The Home News October 4

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Eagle scout transforms Shower stalls into Storage closets, Page 10

The Home News Your Local News

OCTOBER 4-10, 2018

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Complaints Of flooding After Borough Alley paved

Councilman Frank Hesch, Mayor Mirabito, and Charles McIlhaney (Photo Credit Bill Leiner)

Winner of Bath motto Contest honored

By KERI LINDENMUTH Charles McIlhaney, the winner of Bath’s motto competition, was honored by Mayor Fiorella Mirabito and members of council. McIlhaney’s motto, “Borough of Bath, History Nestled with Friendship,” was chosen by council out of more than 80 entries. McIlhaney was given a gift bas-

ket with over 125 dollars in gift cards from borough businesses. The competition was created by council’s newest member, Councilman Frank Hesch. He said a new motto will help spread the spirit of the borough and build off the events, changes, and growth the borough is experiencing.

“Borough of Bath, History Nestled with Friendship”

By KERI LINDENMUTH Shortly after Pavlov Place, an alley which runs from Main Street to Silk Mill Street in Bath, was paved, residents started to notice heavy rains flooding the backsides of their properties. Resident Derrick Devaney of Northampton Street appeared before the Borough of Bath Council during their monthly meeting on Monday, October 1, to voice his concerns about the flooding. Rainwater coming off the newly paved alley floods as much as two inches, Devaney said, and even gets into his garage. Neighbors’ properties are also flooding, he added. In a meeting with borough officials at his property, Devaney was told that a drain field and infiltration system will help alleviate the flooding. However, when Devaney asked whether the borough could assist, he said the answer was no, even though he said the alley never flooded before. “I do not feel like this should be all my problem because I never had this before,” he said. “I cannot wrap my head around the prospect that this is my problem now.” This is a problem, Devaney said, others will soon have to face once winter comes and freezes the water. He cites safety concerns for children walking to school, garbage men, and other residents who use the alley to travel through the borough. “These are issues that are more Continued on page 7

Cement Worker of The MonthRodney Hartzell by ED PANY Mr. Rodney Hartzell was reared in Nazareth, graduating from Nazareth High School in 1971. His first job was at a local textile factory, earning $3.50 per hour. In 1973 Rodney followed his three uncles and was hired at the Nazareth Cement Co. starting on the labor gang. One of the former managers was Mr. Paul Lentz. The plant at that time operated eight kilns. There were various jobs no longer found at cement plants. The roof cleaners, sweepers and dust collector men have been replaced by modern clean technology. The Nazareth plant was owned by Coplay Cement who decided to construct a new plant on the site. As a result, Mr. Hartzell was laid off until the plant was completed. The plant ownership changed to Essroc in 1978 and to Lehigh Heidelberg in 2017. Rodney returned in 1980 and worked in the labor department and quarry, later moving to the electric gang. He recalls old times with Jim Roth, Clayton Biechy and Richard Fox, who shared their knowledge with him. Presently, he is a production technician. Rodney said, “I spend each day checking plant equipment. There are 10 members in the department. I work with electrical components, which have become more complex in the past 45 years I have been at the plant. Some problems are very challenging and difficult to diagnose. I enjoy my job and usually work alone. We have more problems in the summer than in the winter because

Rodney Hartzell

some of the units are heat sensitive.” One of his proudest memories was when he received a letter of commendation from the plant management for solving a kiln problem. He feels the management of the plant is much better today than in the past. Mr. Hartzell speaks quietly with a calm demeanor. Highly respected by his coworkers, he has a vast knowledge of the plant gained by years of hands-on experience, truly a dedicated cement worker. He has been married to the former Helen Sinott for 21 years. They met at Musikfest. They have three daughters; Christine, Amanda and Kelly. Mr. Hartzell Continued on page 5

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