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MAY 6-12, 2021
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Photo of the Month
Looking by Back Ed Pany Class of 1931, Part 4 of 5
Field of bluebells. Taken by Debbie Miller on April 17, 2021 at Lock Ridge Park in Alburtis, Pa.
Bath Council discusses fire Department siren, welcomes new Public works employee, and approves Improvements to Penn Street By KERI LINDENMUTH During the Borough of Bath Council meeting on Monday, May 3, Councilwoman Carol Bear-Heckman brought to council’s attention some complaints residents have made concerning the fire department’s siren, which sounds during fire events and some trainings. She said residents had asked whether the siren is still necessary in the age of mobile phones. Mayor Fiorella Mirabito echoed Bear-Heckman’s sentiments, adding that residents have come to her with similar concerns. The main concern is the volume of the siren in the middle of the night. However, Councilman Anthony Kovaloksky, who served
on the volunteer fire department, said the siren is necessary. Sometimes, he said, volunteer firefighters may not be near their phones but can hear the alarm. This siren, added Councilman Mark Saginario, a former firefighter, prompts an “instinct” in volunteers to jump into action. “[An alarm that lasts] two minutes, three minutes, five could mean a life [is saved],” continued Kovalovsky. In other news, Steve Kovalchuk joined the borough’s public works department as public works leader. He has over 35 years of public works experience. Borough manager Brad Flynn said the borough is already seeing the impact of Kovalchuk’s experi-
Mr. Albert A. Erdosy’s artwork in the 1931 Northampton High School yearbook is featured. Both photos are courtesy of Larry Oberly.
ence. In one instance, Kovalchuk saved the borough over $43,000 by performing patch work on the roofs of the public works garage and borough building. Several other new public works employees will be joining Kovalchuk over the coming weeks, to help aid in what Flynn calls the “renaissance” of the department. “[Kovalchuk] saved us $43,000 out of the gate...that is a huge savings to the borough already,” he said. Kovalchuk joins the public works team just in time, with several large projects around the corner. During the meeting, council approved base repair and
In today’sHearing column, we feature May is Better the art talent of Mr. Albert A. Erdosy in the 1931 Northampton and Month!! MaySpeech is Better High SchoolHearing yearbook, the Amp-
May is Better Hearing and Speech Month!! and Speech Month!! Our offices areHigh offering following Schoolthe will welcome an
Our offices are tennian. offering the following In two weeks, Northampton services for the entire month! Our offices areScreening offering& the following ●Our Freeoffi Hearing Consult ces are offering the following educator from Japan. services for the entire month! services for the entire month! ● 30%services OFF of all ALL technology for hearing the entire month! ● Free Free Hearing Screening & Consult Consult ● 10% OFFHearing custom earplugs and IEM’s ● Screening & ● Free Hearing Screening & ConsultNo. 18 80th Year, Issue ● 30% 30% OFF of all ALL hearing technology ● OFF all ALL hearing technology ● 10% OFF all of hearing aid accessories ● 30% of all ALL hearing technology ● 10% 10% OFF OFF custom earplugs and IEM’s IEM’s ● OFF custom earplugs and ● Free Cognitive Screenings ● 10% OFF custom earplugs and IEM’s ● 10% 10% OFF OFF all all hearing hearing aid aid accessories accessories ● ● 10% OFF all hearing aid accessories
● Free Free Cognitive Cognitive Screenings Screenings ● Not a current patient, but need help? ● Free Cognitive Screenings
Not a aof current patient, but need need help? help? 20% off Realpatient, Ear Measurement Not current but
a but need help? 20% Not off of ofcurrent Real patient, Ear Measurement Measurement 20% off Real Ear 20% off of Real Ear Measurement
Continued on page 4
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Dr. Gregory Delfino, Dr. Gregory GregoryBlaiseBlaise Blaise Delfino, Dr. Delfino, Delfino, CCC-A M.S., HIS Delfino, Delfino, Delfino, CCC-A CCC-A M.S.,M.S., HISBlaise Dr. Gregory HIS
May is Better Hearing and Speech Month!!
Delfino, CCC-A
East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 East Stroudsburg, PA 18301
Nazareth, PA 18064
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Our discounts on Ouroffices offices are are offering offering the following select services for the entire month! services for the entire month! ● Free Hearing Screening & Consult ● 30% OFF of all ALL hearing technology ● 10% OFF custom earplugs and IEM’s ● 10% OFF all hearing aid accessories
Nazareth Nazareth 111 South Nazareth, PASpruce 18064 St., Ste. 102 Nazareth Nazareth, PASte. 18064 Nazareth 111 South Spruce St.,Ste. 102 Stroudsburg 111 South Spruce St., Ste. 102 Stroudsburg 111562 South Spruce St., 102 Stroudsburg Independence Rd., Ste. 327 562 Independence Rd., Ste. 327102 111 South Spruce St., Ste. Stroudsburg 562 Independence Rd., Ste. 327 Nazareth, PA 18064 Nazareth, PA 18064 Nazareth, PA 18064 East Stroudsburg, PAPA 18301 East Stroudsburg, 18301 562 Independence Rd., Ste. 327
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