The Home News May 5

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Grand Reopening of Zippy’s Car Wash, Page 7

The Home News Your Local News

MAY 5-11, 2022

Looking by Back Ed Pany Civil War veteran Theodore Howell, Part 4 of 4

A plaque in remembrance of Capt. Howell. In this concluding column Regiment are listed. He served in remembering Capt. Theodore the Army of the Potomac, comH. Howell, Allen Township and manded by a Pennsylvanian, Northampton Civil War veteran, Gen. George Gordon Meade. Mr. Oberly and this writer visited Our state sent 3,000 officers and the Gettysburg battlefield, where 25,000 uniformed men to fight Howell was wounded in the epic in the battle, one-third of Meade’s three-day battle. command. We visited the Pennsylvania The bloody battle ended with monument where Capt. Howell 57,000 casualties. The monuand Company D of the 153rd Pa. ment preserves their action and courage for future generations. Each Memorial Day, we attend 81st Year, Issue No. 18 services at Greenwood Cemetery in Howertown and stop at the Howell family burial plot. There, we remember Capt. Howell and his service to our nation. We will be back in two weeks. Please join us! USPS 248-700

50 cents

Bath Area Fish Committee Holds 67th Annual Children’s Fishing Contest

By SAVANNAH BROWN Beginning at 8 a.m. on Saturday, April 30, the Bath Area Fish Committee held its 67th Annual Children’s Fishing Contest in memory of Tommy Fehr and Herbie Bensing at Monocacy Creek with two days of fishing and fun for children ages 0 to 15. The contest returned this year after a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic. The Bath Area Fish Committee stocked the creek Friday evening with 503 trout this year, costing them $3,000, which they raised through donations from businesses and individuals in the community. These donations also allowed the committee to purchase prizes for 20 tagged fish, consisting of fishing poles, nets, and tackle boxes. Various baskets of toys, fishing gear, candy,

and even a bike was purchased or donated to the committee, which was raffled off on Sunday, May 1 at noon, and helped the committee raise back some of the funds they used for the contest. Families arrived early to set up their spots all along Monocacy Creek. At 8 a.m. Chris Fehr sounded the horn with Bath Borough Mayor Fiorella Mirabito, Bath Borough Council Vice President Frank Hesch, and Pa. State Representative Ann Flood who all came out for the festivities. State Rep. Ann Flood, who grew up going fishing with her dad, expressed, “I love being here to watch the children fish. I find a lot of enjoyment in it and it’s great for them to be outdoors and pick up a great pastime.” Scott Cavallo of the Bath Area Fish Committee was raised in

Bath and grew up playing in the Monocacy Creek every summer with his brother and sister, so the fishing contest is very special to him. Cavallo and other members of the committee met with volunteers the prior evening at 6:30 p.m. to stock the creek. Cavallo stated, “The kids helped dump the fish in the creek and it was cool because they got to see how big they were.” The contest, which ended May 1 at 3:30 p.m., limited the catches to four fish per person. Children of all ages were very excited to show off their catches, and many of them caught their four fish within the first hour of the contest. Proud parents and grandparents could also be seen teaching and helping their chilContinued on page 3


Saturday, May 7 • 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Nazareth Circle

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