubicki, Elizabeth Ecker, Isaac Edson, Ali El Arousy, Jerrah Eldridge, Ahlya Elmanzalawy, Elenie Encarna cion, Jack Englehart, Shane Fau cett, Madelyn Fehr, Corbin For aker, Kailey Force, Emma Fritz, Brianna Fuller, Alexa Garipoli, Ashlee Gensits, Sadie Godiska, Madisyn Goedel, Sahasra Goli, Jacob Golinsky, Sean Gorman, Jackson Graupman, Cole Griffin, Owen Grimaldi, Melanie Gross bauer, Samantha Grover, Joseph Guiliano, Brielyn Hallam, Joshua Harclerode, Owen Hasker, Hely nn Heisler, Morgan Herceg, Lex ey Hernandez, Jessica Holland, Sarah Holland, Jackson Hubert, Elise Huggler, Disha Johal, Colin Kaniper, Mena Kazista, Zachary Kerfoot, Elizabeth Knecht, Ella Kober, Madalyn Kocsis, Lauren Kunkle, Adam Kutzura, Joseph Laguna, Kolby Landes, Jacklynn Lee, Sara Lindfeldt, Aiden Lip sky, Brianna Litsinger, Christian Lohenitz, Andrew Long, Madison Losey, Aaron Louw, Brian Luc, Dawson Lueders, Matthew Luf burrow, Alayna Lund, Katherine Mahorsky, Mackenzie Mallon, Mackenzie Mann, Emma Marth, Jenna Martucci, Benjamin Math ias, Caroline Meneely, Jillian Mi halik, Jade Mills, Sudenaz Mohac, Mikela Mooney, Chloe Moore, Leah Morris, Frank Mroz, Aun Mukaddam, Hassaan Naveed, Isa bella Novak, Ryan Ortutay, Vin cent Paar, Dustyn Panosetti, Jason Perillo, Ava Petruska, Brady Pid geon, Antonio Pilla, Mackenzie Pitsko, Kirsten Polgar, Nistha Pra japati, Maya Prashad, Chase Price, Arye Pulli, Patrik Puskas, Leonar do Quaranta, Sina Ramin, Gavin Ransom, Emily Raymond, Kacey Reavis, Madelyn Ricker, Preston Riha, Johan Rivera Llul, Jessica Rodriguez, Lewis Ronca, Luke Ronca, Maia Rosenthal, Mansher Sandhu, Emma Shafnisky, Kaitlyn Shak, Lily Shi, Kush Siddhapara, Jack Signarovitz, Abbey Simons, Mikayla Singer, Natalie Six, Gavin Smart, Aashi Sohagia, Reed Sol deritch, Antonio Soto, Michelle Stevenson, Kierstyn Suhr, Stanley Suthakar, John Szaro, Julianne Talijan, Amaya Taylor, Refia Tem izkan, Jenna Thomas, Andrew Tims, Vamik Tok, Talon Troxel, Trianna Truesdell, Gabriella Uzu nova, Bethany Vanover, Steven Vian, Mila Wasilewski, Ryan Wil liams, Ellyn Wong, Morgan Yeak el, Madelyn Zettlemoyer
Grade 10 Honor Roll Betsy Aguilar, Aaron Aide, Raquel Altieri, Luke Ament, Lo gan Baltz, Jack Banghart, Ian Barros, Thomas Bartko, Griffin Bayda, Reagan Beruta, Micah Betts, John Biechy, Lauren Bil let, Madison Brodt, Jack Bruneo, Mia Buss, Gavin Caracappa, Al lison Castillo, Cameron Cerna das, Kayla Ciaccia, Xavier Clark, Maren Coyle, Landon Crivellaro, Catarina DaSilva, Jacob David son, Jayden Davila, Samuel De Paula, Ashley Diaz, Kayla Eber sole, Dominic Ehrhardt, Gabriel Elmanzalawy, James Entwistle, Alexandra Epishin, Emma Faze kas, Rafael Fennell, Sofia Fennell, Cameron Foster, Evan Frack, Ga briella Gallagher, Kevin Gallagher, Isabella Garcia, Luke Gillow, Lily an Godiska, Maci Good, Shane Greco, Logan Hageman, Ashley Hahn, Katelynn Hammel, Emilia Hanzl, Thomas Harrier, Maken zee Harris, Lincoln Heimbach, Kaitlyn Henchy, Aidan Hender shot, Barrett Henry, Aidan Her ald, Luke Hess, Logan Hilarczyk, Aaron Hinkel, Harmony Hoff, Brenna Hornberger, Erika Horn berger, Abigail Horvath, Madysen Hughes, Blaise Hunt, Nicholas Ide, Matthew Jakubowski, Paul Ja nis, Paige Jenkin, Lucas Karc, Sean Kinney, Ryleigh Kissel, Emily Koch, Bryonna Konrath, Morgan

• Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7-7, Sat. 7-4, Closed Sundays and all Major Holidays
Nazareth Borough’s National Night Out began with an awards ceremony, hosted by Mayor Lance Colondo, recognizing community member Noah Tal bott, for saving a life and mem bers of the police department. All who received an award for going above and beyond in their com mitment to the borough and its residents were: PAA Deb Dreis bach, Officers Jacob Hartzell, Jer emy Kahle, Peter Paluscio, Steven Pinsker, Brandon Rader, John Thompson and Nick Timar, Su pervisors Tyler Ferri and Randall Pompei, and Chief Randy Miller.
Submitted by KutztownSALVADOREBRYANUniversityispleased
In Hanover Township, the Colonial Regional Police De partment, Hanover Town ship Volunteer Fire Company, Northampton County PA, and PA Search & Rescue Station 78 were present to give community members demonstrations at the Hanover Township Community Center and a youth bike raffle wasNextheld.year’s National Night Out will be held Tuesday, August 1.
August 11-17, 2022 15 NORTHAMPTON AREA
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NightNationalOut Continued from page 6
The best brands right in your neighborhood available at Miller Supply!
Miller Supply Ace Hardware 570 Nor-Bath (610)Northampton,Blvd.PA18067262-4566
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to welcome the newest mem bers of the Golden Bear family, including both new incoming freshmen and transfer students, for the upcoming 2022 fall se mester. The following are incom ing students from your area: Reece Anderson of Northampton. Jillian Borger of Northampton. Freya Cline of Northampton. Hannah Crenko of Northampton. Elanna Erdman of Northampton. Kaylee Hacker of Northampton. Autumn-Rose Kuzio of Northampton.ZacharyLower of Northampton. Sierra Strittmatter of Northampton. Kayla Bacak of Nazareth. Anna Estrada of Nazareth. Hailey Federico of Nazareth. Kevin Givone of Nazareth. Christopher Herb of Nazareth. Ethan Horvath of Nazareth. Skyler Jordan of Nazareth. Logan Lusareta of Nazareth. Gianna Marchese of Nazareth. Angela Moncavage of Nazareth. Ellis Sanon of Nazareth. Kaylee Schaberg of Nazareth. Adam Reichelderfer of Daniels ville.Gianna Rodriguez of Danielsville.
The evening included a K9 demonstration, the landing of the St. Luke’s Life Flight Heli copter at Nazareth Borough Park, and many vendors and emergen cy personnel were present to edu cate the community. St. Luke’s Life Flight Helicopter made an appearance in the Nazareth Borough. Photo by Troy Dreisbach. State Rep. Zach Mako in the dunk tank at Lehigh Township’s National Night Out.
Miller Supply Ace Hardware 570 Nor-Bath (610)Northampton,Blvd.PA18067262-4566
UniversityKutztown set to 2022familyGoldenmembersnewestwelcomeofBearforfall
and carriage rides by Lisa Steiner were given around the outside of the park and some dogs from Pi bbles Paws Safe Haven Dog Res cue may have even found some homes. Dunk tank participants included Frank Zamadics, Pub lic Works Director, Mike Reh rig, L.T. Fire Department, State Representative Zach Mako, and Chief of Police Scott Fogel.

Grade 9 Honor Roll Angelina Abdou, Danica Alves, Emmalee Arvelo, Ethan Bach stein, Abigail Backman, Derek Balbi, Jasmine Barnes, Abby Bas sett, Kaylie Bauder, Emily Be itler, Jackson Biechy, Andrew Bloodworth, Noah Bogar, Winter Brandon, Zachary Brown, Emma Callanan, Michael Cardassi, Ol ivia Carrezola, Avery Carsey, Kylee Case, Justin Causa, Allison Centino, Amelia Clark, Caroline Coccia, Stormie Comes, Hailie Connors, JoLee Correll, Kenna Correll, Reese Davis, Kevin Daw son, Rachel De Paula, Anthony DiFrancesco, Aiden Disbrow, Matthew Dorniak, Johannes Drosnock, Julianna Elliott, Grif fin Emeigh, Dylan Ephault, Tyler Ervin, Logan Fedora, Mia Fer reira, Allison Feulner, Tyler Flurer, Braylynn Fulciniti, Gabriella Gar cia-Sclafani, Vincent Giacobbe, Abigail Godown, Devin Goodine, Adam Gorak, Malinda Gruber, Iz abella Grzymala, Aubryana Hahn, Karlie Harrell, Hannah Hartranft, Hailey Hatfield, Rowen Hess, Giavanna Higgins, Andi Hilarc zyk, Jada Holmes, Reve Hriczko, Danya Husein, Emma Infantino, Aaron Kirchhofer, Camryn Klotz, Ryan Komosinski, Elijah Lansek, Kaleya Lapaix, Molly Laslo, Frank Lasso, Patrick Leach, Ashley Lin, Brody Longcor, Ryder Marsh, Jordan Martinez, Parker Mc Donald, Rylan Mehlig, Amanda Mercurius, Romeo Meza, Zach ary Miller, Caden Mills, Noah Moore, Connor Mulada, Xander Nemeth, Adanna Nnubia, Juan Olarte, Connor Owen, Tahir Par kins, Jazlyn Pedraza, Daisy Pellot, Carissa Perkins, James Preslar, Lucy Pulliam, Michael Raschilla, Julia Ricci, Jefte Rivera, Caleb Robinson-Newsome, Isaiah Sack, Andeta Salihu, Elizabeth Sauer, Amari Schell, Giovanni Schiano DiCola, Hailey Schmittel, Benja min Selby, Sara Seyfert, Lila Shaf nisky, Evan Shak, Derek Simpson, Mehardeep Singh, Prahlad Singh, Gabriel Smith, Logan Smith, Kailyn Snyder, Ethan Soto, Yi anni Stavrinoudis, Gianna Steirer, Averi Stitzer, Joshua Stocklas, Madison Strucke, Ryan Thomas, Emma Thompson, Jace Thomp son, Marshall Thompson, John Todaro, Perla Torrealba, Salvatore Tramonte, Jonathan Tyson, Ty son Unangst, Paul Valosin, Isaac Varela, Arboleda Veiga, Jayden Villafane, Caroline Viva, Nicole Volkovinskiy, Tyler Willett, Jaxon Winkleston, Kaylah Wirth, Lia Wismer, Marley Wismer, Kelsi Yotter, Andrew Zachmeyer.
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Kranyecz, Mason Kuehner, Owen Langer, Brooklyn LaStella, Austin Lessard, John Limpert, Carter Loe bsack, Iszabella Lowden, Madeline Luancing, Tyler Marsteller, Ian Masel, Ariana McClain, Gunner Meixsell, Sunveer-Paul Minhas, Henry Minnich, Matthew Miran da, Tyler Moore, Jaivon Morgan, Ryan Murphy, Phillip Nguyen, Ryan Norris, Jhony Osorio, Ava Palochik, Ishaan Patel, Alexan der Perez, Dominic Pilla, Felix Pinto-Martinez, Madelyn Rader, Lauren Ressler, Kilian Robinson, Madison Rosa, Tanner Rowley, Joseph Russo, Mason Scobo, Ki ara Serhus, Emidio Sibilia, Ciera Skekel, Brennan Sparrold, Devon Stauffer, Jocelyn Sullivan, Eliana Szulborski, Dean Tarriff, Tristan Thierry, Jessica Titus, Nathan To maino, James Tomoney, Elizabeth Topping, William Tugend, Vin cenzo Varriale, Amelia Vincent sen, Christopher Walters, Zackery Webb, Collin Whalen, Daniela Williams, Olivia Williams, Mason Wilson, Cody Witmer, Samantha Zeldes, Kadence Zemencsik Grade 9 High Honor Roll Ashlyn Albert, Jacob Angione, Bryce Arfanella, Sanjay Arigela, Allison Aroche-Pelaez, Shivam Arora, Tracy Arthur, Gabriella At tanasio, Patrick Bacolo, Cian Bail lie, Gavin Bander, Enzo Barracato, Kaelyn Bauder, Azayah Bauer, Wyatt Berger, Michael Bertz, Pey ton Bettencourt, Anthony Bianco, John Bolcer, Adam Bolek, Nickole Bournias, Austin Boyce, David Brewer, Hannah Burros, Cally ann Butz, Alexander Caglione, Jillian Cagno, Adam Cain, Isa bella Carbonetto, Maxwell Carey, Christina Carlin, Adrian Chavez, Natalie Chloros, Joseph Colucci, Angelina Componovo, Jacob Cozze, Kevin Crook, Makayla Cummings, Matthew Daems, Av ery Dailey, Abigail Davis, Ava De Febbo, Damon Dellanno, Owen Digby, Alexander Dobrocky, Adam Dong, Maclen Donnelly, Olivia Doone, Cara Dormarunno, Abigail Dudinyak, Elijarah Edson, Jared Ennico, Matthew Estrada, Trinity Facciponti, Cameron Fair, Nico Famularo, Jack Fitzgerald, Jaxon Forgione, Alicia Foster, Me gan Frisch, Rylee Genua, Daniella Genzale, Landon Glovas, Mus kaan Grewal, Frederick Grube, Addison Hall, Abigail Halldorson, Haley Hartranft, Melissa Harvey, Allison Hawley, Gabriella Hayes, Lila Heimbach, Abigail Hellwig, Spencer Herb, Teresa Hocken berry, Camryn Hoff, Morgan Holland, Christopher Horvath, Rayden Jenkins, Kyle Jennings, Kylie Karavitch, Zachary Karve, Harsimran Kaur, Jonathan Kayed, Alexander Keffer, Caitlyn Keys, Yuvraj Khalsa, Chase Kilareski, Everett Kingsley, Kami Kirkham, Nathaniel Knight, Kara Koch, Ethan Kostenbader, Juliana Kresge, Samantha Kuhs, Emma Kunkle, Rithika Lalia, Camryn Lastres, Kelsey Laubach, Tristin Le, Gabriel Leone, Peyton Long, Cristina LoPresto, Cohen Lutz, Olivia Mahorsky, Lachlan Martin, Isabella Mattos, Kaleb McCollum, Shauna McNamee, Dev Mehta, Lauren Meneely, Abigail Miller, Danielle Molnar, Amber Mor ris, Subhan Mukaddam, Kath ryn Mulhearn, Izabella Murana, Carly Myers, AnhThu Nguyen, Ava Noll, Julia Novak, Mitchell Nowroski, Nicholas Olsen, Noelle Olson, Iretunkanmi Opeyemi, Roxannah Palma, Ryan Pardo, Andrew Patton, Haily Pellot, Jaxon Pidgeon, Anthony Potope, Danika Pysher, Marcus Quan, Mason Quan, Anthony Quar anta, Eliana Ragazzo, Varshitha Rayi, Amelia Redman, Jacob Rice, Alexander Roberts, Isabel Rodri guez, Teresa Rubio, Keller Rupp, Gianna Russo, Emma Sampson, Manjot Sandhu, Michael Saqqal, Benjamin Sarnoff, Isabella Schaef fer, Jillian Schaible, Alyssa Schane ly, Erica Schell, Peyton Schlegel, Luke Schmidt, Nova Schwab, Haidyn Searls, Olivia Seidel, Tatiana Seremula, Muhammad Sheikh, Veeren Sheka, Emmah Siddiqui, Samantha Skirlis, Blake Smith, Mason Smith, Victoria Smith, Shane Snell, Bryce Snyder, Ella Soldano, Kyla Spengler, Au drey Spohn, Chloe Stachelczyk, Shannon Stivala, Lauren Sum mers, Matthew Swanson, Sophie Swiatek, Allie Tarreto, Brady Til ton, Alex Trifiletti, Ava Trifiletti, Destinee Trimmer, Reilly Tucker, Akif Turk, Logan Vakiener, Ava Vasquez, Matthew Vega, Ava Vergine, Benjamin Vituszynski, Ryan Wack, Colin Wagner, Hai ley Wanko, Alina Weaver, Amelia Wehr, Teagan Weirbach, Renee Wells, Trevor Werkheiser, Mari cel Wheatley, Kyleigh Whitmire, William Whyte, Adam Wyatt, Ky lie Yau, Caitlynn Ziejewski, Avery Zindel