The Home News December 30

Page 1

Happy New Year!

The Home News Your Local News

DECEMBER 30, 2021-JANUARY 5, 2022

Looking by Back Ed Pany Weaversville to War, Part 1 of 5

Herbert J. Ruch served in the U.S. Army from 1941 to 1945. Photo courtesy of Beatrice Christoff. Today, Mr. Larry Oberly and this writer are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Christoff. Stanley’s wife, Beatrice, was an excellent student in my Northampton High School classroom. She takes us back to World

War II, when her father, Herbert J. Ruch, served in the U.S. Army from 1941 to 1945. She has discovered a 34-page diary and 268 letters. He never talked about war Continued on page 4

50 cents

Sights and sounds of a winter Wonderland on display in Northampton By KERI LINDENMUTH If you spend a winter evening walking past 1220 Main St. in Northampton, make sure you take a moment to pause and listen. You may hear the songs of carolers. The engine of a train. The echo of a silversmith. Follow the sounds up 1220’s front steps (a sign on the front porch invites you to take a peek). One glance through the front windows and you’ll be transported to a miniature winter wonderland. There’s a snow-covered school with children playing outside. A Salvation Army marching band performing. A crackling fire that villagers gather around to keep warm. Warmly lit mansions decorated in garland. A farm with the animals out to graze. A ski lodge and ranger station. A 5&10, a barber, a bank, a cafe, and a newsstand. A nativity scene. Look closely and you’ll see kittens playing in the snow, a woman selling wreaths, and a horse pulling an ice cart. The handpainted Christmas putz on display is the work of Nancy Kumernitsky, 91. She has been painting and displaying ornate Christmas putzes since the 1980s. Children walking down Main Street to get a snack from the nearby convenience store often stop by, eyes wide, as they watch the moving skiers, the twinkling trees, and the dancing skaters. Kumernitsky’s Christmas putz rivals the holiday window display of any department store. “I love watching the kids,” Kumernitsky says when asked why she continues to put the putz on display every year. “Their eyes sparkle,” she adds

with a smile. She watches from her living room, waving people up who may be too shy to approach from the street. Her daughter, Jean, says the joy of other people is her mother’s greatest joy. The putz truly is a labor of love. It takes anywhere from one to three weeks to construct the eight-and-a-half-foot-long display. Meanwhile, painting a single building can take hours (this year’s putz has two dozen stores, churches, and school buildings on display). Some of the villag-

ers Kumernitsky painted had their eyes painted on with a cat whisker, as that was the only tool small enough to capture the details. Kumernitsky’s father started Continued on page 3

80th Year, Issue No. 52

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2 Dec. 30, 2021-Jan. 5, 2022

State Representative Ann Flood 138th Legislative District Christ Church UCC Bath Harrisburg Office: Christ Church UCC Bath 109 South Chestnut Street 402 Irvis Office Bldg • P.O. Box 202138 109 South Bath, Pennsylvania 18014Chestnut Street Kauffman’s Upholstery, Inc. Harrisburg, PA 17120-2138 • 717-783-8573 Bath, Pennsylvania 18014 Kauffman’s Upholstery, Inc. Christ Church UCC Bath Christ Church 610-837-0345 UCC Bath Kauffman’s Upholstery, Inc. Christ Church UCC Bath 610-837-0345 109 South 100 Main St., Northampton, PA 18067 Chestnut Street Christ ChurchChestnut UCC BathStreet 109 South Main Street South Chestnut310 Street 100 Main St., Northampton, PA 18067 Christ Church UCC Bath Christ Church UCC 109 Bath Pennsylvania 18014 District Office: 109Bath, South Chestnut Street 100610-262-8298 Main St., Northampton, PA 18067 Bath, Pennsylvania 18014 Kauffman’s Upholstery, Inc. Stockertown, PA 18083 Kauffman’s Upholstery, Inc. 610-262-8298 Bath, Pennsylvania 18014 109 South Chestnut 109 SouthStreet Chestnut Street Kauffman’s Upholstery, Inc. 610-837-0345 196 W. Moorestown Rd., Wind Gap PA 18091 Bath, Pennsylvania 18014 610-262-8298 610-837-0345 Kauffman’s Upholstery, Inc. 610-365-2200 610-837-0345 Bath, Pennsylvania 18014 Bath, Pennsylvania 18014 Kauffman’s Upholstery, Inc. 610-746-2100• 610-837-0345 100 Main St., Northampton, 18067 100PA Main St., Northampton, PA 18067 610-837-0345 610-837-0345 100 Northampton, PA 18067 100 Main St., Northampton, PA 18067Main St., 610-262-8298 610-262-8298 100 Main St., 610-262-8298 Northampton, PA 18067 610-262-8298 610-262-8298

Miklas Realty Miklas Realty 222St. S. Walnut St. (Rt. 512) 222 S. Walnut (Rt. 512) 2283 Bath, PA 18014-1068 RdMacArthur Rd Linda M. Roth, C.PLinda .A. M. Roth, C.P.A.2283 MacArthur Whitehall, PA 18052 Bath, PA 18014-1068 256 S. Walnut St., Bath, PAWhitehall, 18014 PA 18052 256 S. Walnut St., Bath, PA 18014 610-437-0233 Miklas RealtyPh: 610-837-4888 Miklas 610-837-8081 Miklas Realty Realty Miklas Realty 610-437-0233 Miklas Realty Ph: 610-837-4888 Miklas 222 S. Walnut St.Ralph’s (Rt. Fx:512) 610-837-4889 222 Realty S.St. Walnut St. (Rt. 512) R S. Walnut (Rt. 512) Auto Body Ralph’s Auto Body 222 S. St. 512) 222 S.Walnut Walnut St.(Rt. (Rt. 512) R 107 N Chestnut Linda Suite 8, Bath, PA Rd Rd 2283 MacArthur Rd 2283 MacArthur Rd Fx:Auto 610-837-4889 222 S. Walnut St. (Rt. 512) 2283 MacArthur 2283 MacArthur M. Roth, C.P .A. Bath, PA 18014-1068 Ralph’s Body LindaM. M.Roth, Roth, C.P Linda C.P .A..A. Bath, PA 18014-1068 2283 MacArthur Rd Bath, PA 18014-1068 859 Copella Rd. 859 Copella Rd. Linda M. Roth, C.P .A. Bath, PA 18014-1068 Bath, PA 18014-1068 2283 MacArthur Rd 610-746-5852 Whitehall, PA 8 Linda M. Roth, C.P.A. Whitehall, PA 18052 18052 Bath, PA 18014-1068 Whitehall, PA PA 18052 Whitehall, PA 18052 859 Copella Rd. 256 S. Walnut St., Bath, 18014 256 S. PAPA 18014 256 S. Walnut WalnutSt., St.,Bath, Bath, 18014 Whitehall, PA 18052 Bath, PA 18014 256 S. Walnut St., Bath, 18014 Bath, PA 18014 Whitehall, PA PA 18052 610-437-0233 256 S. Walnut St., Bath, PA 18014 610-437-0233 610-437-0233 Bath, PA 18014 610-437-0233 610-837-8081 610-837-8081 Ph: 610-837-4888 Ph: 610-837-4888 610-837-8081 610-437-0233 Ph: 610-837-4888 610-759-2642610-759-2642 Ph: 610-837-4888 610-437-0233 610-837-8081 Ph: 610-759-2642 610-837-4888 Ph: Fx:610-837-4888 610-837-4889 Fx:610-837-4889 610-837-4889 Fx: Fx: 610-837-4889 Fx: 610-837-4889 Fx: 610-837-4889

om 067

Realty 12) St. (Rt. 512) 8014-1068 m 37-4888 37-4889

Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church Sacred Heart of 210 E Northampton St. Bath, PA 18014 • 610-837-7874 Jesus Catholic Church Salem UCC 210 E St.

800 S Main Street Bangor, PA Ph: 610-588-3590 Salem UCC of Moorestown 800 S Main Street Bangor, PA COLL 2218 Community Dr. Bath 234 Ph: 610-588-3590 of Moorestown w

Tony Tibaldi Bath, PA 18014 • 610-837-7874 2218 Community Dr. Bath Sacred Heart of 800 S Main Street Bangor, PA COLLEGE HILL DENTAL GROUP Sacred Heart of “Prov Sacred Heart of Ralph’s AutoRalph’s Body Auto Body Jesus Catholic Church 800 S Main Street Bangor, PA 800 S Main Street Bangor, PA 800 S Main Street Bangor, PA Sacred Heart of Celebrating 45 Years Sacred Heart of COLLEGE HILL DENTAL GROUP COLLEGE 234 Cattell Street, Easton, PA 18042 484-281-3145 Ph: Sacred Heart of 800PA S234 Main Street Bangor, PA Jesus Church Salem UCCof ofMoorestown Moorestown Jesus Catholic Church 800610-588-3590 S Main Street Bangor, COLLEGE 210 E Catholic Northampton St. COLLEGE HILL DENTAL GROUP Salem UCC 859 Copella Rd. Cattell Street, Easton, PA 18042 234 Catte Jesus Catholic Church Ph: 610-588-3590 Ph: 610-588-3590 Jesus Catholic Church Church Ph: 610-588-3590 859 Copella 859 Rd. Copella Rd. Salem UCC of Moorestown Salem UCC of Ph: Moorestown 210 E Northampton St. Cattel Jesus Catholic 210 E Northampton St.Dr. 234 Cattell Street, Easton, PA234 18042 Bath, PA 18014 • 610-837-7874 2218 Community Dr. Bath Ph: 610-588-3590 (610) 253-6052 610-588-3590 www. Salem UCC of Moorestown Community Bath Salem UCC Moorestown Bath, PA PA 18014 2102218 E Northampton St.of 210 E Northampton St. GEORGE G. BENSING www.c Bath, 18014 Bath, PA 18014 • 610-837-7874 2218 Community Dr. Bath (610) 253-6052 “Providing Easton with smiles since 1944” Bath, PA 18014 • 610-837-7874 Community Dr. Bath ANVIL FORGE2218 & HAMMER Bath, PA 18014 210 E Northampton St. Bath, PA 18014 • 610-837-7874 Dr. Bath 610-759-2642 Bath, PA 18014 • 610-837-7874 2218 Community Dr. Bath2218 Community “Providing Easton with smiles since (610)1944” 253-6052 “Providing 610-759-2642 HOME LLC Bath, PA 18014 • 610-837-7974 610-759-2642 “Providing 121 S. Walnut St., IRON WORKS, INC. 5967 Nor Bath FUNERAL Blvd with smiles “Providing Easton since 1944”Ea 2165 Community Drive ANVIL FORGE & HAMMER G. BENSING Bath,GEORGE PA 18014-8868 Bath PA, 18014 610-837-6525 6337 Airport Road Bath, PA 18014 www.BathBorough.orgFUNERAL HOME PA 18109 LLC 121 S. Walnut St., IRON WORKS,Allentown, INC. 610-759-3901 P 610-837-9951 GEORGE G. BENSING

Borough of Bath

Borough of Bath

2165 Community Drive ANVIL FORGE & HAMMER ROMANISHANS Borough Bath Bath PA, 18014 610-837-6525 6337 Airportof Road GEORGE G. BENSING ANVIL FORGE & HAMMER ROMANISHANS GEORGE G.BENSING BENSING Borough of Bath E DANIEL G. SPENGLER, FUNERAL HOME LLC Bath, PA 18014 ANVIL FORGE & HAMMER GEORGE G. 121 S. Walnut St., IRON WORKS, INC. R Allentown, PAA.J. 18109 Borough ofHOME Bath PLUMBING &ROMANISHANS HEATING GEORGE G. BENSING ANVIL FORGE &Walnut HAMMER FUNERAL LLC TRUNZO, INC. RO Borough of Bath 121 S. St., IRON WORKS, INC. ANVIL FORGE & HAMMER 2165 Community Drive PLUMBING & HEATING 610-759-3901 ATTORNEY FUNERAL HOME LLC Bath PA, 18014 610-837-6525 6337 Airport Road 610-837-9951 121 S.Walnut WalnutSt., St., Drive IRON WORKS, INC.Beth.-Bath Pike, 2165 Community 8013 Bath FUNERAL HOME LLC PLUM PA, 18014 610-837-6525 6337 Airport Road EMERGENCY SERVICE 121 S. WORKS, INC. FUNERAL LLC Bath, PA 18014 251 E. Main St., PLUM Bath 110 EastHOME Main St., Bath 121Road S. Walnut St., IRON WORKS, INC.IRON Allentown, PA 18109 2165Community Community Drive EMERGENCY SERVICE PLUMBING & HEATING Bath PA, 18014 610-837-6525 6337 Airport 610-837-2000 Bath, PA 18014 2165 Drive DANIEL G. SPENGLER, Allentown, PA 18109 610-837-8969 Bath PA, 18014 610-837-6525 6337Bath Airport Road 610-759-3901 610-837-6447EME 2165 Community Drive 610-837-8969 610-837-7855 610-837-9951 PA, 610-837-6525 6337 Airport Road Bath,PA PA18014 18014 A.J. TRUNZO, 610-759-3901 Allentown, PA18014 18109INC. EMER 8013 Beth.-Bath Pike, Bath, 610-837-9951 PA020642 A EMERGENCY SERVICE Allentown, PA 18109 COLLEGE HILL DENTAL GROUP Bath, PA 18014 ATTORNEY 610-759-3901 Allentown, PA 18109 PA020642 DANIEL G. SPENGLER, 8013 Beth.-Bath Pike, Bath 610-837-9951 234 Cattell Street, Easton, PA 18042 610-759-3901 Bath BATH FIRE CO 610-837-9951 610-837-8969 G. SPENGLER, 251 E. Main St., Bath A.J. TRUNZO,INC. INC. DANIEL 110 East Main St., Bath 610-759-3901 NAZARETH Bangor, PA S Main St, Nazareth 610-837-9951 COLLEGE HILL DENTAL GROUP 610-837-2000 ATTORNEY 162DANIEL A.J. TRUNZO, G. SPENGLER, (610) 253-6052 PA020642 ESTELLE R. STEIN 610-837-6447 8013 Beth.-Bath Pike, Bath 610-837-2000 610-837-7855 ATTORNEY SOCIAL HALL 234 Cattell Street, Easton, PA 18042 DANIEL G. SPENGLER, 3590

Borough of Bath



Hayes Flowers

Hayes Flowers Hayes Flowers Flowers S.Seem S.Seem Hayes ESTELLEA.J. R. STEIN S.Seem A.J.TRUNZO, TRUNZO,G. INC. (610) 759-3072 MUSIC DANIEL SPENGLER, Hayes FlowersCENTER INC. D.D.S. ATTORNEY Hayes Flowers Antiques A.J. TRUNZO, D.D.S. INC. ATTORNEY Antiques 8013 Beth.-Bath Pike, Bath Hayes Flowers Antiques 8013 Beth.-Bath FIRE Pike, Bath ATTORNEY 251E.E.Main MainSt., St., Bath CO 110 110East EastMain MainSt., St.,Bath Bath S.Seem 251 Bath 8013 Beth.-Bath Pike, Bath BATH NAZARETH 610-837-2000 ANVIL FORGE & HAMMER & Artisians 116CO S. Walnut610-837-2000 St.,110 East Main St., Bath 251 E. Main St., Bath A 610-837-6447 610-837-7855 BATH FIRE ESTELLE R. STEIN && Artisians 610-837-6447 Artisians 610-837-2000 610-837-7855 SOCIAL HALL NAZARETH BATH FIRE Bath, CO PA 18014 Antiques 610-837-6447 IRON WORKS, INC. MUSIC CENTER A 610-837-7855 BATH SUPPLY NAZARETH

251 E. Main St., Bath 110 East Main St., Bath E.610-837-6447 Main St., Bath 135 S. Walnut 18014 110 East Main St., Bath St. Bath251 610-837-7855 162 S Main St, Nazareth 610-837-6447 116 S. Walnut St., 610-837-1059 610-837-7855 “Providing Easton with smiles since 1944” (610) 759-3072 Bath, PA 18014 610-837-7811 100 S. Chestnut St., S. Chestnut St., STEIN D.D.S. 135 ESTELLE S. Walnut St.R. Bath 18014 100100 S.162 Chestnut SOCIAL HALL NSING SBath MainSt., St, Nazareth ESTELLE R. STEIN MUSIC CENTER ROMANISHANS 6337 Airport Road 135 Bath SOCIAL HALL 610-837-7811 100 116 S. Walnut St., 610-837-1059 610-390-0403 D.D.S. CO, INC. S. Walnut St. Bath 18014 MUSIC CENTER Bath 100 E LLC (610) 759-3072 162 S Main St, Nazareth 610-390-0403 D.D.S. 135 S. Walnut St. Bath 18014 ESTELLE R. STEIN 457 RaceESTELLE St., Bath Allentown, PA 18109 PLUMBING & HEATING Bath, PA 18014 116 S. Walnut St., 610-837-1059 100 S. Chestnut St., 162 S Main St, Nazareth R. STEIN G. BENSING (610)1465 759-3072 Drive 610-390-0403 116Bath, S. Walnut St., 610-837-1059 Main St., Northampton ESTELLE R.610-837-1805 STEIN ROMANISHANS PA 18014 610-837-7811 (610) 759-3072 D.D.S. 135S. S.Walnut Walnut St.Bath Bath 18014 Bath 610-837-9951 EMERGENCY SERVICE 6 D.D.S. 135 St. 18014 14 Bath, PA 18014 162 MainSt, St, Nazareth 610-262-4741 AL HOME LLC 610-837-8969 610-837-7811 162 SSMain Nazareth 355 S. Hokendauqua Dr 116S. S.Walnut WalnutSt., St., 610-837-1059 610-390-0403 D.D.S. 135 S. Walnut St. Bath 18014 355 S. Hokendauqua Dr. BATH SUPPLY PLUMBING & HEATING 116 610-837-1059 610-837-7811 1 (610) 759-3072 162 S Main St, Nazareth Northampton, PA 18067 BATH SUPPLY (610) 759-3072 mmunity Drive PA020642 Bath,PA PA18067 18014 116 S. Walnut St., 610-837-1059 Northampton, Bath, PA 18014 CO, INC. (610) 610-837-0509 42 457 Race St., Bath EMERGENCY SERVICE 610-837-7811 PA 18014 CO, INC. Bath, PA 18014 610-837-7811 429 E. Main & Broad Sts., 457 Race St., Bath 610-837-0509 2165 Community Drive 1465 Main St., Northampton 610-837-1805 610-837-8969457 Race St., Bath 429 E. MainBath & Broad Sts., 759-3901 610-837-7811 1465 Main St., Northampton 610-837-1805 110 East355 Main St., Bath 610-262-4741 Bath 1465 Main St., Northampton 610-837-1805Bath, PA 18014 PA020642 Bath S. Hokendauqua Dr. 610-837-9720 610-262-4741 355 S. Hokendauqua Dr. 429E.E 457 Race St., Bath 610-837-9720 610-262-4741 610-837-7855 610-759-3901 135 S. Walnut St. 7 Northampton, PA 18067429 355 S. Hokendauqua Dr. 457 Race St., Bath Northampton, PA 18067 1465 Main St., Northampton 610-837-1805 429 E. Main & Broad Sts., 457 Race St., Bath Northampton, PA 18067 610-837-0509 1465 Main St., Northampton 610-837-1805 Bath 18014 610-837-0509 610-262-4741 572 Nazareth Drive, Bath 610-837-0509 Bath 1465 Main St., Northampton 610-837-1805 355 S. Hokendauqua Dr. Main St., Bath 610-262-4741

“Providing Easton with smiles since 1944”


8013 Beth.-Bath Pike, Bath 610-837-2000 610-837-2000 (610) 253-6052


Flowers S.Seem & Artisians

TH 837-6447 NTER

100 S.610-837-1059 Chestnut St., Bath 610-390-0403

Antiques & Artisians

100 of S. Chestnut ARETHBorough Bath St., Bath 121 S. Walnut St., C CENTER Wunderler’s 610-390-0403

zareth 72

n St, Nazareth Bath PA, 18014 610-837-6525 759-3072 LLO’S 429 E. Main & Broad Sts., Bath


qua Dr. 18067 9


Wunderler’s Market



429 E. Main & Broad Sts.,

PASQUARIELLO’S AUTOSHOP SHOP AUTO AUTO SHOP355 S. Hokendauqua Dr. 610-759-4272 Northampton,610-837-9720 PA 18067

Fella Studios, Inc.

Hayes Flowers


251 E. Main St., Bath 610-837-6447

Wunderler’s Market

355 S. HokendauquaNorthampton, Dr. PA 18067 610-837-0509 Northampton, PA 18067 610-837-0509 610-837-0509


429 E. Main & Broad Sts., Bath 610-837-9720

on a putz gave him “something sure they include: Elmer’s ResDec. 30, 2021-Jan. 5, 2022 3 to do with his hands,” she says. taurant. Nancy grew up at her The detailed putz her father father’s restaurant. It was where always her favorite piece. made mirrored 27th Street in the she worked, where her mother The putz will remain on display borough and included a replica worked when her father went to until at least the end of January. of his home and the JS Klippener war, and where she met her fu- Residents walking past, eating Farm. From there, a tradition ture husband. This year, the res- at the diner across the street, or was born. taurant sits in the center of the just driving through the borough, It wasn’t until the 1980s that putz, facing Main Street, and are invited to stop by the front Kumernitsky started displaying glowing brightly as the carolers, porch to take a look. The sites her own putz. Jean found a few children, and skiers enjoy a win- and sounds are sure to bring you ceramic houses that Kumernitsky tery night. Kumernitsky says it is a smile. began painting. Every year, they added more buildings until the Kumernitsky family had an entire village. Nancy’s late husband, Frank, helped with the electricity, making the trains run, the skaters twirl, and the lights sparkle. The putz changes every year, telling a different holiday story. Jean says she and her mother try to display three different “vignettes” for people to enjoy. Some years there has been a moving trolley. Other years, a fountain (which Kumernitsky says, 337 E. 21st St., with a laugh, her cat enjoyed Northampton drinking from!). One year the Kumernitskys replicated Main 610-261-2056 Street, complete with the Roxy. Jean says there are “boxes and Best wishes for a healthy and happy New Year boxes” in the attic with different Please change the second last line to: We are buildings, people, and animals. But every year, there is one still offering take-out Northampton’s Complete Eye Care Facility building the Kumernitskys make

The Quality Optician

201 W. Main Street, Bath 484-281-3661 201 W. Main Street, Bath 484-281-3661

The Home News 255E South Best Ave. Walnutport, PA 18088 Ph: 610-923-0382 Fax: 610-923-0383

E-mail: Paul & Lisa Prass - Publishers Catherine Stroh Associate Publisher & Editor Kristy O’Brien - Account Executive Tony Pisco - Art Director Erica Montes Director of Creative Services David Farkas and Robin DenglerDelivery Drivers

The Home News ISSN 1944-7272 (USPS 248-700) is published every Thursday of the year at a local subscription rate of $25.00 annually; 50-cents per copy on newsstands. Periodicals postage paid at Bath PA and additional entry offices. A General Circulation Newspaper Since 1942 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: The Home News PO Box 2548, Orlando, FL 32802

SUN 11:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. MON & TUES Closed WED 3 to 9 p.m. THURS-SAT 11:30 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Christmas Display


Continued from page 1

the family’s Christmas putz tradition in the 1930s. When she was in second grade, Kumernitsky says her father fell ill. The owner of Elmer’s Restaurant (now the site of the Uptown Park), he was used to keeping busy. So working

tr Comein W ’re t ter All December perfee $25 get $5 free w r ct sp he u o ! buy... s f y a l m i r ily holot for t a t e k m c $50 get $10 free o gather iday C cnoter ings! i $25 get $5 free w r u o ! $100 get $20 free s l i a t k $50 get $10 free coc $100 get $20 free We are still offering take-out Indoor dining

Featured Fence of the Week 3 board-slip board fence, Stroudsburg

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Lehigh Valley Fence Co • 610.837.7007

4 Dec. 30, 2021-Jan. 5, 2022


Dorothy W. Horton

Dorothy W. Horton, 91, of East Allen Township, formerly Phillipsburg, NJ, passed away peacefully on Sunday, Dec. 26, 2021, in ProMedica Bethlehem North, formerly ManorCare II, Bethlehem. She was wife of the late Robert L. Horton, with whom she shared 66 loving years of marriage prior to his death in 2014. Born in Martins Creek, she was a daughter of the late George and Anna (Weaver) West. A member of the International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union, Dorothy was employed as a sewing machine operator at various mills in the region, before retiring in 1995. She loved flowers and gardening, and she was an avid bowler. Survivors: Dorothy will be dearly missed and lovingly remembered by her children, Kim Brutschea and husband, Thomas, of East Allen Township, Ronald Horton and wife, Frances, of Tacoma, Washington, and Linda Coyle and husband, John, of East Allen Township; three grandchildren, Aaron Coyle, Michael Slack, and Kevin Horton; seven great-grandchildren, Michael, Lily, Caleb, Declan, Alexandria, Leila, and Princeton; a brother, George West of Coplay; sisters, Joyce Ott of Tatamy, and Pauline Bickford of Bangor; nieces and nephews. In addition to her husband, Robert, she was predeceased by an infant son, Robert Horton, Jr.; a granddaughter, Ashley Slack; and a sister, Shirley LaBarre. Services: A memorial service in celebration of Dorothy’s life will be announced at a later date. Arrangement have been entrusted to the George G. Bensing Funeral Home, LLC, in the Village of Moorestown – Bath. Contributions: In Lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be offered to the Allentown Rescue Mission, 355 W. Hamilton Street, Allentown, PA 18101.

Looking Back

Continued from page 1

but said, “Freedom is priceless.” Mr. Ruch was born in East Allen Township. In his youth, he walked a short distance to the Knauss School on the Nor-Bath Highway. Today, the building is the East Allen Township municipal office. They moved to Weaversville, and he graduated from Northampton High School in 1940. In high school, he took courses in electricity taught by Lester Yeager. Herbert used this training when he was hired by E.M. Rehrig’s electric winding shop. This experience would serve Herbert in the Army, as he would be assigned to the engineering unit. Dr. George A. Eichler was the Northampton superintendent and a World War I veteran. The principal was Mr. Ira Schaeffer. The future of the Class of 1940 was uncertain. War clouds were on the horizon. Mr. Ruch said, “On July 1, 1941, I registered for the draft. It was the second draft call for World War II. I went to the draft board on the way home from Rehrig Electric.” The draft board was located in the old Allen Trust bank on Main Street, which, after the war, became Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4714. In November, he boarded a train in Allentown for a physical in Wilkes-Barre. He recalled, “On Dec. 12, I left home for the Army. Our destination - Fort George Meade, Maryland. Our train was an hour late due to fog.” There, the Army again checked for physical fitness, gave men clothing and assigned bunks. He recalled, “I was assigned to guard duty and must stand guard for three hours. We must be in bed by 11 p.m. Lights go out 9 p.m.” On Dec. 17, Herbert and 35 men boarded a train and a long truck ride to Fort Belvoir, Va. “I am sending my application for insurance home for you to keep - $6.60 goes out of my monthly pay for a $10,000 life insurance policy. “I met a fellow from York, Pa. He is a barracks guard at night. We must stand guard three hours each, 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. All the guys are buying Army pillowcases for

A Family Tradition of Courteous, Dignified Service

George G Bensing Funeral Home, LLC Full-service funeral home offering affordable traditional and cremation services to families of all faiths

2165 Community Dr. (Moorestown) Bath, PA 18014 · (610) 759-3901

John H. Simons Supervisor

Frances Bensing Funeral Director

Six Generations Thoughtfully Dedicated to Those We Serve For Over 100 Years…

Getting Out!

Events around town

The GETTING OUT section of The Home News is open to events that are FREE for the community to attend and participate in. Do you still offer a free event that used to be in the Getting Out section? Please call to inform us so we can put it back in! If you have an event and are not sure if it qualifies for this section, call us at 610-923-0382. We also offer low cost classifieds for those events that do not qualify.

Bath Area Food Bank- Distributes food second Tuesday of each month, starting around 9:30 a.m. on lower level of St. John's Lutheran Church in Bath, 206 E. Main St.

Bath Museum- Open third Saturday every month from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 121 S. Walnut St., Bath. Helping Homeless Vets- Weave mats for homeless vets every second and fourth Wed. of the month from 10 a.m. until 9 p.m. Prepping for weaving every first and third Wed. of month 12:30 to 3:30 p.m., Mountain View Wesleyan Church 1001 Deemer Rd., Bath. Call 610-837-1190 FMI. Leave message.

Northampton Area Food Bank- Food distribution first three Thursdays from 5 to 7 p.m. and second and third Saturday 9 to 11:30 a.m. 1601 Canal St. Northampton Borough Crime Watch Meeting- Typically held second Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Northampton Borough Fire Dept.

Christmas gifts. On Thursday, I was on KP (Kitchen Police) and helped get Christmas dinner for everyone. I received a box of cookies and two pieces of cake from home - crushed, but it tasted good.” At Belvoir, Private Ruch was assigned to help maintain the rifle range. The range was constantly busy. He also took an eight-week course and joined the 25th service unit engineering section. One week, he had a cold and purchased a box of tissues (cost, 9 cents). His first movie, 15 cents; monthly paycheck, $25.17. The movie was “Star Spangled Rhythm” (1942), with Bing Crosby, Bob Hope and Betty Hutton. It entertained the draftees. In March 1943, Pvt. Ruch moved up the pay scale - $43.50 for the month. “Another guy was supposed to work the mess hall job, but he came in drunk from a three-day pass, so I got the job. I worked a dance and had to wear an allwhite uniform. “Our training continued. I went through an infiltration course. They needed to fire three machine guns over your head while crawling 75 yards on your

stomach.” The Thanksgiving meal included turkey, mashed potatoes, peas, corn, cranberry sauce, oranges, peaches, nuts, pumpkin pie, coffee, two bottles of interesting beer, one pack of cigarettes and the movie “Thousands Cheer” with Kathryn Grayson, Judy Garland, Gene Kelly - a musical comedy - and “Riding High,” a Dorothy Lamour and Dick Powell comedy. At a USO show, he saw the famous boxer Joe Louis, longtime heavyweight champion of the world. In two weeks, we’ll go coast to coast.

Community Chorus Rehearsals Resume

Submitted by ALICE YEAKEL Nazareth Area Community Chorus will resume rehearsals January 4 in Fellowship Hall of Nazareth Moravian Church. Entrance can be made from behind the church on Center Street. Please note rehearsal time has

January 8, 9, 15, 16; February 5, 6 2022

been changed to 7 p.m. The chorus director is Ellen Saylor and accompanist is Evelyn Michaels. The chorus looks forward to singing for Nazareth Day in July and is available to sing at retirement communities. Please contact Director Ellen Saylor at or Alice Yeakel at 610-759-2672.

Gracedale Receives Award for Good work On quality Measures

Submitted by BECKY BARTLETT Lamont McClure and the administrators at Gracedale Nursing Home announce that they have been recognized by AmeriHealth Caritas Pennsylvania Community Health Choices with an additional award of $94,388.49 for their good work on numerous quality measures. AmeriHealth recognizes Gracedale and other facilities which have continued to deliver high quality care during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. This one-time payment for SNF Quality Enhancement Programs Continued on page 5



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Continued from page 4

is passed on the facility’s performance on benchmarks related to: • Percentage of high-risk longstay residents with pressure ulcers • Percentage of long-stay residents assessed and appropriately given the pneumococcal vaccine • Percentage of long-stay residents assessed and appropriately given the seasonal influenza vaccine • Percentage of long-stay residents experiencing one or more falls with major injury • Percentage of short-stay residents who were re-hospitalized after a nursing home admission “I want to thank all of Gracedale’s employees for their hard work and dedication over these last two years,” says Lamont McClure. “The COVID-19 pandemic has been the challenge of our generation and I’m grateful to our staff for rising to the occasion and providing quality care to our residents.”

New recovery Center open In Bangor

Submitted by BECKY BARTLETT Lamont McClure and the Division of Drug & Alcohol are funding a new recovery center for Northampton County residents at the Kirkridge Retreat, 2495 Fox Gap Rd,, Bangor, PA 18013. The Synchronicity Recovery Foundation, Ltd. offers programming to connect people affected by substance use disorder to help them achieve long-term sobriety. Participants include those in recovery, friends, family and those with long-term recovery experience who want to enhance their overall health and wellness and help others on their journey. The program uses outdoor adventures, service projects, creative arts and varied recreational activities. For information, contact Executive Director Laura Waits at 215-892-3658 or

Memorial Library of Nazareth And Vicinity January Events

Submitted by JILL SILVIUS January is a busy, exciting month at the Memorial Library of Nazareth and Vicinity. • Have some fun at home by following along with Kevin and Kerby's exciting STEM activities on the library's Facebook and YouTube channels on January 7. • Join the Wednesday Night Book Club, currently meeting in the living room at the library.

This community group will discuss “The Only Woman in the Room” by Marie Benedict on Wednesday, January 12 at 6:30 p.m. • Adult learners: it’s not about your situation; it’s about your motivation. Join an informal group conversation with Brandon Kwiatek (Assistant Director, Admissions) to learn how Northampton Community College can help you reach your goals whether they are for career development or self-fulfillment. This event is on Thursday, January 13 at 6:30 p.m. • From Tuesday, January 18 through Monday, January 31, please bring your non-perishable food items to the library to donate to the Nazareth Area Food Bank. It is especially in need of canned stew or chili, canned peas and mixed vegetables, baked beans, stewed or diced tomatoes, peanut butter, jelly, boxed cereal, cans of soup, boxed rice, pasta and mac and cheese, and canned chicken, tuna and Spam. Please check expiration dates, and thank you in advance for your donations. • The adult craft club’s next event is Tuesday, January 18 at 6 p.m. Registration opens Monday, January 3. • Children are invited to join staff on Thursday, January 20 at 6:30 p.m. for a children's special story/craft time. Children’s regular weekly events are on Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. - Shake and Boogie at the MLNV; Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. - Storytime at the MLNV; Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. - Storytime at the old municipal building adjacent to the baseball fields on Hecktown Road; and Fridays at 10:30 a.m. - Shake and Boogie in the Bushkill Township Municipal Building on Bushkill Center Road. • AARP will be back for tax preparation assistance. Anyone wanting to schedule a Saturday tax prep assistance appointment must visit the designated table at the library on Saturday, January 29 between 9 a.m. and noon. At that time, AARP will schedule appointments for Saturdays from February 5 through April 9 (9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.). After appointments are filled, people will be directed to alternate sources of assistance. Please do not call the library to schedule. Also beginning around January 20, interested patrons can call 1-888-227-7669 or visit www. for more information. Tax preparation assistants will follow AARP's national guidelines regarding COVID regulations and masking. • Teens are invited to join the winter session of the Teen Advisory Board. Requirements to join: Entering 7th to 12th grade, having an MLNV library card, being willing to participate in TAB discussions and voice your opinions, and being willing to respect the opinions, tastes, privacy, and choices of others. • Stay tuned for details about the 2022 book picks for Brainy Bibliophiles and writing workshop opportunities.

• Curbside service is still available. On chilly days, feel free to set up curbside appointments via MyLibro and take advantage of this great service. • One-on-one tech help is available. Call the library at 610759-4932 or stop at the circulation desk to schedule. See you at the library.

Suburban Darts Week 15

This week in the Dart League ‘6’ was the number as Light of Christ ‘swept’ 1stplace Christ UCC by scores of 6-0, 6-3, & 6-0. Leading the way for Light of Christ was Dan Halteman 8 for 13, with Terry Knauss going 6 for 13, Buzz Heidecker 5 for 10, Andy Mickelson 4 for 13, & a 2 run HR from Chris Knauss. Ed Yost was 5 for 10 & Jason Matula 4 for 10 for Christ UCC. Ebenezer lost the ‘nightcap’ 6-0 to Emmanuel after taking the first 2 games 3-2

& 3-0. Top hitters for Ebenezer were Paul Yoder 4 for 13 & Dane Blevins 3 for 6 with HR’s from Tony Saldutti & Joey Blevins. Judy Hoffert was 4 for 9(hitting the cycle for the night), Jeremiah Amiani 4 for 12 & Chuck Achenzie also 4 for 12 for Emmanuel. In other action, we see Dryland ‘sandwiching’ 9-2 & 5-1 wins around a 4-3 loss to Farmersville. Hitters for Dryland included

Bath Drug wishes you aBath Healthy, Drug Happy wishes you New Year. a Healthy, Happy $2.95/30 Day RX and $7.95/90 Day RX Bath Drug is a participating pharmacy for Paid Prescriptions, Medco, Express Scripts, New Year. Aetna and Tri-Care, Silver Scripts, CVS/ Caremark, Magellan, Cigna, Envision, Symphonix, Medicare parts B & D. & Shingle Vaccine No insurance, No Problem. & Shingle Vaccine

Dec. 30, 2021-Jan. 5, 2022 5

Lou Dervarics 6 for 12, Bernie Yurko 5 for 13, Larry Golick 5 for 14 and Jim Goldman & Nate Phares each hitting a HR. For Farmersville, Kyle Campbell was 5 for 10, Ben Kerbaugh 4 for 13, Sue Grim 4 for 13(HR), & Nick George with a HR. The Continued on page 6

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6 Dec. 30, 2021-Jan. 5, 2022

Letter to The Editor

Several times each year I drive up to Bath to tend the graves of my parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles. I walk through the cemeteries and pay my respects to

all the townsfolk who passed that were part of my youth. I usually take a long stroll through the borough to reacquaint myself with my own days gone by- especially my old paper route. I repeated this ritual just before Christmas. Wunderler’s Market is one constant that seems not to have changed, except there are no longer any wooden soda crates on which to sit and drink a Coke.

I walk past the playground where we all would gather and play basketball every day no matter the weather. Now, nobody’s there. The former American Hotel has been a strip bar for a long time. Bill’s Barber Shop is now a photo studio advertising boudoir portraits in the window. The Bath Republican Club has a sign out front proudly pro-

May this new year fill your life with happiness and joy!

claiming Adult Toy Bingo. I can’t help but wonder what long-time Republican Mayor Archie Leigh would think. The house where kindly Mrs. Rabenold once lived now sports a large banner with a profanity about the president and his voters next to Lewis Harry’s old Esso station. Thomas Wolfe’s cliché is unfortunately true: You can’t go home again.

Bill Uhrich Reading, Pa.


Continued from page 5

match between St. Paul’s & Star of Bethlehem was postponed & will be made up at a later date.

Happy New Year from all your friends at…

Community Veterinary Practice

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Arthur R Hulshizer, MS, VMD • Kelli Carpenter, DVM • 2550 Community Drive, Bath Facebook! • 610-837-5888 • Mon 9–7 • Tues 9-3 • Wed 9-5 • Thurs 9-2 • Fri 9-5 • Sat 9-12 noon

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W L PCT. .595 .595 .524 .489

Christ UCC 25 17 St. Paul’s 25 17 Dryland 22 20 Ebenezer 22 23 Star of Bethlehem 20 22 Emmanuel 20 25 Light of Christ 20 25 Farmersville 17 22

.476 .444 .444 .436

Obituary Notice

To submit an obituary to The Home News, please email or call 610-923-0382 for more information.

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with prosperity, health and happiness! Like Us On

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Jan. 10

Congrats to last issue’s winner- Sharon Fournier

Dec. 30, 2021-Jan. 5, 2022 7

BATH AREA Scam calls Reported in Northampton County

Submitted by BECKY BARTLETT The Northampton County Sheriff’s Department has received reports about an individual contacting residents and claiming to be Lieutenant Rich Johnson. Said individual then states there is a warrant out for the resident’s arrest and that they need to pay via a bank check or a money order otherwise they will be immediately arrested. This is a scam intended to defraud our residents. The Sheriff’s Department does not call residents and solicit money in lieu of arrest. Please report any suspicious solicitations to the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s office at 800-441-2555 or email them at

became upset that $10 of gas did not turn off his “low fuel” light on the dashboard of his vehicle. Flagg reentered the store and asked for the rest of his gas. After learning that he received all of his gas, Flagg slapped the cashier in the face. Flagg then attempted to hang up the landline phone as the cashier dialed 911. Police obtained Flagg’s license plate and went to his residence. He was issued two citations, harassment and disorderly conduct. The cashier was not injured.

Township. She was found to be under the influence of alcohol and showed signs of impairment on field sobriety tests. She was placed under arrest for the suspicion of DUI and processed at the Bethlehem DUI center. Blood testing results indicated she had

a BAC of 0.23 percent. Charges to be filed with DJ Capobianco’s office.

Drug arrest On Wednesday, Oct. 27, CRPD conducted a traffic stop. Upon approach to the vehicle,

the driver, 28-year-old Mario Santana Rosa of Allentown, had shown signs of criminal activity. CRPD officers then requested permission to search the vehicle to which the driver granted permission. Colonial Regional Continued on page 8

DUI Airport Road On Dec. 11, CRPD were dispatched to the area of Airport Road north of Orchard Lane for a motor vehicle accident. The offending vehicle struck a utility pole, severing it in half and a nearby mailbox. The operator of the vehicle, 44-year-old Noel Rodriquez of Allentown, was seen leaving the scene of the accident on foot. Rodriquez was apprehended on Airport Road north of Orchard Lane. At the time of the accident, Rodriquez was operating the vehicle with a BAC of 0.188. DUI charges are pending.

Police Blotter DUI arrest Congratulations to

Colonial Regional Police stopped 32-year-old Lauren Pennucci of Pen Argyl for traveling east in the west bound lane of travel and running a stop sign on Jandy Blvd. in Lower Nazareth

the Borough of Bath Happy 275th Anniversary

Harassment and Disorderly conduct On Dec. 22 at Taylor Family Fuel on Schoenersville Road, Michael Flagg, 22 of Bethlehem,

Accepting New Customers

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8 Dec. 30, 2021-Jan. 5, 2022

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Police Blotter


Continued from page 7


Police officers found a pink container with marijuana residue, a pill bottle with marijuana residue and a white container that had two blue pills which were identified as Oxycodone. Charges were filed through Judge Zummas.

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neW year Filled WiTh Good healTh

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Wishing you and yours warmest reflections of the year gone by. May your best and brightest blessings be realized in 2022!

Kevin S. Reichel, Owner Jessica O’Neil – FD Carl F. Schumacher Jr. – FD • 610-261-0440

Theft from building A victim had approximately $380 worth of miscellaneous items stolen from an abandoned property on Seemsville Road at some point in time between July 1 and December 21 by an unknown individual(s). The following items were stolen: post hole digger attachment valued at $200, tire chains for a tractor, valued at $100, and a glider outdoor swing valued at $80. Criminal mischief Allen Twp. On Dec. 27 at 1:05 a.m., PSP-Bethlehem responded to 3530 Howertown Road for a call regarding a thrown item at a motor vehicle. An unknown individual(s) operating an unknown vehicle threw eggs at the victim’s vehicle while the victim was driving south on Howertown Road. The victim’s driver headlight was damaged as a result of this incident. Theft On Dec. 13 at 1:59 p.m., members of PSP were dispatched to BJ’s Club located on Airport Road. Upon arrival, PSP made contact with the complainants. They related that an employee by the name of John Rodriguez Rivera, 18 of Allentown, had stolen $1,790 from Dec. 7 to Dec. 12. A total of $2,390 was stolen from cash registers. Criminal mischief An unknown actor(s) threw eggs at the victim’s vehicle and unplugged her inflatable snowman sometime between 4 and 7 a.m. on Dec. 25 in the area of Murray Street in North Whitehall Township. No damage was caused. The victim said she did not hear or see anything suspicious and said her security cameras are not working. A neighborhood canvas was conducted with negative results. Theft Allen Twp. On Nov. 13 at 11:56 a.m., members of PSP were dispatched to the Bethlehem State Police lobby. A woman said that her bank contacted her due to an account being opened under her name. She related the account was closed and no money was lost.

Connect to The Home News

Dec. 30, 2021-Jan. 5, 2022 9


Natural perspectives For the health-minded individual

Pay Attention to Your Life

ingful in life. Interesting take on things. You get one chance this go round. Let’s show up. Let’s wake up. Being mindful of such matters does not necessarily mean hiring a guru to take you through guided meditation… it takes intention. Just this morning as I was heading to my vehicle, I was

increasingly barren trees. Such beauty. Why I was brought to a halt this morning out of all the beautiful mornings I cannot tell you why, yet I was struck with the notion I have missed many of these lately. Walking out a life well lived does not appear to be filled with champagne and caviar experiences. The best life has to offer can, of course, be amazing vacations, moments, and events, yet being an active participant in my own ordinary, wonderful life is what fills me with joy instead.

If this discussion strikes your heart, I want to encourage you to once again pay attention to your life-do not simply drift. Take stock of who you are, be mindful of the moments that make up days, be intentional once again and you will be surprised at the momentum you regain. My best to you. "Natural Perspectives" is a health commentary only and does not claim to diagnose and/ or make treatment recommendations. Always seek the advice of your health care professional.

Have you ever gotten into your vehicle and next thing you know struck and stood in awe of the you are at the destination, yet sunlight breaking through the have no real recollection of how you got there? I mean you didn’t lose consciousness, per se, yet perhaps in a way you did. The mental “autopilot” of a common task performed thousands of times Northampton School District NorthamptonArea Area School District takes over. The active part of your Kindergarten and and First Grade* brain seemingly performs other Kindergarten First Grade* Online RegistrationBegins Begins January 18, 2021 thoughts and duties all while hanOnline Registration January 12, 2022 dling the drive in the background.To Register Your Child Online: To Register Your Child Online: It isn’t only during our com- 1. Please Visit Our Website: 1. Please Visit Our Website: Registration” Link on the Left Side and Follow Directions Click on the “Enroll Now” button to the right mon drives that the brain kind 2. Click the “2021 - 20222.Kindergarten 3. Click the “2022 - 2023 Kindergarten Registration” of turns to a “screen saver” mode. AGE REQUIREMENTS Link and Follow the Directions No, many aspects and moments Admission to Kindergarten: Child must be fiveAGE years REQUIREMENTS old on or before September 1, 2021. Admission to First Grade:toChild must be sixChild years old onbe or five before September 1, before 2021. September 1, 2022. of our lives can get thrown to the Admission Kindergarten: must years old on or *Children currently enrolled in Kindergarten in our school district need not register for first grade. Admission to First Grade: Child must be six years old on or before September 1, 2022. background as well. If we are not *Children currently enrolled in Kindergarten in our school district need not register for first grade. HEALTH REQUIREMENTS careful, better said, acutely aware, HEALTH REQUIREMENTS Record Must Show the Following: Immunization Record Must Show theImmunization Following: we can cross over into mental au• 4Tetanus doses of tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis (1 dosebeonadministered or after theon 4th ➢ Diphtheria, and Pertussis - at least 4and doses; the fourth dose should or birthday) after the 4th birthday. topilot of our seemingly routine doses of onbe oradministered after the 4thonbirthday at least 6 months after previous dose ➢ Polio -•4 4 doses; thepolio fourth(4th dosedose should or after and the 4th birthday given) ➢ Measles - 2 doses activities of daily life that perhaps • 2 doses of measles, mumps, rubella - usually given as MMR ➢ Mumps - 2 doses should be paid better attention to. • 3 doses of hepatitis B ➢ Rubella (German Measles) - 1 dose • 2 doses of above varicella (chickenpox) orand evidence I clearly understand that the ➢ 2- MMR's doses are acceptable for the - Measles, Mumps, Rubellaof immunity Physical dental examinations ➢ Hepatitis B – 3and properly-spaced doses are required for entrance into Kindergarten and may be completed brain cannot maintain extreme up to yearofprior to entrance into kindergarten. ➢ Varicella – 2one doses the vaccine or evidence of immunity The Dental Form and Physical Form for these areforavailable District website above.up to one year prior to entrance into focus and high performance every Physical and dental examinations areexams required entrance on intoour Kindergarten and may listed be completed kindergarten. The Dental Form and Physical ENROLLMENT Form for these exams REQUIREMENTS are available on our District website listed above. minute of our lives. Nor should Upload to Your Child’s Online Application: • Two proofs of current residency it, as I am not sure our minds • Copy of mortgage, lease, or rental agreement ENROLLMENT REQUIREMENTS could handle such intensity for • Utility bill Upload to Your Child’s Online Application: too long. It would be overwhelm• Pennsylvania Department of Transportation identification or driver’s license ➢ Two proofs of current residency • Pennsylvania Department of Transportation vehicle registration ing and exhausting. That’s why ● Utility bill • Copy of state/federal program enrollment of Transportation or driver’s license and employer the common occurrences of life, ● Pennsylvania •Department Copy of paycheck stub withidentification name & address of employee Department of Transportation vehicle registration • Residency affidavit When the weather outside is frightfulby and large, require very little ●● Pennsylvania Copy of state/federal program enrollment • Original birth certificate for child From snow throwers to ice melters, we’ve got you active mental thought and fore- ● Copy of paycheck stub with name &•address Custody (if applicable) of papers employee and employer covered when it snows! front cognitive thinking. Imagine ● Residency affidavit When the weather outside is frightfulIf you areagreement unable to register online at home, ● Copy of mortgage, lease, or rental Have a a SAFE, HEALTHY, Happy 2022! having to rethink how to turn the ➢ Original birth certificate forplease child call your child’s school for assistance: From snow throwers to ice melters, we’ve got you covered when it snows! Have a a SAFE, HEALTHY, Happy 2021 ! ➢ Custody papers (if applicable) cold water on to fill a cup or fold Northampton Borough Elementary: 610-262-6430 Route 329 & Savage Rd., Northampton • Tel. #: 610-262-4566 If you are unable to register online at home, please call your child’s school for assistance: shirts properly. How about the Lehigh Elementary: 610-767-1191 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7-7,Sat. 7-4, Closed Sundays and all Major Holidays Northampton Borough Elementary: 610-262-6430 Lehigh Elementary: 610-767-1191 George Wolf Elementary: 610-837-1833 • Moore Elementary: 610-837-1859 New Year’s Eve 7-2 • Closed New Year’s Day task of shaving, having to be foGeorge Wolf Elementary: 610-837-1833 Moore Elementary: 610-837-1859 Miller Supply Ace Hardware cused intently every single time? Rte 329 & Savage Rd Again, without some aspects to Northampton, PA 18067 (610) 262-4566 everyday life being able to be handled without much mental input is necessary. That said, I have a deep desire for myself to pay attention to my life. I do not want to sleepwalk through the God given days I have on this side of heaven. I personally do not want to come Gift Certificates to the end of my life and feel as Available Holiday Parties • Holiday Light Tours though I missed out on it by beCorporate Events • Holiday Travel ing preoccupied, distant, or taken Holiday Shopping • Wine Tours for granted in any aspect of being human. Have you ever seen the movie $ ANY SERVICE PACKAGE “Click?” The general theme is the 3 HOURS OR MORE main character comes across some A-0111863 A&A Limousine- 610-261-3838 sort of divine remote control and With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior packages. he ultimately uses it to fast forward through what he considers R/T AIRPORT OR $ “Driven To Please” 24/7 the mundane parts of life. He fast CRUISE PIER SERVICE forwards through the recitals, the 610-261-3838 A&A Limousine- 610-261-3838 kids’ sports events, disagreements With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior packages. with his wife, and so much more. In the end he realizes that he We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week • missed out on everything mean-


20 off

Dec. 30, 2021-Jan. 5, 2022 10


Nazareth Area High School Honor Roll Quarter 1, 2021-2022 submitted by GAYLE TRENBERTH Grade 12 High Honor Roll Yousof Abdelaal, Madeline Ahearn, Tyler Aide, Violet Alao, Anthony Albanese, Stefano Al-

barracin, Collin Albert, Liam Allen, Ebenezer Anane, Natasia Andriolo, William Angelozzi, Christopher Apruzzi, David Araujo, Kayla Bacak, Gregory Bagshaw, David Baldanza, Stephen Banas, Carter Bandics, Brady Bast, Morgan Bayda, Ra-

Wishing you a beautiful holiday season from our family to yours!

176 Nazareth Pk, Bethlehem 610.759.9311 | PA# 27720

chel Billet, Hunter Bittenbender, Emma Blackham, Kayleigh Bobeck, Logan Bonser, Nolan Booth, Mattey Boyer, Michael Brougham, Emma Browning, Gabriella Buezo, Ryan Burke, Christian Calderon Pinon, Ashleigh Cappetta, Jacob Carl, Zeynep Celik, Riley Chiles, Cassandra Coco, Aaliyah Cohen, Isabelle Cole, Jacob Cole, Connor Cook, Grace Cuevas, Thomas Daggett, Shambhavi Dave, Grace Dawe, Nicholas Dawe, Elizabeth Deaner, Lucas Derr, Robert Dewey, Sophia Doran, Marisa Eager, Claire Eberly, Jana Elarousy, Jessica Elliott, Kaelan Ellis, Meagan Emory, Abigail Entwistle, Alyssa Ernst, Morgan Esterly, Anna Estrada, Eliza Evelhoch, Ryan Fairchild, Hailey Falzone, Marina Falzone, Luca Famularo, Gabrielle Febbo, Hailey Federico, Kole Federico, Alyssa Felix, Emily Firman, Lucas Forrest, Nicholas Foster, Jason Fuquay, Alexa Gabrie, Isabela Gangotena, Gavin Gaul, Abigail Gensits, Kaelyn Gerencher, Melissa Giberson, Norah Girton, Alexandra Goodricke, Torin Grealish, Henry Grimm, Connor Grohotolski, Alexander Gundry, Gabrielle Gundry, Abigail Gunn, Abigail Haffner, Emily Harclerode, McKenzie Harris, Colin Henchy, Christopher Herb, Jake Hilarczyk, Megan Holland, Tyler Horn, Ethan J Horvath, Paige Horvath, Vjay Hou, Seth Hubler, Caroline Hunter, Kayley Hynes, Christopher Jennings, Brooke Johnson, Ryleigh Jones, Sierra Jordan, Skyler Jordan, Victoria Jordan, Maria Kaminska, Emma Kane, Hannah Karc, Kiera Karve, Kevin Kelly, Cameron Koch, Mason Koch, Anupriya Kooma, Ryan Kresge, Sarah Kryemadhi, Zoe Kwatkoski, Ariana Kwiatek, Alexander

LaBar, Kiera Laslo, Brynlee LaStella, Brian Laurito, Zackary Lawson, Abigail Leach, Aaron Leopold, Kelly Leszcynski, Eva Level, Robert Long, Matthew Lucas, Logan Lusareta, Jayden Lyon, Noah Lyon, Carleigh Macy, Julia Major, Joseph Manento, Aiden Mannix, Gianna Marchese, Aidan McBride, Claire McIvor, Zachary McKinney, Amy Meriwether, Philip Mohrman, Alfredo Montesinos, Ainsley Moore, Veronica Morris, Jayden Mullin, Samuel Netzley, Jason Nguyen, Brady Norton, Ashley Oakley, Robert Olson, Sarah Osmun, Eesha Patel, Nish Patel, Dylan Paulus, Robert Pitsko, Nathan Pynchon, Grace Rasmussen, McKenna Reavis, Liam Redman, Kelly Regan, Emma Ricci, Julianna Rice, Tanner Riehl, Eleah Rinker, Mason Rinker, John Rodriguez, Tyler Rohn, Alayna Rosynek, William Rowley, Logan Sanders, Kaylee Schaberg, Rachael Schaffer, Kaylee Schiavone, Eshal Sheikh, Neethi Sheka, Mackenzie Shoup, Blake Shuler, Colleen Shuler, Chase Skrapits, Daniel Smith, Jordan Soffera, Ohm Sohagia, Nathan Soldano, Bryahna Stanat, Gehrig Stellato, Norah Stivala, Oliver Stride, Kiana Stump, Shifra Suthakar, Brandon Swanson, Christopher Swanson, Aneesh Tayi, Matthew Thierer, Caleb Thurnau, Sarah Topping, Ruthanne Troutman, Masum Turk, Scott Vakiener, Eric Van Horn, Megan VanRensburg, Timothy Vaughn, Dylan Vo, Caitlin Voloshen, Benjamin Walters, Kaylee Weiss, Shelby Werkheiser, Owen Wescott, Hope White, Ian White, Kara Wilson, Kiley Yotter, Kaila Zborezny, Kamron Zemencsik, Morgan Zhang.

Grade 12 Honor Roll Madelin Aguilar Cano, Jayden Alexander, Jonathan Alexander, Alexis Altemose, Ethan Amy, Nathan Aravich, Donato Atkinson, Briar Bandics, Emma Barr, Jared Baskar, Broc Bender, Andrew Bohl, Cailyn Brown, Matthew Capobianco, Chase Clifford, Ava Colagiovanni, Ryan Conte, Nathan Cook, Morgan Czaikowski, Olivia Dailey, Frank DeFrancesco, Nathan Elvin, Sophie Emeigh, Owen Fahs, Jonathan Frame, Braxton Fries, Benjamin Garland, Gianna Giacobbe, Kevin Givone, Elizabeth Gold, Jonathan Gold, Kaiden Greydanus, Luke Gromlowicz, Nathan Guzman, Connor Hageman, Margaret Hartlaub, Robert Jenkin, Aiden Kane, Joshua Karyea, Julie Kisselbach, Rose Lasso, Peyton Laurin, Chase Levey, Caleb Long, Austin Lucas, Lauren Luterzo, Dante Manos, Giuseppe Marando, Aiden Martin, Taizere Mason-Starling, Brandon Mayen-Pelaez, Gavin Mills, Angela Moncavage, Shubh Mukerjee, Gabriel Nale, Kaden Nemeth, Zoe Nichols, Ayden Rader, Katelyn Raymond, Molly Rea, Hannah Reider, Juliana Ricigliano, Ryan Rissmiller, Jaden Rivera, Nicholas Saeger, Evan Sanchez, Justin Schreck, Devin Schweitzer, Jake Sergeant, Brian Six, Madison Smith, Lucas Snyder, Lily Stachelczyk, Elle Stocker, Sierra Swanson, Xavier Taylor, Joseph Tazzetto, Nicolette Teles, Joshua Teplica, Travis Thibodeaux, Gianna Todaro, Zoe Turner, Paige Uelses, Avery Unangst, Jacob Vosseller, Peyton Wapelhorst, Sarah Werkheiser, Koye Whitman, Michael Zemba, Zachary Zym. Grade 11 High Honor Roll Akash Adavan, Fatima Adnane, Antonio Alessi, Olivia Alessi, Tyler Andree, Gabriel Andrews, Katie Appleman, Lyla Arfanella, Dylan Ashley, Juliana Attanasio, Summer Baker, Adrien Barnes, Shaniya Barrek, Logan Bauman, Abygayle Beers, Brianne Bernstein, Joshua Berstler, Natalie Betz, Madison Black, Gabriel Bolek, Catherine Bostian, Natalie Brandes, Jacob Bruce, Thomas Brueningsen, Christopher Bugbee, Lauren Burnley, Tanner Caka, Benicio Calantoni, Jack Caprez, Gabriel Carey, Savanna Carey, Katherin Castillo-Reyes, Michalynn Castone, Braedyn Chobin, Julia Chormanski, Evelyn Christensen, Michael Clarelli, Kelsey Condon, Kelly Creighton, Ashley Cressman, Ian Crook, Alexa Curry, Jake Dally, Sydney Daly, Anthony Danyi, Victoria de Bruyn, Ryan DeMarco, Jared Dewey, Cole Dibilio, Trevor Digby, Abigail Dillman, Alexander DiMartino, Jake Doone, Emma Dorko, Joshua Doule',

Continued on page 11

Honor Roll

Continued from page 10

Jack Dugdale, Harrison Durner, Hanna Dutzer, Ross Ellis, Zoey Emrick, Brook Engler, Nicholas Epser, Sarah Fabian, Nina Facciponti, Amelia Fehr, Jack Flicker, Sofia Forgione, Gracy Franco Prasanna, Natalie Frisch, Jordan Gagner, Kevin Gagner, Samantha Garvey, Caitlin Genzale, Emily Gossner, Collin Grohotolski, Adriana Gruber, Kaylyn Guerrieri, Alexandra Gulea, Neda Gulen, Sena Gulen, Travis Hahn, Sydney Harper, James Harrison, Jack Hasker, Mia Herman, Emma Higton, Taylor Hildebrant, Harrison Hoch, Gabrielle Horn, Isabella Hunsberger, Reem Husein, Jenabelle Inigo, Kylee James, Danielle Jordan, Salem Joseph, Sharon Kahlon, Preston Kalinoski, Alexander Karam, Addison Kea, Brandon Keck, Ashley Kelly, Gabrielle Keys, Jillian Kingsley, Kaylie Kirkham, Keira Kline, Kole Koch, Maxwell Kochenash, Adam Kollgaard, Ganuradha Kooma, Jacob Kremer, Isaac Kutzura, Evan Le, Austin Lin, Jay Lirag, Maya Luancing, Daniel Lufburrow, Cole Lutz, Luke Madson, Sarah Markulics, Jacob Marth, McKenna Mason, John Mihalios, Xandra Mika, Anna Mikulski, Daniel Miller, Elyn Millheim, Samreen-Joy Minhas, Lena Morefield, Maya Morefield, Zayd Mukaddam, Jackson Mullen, Nicholas Nocerino, Anthony Novak, Isabella Novak, Noah Okamoto, Gabriela Oliveira, Grace Olson, Alay Patel, Om Patel, Derek Perkins, Emma Pessiki, Julia Peterson, Ilias Phanzu, Griffen Radosavich, Joseph Ragazzo, Sameer Rahman, Nicolas Recchia, Sofia Resende, Noah Ressler, Chase Rinehimer, Emily Rivera, Samuel Roberts, Alexander Rodriguez, Tabatha Roma, Chase Romansky, Alexis Roof, Peter Rouhana, Lindsey Rupp, Christopher Saqqal, Kaitlyn Sarnoff, Jacoby Sauer, Adam Sbardelli, Selah Scarborough, Madelyn Schaller, Agia Schell, Kylie Schmidt, Christine Schott, Maci Seifert, Paige Selby, Johan Shiju, Weston Simak, Harjashanpreet Singh, Evan Sirmarco, Zachary Smethers, Hayla Snyder, Rynei Sofeso, Lauren Soto, Jonathan Staniec, Julia Steinmetz, Sean Strauss, Logan Strucke, Andrew Suwalski, Edison Tang, Lauren Tauber, Devin Tavares, Dominic Tavares, Matthew Tims, Tyler Tinsley, Giuseppe Torrisi, Grace Trach, Robert Trifiletti, Adam Trimmer, Gianna Tripodi, Pearson Uelses, Alexander Vergine, Samuel Vituszynski, Joslyn Wack, Adrianna Wagner, Jordan Wagner, Kaitlyn Wagner, Kelly Ward, Alexander Weeast, Darian Weeast, Collin Wells, Jacob Werkheiser, Abigail Werley, Dominic Wheatley, Kylie Whyte, Justin Will, Autumn Willard, Mallory Woodland, Olivia Yany, Cassandra Zellner.

Grade 11 Honor Roll Rylee Abt, Imanee Adisa, Hunter Angeline, Bryce Arndt, John Bacolo, Amal Bajwa, Zoha Bajwa, Avery Bartha, Michael Bonsignore, Casey Brown, Charles

Bunting, Lucas Bunting, Hailey Buskirk, Alessandra Carbone, Ethan Coffman, Maximus Davison, Aidan Dudinyak, Mikaylah Dyer, Abby Englert, Joshua Estrada, Ryan Fagerstrom, Brynn Ferry, Ayvah Fry, Daniel Fuentes, Julia Gaumer, Jackson Gentry, Anthony George, Hudson Gibson, Connor Gleason, Jailen Goodine, Aiden Greenberg, Harleen Grewal, Tess Gunning, Brielle Hawk, Cole Hilarczyk, Emily Hoagland, Parker Hoff, Ryan Holland, Brandon Homoki, Luke Houchin, Abigail Hrichak, Kaleigh Hyman, Landon Johnson, Antonio Jones, Luke Julian, Sieara Kuriakose, Carter Lansek, Vincent Lavoie, Austin Lenning, Luke Lewis, Winson Lin, Nolan Lobb, Briseis Martinez, Charlotte McElroy, Ryan McNally, Alana Mercado, Alexander Miller, Jaidon Morgan, Adelle Mupambirei, Connor Murphy, Onyekachi Nnubia, Diana Ovchinnikova, Gavin Panovec, Daniel Paulus, Dean Pittenger, Lucas Pittenger, Navia Pizarro, Sebastian Puente Pena, Sai Pulavarthy, Nadia Quach, Mursal Ramin, Tristan Reiser, Avery Requena, Skye Rodriguez, Kristopher Ruth, Troy Sabol, Jaclyn Samsel, Asher Sandt, Sonny Sasso, Gavin Schlegel, Wyatt Selzer, Cecilia Shafnisky, Kayla Singley, Aurieauna Smith, Keira Smith, Bridgit Snell, Nicole Swanson, McKayla Timbrook, Katelyn Turner, Isabella Valentin-Montero, Avonlea Vicente, Anthony Villarreal, Ryan Wallbillich, Kimora Yau, Andrew Young, Brehan Zegeye.

Grade 10 High Honor Roll Kathleen Adams, Naomee Adisa, Cameron Alvino, Luke Ament, Cole Angeline, Pascaline Arthur, William Attieh, Taidhg Baillie, Nathan Baker, Samantha Baker, Logan Baltz, Braden Bauder, Griffin Bayda, Breelyn Bender, Violet Bernard, David Bertz, Ava Bonaparte, Robert Bonventre, Julia Borawski, Ava Bronson, Madelyn Brown, Ethan Browning, Genevieve Burke, Magdalene Burnham, Aidan Butz, Ryan Carlson, Inaaya Chaudhry, Brooke Clark, Sophia Cole, Parkin Corley, Jason Cozza, Jacob Davidson, Evan Davis, Tanishka Dhingra, Winnie Dong, Andrew Dormarunno, Adrienne Dressler, Julia Dubicki, Elizabeth Ecker, Ahlya Elmanzalawy, Elenie Encarnacion, Jack Englehart, James Entwistle, Shane Faucett, Madelyn Fehr, Corbin Foraker, Kailey Force, Brianna Fuller, Kevin Gallagher, Ashlee Gensits, Lilyan Godiska, Sadie Godiska, Sahasra Goli, Jacob Golinsky, Sean Gorman, Jackson Graupman, Cole Griffin, Owen Grimaldi, Melanie Grossbauer, Samantha Grover, Joseph Guiliano, Brielyn Hallam, Katelynn Hammel, Natalie Harrison, Owen Hasker, Lincoln Heimbach, Helynn Heisler, Kaitlyn Henchy, Morgan Herceg, Logan Hilarczyk, Jessica Holland, Jackson Hubert, Elise Huggler, Matthew Jakubowski, Disha Johal, Colin Kaniper, Mena Kazista, Zachary Kerfoot, Ella Kober, Madalyn Kocsis, Morgan Kranyecz, Mason Kuehner, Lauren Kunkle,

Adam Kutzura, Joseph Laguna, Kolby Landes, Brooklyn LaStella, Jacklynn Lee, Austin Lessard, Christian Lohenitz, Andrew Long, Madison Losey, Aaron Louw, Iszabella Lowden, Brian Luc, Dawson Lueders, Matthew Lufburrow, Alayna Lund, Katherine Mahorsky, Mackenzie Mann, Jenna Martucci, Ian Masel, Benjamin Mathias, Gunner Meixsell, Caroline Meneely, Jillian Mihalik, Jade Mills, Matthew Miranda, Sudenaz Mohac, Mikela Mooney, Chloe Moore, Tyler Moore, Jaivon Morgan, Leah Morris, Aun Mukaddam, Ryan Murphy, Hassaan Naveed, Isabella Novak, Ryan Ortutay, Ava Palochik, Ishaan Patel, Jason Perillo, Brady Pidgeon, Mackenzie Pitsko, Nistha Prajapati, Arye Pulli, Patrik Puskas, Leonardo Quaranta, Sina Ramin, Emily Raymond, Kacey Reavis, Lauren Ressler, Madelyn Ricker, Jessica Rodriguez, Lewis Ronca, Madison Rosa, Maia Rosenthal, Emma Shafnisky, Kaitlyn Shak, Lily Shi, Kush Siddhapara, Abbey Simons, Mikayla Singer, Aashi Sohagia, Reed Solderitch, Antonio Soto, Michelle Stevenson, Kierstyn Suhr, John Szaro, Julianne Talijan, Dean Tarriff, Amaya Taylor, Refia Temizkan, Andrew Tims, Elizabeth Topping, Talon Troxel, William Tugend, Bethany Vanover, Vincenzo Varriale, Mila Wasilewski, Ryan Williams, Ellyn Wong, Morgan Yeakel, Madelyn Zettlemoyer.

Grade 10 Honor Roll Justin Adams, Cano Aguilar, Aaron Aide, Raquel Altieri, Paige Apruzzi, Jack Banghart, Owen Banghart, Ian Barros, Thomas Bartko, Jed Bendekovits, Reagan Beruta, John Biechy, Lauren Billet, Colten Bishop, Madison Brodt, Cameron Brown, Wayne Brown, Jack Bruneo, Lois Burgey, Mia Buss, Gavin Caracappa, Allison Castillo, Christian ChooYick, Evan Chrin, Kayla Ciaccia, Xavier Clark, Cole Coffman,

Deryk Conte, Maren Coyle, Landon Crivellaro, Jayden Davila, Paula De, Ashley Diaz, Kayla Ebersole, Dominic Ehrhardt, Ali Elarousy, Jerrah Eldridge, Gabriel Elmanzalawy, Ashley Elvin, Alexandra Epishin, Emma Fazekas, Sofia Fennell, Jonathon Flyte, Evan Frack, Emma Fritz, Isabella Garcia, Dylan Garrison, Brennah Gentry, Luke Gillow, Maci Good, Shane Greco, Logan Hageman, Ashley Hahn, Sheridan Halasnik, Emilia Hanzl, Joshua Harclerode, Thomas Harrier, Makenzee Harris, Brett Hartranft, Aidan Herald, Lexey Hernandez, Luke Hess, Aaron Hinkel, Harmony Hoff, Sarah Holland, Abigail Horvath, Madysen Hughes, Blaise Hunt, Nicholas Ide, Paul Janis, Paige Jenkin, Lucas Karc, Riley Kennett, Sean Kinney, Ryleigh Kissel, Elizabeth Knecht, Emily Koch, Bryonna Konrath, Alec Ksiezopolski, Owen Langer, John Limpert, Sara Lindfeldt, Aiden Lipsky, Brianna Litsinger, Carter Loebsack, Madeline Luancing, Mackenzie Mallon, Tyler Marquardt, Tyler Marsteller, Emma Marth, Mickaylee Mika,

Dec. 30, 2021-Jan. 5, 2022 11

Sunveer-Paul Minhas, Henry Minnich, Frank Mroz, Phillip Nguyen, Ryan Norris, Lara Osorio, Vincent Paar, Dustyn Panosetti, Alexander Perez, Ava Petruska, Antonio Pilla, Dominic Pilla, Kirsten Polgar, Michael Polston, Chase Price, Madelyn Rader, Gavin Ransom, Preston Riha, Llul Rivera, Kilian Robinson, Luke Ronca, Tanner Rowley, Joseph Russo, Mansher Sandhu, Trey Schlamp, Mason Scobo, James Seargent, Kiara Serhus, Paul Serra, Emidio Sibilia, Jack Signarovitz, Natalie Six, Gabriel Skirtich, Gavin Smart, Brennan Sparrold, Devon Stauffer, Stanley Suthakar, Eliana Szulborski, Jessica Titus, Nathan Tomaino, James Tomoney, Jack Totani, Garrett Transue, Trianna Truesdell, Gabriella Uzunova, Roberto Varela, Steven Vian, NyAsia WalkerMorgan, Christopher Walters, Collin Whalen, Daniela Williams, Olivia Williams, Mason Wilson, Cody Witmer, Hunter Zellers, Kadence Zemencsik, Alexander Zornek. Continued on page 14

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12 Dec. 30, 2021-Jan. 5, 2022

Church Directory ** REMINDER ** If your FALL/ WINTER SCHEDULE has changed, please contact our office at 610-923-0382 to update the Directory listing at no charge. The Home News Church Directory is an alphabetical listing of community churches and synagogues. If you would like to make a change to your listing below, please email it to: or call 610-923-0382. The Church Directory is always available on our website at www.

ASSUMPTION BVM PARISH, Northampton. 610-262-2559 Sun. – Mass 8/10:30 a.m., Mon. – Mass 8 a.m., Tues. – Mass 8 a.m., Wed. – Mass 8 a.m., Thurs. – Mass 8 a.m., Fri. – Mass 8 a.m., Sat. – Mass 4 p.m. ASSUMPTION OF THE VIRGIN MARY UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH, Northampton 610-262-2882 Sat. – Vesper services 5 p.m. Sun. – Divine Liturgy 9 a.m. BETHANY WESLEYAN, Cherryville. 610-767-1239 Sun. – Worship 9/10:45 a.m., Sat. – Worship 5 p.m. BUSHKILL UNITED METHODIST, Bushkill Twp. 610-759-7132 Sun. Worship 9:15 a.m., SS 10:30 a.m. CHAPMAN QUARRIES UNITED METHODIST, Bath. 610-837-0935 Sun. – Worship 9:30 a.m. CHRIST CHURCH OF BATH, U.C.C., S. Chestnut St. Bath. 610-837-0345 Sun. – Worship 10:15 a.m., SS 10 a.m. CHRIST U.C.C., Schoenersville. 610-264-9325 Sun. – Worship 10:15 a.m. SS 9 a.m. CHRIST U.C.C. LITTLE MOORE, Danielsville. 610-837-6051 Sun. – Worship 9 a.m. Sunday School 9:15 a.m.

CONCORDIA LUTHERAN CHURCH Northampton. 610-262-8500 Sun. – Worship 9:30 a.m. with HC, SS 9:40 a.m. COVENANT UNITED METHODIST, Bath. 610-837-7517 Sun. – Worship 9 a.m. HA, SS 10:30 a.m. for adults and children. DRYLAND U.C.C., Nazareth. 610-759-4444 Sun. – Worship 9:30 a.m. EGYPT COMMUNITY CHURCH, Whitehall (Egypt). 610-262-4961 Sun. – Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 9 a.m. EL SHADDAI ASSEMBLY OF GOD, Nazareth. 610-759-6557 Sunday School – 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship – 10:45 a.m. Youth Ministry – Sunday – 6:30 p.m. Kids Ministries – Wednesday – 7 p.m. EMMANUEL’S LUTHERAN CHURCH, Bath. 610-837-1741 Sun –Traditional 8/10:45 a.m. and Contemporary 9:30 a.m. SS 9:30 a.m. FAITH FAMILY FELLOWSHIP, Bushkill Twp. 484-408-9624 Sun.- Contemporary Worship 10 a.m. FAITH REFORMED, Walnutport, 610-767-3505 Sun. – Worship 10 a.m. GOOD SHEPHERD LUTHERAN, Northampton, 610-262-9517 Sun – Worship 9 a.m., Sunday School 10:15-11:15 a.m. GOSPEL CHAPEL WESLEYAN CHURCH, Northampton, 610-262-8101 (N) Sun. – Worship 8/11 a.m. SS 9:30 a.m. GRACE BIBLE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH, Nazareth 610-759-7036 Sun. – Worship 11 a.m., SS 9:30 a.m.

GRACE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, Nazareth 610-759-9080 Sun.- Worship 9 a.m. GRACE UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST, Northampton 610-262-7186 (HA) Sun. – Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:15 a.m. GRACE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, Pen Argyl. 610-863-4811 Sun. – Worship 8:30/10 a.m.

and 6:30 p.m. ( QUEENSHIP OF MARY CHURCH, Northampton 610-262-2227 Sun. – Mass 8:30/10:30 a.m., Mon. – Fri. – Mass 8 a.m. Sat. – Mass 4 p.m. RADIANT CHURCH, Easton/Nazareth. 484-597-1440 Sun. – Worship/meeting 10 a.m.

SACRED HEART CATHOLIC, Bath. 610-837-7874 HOLY CROSS Sun. – Mass 7/9/11 a.m., EVANGELICAL Mon.-Thurs. – Mass 8 a.m., LUTHERAN, Nazareth. Fri – Mass 8:30 a.m., Sat. 610-759-7363 Sun. – Worship 8/9:30 a.m., – Mass 5 p.m., Holy Days – Mass 8:30 a.m. & 4:30 p.m. SS 9:30 a.m. HOLY FAMILY ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, Nazareth. 610-759-0870 Sun. – Mass 7/9/11 a.m., M-F – Mass 8:30 a.m., Sat. – Mass 5 p.m. HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH, Northampton 610-262-2668 Sun. – Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 9 a.m.

SALEM U.C.C. Moorestown 610-759-1652 Sun. – 10:15 a.m., SS 9 a.m. SALEM UNITED METHODIST, Danielsville. 610-767-8003 Sun. – Worship 9:30 a.m., SS 11 a.m.

SCHOENECK MORAVIAN CHURCH, Nazareth. 610-759-0376 Sun.- Worship 8/10:30 a.m., HOLY TRINITY SLOVAK SS 9:15 a.m., 10:30 a.m. LUTHERAN, Northampton livestream via Facebook. 610-262-3365 ST. BRIGID’S Sun. – Worship 10 a.m. EPISCOPAL Nazareth 610-746-3910 HOPE LUTHERAN Sun. – SS/Holy Eucharist CHURCH, Cherryville 10 a.m. 610 767-7203 Sun. – Worship 8/10:30 ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN a.m., SS 9:15 a.m. CHURCH, Bath. 610-837-1061 MOUNTAIN VIEW Sun. – Worship 8/10:15 WESLEYAN CHURCH a.m., SS 9 a.m. Bath 610-759-7553 Sun. – Worship 10:30 a.m. ST. JOHN’S EV. NAZARETH MORAVIAN LUTHERAN CHURCH, Nazareth 610-759-3090. CHURCH, Nazareth Sun. – Worship 8/10:45 610-759-3163 Sun. – Worship 8:15/10:45 a.m., Sat. – Worship with HC 5:30 p.m. a.m., SS 9:30 a.m. NORTHAMPTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD, Northampton 610-262-5645 Sun – Worship 11 a.m./6 p.m., SS 10 a.m., Wed. – Worship 7 p.m.

ST. JOHN’S U.C.C., Howertown. 610-262-8666 Sun. – Worship 9 a.m.

ST. JOHN’S U.C.C. Nazareth. 610-759-0893 Sun. – 9 a.m.Contemporary Worship, 10 NORTHAMPTON GOD’S a.m.- Christian Formation, MISSIONARY CHURCH, 11 a.m.- Classic Worship Northampton ST. NICHOLAS R.C. . 610-262-4412 (HA) Berlinsville. 610-767-3107 Sun. – Worship at 10 a.m. Sun. – Mass 8:30/10:30

a.m., M-F -8:30 a.m., Sat. – 4:30 p.m. ST. PAUL’S THIRD LUTHERAN CHURCH, Palmer Twp. 610-258-0875 Sun. – Worship 10 a.m., SS 8:45 a.m. All welcome. ST. PAUL’S UCC, Northampton, 610-261-2910. HA Sun. – Worship 10:15 a.m. (with child care), Sunday School 9 a.m. ST. PAUL’S U.C.C., of Indianland, Cherryville 610-767-5751 Sun. – 9 a.m. Christian Education, Trad. Worship 10:30 a.m., Contemporary Praise Worship second Sunday 7:30 a.m. ST. PETER’S U.C.C., Northampton 610-837-7426 Sun. – 10:15 a.m., SS 9 a.m. TRINITY EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, Hecktown 610-759-6377 Sun.- Worship 8/10:30 a.m., SS 9:15 a.m. VALLEY VIEW BAPTIST, Northampton 610-837-5894 Sun. – Worship 10:45 a.m./6 p.m. BS 9:30 a.m., Wed.- BS and Prayer 7 p.m. WALNUTPORT SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST 610-767-8939 Sat. – Sabbath School 9:30 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. ZION’S STONE U.C.C., Kreidersville 610-262-1133 Sun. – SS 9 a.m., Worship 10:15 a.m. ZION E.L. CHURCH, Northampton, 610-262-6636 (N) Sun. – Worship 10 a.m., SS 8:45 a.m.


W- Worship, M – Mass, S – Services, SS – Sunday School, CE – Christian Ed, BS – Bible Study, CC – Child Care, HC – Holy Communion, HA – Handicapped Accessible, VBS – Vacation Bible School

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HOME IMPROVEMENTS MILLER SUPPLY ACE HARDWARE Northampton, PA Authorized Stihl Dealer *Craftsman*Dewalt*Milwaukee Screen & Window Repair Key & Glass cutting M-F-7am-7pm Sat. 7am-4pm 610-262-4566. (12/30) TED’S ROOFING New Roofs & Repairs • ReRoofing • Roof Ventilation • Slate Repairs •Seamless Gutter • Siding • Fascia & Soffit • No Streaking Shingle. Free Estimates & Fully Insured. Where Service & Quality Counts! PA#089829. NJ#13VH08202700. 610-8377508. (12/30)

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WANTED FIND N SEEK SPONSORS Calling all businesses- The Home News is currently seeking sponsors for our popular Find N Seek contest. Want your logo in the paper and customers walking through your door, for free? Contact us today! Call 610-923-0382 or email cstroh@ (12/30)

PUBLIC NOTICE-LEGAL BOROUGH OF NAZARETH “PLEASE NOTE MEETING LOCATION CHANGE” BI-ANNUAL REORGANIZATION MEETING MONDAY - JANUARY 3, 2022 - 6:00 PM - FIREHOUSE The Borough of Nazareth will hold its Bi-Annual Reorganization Meeting at 6:00 pm on Monday, January 3, 2022 at the Fire House, 49 South Broad Street. The location change is due to the ongoing Public Health crises and the need for a more spacious and open air meeting area. At this Meeting, Council will install and swear in elected officials and appoint officers. Daniel Chiavaroli President Nazareth Borough Council (12/23 & 12/30)

ESTATE NOTICE Estate of DIANE M. SILFIES, late of the Borough of Northampton, County of Northampton, Pennsylvania. Letters of Administration have been granted to the undersigned, who requests all persons having claims or demands against the Estate of the decedent to make known the same, and all persons indebted to the decedent to make payable without delay to: JOEL S. SILFIES 90 Chimney Ridge Lane Covington GA 30014, or to ATTORNEY JOHN L. OBRECHT 1731 Main Street Northampton PA 18067-1544 (12/23-1/6) BOROUGH OF NORTHAMPTON NOTICE OF MEETING CHANGE The regular public workshop meeting of Northampton Borough Council, which was originally scheduled for Thursday, January 6, 2022, has been changed to Monday, January 3, 2022, at 7:30 P.M., in Council Chambers. A Reorganization Meeting of Northampton Borough Council will be held and all interested parties are invited to attend. LeRoy E. Brobst Borough Manager (12/23 & 12/30) ESTATE NOTICE HAWKINSON FRANK B., dec’d. Late of Forks Township, Northampton County, PA Executrix: Elizabeth Mary Lipari ℅ Kristin M. Harvey, Esq., 2740 Nazareth Rd., Easton, PA 18045 Attorney: Kristin M. Harvey, Esquire, KNAFO LAW OFFICES, LLC, 2740 Nazareth Rd., Easton, PA 18045 (12/23-1/6) ESTATE NOTICE Estate of Tracy L. Heffner, deceased, late of Lehigh Township, County of Northampton and State of Pennsylvania, Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned, who requests all persons having claims or demands against the Estate of the Decedent to make the same, and all persons indebted to the Decedent to make payments without delay to: Executor: Randy S. Hubler ℅ Joshua D. Shulman, Esquire SHULMAN LAW OFFICE PC 1935 Center Street Northampton, PA 18067 (12/23-1/6) LEHIGH TOWNSHIP ZONING HEARING BOARD PUBLIC NOTICE The Lehigh Township Zoning Hearing Board will convene on Thursday, January 13, 2022, at 6 p.m. to hear the following appeal. The hearing will be held at the Lehigh Township Municipal Building located at 1069 Municipal Road, Walnutport, PA 18088. KARAFAM LLC The applicant/tenant of 4286 Cashew Drive, Walnutport, PA, 18088 has filed an appeal from a Notice of Violation and Cease and Desist order issued on October 20, 2021 for a Short-Term Rental in the General Commercial Zoning District which is in violation of Section 180-20.B – Permitted Uses. In addition,

the applicant is requesting the following, a favorable interpretation of Section 180-20.B(7) – Permitted Use as a Hotel, Motel, and similar lodging facility, alternatively the applicant is requesting a use variance. The parcel I.D. No. is J3-13B-1-0516 and is located in the General Commercial Zoning District. 527 GRAYSTONE DRIVE LLC The applicant/owner of 4800 Lehigh Drive, Walnutport, PA, 18088 has filed an appeal from a Notice of Violation and Cease and Desist order issued on November 4, 2021 for using and occupying a portion of property without a Certificate of use and occupancy which is in violation of Section 180-125.D(1) – Permits. Certificate of use and occupancy. The parcel I.D. No. is H2-11-18B-0516 and is located in the General Commercial Zoning District. CARL & REGINA SHARPE The applicants/owners of 4582 Ann Elizabeth Court, Walnutport, PA, 18088 have filed an application for zoning relief requesting a variance to install a roof mounted accessory solar energy system. The following relief is being requested, a variance from Section 180-15.B – Word usage and definitions. An accessory solar energy system is defined as a roof mounted solar collector device which has a rated capacity of less than or equal to 18 KW, the proposed roof mounted system has a rated capacity of 22.80 KW. The parcel I.D. No. is H2-119P-0516 and is located in the Agriculture/Rural Residential Zoning District. Meetings are open to the public and all interested parties are welcome to attend and will have an opportunity to be heard. Liz Amato, Lehigh Township Zoning Officer (12/30 & 1/6)

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NOTICE OF REORGANIZATION MEETING BOROUGH OF BATH Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 709(a) of the Pennsylvania Sunshine Act, 65 Pa.C.S.A. § 709(a), that the public reorganization meeting of the Borough Council of the Borough of Bath will be held on Monday, January 3, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. at the Borough of Bath Municipal Building, 121 South Walnut Street, Bath, PA 18014. The purpose of the meeting is the election of officers and any other business which comes before the Borough Council. Bradford T. Flynn Borough Manager, Secretary, Treasurer (12/30) ESTATE NOTICE Estate of Robert I. Taschler, deceased, late of Lehigh Township, County of Northampton and State of Pennsylvania, Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned, who requests all persons having claims or demands against the Estate of the Decedent to make the same, and all persons indebted to the Decedent to make payments without delay to: Executor: Jeffrey R. Taschler ℅ Joshua D. Shulman, Esquire SHULMAN LAW OFFICE PC 1935 Center Street Northampton, PA 18067 (12/30-1/13) ESTATE NOTICE Estate of Oscar Allen York Jr, deceased, late of Bethlehem, County of Northampton and State of Pennsylvania, Letters of Administration have been granted to the undersigned, who requests all persons having claims or demands against the Estate of the Decedent to make the same, and all persons indebted to the Decedent to make payments without delay to: Administratrix: Zana Issa Nassar ℅ Joshua D. Shulman,

Dec. 30, 2021-Jan. 5, 2022 13 Esquire SHULMAN LAW OFFICE PC 1935 Center Street Northampton, PA 18067 (12/30-1/13) ESTATE NOTICE Estate of James E. Benscoter, deceased, late of Lehigh Township, County of Northampton and State of Pennsylvania, Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned, who requests all persons having claims or demands against the Estate of the Decedent to make the same, and all persons indebted to the Decedent to make payments without delay to: Executrix: Karen D. Benscoter ℅ Joshua D. Shulman, Esquire SHULMAN LAW OFFICE PC 1935 Center Street Northampton, PA 18067 (12/30-1/13) ESTATE NOTICE Estate of Jean E. Olenwine, late of the Township of Bethlehem, County of Northampton and State of Pennsylvania, deceased WHEREAS, Letters Testamentary in the above-named estate have been granted to Karen Jean Curtis, Gary K. Olenwine and Scott D. Olenwine, Executors of the Estate of Jean E. Olenwine. All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands to present the same without delay to Karen Jean Curtis, Gary K. Olenwine and Scott D. Olenwine ℅ Alfred S. Pierce, Esquire 124 Belvidere Street Nazareth, Pennsylvania, 18064 Alfred S. Pierce, Esquire Pierce & Steirer, LLC 124 Belvidere Street Nazareth, PA 18064 Attorneys for the Estate I.D. No. 21445 (12/30-1/13)

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14 Dec. 30, 2021-Jan. 5, 2022

Honor Roll

Continued from page 11

Grade 9 High Honor Roll Ashlyn Albert, Jacob Angione, Bryce Arfanella, Shivam Arora, Ethan Bachstein, Abigail Backman, Patrick Bacolo, Cian Baillie, Gavin Bander, Jasmine Barnes, Enzo Barracato, Kaelyn Bauder, Wyatt Berger, Michael Bertz, Peyton Bettencourt, Anthony Bianco, Andrew Bloodworth, Noah Bogar, John Bolcer, Adam Bolek, Nickole Bournias, Austin Boyce, David Brewer, Hannah Burros,

Callyann Butz, Jillian Cagno, Adam Cain, Isabella Carbonetto, Maxwell Carey, Christina Carlin, Adrian Chavez, Natalie Chloros, Caroline Coccia, Joseph Colucci, Stormie Comes, Angelina Componovo, Jacob Cozze, Makayla Cummings, Tyler Cutting, Matthew Daems, Avery Dailey, Reese Davis, Paula De Paula, Ava DeFebbo, Damon Dellanno, Owen Digby, Alexander Dobrocky, Adam Dong, Olivia Doone, Cara Dormarunno, Abigail Dudinyak, Elijarah Edson, Jared Ennico, Dylan Ephault, Trinity Facciponti, Cameron Fair, Nico Famularo, Allison Feulner, Jack Fitzgerald, Jaxon Forgione, Tyler Franczak,

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Megan Frisch, Jessaille Galvez, Daniella Genzale, Landon Glovas, Muskaan Grewal, Frederick Grube, Izabella Grzymala, Addison Hall, Abigail Halldorson, Haley Hartranft, Melissa Harvey, Hailey Hatfield, Allison Hawley, Gabriella Hayes, Lila Heimbach, Abigail Hellwig, Giavanna Higgins, Camryn Hoff, Christopher Horvath, Kylie Karavitch, Zachary Karve, Harsimran Kaur, Jonathan Kayed, Alexander Keffer, Caitlyn Keys, Yuvraj Khalsa, Chase Kilareski, Everett Kingsley, Kami Kirkham, Camryn Klotz, Nathaniel Knight, Kara Koch, Ethan Kostenbader, Juliana Kresge, Samantha Kuhs, Emma Kunkle, Rithika Lalia, Molly Laslo, Camryn Lastres, Kelsey Laubach, Tristin Le, Patrick Leach, Gabriel Leone, Ashley Lin, Peyton Long, Cristina LoPresto, Olivia Mahorsky, Ryder Marsh, Teitum Martinez, Isabella Mattos, Shauna McNamee, Rylan Mehlig, Dev Mehta, Lauren Meneely, Abigail Miller, Zachary Miller, Danielle Molnar, Amber Morris, Subhan Mukaddam, Kathryn Mulhearn, Izabella Murana, AnhThu Nguyen,

Ava Noll, Julia Novak, Mitchell Nowroski, Noelle Olson, Iretunkanmi Opeyemi, Roxannah Palma, Ryan Pardo, Tahir Parkins, Andrew Patton, Jaxon Pidgeon, Anthony Potope, Danika Pysher, Marcus Quan, Mason Quan, Anthony Quaranta, Eliana Ragazzo, Michael Raschilla, Varshitha Rayi, Amelia Redman, Julia Ricci, Jacob Rice, Alexander Roberts, Isabel Rodriguez, Teresa Rubio, Keller Rupp, Gianna Russo, Emma Sampson, Manjot Sandhu, Michael Saqqal, Benjamin Sarnoff, Isabella Schaeffer, Jillian Schaible, Alyssa Schanely, Peyton Schlegel, Luke Schmidt, Haidyn Searls, Olivia Seidel, Benjamin Selby, Tatiana Seremula, Sara Seyfert, Evan Shak, Muhammad Sheikh, Veeren Sheka, Logan Simpson, Samantha Skirlis, Logan Smith, Victoria Smith, Shane Snell, Kailyn Snyder, Ella Soldano, Kyla Spengler, Audrey Spohn, Chloe Stachelczyk, Yianni Stavrinoudis, Averi Stitzer, Shannon Stivala, Madison Strucke, Lauren Summers, Matthew Swanson, Allie Tarreto, Ryan Thomas, Brady Tilton, Alex Trifiletti, Ava Trifi-








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letti, Destinee Trimmer, Reilly Tucker, Akif Turk, Logan Vakiener, Ava Vasquez, Matthew Vega, Ava Vergine, Benjamin Vituszynski, Ryan Wack, Colin Wagner, Hailey Wanko, Alina Weaver, Renee Wells, Trevor Werkheiser, Maricel Wheatley, Kyleigh Whitmire, William Whyte, Jaxon Winkleston, Adam Wyatt, Kylie Yau, Avery Zindel.

Grade 9 Honor Roll Angelina Abdou, Danica Alves, Sanjay Arigela, Allison ArochePelaez, Tracy Arthur, Emmalee Arvelo, Gabriella Attanasio, Brendan Baker, Derek Balbi, Jacob Bast, Azayah Bauer, Emily Beitler, Jackson Biechy, Gary Blatz, Daniel Bleskachek, Camren Bowyer, Winter Brandon, Zachary Brown, Alexander Caglione, Emma Callanan, Michael Cardassi, Olivia Carrezola, Avery Carsey, Kylee Case, Dannika Casteel, Justin Causa, Allison Centino, Amelia Clark, Patrick Coley, JoLee Correll, Kenna Correll, Kevin Crook, Kevin Dawson, Anthony DiFrancesco, Aiden Disbrow, Josephine Doran, Matthew Dorniak, Johannes Drosnock, Gavin Duryea, Julianna Elliott, Griffin Emeigh, Tyler Ervin, Matthew Estrada, Logan Fedora, Julia Fedoryszak, Mia Ferreira, Natasha Fletcher, Alicia Foster, Braylynn Fulciniti, Jonathan Galica, Gabriella Garcia-Sclafani, Rylee Genua, Vincent Giacobbe, Abigail Godown, Adam Gorak, Tannen Greener, Chloe Guerra, Ronica Hangen, Hannah Hartranft, Spencer Herb, Rowen Hess, Andi Hilarczyk, Teresa Hockenberry, Morgan Holland, Jada Holmes, Reve Hriczko, Riley Hull, Danya Husein, Emma Infantino, Kyle Jennings, Stephanie Jimenez-Garcia, Cassidy Jordan, Aaron Kirchhofer, Austin Kleintop, Ryan Komosinski, Elijah Lansek, Kaleya Lapaix, Cohen Lutz, Gabriela Mahovich, Hailey Mandala, Lachlan Martin, Jordan Martinez, Kaleb McCollum, Parker McDonald, Ryan McMickle, Amanda Mercurius, Cuadra Meza, Caden Mills, Noah Moore, Grayson Morgan, Ayden Morse, Connor Mulada, Olivea Mullikin, Xander Nemeth, Adanna Nnubia, Juan Olarte, Nicholas Olsen, Connor Owen, Cadyn Pagan, Jazlyn Pedraza, Daisy Pellot, Haily Pellot, Carissa Perkins, Lucy Pulliam, Caleb Rader, Jefte Rivera, Caleb Robinson-Newsome, Vincent Rozsitch, Sophia Ruth, Isaiah Sack, Andeta Salihu, William Salivonchik, Eden Sandt, Elizabeth Sauer, Amari Schell, Erica Schell, Giovanni Schiano DiCola, Hailey Schmittel, Nova Schwab, Lila Shafnisky, Justin Silvius, Derek Simpson, Mehakdeep Singh, Mehardeep Singh, Prahlad Singh, Blake Smith, Gabriel Smith, Mason Smith, Bryce Snyder, Marissa Sodano, Gianna Steirer, Landon Sterner, Joshua Stocklas, Kyrra Styczynski, Porter Sussick, Sophie Swiatek, John Todaro, Remy Trach, Salvatore Tramonte, Jonathan Tyson, Gabriela Arboleda Veiga, Jayden Continued on page 15

Honor Roll

Continued from page 14

Villafane, Nicole Volkovinskiy, Amelia Wehr, Teagan Weirbach, Bree Weiss, Tyler Willett, Kaylah Wirth, Marley Wismer, Abigail Wortmann, Kelsi Yotter, Andrew Zachmeyer, Caitlynn Ziejewski.

Bath Bowling

Bath Commercial Bowling League Week No. 16 Standings

Team Won Daku Auto Body 3 Bath Supply 3 Carfara’s Paint & Wall Covering 3

Lost 1 1


Rice Family 3 Salty Fries 1 Maxx Amusements 1 Liberty Recycling 1 Vince Bauer Fiberglass Repai 1

1 3

Bob Faustner Bob Daku

3 3

Liberty Recycling (1) Rick Faust 523 Maxx Amusements (1) George Hyde 624 (278) Bill Bachman 518 (204) Earl Holland Jr 509


Vince Bauer Fiberglass Repair (1) Wyatt Davidson 544 Wayne Fogel 533 (208) Larry Steager 500

Rice Family (3) Dale Fye 530 (220) Chris Reeser 528 (212)

Carfara’s Paint & Wall Covering (3) Brent Bartholomew 662 (205-214-253) Terry Bartholomew 593 (210) Josh VanDoren 584 (223) Ty Pagotto 523 (200)

Salty Fries (1) Lee Hilbert 607 (210-204) Bob Davidson Jr 562 (233) Bob Davidson III 524 Frank Pavlov 513

Daku Auto Body (3) Al Davidson 703 (230-214259) Marc Beichey 601 (224) Scott Bortz 564

12 Neww 12 New 2 Ne 1Model Model odel Homes M Homes s


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518 516

Bath Supply (3) Frank Yeakel 699 (224-207-268) Brent Connolly 653 (211-243) Jeff Kerbacher 604 (217-200) Frank Donchez 603 (213) Steve Kerbacher 563

Gab Over by Pete The FenceG. Ossip

I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas! We had some snow early morning Christmas Eve, that was a nice little surprise. Another year without a white Christmas though. Apparently the Lehigh Valley generally only has a 19% chance of even an inch of snow on Christmas Day. Not very great chances…They were callin’ for nasty weather the other day, a wintry mix of sorts, and we got absolutely nothing, at least where I was. Not that I mind… Make sure you check out the

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Dec. 30, 2021-Jan. 5, 2022 15 Christmas putz on Main Street in Northampton before the end of January! A cat whisker was ban EMS. Their old van was inused as a tool to paint some of volved in a car accident recently the putz, now that is intricate!... so the Weavers were in need of Speaking of Northampton, on a new one…My heart breaks for Sunday, Jan. 9 from 11 a.m. to the family in Quakertown who 7 p.m. it’s going to be “Jillian’s had a house fire very early ChristDay” at Potts’. All of the day’s mas morning, tragically taking proceeds will benefit Jillian Sayre the lives of two children, a father, through the Marie Mazziotta and pets as well. I was going to Cancer Fund. Don’t you love see- include the GoFundMe page in ing the generosity of the com- case anyone wanted to donate munity? And while on the topic but apparently it has been taken of generosity, Nazareth’s Number down. The organizers of the page One Fan and sports writer for The raised over half a million dollars Home News, Andy Weaver, and for the family in just a few days. family, recently received a wheel- I guess they were forced to shut chair accessible van from Subur- Continued on page 16

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16 Dec. 30, 2021-Jan. 5, 2022

Bath Bowling

Bath Industrial League Week 16 Standings

Team Won Graver Farms 4 Palmer Trophy & Awards 4 WTF 3 Liberty Recycl. 2 2 D&R Precision 2 Fensty’s Restor. 1 Taylor Honey 0 G&L Sign Factory 0

Lost 0 0 1 2 3 4 4

Graver Farms 1st half Champion TAYLOR HONEY - 0 Kurt Berger 487 Scott Freibolin 593(211) Ed Taylor 607(258) Milt Kelly 505(212) PALMER TROPHY - 4 John Facinelli 571(215) Del Buss 562(192)

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David Betz 633(268) Kevin Searles 512(197) Jimmy Bendekovitz 621(236,215) G&L SIGN FACTORY - 0 Jon Loftus 486 Don Schoeffling 431 Terry Daubert 514(184) Brian Silvius 460 Jason Eberts 486 GRAVER FARMS - 4 Marty Beal 451 Lee Hilbert 551(208) Noah Durnin 538(188) Ryan Flick 572(204) Ed Musselman 657(222,252) WTF - 3 James Mandarino 425 Shawn Kulick 441 Robert Kulick 465 Bruce Walters 632(237,222) Mike Klement 647(210,266) FENSTY’S RESTORATION - 1 Jeff Lear 474 Mark Flamish 449 Marty Csencsits 48


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D&R PRECISION MACHINE - 2 Brian Dilley 585(207) Shane Remaly 435 Rick Dilley 608(206,214) Don Remaly 549(219) Butch Post 670(258,238) LIBERTY RECYCLING - 2 George Hyde 569(199) Randy Fritz 425 Bill Bachman 531(198) Earl Holland Jr 567(230) Butch Holland 588(230)

Pete G. Ossip

Continued from page 15

it down because people were creating fake pages trying to mimic the real one. What in the world is wrong with people? So the organizers created a follow-up page to anyone who would still like to donate something, that website is called…I see a new place finally opened up where the Blue Monkey used to be in North Catty…Hampton Lanes is facing some delays with rebuilding so they’re slated to open some time in July… Well that’s about it for this week, we’re gettin’ to that time of year where things start to slow down. Cya next time, have a happy New Year!

Soup Share

Slow Cooker Thai Chicken Soup Ingredients 2 tablespoons red curry paste 2-12 ounce cans of coconut milk 2 cups chicken stock 2 tablespoons fish sauce 2 tablespoons brown sugar 2 tablespoons peanut butter 1 1/2 pounds chicken breasts, cut into 1 1/2 inch pieces 1 red bell pepper, seeded and sliced into 1/4 inch slices 1 onion, thinly sliced 1 heaping tablespoon fresh ginger, minced 1 cup frozen peas, thawed 1 tablespoon lime juice Cilantro, (for garnish) Cooked white rice

Instructions Mix the curry paste, coconut milk, chicken stock, fish sauce, brown sugar and peanut butter in a 4-1/2 to 6-quart slow-cooker bowl. Then, place the chicken breast, red bell pepper, onion and ginger in the slow cooker. Cover and cook on high for 4 hours. Add in the peas and cook for 30 minutes longer. Stir in lime juice and serve with cilantro and white rice.

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