Cub Pack 33, Page 4
The Home News Your Local News
MAY 4-10, 2017
Looking by Back Ed Pany Eighth in a series The Lakeys Remember (Originally published in 2002) It was a pleasure and honor to had five boarders, I recall John speak to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hearn, Sam Booney, Raymond Lakey in this Chapman’s home. Rupel and Albert Lakey. They The friendly couple has resided were all single, hard-working there since 1915. This would men and ate their meals at a qualify the Lakey’s as the senior long table, which is in our presresidents of the cozy borough. ent kitchen. Once a month the They have wonderful memories men would give me 25 cents, of their years in the community the first money I was ever given. and provided me with an abun- I saved the quarters and went to dance of interesting informa- the Bath bank and started a savtion. They also shared a scrap- ings account. My mother had book with enough information washing, cooking and baking so for future “Looking Back” col- each Friday, Mrs. Miltenberger, whose husband worked in the umns. The Lakey family’s roots are in quarry, came down to help. The England. Grandfather John Lake washing machine was hand opercame to America to work in the ated until we had a gasoline-opslate industry in Pen Argyl. Wil- erated machine in the backyard. On the job training allowed fred’s father, Albert, came down to Chapman’s because he heard Albert to become a first class about the booming quarries slate splitter, a job you learn in the village. He searched for by doing. Albert married the lodging and became a boarder at daughter of Charles Remaley, the home of Mrs. Betty Lakey’s who was a quarry teamster movparents, Mr. and Mrs. Williams ing slate by horse and wagon to James. Mrs. Lakey remembers, “We Continued on page 3
50 cents
VerTek Construction Seeks guidance from The East Allen Board Of Supervisors
By KERI LINDENMUTH Representatives from VerTek Construction appeared before the East Allen Township Board of Supervisors on Thursday, April 27 seeking guidance and clarification on some of its plans for a proposed warehouse at Route 329 and Airport Road. Among the list of items for which the company was seeking clarification were street trees and streetlights. VerTek asked whether the required street trees must be lined equally along the property or could potentially be clumped in groups of threes or fours for a more aesthetically pleasing appearance and improved green environment. The board said that it believes clumping the trees would be sufficient. In addition, VerTek asked whether lighting would be appropriate at the warehouse’s entrance and exit, Route 329 and Airport Road intersection, and monument sign. In addition, the company said it would be open to installing “sidewalk lights” instead of streetlights on sidewalks around the property.
Township Engineer James Milot said that the Planning Commission supports the proposed street lighting, but the Board of Supervisors was unsure as to whether the sidewalk lighting would be maintained by the property owner or the township. However, members of the board did state that sidewalks should be properly illuminated because they predict sidewalks along the property will be widely used, whether by employees taking walks on their breaks, by people using the Nor-Bath Trail, or residents venturing to the nearby pizzeria. The sidewalks, they said, will serve as a link to commercial areas. VerTek will have its hearing before the township’s Zoning Hearing Board on May 16 at 7 p.m. The board requested that Milot and Township Solicitor Joseph Piperato, III be in attendance to “represent and defend” the board’s stance on the issues discussed during the meeting. Also during the regular monthly meeting, the board approved the motion to advertise the new mediContinued on page 2
Focus on Folks 60+ Page 8
Nazareth Business Council Page 11
76th Year, Issue No. 18
USPS 248-700