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MARCH 17-23, 2022
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Centenarian celebration Lehigh Township Police Department Held to honor Esther Receives accreditation, fire dept. Fenstermaker of Bath Upgrades radio system By SHERRY MARCHEFSKY The Lehigh Township Board of Supervisors held their first meeting of the month on Tuesday, March 8. The Lehigh Township Police Department was pleased to announce they were granted accreditation by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA). Early last month CALEA did a two-day assessment of the entire department in 30 different areas, including the department’s policies, procedures, equipment,
From left to right: State Rep. Ann Flood, Esther Fenstermaker, District Director to Senator Mario Scavello Brian Fenstermaker, and Bath Mayor Fiorella Mirabito. By CATHERINE STROH by friends and family; we’re happy Esther Fenstermaker of Bath and thankful that the family was turned 100 years young on able to do it for her,” said Esther’s March 11, 2022. She was born son and Bath Borough Council in Upper Nazareth Township to Pro Tem Barry Fenstermaker. Thomas and Gerti Hahn. Esther received citations from She was married to Emory the Borough of Bath, the Senate Fenstermaker for 54 years un- and the PA House of Representatil his death in 1999. She was a tives. State Rep. Ann Flood and homemaker all her life and raised Bath Mayor Fiorella Mirabito six children. She has lived in Bath were in attendance to issue a ciand the surrounding area for over tation and also in attendance was 80 years. Senator Mario Scavello’s District Esther has 13 grandchildren, Director Brian Fenstermaker, 16 great-grandchildren and two Esther’s great-nephew. Fenstergreat-great-granddaughters. maker was present on behalf of An open house centenarian Senator Scavello’s office and recelebration was held for family marked that it was an honor to and friends at St. John’s Evangeli- get to present a citation to one of cal Lutheran Church in Bath on his relatives. Sunday, March 13. We wish Esther Mae Fenstermak“The event was nicely attended er a very happy 100th birthday!
station set-up, and vehicles. The Lehigh Township Police Department is now in the top 12% of police agencies in the United States to have this program seal. The seals are reserved for public safety agencies that have demonstrated compliance with CALEA standards and are the “marks of professional excellence” for the department. Police Chief Scott Fogel proudly stated that, “It has been six years in the making.” CALEA will present the accreditation plaque to the force on
April 12. The Lehigh Township Police Department is in the process of applying for a grant through the Justice Assistance Grant (JAG). The JAG program is the primary provider of federal criminal justice funding to local and state jurisdictions. It supports a range of areas such as corrections, drug treatment, law enforcement, courts, etc. The grant will be used to upgrade the agency’s records management software. It would Continued on page 2
Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 budget presentation at Northampton School Board meeting By SAVANNAH BROWN During the Northampton School Board meeting on March 14, Executive Director of the Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 (CIU 20), Dr. Christopher Wolfel, presented the intermediate unit’s budget for the upcoming school year. Wolfel stated that the CIU 20 provides educational, administrative, and technology services to over 86,000 students in 13 school districts in the area. “The mission at CIU 20 is to develop positive relationships that support student growth, responsiveness to stakeholders’ crucial needs, and demonstrate
results through services and programs for students.” Seventy six percent of the CIU 20 funding comes from local sources, 12.3% comes from state monies, and 11.6% comes from federal sources. Following, Wolfel presented the IU’s General Operating Budget (GOB) to the school board since it requires local school district support and approval. When broken down, the GOB comprises 1.4% of the IU’s revenue and is the base budget that supports the administrative services needed to operate the IU. At this time, the Executive Director stated that the recom-
mended GOB for the 2022-2023 school year is $3,835,200. The overall budget increase is 2.3% or $84,650, but the increase to the school district withholding is 0%. As a result, the $43,894.88 GOB contribution from Northampton Area School District (NASD) will remain the same as the 2021Continued on page 3
81st Year, Issue No. 11
USPS 248-700