The Home News December 1

Page 1

Circus series, Part 3 of 3

In this final column, we look back at the last Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey railroad trains as they pass into circus his tory.

We thank Mr. Thom Horvath for sharing his photographs with our readers.

We will return in two weeks.

Nazareth Center for the Arts Dedicates new mural by artist Matt Halm

day on November 26, Nazareth Center for the Arts held a dedica tion ceremony for its new mural, painted by local Lehigh Valley muralist Matt Halm.

Nazareth Center for the Arts Board President Jenny Swanker said the mural would be dedi cated to the Borough of Nazareth for the renovation of the historic firehouse, built in 1902, which was transformed into the art cen ter in 2009.

Swanker stated that the mural is a symbol of progress in Naza reth and that it will help bring more local tourism to Nazareth.

“The new mural is the epitome of our mission to inspire and cel ebrate the visual and performing arts in Nazareth and the Lehigh Valley. We believe that this mu ral will positively impact Naza reth and promote more murals and other public art here. I think that this response from the crowd perfectly illustrates the commu nity excitement and engagement for our local art scene,” Swanker shared.

Muralist Matt Halm thanked the art center and Swanker for bringing everything together, which he stated was no small task. Halm also shared there was careful consideration to put the mural on six aluminum compos ite panels so that it would not be painted directly on the historical building.

“I painted [the panels] in my tiny little studio, which is also known as my shed, so I can only paint about two of them at a time and then create sort of an assem bly line to match the seams,” said Halm.

Halm stated the panels were then put together on the ground and hoisted up with a crane, which was the first time he had ever seen that done for any of his artwork.

Halm expressed, “We were in spired by the arts, by celebrating and honoring artists, and fur thering the mission of Nazareth Center for the Arts.” Halm said he liked the idea of using hands in the mural as they are “where all the imagination comes through and actually create the art.” Halm

went on to say he thought it would be an interesting way to show art actually being created, using bright colors and patterns.

Some of the references in the mural include a guitar that is modeled directly after a Martin D28 model, a firefighter emblem as an homage to the firehouse that the art center now occupies, a microphone, circular shapes that represent records, the shape of Nazareth Speedway from an aerial view, and the rose pattern on the shirt represents the his torical Barony of the Rose.

Halm expressed that the cre ativity and colorfulness of the mural are “ways to show the broad range of creativity and the

Bath Borough celebrates Christmastime with Tree lighting ceremony

On Monday, November 28, the Borough of Bath held a tree lighting ceremony and Christ mastime festivities for residents of all ages with a big turnout.

To begin the ceremony, Mayor Fiorella Mirabito thanked Un angst Tree Farms for donating the tree, Bob Siegfried for represent ing his father, Russell Siegfried, in the lighting of the tree, Bobby

Siegfried for assisting with music and electronics, Kaitlin Kolonia for sharing her voice, the Bath Borough Community and Eco nomic Development Commit tee and the Parks and Recreation Committee for co-sponsoring the horse drawn carriage rides, Father Christopher Butera and Pastor Terrence Walsh for their contin ued spiritual guidance, the Bath Borough Council and its office

staff, the Public Works Depart ment, and Bath Fire Department for their assistance and support, Cub Pack 33 and their parents for assisting with providing hot chocolate and sugar cookies to all attendees, and the one and only Santa Claus for always making time to come to Bath.

Next, Pastor Terrence Walsh from St. John’s Lutheran Church provided the opening prayer and

Kaitlin Kolonia sang a beautiful rendition of the “National An them.”

Northampton County Coun cilman Tom Giovanni expressed that Bath’s tree lighting ceremony was a wonderful kickoff for the holiday season and Christmas spirit.

“One of my favorite things is watching the eyes of small chil dren light up when they are open

ing up presents on Christmas. I want to wish all residents a Merry Christmas and happy holidays,”

USPS 248-700 50 cents DECEMBER 1-7, 2022 Continued on page 8 Continued on page 5 Looking Back by
Back Your Local News The Home News 81st Year, Issue No. 48
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Your Ad Here! Call 610-923-0382 to reserve this space for 2022/23. Various dates available
Photos courtesy of Thom Horvath. The Wisconsin, John Ringling’s personal railcar.

Students’ works of art On display at Nurture Nature Center

Submitted by

An exhibition of over 100 stu dent works of art from Easton Area School District explores the natural wonders of winter in the third floor gallery at Nurture Nature Center. The exhibition is now open through December 18. The free show is open Wednes days from noon to 4 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays from

noon to 6 p.m.

Nurture Nature Center, lo cated at 518 Northampton St., Easton, has partnered with the Greater Easton Development Partnership and the Easton Area School District for this exhibit.

During this holiday season there will be a Science on a Sphere show. “Frozen Earth” on Saturday, December 17 at 1 p.m. looks at the effect snow and ice

has on the Earth's environment.

Guests may park in the lot on Pine Street between Fifth and Sixth streets but they must walk around the building to enter Nurture Nature Center via the front door.

Moravian Historical Society’s Annual putz Display Now open

The Moravian Historical So ciety is pleased to announce that Morning Star, the annual putz display, is now open. The exhibi tion will be open daily from 1 to 4 p.m. until Jan. 8, 2023.

Visitors are invited to view the annual putz display in the histor ic 1740 Gray Cottage, the old est Moravian structure in North America. An elaborate miniature display that tells the Christmas story, the Moravian putz tradi tion reaches back into the eigh teenth century. This exhibition features objects from the 1850s Morris putz and the 20th cen tury Sullivan putz, accompanied by lights and narration of the Na tivity story.

Visitors will also have the op portunity to enjoy a festive dis

play of Moravian stars from the collection of the Moravian His torical Society.

The Moravian Historical Soci ety will be closed on December 24, 25, 26 and 31, and Jan. 1, 2023.

Founded in 1857, the Mora vian Historical Society preserves, interprets, and celebrates the rich culture of the Moravians. Lo cated in Nazareth, MHS main tains the 1740–1743 Whitefield House and the 1740 Gray Cot tage, the oldest surviving Mora vian structure in North America. Recognized widely for its sig nificant collection, the museum offers permanent and changing exhibitions and a store that fea tures gifts, books, and handmade artisan items.

DUI Jacksonville Road

On Oct. 28 on Jacksonville Road and Westgate Drive, the CRPD conducted a traffic stop on a white Chevy Cobalt. The driver, 74-year-old Vernon Feg ley, was operating a vehicle under the suspicion of driving under the influence. Fegley was taken to the Bethlehem DUI Center where blood was taken. Results came back over the legal limit. Charges were filed with Judge Zumas.

DUI Hanover Township

Skeletal remains Found in Moore Township

On Monday, Nov. 14, skeletal remains were found by two hunt ers in Moore Township on the Appalachian Trail. The deceased was identified as William Edel man of Catasauqua, who had been missing since March 24. Edelman’s cause of death is un known at time of print.

On Oct. 29 on S. Commerce Way in Hanover Township, the CRPD responded to the report of a disabled vehicle in the area. The operator of the vehicle, 29-yearold Kyle Young of Orefield, was later found to be intoxicated with a BAC of 0.18%. Charges were filed.

Harassment in Nazareth

On Nov. 15 the CRPD was dispatched to Daniels Road in Nazareth for a domestic distur bance. The female at the resi dence was found to have minor injuries to her arm and finger from the altercation. The person involved was cited.

2 December 1-7, 2022 Continued on page 3 Police Blotter Free Estimates Snow Removal Firewood $185/cord WOODPECKER TREE SERVICE FULLY INSURED 24 / HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE ALL YEAR ROUND 484-903-3295 PA Lic. #3937 Trimming • Topping • Elevating Removal • Lot Clearing Stump Grinding Bucket Service • Storm Damage We specialize in: COOKIE SALE PICK UP ORDERS: DECEMBER 18TH 10:45-11:30 AM DEADLINE FOR ORDERS: DECEMBER 11TH Place your orders to Dave: or 570-620-7985 When ordering please provide your full name, phone number, and number of plates being ordered. Let us do the baking for you! Each plate comes with over 2 dozen assorted homemade cookies. S E R V A N T S CHR I S T M A S $10 per Plate S E R V A N T S COOKIE SALE C H R I S T M A S P I C K U P O R D E R S : D E C E M B E R 1 8 T H 1 0 : 4 5 1 1 : 3 0 A M D E A D L I N E F O R O R D E R S : D E C E M B E R 1 1 T H P l a c e y o u r o r d e r s t o D a v e : d f e l k e r 8 5 @ g m a i l . c o m o r 5 7 0 6 2 0 7 9 8 5 W h e n o r d e r i n g p l e a s e p r o v i d e y o u r f u l l n a m e , p h o n e n u m b e r , a n d n u m b e r o f p l a t e s b e i n g o r d e r e d . L e t u s d o t h e b a k i n g f o r y o u ! E a c h p l a t e c o m e s w i t h o v e r 2 d o z e n a s s o r t e d h o m e m a d e c o o k i e s . $ 1 0 p e r P l a t e SALEM UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1067 BLUE MTN. DRIVE. DANIELSVILLE PA, 18038 Plainfield Twp Vol Fire Co., 6480 Sullivan Trail, Wind Gap BREAKFAST WITH SANTA CLAUS Enjoy breakfast & a picture with Santa! Serving scrambled eggs, pancakes, bacon, sausage, breakfast potatoes, toast, juice and coffee. Saturday, Dec. 17 from 8 to 11 a.m. Free for children 0-4yrs $8 for children 5-12yrs $15 for adults/children 13yrs and up Cynthia
to bring
love of words to those
Gift the joy of books this holiday season! Books may be purchased from Amazon ($12.99 + tax) or orders for personalized copies ($10 + tax) can be sent to Blue
Dec. 18 at 2
Covenant United Methodist Church 2715 Mountain View Dr., Bath Christmas Eve Worship Service "Grace An Ultimate Blessing" 3pm & 7pm Christmas Morning Worship Service "A Story To Tell The Nation" 9 am
Jean DeLuca is a local author and retired special education teacher.
Cynthia loves writing and making a difference with her words. She is humbled
who read her stories.
Christmas Service Sunday,

Retail theft

On Nov. 9, the CRPD was called to Walmart in Lower Naz areth Township for a retail theft report. A male was seen putting two air filters into a Walmart bag that he had concealed in his pocket. He then walked to the front of the store and past all points of sale. Loss prevention at tempted to stop the male. When confronted, the male gave the fil ters to loss prevention but refused to stop. The total for the stolen filters was $53.75. Police did get the plate number of the vehicle the male fled in. He was later identified and a summary retail theft was filed.

Disorderly conduct

On Nov. 4 the CRPD was dis patched to the Wegmans in Ha nover Township for a disturbance in the parking lot. When police arrived, they spoke to the victim, who stated he was involved in a

road rage incident on Stoke Park Road. Eventually, both the victim and suspect were in the Wegmans parking lot. While the victim was driving through the parking lot, the suspect saw the victim’s car, came over to the car, and at tempted to reach in the car and either hit the victim or his phone. A plate for the suspect’s vehicle was given to police. The suspect was identified as 59-year-old Robert Bellucci. Bellucci will be charged with one count of sum mary disorderly conduct.

Retail theft

On Nov. 21 the CRPD re sponded to a retail theft in prog ress at Wegmans located at 3791 Easton-Nazareth Highway. The incident involved 35-year-old Jessica Watson who attempted to flee from officers when they attempted to detain her. Wat son resisted arrest when officers caught up to her and tried to de tain her. She fought with officers while being detained and when officers placed her in the patrol car. After the arrest, Watson was found to have drug paraphernalia

in her belongings. Watson is be ing charged with resisting arrest, Retail Theft attempt, Retail theft, Disorderly conduct, drug para phernalia, and public drunken ness.

Drug paraphernalia

On Aug. 15, CRPD responded to a suspicious vehicle located on Park Place in Bethlehem. While on the location, a black puffco smoking device, black grinder with green vegetable material inside it, a white vape pen with waxy residue, and a mango haze cannabis oil cartridge was found in the possession of 21-year-old Ethan Holland. Inside Holland’s vehicle, four open containers of alcohol were discovered. Holland is charged with one count of drug paraphernalia and one count of restriction on alcoholic beverages.

Public drunkenness

The Colonial Regional Police were dispatched to Wawa in Ha nover Township on Nov. 23 for a welfare check. A customer at the Wawa called in that there was a

male throwing up on himself in the parking lot near a car. Police spoke with the man in the lot and noticed he smelled like alco hol, had bloodshot eyes and had glassy eyes. There was vomit on the ground next to the vehicle. The male admitted to drinking five to seven beers at a restaurant in the area. The male was checked by EMS on scene and was identi fied as 32-year-old Stephen Mc

Cormick of Allentown. McCor mick was cited for public drunk and released.

Troop M announces Thanksgiving holiday Enforcement results

The PSP Troop M-Bethlehem have announced the results of the


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310 S. WALNUT ST, BATH, PA 18014 610.837.9992

December 1-7, 2022 3 Police Blotter Continued from page 2 Continued on page 4 255E South Best Ave., Walnutport, PA 18088 Ph: 610-923-0382 • Fax: 610-923-0383 E-mail: Paul & Lisa Prass - Publishers Catherine Stroh - Associate Publisher & Editor Tony Pisco - Art Director Erica Montes - Director of Creative Services David Farkas and Robin Dengler - Delivery Drivers The Home News ISSN 1944-7272 (USPS 248-700) is published every Thursday of the year at a local subscription rate of $25.00 annually; 50-cents per copy on newsstands. Periodicals postage paid at Bath PA and additional entry offices. A General Circulation Newspaper Since 1942 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: The Home News PO Box 2548, Orlando, FL 32802 The Home News does not assume responsibility for any advertisements beyond the cost of the ad itself. We cannot be responsible for typographical errors. We reserve the right to reject any article or advertisement thought to be offensive or not contributing to the needs of the communities we serve. All opinions expressed by columnists, reporters and feature writers, including letters to the editor, are not necessarily those of this publication, but of the individu als themselves. News items and ads should be submitted no later than noon Monday on the week of publication, or on dates noted ahead of time due to holidays. OFFICE HOURS: Call for an appointment 255E
The Home News DECEMBER 3, 4, 10, 11, 2022 JANUARY 7, 8, 14, 15; FEBRUARY 4, 5, 2023 COVID-19 VACCINES AVAILABLE
for 5 and over
RX and $7.95/90 Day RX Bath Drug is
participating pharmacy
call the Pharmacy for more information.

Police Blotter

Thanksgiving holiday enforce ment period which ran from Wednesday, Nov. 23-Sunday, Nov. 27. A total of 80 crashes were investigated, three more than last year. Twenty-seven driving under the influence arrests were made, eight less than last year.

Motorists are reminded there will be increased patrols as part of the continuing effort toward traf fic safety throughout the holiday season.

Theft by deception

The following incident was in vestigated by PSP Bethlehem bar racks.

The owner of Prime-Time Pools identified nine unauthor ized transactions on the business’ PNC business account occurring between July 17 and Aug. 6 at the Giant Food Store in Walnutport, totaling $1,855.55. The investi gation revealed 36-year-old Jar

rod Fenner of Slatington, who is a Prime-Time employee, as being the actor.

Theft at Penn Jersey

During the course of this in cident, over several months, the actor(s) used fraudulent receipt to gain money from Penn Jersey in East Allen Township, totaling $2,000.

Theft from FedEX

Sometime between Aug. 23 and Aug. 24, a FedEX warehouse employee removed a pair of Air Jordans Retro size 13, valued at $200 from a sealed package and replaced them with a pair of brown work boots. The employee was identified as 41-year-old Is mael Figueroa-Ramos of Lans ford. Charges were filed.

Indecent exposure

On Sept. 1 around 7:30 a.m., a 28-year-old woman from Bath was walking down the sidewalk on South Walnut Street. The vic tim was cat called with a whistle and an unknown male exposed

himself to her. The victim ran to her place of employment and called the police.

Theft by deception

On Sept. 12, a 61-year-old man from Northampton received a notice in the mailbox that his mail was to be forwarded to East Orange, New Jersey. He was able to go to the local post office and void these changes. An AT&T account was also opened in his name. No losses or gains were observed.

Criminal mischief

In the morning hours of Sept. 14 and Sept. 15, an unknown actor(s) entered the grounds of Quality Experience Repair in East Allen Township and pro ceeded to place rolls of paper towels into the diesel gas tank of two tractor trailers owned by the victim.

Stolen puppies

East Allen Twp.

On Sept. 17, the victim, a 31-year-old man from Bath, the owner of two 8-week-old pup pies, left them sitting on the side porch and briefly walked inside. As he did so, a red in color, fourdoor sedan suddenly braked and pulled up to the porch. An un known person between the ages of 25-35 years of age picked up one puppy and another unknown person between the ages of 25-35 years of age picked up the sec ond. The actors then proceeded southbound down Beth Bath Pike in the direction of Route 22 and Bethlehem City. The puppies were 8-week-old Pitbull puppies, one being a black male and the other being a brown with black spots female.

Getting Out!

Events around town

The GETTING OUT section of The Home News is open to events that are FREE for the community to attend and participate in. If you have an event and are not sure if it qualifies for this section, call us at 610-9230382. We also offer low cost classifieds for those events that do not qualify

Bath Area Community Chorus Christmas Concert- Sunday, Dec. 4 at 4 p.m. at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 206 E. Main St., Bath. “A Christmas Fa La La.” Free will offering benefits East Al len Twp. Fire Co.

Bath Area Food Bank- Distributes food second Tuesday of each month, starting around 9:30 a.m. on lower level of St. John's Lutheran Church in Bath, 206 E. Main St.

Bath Museum- Open third Saturday Jan-Nov. and first Satur day in Dec., from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 121 S. Walnut St., Bath. Volunteers needed, call 570-325-2233.

Bath Yuletide Celebration- Saturday, Dec. 17 throughout the Borough of Bath. Presented by Bath Community & Economic Development Committee. Bath businesses open 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Events throughout the day: Santa Run, Candy Cane Hunt, and Luminary Night at 7 p.m., borough wide Door Decorating Contest.

Christmas at the Roxy- Dec. 6 and 7 featuring “White Christ mas” at the Roxy Theatre. Admission is non-perishable food item donation for Northampton Area Food Bank. Dec. 6 and 7 doors open at 7 p.m., movie begins 7:30 p.m., special matinee at 12:30/1 p.m. Dec. 7.

Christmas in Nazareth- Saturday, Dec. 10 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in downtown, historic Nazareth.

East Allen Township Open Space and Farmland Preserva tion Committee- Meets third Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. at 5344 Nor-Bath Blvd., Northampton. New committee members welcome.

Helping Homeless Vets- Weave mats for homeless vets every second and fourth Wed. of the month from 10 a.m. until 9 p.m. Prepping for weaving every first and third Wed. of month 12:30 to 3:30 p.m., Mountain View Wesleyan Church 1001 Deemer Rd., Bath. Call 610-837-1190 FMI. Leave message.

Northampton Area Food Bank- Food distribution first three Thursdays from 5 to 7 p.m. and second and third Saturday 9 to 11:30 a.m. 1601 Canal St.

Northampton Borough Crime Watch Meeting- Typi cally held second Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Northampton Borough Fire Dept.

Siegfried Log Cabin- Open Saturday, Dec. 3 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (Open to coincide with the GWHS Christmas House Tour.)

4 December 1-7, 2022 A Family Tradition of Courteous, Dignified Service George G Bensing Funeral Home, LLC Full-service funeral home offering affordable traditional and cremation services to families of all faiths 2165 Community Dr. (Moorestown) Bath, PA 18014 · (610) 759-3901 John H. Simons Supervisor Frances Bensing Funeral Director Six Generations Thoughtfully Dedicated to Those We Serve For Over 100 Years… Sat., Dec. 3rd and Sun., Dec. 4th Celebrating 63 Years of Popular Gun Shows 1960-2022 HOURS: Saturday 9-5 and Sunday 9-2 Admission $10 • Children 15 & under accompanied by an adult are admitted free. Please note we stop taking admissions one hour before closing time $1 DISCOUNT WHEN ACCOMPANIED BY THIS AD 100% Of Items Displayed Must Be In Related Arms Field! SANTA RUN *Borough of Bath residents only* Dec. 14 • noon until finished We kindly ask for a $10 donation per home Make checks payable to: Bath Volunteer Firefighters Maximum of two gifts per child SANTA RUN *Borough of Bath Residents Only* Date: December 14, 2019 Additional Information Time: 12:00pm until finished We kindly ask for a $10 donation perhome Make checkspayable to: Bath Volunteer Firefighters Maximum of2 gifts perchild Contact Info Alissa at the Firehouse 610.837.6400 (leave message) Gift Drop off Dates Monday, November 4, 11, 18 and 25, from 6:30pm 9:00 pm. Monday, December 2 and 9, from 6:30pm 9:00 pm. Drop off deadline Monday, December 9, 2019, 6:30pm 9:00pm On gift please include: Child’s Name Age Contact Number Address SANTA RUN *Borough of Bath residents only* Dec. 17 • 9:30 a.m. until finished We kindly ask for a $10 donation per home Make checks payable to: Bath Volunteer Firefighters Maximum of two gifts per child Contact: Jamie or Kara at the Firehouse: 610-837-6400 (leave message) RUN Bath Residents
4, 2019 Additional
12:00pm until finished We
a $10 donation per home
Contact Info
Drop off Dates
Drop off deadline Monday, 9, 6:30pm 9:00pm On gift please include: Child’s Name Age Contact Number On gift please include: Child’s name, age, contact number & address Gift Drop Off Info: Monday, Dec. 5 & 12 from 6:30 to 9 p.m. DROP-OFF DEADLINE: MONDAY, DEC. 12th • 6:30-9 p.m.
kindly ask
Make checks payable to: Bath Volunteer Firefighters Maximum of 2
per child
Alissa the Firehouse 610.837.6400 message) Gift
Monday, November 4, 11, 18 and 25, from 6:30pm 9:00 Monday, December 2 and 9, 6:30pm pm.
Continued from page 3

said Giovanni.

Council President Michele Eh rgott also thanked everyone that helped put the ceremony togeth er and to attendees for coming to the ceremony.

“Throughout the year, the Bor ough Council, Public Works, our Parking Enforcement Officers, our Borough Manager, our office staff, we couldn't do it without them, and we just want to say thank you, Merry Christmas, and God bless to all of your family, and we thank you because you're out here supporting the Bor ough,” said Ehrgott.

Kolonia then sang “It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” and “Silent Night” with the audience and Father Butera from Sacred Heart Church blessed the tree.

Mayor Mirabito shared some kind words about Russell Sieg fried with the audience, whom she had chosen to light the cere monial tree before his passing ear lier this year. She expressed that Russell Siegfried served in the Navy Reserve before serving over 60 years with the Bath Volunteer Fire Company since 1959, lived in the house he was born in for all of his life, was married to his wife Louise Siegfried for over 70 years, had four children, 11 grandchil dren, 16 great-grandchildren, and

two great-great grandchildren, and was an active member of St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bath.

“I personally am honored and humbled to have known Mr. Siegfried. He cared deep ly about this borough, cared deeply about the people here, and he cared deeply about his family. Sadly, we all had to say goodbye, so in memory of him, I'm going to call up his son Bob who may say a few words,” Mayor Mirabito said.

Next, Bob Siegfried shared a few words about his father, Russell Siegfried.

“It was indeed an honor to be asked to light the Christmas tree in honor of my father. I would like to take this oppor tunity to extend a very special thank you to the members of the Bath firefighters for all they did to honor my father's service and for being such a large part of his funeral service. What they did to honor my dad at his funeral service was nothing short of incredible and was very moving to my entire family. My dad was very proud of his many years of service to this local fire company, which truly meant a lot to him. Even after he retired from active service, he looked forward to going to all those meetings on a Monday night. In his later years, he would tell me how much the guys enjoyed the cookies he would bring to the meetings. It was just his way of showing that he cared about them and the volunteer service they provided to the commu nity. Again, thank you mayor for honoring my father for his service to our local community. It means a lot to me personally and to his entire family for him to be remembered this way,” Bob Siegfried expressed.

The audience helped count down from five and Bob Sieg fried lit the beautiful tree in Monocacy Creek Park where kids from one to 92 (and even their furry friends) posed for holiday pictures in front of the enormous colorfully lit tree.

Then, Santa Claus rode in on his big red firetruck with goodies for the kids and the big guy tentatively listened to all of their Christmas wishes and posed for photos.

40 years of the GWHS Christmas House Tour

Submitted by CAROL BEAR

The 40th Governor Wolf His torical Society’s Christmas House Tour is just days away. Step inside nine of central Northampton County’s most beautiful historic homes and buildings festively decorated for the holidays by flo rists and garden clubs. The Sat urday, Dec. 3 tour goes from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Advance tickets are $25, and tickets purchased the day of the tour are $30. The ticket booklet includes driv ing directions and a map of the homes which may be visited in any order. The ticket booklet also includes a sketch of each home and its history. This year’s tour ticket includes the historical so ciety site which is open for a twoday holiday history festival. You can do the house tour on Satur day and visit the three GWHS buildings with unique handmade crafts on Sunday.

The historic homes range from a 1900 brick Free Classic Victo rian to a 1792 four-room, twostory log house. In the houses you will see 5’ high walk-in fire places, stenciling, old pegboard, flame-grained doors, bake oven, tin ceilings, curved cherry hand rails, stained glass windows, attic

master bedroom suites, and new kitchens blended with old archi tecture.

The theme for this year’s tour is “Christmas Dinner.” All of the buildings will be decorated by florists, garden clubs, owners and volunteers.

When invited to decorate a home on the tour Lynn Klein of Mycalyn Florals, Nazareth said, “Yes! I’m so glad that decora tions are part of the tour again.” Members of the Bath Museum Committee will be decorating the door and the large primi tive mantle of the Siegfried Log Cabin. Trish Mowen, chair of the GWHS gardens, will be making table decorations for the School house Café at GWHS. Members of the Moorestown Garden Club will be incorporating antique tea pots and glass cake stands in their deep window displays in the Wolf Academy. Without giving any more surprises away, I can safely say that the Bethlehem Garden Club, Nazareth Garden Club, Hayes Flowers and volunteers are creating fresh wreaths, swags, ta ble-runners, roping, and unique arrangements that coordinate

Continued on page 10 Tree Lighting Continued from page 1 B BARTHOLOMEW FUNERAL HOME “Serving Families Since 1853” • Traditional Funerals • Cremation Services • Pre-Planning Available Zee R. K. Bartholomew Supervisor 610-837-6451 243 S. Walnut St., Bath, PA 18014 BARTHOLOMEW FUNERAL HOME December 1-7, 2022 5 BATH AREA MOORE TOWNSHIP LIONS CLUB ANNUAL CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING DECEMBER 3, 2022 @ 6:30 PM RT 987 & RT 946 Klecknersville, Bath, PA SANTA ARRIVING REFRESHMENTS PROVIDED BY LATTEMANN’S CORNER STORE ANNUAL CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING MOORE TOWNSHIP LIONS & LIONESS ANNUAL CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING DECEMBER 7, 2019 @ 6:30 PM REFRESHMENTS PROVIDED BY LATTEMANN’S CORNER STORE ANNUAL CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING Blessing of the Tree Estelle R. Stein D.D.S. 116 S. Walnut St., Bath, PA 18014 Call 610-837-7811 Senior citizen discount Trusted Family Dentist for over 35 years. Now equipped with Surgically clean air.
Dec. 10th & 17th: 5-8pm Christmas Caroling Dec. 11th: 2-5pm Building Gingerbread Houses Dec. 16th: 6-8pm Kids of CovenantHappy Birthday Jesus Party! (pre-K thru 6th) Dec. 18th: 2pm Blue Christmas Covenant United Methodist Church, 2715 Mountain View Dr., Bath SAVE THE DATES SAVEDATESTHE DATES for our December events:
Bath Borough Council members, office staff, Code Enforcement, and Public Works Dept. members.

The Lehigh Township Board of Supervisors met on Tuesday, No vember 22 at 7 p.m. The recreation board an nounced the township’s Christ mas tree lighting ceremony will be held on Saturday, December 3 at 5 p.m. in Bryfogle Park. Any one interested in helping with setup is asked to be at the park by 2 p.m. There will be vendors providing food and hot beverages for the event, as well as a perfor mance by the elementary school

chorus, and Santa Claus has promised to arrive at 5:30 p.m. K9 officer Cash will also be at the event and is looking forward to meeting Santa.

Frank Zamadics gave the pub lic works report, and requested that it be announced on the town ship website that the yard waste center will be closed throughout February and March of next year. This will give the workers time to clean out the center and regravel the parking lot, weather permit ting. They are gathering quotes

regarding the removal of dead trees in Pennsville; one quote has been received thus far and an other is expected within a week. Board member David Hess also contacted someone who will be providing a third quote within days. Leaf pickup and winter preparations are still in progress. A candidate has been found to fill the vacancy in the public works department, and the board ap proved a motion to extend a job offer to the individual provided they meet the required criteria.

Elizabeth Amato reported that the zoning board met twice in the past month. As mentioned in Oc tober, they have drafted and now submitted proposed edits to the ordinance regarding landscaping contractor definitions. After a brief discussion, the board decid ed to wait until the next meeting

to make a motion to advertise the ordinance changes, as not all members have been able to read the proposal thoroughly. In re sponse to a resident’s inquiry, it was explained that the proposed edits will clean up the wording of the ordinance and make it easier for small businesses to operate in Lehigh Township. The changes will “protect the little guy” with multiple vehicles at one address.

Police Chief Scott Fogel re minded residents yet again to be watchful for deer on the road, stating half of all traffic acci dents in the past month have been deer-related. Otherwise, it has been a light month. At the time of the meeting, the blood drive for November 23 was shaping up to be a great suc cess, with almost all of the avail able donation slots having been filled. The Marine Corps. along with the Lehigh Township Po lice Dept. will conduct a Toys for Tots drive-through event at the Lehigh Twp. Vol. Fire Co. on Saturday, December 3 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., with Marines arriving to personally oversee the

event around noon. In addition to toys, cash donations will also be accepted.

The contractor of the Cher ryville intersection is on site and the work is in progress. It is ex pected to be completed within the next couple of weeks.

Township Manager Alice Reh rig was pleased to announce that Lehigh Township has been awarded a $1.5 million grant for repairs to the maintenance build ing. This was met with cheers from all in attendance of the meeting. The grant program in question is a matching program, so Rehrig asked the board to au thorize her to have the building reappraised in order to better uti lize the grant. This was approved, and board member Gerald Pritchard also stated the building committee should reassemble to examine the numbers. Their rep resentative will be invited to have a meeting with Frank Zamadics and the board; Rehrig will make

6 December 1-7, 2022 Continued on page 7 AcceptingNewCustomers AcceptingNewCustomers Congratulations to the Borough of Bath Happy 275th Anniversary Check us out on Facebook! Community Veterinary Practice Arthur R Hulshizer, MS, VMD • Kelli Carpenter, DVM 2550 Community Drive, Bath • 610-837-5888 Mon 9–7 • Tues 9-3 • Wed 9-5 • Thurs 9-2 • Fri 9-5 • Sat 9-12 noon Common symptoms include itching of the skin, coughing, sneezing/wheezing, and runny discharge from the eyes/nose. DID YOU KNOW skin allergies are the #1 reason for vet visits? RECEIVE $10.00 OFF YOUR NEXT SEPTIC PUMPING BY PRESENTING THIS AD 821 GEORGETOWN ROAD • NAZARETH PA 18064 610-759-3290 • 484-764-6351 WWW YESKASEPTICSERVICE COM • STANDARD & SAND MOUND SEPTIC SYSTEMS • PRESSURE DOSING PUMPS FOR SAND MOUNDS • PERK TESTS & SOIL PROBES• SEWER PUMPS • DRAINFIELD RESTORATION • SEWER ALARMS • AERATORS REPAIR/INSTALL • TRUCK & CAR WASH BAYS • RESTAURANT GREASE TRAPS • NON HAZARDOUS INDUSTRIAL LIQUID WASTE • SWIMMING POOLS • GARAGE PITS • SEPTIC TANKS • FISH PONDS • CESSPOOLS PUMPING SEPTICSERVICE FULL SERVICE • FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED OVER 100 YEARS OF PROMPT, PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Happy 50th Birthday Greg Miller! Love Melissa, Collin, Owen, Mom, Dad, Mike, Bill & Mary Lehigh Township awarded grant for Building repairs DRIVE FOR BANGOR AREA SCHOOLS Up to $1,500 Sign On Bonus | 610-588-3590 800 S. Main St. Bangor, PA APPLY ONLINE TODAY OR CALL MONDAY – FRIDAY TO SCHEDULE AN INTERVIEW! STUDENT TRANSPORTATION OF AMERICA IS DRIVING THE FUTURE SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED PAID PROFESSIONAL TRAINING EARN YOUR CDL IN AS LITTLE AS 6 WEEKS STUDENT TRANSPORTATION OF AMERICA IS DRIVING THE FUTURE SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS NEEDED NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED PAID PROFESSIONAL TRAINING

the arrangements.

An ordinance was approved establishing a speed limit of 30 miles per hour on West Walker Road. Meanwhile, an amend ment has been drafted to the existing ordinance concerning the police pension plan and this will be advertised for public com ment.

Township Solicitor David Backenstoe brought forth a reso lution concerning provisions for property tax penalty waivers. He discovered that this particular resolution has a looming dead line, so he moved forward with the drafting without discussing it previously with the board. It con cerns real estate purchases which take place near the distribution of property tax bills, and will pro tect new property owners from penalties on late tax payments caused by not receiving their tax bills on time, so long as they meet all of the resolution’s criteria. The board unanimously approved the resolution and it will be sent to

the tax collector.

Because of the New Year’s holi day, the reorganization meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, January 3. It was reported that John Deere has contacted the board and is still demanding full payment of their invoice. Fully executed agreements have been received from the Northwoods project and everything is ready to proceed.

The next meeting of the board of supervisors is scheduled for Tuesday, December 13 at 7 p.m. in the municipal building at 1069 Municipal Rd., Walnutport.

Mako helps to Secure grant For Lehigh Township public Works facility

lion in state funds to construct a new public works building in Lehigh Township.

Mako advocated for support through the state’s Redevelop ment Assistance Capital Program (RACP) to assist with this impor tant project.

“Lehigh Township’s current public works facility was built in 1958,” Mako said. “This aging facility cannot meet the current needs of the township and hav ing to store equipment outside in a variety of weather conditions has resulted in rust, early dete rioration and decreased longevity of the life of this equipment. I’m pleased to be able to assist with the needed funding to get this project completed.”

project will renovate the existing/ former space for an expanded preoperative and post-operative area, an additional operating room and space for the new radiology resi dency program.

“I was more than happy to advocate for these building proj ects,” said Flood. “Investing in our health care infrastructure is vital in making sure each and ev ery patient that is admitted into the hospital is met with top-tier medical care.

Lehigh Valley International Air port is a vital asset to our region, and I am incredibly excited to see these funds be put to good use by creating a business park that will be located across the street from the airport. This will open up the opportunity for more jobs in the region and encourage economic growth.”

RACP is a Commonwealth grant program administered by the Office of the Budget for the acquisition and construction of regional economic, cultural, civic, recreational and historical improvement projects.




Rep. Zach Mako (R-Lehigh/ Northampton) recently an nounced the release of $1.5 mil

The money will be used to build the facility on vacant land located in the current municipal complex. The building will be large enough to house all trucks and equipment and include a lift and two service bays. A sepa rate storage area will allow for a place for signs, barricades and other supplies to eliminate clut ter and tripping hazards. In addi tion, there will be a small office/ training room, lunchroom and modern bathroom facility with a shower.

Funding for the project was authorized by lawmakers in the Capital Budget Project Itemiza tion Act.

Flood Announces Over $6M in Infrastructure Projects in District

Submitted by JORDAN

Rep. Ann Flood (R-Northamp ton) is pleased to announce over $6 million in new funding to the 138th district for two projects that will improve the lives for citizens of the Lehigh Valley.

Flood played a key role in se curing this funding through Pennsylvania’s Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP).

St. Luke’s Anderson Campus has been awarded $4.3 million for construction that will aid with relocating and expanding the emergency department. This

Majestic Realty Co. has been awarded $2.5 million for con struction of backbone public infrastructure on Lehigh Valley International Airport’s (LVIA) unimproved land to be used as a flex park. This includes sur face improvements (road paving, striping, curb, gutter, sidewalk, and adjacent landscaping, fire hy drants, street lights, etc.), subsur face wet and dry utilities (water, sewer and storm pipes, electrical and telecom lines, conduits and vaults, and natural gas lines) and other improvements as needed.

“Similarly to St. Luke’s, the

ing ceremony has been rescheduled to Sunday, Dec. 4 at 5:30 p.m. at the Triangle at Main Street and Laubach Avenue.

Lehigh Twp. Continued from page 6 December 1-7, 2022 7 NORTHAMPTON AREA Myster Tree and Shrub Service The area’s only ISA Board Certified Master Arborist Specializing in restoring & maintaining the health, beauty & value of landscape trees • Structural, directional & maintenance pruning • Root problem diagnosis & mitigation • Pest & disease diagnosis & treatment • Hazard tree evaluations & mitigation • Consultations-new construction & existing landscape trees • Tree and stump removal Glenn A. Myster (610) 262-4150 PDO288B BOARD CERTIFIED MASTER ARBORIST Faster rewards. Earn more points. All in one place. *Bonus Coupon will be available the day after an Ace Rewards member downloads the mobile app. Exclusions apply. Visit the mobile app for details. $5 downloAd bonus* place Ace App Miller Supply Ace Hardware Rte 329 & Savage Rd Northampton, PA 18067 (610) 262-4566 570 Nor-Bath Blvd., Northampton, PA 18067 Tel. # : 610-262-4566 • Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7-7, Sat. 7-4, Closed Sundays and all Major Holidays Faster Rewards. Earn more points, All in one place. Ace App IN OUR APP Saturday, Dec. 10 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Rain/Snow date Dec. 11 Bonfire & visit from Santa, hot cocoa, cookies, gift basket raffle & caroling Kreidersville Covered Bridge CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING NEW FURNITURE made to order! Sofas • Chairs Loveseats • Ottomans Made from your selection of frames & fabrics • All different styles • All top quality • Oak, ash or maple frames • 8-way handtied coil springs construction in all seating Kauffman’s Upholstery Inc. 100 Main St., Northampton Call 610-262-8298 for appt. Mon-Wed- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thurs- 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. | Fri-Sun- Closed 4739 S. Cypress Dr., Walnutport • • 610-767-3515 LORAH’S FARM MARKET Get your BEEF & PORK for the freezer here QUARTERS & HALVES! HOURS | Fridays 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturdays 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. AVAILABLE | Our own fresh pork, beef and chicken, eggs & smoked products Saturday, Dec. 3 PORK & CHICKEN PLATTERS TO-GO 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. while supplies last Christmas gift availablecerts.


diversity of people that create art in Nazareth.”

“A mural celebrating the arts should be artis tic and bold, so I think we accomplished that for sure. Hopefully this will be a jumping off point to much more public art in Nazareth and the sur rounding area,” Halm shared.

Tolino Vineyards pro

vided their wine for on lookers to celebrate the mural dedication, and everyone was encour aged to visit the Holiday Arts and Crafts Market inside the art center for Small Business Saturday, which featured jewelry, ornaments, screenprint ing, watercolor paintings, ceramics, and clothing from Eclectic Collective,

Lane Markulics Jewelry Design, SeaCrest Jewel ers, Atlas & Ellie, Timely Stitches, Pop Art Shop Creations, Good to All, Blue Talus, and Kait Rose Studio.

Be sure to check out Nazareth’s new mural lo cated on the side of the Nazareth Center for the Arts building, located at 30 E. Belvidere St.

Memorial Library of Nazareth and Vicinity announces December Happenings

December is going to be great at the Memorial Library of Nazareth and Vicinity.

• Check out new Dis covery Educational Kits: These are themed multi disciplinary kits contain ing toys, picture books, puppets, and other inter active learning tools that can be checked out for two weeks. Some examples include math games that specialize in addition, sub traction, multiplication, or division; a gumball grip game that helps to build

fine motor skills in young children; KEVA planks; and a marble rollercoaster kit.

• Check out new Hand held Magnifiers: Two are now available for checkout and for in-library use. Ask at the circulation desk. This acquisition is made possible via grant funding from the Trumbower Hos pital Foundation.

• Throughout Decem ber, enjoy the festive deco rations adorning the many rooms of your library.

• On the evening of Fri day, December 2, schoolaged children are invited to be dropped off at the li brary for two hours of fun holiday-themed activities with the children’s librar ians while their parents shop, go out to dinner, or just relax. Registration is open now.

• Be a part of Christmas

in Nazareth on Saturday, December 10. This townwide celebration is a fun annual event featuring a holiday market and his toric walking tours. Stop by the library for festive music, holiday crafts, sea sonal refreshments, and a special appearance from Santa Claus himself.

• Now through Decem ber 10, participate in our holiday basket raffle, with more than fifty baskets, gift certificates, and other items generously donated to the library.

• Also join our holiday singalong on December 14 at 6 p.m. Bring your own mug; we will supply the hot chocolate.

• Adults can join us for a “putz house DIY” on December 20. Learn about the traditional PA

December 1-7, 2022 8
Let music surround you NAZARETH MUSIC CENTER 162 South Main Street • Nazareth, PA 18064 Hours: Mon.-Fri. Noon to 8 pm, Sat. 10 am to 3 pm Visit our website at Thank you to all our customers for you patronage over the last 62 years. NAZARETH 62 Music Center 1960 2022 Anniversary this Holiday Season and throughout the New Year nd 610-759-3072 C LD WEATHER ESSENTIALS WINTER JACKETS INSULATED BOOTS KNIT HATS AND MORE 68 S. Main St., Nazareth • 610-759-2378 M-F: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sat: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. THN WARM UP & SAVE! $ 10 OFF PURCHASE OF $50 Expires 12/31/22 EventFULL Living MSL L I V ING Enriching life’s journey Lehigh Valley Italian American Band The Lehigh Valley Italian American Band is one of the Lehigh Valley's premiere concert bands, with origins in the Italian neighborhoods of Roseto and Easton, PA. The band is comprised of some of the area's top musicians, many of whom are full-time performers or music instructors. Dedicated to high quality musicmaking, the ensemble offers free public concerts with the goal of preserving the American concert band tradition. Enjoy this
Tuesday, December 13th | 7:00 pm at Moravian Hall Square 175 W. North St. Nazareth PA R Reservations are required 610.746.1000 or online at
Continued from page 1 Continued on page 11
special Christmas show!



Are you hiring and having trouble finding employees? Try placing a Help Wanted ad on our Classifieds page! Classi fieds start at $10 for the first 25 words. Advertise for 3 weeks and get the fourth week free with mention of this ad. Call 610-923-0382 or email AskUs@ to get start ed. (TN)


Blue Mountain Drive-In & Family Restaurant in Daniels ville is hiring wait staff part-time. Must be available weekends. Apply in-person or call 610-7676379 to set up appointment for immediate interview ThursdaySunday between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. Ask for Samantha or Lisa.



Do you enjoy sales? Are you a people person? Are you com puter savvy? Do you possess good customer service skills? Are you passionate about pre serving the written word? The Home News is seeking a Mar keting and Sales Account Ex ecutive. Interested candidates, please email resume to cstroh@ (12/1)



Want to advertise your busi ness here for as little as $10/ week? Call 610-923-0382 or email AskUs@HomeNewsPa. com to get started. (12/1)



With Home News classifieds for as little as $10/week. Call 610-923-0382 or place your ad online at www.homenewspa. com. Mention this ad to receive $1 off. (TN)



Weekly delivery to your mail box. $25 for 52 issues of The Home News. Call today 610923-0382 or email andrea@ to get started. (TN)


Kimberly Sue Altemose

454 N. Penn Dixie Rd. Bath, PA 18014


Daniel G. Spengler, Esquire

Spengler Brown Law Offices 110 East Main Street Bath, PA 18014

Attorney for the Estate (11/17-12/1)


Estate of Leonard J. Becker, Jr., late of the Township of Ha nover, County of Northampton, and Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, deceased.

Letters Testamentary on the above Estate have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to the estate are requested to make pay ment, and those having claims against to present them in writ ing without delay to the Attorney noted below.

Rosalie P. Curto P.O. Box 3693 Easton, PA 18043 Executrix




Saturday, Dec. 3 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Christ UCC-Little Moore Church, 913 S. Mink Rd., Danielsville. Featuring Scentsy, Thirty-One, Tastefully Simple, Color Street nails and more. Kitchen open for breakfast and lunch.



FREE HOME ORGAN Bench, music books, great condition. Pick-up in Bath. Call 484-541-2600.


Daniel G. Spengler, Esquire

Spengler Brown Law Offices 110 East Main Street Bath, PA 18014

Attorney for the Estate (11/17-12/1)



Late of Allentown, Lehigh County, PA

Executor: William D. Haus man ℅ Kristin M. Harvey, Esq., KNAFO LAW OFFICES, LLC, 2740 Nazareth Rd., Easton, PA 18045



Calling all businesses- The Home News is currently seek ing sponsors for our popular Find N Seek contest. Want your logo in the paper and custom ers walking through your door, for free? Contact us today! Call 610-923-0382 or email cstroh@ (12/1)


The Home News is seeking photos for the December photo of the month contest- the theme is “Happy Holidays.” Email fes tive holiday photos to cstroh@ along with your name, description of pho to, and date and location taken.

Attorney: Kristin M. Harvey, Esquire, KNAFO LAW OFFIC ES, LLC, 2740 Nazareth Rd., Easton, PA 18045 (11/17-12/1)


The meeting of the Moore Township Zoning Hearing Board will be held on Thursday, December 8, 2022 at 6:00 PM. The meeting will be held at the Klecknersville Rangers Vol. Fire Co, 2718 Mountain View Dr. Bath, PA 18014. Members of the public are welcome to par ticipate. The specific agenda for the meeting is as follows:





The Home News is accept ing orders for the 2023 Photo of the Month calendars, featuring winners and entries from local photographers from our popu lar Photo of the Month contest. Calendars are $15.95 to ship directly to you, or $11.95 with pick-up in Walnutport. Payment and orders may be mailed to 255E S. Best Ave., Walnutport, PA 18088 or email orders to Please specify how many cal endars you’d like, shipping vs. pick-up, and include contact information. Orders will not be placed until payment is re ceived.


Deadline is Monday, Dec. 19. The winner will be featured in the Dec. 22 Christmas issue of The Home News. (12/15)



Estate of Robert C. Kromer, Sr. late of the Borouh of Bath, County of Northampton, and Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia, deceased.

Letters Testamentary on the above Estate have been grant ed to the undersigned. All per sons indebted to the estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims against to present them in writing with out delay to the Attorney noted below.

Robert Charles Kromer, Jr. 11508 Fernwood Rd. Slatington, PA 18080 Executor

Continued from previous meeting: The applicant(s), Wa ter’s Edge at Wind Gap, LLC, applicant of property proposal known as Industrial Develop ment for Warehouse Use, lo cated at 235 Moorestown Dr. Bath, Moore Twp., PA, 18014, hereby appeals the Determina tion of the Zoning Officer and challenges the substantive validity of Sections 200-22G14(1)(c),(n),(u),and (w),20030K (5), and 200-35B(12)of the Township Zoning Ordinance and Sections 4.06.9, 4.07.8.a, 4.07.9.a, 4.07.16, 4.07.22, 4.11.10.C, 4.11.11, and 4.12.4C of the Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance pursuant to sections 909.1 and 916.1 of the Pennsylvania Mu nicipalities Planning Code, and hereby requests variances from Section 200-22.G-14(1)(n) and 200-35.C. of the Township Zon ing Ordinance. The property, County PIN#’s J6-10-2 and J610-2A, contains approximately

51.12 acres and is zoned, In dustrial (I).

Jason L. Harhart Zoning Officer Moore Township (11/24 & 12/1)



DECEMBER 8, 2022

The Northampton Borough Zoning Hearing Board will hold its public meeting on Thursday, December 8, 2022, in Council Chambers, 1401 Laubach Av enue, Northampton, Pennsylva nia, at 7:00 P.M. to review the following appeals:

1. Mr. Brandon Cenchitz, P.O. Box 183 Northampton, Pennsylvania, for the property located at 44 West 4th Street, Northampton, Pennsylvania. This property is located on Tax Parcel No. M4-5-1E and is lo cated in an R-4 Residential Zoning District.

There are current use vari ances on this property for the storage of HVAC parts and in ventory with light fabrication for Beach HVAC and the operation of Sain-Mellner Auto Repair.

Mr. Cenchitz is seeking a variance to:

Northampton Borough Zon ing Ordinance pages 250:2324, Article V – Supplementary Regulations, §250-15. Noncon forming Uses and Buildings, A. Enlargement.

This is a continuation from the meeting held October 13, 2022.

All interested parties are in vited to attend. The applicant and property owner must at tend.

Juliann Edelman Zoning Officer (11/24 & 12/1)



DECEMBER 14, 2022

The Northampton Borough Planning Commission will hold its public meeting on Wednes day, December 14, 2022, at 7:00 P.M. in Council Cham bers, 1401 Laubach Avenue, Northampton, Pennsylvania, to review the following:

1. Victor Rodite, Community Planner, will attend to present a summary of a grant application for the rehabilitation of old sani tary sewer lines as it pertains to the consistency with local com

prehensive development plans.

2. Windward Pass Holding LLC, 1385 Highway 35 North, Suite 168, Middletown, New Jersey, for the property lo cated at 1775 Franklin Street, Northampton, Pennsylvania. This property is identified as Tax Map Parcel No. L4SW4C-6-1 and is located in the C-2 Com mercial Zoning District.

This plan is presented for Preliminary and possible Final Plan Review. Windward Pass Holding would like to redevelop this property into 4 apartments.

All interested parties are in vited to attend. A representative or the applicant must attend.

LeRoy Brobst Borough Manager (12/1 & 12/8)



The 2023 Budget of the Borough of Northampton will be placed on file on Thursday, December 1, 2022. Any person interested in reviewing the An nual Budget may do so at the Northampton Municipal Build ing, 1401 Laubach Avenue, Northampton, Pennsylvania, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. The Budget will remain on file un til final adoption by Borough Council.

LeRoy E. Brobst Borough Manager (12/1)


Estate of Richard L. Panik, Sr. late of the Borough of Northamp ton, County of Northampton, and Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, deceased.

Letters Testamentary on the above Estate have been grant ed to the undersigned. All per sons indebted to the estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims against to present them in writing with out delay to the Attorney noted below.

Richard Leonard Panik, Jr. 12 Jennings Run Northampton, PA 18067 Executor

Sharon Diane Hahn 177 W. 29th St. Northampton, PA 18067 Executor

Daniel G. Spengler, Esquire Spengler Brown Law Offices 110 East Main Street Bath, PA 18014 Attorney for the Estate (12/1-12/15)

Week 12

In the ‘Battle” for 1st place, it was Dryland staying on top of the Dart League beat ing Star of Bethlehem 2-1 in 11 innings and 6-1, los ing the ‘nightcap’ 2-1. Lead ing the way for Dryland was Butch Silfies 6 for 12, Dave Crouthamel 5 for 13 and Nate Phares 5 for 14. Bill Hoke Jr. was 5 for 13 for Star of Beth lehem.

In the only ‘sweep’ of the night, we see Christ UCC winning 7-1, 2-0, and 3-2 over St. Paul’s. Top hitters included Garry Hunsicker 6 for 11, Donnie Laudenslager 5 for 11(hitting for the cycle for the night including a HR), and Jennifer Erkinger, Kevin Gross, and Tom Unger all had ‘3 hits’ apiece and Amber Gross added a HR.

Ebenezer won 4-3 and 4-3 in 15 innings, losing the ‘nightcap’ 2-1 to Farmersville. For Ebenezer, Paul Yoder was 6 for 15, Joey Blevins 4 for 12, Brendan Blevins 4 for 14(HR), Charlie Costanzo also 4 for 14, and Jim Voortman with a HR. Ben Kerbaugh was 6 for 14, Gene Grim 5 for 14, Dave Campbell 4 for 13, with HR’s from Sue Grim(2) and Tom George for Farmersville.

The final match of the night finds Emmanuel winning 6-0 and 7-1 over Light of Christ, after losing the ‘opener’ 1-0. Leading hitters for Emman uel were Chuck Achenzie 8 for 13, Jim Hill 5 for 12 and Troy Haydt 5 for 13. ‘Buzz’ Heidecker and Norm Schoen berger were both 4 for 11 for Light of Christ.

December 1-7, 2022 9
Act prohibits
sex, familial status, and disability. It is illegal to deny housing to families with children
18 years of age unless the housing qualifies as "housing for older persons.
Deadline: Monday at 12 Noon | Phone: 610-923-0382 | E-mail: There will be no refunds after a classified advertisement is placed and paid. If an ad runs erroneously at the fault of the paper, we will offer a complimentary ad in the next edition of the publication.
POTATOES (12/1) Twin Maple Farm, 1 mile South Bath School Rd. Open Daily.
housing discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion,
The Classifieds
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W L Dryland 21 12 Star of Bethl. 21 15 Ebenezer 18 18 Emmanuel 18 18 St. Paul’s 17 19 Farmersville 14 16 Christ UCC 15 18 Light of Chr. 14 22 1. 2. 3. 4. Name:___________________________________ Phone: Find this week’s icon on four of our advertisers’ ads and write them below. Complete this form and mail it to: P.O. Box A, Walnutport, PA 18088 This Week's icon: Due by Dec. 12 Congrats to last issue’s winner- Annette Longley for your chance to win a gift certificate from this week’s sponsor Visit our website at
Suburban Darts

If you can’t make the tour on Saturday, make reservations to at tend the Friday evening Candle light Tour as a GWHS patron.

The Candlelight Tour begins at 5:30 p.m. at the GWHS RalstonMcKeen House and visits each of the homes in order. Crackling fires, beeswax candles, pine and holly all make the Friday Candle light Tour a night to remember.

The Candlelight Tour finishes back at the Ralston-McKeen House with soft music, charcute rie and Colonial brandy shrub.

The Friday, Dec. 2 Candlelight Tour is a private showing of the homes starting at 5:30 p.m. for the homeowners, volunteers, dec orators and patrons. Patron cost is $40 for members and $48 for non-members. Candlelight Tour tickets are by reservation only, call 610-390-0555.

Saturday Christmas House Tour ticket booklets are on sale now at Bath Drug on Walnut Street in Bath, S Seem Antiques on Chestnut Street in Bath, Mill er Ace Hardware on Rt. 329 in Northampton, Mycalyn Florals on Main Street in Nazareth and the Snow Goose Gallery on Main Street in Bethlehem. The house tour booklet also includes free admission (a savings of $6) into the two-day holiday craft festival at the Governor Wolf Historical Society’s site. For more informa tion call Carol at 610-390-0555.

The Nazareth Boys Basketball team will start their season at a tournament at Wallenpaupack High School on Friday Decem ber 2 at 7 p.m. versus Strouds burg. Additional games will be on Saturday, December 3 and then at Liberty at 7 p.m. on De cember 6.

The Nazareth Wrestling team will be at Cumberland Valley for a tournament on Friday, Decem ber 2 and Saturday, December 3, and then will be at Easton on Wednesday, December 7.

The Naza reth Girls Basketball team will start their season in a tournament at Lake Lehman on Friday, December 2 at 5 p.m. against Stroudsburg with an ad ditional game on Saturday, De cember 3. The girls will then host Liberty at 7 p.m. on December 6.

The Nazareth Swimming team will open their season at 4 p.m. at Dieruff on Tuesday, December 6.

The Nazareth Competition Cheerleaders will compete on Saturday, December 3 at the PPL Center and will be at Easton Middle School on Wednesday, December 7.

For up-to-the-minute sports news, visit https://nazarethsports.

Northampton County has a 24-hour emergency hotline for all human ser vices-related emergencies. Anyone struggling with a mental health crisis, abuse, neglect, suicidal thoughts, evictons, substance abuse, food insecurity, etc., can call 610-252-9060 for help and referrals.

Bath Bowling Bath Commercial Bowling League Week No. 12 Standings

Team Won Lost


Amusements 32 16

Bath Supply 29 19

Stars & Strikes 26 22 Carfara’s Paint & Wall Covering 26 22 Daku Auto Body 24 24 Broken Tackle 23 25

Vince Bauer Fiberglass Repair 17 31 Rice Family 15 33

Maxx Amusements (1)

George Hyde 651 (264) Earl Holland Jr 640 (203-259) Earl Holland Sr 562 (205) Bill Bachman 526

Broken Tackle (3)

Ed Zupko 715 (235-223-257) Shannon Quick 663 (226-259) Paul Berkowitz 597 (268) Butch Riddle 570 (215)

Carfara’s Paint & Wall Covering (1)

Ty Pagotto 666 (257-216)

Terry Bartholomew 587 (203-206)

Terry Pagotto 509

Bath Supply (3)

Brent Connolly 652 (206-245-201)

Rich Marzen 579 (222)

Frank Donchez 565 (226) Jeff Kerbacher 546 Steve Kerbacher 540

Rice Family (2)

Woody Rice 500

Vince Bauer Fiberglass Repair (2) Wyatt Davidson 514 (208) Vince Bauer 502

Stars & Strikes (2)

Bob Davidson Jr601 (220-219)

Lee Hilbert 582 (204-208)

Bob Davidson III 578 (207) Frank Pavlov 514

Daku Auto Body (2)

Marc Beichey678 (218-211-249)

Scott Bortz 610 (214-222)

Bob Daku 575 (222)

Al Davidson 524 Bob Faustner 511

Bath Industrial League Week 11 Standings

Team Won Lost

WTF 30 14

Taylor Honey 26 18 D&R Precision Machine 25 19

G&L Sign Factory 23 21 Colorite 22 22

Palmer Trophy & Awards 18 26

Liberty Recycling 18 26 Fensty’s Restor. 14 30


Ed Gallagher 616(268) Joe Mandarino 515(176) Kurt Berger 526(183)


George Hyde 599(220)

Bill Bachman 534(223)

Earl Holland Jr 728(278,228) James Joniak 497(233) Butch Holland Sr 514(193) Jimmy Bendekovitz 622(200,225)


Paul Duda 558(210) Don Schoeffling 370 Brian Silvius 503(185) Bill Fortner 437 Jason Eberts 665(247,212)


Ed Taylor 555(192) John Hotter 280 Scott Friebolin 645(252,206) Mark Janda 567(210) Milt Kelly 575(214)

WTF - 4

James Mandarino 560(198)

Shawn Kulick 516(191)

Robert Kulick 508(182) Bruce Walters 486 Mike Klement 627(227,233)


Don Arndt 455 Jess Cyphers 489 Steve Glesias 566(223) Bryan Heckman 641(235,213) Noah Durnin 683(224,246)



Brian Dilley 759(257,257) Dave Roman 504(179) Rick Dilley 593(211) Josh Horninger 430 Butch Post 682(233,226)


Joe Schwartz 506(201) Mark Flamisch 468

Don Shafer 587(205) Jeff Lear 475 Matt Paulus 656(224,247)

10 December 1-7, 2022 GWHS Continued from page 5 Andy’s Corner Est. 1965 Charles Muffley, Owner •Specializing in old house siding restoration •Harvey windows •Small additions & porches • Pressure washing 255 Grouse Dr., Bath • 610-837-0913 Northern R&S PETERSVILLE 550 Club Sunday, Seniors $7 • Adults SURF & TURF Block Shoot Sunday, November 13th Starts at 12 Noon Petersville Rod & Gun Club 550 Club Road, Bath, PA 18014 Hall and Pavilion Rentals available Call 610-261-2210 for more information. COOK WANTED! Call 610-261-2210 for more information. SUNDAY FOOTBALL Sundays 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday Football!
owner’s table
and room colors.
CANDY CANE HUNT Saturday, Dec. 17 at 3 p.m. St. John’s Lutheran Church, E. Main St. AGE GROUPS: 3 to 5 yrs • 6 to 8 yrs 9 to 12 yrs SPECIAL PRIZE: Candy cane w/ golden ribbon 1ST PRIZE: Most collected 2ND PRIZE: 2nd most collected Email registration to: (include names and ages of children) Bring a Bag! Prizes for each age group!

folk art of the Christmas putz. Create

own paper putz house and learn about the history of librarian Anneliese’s family’s putz, a winter townscape that was handmade in 1911. Get started on your journey of creating your own decorative Christmas village.

• Children in kindergarten through fifth grade are invited to register for our after-school craft ing club, which meets on De cember 7 and December 14 at 4 p.m. to make winter and holidaythemed items like snowflakes and wrapping paper.

• Join a book group: The Brainy Bibliophiles will meet on Tues day, December 6 at 6:30 p.m. via BlueJeans to discuss the second half of The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer. Check our website for additional informa tion about our daytime (Decem ber 4 at 11 a.m.) and evening (second Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.) community-led book discussions, the audiobook lovers’ group meetings (second Thursday at 1 p.m.), and Brainy Bibliophiles picks and dates for 2023.

• Teens can “escape to Narnia” all month long. Explore the Teen Room to find the clues and dis cover the secrets that will lead you to the treasure of Narnia. Explore the decorations that harken back to The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and uncover hidden

messages that will reveal a code to open a locked box. Teens who manage to open the box will be able to take from the treasure in side. This is a passive program, running all month long. Come with your friends and take as much time as you need to crack the code.

• Join any drop-in children’s events – and note that there will be a break from them from De cember 19-30:

Mondays at 10:30 a.m. - Sto rytime with Miss Berry at the MLNV

Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. - Shake and Boogie with Miss Catherine at the MLNV

Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m.Storytime with Mrs. Kelly at the MLNV

Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. - Sto rytime with Miss Berry at 306 Butztown Rd.

Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. - Baby storytime with Miss Catherine at the MLNV

Fridays at 10:30 a.m. - Shake and Boogie with Miss Catherine at 1114 Bushkill Center Rd.

The holiday season brings many more exciting happenings, so continue to check our website (, sign up for our monthly newsletter, and follow us on social media.

Please note that the library will be closed from December 24-26 for the winter holiday and will close at 5 p.m. on December 30 for the New Year holiday.

Bingo every Thursday Doors open 5pm Bingo starts 6:30 pm

Library Continued from page 8
Plainfield Twp. Vol. Fire Co., 6480 Sullivan
Gap Food & beverage available for purchase Pull tab tickets, progressive jackpots, and piggy NEW! Bingo Machine & 6 TVs! JACK’S HAULING & DEMO SERVICE 484-332-5929 REALTORS/LANDLORDS: Did your last tenant trash your place? RESIDENTIAL CLEAN-OUTS • COMMERCIAL & RETAIL • INDUSTRIAL Complete service including labor General clean-ups • Removal & safe disposal Basements • Garages • Attics Old appliances removed FREE ESTIMATES • FULLY INSURED 24-hour prompt service PHOTO OF THE MONTH CONTEST Deadline: Dec. 19 Winner featured in Dec. 22 Christmas issue of The Home News EMAIL FESTIVE PHOTOS TO CSTROH@HOMENEWSPA.COM Include: Photographer’s name, description of photo, date & location taken DECEMBER THEME: HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
Trail, Wind
610-866-2815 • 65 Years Family Owned BETHLEHEM SEWERAGE & EXCAVATING SERVICE, LLC •Septics Cleaned, Repaired & Installed •Inspections/Certifications •Restaurant Grease •Sinkhole Repairs & Excavation Services for your specific needs •Repair Broken Water & Sewer Lines •Unclog Main Sewer Lines Servicing Northampton and Lehigh Counties 68 Years Family Owned


A Favorite Holiday Performance

nothing like singing along with your favorite Christmas Carols and Songs. This is a favorite tradition at Moravian Hall Square that is special for everyone who attends. Barbara Abel and Friends share the joy of the season leading this festive event. Please Note: Donations of canned good items are appreciated to present to the Nazareth Food Bank. Wednesday, December 14th | 10:30 am


12 December 1-7, 2022 Christmas at Boulton Admission $10. - Free on-site parking. Members, Children 12 & under - FREE 402 Henry Road, Nazareth, PA just off Rt. 33 @ Belfast Jacobsburg Annual Events are funded in part by Northampton County’s Hotel Tax Program. Sat., Dec. 10th, 11:00-4:00 & Sun., Dec. 11th, Beautiful decorations the J. Joseph Henry House. Bows & mixed greens for sale: (Fir, Magnolia & Holly) PA Longrifle Museum open. Gift shop open. Sample our Jacobsburg Brew Junkluggers of Lehigh Valley Wave goodbye to Clutter. JUNKLUGGERS.COM | 1-800-584-5865
FULL Living MSL L I V ING Enriching life’s journey
at Moravian Hall Square 175 W North St.
PA Reservations are required 610.746.1000 or online at
Affordable Warmth! Unbeatable Prices Responsive Service Rapid Fuel Oil Residential • Commercial 610-437-2000 570-629-9555 Price Matching Your Local News The Home News | 610-923-0382 11.95 (tax included) - Pickup at The Home News office Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to noon $ 15.95 (tax included) - Shipped directly to you Photo of the Month | 2023 Calendar Order Form Name:_________________________________________________________________ Shipping Address:________________________________________________________ Phone Number: ______________________ Number of Calendars: ___________ Pick-up: ____ Ship to me: ____ Mail order form along with payment to: 255E S. Best Ave., Walnutport, PA 18088 Orders will not be placed until payment is received | Calendar orders available for shipping starting Dec. 1 Please allow 7-10 business days for delivery after order is placed Photo of the Month 2023 CALENDAR SALE Limited Supplies Available, Act Now Your Local News The Home News | 610-923-0382 $ 11.95 (tax included) - Pickup at The Home News office Tuesdays and Thursdays
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