The Home News August 31

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Moore Township Community Day Page 7

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Crowds enjoy Bath’s Second Annual Spuds and Suds Festival Moorestown Garden Club Page 5

Festival goers partake in the Spuds & Suds Growler Challenge and the crowd enjoying The Large Flowerheads. –photos by Sherry Clewell Photography

by KERI LINDENMUTH Downtown Bath was lined with food trucks and crowds on Saturday, August 26. Hundreds came out for the borough’s sec-

ond annual Spuds and Suds festival, sponsored by the Greater Bath Area Chamber of Commerce. From fresh cut fries and stuffed

tater tots to seasoned pierogies and a build-your-own baked potato bar, there was no shortage of standard and unique potato dishes. Plenty of beer and wine were

also on hand at the festival’s Beer Garden. Weyerbacher Brewing, the festival’s beer sponsor, crafted Continued on page 2

Lehigh Township Rails-To-Trails seeks Improvements to Indian Trail Park

By JUSTIN SWEITZER A proposal from Lehigh Township’s Rails-to-Trails committee was warmly received by township supervisors at their August 22 meeting, as the committee’s president outlined plans to improve a recreational trail within a township park. Lehigh Township Rails-toTrails President Nancy Thatcher came before the township’s board of supervisors to present a plan that would create a new trail in the wooded area of Indian Trail Park. On behalf of the rest of the committee, Thatcher suggested a plan to fix up the area at the park that currently is home to trash, plastics and remnants of an old dirt bike track.

“There is a path that’s been formed in there through many years of use along the creek. We call it the fisherman’s path,” she said. Thatcher said that the committee would like to add to improvements already made by the township in the area once used for dirt bike jumps by smoothing out the terrain and adding wood chips to create a formal trail in the park. “It kind of devastated a big area in the middle and the township did knock that down and remove some of the trash in the area,” Thatcher said. “We would like to smooth out the beginning of the path where there is a lot of tree roots sticking up and just put some dirt in there to kind of level

it out so people aren’t tripping over it.” She also outlined plans to remove dead trees from the area the committee is focusing on, as well as invasive species such as certain types of barberry that choke out natural vegetation. According to Thatcher, the group would like to plant native trees and shrubs in the “barren area” near the old dirt bike tracks to create an area of natural vegetation for park visitors. Thatcher also said that they would like to erect two signs in the park notifying visitors that Lehigh Township Rails-to-Trails spearheaded the improvement project. She also touched on the small

size of the township’s Rails-toTrails group and welcomed community members to join them. “We’re always looking for volunteers to help us and to join us,” she said. Supervisor Blaine Holden suggested that the Rails-to-Trails committee work closely with the township’s recreation board, particularly with the representative that oversees Indian Trail Park. Supervisors Chairman Darryl Snover expressed his admiration for the ideas brought forth by Thatcher. “I’m absolutely in favor of this project,” he said. “It just sounds great.” Continued on page 3

FedEx Ground Night Shifts Page 9

Bath flood of 1945 Page 15

76th Year, Issue No. 35

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