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AUGUST 6-12, 2020
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Bath Borough offering Lot subdivision, sidewalks, and Peace of mind with Road widening planned for Welfare Check Towpath Estates in Allen Township Program By KERI LINDENMUTH During their meeting on August 3, the Borough of Bath announced the start of a voluntary welfare check program. The program is available for families with elderly loved ones, young children, or family members with disabilities. Relatives or parents can call the borough and provide the administration with contact information, healthcare information, and physical descriptions, along with a recent photo. Should their loved one go missing, the borough can provide this information to first responders to aid in a swifter search. In addition, during extreme heat or
cold situations, the borough can perform welfare checks on elderly residents. The program, stresses Borough Manager Brad Flynn, is completely voluntary. No information will be disseminated to other parties beside first responders. He hopes residents who have loved ones with mental disabilities or children with autism may use the program as another means of keeping their family members safe. “I know [the need] is out there in the borough,” he said. He cited a past incident in which an elderly resident with dementia went missing in a wooded area off Main Street. Had the Continued on page 8
By KERI LINDENMUTH During their meeting on Tuesday, July 28, the Allen Township Board of Supervisors approved a lot subdivision plan for Towpath Estates. This plan would include the construction of sidewalks, an EDU transfer, and the widening of W. 27th Street. A single lot with an existing ranch house will be split into two lots. Although sidewalks were deferred on the existing lot, the township determined that they should now be provided based on current pedestrian patterns. The sidewalks will run along Delta Road and tie into existing sidewalks on River Run Drive. “People [walking] will easily make that loop to go around,”
said Supervisor Dale Hassler. “It will be so nice to have that sidewalk there.” However, developer Tim Livengood was concerned about the length of the sidewalk on the subdivided lot. Whoever purchases this lot will have 500 feet of sidewalk. “That is a large burden to place on the homeowner,” he said. “I don’t know that I'd want to have 500 feet of sidewalk to maintain during winter conditions.” Supervisors said they would not be willing to take over the sidewalk or maintain it during the winter, since they do not do so for any other sidewalk in the township. It was decided instead that the sidewalk will not be re-
Fireworks concerns raised at Lehigh Township Supervisors meeting by JOE KORBA At the July 28 meeting of the Lehigh Township Supervisors, residents raised the issue of constant fireworks being set off in the area. Many of the people who addressed the supervisors said the noise from fireworks is constant and annoying. “Now, what we are hearing is fireworks all of the time. It is nice on a holiday when you are expecting them, but not every night. They go from 6 p.m. until midnight every single night,” a township resident said. David Backenstoe, the town-
ship’s solicitor, attempted to clarify the existing ordinances and to explain what is legally possible when it comes to fireworks enforcement in Pennsylvania. He said that there are two categories of fireworks in the state, one being retail fireworks like bottle rockets and firecrackers and the other being larger, commercialgrade fireworks like you would see at a professional display. Only the commercial-grade category requires permits. While there are still some local restrictions on the use of the retail fireworks, they are very
difficult to enforce because of a law the PA legislature passed in 2017. Act 43, which passed in October of that year, repeals and replaces a prior law that had been in place since 1939 and legalizes the use of commercial fireworks for Pennsylvania residents. You still cannot use fireworks within 150 feet of an occupied structure or on private or public property without the owner’s consent. You can’t use them while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. However, there are no time constraints on when fireworks can be used in the law, although noise
complaints can be investigated by police. Board of Supervisors Chairperson, Cindy Miller, said that Lehigh Township does have an ordinance limiting hours people are supposed to be using fireworks. “Currently, they should only use them until 10 p.m., except on national holidays like July 4 or New Year’s when they can go until 1 a.m.,” she said. Township Supervisor Keith Hantz inquired if they could be Continued on page 8
quired to be cleared after snow. Signs urging walkers to “Walk at You Own Risk” will be installed. Livengood agreed with this plan, saying that it will alleviate burdens on both the homeowner and the township. The plan also includes the widening of W. 27th Street. However, supervisors extended this requirement until August 2021. “[With] three months to do that road, I do not want to risk having a lousy blacktop job,” said Hassler. Finally, in order to meet sewer Continued on page 2
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In today’s Oberly column, Larry photograpshares some The current area, and hs of the Weaversv Weaversvland of Mr. ille ille Kozero’s ties to the we relate the proper- mer farm of store was the history The former of the Joseph forimmigran Howertow village. worked t, Joseph Moran. An Nursery n Rose extremely and his wife Samuel was a dairy farm. small farm andSchrantz purchased Mr. er in farm. He was hard on the the last the area converted the of the property a portion with a modernto replace his farmretail rose horses into tractor. Old-time garden. a popular ergy, he teresting rs told me Full of enWorld War a very inUniversal was also employed With the II story. Atlas Portland at War ment Company II, thereoutbreak of World its landscapi , in charge Ce- for industrial was a major of at ager, “Butch”ng. The plant need workers, especially Boucher, man- ableBethlehem Steel. the plant attractive grounds to wanted day, bodied, you wereIf you were have an a representa hired. landscape lawn and shrubbery hem Steel tive from One . came BethleOn the visited men to the village ville Road east side of and Weavers- for military who were not er Kozero was the Kozero eligible service. One — lat& Miller and Hardware though was Joseph — Roofing excellent store. Kozero’s rience, he had no Moran. Alfactory roofers he business expestarted were hired. and a few in Northam their neighbors their business pton. As biles, so a They had no automoconstruct prospered daily bus , they them to Bethlehem transporte Weaversv ed a new d Our village store on ille Road. Steel. They justice of was Mr. the with Ace later became Frank affiliated Spanish-American Kramlichpeace Hardware the popular . A . Once again, he maintaine War business expand, home. The d an office veteran, needed to as on Routeso they purchased in his village its ship being 329, with the a site legal attorney who regarded him could ownerand assumed Miller. ciety was tax questions answer by Mr. Dale less complex. when soMore visitations Come along! in two weeks.
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Clockwis e Howertow from top right: n Rose Nursery, B Kozero & Miller Photos courtesy Larry Oberly. of
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Photo by Unleashed Photography
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Nazareth Student Rare with LT Supervisors medical Condition Routine Finds Township business discuss oneOf-a-kind Education goes as
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The by JOE Lehigh June KORBA By KERI 23 was In spring once Townshipmeeting LINDENMUTH conference VID-19 again of the pandemic-related 2020, supervisors going sylvania pandemic, due becauseheld unemployment. Covid-19 Northampton to experiencestudents via of the telemanythe CO- to enter “I don’t But pandemic. layoffs with had on- cent, County the varadorising fifth online their Penn- ernor but think it and As to 15 I’m first tion Tom green phase prepares had from will grader schooling. percent,”thinking plan, Wolf any be 20 Although other Nazareth Lucas ’s virus of Gov- theThe real this “Because Miller maybe percondition...he choice. has Al- been economic the may soon mitiga- untillost revenue said. 10 of never Wolf roundly supervisorschange. to attend Lucas’s the ic critical the ’s mandates, won’t impact supplemental would Lucas’s Unemployment in-person medical ing public be knownof of somehave which not Lucas mother the will to be month pays Pandemphilic was Naomischool,” able after they still call into option of runs Insurance, to out an born for says person the chronic esophagitis Alvarado open be available meet- back out andqualified extra with and attendance that the $600 to eosino- dent, public. room even causesinflammatory(EOE), After work. people applicants,a swallowing start by the for in- utes, difficulty approving A township thoughtPaul Nikisher, dominal to get and diseasea the press Hantz with only trips it was pain. leads eating bills Photo meetings to the Frequent to severe and moving and the-clock time said thatresi- cussed absent, Supervisor stands courtesy minthe to open he maintenance pecially carehospital ab- door, them and suggested Howertown. plan the board Keith on the of extended Larry for the Miller venue. to a up ceeding that when are and roundgrounds larger, disnecessary, Oberly. can even approved the building township Listed green said Chairperson dangerous. make there or out- After price The are that are of St. John's phase,that as consuming When flare es- be possible. 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