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MAY 7-13, 2020
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2020 Spuds and Suds Canceled due to COVID-19; Bath Farmers’ Market to Move forward
Canola field at Blue Mountain Drive and Cherryville Road. Photo by Gregory Morgan Photography.
Looking by Back Ed Pany Weaversville Part 6 of 14 In this column, Mr. Larry Oberly and this writer are enrolling in the Weaversville Academy on Weaversville Road, East Allen Township. The year is 1858. I hope we are accepted! This rare 1858 academy catalog was a copy from Amanda Weaver. Michael and Samuel Weaver were two of the founders of the academy. Samuel was Amanda’s father. Ms. Susan Jenkins Weaver, family researcher, graciously has shared this information with our readers. The land for the school was donated by the Weaver family. Following is a list of the courses offered at the academy. Compare the courses with your high school curriculum. Primary departments offered geography, arithmetic, reading and spelling and defining. Then there was higher English, higher arithmetic, U.S. history, transportation and parsing (This means to break a sentence into parts of speech; grammatical description of a word. Do they teach this today in our high
Lehigh Township Supervisors Discuss Finances and Future projects
schools?), logic, rhetoric, moral philosophy, mental philosophy, bookkeeping, reading, natural science, natural philosophy, science of common things, astronomy, botany, geology, mathematics, algebra, geometry, trigonometry and surveying. Languages included Latin (Virgil, Livy, Sallust, Caesers commentaries), Greek (grammar, Xenophon’s Anabasis) and French (Vie de George Washington, Telemaque, Corrianne). “The academic year is divided into four quarters of 11 weeks. It will be greatly to the advantage of those who design to enter to be present at the opening quarter. First quarter begins Aug. 9 and ends Oct. 22. Fourth quarter begins April 11 and ends June 29,” according to the catalog. Regarding expenses, the catalog said, “For board and tuition in all the English branches, fuel and lights, $37.50 per quarter of eleven weeks, payable in advance. Weekly boarders will be taken at $30 per quarter in tuition in
By JOE KORBA The April 28 Lehigh Township Board of Supervisors meeting was held via teleconference because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Routine business, the approval of the April 14 minutes and approval of bills, were handled first thing. The Top of the Mountain Estates project received an extension for final approval by the planning committee after some revisions to their plan. According to Mark Leuthe, of Lehigh Engineering, the project needed to be slightly revised so a road didn’t cut through wetlands. The Planning Committee is projecting their next in-person meeting to possibly be the end of May, so The Top of the Mountain Estates received an extension for planning recording until June 30. The township is also moving forward with the Cherryville intersection, despite some delays caused by Turkey Hill revising their plans. According to Leuthe,
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By KERI LINDENMUTH gether and support local busiDuring their first-ever virtual nesses. meeting on May 4, the Borough However, she was respectful of of Bath council made the diffi- council's decision. cult decision to cancel the fifth "Next year it is going to be a anniversary of Spuds and Suds. big one, don't worry," she said. The financial strain the pandemic "The Chamber will do great has placed on the borough and its next year," added Mayor Mirabbusinesses, as well as the serious ito. "I have no doubt. health consequences, made the Also canceled was the borcouncil wary of moving forward ough's community yard sale on with the event. The decision was September 5. Several October made with "much, much regret" events held by Mayor Mirabito in the words of Mayor Fiorella may also be postponed, includMirabito. ing the annual campfire and Paw "I do not feel good myself go- Park anniversary celebration. ing after these local businesses... However, no formal decision has who are ask them to yet to be made. sponsor," said Mayor Mirabito. ----------------------"[And] the health issue is most I do not feel good myself important." going after these local Council worried that Pennbusinesses... [and] the sylvania would not be officially open in time for the August health issue is most event. They also worried about a important. second wave of the disease even if Mayor Fiorella Mirabito the state were to open too early. ----------------------"If we socialize, have it [schedMeanwhile, residents can still uled], and have a spike again, look forward to the Bath Farmwe have to shut it down," said er's Market. Opening later this Councilwoman Michele Ehrgott. month, the market will be held Councilman Tony Kovalovsky in Keystone Park with new social agreed. He encouraged the bordistancing guidelines. There will ough to follow the advice of be no crafters, no tastings, no medical experts. performances, and no farm-to"It is gonna be a long time until [people] get interested in be- table dinners. There will be four vendors selling meats, produce, ing in groups again," he said. Added Councilwoman Phyllis and baked goods. Visitors will be Andrews, "I would be nervous... required to wear masks and wash and a lot of people may feel the their hands before entering the park. Two wash stations will be same way." While it was discussed that available. "It will be quite different," the decision could be postponed said Councilwoman Carol Bearuntil June, council worried that Heckman, but it will be a benefit pushing the decision back would to the community and a way to make it difficult to book vendors support local businesses. and entertainment. Like many businesses, the bor"I am all about this," said Mayough is also feeling a financial or Mirabito. "It is the best thing strain. Finances are down, acto ever happen here. My concern Continued on page 2 is people." Jessica O'Donnell, representa79th Year, Issue No. 19 tive from the Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce, was hopeful that some celebration could be had. She acknowledged that residents are tired of being in their homes and the event would be the opportunity to come to-
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