The Home News February 8

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Happy Valentine’s Day!

The Home News Your Local News

FEBRUARY 8-14, 2018

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Social Hall donates Looking by Money to Bath Back Ed Pany Volunteer Fire Early Moore Township Department Originally published in 2006

Jimmy Pasquariello (right) of the Bath Social Hall presents Fire Chief Emilio DeNisis (left) with a check for $1,000. –Home News photo

By KERI LINDENMUTH During the monthly Borough of Bath Council meeting on Monday, February 5, the Bath Social Hall presented the Bath Volunteer Fire Department with a check for $1,000. Jimmy Pasquariello of the Bath Social Hall gave the donation to Fire Chief Emilio DeNisi. During a previous council meeting, council and Pasquariello discussed donating funds to the fire department in order to help the volunteer department meet its budget. Following the meeting, Pasquariello met with

the social hall’s board and membership. The generous donation came from extra money in the social hall’s entertainment fund. Events and memberships are how the social hall acquires a majority of its funds. Over the years, the social hall has become known for its many events for children, such as the annual Dream Come True bike run. “You would be amazed [at] what we do,” said Pasquariello. The funds are much appreciated by DeNisi and the entire Continued on page 3

I found this description of Moore Township in the 1920 edition of History of Northampton County. There have been a few changes since 1920. It became a township in 1765 and it was proposed to name it “Penn” but the present name was given in honor of John Moore, a representative in the Provincial Assembly in 1761-62. The face of the country is hilly and rolling, the soil being either gravel or slate, but the culture of cereals has yielded fair returns of rye and buckwheat. The first white settlements were made between 1740 and 1750. Among these early inhabitants were Christian Miller, Henry Diehl, Henry Shopp, Nicholas Heil, Nicholas Shall, Peter Diehl and John Bauman. A series of Indian attacks killed many of the early settlers in 1756. The population, however, had a steady growth and by 1770 it numbered 500. There were also three gristmills and two sawmills in operation in the township. There are numerous small villages located in the township. Near the eastern line is Moorestown, one of the prettiest villages in Northampton County, having a population of 200, a school, hotel and two stores. West of the village stands Salem or Big Moore Church. This well-known union church, Lu-

theran and Reformed, is located on a hill the commands a view of the surrounding country. The first church built of logs was erected in 1772 and served its purpose until 1829 when it was replaced by a stone structure. The log church was removed about six miles west from its former site and was used for religious worship. It was named “Little Moore” and both churches have since been known by these names. In 1872, “Big Moore” was remodeled. The seating capacity increased to 800 with a new 105-foot high steeple. One of the pastors, Rev. Frederick W. Mendsen, had a career that was exceptional. He started to minister to the faithful in 1810 serving the spiritual needs of ten churches in Northampton, Lehigh, Monroe and Carbon counties. He preached three or four times on a Sunday, often traveling thirty to forty miles to meet his engagements. In over 40 years in the ministry, he performed 24,564 baptisms, 9,412 confirmations, 4,148 marriages, 7,218 funerals and administered the Lord’s Supper on 76,482 occasions. The good Reverend died at Klecknersville on August 5, 1871. These are amazing statistics and can be confirmed on page 487, Volume II History of Northampton County 1920.

Police Blotter Page 5

Gab Over the Fence on the Eagles win Page 6

Fastnacht Day February 13 77th Year, Issue No. 6

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