The Home News November 24

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Happy Thanksgiving

The Home News Your Local News

NOVEMBER 24-30, 2016

50 cents

Mountain View Wesleyan Church Makes mats for the homeless

(Above) The ladies of Mountain View Wesleyan Church present their handmade mats out of recycled plastic bags for homeless veterans. Top row from left to right: Caroline Schaller, Amanda Weadock, Gloria Koch, Maryann Deutsch, Roseanne Gabriel, Sally Rosynek. Bottom row left to right: Linda Troxell, Shirley Shook, Arlene Wright, Alma Miller, Holly Rader. (Below) Gloria Koch, right, and Sally Rosynek, left, present Gloria’s handmade recycled mat to Franklin Homme, middle, Commander of Disabled Veterans Lehigh Valley Chapter Seven.

Submitted by GLORIA KOCH Earlier this year, several women from their crochet club discussed making mats out of plastic bags for the homeless. Little did they know that it would lead into a ministry of its own. Today they

have a group that gets together at the church every Tuesday morning from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. to prepare the plastic bags to be crocheted by yet another group that meets the fourth Tuesday of every month.

The process started with collecting bags, as each mat takes approximately 600 bags to complete. Next, they started to prepare the bags - flatten, trim, cut, open, tie and roll into balls. Continued on page 3

East Allen Twp. discusses Sewer and Water issues

By KERI LINDENMUTH East Allen Township supervisors listened to a joint presentation on draft agreements for public sewer service with the City of Bethlehem and Hanover Township at their monthly Board of Supervisors meeting on Thursday, November 17. The public sewer service would be for a new Toll Brothers private development in the township. Currently, East Allen Township does not have its own sewer service or water authority. The Borough of Bath takes care of the township’s sewer, while the City of Bethlehem takes care of water. In this proposed public sewer service within the private development, the City of Bethlehem would carry out the sewage treatment system, while Hanover Township would maintain the pipes that transport the sewage. A pumping station would be located within East Allen Township. Such a partnership between the city and two townships is the most cost- effective way to provide public sewer service to the Toll Brothers development. East Allen Township would not be involved in the billing process. Instead, the City of Bethlehem would handle the billing of the customers and then bill the township for services. However, the city would also send a check to the township of revenue earned. This check would cover all expenses for the township, which means township residents would not incur any costs. The possible costs to residents seemed to be the biggest concern for supervisors, especially since the service is being performed for, what Supervisor Mark Schwartz called, “a private, for-profit develContinued on page 5

Konkrete Kids’ Honor Roll Page 4

Small Business Saturday Page 7

Longtime Lion Honored Page 10

75th Year, Issue No. 47

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