The Home News February 15

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FEBRUARY 15-21, 2018

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Lehigh Planners Recommend Subdivision Plan Approval For NASD

By JUSTIN SWEITZER Planners in Lehigh Township reconvened for the second time in 2018 on Feb. 12 and recommended approval for a lot line adjustment minor subdivision plan being sought by the Northampton Area School District.

The school district informed planners that they were purchasing land from Alton and Naomi Ziegenfuss along Blue Mountain Drive next to the current location of Lehigh Elementary School to provide a new construction zone for plans to build a new elemen-

tary school building. justment plan,” Township EngiArt Swallow, of Arthur A. Swal- neer Phil Malitsch said. low Associates, said that him and Township planners and memother representatives of the dis- bers alike still had questions trict were seeking a subdivision to about aspects relating to a new divide 4.8 acres of the Ziegenfuss school building that could end property. up being built in the coming “We’re here tonight to divide years. the Ziegenfuss property,” SwalPlanning Commission Vice low said. “My company prepared Chairwoman Cindy Miller had a map with a 4.8-acre subdivi- questions about septic and water sion.” problems at the existing school, Both planners and represen- and asked how the school would tatives of Northampton Area take care of that. School District made it clear that “How does the school plan to their proposal before the plan- take care of that in the future?” ning commission was only for she asked. approval of the subdivision and Terry DeGroot, of Terraform not a plan for the proposed new Engineering, said the school elementary school. “This plan is only a lot line ad- Continued on page 13

Mako offers thoughts on Governor’s budget proposal

Rep. Zach Mako

Submitted by TRACY POLOVICK Rep. Zach Mako (R-Lehigh/ Northampton) issued the following statement in response to Gov. Tom Wolf ’s $33 billion budget proposal: “Last year was an eye-opening experience to the state budget process. After all of our hard work to eliminate a budget deficit and finalize a plan without any broad-based tax increases, it is disheartening to see the governor propose a budget that increases spending by $1 billion. We should be focused on keeping money in taxpayers’ pockets, not taking it away.

“Pennsylvania government, like you and I, must live within our means. Our families cannot sustain spending more than our paychecks allow. Likewise, Pennsylvania government must stop spending more than it generates. Taxes in this Commonwealth already are too onerous. We need to be focused on lower taxes, not adding taxes. “As we work through the budget process, I look forward to studying the governor’s plan in detail. I will continue to keep a sharp eye on our state’s spending habits. I remain committed to economic opportunity for all, educating our children for success,

making government more effective and efficient, and improving the safety and quality of life for our citizens. Our final budget must reflect these priorities and move Pennsylvania forward in order to be competitive nationally and globally.” The 183rd District includes South Whitehall (part), Washington and Whitehall (part) townships and Slatington Borough in Lehigh County. It also consists of Allen, Lehigh and Moore (part) townships, and North Catasauqua, Northampton and Walnutport boroughs in Northampton County.

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